Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 637.
· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 294 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 637.
#30: People who sell Gif screens in SL should be taken off of Marketplace, kudos to DJs who make their own screens which is fair use. SELLING THINGS WITH GIFS IN THEM NOT CREATED BY THE ARTIST is stealing. Using in screens for fun is fine. SELLING IN A PRODUCT is THEFT. Get with it people. Gifs are not for your creations for free. It’s art that’s stolen. Using for performances is fine, but stop stealing shit and selling it. NOT. COOL.
#25 – Right… Before you all yell at me and call me a pedo, read my ENTIRE post. Per SL TOS, child avatars CAN be in moderate (as long as the USER is at least 17) AND adult (as long as the USER is at least 18) rated sims, and they are NOT around ANY type of adult content (according to SL, this includes, but is not limited to: sexual furniture, sexual/suggestive images, adult role play (extreme violence, etc), and more).
BUT, with SL’s definition of “adult rated sims,” there is guaranteed to be an aspect of adult content, so there really is no point for a child avatar to be there.
However, owners/managers/security of adult/moderate rated sims or parcels in said sims CAN ban them, and SHOULD ban them, if the sim/parcel is meant for adult purposes.
While I am not one (though some would say my avatar LOOKS like one (anime avi)), I am tired of child avatars being hated on for stuff like this. Are there ones that do that shit? YES. But not all of them do. There are MANY reasons why someone could want to RP as a child avatar.
If it sounds like a horse, I’m going to go ahead and say it’s a horse, not a zebra, until I have proof/evidence that shows otherwise.
You can see all this on SL’s TOS page and other pages. I’m sure I’ve forgotten something, but oh well.
Alright. I’m ready for the onslaught of hate now.
My twin sisters and I don’t really like going to sims that are A even if it’s an event for something cus someone always has something to say even if we’re just shopping the event. It’s stupid cus we’re all adults behind the avatars but we’re not doing anything wrong but shopping and someone somewhere always thinks we should be banned.
You are not going to get hate for stating the obvious. Likewise, I would genuinely just ignore people who sling paedophile accusations with zero proof. It needs to stop as it, just like rape accusations, can seriously ruin a life and people are not quick to forget, even if the accusations are incorrect. A guy in my city lost his job, which cost him his car, house, and livelihood because a woman said that he raped her. It was all false. He never got his job back and spent four months being homeless before an old friend helped him out. Yes, child avatars can go everywhere that anyone else can. They are not inherently ‘banned’ from anywhere. Likewise, common sense has to be used here. A real life example: a child can go into a mall that has a sex shop, but they are not allowed in that sex shop. If you see a child avatar in a sex club, report them and ban them instantly with no warning. They are not actually children and should, theoretically, know better. Either way, if what an old acquaintance of mine was saying, his child avatar was taller than most of these so-called ‘babygirls’ you see running around. However, the fault actually lies with the men that are pushing eight foot. Being honest, with your horse analogy, a lot of these women do not look above the age of eighteen. There are a few that do, but most do not. The Genus heads are literally the most awful thing to hit Second Life. A surge of underage looking clones. However, the mistakes of a few damage all. It happens, it will always happen, and people with child avatars have to walk on eggshells. Simply only be a child in private. Goodness me, I… Read more »
Child avatars are allowed on any sim regardless of LL rating. They just can’t be participating in any adult activity, including sexual activity, severe violence or drugs/alcohol situations. Individual sim owners and parcel owners have the right to ban child avatars from their personal sim/parcel, however, it must be posted by sign at the landing point or in the land description. So, it all falls on the landowners shoulders. Linden Labs only disallows child play of child avatars. Its in the Community Standards, not the TOS. The only thing the TOS says remotely in regards to child avatars is no childplay.
#26 why this hate against Naria , leave naria alone
#1 so im the guy she was “obsessing over”, if anyone wants to talk about this shit or call me a drama starter just message me – freddie.kiyori, i have more than enough proof to defend myself.
#17 I unblocked you, saw your shit, but I’m not crying….. So moved on it’s scary.
Keep obsessing over me, child
How do you know that’s to you? Big headed much? Lol
#29 whats he doing with all those rl $$$ you ask? probably rolling in them and laughing at everybody dumb enough to play bloodlines!
seems you are unknowing to the hud game world. its not bloodlines ya tard its progeny and everyone knows that blackburns are trash anyways
Lol secret #29 was about Bloodlines, what, are you blinded by your attitude…? ? ?
So whoever said they don’t want HD appliers is F*^~ing stupid! Speak for your damn self.. HD appliers fits better than BOM you weirdo.. it’s a known fact.. so don’t post sh%^ trying to ruin it for the rest of us.
Calm tf down lol! I don`t care myself about HD appliers, if they are there or not. But they are not really great for SL in general.
But you do know SL is a game right?.. You sound like they discontinue your favorite soup. ?
Calm down, one persons opinion won’t ruin anything.
Calm down karen. If you ban the imagination of sl . Then why not ban fun or whatever is lost as the days go by in that toxic place. An avatar is not a gender,underage is in your head . Most kids zoomed up close in sl looked like early cases of progeria ,as nothing at all feels real. It feels like a game yet people say it’s not . Weird. I don’t get thus ongoing hate for avatars that look under 18. People have this pedometer inside their hearts that goes off every time they assume things . People seem to hate pedophiles ,which is really weird. All they want is the ability to go fuck themselves . Yet you got an issue with it. Thanks Karen .
That will never happen. Everyone is in second life to be what they like and what they choose to look like. Just because it doesn’t fit your style doesn’t mean it should be banned.
Ask Anime directly, if you banned all Kawaii avatars and forced him to become an adult, he would go somewhere else. Actually, that’s a good idea!!
Maybe he will go back to stalking allthefallen for his next victim/ beatoff time and open another Kirasan shota website in his free time. Alexander is a dirty, dirty boy.
You’re mad…
Also hi Kayden frost
Kayden Frost? That’s your guilty mind playing tricks on you. You would of course, you fucked him and others often enough to know this. Calling out names who would rat you out blindly, is guilty defense. Because you are a rat!! Like Britbong said you were. A RAT!!
So you have no proof i m who you are? what a shame.
Lame as fuck and boring Second Life does a real toll on your mental health
You Alexander are lame as fuck, you were caught and identified. That is also why you are here, scrambling for refreshed comebacks to cover up the damage. This is good, more people that know and aware of you, the more people avoid you like the fucking plague. Proof is there for people see if they want, VR Secrets maybe don’t allow links but they can look. And they will see that it is you, no denying and straight up.
You are a Rat my Son, A Rat. Now Kayden, you go post every picture of Alexander fucking boys with his fat, stupid anime face on as proof as he has done over years. Maybe he will be a quiet pedo and not think himself so above the rest of them. You go do Gods Work!
P.S its 02:21 in Australia, get to your fucking bed you Second Life obsessed twat. Normal people with things to do, don’t stay up on SL on a weekday. That is , if you really do live in Australia.
Wow, this was awesome tea, thanks!!!
You are very welcome, do thank Alexpedo too, cause without his insane manlet shit he keeps spilling for the last 14 years we would not have this tea. 14 years is a long time for the same shit to be pushed out, when most people have moved on. And it is proper tea, not Alexanders screwed up VR secrets posts, all of which NEVER has the real pedos in it, cause he has deals going on with them. Likes his ageplay shags does Alexpedo, he wont expose the real tea. Which he just posted himself doing in this post!! I’m shocked he was so honest!
Which shows again what a small manlet no-life hypocrite piece of shit he is. Do please feel free to google Alexander Japankid, make the connections. Look at the false flagging he did with creators which matches what he does with people in Second Life. I’m just hoping Keemstar etc sees this, if he has Leafys back he will come on as well. Alexander is a Rat, at this point if I were him, I would hide very quickly. A lot of people are very pissed with Alexpedo
Pushing all this boring nonsense aside. If you are the real Britbong, how does it feel to be stuck in the Bad Guys shadow for years while you chat shit on Twitter? How does it feel to be confronted and then backtrack because you’re a pussy? How come you use words like ‘manlet’ and then say ‘spill the tea’?
If you are not the real Britbong, why do you imitate someone that is literally a piece of dirt that clings to a homeless person’s arsecrack?
And, before you think about saying it, I am not the Alexander you are referencing in your post.
Because I am not Britbong, but I find it interesting that another Alexander comes into the mix to start creating another deflection from the subject, rather than the one that is being talked about here. Now, we talk about the Bad Guys yeah? We know all about the issues with Britbong and the Bad Guys, this has been documented solid over many forums. Yes Britbong is an arse, yes he is a dirtball. What I am asking Alexander (not you the other one), is to explain himself. I do not care about Britbong. All we know is Alexander Japankid is either an excuse for Britbongs lies and actions or he is telling the truth. maybe you or Alexander can tell us all ? Why as a kid avatar and by that, his avatar has been identified in Brtibongs video as Colbydark. I have posted this already but for some reason we await that to be accepted or rejected, seems an issue to check over anything with a link on this site. So to go back. Alexander here over his past incarnations, was hanging with Britbong and other trolls to go out to harass other kid avatars regularly. Yet going back to same kids, engaging in sexual activities with them (also proved) and then reporting them. Then going back to Britbong to harass more kids again, to accuse them for being pedos when he himself was the bigger pedo going. I get where you are going with your post, I just don’t understand the reasoning behind talking about Britbong, when Britbong’s problems are as much to blame for this as Alexander’s. Yet I have the feeling your post is to direct me for being “a pussy”, when the issue here is Alexanders and what he has done. I see a lot… Read more »
I have been on this place commenting here and there. As such, there is more than one person with the name ‘Alexander’ in the world, thus it is likely you are bound to meet someone with the same name. I also was not deflecting, you see, more pushing to the side and asking about you and your proverbial story. I was actually more curious about whether you were Britbong or not. I would not put it past the lad to spend his time on this site.
He is, which is why I believe nothing he says. He is damn bipolar, lacks any sort of brain, and has some severe level of Twitter fingers. However, I also would not put it passed AnimeIsLame, who you seem to be accusing of being Alexander, to be a paedophile. He seems, well, in the know about everything.
Either way, I have shit all information on him, but I know Britbong.
I honestly assumed you were Britbong. You fit the odd nature of his brain.
Why do you care what someone else’s avatar looks like? It’s not yours and that’s not a reason to ban someone.
U mad
caps = mad
#6 speak for yourself I love HD appliers
#7 I prefer to be able to resize mine, thanks
#12 or you ask them in group or social media, where they’ve been explaining how to use them?
#18 salty much lol
#23 your 5 year-olds are weird, man
#25 what if I don’t wanna
#26 old tea lol
#32 the nerve on creators to try and make a profit from their hard work
if you love appliers they you’re a retard. theyre glitchy and laggy and are the main cause for lag in sl. applier based mesh is many layers of mesh to house appliers, bom bods/heads only need 1 layer. thus having less render weight clearly you haven’t been around long enough to see all the advantages bom has over appliers. appliers were never meant as a permanent thing they’re a “band aid” till bom became available so shove your noob ass appliers up yours.
Nah, you are actually retarded if you think “appliers are the main source of lag” LOL
I bet you wear your body and head customization HUDs everywhere you go all the time causing actual server lag while you whine like a moron about graphical things your potato Dell machine won’t render without crying. Graphical lag is user end ONLY. It’s a YOU problem. BOM is perfect for some things, but the resolution is lower and there are no materials. Of course, that doesn’t matter to you, because you can’t run Advanced Lighting anyway.
So get a better PC/card/mem/internet speed ect. I cannot abide people that complain so much about the lag yet probably still run on an outdated system. Tech changes and just because you won’t/can’t upgrade doesn’t mean a fuck ton of other people haven’t. Lag is always a feature of any gaming but since you clearly seem to be an expert I would guess you know that. SL has done a great job overall to keep up but they have their limits being 17 years old ffs. HD and bom are awesome, if people had your attitude back in the day there would be no mesh, no sculptie and no tattoo, no bento, no animesh, only a big fat ugly ruth, top layer bottom layer, flexi and way too much bling, now STFU and be grateful we don’t.
Someone greatly overestimates how two applies per person effect server lag. The main reason lol sure it’s def HD applies not poorly optimized bodied or horrible script lag on HUDS people keep on constantly even in heavy traffic sims. But scream on.
You do know most people use both bom and applies together? It’s not a contest. The he applies achieve stuff the bom can’t and vice versa. And no, a layer of lipstick and eyeshadow in someone isn’t going to lag shit out over a badly made mesh body or hud. You’re the one being really redic if you think that’s the case.
How about you gain some manners and talk to people with a little respect? Or at least learn how to spell and punctuate properly before you think you have the right to sneer at someone else with your own retarded entitlement? Lol.
#20 – I have known Hadley for over five years and she has birthed or has tried birthing Nova with every guy she gets her hands on. You will always see the same routine with a different guy two to three months in. It’s never anything different. She doesn’t actually love these guys/girlies she gets her hands on either and she knows it. Her real life man lets her do what she wants so he doesn’t have to deal with her or do anything with her. That’s what brings her to second life to use every person in her life for what she wants. She also likes to rub everything in her ex’s friends faces or ex’s faces. That’s what this looks like to me along with forcing one kid to go through that when they have a different parental figure. So the answer to your question is, inconsiderate. That is what that is and she will never change and only ever think of herself. She does not care about anyone else’s feelings but her own.
As someone who can’t have babies in real life, Secondlife is a great place to do this. If one of the babies has a different father, I’m sorry to say it should not be happening especially if there’s a motive behind it after already starting it before with their father. That screams vindictive as well as inconsiderate. I hope that sweet baby doesn’t feel like she has to do that because she wants to birth her twin.
That post now makes more sense. I was more curious to learn what was going on there. I made a comment with some other post numbers but said this post was disrespectful. I can’t imagine how the other kid feels and she probably feels she doesn’t have a choice. If you have a family they should not be brought into anyone’s game to hurt someone else if that is what this is you were leaning towards. Treat your kids as if it was real, that is why there is so many kids in second life. They are here to be kids and we don’t tell our kids the things we go through with our partners or ex partners in real. I wish people didn’t only ever think of themselves online but they do.
Agree with both y’all but she will still go through with it and never care about another’s feelings. That’s just how she has been as long as I’ve known her. Whoever that guy in the photo is should worry because she will always have someone else close to hold her when he’s not around if she hasn’t already. He’s nothing special if he thinks he is. Guy needs to know it’s the same things happening, different guy until she wants someone else. Her close friends aren’t just friends to her. She likes to be flirtatious and to know she will have their full attention there if and when she wants some or needs it. That is always her #1 care in second life when maybe she should uninstall and go to bed with her man every night. Maybe he’ll want her again instead of a girl who wants other guy/girlies off a video game for years. ??♀️
That’s very inconsiderate then. She should be thinking of the kid not herself. Think if this was real, if those kids are twins with two different dads in second life she probably shouldn’t want to do it since that makes it look she had sex with one man and then sex with another. I hear Jerry Springer calling lol treat your family as they are real if you want that in second life.
She won’t and that is why she eventually loses those close to her. New guy will figure it out eventually too and if he allows her to do whatever she wants with any other guy friends who she will tell everyone is a good friend he definitely has already screwed himself. Attention and doing things to benefit you is a drug for so many online, they will never know who they’re actually hurting while doing it.
That sounds really bad but if your right then outcomes like that don’t last long and doesn’t sound like they will either. If I was her I’d just deal with the one relationship in real because years from now if that’s who they’re still with that’s what’s going to matter. Second life relationships are a lot to deal with on top of real. I’d rather stick with just one and love the person who I get to see everyday and actually touch. Making that work with them is the most real.
Hahaha you called it! New man didn’t even last two months and he already got dumped! At least the last guy lasted years compared to him. I’d call that a rebound and he was probably just someone to rub in her ex’s face. It feels great to always be right about these things and to see how someone will never change their ways. Looks like the poor kid won’t have to go through with that after all now so there’s an upside to those of you who worried.
I don’t know her from anything but you say all these things about her when he is worse than anyone. I’ll say it again and again, he cheats on her. She is better off unless she likes sharing him with the others who are his subs. The girl got a screenshot and she still kept him. She hopefully caught on to the real him if you say they broke up but if she’s just like him who uses then they both need to just live single lives and not lead anyone on to make them think they are special somehow.
Well we didn’t expect bad things to be said. We just wanted a word to describe it. Thanks u anyways for ur feedback! My twin sisters won the poll cus they said it was inconsiderate. We could only pick 1 word to describe it and now I have to let them dress me in girl clothes of their choice for a week! =(
I don’t know much of what happened here between Hadley and Zai besides seeing one was already with someone new but now you say their not and Zai is just gone. (I hope ok from what I’ve read on profile) but I was the biggest fan of their relationship. They both talked about each other like they would grow old together. Everyone saw forever in them and could see how in-love they were which makes me so sad to see that may never be again. I don’t think she is what your describing from how much I seen her love Zai for years though and I’m not commenting to get into that. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but I think this is wrong. Oaktree is Zai’s kid too and everyone knows she loves him. That spot is very important to her life and she chose Zai to be that. I’m sure that wasn’t easy. I don’t think this should be happening again with someone else. That is like Zai getting with another girl and asking her to birth Oaktree or any of your kids so he can have that experience even though they have a mom. I know it’s just sl but think about it. Your kids mean everything to you both, I see it all the time so maybe think how that would make you feel or even Oaktree. If this is something to rub in his face like one person said that is also wrong. Work through whatever needs to be worked through between just you both and move forward in your lives. Be there for your kids in civil matters. That big family created didn’t just happen by one person and it didn’t take just one person to keep them happy. It took both of… Read more »
Sounds like maybe she should be single if it’s the same routines. That has to get boring. Be single and do what you want, that way no one gets hurt. If anyone is involving family you created with someone else as revenge you probably don’t deserve them either. I’m a firm believer that everyone can work things out even if it’s on a mutual front for the rest of the group of friends or family. I’ve been there and talking and working things out with my ex made it so much easier for the rest of our group of friends and family. No one felt they were wrong for talking to us both or hanging out. Him and I our actually still good friends to this day and we ended pretty badly at first. It just took us not letting everyone get in the way and we talked. Everyone should try it, maybe less people would be put up on this website about the same things all the time.
This week on virtual snore stories:
You’re a pedo, you’re a stalker you’re a cheater
Just neck it already guys LMAO
Anime is the pedo, he already been outed as Britbong hoaxer LMAO. Or is this Brit himself, fucking boys on the quiet while trying to act edgy?
Have the Twitter creators you false flagging not found you out yet?
If I were you I would be starting looking for a job and saving that money, for when they come and sue your ass.
Imagine being a kid and fucked by Britbong, oh my lawd!!
Imagine being this obsessed and delusional.
Where’s the proof dude?
Well see, proof is what you always ask for, from every site from here to here Kiwi.net etc. But then this is the internet and a gossip site. We don’t need to provide you proof, same as you don’t need to provide proof over your verbal shit you keep posting weekly everywhere. Where is your proof?
I did actually post proof but obviously Brits video on you was too close to the bone to be outed here due to the nature of it. But anyone googling Alexander Japankid will see that you fit 99% of what he says and through all your sock puppet accounts, did exactly as the one before . Don’t lie!! But my god, if that is you I pity Chester, imagine that face leering over his young kiddie avatar body. ?
Oh so you are admitting you posted that image on ATF of this colby chap?
Way to out yourself there bruh Kayden you gave yourself away with that ghetto talk pedophile.
Colby who mentioned Colby? My that’s a coincidence. One name that’s highlighted through your many accounts, is EXACTLY the one you decide to highlight on. If there was ever someone openly making themselves even more guilty, its you. Thank You for doing that for me, at least we are getting somewhere.
Funny how you gave yourself away and the suddenly changed your wording around.
So eya still no proof and i already posted my proof so where’s yours?
A whole paragraph of text yet no proof it’s me?
You’re terrible at this
Can you prove it here? Nope? Owell
You are fucking thick, the proof is out there to see. People can google Alexander Japankid and read all the shit about you. Evidence is damning and what you do inside the grid is also what you do to people outside too. What a rat!! Which is karma considering the shit you write about people, with no proof as you like to cry about. Paragraph of text he says ?Oh shit yeah, you deal in Twitter text and whatever you call the greatness of your sexual RP, which probably is not very much. You are a manlet !! But here is a little proof, seeing people might be too lazy to look themselves. https://gyazo.com/8dd36ffb99ba26caff25084b721d089d
I think you said in your other posts you directed an excuse towards some Colby kid you did not know, that you channeled that name out of thin air. Yet oddly enough, the same Colby that has been identified in Brits video is in there. The big, fat, stupid face of Colby. So again you set yourself up for more identification. So the question now is, what is the reason you as a kid avatar, was supposed to be mixing with Britbong, to terrorize other kid avatars openly. And yet, go back and integrate with them on the quiet sneaky like, knowing you were with people who would troll them. Used some for your sexual kicks, reported a few and went back with the trolls to create more shit. The reason is simple, A Rat. You are a Rat!
#7 Agree would love to see creators rig their necklaces.
#11 Made me laugh, so true. Never understand why people put their pictures sideways.
#17 If you would send me pictures of your “shit”, i would block you too wtf is wrong with you.
#31 I wonder why Pr!tty is not getting called out for this, they are clearly stealing the artwork for buttons and those typers. Or must all be free use art?
Some of these secrets are really dumb.
#10 You’re kidding right?
#15 It means, you’re blocked.
#20 If one of your kids has a different dad that is not something you should be doing. Everyone has feelings in sl, think how that would make you feel if that was happening to you. Think before putting that kid through that. That’s so disrespectful.
#23 I think their avatars are cute.
#25 Why do you care what people do with their decorations? Now I want to go put up all my Christmas things because you said not to.
#12. What about you read the notecard INSIDE the folder before talking shit?
#31. I would actually support creators that make things for Lelutka.Cash grab? Lelutka even made their permanent price for the head LESS than 4k Lindens compared to other REALLY cash grabbing head makers that I wont say name. At least Lelu doesnt have a ridiculous price, the animations look great, their creators kit is pretty amazing and comes free with the head in case YOU want to learn or make your own BoM.
Gotta say that people that talk shit without reading the notecards make me livid.
Also, all this drama about sleeping with this, stealing someone from someone like wtf! you guys living your SL more complicated than your RL.
You probably work for Lelutka. Some of us did not get a dated version in our update, myself included. Perhaps Lelutka went back and updated the update to include it. You guys fucked up. Be livid with yourself. Start keeping costumers aware of updates next time. The heads are ugly and need reworking anyway
If you has already bought the head pre update you got both versions. I do agree that it’s silly everyone didn’t get it but doubtful they work for lelutka just because they said they got both versions. I owned Erin and got both versions but bought Lake today and only got the unbound. If you didn’t get both versions but already did own yea I’d ask fir it if you want it. Hope they start always including it.
The update was pretty clear and they did ask about interest a few months back. I don’t really feel out of the loop esp compared to the radio silence of some other head creators I’ve used in the past.
You’re so fucking irrelevant
Okay and what’s your point?
#1 If thats not a very accurate description of her. The last contact with her i had confirms this pretty much. She was so barefaced she even lied right into the face of my closest friends about me. Luckily all my friends know me way better than that. Some of her lies were so out of the world i was about to smash my head against my desk. Luckily i saved screenshots to invalidate everything she said, some were borderline on the limit to being dangerous for me. In the comments down here i read she is disabled, that might explain why she is so in her own world. Im glad she is gone and im out of reach. I wish her the best. Hope she finds the help she needs.
#17 Weak is posting an anonymous “secret” on here. That’s weak sauce. Buh bye!
Orrrrr grow some balls and post your shit. Just a thought.
#17 you sound like you are 10 years old.
“See my shit and make you cry” ???? childish, petty, sociopath-ish. If he/she blocked you, he/she is way better human than you are. Block him/her back and move on like a normal person 18+ should or act maturely and maybe things can be fixed if both sides want it.
This applies to #15 and #1 too. And pretty much half of the SL population doing childish profiles and behaving like pre-teens.
And remember, stalking is not cute or romantic, it’s a crime.
If only half would listen to this.
I couldnt have said it better !!!! Hi5
#1. Let us all have a laugh. You always feel so entitled to every relationship huh? As soon as they rejected you, you turn psycho mode. Good job Reshi! Finally more and more people starting to see your true colors. Nice try using your pathetic sob stories and “disability” as an excuse for your own actions. You are actually a piece of shit.
oh I didnt know she was a disabled.. she did mention about her depressions but she didn’t look like she was depressed when she was with some boys. I see multiple personalities.. so out of her mind
Yeah she “fell in love” with me in 3 days and ended up posting my name in her pics, also told shit about me to people because of the petty bullshit, also wont leave me alone.
7 – You’re so dumb, bro. Necklaces are unrigged so we can stretch and move them according to what we’re wearing. They are completely wearable. I own that necklace and it looks perfect on my avatar. Maybe learn how to edit unrigged objects instead of complaining like a dumbass.
#4 Can you pick a better color to use? We can’t read any of your whining.
#24 Don’t tell me how to live my life.
#4 lol TOTALLY Agreed!!! Yellow or Orange would have looked better… or better yet… anything but RED! I wonder if it’s them putting out all this garbage about themselves?
#12 Might wanna not morph the photo so obviously next time OP. You dumbass.
15 & 17: Learn to leave people alone! As someone who got stalked by an ex on multiple accounts and doxxed I can tell you, blocking is the best thing in the world. They think you owe them a conversation, but in reality you don’t owe them shit.
#25. My sim is being decorated for Christmas already. Here’s why, in some places, it’s already winter. Most places do not celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time Americans do. We’ve also had our first snow where I live even though it’s still fall. Plus, I have a TON of Christmas decor. I already had it set out on a platform waiting to be put on the sim because I had to sort out what I did and did not want. Another thing, there is a demand already for winter photos. I am in a photo competition where I have to have a winter photo done by December 1st. I’m already scouting sims trying to find a spot I like. It also is taking me a while to decorate, so a little bit goes down at a time. Another reason, 2020 has SUCKED. I think we all need a little Christmas cheer a bit early this year.
News Flash: NO ONE celebrates Thanksgiving..anywhere…except America. Shocking to be today year’s old to learn this, I know… ?
News Flash: Canada celebrates Thanksgiving ,, but it’s in October
Which is one other Country not ‘most places’. Maybe I should have made that more clear…
According to Google 17 countries celebrate Thanksgiving. You’re welcome.
Lmao caps NO ONE not MOST
lol some one doesn’t know how to use google search.
This whole comment thread makes me laugh. ?
14: Just Because someone hang out at Atonement, doesnt make them a slut. And this is SL, so who really gives a fuck?
My guess is that anyone hanging at the three sluts sim is called a slut.
Your Avatar isn’t your real life body.
What? You’re upset over being pixel bitten?
Fun fact: Nobody really cares?
I’m in the Progeny community, and there are rules when it comes to fighting other vampires when they’re working in SL…
Other vamps will attack you at your place of work if you or your vampire clan / family have attacked another person in the community while working. You reap what you sow in this system.
And when it comes to Progeny vampires feeding on your pixels… Really? Are you lost in your made up immersion that badly? (This goes for anyone who has a problem with Progeny vampires feeding off of ya!) Just walk away or block and derender the person.
Also… If you see some Progeny vamps blasting around in the sky where you’re shopping or whatever… Does it matter? I will say though… I’ve had other vamps who are fighting bump into me repeatedly, and that shit is annoying 100%, so I can understand that! But, if it’s not causing you any “harm”, then pay it no mind… Simple as that.
there are many other games in sl that let you ” feed” on others without them knowing it, but what i don’t get is why you screaming that your pixels are being violated, you my dear need to log off and return to the real world because you are so sucked in a game that you take all this shit to serious. Just in case you forgot…….Vampires aren’t real, Second life is a game, your Avatar is made from pixels
Not to point out the glaringly obvious, but Blackburn is a genuine Legacy surname from 13 years ago. There are several of these avatars still in use. There are multiple families who use it as well. That there is a Blackburn Line in Progeny Vampires is not news. It’s easily searchable on the Wiki for the game. That doesn’t mean that every avatar in SL that goes by Blackburn is a Progeny Vampire.
Also, HUD combat games are not a violations of TOS, or of anyone’s rights. The HUDs are designed by skilled coders, who cooperate with Linden Labs during development of their games.
The More You Know
#30 There’s a bunch of progeny vampires on SL. There are several progeny vampire scanners on marketplace such as the one linked below which includes evading from vampires even if you’re afk. The wiki links below shows you most of the surnames that the vampires use. There’s a lot more than the blackburns.
I’ve seen packs progeny vampires crash DJ sets and attack other progeny players that are trying to work at venues. So I understand the part about it disrupting business. I have my land orbed and long ban list that includes many Blackburns
First off LMFAO!!! Get yo thong out of ya ass, Second of all, its a public place, a public store, those said people, were nowhere around you or whoever the hell was bitchin, so you really need to grow up man, its not Pre-K its called a clothing store for people to shop in, if you dont like it dont go out in public, bc they are everywhere. Its a damn game dude, not like they are actually drinking your blood LMFAO
Technically, It’s not a public place unless its an info hub. Get your facts straight. Sim owners can and will ban you.
Violation of your SL body? You dumbass.
? ? ?
How do you know this? And you are made up of pixels a violation just teleport out if that is the case! And this blackburn name I believe there a two families with this name which one has no ties to this system you speak of!
Actually to correct you somewhat, there is a Progeny bloodline family with the surname Blackburn and they are a very prominent family within the game. As for the feeding while you’re AFK, at events, etc that is also very true. Progeny is different from Bloodlines in that you can feed on someone without them ever even knowing, a Progeny vampire doesn’t require permission to feed on you at all, they just walk up and bite unlike Bloodlines which asks permission to bite you before feeding which makes you aware of them being a vampire. With the Progeny system nobody knows you are a vampire unless they are also part of that system and can detect you as such via their HUD. And oh yeah, they do fight above various stores a lot. The TRUTH Hair store is an extremely popular fighting/feeding ground for Progeny vampires.
Looks like Progeny took the ” discreet ” function from Eternal Conflict. Because they use the same thing. They can feed from you from feet’s away without disrupting you.
In progeny, the distance is under 1.5m except for the special vampires who have a long distance to bite. Eternal Conflict is under 5m away.
She knows already. She is one of the leaders for the blackburns. Google “progeny vampire wiki’ and you can see all leaders of the progeny vampires by names.
She is one of them…look http://wiki.progeny-system.com/index.php?title=Blood_Lines
Wasn’t the backburns apart of eternal conflict? I remember seeing them playing that game. I guess they all got banned?
Not banned. Not by a long shot. Blackburn is one of the oldest families in the Eternal Conflict. The founder of the family is still the son of the Sators. He is also the only one of the beta testers of the system who is still alive in it.
Most progeny vampires are apart of eternal conflict and other systems. If you go these links, you will see the same clan names and players of the progeny blackburns in eternal conflict, such as Mors Torta and Bastille. Lhinovanion (necati.millet) and Tasha Helcaraxe (tashaelove) are the creators for eternal conflict. Lhinovanion created the progeny fangs, but Lachiel (lachiel.vaher) is the one who created progeny and the progeny hud. Lachiel has a DIY fangs that progeny players have been using to try to be undetected from detector huds by using alts or non-progeny people to hide scripts in a prim.
Angels & Demons under Hordes- https://ad.eternal-conflict.com/
Afterlife under Covens & Packs- https://al.eternal-conflict.com/
Progeny- http://wiki.progeny-system.com/index.php?title=Greater_Vampire_Clans#Blackburns
Progeny DIY- http://wiki.progeny-system.com/index.php?title=DIY_Progeny_Hud_and_Fangs
Your an avatar not a real body.people drink you dry,suck your soul dry and make you meal time. Progeny is fun funny paranoid people. Maybe join them and feast upon them and laugh.
The problem is folks don’t have the best PCs. And when these progeny/EC players use these HUDS to feed or fight They use on laggers and “latch on to avatar” HUDS.
It crashes residents and lag them out. And having whole group of them in the sim doing the same thing crashing out customers and disrupting the business. Why do you think a lot of sims ban bloodlines.. use your brain. It isn’t because of ” just” the random pop-ups. Because lot of players who play these games use griefer HUDS) .
I know because I use to play eternal conflict and seen people complain to the creators about some of the players using griefer HUDS to freeze other players in place order win a fight. They do the same when feeding. They lag out the area so people cannot leave the sim. THAT’s the real problem.
31 is funny. it’s obviously genus lovers. They attacked catwa and now are going after lelutka. Two heads that are vastly more superior and rigged better. The problem with genus heads is the faces are poorly made/rigged if you want anything totally unique. Really take the time to look at the noses on the genus heads. They are poorly modeled and rigged terribly in the nose tip/nostril area. The jaw lines are bad. You won’t notice this if you buy a head and leave it at the default (the state it was when they ripped it, because yes the genus dmca was real). There was so much proof on twitch of it before someone had it flagged.
LOL indeed. The problem with Genus heads is the faces are poorly made/rigged, the forehead (5head) especially. Look for stealthic’s comments about fitting Genus hair compared to other heads rig. Oh also: the animations are broken, the hud is laggy as fuck, the eyes are jacked & can’t even BLINK properly, barely any bug fixes in year+ and none in sight. Genus anim HUD is so bad CSR literally tell people not to use it. If Genus stans are patient maybe they will release 6 more heads without addressing any of the issues with their products. BTW with Boundless leLu heads can be ugly as Genus now, for all who like twisted baby alien faces.
Lack of any fixes or updates but constant releases with only the slightest difference had me switching off Genus after years. I don’t think the heads are bad (minus the nose which…..) but some basic fixes which were promised upwards of a year and a half ago or longer haven’t been touched and things remain very glitchy.
#1 Oh my, thats the chick i had the “pleasure” to meet too lmao her sob stories are lovely and each of those are twisted or made up as it came out. If you watch closely you can find her circling in her own lies! Narcistic like full of water that girl obsessing over people easily after one hour rofl and of course every guy wants something from her, dont fall for that. All of her past friends were “abusive” towards her, which is a blatant lie too. Also she does not block people, they block her, she likes to tell it the other way around!
The fact you think this about me , sure is why i have you blocked to, i have people banned in my server and they always be blocked. What sob stories did i tell you? because its clear to me you see different
Hunny you dont have me blocked lmao and even in this you are making shit up again, cant you just stop it for once and think critically about yourself? You dont block people, they have to block YOU or you wont stop harrassing them. I have all the proof
9- I read good stuff about fh on vs but the town didn’t rise to expectations. It is very boring and has more lag than most sims similar to it
#1 except…. Everything about Cummie is true. She copybots, she cheats, she talks behind people’s backs (including her friends), she flirted with Crickets boyfriend (now ex) and that was verified by Cricket (the owner of Sakura) herself, she flirted with other people’s boyfriends (Even mine), she was CAUGHT sleeping with her sisters boyfriend BY her sister, she loves drama, she has a child avatar she uses to “play” with grown men, she’s quick to trash talk people even though she has done or is doing the exact same thing. She likes to play the victim and whoever posted that is just caught in her web of lies. She is literally toxic asfuuuuuukkkkkk.
I agree… also Freddie too, obsessive fucker he is who is racist af, threatens people.
Dont believe it still have a look at this. ~ The girl defending this motherfucker in number one hunny did you have to suck his dick, you obviously need attention.
[12:23] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): retarded fat cunt
[2020/07/04 12:13] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): i say the n word cause i dont care
[2020/07/04 12:11] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): next will be ur nudes
[2020/07/04 12:11] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): they already out their lmfao
[2020/07/04 12:18] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): god nathan like every other black person
[2020/07/04 12:30] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): because autism is retarded
When you look at the times of those logs (starting with 12:23, jumping back to 12:13 and further) you will notice that there were probably either other people talking in between, saying equally stupid things. Since the names got cut out, its very likely that the poster him/herself was one who enabled what was said. Taking such things out of context is a very low thing to do of you.
Or of course those chatlogs are completely made up, which would make you a trash person.
That means you are no better yourself and should just shut up.
Take a screenshot next time at least if you want anyone to believe this ffs
Awh you want more? 😉 ever opened up previous chat
AND another… anything else u wanna complain about hunny boo boo 😀
Didn’t sift through previous comment chains in another week. Legit tho I do appreciate screenshots because copy-pasted stuff just makes it pretty suspect when they didn’t need to be.
The mind boggles. What a disgusting example of human beings. I would suggest that this Freddie guy is the retard and his screen name suits his revolting personality. He truly is Trash.
someone who names themselves “Cummie” needs some serious help.
Thank you! They probably named themselves that cause CumDumpster 1, 2 and 3 were taken. lol
and they tell me im that lol
because you are NO better, Reshi lmao
#16 – Give us proof of copybotting, so many claims on this website but where is the proof homies
And for sure the evidence of all these accusations is already published in this site … oh no wait … is not … because it DO NOT exist! … meeh !… just another false gossip invented by some traumatized avi.
Indeed! But we are all here for the drama-rama. It’s mostly fake accusations from dumped/ignored people.
It’s the same with the paedo accusations, the cheating accusations. If you have proof of something, you screenshot and share where it matters (and report with Linden Labs in the case of something illegal/against TOS).
People here show their worse side. Fun, but sad.
#26 Really who cares lol! Sad post
#4 With how frequent these posts are being and how much much Sam loves this site, i’m starting to think this is some elaborate scam to try and get cheap advertising. Then again they’ve also tried to report VS as well.
1.Okay, I am going to say this once and I am not going to tell you twice. Freddie. You kind of enforced shit on me and you know that. we were great friends until you told me to leave jake for you. You even told me that you’re going to steal me from jake. I really don’t want to do this, but I deleted the pick. I really want this to be over and make amends and move on. Our attempts of fixing it weren’t right I know. And I am not the brightest person and I do not think before I speak. However, if you still do this even if I don’t do anything. telling people I am a living nightmare, You know I care for you. and I fucked up. I know that if I am harassing I will stop and you do the same thing, And first of all Dani and cummie have harassed me more than you have Freddie. You don’t know the story with Dani and cummie. But you are assuming the worse. I have been trying to give everyone space but I do admit I fuck up, So for now on I will leave this to rest and you do also. And I am not who he says I am. I only do this to really defend myself in any shape of the form if I feel attacked or scared. There are two sides to every story and you only listened to one. For now, I will take a break from second life and not care what people say to me because honestly. This has gotten out of hand and it feels real like I’m just hurting myself in the end. So please Freddie. I am truly sorry about what I did, but don’t… Read more »
i didnt even post this lmfao, also stop making accounts to try and get me to forgive you, you hurt yourself and blamed it on me when i said i didnt wanna be friends because you freaked out on me, u need serious help not a relationship.
No one cares lol im sick of your lies, Reshi. The break of SL might be a very good idea
I don’t care what none of y’all say… they fuqed up Lake 2.5 roflllllll
Somebody was high when they updated baby girl
I have lake and OMG I was like NOPE. Went back to the dated. Those extra points they put in it are BAD. No matter how hard I try, I cannot get the shape to look right on the non-dated version. It’s BAD.
Tru rofl it’s so bad and no amount of shaping is going to tame those strong jaws. #NotMyLake
Sucks to suck. The update finally got me to buy Lake because those points gave me so many more shaping options.
They din’t fuck it up the released more bones in the head so yes you need to edit the shape again, or you use not updates bones head and wear that one, before you all go cry a river.
Lake is fuqed up 🙁
Who is the person that is running this website that is covering up for TiddlesWiddles racism? KInda lowkey pathetic to be doing that.
She answered your question last week. Learn to read. Kinda low key dumb to keep repeating the same tired shit every week when you’ve already had the answer…
so kesseret is defending racism? wow, I would have never have guessed, then again, the regular cesspools do defend racism.
Where in what I just said did you read Kess was defending racism??? Dude…are you okay???
#5 yessss all of this is True Ming is a horrible person and a horrible leader in anything she does she is constantly on the computer when she should be doing stuff in her real life maybe get a hobby but get the hell off the computer sometimes u dumb bitch because your definitely not as sweet as some think you are and u most certainly need to own up to shit u do not play victim like you do often you dumb bitch GET A HOBBY AND A LIFE MING CLEMENTINE WU YOU ARE A NASTY BITCH AND U NEED HELP SIT YA ASS DOWN CUZ NO BODY GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YA CRYBABY ASS …
Small pp energy my dude… relax and get over it >.>
gosh someone is angry about a pixel, guess this is your hobby lol
6. I wish HD appliers came with BOM options too. I went Bake on Mesh months back and I love it. I don’t want to go back to appliers.
12. Reading the comments here made me look at my shape from different views and I admit that there is a chipmunk effect going on with the new heads. Unfortunate because I love my old shape and I hate that I had to change it but looks like I’m going to have to change it again or just use the previous version of the head. I still love Lelutka though
32. I see more Genus support than Lelutka.
You cant make HD to BOm you idiot. They are not the same maps.
Op obviously just wants bom that mimics the hd applier as closely as possible…..like duuuh. Calm those big titties down
Someone forgot to take their meds today. No need to call someone an idiot because they don’t know how mapping works.
Get your mom to hug you or something, you obviously need it.
The point of HD appliers is twofold- they are higher resolution than BOM is capable of, so a BOM version wouldn’t look as good. Secondly, BOM does not support any kind of materials. Any materials you see on your body/head when using BOM only are part of your the body or head, and tend to be just one consistent materials texture across the whole mesh. Some appliers benefit from materials textures, such as the proper shine of a lip gloss separate from any skin materials, or the shape of water drops that catch the light rather than painted on drips. The people complaining about them are people who can’t run Advanced Lighting for the most part, so they don’t see those realistic details anyway.
The answer to this just like any other “I don’t like this product” complaint is obviously, just don’t buy it, and if you want an actual change you should speak to the creator directly. Don’t be surprised when they tell you the exact same thing I just said though.
Like I previously said to another commenter, I agree that HD looks nice. I get the use and I can see that it’s more clear and detailed but I, however, wish there were BOM options for when I’m not taking pictures. I don’t like how HD lipsticks catch light and the colors change or have a glow to it. Therefore I would like a flatter, less material option to use for the color lipsticks that I love. I am free to wish for that. I will continue to wish for that even if it never happens. I have already talked to creators directly. I will continue to buy because I do like HD for pictures but I still WISH there were BOM options. 🙂
HD is applier only because its HD! the textures are more HD and bigger and therefore not blurry like bom, i only wear hd lipstick, any other bom or non hd lipstick is blurry and not as amazing
Oh I agree that HD looks good but I wish there were BOM options for everyday use when I’m not taking pictures
idk i like my lips to be not blurry all the time, pics or not. i dont have the materials turned on all the time, but i like my lips at least to be hd
#15 & 17 – that means leave her the fuck alone and get on with your life like an adult, and um… you do know that blocking someone doesn’t stop them from seeing you, or anything you say in local or any public groups/conferences, right? It only blocks things on your end. They would have to block you in order to miss anything, and thankfully you have no control over that. It takes strength to close a door and walk away- weak bitch shit is hanging on desperately trying to get attention from someone who has decided to ignore you. It’s actually pathetic.
The rest of this week is a yawn. I can’t believe no one had anything to say about that stupid ass Kupra bimbo body (as if SL needed another one of those). All I can hope is that it convinces some Skiing bitches to upgrade a little, since it does look slightly better than Katena. Damn those are some ugly, lumpy tits though, the arms are so bad, and the overall shape of the mesh is incredibly unrealistic. Really a step down for anyone using a Belleza or Legacy body, unless your only interests are being naked and jiggling like someone with zero muscle tone.
kupra is gross and is made by sking, so, yeah its the same old shit, they could have made the mesh a bit nicer detailed instead of making the gross ass balled up tiddies and shapeless stomach area,,,ick
Lmao calm down it’s just a body. If you’re so happy with what you have what are you so mad about?
man I’ll never get those who sit there and just be mad about the way someone chooses to look.
I don’t like the Kupra body, but if there’s people willing to pay for it and they’re happy with it… not my problem. Good for them *shrug*
This is the tea sis..
9. Fox Hollow doesn’t bring down other sims. I commend them on having things like Town Hall Meetings that get the community involved in what’s going on in the town. They try to be connected to all their citizens. While other sims only care about their employees. I think where FH failed is by hiring ex CC residents as mods. Those residents left CC because they weren’t liked there or they were horrid at their jobs there so they bring those same attitudes over to FH and then you get people complaining about unfriendly event coordinators like in 9.
I do agree with having more live concerts. It’s good for the SL community as a whole. It’s far more entertaining than a DJ also. As for movies CC shows far more movies than FH. Be happy that you aren’t getting a movie event every week like they do there.
6- I like HD appliers. Perhaps you don’t need them, but a lot of people who are into photography like them and find them useful.
12- I think it’s not a big deal for people who know how to make shapes, but it’s definetely a huge problem for people who have purchased shapes for the heads previous to the updates since those are now useless unless you keep using the old version head.
13- I’ve been seing a lot of people lately talking about girls copyboting skins from certain stores. I never knew that was a thing till literally a month ago. I wonder why LL doesn’t do anything about it? Instead of reporting in public here, perhaps you’d do a better job presenting your proofs to LL and get them banned.
26- Once again, same group of people proving to be bullies and harassers, nothing new.
30- Not surprised, a hell ton of creators in SL just go to DeviantArt, Pinterest or just google to look for textures to copy paste and do skins, make-up or whatever without asking any kind of permission. Not nice at all, she has cute stuff in her store, I thought it was all original. Another disappointment.
31- I don’t really understand this one, if a creator decides to work exclusively for a brand is their choice, if you don’t like their products don’t buy them. If you’d like them to release stuff for other heads and they say no, then that’s it. Shut up.
#6 & 31 We get it, you don’t like Lelutka. Stop telling me what to do with my money and what I want. I’ll support whatever creator that makes items that I want on my head/body. I’m sorry that you see something that you like and can’t put it on your Catya head, maybe it’s time to try something different?
Dear #25:
Learn to read the freakin’ TOS on Child Avatars. Here’s the link – http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Child_Avatar#What_are_Linden_Lab.27s_policies_towards_Child_Avatars
This is right under the big yellow box on the damn page:
Policies towards child avatars are largely focused on the actions of the avatars, not the avatars themselves.
Child avatars are allowed within Second Life.1 A child avatar, even within a mature or adult region (but not participating in adult (in this case, sexual) ) activities is allowed. A child avatar is allowed do everything any other avatar is, with the following exceptions:
To be honest it’s completely up to sim owners if they want child avatars in their sims are not. However, no child avatar should be in a sim thats covered in sex beds and sex related animations. They should not be allowed in those AFK sex sims.. places like that they should be banned from. Even minor looking avatars should be banned from those places.
Under the big yellow box that says:
Stuff to do: This section was compiled by Residents and NEEDS to cite specific sources to substantiate Linden Lab’s stance and avoid confusion. Old Knowledge Base articles or secondlife.com legal documents are required; “I heard it from a friend” or “I got it on a notecard” are NOT acceptable. Otherwise, DO NOT consider the below to be accurate, official policy. -Torley
But follow along to the actual guidelines that says:
For instance, the placement of avatars appearing to represent minors in proximity to “sex beds” or other sexualized graphics, objects, or scripts would violate our Community Standards, as would the placement of sexualized “pose balls” or other content in areas depicting playgrounds or children’s spaces.
2.Good thing they’re not actually related then. And not to defend child avis, cause they’re bloody creepy and shouldn’t be allowed in SL, but some people only use them part time. 4.WTF is this? Most horrible colours to try and read here. 6.I personally love HD appliers, would be great if they had BoM versions as well tho. 7.I concur, and to the person in the comments talking about how crappy they look in certain poses etc, then you’re not rigging them right. Unrigged jewellery looks like shite, always. 10.Well aren’t you a greedy little cunt. Why should designers have sales for you? Wait till black Friday thing if you want deals. 11.Yeah, sideways pics suck arse, but it’s the best way to get a fuller picture of the items you’re blogging. 12.This is why they have a discord and a “dated” version in the pack. 15.To stop being a creep and let it go. 17.No one cares. 18.Someone sounds like a jealous bellend. If you can’t afford PS, download it. If you can’t get a man, maybe change your personality. I’ve never heard of her stealing anyone’s man. Ever. To be fair, you can’t even steal a man, or woman. They’re not property. They make the choice to leave. 19.Don’t buy them then. Whinging about something you paid less than a £ for is sad. 23.Because all Genus heads and LeLutka Fleur/Ryn are child heads right? They look like grown women in their early 20s. Not a 5 year old. Stop projecting your desires on other people. 25.No keep the spooky stuff up too! 28.It’s so ugly when people come on here to bag on a creator’s hard work. You’re a fucking cunt. You don’t like something? Do better. Don’t go dragging someone because it’s not your style. 29.Bloodlines… Read more »
How are child Avis creepy? Some of them are pretty cute,and give great blowjobs. Some of them rp that they’re cannibals and need to eat the flesh off of people who are vegan,as they’re the most tender. Sl was created for perverts ,so that means porn is porn no age no number just hide inside it. Size doesn’t matter. Tos or not it’s hilarious to see,and if you don’t like it just walk away. Reporting is for communists.
You’re bloody disgusting and this is exactly why child avis should be banned. I’m going to assume you’re trolling, but in the off chance you’re not, anyone that could get aroused at a child, pretend or otherwise, should seek serious help and probably chemical, or medical castration. This is way beyond “What are you doing step-bro” it’s actually engaging in a depiction of sexual activity with the likeness of a child, which is illegal. This isn’t pretend incest, this isn’t pretend bestiality (which is legal in far too many places), this isn’t pretend snuff or pretend necrophilia (also legal in far too many places *not the snuff*). This is the direct sexual depiction of a child likeness. If you think exploring that “taboo” or fetish is normal, or should be enjoyed here. Please seek professional help and stay off of SecondLife, or any similar places that you can foster that desire.
You clearly don’t get it. Leave your emotions at the door please, as you simply can’t be a pedo in sl if everyone is a consenting adult. Sl is real life and doesn’t constitute reality. Who said anyone was aroused. If you can do it fine. I just don’t care. Fake kids make it better. It’s a submissive thing your unable to grasp, as you put reality into sl. Different strokes for different folk. I’m just not bothered by it. Don’t bring your mundane reality into sl. An avatar just simply can’t be labeled. I don’t want help it’s not needed as you have too pay them,plus they don’t really care. Want to see some pics? Join in on the taboo,everyone does it eventually. You don’t bring emotion or feelings to sl. Keep them a your cellar door, as sl have the cutest little whores for 500 lindens or more.
You’re so0o0o edgy
Not being edgy I’m just not literal in a video game where everyone is a consenting adult. So if sexual ageplay happens oh well. It’s the internet welcome.
oh gawds, this is cringe af you sick ass
Thank you for the compliments. You don’t play sl to play reality. Anyone saying an avatar is the same thing as a real kid doesn’t understand the concept of virtual creation. Morals don’t really make sense in it. All taboos should be accepted. Sl is not the reality zone. Being held accountable for your actions as an avatar is retarded. It’s not sick or cringe it’s cute. Just let go to your boring desires. Plus everyone’s a perv. Just it’s funner with people who rp. Thanks for your opinion though.
That troll job earns you zero stars out of five. Reasons: 1 – Any attempt to be more knowledgeable than the trolling target has to be supported by thorough knowledge. You forgot that there are people under the age of 18 using Second Life. So there are a lot of avis who are not consenting adults by US law, which is what would apply due to the Lindens’ home offices being in San Francisco. 2 – You dove straight for edgelord territory by defending pedophilia in SL whether you like it or not. There may be an argument about whether it’s something to work with instead of against, but all you’re doing is flinging around lies about the ages of SL users and claiming to be the logical one in the discussion. Mind, you’d need an education of some level of merit to attempt a discussion on whether virtual child rape cuts down on actual child rape or if it just becomes more compelling to the pedophile. I guess you stuck to your strengths instead. 3 – You’re using slippery slope arguments (“everyone does it eventually”) and deliberately incendiary language while contradicting your own argument. If you don’t bring your emotions into SL (speaking generally), what would be the point of pursuing taboo behaviors? Is there a logical reason that has nothing to do with desire or curiosity for someone to RP a five-year-old cannibal? 4 – By focusing on pedophilia to this degree, you’re clearly not even trying to make a point about taboos in SL. There are kinks and paraphilias aplenty to discuss that can be enacted in SL. Vore, dolcett, bestialty, coprophilia, necrophilia, and so on and so forth. Looking over this whole exchange, I credit you back one star. Not only did you disgust someone (but… Read more »
Greetings I’m assuming you understand the values of a virtual world. Nothing should be taboo. Karen’s and literals ruin the sl experience. It’s not pedo if it’s animated . This is virtual not reality,so your supposed to let go of your morals and virtue like sodom and Gomorrah . Plus it’s the internet so welcome. You don’t see them bitching in Japan, and they’re cool. Also hellooo anime is lame aka Colby dark . How are you? Here is a picture of him being a good boy .
Kess’s note: yah not posting that. But if you want a description it was 2 kid avatars having sex. Gross af.
You’re the only actual sick fucking moron here, because you don’t seem to understand that you don’t have to actually molest a real life child to be a pedophile. The word for a pedophile who has victimized a child in real life is “pederast”. If you are sexually excited by children, you are a pedophile. Period. Even if you never touch one for real at all, the existence of the attraction is what makes someone a pedophile. You’re wrong, you’re disgusting, and this is the only response you will ever get to your ignorant ass pedophile enabling garbage.
Lol you’re funny. I’m not a pedo actually. I’ve got no real thoughts about kids . I’ve been around plenty of them in rl and never felt anything ,even for adults. It’s weird having a neurotypical bitch like you in things he doesn’t understand. This is why japan is cooler then America . Nobody bitches about animation they understand its art. Sorry your titties got tangled up in a knot and following rules that make no sense. Rp is rp so keep your feelings out of fantasy rp based sexuality. You’d never understand as your dont know auteur theory. Relax,stick your feet up and stfu. Heil Hydra.
You just fed the “troll” congratulations.
Well you fucking those trolls 100 percent of the time, if anyone knows about that, you do!
This comment made 0 sense.
P.S I would ask Chester to reply but I know what a big ageplay cockwhore he is too. Funny you anime types hide under the masks to interact with real looking kid avies and not your own, your partnership was a mystery to be honest. In fact, if I remember correctly, the amount of times I ever saw you both with a matching anime looking account in a sexual situation, I could count with one hand. You are a hypocrite cunt, Alexander.
The only thing saving your ass is the contention between many, if you are Britbongs scapegoat for his own bullshit or he is actually telling the truth. Any which way, I am sure the Twitter and Youtube creators you are harassing etc, will be looking to harvest your balls for money. When that happens, I am sure the growing number of people that hate your guts will be travelling to where you live to sort you out, no joke.
Oh it made perfect sense but Ok we play it your way today. I am calling you out as the online, shota-diddling, boy fucker you are. Don’t try to deny it now Alexander.
Prove im these people please 🙂
Also aren’t you Kayden frost a known pedophile ageplayer?
And there we have it Ladies and Gents, the proof of Colbydark, aka Alexander Japankid, Sora, Alexander Tizzy, Apenus, Schilliar, progrm just to name a few. More proof of his alt obsession sock account BTW. But this post right here, is gods work. The person that posts here week after week about other kids being assumed pedos was the real giant pedo himself, how is that for a twist? Oh and look, see what we meant. The big fat anime face of Alexander, who even as an anime account still infiltrates real looking SL children. Same as Chester too, that’s a coincidence!
Of course it wasn’t. Most people knew this anyway. The only person denying it and pretending it was not was Alexander himself. Funny you knew where to go for pictures Anime, more proof again of digging the deep hole for us. We just have to sit back and watch. That’s you, as Colbydark with Kayden Frost fucking away like no tomorrow. Classy!! Look at your big stupid anime face which, if people look for the video on you, will see that same avatar was the one also listed in Brits video.
Give yourself a big bow of appreciation Alexander Tizzy, you deserve it for a great performance. You tried, you really did !
Obsessed over second life are we?
Wheres the proof im any of these people? lol
Lots of proof, asking for proof is one of them. You state this over again everywhere you go from here to Kiwi. Its the internet, suck it up or does your bullshit not apply to you, special are we? Obsessed over Second Life? Ha, says the guy replying to fucking Draxtor on his Twitter. Only really Second Life obsessives and fanbois take time to answer to Draxtor.
Which is also funny, cause Draxtor seems to attract the age-players as if it saves them like some LL pardon. This is where you and I are different, I am not a hypocrite like you are. This is what we asked Britbong , why would Brit hang round a kid avatar when he hated kid avatars, especially ageplaying ones like you are. Proof? Alexander Japankid is proof enough. That and you are a constant tool through all your accounts.
Gonna need to see some proof.
No… you playing this wrong. We want proof to ask this is not you. So far all of it from how you write and talk, how you express yourself and your subject matter is you… forensically!! That is all the proof needed, that and you are a giant tool . Those poor kiddos you fucked and reported. Nobody likes a grass mate, in criminal circles grasses are worse than nonces. And you are both of those combined. You are a rat !!
33. Verinne needs to keep her huge-ass beak nose out of people’s business. Nobody cares and whatever comes out of her mouth is so dumb, it makes me think that even a slice of burnt toast has a higher IQ than her. She isn’t relevant, she isn’t a trendsetter (just a trend follower) and her SL face looks like a crossbreed of a pug and a chihuahua, not to mention her terrible proportions. (that head size. LOL)
Insulting someone based off of their physical appearance, gives you the IQ and unoriginality of thrush. Insulting their avatar even moreso. Whomever you are, you’re a knobend. If you’re going to insult someone, at least be creative about it and whilst you’re insulting them, pack it full of substance.
You showed up, but you really needn’t bother.
Insulting? I am stating facts!
And while you’re here leaving boring, irrelevant comments, take your own “advice”, darling.
I did show up, and bothered poor little you enough to get you all flustered and to spend time to respond.
You tried. : )
You are such an idiot.
uh ..Verinne is one of the most beautiful women on SL. Regardless I wouldn’t be going down that path here, since Oakley is the type of girl that if you kicked her, she’d roll down the hill irl.
Stick to battles you can actually win. Carry on.
Verinne clearly has a nasty point of view in life to think something like bringing up a dead relative is ever justified. Ugly inside is a lot worse no matter how “beautiful” you are on the outside.
When did she justify it? I am pretty sure she even said that it was uncalled for. I think the point of it was that the Oakley PR team used the fact someone brought up a dead relative as a way to overshadow what Oakley said and make it the bigger issue then what Oakley said. Diversion tactics.
I won this cause you admitted to finding Verinne beautiful. Thank you! Carrying on. :>
What? This wasn’t even a debate, you are defending Oakley….OAKLEY. LOL!
Nobody ever said it was a debate, nor did I ever say that I am defending Oakley. She’s a vile human being, and I wouldn’t be her friend if it was the only way to save my life.
Try taking some classes in reading comprehension! You need them.
LOL. One of the most beautiful women on SL has me cackling. Whew, your definition of beautiful going by that statement has me worried for your sanity. Thanks for the good laugh. Oh, and about the Oakley remark – 100% positive if you kicked her irl she’d just beat your ass vs tipping over and rolling BUT nice one.
Carry on my wayward son.
First of all, for Oakley to kick my ass, she first would have to be able to get off the couch.
Second of all, you are here attacking someone’s appearance while defending Oakley. That just goes to show the delusional bubble you idiots surround yourselves with. You wanna be a good friend to Oakley?
Do you know what a good friend would have done? not now but 10 years ago they would have told her that dressing up a pixel avatar on an online sex platform and clicking the screenshot button isn’t a skill. A good friend would have tell her not to waste her life thinking she had some artistic talent, a good friend would have tell her to stop listening to the toxic people around her that kept on padding her on the back. Just imagine what kind of people would be impressed by what every 12 year old does on playstation. A good friend would have tell Oakley to pursue an actual career if she wanted to explore her artistic side, learn real digital panting, or anything along those lines where she could have a successful career and life.
What did you all do instead? Kept on padding her on the back for clicking screenshot button on her out of proportion avatar and acting like she was some big shot. Now she is a fully grown adult with no real skill or ability or a career who spends all of her free time on SL fighting her best friend on plurk over a guy who turned out to be a dog fucker and got his account banned.
I don’t think you are in any position to be attacking -ANYONE-. Specially when it comes to defending Oakley.
So you’re very passionate when it comes to Oakley. I see you. Writing a mini novel is cute but you should probably be more productive channeling that passion elsewhere.
Typical response when backed into a corner. Too easy. Baking maps takes a while sometimes, it’s good entertainment while I wait.
#1 need to leave this girl alone lol. clearly she is mentally ill and has learning disabilities but they continue to pick on her and harass her. because she wont take a photo SHE EDITED out of her pics. “freddie” recorded her voice and even JERKED OFF to her voice l m a o
they are also threatening to leak her address and nudes, yall think this shit is ok?
she gave out my personal messages to random people on discord, cut herself and blamed it on me because i wouldnt date her after 3 days, i never mentioned sharing her info either even though she shared my name, snapchat messages and other shit, i have recordings of everything because i know this shit would happen lmfao, she made like 15 accounts asking me to unblock her also sending her friends, i blocked her for a reason that reason was to stop the drama lmfao but she kept going.
Then she needs to stop harassing other people – she does the same thing and bothers people i can name a few already on one hand. Being mentally ill is no excuse to how she behaves and what she does, don’t use that shit. She knows what she is doing, and the way she handles it is making it worse for HER. Hence people start to act on it.y You get what you deserve, clearly she knows what she is doing. She’s been doing this for a long time to then turn around and act like a victim. Now leaking rl info and so on about her I do agree it doesn’t make it right. Truthfully we don’t know the whole story but I can tell from own experience with her she be nice infront of you but will stab you and make up things once you’ve done her wrong.
there is a difference between being mentally ill and having an actual disability. yall are picking on someone with a disability, does that make you feel good about yourself? lmao
but she isnt harassing people, and if she IS im sure there is a block and ignore button to use instead of coming back telling her to KILL HERSELF and leaking her number. you can say shes making shit up but ive seen and witnessed most of this shit first hand. “you get what you deserve” bitch this a virtual world with block buttons, stop acting like this is rl because half of you would get popped in the nose and cry about and there would be no fucking blog to run to.
Dont believe what she says, please! Its for your own good. Everyone of her past apparently tries to public her nudes or harm her in a way. And if she likes to piss off people so much, maybe she shouldnt send nudes so often and should stop harassing people lmao you always get back what you give
WAIT soooo you think its ok that a person who is CLEARLY mentally disabled has their personal images LEAKED? maybe you should look at it this way. SHES EASILY MANIPULATED SHES YOUNG, SHE TURNED 18 RECENTLY. you people really take this internet drama so fucking seriously without knowing whos actually behind the screen and its funny. this isn’t your real life, yall need to get one of those.
Fair point there is a block button yes, im sure she gets blocked a lot but what does she do? Exactly ALTS, she’s done it with multiple people before and it won’t stop now. Again stop using the excuse of her having a disability she’s not dumb. So what if she just turned 18? She’s not an infant who doesn’t know what they’re doing. I think the one who’s taking this whole “drama” really serious is you lol. It shows. Sending nudes one way or another is honestly your own responsibility, she chose to send nudes to whoever it is. She should’ve known better that sending any kind of info can be dangerous including nudes. Again she is not stupid so stop making it seem like she is just cause she’s young.
Yeah it is a virtual world yet yall seem to feed the drama nonetheless, you pop off right away lol. Anyways have a good one 🙂
How about all the lies about the other people. She even gets some of her not-smart friends to harass people. If they know she is disabled, why do they believe her and then hit up other people to insult them i ask you? And you defending this behavor is just horrible! That girl needs help and not someone white knighting for her to validate her in that behavor.
#3 This stinks of racism and jealousy. “Ghetto” is a shitty term that’s anti-black and antisemetic. Read up on your history and stop using it. #4 Nobody can read that shit nor has time to. Make a better post and try again. #7 You’re clearly ignorant as to how things are made. Necklaces are hard as hell to make, they are the number one thing that will never exactly look or fit 100% right no matter who the creator is, because the rigging is difficult. “Making for mesh bodies.” Seems to be a common misconception. Most mesh jewelry made recently (era of mesh bodies at least) are meant for “mesh bodies” and classic. Even older rings can be used with bento, just stretch it to your finger. You also have to take into account the avatar’s AO, if they have breasts – their breast size, all of that. You can’t just make a necklace for x body because it simply doesn’t work like that. Especially if it’s a choker or collar type thing, where the mesh body meets the mesh head. If you have any great ideas, by all means, the software and tutorials on how to make stuff is out there, go be innovative and make it yourself. But as a creator and knowing what I know, it simply just doesn’t work that way. #8 Someone please inform the creator that flexi died many many moons ago. #9 Fox Hollow sucks. It’s very clique-y and there always seems to be some sort of problem, drama, or issue with that place. I avoid it like the flu. #10 This is true. Thank you for the PSA. But goddamn is this ugly. #12 Part of making “good” shapes is by playing with the sliders little by little. Pull up a photo… Read more »
#7 – it doesn’t work like that, huh? Weird. I have necklaces/chokers from Bueno, Cynful, Cult, (edited to add, Addams as well) and Spoiled/Demon Doll that are all rigged for different mesh bodies, so they don’t clip through the neck, shoulders, or chest when my avi moves. Do they stretch oddly sometimes? Sure, just like anything rigged does, but they still look worlds better than the unrigged lump that clips with every movement. I guess those creators must just have some kind of special capability that others don’t, huh? Since you obviously know that’s much too hard to do, being a creator yourself and all.
That being said, giving the ability to mod along with resize scripts for those who aren’t good at manual editing certainly helps… and not making a neck and chest part in the same attachment. If your necklace set has a choker and a part that hangs down the chest, separate them so we can attach the choker to neck, and the necklace to chest or back, to minimize clipping. Otherwise it truly is unwearable.
Alright well the brattiness isn’t needed. Unless maybe this was your “secret” and you’re taking some sort of offense? Chill bruh. Anyway I was speaking from a creator’s POV, yeah, as my store has a lot of accessories including necklaces. Like I said above I have never owned or heard of a necklace that’s like, “For Maitreya & Signature” but I don’t doubt it’s out there. I just think it would be stupid, and it is. “Sure, just like anything rigged does, but they still look worlds better than the unrigged lump that clips with every movement. I guess those creators must just have some kuind of special capability that others don’t, huh?” First of all Mr. / Ms. / Mx. keyboard warrior, even if this is your “secret” your aggressiveness is extremely obnoxious and pompous, even your little user handle is a bit much. I get it, you’re on here to stir some stuff up because you’re bored. It’s cool. But I’ll explain anyway just so you’ll understand where I’m coming from. You said sometimes your rigged accessories sometimes look funky because it’s being stretched. I don’t know what your avatar looks like or what you prefer to buy and wear, but things shouldn’t look stretched or look weird if your avatar moves whilst wearing a rigged item. When you make any wearable item or article of clothing that’s rigged, typically you use a pose stand that moves your avatar around in various ways to check for tearing or what it looks like if it has the potential to be stretched from an AO, or pose, whatever it may be. If it’s wonky while being stretched during testing then typically with a rigged accessory a position animation is put with a high priority so it won’t get overwritten by… Read more »
** #7 EDIT: I meant “add to finger” not stretch
Lol stop threatening people to get what you want. you of course want to start this way
Reshi do yourself good and go get a therapist. You obsessing so much over people is not healthy. I think you lie so much out of self defense. You project your own errors onto others to not face them in your own mirror. The last lies you told about people i heard made me shook! They were not even twisted stories, just straight out lies.
i never did lie dude. I been really honest and this is prob kitty trap lol
Reshi i can prove all your lies wrong 🙂 and that you cant see how much you lie is scaring!
I would be annoyed too if someone who destroyed our relationship had me in their profile telling sob stories, as if they were wronged somehow when they had to deal with the consequences of their actions. That’s pathetic, and so is using alts to bother people who want you to leave them alone. If you fucked up that relationship, you should respect the other person’s choice to leave you behind and stop putting the personal business on public display. You should learn from it and maybe value the next person before it’s too late, instead of crying when it’s already over.
you take the internet way too seriously. theres no ‘relationship’ when the loser literally sits in a dating discord looking for a mommy to dom him lmao i bet there so many other bitches. cry about your online reputations more.
Okay, It was a letter, there was no exposing in the pick. She deleted it because it bothers him so him much even though he made her promises and shit. she just sent this to me so we are defending her about this. She is never going to be close to any one again due to his toxicity, We tried to talk to him for her. but he ends up telling her to go kill herself. so she wrote that, that is the only reason why.
i told her multiple times i blocked her so the drama would stop, but she kept being annoying constantly sending her friends to me, i never told her to kill herself
People telling people to go kill themselves are the shit of this earth.
I don’t care about the rest of your drama, kids. But whoever tells someone to kill themselves is not worth shit. I would not be friends with this guy, you can all do better.
No one wants to be friends with a racists either or someone who takes disability to the extreme… look at this, prove the absolute scum of the earth.
[12:23] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): retarded fat cunt
[2020/07/04 12:13] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): i say the n word cause i dont care
[2020/07/04 12:11] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): next will be ur nudes
[2020/07/04 12:11] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): they already out their lmfao
[2020/07/04 12:18] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): god nathan like every other black person
[2020/07/04 12:30] ғʀᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ (goontrash): because autism is retarded
Yall defending him are just as bad, what cause he showed you his ginger cock and his buck teeth okay and?
Oh wow lol. Not only a disgusting human being but a fanta pants as well. I’m dying over here ? ? ?
12. THIS THIS THIS. There’s no fixing those jaws/cheeks back to the original. You can get it somewhat close but it won’t be the same. I’ve gotten help on the matter and the jaw still looks “manly” or is protruding weirdly in certain spots. Especially from the side and overhead angles. My avatar looks like she has a mouth full of marbles. Even people who can shape well are having trouble with the new structure of the face. So for the “YoU jUsT cAnT sHaPe” crowd, save it. Lelutka changed the heads too much. In some ways it’s better. The noses and eye areas are better but the jaws/cheeks are so bad that I can’t even wear it. They should include the 2.0 head in the 2.5 update for everyone, not just for those who previously purchased 2.0. Because my newest purchase is 2.5 and did not come with the 2.0 version. Thank goodness I at least have the 2.0 version in another head. The boundless thing is pointless if my avatar has to walk around looking like she got bad fillers. It’s not really boundless if those protruding areas continue to stick out.
idk about the other heads but Lake 2.5 is a hot mess rofl
So your annoyed you purchased a 2.5 head without demoing it hoping to get an old head? I understand keeping the old rigged heads for previous purchasers because they already had a shape and look built for it and may not be able to replicate, but if you didn’t own the head before then I’m sorry to say but this is now Erin, or nuri, or Nova or Lake, whichever it is, which is why its so important to demo before dropping nearly 4k lindens on something.
I never owned any pre fleur heads because I could never get a look on them I wanted, but I understand the people who had a look they loved not wanting to move away from it. I’ve checked out the new rigs and personally love them a lot more and found them easier to shape, but everyone has their own style. I’d think if they had wanted to keep selling the old rigs then they wouldn’t of bothered releasing an update and just released new heads, however, several months ago they did have a survey asking if people wanted the heads to change to the new rig and had a huge amount of support for the change.
you still have the same head in the 2.5 too, it’s called ‘dated’ – which means all your whining and bitching about how your shape is broke/you can’t fix it/it’s so bad, could have been saved had you BOTHERED TO READ THE NOTECARD – the ‘they should include the 2.0 head’ moan, was already answered with the dated version. The Lelutka team cared so much about their customer base that they already preempted the typical ‘i can’t so this’ response and put the dated version in the pack not only with the original rigging that you CAN work with, but also with all the other added HD features so you didn’t need to miss out on all the other good stuff that the 2.5 boundless comes with. Maybe next time you should take more time out to bother to read the info given instead of spending it crying here that you ‘can’t’ – to find you don’t ‘have to’.
I see the Lelutka team is here with claws out. This goes to all of you acting like wildlings over my comment. My update actually did NOT come with the dated version. I had to just go back to my old 2.0 head instead or DID YOU NOT BOTHER TO READ WHERE I SAID THAT? If they added the dated version later then I wasn’t aware and maybe they should LET PEOPLE KNOW THAT THEY UPDATED THE UPDATE TO INCLUDE IT? How the hell else am I supposed to know? Because again, I DID NOT HAVE A DATED HEAD IN THE PACK.
They *did* have it in the package. You’re clearly just a moron. Continue to make yourself look like even more of an idiot, please. It’s hilarious.
Did you read the Bound vs Boundless notecard that came with the update? They included a ‘dated’ version for those who don’t want the boundless version.
“Dear LeLUTKA customer,
We have updated this head to have unrestricted bones. You can still access and continue using your original version (with restricted bones) by unpacking the “dated” version found in the unpacker.
It should look like this: LeLUTKA NAME Head 2.5 (dated).
Those who previously purchased the head will always have access to both the bound and boundless versions! Please note that if you decide to wear the new version of the head, you will need to adjust the shape. We hope you enjoy these changes and the possibilities they offer.
Thank you,
um they do? Its called the dated one in the package or are you too moronic to freakin read a notecard and look? Nobody can help fact you suck at shape making.
My update had no dated version. I had to go back to the 2.0 head instead. Or are you too moronic to read my comment? I don’t suck at shaping. I have shaped every head that I own just fine. Lelutka just sucks with this 2.5 update
They fucked up Ryn badly.
And since that one for example was boundless, as they call it, before there is no dated version in the pack.
They changed things in mapping and weighting I assume, and keep telling customers that nothing has changed.
So yeah they simply fucked up the update.
Never fix a thing that’s not broken.
People were hyping Lelutka lately and even hardcore genus lovers went to get them …. They played themselves.
um only the lips was slightly changed to fit mapping better. nothing else. So if you have issues its on you
They did! The heads are so bad. Instead of sending their employees to call everyone in comments names and tell them that tHeY cAnT rEaD just because we don’t like these head.. perhaps they should spend that time FIXING THESE UGLY UPDATED HEADS. They think we are blind and can’t see that these heads have changed for the worst
Sounds like you can’t read and you’re blind. Damn I’m sorry that really sucks.
You can still use the bound version of you don’t want more shape control. They gave you more control and bones to play with if you want and if not you can use the bound version. Why are we complaining…
It wasnt forced on anyone but apparently people can’t read.
Where’s why I’m complaining—— My update actually did NOT come with the dated version. I had to just go back to my old 2.0 head instead or can you not read? If they added the dated version later then I wasn’t aware and maybe they should LET PEOPLE KNOW THAT THEY UPDATED THE UPDATE TO INCLUDE IT? How the hell else am I supposed to know? Because again, I DID NOT HAVE A DATED HEAD IN THE PACK.
All bounded came with dated in package. If you previously had new boundless why would you need a dated?
Then talk to Lelutka directly instead of crying here? PS. take off you tinfoil hat, I doubt any of these comments disagreeing with you are from lelutka employees. You aren’t that important sugarpie.
They’ve literally said you can request the bound version for any head if you didn’t auto get one via buying it before. Yes I agree it should be included automatically but they have posted multiple places just to contact someone and you’ll get it np.