Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 636.
· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 346 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 636.
#35 LoL This is funny to me. Esp since I am banned there for IDK why.
This comment makes me laugh so much everybody gets banned from a place for a reason drama,greifing,harassing other staff or what ever else you may of done. I am a regular visitor of this place found it nothing but friendly by everyone that works there. Foxy is a diamond wouldnt of fired and banned you without a good reason. Maybe its time to rethink your actions and quit being a cry baby before you start applying at other places to work and them doing the same thing
7. I decided to go back to Cedar Creek today. I hate the town and the people in it but my own estates aren’t doing well. It’s good place to poach people and next I will go back to Fox Hollow and do the same. Neither place has good management. All their events are terrible and the owners are incompetent. Me and my boyfriend are talking to a realtor in Cedar Creek today to start our mission. Being there again reminds me of how much I dislike everything about it. Not to mention my ex and his trashy family are there. Lol
12. That is so bad. Events aren’t worth much anymore
27. HAHAHAHAHAHA serves him right
Why on earth would you poach people from a sim where you don’t like the people???
I was fat until I quit second life now I’m attractive and speak 4 languages
Whoops. You slipped, get back on that treadmill!
So the very last one. Rain puddles…. Pretty sure she’s no longer with shiloh. XD but, i’ve also had issues with her for almost a year now. So =/ She has a pretty bad reputation it seems all across the grid.
Just a friendly reminder. I do not make the secrets. They are submitted. So emailing me and telling me to spell better does nothing.
I can spell fine, albeit I have gotten too used to auto correct in my advanced years.
Thank you. Carry on.
9. Doux has really nice hairs. He has all kinds of styles. One of the top hair creators in my opinion. But if I was to make a suggestion, it would be for changing the butt-length hair, he should make options of those hairs in mid-back length. Sometimes when it’s super long to the avs butt, it looks weird. But Doux is still a GREAT creator and almost every hair looks great
Keep up the great work
doux hair sucks and the owner of the store is a noob.
#28 How many different real pictures is Kaiden going to use this year LMAO does she think no one notices.
lmao so true…hahahahahha
#6 Oakley Foxtrot – she is real though. I submitted one post about her here which was about how she refuse to vote Biden or Trump. (goes against BLM LGBTQ+) Maybe she is a Narcissist but she is cool if u speak to her… I know a lot of people may not like her but we should try to be understanding, you have no idea what someone is going through, and It doesn’t matter what anyone says Oakley is really talented and we can not deny that, we need to have more peace in our community, we all make mistakes. I will not turn my head away from anyone that i going through something.
she basically takes the same picture multiple times, with different boob accesories…. X however many years she has been doing it, they all have the same blurry green background, same lighting, same pig face, same tired ass tiddies. not much of a talent
She takes good pictures. that’s not much of a talent, considering how much help various programs give you. Everyone can do that. Plus, she is really bad at proportions. Her shape is a joke. She looks like an orang utan. So, still looking for the talent you and others keep mentioning.
i have searched for years and haven’t found it lol
YES. I saw her recently and her arms are freakishly long… I personally hoped she was doing it as some kind of passive troll against the trend of arms mostly being too short, but damn it looked bad. The whole desperately edgy look and “I smell the shit on my shoe” face are cringe enough without the ape arms.
This is so on point! And I assure you, it’s not to troll, she just can’t do better.Ellbows are at hip height, hands are the size of shovels.The X legs. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I hope she gets help with her shape, she really needs it.
I never said what I thought she was talented at as my opinion/taste is subjective, just acknowledgement, something about me here was pointed out and shocked how many are TL;DR Oakley related, after seeing the post about her father I quit reading.
Well, we all go through shit. She isn’t the only one AND talent does not equal good person. She’s a nasty person who thinks is actually cool to be treating others like shit. You can not like someone and just not engage in hurtful comments, instead she ALWAYS chooses to be a bitch AND people like you and her little clanies encourage this shit behavior. In that post, doesnt matter what the other person said, her response is down right nasty and doesn’t make her any better than whoever she is cursing at, so stop excusing this shit. It pisses me off that people write hurtful nasty comments knowing how bad is mental illness present already in SL alone.You can’t put flowers in an asshole and call it a vase. Being hurt, having a mental illness, or whatever else shit happens doesn’t give you permission to be a bitch. So fuck off with this shit.
yeah and the world doesn’t revolve around one single person either
exactly…not Oakley either!
#1 & #4 – and how is anyone’s RL gender/race/age/etc any of anyone’s business?
#3 lesee your skin making skills, I’m sure you’re da best!
#7 & 22 – and who is forcing you?
#15 I thought the point of full perm mesh was to make your own textures with the maps.
#16 clearly ur well above the drama lol
#18 I hate all morph ads with passion
#19 u sound a bit xenophobic, just sayin’
#21 & 33 – what we looking at, don’t get it *scratches head*
#23 there would not be virtual secrets without the weekly pedo accusation with no receipts lol
#29 but that wasn’t the pic we were judging last week lol
Hey Oakley, I’ve heard that you want to be a better person. Why don’t you start by deleting the petty posts you have made subbing people? Why do you feel the need to post shit towards people you don’t even know? Why have you stalked me, threatening designers that worked with me (yes, people talk you know, specially if they are from the same country). Why have you been all these years up my ass and no matter how I try to stay away from your sight you always find a way to talk some shit. Grow the fuck up, I could care less about you if wasn’t for the fact that every now and then people show me the pathetic bullshit you do trying to attack me. I don’t care about you, I do my shit, I mind own business please just leave me alone. Oh and the competition thing, I really mean it, why don’t you just move along?
*couldn’t care less. If you’re gonna pretend and be all like I DON’T CARE, at least do it in proper English, W. :>
You can do better than that sweetheart. English is not my language so why would I care? S2
Not mine either. So, what’s your point?
7) I think Cedar Creek is one of the best family roleplay sims out there. I have been a resident for years. It could use some work in the sheriff, justice, and hospital department. Those are the weakest areas but every sim has problem areas. Sometimes being treated like you don’t belong is caused by jealousy or people who are intimidated by you so they find it easier to ignore you.
27) What’s going on here? Can someone explain this more?
Alex’s wife is just being a whore, be hide Alex’s back.
Let us all forget about all the 2398655528 women Alex cheated on andddd ladies and gentlemen here is what CC residents are like…..sympathizing with a pimp and shaming a woman
Well he is still fucking around. ?
#33 This guy always hanging out with girls, literally, he used to follow me around like a puppy then out of no where stopped talking and I presume it’s because of little miss insecure starlight. To all the girls out there, he’s just a unique avatar, but irl he’s a patchy faced oreo, that didn’t get either of the good features of either race.
he’s pretty cute for a guy
He’s Korean+Turkish, not European+African.
I can guarantee he’s part-Japanese, definitely not part-Korean. Everyone knows that he grew up in Tokyo because his dad is Japanese, and I’ve seen him read and write Japanese fluently.
Regardless, unattractive, just like most everyone else on second life, the land where people forget to look in their REAL mirrors and stare at their avatars all day and come to the conclusion that’s who they really are, and that their behavior should reflect that, when in reality, most of them are disgusting creatures that have severe mental illness. I’m sorry but if your life revolves around second life to the point you’ve lost touch with reality you better keep that number on the bottom of this page handy, because eventually your pathetic ass will realize you’re not your avatar.
Who are you addressing? Are you okay?
Sounds like an ugly person who lost their little bubble of self-delusion and now is extremely bitter thinking anyone else might be happy in one the way they once were. Unfortunately for them, there’s actually plenty of rl attractive people in SL, and most likely they just wouldn’t have anything to do with that person. All this comment does is expose them personally, not anyone else.
I’m laughing so hard at the drama this week and some of the comments. Juicy week
The issue that I have, with weak apologies is this. If you are genuinely friends with this person, why not pull them aside and say hey… this isn’t right. You’re a grown ass woman, as you delicately put it. The people you keep around you are equally as toxic as you. So they are either A – perpetuating the circumstances for enjoyment or B- coddling you to your face and talking about it behind your back. There is no in between here in the second life. People are generally spineless and go with what they see everyone else doing. There are very few people here that are honest to a fault. And even then, they get used up and tossed aside only to turn around and become what those people are. It’s the fucking cycle of Second Life. Oakley has had a dose of her own medicine. I don’t agree with making it personal by bringing up looks, weight or her father. Too low of a blow. You can tell someone they’re a cunt by simply saying you’re a fucking cunt. She didn’t reach out to this person to squash issues. She messaged this person with rage and menace behind it. And then 24 hours later was called out on it, again. Oakley – I know you’re reading this. I truly hope that you do wake up and realize how hateful and hurtful you are. You don’t have to like everyone or agree with them but there is another option, keeping your fucking mouth shut and moving on in your life. You are very talented, in many ways. Have y’all ever heard this woman sing? Jeez. But the bad tends to outweigh the good when we repeatedly treat people like trashbags. I think logging out of FB was a good… Read more »
“Drinking is not an excuse to be abusive.”
Let’s not justify abuse and toxic behavior by saying they did it because they were under the influence. Based on the comments on here and on FB post/s, Oakley has slighted several others in the past. She has some issues to work on because 1 or 2 is a coincidence, but there are so many people mentioning how they’ve had bad experiences with her.
Being genuinely sorry and self-aware is good, but working on it and actively seeking to change is even better.
lmao @28….he never dated a real woman ….he loves cock
what the fuck? i wanted more hilarious bad grammar “callouts” and all i got was idiots trying to call that one toksik uniform nazi propaganda, more fucking family rp drama, and open fascists in the comments? this isn’t the entertainment i’m not paying for. i feel cheated
Then go out and create some HiLaRiOuS drama and post it here, you lazy chode
27. Personality wise……Alex is the only likable person in his RP family…….his sister has shit for brains and it’s obvious that she and her husband need second life to feel cool
But I digress
I hate to say this but if this secret is true…..this could be Alex’s karma for cheating on many women in CC
His Sister has Shit for brains…. HAHAHA
#33 have you ever picked up a history book…?? Please recognize that most military outfits in general looked that way ..It more represents japanese millitary then a nazi outfit lmao…please be more literate.
You do know that Japan helped the Nazi regime , right? You may wanna pick up that history book again.
Is the model white or black? I can’t tell because I don’t see color.
Jesus yall need to get a life. Nothing more pathetic than this drama. It’s no wonder half of ya’ll are on this damn website
be nice…
.7. Lol cedar creek is full of cliques and if you dont look a certain way they will treat you like trash.This gay guy I know said they treated him and his brothers like shit, ignored them during roleplays, and the mods treated them like a damn nuisance over simple questions they had. Whole family left a month ago to some other community. I tried the place out for a few months. 90% of the cops and the fire department are unstable meatheads incapable of answering questions or dealing with situations without raging. I witnessed a crazy bitch call up the cops on this new black guy in town who was just parked and talking to me about houses. They surrounded him and kept asking what he was doing, if he had drugs, when he kept telling them OOC that he was just there looking for rental. I left soon after that myself. I think it would be a good community if they fired everyone and hired the right people in positions, not their little friends. Too bad the old owner left.
I love this sim, and I don’t care who knows it.
You can quite easily replace ‘Cedar Creek’ with ‘Second Life’ and it would work just as well. A lot of these people could not roleplay their way out of a plastic bag. They can barely manage the lowest of the low: sex. The most entertaining thing I have ever witnessed was watching two people roleplay sex. It screams of things a virgin twelve-year-old would say to impress his friends.
Cliques are a huge issues that are created by ‘popular’ roleplayers that are too afraid to roleplay with other people. Their skill does not match their vision, so they sit in their small social circle of friends and refuse to open up. Mischief Managed has this issue to an insane degree. They all metagame, even if they act like they do not. Their characters are all perfect, not a single hair out of place. The average roleplayer, that is. The types of players who have no idea what D&D is or how to handle a situation out of their depth.
The point is: you cannot find good roleplay on these Sims. It is all generic nonsense that you would find as a learning ground to teach people on what not to do.
I never thought of it that way but now It makes sense about them being scared to RP with other people, and why from what I witnessed. You’re right, they are so perfect it is just boring. I read a few interesting backstories in profiles but saw none of that play out even. LOL I have not witnessed any sex Roleplay there but did see a couple try to flirt and dirty talk. I got second hand embarrassment from just that.
I fully concur about Mischief Managed. They’re awful.
Cedar creek has a lot of lame cliques who think ignoring people makes them seem cool. I don’t know why they want people to look a certain way when most of them have ugly avatars from 2010. The thing I noticed is……….the uglier the avatar… the worst their attitude is Lol. There’s a handful of fun down to earth people in CC but there’s only a matter of time before they pack up and leave. It never fails. I’m not even surprised that CC treated a black tourist like that. They barely show any kindness to any of their residents that aren’t in their cliques
LOL at the uglier the avatar. I did meet some nice people around when I was there outside of the cliques. I recognized some family names , good and bad, when I went to see what Fox Hollow has to offer. CC needs to get their act together. They really will not be able to pay for all those sims when everyone not on the clique pack up and leave.
Fox Hollow isn’t any better.. Just more cliques, and poor management.
Did Fox Hollow do it for you? I like it there. I suggest you give it a try because cedar creek will disappoint anyone with a different style of rp or rp character. Fox Hollow has lots of diversity in their rp and different kinds of characters. In cedar creek if you aren’t going to date then get married then have a pregnancy by using sliders to make your belly bigger or adopt some weird people using child avs, they pretty much won’t let you in their cliques of boring rp parents and kids that are more annoying than entertaining. But you don’t want to be in those cliques anyway. The interesting people are outside those cliques and like someone else said, those are the people who will probably leave the sim in the future. It’s also funny how they ass kiss the ONE criminal there but even her rp is boring and try hard. They treat any new criminals like rejects. Cedar creek is going down fast. I urge all the residents that they make feel invisible to move on to Fox Hollow
I explored around a bit but it was on a quiet day during the week. I will give it a try though, you already made it sound a million times better than Cedar Creek.
Their covenant states if you are in your car, driving, you are IC.
Uh okay, thanks?
I’m not sure if I misunderstood what you were saying but you said “was just parked” and talking in OOC. I was assuming you meant he was parked in a car while trying to talk in OOC to explain himself. They’re huge assholes about that and act like they’ll throw you in jail over it if you don’t have a driver’s license and force the IC chat or throw you out.
Oh sorry yeah, that is what I meant. I am glad I left, sounds like they have gotten worse.
Now THAT’s a commitment to realism! Was the fire department there with push-effect water cannons? Did the police roll up with attack dogs played by furries? Were there any child avs going “How come your skin’s so dark?”
Icing on the cake would be if you recorded this.
Double icing would be that there was voice.
Triple ultra mega icing would be if the cops’ voices were obviously all black guys and the black av was obviously white!
LOL okay all of this is hilarious and she was 100% a Karen IC and OOC.
No matter how you guys feel about a person, bringing up their dead parent as some kind of attack on them is really low, even for this site. Your moms should have all swallowed you guys.
#9 Stolen but “original hand-drawn” tatoos were a failure so she started making skins with mismatched face-neck-body tones, now moving to mesh and failing at it too, why I am not surprised. This girl is seriously messed up with some highschool “cool kids” complex, and no matter what you say won’t change that as long as she has her cloned fangirls.
How do you know that Oakley didn’t post #6 herself and is now sitting back and cackling at the drama she has created here?
Just a thought.
Fucking bamboozled, haha
#6 To get a good idea of what kind of person Oakley is, just look at the people/brands she has been associated with over the years and look at what kind of people are behind those brands. I have always been of the mind that you can see through someone’s integrity by looking at who they associate with and who associates with them for an extended period of time.
TL;DR Cunt is too kind of a word to describe someone like Oakley.
Whoever that runs uploading this website, why are you licking TiddlesWiddles asshole when I’ve literaly have the exposure of the lifetime of that gout looking motherfucker? you better be putting that SL secret out next sunday or there’ll be hell to pay.
lmfao post what you please if you think you are going to “expose” me, and for what exactly? I have always been honest… being outspoken and not wanting anything to do with racism or those that have shitty narcissistic behavior? The few times that I have submitted secrets about people here at least I have had the balls to confront them and be like yeah I submitted this or said that, unlike a lot of people. haha
and yes it’s been awhile since I have submitted anything about someone and the last time I did, I did run it by Kess and she told me it was inaporpriate which I respect her decision, although mine didn’t consist of foul defamatory gross language.
Because Tiddles uploaded a secret that I felt wasn’t proper to post. So if I feel that way, I will block the other side’s secrets too. Since both sides cannot make a secret that uses sane language (stop using words that I wouldn’t say in front of my mother) or a secret that tells someone to go kill themselves I felt it’s the best interest. Tiddle’s has ceased uploading secrets, but you insist to continue to upload the same thing over and over.
If you don’t like it post your tiddles secret elsewhere. Start your own site.
#23 always wondered when his name would show up here lol
Used to see him always hanging out in same spot in the Ivory tower sandbox in this real creepy bad bunny avatar,talking to girls he’d tp in, suspect he’s creepin somewhere else now **shudders**
this sandbox is my reg haunt and fo sure, seen this thing? usin diff avs to hang with real young lookin av f+m, usin weird gestures, dnt see him so much so prob on anutha as freaky alt, few years ago heard him ragin off on his gf ( sounded wasted and real fucktoid boomer) callin her a cunt, yeah nastyass needs perm ban
#24 Whoever posted this don’t bother hurting over this piece of shit. He’s not worth it and never will be. Give him a few months and he’ll be with someone else who falls for the fake show he puts on. Every girl figures him out and leaves. Then you get to watch him on Facebook cry like the big baby he is.
He was dating Rowan when he was still all hung up on Ella who moved on from him but he always came crawling back crying like a little baby. He lied to Rowan and he lied to Ella. They both are just lying whores and deserve each other.
Both of you are so right! He’s a loser who’s never been laid in rl so he just bounces around to different girls. That’s all he will ever do or get in his pathetic life and she’s a backstabbing shit talker. The only person who sucks her ass is her whore of a sister Teagan. They all deserve each other. Hope he liked his white board too. Wonder if he figured out which ex did it yet. ?
#6 Good to know that all the things that have been said about Oakley for the past years are true. What a failure of a human being.
#28 Wait! I thought he was with Evie Dior or whatever her name is? At least he was like last week. This guy should just change his name to UBER as much as he gets around. Men women children for fuck sakes lock your pets up around this guy!
#15 No wonder his mommy started paying Liam to mesh for him holy fuck that is tragic! I wouldn’t pay 200ls for that! Lmao @ 30k.
#30 No surprise here. Every since Chris dumped her because he got sick of waiting around for her to come visit him year after year she has no one to use to mesh for her.
lmao …too right!
30 I find it quite hilarious how she went from ghetto to gothic in 24 hours. She is one of “those” who change personality for every man they date, I wonder what personality she will have next, when this guy gets sick of her?
I hope its prep so we dont have to see her ass and cooch anymore.
#15 That mesh is shady af. Why do you think he had to close shop with Sabotage, his previous “brand”, and got banned…..
#15 That mesh is shady af. Why do you think he had to close shop with Sabotage, his previous “brand”, and got banned…..
he can’t make up his damn mind he has a shop called merch, yet his hangers all say sabotage on them, and the orange…please stop with the orange!!
Kim also is the biggest fake in sl. She shit talks all her “friends” and now creates gothic trash clothing and makeup to cover her expensive boyfriend. Since she started with that trash shes peddling now her shops gone from beta to off the grid.
Not many people want to look as fake or ugly as your soul kim.
#31 I was informed about Sophie Lynne being a psycho but .. Aryiana just the same Airhead plus this wasn’t done by Aryiana someones trolling the pair of them xD
Well as your sitting here taking away a birthday gift to sophielynne just thought you should know ary did it for her birthday and she loved it it on her Facebook that it was the best birthday gift ever
bit stupid putting it on a secret’s site for attention?
#30 read the rules, Saturday sale is not just for original creator and old/recoloured item are fine, so nothing wrong with that
Yeah but her shop is trash, as trashy as her and her boyfriends female alt. All she does is talk about everyone she knows and creates drama with her drunk ass all over sl. Her shop was something, now it’s a cheap gothic full perm reseller. Drop the man kim we want your great work when you are focused. Subpar or lazy isn’t going to keep you going for much longer.
I dont know her or her boyfriend, but yes the stuff she is selling is trash, you`re right here, always something wrong with it, no customer support
Old re colored mesh is not the same as full perm mesh pumpkin
Oh no I know sweetheart. I knew her well and that’s full perm pants her and the boyfriend is wearing.
#26 Great tip!
I wonder what you mean with “they can basically control and view all your actions?” That sounds kinda scary haha, i quickly deleted it all.
#27. Boy, I can’t imagine being involved with Che. He’s a fucking douchepontoon.
#6 it’s good to hear that people are Finally tiring Of oakleys ol tiddys and angry lady attitude. The amount of dirt this trick talks on people who doesn’t kiss her wrinkly ass is wild.
How was she talking dirt? She privately message the person directly because she obviously has a personal unresolved issue with them. Talking dirt is putting someone on SL secrets who message you privately and spreading it to everyone and anyone who isn’t part of the personal issue. Pot calling kettle black much? Also how is what you’re doing any different than what Oakley did? Imo you’re worse because you won’t say it to her face, instead you’re going to cheer along with the rest of the bullies trying to make this a public issue when it should have just been private, the person if they were an adult should have just blocked Oakley and moved on with their day but here we are.
Orrrrrr you could try not saying shit in private you don’t want to own in public; it’s called integrity and I know it’s not as easy as pretending to be whatever suits you in the moment, but some of us find it worthwhile.
> When a person posts about owning stuff publicly but is posting anonymously.
Also, apparently she posted on FB saying how she felt bad for saying what she did in the way she did and how she needs to mature as a person. Her post was made even before she was on slsecrets so.. if that’s not “owning” what you did, what is, exactly?
dude, she realised it was gonna end up on here and wrote that post to pretend to be sorry and to save her name. that’s all.
Why are you so pressed about it then, if she’s publicly admitted she said it and apologized? Ffs find a life of your own so you can stop sucking ass for people who don’t give half a fuck about you.
#33 I hope you are aware that Hugo Boss produced the SS uniforms?
The uniforms on the left look more like Chinese Navy, not German.
But no military uniform has a rounded jacket neck.
The post itself a real stretch. A quick search for military uniform and you’ll see most have similar features.
The Starlight doesn’t have any recognizable Hugo Boss elements.
I also only say that the SS uniform was produced by Hugo Boss in the late 1930
ngl they look pretty freaking cute
I learned something today!
This smells of sad desperation, must be Crowleycorp. ? ? ?
#6 – I wish I knew who this is because this sick pathetic bully been afteer me for so many years! She stalks me even tho I have her ass blocked everywhere, she is so obsessive with people. This women have any kind of life outside sl? Is she that insecure with her own self that she must spend all her time hating on others? She is a fucking cancer you know. I wish people would see her true face.
Yup She’s a pest if you’re not up her ass.
so she’s into anal…..
I mean……with a pig ass looking face like that I wouldn’t go outside either.
With a pig face like hers I would be angry 24/7, too.
#13. News flash – BLM is a racist hate group. If you put a little effort into researching and thinking about what doesn’t seem right about this organization, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. Follow the money trails.
#26. Nice tip – thank you!
I wish you racists would call out the KKK as much as you call out BLM, a group who simply wants equality and respect for black people.
BLM the organization is a hate group, it’s also run by marxists that want to dismantle the family. If they cared at all about the issues that face the black community, they would know that over 70% of the mothers are single and the family structure has been rapidly dissolving since the 70’s. They would also know that marxists were extremely racist against black people, Karl Marx isn’t this wonderful guy that you think he is; he’s racist.
Black Lives Matter the idea is of course one people stand behind if they aren’t racist, when you can’t say All Lives Matter because it’s seen as “racist” that says something doesn’t it? Racism goes all ways, not just in one direction. We have some of the most racist people who seem to think they are not racist, or that they are doing so in the name of something. You’re just furthering an agenda of keeping these racial issues alive and well.
judge people by the content of their character and their moral values, not the color of their skin and which tribal group they follow.
If you think BLM is a racist hate group, you might want to get evaluated.
No, darling… check your cultist mentality. BLM is a self-admitted Marxist organization backed by the Democrats. Which American political party allowed the infiltration of subversive ideology into the United States post-WWII? Hint: it wasn’t the GOP. Please refer to the destruction of Democratic run cities in 2016-2020 for further evidence. We are in the “chaos” stage. The sooner that you realize Democrats are the sell-out enemy of our civilization, the better… we can then get back to the singular most important American value of unity.
It is look at Chicago how many little children where killed while BLM where looting in the streets and killing. Guessing you don’t give a fuck since it wasn’t a white cop killing a black person. You clowns are fucking dumb can’t wait till others wake up and realize the true racist are the ones trying to defend this group. Since it’s mostly made up of whites anyway. ??
I’m only seeing two killed during the Chicago protests, Jose Gutierrez, 28, and Victor Cazares Jr., 27.
Neither obviously being children.
Across the US, only one person killed seems to be a minor, Antonio Mays, who was 16 and lived in Seattle.
https://youtu.be/-kjU-scnwec Here’s a video you can do some research and decide your own opinion but it’s happening in every Democrat state that has defunded the police and allowed these people to riot.
your white virtue signaling is showing… lol
So you’re saying white people never face racism? Funny….cause 99% of the time I’ve been called things based on my skin color (white) its been by only black people. I’ve never called anyone a name based on their skin color. Yet its 100% ok for a black person to call a white person “Cracker” or “Snow Bunny” or “White Girl/Boy” BLM does NOT care about any person in the inner cities. They don’t care about the families the kids nothing. They see a black person shot by a cop and scream race. Funny how every shooting that’s occurred, has been people RESISTING ARREST and having weapons or trying to get a weapon. When did it become ok for anyone to assault a cop? When did it become ok for anyone to have a knife, or gun and charge at a cop or anyone and not have repercussions? BLM wants to take down the nuclear family. Ok well lets look at this. the nuclear family says 2 parents and kids in the house. How is this bad? Wouldn’t people what both parents in the house? Isn’t that more healthy for the child? Why try to take that away? Why does anyone’s life matter more than another’s? BLM is pushing for people of color to be held above others, that IS racist. When you hold one race above another. In my life I’ve been treated unfairly because I was white, by black people. I’ve been told “no you can’t play in that room because you’re white” how is that NOT racist? What did I do? I just wanted to play with the other kids but because I was white I couldn’t. You know the democrats founded the KKK? Did you know that all the hate you have for people against BLM just… Read more »
Your absence of virtue is showing.
I wouldn’t waste mine on hate organizations. That’s the difference. 🙂
If you see BLM as a hate organization, I doubt you have any to expend.
? ? ? ? you trying to hard.
to, too, two
NewsFlash. Anybody referring broadly to “BLM” as a “racist hate group” is a crybaby looking to invalidate the experience of a people group that doesn’t fit your fairytale idea of America. The comments about the Black family on this thread are insensitive and racist af. And “BLM” doesn’t kill children in Chicago. So ridiculous. Stop deep-throating InfoWars and OAN, and actually read a book that isn’t sponsored by FoxNews. Check your priviledge.
https://youtu.be/-kjU-scnwec No by your own comment you admit to being a racist. You know the world isn’t perfect but you only act like you care when a cop shoots a black person how dumb is that. Funny how many blacks beat and attacked Asians yet was that all over the media? No why cause it didn’t meet the agenda.
Funny how so many self hating white people are out there. Shit even going to Twitter all the racist comments from people that support BLM, but as they like to say it’s okay because they have a different opinion then the ones we have
Really, that red-hat dummy Tatum? Keep your video because nothing you can post is of value. This conversation is over — now I see you’re a conspiracy therorist-following, self-hating Trump member who only watches “The World is Flat” report on Info Wars and Fox News and calls anyone a “racist” who stands against systemic racism because it makes you feel small, requires you to think someone other than yourself, and it puts a mirror up at the disgust that is the history of the United States. You can’t understand the idea of BLM because you’re too busy speaking out against anything foreign to you. By definition, you’re lost. Go back to your bunker where your “America First” red hats are mass-produced overseas, but Trump cultists like you all are yelling all over the place how you’re making the American economy great again….while the stocks slide down. Dumbass.
newsflash! America isn’t the only country to exist…. they are a hate group, they have even started riots in other countries, wich were eradicated. Riots and looting = hate group/trouble makers ..Peaceful protest= movement. Thing is, if you don’t want to be seen as a stereotype, quit acting like the stereotype.
Nobody said America was the only place to exist. And BLM doesn’t cause riots.
Again — conversation over because you believe only what you want to believe.
#28 Well, Don’t know why some even trust this Kaiden tray dude when he is such a womanizer.
womanizer? lol he loves dick too much.
Jeez.. if you don’t like DOUX hair, DONT FREAKING BUY IT!!!! How hard is it???
Why do you even bother to make these dumb secrets every week, you are wasting your own time, Kess her time and the time of the people that need to read your pathetic “secret”.
You are an idiot! Find another hobby you dumb cow.
I like Doux hair tbh, I don’t see the issue with it. I do want them to branch out into less “mainstream” salon hairstyles, but so far I haven’t been disappointed. The only real thing I dislike is how often they change or remove hair colors, some of the ones I’ve loved they’ve taken out or changed slightly for the worse imo. But overall I still support Doux entirely.
All the hair(s) from everyone is looking the same. Why they coming up with new textures. Just like the clothing. SL needs a major new thing. Because nothing really is all that eye catching anymore. Just over-hyped egos. 🙂
the reason all hair in sl is the same, is basically because all hairstyles in rl are the same….i mean how many “different” or “unique” hairstyles do you see? no one has poofy hair or unique styles, now what makes people “different” is having blue hair or something…its a shame really, almost all the hair creators in sl are gone,
Its “mainstream hair” because its good lol sounds like a bitter competitor
Not bitter. Defiantly not a competitor, don’t have time to shop around and hire a mesher on the net, lol. Just bored I guess creativity isn’t what it was back then. ?
I think the hair is pretty nice. Just my 2 lindens (that are worth shit)
It is! I think it’s nice too and many agree since they are buying it.
But I can also understand that someone doesn’t like it. But to make these stupid “secrets” each week to complain about it, is just retarded.
#27!! Dose your Brother Oso’s Fiancé? Know about all the dirty little things you have said about her be hide her back?
Man if you don’t want to be found out who you are, spell does correctly. Just saying makes it pretty obvious.
33. While I think this “secret” is such a stretch by someone who was probably just triggered by their presence, I do have some insight on how they both are, or at least how they acted with and treated me. TLDR: Princess is pretty insecure and quick to lash out, she cherry picks from the truth to feed her perceptions and Lord enables her to shift any sort of blame from himself. I came across them a few times at various places and eventually added Princess. She seemed nice and chill and we chit chatted on occasion here or there. I am not on SL all that much, and most times when I was on I was doing something else like another game or in a discord call or watching something. Eventually one day Lord IMs me saying my avatar was neat looking and we started to chit chat. Since I was not with anyone where I was at I asked for a TP. He TP’d me to a sim called FUCK HOLE, and it being SL I didn’t think anything of it. We even joked about the sim, but overall I liked how it was decorated.. so idk go check it out if you want. Anyway, we’re talking and decide to play some league so I send him my discord and my names to add me. Throughout the day we played league on and off, a few times another friend of mine joined the discord call. But it was a chill day, had a fun time. We add eachother on SL and for the few following days we played a few games of league, chitchatted about my new computer I was building, showed him the sim I was working on nothing out of the ordinary. Then one day Princess… Read more »
ngl chubby seems like a thirsty sluuuuuuuut
waste of time
agreed, complete time-waster
Weirdness is all I can say about these two. I saw them one day griefing someone and saying on voice – “Do Black Lives Matter?” and the person responded with a simple “yeah i guess” and then one of them attached a BLM sign to their avatar.
Fuck Hole is a weird place to tp someone you just met and you were having normal convo with. He probably tp’d you there wanting to take things further but if you objected to it or thought it was weird he had the plausible deniability to just say, “Oh I like to troll and grief here”. Like i said, they are strange…
You know, I never saw them griefing or acting like that. They both honestly seemed pretty chill.. you know until she flipped on me.
no one has sex at fuck hole, idiot
Look at you trying you drag yourself into drama again. You would think after awhile that you would get tired of starting shit Bunny.
Innocent people do not offer to” share the juicey bits”.
You have a bad reputation little Bunny.
You are a well known user, gossiper, and lier, and if anyone has common sense, they would realise this and see that you only want to start drama.
Will you ever stop pretending to be this young nice lady, nobody is falling for it anymore, be honest about who you are Bunny.
Well well well, look who is finally getting called the fuck out. Girl I thought it would have happened long before this with all the shit you put people through. You’re a manipulating abuser of a bitch and everyone who has ever known you, on all your alts, all the people you’re running from, know it. Nothing has changed with you at all. You escorted before, probably still do, you use and manipulate men for money. You’re the most unstable cunt in sl, crying because you’re actually the one who is lonely and ignored by your partner. He is probably tired of your crazy ass because the rest of us have been over your crap. Here’s a thought, stay of of sl and in your safe space or go seek out a therapist. I feel sorry that this Chubby ever came in contact with your psycho ass. I hope this link works because this meme was all i could think of while reading your insane rant postings

It’s entirely possible that this person isn’t involved with this thread. I’m beginning to picture these conspiracists as Charlie: utterly convinced that Princess Starlight is somewhere (no, everywhere!) and covertly behind every dastardly dilemma plaguing them.
Who is Bunny, wtf lol.
LOL! The “thot” thickens!
Not really. I’m the only one on this using my actual in-game name. Zero things to hide. Still haven’t got any names of the guys I’ve been talking to, boyfriends I’ve been trying to steal, who this person is that has known me for “years” and thats because it’s all made up lies.
A moment ago you claimed to have confirmed that I’m Princess, but now you’re stumbling over your own lies. The truth is that I’m not Princess and that you’re, as usual, desperately vying for attention. Nobody wants you around anymore because you’ll do absolutely anything for attention and dick. You can’t lie your way out of this one because we already know you.
What am I stumbling over? What is your name then? Why don’t you just say it? Oh, I know, because the only one lying here is you. I claimed that you’re Princess because no other person that I have ever talked to had been as delusional as that. But if you’re not her, then I guess there are two delusional people out there like that. Yikes. I’ve not sat here lying or calling people names, suggesting people are going to hurt themselves, making claims that people are sluts, cock hoarders, pole greasers, men stealers, thots, or unloved/unwanted. I stated my experience with 2 people who turned out to be much different than I thought they were and my experience with that. Then get “dismantled” by lol and hahahaha.. hmm I wonder who these two could be.
Begging your boyfriend to impregnate you then watching him ditch you to shoot his baby-batter into someone else must’ve done some irreparable damage to your mind’s connection with reality.
Once you start telling yourself that everyone else is delusional, it might be time to call that hotline.
Hey Kat, maybe you should ask your boyfriend what discord servers he’s in that you’re not invited to.
excuse me? why are you dragging me and my man into this random thread?? I don’t even know these people and I don’t know who the f*** you are but okay?? first off f*** you whoever you are! and second off everyone knows my man is mine you jealous b**** so step the f*** off!!!!
Who are you now? No one cares about you or your “man.”
Jesus, what the fuck are you talking about? This is Princess Starlight, everyone. Enjoy your warped view of reality. It was fun, but I’m clocking out from work soon and must go. I’ll send those log requests out soon guys, sorry for the wait! Take care now.
lol i can confirm that chubby wumpkins’s boyfriend abandoned her suddenly to go make a family with some other woman, after she begged him to marry her and make a baby with her
and yes it probably affected her mental health permanently
brutal lol
What am I stumbling over? What is your name then? Why don’t you just say it? Oh, I know, because the only one lying here is you. I claimed that you’re Princess because no other person that I have ever talked to had been as delusional as that. But if you’re not her, then I guess there are two delusional people out there like that. Yikes. I’ve not sat here lying or calling people names, suggesting people are going to hurt themselves, making claims that people are sluts, cock hoarders, pole greasers, men stealers, thots, or unloved/unwanted. I stated my experience with 2 people who turned out to be much different than I thought they were and my experience with that. Then get “dismantled” by lol and hahahaha.. hmm I wonder who these two could be.
This is laughable, really. I’m assuming this is probably one of them or both of them posting these things on different names. I’m not phased one bit. Sure I had an ad board there, as a joke. But I’m sure Lord won’t admit to that either. Since we were joking about “pay to play friends” that ad was also not even originally mine. Just the photo. The ad was given to me by a friend who does escorting in sl. Again nice try.
She’s confirming all of my suspicions. Begone, thot.
Everyone knew that the ad-board wasn’t a joke. The only joke here is your repeated failures at poaching boyfriends. You’re as un-wanted and un-loved in your real life as you are in your second life, and apparently that makes you desperate. You seem like a real catch.
Please enlighten me, who’s boyfriends I am poaching? Give me names please, I’m so curious at who all these men are that I am allegedly throwing myself at. I’ll wait. The dick hoarding thing was funny though. Chubby the cock collector, I like that.
I doubt you’ve ever succeeded, so I’d hardly call you a collector. Everyone who has ever had the misfortune of an extended interaction with you knows that you are desperate for male attention and willing to service any cock. There’s a reason you were abandoned by your friends in real life and in second life. Wishing you better luck in your third life!
1-800-273-8255 is the suicide hotline.
LOL! Dude, you’re dismantling her. I’m guessing you know her.
Yeah, I’ve known this thot for years. I wouldn’t say I know her anymore, thankfully. She used to have friends, but now she has virtual-secrets.com.
1-800-273-8255 is the suicide hotline.
Known me for years? I highly doubt that. What’s your in-game name? Stop hiding behind anonymity. Or, continue your rant of lies and accusations (it’s making my time at work fly by!) Like I said, ANYONE who wants all those logs to decide for themselves can IM me. Yall she got upset at me sending him a picture from bed.. of Mother Aughra from The Dark Crystal on my TV. That is me being a slut to her…
Let me get this straight.
She has an ad-board, advertising her services as a secret girlfriend. She sends pictures from her bed. She takes a teleport to FUCK HOLE without even a second thought.
How is she not the “desperate thot” in this story?
I’m not exaggerating when I say that she will grease any pole willing to give her even the slightest attention.
if this is Princess Starlight, baby aren’t you a real life failed sugarbaby? how many dudes are you leading on currently and using for money? wait… what number alt does Princess Starlight make now? should I let the crowd know the names? you sound just as crazy as you always have been and I see some major projecting going on here
“what number alt does Princess Starlight make now?”
yes, ni hao! a thousand pardons to the dear leader xi jinping! fortune cookie say it’s your rucky day today!
Nothing awkward about it. The ad was to add to the joke that we were having on “pay to play” friends. It wasn’t a “secret gf ad board” what ever that might be. And the “inappropriate” picture from bed that I sent was of a puppet on my TV screen. It was not me, no part of me was even in the photo.
I think Chubby’s “girlfriend experience” business failed, so she converted it into a charity, servicing anyone pathetic enough to e-fuck her.
Cнᴜввʏ Wᴜмᴘĸɪɴs Nɪɢʜᴛ
• » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » •
Hello, Thank you for your interest in my services~ ♡
If I am offline please send me a note card or an offline message, I will be ever so happy to catch you when I come back.
Just IM me and we can talk about what ever services you need~ <3
Nice copy paste! Also, if anyone is interested in it, I have the original ad that was given to me from someone who actually does that in SL. As I said, it was all for a joke and I used her card as my own. Not for some failed business, lmfao. I come with logs and receipts, hun. Try again
Yeah, you also made a cashtag “as a joke.” You had the ad-board give people this notecard with this long listing of services and payment options “as a joke.” I’m sorry, but I think the only real joke is that you expect anyone to believe your lies. You have no friends for a reason. You know the hotline.
☄ ☆ Lovense Toy ☄ ☽
*Ask me about my lovense toy if you are looking for a little something more while we watch or play games!
• » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » •
Additional/Spoil me
L$ 1500 • Discord add
$CASHTAG • $WukiMonster
• » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » • » •
Like I said, nice copy and paste, Princess. I didn’t make the cashtag for the joke. Imagine, already having cashapp. To… I don’t know.. feed my Chipotle addiction during lunch time at work. To send money back and forth to friends when they spot me or vice versa. Crazy idea! I also have PayPal and venmo, scandalous I know.
so this person said that it was a joke, but now they’re saying that they were trying to make money to be able to eat… the wumpkins person is either lying now or lying before because both can’t be true
Is that what I said? Because, honestly, if you can read me saying that I have said apps for my lunch or spotting friends for food and comprehend it as me using those apps to “make money to be able to eat”, then you’re just as stupid as Princess.
Yeah, I still stand by what I said. The ad-board seems real, she’s not contesting the photos taken/sent, and she teleports to sex sims. She seems like a cheap option for anyone who’s interested.
Not contesting the *photo taken and sent because it was of a PUPPET on the TV… what is there to contest, lol
If it walks like a thot, and it talks like a thot…
have mercy lol
Your boyfriend is a serial cheat.
Want the hotline for being a 2nd life bitchcuck?
spill the tea, drop the proof. don’t leave us all hanging like that by making claims but not dropping names.
everyone who has put their name in this thread is already confirmed as a liar and an e-prostitute… chubby wumpkins, drummer dan… if i pay yall $4 in lindens, will you go fuck yourselves? i agree with the dude telling yall to call the hotline
LOL! This one seems angry too! Show us on the doll where they hurt you. Was it the heart? Yes, of course it was.
Confirmed this is Princess, lol. You have no basis for all this stuff you are saying. About my time on SL or my real life. You really think you did something. Only someone as delusional as her would make these things up out of thin air. And this, folks, is what I dealt with trying to talk reasonably to her.
You are going too far.. the suicide hotline crack, says more about you than Chubby.
I don’t know you, but you talk like someone with a particularly large stick up their ass. You should coinsider skipping calling it altogether when the inevitable comes.
I thought this mega-slut had already been laughed out of SL forever. I remember she had an ad-board to be a “secret girlfriend” at Ugly Girls. Any luck with that, Chubby? I guess even Lord Starlight isn’t stupid enough to e-fuck this fugly cum-dumpster.
I guess this is what desperation looks like.
Chubby sounds fuckin’ baller.
Then you should say hello to her and e-fuck her. She’s struggling to find people willing to.
girl you try and fail to hoard SL dick on the constant, just stop lol
I’m sorry, what?
My take-away is that you failed at stealing someone’s boyfriend, so now you’re angry and alone?
Not angry or alone, nice try. Like I said, just giving my interaction with them. If you want the logs, IM me inworld. Nothing to hide.
I think this “secret” is simply a stretch by someone who was probably just triggered.
#6 – Imagine being as self aware as Oakley is. “You’re a disease.” Next day “I’m so sorry, I’m woke now.” Bitch please, you been doing the same shit for years. Who here has personally been victimized by Oakley Foxtrot? Let’s count the hands.
Real change means stepping the fuck back and logging out. Focus on your real life. Stop being a goddamn bully and expecting it to be okay. Stop using excuses for being an asshole. Either accept it that you are in fact a malicious, self indulgent cunt or make some real changes. Period.
Oakley’s avatar is hot.
oakley is actually really nice… i think these are some jealous people trying to cut her down for her success
jealous of her success? riiiight….im so jealous of her long ape like arms, and weird pig face(that she tries to steal from uma thurman), her huge spatula hands, and her average photographing skills, omg someone please, I only wish to be that great, PFFT….get your nose outta her ass and wake up ? ? ?
Even narcissistic cunts are nice to people who ass kiss them, or people who control something they want, whether it be clout or attention. They’re the only ones though, and I doubt you have anything she wants because you type like an ass kisser.
smh… no one is jealous. ?
Many years here, even having her blocked everywhere, she always find a way to stalk me and post shit about me. I also have her dogs like Aimee blocked too.
“Stop being a bully”. Since when is messaging someone privately about an issue you have with someone being a bully? Now. If Oakley were hmm.. let’s say posting stuff on SL secrets or talking to everyone, even people who had nothijg to do with the message, perpetuating drama.. then yeah. I would say she’s a bully. Funnily enough that definition perfectly matches the person who posted this secret. Instead of being an adult, blocking Oakley, or taking it out, or ignoring her, the person did this. I would call that the definition of internet bullying. Since when does one wrong make it ok to do another? Whether or not Oakley deserves backlash, I think it’s shameful that most of you are so jaded in your opinion of her that the person who posted the secret is somehow a saint. They’re not. And neither are any of you. Stop pretending.
So if someone messages you telling you to go kill yourself, simply because she didn’t like you … that means it’s okay that she’s bullying? So long as it stays private? Is that what I’m understanding? Listen. I’ve read through all of your comments and it’s evident that you are a friend of hers and one that she hasn’t ripped apart for having a difference of opinion or I don’t know, breathed wrong that day. So obviously you wouldn’t have the same vantage point. It’s also understandable to want to defend your friend. But truth is, she’s been very shitty to a lot of people. And continues to get away with it. We’re all out here merely stating we understand why this person shared their private conversation. Because we have ALL gotten the same boring repetitive sentence from her. She’s vicious and goes right for the jugular to feel better about herself. I’m not gonna sit here and condone the statements picking apart her looks or weight or any other menial detail. What I’m talking about is her character and my personal experiences with her? Her character is poor. She’s a flat out mean person and I hope that you can keep your rose coloured glasses on.
Everything is based on personal experience though, why argue my opinion or whatever experience I have with her which none of you know anything about, and demean me for having any opinion that isn’t “she’s a piece of shit”. And trust me, it wasn’t just people saying she’s mean. They were being just as cruel as they were saying she was, so.. sorry if I find that hypocritical. Also for the BILLIONTH time, I never said it was ok for anyone to bully anyone. I said what she did was not ok to a lot of people, yet you all keep literally ignoring that fact. I’m saying it’s not right for ANYONE to bully ANYONE. You can have an opinion about someone, but people don’t have to sink as low as they say she does and tbh, if I know any of you in-world, I’m ashamed because I would never talk about anyone like that, even someone who has done me wrong because it’s just toxic. I’d rather have rose coloured glasses on than be like the rest of you, or her for that matter. I hope ALL of you really reflect on how your energy goes into the world because you’re (general statement to all those who were super toxic, not specifically to you) all not so different from her imo.
Here’s a news flash for you. ;You don’t get to tell people how and if they feel harassed or not. That type of behavior can also be considered as bullying. So go bk to kissing ass like you’re Getting paid for.
So.. if I feel harassed I should just post about it so other people can do the same thing the person harassing me did to me to them? What kind of backwards ass abusive thinking is that? Her private messaging someone calling her names could have easily been handled by blocking her. Also what?? Like I’m getting paid for? Pretty much all the comments on here when I came on VS this morning were all shitting on one person, sorry for playing devil’s advocate. I’m a bad guy for disagreeing with you and saying OP is no better than Oakley for posting this and all of you shitting on her too? Again, pot calling kettle black.
That’s some hilarious ass kissing right there.
It’s either her or one of her saviors. ?
I’m going to vote that it’s one of her little lapdogs. Oakley is one of the biggest bullies in SL. Yes, she is talented but sadly, she let that go to her head years ago and has been acting like a real tool since. As for this individual being unbiased, I highly doubt that. I blocked Oakley several years ago, because she is so toxic and as for the comment that she does it in private, that isn’t true. The reason I blocked her is because she kept posting shit on her facebook, about people. This person needs to get their facts straight before they make themselves look even more like a fool.
I’m not even fighting FOR Oakley or her “lapdog” but thanks for trying to bully me into feeling I can’t have an opinion if I’m not her friend or OPs friend. I’m asking why the OP felt the need to post the secret publicly – making themselves look just as bad as Oakley, and also why people are posting and calling Oakley a cunt for being mean – yet they are doing the exact same thing. You can feel a certain way about someone, dislike them even, but how is anyone made more saintly by doing the same thing Oakley did, except publicly which imo is worse?? No one has answered me, I’m just getting called names now which speaks for itself.
So, let me get this straight…if someone disagrees with you or points out facts that you do not like, you figure it’s bullying? As for calling you a lapdog, you are not just giving an opinion here but outright trying to justify the bad and very toxic behavior of someone who is actually KNOWN for being a toxic bully. Then you claim because it’s done privately, it’s perfectly fine and ok to do…are you even really listening to yourself here?? For the record, Oakley does not bully just privately, she does it publicly as well. As I said before, you might want to get your facts straight before you take her side of things, since you appear to be missing some very important ones.
I noticed many people who were once humble allowed their egos to get out of control and turned out to be really ugly individuals. The same with creators/designers. That’s when I think sl took a turn downhill a bit. Not saying it’s all bad. But it’s this type of shit that made it so.
I agree with everything you said here. For some creators who did make it big, who did remain humble, I thank them for their sincerity and their amazing personalities. I do shop at their stores because I want to support that positive energy that they exude. As for the ones that let it go to their heads, I don’t shop so much over at their places. I’m not going to beat on them but I am going to give my opinion with my wallet.
Regarding the bloggers/photographers who went the same route, stayed positive and kept their heads about them, I support but for the ones that turned into toxic divas, believing they are better than everyone else, well they don’t get support from me. I don’t go to their blogs and the stores they are advertising do not reach me because I won’t go near those blogs. Maybe the creators who have these divas on their blogger rolls, should start considering how they look, with these types of bloggers representing them.
How is it ass kissing? It’s an unbiased point of view. Whose ass are you kissing? I never said Oakley wasn’t in the wrong. But she did it privately. That is a much more adult thing to do than post something like this on SL secrets.
She did it privately, you say? So bullying in private is a much more adult thing to do? Please read your own comment a few times before you post it next time or at least go through it in your head, you fall on your own reasoning there. But at least you proved your point about bullying, it is perfectly ok, as long as no one sees it and it is done in private! Adult goals…..uhm
People fight. That is human nature. Clearly Oakley has history with this person, and it’s clearly very unresolved otherwise she wouldn’t have messaged her about it. Again, I never once claimed it was ok for Oakley to do (repeatedly actually but of course you leave that out), but it was more mature than POSTING IT ON A PUBLIC FORUM. What are you guys not getting? I’m SAYING posting on here and all of you replying about it and calling Oakley names and now me – even though I have 0 to do with it, speaks for itself. You’re not any better than she is so stop trying to act like you are.
You are the one not getting it: Oakley keeps harassing people. She writes them violent messages. She bullies people without even having any form of relationship with them. If a photographer is getting more favs than her, she bullies her. EVEN IF THEY NEVER MET. So many SL users just got the same kind of violent messages from her. WE NEED TO TALK TO EACH OTHER to be aware of her madness. She thinks she’s some sort of ultimate sexy queen. But the sad truth is she’s a jealous morbid obese, poor and uneducated woman with no RL.
Tbh you just sound salty, if people get more favs then her? Who cares about Flickr? All of my comments and talking to people are about THIS post. Idc about whatever else because it’s not relevant to THIS post. Everything you’re saying is hearsay as far as anyone who doesn’t know her is concerned. If you wanna go shit talk everything she’s done in her entire life and keep tally, it sounds like you’re the one with no life cause nobody with a life has time for that shit. You talking about her weight, being poor, and supposedly having no education or rl makes you just seem like you care more than you should if you really feel this way about her. I feel bad for you that you have nothing better to do with your time than “educate” people on a person who by your own admission, isn’t a good person. I hope you’re getting paid because the amount of effort you’re putting into hating her seems like a job. I hope you move on with your life and give up trying to make the world a better place by putting other people down in the process. That isn’t how it’s done sis.
Dude , she is very toxic . SHE DID and DOES bully people in public too ,not only in private messages . And yes , 100% true , if people get more likes than her or if she does not win contests she gets really salty and mean . She messages those people calling them names and writes on her facebook about how lame some people are because they are more succesful than her. She basically has no RL at all. She spends hours and hours on her pc being a bully and being angry and agressive towards others for no good reasons . She is one sad human being ,this is the truth. people who pupport her might wanna look closely and pay attention to her behaviour. And of course , her excuse is always ‘i was drunk’ or some shit like that instead of admitting she was wrong. How pathetic she is , she is the definition of human garbage . People kept kissing her ass after she posted her lame apology on FB ,come on….she makes me puke .
In regard to her being upset over a contest.. I see plenty of bloggers, not just her, who write things on fb to vent, or say how they’re disappointed they didn’t win something, or get accepted to blog for a store they wanted to blog for. People vent when they’re disappointed, it’s her fb, why is that a crime? I’ve also never seen her calling people names on her fb. Why exactly are you on her fb if you’re just there to rag on her on slsecrets and behind her back? Do her a favor and yourself and remove her if you haven’t already. Does this do something for you somehow? Make you feel better about yourself? To involve yourself in drama that has nothing to do with you, and if it does, why not be the bigger person and just you know, remove yourself from the situation? Smh.
Then save your breathe, you tried and your words fell short. Quit and move along. People are going to express how they feel about her and talk about their experience with her. Deal with it. Don’t let it get you bent out of shape. But you playing “devils advocate” where no one cares. lol
You seem to care a lot, you keep replying.
Clearly you have never interacted and crossed her once before.
The point is, it doesn’t matter if I have or not. I’m sure people would say the same thing about who she said this to. Every side has a story. But it’s still cowardly and immature to post stuff on a public website about a private message. It’s literally the definition of a mean girl move to send something to everyone that was meant to be private, but nice try. You’re clearly biased and don’t care who you spend your time with (news flash, the person who posted it on here is no better than Oakley for doing it, and neither are you for saying stuff you’ve said, maybe even worse).
So if you’re so unbiased where’s your defense to every other story on here ? Because most of the secrets on here are like this.
I’m replying to the comments that were on here when I first looked, this was the hottest topic with 6+ comments so I decided to post my opinion. I was then to be argued with and told I’m just one of her dogs. Again, can you really say you’re unbiased? Are you really taking a step back to look at the situation and not say, hey, I’m being just as bad as OP and Oakley for involving myself and saying mean shit? No.
This pests past and present behavior of being a psycho to anyone not sucking herdik is evident. You wouldn’t know because you clearly are sucking herdik so maybe time you stepped back and stop telling people how to feel.
Why do any of you need to “feel” by talking shit about someone else on a public forum? Why not private message Oakley and tell her how you feel or you know.. keep it to yourself? Just saying, you still look just as bad if not worse than she does, you just don’t have a name or face. She does. Half the shit people have said about her on here is worthy of themselves being on VS but they’re lucky they get to hide behind an anon name. Guaranteed half of you posting shit about her anonymously have had issues with people privately too, but you don’t see anyone else shitting on you publicly for it.
People are allowed to vent and share shitty experiences in a public space ffs…saying go talk to someone who has been a caustic, bullying problem to you is really dumb. What do you accomplish there — likely creating drama. If the person was already cut out of your life and blocked (like on this case) you’re giving them what they want by contacting even. Yeah you can keep shit to yourself (and most people do to a point) but it’s healthy to vent. Especially when it’s clearly an ongoing experience people can share their fucking aggravation over. That’s what this is. I have no fucking clue who this person is and don’t care but you aren’t going to ‘school’ everyone on VS about how they should never say anything mean here ever unless it’s 10000000% proovanly merited and phrases respectfully.
tl;dr I don’t know this girl but ‘no bully’ you sound like you do if you’re not just her idc that you keep insisting you are unbiased.
all of that boring af
i made the mistake of reading it all… again…
yeah, so many long posts stuffed with boring garbage
Life’s too short for hate-reading, y’know. Try a cereal box next time you’re bored. You’ll read something a lot shorter and maybe you’ll also eat some cereal. Not a bad deal, right?
Oakley does this to everyone who has her blocked or removed wasting time & breath to make them know how much of an insecure cunt they are when we all know she’s just projecting and talking about herself. Here’s the thing Oakley… you’re a narcissist. Sorry not everyone want to bow and worship you at your feet. Get over it and act your age please. Pretty sure your dead father would not appreciate this behavior from you.. that’s not how he raised you. Be a better person.
ngl oakley seems pretty baller if she can get you this upset
oakley is super nice. she doesn’t try to get people upset like this.
Yes. Actually makes me pretty happy to know Im not alone, past week this cunt was subing me on fb, when she foound out I had her blocked on Flick omg, there she was barking on fb again. And its so sad that talented people like Imperia are getting close to her only to be made one of her dogs is pathetic.
I don’t care how shitty of a person she is, or what she said. Bringing up her dead father is just as foul as what she said.
You think I care? I don’t. She has bullied a suicidal person a few years ago and that person died a few months ago. She doesn’t care.
Are you really trying to make correlations between something that happened years ago to a few months ago with someone who was mentally ill? How obsessed with drama and conspiracy theories are you people?
Stop yourself You’re turning into the bully you’re preaching about. You don’t get to tell people how to feel about interactions with this person. For YEARS a lot of people had similar issues with her. You can suck herdik all day but you do not get to change people’s experience .
I’m not trying to change people’s experiences. I’m asking you why you feel the need to broadcast them publicly and make yourself look just as bad as she is. Also what?? I’m not bullying anyone, I’m trying to have an intelligent conversation asking why people feel the need to be internet bullies even though you keep saying you’re not yet I’ve seen many of you call Oakley a cunt, bring up her deceased father, say it’s fine to shit on her because she’s shit on people – so clearly that makes it ok. How are you any better than her? No one has answered me so I’ll keep asking lol.
If they were insulting her father maybe. But reminding her the disappointment her father must be feeling doesn’t compare to the nasty, vile, constant bullshit she spits on multiple people.
What exactly are you doing then? You seem pretty nasty and vile too. Pot calling kettle black.
No one insulted her father . Try again you sad desperado.
Wrong, I didn’t insult her father. No one did. At all. But if it made her sit back and think. Damn, what would my dad think of my behavior on how I treat others, then good. But no one wished any ill will on her father the way she does to others. Good try though, trying to twist it. 🙂
Bringing up her deceased father is a lowball move. Period. But nice try trying to twist that to suit your clearly biased agenda to shit on someone you either don’t know or dislike. You must be friends with the person who posted this to really argue anything about bringing up someone’s deceased parent is ok.
Again, trying so hard for someone so biased. Here’s you’re horse, now ride into the sunset. 🙂 Maybe she’s in deep thought now. That’s the best that could happen.
Maybe she is in deep thought now but you clearly also have a lot of growing up and deep thinking to do to support some of the posts that have been posted on here about her because they’re just as disgusting as the things she said in her secret. Also, how is me having a different opinion than you biased? I’ve literally said 459035 times that I know what Oakley did was wrong. I’m asking why you or the others or the person who posted this secret is any better than she is? No one has given me an answer because the truth is, you’re just as bad.
Oakley should never be held accountable for the ruthless, disgusting and unnecessary way she treats other people because she was considerate enough to keep it private. Thank you for your generous insight.
This is the equivalent of telling an abuse victim that they should just keep it to themselves because it’s happening privately.
You’re an ignorant fuck with too much time on your hands if you’re going to dedicate it to defending such a blatantly cruel person on the basis that they were privately cruel rather than publicly cruel.
“Abuse victim” LOL. Do you know how many people the person Oakley said that shit to has “abused”? Tbh the person she said it to is just as nasty of a person inside and out as everyone is claiming Oakley to be too.
Also, you’ve never called someone a bitch to their face before? Lol. I bet the only time you call people names is behind their back to your group of friends. OkAy. So if it’s done behind people’s backs, in private, it’s ok but not straight forward? Also, the person who posted this secret was publicly cruel too, why aren’t you demonizing them? I forgot people only choose whatever side favors their agenda, I don’t see you being unbiased and saying the person who posted this was immature for posting on a PUBLIC DRAMA WEBSITE (literally with the goal of stirring the pot and getting people to hate another person and demonize them 10x more than Oakley did to that one person). But no, right, Oakley is the only one at fault here. Lmaooo.
Also all of you need to stop using the term abuse because you’re undermining REAL abuse victims.
People are pointing the moon but all you can see is the finger pointing… You keep trying to make your “mature” point. But you really do sound like a teen with an extremely limited perspective. We live in the era of #metoo. Silence is not an option anymore. Oakley is an aggressor and right now you are defending her aggression.
Not reading all that. Cause you clearly haven’t let what everyone has said set in that skull of yours. Have an good sunday. Tell that “cunt” hi… ? ? ?
You’re just as bad as you say she is. I really hope you take as much time to reflect as you say she needs to because your energy is completely toxic and I feel bad for you.
Also you lost any credibility bringing up someone’s deceased father. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
She should be ashamed. She’s a represents him. Facts.
She represents herself, so do you, so does the person posting the secretly, and honestly, you’re all coming off as pretty immature.
Hmm but I don’t feel ashamed.
You’re as disgusting if not more than the person you’re hating on right now. I’m sure you feel very proud of yourself.
And you are too blind to see that same level of disgust that Oakley has done to a lot of people. So sad. One day you’ll see.
I’m too blind? Also, I don’t know what she’s done in the past because I’m not obsessed with her like everyone else seems to be (yet they say she’s the narcissist lol), and frankly, I don’t care. I’m commenting about THIS particular virtual-secrets post. Not her entire history with every person she’s ever known. Jesus, it’s like trying to converse with a child. The POINT of anything I’m trying to say has NOTHING to do with anything but the fact that the person who posted this, and everyone commenting after saying how horrible she is, is JUST AS BAD AS OAKLEY IS, IF NOT WORSE. Just because she did something wrong it makes it ok for OP and the rest of you to shit on her and bring up her deceased family? Give me a break. Get a life outside of SL for a while, you’re clearly not using your brain. You’re just on here chasing drama that has nothing to do with you or anyone else.
Then if you don’t know. Sit down. Why defend her on “this” when she’s done years of shit to MANY PEOPLE. Because you are just one of her possible new followers. Only someone so desperate would be going so hard not knowing the truth about a persons truth self. If you’re holding this into accountability you have to hold ALL of her transgressions into accountability. You cant pick and choose. ?
I’m not defending anyone, I even said what she did was not ok. BUT again, no one is bringing that up lol even though I said that repeatedly. I’m ASKING, which is something no one seems to be comprehending, how any of you or the person who posted the secret, are better than Oakley? How are you not doing the same thing she is doing right now? I’ve seen people call her cunt, bring up her deceased father, call her everything possible, and even attack ME for playing devil’s advocate. Just because I’m not being herded along with you and have my own opinion which is valid makes it ok to tell me I must be sucking her dick? A lapdog? And you don’t see the problem here???
As a person, hell everyone is better. There. Answered. You’re just being a puppet. That’s all. lol
A puppet? You really think I can’t speak or think for myself? I don’t need to speak for Oakley, she speaks perfectly well for herself. I just think anyone reading your posts and condoning this toxic behavior, including Oakley’s, are the ones who need a wake up call. You’re part of the problem, just like you say she is. You’re not that different from her so I’m not surprised you’re lashing out.
You guys sound salty af. The person who posted this secret is taking something that happened in private and posted it for everyone to see instead of being an adult and either blocking her or talking it out. Oakley posted one thing privately to someone she obviously has unresolved history with. What is this person gaining by posting a secret here about her? Clearly they are looking to be a victim and get attention. No one has any context for Oakley’s message. So how can we say if she’s wrong or not? Lol. I just think it’s silly everyone is ragging on her but here the other person is being an even bigger bully and getting other people to look just as bad if not worse than Oakley did for her private message. Grow up. I’m so sick of petty secrets like this. People need to learn to deal with their PERSONAL drama in private. Jesus.
You lost all credibility the minute you started telling people how they should feel about this person. And that was a lot of comments ago.
Your breath smells like shit with all this ass licking, and its funny becasue she probably doesn’t like you too. She does this to alot of people, like so many people. It’s not like “oh poor oakley” no, just stop defending assholes like her.
How come me disagreeing with people IN GENERAL not just Oakley, calling people cunts and being mean, is me “ass licking”? You just proved you’re a hypocrite and just as bad as Oakley is. Get off your high horse and look in the mirror.
It’s so sad you can’t see violence where it is. Are you saying a woman being hit by her man “in private” is not really being hit??? Oakley Foxtrot IS A BULLY.
Um.. what??! LOL. That is an extremely EXTREME example, and yes. I would 100% say the two are not even equivalent because someone being PHYSICALLY ABUSED is not anywhere near the same as someone’s who is mad at someone calling them a cunt. It’s a shitty thing to do but it’s not the same, and shame on you for even TRYING to reach that far to make a comparison. I’m not saying what Oakley did is right, I literally actually KEEP saying that but apparently reading comprehension is lacking these days. What I’M SAYING, is you are just as bad. Everyone else calling her a cunt, commenting on her weight, her appearance, bringing up her deceased father, and the original poster ARE ALL guilty. Oakley is guilty too but you’re all just as guilty for being JUST as mean spirited and cruel, your opinion about her or not, didn’t your parents ever teach you “if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all”. You all keep saying that about Oakley but where is the accountability for the rest of you? You all sound like entitled brats “she did it to me or someone I know so I can do it to her!” Y I K E S.
Block her and see what happens. It’s hilarious.
I wouldn’t care what happens, or think it’s funny, because I’m not as obsessed with drama as the person posting the secret who isn’t adult enough to handle something in an adult manner without getting a bunch of strangers and their friends to gang up on someone over a private message. You people need to get off the internet for a while and realize that is not how the real world works. When you have an issue with someone, you talk, fight it out, OR you go your separate way. You don’t make an ad about it in the paper and tell all your neighbors someone cussed you out. Are you really all that pathetic?
LOL you’re cracking me up…goin outside in the real world but here you are refreshing comments on Virtual Secrets… rofl.
Dude, the difference between you and me is I’m not shitting on someone. I have a rational and unbiased opinion involving both sides, regarding this secret. Oakley did wrong. Yes. We get it. But it’s not ok to then post an ad about it, talk shit about her in public, and bring up deceased family. Are you actually using even one brain cell to tell me you’re any better than she is for what OP posted and for what you’ve posted? Let me guess. You just don’t care. You’ve said as much. Clearly if you’re losing your sense of empathy and rational, you DO need to get off your computer.
I’m sure now you can report back to her. She wouldn’t do the same for you. Remember that. And wait for a “bad day”, you’ll be the next. Happy Sunday
What?? Why would I report back to her? About what? LOL I don’t perpetuate drama and shit on people over stuff that has nothing to do with me. I like logic, being rational. Any rational person would see whoever posted this is just as guilty for manipulating a private situation into a public one, to shit all over a person they don’t like as revenge. How is THAT better in any way? I’m posting my personal opinion, it has nothing to do with Oakley, she just happens to be the subject matter of this secret. Grow up.
I’m usually all for people on soapboxes. But this one was wasted girl. Collect your boxes and use it on someone worthy. ?
Again, you’re using demeaning language which suggests you’re on here for drama and bullying. Just saying, you’re no better than the person you’re so aggressively advocating people be against.
I think you’re wasting your good deed on the wrong person. Correction I KNOW you are. Take it how you will. 🙂
It’s your opinion. I just don’t see how you’re all so entitled to demean someone else’s appearance, bring up their deceased family, call names, yet if Oakley does it, she’s horrible. Hypocrites. If you all were better than her, I wouldn’t have seen half the disgusting comments about her today. I’m sorry I choose to take a higher road and tell you you can have an opinion about someone, and not be a horrible person. I also wouldn’t think you’d attack someone just because they want people to be BETTER than the person they’re trying to publicly shame. Sorry not sorry.
My thoughts exactly.
Oh sorry, a *psycho & manipulative gaslighting narcissist.
completely agree, idk what everyone sees in her tbh
they act like she shits gold or something, not sure, her pics are boring, she is boring, and her sad attempts at being edgy and funny are also boring.
Every store owner that crawls up her bum and is using her in store ads never gets any sales from me again…I’m doing it like that for ages and I am not missing any of those stores in my life 😀
I love that a friend told me that she got kicked out of Equal10 blogger team after just one month because well she IS no blogger she’s just another SL chick taking screenshots of her pixel tits…..
she isn’t a blogger, she RARELY credits anyone on her pics, and, who can be credited? its usually her average tits and her dog-meat face that is the focus of it anyway….when your naked, how is that blogging? lol i don’t buy from places that support her either…she is nothing special! lol ?
Our group stopped shopping at the stores who use her in adverts. You would think her and alice were twins. how nasty their attitudes are.
Oh wow! Here I thought I was the only one.
So you don’t support a creator because they use a photo of someone you don’t like? Sometimes I wonder if I’ve gone back in time and this is highschool again. You realize creators who hire bloggers or photographers typically don’t have social or friendship relationships with the person they’re hiring? It’s just business. But again, not surprised you and others would do something like this from all the previous comments.
And? its her money… she can choose who she buys from.
Of course it feels like highschool. Half these dumb bimbos peaked in highschool and this is all they know. Anyone who makes a post about fucking someone else’s man is just as bad. It’s awful.
Hey. Alexander. I done fucked your man.
First of all I don’t really care for what you think about that. But when in RL a company uses a celebrity in ads that says later some crazy ass racist bs for example.
They usually pull those ads and distance themselves.
If they don’t they probably agree with the shit said or done and so people that don’t agree don’t buy from them anymore. It’s that simple. You advertise your stuff with her? You keep doing it? Well bye.
Or maybe the creators have no idea because they’re too busy creating and having a life to keep up with SL drama over basically a working acquaintance. But yeah sure, let’s hurt the innocent people by not buying their stuff and supporting them anymore.
Innocent people? You realize that creators also need the non creators right? Because without residents going out to work in rl there is no money coming into SL, So yeah… creators needs this money so they gotta work for it at home what the rest of us work outside possible exposing ourselves to covid. So… you tell me.
Yes, I’ve witnessed several creators drop problematic bloggers who were nasty. Plus it’s my money and can spend(support) it on who I want to. That will never change. No matter what highschool feeling you get. lmao
Getting rid of problematic bloggers = / = not supporting a creator because they most likely have 0 idea about some drama regarding someone they hire for their ads, because they’re too busy actually working and having a life to know or care. The only thing you’ve made sense by saying is it’s your money and you can spend it how you like, that I agree with.
Listen fangirl, it’s not my responsibility to teach anyone anything.
The way those designers plaster their “ooooh so awesome” Oakley allover their ads and streams they seem to know her.
Because no sane Creator would hire her because really for highlighting a creators work and nicely crediting it, Oakley surely is the wrong person.
So stop your parading for her.
Anyone who hires her KNOWS what kinda human she is.
She’s an impulsive, vile , alcoholic…so frustrated with her life that she scares away even the person that once loved her like no one else ever will.
She always excuses her vile typing rages with “oops so drunk haha”
She’s early 40s now and so very frustrated that she was not married by that dude that she scared away. She has no kids and even lost this job she never was able to get a better (it was a nice job but never enough for her)
I don’t say this often about people, but she is vile, she loves lashing out at people and later act like she would be sorry.
She’s a gaslighter.
She says the most vile things.
So I’m not even feeling a tiny tad bit sorry for her anymore.
Throwing an insult at me because I’m choosing to not be part of the hate sheep brigade is really not doing you any favors. I’m not a fangirl. I could care less about SL fame or social hierarchies or blogs. Her photos ARE good, whether she is good at “blogging” or not and she doesn’t even do half the editing to her photos most people do. The fact that people recognize that, and that she’s been posting photos longer than most people can say IS impressive. “No creator would hire her for highlighting work” You do realize that when they HIRE her for an ad, they are not expecting her to blog the item. Also I can find plenty of her posts on FB AND Flickr where she says what item she’s featuring. So… again, you’re contradicting yourself. “Anyone who hires her knows what kinda human she is” Do you think people outside of your drama-focused mind care about what Oakley does in her daily life or are you really that obsessed with her? Why do you all care SO much, yet say you hate her so much? LOL. It’s absurd. Also from the looks of things she has tons of friends who hang out with her regularly who genuinely seem to care about her and want her to better herself. Let me guess, you’re going to call them fangirls/boys? LOL. People who have the same friends for years generally actually care. Tbh from the looks they seem pretty kind to me, more kind than any of you have been regarding the situation, which says a lot more about you than it does Oakley or them. Bringing up her personal life, another disgustingly low blow. Do you really have nothing better to do than stalk someone you don’t like and… Read more »
showed this to Tinker Hax and Mikel Monk Resident the owners of anthem
These two aren’t going to do nothing about it. Most don’t. Turn face and pretend it didn’t happen. lol “Elite” are a bunch of hypocrites.
Hey, thanks for visiting my store! Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll be happy to assist you!
#28 Kaiden Tray is gay I have seen him with other guys having sex , him dating a female avi is to hide the fact that he is, he dates so many people I’m shocked he can keep track of their names, hes a liar, once a liar always a liar, hows sharoooonnnnnn doing kaiden? Lol you bullshitter
Kaiden Tray’s actualy female in reals 😉
Lmao this is 100% true, this guy be dating more than collecting Meat from the super market. He always lie and then in the end he wants sympathy so people can fill his emptyness once they leave him behind because of the person he truly is.
he’s a dick….can’t trust him for shit, makes me laugh you all woke up to the truth. he’s a cunt
Truth. He fucked my man, and I remember this cause this guy is quite well known
he’s a clout chaser….gets others to bail him out and plays the victim! Makes me laugh though as so many still feel sorry for this shit