Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 681.
September 21 is coming – check out Demi Adejuyigbe’s YouTube to see what he comes up with this year!
What Kess? You don’t want African American people to see this? Why not? You don’t think they are capable of making up their own minds? You don’t happen to agree with this man. Do you?
Wtf does this have to do with anything Second Life?? I could give a shit about your vaccination views. This is a gaming platform not your personal soap box. Fuck off.
What are you talking about? I’m not watching a shitty video when I have 3 hours of internet a night since I’m at a restricted access site for work. Y’all lucky I got to comments as I could. I’d rather spend the time talking to my family.
If the video is shit I’ll let the commenters self moderate it.
I have noticed that there are a fair amount of African Americans that engage in this platform and in virtual secrets; I am curious as to what your opinion is on this:
54 its not a new thing she’s copied peoples work to make a “better” version or did it out of spite, or just takes ideas from videogames and claims originality. its a yearly thing lmao
Do not trust evol.morningstar and eddie.morningstar they will con and pretend there at each other hating one another then she will give you puppy eyes and offer be your friend then she will want to date you as she does… she will start asking for L$ and such and then tell you lies how someone close to her died and get you feel sorry.. She will also cam and voice sex you for 5k L$ she then gets mad when she also trys play head games on you and if you do not go with it… Well then she paints you as the bad guy and will lie and still from you leave you over night after she had teh PW to your account and log on taking all L$ and any thing she sees fit.. she claims she is a custom builder and avi shaper that is how she will also get your PW and if you allow it she will rob you blind…
You didn’t just “trust wrong”, you were a dumb ass mark. No one can make you give them Ls, or your password. Your PASSWORD?! Do you think most custom shape makers get people’s passwords? No, you tell them what meshes and skin you use, and they make you a shape. They don’t log into your account and make it on your avi. These are the lessons we learn when we do extremely stupid things.
Evol.morningstar and eddie.morningstar both cause drama they will manipulate you pretending they want nothing do with one another….. As she will then seduce you in to dating and then take you for a fool L$ and real life money as well leave you 2 months later. Also they will send nudes claiming its her without you even asking for them saying she your best friend this that then turn around and go back to him over night not saying a word taking all your L$ from your account and any item you have rezzed out case she has your rez rights.. Do not trust these two there both devils hint the names morningstar.. … Love is Evol spelt backwards let her show you the name should been the biggest hint and as well she will toy with you while laughing over voce… They thinking hurting people for money and personal gain is a joke… Also there escorts easy fucks all you do is offer her L$ and she will doggy eye over it and send voice and cam sex videos..she is very good a painting someone the bad guy and playing victim do not trust the two people or anyone that is part of there crew or friends……
14- Because I don’t care who posts what and who started this fight, I want it to be known, that I’m stepped out of it. Fight with yourselves all you please, but this childish behavior is insane. No one even calls you malphas anymore. Clearly, this attempt at bait is working though. We’re done, and out. Do whatever helps you sleep at night.
You fought this fight long enough suffered hard enough he won’t hurt you anymore girly
People getting crazy over “cheats” in SL. SL is not real, your relationships are not real.
Nah, you’re just a shitty person justifying being a liar and manipulator. Some people mean what they say, regardless of what platform they use to say it.
#16 Cynder the biggest drama whore, wanna be babygirl in SL. Chronic cheater, offers RL within minutes speaking from experience. Everything is the other persons fault, never takes the blame for her own mistakes or faults. i.e. Dusty, Johnny Cage, Glowie, etc.etc. The list goes on and on. She even had narcissist as a pic in her profile and was collared by two of them listed above. That is how dumb this bitch is.
I heard that Cyn sold her daughter in rl and now they need therapy for it, Every time someone finds out what she does or did they stop talking to her. I think it was posted here a few yrs back not sure when.
The person standing up for Kit she isn’t any better. Kit is the biggest hoe on SL desperate and will fuck anything. What do you think she was doing at 808? Fucking guys all the time I’m sure she should have fucked Dee’s man if she could. One time I walked in on her naked while there was a male DJ on stage. Fucked over the Moretti’s really bad and deleted all their stuff. She should be on SL Secrets too.
Say what you want about SL but seriously suggesting she sold her daughter in RL is just bordering on the ridiculous. Really now?
It was other people spreading that stuff about Cyn. It was supposedly posted on SL Secrets before way back and everyone who stops talking to her is because they find that out. Don’t get mad at the person posting this because a lot of people are saying this about her. Go have at it at whoever started the rumor.
I’m not mad. Incredulous would be more the word. Like just…wow.
Regardless of anything, no one but Jades skanky fucking ass want to fuck Murder anyway, the whole post is a stupid fucking JOKE… Jade just looking for more attention and sympathy so she is creating more lies which is her MO and what she does best. Keep it up JADE people already know how pathetic your ass is anyway.
I’ve heard that her friends don’t last because they end up finding out that she sold her rl daughter to some man. I don’t know how true this is but if it’s true it’s messed up that’s why when people end up finding that out they just stop talking to her all together. Supposedly it was posted on secrets a few years back. Now her and her daughter need therapy because of what she did.
I will say she goes around spreading rumors about other people but herself.
Whoever is defending Kit she’s not any better lol she fucks everyone and everything she can. What do you think she was doing at 808? Throwing herself at every and every dick she could. I’m sure she would of fucked Energy if he had given her the time of day. Once I walked in on her completely naked while a male DJ was on stage talk about desperate. She’s just as worse as Cyn.
this was posted already?
Her biggest aim in 2021 was to become a Moretti. Now I notice the two people she crawled all over to achieve this goal are no longer part of her ‘ride or die’ team. So as usual, use and abuse, until you get what you want and then cry victim when people start wising up to who you really are. She is actually the laughing stock of everyone she knows. Tragic really.
Yes, but Dee is known to cover for and keep them in the family until or as long as she can. I mean she kept Madam Mel and JorgieStyles is still around. Madam Mel is a lying psycho piece of work. Jorige is a cheating manipulative douche who thinks he is a Dom, when is just a controlling little boy who can’t DJ well nor Dom his way out of a wet paper bag. To bad his new Whore Angel isn’t smart enough to figure out he is cheating on her since day one and still is. Hint Hint Lyric, and then some.
They’re all the same. Cheaters. Liars. Manipulators. Trollers. It’s ‘a Moretti thing’ apparently. ‘The rest of us wouldn’t understand’ or so the gesture goes. Imagine though. Working soooo hard to be part of that toxic community. Or the fact you have a new man every week and he’s just so perfect only to claim days later he was the biggest asshole she’s ever met. Lol.
No wonder I haven’t seen Kit around. I am sure she ran her off too. Talked shit about people Kit was interested in because Cynder probably fucked them or tried too and they shot her skanky pussy down.
Lol. She literally has to be first in line with every male she meets. And if he’s not interested she’ll trash talk the girl he does want. Her moral compass is literally non existent. She’ll do anything to stay relevant but little does she know all her so-called friends all talk about her behind her back because sooner or later she’s just the butt of everyone’s joke and when they’re completely over her she’ll just move on to the next. But somehow, it always ends up being someone else’s fault
Oh yes, I am sure of it just like when she got busted by the I am not a Dom Dusty Amulet but I am really just a Sugar Daddy in reality Narcissist POS fat fuck who just likes to watch girls on cam it was his fault too. Supposedly she went RL with married Johnny Cage, Mr. I logged my self in said I was my wife and that Johnny killed himself in rl, once upon a time. I am sure that was someone else’s fault too. According to Cynder. She is unreal. My advice to the SL public is when you see Cynder Morningstar (legacy name) Block her immediately. It will save you so much trouble.
Let’s hope the SL public will listen lol
sounds like evol.morningstar cheats and also works as a online hooker in sl lies to her men to also get she wants and when she is busted and called out . Well lets just say she trys to play victim and twist things like she’s innocent pretends to care about others but really she only cares how much money men are welling to spend on her online gaming addiction. her and her small group of friends.feel free find her in world she will love to sex anyone up that is new to her and she can bat her eyes and gain there trust.
upto #5 so far irony to call them illiterate lmao
#32 #34 #42
why are you forcing yourself to sound like a 2 year old?
#32 #34 #42 commenters
Twoggy wants us to know we are lucky we are anonymous in her new video. Or else she will make us lies about us and post it here just like she did the other two girls
Twoggy why are you forcing yourself to sound like a 2 year old?
Twoggy deleted her flickr because she doesn’t want us to hear her strain to sound like a 2 year old. Does this mean the pedophiliac is giving up? Well, good thing we have your curiouscat Twiggy. One question, why did you help Bishop Cloud and the other Hatake family members play out their pedophiliac fantasies on secondlife?
What Ped-o itch forced you to take a picture like this with Bishop Hatake
It’s gone did she delete her account?
I don’t know this chick but damn. That sounded like a Kardashian on crack using a voice morpher. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard people use that specific voice before.
“Liiike, oh my God, like, how fucking dare, liiiiiike…”
She’s pushing forty pretty sure and still trying to sound like a six year old kardashian
What the actual fuck lol. That’s her voice???
No, that’s not her voice, at all. It’s gross fake pedo bait shit to go with all her other pedo bait shit. Also- people who are honestly “laughing” at what’s going on, don’t start out by talking about how “lucky” people are to be anonymous. She is big mad in all her fakeness.
54- Is pretty easy to believe. Not sure how people are shocked or don’t believe that she’s not done this before. She “makes better versions” of things she find on SL all the time. Does it to spite other creators she doesnt like. Claims originality but does this or yoinks ideas right out of a videogame lmao
50 – I don’t know if you created that remark or found it somewhere, but I love it. I’m sorry you had to use it regardless, though.
53 – Welcome to reality. I’ve seen one SL baby get to the other side of the Uncanny Valley in over 14 years. But WTF with that column of dark letters?
#12 It just occurred to me that this post might be an attempt to blackmail someone…
#14 Hit read more for line breaks TLDR: He is a Narcissistic abuser that has damaged a lot of women due to his inability to grow up. Hides behind alts and blames others for his misfortunes. Let us talk about Kiro Ametza aka(This is a long list) Enkari Resident, ShahryarMoonkill Resident, KaylaToren Resident(Female Alt), Leoric Blackwood and from my research may or may not be Larkin Darkheart. Maphas, Malphas Vok’Narok, Malphas Hallow, Thanatos Hallow, Quinn, Harkin, Dominic, and more names he has used to hide behind. It is no surprise this child this insignicunt(His own word) man baby has wound up finally on VS. I apologize for the trouble this lesser human has done to those affected by his manipulations. Three such I am privileged to call friend. This boy is a predator posing as a house cat and has been since he was 12 yrs old on the main grid(using a stolen ID from his brother and a voice matured by puberty) while playing in the Bleach Sims. Long story short he cat-fished a woman much older than he into believing he was in his twenties when he was twelve, and he almost ruined her life with his manipulation and lies. He is a true Narcissist. He finds women that appear strong but are secretly broken or already in a situation that makes them vulnerable. Women desperate for love and affection. He love bombs his exes with “I love you’s” right from the start. When real life begins to impede on his time, he begins his “I miss you’s” and “I need you’s” guilting the current at the time to begin to neglect her real life. His gaslighting is subtle, making her question her choice in friends, look of her avatar, how she RP’s with others, every decision she… Read more »
His best friend is just as guilty of abusing women. He love bombed me, and when I got attached he got bored and went back to the girl who had ghosted him. Had his entire friend group abandon me and ban me from the sim he was working on.
“So long as you show respect OOCly, and are kind? We should get along and have no issues. If my character’s a hardass towards yours, that doesn’t necessarily mean I will be to you, so try to remember that”
Malphas Known Accounts with URLS updated thanks to Mr. Gray:
Sytix11 secondlife:///app/agent/efd9c8aa-2e33-4df6-b686-2da7b906cd28/about
Alaric.wainwright secondlife:///app/agent/78c52f21-7822-4f8a-a2d0-5bb2f425c489/about
ShahryarMoonkill Resident secondlife:///app/agent/244e10f7-de5b-485c-a3b8-e4c00ea231d3/about
KaylaToren Resident secondlife:///app/agent/9df957ed-3da2-447b-b8ea-5b196a1140bd/about
Leoric.Blackwood was one of his, but it got taken back and doesnt show anymore, but belongs to the girl he wrecked last from what i read. So, tread carefully? doesnt pull up to get a URL maybe, its been deleted
One of the last ones, brought him to visit her in real life, and he fucking waited until she was too drunk, and fucking raped her. It’s not the first time either, he told two of her other friends with tears about how he had raped someone else, but that it was a “misunderstanding” I heard all about it when the trip was over, even heard the recordings. So proud she went to the police, Fucks like Kiro have to be stopped. He changed his name to Alaric.wainwright so everyone trying to steer clear still can.
#14 Dearest Readers, The grid is abuzz with the latest gossip. Amidst claims of copying others designs, or tales of love, brings us to the honor of one woman being defended against an ex. I do hope you have stored a bottle of ratafia for this tale, as i have been delightfully bestowed secrets from both sides of the borders in question. Such correspondence may only be shared however, over a glass. Though it seems our Heroine has made her exit from this tale, we have a white knight attempting to defend her by attacking that which she has left behind. Spare a second though, gentle readers, as i sense a darker purpose behind this revelation. Upon hearing how our lady has relinquished all claim on the story and its contents, reveals perhaps a darker nature behind this heroic brave knight. Could he actually be a Villain, Smearing his own name to make it appear as though our good lady has been attempting at sedition. Since it has been made clear by the responses to this revelation, that the Hans in this story has an inability to understand the words used, let alone spell them, i will be sure, good readers to include a dictionary definition for all that i use that may be considered difficult to understand. Sedition- conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. And though our Hero turned Self-proclaimed victim has often shared screenshots that leave out key parts of information that would otherwise make him be seen as anything other than, we look forward dear readers to see what he has to say. Perhaps he will deem her a cheater, a liar, insinuate that she left him for her ex. Perhaps he will insinuate that since a lovely,… Read more »
Is autism now known as an insult? I’m confused. #32 #34 #42 commenters… what’s your answer on this?

Serious question #32, #34, #42 commenters, why does Twiggy Hatake like calling people f-a-g-g-o-t-s? Can someone ask her? https://curiouscat.qa/GoblinTwiggy
32/42- Bishop Cloud I will confirm some of the accusations made and talk about my experience. I will not give a ton of detail for fear he and his family will come for me. 1: He will insist your avatar can be improved with a few modifications. These include being smaller (thinner/shorter) I complied but was still very noticeably and adult. After a little while that wasn’t enough and he would remark about how much smaller I could be still. 2: He is verbally abusive. He will find your pain points and insecurities and prey on them. 3: If you refused or ignored his requests to keep getting smaller or even hint that it makes you uncomfortable to do so he will gaslight you and make you think there’s something wrong with you. 4: The rules start to roll out. Mainly about the way you dress and speak. The way he referred to my body and how he talked about sexual situations. It was almost like he wanted me to be more child like. I now know this to be fact. 5: and finally yes, the images started. First adult woman but in really weird sexually extreme situations. The woman in the images continued getting smaller and smaller and well…. You know what’s next. This is when I tactfully made my exit by logging off and quietly living on an alt since. I will say Bishop is very well versed in manipulation and grooming to the point he almost makes you think all this is your idea and he’s only playing in to your fantasy. As soon as you’re off the koolaid and question any of it or refuse any of it he will bully and intimidate you into silence and sadly it worked on me. I have totally abandoned… Read more »
And when I came out with my experience with that weirdo I was called a hater and jealous. Tsk tsk tsk
I tried to warn people.
what was your experience?
#14 Dearest Readers, The grid is abuzz with the latest gossip. Amidst claims of copying others designs, or tales of love, brings us to the honor of one woman being defended against an ex. I do hope you have stored a bottle of ratafia for this tale, as i have been delightfully bestowed secrets from both sides of the borders in question. Such correspondence may only be shared however, over a glass. Though it seems our Heroine has made her exit from this tale, we have a white knight attempting to defend her by attacking that which she has left behind. Spare a second though, gentle readers, as i sense a darker purpose behind this revelation. Upon hearing how our lady has relinquished all claim on the story and its contents, reveals perhaps a darker nature behind this heroic brave knight. Could he actually be a Villain, Smearing his own name to make it appear as though our good lady has been attempting at sedition. Since it has been made clear by the responses to this revelation, that the Hans in this story has an inability to understand the words used, let alone spell them, i will be sure, good readers to include a dictionary definition for all that i use that may be considered difficult to understand. Sedition- conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. And though our Hero turned Self-proclaimed victim has often shared screenshots that leave out key parts of information that would otherwise make him be seen as anything other than, we look forward dear readers to see what he has to say. Perhaps he will deem her a cheater, a liar, insinuate that she left him for her ex. Perhaps he will insinuate that since a lovely, wonderful girl… Read more »
#14 Dearest Readers, The grid is abuzz with the latest gossip. Amidst claims of copying others designs, or tales of love, brings us to the honor of one woman being defended against an ex. I do hope you have stored a bottle of ratafia for this tale, as i have been delightfully bestowed secrets from both sides of the borders in question. Such correspondence may only be shared however, over a glass. Though it seems our Heroine has made her exit from this tale, we have a white knight attempting to defend her by attacking that which she has left behind. Spare a second though, gentle readers, as i sense a darker purpose behind this revelation. Upon hearing how our lady has relinquished all claim on the story and its contents, reveals perhaps a darker nature behind this heroic brave knight. Could he actually be a Villain, Smearing his own name to make it appear as though our good lady has been attempting at sedition. Since it has been made clear by the responses to this revelation, that the Hans in this story has an inability to understand the words used, let alone spell them, i will be sure, good readers to include a dictionary definition for all that i use that may be considered difficult to understand. Sedition- conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch. And though our Hero turned Self-proclaimed victim has often shared screenshots that leave out key parts of information that would otherwise make him be seen as anything other than, we look forward dear readers to see what he has to say. Perhaps he will deem her a cheater, a liar, insinuate that she left him for her ex. Perhaps he will insinuate that since a lovely,… Read more »
#54 – Not shocked at all, they even copied one of the add-on glow patterns from the “Bahamut’s Treasure” add-on armor from Axis which contains Axis’ logo…
BREAKING NEWS: Aii isn’t that original nor that good that everyone seem to think they are!
Their stuff is mostly just looks, animations in their sutff are complete and utter shit! (their latest mermaid tail? Jeez… Animations are so stiff and jumpy you’d think the tail squeaks when it moves)
Besides, they can’t do their stuff on their own anymore, have to have their Aii clone Mirae [AERTH] in on their stuff, they probably had to teach Mirae everything so they can push out more shit quicker, plus they had to get another friend or hire someone who made the script that makes the feathers in the newest wings flutter…
I also remember way back (years ago) when Aii was trying to come for Axis ’cause they apparently had “copied Aii” and she / they were threatening legal action when it actually turned out that Aii had used the same texture kit(s) as Axis… Oof, not a good look Aii, some people still remember. ;3
#46 for having a body that gets kinda fat, you would also need a head you can make such a round face. How many times are there pictures of those body in thicker and the head doesn’t match the body shape at all.
#48 Not to this extreme, no, but a far less kadashian-jenner-glamour hair variants and some more other styles, like 50’s, 60’s or even more classic updos would be nice.

Still defending Twiggy for being a flaming pED-o? What about a homophobe?
She hasn’t deleted these comments yet.
How sweet, I guess saying someone is autistic is an insult too?
I guess she’s talking about Blair in her last comment? It was her stalking him in here a few weeks ago right? lol
Who the fuck is Blair?
Some dude she was arguing with constantly for a couple of weeks. At least her handle name was Twiggy which is why I asked if it was the same person.
Not the same person
Copy that. Over and out.
Gustavo Marcelo Alonso
But you will readily defend a homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic pedophile because you have a vendetta against Daisy and Anne. Making up lies doesn’t change the proven fact that Twiggy is a horrible person.
Fabricating accusations about someone to excuse a behavior is the same as defending a behavior.
Are you daft?
Do post up. There are way too many screen grabs of Twiggy. So if what you watched is legit. Why aren’t you sharing?
Let me guess, your friend is a lawyer? Everyone on secondlife is a lawyer and works for linden labs.
Well the thing they are being called out for is actually false. Have you never heard of rumors and lies? Neither one of them is into age play. Is that hard for you to understand?
No buddy, daisy and anne’s avatar look nothing like this
Wanna try that again?
#20 Just because you don’t understand the significance of something, doesn’t make it “basic”. It’s a religious thing. So you showing your ignorance is disrespecting Wiccans, Neopagans, and Moon worshipers. Good Luck and Blessed Be, twat.
Might be religious, still in SL it’s used to 80% by basic bitches that are this week all wiccans now. Something else to feel special.
Most of the people that use those symbols are just trying to be trendy, not religious.
Agreed 100%, you took the words right from my mouth.
Same old, same old. Everyone thinking they have the right to tell other people how to live their life and what they can and can’t do…according to them. It’s the SL culture. Top that with the name calling and you have your basic bitch right there…
#37 Wow….recieving 1.5 million Lindens per month (which is around 5.8k to 6k Dollars when payed out) and then complaining about it…? Haha, some people inworld are so fucking entitled and delusional, especially when they’re so spoiled with money.
#6 & #7:
I’m honestly shocked to see they’re still a blogger for Junk Food. Latte is SOOOO sweet and I’m surprised they’d let him near the products anymore. I thought for sure they got kicked before permissions were changed and items couldn’t be given out. Skylar was going around passing out the contents to the vending machines and so many other products to numerous people I knew.
They also named themselves pancake before my friend could upload the money to do so. They like to stay one step ahead of everyone so they can hold it over their head.
#4 So considering that was my comment I should probably be more clear. In my post I was saying “It’s not Tuckers fault that he falls for everything, its a mental health issue that tons of people suffer with, not just men but women too.” He should seek help for it but he has to choose that and no one else can choose it for him. I’m no therapist but I can see when there’s an issue that’s unresolved. I honestly don’t care who he’s banging. That’s on him. Its the fact he was okay with bringing back someone that literally up and split and became fire chief at a new station only to have it taken from her. This person caused heartache and pain for multiple people and it showed when 3 to 4 people quit the FD because of her hire. That alone should speak volumes.
If you aren’t Tucker’s therapist, you have no idea whether or not he really has a mental disorder. And regardless, he has to deal with the results of his actions like anyone else. Even if (at least in the US) you are judged not guilty by reason of a mental condition, you serve time in a psychiatric hospital-style jail instead of a more conventional one.
#42 they both should be banned. Tw!!ggy for age play and b ! Shop for creating p-o-r-n featuring under aged minors. Twiggy won’t say how old she is, check her curiouscat, she says 18+. She never shared with anyone in the group how old she was and maybe that is why B ! SHop honed in on her, listen to her video explaining why she was banned, she also sounds very underaged. LL could have found out more than we know. But that picture that #34 daisy and Ann posted shows you why twiggy was banned for. Doesn’t seem fair that b ! Shop wasn’t banned too since he takes he created the picture but, he is good at escaping, the girls that want to leave his group are saying that’s why. He hides the l-o-l-li manga and posts it where linden labs has no jurisdiction, message some of the girls in his profile and ask them, they are scared but if they trust you they will tell you too.
Super original name buddy. Couldn’t come up with anything more creative for yourself?
Are you the only little avatar on secondlife? Jesus Christ.
Nope but way to confuse readers. You know exactly what you’re doing and that’s cool. Just funny how you only came along after I called Twigs out for fat shamming LOL
You didn’t even do your research before commenting. And that’s why you discovered on your own that Twiggy fat shames all the time. Is it that worse than being a p-e-d-0?
Of course it isn’t I haven’t seen any solid proof of her doing ped-o stuff. No one had brought the receipts.
you never saw any peD – o stuff? Isn’t this Bishop and Twiggy?

sweet holy fuq…. OMG…
Uuuuuugh vomit. Look how tiny her arms and hands are compared to his. It’s so fucking repulsive. Literally everything about that girl’s avi is supposed to present her as barely pubescent. I feel like it just automatically goes without saying that the men who are into this are garbage, but I still think the mindset behind the girl who does it is even more disturbing. Seriously if you think it’s OK to play out child rape in any way, on any platform, using any medium- get some fucking help, before you’re responsible for real atrocities. Do the world a favor and have yourself committed. You have nothing worthwhile to offer society.
Don’t forget their alts, eben dinglegagger (evanmercer), and that pedo bait chelsea dinglegagger (banilla vanilla). Both social climbers that will only friend you if you have a flickr account with 1k viewers. Both break neck shallow and their pics are average at best (that is being generous btw). Thank you for calling these painfully unoriginal scum bags out.
Pretty sure there is so much misinformation in these comments and with many of the secrets post but, who cares right? Whoever screams the loudest wins. Am I right?
LMAO! Scream all you want. Us little people need to stick together.
Little people? I know what dwarfism on an adult person looks like. And that photo is not a little person. That looks like an adolescent in the photo, Gross.
#48 – as a girl/female/woman/whatever – no, no we don’t.
Who’s going to get banned next the incel army of Sl-secrets?
#34 Anne’s avatar looks like a fucking monkey. Why is her mouth so far down her face. Bitch look like she sucked pixel dick for too long and lost control of her mouth.
I mean don’t get me wrong her lips are way way to down on her face I’ll totally agree to that it just looks off and weird but well there is never ever going to be anything wrong with bringing attention to people in SL that we should avoid like the plague, which is basically all what Daisy and Anne were doing.
Is it because she doesn’t look like a CHILD that’s why you don’t find Anne attractive? is it because she is not as tiny as twiggy?
These two love to put themselves in the center of drama. Clearly it’s not about CP (it’s an avatar ffs). They just want some drama even after Twiggy was banned.
Twiggy was banned for age play, and the child p-o-r-n Bishop posted of them on his Flickr. Even that was removed, it was only on Flickr for 3 days.
You have such a issue with Daisy and Anne all I can think is you must be friends with pedo dicks Bishop and Twiggy or perhaps even one of them to be crying as much as you are
Says Ecstasy injecting herself into drama. Y’all still bitching even after Twiggy was banned. Your husband must be ignoring you again.
Well while Bishop is still around polluting the grid I’ll continue to participate in this so called drama, I’ll continue to call him and her out. Make sure nobody forgets just how disgusting these two S.O.B’s are. While you continue to get bent out of shape over a couple of avatars that haven’t done anything wrong other than look cute and participate in the DD/LG dynamic.
Good one btw with the husband dig but don’t have a husband, keep trying though maybe one day you’ll succeed.
No wonder you don’t have a husband. A funky twat as insufferable as you wouldn’t. That’s why you sit all day on your saggy ass bitching on the internet about pixels.
I’m sorry I just can’t you have me in stiches you have really lost it resorting to these silly insults. I’m sorry but I just can’t take you serious anymore, are you really that desperate for attention you turn to what calling me a saggy ass twat. That’s the best you could seriously come up with, that’s not even that good of a insult, keep trying. Keep me entertained, please!
Bishop attacks and silences anyone who speaks out against that disgusting picture and his s-e-x-u-a-l preference for kid avatars.
You seem upset. Twiggy called herself a Goblin, I am sure he wouldn’t mind Anne’s avatar if she ever gave him a chance too.
Twiggy and Dumb are the same person
Bruhhh we’re all Twiggy and Bishop
Can you answer why Twiggy is calling people “f-a-g-g-o-ts”?
Twiggy is the only one who flounders for insults about people’s body or relationships when she knows she’s been caught in her lies
Some screenshots of her calling people who ask her questions “f-a-g-g-o-ts” are still waiting in review. If this websites moderator doesn’t delete, you will see. Twiggy is a terrible human being. She likes to hide evidence of her being a piece of sH*t. Do not feel sorry for this person, they got what they deserved. Trust me. She is a vile human being. Both of them are disgusting.
Oh I remember when she was threatening to buy a plane ticket to beat someone up because they didn’t want to be friends with her anymore after how she was treating them, ALA is the one doubting
I actually remember that. There is a reason why this last p-e-d-o picture with bishop was the last straw. Twiggy is a horrible person. I have so many friends she has bullied. They all reported her but I think this one was the last straw. She won’t reveal her age too. And everyone says she could be underaged. And if that is true then That’s why bishop deleted her from his profile so quickly after his picture got that much attention and she got banned. He doesn’t want that secret that he was fucking an underaged girl to catch up to him. Twiggy claims she doesn’t know why linden labs banned her and her alt. Lol she is lying. She knows.
I doubt she’s? underage. She’s been posting shit since 2011 but says she’s been in SL since 2008. Unless she started at age 5, she’s well over 18. First she’s trans and everyone hates her and then she’s black so everyone hates her. Now she’s a child av doing disgusting things and everyone hates her. Seems she has a victim complex to me.
She has a thread on a well known troll website that shows how long she’s been pulling this kinda crap for, glad I found it I had no idea how deep the rabbit hole went until I read her thread. She’s genuinely a monster.
Anyone clicking on this link should make sure they are not logged in to the forums when they do it. Otherwise, your account will show up in that left hand margin along with everyone else that’s been looking at this, giving that nasty cunt targets.
With how much money people spend in the game LL has to be careful how they ban people, or else they would get sued pretty fast and pretty often
People can sue them, but they would lose. Their TOS clearly states your account can be banned at their discretion, and everyone accepts that TOS when they make their account. It’s not their problem that no one reads it.
This bitch is still bitching about this shit even after everything that took place days later. She just like to center herself in the middle of all drama just like Anne.
Mewsery isn’t mad about the photo. Matter of fact, her, Anne, Ecstasy and all of these cunts engage in ddlg. They’re mad cause they got dumped.
Man what is it with people that think because may have gotten dumped that obviously has to be the reason we are calling out people who participate in ageplay. Not that it’s any of your business but I have not been dumped in either SL or RL lol. Stop with the lame ass insults, do better!
#32, #34 #42
Bishop and twiggy were called out for creating L-o-l-l-i pictures on flickr. That’s why these are here. For those who don’t know what’s going on. Bishop and twiggy always attack anyone who exposes them. This is not a secret.

Flipping yikes…. like wow… TY for sharing.
Tiffy and Twiggy aren’t the same people you retard.
Does it really matter? Twiggy was part of the same group hanging out with them all, if you think they didn’t engage in it when it was actively happening right in front of them? Bishop showcases his fetish not just in SL but his discord too, twiggy saw it and was there for all of it.
Yeah Tiffany is the one that is 33years, right? And twiggy is the one that won’t say her age because she could be underaged. We know.
There are a hand full of women on SL (who I won’t bother naming) who don’t say their age (or their real age) *because* they’re age players and stating that they’re 30 breaks their immersion in being a child.
They’ll lie about being 20 for years on end before admitting their real age.
I also think it’s an accountability issue. If they roleplay as a child, keep their age a secret, they think they can act however they please without being held accountable.
I saw some gross childish looking bitch just a few days ago whose profile said “I am an adult!” but also “Don’t ask me my age, I don’t use number words”.
Sorry bitch, but not saying the “number words” is not the magical workaround to getting away with pedophile shit.
I saw that comment on Facebook, absolutely disgusting people those two are.
#34 B!sh0p C!0ud posted about this comment section in the discord server and is making his girls come here and confirm that the post he made is true. They are all in the comments
This doesn’t surprise me at all.
as a custom mesh creator for several stores i can say i am happy to see my work in this weekly XD
number 1. when you go to the same mesh developer and he gives you the same shit he made 2 days ago
#32 Looks like Annelytical is upset still at someone she has NO PROOF over… LOL… Reading the comments, no one even cares, Anne, No one has commented negatively on it, cause we’ve all moved on, but you’re keeping it alive for some reason… Go take a look at your house, with all the childrens play toys you dumb bitch!
No-one commented negatively on what?

Bishop Hatake and Twiggy Hatake’s CP picture he shared on flickr for all to witness his pedophiliac interests?
#14- trash dragon player. Everyone on the fantasy side of the grid knows that name, but he plays on a new account, right?
#12- who???
I know this is cringe but for those of us having been affected by this person, this speaks truth.
Diamante “Serves you right”
He’d have to make a new account,but honestly like a new account stop people from finding out who he is. He can’t not be an asshole who demands to be worshipped. He honestly should just leave sl and never come back.
Thank you for the time, effort, and clear careful articulation of your comment. Unfortunately my bullshit meter is broken at this current time. Please try again later when you grow the fuck up xoxo
kiro you can try damage control all you want, but WE ALL KNOW THE PIECE OF SHIT YOU ARE!
My name isnt Kiro but thank you for associating me with such a marvelous creature. Ill make sure to bask in your glory for honoring me with suck a mistake. xoxo
xD I love when people who try to defend themselves try and claim they are not the person, its so sad and pathetic. 😂 😂 😂
Believe what you want bitch but i dont have a dick. The only pathetic people are you. Now im going to fuck off this useless website and like… live my life. Because i have one. Your closed mindedness is a waste of my time and youre not worth it. Keep in mind honey. At least when we die we will be mourned. No one will remember you at all. Because youre irrelevant, and worthless.
naw you won’t kiro you have to have the last word and its sooo funny to watch you pretend you are not who you say you are. Seeing how made you get is just great and I love how you say I am not worth it but MUST respond to every post I make. Like kiro you are just sad to watch.
I’ll remember them. Far longer than I’ll remember you jez. Enjoy those second hand balls in your mouth.
I must agree with SomeBitch, they do not have the eloquence in speech to be Kiro, but they are likely his new victim of the week to his manipulation and deceit. The sudden defense of his character screams that they are already replacing the ex he has damaged.
“Please grow the fuck up while I bitch and moan and send people after the poor girls I manipulate and abuse the fuck out of but boohoo cry for me because everyone seems to make me the bad guy and I can’t figure out why because women are whores and liars and cheats”
I hope the last girl you did it to finds me.
Cry if you see this let’s meet up I’m sure we have endless stories
Kiro.Ametza & Leoric.Blackwood
Watch out
Any update on names? These don’t exist.
Alaric Wainwright: secondlife:///app/agent/78c52f21-7822-4f8a-a2d0-5bb2f425c489/about
Sytix11: secondlife:///app/agent/efd9c8aa-2e33-4df6-b686-2da7b906cd28/about
he paid to change it. It’s alaric.wainwright now, but heres his id key if he pays to change it again. Can’t change an key : 78c52f21-7822-4f8a-a2d0-5bb2f425c489
14/ Was that before or after his accounts were purchased by the friend you think you’re protecting? Get the fuck out of my sight the lot of you you disgusting little cunts. Those accounts no longer belong to that person so what ever bullshit you think you’re spreading; you just outed your own people. If you want screenshot proof, it’ll be here next week.
It was after. They only don’t belong to him because the poor girl he attempted to destroy contacted LL and found out he had left her billing info on them. I’m sure we’re all waiting with torrid excitement to see the screenshots from these poor broken girls. You know what’s really crazy? Out of all of this, you and kiro are the only ones even mentioned. That has to be a coincidence right? Mr. gray said he likes to post rumors himself, I bet money you don’t have you posted this rumor yourselves and are trying to ruin her because she’s not a little money doll for you all anymore.
That’s true right? You both got her to buy you new computers? I mean damn. You have to be fucked up to get shit like that out of someone and then still pretend they’re horrid enough to want to ruin your lives. And that’s without him stuffing a micro dick down her throat while she was too wasted to remember her own name. I’m proud of her for taking that to the police. I look forward to standing by her side as I’m sure do many others.
Poor A bomb. Head so far up C bombs ass, maybe you should do a little for him, you know lick it the right way, that way he can stop wrecking these girls.
#11 – Is it an issue to use that combo? Like, Jesus Christ. You do not need to jump on every new head/body release.
#12 – “Ya’ll are too pussy to call her out but I’m not” yet proceeds to block name and profile picture. Nice one.
#17 – This shit again. They are probably modelled after the same design. There is only a certain amount of designs you can do for a bra and panties.
#18 – Cringe
#29 – Lmao. Imagine needing someone to put you in a pick. Picks are meant to be used to showcase locations you like, not the latest fuck you are having.
Picks are FREQUENTLY used to highlight dear friends and loved ones of various kinds, don’t be disingenuous. The design of the feature has long since been superceded by the way the feature is actually used. It’s not unreasonable to want the person who’s supposedly the most important to you to showcase you in their picks the way they might showcase other people.
Agreed, I don’t know why everyone gets so Butt hurt over stupid things
29 sounds pathetic. Stop using SL as a dating platform. Go get yourself a tinder dumbass
#31 There are people who make lipsticks and glosses of those color pallets. You just have to look around. Finding the right cosmetics in SL takes a while of trying on and hopping from this place to that.
Off the top of my head, I know Tone 2 offers a lot of autumnal colors in their BOM make-ups. They tend to be matte, but maybe now with EvoX she’ll offer shinier options.
#4. Famous last words: “He has changed and he is loyal…” Oooooookay! 😂
#33. That man has an ego more expansive than the entire universe. SL could shut down forever, and he would still be trying to keep his old, sad clubs alive somewhere. It’s all he has.
#46. Obesity is a sign not only of physical health problems, but mental and emotional ones as well.
re: obesity comment – Projection never makes it so. And I’d love to see you tell that to someone who uses prednisone.
Or diabetic where the insulin they take packs pounds (or kilos) on like crazy.
47. Fox Hollow should be worrying more about their managers stealing money from citizens than making graphics about CC. Use this time to monitor your town employees and finances. CC doesn’t care about your sims.
CC hasn’t had a expansion in a little while now have they, and Fox Hollow is growing, I don’t think that FH is the ones that need to worry about anything.
33 Silly Phil, shouldn’t have banned everyone that was fun at his clubs, or been so strict to staff
4. Tucker, sit down and stop pretending to be someone else to cover your ass. kthnx. 6. Ok… and you’re not a try hard. I know who you are because you told the wrong people about you putting this on vs. XD how stupid are you? Attention whore much? 12. “im not afraid”, but you dont even put their name on here. XD ok chicken shit. 18. Newsflash, no matter how “lame” they are, you just proved to be the more pathetic one by stating ” you wonder why I got a blogger award and you didnt”. You are seriously delusional if you think being an SL blogger or any “profession” in sl is something to be proud of. Get a fucking job and stop pretending like your old ass is something special. 20. Not everyone that has that is a “basic bitch”. Has it ever occured to you that many of the people that put that in their profile are actually a rl wiccan,rl pagan, or practice rl witchcraft ? 28. no. If your voice is shit no one is going to want to come listen to you, it doesnt matter how polite you are . 29. Theres a solution to this – STOP USING SECONDLIFE AS A DATING PLATFORM TO TRY TO BE WITH PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE. dumbass. 30. no one cares… sl wrestling is a stupid concept. stop already. Not to mention you have so many toxic ass people in it like Violet Tophat. 34. ugh not these two again. Theyve both been caught in several ageplay situations and then try to say that they were just trying to get people caught doing it. too bad sl wont ip ban them. 35. rie is a textbook case of an insecure delusionalist. She has to post stupid… Read more »
You seem to know EVERY single person listed in these secrets. Insane. You’re totally bitter.
If you were caught up you would know it did not involve reversion it involved pretending to be under 18 while an over 18 does sexual things to said child. Has nothing to do with little space.
It’s funny how people like Daisy and Anne are very vocal about ageplay when they do it themselves. Claiming DD/LG is “their” community like they own it. It’s honestly funny as shit. These bitches sound mad af like they got dumped or something.
This bitch mewsery got a whole baby voice in her youtube videos but she calling out people for ageplay. bitch lmaoooo
But Bish0p Cl0ud is having sex with kid aviis. That’s not the same thing as Dd/lg.
I have nothing against Mewsery, but I decided to look up their videos based on the ‘voice’ allegation and me oh my. Have you guys seen how they sound completely different in 2019 then plays up their voice as UWU high pitched in their recent?
What is so attractive about sounding like that..?
Literally nothing, unless you’re a pedophile- imagine how fucking sad and desperate for attention any girl would have to be to put that on.
Then again, I know a few girls in Real life who sound like that. I’d advise them not to come to secondlife. The only acceptable sound pitch on secondlife is the deep-smoker’s-cough-bloody-Mary feminine voice. Wouldn’t you agree?
Well, it’s very obvious that Mewsery never sounded like that to begin with. I think you can tell who is genuine and who is playing it up.
No dipshit, just like no one said the only acceptable body is gross kupra. The comment was about people faking childish voices to go along with their fake childish appearances (because they are desperate for any attention they can get), and has nothing to do with anyone’s natural voice, just like their choice to make a childish avatar has nothing to do with anyone’s rl appearance.
Your straw men just make you look even weaker, and frankly you don’t have much lower to go. You came here acknowledging you attract pedophiles but thinking that’s alright because you say you reject them, then jump on the bandwagon condemning people who do the same shit you’re tacitly encouraging with your avatar. You’re a total hypocrite and you haven’t made a single comment yet with anything valid in it unless you were criticizing people who do the same shit you’re doing. But hey- at least your dim-witted lack of self awareness has been somewhat funny.
Yeah Twiggy sounds the same in her proof of being banned video on Flickr. Have you been to snacks before? They all sound like that. It’s weird.
Re your comment about #34: Most people have dynamic IP addresses. Static IP addresses usually are an added-on cost. To ban an IP would mean anyone else using that internet provider would be banned along with the perpetrator. SL isn’t going to do that.
#51. They include THREE different types of sclera options. One is damn near bright white.
Twiggy I see you watching. You cleaned up your fat shaming pretty fast. Screenshots are forever lovey LMAO!
She was posting in her Flickr comments too about elephant asses and fat fatties. It’s funny how she quickly hid that post today. Got the screenshot of that too
Why are you acting like you’re the paradigm of virtue when you were getting ready to throw ’15k L’ at her in support of her vomit-inducing p3d0 avatar and Flickr? Because you don’t like your obesity being called out on but you’re a-ok with the sexualisation of children/childhood? What a p.o.s you are.
Lmao!! My dude I’m 4’9 and 120 pounds soaking wet with rocks in my pockets. I wish I had some curves. So we gotta be fat to be mad at a fat shamer?! You’re just as bad as her. I was willing to help her because I was able to see the double standards in the comments. The very people attacking her wearing binkies and looking the same as she does. That showed me it was personal and nothing else can be believed without proof. I then came to the conclusion based on her Twitter that she’s a trash person who sees fat as a bad thing and likes to body/fat shame. As for the 15K that’s nothing. That’s the basics like a head and body and skin. Maybe an outfit or 3. But she won’t be getting it from me.
So much for being nice even to strangers right?
Lol yeah so much for giving handouts to strangers. I guess everyone thought Twiggy was so innocent because she has an innocence kink.
I haven’t seen that. Where does she point out her innocence kink and does it differ from Daisys?
Daisy doesn’t have an innocence kink. There is nothing on her facebook or flickr that says anything about innocence kink. Did you make #34? It sounds like you have a vendetta against Daisy. She said her kink is pet play and she has pictures with her ex where she is a cat. Nothing there says innocence kink. You people are insane.
“It’s over I’m banned I’m never coming back but I am going to stalk and harass anyone who talks about the situation/Bishop”