Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 676.
I apologize now, comment moderation will be slow. I am currently at a work-related conference which is why today’s post is late. I will also be slow answering e-mails.
#48 – I’ll tell you what happened. It got sold off to someone who seemed to give a shit for 4 minutes but then egotistical managers got involved and didn’t care about their talent, especially when the talent was better than them which to be fair wasn’t hard. Blackhearts has been terminally ill for the best part of 2 years now. #48 This is much nicer than my guess, which was the 50+ clientele that frequented this place all kicked the bucket. #48 I think the egotistical managers want Blackhearts to fail, so they can take it over. The current owner is an idiot. It started really going downhill around 2017 and bombed out completely by 2019. If they changed things up, didn’t encourage djs to play the same damn outdated and lame ass music all the time, stopped with the pg everything bullshit and didn’t actively drive people away it might improve a little. BH has outlived it’s usefulness in sl. Most people have moved on to much better rock clubs now. The owner really doesn’t give a shit. #48 Many people tried to help right that sinking ship and each was tossed overboard to save the one that hit the iceberg. A place that used to be family has turned to a total shit show. The manager only cares about herself. She plays perpetual victim while victimizing the loyal people that were there much longer than she was. #48: Part of the problem is that some of the best DJs and hosts have jumped ship in recent months. When the best hosts who engage in banter with guests disappear, something is going on. A few of the newer hosts and DJs have all the personality of a potato. Part of the charm of Blackhearts was going to listen… Read more »
#52 & #53
Toy Vaccora and her alts again here this week. This bitch doesnt even realize that her own family and friends are tired of her being a non stop drama queen daily?!
You know Toy when you have problems with half SL MAYBE ITS YOU who is the actual problem? We are tired of hearing your shit. If you have nothing good to say, just shut the fuck up!
1 and 2: Gonna just say this: Stealthic owner is one of the first Custom Creators I’ve supported from the Sims games. Please don’t come at this guy and make them Tea. The content this person’s made has always been amazing, and good for the creator for making money off of their creations. Ask around first. 2nd image is a recolor – so the person [hopefully] asked the Stealthic owner for mesh rights for recoloring and retexturing the product. Seriously.
I’ve been an artist my entire life, in many forms, including designing in Second Life for a LONG time. Nothing is original. Not here, not in life. Especially not fashion or any art forms. There are only so many silhouettes a designer can make. There are only so many plotlines lines. There are people without an ounce of creativity but they can use PS or Blender. Their ideas come from others. Even established designers will look for inspiration. If the people posting the complaints are the accusers and they use programs like Marvelous Designer to make silhouettes, well, shame on you, others buy that, too–and yes, they’ll look around at what others are making. If the people posting are customers or just causing drama, again, shame on you. These posts are ignorant. I’ve had so many design ideas stolen, I gave up crying about it. It’s part of Second Life but real life too. The day after Paris Fashion Week, everyone is making knock offs. When will you learn SL isn’t much different than RL, other than we can’t get Covid. Stop talking about child avatars. We know how you feel. 100% agree about Collab. Everything was 88L when it started. Just don’t buy it, it will be at the Saturday Sale in a few weeks for 75L. A few popular designers are now on Saturday Sale after I (you) paid fat pack prices. I get it, life changes, but at least refund us if we buy the same thing twice. Which I’ve done more than once since I was a valued customer. I’d pay full event prices without blinking an eye, but no more–since every Saturday I see something I paid full price. I just wait for Saturday. Finally, take your private fights elsewhere. We know you hate each… Read more »
#23 VWE again. Not surprising, most already know how Danni works.
1 & 2: Yes it is well known Static creates for multiple games. I believe even content for some sandbox games I remember seeing hair on as well through mods. Thats why I was excited to see them here as well!
28: Fully agree. I don’t care about the RL lifestyle of creators in here, really don’t. SL was a better platform before gachas and insane greed that came with it tbh. You created to make a beautiful world, which could get you some extra profit sure. People got greedy, made greed into a profession without the care of how gacha addiction was effecting their customers. Creators also got more stuck up as well. Good riddance. I know how to make mesh myself, modeling, texturing, rigging, all of it. I know the time it takes, but you can still make perfectly fine profit without the gachas. If not, get an actual job again and keep it as a hobby. SL is not going to be around to support you forever, and you had your years to make your fortunes.
#1 #2 Stealthic makes their own content for both The Sims and SL. So do other SL stores.
#31 And flexi hair, and tons of scripted stuff on you, and shitty particles all around you, etc.
#42 C88 old grey mare she ain’t what she used to be, ain’t what she used to be, ain’t what she used to be…
#6 I can’t read what you’re trying to say but his groups tell me the guy is a serious try hard. Against child avatars? Wow you must be a stand up guy. Against Nazi’s? Sounds like a manifesto. Antifa in SL? Yep, definitely a manifesto.
#31) Pro tip: World Menu –> Show Friends Only. Works wonders at shopping events. (If the land lets me, I then fly around, so I’m not bumping into invisible avs)
21 – Doux – He not only stole hair, but he also used to steal skin templates from well-known Content creators when he first stepped on the scene in SL. But everyone acts like they cannot remember when he did that.
It’s funny the things people conveniently forget about others in SL. Some of us remember though…
36 you sound like such a big fucking twat who wrote this. She doesn’t seem that bad, just a bit depressed. Thank god you exposed yourself, they don’t need you. You’re a crap friend.
#1 & 2 As I personally know who steathic is I know HUNTER is a creator for the SIMS so with that being said the idiot twat who posted this should have done some research. Hunter has been a content creator for the sims for years came from that platform to SL. Please before you post things calling someone out on copying the items you need to check the background. Hunter has Publicly said this to many including me. NOT A COPY BOT !
Yes, and Stealthic isn’t the only SL store that also creates for The Sims, or started off creating for The Sims. Off the top of my head (no pun intended), Sintiklia (the avatar is still called sintikliasims in SL), ADE, and Ersch. There could be others that I don’t know or forgot about. Ya know, before someone else thinks to “expose” them…
Wings, dope and mercy, BTTB too!
Good on them, honestly!
I think they’re actually accusing this Sims creator of stealing from SL. The sims on the picture don’t look anything like his. Stealthic never made these hairs for Sims, just checked his thesimsresource profile and his tumblr.
26, can see your picture next to the “wrote a comment” part lol…… people can find out who are you dummy
You can’t see who that is so they aren’t that dumb.
#41 True, in spite of the stupid error. Those playing as kid av’s annoy me when they complain about wanting “more kid friendly events” without offering any ideas or help because they want to play as a helpless child who needs to be entertained by others with these hideous child playground etc set ups, at someone else’s expense and time. I have yet to see any of them making an adult av to fulfill these lame request/complaints or to fill the stupid, made up jobs for them that drive the community owners to bother their residents with “offers” of the unwanted jobs that only a dork would fill. I agree these people should probably seek professional help instead of bothering people to validate their stupidity as a “child av”. They are the ruination of a “RP” community.
I have an adult avatar on another account because I understand not everyone is comfortable around a kid and there are places in SL no kid belongs. I also don’t complain about “child friendly” events, those are up to the kid community to create. Helpless? Far from it but my kid av isn’t a toddler.
As for mental health… regression therapy or other variants of it do exist, particularly for those robbed of their RL childhoods. I’ve known quite a few kid avs who were severely abused as RL kids and use SL to be able to get past it. For me, I don’t want any part of the sexual stuff in SL and being a kid av completely frees me from that. I don’t “RP” with strangers and I spend most of my time exploring SL and goofing off on my own. I could say just as many bad things about the adult community on SL needing serious mental help but I don’t have to, VS does it for me. Good lord you all care way too much about who is having sex with who or who has too much sex or who is really a guy/girl or what sex club is bad.
Adults are uncomfortable with child av’s because there’s restrictions for actual young people in SL and most adults agree that is a good idea. Nowadays we can only assume that the person behind the child av is a legal adult, playing in an adult sim and that is sorry, creepy, now matter how innocent they say they are because there is still room for bad stuff to happen. I’m a parent in RL and not onboard with this stuff. And yes, helpless as in, a bit selfish to expect to be entertained and rp cared for, unable to do adult things to provide for themselves in rp but instead rp, “getting into trouble” which translates to, rp being a pain in the ass. It’s not cute, just an annoyance and one of the reasons that people want to escape RL for a minute. I don’t rp paying my bills or cleaning the bathroom. The toddlers are completely helpless, yes, and I have no idea why anyone would want to be so vulnerable in their character to be cute. For those who like it, fine whatever but, RL children are entertained at home, by their parental units, not the community. They are not able to safely or legally wander around on their own in RL like adults with an invisible NPC “babysitter”. I miss the old days when rp children were only allowed to be NPC’s in the first place and not actual people. I’d love to see a rp community like that again. Yeah I can write the book on childhood abuse and trauma but I can safely say that, SL is NO substitute for professional mental health care, in fact, it might be even more damaging to try to relive a childhood with SL strangers who have way too… Read more »
You’re free to find child avatars creepy, I find big busted bimbo avatars and fetish avatars extremely creepy and want to be as far away from them as I can. Second Life though isn’t “an adult sim” unless you mean adult rated sims/regions? Teens can sign up for Second Life though they can only stay in PG/G rated places. Has been that way since the Teen Grid closed. I avoid adult regions, I don’t want any part of sexual stuff and I absolutely do not need you or anyone else to entertain me. I don’t have a “babysitter”. I don’t want strangers to be forced to interact with me. Most of the time I’m riding my bike or rollerskating or playing pretend with other kids. There are a lot of kids like me who aren’t popular, aren’t in families, don’t want residents to be forced to interact with us, and relax by tossing off the world of adulthood for a tiny bit. If you only want kids as NPCs (like Zooby babies? Those things are so creepy…) why bother at all with kids in the rp? I have also never understood the adult fascination with pregnancy and fake babies either. They hate kid avatars.. but want these creepy money pit virtual babies? You’re right about trusting SL strangers with mental health issues. That’s why I don’t 🙂 Maybe others shouldn’t either but a lot of families seem to be friends off SL too. If you ever passed me in SL though, sorry I wouldn’t beg for your attention or anyone elses. I agree the toddlers who seem to demand everyone treat them like babies and rp with them are annoying.. but that’s not everyone. It’s not off topic. If you’re going to say “All kid avvies are ____” then it’s… Read more »
I didn’t say child avs are creepy, it’s the fact that there’s an adult behind the keyboard, playing as a child. If it were guaranteed to be an actual child, presumably with an adult in the room RL, it would be different in both reality and in rp because then the law would be followed a lot more, and I would know how to address and respect you in rp if I saw you with a parent. An adult sitting there RL with the kid wouldn’t want their child to be wandering about alone, talking to strange adults for any reason. That’s what a “family community” would be to me- RL families playing in these rented houses with their RL kids and watching them as they would in reality, going to the movies together etc, entertaining their own children, using SL in a fun way. The comparison to ‘anything’ vs big busted women and “fetish avs” in SL is really reaching and totally off-topic. I don’t think (I hope not) anyone sees child avs as a fetish. It’s clear that there is some inappropriateness there though. I didn’t say that SL is an “adult sim” because is neither. However it is set up for legal adults, who have a job and a credit card to buy stuff. There are areas rated Adult, meaning that adult content is found there. SL is for people over the age of 18 though, yes. Children can be in SL, with the permission of their RL parents and may play in areas designated ‘only’ for young people. Those rules shouldn’t bent to suit creepy desires and that is ‘my’ view on it and I’m not alone and thus why SL closed the teen grid. I’m really not sure of your point here, you basically repeated… Read more »
This rant is confusing. There are plenty of RP communities that don’t even allow kid avatars and the ones that do allow them are based around family roleplay anyway.
Great, where please? I asked earlier in another week but I don’t think anyone noticed. I keep looking for anything interesting.
#44 Applause! Not the original poster but i had to laugh glad someone put them up here more so L & M pair of fake dramatic assholes.
You have obviously befriended or have knowledge of those named, knowing them very well it seems! “Not the original poster”, “Over 60 Crew”. Well, well, well, you are certainly closer than you pretend not to be…huh?? Let me put it this way, you are a slimy fake ass snake, who is a opportunist back stabber, who lies in wait to attack. Who gives a flying fuck what their age is? That doesn’t make them bad people. Come back with some facts so we can all see WTF your beef is about, otherwise STFU.
Hands you a paper bag to go play with, take your frustration out there hahaha!
Yeah as I thought, you got nothing. You are the weakest link…..Goodbye
Jealous fuck
None of us are that’s your own delusion.
That I’m not part of the over 60’s crew? Very! 🤮
Dear Troll, why are you picking on these people who have done absolutly nothing wrong? Are you that consumed with jealousy and spite that you had to publicly humiliate yourself?? Get a life you sad fuck.
Dear sensitive soul,
they are here for all to see because they and you are the ‘sad fucks’ humiliating themselves with little help from anyone else. If they in your words ‘have done nothing wrong’ why are they here and why are people agreeing and calling them out? Ahhh jealousy, spiteful, bitter etc etc. Are you for fucking real?
Go get a life yourself with meaning nobody is trolling here Karen.
Hahaha they really, really get to you don’t they? The only sad fucks who agree with you are your alts and every one knows you have many of them! You keep on humiliating yourself your doing a grand job, blah blah hahaha!
Last time I checked you can’t like your own comments 😂
It must really really get to you that people are starting to see right through you and your BS 😭
talking of alts, how many are you on now? 🥱
48 – I’ll tell you what happened. It got sold off to someone who seemed to give a shit for 4 minutes but then egotistical managers got involved and didn’t care about their talent, especially when the talent was better than them which to be fair wasn’t hard. Blackhearts has been terminally ill for the best part of 2 years now.
This is much nicer than my guess, which was the 50+ clientele that frequented this place all kicked the bucket.
I think the egotistical managers want Blackhearts to fail, so they can take it over. The current owner is an idiot.
It started really going downhill around 2017 and bombed out completely by 2019. If they changed things up, didn’t encourage djs to play the same damn outdated and lame ass music all the time, stopped with the pg everything bullshit and didn’t actively drive people away it might improve a little. BH has outlived it’s usefulness in sl. Most people have moved on to much better rock clubs now. The owner really doesn’t give a shit.
It will never get old seeing how people realize so many people who “make” content in SL are really just buying pre-made mesh from 3D asset websites or in some cases actually copy botting and editing other content. It’s a given with the way things work in SL. 14 years in world and from day one people have wanted to and have tried to do anything they can to make money because SL is literally the perfect platform for that. Even long before mesh existed you would have people steal one another’s textures and just modify them to make them look new. The majority of your favorite creators, in terms of mesh, did not create the mesh themselves. It’s not new, and posting about it on here won’t magically make people stop using other people’s assets, legally or not. Ya’ll need to remember that no concept is original anymore, and often nor are the products. SL shopping is just a battle of who is better at marketting. The stores known for their content stand out, outside of that battle.
#33 That is the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a long while. When has it been considered bad taste? Seraphim ran a HUGE yardsale at the same time as Arcade for YEARS. Come the fuck on.
#34 i u
Jesus this week is dull.
Half of you guys need to take basic fucking image editing software lessons, many of these are unreadable. And English lessons, too. #41; “seek head?” Lolwut.
#1 & #2
Stealthic comes from the sims 4 community and he do conversion of him hairs to SL and Skyrim (in this one convert hairs from other sims hair creators with permission) so maybe he have the permission from CAZY who is the creator of the hair in the sims pics to use as base or recreate them in SL, his hairs dated from months and years before of the Stealthic ones… but in fact are the same but with differences (maybe they use the same ref pic) only you can say that those are copyboted/stealed if you compare both meshes side by side to see the base planes of each one
I don’t think stealthic copyboted the cazy hairs but they looks so similar
#1 Cazy-Haley: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1378623
#2 Cazy-Unnoficial: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1242557
yeps. Stealthic been on Sims long before SL. They were the ones that Little Bones actual stole tyhe alpha textures from via Stealthics sims account downloads.If you look the Cazy account stopped being active much after the officla Stealthic one started. who is to say arent one in same?
#39 what is this about?
Probably some sl loser who’s boasting about copybotted shapes from certain creators. Shapes in sl are getting tiring anyways.
Pretty much this. Most of the names on there are people that are regulars at Exhale.
1 & 2 you really are talking out of your butt arent you. You clearly didn’t even try to research anything. Stealthic has been been creating for sims since before they started to create for SL!
Also a little fact with creating for sims. Most creators in sims allow other creators to retexture and recolor their items and upload for others in the sims community. So you will see tons of Stealthic hairs from sims that have been retextured by many other creators for sims 4. This is a common thing. Nobody is copybotting or stealing.
sounds like maybe you were either bored, jealous, bitter, or just plain dumb.
Almost all Custom Content makers allow for people to retexture their mesh. Objects, hair, clothes, and accessories. In fact, a lot of them urge people to. I do love the modding community for the Sims. Except for this recent surge of locking shit behind paywalls.
#7 #8 Total truth. I am surprised that crap of a clan hasn’t removed that POS, but wait she is the lead of a family so the drama is good for the $$$ aspect of the family so she gets a pass.
I mean it should be expected hell they keep that wanna be dominant Aries in there and his rule of my girl can’t talk to other men because I am so insecure with myself while I run around and talk and bring in all these other women to the clan and bring them to my sets in front of my “Love and Babygirl”
Absolutely. I used to be one of this female’s daughter’s and she was super affectionate until my money started running out. And then -bam!- no more time for me. She’s toxic as fuck!
#37. who ever posted this I can confirm that’s kay has been paid in the passed as you put it to fuck guys that’s it true
1&2, if you look closely it’s definitely not the same mesh. similar hairstyles, but the meshes are different.
Stealthic is a known sims content creator. Whoever did the secrets are very bad at research.
This. Sims was his rise to fame. He was one of the greats there and he is one of the greats on Second Life. The fact people accuse him of actually stealing shit when people steal from him is laughable. The consistency in his work shows.
Yeah, I know Stealthic did Sims hairs. But the Sims ones in the pics are by Cazy on TSR.
Why people downvoting this? it’s true. Stealthic didn’t steal anything. 2 people made similar hairs. Happens all the fucking time. How many 100% unique hairstyles is there in Second Life?
I got downvoted for merely asking a question in here last week. The level of ignorant condescension in here is high….
#14 I know some people this applies to, unfortunately they too far up the toxic fucks ass to see the issues. Nor do they realize their friends are backing off cause of the asshat. But oh well they a grown adult, they want to chose toxic over honest friends, that’s them. I don’t have time for it.
Right?! It’s even worse when you’re not around to defend yourself but those toxic friends have worked their way in and spread so many rumors and then bam. Everyone hates you and you’re confused about what you even did. 😂 It’s all like .. whiplash. Oh let’s not forget the threats to stay away from their friends when you’re asking what you did wrong and… To no surprise no one has text proof, it’s all over voice chat in discord! (And lol… We don’t use voice chat for this reason.)
YES THIS LIKE FOR REAL!!!Like it hurts when your friends choose the toxic fucks who trash you, even though you been honest and never use your friend like the toxic one does. Just hurts alot, but at the same time gotta think about yourself mental health too and do for you. Can’t waste energy on a person who doesn’t care enough to either hear your side or defend you. Like just over it.
#3 Preach, but here they go again bitching about hair and other stupid shit, they can go post it on the forums or the uh SL Facebooks if they had the balls to.
#48 Many people tried to help right that sinking ship and each was tossed overboard to save the one that hit the iceberg. A place that used to be family has turned to a total shit show. The manager only cares about herself. She plays perpetual victim while victimizing the loyal people that were there much longer than she was.
17– I split my time between Cedar creek and Woodland. who you should beware of is Delilah Mathews (thatanongirl) and her ALT Chance Mathews. Delilah was Gabriella Henderson (thatanongirl) and she left for fox hollow then left fox hollow to create with the sim Obsydia Estates. Its a boring sim and she’s in Woodland now. She is a real poacher attempted to take from Cedar creek,fox hollow,Woodland. Delilah has a male ALT by the name of Chance Matthews. Beware
Who even are you? Lol. Chance is not me. He’s my SL brother. Many people can verify this but think what you want. Also not in woodland. Why do you even think I poach what would I have to gain? Where the fuck am I poaching for? Also I live in cedar again so next time you wanna gossip about shit you don’t know DM me and I’ll make sure your facts are straight. <3
Chance is your ALT. You are your own brother,it’s actually kind of funny. you were in Woodland and now you live in Cc again. Cedar creek doesn’t want you there but you come back like the desperate person you are. you are like a bad rash that won’t go away. You were called out for poaching from Cedar creek and fox hollow at least 3 times for Obsydia especially when you were trying to do photo contests and have more role play there. Funny how accusations about Nell and victor happened when you came back. Are you trying desperately to take the heat off yourself and your Chance ALT?
You spend too much Time on the Internet love. I was never accused of poaching until you just said it. Obsydia is not trying to be cc or fox hollow. It functions differently. I am just an employee. I don’t care who rps where or who lives where. It’s not this serious. I have nothing to gain. I don’t give a shit about any of it. I do what I do because I wanna do it. I only do things I would benefit from. Why do I need an alt? Why would I make chance up? Why? You say a lot of shit with no evidence. You bring me up when the post wasn’t even about me. You say no one wants me yet you clearly wanna talk about me. And seem to know what I have been up to. So again who are you? Chances are you don’t really know me and are just talking shit because you’ve nothing better to do. You tell me who you are and we can have a conversation like adults.
I am unsure if these other people on here know you but I do and I wish you and your alt Chance would have stayed in woodland or at least in your estates. You are trying get attention by having a male alt because even you know that no one wants you in Cedar. It is embarrassing and pathetic
if you know me why not share who you are. My friend’s list is small so you may know of me but that does not mean you know me. I don’t give a shit about attention. What is pathetic is the way y’all ac so brave when it comes to this but not a single one of you will speak to my face. Stop being a coward and grow the fuck up.
Gabby/Delilah the reason you aren’t wanted in these communities is because you were bad mouthing them and attempting to poach the new citizens and residents. That’s public knowledge in those sims. There’s no point in lying about it
I mean I won’t deny it, I talked shit. Most of it was me sharing my opinion but I will give you the bad mouthing. that’s fine whatever. poaching is not something I care to do but you can think what you want.
Funny considering, not a single person has said such to me. Chance is not my alt but I won’t argue that. However, if people think I was really truly trying to poach then IM me. Like this silly anonymous hide behind a website shit is so unnecessary. Your opinions hold more weight if you can IM me personally. Yea to be honest I did talk a little shit about Cedar, Woodland, Fox Hollow. Why? Because every community has its faults. Cedar is better at RP. Fox Hollow is beautiful. Woodland….used to have a few friends. You all act like I have some motive but I don’t. you want me to leave? IM me directly. I’ll promise that any of my RP or anything I do there doesn’t include you.
You were caught when you attempted to poach someone who you thought was new but turned out to be an alt of someone who already lived in cc. At that time, screen shots of the conversation were going around. I will try to get ahold of them if it’s still in the person’s possession. You also bad mouthed the management, residents and the town a lot in all three sims. I don’t care where you live but I dislike liars. You think you can change your name and make a brother alt and everyone will forget about your bad mouthing, poaching and ugly attitude. Stop all the lying
I can’t even with #1 and #2. THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON!! I followed them from The Sims to SL. LOL!
15 & 42: 900L is NOT a lot for a shoe fatpack, considering you get like 40 colors.
Be glad we’re no longer in the days where shoes were 1200L PER COLOR.
The entitlement of this OP is astounding. Just say you’re broke and leave.
The issue isn’t the actual cost of the 900, its that the event is supposed to be 88 related. And although adjusted since opening. Its abit ridiculous that other stores such as pixicat, trompe leoil etc all stick to the 88L, 188L etc price tag. Which is what the event started out as. As a discounted event.
I totally understand price rise but don’t be involved in a discounted event if you don’t want to discount your items.
Just say you’re an asshole and leave. 😉
No one anywhere ever said that C88 is a discount event. The only pricing guideline is that the price needs to end in ’88’, whether it be 188 or 2088. Would you feel better if they changed it to 888 instead of 900? Because those 12 lindens are SO important, right?
Just say you’re entitled and leave 😉
you’re an idiot. it just flew over your head and into the unknown. #staystupid
It isn’t about entitlement, it’s facts. When c88 opened it was actually about being a discounted event with prices as low as 88-288 etc.
I, not once noted the price or cost of the items being an issue. However, its no different to an event having an alien theme then a creator releases an item about say a pig.
Follow the guidelines. Its what they sign up for when they rent a booth.
And honestly. Yes. Those 12 lindens can make all the difference when 10 diff events open up at the same time or same week and fatpacks or even single colours range between 400- 8k.
Although the raising of costs is understandable. Items are being sold at 100x the amount they were back in the day.
That 12L can help a person save money on another item they can now afford because secondlife has gotten damn expensive. Especially with employment being dropped due to covid etc.
Just say you are close minded and leave 😉
Must be noobs giving this the thumbs down- absolutely in the first rounds of Collabora88, the single color items were 88L. All of them. Fatpacks were like 488. Also, the items used to be COLLABORATIONS, not just event releases from single creators. Same with Liaison Collaborative; you used to have to actually work with another creator to be part of that event. Now, they’re just empty names slapped on rooms full of random items with no coherent theme, marked “exclusive” to create a sense of urgency when nearly every item will be in their respective main stores after the event. Lots of dumb fucks out there eating it up, every round- still not as dumb as anyone who ever paid for Stiletto Moody’s ugly ass shoes, but there’s a lot of them.
Stiletto Moody also had a huge group fee and no demo, and they disappeared.
Right, that’s why I mentioned them in past tense. Language is nifty like that.
While I agree that the rules need to be followed, that’s not what the OP was posting about. They were complaining about a price increase, not about it not ending in 88.
And shopping has gotten comparably LESS expensive than it was 10 years ago. Does no one remember paying 2k for a single color of stiletto moody shoes?
If 12L makes such a huge difference in your shopping, that’s not the creator’s problem. Stop moving the goal post. Just say you want everything to be cheap even at the creator’s expense and leave. :*
I read this like “wow, what a Karen” and then I fucking REALISED https://gyazo.com/3547b0d5e1194192947cc11e50f3f314
The main point to the c88 secret is that the price was not on theme. So, Reign up your price 988 which I think is VERY reasonable for a fatpack and continue to do you boo. <3
Reign is free to up their prices and people are free not to buy. I wonder if they will notice a dip in sales though. Gone from an automatic buy for me to .. hmm, do I really want these?
I am referring to 42, not 15. Stay ignorant. ❤
MY post was about both.
So I’m supposed to know which one you were referring to, how exactly? telepathy? osmosis? carrier pigeon?
LMFAO Stay stupid, sweetie. ♥
we all got the context but you. just say you can’t read and go lmao.
Lol, jesus you’re a piece of work. Enjoy that nasty heart.
Not the point if the event is supposed to have stores pricing items ending at 88, then Reign didn’t actually obey the rules even in the slightest. They shouldn’t have priced at 900L at all, make it 888, 988 hell even 1088 but actually have the 88 at the end. Don’t just make up your own bloody rules!!
REIGN corrected it and as she said she was up over 24 hours and then to get the release out. She made one simple mistake and couldn’t get back in to correct it due to a full region and you want to jump her ass? She been in Collabor88 since it began, she knows the rules. She even said she would refund those 22L to those who need it. Calm your tits.
Not to mention she sells them in packs of 3 so you have your own color scheme to go with. Also I would assume a lot of prices are going to hype all over the grid to make up for the sales of gacha’s. Just a thought…
Nah, fell asleep through her wall of text. Relax ya flaps.
^^ Say it louder for the clowns in the back who didnt hear you!
apparently you heard well enough.
#11 – The part about candidiasis made me crack up. That is brilliant.
#39 – I don’t get the point of this, or the intention behind all of this to be honest. Secondly, who is this person? like… who has the time to copy bot these shapes she/he must be a stalker.
Oh honey did you think fat packs were going to stay that price forever..? You sound like one of those elderly people that reminisce about candy bars costing a nickel. Inflation is hitting just about all countries right now thanks to the shut downs, so….. that is going to trickle into SL, of course it is. If you can’t afford it, you shouldn’t spend your money on it. You’re not going to “shame” people into maintaining a quo for you. If that worked, the world wouldn’t be in this predicament would we 🙂
hideous shoes, save your money
Gee, How did I know before even looking that this week was going to be mostly about Scandalize? At least its way better than the boring crap that is usually on here.
#1 and #2 You cannot be this stupid and still be a functioning adult. Be better.
#41… Hmmm. Is it really saying “SL Kids; go out and seek head”?
Heal. But the idiot didn’t proof read before submitting. Now they look even dumber.
About 10. The same thing should apply to Legacy. That creator stole so much money off people with tmp, why do creators support that? It was a scam. No doubt the body is ripped too, there’s been some strong evidence to support that.
it isn’t a scam to close a shop,,tmp closed over a year ago get over it, it cracks me up the people coming back now after being gone for years and claiming tmp “scammed” them out of their money, even though they bought the body years ago……and then complaining in the legacy group…..you going to spend 20 bucks at k mart and then go to macys 5 years later when the item is broke, to demand a refund? NO don’t do it in sl either
AMEN. Seriously, it was $20 more than 5 years ago. How long are the whiners going to still complain about something they bought that long ago and probably have used since.
THIS is the prime example of being broke and poor.
$20 is $20. But, funnily enough, it was not them quitting that was the issue – it was them exit scamming, failing to deliver promised updates, and then booking it with money. Remember, they had their own HUD that you had to put money into and when they left, that money was gone. That and they did not even make a statement on what happened. They just came back with a new body.
Imagine thinking that not wanting to waste money is being ‘broke’ and ‘poor’. That mentality is wild.
What evidence is that? Surely if it’s so strong, you can present some of it, or point us to it.
Regarding the “scam”- the current TMP team is almost entirely different from the original, and the Classic body did get updated to full bento and BOM by that team, who is now giving them away for free. They’ve done they best they could, in that area, to make up for the mistakes of the original TMP team.
Lmao just cause you can’t afford the body don’t mean you have to invent lies about it being stolen.
We are the best kids community on second life.
Best grid on second life
#40 – No truer words have been spoken. My friends and I were the ones who brought the abuse and sexual assault of a child avatar to the owners of CC at the time. I have chat logs that prove exactly what you said. He told the person behind the child Avi that it was okay to do things together on their children Avis because they’re adults behind the screen. Gooz manipulated her and forced her into doing things that made her uncomfortable. He verbally abused my friend on voice. Even his rl was completely groomed by him from a younger age then he was irl. I’d love to know who you are who posted this!!!! Thank you for exposing this peace of shit.
Also, I talked with someone who knows the manager or whatever she claims to be of AO. Talon removed the ban that was previously there..I sent the logs to the original owner (can’t think of the guys name) and he placed a ban on Gooz over a year ago. Talon removed the ban since Gooz is her golden boy and has now made it a requirement that any accusations of child predator behavior and all the above from that has to be in picture form. Chat logs will be ignored. Everyone! If you have child avatars, please ignore AO and watch out for Talon, her family and most of all Gooz!
Jordin Shepherd and Val Shepherd owns AO. Talon is now the head mentor there and she is Gooz mother. I have seen first hand of the things Gooz does. Talon even said it freaks her out but she has known Gooz for awhile and won’t do anything. I refuse to have anything to do with AO because of it. Wish I had evidence because I’d report Gooz and all those who hide his pedophile behavior.
Thank you for the information! It’s been over a year since I’ve had anything to do with AO and was getting my information second hand.
The shit this person did go my friend is disgusting and it seems like he’s getting more comfortable to do the same thing to others since he has the support of Talon behind him. That’s terrifying and he needs to be banned again and forever!
Fake news you don’t have anything on me and you can’t find none of my alt have a nice day bitch.
Good lord thank you for giving me a good laugh! I sure did need that. There is a whole ass SL secret about you as well as multiple comments (even though angel and I were bickering at the time) proving that you’re wrong and guilty of the abuse you do to others. I keep those logs and screenshots hidden so you don’t know what all I have. Also I know someone who has a list of names and I’ve seen the picture of you with all of your identical alts who very in size and age. But keep on screaming “fake news”. Got that line from another piece of shit that exists in this word. You really are a fly to shit.
I’ll have a wonderful day being a decent human being and going through life not being a sexual predator.
-The Bitch
Very smart to out yourself like this!
What about that bitch that keeps tagging people on Flickr to do some stupid challenge at her dumb sim? She’s been challenging hundreds of people and can’t get it through her pea brain that no one would be too stupid to take photos of her shitty ass sim.
#41 – Is this telling people to try and get head? People need to spell check.. also the entirety of secondlife is living in a virtual world. It’s right in the name.. 😂
#31: On a related rant, I picked up Aleutia’s earrings at the FLF birthday bash. Not usually my style, but I occasionally dress in that style and they were free. Then I noticed my complexity count went through the roof. Each earring is 55,000! I went from 30,000 complexity to 140,000 with a pair of earrings. I promptly took them off and deleted them. I run SL on a gaming rig, but I’m not going to lag a sim out with a pair of earrings. #42: I’ve been noticing a slow and steady increase in prices. Collabor88 started as a place to get bargains. In the beginning, items were always 88L-188L. I do have to point out that Reign corrected the prices to end in 88, but $388 for ONE COLOR?! I usually like Reign’s shoes, but that’s just ridiculous. Exile? Regular price at the store is 390L. At C88, he knocks off a whopping 2L to make it 388. The price increase kind of makes me wonder how much designers pay to get into this event. On the positive side, I’ll give kudos to Ison, Trompe Loeil (beautiful homes for 88L!), and a few other stores who stick to the 88L-188L range (and probably make bank doing it). #48: Part of the problem is that some of the best DJs and hosts have jumped ship in recent months. When the best hosts who engage in banter with guests disappear, something is going on. A few of the newer hosts and DJs have all the personality of a potato. Part of the charm of Blackhearts was going to listen to music AND engage in amusing text chat (that didn’t depend on stupid gestures). I noticed things started to change when a particular employee started throwing cash prizes out during costume… Read more »
Candydoll used to INCREASE her prices at C88. They were 250 in the store, and 288 at C88, Reign was always a store that made good quality shoes for a great price, I think we’ve all been spoiled by the cheap fatpacks of clothing and shoes around lately, but it is a shame to see Reign leave the ranks of the better priced stores. I will still support them if it’s something I really want.
1&2 – Stealthic has done CC for sims way before they started selling their creations on SL.
Maybe research properly before throwing copybot at someone
Yes, stealthic has his own page on TSR. The hairs shown above are from Cazy, not Stealthic. So unless Cazy allowed him to use her mesh, he downloaded them from TSR and uploaded them on Second Life.
there are so many creators that do both and sell on both and they all know one another lol. wings, gingko, archive faction (pretty much everyone from “the sign” sim sells on both sims and SL), i’m even convinced anto (popular sims creator) helps out doux at this point (doux said they’re both best friends IRL so def plausible).
these ppl are ready to throw out COPYBOT vs just realizing that lot of these ppl know one another, are inspired by one another, and more often than not create alongside one another. just check the topology of both. that will tell you if it’s stolen or not.
now if you want an actual copybotter, there’s sonyasims (copybotted hair from doux and sold it on her patreon) and simpliciaty (well known copybotter and sells on patreon). stealthic even called out the latter over it.
(edit added links)
Or is it possible that they were stolen from Stealthic? It’s definitely not improbable that it wasn’t.
Similarities aside (both are well-known hairstyles with plenty of irl reference images that look basically the same), the mesh is literally different on both pics. Nobody stole from anybody here. They’re not the same.
I just checked the dates and Cazy’s were uploaded months before Stealthic released his on Second Life. So I’m guessing whether they’re friends and Cazy allowed him to sell her mesh or he just took it from her?
“Just checked the dates” as if you’re not the person who posted the secret. You’re also the only person defending the secret.
Regardless of if you’re “dates” claim is even accurate the meshes are not the same and I’m willing to bet they drew inspiration from some popularized media.
Youre probably the same type of person who complained when 3 different stores put out princess crown shoes as if the concept wasn’t off an alt-fashion instagram page.
TLDR: the mesh is different and we’re thankful to have access to these items on SL that wouldn’t otherwise be here.
#33 – Your comment was gross, hers wasn’t. The fact that you can’t articulate your opinion without resulting to shit talking and having to hide behind anonymity is pathetic and sad. Your point is invalid and you’re an invalid. The only shit hole around here is your mouth, your ass must be jealous of it.
im blown away you would even complain about a resale of something clearly no longer belongs to you. I’m sure a fair amount of money was pulled to achieve what they were looking to gain from the gacha. Perhaps a rare etc. If I buy a car even four at a good deal and sell three making a profit that’s my business. It no longer belongs to Ford or Chevy it belongs to the person who paid their money for it. At least now I know I want go and pull your gacha because if you’re that petty you certainly don’t deserve MY money. 😒✌🏻
Oh Margo…. go back to IMVU. Everyone on SL KNOWS what a little psychopath you really are. Please get therapy.
you guys need to relax. This isn’t Mars. This is someone hiding behind her name.
You’re still around? LOL I can’t believe the balls you must have to show yourself after all the disgusting things you’ve done. Your opinion is irrelevant, you should go back to hiding on one of your many alts, Eeilee isn’t going to lose sleep over your few lindens from a p*dobaiter on her gachas, no one wants to hear from you Margo, I mean Ellie, I mean Charlie Evergarden, I mean whatever alt you’re playing this week.
Charlie Evergarden is margoclearly? But Margo isn’t Bean Cloud and that’s who Eeilee is blaming for the secret.
ad homs get you nowhere other than to prove that you’re an idiot
Aw Margo, you’re an irrelevant copybotter and scammer, lol. What name are you going by now, again? Keep scrolling and stop posting stupid things. The item wasn’t made by Eeilee, and your uninformed comment and ridiculous analogy that literally makes zero sense to the subject just makes you sound like a moron 🥱💅🏻
#17 If you really believe that Nell is Victor, then you don’t really know either of them.
#49 Blair’s new account now pretending to be a women https://gyazo.com/85b7647fb8fb1491e906238ceef1adbf
Who the fuck cares if a man is playing a woman on Second Life. It is fucking weird to try and look into the real-life of someone. The whole point of Second Life is/was to be something you cannot be or desire to be in real life. Second Life is not a fucking dating platform, so being upset that someone does not match their real-life appearance, age, or gender is dumb.
If you are a woman and want to play a gay man, go ahead. Just do research and do not fall into negative stereotypes. If you are a white man who wants to play a black man, go ahead. Just do research and do not fall into negative stereotypes. If you are an Asian man and want to play a white woman, go ahead. Just do research and do not fall into negative stereotypes.
Get it? If they are not being disrespectful, does it really even fucking matter? No, it does not. It is the whole point. If you go on this angle, roleplaying is dead.
Oh you stupid fucking muppet, it has nothing to do with that but has everything to do with the fact that his Blair account has been banned from SL and he has come back as a women to hide he’s identity, so ask yourself what was it he did so badly to get banned?
You really just splashed this all over a gossip site???
You call that nothing? 15? your fucking lucky your not behind bars I hope LL informed the police here in the UK because you need to be on the Sex Offenders list.
LL LABS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is the owner with this ex us pedo prez
I’m not from the uk you dumb fuck lol
stop this shit
Not nice being posted on here is it? but you like to post Kay on here and thought it was funny, well this is funny watching you shit yourself 🙂 you caused so much shit then make a new account and of course I find out. Make another one Blair I will find that one out to. I am watching you little boy.
fun more fun fun this is not kay this is sammie
Capital S.
I did not make it I swear on my mom grave stop accusing me of things I have not done
Did not make it? or did not post it? Make your mind up Blair.
You said last week you made it and posted it in several groups. You thought it was hilarious someone else decided to take your little made up meme and post it in here for everyone else to see. You were in fact boasting about it lol. Now you’re saying you didn’t? Which is it, and what is it going to be next week?
i did not make it or post it i have not been on this shit site till I got send the fucking links by a friend
Awww I am just getting going.
Another Alt? CuteLiLLiar 08/15/2021 (Joined today)
lol that’s not me hahahahaa that’s my friends hahahaha
i wanted this shit to stop now im ending it
Another Alt? https://gyazo.com/97ed084af1aa848686998383acb4413a
Yeah yeah!
im going to the police
LMAO – You started this shit, you are the one who thought it was funny to bring your drama to this page, go to the Police they will laugh at your spelling as well.
LOL Sammie your funny
Your funny mentioning the Police, its okay for you to bully people but when its done in return you cry and call the Police LMAO
funny how i know who you are from your INTERNET PROVOIED
for harassment
lol im logging of this site its childish anyway
#51 Teqi’s has been on life support for 2 years now, the 2nd refurb of the club in that time frame, the once week voice days still can not save it. The only way it can be saved is reducing the extortionate group price from 2500L to something like 300L to get some new people in the place, when i do pop over which is never that regular i can count on 1 hand how many Avs are there and tp out. Instead Teqi the only way to save your sim is to get new people there, no way are potential new patrons paying 2500K for a club with 5 people in it at any time, cheaper group price = new patrons = equals more traffic.
It’s just too bad – Teqi’s used to be *the* place to be from 2012-ish to 2014. Started dying on 2016 onwards with all the afkers and attention seekers.
I’ve been there during the free times in the morning just to have a look around.. can’t see how it’s worth paying 2500L to join.
Yes all this! Plus seriously why did she change the place to begin with? There is a ton of odd furniture in the club that no one ever uses. The chairs she had were great and people were always nicely spread out and now everyone is cramped up in the middle while some people even try to dance. I just wonder if maybe she wants the place to die out or something.
Great way to run a place that was always packed and fun!