Virtual-Secrets, week 689.
22. not only is that not allowed and the game can get sued for it but all those tiny rocks on the earring look to be mesh meaning that thing is complex as fuck!
36. nice background art 😀
37. don’t worry we hate you too maybe
I wish people wouldn’t bother posting the “exposé/evidence coming soon” secrets, they never follow up. Either post your proof or don’t post about having it, it’s easy. You’re not piquing most people’s interest by saying Soon™.
#51 I have trouble with cleavage. I can have that part of the skin on and it still look weird. Is that just a SL thing that cannot be fixed, or, how can it be fixed? Having the cleavage slider not set to 100 is a start.
47 – Maybe you should coordinate your schedules better? You know well in advance when a weekend sale begins and ends. Its a weekend sale for a reason – A limited time to buy a product on sale. A lot of the designers are working not only the weekend sale events, but on products for other events too. They time themselves according to what needs to be done and when, so don’t come for designers who are keeping to a schedule. They’ve got shit to figure out and place and vendor scripts and server scripts to rework and activate. Its not like the back end of these sales and events isnt work in itself. You clearly do not understand the amount of overhead and time these things take – take your broke ass to a sandbox and make yourself an in-world callendar so you can keep up with the sales and events you want to go to. Budget your lindens accordingly to acquire the items you want. Don’t just be a broke internet barbie complaining on VS because you cant figure out how shit works.
#33 – This shit is getting interesting! I am getting my popcorn ready as Manny is going to eat his own shit soon! Karma is on its way and she will strike hard Manny. You should have grown some balls and be a man instead of a scared little Bitch!
So you are the one who posed this, isn’t that correct?
Birmingham IP address?
Oh no! Big scared. Get out of here, can’t even spell outed properly let alone track an IP baddress.
Lmfao you sound like another mentally ill pussy from the hubs. You’re not tracking shit. Sit down. 😂🤡
Wow. You’re actually sitting there thinking you can stalk someone else’s personal information and think it’s cool. It’s a gossip site, my dude. Not an international security threat. People like you are just too funny. Like seriously…are you okay?
I am not one who comes here 5 times a day even from your cell phone.
54 – There are professional athletes who are fat. Dancers who are fat. Pro models who are fat. The Health at Every Size movement has pages and pages of studies proving being sedentary is worse than being fat. And then we have you, a self-described expert on fatness, who only just gained 45 lbs in the last year. You can’t move so well when women who have 100 lbs on you can dance for two hours straight? Your old clothes don’t fit but you can’t bring yourself to buy a size eight when you used to be a size two? Self-pity is the issue, not fatness. And we’re not required to join you in your whine parade just because we’re larger than you. But maybe the problem isn’t fatphobia. Maybe it’s people who think nobody deserves to be happy if they aren’t. Sorry not sorry, we’ll have our best lives with or without you.
<diabetes has entered the chat>
not all fat people have diabetes
Not all smokers hang lung cancer, so smoking is healthy as well.
To Number 2, I will say that we treat our employees great(It has not come to my attention any matter otherwise). Unlike certain other communities, we allow our management staff to participate in Public Service Departments. We pay every single on of our Public Service Members and School/University Staff who are active. We regularly do checkins and a bi monthly survey to see if the department head is still up to snuff. Had to remove a 2nd in command from one of the departments not long ago for that reason.
“Unlike certain other communities” is such a deflecting statement in an attempt to make yourself look better. Why pull something else down to raise yourself up? I have no idea what this is even about, really, but it strikes me as odd when people say this. This adds nothing to whatever you are commenting on. Why not snip it out and just open with the words after it? Weird.
19 – First of all. The Traveler community doesn’t like being called “Gypsies” it’s a derogatory word just as bad as saying the n-word. They are called Romani people or travelers or nomads. Although I do agree that Americans ” Gorgers” which mean non-Romani like to romanticize the Traveler culture. But you fail to forget that there are Romani travelers living here in America also. Get out of your damn bubble.
61- Kinda funny you post that. Because I notice the majority of the men in sl say that majority of the female avatars are men behind them. So it would seem there are more men in sl than women.
56 – Yup HUDs to mesh bodies and heads mess up. It usually had something to do with the product having too many scripts it lags or it’s your PC. But yea…try advanced lightening to see if something is wrong.. to fix it.
#61. Exactly what I’ve always thought.
Travelers and Romani are two different groups. The Travelers are Irish native nomads. The Romani originated from India. The word for non-Romani people is spelled gadje, not gorger. And someone pointing out that Americans using g*ps* as a name are courting anti-Romani bigotry being thrown in their face is less educated than you? Spare me the fake ally tears. You can’t be arsed to learn the difference between the groups you think you’re defending.
22. Because CakeDay event has always been an event full of RL stolen work, from names to direct textures right down to complete replicas. They allow it stating its SL and the big companies will never care or know then claim you are just trying to take down black creators rights
51. Never laughed so hard after reading text, I seriously thought that was an ass crack with legs spread
TRUE! They always pull the race card when you call them out on it even when we have no idea or do not care that they were black irl even white and Asian creators on SL are guilty it has nothing to do with your ethnicity or rights!
Cakeday isn’t the only event that has creators who’ve stolen RL work. Almost every creator in second life has been doing that no matter the race for years now
#19 I am American Romani by ethnicity. I appreciate the sentiment but it seems maybe you are using a platform to attack an individual instead of fully understanding the issues. First, like many others say, Gypsy is a derogatory term. However, it is a term my family uses to describe itself as it is a term passed down. I do take offense to others using the term to describe themselves, especially when used to romanticize a culture they have spent no time studying (I think that’s the point you are making). Yet, in your statement you direct this at Americans without understanding that American Romani exist. I do not have the same troubles as those in Europe. I can’t claim any major prejudices but this is partly because only an extremely small portion of my family migrated to the United States. My relatives, that did not, were all slaughtered in WWII. So my family, out of fear, hid in the states for generations by blending in with Italian communities and hiding our ethnicity. My generation is the first to openly tell outsiders what our ethnicity is. I lost a lot of my culture because of the hiding and because we are a secretive people, I do not have an easy ability to reclaim it. The Romani that had enough of a tribe to survive for some time in the states, were looked at as freak shows, just the same as in Europe. Everyone loved the families to travel through and play music but they also locked their doors and kept them out of stores for fear of being “Gypped” . What I think you were trying to say but failed, is that the marketing symbol of the free spirit “Gypsy” is wrong. The traveling from town to town for thousands… Read more »
43 – ffs just leave them alone. their relationship is their business. no one fuckin asked you. Cookie, youre my girl, keep doing you!
I will speak up because fucking im sick of seeing it at this point and now what I DID stand behind is being used as simply nothing more as a fucking man hunt. Hi, Yes, you all know my dumb ass and I’m already ready to hear the shit to my comment. I don’t care. But what I do care about is that the posts on not only umbra, but also geld. Ya, I’m defending her too. SURPRISE! First and foremost. #4 Take your own fucking advice. Umbra doesn’t wana be involved. So why are you involving moon? Stop using moon as a means to back up your points. RESPECT HER WISHES. The next part on Soko. She’s with PSI, her fiance, her boyfriend, her partner. IRL, that’s why her twitter is locked up so there’s none of you fuck asses taking things and putting it here for fucking drama. Which honestly, smart on her part. But right now she’s trying to enjoy her short time with her partner. So get off the ladies ass. And for those who haven’t been keeping up with soko and moon, or are not part of her close friend group to know what’s going on. I’ll give you a bit of a notice. SHUT 👏 YOUR 👏 FUCKING 👏 MOUTHS 👏 You don’t know what’s going on, you don’t know anything, you’re all still holding onto the fact that this shit happened and soko should do this. You don’t know if they have already done it and instead of publicly, they did it privately. Because it’s not a need to know basis. It’s between soko and the people whom she’s wronged. Not everyone and soko. And yes, I know, some of you fucks will come at me saying ” But Dil,… Read more »
Do you realize half the reason this bullshit is still drama is because the comment section lights up like a Christmas tree every time they’re brought up?
The drama lovers are all for it as long as it gets huge reactions it’s going to be in the lime light, anyone who’s been on SL knows that.
If it’s entertaining for the masses it will stay lime lighted drama so you’re just adding to the problem and adding content to perpetuate this.
You’re not helping you’re adding to the drama of SL.
👏 👏 👏
You don’t seem to know me well, considering I being a person well known in the drama side of SL, know FULL WELL that i’m not “helping” in stopping the drama. I for one know you CAN’T stop the drama. I’ve still got drama from 4 years ago that still follows me around to this day despite not having been involved in it for 4 years. It doesn’t fucking go away, no matter how long you stay away from it. But, at least having people know that moon doesn’t want to have any part of this and that people are STILL using her as their main attack against soko despite the fact soko has gone to privately message the people she’s hurt….. Ya.
That and attacking soko with ” oh she locked her account again to shit talk and hide from the drama!” No. She’s fucking locked her account so twitter isn’t a distraction and is spending her time with psi.
But again, telling me what I already know….. a little redundant.
Oof that is so disappointing. I have always loved their work and wanted to get a custom from them when they opened again. Seeing that and the post they did recently too, that will never happen. They shouldn’t be taking customs if that’s how they treat their clients.
#3. Good riddance to the dumb bitch.
Wishing ill will of someone is bad karma and will only bite you back in the face
#3 That’s good for you, but if you are doing better without them then…. Are you the real winner? Or loser? If you have to go to VS to say that… to me sounds like the real loser… is… you…. some friendships are valuable… if it wasn’t worth fixing then you have no value to them. if you are just putting here to vent or hoping that they see it, then honestly that’s what Whisper is for my friend. Whoever ever you are, I hope you enjoy the rest of your life. Maybe one day, you will see the value of people. Instead of useless comments hoping that someone will react to them.
I guess you never had that happed to you Sam, sometimes having people out of your life is better then having them in your life
If people won’t shut up about how they moved on, they haven’t moved on.
#10 – You can somewhat escape it by taking back the power of it. Place something in your profile about your medical condition, educate people on it and state that your avatar is a representation of it. You have more medical information and understanding of that condition that anyone else who does not have it. That is your power. If anyone makes a comment to you about your appearance, direct them to your profile pick. Then you won’t have to explain it anymore. You will be educating people.
#54 – Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes straight to the bone. You do realize that if you are having a problem shaving your pussy hair (front or back?) that would also mean you are having a hard time wiping yourself (front or back) and tampons must be completely out of the picture for you?? I wonder how many other 145lb people are having that issue? Oh wait…none of them.
tbh sounds like that poster has their own eating disorder and is project. Unless they are really short… 145 isn’t fat. I honestly didn’t even read it until now because wall of text rambling isn’t my usual morning wake up 😂
5 foot and at 145 I was labeled obese by the doctor and told to lose weight or long term could develop into serious health issue. While the secret was a bit hostile, it wasn’t wrong either. Depending where the weight settles yes can be an issue shaving. Remember you need to see to shave, you do not need to see to shove a tampon up or wipe. Old joke about men and fat can’t see dicks? Same applies to women and cooch if all the weight settles to stomach.
Transformations in your body are always uncomfortable to go through but you realise that our definitions of “obesity” don’t actually work, right, and also typically classify star athletes as obese? Your height to weight ratio says nothing about your activity levels, the amount of muscle vs fat you have, or your overall health. That’s just the science facts there.
Are you dense? How are you comparing shaving your ass with wiping and tampons? Do you have to look down there every time you wipe or put your tampons in? It’s easier to cut yourself when you shave if you don’t look. Do you cut yourself when you wipe and put your tampons in too? How do you even manage to do that? Your whole paragraph is dumb so you can stop trying to sound smart now.
You don’t realize the commenter is referring to the “reach” she needs to make to shave her public area. So lets talk anatomy shall we If the reach to attend the hair on your pubic area is hard, then common sense tells you that tampons would be an issue too and wiping. Biology and Anatomy 101, it’s a course offered at any college, take it. Also what the fuck are you guys using to shave your pussies to the point you cut it?
Because people usually react pretty well to being lectured, prepare to make lots of new friends that way… no wait, that’s not how that works
Isn’t it pretty obvious to anyone that my concern about making new friends is zero? In fact to be 100% honest, I better at eliminating people out of my life in SL. In fact I prefer it that way.
But you still feel the urge to lecture them? That sounds healthy.
You’re the one who’s having a hard time shaving the pussy aren’t you?
Why would I shave you?
You missed the mark again. Isn’t it pretty obvious that any body part I would be referred to would NOT be the pussy, but the asshole. The angry asshole. That’s me. In fact if we break it down even further, I would be the heartbeat in a hemorrhoid inside (or outside) of your body. Next time you rub some cream on your asshole, think of me please. I know you will. PS: I personally think that label of pussy can be applied to the people responding to comment under a “fake” name.. Respond with your SL name, like I do Get some balls.
u mad bro

ahahahahaha spot on
#10 Thou art a subject of the divine. Created in the image of man, by the masses, for the masses – OMM
#19. STFU already, SJW. Good fucking lord.
13. You act as if a shape is something no one else on the grid could have. As if there aren’t.. shape stores. 14. Life is too short to keep people in your life that don’t belong there. People put a lot of weight into keeping people in their lives, even when they aren’t good for you. 18. Friend’s don’t give other friends warnings? A friendship, or any relationship for that matter, doesn’t demand or require you to put up with everything silently. A REAL relationship of any kind has communication and willingness to compromise but never at the high cost. Anyways, a dick is a dick. 19. That’s one ignorant presumably American girl. Many of us are actually educated and know the origins and lifestyles behind Gypsy. 22. Not the first and wont be the last. Many big names in SL have branded stuff, even against the TOS. Nothing you can do about it unless you plan to go tell Prada to come to SL and drop a DMCA on the lazy creators who can’t come up with something on their own. 27. A furry telling people to copybot something, calling others POS? Okay. Lol. 36. When you go to fucking Wal-Mart, even that clothing is branded and tagged. Maybe just not seen. When an artist in SL puts their time and money into making something and they want to put their brand on it, then they can and they will. There are people who will support and buy it, so you can keep your entitlement to yourself. 37. You sound mature. 41. & 46. That’s very common place in SL. Way more stores than you realize, including some very well known brands. 48. Getting “dick” from a pixel avatar. 52. That’s everyone on SL regardless of which brands… Read more »
#10 If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen
#19 This didn’t happen so much it unhappened things that had
#52 Accurate
#54 We can dislike it an we do. Does anyone actually still care about being called phobic these days? The cope is real lol
#33. I know didn’t want to make this relevant but my oh my, does this get better! So being that type of guy that likes to stick his nose in for a sniff of the drama, because its Second life right? why not, what else is there to talk about? 😂 . So confirmation here, Tuggy Conundrum made this post (for people who don’t know, she some fat British whore). for what reason? who knows maybe she’s bored of changing diapers or some shit 😂 how she has time to post on SL while looking after her 15 kids she birthed from all the guys dick she’s been riding that give her an ounce of attention who knows. So this bitch dates this British loser Manic, right? and he dumps her whorish ass. For what? we don’t know but god I wish I did. So she gets dumped and her first idea is to start doxing the guy 😂 (I mean we all love shit on people you know but damn, Brutal 😂 ) but better yet she runs to Jaypac.Taggart (For people who don’t know him, you are lucky 😂 this guy has been hacked more times than NASA and the shit people have on him, don’t know how this dudes not in prison. He screams loud and for the most part, nobody can understand his broken fucking ass British so 😂 ) another complete loser. So this Jaypac.taggart guy shows a interest in to her and he’s like “Give me all the dox you have on Manic” and because Tuggy is a huge whore her pussy lips fluttered and she did and better yet PARTNERS him. 😂 😂 😂 So next few days this Manic dudes… Read more »
nah man you are wrong. Tugsy did not make the post i know who did and no im not going to out who did, and why lets just say manic and his doxing attempts on a friend is what prompted this exposure. besides that he has been humping child looking avatars at secret beach. if manic is reading this tick tock motherfucker your time is fast approaching
We have reason to believe this Gambit guy is Jaypac.taggart or the permeant banned resident Komosa. Both avid supporters of Tuggy Conundrum. Case closed.
i think you are wrong on both it could be another hub rat have you ever thought of that
I have been to Secret Beach many of times and never seen him remotely doing anything of the such. I am not defending him, I just think if you are going to expose him you need to tell the truth and not lie.
you’re wrong. I don’t know too much about this manic guy, but I fully believe what a lot of these comments have said about this dude because I’ve seen it with my own eyes. he would cuddle with people like brooks conundrum, who’s avatar looks not a day older than 14. he also has flirted with someone named doki or saeboyoki (something like that) at that beach, who also looks 12, and there’s probably many more kiddy avis he’s into. he routinely clicks the spankers of these young avis. secret beach is nothing but a shitshow. surprised to even hear it mentioned and that people still go there. nothing but scantily clad kid avatars and the creeps who are into them.
Weird I never seen Manny ever have sex with anyone at Secret Beach? If you are going to at least attack him don’t lie because now you have made yourself look even more stupid. You are wasting your time, your just making false allegations to defend Tuggy who clearly made this post. Plus we have an idea who you are gambit and you don’t have much of a clean reputation either do you..
I can tell you now it wasn’t her that posted this about this.
The dude fucks around more than I have hot dinners. Could be anyone that he’s pissed off 🤣
But pop off my friend
This IP address matches the South West of England?
lol that’s funny because everyone iSL is ALL about who and how many they can fuck around with … wait… that is ALL over the net. Keep being drama if that’s your kink.
11: If you want a sim that claims to be a family sim but has adult themes, maybe try hanging out in Crack Den and leave real family communities alone.
well the idea of having more crime and adult stuff is not too terrible, almost like having the part of the city connected but still kind of apart. like we have stories that might not always be completely family oriented. But still want to be able to have a family. I can want to have kids but also have some crime going on in my life, or be a cop and fight it.
I was referring to the “adult stuff”, not the crime. Crime is all well and good. Adult stuff in a family sim with children is not, and as welp said, it’s against the TOS.
it’s against TOS? That’s a pretty good reason not to have “adult” stuff on a family RP sim. They have to be PG rp’d for child avatars or LL will do something if turned in.
well what i meant is have like “this is our town that exists on a moderate sim” over here through a bridge is also our town and our cops and things carry over however as it is a bad part of town and an adult sim, children and the like are not allowed. basically not physically have the things on the sim, but have like town part a town part b
FH already has some adults-only businesses and run down areas on the south side of the hickory creek sim, with a biker bar/strip club, a weed shop, a sleazy motel, and a trailer park. It’s where you land when you leave the welcome skybox so it’s not like it’s tucked off into an unknown corner. Not enough people use them for management to consider expanding those areas.
People keep asking for shady parts of town and more crime, but don’t want to commit to actually using the what’s already there or getting involved in criminal RP themselves. You want more of something? Go make it happen or give some incentive for other people to get involved, don’t just sit there whimpering about how other people aren’t doing the work for you. Be part of the change you want to see or don’t complain.
Possible but you’d be skating a very fine line and easily still miskrewed to be turned in. Also take in the cost of hosting another region added on. To do that they would literally need to buy a brand new region from LL and have it directly placed or move entirely to possibly mainland buying up 2 regions connected.
Shut up Karen
—#32 never did I see someone use that head😅 so why would we create for it ?
Currently using it myself and do own paid others by Lelutka and other brands. It’s a cute head and is many many that use it.
You kidding? I inspect lots of people and that head is EVERYWHERE to the point it’s kind of over used because it was free at the start.
3. Sounds like someone didn’t want to be your friend. You’ve got a new friend. They’re probably happier without you. All’s well that ends well. Stop being fucking salty.
54: Oh.. honey… you need help… You’re not fat… for starters.. infact, you sound like you have some really bad views of yourself and need to find a little self confidence.. As someone who’s “healthy” weight average is 155-185, I find you to be rather dramatic. Yes, people can have extra weight and STILL be generally healthy though. Your exhaustion and troubles, sound like a deficiency, probably caused by whatever god awful diet you’re forcing yourself to follow, that drains your body of things it actually needs. While no, I never finished medical school, I did go. I can assure you, if you really want to worry about health, you should be worrying about your own. While yes a lot of people do not like being fat, you’d be wrong in saying that some people don’t enjoy it. There are entire communities that have belief that being fat is the most beautiful thing. Sure it’s not healthy. They are really happy though. Their are countries and many parts of history where it was also considered wealth to have extra weight. fatphobia is just as much a thing as people loving fat. I do hope however that you learn to love yourself. One of the biggest causes of weight gain, is stress and depression. Not loving yourself will only lead to gaining more weight, then saying you’d have been happier if you were that size again, but then gaining more weight and saying you’d have been happier at that weight too if you’d known… and it becomes a cycle. It’s almost like an addiction. So ya know.. go find that happiness.. before you really hate yourself!
It all depends on your BMI. So considering your height, you maybe healthy at that weight. And for that person, not so much.
BMI doesn’t tell you anything about the body composition, which is the deciding factor when it comes to being healthy vs unhealthy. Same weight people, one with 15% body fat, one with 50% body fat, are not the same.
Also by age and Gender. The only way person is ideal at 155-185 is if 5’11 and male. I do not know many girls that tall on average and for girls that’s overweight for that height. 145 is considered overweight at 5’8, obese at 5’5 and morbidly obese at lower. Depending how settles easily be very much considered “fat” especially if majority weight settled to stomach.
19: Gypsy is a slur… Maybe just don’t use it at all if you’re gonna try and educate people about the troubles Romani people face in Europe.
Right? I cannot understand why people still call Romani people. gypsies it’s ignorant
SJWs at each others throats again. Who will come out on top as the most virtuous? More at 5.
very insulting one at that
a member of a people originating in South Asia and traditionally having an itinerant way of life, living widely dispersed across Europe and North and South America and speaking a language (Romani) that is related to Hindi; a Romani person.
a nomadic or free-spirited person:
However you are also correct it can be used as a slur~ Perhaps folks shouldn’t be judging one another as the American could’ve been the 2nd meaning of the noun and the European jumped on her for no reason other than the 1st nouns Traditional way of life. Always two sides if we all just take a look around.
#54 You are an idiot.
found the fatty 😀
Let me guess. You are one of those ” fat ” people who put themselves down daily about being fat. Or maybe you are a former fat guy who lost a lot of weight. And think that other fat people should grow a backbone and allow themselves to be verbally abused by the rest of society. Because you think that verbal abuse will get people who struggle with their weight to want to lose it. I see now… I know what kind of piece of shit you are.
So what now? u found a fatty … you can not even hendle a woman let alone a “fatty” go back to bed boi
I can handle yours, with a forklift, probably
8. no one cares
@#17 I am not sure how Doe is releasing her old gacha halloween hairs as new releases now @ The Epiphany. Isn’t it required to have NEW EXCLUSIVE release? Last i looked, changing permissions on the gacha hair doesn’t make this a NEW product. The creator is rude to customers and her hair is inferior to most hair brands but it’s just more evidence she’s a greedy bitch too.’ I won’t buy from her. There are much better wigs out there from pleasant creators.
#10: Spot on. It is absolutely ridiculous, the way that people scream and yell about other people looking just like them, but then, let someone look different, and they go off about that too. Its a sad fact, that people in SL are just like people in RL – there are some really wonderful people, and then, there are some really shitty, horrible people. No one has the right to dictate how your av looks, and no one should be downing other people for how their av looks, but unfortunately, its just a sad fact of life – its always going to happen, because there’s always going to be bitches.
#24 or just use your own textures? Who doesn’t retexturize all of them anyway?
#33 is it because he met a girl from sl in real life and got her pregnant irl then dumped her when he found out. Then he went on to badmouth her to everyone?
this dude was literally chatting me up at secret beach last week lol
Manic is really good at giving head no lie im glad he is bi and into guys as well
yikes, run while you can. *shivers*
Manny and that girl have a child together? That’s actually wild. How about both of them get the hell off SL and go take care of their children instead of whatever this catty BS is. What a dumpster fire this whole thing is.
Ill be honest I don’t know what happened after she told him she was pregnant. I just remember speaking to her a few times. She seemed like a sweet girl. Even if she’s a whore as some of those commenting suggests, Manic behaved irresponsibility when he abandoned his duties as father to the child. SL in itself is a huge dumpster fire. That’s why I never get on there anymore. How many times can we hear the same gossip and arguments and think ‘oh yeah this place is for me’?
Why bring something as serious as a child to Second life in the first place, this website has been around 12 years.. what if its around for another 12 and that child somehow find out about how his mother and father are both sat attacking each other like a pair of disgusting idiots.. I don’t care if the girl is sweet if she posted this to attack manic then she is as much of a loser as he is… both of them need to fucking grow up and talk about this kid… what a dumpster fire indeed.
the funny thing is manic deserves to be on here for the stunts he’s pulled in the last week, the doxing the rape comments/threats and cant forget how he told someone he was going to kill them and their family. like its not a surprise he is on here its just been a long time coming. I certainly hope he gets what he deserves.
That is a nice VPN you have there Observer, being a permanent banned resident is hard still getting you booted at early hours in the morning?
I’m not banned from sl mate, but whatever keep grasping at straws.
But you have logged in to a couple of different accounts this week?
Wrong again but keep trying. Also you seem to be very paranoid about someone commenting on this thread, im sure i could sus out who is behind that screen name. I’m willing to be its someone from the hubs 🙂
I am just making sure everyone understands the caliber of commenters. “wrong” logged in to 1 male account and 2 female screen names this week, lets not pretend.
The only thing they really need to do is just report him to the authorities. I wouldn’t even concern myself with arguing with him. I know his RL name and have for years and even though I can’t stand him, I wouldn’t give it out and dox him to people on SL. He’s simply not worth the time or effort. Aside from that, he’s the epitome of a loser. Who in their right mind would take ANYthing he says seriously?
Tangible evidence would be needed to report to the authorities and reputable source, as for those who have commented here? false allegations will only fuel a defense.
Old news, we heard this story before.. Why do silly bitches keep bringing up the same shit like we give a fuck its fucking stupid. 😂 😂 😂
Lol I have no idea. Idgaf either, I just figured they’d have something original to add at the very least. We’ve all heard this shit.
Old news or not, I haven’t heard this before. It’s what this site is about. Spreading gossip to a wider audience. It may also shock you that not all of us ‘silly bitches’ hang out here every week. It’s called Real Life.
This person isn’t nothing to do with this, they came here for another post and just decided to comment. void.
Well prepare to be disappointed “Silly bitch” because its going to be the same dog shit people stepped in 2 years ago. I know it, everyone knows it, nobody cares. Its the resurfacing of the same pregnant story we have all heard, I got confirmation of some dumb cunt earlier, its the Scottish girl that dates every man trying to be relevant again. The girl has jumped around from cock to cock that much she should be on fucking ninja warrior, I can’t take anyone serious that tried to fuck Britbong RL. 😂 😂
Ah so a lot like the repetitive ‘pedo’ talk in here then. So I guess you’ll be petitioning that be banned as a topic of conversation too cos it’s already something you already know? Thanks for the validation! As you say, why do silly bitches keep bringing up the same shit like we give a fuck it’s fucking stupid 😂 I’ll keep my eye out for your future posts. Things should get more interesting around here!
People throw that word around like its cool to say these days, that and “gaslighting”.
“manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity.”
Most of these fucks don’t need gaslighting they are already mental as fuck, I wish people would first of all learn what things mean before throwing it around. Might make my own word up and throw that around and pretend it means “Someone who makes shit up all the time for SL secrets” ‘SUPERCUNT’ or Plural ‘SUPERCUNTS’. 😂
This is 100% Manny commenting lol. Trying to tell everyone to stop talking about it and how it’s “old news”. If this news was so “old” and “irrelevant”, you wouldn’t be going out of your way to comment on it. Trying to be discrete while covering your own ass and slutshaming a girl you clearly had enough sexual interest in to impregnate. Pathetic.
The triggered “gaslight” comment really sealed the deal. People ALWAYS call you that, and you somehow still can’t understand why and try to flip the narrative as if everyone else is the problem and not you. If you’re getting called a gaslighter by SO many different people… has it ever occurred to you that there might be a hint of truth in that sentiment? Check yourself.
If the doxxing is true, it’s messed up that people are doing that to you. But you’ve built an army against yourself and have fucked people over in many ways. Being a nut seeking f-boy really came around and bit you in the ass. Maybe go do some self reflection, because you’re no saint either.
I wish I was Manic then I could throw myself in on coming traffic 😂 😂 He to much of a coward to comment on here. But I am glad you think I am him means I can talk absolute shit and make him look even worse in the process, so thank you 😂 😂
If anyone on SL fucks other SL people irl, they’re automatically insane to me.
#62: Fuck’s sake, shut up about Naria Panthar. If people want to watch her streams and videos, they will. Whoever wrote this clearly watched the whole of that VS-themed stream to have picked out one comment about a $100 donation. You’re like one of those cringe-worthy teenage KPop anti-fans, wasting your time following someone just to hate them. Grow up, you twat.
33, Tugsy obviously did this. Here’s an idea: stop getting knocked up… you have done this three times already, Now already back on SL looking for another baby daddy. Log off sl, keep your baby drama off it too. Grow up and take care of your kids already. Stop sitting on SL and lying about your RL and take care of your damn kids ffs. Grow up.
nah it was not tugsy bro i know who posted this
Its obviously Tuggy, stop making up lies.
its not tuggy i uploaded it besides the others on here making up shit i did it to let him know its not long before karma kicks him in the ass
I have been friends with Manny for 10 years even before he was Manic and the dude has never had this much drama until he met this girl. He’s bought me games on steam, send me birthday messages and even when we haven’t spoken in month the dude still checks in to see how I am doing, we basically went through our 20’s together. I think people are just believing exactly what they want to believe, all these allegations are either her supporters in attempts of defamation of character or people who clearly have not been his friend. I sat with him in the hubs, I have played hours of Xbox and steam with the guy, sat drinking and laughing for hours on weekends, the guy has the best sense of humor in anyone I have met in SL. We have already told him we have his back with this shit a lot of us do, you can hate on him as much as you want he been a true friend to a lot of us and nothing is going to change that.
Your one positive isolated experience with someone does not invalidate or erase what they’ve done to others. I’ll leave it at that.
Im not attacking him. I’m pointing out that she should log off SL and take care of her 3 damn kids. I’ve seen as she even used that piece of shit Stefanos dox Manny. She runs around and finds stupid people to sell her woe is me act to, meanwhile she’s trying to find new victims, I mean boyfriends in the internet. How does this bitch even have all the time she spends ??? And the doxxing?? That alone shows what trash she is. So glad she keeps getting pregnant to pass on her shitty morsls to a new generation
Ah yes, slutshaming the woman as if she’s the one who knocked herself up and not the loser who went out of his way to plant his seed in her. Bravo!
Keep that same energy for Manic. That prick will fuck anything that identifies as female with a pulse.
Not slutt shaming . Just pointing out she should stop worrying about being boy crazy online and take care of her children snd home. Fight me.
Last time I checked it takes 2 people to have sex, she could demand condoms or use birth control or maybe even keep her legs closed it’s not all on the guy.
Once may be a mistake but if something happens again and again it’s their fault for not learning and protecting themselves.
Exactlyyyy!!! She’s in charge at the end. Once is a mistake. 3 times is a pattern or some would call anchor babies .
Clearly you didn’t read where I said “keep the same energy for Manic”, because if you comprehended that I am hinting at the fact that both of them are at fault, you wouldn’t have said this.
It takes 2 to tango, yes, but slutshaming the girl doesn’t take away from the fact that Manic is a coward, loser, and fraud for abandoning his own child and responsibilities as a father and ran back to SL just to talk down on the girl and resume his loser activities. Her allegedly being promiscuous will NEVER take away from that fact. He had a responsibility, and instead of being a real man, he’s out chasing pixel panties and has the nerve to bring his alleged baby mother down and skirt his responsibilities as a father. It’s vile and wrong. If this is true… what a trash human being.
As for the girl, if all that has been said is true, it seems as though she needs to take several steps away from SL and consider her life and choices thus far. However, it seems as though everyone is scapegoating the girl for how apparently “whorish” she is while not holding this alleged loser Manny accountable.
BOTH of them need to get a grip. There’s a KID involved ffs. Some of these folks need to realize that there’s more to life than camping out on SL all day.
If this ‘Weird’ Person isn’t Tuggy Conundrum, I will eat my own shorts 😂 . Not only have you been sat there accusing everyone of being Manic, you are defending the woman at every turn “Oh don’t slut-shame her, its not her fault she opened her legs and got filled with cream by every man on SL” cause its fucking her fault, she a women she knows how her fucking body works you complete mess. There is some fucking retards around here 😂 😂 😂 . I hope that kid grows up and fucking hates them both, what a plot twist.
Get to eating then.
You’ve been making the most posts about this and even took the time out of your day to give an entire summary and rundown of the situation while simultaneously claiming that you don’t care. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t have cared to comment or be actively engaged in a situation that apparently doesn’t involve you. Also, you’re not “everyone”. Don’t chalk yourself up that much. You’re clearly a fan and have been getting off to this extremely fucked up situation. Get a hobby.
God forbid I tell people to hold both of them accountable instead of scapegoating one person. I saw people were unfairly attacking one person while not addressing how the other was at fault, so I commented clarifying that well enough. Clearly you can’t read, and I feel bad for you. You’re oddly invested in this for someone who claims they couldn’t care less and how this is “old news”. Get well soon.
I am sorry, but I have to agree with TrashTalkingGYPSY on this one. You have oddly defended her actions and then accused other people of being someone. This is classic SL secrets behavior attempting to cover your mistake of even posting this stupid post. I do not know this manic guy but from the sounds of it he sounds more of a victim than the girl who posted this. I find it extremely difficult for someone to defend someone for being a slut? slutshaming? what made up bullshit is that? is that a word so women can feel comfortable having sex with multiple men? I don’t get how you can find any sort of defense in the matter. I seen comments about this Manic wanting to have sex with anything that has a pulse? isn’t that MANWHORE shaming? are you not going to run to the defense of that? I didn’t think so. I think at this point is plain to see who is this girls friends defending her and who is not.
Good thing I never asked for your opinion. I’ve stuck up for this person because judging by what has been said concerning the situation, both are to blame, and one is being unnecessarily scapegoated. Interesting to point out how much of a whore she apparently is while not pointing out the obvious commonality in the other person. Not once did I defend her actions specifically. Judging by what’s been said, SL clearly isn’t the ideal place for her to find romantic suitors, and it’s tragic she hasn’t learned that by now. I’ve reiterated how BOTH need to take accountability. Maybe go practice reading comprehension. You think a deadbeat father and someone who’s made physical threats on people’s safety is the “victim”? You’re just as fucked as they are, and if any of what was said is true, they need to report his ass to the authorities. The only way that “victim” point can be even remotely justified is the doxxing, which alone was desperate and low as fuck. The situation all around is immature and stupid, and it’s sad these people are potentially some poor human being’s parents doing this catty shit on SL. These comments have been the most interesting shit Secrets has put out in months, but it’s sad that the situation is this deep and pertaining to an innocent child. The fact that there’s so much speculation as to who could’ve made this post about him because he’s fucked over so many people is very telling of him and his character. But I guess time will tell. You also say I’m “weirdly defending” the girl when I’m not, but you’re doing the same thing you claim I’m doing and trying to come to the defense of some predatorial lowlife who’d never do the same for you. But,… Read more »
We know exactly who made the post about this guy we don’t need any more confirmation. Sounds like he fucked you over too, feeling a little heart broken? want to post your own hate messages? maybe next week you can post about him too.
Heartbroken? Bold of you to assume I would bother with or even touch this guy with a 200 foot pole. He’d never get the privilege. I just know how much of a fucking weirdo he is. I wouldn’t need to bother making posts about him because it’s pretty much common knowledge across the grid how fucking weird this guy is. It’s mostly the depth of his weirdness that people are ignorant about. For those that know nothing, I feel bad for whoever unknowingly interacts with him and entertains his antics and his unbecoming stench of desperation. He is sincerely unwell, and him and his baby mother are probably one of many who need to step back, smell the roses, and realize that there is better shit to do than obsess over SL.
I don’t need to be personally involved or invested in a situation for me to point out that something is fucked. This shit goes way deeper than SL. Many people have their own stories concerning this guy, which have been shown and proven by now. You must be in the dark. You obviously are. But here you are, defending the character of someone you literally know nothing about. Save the cock-sucking for someone who gives a fuck. Goodbye.
This weird person works at velvet tunnel, someone over heard their bullshit and it got to the right people.
Because like you, I love a bit of SL drama 😂 the summary was needed to highlight them both as scumbags because if people haven’t realized yet… they are! I didn’t care until I did some sniffing around and suddenly the flood gates to drama had been opened and we turned something irrelevant in to the perfect storm!
East coast Trash? How is Richmond this time of year?
Well the point I think is that it’s too late for coulda woulda shoulda. If manic doesn’t contribute to that kids well being then he’s a bigger piece of shit than someone who has custody of her kids even if she is a slut.
just sayin…adoption is an option as well is abortion…her body, her choice, he made his, IF ITS EVEN TRUE
Would you want to associate with a woman who doxed you? this is a serious question I have just been pondering myself. A child is a child none the less but would I want to have someone who intentionally doxed me and caused this much hate on SL secrets in my life at all?
Yes its much to late for coulda woulda shoulda, it takes two people to make a baby so I also have to say its not all on this dude just “planting” his seed as you said. But they are both going to have to sit down and come to terms with it without hostilities or they are only going to hate each other more and this child will have to grow up having to find out about their childish actions.
But if she has also done this 3 times before, than… this manic guy should of been more aware and maybe future men should be aware too.
This comment sounds oddly personal.
How so? I am only commenting my opinion like everyone else?
I hope he plants his seed in me <3
Yeah, you’re weird.
Well said, who is looking after her children while she sit on SL looking for more baby daddies? she is a sick women.
What is it with you people on SL? You automatically assume that just because someone’s on SL their kids aren’t being looked after. The little fuckers have gotta sleep sometime!
She has 3 damn kids ! Does she work??? I mean between 3 kids ( a baby alone is full time) , house duties etc, why is she on sl crying ? Grow up and stop getting pregnant. She knows how it works! He’s guilty too but she’s the one that is crying victim for her CHOICE! One baby is an accident … 3??? No. Sounds like she’s just trying to land a man on SL for RL instead of taking care of her RL like an adult .
Jokes on her then wouldn’t you say? That fools poor as fuck and can’t take care of himself much less anyone else.
#60 Sad this creator posted this and if I was the person still waiting on their paid work to be done, I’d be kind of mad seeing a post like that pretty much publicly blowing them off again it also tells me to never order a custom from this person EVER.
Sadly a quite normalised thing in the furry community, that people who do commissions have super bad work ethics.
That’s why there are so many customer beware websites, chats and groups in the community.
If it’s been 6 months, I would have already issued a chargeback through PayPal. They’re lucky the person that commissioned them seems to be very patient.
I’d demand a refund tbh
#44 Genuinely had a chuckle with this one. Please give the lessons!
#54 – seek counseling
15. Absolutely agree, if they can’t take a minute to make a demo, I’m keeping my money
36. This is just what I was saying to my partner, we were looking to buy him a t-shirt, but the brand name was literally covering 20% of the graphic on the front, just no. Opted out from buying it because of that. If it were maybe a tiny tag somewhere or something, yeah, but it does not need to be plastered all over it, feels tacky AF in any life
#19- do you mean the Roma/Romany people?
Because you honey, euro or not, are part of the problem.
13) I’m sure she’s using her ex’s look but let’s be fair, 95% of guys in SL look exactly like that now. I don’t know when the hell it became trendy for every guy to look like a sunlight deprived and malnourished e-boy, but I can’t wait until this fad dies.
27, 37, and 52 killed me lmao.
Lips on furries look like shit 99% of the time, I don’t think even good texture work can fix that. People don’t really make furry heads that include a lip, sooo you’re either painting lips on a flat head which just looks weird, or people are using those godawful lip addons that look like you overdosed on Botox and then got stung by a wasp for good measure. You can go from 0 to 100 but no in between, and I don’t know why people think it looks good.
But then again I think a large majority of furry avs are honestly ugly as sin, and easy to fix. Eyebrows too high up, fucked body proportions, colors that don’t work together…
I’ve been paying closer attention their faces on the rare occasions I see them, since someone told me on here that their heads are actually bento now; whatever that “limited” slider use is, it certainly isn’t making much difference, same heads still all look exactly the same, shape wise. You’re also right, their eyebrows are always too high lol
#54- let me guess- ginormous of ass, and huge tit[spanker equipped ofc], and standing on tippy toe, and using a god awful ao set to “thicc” or “curvy”, that makes them rock and sway and bop and catch butterflies, told you she is not fat ,she is a real woman
Fat, is fat.
I don’t give a shit if the entire army of ginormous ten ton tessie cardi b inspired whales in Sl shit a cow in agitation, I am allowed an opinion.
Fat, is not cute.
It’s a fucking health condition that kills.
Its disgusting.
Stop forcing your lack of willpower and cheeto smeared credo down everyone else’s throats.
Lots of downvotes from the RL fatties lawl
Hell, I am a fatty, and even I agree with you.
17 – You noticed that but not that Neon and Pastel were quietly retired from re-release fatpacks too? Unlike those two – Indecisive just included colors from different packs so if the re-release is only available as a fatpack (which they seem to be), why do you need it? Those colors are all there. The real crime is that two entire palettes from older styles were completely eliminated with no replacement.
39 – Shit or get off the pot.
Let’s be real. Doe textures are crap no matter what pack you get. Why anyone would buy this outdated hair even on sale or free is beyond me. Now that’s the real crime.
2. Probably about Jacob Fear. He spends his time in other roleplay sims on alts. Hide your employees CC because he’s no stranger to poaching.
11. It’s not easy being a criminal in CC. I know that first hand. They don’t like any new criminals. They only like Nymorphia or what ever her name is and the boring piano roleplay she does all the time. New criminals end up leaving from mistreatment. The court is crap too. Bullying biased crap. It will always be crap with Cody in charge. In FH every one wants to be perfect. They never have interesting criminals and the police are a joke and goofballs but at least they know how to have fun and are accepting of new criminals
Hiya! Don’t normally reply to these but Just to be transparent, my alts are Oliver Fear(oliver.orlando) and Camden Lewis(coalsacknebula). One of those is just for product testing mainly, and the other is the one I use to RP with family. You can always find that list in my profile picks on Jacob, because using alts for nefarious purposes or to be anonymous is kinda cringe, like just go there on your main. I most certinetly don’t have time to be trying to poach people, Fox Hollow’s employee and resident’s come through natural means from advertising in groups, etc. If you have any evidence otherwise, please feel free to reach out to me or, as any verifiable proof of poaching attempts usually results in a ban or termination, like we did with former Fire Department Members.
So then explain why you’re in nearly everyone’s discords sneaking around? Everyone knows that Alice doesn’t give a fuck and Taissa ran off due to drama and bullshit that fh is always in the middle of. When I worked in Fhs FD I got nothing but micromanaged and pissed on and that’s why all your depts have stupid turn around rages! You do that survey so that you and your management can sit around and laugh at the people in the community. We all know and we have all heard the stories and seen the screenshots. At least at cc they’re TRYING to be better. You all are the new bullies out here. So fuck you and your paragraph. Get off slsecrest and return to your community snooping
Tai retired from FH to focus on RL things that you don’t need to know about. There is no *sneaking* around, I’m in a few discords because I reached out to managers of other communities for MA and other opportunities, such as recognizing each other’s Permits and etc, and some servers I’m in because I’m not *Just* a Manager at FH. I have friends I hang out with in other communities, I am the co owner of the second largest MA Group in SL, and I run a store that does Roleplay Products and stuff for various people. Kinda sad to assume it even has to do with FH.
Assuming this is one of the few people we unfortunately had to remove from the FD recently, maybe if you weren’t such a dick to everyone in the department and we didn’t get complaints on a regular basis for over a week and a half, we wouldn’t have to babysit you.
It’s the same RP at CC, Chaz the pedo running his sex cult/kid sex ring, Nymorphia and her gf I heard one of them fucks dogs, and that one cop that looks like a toddler did her makeup and the managers on alts.
Try and provide quality crime not just run around as you please and not get caught. Good RP is about balance. Utilize the evidence boxes, startastring of car thefts where they have to chase you down using your fingerprints or video footage. Get creative instead of acting like you are in GTA. I know FiveM could be much more up your alley if that’s the level of rp you want.
Good ideas and so many have tried doing good crime roleplay but CC is not open to any of this and when the case goes to court it’s bias and bullying starts if you aren’t in the clique. People turn away from trying. They only like one criminal but Nymorphia just does boring roleplays and gets chased by cops and never gets caught. She even unrealistically became a doctor even as a big known crime boss. CC is good in other ways. The other sectors are good but the criminal and court sectors are horrendous. The school also lost the best principal a time ago and hasn’t been stable since then but at least I can say that CC has mostly good sectors and they don’t steal money from citizens like the managers in FH have done
as someone who sees the crime that does come through, if this is happening i’m not seeing it. I haven’t seen a new criminal come through actually putting in effort except one ongoing case at the moment. I would love to work more cases and really have some interesting RP but I haven’t seen anything in a while. Really I wholeheartedly encourage people to reach out and try and work out scenes an such, we do want to work with you.
There has been a multitude of crime cases that just get washed. Or “dismissed” because the judge just don’t want to handle it. And many times I have done stuff right in front of the cops there and they pretend they don’t see it even when it’s RPed in local… All this has been mentioned in the surveys so not like they don’t know.
If it seems the cop is afk or ignoring you please reach out to the higher ups. and yeah there was a bunch of cases “dismissed” but that was due to the DOJ having some issues with getting on the ball. change is coming in the DOJ and soon it’s going to have a new Chief Justice.
My kind of town
16. Harry is a great person and a great DJ. That sick post says more about YOU than it does about anyone else.
10- so obviously you made your av have the same medical condition?
Well mate…why?
I mean it’s all good, but if you -don’t- want the questions, explaining, etc?
Sl is a visual medium, but, I think, our avs do not necessarily -have- to look like us, have our medical conditions, have the same mental health diversity, etc.
That being said, should you go your own wide-set-eyed way in SL, you cannot expect everyone to agree with you, and hey ,that’s ok too.
Why would you even question why they made their av with the same condition as their RL self? I mean .. why? Its no different than someone choosing blue eyes because their RL eyes are blue, or brown hair because their RL hair is brown. I mean, the rest of your post is great, yes, but why would you ask that?
#16. Anyone who would slander this man has an agenda. People that really know him know better and this person’s opinion is absolute rubbish.
10. If you don’t care what people like, why do you care what they don’t like? 14. Nah, life is too short to let people use the fact that you care to treat you badly. If you care about someone and cut them off anyway, they certainly earned it. 26. Is this by the same dumb cunt who gets mad that there are events for men, even though anyone can go to them? Women get everything in SL, as far as shopping goes. I can’t imagine anything more pointless and stupid than being mad about resources to help men pick through the comparatively few options they get. Do you not want men to be able to shop and look good? 37. Probably karma for being a shitty, prejudiced person. 40. This is why literacy matters; not just the ability to read, but really comprehend the meaning of words is important. No one “defended the nudity”; they said they didn’t care who saw their naked pixels while they rez. There was nothing to “defend” against in a post that gave advice to wear BOM undies to avoid flashing strangers. The only thing you listed there that actually called for “defense”, and it’s cute how you tried to disguise it (“or lack thereof”), was making underage looking avatars for sexual purposes- and no, that’s still never “okay”, no matter how you try to twist people’s words. 48. I can’t remember the last time a post made me cringe so hard. 51. Sloppy bitches gonna be sloppy. 52. Sorry your shitty laptop can’t render updated stuff very well. 56. HUDs don’t turn things on that you turned off unless you crash after making the change without relogging or detaching and reattaching the HUD. That was not a HUD error. That’s a person on… Read more »
#56 Bang on.
You make zero sense. Criticizing someone for their proportions doesn’t equal making underage looking avatars. It’s funny how the first thing you equate that to is child avatars. Pedophile.
Yawn. Read the post. It says “maturity (or lack there of)”. What do you suppose “lack of maturity” means? I know, comprehension is hard; you read too many words, they all just run together in a blur, huh? It’s ok though. I’m used to people on this site reading at about a 4th grade level.