Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 667.

Thanks for letting me know. I didn’t really pay attention, my bad.
#43 Have you seen her track record? Just give it a week.
Someone tell Thrist that if they want rigging for Gianni they can contact Alexacroft Resident for rigging for that body
#11. Tucker is too busy banging every woman from CC and Woodland to do his job as chief of CCFD.
So let’s see if I’ve got this right Chris created a shit ton of alts so he could fuck around behind Jade’s back with all her friends. Jade had her suspicions, so she called him out and he got caught. Instead of booting his ass Jade accepted his reasoning as valid, and they have carried on with their relationship. And he got to keep his alts. And not all of them are male, going by reports. Chris also has female alts which alternatively means, Chris also loves the dick. Continuing with the story, so now, Chris is telling Jade his life is one fucked up meadow right now and can’t be online as much. Remembering of course that he got to keep his alts and has probably made more, going by his history. Female ones too. In the meantime, Jade has confided in people and it turns out that she has a problem with alcohol, is nearly homeless and uses the local Food Bank for her meals. These so called friends have now spread this information throughout this entire gossip site, for everyone to lavish over. They are also now arguing with Jade about this tea-breaking knowledge and Jade is arguing back, merely validating what they have spread is true. She also claims she loves Chris, will stand by him no matter what, and it isn’t anyone else’s business, and yet continues to argue with people, and now they are turning on her like a pack of hyena’s in search of their last meal, because whatever Jade says at this point just makes her look even more dumb. Now, enter the unfortunate Mr Chris Chun. Apparently this is not Chris. It’s another Chris, who is American. The real Chris is British. There are some doubts about this, and will we… Read more »
I have no idea who these people are but this is like a soap opera! Very well written, kudos. I do think there is one exception though, I’ve met guys posing as females in this game whom claim they are not gay, trans or bi. Their logic was that it was much easier to seduce women this way. NOT saying this applies to this person but it is possible. Anyway, keep us all up to date on this melodrama. I’m hooked!
I shall endeavour to keep you all abreast with the latest and perhaps even more accurate news as it unfolds! Thank you for your support.
Yes, he loves dicks. He identified himself as a bisexual. Jade confides in everyone, friends of strangers as you just see how much she said here.
They won’t be stupid enough to give all lists of his alts, which makes you think he will continue (and she will support) his “deceiving”, but he can have more alts than she found out and without a doubt, he would NEVER fool himself again to access her links. If HE truly loved her, he wouldn’t hide it. Yes, he mentioned below that he is American, Chris Chun (Chris C and his username now in Fox Hollow Discord as he is a Moderator), but if people would actually check his profile (or checked already, for example, his first pick or the third. No Florida (Florida is roleplaying birthplace. LMFOA) man would talk that way and most importantly, no American would know any Scottish pub toast), checking the time when he roleplaying (for long terms) they would see that no American would actually do that… Unless he is unemployed.
Yes, what you said in your post is correct, but there are more to be added.
Now this is added tea! As it goes along it just gets more and more curiouser and curiouser as Alice would say in Wonderland. I will keep my eyes peeled for added information and report it as it unfolds!
You are right about this. I would like to update your report: He changed his username/name: From chrisl222 to christopher.blackwood and his name from Chris Chun to Chris Blackwood on Discord.
Just get the man in a voice channel on discord somewhere, several have voiced with him.
When someone makes a profile to trigger and it actually triggers. WIN!
You realize the whole point of that was indeed to piss of those who have ill intent. That is why it is called so mote it be. congrats on being the very epitome of what it was for and nice that it works great.
hahaha im dead, when a profile triggers, i love it! thank you !!! stalkers are fun.
thanks for being in my fan club and a stalker.
How about this, come say it to me and stop hiding like a sad crying little bitch!
i got the same friends from 15 years ago and a lot more that are not toxic btw and are great , one showed me this bless his evil sexy heart. you realize you kinda proved the point of that profile lmao.. ok karen/kevin.
if you are blocked, i’ll gladly unblock, i’ll even tp your over entitled ass right to me! step up or shut up.
omg son was the worst sim, i watched so many ppl get banned and groups get annexed over stupid childish shit. oh my rl feels are hurt over rp. banned. omg someone did a rape rp, im triggered. banned. friends tossed aside there over petty childisness, many groups cause oh you are not good enough but i’ll take your fuckin money though!!!! hundreds i wasted…never again. let me tell you when that shit hole went down there were fucking party in the sims. every one they ripped off and fucked over had a fuckin party! And i was right in the middle of that celebration.
my friends tried to warn me, I didn’t listen.
so come out come out where ever you are cowardly dog! I feed on it!
you do know 37 is people asking for more fashion for male avis right? Like what number are you talking about? Also butt hurt much??
What a joke for a sim, First the ‘wannabe’ scripter was scamming chat logs for this fake gold. Then the hud system, is a rip off of another system, which I’m sure it will surface soon enough. Now onto the ‘wannabe’ owner and her ‘toys’. She is more worried with her IC/OOC Dom than actually doing things, and then sick ‘wannabe’ big man with small peen syndrome to ban me over calling them out for being shady and breaking TOS. For a sim that is’nt sex driven they sure do have sex in his cave enough. And to show up to an execution leashed? Thats not BDSM, or sex related? Right Guys?
Just another sim owner attempting to act like they are something important, by buying sims while people slave for her and get screwed off. Maybe take care of the people that help you. Shall we even mention your scripters b/s price list… 20,000L$ a hour? Do you really play that?
If you are smart or have any self worth dont waste your time going there.
Thats okay. Haley will be done soon enough, you can only use people long enough. Hope Aker can pick up the pieces. Crybaby good luck on your empty sim and cliche of wanna be friends, oh wait I’m sorry sex partners.
Cheating on people isn’t real cute either.
Peace out
wishing you well. Good luck going forwards. Hope you can recover from being upset.
Holy fudge cicles! Well not surprising. Been hearing nothing but shit from people who have gone there, a few friends have left thanks to the sim owner and her people.
As for the wannabe big man, lol heard some rumors its an alt of a notorious self proclaimed asshole of the fantasy sims. Big dragon player with a shitty attitude. But its all heresay and rumor.
As for the scriptor: lords! I know scriptors, good ones, they don’t charge that. Why? Because they know their work will speak for them, amd it will get them more clients j/s.
“For a sim that is’nt sex driven they sure do have sex in his cave enough. And to show up to an execution leashed? Thats not BDSM, or sex related? Right Guys?” YourNighmare wrote
NOPE NOT AT ALL!!! That is all bunnies and kittens! Nothing sexual or BDSM there! 😂 Thats just bad roleplay. Like come on, be mature about that, take your floor(or should I say pixel tiny beans and franks) warmer off her leash and be presentable!
Oh im laughing so hard im crying. Thank you @YourNightmare for a good giggle this morning
what big dragon we talking about, there are a few like that in the fantasy world.
there are sooo many wanna be big dragons, which one we talking about?
I mean…if you can’t afford it then don’t hire them? Honestly this just sounds cheap and entitled lmao
So you thought I would post about you? Not really because it’s a waste of my time. But what I will post is how you work your ass off for ungrateful people that are using you. And to make it clear that are not paying you what you deserve.
Has anyone checked out the full website you created for them? Pretty sad you do all this to be the one shit talked about behind your back, and have another scripter hired to replace you because Crybaby thinks your in over your head. I am thankful I left that place and to be frank you should to!
Whoa. Seeing now theres more to this story, @Pink paint. I am sorry you got taken advantage of, and I hope you find greater horizons.
Always is more to the story I will say the admin teams a fucking joke there.
Oh, There’s way more to this story. And Pink Paint is far more the villain than she wants to let on. But nice try at cherry picking again, dearest. Sorry there wasnt a snake to pop this one for you. Keep up that dark cloud energy, at least youre consistent.
So weird that you left but your name is on a ban list.🙅glad they kicked you out.
good luck with your own sim. If you cant afford a scripter, how are you going to pay for a sim.
#31 so because those fair white skins are a RARE it means they’re racist??? 💀 majority of sl is used by minorities. There are less dark skin tones on sl anyways. So sit down and be happy that you have a wide range of skin creators who make white skins 👍🏻
i allready reported this they be comeing ever one wiht this ip n the the site for cyber bullying have fun in jail time 😂
Is this english? I mean really. All im catching is you are trying to say something about IP and they are coming here for cyber bullying. Are you daft? A bit simple?
Do you realize this site has been threatened so much and reported even more, and looky, its still here. Your sad report will do nothing. Move along Buttercup.
No one made you look at this site, also no ones gonna give two shits that its up, its been around for a long time. All you did was give the people you made the report too a good laugh. Congrats.
Mans got the FBI in fits of laughter. ” They talked shit about me on the internet pls arrest them” thick skinned people.
So your feelings got hurt over pixels on a website.
Tell me how does that make you feel?
#55 – Ashton Andretti is a fucking piece of shit. He is the type of guy who is a complete loser and feels like such a big man because he has a “popular trolling sim” that gives him this big ego. Meanwhile he sits there is his house RL while he gets cucked by his wife. You charge people 500L and then kick them from your group without a refund because you are a fucking narcissist. Even if you have ‘friendly’ voice sim competition you ban the other sim owners and their friends without cause. You are a jealous prick with no life out of second life. You have zero control of your real life because your wife is the boss! Put on your big boy panties and grow the fuck up. OH and if he bans you don’t expect to know why. He will just ban you and then block you like a fucking coward.
Why is Thirst constantly being mentioned? It was not the first male creator to drop support for Signature.
1) Gianni was a cunt to rig for
2) The creator of Signature is a cunt
3) Literally 50% of males use Jake, 45% use Legacy, 3% use Aesthetic, 1% use other bodies, and the final 1% is Signature.
Wow. So many shit in one comment. Sure, is his store and he can do waht he like. But your comment is totally nonsens and no point is true xd
Wasn’t this kimchi clementine the same person who was against racism? And now she’s friends with a known hateful transphobe? What a fucking hypocrite.
#8 Who cares. Ballerina shoes look hideous.
#31 Wtf are you talking about?!?!?
#37 Guys don’t buy clothes as much as women, therefore less designs. Deal with it or learn how to make your own.
#55 Why in the world would you spend L$500 just to join a group?!?!?! Caveat emptor!!!!!
In response to #37 Ever stop to think a lot of us men might spend more (me for one) if there was more variety to pick from. I do not care for a lot of the urban and flamboyant stuff. There is not a lot of mesh goth stuff that is good out there. I got to events and more. I have offered creators linden to make stuff asked what I can do to make it happen and they just say no, I know this is a minuscule number but at least 12 men want more clothing options and we all have money to burn.
The problem is that it takes anywhere from 40-100 hours to create a new original quality mesh outfit. For a designer to put that effort into a creation there has to be worthwhile return of investment. Guys as a rule generally own about three outfits where women own about 100 times more. I do agree it’s unfair to guys who want to be fashionable but that’s the economics of the situation. Do the math. Would you rather take in tens of thousands of lindens vs hundreds of thousands of lindens for your time and effort?
Lol 100 hours for one creation… Sorry but looool… The creator who needs this time should search for another way to make money, really xd.
Sometimes you are combining different parts of previous creations. It may seem like a stretch but all parts of the design must be accounted for.
What was number 40 before it got deleted?
A homophobic submission about Pride. Good job to owner for removing it.
44 & 48
This guys is a complete creep. Tried to convince me that he was a millionaire streamer. But when when asked to change his ugly ass avi, he said he didn’t have the money until Thursday. LoL
He is just a sad individual and should treating women with respect. No wonder no one likes him. Better yet, get a life and pay some attention to ur kid.
You are great at arguing but you sound stupid when u do it.
This guys is no dim, I’d make him my bitch in 2 seconds flat.
He sent me his dick pic and all lol. Such a teenie weenie for such a shit talker.
wow this guy got posted again man u woman really have no life on this and why do u care about his money sound like your a gold digger maybe you should get a life or get a job
says the person whining about reporting a site for cyberbulling xD LIKE go get a life since you so but hurt.
Ironic isn’t it? The Yin and Yang of idiotic.
She is working? Oldest profession. She a scam queen. Support for the save a bitch from the smack a hoe foundation.
We know it’s just you responding like this, loser; I have my own story I could tell too about encountering you on the grid but I won’t, to protect my anonymity. I also read a couple of very funny notecards where you pulled your passive aggressive, woe is me bullshit on one of my friends just because she had a male friend standing next to her in a public place. Did you think you could hit on half the women in SL and then block them when it doesn’t work (comedy gold btw) without it ever coming back to haunt you? Nope, you’re a big fucking joke.
I mean all you guys are really some sorry excuse no life little girl or boy they have no life in this game going on posting false accusation I mean you guys think I’m some broke-ass dude but think about it how the f*** did I make my avatar so damn sexy how the f*** I have all this money to have a Sim to have everything I can get in Second Life not think about it I own a gaming computer and not just some gaming computer a super gaming computer Intel Core I9 processor with a 38 e r t x t i while you’re running on a toaster with a hamster wheel let’s seriously stop talkin this crap you don’t know me
You’re constantly saying we don’t know you, but you literally have a script when it comes to harassing any fucking woman that comes in a five foot radius. And most of them end with you calling them racist because they want nothing to do with your “Puerto Rican” dick and then saying their boyfriends are going to beat them. Dude, you’re scum. Though I do applaud your attempt at using a spell check this time. NEXT time how about we give punctuation a go, you illiterate, parasitic moron.
I would say you’re toxic, but you’ve pushed the threshold into just being a fucking joke.
LOL you can’t rez in busy clubs and you live in a 50L Rental, because you tried to get me to go there to get out of the lag, then acted like a little bitch when I refused. Also your avi is generic as fuck; not even a well done version of basic. Your little fantasy world is a sad delusion.
I quit at “how the f*** did I make my avatar so damn sexy”, so only people with money can have a good looking avatar is that what you’re saying? I need to see proof of this sexy af avatar… I have a feeling it’s probably the complete opposite. Judging by the profile posted it’s just a mediocre ava that looks exactly the same as a lot of other wannabe daddy doms in sl 💁
where’s the proof I mean you’re giving me false accusation obviously you don’t know a damn thing about me because you think I’m some broke-ass bitch I’m not but I’m not think about it why would I look good the way I look good now I’m in full Bento out thousands of dollars I put into this game about it I mean how stupid are you did your mom literally clearly through you at the fucking brick wall I mean what is this world come to Idiocracy people with no balls to can’t go up to my face and talk shit that and talk shit through a website I mean come on you guys got no balls you guys got no guts you got nothing you just a scared little bitch behind the website let me tell you a little something I have more balls than any motherfuking die in this Second Life get more balls than any of you bitches I mean seriously you coming on this website criticized me and you don’t even tell me your name because you’re scared cuz you know what I can do and you know I have so much information than all of you put together only come on really do you really want to go there with me come on talk to me in Second Life let’s see how much balls you got oh wait you don’t my bad I’m sorry I can’t help it that I’m talking to little kids like you guys on this shit
Let’s just clarify something… I have no idea who tf you are and quite frankly I feel blessed that I don’t BUT you keep calling all these people scared little bitches as they won’t “come at you face to face in SL” bruh you do realize that in SL it’s not actually FACE TO FACE it’s avatars or are you that delusional that you think pixel to pixel is brave? Lmfao I would quit already you’re making yourself sound like a nutcase, maybe work on your grammar and try to better the nonsense you’re typing here because a lot of it’s illegible.
Wow, your typing gets more stupid with every comment LOL
I get that you’re a bootlicker but this isn’t a court of law, and no one owes you proof of anything. If anything, you’ve proved people are telling the truth yourself, by typing BIG MAD walls of text with zero punctuation about it. I’ve seen you act like a pitiful sadboi in my own IMs and someone’s I know pretty well, so I have no doubt the similar stories are true. I’m not even worried about you remembering who I am at this point because apparently you do this shit so much you would have no way of remembering which woman you cried to and blocked on what day.
Anyway, I’d like you to expand on “what you can do” in your next incoherent, seething response- please threaten to sic the law enforcement of a country you don’t live in on us again, that’s extra cute. At least I hope you don’t live in the US; if English is your first language, you’re actually retarded and I’d feel bad for picking on you.
Is she a hoe too?
Yeah man, those admins over there, are like… insane. They spend so much time building the huge sim, that like.. do they even rp bro?
What kind of person buys 12 sims for an rp sim they dont even know will work, like… isnt that a waste of money?
Most sims builders spend more time building then rping. Its not the first rp sim to end up here, people will complain over anything.
Move does have quite a lot of idle dance animations at their store, I own a couple of them. 😮
They definitely do; they’re called “dance stands” and they’re not even hard to find in the store. People are just lazy, whiny bitches.
8 – Maitreya “wins” by copying their betters. SLink had pointe feet years before Maitreya. Face it, that body is the iOS to SLink’s Android. Slow to the post on anything useful or major, but people buy them because of the glamour and cachet. I also recall Legacy has features Maitreya doesn’t. How are those materials layers working out for you? Oh, whoops, SLink got there with BOM before Maitreya and Legacy both. My bad! So many of its users are such whiners. They complain that they can’t use their appliers with BOM and then are surprised the special layers Onyx provides clip through their clothes. This is what happens when your base is closer to a flock of fleeced rubes than actual consumers. 19 – Those dance stores are aiming more at choreographers than clubs, especially Paragon. You want smaller dances? Check the people who aren’t aiming for theatrical productions. 31 – Are all of their gachas rigged to make fairer skins the rares? Or most? I’m aware of how unconscious and systemic racism exist and often manifest in SL. I do not like the idea of what may be a one-time or uncommon choice on Glam Affair’s part used to lay an accusation against them. Due diligence, please. 37 – That would be nice, wouldn’t it? I know more than one man who’d love to break out of the business suits and T-shirts rigmarole. Gabriel can’t be the only one. 49 – I saw someone commenting on a SL-related blog that he was sad more users weren’t into truly moddable avatars like Kemono. Bish, please. You have to buy an add-on for that overpriced POS to let you have tits bigger than mosquito bites. All I need is an appropriate skin, time with the shape sliders and one… Read more »
#31 Those skins are just most sold, so for that it is a rare. Doesn’t have anything to do with being a racist. If she was really a racist then she wouldn’t make all kind of skin colors would she? I think some people are starting to being an idiot, and take things to a next level of stupidity.
11 – I thought this guy moved?
18 – Woodcrest Universty is alright. There isn’t a lot of drama outside of cliques. Cedar Creek having no money left would explain a lot. The owners must not have much disposable income to pay for anything. I can’t argue with Fox Hollow being boring because it is rofl as sad as that is
47 – Can anyone name all the accounts Chris Winchester has? Out of curiosity what gives you reason to say Chun is Winchester? If that girl he is dating is smart she would dump him. No reason losing friends and taking a bashing over the crap HE did and probably is doing even now rofl
Some people will believe what they want to believe about me. I do not abuse Jade, we argue like any couple would and does.
We are together because I love her and she loves me. She accepted my valid and truthful reasons but sadly narrowminded people never will. Do not be taking Jade down because of something that I and many other people have done. I am not the only person that used alts to deceive in Cedar Creek or any other roleplay sim, does that excuse the deceit, not at all. But move on and leave Jade the fuck alone. I have only the alts that Jade found out about, no others so I really do not care what other people think. The people I care about and love know and accept me and my reasonings, which I do not need to explain to you.
Chris Chun is not me and to spread such malicious rumors about a man who would not know what is going on is unreal. Leave Jade alone and leave Chris Chun alone, he is American and I am British.
Chris Chun is 100% not Chris Winchester. Completely different continent. Chris is British, I believe Chun is from Florida or something like that. I worked with literally both of them, Chun at CCPD, and Winchester at MCSO. While yes, they both can be severe pain in the asses, they’re not the same guy.
Fk CC and FOX, come on down to WOODLAND, where it’s nice and white and we don’t care if you have 100 ALTS, we need citizens! The more ALTS you have the better! You can be the whole town with ur multi personalities
Jade, does it bother you that Winchester went on his bitch ALT and fucked your ex husband torin? Of course torin was not aware it was a man and it was Winchester, Who does that
Winchester, nobody likes you! Do yourself a favor, get off of Sl, and the couch, out of mummy’s basement and go to the gym! Fat asshole
Welcome Chris, so who are all your alts?
Chris can you name all your alternate accounts for us? I am curious
I am not taking down Jade. I think she deserves someone who didn’t use alternative accounts to date all her friends. Why did you do it Chris? What reason is valid? Who else are you talking of who had deceived in Cedar Creek? People are usually honest about their other accounts used for role play. You used your accounts to date Jade’s friends
you seem to…really not grasp, that in rp,, its not -deception- each character is on a different account, so just because someone’s character is in a relationship, the other characters this person plays can’t be?
these are pixels.
You would be right if the relationships being referenced were all IC, for rp only. That’s not the case here; this is an OOC relationship being disrespected. If you’re telling someone you’re not involved with anyone but them and that you love them, for real, yes it absolutely is deception to make other accounts for getting sexually or romantically involved with other people. If fucking around IC is not agreed upon in your OOC relationship it 100% is cheating. It’s actually really fucking simple- if you have to lie at any point, you’re doing wrong.
Totally agree with Be Less Ig., It’s deceptive and a means to validate the wrong doing people are perpetuating when they refuse to take responsibility. Things get real over a technicality of OOC and IC? Really? Thats the defense? Why not tell her upfront about the alts and IC activities? Because you didnt want your cover blown? You didnt want to give it up? There are many ways to conceal the truth without “lying”.
sure thing; but then again, I am a rabid opponent of mixing the two- ooc and ic, especially, as it seems in this case, people were clearly of different concepts when it came to define what a relationship is.
If, said person was creating alts left and right to blissfully get his pixel dong sucked all the live long day, then what truly should be the question asked here, is -why-, in god’s name, is this man causing such a blazing trail of despair and destruction. Who is giving him all this attention?
And also, given the frequency of this Jade person declaring countless times over how happy she is and -they- are, leads me to believe someone is sobbing into a pint of ice cream every night while listening to Adele.
I am assuming you know that majority of people, women more than men, are afraid of their spouses, and in front of everyone, they would say anything just to not get again into a fight! I never saw anyone who would post excessively how much they love someone unless they are trying to convince themselves or there is something wrong.
In the abyss, you would hear people vomit and laugh at the thought they are jealous of what Chris and Jade have. Chris Winchester is a bully, shitty man, and people left because of him. At every roleplaying scene, he would call the managers if it is not like him (He got fired from MCSO for a reason: He got into a fight with a manager because it wasn’t the way he wanted. He was disrespectful to everyone!). I saw TONS of requests on all groups. Both of them. Jade protected him because she is a shitty woman and as someone mentioned in a post, she gained from him, financially. He doesn’t receive attention, PEOPLE RECEIVE INFORMATION to be careful around him!
I have never taken money from Chris. He may have given me one or two gifts but I have done the same for him. If anyone ever helped me with money it certainly was not Chris, and I worked for the money I did receive from the other person and they know if they ever need a favor, I am there to help. Usually with a graphic or some other art related thing.
She isn’t really, but she has some interesting points while we talked. Too bad people, including Chris, take advantage of her and choose emotional attack in front of everyone if it is not like him. Those who accepted Chris and Jade feel sorry for Jade, thinking she deserves to be happy, They accepted Chris for years and they can accept Jade being with him. Everyone who lives on Cedar Creek and dealt with Chris knows this is the truth.
Full list I don’t have, but I know at least 4 of them. Same way as the others including Jade, who found out about his other accounts. Every narcissist and entitled arse like Chris leaves something behind.
Have to say I agree with you. As sad as it is I too think Chris takes advantage of her. I know Chris better than I know her but she doesn’t give reason for me to think she’s a bad person. She should wise up and leave him. Out of curiosity how did people find out about his other accounts?
She had a suspicion and decided to send all his suspected alts a link and they all came back to the same IP. lol
Thank you for answering
I can name his accounts, and I trust him he’s been honest with me. I was the one who gathered the proof of those accounts, but love him enough to forgive him once he told me why. And I have yet to lose any true friends over anything he has done. People who I care about and call dear to me have all told me they understand and continue to be my friend. And what bashing am I getting? a bunch. of trolls? I’ve had far worse in my time in the furry art community. I have a lot thicker skin than people seem to think. When you truly care about someone, a little bit of internet trolling wont shake that. And all they have is to make the assumption I, who have been seen to be on sl many times through the day, am on my couch a lot.real slueths they are.And quite abelist to think that is an insult. Yeah, seriously, all this did was give me a chance to prove this kind of shit really isnt something that truly affects me, more gave me something interesting to read and interact with.
Jade how did you gather the proof? How did you know he is being deceitful? I must say Jade that I think Chris takes advantage of you. There are better people to date that won’t take your kindness for weakness. Over the time on virtual secrets I have read Chris here defending that awful Aeon family and that bully Cody but he hasn’t done that for you. Why are you here defending him?
Well, at least now we can say that we know “Face It” must either be Kat, Hayden or Shane lol
I’m sorry but I am not them. Has Kat changed her last name yet? I saw her online and she was still a Winchester. Everyone should keep Chris away. He can not be trusted
she’s going to feed him chicken nuggets and pizza while his 500LB ass sits @ his computer with his 5 alts running.
Chiccy nuggies and sodies
and also, Cody is a dear friend of mine and very much would not call him a bully. The Aeons were always friendly to me but i only ever knew them on a professional level.
I haven’t alerted chris to this because right now his rl is very bad and he needs to focus on that instead of silly internet drama. I found out by simply using the security on my art webpage. it tracks ips. I had suspicions and i proved them with the help of a couple people. I confronted him, he gave me reasons I felt are valid and in a way understandable. They are not my truths to tell so I will not. Chris initially did not even want to continue our relationship to protect me from this supposed “fallout” but I do truly love him and as I have said before, a little bit of randoms talking shit behind a screen does nothing to me.
errr, seems like there was a lot more going on than “randoms talking shit behind a screen”, looking at you Chris and your tube of vaseline jacked from mother.
He already knew it would come crashing down on him like this. It’s not the first time, it won’t be the last, it’s just how he plays sl, and he’s definitely not alone in that. You do realize he’s likely lying to you about his rl being bad, just to get you to believe him, though, right? You’re not really this gullible, are you? I’m sure you’re smart enough to know that even if you love him, he’s a shitty person that does shitty things and enjoys doing it. It’s still hard to control who we love and why we love them, I get it. There is never any excuse to lie to people about stupid shit, especially having alts, or do some of the things he does. Like you said, even you have them, lots of people have them. Why lie about something as dumb as that? It just shows people are willing to lie about anything. You can love him all you want and excuse away his shitty behavior all you want too, but it won’t change reality. It won’t change the fact that he’s just going to keep doing what he’s doing because he knows you’ll stick around when others won’t, you’ll tell him you believe him when everyone else knows not to, and he doesn’t actually give a shit about you or anyone other than himself. People like him are a dime a dozen, and every single one of them has someone who will always love them no matter what shitty thing they do. I’ve been there myself, so I get your point of view too, so have plenty of others. Eventually we all wise up a bit and learn to stop feeding into narcissists like him, and you will too. Not hating on you, I’ve… Read more »
Ive known some professionally diagnosed narcissists. You’re doing exactly what is expected of one by going after the other people and claiming this of them. Its the most basic and simple way to overt this label and attention from yourself. So how are you any different or better than these people or person that you are running in the ground. What ms.love is doing is simply dragging out people that will agree with her here and will later turn on them as well as soon as conflicting views are voiced. Can you tell your story without becoming a victim or do they all have the same storyline? Rerun of a rerun. How exciting and believable.
I sure hope chris really is the problem and you are telling the truth because it is so easy to twist things up with tech savvy people who love to see what they are capable of distorting. Then again im not sure who ubare or this guy but it seems loke you are a civil young lady im assuming, and should have known communicate is the key to making progress in life together or apart. Less than honesty means nothing.
I agree with this so much. He probably tells her his real life is bad so he can be on his other accounts. I feel bad for Jade because her love for him has her blind to the truth or maybe it’s low self esteem but Jade you can find someone better. For her sake I hope she can wise up soon. He will take advantage of her like he is now
from this point forward,if anyone feels the need to speak to me, my discord and my sl are both easily found. I am not commenting here any longer where people hide who they are. at least use the agreed upon names we know each other as.
Shut up Jade, go take a shower and clean your house.
Girrrl. You haven’t lost any friends?? I can name about 3 of them so far that’s sick of your bullshit.
Ive lost more than i care to think about including close friends and family members as well over lies and false accusations over what someone thought instead of knew and never once mentioned to me. Instead it is put on display as fact when it is not and further from the truth than anyone will ever wanna believe now that their heads are full of deceitful disgust and I will always face reality just not the virtual reality that has been portrayed by a stranger who i thought was my friend.
Please do name these three people for us?
oh,they must have not meant that much if I didn’t notice. sorry about their luck
shut up, are you drinking again JADE? chris dont care about you. If he cared he wouldnt have lied in the first place. get a grip on reality which due to your RL circumstances I can say you CANT. so go get help.
oh darn, telling people about my drinking problem i openly admit to, you got me there. and such a clever name. they dont call us starving artists for nothing.
Its wrong to be mean to anyone facing substance abuse or addiction and i apologize for doing so. It was in retaliation to the same type of ridicule. Support recovery and celebrate recovery. Dont discourage it. I care too much.
Winchester turns out to have alts both female and male. He has a whole army of them both at FH & CC. It has always been a straight give-away by using the same 50L kitchen and furniture in all their homes. He’s so DUMB he fails to realize that people been knew before JADE went and sent him SPOOFED links on all the alts she suspected. But he has a personality disorder. He actually believes each one of his ALTS is its own person. So far the ones that he admitted to are Lucy Cyprian, Mary Chiwanga & Stan Leamoth.
OK seriously who cares if someone has alts, most people on SL have alts, doesn’t mean they have a personality disorder or anything like that, and part of RP is to play that character as a person, maybe you need to stop being so damn hateful and worry about yourself
How is someone obligated to “reveal” their alts, just because they play a character in a rp sim?are you actually insane?
Is the personality disorder the supposed valid reason? But he must make emails and sign up for the accounts. It is planned and not a natural switch. I think he is using that as an excuse because he got caught. Make me thinks
Thank you for answering
wrong, Mary is not him. and so freaking what,I have 3 male alts I play regularly. and I have several female alts I have always openly admitted to. its not a crime. truth is out, people can just move on with their lives.
Jade stop embarrassing yourself, we all know you and Chris have so many towns you two are the whole damn town
So many ALTS* you two are the whole damn town
Having alts is not the issue. If he was lying about using them to fuck around with your friends, you have absolutely zero self-worth to accept any explanation for such convoluted duplicity, let alone continue the relationship. It takes a lot of effort to be that dishonest, and no one who actually cares about you would do that. You won’t believe it til it happens again, but I’m sure it will.
Totally agree with Be Less Ignorant. The RIch35 secrets are blowing up over the same issues of duplicity and deceit. Your’e absolutely right, anyone who cares about you would not do these things! People have had enough of the lying, head games and pain.
That is the very same issue the Rich35 camp is dealing with.
It not only will, but already has. She might think he’s not online when he tells her he’s not. She might think she has all of his alt names. Neither of those things is true, though. He is absolutely already back to doing the same thing he’s always done. That’s where the my rl is really hard right now, I’m going through a lot in rl and other excuses come into play. Anyone that makes excuses for lying, manipulating and cheating is going to do it every chance they get. I’ve been in those shoes, the ones who want to believe someone, the ones who don’t have the greatest self esteem all the time. I was wrong too, and sometimes it takes a kick in the ass to realize it. He’s not sorry, he won’t stop, because that’s not what people like him do. He’s done it for years, she’s not going to make him stop all of a sudden. That’s why he wants people to leave her alone. No one’s really hating on her, he just doesn’t want anymore of the truth out.
Agrees with Cash. There are some people that THRIVE on this BS and they will NEVER change, they just look for a new group of people to manipulate. He’s not sorry, he’s regretting getting caught.
You are so right. So maybe you are the only one that needs to know the truth. Face that. We all know that it is just a matter of you finally facing your own life and being focused on judging yourself. So face it. Beautiful day in the neighborhood. Glad ur not my neighbor.
Jade I do not like that your financial problems and supposed drinking problems have come up. I didn’t plan for you to be bashed. I am just curious. We have all faced problems in our real life and it is not something that should be talked about here. Jade you seem like a nice person but you should wise up. Chris deceived people but people are bashing the woman who helped expose his lies. Use that bashing on Chris. Jade I do think it’s not smart to date Chris but I will not bash you for what he has done to people. Those were HIS choices now make it your choice to walk away
Even better yet…Don’t bash anyone else…Makes you appear to be a problem. A shit talker and a bully some would suggest. Bash your own company you choose not that of ones lucky enough to get away. People that love you and try to help you feel better about yourself are only worth your time and energy which we all know run out at some point. Dont waste either bashing others. As you say… Move on and remain positive for yourself and the ones left to help you pick up the pieces. Be strong not wrong.
The women are’nt the problem, the women are the victims!
49. Funny how this secret still works if you switch “normal” (human?) avatars and furry/anime/whatever
Good job on creating lazy finger pointing template
#21 Follow up for the sake of clarity.
Since the posting of today’s secret concerning the owner of Le Chateau (viktoriaelizabetha) and Le Chateau pool boy, Shishi Steampunk, I wanted to add more color and clarity to the situation.
Victorie (viktoriaelizabetha) and sixtoy still have their profiles, feeds and f-lists open for all to see. I can’t say I encourage anyone to look because of the content, but it does tell quite a story.
But Shishi seems to have closed his feed and removed any loves or favorites from questionable photos. Definitely the mark of someone innocent of ageplay and incest.
I guess it is a good thing I took some gyazos NSFW links
Have fun at Le Chateau, haven for ageplayers.
Girl. Whoever you are being heartbroken over that Rich guy. You need to stop obsessing over him. Get your pretty ass up, get some air, dress your avi real cute and go dance the night out. Get some flirting in your system.
He’s an asshole, WE’VE GOT IT LOL
Just stop. He’s not worth it
Maybe you should scroll up and read about Chris Winchester, people are tired of game players that use and abuse women.
Really? If it were only that simple, while all of your ideas to make us feel better are “nice” they are condescending and an attempt to shift the focus onto us and off of him. You’re trying to silence us? Shame us? We won’t be silenced. We won’t shut up. Did you really just say that … “get a dress”? We have a voice and we will use it. Just as Chris Winchester is getting called out on his shit, Rich 35 is getting called out. Deal with it. Just as us and countless others had to deal with it. This is EXACTLY what this forum is about, if you don’t want your “dirty laundry” aired, then don’t make dirty laundry. But this goes way way further than simply “dirty laundry” as I said, it’s full on abuse. So you defending him through trying to silence us, is that a good idea? Totally dismissive…sorry but no.
His test was a game to see how long your game was going on and would continue. It still continues. You are both wrong so stop. And to the next man that has the opportunity to see what you are. Close your eyes so that you dont see all this shit. Plug your ears so u don’t hear too much of what can keep you in guard. Fuck it. Just be a man and love her. It will either kill you or make you stronger. Only time will tell. Not this website and not what anyobe says or dies defines you. Opinions are like assholes. We all have one. Some stink. And right in the other side is a load of shit. God help him to see the truth about what he is in for and i hope he treats you so great that you never want to be this person youve become. The anger and vengeful hypocrisy that is on display here is disturbing, and im refering to the comments of almost all of the involved parties. Unjust Denial. False accusations. Blame games that never stop. Degrading one another and the reputations of each other. Not how grown ups communicate or call each other out on lies. Face it. You are a bunch of pathetic losers that arent confident in your words that you utter about one another or you’d have been able to do it face to face for yourselves instead of publicly sharing it hiding in a virtual shitstorm and come out from behind the phone or computer so you can look you accusers or viclims straight in tje eyes. I believe maybe so m.h e of you believe your words are really true but that doesnt make it fact by far but you people can work… Read more »
Sounds like one of those extreme feminists to me who get offended over anything that involves men, not against feminism, women deserve equality just as much as any man does but bitch please, the comment was picking her up, telling her not to sit back, cry and lose her mind over a man who she’s no longer in a relationship with but instead to get up, go out and have fun and when she’s ready for another relationship then find another person to date
Maybe you should actually read a comment properly next time because I only see positives in the comment, do you not understand what a compliment is?
Hi Ooops, in response to your observation, I’m not an extreme feminist and I truly love men, why go off on me with that tangent? What evidence do you have to support your claims? Stick to the topic. And nor do you have to call me a bitch. Or is this just a cheap shot and a nonsensical jab to shut me and others down? I don’t see the compliment you speak about in “Oh Dear’s” post, what I saw was minimizing and dismissing. Although, after rereading I did see her try to be up lifting and for that, I thank her. However, you do know, historically women have been silenced and shamed while on lookers have been told “nothing to see here, move on” as a means to keep the status quo. We are living in a time where thats no longer acceptable. Furthermore it’s uncomfortable, yeah it’s not pretty and maybe it’s time for people to wake up and feel uncomfortable, stop accepting all abuse as the norm that quietly goes away if you pay it no attention. You won’t understand it till it happens to you, but until then stop trying to make the abused go away because you don’t want to look at it or hear it. “Silence only deepens the wounds” This edition of Virtual Secrets has two spotlights, Chris Winchester and Rich35. Two examples of atrocious men that continue to make hurtful and disastrous decisions that negatively impact women across SL and they don’t seem to care. But you know what? It’s ok to talk about it, we’re not in a communist country.
So miss thing. You think having 50 different people in your head ir online ( at least20 on this site) is all the proof or excuse that you should have to go bashing my own family and my friend. Fuck you. He told me about you and how you have accused every guy in town of being a pedo as soon as you and your bunch ran out of reasons or ways to manipulate them for shelter, pot, alcohol, and money. All of which, these men have found you to very resourceful at gaining for yourself and family but to be seriously troubling and confrontational toward anyone when being confronted with the truth about it all or not being a pushover when it comes to your children and the choices that you all make. My other cousin told me i should speak to her neighbors to hear what they have to say about it all. The officer was quite clear that you are not to be trusted and we tried telling him to stop seeing you and brandy was right about her brother and you as well. He is a sucker for kids especially if they really need a father figure not thst he makes a great example but he is definitely not a sicko for kids. I know he is a perv but most men are and he admits that he is. The way that you have spied onbhim and your husband shows to me sign of a guilty conscience about your own dishonesty and the thing that all of them couldnt stop crying over…You Will Have Sex With Anyone Whose Got Pot or anything else that you need and dont want to pay for. The officer even didnt have anything much to say positive or honorable about any… Read more »
No its a free country so you are free to lie, cheat, and steal as well but if caught people go through a just system befote a verdict and punishment are rendered. This is far from that so let them throw stones all day. No glass houses in sight. Fire away!!!
Yes it is ok to talk about it, I never said it was t ok to talk about it but the more people, not just women, men too because no matter your gender you can be subject to abuse and be silenced by people but that is a deep topic to get in to, as for her giving compliments she very clearly gave her a compliment “ Get your pretty ass up, get some air, dress your avi real cute and go dance the night out. Get some flirting in your system.” to me this right here is a compliment and a pick up for somebody who’s feeling down
As for calling you a bitch if you read back I didn’t call you a bitch I said “bitch please” or in other words for you I was saying what the fuck,
And to answer you saying we are getting off topic, that was already done by you when you started talking about women being surprised because somebody was giving a very sweet uplifting comment to a woman who has been hurt by an asshole
Right on. No one is worth obsessing over. There are better people out there to meet, the ocean has more than one fish.
Some fish pollute the entire population if they are left to do so but it doesn’t mean that we can make the decision on which ones to exterminate. The gamewardens and scientists have that authority so just throw them back if you don’t want the ones you catch. Someone else may like them or CUT THEM UP FOR BAIT!
#44 #48 this dude was asking someone about their 16 year old daughter and if their 16 year old would be up to wearing a collar for her new daddy. #55 nice to see suzzie halesy renamed her sim that pedophile boyd doghouse was paying for to groom children on and yes boyd is still paying her bills she did not give up halsey estates she just renamed it to fit the new age play shit she is condoning on her land
I’m over 30, but when I showed #44 a pic, he asked if I was sure I was as old as I said I was.
you know the sad part about this guy’s you we’ll talk all this raggedy ass shit on here but you won’t talk all this shit face-to-face on second life you know you got the balls you don’t even got the guts your a bunch of pussy little bitches that got no fucking balls what so ever have to be real guys you’re not making me look bad you’re making yourself look bad pathetic actually because you have no life you’re on this s*** 24/7 while I have a life unlike you go get one catch me outside how about that😂
And others neglect or disregard others to live fake lives online and in reality so they could spend countless hours on their own time to mislead and even scam the very very person that they slam here onnthis site which is a gd shame. Lying to take money from a man foolish enough to still care for the wellbeing of your family and using a child’s supposed illness as your way in and the fake words of an apologetic attempt to win his trust allowed by his love for you and true feelings toward your chidre n while all the while on this stage calling him a pedo and ridiculed for not being a slut and liar as you so easily do. He was so hurt that he’d been so fooled by his once friend and partner that he still has his head buried in the sand most of the time but he is coming around to a different place that I am not sure is the best either. He sure is mad and i cant blame him. Right now we are just getting ready to go out for lunch but i cant get that funny and funnguy to look at the me with a real smile at all. I don’t know if to do except remind him how much fun and laughs he has always been since we were little kids. It always makes him laugh but his smile still feels labored. Only time he can’t stop smiling is wh egg nbwe get good and stoned. He is a goof ball but he keeps me laughing and smiling . I do know when and where to catch you at Miss Love of money and lies. Dont think i should validate your shit with the thing you truly deserve so… Read more »
How about that. Dont say IM CALLING THE POLICE…everytime that is suggested.??? Idk. Maybe you are full of SHIT!
so you making false accusation obviously with no proof and yet you’re doing cyberbullying which is very illegal I mean all he had to do is look at this website and call the FBI he’ll take it out I mean this is sad you guys are just pathetic with a girl’s on this game posting and posting false accusation
You didn’t call anyone you loser you’re delusional.
And just a helpful hint. I had to bring it to the cockstar’s attention how her texting was so easily distinguished and even what device she was using so she understood that and adapts even more now so you gotta know how the different personalities generally text and the many characters. Its crazy but so is she. I studied many of the same subjects in college as this crazy woman that claims to have had a private investigator’s license. Thats too many coincidences. I too studied to go into this field. No licenses though. Its not paranoia but heightened awareness. Two totally different things but a knowledge of both is needed just to be in the same room as our professional dick charmer ms. Lay of the day USA herself.
9. 17. 20. 30. 36.
Your pack of screaming dogs should evaluate itself for a bit. I see this “clique” on twitter that bandwagons any situation (don’t even have to be involved. They will make it their problem) and thinks all opinions and assumptions are fact, feeling the world is required to follow their accosting of others.
Some of you said you would stop being loud about what didn’t involve you, but you live and breathe hypocrisy so that will not be a fruitful endeavor.
You want to inspect and harass people for a past that was between them and the abused, but I guarantee if you asked any of your own “precious babies” to come clean and take responsibility, you would find out you support Pedophiles, Animal Abusers, and Zoophiles. But God forbid you hold anyone in your friend group accountable for their past disgusting (and continued) actions. Only the people you don’t like.
32. 53.
After doing some research and talking to people who have been banned or kicked based on her feelings alone and not factual reasons to get banned. her wishy-washy support of anything; I guess the second she doesn’t like your opinion or what you like, you’re gone. Au revoir. Fuck any and all support or money you spent to aid in her growth. I’ve changed my mind. This creator is shit and should stop gatekeeping creativity, her work and her partners’ or they will regret it.
Name one place that is actually inclusive and NOT a piece of shit, go on, I’ll wait.
You can’t because there are none. Furries on SecondLife are actually insane, manipulative and every single one will try to damage control if you hold them accountable.
Is SecondLife even worth exploring for the community anymore?
Try not to be too modest about how proud of yourself you obviously are and how little of this shot is true or can be proven without an internet connection or assistance of one of your own personal devices and accounts. You expect that anyone should trust you or your devices ms. Tech Nerd? I cn barely use this technology but i can make shit that appears to be real or official but I know that you have and do deal with it all the time so i have always known your fukt up tricks and your fukt up head is simple but not in a slow or unintelligent way. Complex and very calculated simple way. U fuck people over from the start that way you get them before they get u but u are totally fukt elther way. Thats all its about with you crazy hoes. Fuck or get fukt in your pussy or your head(brain holder).
wish tsumi would stfu and stop vague posting that they aren’t involved while constantly involving themselves
Amen. I am just here to observe this. Not a member kf an alternate universe or family member of the creator/shit starter so I will be here trying to get woke up and not be angry about bs put on this site by her and her crack team of crack heads. Who made the tea? So sweet it will rot your teeth out.
#57 follow-up ~ https://gyazo.com/c4d7ce166060d43c903b358336edd78e
Oh, honey.
The furry community on SL is a heaping pile of trash.
The furry community is a heaping pile of trash.
#31. Are you fucking serious right now? You want to throw the racist card at a designer just for making her most popular selling skin tones rares in a Gacha lmfao get a grip the only racist it seems is the poster of this fucked up post. 😂😂
I came here to say exactly this.
These posts about THIRST or any attacks on designers choosing which bodies to support or drop are getting out of hand, along with the customer base that’s doing it. If y’all want clothes for these bodies so bad, YOU learn how to mesh. YOU learn how to run a brand. YOU deal with all the entitled people demanding that you do what THEY want. Shut the fuck up about it if you’re not willing to learn how to mesh and do the work yourself.
Yeap. And not to mention – when designers drop support for bodies that are hard to rig for it should stimulate creation of better optymized/rigged/made/whathaveyou bodies in the future.
Free market in action
yaaaass!!! And thirst has a choice to make for what bodies they want. They more than likely tried meshing for gianni and had a hard time with it, that’s fair. I asked if they could make something for legacy female and it was their neo japan item. They did it and delivered. It wasn’t just rigged to legacy though it could be used with ANY female body. And the fact they stepped out of a comfort zone to try doing female items was a nice change.
Alex made a post on his personal FB page today showing WIPs of various items, with rigging to each body. It’s clear in the photos just how hard and time consuming rigging for Signature is. It’s just him who creates for THIRST. And he works full time in RL as well.
Interesting. Because creator they are rigging in blender heve no problems with signature. So the information to say is hard to rigg is not right. Maybe is hard to rig in some programs. But is no matter why he not rig for gianni… Is his way of work and his store. There enough other creators they rig for gianni. I do not understand this drama xd
I have no understanding of how hard it is to rig for Gianni, but I agree that the drama is bs. Creators have the right to create whatever they choose. Things come in and go out. and if you want to keep the business, you have to keep up with the competition. Signature was a step up in many ways when Gianni came out, but Jake and Legacy are superior bodies now. Maybe Signature is currently working on their next thing? Creators owe you absolutely nothing.
I don’t get the complaints, there is tons of stuff for gianni so what if thirst doesn’t rig for it. Its not like there is nothing for it. If my fave skin store would go bom I would fully be on my legacy body at all times. Like people get butt hurt over the stupidest stuff.
Before I begin, I am going to assume by “normal” avatars, you mean mesh avatars such as Maitreya and the like, and not the system default.
SOOOOOO… Which one of us anime/furry people managed to hurt your feelings enough for you to be this ignorant?
You didn’t think maybe some people just like the style? That, maybe, out of the tens of millions of people who watch and like anime some would actually want an anime avatar? Or that, just maybe, furries don’t want a human avi?
And for the record, I rarely hang out with other anime avatars or furries. So this idea about coping? Doesn’t hold up.
For me, it is laziness, and the unwillingness to give LL more money than I absolutely must.
Even if I grant you the argument that they are easier to customize, that doesn’t immediately mean that we all hate normal avatars, OR that we suck at making them. I know numerous people who have both types of avatars.
And, if you do mean system default avatars… All I can say is “LOL”
Says the guy who bragged about dating a guy and cried about how they didn’t want to go over to your country to live with you/
lol, all the butt hurt people disliking this. bring on the hate!
mmmm *licks all your tears* yesss yesss MOOREEEE
#18 Forgot the newest and worst cesspool of the bunch, Woodland, or maybe you didn’t and feel they’re so far below these that it’s not even worth mentioning?
@56 So skye is JOE? that’s crazy the person some custom skin creators been protecting and saying he’s gone or has left forever has been sitting on my list all this time? o.O. I saw some people wear this female gokwol skin and praise it to the gods while looking like zombies, they look nothing like her ads. Must be selling the water down version. Idc nothing about the female skin i was more interested in her male skins, but oh well if they are ”stealing” work i don’t think supporting that is a good idea. And you might want to tell the creators she steals from about this. Especially sopha portal (owner of mudskin) who’s been copybotted numerous times.
he just deleted his accounts xD everything on that 56 secret is true. someone is going to expose jae-won & gokwol soon
No zaeji resident aka skye hasn’t deleted his account just yet or distiiny resident (Jae-won Choi) until skin creators file a DMCA against them they will just carry on ripping.
This site doesn’t protect your anonymity as much as you think it does.
He’s been ripping skins for years and altering them, skins from TMP, Stray Dog etc but it wouldn’t surprise me if Joe gave Gok the ripped skin to sell on like he did with his eyes to Luluu.
They’re all a bunch of weird Koreaboo’s obsessed with anything asian it’s creepy.
Comenting on your own picture, what a lame ass you are random asian guy
feels like you’re extreemly jealous about that you cant create any skin 😆
whats reason for be jealous knowing the person copy bots the skin and wannabe Asian trying copy bot other creator skins that they work hard on and the person random Asian is right like come on if u want be Asian on second life can’t pretend to be Asian in real life you have respect there culture be happy who u are in real life
#1 and #38 it is a 3yo issue, yall bitches need to get over your self and leave the past in the past
The past seems ti be repeated if you read your own posts and it all makes so much since to a newbie in the world of virtual worlds and demented personality disorders. By the looks of it., we got a few pros here.
#33 He should have written “how does this benefit me?”. It’s common knowledge that Jake Advuri (starlight.uxlay) is Vlad Tomski, Stacy Aska, and Tricia Olrich just to name a few alts. A transphobic self-hating gay who uses women as tools while chasing men when they aren’t around. Tricia was a well-documented cancer scammer in SL. His account has been banned from SL so many times he needs to resort to buying old SL accounts and using VPN to connect to SL due to his MAC address being blocked. It’s also the same reason he has No Payment Info on file (due to the LL Bans) and will never have a serious conversation in SL due to logs.
Be very careful of this one. He is a well-known user. He will always be asking people who decorate for him, take pics for him, or provide items and not pay, then complain about how good he is and people are so mean to him.
Always, always when dealing with people in SL verify them via voice. If someone won’t voice with you they are hiding something. Do not friend this guy, you have been warned.
A Public FB Post for many more details about him
I wonder how anyone finds out whether you have any payment on your accounts. Oh . They are probably hacking everything and everyone they come in contact with for financial benefits or to just showcase their paranoid views of the world and how it feels about them. Cant trust anyone that has a reason for this level o paranoia for one second.
Uh…It literally says “No payment information,” on a person’s profile when they don’t have any. No hacking required.
Im a mother fucking asshole but thats all thats true of anything you say or have done since met you almost a year ago? I applaud you and your ability to plot and manipulate to get at someone that you are angry with but i can’t help you out with that. You were angry when i met you and hell I was too. I told you we were alike in too many ways for us to get along. But it is true the things i learned all came from you so it may not be true either. Youre much better at this fake world…fake lives matter rally. You are even the mayor and president so you will dispute all i say on top of making up more and blah and blah. Shut this down or leave it up. Its pure fantasy and fablication. Enjoy. Call anytime anyone real life is interested in talking about the lies or the little truth about me being a mean asshole and worse at times then call .i am not afraid of the truth or lies about me. I make those choices aware of the consequences and I will always be able to face that and anyone of you or your family or friends as well. No proud of it all but got pride enough to see the world and the people in it with a smile and still grin because I am me. Not a character in a story. I hide from no m.f.ing body and I will never. I promise you that. Peaces bitches .. and good to know you’re all ok except the part about being threatened with the police and stuff that make you look like snitches. Not a cool game.
Well dayum.
Does anyone here factually want to join me for a discussion about this chic and compare notes on what she has done to harm my family and friends and turn them against me? I want to bury this cunt but i think one of you should have a hole dug already and I don’t want to be a for being selfish at all. Will meet you anytime you want. Need a contact with your info. It will be easier than you think or im up for suggestions. Just trying to help out.
Pretty sure anybody can do low-effort modding with human avatars. Probably more easily than anything else because of the sheer amount of plug-and-play clothing and ready-made BOM appliers for the popular bodies.
I look forward to seeing your fully modified iMonster Dragon, Blue Pearl Gryphon, Natvali.. heck, even something extremely well known and popular like the TWI Wolf. Then you can lie about how much effort it took to make it look good. c:
Wut. Modding for TWI or iMonster stuff is far easier than human avatars. It’s not that impressive to see mods for them.
Anyone can plug and play stuff on nearly any avatar, but making humans who don’t look like shit is hard. Anyone who says ‘oh yeah it’s easy’ is usually a T-Rex armed 11 head tall freak.
Unpopular opinion: Human avatars are only harder to customize if someone is trying to be unique. People who buy a skin, a shape, and a head then follow a style guide aren’t doing anything difficult, just more expensive.
28 She jealous of other women showing their real but bitches about on facebook and she does like when anyone messages her.
Like it love it or roll it up shove it. Even if you had been worth making a fool of myself for, I had no business messing with your fast and furious ass. 4 marriages i guess are or were real so I was not on the same level of “Breaking Bad ,Breakup, Battlestar Galactica, Cyber Secret Roast ” party contestant as you. Built your empire well. Queen of Shit Mountain tonight and Sunday night… on DATLINE…and check local listings for times and locations [: (o=)(>
#37: Very simple.
Men are cheap
Gotta love those sexist people, not all men are cheap, where you been looking darling? Need to borrow some glasses? You might also want to note that there are a lot of women who are cheap too
It’s not sexism. It’s economics. Female avi’s buy more clothes. If I were creating cars or motorcycles I would probably do the opposite and make vehicles geared (no pun intended 🙂 ) to cars guys like. Look at it terms of RL. How many ounces of female perfume are sold vs guys cologne? If they made equal amounts they would have to drop the price of guys cologne down to next to nothing (and way below cost) just to sell the stock they made.
I’ve read above people with the belief of “If you build it they will come”. That’s just a pie in the sky fantasy. There are only a finite number of buyers. So if one designer is growing in sales it means others are losing. The more choice of available product only means that sales numbers on individual creations will go down while the total remains the same. It’s economics 101 not brain surgery.
SL market data shows that there has been a very steady average of about L$100,000,000 traded per day. That’s it for available money. Now that covid restrictions are starting to end and people are rediscovering “going outside” that average (i’m predicting) might go down to 90-95 million per day. Creators aren’t stupid. They who their target markets are and how to maximize their profits in the current and (hopefully) future environments.
If you think I’m wrong please prove me wrong! I love being proved wrong especially when it comes to economics. But I don’t think I’m wrong.
More like some creators only make women clothes. And when you have a large amount of creators thinking it’s easier to just make female clothes the male ones become more scarce.
If you built it im sure everyone has alredy cummed and everyone is going to get a chance. you are a sweet ride with a real sporty look and feel but equipped with the original hot rod muscle car REAR end and the other little tweaks that were made were for speed shifting and traction in the back while sporting the slender slick appearance of the front hood-scoop down to the fancy tail end decals that i especially liked to tweak on for performance adjustments. A classic car with plenty good miles on it i bet. Enjoyed the car show. I have you my set of keys so be careful with that one. She is a beast.
I have a shop.
I have been looking at my stats.
For every male attire I sell 10 to 15 female ones
It is not sexist, it is simple math
(“that there are a lot of women who are cheap too” and I am the sexist! Rotflmao! )
I get why you say that, but straight men will make female avis just for the joy of the shopping and customizing, so I don’t think that’s really the issue. The problem is they need something they like to spend money on, but people don’t want to make men’s things if they’re not already spending the money, so it’s just a catch-22.
Oh come on. Straight guys don’t make female avis “for the joy of shopping and customizing.” They do it to fuck other female avis, that’s why there are 10000x more lesbians in SL than there are in real life.
#17 that smol scums name is actually Smol.UwU on sl, but you’re totally correct abt her. She’s convinced she’s popular when in reality she’s just a dickrider for Vanity… literally a self admitted toxic person who only mingles w the enemy to be pathetic and petty lmao… go cheat on your s/o more and bugger off.. we see how you’re on every man BUT your partner
Yes that was so rude. I think he should take his lashings under control and in silence and solitude like an awful pos he must be for no goid reason. Im on her side. Honest hoes are hard ti fund. Anybody know one?
I know thats right. She cant help it. Once a hoe always a hoe. I know . She scammed mr good for another recent loan/donation to her save an old basic hoe foundation and recovery efforts from ” Damn i almost told the truth” link on ” her ” i cant remember why i lie ” weekly blog , and the most popular virtual newsletter printed on her lowerback tatoo, “Who hasnt been on this ride “& “All Eyes On Me” and cumming soon…anyone that wants to…..plus “Stick it in My Ass”…why? BECAUSE they can!
31 – It has more to with what skin tone sells more, it’s the same with hair colors as usually the rare is like blacks and blondes. I am not a GA fan in general but I really believe this has more to do with numbers.
#46 that is most sims in sl. Although I have heard from people about the toxicity of that sim. Most of those places are just popularity contest and such, though its mostly empty when I seen it. If the story sucks or not there then the sim is usually barren or full of people trying to be adored and worshipped. 😕
I mean, they did a huge overhaul of people, and kicked out all the toxic people, which was awesome, until it was fucking empty.
idk I haven’t heard good from them, from passing. Honestly likely won’t last.
yeah, i think if they have the money to have 10 sims, itll probably last.
“It’s easier to fool people than it is to convince them they’ve been fooled.”
Mark Twain
Person that mostly judge people but not willing to lift person are the really judging their self their own insecurity’s they can’t face the mirror.
100% truth
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels
Well said
New site looks nice 👍
Thank you.
#33 Oh this snarky guy. Isn’t he the one who got ripped apart for wanting a Christian only adoption agency?
#18 They have great events but the RP can be dead. Port Dominion side seems more active.
Even the events are boring along with the role play. I lived there before it reached popularity and now I live there and 4 other role play sims. Now I am hearing that Fox Hollow uses bots to make the sims look full and that would explain alot. Sad if that’s true. I miss when it wasn’t so popular and they cared not about competition
I hope they aren’t using bots but I agree. Once a place only starts caring bout competition, things go downhill.
Idk I’ve seen alot of people around, throughout the week there can be up to 30-40 throughout the sims on some nights.
Most of those aren’t even Albinos, just saying. I’m sorry you can’t tell the difference. I know being observant is hard for some folks.
But don’t worry, most of those people are just followers who don’t have any creativity or style of their own, so once the trend is over, they’ll all move on to the next. :>
I was thinking the same thing, like so is having white hair considered abino now?
#8. Who gives a fuck, buy whatever body you like and enjoy your sl. i Don’t get the bitching about the type of mesh body you buy , as if the creators care lol all they hear is the sound of your lindens going in there pockets
#31. SURE yup because that makes sense in your peanut brain. maybe they are rare because most people buy those colours from there store or in general. but you keep believing your own narrowminded idea.
#48. that guy will never change he thinks he is all that, he needs to focus on his rl son and spent less time trying to manipulate females in a game so he can feel like a big boy.
#13 That is ALL Doux has been making these past 2 years. Wtf are you talking about?
The ugly hairstyles. Wish that make some actual GOOD hair. Kardashians are old boring bitches.
#47 my goodness at least get the alts right. That dude is not Chriss alt, its a whole other chris.
And im so glad you think i actually care what random people on the internet think of my profile. Chris and I are just fine, just evolved our rp so that things are better for the both of us. We are happy and don’t honestly care what randoms on some webpage have to say.
You may be a happier individual if you stopped caring what was on other’s profiles and worry about your own life and the people in it. I don’t bother anyone, I do my jobs and play my characters, so please at least stop caring what the hell i do cause i dont give one flying fuck what you think of my life.
Why should it matter what anyone thinks about another person? That includes your OPINION! So if someone is trying to make since of a narcissist who has no interest in the future or the past need an alternate reality for the present moment. Mental health and mental disorders can be a problem in the lives of so many children of the ill person or persons and often develop issues themselves. Know what to look for. Right…..
Knowing who you are here and in SL, knowing that EVERYONE hates you and that you have failed at every place you have been…if I were you, I would start asking myself questions and changing my life instead of stirring up drama and making me hate you even more honey.
Watch out you become like Chaz. a poke in the ass to humanity.
You talk about past failures in life. Dumb bitch. If you were successful then you would have never been in this forum talking shit or finding yourself going through another failed relationship or failed anything. If you hadnt failed youd stop trying to find a better way and if you were such a great success yourself you’d be able to make a good argument about how other people are always to bla m.j e abd the poor pitiful victim wouldnt be you at all. Being a good victim for other people is quite a failure but i hope you can stop this cycle and be a success at something honest and true but I don’t know how much you can change the way you are inside and out. Leopards cant change their spots but maybe they can grow out of them. Idk
You know all about those pokes in the ass. So sorry if it disappoints you that I refused your desire to poke mine but once again i am not one of your gay lovers. Did your sex change operation get approved. They miss u.. i just want you to go threw with it so i can knock u up side the fuckin head like you so obviously enjoy it. Gotta jar it all lose to get that brain cell going.
oh my god what a mean insult, so I take it that we add homophobia to the reason no one can stand you. You must be a 14 year old kid or something, a poor troll who lost his life insulting people on forums, nothing more than a societal outcast. I hope you can find your way back before it’s too late honey. take care
He must be at least 16.
Keep saying that it is nothing wrong, that you don’t care, that you don’t give a flying fuck, that you don’t bother (LMAFO! Yea, right!). We much loved that you confirmed my comment, honey bee!
I am happy, thank you and I do care about my life and the people in it, like you! <3
Had to get ready to get jumped in at the shit show circus of freaks geeks tweaks and lies in real time real life and real laughs. SUNDAY. SUNDAY. SUNDAY… addicted to chaos like you are desperately addicted to dirty dicks and publicly sharing lies. Hmmm
Oh, sweetie….! You give all these amazing advices, but you are here…. Sharing your opinions with us! Welcome to the circus, honey! We have a pile of dicks, just for you!
I’ve been in Cedar Creek, Fox Hollow for years and I’ve never saw your face (only here and what it was posted about you or by you on Facebook), but here you are, giving advices like you know everything! How it feels to be one of us, honey? I bet you wait eagerly for Sunday to see what secret was posted and to bitch at people’s business.
You should check yourself. Remember what the owner of this website posted about mental health issues? All the discussions about you caused some PTSD (I am serious! I don’t know you at all and I am not interested in your persona, but your comments are depressive and clearly you are suffering). Everything triggers you, even when it is not about you! Sounds familiar? You do what others did to you. People who hurt you made you into… This. Like I said: YOU are one of us!
Think before replying, like a keyboard warrior that you are. You might just defend the guilty party. Unless you defend your own kind. 🙂
This is my post for all your post where you have 0 interaction.
I didn’t get the invite i was expecting but i found out about this by accident. Did i miss the part where she is the innocent victim?
You ha . A pile of dicks? You should brush your tooth in case one wants to come in your mouth and wear your glasses or some dick might come in those pretty eyes. Catcha next time im in your town. You know that you keep me cumming back for more of your abuse. I gotta have it.
You clearly don’t know a thing going on with my life or how it’s going. Have fun with whatever it is you think you are doing cause I’m off to enjoy my life.
Maybe you could be mature and honest about what you have dine to him and what you think he vfc has done to you. It is not that difficult for a mother to level with a man so that he can realize how wrong he was to act this way oo for you to admit your infidelity and your manipulation of him. He should know the extent of his own personal and private mistake and shortcomings in life. I tried to tell him that he has no business with a woman like you but you know how fool ju sh he is and the other side of that is the real issue. The anger and often violent flipside is the real issue i have always explained to him. Guess thats why you would hesitate to be honest. That temper. So sorry he has never beennthe type to quietly do anything.
Enjoy fucking with other people’s lives and taking money and whatever you want to keep you going . Never consider that the people that you are doing this shit too have been through plenty and are still not lying about or to you for fun ir for gain. Fuck it. If you gotta lie and cheat and steal to get what you want you are seriously in need of help and thats ok. Everyone gets lost. Forgive others as well. Anger is our enemy and our lives are too short tk oack it around with us all of our days. Understanding and true forgiveness can be the only way to truly grow. Hope you find great things along the way of your path and understanding our past and past mistakes should help us to not repeatedly make the same ones as long as we allow change.
you have replied to me,but i am completely lost what the hell you are talking about.
I know a thing or two going on with your life and I can make you feel uncomfortable. This is one of them.
Don’t be so dramatic! Chris Winchester, among others, ruined Cedar Creek, and people deserve the truth. If Fox Hollow / Leadership of JCSO wants to gamble that, it is on them.
Enjoy your life staying all day on the couch? 🙂 Blessings!
Life has ups and downs. Dont let it get you down. And i promise that I wont either. Disappointed in myself for being gullible…? Yes . But it is not the end of the world by any means and revenge for the shut youve done wouldnt be positive for myself or your future since you really have nothing to take or offer . Just nothing but a web of lies left behind by you but ……WHAT..? OK….. hell if you cant laugh at admit it publicly then you can always get the truth about anything in the world right here on this old couch where we had a couple of laughs at least. Do you. I tried but i always knew i was fuckun up but with all the bad things I had no problem finding the good…to bad it was all an act…faking it til u get ur opportunity to pounce on my heart. Take pride in your accomplishments and I will not let it change my heart for the worse but i never got it back. I wanted to speak with you about that but I think you should have it. It just gets me involved with the wrong things and people …. i will get a new one or i may drop in and take that one back. It is a rare model these days. Peace. Take care if that family. Be as cruel as you are and what…i forgive you anyway…not that it matters to you.
Oh dear, someone knows something I have probably told a few. All this shows is you just want to cause trouble. You wanna believe what you will? Have fun. And I meant my life in the last couple weeks. If you are anything but a troll, you know where my dms are. And once again your supposed secret is nothing but a bunch of BS.
Shut up jade, stop embarrassing yourself, instead of crying over mr fat bastard, aka Chris Winchester, go and get a real job, you hooker bot
heh, yeah i am so crying. and oh dear you insulted me by calling me a hooker, what ever shall i do. y’all are seriously so amusing. I find it even more funny you throw out insults but dont even have the balls to say who you are. sure i may just be a freelance artist who uses alts probably far too often but I am authentic and not afraid to say who and what I am. you hide.
don”t forget- happy-. happy artist.
authentic? girl you almost homeless. get off SL
oh look another who is too chicken shit to use a name. Yeah, my rl has one hell of a story big deal, the fact people know i struggle proves im not some fake.
Thank you for removing #40 Kess, whoever posted that is a disgrace.
Thank the person who pointed it out. Appreciate the heads up!