Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 640.
#25 when people get offended at edgy jokes you know it’s because they deep down believe it, right? It’s just a joke, you know that right? ?
dirty talk has been a small little area anyways. Wouldn’t be hard for Stephanie to keep the land up unless it’s a full sim she has, either way don’t need a full sim for a small little area people are in. DT was good back in 2010-2012. Didn’t know it was still a thing but it’s always been full of house wives who are married and wanna voice fuck cause their IRLs don’t know it or are don’t satisfy them.
#1 Liza Minnelli lies
#2 I’d fuck him
#3 looks like a turd
#4 probably true
#5 we’re so bored of this
#6 My Fair Lady? Only a gay would fuck her in that getup (including me)
#7 cheaper*
#8 k fatty
#9 I’ve fucked plenty of designers on their build platforms, but gays are gays. #thotlyf
#10 This reads like it came out of a fortune cookie
# 11 yawn
#12 worlds tiniest violin, world’s saddest song, mixed into Christina Aguilera’s ‘Fighter’
#13 this was lol ngl
#14 W/ev
#15 does everything SL look the same?
#16 thanks fucking Barney the Dinosaur
#17 You’re not fat because I hate you, I hate you because you’re fat.
#18-25 pretty much yawn
# 26 Babe you think Second Life is bad for lying log onto Grindr.
#27-34 YAAAAWN. Yes I’m bored now.
# 35 NEVERRRRRR give away what you can’t afford to lose.
#36 American cultural imperialism at its finest.
#37 *insert that image of Roxxxy Andrews As Tamar Braxton holding up a card that reads ‘WHO CARES?’*
#38 I find child avs creepy as jesusfuck but each to their own. If people want to work through issues with a child av it’s not for me to judge, much like losers who insist they need an emotional support peacock to take a fucking flight. But just don’t talk to me or expect me to interact with you as a parent or your manchild babyfreak, full stop. My choice.
#39 True, I hate voice too. Mostly because people’s creepy voices kill my literal and metaphorical boners 99% of the time. Again, choices.
#40 I’d fuck him too.
#4 *your, *you’re, *your, *you, *your. You’re welcome. Lean to use words you literally look like a fucking retard and made whatever it was you were trying to say irrelevant.
“Lean to use words” don’t you just hate when you’re trying to correct someone else’s grammar but you end up making a typo.
There’s a difference between a typo and doing the same wrong thing over and over because you’re a moron.
Girl….. duh
You’re welcome.
#25 The fact you’re even in that chat to begin with shows you have no class and are a low life, same goes for anyone who has anything to do with that Kunt cunt (ya we all know he’s a she – and a really ugly one)
Please let it rain brain ! Are you one of his exes? LMAO hope someone puts you up there then we can all talk about your shit
Can agree with this!
Aww you seem very upset how do you know what they look like? Calling someone ugly and being nothing but bully and being annoyunus makes you id say just as much of a shit human being Right?? You calling people out being awful person but here you are being no better. Check yourself
#40 literally looks like someone with downs syndrome pinching off a poo.
Jfc I am so bored of people moaning about Cedar fucking Creek. If you hate it so much, move on. In every sense of the term. You’ve successfully put me off ever fucking visiting.
Which I guess is a result?
Now move on to Willow’s Crack or Oak Flange or something other boringly-monikered schluburban RP sim full of white picket fences and Cucumber houses. There are a hundred identikit Barbie Dreamhouse Sims on SL, you’re hardly short on choices.
And yea, I’m making sweeping assumptions about a place I’ve never been to. But am I wrong?
#13 Just because it reads one way doesn’t mean you can’t catch it as you walk way from the testing site. I had a negative test but at some point I picked it up and got covid. Stop being stupid and selfish. All you’re doing is putting everyone at risk that you came on contact with. You all need to quarantine for 2 weeks…like now. Idiots.
There’s this thing right, most of you don’t do it. It’s easy to do, really really easy……..MIND YOUR BUSINESS. It’s that simple.
Holy crap the amount of double words, misspellings and unintelligible sentences on half of these posts is hilarious. Y’all need to spend less time backstabbing each other and more time in English classes.
1 – Sucks to be you. I’ve gotten rares and ultrarares many times. A metric ton of commons as well, but that’s how games of chance operate. And I am nobody’s blogger. I also don’t play gachas all that often (if it’s more than once in a month, Arcade is on and I actually like two of the offerings). 6 – The only “fake” women in the world are drag queens. So if a woman is wearing clothes, that is what a real woman wears. You aren’t going to get laid by more men just because you try to play women against each other like this. So how about a little more sisterhood and a little less bullshit? 14 – Could you and 6 maybe go collaborate on buying all of Virtue’s inventory and otherwise STFU? PS: Escorting is far more classy than passing judgment on people for actions that are none of your business. You also can’t tell what a real woman is, so why do you think you can judge babygirls or anyone else? 15 – I’m so bored with that building I can’t even begin to describe my sentiments on the matter. I can damn near navigate that Onsu monstrosity with my eyes closed. 25 – Oooh, racism with a “Mock someone for their genetic condition” chaser. Double ew. 28 – Furthermore, what is steampunk about Simpsons fan art? 33 – You must be new. And an entitlement queen. Owners cannot be compelled to bend over backwards when someone who’s been holding on to a gift card for two years finds out the ship sailed on that system. You get your warnings. You get your chance. Transferring the info between systems is somewhere between “RSI-causing” and “bloody impossible.” Don’t like it? Learn to code and develop a… Read more »
#1. I get rare items often enough to know this isn’t true. #6. I personally like my avatar to be fully dressed, that said however…Real women dress HOWEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT, mind your own business. #14 & 21. – See my response to #6 and STFU. #33. – Agree 100% with this. Gift cards purchases should be honored no matter when they were purchased.
Gacha sucks because it is no copy. There are a few places that exchange it but not enough. It’s desperate and pathetic and banned in the country it was created.
I agree that people who make gacha need to have some way to exchange them to copy. However I have a few that aren’t and you know what I do? I’m CAREFUL so I don’t lose them. Easy right? You don’t want to do it… then don’t. That’s easy too.
All creators should offer trade ins for copy/no trans versions, of all gachas. I’ll agree with you there. As far as whether they should be banned, idk it’s pretty easy for me to just not spend money on shit I don’t wanna spend money on; I don’t have to ban them to take that choice away from others.
4. Sis y’all are still going on about this community? Survey or no survey, eighty percent of CC is cornball Karens and Billy Bobs spamming their unfunny & cringey back and forths & jokes in the Residents group chat and giving the other twenty percent second hand embarrassment. Good luck with y’all surveys tho
#1 I got plenty of rares and even ultrarares just from playing. A lot of people love gachas and nobody forces you at gunpoint to play them, just move on and STFU
#2 to be fair mom did warn you lol
#3 how is it “stolen” if it’s free and public domain? STFU
#6 #14 women dress however the fuck they feel like or wear nothing at all and they’re still REAL women, now go clutch your pearls somewhere else and STFU
#15 and here I was thinking what matters is the products lol
#18 It’s the thinking it’s all about you Karen for me
#20 thank god for your brave defense of poor oppressed windows 10 search bar and the star wars franchise, ur a true hero.
#25 is there any context to posting that horrible meme? that is disgusting
#29 events organizers SUCK with their stupid double standards, some stores have to jump through hoops and will be scolded for the minor mistake while others break all rules and nothing happens.
#30 #34 where’s the receipts?
#33 if they GAVE WARNING and you chose to ignore it just and now you found that old gift card you had forgotten for 4 effing years, STFU
#3 you mean dam1710 Resident, the noob
#9 So… we shouldn’t dare to see, contact or even say a single word to SL Designers because they’re handmade semi-gods that are in this virtual world just to make it more beautiful for us the mere-mortals that don’t deserve their greatness because we’re not good enough for them…
YEAH, RIGHT! keep living your virtual rockstar fantasy in SL!… get over yourself whoever you are, you are just one more avatar to this world and probably a big no one in RL.
Thanks god, not all SL Designers are a classist ass like #9 because they’re humble enough for to understand that they live from purchases of those common avatars, so they’re friendly and nice to everyone who contact them no matter the intention they have or how they look like.
And finally if you are a common SL user like myself… get away from stores owned by this kind of asshole designers, they don’t deserve your time or your MONEY.
#31. Well, it looks like you finally learned something. If you are going to use bright colored text, you need a solid dark background. Good for you, now do us all a huge favor and get a fucking life. Hey I know, how about playing some Destiny 2, I heard it just had a huge dlc/update that recently dropped.
#1 – yes cause the machines are all scripted to point out who popular bloggers. That sounds like a rational thought. We can not allow these gacha makers to continue to make money off their creations! It’s preposterous! We must band together and boycott all the gacha makers…How dare they make all the good gacha’s harder to get! #9 – Sadly, she ain’t the only pile of cow dung this game has seen for an owner. She just is one of the most delusional ones we’ve ever had. But she ranks right up there with Maddi, Mellow & Dutchess. #10 – Lets be real here. it doesn’t matter if the guy is good or bad, he still has 2 brains and he just wants one of them sucked. #12 – look i mean, if you’re stupid enough to let someone fuck you over a 2nd time…let’s just say the shoe fits. #15 – Here’s an idea! How bout you get off your lazy ass and create something new for the people to use instead? Oh, you can’t build? You mean you actually have no talent or skills at all? Well, guess they’ll just have to listen to you bitch some more until someone actually comes up with something better to use then. Oh well, you tried. #33 – News Flash for ya…They aren’t the only people who will scam ya in this game and LL’s don’t give two shits about it. There are no such thing as business ethics in this game and half these people have no clue on how to operate a successful one. They have no customer service skills, they aren’t educated in business and they don’t give a shit about you, me or anyone else. All they care about is that you gave them money. So… Read more »
1.Bloggers are given the fatpacks to the Gachas and they usually get them for free in exchange for advertising. It’s just business. I’m not a fan of Gachas. I think the whole concept is bad for Second Life.
4.Well I’m looking to leave Fh. I can’t take how boring it is anymore but I haven’t heard many good things about Cc either so uhm are they still taking the surveys? I heard the owner left and handed the place over to one of the managers who is doing well with it so far but I also heard that they have disappointing moderators. Well I hope people are using the surveys to voice their opinions and tell the new manager things they want to see happen. I wouldn’t be opposed to relocating to Cc with my family if its the type of place that listens to the people
14.I think the Doms deserve the hate post more than the baby girls
19.This is a look that some bloggers go for. Even the average everyday Second Life user doesn’t always want to look conventionally pretty. 1,500 is too much for anything but I don’t think the ava looks bad.
#5 Do you not understand how stock photos and public domain works? Anything that’s public domain can be used by anyone for any reason. You don’t need the artist’s permission, you don’t need to credit them. Do you see the bottom middle photo you posted? That is someone who didn’t create that painting, but decided to sell a framed print of it anyway. Do you know why this is legal? How he’s allowed to profit off of someone else’s artwork? Because the painting is in the public domain. Stock photos work in a similar way, depending on the type of license that the original creator grants the user. Some are free for commercial use, others are stipulated to be for non-commercial use only. I don’t know if every single photo this photographer used is in the public domain or is a commercial use licensed stock photo, but judging by the images you posted and your apparent gross misunderstanding of the concepts of public domain and stock photos, I’m going to assume that he’s 100% legit and you just don’t know what you’re talking about.
Hello ‘What is this even’, I am a photographer, and you are right, for images with CC0, you do not need to credit source as many of them are from unknown users. However, a simple search on the attributes of the starry night photograph will show that it is not Creative Commons 0 (CC0). That means he has to credit the source. Crediting his sources do not discredit his work, however it will assure his clientele that he is honest in his business.
Oh good heavens. Menkaure drama again? So now you steal images, and you expose yourself by saying it’s a framed image? You trying to downplay what you did is just gross and narcissistic. I have not heard much good about you and it seems that people were telling the truth. Don’t be triggered OP if you are not the man himself. Though you probably are and I do not give a single F. I assumed he’s 100% talentless because he needs to make accounts here commenting and sending his little people to defend his sorry ass and it’s sickening to watch this drama unfold. How nice of you to spoil the market with your layering skills. Make some original work can’t you? Your talentless ass is boring. Come up with something fancy and not petty like this if you want to start drama again Menkaure! You just seem desperate for attention to win all those awards and it is such a lowly behavior ffs.
I want to throw a dictionary at this fucking week.
Please do…and some grammatical lessons as well. And please don’t excuse non-native English speakers, as Google translate has been a thing for a very long time now. It might make syntax an odd thing, but at least it would be intelligible then the shit for brains postings this week. I probably skimmed over half of the postings because of it.
It’s really fucking impossible to read anything, it’s all so misspelled.
And I know some people are Non-English natives – I give the poor sentence construction and syntax of secrets like #9 some leeway because of that, but actually the typos don’t suggest non-native speakers, but stupidity. They’re, their, there. IT’S NOT DIFFICULT TO DIFFERENTIATE!
#1. You’ll find most bloggers will have access to Creators blogger groups and collect the Fatpack to promote it, I mean do you actually think bloggers will promote a business and then turn around and play the Gatcha lol.
nah Buddy.
#24 He is not racist, and he is so right!
He is actually extremely racist and tries too hard to be cool online
actually he is a racist..you can deny it all you want but i left their discord channel because of how racist they are. they all would sit around drinking and would throw the N word out non stop. i heard them talking down the guy that runs brm radio calling him a stupid “N” because he’s black. i don’t know why anyone defends this guy or even buys his things..he’s garbage and a poor excuse for a human being.
Your such a fuckin idiot put your name out there if u got something to say stop acting like a nigger u want to see racist come to daddy crow fiszgold i put my name out there how about you and further more cult is not a female ive see the handsome fuck on cam how about u pathetic nigger any of you have the balls to go on cam bet not so if u have anymore bulllshit come put me on here and give me a reason to come back i need some spicy fun
Holy shit you are cringe with that try hard persona. You sound more like a kid who dropped their ice cream than a ‘cool’ kid.
Don’t know about racist but I can tell you that she is not a Dom, she does not suffer from gender identity issues. Just a flat out piece of shit who claims to be male who when on voice uses either a shitty voice morpher or places her hand over her mouth to talk as no one understands her. She has been a verified female by many people. Cala, Any Lyon, August Torii, Shelbz Rivera, Missy who I believe is now over at that shit hole club August runs Havoc. I mean hell word has it Shelbz went RL with this fool and left within hours of a RL meet it was so horrible. Only fucking idiots like Naddel, Melly, Maia and Jade and the ones as I avoid their stuff like COVID stay loyal to this loser. I remember being at an event for Havoc when this idiot proposed to that loser August who btw was perfect for him and should have stayed with him she became a bigger Kunt than she was before. Made her realize it was all a mistake. This douche fucked up so bad with August he even got someone loyal like her old best friend Aser to wake up and drop August like a piece of shit, I am sorry my old friend you were a dumbass to go back into her life and it got you more suffering and you left again, so at least you finally woke up. We don’t speak anymore but I am happy on your promotion and your new life! I heard about it from T if you read this. Kuntface is not a dom, if you think this tool is dom get collared to it and find out, its all fake its a bullshit scam and has left… Read more »
God Aser, can’t you move on? Noone cares anymore about your whiny ass. Everyone knows this is you. Hell I dont even hold a grudge against the Kunts anymore, they just arent on my list of priorities. Cant you just fuck off and let it go? Im really starting to worry about your mental health. Fuck, I dont ever comment on these things anymore, but you legit got me worried for your mental state that you cant let shit go after a year. MOVE ON, I promise you’ll be a much happier person.
August how can you say you don’t hold a grudge against the Kunts? That is a complete blatant lie right there. First of all you have told many of your staff that they are not allowed to go to Kunt owned or run venues? You have issues with people on your staff if they even speak to a Kunt. Again everyone is catching up to your bullshit like I knew they would. Aser has been a long time friend of yours and mine and he finally figured you out. Shane probably figured you out and in time Declan will figure you out. Your own staff is figuring you out. Everyone is leaving, the club is dead, but you are too selfish to see it. You burnt way too many bridges this time. I would have to question your well being at this point. You have a lot of nerve talking about someone else’s well being when you are the one who lives in a daily lie and tries to convince people you are the one that is always being hurt. The fact that you dont tell everyone the real truth only proves that you are the one who really needs help. Declan, you may want to sit back and rethink who you are really with and take a look at everything. Everyone can not be wrong.
I have Kunts that still frequent my club. 🙂 Not all are asshats. I dont tell my staff where they can hang. That’s a lie because frankly… I don’t care. As long as they do their job for me its not my business what they do outside. But you seem to know so much Phil. Keep on listening to other people. See how far that gets you. 🙂
You have X Kunts in your club that tell you that they are X Kunts but are truly not. You are the one that really needs to watch who you put yourself around. I mean think about it August, you betrayed your long time friend. Who will you not betray? If Declan thinks one minute he wont be betrayed by you, then he’s dumber than we all think he is. You should be used to lies also, you cant go a day without telling one. You are rude to your staff, you are down right nasty to everyone you get around, you are completely vile and the things you say in open public shows what a person you are. Personally I am surprised you kept a club this long. I don’t have to listen to other people, I see it everyday at your club.
Lmao your so not even worth the time of my day that someone too to tell me that you posted this bullshit. You are beneath me if this is even you who posted this shit. I was always better than you and a better human being. I know how fake you are and a liar you are. How you have favorites and how you do business. GTFO of here I don’t come on here, I wouldn’t waste my time with you or the other family in here I am better than all of you combined. Go back and mind your own and pretend I am dead, I do the same for you. You are a worthless pos
Lol youre funny. They all know its you fool. Just like when you got caught out on an alt claiming to be a concered friend. Cept your dumbass doesnt remove your signature. Lol you have issues man. Youre just mad I wouldnt friend you again after you deleted me 3 times. Grow up and move on. This shit is getting pathetic.
Your counting skills are severely lacking. I deleted your ass once when you were partnered to a Kunt because you had the audacity to say we should have checked with you first before buying our own parcel. Your only into yourself. The second time was in my anger over a lot of things and I left the family you were not part of and deleted you to get away from it all. We both know your only a Fireburn because Luke is not a part of the family otherwise you wouldn’t have the name. That’s 2 times I know the new math and common core is difficult for you, but try to keep up with us educated peoples. I tried to apologize at first but if you wanna throw down after I thought about it I can post the chats if your illiterate ass needs a reminder since your memory needs help I told a certain liar on your behalf to stop with all that because you are a complete waste of my time. If I could go back and never meet you via Kasha at Kayos 10 years ago I would take it as you are a liar and worthless. You are only out for yourself and trash. I have had the biggest smile and so happy since I have declared you dead in my head. It’s well worth the price of admission. Your so obsessed with making yourself look good by lying about others it’s really sad. I hear Dr. Phil has openings on his show for next season or maybe for you Jerry Springer is more your course. Just fuck off and delete your ugly ass from our second lives it would the grid a favor. You have denigrated yourself and the Fireburn name to that lower… Read more »
what a bitter person to judge or claim to know these people, what did they disown you? Are you jealous? Not everyone can take rejection well, I suggest that you get to know people first, you do not know all these people on a personal level.
So first I want to acknowledge your blatant lack of spelling. Its Myia so please educate yourself on the people you are throwing out in your comment. Then let me take you down a road. It was a meme he didn’t make it and when you’re are in a discord so if they didn’t like the shit then they could of fucking left but no this piss ant decided to take the time to single MY DAD out. Yes, I just said my dad so here let me introduce myself I am nickib27 also known as Nicki Kunt Whooligan want to find me in sl there you now know it. Explain to me why we are going back so far and being a child? You must love this man so much that you continue to taste his name in your mouth.
Further more thank you so much for helping out the businesses I mean how many people are going to read these and then will look up these places. YOU ARE AWESOME HI5!
If anyone would take the time to see that this man has a heart of gold and will do anything for his family then you would know he’s not a racist.
Oh and hey he must take the time to change his voice as he walks away from the desk and we can hear him that far away without his headset. I have known this man for many of moons and never heard a different voice ever.
Finally, get your damn pronouns correct. HE,SHE IT figure your shit out. Quit being a little pup yapping from your porch.
Oh yeah, they will look up the Cult name and still come to the conclusion his products are shit and still won’t buy it lol Hi5 for looking DUMB AF!!
And yeah he may have a heart of gold UNTIL YOU STOP DOING WHAT HE WANTS YOU TO. I dare you to disagree with anything, then you will see the REAL Kunt, just like many have. Fucking dumb as ditchwater.
sounds like someone sour to me .. especially on how you got to name drop . or just trying to make these people more relevant and the clubs cause sounds like free advertisements . also a little clout chasing you doing won’t help you if you wouldn’t be so chicken shit and say who you are .. you not scared to mention all these other people but didn’t even drop your name ..pathetic
Don’t need clout princess. People know the truth already. Stop trying to deflect the truth off the biggest poser in SL.
deflect? you are the clout chasing chicken shit that’s dropping others’ names on here. acting as you know about everything that has happened or had ..that’s what’s wrong with people on second life they ready to jump in other peoples business and run their mouth or just want some clout from it .so if you do know them personally let them know whos speaking the shit that you say .. and get it over already and stop being chicken shit
This argument is so stupid. You should feel ashamed of this idiotic logic you’ve came up with. If you are friends with these people mentioned, I can see why your logic was so stupid. They sound like rejects, trying to be edgy out of desperation to look cool.
How are they supposed to gain clout anonymously? Your own logic is fucked. That would actually only work if they were using their name. Not very smart, are you?
Yet the Kunts can run a club well. 430pm yes its a Tuesday the DJ has crashed 3times and this is the best she can do in Rythmn….I don’t need clout pumpkin I don’t want to be associated with any of your fucktards. I went on an alt just to prove Kunt has no clue. Just like his poorly rigged mesh.
Are you that kind of a chicken that you had to take your alts name off the radar? LMAO and these ladies and gentlemen are the people that try talk shit here. Thank you, that made me laugh sooo much. Oh and you seem to know about rigging show us your work come on
Whats so more amusing is that you are doing the same thing they are. As I am. What are you going to do about it? Nothing 🙂 You think coming on here calling someone a name is going to help you or make you look like you are a bad bad person lol . Those kind of actions got boring when furries became boring 🙂
Are you the kind of idiot who thinks your own name is on the radar? This is awkward.
#11 honestly the notion that people still go to dirty talk is a joke. The place died a long time ago, it was really only inhabited by cringe worthy old people. Maybe she did good by getting out some off the old staff she should get a younger crowd in there.
I have never worked there, but I can tell you from a business to business relationship with this woman, she is delusional and, I myself am shocked that people actually go there. This woman actually thought she owned the rights to an event called a spank-a-thon, which existed before she even joined the game! Psycho then started banning anyone who advertised the event from her sim. She hosts RL photo contests there just so she can see the men’s dicks (ever wonder why ya never see the photo contests geared towards women participating?), and then tells the people that visit there that they can’t talk dirty. IT’S CALLED DIRTY TALK!!!
1 All I know is, I hate when I find a bomb azz product and realize I have to play a stupid gacha to get it. I take my linden elsewhere
3 Doux is one of the best in the game, don’t blame you for that hah
6 These are avatars. Calm down sis
#1 this is your choice and that’s perfectly ok, but some people love playing gachas and other people make some bucks reselling their doubles so I never understood this “down with gachas” mentality. I personally got a ton of rares and even ultrarares playing, even tho sometimes I don’t get anything cool, it’s just luck but I accept the risk and have fun.
I know it’s my choice which is why I didn’t say anything against other people’s preferences or anything about canceling gachas in my comment sis. I’m not taking risks with my linden. I want what I want but I understand that some people like gachas
you crying you cant use a 4 year old gift card you likely got for free? they probably cant help you cause the e2v shutdown that no one can access anymore. i lost a card from another store and some store credit and you dont see me making secrets about it. how spoiled can you be
#27: I’m just over here like: does no one else see this shit?
06 – I will say this again. Those are pixels you fuckwit. Second life isn’t real life. Step away from the PC, sir.
09- Sorry, I don’t read spastic. So let me try and understand what you were trying to type. Which made no fucking sense at all. But I’ll try my best to understand it. So what you were trying to say is that designers don’t come on here looking for RL relationships. They login into second life to create things? Which I’m pretty sure us sane folks already know that.
14 – Although, I understood what you were saying. How you typed it out made no fucking sense. Anyways, It’s pixels dumbass. People can dress their avatar anyway they please.
35- You don’t give your money to total strangers on the street. Why would you give your money to one on second life? Think about that.
4. Cedar Creek… how far you’ve fallen. It’s a shame really, they don’t use their potential at all. Management is seasoned but do they use that to their advantage? The answer is NO. Continue reading if you wish but be warned… I’m climbing on my soapbox and already embarrassed by how long this is going to be. Cedar Creek’s primary focus these days are on CHILD avatars. Yes… they are focused on real life ADULTS using CHILD avatars. Did you catch that? They are wasting all their potential to make it truly pop… by highlighting… real life ADULTS pretending to be annoying teenagers and baby avatars that type likes dis tew bes mores baybies likes. Creepy right? Now don’t me wrong. I knew there would be child avatars when I moved to Cedar Creek. It is a FAMILY roleplay sim afterall BUT I’ve always ignored that part of it. It use to be pretty simple to choose your rp niche because there was just more to the sims and child avatars weren’t shoved in our faces 24/7 but now, oh NOW it’s impossible. It’s the focal point of the fun. The orphange, the school, the child protective services and now a new daycare for baby avatars that are being taken care of by… drumroll please… teen avatars. Give me a break. On top of this, most of the events are beginning to be geared toward child avatars. No, I don’t want to watch Blues Clues or whatever children’s show or movie they’re showing every week. Needless to say… it’s time to pack my roleplay bags and find a new sim before child avatars outnumber the adults avatars AND the sims become a breeding ground for undercover pedophiles. But HEY I’m an optimistic guy. It’s not too late to save Cedar… Read more »
They can’t hold employees to keep adult related stuff a common occurrence. They don’t have jobs for people who work or have crazy schedules in real life and want leisure kinda jobs. You either dedicate all your time to your CC job or you don’t have one. There’s no in between & the fact that if you suck up enough to the right people, you can be terrible at your job, never work, have limits that keep you from doing your job, have a turd attitude and still be employed.
I have a large family on Sl and our family does consist of a few child avas and even I agree that everything you’ve said sounds overboard in Cc. There should always be a balance for everybody. I would like to know if the survey is still open?
Every week there’s someone complaining about this RP community. I usually don’t pay a lot of attention to it if it’s just about personal dramas, but your opinion actually picked my interest. I understand how you feel, kinda I guess. I used to RP with a group of people (not in SL) and everything was fine until they got obsessed with creating new teen and child characters which in the end became the center of the story. I feel you, I hated it, creeped me like hell and I felt like I was taking care of a kindergarten before I dropped it and left. I guess there’s nothing that can be done, there’s always people that are into that kind of RPS. Highschool RP I could give it a go for the fun of it if no sex is involved. But children is crossing a red line… That line which separates sanity from insanity. Being a grown ass man/woman rping a baby/child? Nope, no, nope bye
31- I Looked into VWE, It Looks really cool, i am gonna go check it out. Did not know that was in Second life. Thanks for giving them a shoutout and letting me look into it. I Love Wrestling.
#25 The entire Kunt family is just garbage especially this clown. I already refuse to purchase his badly rigged trash that he creates but I especially would not support his business now. Not that its thriving anyway LOL… Also recently heard it through the grapevine he has supposedly taken over and destroyed a club by trying to be just like Bully Trisk having a radio station but forcing staff to become sell out radio DJs. plugging paid advertisements to pay for a sim his ass cant afford. Its already been done Kunt. Stop trying to ride the coat tails of others to try and achieve fame in pixel land.
Bully trisk brm radio .. you think there only radio stations on grid far from it in fact there are many well established radio stations like this well before BRM radio including some massive ones that have PAID djs not free ass collar working ugly slaves that do what he says because he some big ass wanna be dom. Looking for Sl fame out of music they clearly rip off and claim to live mix .. lots cant stand this family either there all fake ass idiots the whole bunch trisk family kunt and moretti and dumb fat cunt august with her hilarious fake ass photoshop pictures wish all the dumb families would disappear
OMG BRM RADIO is just a copy of BOSL Radio. Bully stole this radio idea from them. Maybe Bully needs to get off coat tail too. All this negative chatter makes me think the original poster is a Trisk.
you mean the premixing DJs of BRM radio ok? come on anyone can start their own radio station and make a club no one wants to copy off the trIsk’s they to busy ripping other DJs songs off to play in the own radio station, now that’s riding peoples coat tails
#33 – You took 4 years to use a gift card. Sorry..not sorry!
#38 – For those of us who use child avatars, some do so just for the fun of playing childlike rp, some do so to relive a childhood and put away lifelong demons, everyone has their own reason to play a child. It’s not some weird personal coping mechanism, it’s an extremely valid coping mechanism. If we missed out on something IRL, what is so wrong with representing that missing piece in our SL? If you missed out on a fun and happy childhood, you can get a slight taste of what a fun and happy one would be like in SL. If you can’t have children IRL, like me, you can get a taste of what you are missing in SL. Perhaps you should see a mental health professional since you seem so angry about someone’s RP that doesn’t even involve you. Move along, Karen.
I have no issue with child avi in general. But when you try to drag me into your role play, like expected me to address you like you’re actually 3 y/o in a RP neutral place like a shopping event…that’s when I get annoyed. If I’m on your family RP sim then of course. But not just out on the grid, it’s rude. (and same goes for the BDSM folks too).
Yak People are just shallow AF
if you dont like that we love to play a child AV and such to have a lovely family Experience, then just kindly fuck off from sl 🙂
we dont need aproval from you
I think the main issue people have is, its expected when a child AV is around they need to act like that child is a RL child when they aren’t. People come to SL for all kinds of reasons. No adult in their right mind wants to be told “watch your language” or “dress child friendly” when everyone around knows fully well that everyone involved is over the age of 18 some well over 18. I’ve been in SL a very long time and 99.9% of children I’ve ran into act like the world owes them something like you need to treat them like a 2 year old at all times, regardless if said person even RP’s. And most that play children will in fact put themselves between others if they are not center of attention. Its not healthy and its why more and more are disliking the child AV’s and their little community.
It’s all about immersion. If someone is RPing to be a child, it won’t help that people won’t treat them like one or act like they would in the presence of a child. Would you go to a kindergarten in full BDSM straps in RL? No, you would not. There are Adult rated sims where you can go wearing whatever you want and say whatever you like because children avatars are not allowed. You have freedom to go wherever you please in your own SL experience, so leave the ones who want to be children in SL to have their own experience.
Don’t be a Karen.
I’m not part of your RP. I don’t care nor am I obliged to join in your RP and I’m not going to. Do that at home, leave the rest of the grid out of it.
Literally no one outside your rp cares about your immersion, and roping bystanders into it is part of why people hate kid avis. Keep that shit between you and the people you rp with; don’t expect anyone else to play along.
they can immerse themselves at home..if I am out shopping, I am dressing however the fuck I like, and I am also saying whatever the fuck I like, weather there is some kid avatar/50 year old is there or not. I don’t RP, so they can go somewhere else with their immersive asses.
Sorry but don’t place SL in the realm of “reliving a childhood/coping mechanism/helping with childhood trama” when it comes to an adult playing a child in SL. ANY mental health care professional (if you actually told them the 100% truth of SL) would NEVER suggest or advise this place to be use for healing for some traumatic childhood. If someone does have those struggles in life, seeing a therapist is the appropriate treatment.
Ah, here we have “I’m lying my ass off with a fake statistic because I don’t like what someone else is doing and think it makes me sound authoritative” example number I-refuse-to-count. Therapy is a diverse realm. Check it out. You could use the diversity.
#1 Rares differ in every gacha, you can check for the chance of getting rares. I don’t think the system script can detect bloggers names and award them the rares. Some gacha rares are easier to get. Some you can try 20 times without getting rares, so I feel you. If the fatpack is not too expensive I usually buy that instead of spending more money trying get rares. #3 Some of his male hairs are really nice man. However I think there’s a bigger market for female hairs so….. #5 The experience I heard from friends dealing with Menkaure is either good or bad. I personally have not dealt with him nor heard of the awards, but to potential clients, always research before hiring a virtual photographer, especially one with a more exorbitant listing. If he paid for stock photos and makes it known and you’re comfortable with it then by all means. If he infringed on the copyrights of rl artists, you just risk having the works being taken down. So deal at own risk, it’s your money and your choice. #16, #36 Finally a positive breath of fresh air, happy thanksgiving! #19 ROFL beauty is in the eye of the beholder I suppose! Like I said for the fifth posting, always research on the photographer before paying. It’s your money and your choice. #33 Been observing several changes to Magika since a couple years back. To be fair though, I would get annoyed if store credits expire if not specified. However, gift cards may expire, and there’s really nothing you can do if the owner changes her system. Is like IRL, when a company changes hands or file for closure and they change the policy concerning gift cards. Always use the gc ASAP to avoid complications. Perhaps… Read more »
sounds more like you dont get what you wanted lol
and now crying like a crybaby on here lmao
#11 Damn right! The clique, which included UMs and past staff, that was dragging my business down are finally gone. Halleluiah! They drove out all people that were not part of their group. Took us a bit to get them out but we finally did it. Past staff are coming back again and VIPs are finally returning to a non-cliquey environment. I’m not the toxic one LOL I just got rid of the cancer that was here. So sad that one of them had to come here and give me the free advertising. Thanks!
Totally Hilarious tbh. Karma is a bitch ain’t it steph? See what happens when you treat people like shit? Sounds just like you too. I particularly loved when you banned all the club owners in the game from your sim because you actually thought you owned the rights to the event named “spank-a-thon” ….and then you were so delusional that you even defended your decision and that it was yours. We’re still waiting to see the trademark you filed for that as well. Got that handy yet? I’m guessing not. Any other ideas and events that other people came up with, that you wanna take credit for as well? Bet you take credit for just about everything that other people do for you
I forgot and you said it right. Its a business and not a hangout which is what people want. I cut the strings and found a place with so much better than DT made by those who you kicked out. You kicked out that clique and they made their own hangout which you banned them all because they built their own place . Ive gone there every event and so much more traffic. Your old DTers are coming back? Too bad they sound like they smoke 12 packs a day and the Vaginas look like raw chicken.
if they were so toxic why is your sim still dead?
Not even related to the group mentioned, but I was a long enough member there and worked there for some time. I don’t honestly know how your sim has lasted as long as it has. Your mannerisms are terrible. You’re a fucking awful manager. You constantly blame everything on everyone else without taking a single look in the mirror. You never could figure out how you actually wanted to run shit, and when you did, you’d turn around and reverse it a day later, AND THEN GET PISSED WHEN YOUR EMPLOYEES COULDN’T FIGURE IT OUT! You basically make people work for slave labor prices, and your toxicity drove me away far more than anything. You hired garbage UMs, and fired all the good ones you had, and now you’re rejoicing when a group who helped create most of your traffic finally said fuck off and went to do their own shit. The prices that you charge for your events are ridiculous, and the tips you actually give to participants is nothing short of a ripoff. You don’t adapt to a changing grid, and your traffic is suffering because of it. The biggest thing giving DT it’s shoddy reputation is YOU, and until the day you realize that, DT will continue to suffer. Enjoy that 90% turnover rate!
-S. G.
Funny i have be watching your traffic numbers drop even with your bots all around the sim. When you banned these people your traffic was over 20k and now its running 15k to 16k and you claim its that time of year. I know your sitting in your UM meeting laughing at your own jokes trying to sound as clever as you can with your responses. Your jokes are never funny. Your turnover rate is so bad im not sure how you can justify it. Like using your own bots to make sure people you want to lose your contests lose by using your own money which gets returned to you to make others win. Free advertising would mean that it makes your traffic go up. As much as you say it is not.
Too Funny, A clique of over 20 people, who ran your events, and earned your sim tens of thousands every week, your events are dead, your traffic is down and you sit in your office at home blaming everyone but yourself. You brought back a person you utterly destroyed and shit talked non-stop after she quit in January… I bet Kerissa doesn’t know that though does she? Like everyone knows how you go behind people’s back and shit talk them to everyone else, before Nyota became UM you shit talked her, her nickname was Eeyore and you constantly questioned her intelligence but all that changed because you lost UM’s last night time as well. It’s interesting to me that you continue to try to take the high road, but that clique you kicked out to save Nexi and Cally backfired because those two quit anyways and in your own words “Showed their true colors” one of which is filing complaints against you with LL. You need a reality check, your shit don’t stink and you’re far from innocent in this situation your business was dead LONG before the “clique” formed (which again in your words is a clique because they hung out together in the game area, even though they invited anyone and everyone, including people they don’t like to play games, participate in events etc… [See; This definition of clique: a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them]) The “clique” was your business and your traffic, the only thing I wish I could see is if you break your promise to never spend a dime of your own money to put into DT when Candyland can’t cover your costs anymore.
Think there is some context needed for #33. If you haven’t been in Sl for a long time then I excuse it. About two years ago all stores that used E2V Gift Card and Delivery system had to convert within two months time. This means that all stores had to shop a new brand and had to try to get all of their articles of clothes to change from one buying system to the other. This may seem simple to someone that’s never worked in a business in rl, but this is actually a large project in any world. Thus, it is inevitable that gift card balances could not be transferred from one system to the other because the archival of that data rested on E2V. Remember, you buy from a store, but that gift card is not from that store. It’s from E2V, Casper, or another Gift Card provider, which means that if that provider were to disappear your data is lost. Thus, the store warned the buyers of that data, it was not their responsibility to try to convince E2V to transfer YOUR DATA to Casper or another seller. If was the buyer’s responsibility to acknowledge that such an emergency event took place and to try to redeem the full credit prior to that transfer. The store is under no obligation to give you a new gift card, or to allow usage of it, because the store itself has no knowledge of the gift card value. So you can be lying to them and claiming it was a 1k card when it was in fact 500 of which you already used half of it. Again, the store never had your gift card value information, that liability information sat with E2V. My suggestion to any person that has a… Read more »
One correction. The value of the giftcard is held solely on the giftcard in your possession via script. There is no record of amount on/left on that card in the main system. Only a purchase history to the original buyer. E2V gave 6mths of warning not 2mths and was mass spammed across the grid of the change.NO vendor system in SL can move information to another system for the store owner as accounts in any system are created via user UUID, they’d have no access, and truly no time to be given personal login to every new account on new systems and move them all manually for each.
5years is a long time have a giftcard then scream insults doesn’t work. Bitching in group chat won’t get anything regardless. Follow the correct method of support contact via profiles
Apologies, since I work with gift cards in real life, I used the real life reference. Most people assume that the liability holder is the company or store you bought it from. But gift cards are actually held by a third party which transacts with the vendor at the POS time. Funny enough I had forgotten that in RL it’s actually simpler to pass it from system to the other, if the merchant is provided the data matrix, so all you’d have to do is transfer the data from one system to the other through a project. SL is much more complicated due to the nature of business, and I’m sure that we may not want to mimic RL and build gift card liability/holder websites (though….. I see a business opportunity lol).
Even in real life it would be a complicated project that couldn’t be handled in two months, but hey SLers tend to believe that you have to go faster than even RL in SL.
#1….There have been many gachas I’ve played and have received rares on the first try….and then several times after that….and I am not nor have I ever once been a blogger. Gachas are based on chance though so if you want the rare right away, either wait and buy someone’s listing from the marketplace, or keep playing.
#6 Yeah, 2 of them are probably men.
#5 What ever would we do without the google police? The fact that you actually sat down and looked up these images and post them and tell people what they should do with THEIR lindens in addition to continuing going on about something that has been dead for over a week now, should win you the 2020 google policeman of the year award! Now can we move on and let the ones who don’t want to pay..hmmm just not pay maybe and move it along?? And the ones who want to, continue to let them do it?
If they were ripping off some artist’s content, I would want to know too. The issue here is that according only on the pics posted here, they were not. Free and public domain content actually can be used by anyone, and stock photos can be used for commercial purposes if the right license was purchased (we don’t know if this is the case but we have no proof of the contrary so far), so this particular googling proved nothing.
#20 These are opinions. Bigotry is something entirely different, as well you know.
Given the current cultural moment and its rhetoric of division and hate that has been ripping families apart and turning people against one another in countries across the world,, you really should have bigger worries than someone saying they only like a few music groups.
The inclusion of comments regarding Trump and Brexit suggest you’re probably pro one or both of those. In which case, you’re probably the bigot.
Your comment is precisely why I miss the “thumbs up” ability.
#9 Alleluja!!!
#1 As a shop owner and a gatcha creator, FALSE like a Trump statement
#4 Basically how Hourglass is dying. Major stores that didn’t support it in the first place do body surveys and find that their users don’t use Hourglass. Shocker. Stores that did support Hourglass see the results of these surveys and drop Hourglass, despite folks telling said creators that they’re still using the body. Stores formerly supporting Hourglass follow up a year later with a survey and find no Hourglass users. Guess they expected us to wait around for them.
Pretty much ties into #9. SL creators are morons, stop sucking their dicks.
As someone who’s friends with several SL creators, go STFU.
You sound like someone who has absolutely zero clue how long it takes to reshape and re-rig anything to a different body, especially one that has a completely different proportion, like from Lara to Hourglass or Freya, not to mention those new Kupra things. It takes hours and a lot of trial and error. If a store works like a corporation and you have a team doing this shit, fine, but if they’re just the one person slaving themselves on a PC or laptop trying to keep up, it’s just not worth it. Most SL creators work their asses off trying to keep up with events and releases, and still trying to have a fucking RL, so it makes little commercial sense for them to spend hours making a version for a body that only a handful of people are wearing, from which maybe only one will buy the actual product.
Some SL customers like you are the morons and you can take your fucking lindens and shove them up where the sun don’t shine.
Slink is good body just yes people had to go else where. No one wants to have to use redux all the time they want body that is simple to use.
You think Redux is hard to use? Hundreds of free and cheap alpha layers out there and you think it’s hard to use? Wear it and go instead of “oops, my tattoo layer is clipping out of my skirt, it must be Blueberry’s fault for not foreseeing their existence three years ago” is hard to use? Do you get upset because faucets aren’t push-button?
good riddance. hg was a really ugly body anyway. bye~~~~
hg is a million times better than that ugly maitreya thing
This is true, but the shoulders and arms on both are basically the same; equally shapeless and ugly. Both breasts look really bad if you push the slider much over halfway- Lara like watermelons with the width spreading further than length, and HG like bananas with their long weird upcurve. HG just has a much better lower body.
#34 Whoever wrote this clearly knows NOTHING. I’ve been with him for over 10 months.. Unless you’re trying to say I look underage.. Who the fuck doesn’t spend all their free time online now days? He plays what ever I am playing.. From that description you can say a lot of guys in SL are the same as this Zack guy you’re claiming him to be. Don’t know what you are butt hurt about but how about you fuck off.
#34 What really dont make any sense is for 1 Jaiden dont live in Arkansas, Does not look like a pedo like those at this so called twink town do. And 3 this zach guy is still in world.. and bad personal habits like what… granted jaiden can be a total asshole but considering all the facts of this case the person writing it is prob some butt hurt loser that has nothing better to do with their time. go find yourself a boyfriend or girlfriend and lay off the LSD.
I remember when this page had actual gossip and not just a bunch of people airing grievances all the time. I miss the old days when it was fun to read and not just a slog to get through every week. Half the posts are illegible due to font size and color issues. The other half are just boring. Is there no good tea anymore??
Make the tea yourself then and stop complaining. People aren’t here to entertain you
I thought this page was here exactly for that purpose, to entertain. If not that, what’s the purpose of it? Why else do people come here to read it?
#33 – I normally don’t take the time to post in the comments because meh, I don’t really feel the need; this, however, warranted a response.
I have been a customer of Magika for many years (think pre-mesh), and have always had exemplary experience and service with Sabina. Any time that I have ever had an issue, I’ve sent her a message or NC and it has been tended to. She even went so far when I had an issue with an old avatar and needed to change to send me a pretty sizable amount of store credit to make up the difference.
My honest opinion, with this creator and others, is to approach the situation with kindness and understanding, to be polite with what you are asking for. Also to remember that we’re all human, and that coming from a place of defensiveness and/or accusation or the like? Probably not going to garner the results you’re looking for.
Just food for thought.
Number 9. Who in the hell do you think you are? Designers are fucking people, not gods. Get a grip! I have had many designers HIT ON ME. Do not speak for everyone just because you are here to work. A lot of designers start off as just people here, bloggers or whatever. This is the problem with some designers. They think that just because they make things here, their shit don’t stink. You are not above anyone, so fuck off.
AMEN to this!!!
#6 Just say you’re a misogynist and get it over with. No one needs to be wholly covered to be a “real” anything. There’s a difference between “here is one boob exposed, a harness, and no panties” and a crop top with daisy dukes and sneakers.
#38 The most healthy families I were in were more about being friends and roleplaying. The people who want to actually parent your kid av the way you’re talking about throw up so many red flags.
Having a SL ‘family’ in any capacity is fucking cringe.
To each their own and I’m not about to tell anyone what they want from their SL, there’s enough of that shit for all of us in RL already.
Your name is fucking cringe yet here you are *shrug* To each their own.
#21. Use grammarly next time. It hurts to read shit like that. Also, FMD is dead most of the time, so IDK what kind if dead naked people are you seeing. Even if you saw naked people there, it’s a fucking adult sim, who cares. Take your prude ass off sex sims then if you don’t want to see naked people.
FMD was on life support when they brought in that desperate, old skank Leannan McCormick, and that was just the death knell. That ho never shuts up in Surfer’s Bay chat either (another dead spot 90% of the time, shocker), she’s a joke of a “DJ”; all she does is beg for attention and generally try to lick the owner’s balls. You should see the sad, thirsty comments she leaves on his Fb posts, but I think even his standards aren’t that low. I hope at least, that he’s not jerking it to 50+ year old fat bitches with really bad, bimbo style avatars. I don’t know why one of her friends doesn’t tell her those udders aren’t attractive, but she’s probably that one that gets invited along to make everyone else look better by comparison.
# 36 don’t you mean Naria Panthar?
#25 HeeHee was wondering when this would come out he was always a scumbag!
#1 – Gacha is always play at own risk! I played quite a few and sometimes I get rares which I do not like. Maybe you mean bloggers get fatpack from the creators themselves? Gacha machine should be by chance only.
#5 – I saw his works and thought they were good, but could not afford his service as it was on the high side. I’m actually not surprised that he takes from open source like Google but does he tell his clients beforehand else it would be cheating. Copyright is something he should not be playing with.
#5 if it’s public domain it’s not stealing, same with free stock photos, and other stock photos sell you the license to use, so it may still not be cheating.
*5 Really are we still on this? Megan you are looking really stupid. Go find some other drama to concoct this week. We are so over it. P.S If his work was not worth it you would not have paid in the first place. Please do everyone a favor and shut the fuck up and move on we are definitely over the drama and your self entitled bullshit
Menakure charges all that money and still expects people to find a picture off of Google for him to morph for you!!! No effort at all from him and the time scale for me to find one was too small, he took my deposit and every picture I sent him he said it wasnt good enough for him to use so i ended up with no photo off of him , minus my deposit!!! BEWARE OF HIM!!!
I don’t care what he charges tbh. He is still gifted without the background props. It is not up to anyone to sit here and tell someone else they are wrong for their prices. This is the problem with ppl in sl. If you don’t like it don’t pay for it but it is not ur job to tell someone else wtf to do with their money. He does not use backdrops all of the time and I have seen his work out there for years Mind the business that pays you.
I just saw his works and some are interesting. And yes not all with backdrop. Just my opinion but he should credit the online images he took from to avoid future conflicts and complications irl, especially since he is making profits off the use of those images. Some images do have copyright or watermark on them and removing those might appear dishonest. You’re right however, potential clients should have the right and choice to make their own decisions.
well said. Though most of them post these things because no business is willing to pay them. Plus the phot you tried to say he “stole” is in the public domain with a tag of CC0. this is creative commons 0. You should look up what it means before posting such things.
There’s an artist selling one of the pics he used though…. I think i see pricing in the ss. He should give credits to the artist if the artist is also selling the work else is like piracy, a rip off…?