Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 680.
#4 Lol, it’s the same ghost town it’s been for a few months now, comprised of a handful of the “regulars” who work there and their many alts. Any new person still leaves quickly.
#48 Agreed. New people not in the clique are made to feel as welcome as a cold. Last minute, unannounced event time changes are for the same reason to keep those not in the clique, out of attendance. And then they want to offer deals to bring new people in? After running off those few they had who actually supported them? Management couldn’t care less about anything at all, requests are completely ignored. Do they think that those in the RP circle are unaware of these things? They think they’re CC, but they’re not established as such. Yeah CC can have the silent renters who are not welcome to play but not Woodland. If people can’t feel involved, they leave, duh. Good luck WL, too little, too late.
#26. as a custom creator for several stores you have no idea how many of these brand items I make a week for random stores that hire me. a lot of the so-called big brands on this game owners are just hiring others to make most of the stuff from the texture to the rigging. I once logged in on this person’s account to make their ad and put the item on their marketplace as well because they could afford it! But yeah there are plenty of this IRL world designs in-game that a lot of people don’t know about last week I did 5 of them
#31 – I didn’t know Martinie was still around. Seems nothing has changed with him, though. He was doing this same thing way back 2009 and 2010. I used to work for him back then. He is a sad alcoholic. He always says he’s going to give away money. As the night goes on, he adds more and more to it the drunker he gets, then he gets so drunk, he pisses everyone off and doesn’t give away anything, then just logs off.
23. TA duck tales is a complete tool, I used to work for him at Club RemixXX when that was a thing, this was a club that could of done well except twice it was torn down while he had a pissy fit, Dude has the mentality of a 3 year old, and his mixes aren’t even legit, they are YouTube downloaded mixes, he even bragged about that at a staff meeting, he is a fake, a hack and overall turd of a human being
1 . This drives me up a motherfucking WALL when people defend this so here’s the tea girlies. Babygirls are adults with mature bodies and faces with an innocence kink who like stuffies, Daddies, dressing up like schoolgirls and generally “childish” things, yet are still visibly and discernably adults.
CHILDREN, are persons with childlike facial and body features, short stature, short legs/arms to torso ratio, sometimes small or no breast development (not the same as flat chest), button noses, rounded immature facial shapes, etc that in a combination of the above perpetuate the idea that the player is roleplaying as a child, not an “innocent adult”.
Girl, you couldn’t even bother to make yourself look on the cusp of 18. You literally look like everyone’s 8 year olds coming out of dance class. You wanna do that? Fine. Keep kink out of it. You wanna be nurtured? Okay, do away with the sexuality then. You go to a kink convention inrl and see ABD kink and its literal fucking adults, not little girls running around at that shit.
You want to know the problem with your choice? It’s not even your sexualization of yourself. Its that you lie to yourself that you’re not fucking pedophiles. Pedophiles aren’t people attracted to babygirls, or innocent adults. Pedophiles are attracted to…. oh yeah, children.
So even though you are an adult behind the screen, remember. You’re fucking pedophiles. That’s why they like your little tween avi. Because NEWS FLASH. Healthy people that don’t have a pedophilia mental illness….. aren’t attracted to you. Because… oh right… healthy people aren’t sexually attracted to children. If you don’t understand how someone can not be sexually attracted toward your tweenster, then you need therapy yourself.
Sincerely, A babygirl who is fucking tired of AgePlayers ruining our shit
Agreed and that “paci” shit is just so obviously sexual in a sick way. IRL btw, an infant only needs that for the first 4-5 months for an actual purpose, after that, it’s not needed. In SL, it’s just so so twistedly wrong and stomach turning. I don’t usually shame but these people seriously need help. I think I’ll start blocking them all and their “daddy’s” on sight.
Then blame the people who also sell this shit. Blame the skin creators. Blame the clothing creators for making shit that says “babygirl” on it. Blame everyone.
Worse yet, anybody that works with sexual offenders knows fantasy is part of a cycle that leads to the actual abuse of a child. So those here dressing like children with children’s faces are actually fueling the fire to rl abuse.
Genuine question: What is there to gain off of infantilizing yourself with this “innocence kink”, when that kink is, well, a kink, and you are your partner are both getting sexual gratification out this process of intentional infantilization? What does that also say about your partner being sexually attracted to you when are you are obviously acting in a childlike manner for the purposes of fulfilling this “babygirl” role? What is sexually attractive about being a “dom” or “daddy” to someone who is very clearly and intentionally embodying the role of a child? Sure, you may actually look like an adult, but you are still intentionally embodying the qualities of a child. I am not trying to make negative assumptions of your character, but I think this is what the issue boils down to.
shut up ageplayer there are lots of you in the hubs doing this ageplay shit
So much agree to this. Not in the lifestyle, but I do call my man Daddy…as he makes me feel safe. Fuck off with the child faces already!!
Agreed so darn agreed!!!!!!
#57 WOW Calvexx And Antjuh …. i knew you two had some fucked up realationship but that yall make it on Drops the Mic ..claps hands yall still break up to have sex with others and get back together? and act like yall the best relationship ? well all to it the club sucks too btw Dblock did the best to boot you dumb asses
11 Truth.
15 This gave me a fucking aneurysm.
16 You don’t know how clothing layers work and it shows.
17 No one worth a grain of salt actually cares. Get better friends.
19 Logs.
26 This is a god damned work of art and apparently you’re selling the shitty version and are just upset you can’t mesh like this.
30 Someone upset they can’t get laid? Get the dick girl, good for you.
39 Facts though.
41 Lazy repeat. Again, no one cares, if you’re ill do you boo. Ain’t no one harassing you just because you feel guilty about a generic statement. It’s a public experience, it ain’t customized for you.
46 Grow some pride and tell people no.
50 Likes cheese? the fuck? lol I guess we all going to damn hell
51 Props for originality, but also just fucked up that that’s the comparison you got? Sorry you got 2 fucking 50 stole from you Karen.
55 go back to your knitting club boo. You probably use a changing room for your pixels cause your husband gets too jealous looking over your shoulder at the screen too right?
57 I AM ICE hahahha. Video please.
58 That’s a confusing level of someone inserting themselves into something that LITERALLY doesn’t fucking matter.
59 Clearly you don’t roleplay or do photography my friend.
61 Honestly this is a PAINFULLY generic piercing. Grow up.
#32 That’s the laziest roast ever. People got way too much fucking time on their hands
Fucking hell people, proofread before posting please! I can’t read over half of these either because the fonts too small or because the colors blend into each other.
37) Fucking thank you!
39) …Why?
41) lol there is no “spell”. We’re in the middle of a fucking global pandemic. Logging into SL doesn’t mean that RL just up and vanishes. The same problems you faced prior to logging in will be there waiting for you when you log off. Hence why it’s called a VIRTUAL world. That’s the harsh reality of life itself. And although a club setting is the last place that I want to hear about a vaccination, what’s wrong with just muting the stream until they’re done talking?
50) Didn’t know we had the ability to smell through SL…???
51)…okay, but you didn’t tell us who she is.
54) Why? It’s not that hard to just unbox or unpack the item.
59) I dunno, Halloween maybe?
#2 What?!?!? #5 You ever think it’s the same creator? Back before the auto industry scaled down in 2008 Ford and Mercury sold the same vehicles just rebadged. All the others did the same as well. #16 It’s out there but not as available as mesh. Some creators will mix BoM clothing (mostly stockings) with mesh outfits. Big Beautiful Doll has an amazing BoM lingerie set “Silk Orchard” series. Angel Shop and Hilly Haalin are also great! #17 As someone who has volunteered in vaccination clinics, yes, there are medical reasons not to get vaccinated. But for everyone else you should. Remember by not getting a shot you risk the chance of carrying covid to someone and might very well take their life. You do not have the freedom to deprive someone of life. Do you stop at red lights? Probably… and why do you stop? To prevent accidents at intersections that may injure or kill someone. What about your freedoms? Just go through the red light! Do you pay your taxes? Probably, but what about your freedoms? Do you listen to your commanding officer if you are in the military? You better! But again, what about your freedoms? Freedom isn’t free. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices. #35 The free market decides what bodies and heads get supported. It takes time to modify a design for different bodies and heads. If a creator feels that their time investment is not worth the return they won’t create for it. The other body and head creators should make a better product. That’s how capitalism works. #37 Treat everything you see in virtual secrets as if you were reading the Weekly World News, National Enquirer or The Onion. #54 That pisses me off too! #56 I used to love the old Poo-Pourri… Read more »
#17 and #41 are the same. I thought I made a boo boo
1- you say your 18+ but you look like a sexualized ugly little aneamic? child
6-7- Didnt he choo choo choose you dear
8- Doux and Rama doing these hairstyles over and over, where do you shop ?
20- Spot on, do they want to make it easy for you to find their shop, do better please
21- True this
41Agreed, they are sl djs, ( um sl djs) not some wise person to hand out advice, in fact I refuse to host for one that does this and I will not go to any DJ sets if the y tell me to get my shot , f off and get your own ps I have got my shot but its not up to some dj to keep telling me or anyone to do it
shut up and press your buttons and spin some music
54- yes its packaging central lol
55- agreed, but remember sl alot of people are pervs and do stuff they wouldnt ever have the courage to do it rl so sex sells real well in here
59- this is disgusting, why anyone would want to look like this is beyond me, you are insulting to all abused women actually
#59: Seriously does everybody bashing this just have no sense of storytelling? Maybe you don’t RP, but others do. Maybe you do RP, but personally I can’t imagine being so flat minded. My main OC is an absolute menace of a 21 year old that uses a LeLX head. They pick fights, get in scrapes, and get their shit handed to them when they try to pick on the wrong asshole. And I think it’s cool to have a variety of make-ups to show the fallout of that. It has nothing to do with how *i* wan’t to look. My character isn’t even a woman, but it wouldn’t make a difference if he were. I like the ability to put makeup and imagery to what happened and I like when my asshole characters get what’s coming to them.
Sorry your RP is boring I guess. Signed, an abuse victim that likes to write complex narratives.
Thank you for this! As a roleplayer myself I see SL more as an interactive movie where you get to play director, producer, actor, stylist, and photo/videographer all at the same time. Those scars and bruises are just special FX to give life to the character and story, just like how makeup artists would put prosthetics and fake blood on the actors. Not everyone in SL is here to have a virtual 1st Life, it does not always have to be related to RL! Our avs do not always have anything to do with who we are or what we want to be or look like!
Exactly, I have an 11 year old alt that plays on a urban/post-apocalyptic big kids only sim. She is a rough housing, fighting street kid/mutant vampire. She fights, she’s bloody, a real mess! She needs these bruises, scrapes and bloody tatt layers! It’s RP people! Get over it! It’s not all about abuse!
47. Things never change, Winter has always been a bitter jealous bitch and a bit off her rocker. She use to hang out at hard alley. She dated this one guy and when he wasn’t around as much as she would of liked she went nuts to the point of blowing up his phone. When he ended things with her she went psychotic on him and his friends. She also dated another guy from hard alley named Ryann and verbally and mentally abused him for years and then turned all his close friends on him when they ended things. She also has held a grudge againist Jade from hard alley/ Elysian for years. Would go to her sets and talk shit about her tip everyone but her and laugh about it. Even stalk her flickr page and rant that Jade was just trying to be like her and was coping her. Even would talk shit about her and her relationship with lazy of elysian. But once she needed more clout she pretended to make up with jade. But still talks shit about her. She even talks shit about Hard and Spirit and how they fucked over her bestie Nai. Who she also will sit there and talk shit about . Seems like a pattern.This is just her and she will still after being exposed will act like the victim and say she is going to leave sl just to get the attention she is always seeking.
Winter is a dogs chew toy.
#1 Literally, who cares and for those of you who do, how is this lowering your quality of SL?
y’all pressed over pixels.
Way to approve of someone doing sexual stuff with a avatar that looks like a prepubesant child you sick sick fuck.
For those who down voted this I can’t hear you.. I said HOW DOES THIS LOWER YOUR QUALITY OF SL? If you gonna hit the down vote then step up and be heard bitch. why you pressed? Truly, really why do you care?
This is extra funny because it’s pretty much the humanized version of little dog syndrome 😂 But seriously. If you think encouraging pedopheliacs that their sexuality is ‘okay’ or ‘normal’ or ‘natural’ as long as they’re not fucking actual children. I got news for you dear, methheads don’t start on Crystal, and serial murderers don’t start on humans. Don’t be angry at us because you’re contributing to a mental disease.
Kim’s rude af. Quit supporting her ages ago.
18 ) Imp as in Fapsy? LOL she’d talk about me to my own friends (men BTW because Fapsy is a ho)… as though they wouldn’t tell me.
24 ) That’s some fat IRL ho shit.
42 ) Colie doesn’t know how to shut up. She’s another fat IRL ho who pops an attitude at women she’s insecure about (guys talk, Colie, stop being so sexually forceful.)
Oh so you’re a fat, insecure whore who is jealous of the attention received by everyone on this list… doesn’t really narrow it down on Secondlife but thanks for projecting 😉
You HUB people need to get the fuck off VS. You aren’t relevant and you never will be. Please tell Armpit to stop sending his loser friends to post secrets about him. This is some serious try hard behaviour. Literally, no one wants to hear about your pathetic hub drama. P.s. You all are really sick for taking advantage of Rose who is intellectually not all there. You should be ashamed. SHAME! SHAME! SHAME!
Thanks for telling the truth. Rose is always not there and 80 percent she is always afk or hanging out other places. Plus she has a home in SL that she love to enjoy. I do not know why you guys are so bullying the Rose when she always away from the keyboard. Rose is sometime busy and cannot know what you guys are doing.
Rose, Jen is not your friend. The people at the hubs are not your friend. They have had a visible negative impact on you that has increased over time. Please get out of the hubs. Please go to a place with similar hobbies and backgrounds and find real friends and not trolls. I think the friendships you desire cannot be found at these hubs. I know you’re a premium member. Maybe go to some of the premium areas.
@Justin: RottenIcedCoffeve said that Rose (you) weren’t INTELLECTUALLY all there. Not that you weren’t there physically.
Basically Rotten is calling you dumb.
And judging by your comments, they aren’t wrong.
@Justinsexy @ Lilian : please use the same name per post. Thank you.
Sounds like someone got their feelings hurt at the hubs. Probably trying to flex. Don’t like the threads? Don’t read them, But you def aren’t the VS gate keeper. Probably a no one on game still e-hurt.
Good luck Kesseret. This ones an absolute psycho.
Hunnie, you are the one sounding butt hurt. I just said what the rest of the VS was thinking. Please keep the trash at the dump. Here we trash talented people. The only thing anyone in the HUBS ever became “infamous” for was being an e-tard in public. Kess, can we just leave the broken english Rose/Armpitt/Collie secrets out next week this is becoming another Samantha type situation. 😂
You are “talented “ huh? Seems you’re just bored and thirsty. Commenting repeatedly giving this hub drama life .. you should just go whine about genus heads and a cedar creek if you’re so above it all lolol
I’ll agree with that …. Rose’s secrets will never end if you don’t stop it.
Awesome take on Jens name tho. That I will applaud you for.
Rose is the one posting here. Her English is not there, not her brain. What you said was wrong lol. But for someone that’s “above it”, you dove in knowing an awful lot.
Harrison that you?
harrison cant spell for shit he’s some redneck backwoods sister fucker that never went to school
Some of you are so miserable and it shows. The angry harpies going on about different people on a game about playing dress-up with avatars. Please get a grip.
#2 – Bitch if you racist just say that, lmaoooo tf? Y’all love to call urban shit ghetto. But let a popular designer like Scandalize, Blueberry, or Addams create a ski mask for roleplay, it won’t be called ghetto..
Hmmm….the last time I saw someone wearing that they were from the “urban” ghetto. Just saying.
And besides, the gun says it all. Maybe if she didn’t intend for it to be ghetto she should have left the gun in the rack.
Gun + Ski Mask doesn’t automatically mean “ghetto”. Personally I think of people who are committing crimes with that combination, but that doesn’t mean you need to associate it with “ghetto”. I see something that’s potentially useful for role play in the context of SL, because well, it’s not real life…. so get over it?
19-we’ll said.
42, 43, 45- Rose you hangout with age players, underage kids, pedos, lunatics, women beaters, at ehub and calm them your friends but think Colie is the problem? Oh and I forgot that not only do you hangout with doxxers and crashers, but you are both of these YOURSELF!
Someone needs to go to your hut and turn off your WiFi .
Also what happened to that damn dog we heard barking for months? Was he eaten? I want a proof of life on that dog or I’m sending PETA.
Rose loves to ageplay with lawlypants and harrison why do you think she keeps coming back to the hubs?
She does ..it’s gross
52) Making a secret about SL forum users is kind of corny. At worst, it’s a bunch of Boomers with terrible opinions about SL and life in general who reminisce about the good ol’ days of 2007. Let them stay in their hazy little Boomer bubble. Its punching down in the worst sense. Or in the case of the poster who got triggered…it’s punching up.
I dunno I think a lot of the dumb drama they get up to is hilariously SL secret worthy. Bagnu finally revealing they’re male (and seemingly going on to be happier for it) or any one of Chroma’s attempts to get the boards to pay for their traveling make for amusing lurking and reading.
I guess….idk who those people are, but I read it from time to time. It looks like a bunch of older people talking about the good old days and not really understanding how SL now. I’m not surprised they have their own drama. If that’s what you like, enjoy…it just seems uninteresting and boring to me.
Unfortunately the moderators delete a lot of threads, so, most good drama is gone in a flash.
That’s not Kess, the only “moderator”. People getting roasted have their friends come and flag the threads until they get automatically removed. Kess only removes comments for rl info and racist content.
Not threads here. Threads on the official fourms, which is what we were referring to.
I can’t believe anyone still uses those.
Older people still do.
Damn boomers!
#42- You start by saying you enjoy music , then proceed to tell others what to do. Whilst complaining about people talking about what they want to talk about, in the guise of claiming you don’t come to places to be told what to do. Do you see how this premise leads to your post cancelling itself out right?
On a side note, for all the people asking others to go out and vaccinate, be more vocal, yell louder. Make the nay-sayers uncomfortable.
To all the people who claim a vaccine is going to track you with bugs and things in the shot, your government has better things to worry about then jo blow pleb and his meanderings in the desert. That’s what they have google and amazon for.
“But muh freedomz r more importent than theyrs”
With a global pandemic going on and more people dead than in the worst attack on US soil, I think maybe we should be screaming loudly about vaccination and masking. I didn’t beat cancer to die of Covid because Billy Bob believed in the conspiracies.
#55 – Tell me you’re insecure without telling me you’re insecure. This is an adult game, just log out.
#59 – Literally good for roleplay. My character has been in her share of fights.
Anybody else here preparing for the incoming food shortages..? Anybody else making plans for what is happening?
LMFAO. Seek help.
No, and from the looks of it, neither are you. So…?
LMAO who here is spending any time in reality?
Because sometimes my rp characters bite off more than they can chew and need to get slapped around
#4 Let’s put this out here. Tucker has low self esteem RL. Whenever a woman treats him kindly, wears something low-cut, shows him attention/affection he jumps right into it because his esteem needs that attention.
Acelynn fell off her tower in Woodland after Avery bumped her and others out of the fire department. Probably should have stuck with the DoJ. Lessons learned on who not to screw over and who to trust on that one.
The fire department lost multiple hires due to her hire.
Lesson learned from this week’s Cedar Secret: Don’t be a douchebag to people.
42 43 45 Rose/ Lillian etc, this is why you have no friends. People use you to attack others. When they’re done they’ll put you out with the trash. Colie is one of the nicest people so wtf you on about? Tell your puppet masters to pull their hands out of your ass and try to think for yourself. Stop posting here. Go outside. Get a job. Take a bath. Do something other than stalk Colie.
It’s not just colie rose does this to. She’s obsessed with a lot of people and lies or tries to start crap with them, too. Colie doesn’t deserve the harassment, but I do want to make something clear. Colie IS an angel compared to most of those psychopaths in the hubs. I USED to think she was nice and didn’t understand why people hated her, until she got drunk a few times and was freaking horrible to me. She is not a nice person then and can be very catty and calculating when sober. She’s also extremely fake. She will play detective and put 2+2 together to get 5, and blame things on innocent people— I’ve seen her do it multiple times.
That being said, this isn’t just about Colie. Rose is doing it to many people and needs to stop.
That makes me genuinely sad. Please feel free to message me on game. I’d like to say sorry if I did that.
i don’t think you can say people like LC London and Genevieve could be called a person. I would call them absolute subhuman trash, Genevieve spends 37 hours a day on sl and does not take care of her kids. LC London thinks just because you have fake handbags its going to get you any sort of clout in sl you can’t get clout if you are known for stalking a 17 year old by going to his job and taking pics of his car and licence plate then posting the pics in arapaima for all to see. Not to mention she likes to snitch right along with that James b 007 the same James b that brought his little ageplay avatar into barbarossa and got called out for it. Just saying don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house if you piss the right person off they will toss a cinder block right back at you.
8 – Y’know, you and your friends need to get out more. At least research hair styles from the last 50 years so you can see that Kylie is not a trendsetter. And didn’t you submit a similar secret a while ago? Are you that depressed they ended the show 11 – That analogy isn’t as good as you think it is, but I give you an A for effort. I mean, nobody wants their private parts chewed and swallowed unless they have a dolcett fetish. 16 – Switch your Marketplace search order to something other than Oldest First, bunky. 35 – Would be nice. However, designers have lives, people buy lies about popularity sourced from skewed polls, and they buy lies about how up-to-date a body is compared to others. 37 – You can also skip comments or parts of same. Nobody’s stopping you. Everybody comes here to complain. It’s cathartic or at least mildly addictive. 39 – Is there shopping? Can you play any species you want and can afford to buy or make yourself? How about lecture series, poetry readings, or live music? Can you make your own clothing, re-skin your avatar, shape it to what you want to look like down to nose shape? No? Didn’t think so. Thanks for playing something else. You’re too narrow-minded to appreciate SL. 55 – You start out almost making sense, then you descend into the bullshit about dressing to attract “quality people.” I’ve met wonderful people when I was completely naked. I’ve met assholes while wearing a kimono. No such thing as jerk attractant in how you dress. 59 – We keep telling you fragile flowers. It’s for roleplay. Or photo shoots. Puritans like you need to learn to recognize when a cigar is a cigar. Not everything is… Read more »
That’s literally just a list of the most active people on the forums and thus the most likely people to all weigh in on the post you’re so butthurt about. They aren’t the same people.
These folks can stand for judgement on their own.
At least they don’t hide who they are there unlike here. It’s easy to sling mud when you can’t be called out for your BS. People can guess who you might be here but you never know. It seems more adult than the childish shit that goes on here sometimes.
It’s quite easy to call people out on their BS here, but you have to stay on topic and address what they actually said, rather than using any established reputation or what you dig up on them outside of this site instead. People do seem to find that really difficult. Staying anonymous here makes it possible to leave all this silly shit behind when you close the browser tab, instead of being a target for salty cunts with no life dragging it over onto the grid and harassing people for their opinions. IMO people who use their inworld names on this site aren’t “brave”; they’re just lonely with no SL fun to speak of hoping for things to bleed over so they will feel interesting for once.
#20 – Yes, yes, yes! This is one of my biggest pet peeves with stores/creators. Just today I got a notecard from a creator with their “current releases” (so newly created) that had an outdated LM. If I’ve gotten as far as clicking on a LM, I’m fairly interested in purchasing. If I can’t find your store because your LM’s are outdated, you’re potentially losing a sale. PLEASE keep them updated!
#11 Okay you got me there
2. they’ll call it ghetto but we know the boring person who made that secret will log in with their black alt to buy it for some weird racist roleplay lmao.
#42 colie is very old, ugly and in deep sadness in the real life. not attractive in any ways imaginable
I think collie need to leave the poor young lady alone then attacking her everyday on the website. She must be sad that she is attacking a lady in public chat without evidence and prove. Sadly, she will be like this forever on SL. After she destroy scunners hub with the other moderators she become so sad to the point she need to bark like a dog. Collie sound underwear name in Indonesia.It sound coley coley.
this entire sentence right here is another dead giveaway as to who you are lilian
Rose now you’re responding to yourself. This is great!! Im laughing at you.
Rose why u obsessed with Colie? You must have a crush on her.
agree with you
hi rose are you back to try and tell us your not a doxxer or a crasher now
She is. Someone but her a fidget or something.
I am lilian not rose. And rose is early 20 busy in real life and she has no time for all this bullshit. Plus the doxxing picture was 5 am usa. 5am usa means it is around 5 pm to 6pm lol and she is out of school. Edit properly. Compare asia and usa clock.
you are rose you were in the hub on 9/11 crying about being called out on here and you said you were being doxxed that’s funny coming from you, this lilian name you are using is the same one you had on your esty that you had in your profile. don’t lie you were caught you do not speak english like a native and you sure as fuck don’t have the same typing like a native english speaker why don’t you just fess up and maybe people would forgive you just maybe
Read down below where she asks kesseret as Lillian to have Colies comments removed because they “dox” her.. her being Rose. She forgot to change her name back and Colie called her out.
i saw them why do you think i replied to her comments
You certainly have been briefed on Rose’s where abouts, Lillian . You’ll make a good trial witness to lie for her when her obsession for Colie drives her to murder and she needs someone to lie to give her an alibi. I’m glad you are so helpful Rose , I mean Lillian .
Rose is now bipolar. One of her personalities is Lillian. They talk about each other in third person.
it’s so he can convince this girl he’s in love with her and cheat on her whilst she isn’t physically with him . she’s fairly popular so I assume he’s using her at this rate
fuck off.
37. So why wouldn’t you take your own advice and just skim over comments and posts you don’t care for? You aren’t the person to dictate what other people should or should not post here either..
42, 43, ROSE, Stella, Catherine. By posting all of this stuff you’re making yourself look worse and even more desperate. We get it. You want attention. You want to fit in. You want acceptance and praise by going after people you think others don’t like.
It’s not working. You really need to stop going to the safe hubs and go find some nice friends. Safe hubs can be ok in tiny amounts, but I can see the effects on people that are always there. It has turned people I thought who were once cool people into people you can’t even have a conversation with because they have a chip on their shoulder. They are ready to fight for any and every reason and think everyone is the same so they are in constant attack mode.
Rose, go find some nice friends. Maybe in the Zooby community. I know you like carrying those babies around and people were mean to you about it. So go find a community that accepts you for you.
I forgot about the weird Zoiby babies . Maybe that’s why she’s mad?? She wants her baby back in peace lol
I wouldn’t entrust her with a pixel pet rock, let alone a zooby baby. Lol
#4 – Lets put this out there. Tucker has a low self esteem real life. It’s evident when women bat their eyelashes, wear something low cut, or even speak kindly to him. He will try to keep peace amongst the women, but he has no self control because his esteem needs that attention. It doesn’t matter how many, it doesn’t matter who.
Acelynn fell off her tower in Woodland after Avery bumped her and others from the fire department. Maybe should have stuck with DOJ to begin with? Lessons learned and they sure run deep on who to screw over and who not too and a huge lesson on who to trust.
Fire department lost multiple firefighters due to her being hired.
Big lesson out of this weeks Cedar Creek secrets: Don’t be a douchebag.
10. Play with different pre-made EEP settings and adjusting your personal lighting. Default LL settingsduring day are too bright without ALM, and so are some custom made. But SL can still look decent without graphics turned to the max, which might be handy in crowds. Or if the grid would decide to have lag fest for no good reason again.
8. So you are not just entitled but too dumb to figure out these hairstyles already exist in SL. And frankly are overdone by this point. Every big hair creator has 2-4 versions of these in their stores.
2) Tell me you’re racist without telling me you’re racist.
Was it ghetto when Pussy Riot did it? Stop with the dog whistles.
Yes it was ghetto when they did it.
And it’s ghetto cause we’ll, I’ve SEEN it most in the ghetto and sure as hell ain’t seeing Paris Hilton wearing it. Show me a place that you would were this that’s NOT ghetto….and don’t be like, ASPEN. No. Not Aspen honey. Nobody is skiing in that. With a gun.
Right, because Russian punk rockers are ghetto now.
Google “Girl in a ski mask aesthetic” This has nothing to do with ghetto or Aspen. It’s a look. You’re still using ‘ghetto’ as a dog whistle for black…stop. You’re not fooling anybody.
You have a lot of nerve calling something ghetto and you don’t even seem to know the difference between well and we’ll and wear and were. gtfoh.
Pretty sure that’s not what was going on here but you go on…….LOL!
Pussy Riot didn’t do what that ad shows. Try again. And be less ignorant next time.
Don’t co-opt my username for your racist bs. “Ghetto” is how cowards disparage people of color because they’ve managed to form enough dim-witted self preservation instinct to try to be sneaky about their racism.
there are literal ads with kid faces, women covered in blood, etc. go print it out this post and talk to your therapist about how the black people you never interact with on and offline personally targeted and terrorized you with an ad for pixel hair. lmao.
Ok, let’s start by you telling me how it’s ghetto.
Yes you are right. they weren’t from the ghetto. they were just idiots.
#55 stfu. It’s secondlife. You act like you never had your avi naked for 2 seconds to try on different clothes. If you’re that pressed, get off sl. Go outside and touch some grass weirdo
1) just leave her alone got dang if you don’t like it just ignore it and move on with your life. Everyone on this got dang game is so quick to call out “pedos” and pedophilia with no ground to stand on. At this point, I’m think y’all are the ones with the hidden issues. Go get that sorted honey.
2) ok tell me your racist without telling me your racist. When kitkat makes a ski mask it’s all fine and dandy or even other creators but when a creator that appeals to urban SL makes one all of a sudden it’s “ghetto”. Ok cool.
I think it’s really fucking funny that you’re acting like she doesn’t fuck mature Daddies in that avi. #tellmeyou’reapedowithouttellingmeyou’reapedo
re 1 , that sort of look attracts those sort of men so thats what people get upset about, basically she is promoted herself as pedo bait even though she says she a adult it doesnt look like she is, get it now??? look at other angles, look at statistics on child sex assault and most arent reported so…….. this is encouraging to that sort of sick predator
As a fellow “small avi” I can tell you honestly that you’re reaching.
By this logic 70% of anime is p-e-d-o bait should we blow up Japan then?
Even if this type of look calls in p-e-d-o-s (which it 100% does at the same rates as actual child avis on the grid.) who’s to say she engages it? I’m small and they come for me but guess what, I know where my block button is. Also if you and all these people who have all this energy on the subject what are yinz doing about the literal millions of l-o-l-i-c-o-n websites/images on the net? You do know that’s a thing right? Point is let people live. Who she panders to or appeals to isn’t for us to decide nor is it right to bully her when there’s no crimes committed. What happen to live and let live so long as it isn’t hurting anyone?
Not a single one of those anime characters or subjects of that “art” has a real person behind the image, doing shit like role playing child rape live, in real time. Big difference. In some places, even animated or drawn images of pedophilia are illegal and can land someone a sex offender label if they get caught with them.
You have no idea if it’s hurting anyone or not, in anyone’s case but your own. You should ask yourself what your objection is to appearing as a full grown adult on such an overtly sexual platform, since you’re apparently aware that you attract pedophiles. You should be reporting them when you block them, but I guess nothing that takes place outside your own front door matters to you. It’s a good thing for abused children that some people do pay attention and care, because if everyone were like you, they’d have nowhere to turn.
Person, Look at the literal thousands of “E-girls” all over O.F. serving the same look this avi is. Are you harassing them? Are you bullying them for wearing adult onsies and baby talking while flashing their cooters? You don’t think they attract p.e.d.o.s? It’s literally the same thing but on SL. STAWP REACHING! Why are you so pressed about it in SL? Why do people have to conform to your norm and comfort levels of what a adult body looks like? We don’t all wanna be 6 foot tall in an over worked kupra body. Stop policing peoples avis and go donate some time to a animal shelter or something cause this clearly isn’t healthy for you.
The reason a hell of a lot of us are utterly disgusted and sickened by this absolute shitstain is simply because her avatar looks like a fucking child, she has literally no shape whatsoever AT ALL, she looks like a fucking plank, no curves. Even a slim person would have some type of curves to her body this person shaped her avatar to look like a child it’s simple as that, you can throw crap and say we are body shaming but we wouldn’t have to shame if the person actually looked like a adult and not like a fucking child.
Luckily since this came to air she’s been actually banned from Second Life so thank you to Linden Labs to banning this disgusting human, now pls ban her piece of shit partner Bishop!
You sound like a fucking idiot.
No DUMB I sound like I have a conscious and a brain and quite frankly someone must agree with me or she’d not have been banned from Second Life and honestly I hope this gets taken further and more people come forward about how sick these two people are because quite frankly if they can do this shit in SL, what kinda shit will they pull with a child in RL.
After all isn’t that where the sick fucks start with the internet, using it to pursue their perverse fantasy’s, you watch enough TV shows to know that’s how it starts, it moves from the internet to the real world. It’s a progression.
You’re making assumptions that are also dangerous and can lead you into trouble as well. Even if your intentions are good. You’re using a 3D Second Life picture to spew allegations on people which may or may not be true and by doing so could get you sued. You need legitimate proof that someone is harming a child or is SAYING they’re doing such things rather than hearsay and word of mouth.
LOL that’s so stupid 😂 😂 you know they’re mad mad when they start bringing up the law 😂 😂
You cannot be sued for slander or libel against an avatar, and it’s hilarious that you think the reputation of an avatar is protected under law. Also, no one actually said anyone harmed a child- they speculated what could possibly happen, and said they hoped people would be caught if it did. Wording is literally everything in that kind of case. You can speculate anything about anyone, using their real name, and as long as you don’t say it’s true you haven’t done anything legally wrong. This is why tabloid “journalism” exists.
What’s harmful is normalizing the sexualization of underage girls by participating in it, especially as a woman. It’s disgusting to me that any woman can do that knowing the way the world treats little girls, most likely having been the recipient of at the very least, inappropriate attention from adult men when they were underage. More women than not report having been sexually assaulted or at the very least harassed until they felt unsafe at some point in their lives, very often when they were minors. So if you can be a woman in the developed world, with full knowledge of that and access to that information to confirm it’s indeed true, and still choose present yourself appearing underage in any way and engage in sexual activities, you’re fucking vile. Period.
Girl the only one mad is y’all harpies bitching about shit that isn’t even real and isn’t harming an actual child. It’s a pixilated avatar and you’re making it some SJW bullshit and saying it’s hurting people when it actually isn’t. Advocate for actual victims of child abuse and sex trafficking, but instead you sitting here playing cyber police over a game character.
Potato, calling out toxic “norms” is not bullying. Your e-girl and anime wank stashes caters to fucked up young teen sexualization. You think its edgy and fun, it is still toxic. Homophobia and racisim are also seen as “fun” and normal in a lot of subcultures. It is still toxic. Take your own advice, pull up your pants, log of twitch and tik tok and go to that animal shelter, where you can scream DADDDY at the people looking at dogs until you are fired.
What are you doing to help REAL children who suffer actual abuse rather than just bitching anonymously on a drama forum about a pixelated character? You harpies bitch and moan policing people on how they should look on what is essentially a game where you can be whatever the fuck you want to be. It would be different had it been a Toddledoo avatar or if the person is wearing a specific child body from the marketplace, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here. You all go on constantly bitching about what someone looks like and giving the message that if they don’t look exactly like you, then something must be wrong.
Because no one would have the first clue on how to catch a pedo in real life and do anything about it sitting behind a key board. Gossip forums such as these are only opinions; not fact, not action. Let’s not normalize it by any means but talking about it and attacking each other over difference of opinions is futile, considering as a platform, LL could quite obviously care less as long as the money is still coming in.
It’s like if you not this: https://gyazo.com/e3c9772f6f0ff46cde4ec0be276aa03a
then your a p-e-d-o child avi. and they only way to pull off the look that secret #1 has is if you put it on a big Buick body like this:
I’m so done with secrets.
Um…y’all trying to normalize this shit. Sorry, it was never ok and will never be ok. Most people don’t do shit on here unless it turns them on in RL. Like srsly, wtf is wrong with y’all? I really hope you guys don’t have kids in rl. (..and fyi I know for a fact she is into that, she just tries to hide it well).
Interestingly enough, there is a whole category of porn dedicated to “teen” and “barely legal”. It’s also one of the most popular categories of pornography watched daily. Some of the women in the videos with childish features or little to no breasts at all. Yet, it’s legal under some jurisdiction of the law. It reminds me of people coming at Belle Delphine for pedo pandering when she’s a legal adult.
*Hands you a dunce cap* Please wear this when out in public. The whole point of teen and barely legal is pedo pandering. The scenes, and set up are inferring under 18, even if the actors are 18. The sexualization and sexual assault of teen girls is a toxic cultural norm. Say it with me, TOXIC.
#19 i love that someone sent me this screenshot of rose being racist its the perfect ending to someone that is into interracial groups. they allowed a piece of trash like her to join https://gyazo.com/04f534b46ba21a8698a4493f2c775808 she said this at a sim called scunners a place that allowed a safe space for the hub people rose should ask herself if putting her account at risk for a ban is worth it all someone has to do is pass copybotted items that the lindens can track and you can get someone banned its that simple. im not redacting that chat grab people need to know how vile this woman is.
Dude I’ve watched this lady for months. She needs a warm padded room and a jacket with straps. She definitely needs to be off SL. And that vanilla ice girl. Jen is the one controlling that monster. I heard they’re secret lovers.
#47 Rainn is a Baby Boy who loves to suck on mommy’s tits. How do people follow this dude? He’s a sissy boy. The fact that he talks shit on other people for the babygirl lifestyle when is he the boy version is pathetic. Someone needs to give him a swift spanking to set his ass straight.
They’re both adults, shes in her 20s. Call out actual problematic behaviour than trying to accuse someone of “grooming” in a consensual adult relationship. Wait until you find out how many other people have adult age gaps in their relationships.
And finally, as a general note, y’all are some wordy motherfuckers this week. Brevity is the soul of wit, so pare it down a bit, huh? Nobody came here to read a biographical novel
-47- Their shit talking is usually about these families.
Primsley, Voorhees,Trisk, Morningstar, Amulet, Ellisson ,Foxtrot, Moonreign, Wiskee, Snow, Kunt
But those families probably already know … if not you do now
Apparently Ms Morningstar never thinks anything is her fault…
#2 Tell me English isn’t your first language, without telling me English isn’t your language. I didn’t know a mask was considered GHETTO but go off.
When paired with a gun, what is it then?
So mafia movies are ghetto too? You’re a moron and it’s not that deep. Let’s just admit it and call it what it is. When a certain race does certain things, it’s ghetto or trash. When other races do it, it’s badass, cool, hip, etc etc. This is shit is so exhausting. Don’t like it, don’t buy it. Simple right?
Secrets 42 43 and 45
The same old posts about the same insignificant woman named Laura Potente. How many do we need of her every week? Enough already, we get it, the poster hates her!
she has caused someone i care about alot of heart break but i only know what she did to him
4) What she did should have gotten her banned but something good came of it……she rid CC of the racist and homophobic Aeons and their brainless followers
24) If you mean Noah then I can take a good guess of who you are. He is cute and nice but he is married and you are trashy
53 – Sure it’s greedy, but the owner of Uber straight up suggested that creators do this and even refers to them as “gifts”:
Folks should realize the gifts should be called shit, literally! Stop promoting garbage gifts. Take em to the trash!
As soon as I saw that I would have to buy fatpacks just to enjoy said hud, I stopped doing the hunt. No thanks. Greedy fuckers.
One of the huge reasons I never do hunts (aside from mostly a waste of time), is that the gifts are mostly NOT representative of the store. Oh, cute clothes…the gift…what? A pair of cheap looking earrings that don’t even have a hud? Yeah no.
The secret seemed to be targeted at whatever designers required a fatpack to be purchased for the hunt item (almost always referred to as a gift as it’s being given for free or close to, regardless of if it comes with contingencies). I’m guessing here, but I don’t think they felt it was as big of an issue if the “gift” related to a single outfit purchase, and honestly I can see the point. If I purchased a single outfit because I don’t (and rarely do) have a need for an entire fatpack, and only allocate myself a certain amount of money to SL a month, it doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate the work of the creator or that I cannot afford to shop in SL, I do it with intention. I also do hunts with the thought that the item I’m looking for will be representative of the store giving the gift, and if it’s either not representative, not quality, or of no use to me then I’ve wasted my time going there, which is honestly a turn off toward the brand. I *want* to shop, and I *want* to support creators large and small, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want my lindens earned. I don’t care what the conversion rate is, that has no bearing on the amount of lindens I’ve allocated, and I’m guessing I’m not the only one who uploads this way.
Let me appreciate your efforts because you’ve made an effort, and show it with my lindens… but it’s not a gift, it’s an exchange for goods or services.
Wow, that is fucked. Also, not a “gift”. If a creator doesn’t want to give a representative sample of what they usually make as a gift, they should opt out of it entirely and just be honest that they don’t want to give gift at all.
they don’t want to give anything away for free but want to look “charitable”, the illusion of giving lmao. these hunts are mostly marketing and PR so you go visit their store. i stopped doing them because the stuff is either useless, old stock, broken, or incompatible with my avatar (or any mesh body).
That’s exactly what I mean, it’s so phony that I would have more respect for it if they just didn’t offer a gift at all. Stores that offer nothing except rigged mesh clothing for sale throwing cheap, shitty, unrigged accessories in their gift boxes is basically an insult.
47. They needed to be exposed sooner 1st off Rainn literally talks shit about anyone that djs better then him… and I mean anyone. He talks shit about his own family members on many occasions. Tells there secrets to the other norwoods. Don’t tell him anything that you want anyone to know. That goes for all the norwoods. They will laugh about people in calls and then spout out they are not like that and are truthworthy people. They even talked shit about their own members. Griss and Rainn both hop to female to female that will give them attention and then come back and talk shit about these exes. Griss takes it to a whole different level he goes around and talks shit about his exes and turn people against them and passes their intimate pics around. When he is the one who cheats lies and manipulate and attempts to control these women to use their clout. He even was in a call with the norwoods laughing about his ex who was depressed and how she felt suicidal after finding out he was talking shit about her and passing her pics around. The norwoods sat there and egged him on and laughed about it . How is this ok? They all fake ass bitches.