Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 695.
6 – No because girl has spread false rumors about people and berate them to other people around them through IMs then proceeds to use slurs once she’s called out. lmao
39. Don’t you think it’s time you leave her alone and crawl back to whatever shit hole you crawled out of? I’m surprised that with as much cock that makes it’s way into your sloppy face hole that you still have time to run your mouth.
I have a pretty good idea of who you are, so just stop already. She has done nothing to you.
How about you spend your energy on something better than chasing after second hand dick. We all see it and it’s sad. Good for a few laughs, but still sad. Even your pretty little photos can’t hide the ugly that you are.
I can’t believe that this heap of trash is still alive. Any time I think about going back to sl, I come back here to remind me what a bunch of rude mean girls actually reside in here. Big oof.
4 – Simple; they are into cuckoldry kink with Black men as the cuckolders. Add pregnancy as an option, and this is how Mr. and Mrs. Wytebread have a stereotypically named Black mesh baby with gloss set to high. They must think their buck’s body oil is a genetic trait.
7 – If you care enough about someone’s looks that you put together a VS using more than MS Paint to complain about it, maybe you should learn how to derender offensive-looking avatars. It’ll save you a lot of time.
45 – I’ve had rigged and unrigged mesh hair cut into my back. I’m glad you have days to modify hair to make it do your will.
47 – If I can still tint the hair with a HUD, I don’t give a shit about mod/no-mod. Any resizer had better work on separate axes, though.
4. Cucked
9. SL is basically a dating app for unemployed single mothers looking for a beta providers
Despite sometimes being a toxic tar pit people have actually found a good connection on SL. Just because you’re salty about people not liking you wanting to touch your pixels doesn’t mean that it’s a, “Dating app for single unemployed mothers looking for beta providers.” Lmao for the fact you even said “beta” shows what kind of dumb mindset you’re on.
#19 I left FH because I had a “bad predicament” done ‘to’ me, for some childish revenge. Management did nothing, else they were in on it, and claimed to not even know the players I complained about, apparently because their right hand doesn’t know what the left is doing.
And yes, I was at CC before that…like many were and was also treated like garbage and ignored completely. People ‘will’ leave for a place where they’re allowed to actually play, surprise. And it has nothing to do with being a “ho”, since no one spoke to me, I wasn’t getting anything else either. smh @ “ho”.
#3 Well now this makes perfect sense and also tells me that because 2 + 2 still equals 4 that…Rei Teah is Jade. I’ve wondered this before but now I’m almost sure of it.
Rei was ticked at me once and I never did anything to Jade but did tell her about it…later the “O’Keefe’s”, who I never met, did something shady to me for no reason, or so I thought.
The old expression, ‘give them enough rope to hang themselves’ is still true. Eventually the lying, backstabbing and scheming is proven to be certain, obvious people.
The saddest part of it all is that there are such sad human beings out there who literally have absolutely nothing better to do with their time and energy. They’re surely not people who lift a finger to help anyone, clearly by their works, just because they’re so wretchedly pathetic as to do the things that they do in SL. It’s so baffling to me since I have a real life first, things to do, bills to pay…I just can’t imagine doing shit like messing with people in SL instead of volunteering my time to something worthwhile in the world.
And yes, I’ve seen the discussions on how Jade is a different person than Rei, and if that’s true, Jade really is in Rei’s hip pocket.
18) wtf is your problem?
24) Someone is having their period early.
30) There is no such thing as a “Proper roleplayer”.
47😲. If it doesn’t fit you need to fix your shape.
some people use things like anthro heads or uncommon heads with varying shapes and really need an unrigged version. nothing about shape — unrigged versions of hair are super helpful for a lot of people. rigged hair is ideal when it’s always going to fit (if you use a standard LeL, catwa, genus, logo, etc. head) but not everyone in SL does.
24: oooh someone just took a class. This is why my class in collage 30+ yrs ago was called Fonts 101. 😂
Maybe next week we’ll get a submission reminding everyone about how they’re called regions and not sims, and the sim is the software that regions run on.
I mean, technically true, but at this point you might as well just give up on that one, especially with LSL calls like llRequestSimulatorData existing so you can request data about the region. c:
#41 – wow she really like that??
#42 – funny as hell he really is a creepy dude, gives me bad chills and vibes and he needs to learn to respect women.
I think you need to learn to keep that mouth shut.
And stop talking shit about people you don’t know.
Oh, look it’s Jay Han again, let me the REAL Aser actually come on here and address this clown for real. This idiot will probably run his mouth, but this will be my one and only post. To him and the rest of the idiot. 1 You are a moron. Your insecure ass just wants to lash out at me because it makes you feel special and make up for your “short comings” in life. It’s ok I understand. I know Barbz told me that you actually rather play video games and talk to your friends and yes, you two did actually have sex but you rather do those other things than pay attention to your woman. 2 Your little stalker claims, kind of hard when I am not online enough, none of them are on my friends list. Barbz and I have it saved has a self-admitted crush on me or did once upon a time. However, she keeps deleting me for whatever reason I finally just blocked her a couple months ago. Gal,l I haven’t spoken to since August when I saw her at an event with Barbz that’s almost 5 months or not seeing or speaking to someone, can you draw me a picture in your pretty crayons on how that works please you moron? Trixie, I haven’t spoken to you or gave a fuck about you since You did your wanna be daddy poly shit which I knew was bad for you from the start. You are a needy attention girl who needs one person. Then you got pissed because I talked to my ex to try to fix things and got mad. Then people tell you shit and you believe them over talking to me directly and thats fine. We were never meant to be… Read more »
Again bringing up shit from the past
shut the fuck up and move on dude
You are a very sad man… Good luck with that & Best wishes for 2022 🙂
Says the guy who stands around at Exhale, hitting on all the girls in the club!
Sad pathetic little man
feeling like you’re accidently copying people you look at is a really really common thing in art as you try to figure out your style. art doesn’t exist in a vacuum and neither do you — idfk who this person is, but that’s me giving them the benefit of the doubt since that’s how most artists feel as they move to finding their unique style and voice in art.
a unique artistic style doesn’t just spring into existence fully formed and free of any other influence.
#31 We have a completely original hot take here. Hate to tell you this but second life is full of creeps and you’ll find them absolutely everywhere. Don’t like child avi’s? Fair enough, but we’ve seen this kind of post before
41. Leave Riley alone, I’ve known her for years and can guarantee she’s done nothing wrong to be here.
14: I have yet to see anyone wearing the new Slink body, haven’t seen a single item released for it at events either. I did try it out myself though and it just… looks so bad. It has boxy Lara Croft titties.
Slink has always looked boxy. The entire body. All of their bodies. Never understood why people wanted to look like they’re wearing a default SL avatar.
it looks pretty awful, but so do a lot of other bodies that are getting support right now. slink didn’t advertise itself or send out devkits and create events like other new bodies have…thus no rigging.
No, Slink did give out devkits before it released. I am in a creator’s discord and they posted about getting the devkit before the body released. No body wants to create for it.
But yeah I agree, Slink didn’t do a very good job handling this release. Pretty awful timing too with two other major bodies being released around it.
I’ve seen a couple of releases that included it. Shoes, as I remember. I still hate its crotch besides.
#20 stay annonymous, but like what are you trying to say by the photo? Like i love that Air Raid is on a leash HAHAHAHAHA, But I dunno what the rest means and I am hella curious! lol
#4 is deffo a Cuckhold Hubby, his wife probably goes to Planet QoS for some BBC (which is actually a singleton white guy from the Midwest playing as a black avi) and when she finds her guy they go home and Hubby has to kneel in a corner while she is being pummelled.
What a gross comment.
#36 creator is Just Magnetized
#45 – Are you fairly new? I only ask because unrigged is not the future, it’s quite literally the past. To begin with there was no mesh and so, no rigging, and then when we first got mesh – nothing was rigged because rigging wasn’t really a thing yet. You’re not asking creators to move forwards, you’re asking them to move backwards. And this “hunchback” person you’re talking about (sorry, their reference, not mine) was right to say that unrigged ponytails that weren’t designed for that hair would poke through the back. of course they will. You get a pose where the back is arched or the head is thrown back and it’s *going* to poke through your back because it’ll move with the head and completely go through the body.
How do we know this? Years and years of not having rigged hair. The amounts of braids, ponytails and just hair in general I’ve had stab me in the back and burst out of my ribs like some goddamned hair styled facehugger baby is unREAL. That’s how it always used to be. You’d be forever adjusting hair to *not* go through your body or running through all your hair to find one that worked for that pose when you were trying to take a decently looking picture.
I’m not saying it’s a feature that shouldn’t be offered – and some still do offer unrigged hair alongside rigged – I’m just saying that no, it’s not the future and that the person you’re talking about in your post was right to point out that unrigged hair will poke through the back.
#36 Good job not mentioning the creator.
Just Magnetized store I believe 😮
Thanks! ♥
you fuckers are all sick cunts.. seriously.. SL is SL.. it’s a fucking game.. yes RL comes into it but if you’re looking for a RL connection in a virtual world then you’re as thick as pig shit and deserve all of the shit you’re getting.. Lesson number one.. this is your SL.. nobody elses.. lesson 2.. no one will give a fuck about you.. so do what you want.. lesson 3.. keep your RL to yourself cause.. as said in lesson 2.. no one gives a fuck about you.. lesson 4.. if you believe anything that anyone tells you in this virtual world then you’ve gotta be one seriously fucked up retard that should have their life taken over by the authorities… the only reason anyone gives a fuck about anything you might say is if they might get something out of it for themselves
People on SL don’t give a fuck about anyone else but themselves. They create drama because it’s entertaining and you are only in their line of sight for as long as you’re in SL..or for however long you stay relevant that week. Trash game with equally trashy people.
28. Maui is full of the fugliest fugs in all of SL. They claim ‘standards’ which is such a joke. Have a smack at any of their admins/mods if you want proof.
Literally everyone looks like trash. Stopped going a long time ago.
One mod stands out so hard… is an av snob but looks like a turd!
just 1? I think the majority of them including the owner look like a bunch of turds from a dog with stomach problems 😀
I left Maui a long time ago.. what a shithole that place is! The mod I saw when I was there was some creep who was so fussy with how women looked, but the dude looked like the wish version of Billy Ray Cyrus
They should rename it Horny Boomer Beach, orgy central for the over tanned over 60’s
19. what exactly the fucking predicament? I don’t care enough to actually keep up with these really boring sims but seriously — at least spill actual tea rather than this.
24. you really don’t sound as smart as you think you sound. font is always gonna be the common colloquial term for this — and telling people that they have to use the word typeface has the same energy as arguing over gif or gif. chill.
34. it’s fine I’m a dragon hating kinkshamer too
The distinction was lost long ago. Maybe the OP is really old?
Even among type professionals, there’s a growing acceptance that for most people, the terms font and typeface can be used interchangeably. Only experts really need to worry about it.
Re: #24
Yeah, whomever the r/iamverysmart wannabe is apparently doesn’t understand how language works. Whether we like it or not (and generally we don’t!), it morphs frequently, as the lingo and “memes” of recent years have shown us. I understand the urge to pedantry is strong, particularly in those who think (incorrectly) that they are smarter than everyone else, but it doesn’t lend the poster any more credibility in the face of, like, the actual realities of language.
#29 What did Revi do this time to get up on here? Haven’t heard shit about her for a long ass while. My curiosity is peaked
Because upload broke. Revi posted an official document regarding their age and after the drama of another popular sl content creator being falsely accused of being a minor I find it quite ironic considering they keep blaming others for their own misfortune and fuck ups.
Soko first starts appearing on VS – blames UMBRA and her “posse” with no proof
Harrassed UMBRA on FA using an alt account and was promptly banned. People thought it was Geld until she posted about it confirming it was them
here’s the post where the account was terminated (FA account required)
vague hate tweets umbra and their community for “drama” yet uses drama to gain attention
And tries to point at umbra for being the problem for all their problems. It’s still not going to change the fact that Exodius’s design WAS a koberu…
For someone that wants to deaffiliate themselves from umbra, why you still buying her mods like the cyber deamon 🤔
TLDR…she’s a two faced CUNT
You want proofs here’s your proofs about LullaBeebs
Eeilee did not write that. Anyone that knows her KNOWS that is not her writing style at all. Sounds more like someone who uses English as their second language.
Get out of here with this fake screenshot.
You’ve also forgotten that there are over 170 people in that discord and no one has seen this fake post you just made up in photoshop.
Not very amusing to photoshop this and post it. You really need to get a life. This is so fake. LOL
Funny how that covers pretty much everything everyone is talking about in here 🙄 Nice touch with the ‘n’ reference too, just for a bit of added flavor 😕 👌
#31 That’s fair. As long as I can assume that as an adult avatar in whatever SL absurd fashion that you are a slut, whore, manwhore, cheater, liar, misogynist, money grabber, Samanta type, narcissist,…and the list goes on. Yes, some kid avatars are baiting for sure and quite creepy. Many are not. Just like adult avatars in SL. Let’s not generalize and if you have a specific person in mind then call them out or report them.
24.) Whoever posted this, I love you.
#31. I assume you think all the SL churches just have filthy orgies each Sunday instead of an actual service 😂
Kinky! 😂
#5 Just a heads up, no one cares about her irrelevant Twitter account. She’s been banned for months, right? Post actual tea that has to do with SL.
It’s obvious bait, but her RL ramblings has nothing to do with SL. Where’s the new tea?
You da only one who has even brought it up ssshhh don’t summon them back let it die
#33 Here’s the actual inside scoop, not another comment from Eeilee trying to lie to you. The body was never sold, this is a fact, Eeilee has been running the show since the beginning and even got her Husband, Slenderman, to go on mic for a Q&A to try and trick customers, pathetic. All the original 12 elite where made to sign NDA agreements to not tell others who the people running it are, aka Eeilee from Bad seed (Lullabeebs) and her managers Diane (Chololo) from Little Miss & Adriana (LullabeebsJewel) from Mia’s. These people have been lying to you all constantly. They operate through legal threats and manipulation. Eeilee wants you to believe she sold a baby body to some random man who’s never been in the kid community and that she is far away in “real life”. If this was the case, why are her two best friends the managers, why is her kid, Tootsie, defending the body in every status, why is the new heads and huds coming out made exactly the same as the first by Eeilee. Why would the body be on the bad seed sim, owned by, you guessed it, Eeilee. What have you guys got to hide? If you’re not on alts hiding out, then why make your designers sign NDAs? 🤔 It has got so far that even if you did come clean, no one would forgive you for the sheer amount of lies you’ve told. Does Grace know that you think her skins are copybotted and that you think Diane’s are better lol? Does Elizabeth know that you never wanted her to join the group and despise her? Does Kricket know that you wrote secrets and comments about her and that you shit talk her daily? Does Daphne know that… Read more »
What’s pathetic is you and everyone else on here thinking it’s your right to know if your friends in second life are making alts. I have no affiliation to any of these people or brands or their community but this is the most pathetic garbage I have seen in a long time. Nobody owes your ass anything. I make alts all the time and don’t tell friends or GASP, even lie if asked if I am someones alt. This is my second life, not yours. Next time, try minding your own fucking business. I see talk about bullying and roll my eyes. You know, it’s bullying to keep harassing and asking someone in a video game who they are. Maybe they don’t want to talk to you? Maybe they want a little peace and quiet? Maybe they just want to make a brand without you tagging along? Who fucking knows why. But one thing is certain, it’s none of your fucking business. If your precious feelers are hurt because they didn’t tell you, get over it. Sometimes people just want to be left the fuck alone. Signing off with the biggest eyeroll in history.
“I wonder………small tidbit of factual information” Why does kricket/sleepy dawn owner and daydreams event owner – have maple/aka Elizabeth banned from the daydreams event AND she banned Elizabeth’s bestie (which I don’t think bestie returns the love as bestie by the looks of her profile) cece Blackwood.
Note- I have also in a post that kricket as soon as she knows people will see her “other side” she removes comments and tries to hide evidence that she is not the little nice girl she pretends to be so if you read this you better hurry because she will undo the banned to make this look like a lie lol.
So what’s the tea … why the ban, poor maple had to take a break lol she sits in silence and reads everything and your doing a great job here because she gets so upset over this site it’s rather humorous. This is my first read here and my first post, thanks for the laugh. You can definitely see the maturity level and lies from these people trying to defend themselves so they keep their so called
I mean…..
I am on no sides. However if you are a friend of these people that you heard stuff about then shame on you for not letting those creators know so they could walk out gracefully. 🙄
Damn. This is truly is the real inside scoop. Thank you for posting.
Show us proof! We’re tired of the fake tea, give us the real tea.
Why won’t anyone show any proof that it’s Eeilee and her friends.
Shows pics pluz.
All I’ve seen is one screenshot from Kricket that was passed around by multiple people.
We want more Kricket. Stop hiding and give up the goods.
Shit if these 5 designers stop being friends, wheres the kid community gonna get overpriced poorly textured pastel clothing?
At the moment I don’t see any evidence that it’s not Eeilee and her friends, so I’m inclined to believe this 100%.
The real real scoop:
The above comments posted by the Real Scoop is Kricket from Sleepy Fawn.
All of the tea spilled are things said and screenshotted by Kricket.
All of the tea is Chololo and Kricket private conversations.
Chololo is Diane from Little Miss.
LullaBeebs Jewels is Small Beginning.
The other designers obviously used their same main store and avatar.
The proof is in the fact that all of the statements Kricket made above were ONLY in private channel chats with Chololo and inworld private messages between her and Chololo. She also won’t show said proof because she was party to ripping on other creators, including baby faces, seams legit, Maple, cherub and other stores, as well as throwing tantrums when other designers were not removed from the group for not kissing her damaged ass.
None of the things Kricket/Real Scoop posted above were said in any public chats, only in private chats with Chololo.
So explain to me how this can happen.
Waiting patiently.
if it is only private convos between her and chololo how do you know about it then?
“All of the tea spilled are things said and screenshotted by Kricket.”
Why would she screenshot herself “ripping on other creators” and send them around to people? 😂 😂 😂 At least try and make is convincing if you’re going to lie like that maple ahahhaa
SO SHOW THE SCREENSHOTS THEN, it’s almost as if you’re…LYING
This aged like milk when the screenshots came out and they where from YOU Elizabeth/Maple 😂 I also love that you ONLY capitalised the name of YOUR store in the list there MAPLE. If Kricket had said that stuff, I think she would have more than one brain cell to put it out here, you talk about proof and STILL turn up empty handed, where’s the screenshots? Changing your VPN and name doesn’t hide your comments. You have and will always be pathetic, luckily you’re transparent and every sees through your attempts. Go get a fucking hobby.
Why don’t you give up the goods, show the screenshot? You’re begging for tea but can’t spill a drop??
If you haven’t already figured out that this is Eeilee and her goons then you’re not the dumbest person on the planet, but you sure better hope he doesn’t die.
4) The husband is a cuckold; what are you confused about? SL is full of cucks.
7) Agreed, that bimbo shit is pure cringe.
12) Also agreed, creepy ridiculous shit, and why does everyone’s smile look exactly the same?
14) Yes, it’s overpriced and entirely unimpressive.
18) Wtf are you so salty about? Without those content creators, what would SL even be? Learn to make stuff yourself if having to deal with the “ego” of people who did the work bothers you so much.
19) Cute, but DJ Air Raid has never been that quiet in his entire life. STOP YELLING YOU ANNOYING FUCK.
20) Making Lelutka applier brows requires normal and specular maps that the creators of BOM brows don’t have to mess with, so mostly this request is probably going to be ignored.
23) Desperate and completely basic are the top 2 answers, if you mean Fallon Amore.
28) That’s middle of the road for Maui, too. It gets much worse.
40) If you couldn’t tell that was a fuckboy from the profile, you’re a moron who deserved to get cheated on.
43) Yay, she turned natural looking cleavage into a bad boob job. Great.
if this is about Fallon Amore this is spot on because I see a new dude every week in her box, must be a nutjob for sure
wanna talk smack but cant count
Be Less Ignorant, Please….. learn to count, Please.
Are you really stupid enough to not understand those numbers correspond with the posts, or is that just the best you can do? Don’t worry, anyone who talks shit to me will get love here, no matter how literally retarded you are ♥
Well. No I am not that stupid . If you took the time to look and see . The post your referring to is 20. Not 19. Hence the comment of learn to count. So now who is the weakest link. I didn’t post for love trust that. Just wanted to point out the ignorant in the poster of a comment that asks for people to be less ignorant. I sit here every week and read your posts and finally decided to respond to one. Also your post for 20 is wrong as well only ones i wasted my time to look at. You may want to be less Ignorant yourself.
#1 her avi is so bad, it barely looks like a teen, it just looks like a very heavily edited troll.
#38 huh??
31: I thought SL is 13+?
35: you should read their bio lol. All staff members are on break. Secondly, they have great CSR. They got back to me in one day via notecard. You’re mad for what?
#31. Not ALL of SL is 13+
16-17 years old you can access regions and search results that have a General maturity rating.
13-15 years old, you can access Second Life through an affiliated organization and will be restricted to the private estate of that organization. Only avatars approved by that organization will be able to enter these estates. You can’t use Second Life search or purchase items from the Marketplace.
They’re attacking people who RP kids as though it’s some sorta sexual kink in that they only see SL through the lens of an adult sexual playground. There’s so much more in SL that has nothing to do with sex, and a lot of it is even in moderate/adult rated regions which child avatars who are age verified are welcome in. If anything I think they are a pedo and are trying to eliminate the temptation so that they can’t fall prey to their own desires. It’s usually the most vocal who are the ones secretly struggling themselves. Thankfully SL isn’t run or dictated by the OP, so kid avvies are still allowed nearly everywhere short of actually participating in sexual activities barring the owner’s right to exercise their prejudices.
they make shyte clothes and when you point it out nothing is fixed. I won’t buy from them for this reason – waste of money.
31.1 – Second Life has general sims for people who are under the age of 18. Second Life is NOT an 18+ only game. At that point, they are not roleplaying AS someone who is a child, they ARE a child. Get over yourself.
The fact this has to be explained to you is just a tragedy. SL is a platform with adult content and absolutely no regulations in place to protect minors from it.
You could be on a PG Sim shopping and some dude will appear out of no where with his dick out…….
These adults that “RP children in a game that is alll about sexual content” should be put on a list. If you can’t understand why that is atrocious, then you are a pedo. If this even has to be explained to you in the first place, you belong on a list. That’s like someone promoting children clothing on pornhub. Fucking disgusting.
You people really need to normalize being fucking normal.
“that is alll about sexual content”
No, it’s not. Mine isn’t and never has been. There is a fairly large group of people that never engage in sexual content. To color everyone’s SL with your shades is ridiculous.
With that said, I’m not a fan of child avatars. I just prefer engaging with adults who look and act like adults.
It doesn’t matter what you do or don’t do with your SL. It’s completely irrelevant. Having child content on a platform that also has a large amount of adult content is down right weird.
That’s like saying “I hang out on pornhub forums, but i never do anything sexual or talk about anything sexual, so it’s perfectly fine for me to role-play being a child there.”
If it has to be explained to you why child content is not appropriate on a platform that also features porn content …..you seriously belong on a list and need to be checked in a facility.
No, no and no. There is no porn going on in General or even most moderate regions. That YOU seem to think SL is one big orgy says more about your mindset and not that of anyone choosing to RP a child. People DO family RP and it’s enjoyable for them. People who may not have children in RL, people who just find joy in the childlike wonder. They go to amusement parks, go on picnics, tell bedtime stories.
There are people who have been in SL from the beginning who have never engaged in adult activities and have played as a child the whole time.
Stop projecting your warped sense of what’s right or wrong based on YOUR behavior in SL.
ALL of SL is NOT like or even close to porn hub, ffs. Maybe you need to get out more.
It doesn’t matter if there is sex going on in the instance or time or place. What matters is having child content on a game that also features adult/porn content. That is NOT OK. It never will be, no matter how you try to justify it to yourself and those around you.
If you were family RPing say on The Sims for example, it wouldn’t be my thing, but that would be ok. Because The Sims isn’t an adult game nor does it feature adult content.
You are sitting here literally trying to justify having child content in a R rated product. That is sick, you are sick, and no amount of justification will change that.
You are a disgusting person for even trying to justify something like this.
“The Sims isn’t an adult game nor does it feature adult content.”
Google Wicked Whims, sweetheart. The Sims has ALWAYS hosted adult content. Sex, Drugs, Murder. Second Life is not an adult game. I can tell you’re new to SL because SL had the Teen Grid and the Main Grid. It always catered to 13+. Do some research, buttercup.
You look stupid.
Do you know how ironic you sound? Also the INTERNET is what you are describing. If there are children then their parents should monitor what they are logging in on.
By default Second Life does not allow you to visit adult places unless you change the setting. And SL is not the only game to have something like this either with pg regions and adult.
Wow look at how far you are reaching now comparing SL to the internet. I dont recall ever having a dude with his dick out suddenly jump in front of me when browsing the internet . While that happens on SL, pg Sim or not.
I can’t believe this has to be explained to you freaks.
surprise dicks happens to me on twitter all the time
This comment made me laugh 😂 😂 😂
You have never had weird pop-ups? You have never clicked or typed in a link wrong and ended up on something odd? Never seen an ad that was misplaced? I doubt it.
Judging by your last sentence you view yourself above people. Good luck complaining about what is so majorly important to you on virtual-secrets 😉
I don’t view myself above people, I view pedophiles like you beneath me.
The fact it has to be explained to you why child content should have no place in a product that also features porn content, just shows what kind of a person you are.
I never thought …ever …..there would be a time where i’d have to tell someone that child content has no place in an adult rated product. This is insane.
Then you wonder why SL has such a horrible reputation and is a breeding ground for pedos.
How do you explain twitter and tumblr, even facebook or instagram can have explicit things. Those are websites children are most definitely on.
It is the internet. At the end of the day if you have a child you should most definitely monitor how they spend their time online. Throwing the word pedo out at anyone who disagrees with you is just plain ignorant and doing a disservice to anyone who has actually been abused.
If you want to help clear the internet and make it as PG and as innocent for children do so, but not on this website.
Never received an unsolicited dick pic while just chilling on social media? Lucky you!
#38 what the hell?
#10 Kayce Ravenhurst the biggest fuckboy at Breathe and the entire grid, besides him, who hasn’t fucked Faye on SL, she’s so easy, just compliment her on her “Djing” and you win her over.
Can we take a moment to appreciate “betaboy”? And how it stuck. I am here for it.
Please elaborate the “Betaboy” tag, I’m curious now.
I would smash Faye, so cannot blame Kayce for tapping that behind his GF’s back, never really noticed Faye until she started wearing the Zora head with that refined nose, she’s stunner.
What normal guy would even know which brand anyone else is wearing much less know exactly which one it is lawl Sooooo either you’re not normal or you are this person Faye. Either way, you’re weird af. lawl
🤣 spot on!!!
I’d smash Faye as well cheating or not, she looks cute every time I’ve see her at Breathe, didn’t notice her before until she started using the LeLutka Zora head with that defined nose it has.
she probably looks like every other ho out there in SL , sheesh men are so predictable
#2- If you ask me i had found more fun at Red stag. But if we are going to compare gilded with any other male club, gilded would hands down lose. I’m sorry but gilded is a dying club and this is just a reach to stay relevant. The time i popped into Red stag they always have group of ladies and a almost full stage and people are having fun. When i pop into gilded its dead 80% of the time and when its not its 2 dudes (owner and manager) on stage with 2 to 3 girls dropping L on them. Reason why your staff are branching out.
Calling BS on this as well.
I’ve been featured there and friends of mine have been multiple times.
None of us know Kess.
Maybe stop making shit pics replicating every other blogger out there, do something unique for once, and you’d have gotten featured.
agree, none of us are her friends…
You DEAD WRONG. Blogger/photographer for 5 years and always submitted to SL Calendar Girls, it was always inspiring to see the photos every month. I was never chosen while playing it safe. Looking at the Calendar Girls every month gave me confidence to really let myself be creative instead of staying in the sideways blog style I was stuck in.
Once that happened, I was picked 4 times. I don’t know her, gush over her site or communicate with her at all. I just learned by looking at her choices every month, she didn’t have a style or preference that she selected. You won’t see a cut off hand, low quality or the usual mistake found in many flickr posts. On her site, details count, the light in the photo has a reason for being there, the blur is intentional, the poses are adjusted and body parts where they should be. It’s not a typical or random shot. I learned and improved 100 percent, was accepted by top creators to blog and will continue to work on my photos and get better.
Instead of pointing fingers, really look at every photo chosen during the months. Yes, several artists are featured regularly but damn, they are probably the best of the best.
#48 I call this complete and utter rubbish, she doesn’t know me, I don’t know her we’ve never even spoken other than me thanking her for selecting me in rounds. She’s not my friend not even a acquaintance and she’s chosen 3 of my images, not 1, not 2 but 3 shots so how exactly does she only choose her friends.
Plus no offence but even if she did choose her friends that’s her choice, it’s her group and hell each and every person she has chosen are extremely talented. So stop letting your bitterness show cause that’s what this is clearly, you were never chosen for it and are bitter over it. Grow up!
24. So hold on a second here. You are out here calling ppl stupid for not knowing technical terms known to graphic designers. General population doesn’t really know the differences between font and typeface. Though because you happen to have this one particular knowledge, you are out here calling others stupid. Then you turn around and call the designers who make their ads by the wrong term.
3d artists aren’t graphic designers. You are literally the definition of “ignorant”.
I’ve never heard of people being called fonts before this dude started a couple of weeks ago, let alone the ridiculousness of actually arguing over whether the term is correct or not. Imagine being so angry over something so irrelevant and ludicrous. Wtf.
20 exhale worst club, mostly filled by bots and afkers lame club lame owner
Its a hollow hole of a club with a pack of lame people in there all pretending to be cool when really they are just wankers, wouldn’t bother working there as they all pretend they afk and dont tip the staff
Trax and Peak are so much better than that awful laggy club
#4 who’s ghat damn baby is this?
#12 why are you so upset by someone’s pics? Just don’t look at them if you’re that bothered ya weirdo.
#36 who’s the creator?
#17 & #37 idk who this fella is, but this seems obsessive.
#38 ew.
#35. Have you maybe tried asking nicely?
I have reached out to her personally by accident instead or her CSR and she was super nice and helped me figure out the issue step by step when she didn’t have to. Creators don’t owe you anything and they have their own lives too.
Actually they do. They owe paying customers a working product, dumbass.
that’s what demos are for, dumbass.
Issues aren’t always foreseen with demos; i.e. hud issues, texture issues, etc. But keep sucking creator dick, dumbass.
You’re pathetic lol, dumbass. Xoxo
Aww that’s it for you, aye? Hmkay dumbass lawl
Again I say she never only picked her friends, I’m not her friend I don’t know her personally whatsover and yet I was picked 3 times. Plus even if she did choose her friends, well every week the images were stunning so rightly they should have been chosen. Seriously stop letting your jealousy show it’s not a attractive trait.
I’m not entirely sure what planet you’re on..but I know for a fact that your rubbish of a comment is not true. Only one of my images was ever picked, and never an avatar pic. Yet, I always used it as a motivator to keep improving
Maybe it was shit. Get over it?
#37 Looks like a poorly executed political ad. It just needs a “PAID FOR BY THE LOSERS AGAINST BRENT PAC” on the bottom to be complete.
#1 most definitely needs to be reported she’s very weird and sounds very underage. I’ve also heard that she got back with a guy who cheated on her more than 5 times I don’t know her but she doesn’t seem like the brightest cookie
Chris Winchester is still hanging around? I can’t say that I’m surprised
At this point, if venting on Virtual Secrets is your way to cope about your usual anger, go out and take a bit of fresh air. You sound like you’re on the verge of suicide.
#4 – Wow, looks like someone invited the UPS man in!
6 – Who the hell would have to copy her!
7 – So what! If that’s how they want their avi to look then that’s on them!
12 & 14 – I agree!
31 – The only reason people participate in his challenges is for the prizes. Do one where they only get a medal or sticker award then see how many participate!
38 – Disgusting!
#25 – What a fantastic way to kick of 2022 Tuggy Conundrum, obviously not received enough attention during Christmas and New Year that you are once again attacking Manny and now other people to somewhat make yourself feel better. Lets go over the reasons why nobody actually cares about what you are saying; 1- You spent the last 3 years with the most malicious doxers and blackmailers on SL, as we all know gaining their backing through sending them nudes (We seen Jaypacs account when we hacked him and donated his lindens). 2- If you actually gave a shit about this so called “baby” (nobody cares about this now either, fucking child turned in to your attention seeking calling card) you wouldn’t bring it on to a virtual game, what sort of sadistic, narcissistic bitch are you? I hope your children are taken from you if you are using them like fucking leverage to fuel your hate online.. pathetic women. 3- You have doxed people, attacked people and spread enough hateful lies about people not just Manny but your own “friends”.. *spit* fucking leech. 4- Your a drunken fucking mess who falls asleep on voice constantly on second life.. when she supposed to be looking after a “baby”.. You seriously need to fucking check your morals women, because you are a mental case… grade A psychopath. 5- Finally, you are a desperate fucking disgusting women, who only comes on Second life looking for the next “baby daddy” to come in to your lonely little existence. We seen it, over and over again.. jumping from one man to another man.. and when they ask you about your children.. you put on the fake water works.. “Oh yeah my first boyfriend was abusive to me so I left” (with your attitude I… Read more »
You are all fucking retard, just giving him more evidence to take her down 😂 😂 . I might as well say I am Manny because everyone here is Tugs on different names. 🙄
retards not retard you illiterate autistic fuck
Fuck… these comments are amazing! Fuck you manny you piece of trash. Brookes sure did a good job in jumping ship.
“Brookes”, as in Brooks Conundrum, one of the child-looking babygirl avatars he’d been defiling? Tell your friend to age up her avi by about 10-15 years, for Christ’s sake. This was one of her (relatively) lesser-offending looks, believe or not. She gets younger by the day, with her scantily clad prepubescent avi frequenting adult sims. She’s part of the problem too.
8797cb452adae830743f1b272467076a.png (520×649) (gyazo.com)
Speaking of brooks i hear she likes getting it on beast style. I never knew she loved to get knotted
yes comrade the comments are great thank you for your contribution to a great thread unlike manic and his contribution to life
Get off of second life and go touch some grass you fucking loser. never forget if you had not commented here you would not be getting torn apart right now.
Yeah… this is definitely Manic. He never knew the difference between women/woman. Learn English, you illiterate fuck. It’s a dead giveaway.
Also, condoning domestic violence in a post? You’re worse than I thought. You have fucked over so many people that the potential pool of people who could’ve posted this about you is too wide to narrow down. But obviously, people will point the finger at Tuggy because that’s the go-to plotline.
Your list of offenses: you’ve doxxed people, threatened physical harm on others, impregnated a girl you met off SL and dumped her once you found out she was pregnant with YOUR kid, then proceeded to go around and badmouth said girl on SL. You consistently sleep around with child-looking avis, stick your dick inside anything that twitches, pulses or moves, and are just an all-around horrible person. The fact that EVERYONE has something negative to say about you in some regard speaks volumes to your character. You have no genuine friends or people in your inner circle because all you do is try to fuck them all, or you fuck them over in general. You’re a hypocritical, manipulative piece of garbage that tries to get with every woman that exists but gets mad when they do the same. You’re pathetic and lonely inside, and we all feel sorry for you. Maybe try to figure out how to get out of your mom’s basement at 30 instead of being a dickhead on SL 24/7, you fucking troglodyte.
Nice try fooling us though. We all know this is you, Manny. And if it somehow isn’t, take his chode out of your pathetic, pitiful mouth.
hey manic remember this
hey look a chat log outing you [2021/11/14 21:32] ᴍᴀɴɴʏ (ManicEnthusiasm Resident): Fuels my infamy lmfao
[2021/11/14 21:40] ᴍᴀɴɴʏ (ManicEnthusiasm Resident): The women is a psychopath you know why? because she sends alts like you to attack me 😀 because she posts videos on youtube about me, because she posts on SL secrets.. have I done any of that? did I dox her because she got DUMPED.. No. So whos the better person, me or the parasite who wants to be relevant on SL again? lol
btw loser this is not the only chat log in existence there are others.
hey manic i know this is you, you want to know how some key giveaway’s that co called baby is one and the thing about the nudes is two, can’t forget you referred to her as a psychopath numerous times before. like why do you keep wanting to rehash this shit do you like everyone knowing your shit you seem to enjoy this others however don’t give one single fuck about you or your so called blood cancer get a life loser.
Damn you back for more? Just like last time a post was made about that twat, you still sound either like you ARE manic or you wanna fuck him real bad. That’s gross tbh. Have you seen him? He’s a ginger midget that lives with his family. I can’t imagine being his age and still living with my parents. Tuggy is just gross for letting him near her vagina. But you’re gross because you’re sticking up for someone that again you want to fuck (even if you’re someone else, manic would fuck himself if he could. So either way you want to fuck him 🤢). Just on an off chance that you aren’t manic, your self esteem has to be pretty fucking bad to stick up for him. Tuggy may be a piece of shit (I honestly don’t know), but babe…so is manic. He deserves every piece of negative attention that he gets mate. Stop blowing him so hard. 😂 Manny doesn’t need to comment here. Mate…manic would comment here in a hot second and if you think he wouldnt, you’re bloody retarded.
Anyone that wants to blow manic that hard is a pathetic peice of shit not worthy of being called human
I totally agree. I feel sorry for Tuggy bc she’s tethered to him via child. If she hasn’t already she should just have him sign over his parental rights and never worry about him again.
Funny how you lot always think it’s Tugs posting about Manny when she can’t actually stand being around him and actively avoids whatever sim he is at.
He’s fucked over enough people on SL, but of course him being a dead beat dad is bought up and we all just jump to one person 🙄
Might want to look at the last couple of girls he’s fucked over rather than someone who really no longer gives a shit about his sorry lying ass.
But of course whoever posts about Manny can do so in confidence knowing the finger will get pointed elsewhere, so keep going off on that narrative I guess.
Funny that people always think that it is Tuggy. Do people not realize this dude fucks over lots of people? He fucks his friends partners and/or his friend/s crushes. He breaks up friendships. He ruins other people’s marriages and boasts about it. He needs to go back into RL and get a life. Oh yeah he can’t because that would require him getting off his ass to get a job and be a civilized human being in order to make it in the real world. But why would he do that? He thinks he is the man in SL that has pussy raining down at the snap of his fingers. He is pathetic. He is a fucking sociopath who thinks he is something special! And any girl that wants to be with him knowing how he is needs some deep seeded therapy. Someone who would ever think a man that doesn’t take care of his kids is “a catch” is desperate. Manny find a different hobby and learn to be a decent human being if you can.
i bet Attention Seeking is manic i would not put it past that pathetic piece of shit to comment here
He’s probably finally realised how irrelevant he is. Needs to give himself a little ego boost 😂
he needs to get off his lazy ass and go touch some grass im willing to bet he has not gotten the vax shot yet, i bet he will use that as an excuse to not go outside.
Haha, this is fucking gold. Bitches fighting over this dude.
Thats a picture of babynun and him from like.. 4 months ago. We were friends but he tried to play two of my friends so i called him a piece of shit and blocked him. I dont want him, never will. Please use current pictures to try and prove a point xD
😄 😆 😆 That seems about right. Not surprised about that at all.
For christ’s sake, he’s not even attractive. Women in SL have zero self esteem, I swear.
LMFAO thank you for this gold
Damn Iris is a baddie, why she fucking with that lame. @Iris come through, I want to eat that ass.
this is the best reply so far xD
2 of those there are probably why Immunology broke down. Can’t keep it in his pants and will happily fuck friendships up.
This guy is a fucking parasite.
No the reason immunology closed down was because Matt couldn’t stop fucking everything that walked which caused all the females to argue lol