Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 624,
12. If this is S.S, this is something I would have to really think about. Yes it’s shit how it all went down and everyone was hurt, yes I’m still hurting even if you think I’m not.
39#. How about we stand against crimes against black women? Black women are more likely to be killed by black men and white men. What about the story of oluwatoyin-salau? 19 year old African woman she was a BLM protester who was raped a killed by a black man. By the same men she was protesting for. https://youtu.be/gSGNArbBAzY
White man kills his own mixed race daughter. Disgusting.
What the fuck is “Adore” and why do people think that their “profession” in SL matter much? Even so, why would they think that ANYONE with a fraction of sanity would care? All your “models”, “photography”, “dancing” and other bullshit have absolutely ZERO value in RL, and pretty much in SL as well.
Tell them to eat a bag of dicks and have SL fun for YOU not for anyone else.
Anything a person does for pleasure is worthless? Anything people do that isn’t towards generating money IRL has no value? Is that your take here? That’s. . .very sad.
You present this empty statement with the insulting superiority of a typical SL player who has not been successful in SL))) This statement is also true in reverse. What you do in RL has absolutely zero value to SL. These are two different worlds, why such statements of facts?
Now let’s look at another point. If you just say that you have a virtual business that brings you income in RL, then it already starts to have serious value in RL)) Isn’t it?
But if you say that I have a business in RL, I transfer the earned money to SL in order to pump my character, then you are simply a fool)
Really? I thought they were just salty as usual..
Correction, it’s just shitty diary entries that are boring af. You think I’m gonna read all about what Becky did? Fuck Becky bro
Appreciate the memes this week but there were like… 2. Guys no one fucking cares about x y and z cheating on each other. Also this “that baby even knows he ain’t her daddy” shit, FAM, that’s a grown ass old lady playing a baby. Obviously it’s not her father. Sometimes the lack of reality scares the shit outta me here cause dog I gotta tell ya, a lot of these seem like they think second life is the same thing as life. “They enjoyed a weekend together” with screenshots of a… fake table with fake food. They sat on their asses huffing over a keyboard. Come on now. Give me the fucking memes. I don’t wanna read your diary, Karens, your lives are not that interesting and these diary entries clog up every week.
Like I said a few weeks ago, most kids in SL are 50+ lmao. Fucking losers man, all that SL family bs is just that, bullshit. Creepy as fuck too.
Thank you omg, they take it SO FAR like.. I saw one that said “we all know he was your father for a year… shame on you” GORL listen to what you just said. “Was your father for a year” YEAH in fucking MAKE BELIEVE land. I don’t know fam, I don’t think they know what RL is anymore. Fat hambeasts breathing heavily on their computer screens. Yikes on trikes.
Yes, lets not think about how family rp turns into sex rp and pretend there’s nothing deeply disturbing about that LOL
This has nothing to do with weight or age. This is people asking “umm, how much overlap was there exactly, between you playing the role of this person’s parent and you fucking them”.
#17 is sexy as fuck in real life though just saying i would kiss the shit out of those lips and btw…i woul;d be the guy who brings a guitar or boom box to a party…i am a music artist after all
SO sexy, and not cringey, in my book. Creativity is bomb.
And they do it 100% perfect
#23. I don’t believe it because you can’t spell. Also your grammar is terrible.
#18 Deciding to post this because I just feel like saying it… I support BLM. I support it because it is true. Black lives do matter. Do I believe there are a select few out of the millions who use the movement for their own selfish reasons? Yes. Looting, assaulting cops, robberies, etc have been committed and their excuses were, “black lives matter.” Even if they feel justified, it’s wrong. Do I believe that the government should have taken their collective heads out of their butts and paid more attention? Absolutely. They don’t want their metaphorical boat rocking and making their lives a little more challenging. I say fuck their comfort. Do I believe George Floyd was murdered? Yes, he was. There was no justification for Derek Chauvin to kneel on his neck for nine straight minutes while that poor man was begging for his life. It goes to show you the training these officers receive and the probable trauma they suffer or have suffered before becoming a cop has a profound effect on their social awareness and empathy. That is not an excuse. Sadly, it’s fact. Officers are trained killers much like soldiers are. They are trained to kill if necessary but the lines can blur and what they deem as necessary turns out to be brutality. Derek Chauvin was a 19 year veteran of the police department that has had other incidences where he used unnecessary force. This is where the system has failed, because rather than punish Chauvin for bad behavior, he was allowed back onto the streets where he committed the ultimate crime of murder. George Floyd had taken Fentanyl prior to his death. Does that lessen his worth as a human being? NO, IT DOES NOT. He wasn’t just a black man. He was a… Read more »
Calling bullshit.. George Floyd was non-cooperative and constantly aggressive he was caught for trying to use fake money which is probably a federal crime but I’m not lawyer or cop just common sense if you don’t wanna be caught don’t use fake money.
The video don’t lie. You clearly are a piece of shit and whether or not he used fake money he deserved a day in court not a death sentence. What a shitty human being you are.
Lmao why you come in with the MOST myth busted argument. Try again, racist
It’s appalling how little fact-checking you’ve done on your own opinion. Close mouth, engage brain.
Also, I’d like to add… He’s had a past with his local police so they know what kind of person he is.. I think all that “i can’t breath” shit was all some kind of play to make him look all innocent and shit.
Why should we trust someone who’s had a past by their actions? Should he of been murdered no? Was he a criminal? Yes.Just saying he gives reason to why people look for a reason to point the finger a the police. They shouldn’t of done what they did but this guys was just another statistic.
It’s actually BREATHE. Breath is something you take, or something taken from George Floyd. The knee to his throat caused him to not be able to breathe…. if you’re going to be a dick at least be a literate one.
George Floyd was saying “I can’t breathe” while in the back of the squad vehicle first and there was no knee to his neck then. What is your explanation for him not being able to breathe in the back of the car?
Agree 100%
Nobody disagrees that black lives matter but why do they only matter when their death is at the hands of a white man? why are the deaths of black children in Chicago not being protested? The police need reforming but not for racism, they are power hungry. George floyd died from the drugs he had taken not from a knee on his neck sadly that just escalated a heart attack. We could all get behind it when it was for this but the scenes after and the deaths, destruction and downright vile behaviour of the rioting has turned good people away
Because when civilians kill each other on camera, they go to prison, you dumbfuck. They don’t get to continue being paid and armed with taxpayer dollars after they commit murder for an audience. This is the most retarded question of all.
#4&5 Rashad = Basic white guy IRL pretending to be a black guy ISL. Wack.
#7 Yes. Stop sexualizing the kid bodies in SL for fucks sake.
#8 You made a complete female avatar just to cyber sex a guy? Does the term, “cyber-stalking,” mean anything to you?
#11 So a creator is expecting you to review his product, while there are broken pieces. It’s free so he doesn’t feel obligated to fix the broken eyes, and still expects you to review said product. He’s a special type of stupid, ain’t he?
#12 Suck it up, buttercup, there’s plenty of other fish in the sea.
#13 Aside from the N word part, this is pretty spot on.
#14 What the fuck is There.com? Is this some shitty knock off version of IMVU? By the way, that outfit is trash.
#18 Or you can stop being a racist cunt and get the fuck over yourself?
#22 Kess, I can clearly see a nipple in that picture, and god damn why is it so long?!! To the creator of that nipple. Learn human anatomy, thanks!
#35 You want to know what’s more annoying? Getting spammed by one store repeatedly in local with a LM more than three times a day. That’s the shit I’m stuck with because I can’t find the bitch’s store.
#36 whom ever wrote this should have just imed him.
#18 Did the owner of Blaxium submit this one? Because that’s just as racist as her profile and only slightly more than her store.
A few notes as to how to tell if you’re a racist:
If you think the circumstances behind one high-profile murder by cop are enough to discredit an entire movement, you’re a racist.
If you assume the people behind a BLM fundraiser pocketed it all with no proof, you’re a racist.
If you think “data” gathered and presented by right-wing media and YouTube channels are more valid than the information obtainable from the US government, you’re a racist.
If you say “all lives matter” but refuse to admit the truth about how BIPOC are treated by the police, especially black and First Nations people, you are hella racist and should go fuck yourself.
“”If you think “data” gathered and presented by right-wing media and YouTube channels are more valid than the information obtainable from the US government, you’re a racist.””
US Government data:

Thank you for this- these white guilters will find all kinds of machinations and excuses to explain away what you posted – PER CAPITA. Yes, the dumbass in SL is REAL as they pretzel their dumbasses around facts.
These numbers are either cherry picking, greatly distorted or outright lying. The first image shows crime by ethnicity except leaves out the fact that most crime is done by those with the least economic options (poor people). Caucasian Americans ($65,000) have a 50% higher average income than African Americans ($40,000). The economic disparity is the cause of the crime, not their ethnicity. The second image is an outright lie. There is no criminal ethnicity information in the National Crime Victimization Survey, only victim information. You can read it for yourself here: https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv10.pdf I have no idea how the third image got those numbers. I tried three methods of comparison based off the title of the image and none came out anywhere close to those numbers. Here’s a link to the statistics referenced if someone else wants to figure it out: https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2016/crime-in-the-u.s.-2016/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-3.xls Image four is cherry picking. They fail to show the White-On-White violent crime which is 2,224,024 for 2018. Caucasian Americans represent 63% of the population, compared to 13% for African Americans and 15% for Hispanics. Percentage of White-on-White was 62%, Black-on-White 15.3% and Hispanic-on-White 10.2%, nearly right in line with the population ratio percentages. Link to referenced data: https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/cv18.pdf Image five presents data without a clear reference. I am assuming it is showing victimization rates by income yet again no context. As I said earlier, whites on average have more than 50% higher average income so the percentage of whites in that income scale is most likely much much lower than the percentage of blacks in the scale. Using statistics based on economic disparity against a racial group after it has suffered literally two hundred years of economic oppression is disingenuous, dishonest and disgusting. People who push false narratives with distorted data or lies are taking part in a… Read more »
Oh look, a bunch of info that is 1) not weighted for population proportions and 2) doesn’t take into account the prevalent racism of law enforcement in both arresting and charging people of color, nor how much more harshly they are sentenced.
Looks like you’re the one who isn’t nearly as clever as you thought. Everyone’s seen this shit.
“Looks like you’re the one who isn’t nearly as clever as you thought. Everyone’s seen this shit” Literally everyone see’s that you use the same comebacks over and over again. You really have no concept of what being clever even is. You have become the new “Anime” of VS. Jesus Christ, even some of us take a break from comment for a week or two. If you are STILL brining up racism of law enforcement when it comes to the killing of black people, you need to open your eyes. If every single fucking cop in America was fired tomorrow, the senseless killing of black people would still be happening. But keep thinking it’s law enforcement.
Clearly you missed that “per 100,000” portion, which means per 100,000 population. Regardless, when you have a very small percentage of the population (just over 13%) committing *over half* of all homicides annually, and over 65% of armed robberies, assaults and rapes, of COURSE they’re going to have disproportionately more interactions with police and disproportionately more arrests and convictions. They’re committing disproportionately more crimes! But even then, you can’t look at total population, because the majority of the population are law-abiding citizens. You have to look at who is committing the crimes. And then consider that even though whites commit far fewer homicides, armed robberies and assaults, they’re still killed by police at double the rate of blacks. NO ONE who is unarmed should die at the hands of police, but to call it systemic racism is ridiculous. Negligence, yes. A handful of bad cops, without question. But systemic racism? That’s a stretch.
Ty, I never bothered to look at her profile before and I definitely will not ever spend any money with that shop.
I looked at her profile. Didn’t see any racism in it.
Thanks for saying it so I didn’t have to. Wish I could upvote this a hundred times.
#35 because it’s SL, where shady is normal, and “lol don’t give a shit, it’s free advertising, make me stop” is the answer you’re likely to get from a lot of people who spam local with unbox messages.
At least they aren’t using llShout or just a straight-up llInstantMessage to everyone in the region.
#6. finally is exposing tiddles fucking widdles, that guy is a fucking psychopath.
duplicate comments, someone seems pressed because nobody gives a flying fuck to respond to exposing something that is public fucking data, insecure and insignificant
Should just start an OnlyFans, it’d be easier for all
yea it’s public fucking data that you sure wished people didn’t find out about LMAOOOO
You mean the person who followed 10k+ people hoping for polite reciprocation and then unfollowed en masse to pretend they are popular? Yes, that person is deeply insecure and definitely insignificant.
Oh, Tiddles. Baby. There, there. Do you need some aspirin?
# 15
This man did the right thing for the right reason and for that you decide to burn him?
How horrible of a being can one be to hurt someone for doing the right thing?
He stood up when someone was trolling and pulling a lot of nasty crap.
I guess ‘someone’ can not handle his shit being outed and for that Caz suppose to be the bad guy?
If you had not done what you did He would not be in this position on here now.
You do wrong then cry and hurt people for doing the right thing?
Try to grow the Fuk Up!
I am here to remind you of how stupid this all is. Fuck, this is what you people do all night long? How much lead is in your blood stream? Are your brains just piles of pink slime at this point? HE DESTROYED THIS FAMILY, bitch you aint related and you are all 50 plus. Also, your families are retarded. It may be the saddest cultural norm sl has to offer. I will take furries over these families, that is just how bottom of the barrel this shit is. Here is a thought, go to a diffrent sim… or start one. Atonement is the saddest place on earth, apart from Daddyland and The Boardwalk.
“Right” is subjective in this f%#ked up situation. If your family member is doing something stupid in front of you, do you; A) Confront your family member, and tell them to stop being a tool? or B)Rat your family out with no warning, and nuke their entire life from orbit? If you chose “B” then I don’t think you understand how loyalty is supposed to work…
Caz needs to grow a backbone and stop acting like a snake in the grass. Both the troll AND Caz made wrong decisions, but Caz get’s to walk away unscathed? Nuh uh! His intentions *may* have been good, but he didn’t say anything to the troll the entire time it was happening. Not a peep.
Is no one in SL capable of just f*%$#@g talking to each other like god damned adults?! NO! We play these stupid f*%$#@g mind games like we’re characters in MEAN GIRLS. For f&#k’s sake, this entire situation could have been avoided if everyone had just been honest and open from the start. The troll was pissed off at the exclusionary policies of a sim, and instead of just airing those grievances with the owners, he stupidly trolled the owners on an alt for a few minutes. Caz could have stopped the trolling at any time by just saying something to the troll, but instead decided to anonymously tattle-tell, and tear apart our whole family.
If I hadn’t come into the discord call at the tail-end, I would would have reality-checked the troll myself. He’s not a bad guy, he’ll listen if you tell him he’s acting like an idiot.
There are no saints here. Don’t pretend that there are.
((BTW I didn’t make the post and I don’t know who did, just so we’re clear on that))
Problem is when someone does tell him to stop and he don’t listen.. it is no point for someone else as he still not listening. that is what happened.. he wasn’t listening.. so yes Caz did the only thing he could. cos he knew Vi**** would not listen as he didn’t listen to someone else warning him already.
So don’t put that shit on Caz when that Vi**** made his decision to fuk it up all on his own and didn’t listen to warning about it.
In this Caz did do the Right thing and if Vi**** is so hurt he should have stopped Or hey another idea NOT EVEN HAVE STARTED THAT SHIT!
You don’t fuck over people you’re close to AND send it on DISCORD Live thinking THAT IS OKAY. If you do then you made your decision and that has Nothing to do with others.
Caz did NOT make that call Live stream it on discord. Vi**** DID!
Someone warned Vi**** and he STILL did it.
That is NOT on Caz so stop putting error on someone who had nothing to do with Vi****s call to LIVE it!
Anyone would know you DON’T Live something like that about good people you are close to. If you do you have no right crying LIKE A CRYBABY about it when its done!!!!!!!!
“Right” is subjective in this fucked up situation. If your family member is doing something stupid in front of you, do you; A) Confront your family member, and tell them to stop being a tool? or B)Rat your family out with no warning, and nuke their entire life from orbit? If you chose “B” then I don’t think you understand how loyalty is supposed to work…
Caz needs to grow a backbone and stop acting like a snake in the grass. Both the troll AND Caz made wrong decisions, but Caz get’s to walk away unscathed? Nuh uh! His intentions *may* have been good, but he didn’t say anything to the troll the entire time it was happening. Not a peep.
Is no one in SL capable of just fucking talking to each other like god damned adults?! NO! We play these stupid fucking mind games like we’re characters in MEAN GIRLS. For fuck’s sake, this entire situation could have been avoided if everyone had just been honest and open from the start. The troll was pissed off at the exclusionary policies of a sim, and instead of just airing those grievances with the owners, he stupidly trolled the owners on an alt for a few minutes. Caz could have stopped the trolling at any time by just saying something to the troll, but instead decided to anonymously tattle-tell, and tear apart our whole family.
If I hadn’t come into the discord call at the tail-end, I would would have reality-checked the troll myself. He’s not a bad guy, he’ll listen if you tell him he’s acting like an idiot.
There are no saints here. Don’t pretend that there are.
((BTW I didn’t make the post and I don’t know who did, just so we’re clear on that))
As you made 2 I answer both!
Problem is when someone does tell him to stop and he don’t listen.. it is no point for someone else as he still not listening. that is what happened.. he wasn’t listening.. so yes Caz did the only thing he could. cos he knew Vi**** would not listen as he didn’t listen to someone else warning him already.
So don’t put that shit on Caz when that Vi**** made his decision to fuk it up all on his own and didn’t listen to warning about it.
In this Caz did do the Right thing and if Vi**** is so hurt he should have stopped Or hey another idea NOT EVEN HAVE STARTED THAT SHIT!
You don’t fuck over people you’re close to AND send it on DISCORD Live thinking THAT IS OKAY. If you do then you made your decision and that has Nothing to do with others.
Caz did NOT make that call Live stream it on discord. Vi**** DID!
Someone warned Vi**** and he STILL did it.
That is NOT on Caz so stop putting error on someone who had nothing to do with Vi****s call to LIVE it!
Anyone would know you DON’T Live something like that about good people you are close to. If you do you have no right crying LIKE A CRYBABY about it when its done!!!!!!!!
No one here is saying that Vi***** didn’t fuck up. It was a shitty thing to do. I want to know who warned him to stop though? Because as far as I know, you could only hear crickets from the peanut gallery. Don’t feed me the line that Caz had no options. That’s bull. I have called Vi**** on his bullshit to his virtual face in the past and he’s listened to me. You make it seem like he’s completely unreasonable. A little immature? Absolutely, but never unreasonable. If I caught my little brother spray painting the side of a police car, do you think I would call the police over to arrest my brother and ruin his life, or do you think I would I grab the little shit by the collar and handle that problem at home? That’s right, you handle that stuff in-house. Because that’s what family does. Caz was supposed to be our brother. We gave that boy nothing but love, and introduced him to lots of people that gave him opportunities. If he had a problem, he needed to be a grown up and say it to Vi*****’s face. I trusted Caz with RL information about myself, how do think it makes me feel to know that he could just air anything I told him in confidence without even letting me know he’s upset? That’s the problem right there. He sat there and did NOTHING, and said NOTHING. His solution wasn’t to try to work it out, his solution was burn the house down. Dude, Vi**** isn’t a bad guy, and I don’t think Caz is either. I think Vi***** chose a shitty way to handle what he perceived to a be a problem, in the same way that Caz chose a shitty way to… Read more »
No there is not Mr. I Have My Head Stuck Up Vincenzo Huntsman’s Ass So Far That I Have Lost My Own Identity, AKA Azrial. No saints here including you. WTF? You want to bag on Caz for his actions and his lack of being an adult when it was precious poor little innocent Vincenzo who decided to become a 5 year old troll just to shit where he eats. Not the brightest bulb I must say. Lay your misplaced blame right before the feet it belongs too, Vincenzo. Oh and please, stop trying to be cute by trying to redact his name. Everybody knows exactly that you are referring to the childish, immature, using, backstabbing toxic Italian Stallion who single-handedly destroyed his DJ career all on his own.
Maybe no saints But fact is Vi**** IS a adult and should understand better.He should have known to NOT EVEN DO IT! Not putting HIS FAMILY in that situation in the first place. If he had not done it Caz would have had NOTHING to tell anyone right?
But yes someone have said something That it was a bad idea and that he would get caught But of course no one remembers that now as you all now want someone to blame and you make it Caz instead of the one that started all this… Vi****.
So stop attacking the one who did NOT LIVE that shit!
Vi**** IS the one who fucked up that family NOT Caz!
And Caz had some honer and Told. Kudos to Caz!
And the police car is Not the same. that make it sound like some young kid spraying a car. Vi**** is a ADULT and should understand this himself!!!!!!!!
IF you fuck up by doing something like this you can NOT go crying to others about it making them turn on someone else because they saw your error and decided Enough is enough! So No you can NOT put this shit on Caz!!!!!!!!!
Put it where it need to be. Put it on VIN***!!! He need to stand up and say Yes I did this and the fault is only my own.
To put this shit up here (Whoever did it) Is just to tos shit at someone who DID NOT Live that mess!!! Sorry but NO that is NOT right!!!
No You keep missing the part where I give Vi***** plenty of blame. He was absolutely wrong. I know that, he knows that. I understand that from your perspective, Caz is your messenger angel that ousted the evil troll. That’s valid, I’m sure you and your two husbands are super grateful for his loyalty to your family.
Vi**** isn’t going to get on here to say anything. You think he wants any more shit from this? No, he tried to admit his mistakes and then got accused for things he didn’t do.
I’m not going to sit here repeating ad nauseam who did what to whom. It’s pointless and pedantic at this point. Caz chose his loyalties, fair enough. Just be careful what secrets you trust him with.
Laughs. Just saw this and no I am Not one of the 3.
I am someone else also with a insight to what is going on.
But yes I think I see it a bit more on the 3’s side of matters.
But glad you too see Vin*** made his errors.
Caz didn’t want this. And it was a difficult decision he made.
So please do not believe he made it lightly. It was nothing ‘casual, lightly’ about it.
The guy has a good heart and it is in the right place.
The situation just was to fuked up and for that we’re here now.
I think “right” is still subjective depending on your perspective. Understand if you can; I like Caz a lot(not romantically). I thought he was my brother. Knowing now that he would just evaporate that relationship because he was mad at Vi***** hurt not only me, but all of us. I understand that he wouldn’t have been mad if Vi***** hadn’t done what he did, but Caz sat there in our chat after he told you guys and pretended M hadn’t gotten the Gyazo from him. I think he planned to just stay anonymous if he could.
I guess I’m mad at Caz for not acting like a man and just being honest about what he was feeling. He made a decision, without telling any of us, that he was done with our family. That’s Caz for you though. He’s not confrontational like that. When things happen he doesn’t like, he clams up.
Like I said in my initial post, all of this hurt could have been avoided if everyone, including Vi***** had just been open and honest from the beginning.
I do not believe Caz idea was to be ‘done with you all’ He loved you all as family and cared a lot about you. But this fact that he had enough of what Vi…. did and stood struggling Hard with it before finally telling us is Not him ending it with family. But from what it seem you all turned on him because he stood up against something One of you did.
That is sad, all of a sudden all times you all had does not mean anything because he could not handle watch one person do something so extremely stupid.
Maybe instead of being angry and hurtful.. try to talk to him in a polite way. See if you can find a common ground, a understanding and forgiveness.
To you he did wrong telling someone but he would never have had too had Vi…. not done what he did in the first place. Don’t forget that.
ok can we all stop with this VI**** crap, his SL name is Vincenzo Huntsman, yes he’s an idiot, he screwed over a lot of people and acted like a total man child and now he’s getting burnt for it so now will yall stop trying to hide his name, if your gonna talk about him just out his SL name will you
There was No reason outing his name here. Far from everyone reading this knows this specific group of people.
Yes he did wrong but to out his name like this was pretty damn low!
Only thing lower would have been doing what this person putting Caz here did and common.. are we really that small minded and rude?
We do not need to sink to their childish level of outing names of people in here!
The children doing that all to good on their own. Lets not step in to the sandbox with them.
well if people already know names then why is it a problem to out other peoples names? if Caz is up there and he was only part of the issue, why try to hide the other persons name when he did wrong too, whoever put it up here in the first place is an ass yes, i agree with that, SL secrets is just a crap stirring site for drama queens but if your gonna out one person involved in something at least out the other too, let them both get hate for fucking up not just one of them
I do see your point. Still I don’t like to out peoples names. If one is already out there no putting that name back in the box. But still hate to out people not outed even when they not on the side I stand on.
LOL. I wonder if you proof-read your bullshit before posting it. “He went behind our backs and tattle-taled on my friend and it ruined our family.” Bitch, grow the fuck up. It’s Second Life. He did the right thing by getting rid of a salty little trouble maker. Get over yourself.
How about you grow up and stop hiding behind mommy’s apron strings? At least I had the balls to use my real user name. I got nothing to hide.
The main thing is that there is no proof that Vin posted that post. none whatsoever the fact is that Caz could have spoken up and all would have been avoided.
He destroyed that mans family and his Marriage. In the words of Chris Croker leave Brittney alone. Y’all so damn petty going for Az who is defending a friend and the facts are that caz wasn’t a true friend because if he had been there would be no issue and he would have maned up and spoke up instead he single handedly destroyed all those he said that he loved.
When it comes to the Faiths we all know about three twisted tales and assorted sex lives there time will come, when they and caz will have to own up to there lies and dissect. The Xfiles says the Truth is Out There.
So shut your fucking drama mouths all of you and grow the fuck up your all grown ass men fighting over bullshit on an online game. and none of you fuckers will ever have the balls to face each other irl because your all keyboard warriors.
OMFG! Are you serious? Vincenzo ruined his own marriage, his own DJ career and his own SL life all on his own. Bet the whiny lil tart is still crying woe is me when he did this all on his own. Even a five year-old knows not to shit where they eat, so what was dim-wit’s excuse. Nobody is accountable for Vincenzo’s stupidity, but his own. It is nobody’s fault but Vince’s that he so viciously and vindictively set his evil plan into action, including the fact that he got caught and it was brought to light. Oh I am almost 99% positive the Italian Stallion, (what a laugh, but I digress),did post it because that is exactly what the lil’ vindictive tart would do. After all look what all he accomplished before posting that. The queen has a rap sheet longer than one could ever fathom of all the people he has poisoned with his toxicity. You all here that are defending that lying, backstabbing, two-faced ho, better wise up and see the light before he destroys you too.
Oh just stop this bullcrap! Vin… ruined his family and marriage with doing what HE did. Caz was just man enough to step up and tell the people it was fucking hurting!
So stop putting shit on Caz like this cos VIN… was the man at fault here Not Caz!
Vin”’ thought that was a smart move Making fun of people HE called friends and SEEMED to like laughing and belittle them in front of his family and THAT IS FINE? BULLSHIT!!! It ain’t fine! So lay off of Caz cos he wasn’t the one who was trolling and doing a LIVE like that in Discord!
So as You said Grow The Fuck Up!
#22 that took me back to RTL in the start 90’s
Tbh #7 just looks like the differences between someone who’s 9 and 12.
You don’t have to be vavavoom curvaceous to look like an adult, but you shouldn’t look like you’re just hitting puberty either. Petite and child-like don’t have to be the same thing.
The maitreya petite is gross….so so gross…the legacy perky at least still looks like boobs, just smaller….the maitreya ones look like an 8 year old and its gross.
Wtf? Nice try bodyshaming every woman who finally got (semi)popular option of a mesh body which looks like hers irl.
Take a break from internet and go outside. You are in need of a reality check asap.
you say “finally” like maitreya invented it…..nope they were actually the last ones to do it, Slink has had one for a loong time (also the first body to go complete BOM) and so has legacy, its because the creator is a piece of shit that just sits on her moneypile without updating. meanwhile her body looks like shit but people still flock to it like flies…why? idfk, its autrocious. it has zero definition anywhere, and a hangy ass….just fugly.
yeah but when they run around with all the juvenile accessories, pigtails, backpack, school girl outfit and a baby face with big eyes, they look like a child. But these are usually the ones that have to put a disclaimer in their profile, “All avatars are 18+ since they know damn well they look like a preteen. Plenty of people can do the naughty school girl look or just the kawaii look without appearing to be a child. Sure, lots of petite women in RL but this is NOT RL and when you run around an adult sex sim looking like a child, be prepared for people to call you on it. YOU may think it’s cute but that pedo who is chatting you up, sees what he wants to see and he sees a child. Not that he’s going to say that to your face because he just loves ‘petite girls’.
Wait – so the owner of the avatar is responsible for the thoughts that someone else has about how it looks? I am guessing you are the same type that would say a woman that is raped was asking for it because of how she dressed right? Fuck that and your victim blaming bullshit.
Yup. If you need to TELL people you’re an adult, that means you’re well aware your avatar doesn’t look like one, and that makes you kinda a sick cunt. I don’t understand this need to try to skirt the line of barely legal/underage in SL, I really don’t, there’s literally no purpose for it that isn’t gross.
Petite is the size of my actual boobs and I’m a grown-ass woman. Just because you have a fetish for big tits doesn’t make anyone smaller than C-cup underage.
theres “petite” and then there is “8 year old pre pubescent skeeter bites” maitreya is the latter
No, what we’re saying is, when you add on all the juvenile accessories and then get butthurt when someone calls you a child av, that’s on the person making the avatar. Of course they know they look less than 18. That’s why they have the disclaimer in their profile. It’s not cute, it’s not edgy, it’s not being an individual (because frankly, you see this shit everywhere). What it is is someone pushing the line between what is an acceptable adult look and a preteen.
Naw I agree. The watermelon tits women tend to have on SL isn’t most rl women’s reality.
They aren’t needed to look adult, nor is the giant wasp butt.
#18 1. You’re using that NPR quote incorrectly as most racists have been doing. 2. Instead of posting all of that nonsense, you could have just said, “I’m a racist and these people bother me.” 3. I’m sure you’re also glad they got Breonna Taylor too because you’re just a biggot and the sooner you come to terms with that, the sooner people will start liking you mo– oh wait, no, never mind.
#23 – Looney threats are taken more seriously if you learn how to write. Even a 3rd grader knows the difference between “are” and “our”. This isn’t a mistake a non-native speaker makes; this is poorly educated native speaker all the way.
#24 – yes, please! Amen. Especially pens. Watches rigged for lefties would be great too.
#32 – Wow, that is bad.
Couldn’t even read 23 because of the lack of punctuation and grammar. This looks like a desperate attempt to troll and instill a little fear. It doesn’t!
i hupe tis oka
A whole lot of these read like the poster was having a stroke when they wrote it. Are ya’ll salty bitches okay out there?
The one looking for a parent is obviously a non-English native language person but is pretty awful too
As for #18: None of the levels in his body were fatal.The meth and THC levels were so low they show he hadn’t used in a few days. Fentanyl levels naturally go up in the body on death.
So try again, try harder you racist piece of shit.
Find the rock you crawled out from under and go back.
No one wants you here
You need to check those facts you have again, also maybe check out whats happening in chicago today. Go on tell me thats white entitlements problem, clown.
You do realize that anyone using Fentanyl did not just pick up that addiction in passing. GF was a drug addict and with that comes damage to your body due to use. Does not matter if the levels were fatal or not at that time, the drug use over time changes the biology of the body. The man was screaming “I cannot breathe” while in the back of the squad car prior to him being placed on the ground. No cop was touching him at that time. He could have been having cardiac issues in the back seat. There are ALOT of factors that lead to his death, including the cops knee.
You’d like that to be true, wouldn’t you?
As a person with addiction issues and also being actively in recovery, sorry dude but it is true. Now if you want to obtain an addiction, go thru the sheer hell that is “getting clean” and come back to talk to me, awesome. I will wait. That is why the medical community has listed addiction as a disease cause of the biological changes that take place. Anyone can also view that bodycam footage and see him saying that in the back of the squad car. It’s clear as day.
3.Regular peeps there have a boring time. If you not willing to spend your SL time at jobs you won’t get any roleplay. Go to Woodcrest University if you want fun
6.They mad wrong for mass following then mass unfollowing people like that. Thirsty for followers
12.Tf does that mean. Stuff like this is a waste of space for the week
#17 Hideki is anything but cringe. He encourages and is over coming his own fears with tik tok I think its pretty amazing! ❤ He needs to keep it up and keep rockin his beautiful :O .. People need to quit being so damn negative on people that are trying to stay positive. =/
i agree 100%
Heres the story: Paris hooked up with tommmy/hunter fischer numbers who he knew actually came from a wealthy family and at that time… He owned a sim where he was charging his staff upwards of up to 6k or more to work for him so basically, you had to pay HIM to work instead of you being paid he did this for a long time… A lot of people got sick of being extorted so when he started running out of ideas he decided to hatch up a brilliant plan by using his then “boyfriend” tommy and of course the numbers family for funneling lindens by offering to plop a “adoption center” on the dead roleplay sim he owns. Then his kids got in a bit of an argument exposed Paris to Tommy and the numbers that he was using them for money and using the money for his own means.. The numbers quickly fled the sim and now you know why it’s dead the whole sims run by mentally unwell people who lie and extort everyone and i mean anyone for their lindens.. The only reason you could be banned from that sim is for not using the money o n their rentals instead using it to buy other stuff from other people. From what it seems Paris chucked a fit when everything collapsed and had a mental breakdown and all he has now is his dead club for ageplay.. The guy really is not all there and needs to be locked up in a psychiatric home.. BTW they are using sock names/sudos to support each-other you can tell by spieling punctuation ect, Also, the fact rose was like “I dont have to hide behind names anymore” just what names was she hiding behind then? Kind of suspicious but… Read more »
The ego-infested boys community continues to think very highly of itself. The only thing you troll-licking gossips exposed is how much you really don’t know.
KG, you must b that far up his arse, either that or you are scared of him, im going to say the latter.
I’m not the one speculating and spreading unfounded rumours.
Unfounded? LMFAO! yeah ok, Open your fucking eyes.
That kid troll must suck pretty good dick. Wait til he starts using his teeth.
There you go.. KG using kid and dick in the same sentence.. Typical mckenzie projecting his pedophilia kek
I love how all their names have “fuck you” in them, so classy
So family friendly right?
LMFAO !!!! Soooooo Trueeeeee
#19 Facts
Finally someone is exposing fucking tiddles widdles, the guy is a fucking psychopath.
This rat-looking turd’s definitely been a major sociopath to SO many people inworld, and I’m not surprise it’s reflected on his flickr too! Glad someone caught him being a cheap flickr whore for likes and followers roflmao! Bet he thought he was someone with those FAKE ASS followers HAHA
#7 I love this so much. Thank you poster.
18) Don’t you have your weekly cross burning to go to? Maybe get a new confederate flag for your pick up truck? Gargle Trump’s balls some more? Find something more productive to do with your time and your pathetic life then being a racist POS.
Right! I feel like people like that, literally just sit at home and masturbate to whatever Fox news or Ben Shapiro say because they want to trigger the “lefties”. We are in a whole ass pandemic(and it ain’t right even if we weren’t in one), you have the fucking audacity to want to be a racist sack of shit and THEN be bold as brass trying to defend the shit. My heart goes out to all the victims and their families that were taken by the virus, but dammit why couldn’t it have been these pieces of shit? Someone’s sweet ole granny died and some racist, bitter, angry at the world asshole gets to live and post dumb racist shit on Virtual Secrets.
So you’re one of those people who completely are blind to the fact that protestors are also spreading this pandemic. Right? That is the hypocrisy that is America. Why aren’t the protestors caring about the spread of this pandemic? Oh wait, there are other bigger things that matter to them. Like THEIR lives. See how that works? So done with the stupid bullshit and it’s all bullshit. Also what adult goes off saying they wish another group of people died instead? Thanks for being the example of why shit does not change.
You just cannot stop yourself from coming down on the racist side of things, can you? LOL
I would have to come down in order to deal on your level, Ms. holier than thou. Still thinking about me? I love it.
I would upvote the hell out of this if I could. Well said!
#18 What I don’t understand is a few weeks ago when a secret was submitted calling out clear racial biases by someone who claims to support the cause was mysteriously never published, but this garbage goes right up. Racism shouldn’t continue to surprise me, but yet here we are.
#1 – Sitting at the table, holding hands no doubt, harlot! #2 – Kid avatars… demanding an allowance even! #3 – So this is basically an ad to the RP sim, posted by “The MCSO” no less, what ever the hell that is… #4 – Grammar! Then again what was I expecting… #5 – Hey look, is the guy from the other secret. #6 – Yeah that is a common tactic they’ve been doing that for years, I’m surprised they don’t get more exposed here, good catch. #7 – You have got to be joking… #8 – Ok, what was exposed? Maybe you should write about that. #9 – Who are these and what exactly did they do? #10 – This is the kinda shit you never signed up to, either as judge or competitor, there is nothing there for anyone, but I gotta say the whole dragged out and humiliated makes me wanna check it out… what even the hell happened I wonder, it couldn’t possibly be planned drama could it? #11 – Could just not include eyes if they don’t work. #12 – What ever this is! #13 – Oh these are still a thing? Alright… #14 – What ever the hell there dot com is, I can’t be bother to check it out, but let me laugh at Catwa looking somewhere else to get some money after she thought she was gonna have a chicken laying golden eggs with SL for ever. #15 – Social climbers are the worse. #16 – Funny how people are always here complaining there are no good gay clubs in SL when during pride SL is nothing but rainbow flags, almost like it’s nothing but people virtue signaling while trying to sell shit. #17 – Alright Hideki, no more bringing guitars to… Read more »
Nobody cares. You suck.
Hey. I saw #32 and did NOT buy it, thanks. LOL!
Its not bots. I dont allow bots on my sim, and the club owner doesnt allow bots in her club. There is more than just the lusthouse on the Playland. Folks just need to venture around more. Including a beautiful garden in honor of The Lusthouse’s founder.
Sorry this is in regards to #25, my apologies for missing that.
#25 Cassies Playland home of the Lusthouse has a lot of things to offer and has a lot of friendly people. Cassie is great and she wants everyone to have fun. Hoping everyone can stop by an
d see all it has to offer.
Thank you Layla
#24 – How about you go a month with everything from computer mice to cellphone buttons, POS layouts, American cars, and power tools designed to be used with your non-dominant hand? Nobody is saying open up a chain of Leftoriums. We’d just like to have left-handed things as an option that we don’t need to contact the designer and pay extra for a custom animation /rig.
umm……its SL, who gives a shit what hand you use?
LOL, right?
Seriously, what’s next? They gonna demand their own flag in the LGBTQ+ community?
oh yeah, because that’s totally the same thing in a virtual world…you going to complain next that your favorite store isn’t wheelchair accesable?
#30 – Absolutely, and nearly all the bitches (of any gender) who have those picks have literally nothing, at all, to be envious about in either life. That’s why they’re insufferable cunts who can’t keep friends. They’re sad, bitter, and they know if they stop pretending they are the shit for even one second, the people they’ve managed to fool for now will catch on even faster. Their lives are a constant revolving door of “friends” that only last until their mask slips, and they lack the self-awareness to realize that people leave when they get “real” because they were so fake to start with.
I honestly never understood why some people who have amazing friends just self-destruct and destroy everything by being jealous and petty. It’s really not that serious.
Fucking thank you!
#23 – English was shit. Everyone be careful here we have a Second life hardass on our hands.
If their punctuation and grammar is anything to go by, I say we’re dealing with a troll that picked up a copy of Internet for Dummies from the Barns & Noble bargain bin.
18) Can you fucking not? Like feel however the hell you want to feel about BLM as an organization. There’s not a organization on this planet that’s perfect. But come the fuck on! Last time I checked there’s a thing called Due Process. And last time I checked just because someone is on drugs does NOT mean they should be killed on the street. Whether or not you agree with BLM, you should agree with basic humane treatment of another person. Police are NOT to be judge, jury, and executioner, especially in a situation like that. Their lives were not threatened and there were so many ways to have handled that situation instead of kneeling on a HUMAN BEING’S neck for damn near 9 minutes. I’ve seen that body cam footage and it only goes to show just how incompetent those cops were to begin with. So once again, I don’t give a shit if you agree with BLM or not, that man did NOT fucking deserve what happened to him, especially just for being high. Life is hard enough right now, I feel that people come here to get petty gossip from SL and escape whatever the hell is going on with this planet right now. Stop trying to fill this place, with your tinfoil hat wearing, flea-brained narratives.
I’m hearing it’s Blaxium or however the fuck you spell it that’s the poster of this secret. If it is, I’ll be promptly deleting her products and never visiting their shitty store again. Might do it anyway.
Absolutely agree, it was straight up murder and there is no justification for it. Looks like the maker of the secret has been spending too much time on Gab and Breitbart
The footage, uncut, was, as a mother and a human being, one of the hardest things to not look away from I’ve seen in my life and I’ve seen some shit. That cop heard him, he could have let up and let him breathe, he murdered G.F., straight up and his fellow officers not only didn’t try to stop it, they body blocked people trying to intervene. So yeah #18 can fuck right off
It was 7:46 minutes if you want to be pedantic, and no I’m sorry… when blm was first forced down everyones throats NOT for the first time, suddenly it wasn’t enough for white people to just say “I’m not racist”, no suddenly it wasn’t enough until white people were admitting their racist and its “in their genes.” Then suddenly if i support Trump I’m an uncle tom and not even black. Yall went and fucking lost your minds. Then antifa steps in and tries to match the black on black violence we already have. When is the black community going to look upon itself and see where it might need to start from. Imagine calling yourself a christian yet throwing this nonsense back into gods face for leading america to free its slaves. Notice I didn’t say white america, that would be because the first slave owner in america was a black man, on the flip side the first female billionaire was a black woman AND during one of the most racist times in america. Grow up and actually do some uncomfortable research into what you’re talking about. Move outside of liberal news and the same IG posters you follow, getting spoon fed bullshit doesn’t mean you know a fuck about whats really going on. George f was not just high, he was high, aggressive and resisting. He was also screaming about not being able to breathe for a while, while breathing, probably because he was starting to OD. Police need more funding to be able to pick up on this perhaps? At that point all they new was they had a high af black man with a horrific criminal record acting like he was about to do something dangerous. The officers should be charged, they should also have better… Read more »
Please stop perpetuating myths. The fact that you quoted that first slave owner was black bullshit shows you’ve been watching way to much fox, and are indeed a biased prejudiced asshole.
The Curious History of Anthony Johnson: From Captive African to Right-wing Talking Point –
American slavery: Separating fact from myth – https://theconversation.com/american-slavery-separating-fact-from-myth-79620
These days it doesn’t cost anything to educate yourself. To be honest I don’t care what color you are, but when you state something as fact please have something to back it up.
And just an FIY…I don’t support BLM, I do however support black lives first and foremost; and any other lives that are under represented by our society.
Okay so I see that you have Ben Shapiro’s shriveled little pickle in your mouth because you’re just regurgitating all the same bullshit that him and his red pill sheep say all the time. So first of all, let’s get this straight and just call a spade what a spade is, you don’t give a damn about black on black crime, you never have unless it’s in opposition to BLM, so let’s stop pretending. And even if you did (which you’ll say you do), is it so far fetched to think that two conversations can be handled simultaneously? Humans are complex creatures, so meanwhile the conversations of police reform need to happen, not only in regards to the black community but in regards to how they treat citizens altogether, the black community within itself can and have always been concerned about intraracial crime, hence why churches have been so integral in these communities (especially since you want to bring God into this, I would think you would know that). Secondly, you mfs loooove to bring up how “blacks owned slaves too” like that somehow makes all the shit that’s happening today okay, but will be the first ones to say that slavery and Jim Crowe didn’t have an long lasting effects and “they should just get over it”. So which is it? Either there’s still systematic bias that holds these communities down which is the whole point of BLM or y’all just like cherry picking when it’s convenient? Also news flash, just because one black person was a billionaire (which I’ll fact check that bullshit later), doesn’t mean that others still don’t suffer? That’s like saying because Bill Gates is a billionaire, all white people should also be rich because they’ve had the same opportunity, right? Or once again is… Read more »
“You didn’t care about black on black crime before this” Guess who also didn’t care about black on black crime? Black people. Maybe they should care first and this stupid “inhumane” treatment they have of each other can stop. As for the Churches, that’s a joke. You will be extremely hard pressed to find a head of a inner city church that actually lives by that same church. They will go to their church to praise God and get the money. Then they hop into their expensive car, drive back to their affluent neighborhood and forget about their congregation until next Sunday.
BULLSHIT. Epic, racist bullshit. You know NOTHING about how much work has been done in Black communities for decades on that very matter. And when are you going to get busy with white-on-white crime, you Klansman wannabe, or is that too hard for you?
So they have been working for decades on this and the mass killings of black people still continue? Wow how many more decades are going to be lost before someone realizes it’s not working? You do realize that if what you say is true, then it should be better right? It’s mass genocide of the black culture and people, and frankly uptight people like yourself are so blinded in your own ‘I need to blame someone else for this shit” that you don’t realize that. Let me help you understand something with the “white on white” crime too. When someone in the white community commits a crime, we inform the police immediately. Does not matter if it’s our kids, spouse, family member….we call. There is no trying to “protect” a family member. That crime extends beyond our walls and will infect a community and we know that. We will totally give them up. Also if someone is racist, then it should be assumed that they hate all other races besides their own. So where are the other ethnicities complaining about how racist white people are? Or maybe they are in the same boat as us, just waiting for the black community to stop killing themselves and be a part of the bigger picture. I know, keep blaming me. It’s cool as long as it makes YOU feel better.
Look how mad you are, as mad as not being able to understand black africans where the first to be capturing and selling their own kind. I bet you can’t even handle the fact Obama, America’s worst president is responsible for a modern day slave trade right now, a fact he mildly replies that he “regrets” but did nothing about. Theres a lot of blame being flung around and I’m ashamed none of it is at the black community.
Oh I love it how you throw politics into the mix there. Just because Africans sold some of their own into slavery doesn’t change the fact that slave traders and slave owners were more than happy to mistreat them. From lynchings, beatings, all the way to publicly executing fourteen year old George Stinney via a sham trial, the black community has been suppressed for years. You think it suddenly ended with the voting rights act of 1965? Bullshit. And now you have the temerity to claim that Obama is the “worst” president, and to parade your opinion as some irrefutable fact? Get the fuck out of here
Thank God we have those immigrants coming into America to show everybody that the American dream is still alive and well. It’s amazing how some of them come here, without even being able to speak English and are able to carve an amazing life for themselves. The opportunity is there for everyone, some take it…others do not. Suppression is a bullshit term to make people think that someone is holding them down. Google Kayla McKeon. She’s a lobbyist and has down syndrome. She got there thru hard work and determination. And her amazing, glorious ass is missing a chromosome. The only thing holding down anyone is themselves and the excuses they allow themselves.
she isn’t missing one you neanderthal. she has an extra one. Downs syndrome is caused by an extra chromosome not a lack thereof.
You are correct. I would edit most should get the drift.
BLM killed some black people and a child during this whole debacle. It’s a hijacked movement, it’s nothing but radical extremists now. If you support them, you are supporting the damage to the communities they are creating and the lives they are taking. Plain and simple.
All Lives Matter, even those who are being sacrificed to this cult mascurading as a social cause. The police need a reform, and so does this movement. More will die otherwise.
Liar. Fraud. Blaxium owner or does she just fellate you for kicks?
Actually he’s not wrong. There was young African girl who was a protester in BLM and she was raped and killed by a black man. I think her name was oluwatoyin salau. Her family was abusing her and threw her out. She had no where to go and the guy who raped and killed her offered her a place to sleep. Assaulted her and when she mentioned the assault on twitter.. she went missing after that.
#14. Grow tf up. In There.com game money can not be converted to RL money. If you do not play the game, why would you want in game currency? And as a Thereian, I appreciate all the dev talent listing, no matter how they get paid. Why? Because the There dev program sucks so much money from the devs it’s yikes and because we don’t have a shit ton of designers like in SL. So, thank you, Catwa and Max and all the others who bother to relist from time to time, please know that most of us do not give one F about PP vs Tbux (you do you) and we appreciate you! ❤
Yes, it can. you can either charge There bucks and/ or in Catwa’s case, charge IRL money for the product, hence the paypal button.
I’ve bought many items in There with the paypal option. I prefer it honestly.
@Mr. Nobody.
There.com does NOT allow users to resell in-game currency for cash. It is against the Terms of Service. The only way to get actual cash is by using PayPal only. Do some research.
AFTER THE FACT, it can not. The person on #14 was bitching about a designer using PayPal option only. If Catwa charged via Tbux or charged an with an option for either then she would just have Tbux she wouldn’t use. So, no, game money can NOT be converted to RL money, it is against the ToS.
#25. Leave Cas alone it’s her damn sim, you wanna make a better one, then fork over the cash and time to run it. And deal with the wastes of ones and zeros, who bitch and complain about every little thing. You bitch about lag, so they put an afk kicker to eject the wastes of space CAUSING the lag and you cry about it. Why don’t you SAY IT TO HER FACE instead of coming here ya keyboard warriors, trying to stress her out more.
Where’s my tiny violin to play a sad song cuz you wanna get your cartoon sex on. SMH. Love ya Cas, you are a sweetie. The ones who know you, know you are trying to make people happy, but CLEARLY that’s not gonna happen, so you do what you want for YOU. P.S. I hear mature doggers is the jam, why not go fuck there? I’ll pay your group join fee cuz I believe in your quest to have sex in secondlife and support it whole heartedly.
For your information, EWS has been a complete failure for years so why you would bring this to Lusthouse is a complete mystery. It starts decent and then people struggle to find participants and it usually ends up that people have to beg for people to join the circle and the people in it, are forced to choose complete noobs to fuck because no one else is interested. It’s not sexy, its very laggy and your audience was and is not looking for it.
Why is it so hard to understand that the people that visit Lusthouse just want to enjoy their time there, socialize, fuck, listen to music and just hang out cramped up in a cozy place where they can watch each other. You made a wonderful place, people started to enjoy it and now you just completely turn it around, make a bunch of radical changes and when your public says they don’t like it, you start to complain about them. Really? It’s like starting a fashion store, turning into a home improvement store and then wonder why your fashion audience is not buying the tools.
You can do anything your want, its your place and your money and no one says you don’t work hard but please stop trying to point fingers at your loyal fans that are not enjoying the changes you made. You don’t owe them anything, but they don’t owe you anything either, it works both ways.
I brought EWS to MY part of the sim as a different experience, a special event. Z is ONLY following the wishes that MONICA lad out for the future of the Lusthouse. She did not like afk, she was going to move the group to a membership fee for newcomers, and no one is on sim under 30 days. How about giving us things you would like to see in the new club, miss the pinnall machine, an area like a gentlemens lounge. Not just bashing the hard and emotional work that went into it. Z has tweaked the rules, but most were already there. They are just being enforced more.
Give the new build of LH a chance. I am not blaming anyone. Z had no choice but to remove the old build and bring in a new one, larger one.
Whomever you are. Thank you very much. We all work hard to bring a UNIQUE sim to folks outside of the Lusthouse. Which no one explores. I held my first BIG event that due to crowd closed the sim to a large number of folks, which was NOT taken lightly at all. Every time we restart or close it is not done lightly. The best way for us to work on scripts, lag, etc is for no one to be on sim. Just working to make it better, newer, and enjoyable when folks are on to use it.
Changes can be good for a club. I have to admit I like the new building and I understand the need to upgrade or change. Here are a few problems I am having; bots and staff members constantly asking people if they are still here or not and booting people. People might be in private messages or afk for 1 minute, next thing you know you are ejected. Also, please, what is the logic of having to walk half a sim to get to the club? You all did a nice job, but if I want to explore it, I can walk around on my own. I don’t need the dramatic build up of a long, winding path and staircase just to get fucked. Second, I know someone who was harassed for being trans, by a regular there. They had spoken to a staff member about it, and they got banned themselves. Idk, for a club that claims to be all inclusive, you are slowly blowing it. I’ve seen this happen 100 times to clubs. First you change or move the build (which is fine), then you start cramming these events down people’s throats, then you start banning or ejecting regs because they are not mesh enough or are standing in one place for too long. Lastly, you are charging for membership now. No problems with this, but why would I pay to join a place where I might get ejected for not chatting in local enough or banned for not having a good enough avi? You are now in what is called the beginning phases of a death spiral. I will not be going back to visit. If none of this makes any sense, please look at the long history of how FMD totally blew it. Hint-you’ll be amazed… Read more »
I added a direct Tp to the club on the playlands landing point. Prior was still working out kinks. The Club is on my sim but NOT owned by me. Lusthouse has different rules than the Playland. The afk rule has been there since Monica moved her original club here. Z is enforcing it more now. With folks standing around and being afk it effects the lag, adds scripts. Monica originally also had the club dead center of the sim, it couldnt be placed on its own parcel. The new build is on its own. So it has its own landing point. When the move happened I spent my entire time teleporting folks to the new club from the old landing point, or most fell because they were not using the main landing point. My entire time in sL for days was ensuring folks made it to the new club. There are no more stairs. The person that went after someone is estate banned. My knowledge the others are banned from the Lh NOT the sim. I woke to those, and again I. Do. Not. Own. Lusthouse. I just give it a home. The original ground location was so folks could explore the sim easier, as no one knew there was more than lh on the sim. Also Monicas Memorial Garden is directly across from the club on my parcel. The events are to show people there IS more on sim, no walking really needed unless you want to find the hidden little gem areas. I have teleporters to move folks around. I hope you do give it another go. Or venture the rest of the sim.
Your best move would have been to make a new build, get some better furniture and NOT have an event such as the EWS debacle that had 90 damn people on the same sim. NO ONE goes to sims such as the Lusthouse to ‘walk around and see the sights’.
This IS a new build I canged the way my sim has been for the last FIVE years. The EWS event was a SPECIAL event. NOT something that is going to happen all the time. The event was over a month in the making.
It would have been nice not to have your old LM dump everyone AT the damn event and then have the people there jumping in IMs to harass people about not being dressed appropriately. It may be a new build but now it looks like a day spa. I’m not sure what you’re trying to be but the fact remains, you are a sex club. And FYI, it’s been busy for FIVE years and people really don’t like a change that drastic.
Where the EWS was is NOT the Lusthouse. If folks paid attention to notices the clubs NEW landmark was sent to everyone. ON a different Partial. The party was held on the Playland NOT at the lusthouse AND it was consitantly said that there was a dress code for the event. And Lots were there and had sex. NOW it is back to its original look for MY parcel. I also spent most of the week standing and making sure folks made it to the club.
The lusthouse hasnt been there for five years, its been there for three and we had NO choice but to bring in a new build. It was NOT an easy choice or task. Plus it was emotional to take down the old club build. Which also was not the original, not even the original on my sim. Give it a chance as things are still evolving.
Who the hell has notices turned on for a sex place? but whatever, it still looks like a damn day spa.
People that want to know if anything new happens…. like a new build elsewhere on the sim.
so no one
#33 I know her. Girl is happily marŕied af.
And someone dragging someone as nice as her on such a site just to make a whiny secret?
Ya well you sound like a total douche.
Fun fact is this pic is from her husband’s Flickr site.
#14 Who cares that she only has it set for PayPal. I’m happy that she came back to There.com to relist her items. We need designers to return to There to keep the virtual world running. Thank you Catwa for coming back to There.com to relist your items. The Thereian Community appreciates it.
I want to make a note about There.com. The virtual world doesn’t have the ability to sell in-game currency to dollars as it used to before it closed. The only way to make real cash is by using PayPal. After a user pays the item, There.com takes a wholesale fee, plus another fee coming from PayPal. So in reality, she isn’t making a lot of money.
there.com is for old farts and babies that game died yrs ago.
@jack the ripper
You can make the same statement for Second Life. “Old farts and babies.”
There.com is still going on. Maybe if you didn’t spend your time in a single spot, and join the activities the virtual world wouldn’t be boring for you.
That shit looks awful, even worse than IMVU; why even bother having multiple virtual lives when only one of them looks good, and that same one has the most options? Is it for people who run potato machines that can’t handle anything graphically demanding- cheap laptops and netbooks and 5+ year old Dell prebuilts?
If you done your history about There.com, that the virtual world was made first then after the founder of There.com and the ex-employees that developed There.com made the virtual world IMVU. Also, a lot of There ex-employees worked for Linden Labs, without There.com probably most of the stuff you love and enjoy on Second Life wouldn’t be around.
Lol, yes.
#23 is total bs, flickr removed non-pro accounts that were advertising commercial products, they even released a statement to clear up the confusion and stated that SL profiles are welcome but if you’re blogging a product or you’re a merchant you must pay for pro. They just want their cut of the $ like everyone else.
As for the secret poster, stop fear mongering for attention. You’re embarrassing yourself.
I agree with you, it sounds like someone who wants to scare monger and also wants to act like they are so important to Flickr. They are also full of BS as well, with their entire claim. From the mistakes in the text, I will also venture a guess that they are ESL.
#23 – For the love of god, go take a remedial English composition class. That was painful!
#7 The only difference I see, is the first looks about 7 yrs old and the second looks about 14 yrs old. The face is the same, the large eyes making it look younger. Babies and younger children’s eyes are proportionately larger than adults.
#19 Well whoever you are who posted this it seems like you have exposed yourself looking at the comment from Rose so what was you doing with that Kid? maybe we should ask her to post what you were doing to her then we will see who you are. I also think the owner needs to show us why 3 kids were kicked (boys). I live there and the shit what is posted on here is just so laughable when the owner has a screenshot of one of the so called Kids (son) admitting something serious leading to hes departure, it is that serious it could lead to an investigation in real life it wont be that hard to locate you.
I think all this internet drama is very bad why everyone hate each other ?
The answer to this is very simple and it goes back years You should take some time to google narcissists and the term “Flying Monkeys”. Once you do that and you look at the people around you, you will see how they gang up and try to destroy really good people to be in favour with some right headfucks. Sex and other narcissist bullshit is always at the bottom of it (excuse the pun). Some people hold some very nasty vindictive issues, issues they cannot fully admit to why because it would unravel years of servitude and loyalty to some big power obsessed people (yes more narcissists). There is a connection. Hypocrisy For example, when you see Toby ask him the following questions Q1 – You said you slept sexually with 0tony0 and it is said that the reason you left your family, was because your dad refused to accept you wanted boyfriends. His rule was his kids had to be kids and not involve in boyfriends etc. It is said you had issues, because of his stance. So the question I ask is this… why is it that if you were sexual with Tony and thus that must be the same for the current bf, (cause horny boys are horny boys right? ). So why is it that as soon as you are kicked, all this drama stirs up and miraculously, you are the only one not being branded a pedo, even though you were the only person in that family dealing in TOS infraction by sleeping around as kids. What is your reason for not being branded with everyone else? When the rest of his family were pretty much doing nothing else but tending the sim, meeting guests, working on stores etc. He can maybe answer that better??… Read more »
Oh and to add paris never had a problem with me having a boyfriend nor was that a rule i was in paris family partnered to colten for weeks
Ummm Q1 i left the family because paris tried to fuck colten on his kid alt had nothing to do with 0tony0. And once again all made up bullshit show the logs your just spewing fake bullshit once again.
Eats popcorn…
Whats funny is nothing has changed paris has been using women since the beginning of time. He keeps his fag hags in order i guess. He fucks boys and uses women for money what a great revrand and man of god LAWL
i think the best part of this is rose admitting she will make up a fake story about age play to get the kid in trouble LOL real classy rose
She could at least be original about it. Hate to tell you Rose, but making up fake stories about ageplay is a tale as old as time.
If anyone reads carefully, you might just spot it..
“… you want to start making stories up i will make a few up as well”
Or this one?
“…keep going and I can make shit up to think about you action towards me when there was nobody else on sim”
I’m pretty sure I read the post right I think, maybe? Perhaps some people need to take the time and read a bit slower instead?
SO Ciel Edlund (ciel0001) THANK YOU FOR THE POST ON HERE AS I KNOW ITS YOU AS YOUR THE ONLY ONE OUT OF THE 3 OF YOU WHO IS THICK AS SHIT … SO WELL DONE ON ALLOWING ME TO SEE YOUR STUPIDITY – I hear about one post on here next week then the following week the lot will be posted.I have sent you a IM in game, showing you what i will post next week, I have warned you once and am going to warn you again DON’T Fuck With Me! i suggest you read what i have sent you and read it good because if that gets out ON HERE the person marked out by XXXX will not be happy AS i wont replace his name with the XXXX, – and just so you know that’s not all one thing about Edenvale I know everything that goes on here like the time one of your brothers who Role-plays as 11 was dating a guy also who Role-plays as 11. they thought it would be a good idea to have text sex (Did they mean to do it in local?) yes they were in the parcel however (and am guessing here) they must of thought your sister was asleep as the Text Sex! in local was captured and saved for times like this when little fuckers like you think they can take me on! All this will come to light and posted to LL and for the more serious one I will E-mail the Police Department with the contents and the Number i have so the person can me located and investigated Oh! and not forgetting I will post it on here for all to see, So Ciel Edlund if i was you i would think long and… Read more »
Wow look at all the people here throwing my name around when you got posted here by someone else. LOL your sad paris and so are all of your little lackeys posting on here for you. Since you wanna throw my name around or at-least insinuate lets set the record straight for you bud. Nobody text fucked on your sim i find it interesting your so hurt and your sim is failing so bad that you need to come on here and just blatantly lie. But i digress mr “man of god” go ahead and post all the stuff you have i welcome you too. Its hilarious tbh. And all of you pussys can also feel free to reach me in world your so bold to speak on my behalf on this website but cant speak to me on your avis lawl… Anyways have fun with all your drama and dead sim contiinue to use people for your gain you bragged about it publicly all the time. Karmas a real thing ladies and gents lol enjoy it =D
Here’s a tip stop replying to all the drama online, you’re only embarrassing yourself by replying to it.
Totally correct, not only is he digging a deeper hole but he would be better time served removing himself out of that shitstorm and find some decent people. None of this would have happened had he went back, stayed with his family and got on with his brothers and sisters. Not add the fucking self loathing pedo denial martyr in with what should have been a proper family.
Lol fuck the second-life family community and fuck you, at least im brave enough to use my name instead of hide behind aliases criticizing people i dont know. Which is a fact you dont know me at all. Im glad i dont go around judging people i dont know… The point is your all sad and pathetic
You make this much harder on yourself than you give credit for. Your mates are all hiding, been hiding for years on alts, causing issues wherever they go. So what makes it different for us and them? Answer is nothing. What you are asking is for other people to validate themselves for trolls to go in when they don’t have to. That is not going to happen, our job is easy, we debunk and we show up for what goes on. May look as if we are enemies here, I assure you we are anything but that. We are here to warn you all and make sure you have a better SL experience, by making things better for yourself and for people to wise up and see what goes on and shun these people out of the kid community. It is your troll mate causing this shit for you, it is not Paris, the family, Edenvale, Me, Theo or anyone else. It is Colby/Tizzy etc… that is his life. No balls to actually face up on the people they detest and talk about so much. Never had of course, no dick… but you also can limit damage like I said to the other kid. You man up, you understand your predicament, you cut these assholes goodbye and you don’t look back. Shunning is the best medicine to what is a cancerous person, just do it. I know whats cancer, I seen people on here listed that never deserved to be, period. What I am holding you up for is friending a kid troll, taking him into your family and unleashing his shit to what was otherwise your family. Not his…yours!! You were used for drama and he did exactly that. And look at what has happened, lost a family and… Read more »
nah you just clearly love drama and your the one making all the bold claims with no proof but carry on i wont satisfy your drama craving any longer
We see you back here in 3 months time, maybe less or maybe more. But you will have a different story I am sure. You can thank me then or not. Can’t say we never warned you.
No point making threats on this channel, Paris. Especially on a channel infested by the SL kid boi community simps and Kpop stans. Hellbent on cancel culture and using what is bitchfest involving other people because they are too weak to deal with it on their own. No news there, because the boi thots can’t take the criticism on the shit they create. Oh wait… its Ceil/ fucking Colby/ Alexander Tizzy. It’s alright Colby, its me who dobbed in your shit in anyways, wasn’t hard. Ageplay weebo fuckwit! The fab 4 wank stains of Second Life Boi community, came here once again to start crying. Too weak to approach it in-world, too cowardly to deal with it in their own environment. Noooooooooooo, have to get every tosser here involved, which is easy because they need validation in this, lacking any balls to take what came to them and was building for months. Talking about Paris and cuddling boys with pants half down? Really? Says you cunts hanging around with Fireeyes? And if you were so bothered about Paris, what the fuck you wanna be his kid for huh? Nah, seen this before…its your way to come here and look for support among strangers based on one sided takes. What is amazing Alexander/Ciel/Colby, is you go back into the gang of bois you hate so much on more alts, something your profile states you have no time to waste on. Ready to trap more kids accuse them of ageplay once more, like the narcissist fuck you are If I were them, I stay clear of your shit, but then boi simps being simps, too busy sipping the usual Kool Aid and then they end up here, on lists and wondering who done it (SMH). But…wasn’t me in a bed in a public sim with 0tony0 either, but yer… Read more »
You’re that salty new zealender he got all overzealous of colby when he started hanging around your friend no wonder why you’re so obsessed with him LMAO you’re the same kiwi fag that fucks boy avis and moves onto the next one I’ve heard about you and your fallout with that person
“Plink Plink Plink, Plink Plink Plink… wash my willy in the Billybong. You come a waltzing…” We still waiting for you to come out with the truth. Get that barbie, your cute bois and Castlemaine XXXX out. LOL
Plink plink your intelligence is showing.. Must be from using second life for all these years
Go back to sucking the numbers dicks I know that’s the only thing you’re good for pedo.
Exactly. Here we have once again Ciel Alexander Chan Colby Pippen Tizzy, now taking on the family name of Sebi and Wyatt, cuddling with the likes of Fire Eyes, and brothering up to Ryen and Toby, yet behind all their backs, he talks shit, shares pics, and pushes for others to expose them. What great friends you all have. You defend and entertain the very ones who seek to destroy you.
You’ve always thought 3 different people are all the same you’ve run this same stick for ages its pretty boring coming from someone who is obsessed with a rumor blog. And it’s very irky that you stlak people lol.
You tell me which 3 names are different people, and I will show otherwise. You wanna start with Pippen and Colby running with the Zenders in Forever Forest, telling your little naked boyfriend how pretty his dick is and what you want to do with it. You’re worse than Calem. Or we can go to Zugs and reveal the things you said there, you little schizo. Or let’s go back to the days you were born into the copybotting Orion family with Jayden, Jaiden, Andy/Shrike and godofwar Teddy (also an “I <3 Gestures” dancer maker like you, Tizzy). What a nice sim you all shared there. Particularly interesting the house and bedrooms. Let’s talk pics with Chad, Drew, and other boys, neko-boys, and fembois you liked to screw. Or how about we talk PSE registrations, NGI panels, and Meshmerized gifts and purchases, too. Alts aren’t hard to figure out with that kind of info. Or we can go further back to Alexander Chan and his online shota offerings of SL adventures on various sites. Nope, you didn’t delete them fast enough. We can also compare Marketplace reviews, Secrets postings, SL group chats, and all your abuse reports about “sexualized” kid avis, kid hangouts, and clothing stores. We can also reveal your more recent pedo-baiting invitations at Arbordale, Neverland, Bareton, Harbour Gay Adoption, Golden Sun, Sota Beach, and your favorite private daddy-milking-little-femboi parcels. We all know your game. You’re a troll easily spotted. And saying I stalk you is an admission in itself. You would know.
Mckenzie can you tell me why the numbers kicked you out of the family?
Oh right cause you were caught lying to them so you pretended to ragequit them haha
End your life kiddo i know all about you and your scummy past.
Mckenzie? Mckenzie?
Why would Mckenzie care about you. Take a closer look around.
Mckenzie mckenzie stop pretending to be someone else mckenzie stop being a kike nose little jewboy
You’ve accused EVERY SINGLE PERSON of being colby ciel or Alexander tizzy your a fucking spastic lmao i can’t believe you think i still come here often jewboy
Haha this dude literally posted a full timeline of someone he’s been obsessed with years. This blog is seriously full of mentally ill people haha i see how people here really get under each-others skin. I’d hate to see what this duds like IRL paranoid and schizophrenic. I hope you get help for your mental illness man i really do. Take your medication ?
We are not one.
KG your a freak hop off and go breath some fresh air all those toxins are making you lose IQ by several digits nibba
We are not one. Let’s list some Colbydark et alts irony, so the readers at home get the full picture. Comment 1 – “Haha this dude literally posted a full timeline of someone he’s been obsessed with years” Reply – Colbydark et alts pretty much have their Certificate of Merit on his behaviour from the last 14 years of SL doing this shit. Comment 2 – “This blog is seriously full of mentally ill people” Reply – Then why is Colbydark et alts fucking constantly on here posting his false salty shite?” Irony huh? Comment 3 – “haha i see how people here really get under each-others skin. I’d hate to see what this duds like IRL paranoid and schizophrenic”. Reply – So why does he keep coming back for the last answer, he has been rumbled… AGAIN!!. He keeps coming back to deflect his shit with narcissist gaslighting. Looking for vindication with half-starved and one sided stories. Bitter, twisted and talking for the rest of his friends, putting them in a shadier light. More contradiction. Note – Paranoia is not to be confused with persona identification, he been unmasked (not difficult for smart people). He should stick to his boi simps, they too stupid, clueless and socially desperate they taking him in again (must be) 😛 Comment 4 – “I hope you get help for your mental illness man i really do. Take your medication” Reply – See comment 3 above, same story. We be saying this to Colby for years, not not taking his own advice. We already spelled out his psychological profile and go see a therapist. They will tell him the same thing within a 30 minute consultation. P.S – Maybe if his buddies moved away from Twitter sized posts for explanations of life and its… Read more »
Shut the fuck up Jordy, get a hobby.
We know all this, its apparent how he talks and mouths off like the imbecile he is. Talking shit like a roady, all mouth and no substance. Typical of him, too busy sticking his dick in Vegemite and screwing Emus or whatever he does in the backwoods of his billybong to actually work out when he has been rumbled.
As for the other two you mention, I hope they get sense and see past who he is and what he is. Some of us understood him long ago !! And yeah, I noticed he took on Sebi’s name, no doubt to get back in with a chance with Kioko again. Can’t let that kid go… fucking rent free in his head is that poor kid. If Sebi was any kind of friend, he would see that and give that kid a break. Nope, has to invite that cesspool into his family. I hope they know what they getting themselves in for. I wouldn’t piss on him even if he was on fire, let alone place him into a family. Paris had a lucky escape, wise to get shot of anyone running about with that P.O.S
Only imbecile here is you posting your life story end your life pedo lover go back to posting your fictional stories on pedo websites.
Why is my name being put in the equation of this internet drama? Keep your fucking mouth shut from saying my name online thank you ?
Because unfortunately,It was one of your fucking stalkers that is responsible for this shit in the first place? After all, it was fucking Arnmor that had his obsession on you, the least you can fucking do is man up, tell him to get fucked. Because as far as we could see he had no hesitations talking about you and posting shit about you here.
So some of us back you up, state you not that kind of kid and damage litigate. What do you do?? So what are you doing to damage litigate yourself? Fuck all, you still friending the same assholes and their friends of friends that were trying to call you out, go figure?
Maybe you can take that anger and go back to Sebi and tell him to get a fucking grip and find some nice people instead of inviting the wolf back in the fucking door? And maybe people might fucking get on ?
Don’t come shooting the messenger here, the responsibility on these problems lie with all and what you don’t do. That is kick these fuckers out and involve the decent people in.
Nobodies gonna read your long paragraphs of text give us a tl;dr
The whole time you’ve ever posted here you’ve had a mental breakdown over and over. Go back to your shitty art painting business lol.
Colby seriously, go get fucked and die or something, make the world a better place 😛
Petty boring argument resulting to saying kys dood your comebacks are dry. I thought you guys had more to bring to the table then just accusations and telling people to end their lives.
I don’t need comebacks “DOOD”, what is there is there. What the fuck is this brodude talk..? that shit ended with Guy Fieri. You are 3 years out of date. They don’t talk like that in the outback anyways. What you need me to didgeridoo this shit for you to understand ?
This P.O.S causes endless issues with people, if he is not happy here, he can fuck off and let people enjoy themselves. Not constantly push in with his shtick and endless twattery. That is whats on the table.
You’re the guy from new Zealand that got all twitchy when that colby guy started talking to your friends more then they did with you.. I feel sorry for you bro. Mad props to whoever made you internet mad.
I’m not from New Zealand, but you are from Australia. I read your adoption card and that’s what gave your whole shit away. That’s why you are transparent AF. That was the calling card that gave your shit away. You can make the rest of the puzzle out for yourself. Told you before, you cannot hide. You are poor at it. Now get bent and perhaps leave your account, which in all honesty you should not be on seeing you been banned to fuck constantly.
I don’t talk to people like you nor do my mates, they got more sense. Who the hell in the right mind would talk and friend you after all that you do continuously. You are a P.O.S and a liability to every kid on SL. Also FYI…. you should not have a pick stating you are “super gay” on one pick ( as some anime persona and another big giveaway) and a 12 year old kid on the next. Any SL kid with sense knows you should have an alt for that and anime short types already have had bans too, LL don’t make any halfway house when SL kids are involved. If you had sense, you would remove that and choose something more fitting. But then being on SL as long as you have, you would think you knew this ? With all the shit you do!! And you think you have the responsibilities to be in a family with other kids? Sure!!
Try that again lol.. I’m American
Once again taking things and then placing assumption onto others kind of creepy that you obsess over grown men on the internet lol
Am i colby dark or ciel now?
You misunderstand. You are not fucking American, you are Australian. Chen/ Chan… the anime fixations. Listing yourself as Australian as Tizzy on your adoption certificate. Ciel as your “friend” which we all trying to understand how the hell does someone that new, get mixed up with the likes of you… unless they not an alt. Because I can tell you right now, charm is not your gift. So its some other damn thing going on. You telling us all its coincidence? Really ?
And even as Ciel, why the fuck would someone get mixed up with a drama inducing person like you coming right off the boat. You think we all stupid !
Trouble always comes in twos…?
I am not obsessing over grown men, i’m asking you to act like an adult and not your bloody shoe size?
I don’t think you quite understand, the argument is that ColbyDark and Ciel are the same person. Ciel is no perfect angel, and more than one of us has heard about his little menage-a-trois with Tony and Toby. Now Paris is no perfect angel either, he’s a basket case, but in this case he’s not entirely to blame. As for saying Poootin is obsessing over grown men on the internet, you’re doing the same thing over this secret. Or did you forget about the site you’re on?
I agree that no one is perfect, and saying that you’ve heard things is fine and all but what’s the chances any of it being true? It’s not hard to edit chat logs, but just looking at it Paris and Rose have already admitted that they would start making things up just to get people banned, from looking at the first comment made for #19. They say themselves they live in Edenvale so it’s clear that most of the comments made to start with was most likely by people from Edenvale.
Pretty hilarious for someone who calls themselves KG aka kidz grid nice business you got there on second life too.. At day you sell crappy mesh clothing at night you trawl around websites to obsess over people.. Kinda bewildering. BTW I’m not either so keep trying to point he finger just makes you look stupid pal.
Who am i gonna be next? Houdini?
Now this is the kind of spice I like to see! But seriously Paris your threats on an anonymous site are laughable. Now with that being said we all know that Ciel is ColbyDark so that little shit is hardly one to talk.
Wrong: Ciels from the UK Colbydark is an aussie dweeb
I don’t give a fudge where he is from or what you spinning, cause I smell shite and I smell a rat when I see it. That’s your word for it, not mine. And your word is as good as a hot supermodel draped over Liberace… pointless. And if he is from the UK, more fucking shame on him for associating with the likes of you. As I said, you been rumbled and you were rumbled spinning shit again on people, which is your thing… constantly… everyday. This is you!!
What, is your Australian gravity affecting you, that you cannot come clean and admit you posting shit again? Its not gossip, its misery. Same thing, day in and day out. Fuck me, it must be hell for you. You no man, that’s for sure. A narcissist surrounded by simps yes, poor choice for them. But certainly no man, men don’t act like you do. Spoilt valley girl more like
Not Australian but i know you need help for your mental breakdowns you have on the Internet. I be you’re on suicide watch
Only rat here is the guy openly defending a pedophile XD
I don’t resort to pedophile slurs,that’s your thing, not mine. Another lovely Colby trait, banging on about pedos but spends 90% of his SL with them all. ? You really can’t make this up. Internet mental breakdowns, now who have I heard saying this before on here? :P. Oh yes, the Aussie twat
Though he is one tho? Have you been reading anyone other then my comments? The more you have your delusional paranoid obsessions/projections over Australians the weirder you look just sayin lol Seek help
Nah… I’m saying if anyone has to have beef with the situation, its Toby. Your geographical and cultural status is nothing to do with it. I am just saying that’s how I linked you in all of this. Tizzy, Chen…Chan… whatever !! Not hard to see though you. Deny it all you want, you are bitter and annoyed you got turfed. But your bullshit was happening long before any of the family booting, I watched you for a long time. Watched your movements, what you were up to. You were up to your petty drama shit as usual. So don’t come the story this is about Paris, you were out to cause issues long before that. You see you are that thick, you cannot even work out how we find you all the time, its’ not just you, its your habitual behaviour patterns. It’s the shit you do, when you get a bee up your arse, on your fucking holistic crusade of bullshit. Its easy to spot and you cannot help yourself. No new kid or even an old one, should be making accusations on others… unless you are Colby which is the same bitter, toxic, self- opinionated crap he does. However… back to the talk in hand. It never was your place to talk about the loss of family. You were there as an add-on, you were never a chosen participant to the family, you were added on for god knows why, felt sorry for you or added you so you would not feel left out. But you were last in, so stop your bitching. Anyways, Toby was there longer and it is his place to have issues. It is not yours and don’t gave me the “mates stick together shit” because you know nothing of friendship. Narcissists do… Read more »
ciel is not colby idiot idk who colby even is and hes not anyones alt your making yourself look stupid
Funny you, Toby, because inworld with us, you’re using both of their names interchangeably and raging about “colby and his friends” getting you into this mess. Ciel is even taking on Colten’s real life identity now. My god, know who your friends are.
LOL, why has he suddenly hooked up with Tizzy then, someone known for causing shit with other kids? You are a kid yourself, what you now side with arseholes pissing on your own kind? What sort of kid are you ? You yourself went to your Dad and demanded he took you back, after being a fucking dick, trolling him and making threats on his other kids cause you wanted to be number one. Not happy with that, you demanded he take your other stooges in when he had two reasonable kids, after you left !! When you came back and started placing your wants and wishes, which were NOT part of Edenvale or its running and expectations, you brought it in anyway regardless what anyone else wanted. You asked nobody, it was all about YOU!! Selfish Bastard He gave you his rules, you refused to take them, thinking your way and your “lifestyle” should be everyone else’s choices. The immaturity of that spoke a lot. What 12 year old RP kid comes in, swinging his rights and his gay choices to a dad who told you he did not accept it? What sort of kid does that other than the usual gay queen kid who thinks the world centres around on him? You were lucky he took you back after that, most would have kicked your arse out and now, you friend a known kid troll and take him in to cause shit with other people? Then you took of bunch of slutty boys, who are just as equal to you… drama boi simps into Edenvale to create your own makeshift boi community on the free. You never even asked your family if that was ok, you took that as your right. News for you, not everyone LIKES or… Read more »
I am however so happy that your so fucking sad and salty you posted a whole story book on here just for me lmfao. Get a fucking life
Why do you respond to these second life losers they spend their entire lives on a dying game literally pointless getting anything through their thick skills
God you know fucking nothing its hilarious. The only person i know is ciel idk who the fuck all these people you keep mentioning. And you keep just spewing blantent lies! I did not get kicked from anywhere i left edenvale. Paris got in every fucking kids box i brought back to the sim and tryed to adopt them i did not bring anyone into the family hes a fucking child collector. This is clearly paris or milo just spewing and making shit up come with facts or dont come at all fucking loser. I could also sit here and spew bullshit all day but im not a worthless piece of shit like you are.
Well I can say I never took any boyfriend and his brother, the aunt and the fucking kitchen sink and expect my family to take them on when i had my brothers at home. I certainly never took any kid trolls to my parents house to fuck my family up either but I know a person who did. And you there telling me I am a worthless piece of shit? That’s a laugh. I will wait here and see who gets called out next week and so on, when I see it I hold you wholly responsible. That will be no surprise, Toby the Kid Troll Enabler… well done you 😛 Your new friends are so going to love you.
Only person you have beef with is people on the internet that probably caused you to go on some kind of delusional rampage this can’t be good for your mental health bruh,
Still need to seek help. 😉
You probably don’t have any friends either with that weird ass attitude and love lust for paris cocaine.
Also hiding behind emojis: “totally not mad”
What a poor excuse for a comeback, what is this narcissistic and poor double standard 4chan shit you spouting ? Nobody cares about beef on the internets, the internets is what you use to validate yourself with your “pedo soapbox” routine. Because without it and without this channel, you are fucking NOTHING !!! The Beef is not here, the issue is you being a cunt of the highest order. If you piss off, the beef is not here. So maybe just piss off? Just a random arsewipe with a power complex, its been shown over time, you really have never changed. Its to do with you, your simps, you abusing your simps and starting up issues with people constantly. Its about what went on before that and you fucking know what you did before you were booted. You can lie to people here, you can lie to your simps. You cannot lie to people who know better. Here is a suggestion… If you dislike kids, you should not be one. If you detest people who RP boys and who do not do what you want them to do (and cause a scene), you should be your anime self, stay in that environment and fuck them up. Not piss on an already fractured bunch of people and add your shittery to it. And that is why I told you to think again and get fucked. You are a narcissist, you are incapable of doing stopping yourself doing shitty things to people. If that is what you mean by friends as weak simps too scared of you and swallow every crap that flies out your mouth, then no thank you. I have friends who do not welcome that, you are on your own in that respects mate. I would not want them.… Read more »
Have you forgotten your posts before Pooootin showed up? You talking about others having a “love lust” for Paris is like a pot calling a kettle black. You’re so fixated on him, spending so much time posting about him you come across like a jilted ex lover. I count fourteen posts and excessive uses of the word “nonce” directed at Paris and his family. There are a lot more words in the dictionary you could use just so you’re aware, and “nonce” is hardly the most insulting word available.
“Nonce” haha, yeah that’s Colby talk . The word “Nonce” is a largely overused word in the UK and Australia, it is mostly overused in Aussie. Even that word is not used in the UK as much or if ever, as the word had been scrubbed by gutter press to keep the limited readers who read that shit. But it is a common termonology in Australia, which Ciel here seems to deny he is not from there. You are not from the UK mate, thats not a term we use here or have done in over 10 years. So he needs either a new story or another lame ass 4chan troll chest- pounding comeback where we are “mad at the Internets” when we really saying “No, we would just like you to go fuck off TYVM?” Easy to understand you would have thought but nope, this is Colby! Just a white, colonial attitude, bro-dude fuckwit with an asian wannabe complex that died from the late 2000s. I have news for you Ciel, there is nothing about you that’s Asian either, you don’t have the understanding of cultural expectations you try to emulate. If you had, you would not be the dick you being now, so just call yourself Jim-Bob, B.J or whatever Bogan name you want and live with it . That will suit you far better. Thats what I find hilarious, not content with being shown up here constantly, he still fights and scrabbles his way with his roady outback shit. Denying who he is. I have more fucking respect for him if he held his hands up and say ” fair cop, you have me. Fair do, I behave myself now. Tie me kangaroo down sport, tie me kangaroo down” Nope not Colby…habitual line stepper. Because he thinks… Read more »
Mentally unwell stlaker ^^ obvious paris loving pedophile too stay mad and seethe harder
Yes haha, funny that as soon as Tizzy arrives in Edenvale, the shit starts flying here. And you tell us and shy away from not being Colby, LOL mental case. Stalking sims like a fucked up ghost with nothing better to do. And you talk about unwell stalkers, Jesus you must have a lot of time on your hands to have time for that bullshit.
This is you, when you are kicked in the nuts for being a shit, you come here and cry about it. That’s no coincidence. You are the Paris obsessed pedo here, nobody else has talked about that more than you. Obvious you really pissed about it to even mention it so much, compulsive obsessive and a narcissist. You doing well for yourself. You are Nothing, that’s why you come here to bitch every Sunday haha. No anger, just showing you all up for how ridiculous you all are
Funny how it is that you and Theodore are the ONLY ones who came rushing to Paris’s aid as soon as everyone jumped on him HMMMM
I wonder why?
I never defended Paris, I said Ciel is as bad as Paris is and that no one in this whole thing is an angel. You’d know that if you stopped viewing the world solely through one eye.
Gee you change your names more then trump changes his mind on policies lmao you are truly one of those brainless peons that just want to defend online predators. It’s sad yet hilarious to be frank that you go out of your way to save your own kind but a the same time it makes sense. 😉
Use your other name bud. Also, the fact you guys think I’m either person when it’s obviously not proves how rent free these people live in your heads lol whoever they are.
Narcissistic TraitsTo be clinically diagnosed as having Narcissistic Personality Disorder, states that an individual must have 5 of 9 listed traits. These include: They lack empathy for others They believe that they are inherently more important than those around them They crave recognition for their inherent superiority They showcase extreme arrogance through their attitude and behaviour They are paranoid of others being too envious of them They have a natural sense of entitlement, believing that the world belongs to them They obsess over fantasies of power, love, and success They exploit others to fulfil their constant need for admiration and attention They believe that only other special people can understand them properly 4) Confusing OthersReal-world example: Gaslighting What you might have heard: “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” How they want you to feel: Uncertain of what you believe in and what you understand. They want you to question your reality and your perceptions, and in doing so, they want to further establish and reinforce their own opinions and desires. Covert narcissists love confusing other people. They love to see the self-doubt other people experience when their thoughts and perceptions are challenged wholeheartedly. By taking away a person’s ideological foundation, it makes it that much easier for a covert narcissist to exploit and manipulate them. Remember: covert narcissists only have a single goal, and that is to feed their own ego. They will do that by whatever means necessary, even (and most of the time especially) if it at the expense of people who care for them. 5) Emotionally InaccessibleReal-world example: Too Busy For You What you might have heard: “You’re too sensitive. Just get over it already.” How they want you to feel: That your emotions are a negative part of your psyche. They want you to feel that they are superior to… Read more »
Theo has always been Theo, get your story straight. Something you cannot do. Says you who changed his name from Anime is Lame and other various incarnations on here. Hypocrite as well as a Narcissist. Told you, you cannot hide. Your nose for causing drama gets you uncovered, you cannot help yourself. As for Trump, well haha… why you think I am called Pooootin on here?
You are fucking Trump obsessed, have been through all your incarnations. Another fuck-up you made, probably eat your cornflakes out of a fucking hand me down imported MAGA Hat too LOL
>Mentions trump cone
the mentality of it.
Mention the flying spaghetti monster once and you’re crazy lol. After all he is OUR president buddy.
What other name? You can’t just go to and from names, you’d know that if you were a regular here but you are just here to bitch and moan on this one secret (and probably gone by next week). Before you think I’m defending Paris, I’m not. Paris is an absolute basket case and he has a screw loose. I sometimes wonder who is crazier, Paris or your typical serial killer. That being said, Ciel is no better than him at all, and is every bit as fucked up.
Pretty easy to change names isn’t it pootin? 😉
You are the president of that shit ?
Hiding your anger behind emotes >totally not mad why project?
Oh you’re funny Paris, still claiming to be a live mix dj? You get all your shit from YouTube even the PIANO you clame to play live haha… Anyone that falls for your shit is stupider than you are.
…and nobody ever knew they befriended someone who was undercover collecting all the juicy details the whole time…got to love it!
Paris you’re a scummy pedophile and a scammer. Stop playing the victim card you lispy retard lol.. Now lets see what you say to this:
If this doesn’t say your ways around child avatars are somewhat strange i don’t know what is. Pedophile until proven innocent either way you’re still a pedo.
And leashing your ” partner ” while holding a child, you filthy mongrel
Where’s Edendale?
Fun fact, Edenvale is now known as ” Fraggle Rock Retaill Park & Residential Living. ”
Polish a turd its still a turd.
LMAO well, this is entertaining. Anyone else want popcorn?
Wow Paris ?
One warning after that am like a Dog with a Bone ?
Well, you DO have enough of them up your ass…… And come at me cause idgaf, I’m just calling it as I just saw it on this post and the one below.
I find it funny that 4 of these idiots (fuck if I care if that’s right) have jumped on here with the same stupid ass letters. You all are really stupid fucking inbreds to be THAT matchy matchy. LOL!
Oh please paris, what have you got on Anyone? going to make shit up again?
That’s my Bro! Love you ♥
How are your kids doing cricket? adopted any more after you neglected rose?
Says the person who got kicked out and had a massive cry over it.
Like a pedophile after kids in a playground nincecase
Hahahah you’re mentally unwell.
well guess someone beat me to exposing you Ciel Edlund (ciel0001) im not scared to hide behind a fake name as you took lindens for your new head you have , you took lindens for meshs to start to design clothes, you also took gatchas off people to sell them , you never gave nothing towards the sim you just took took took. You have the nerve to post on here like you are the innocent one but guess what I have screen shots to which can well and truly show why you and your brothers were booted from the sim do you want me to post about you and your so called brothers . If anyone wants these screen shots as we are into sharing the I guess Ciel as you did but you are the one thats making stuff up ,making drama thats not there whats the matter did mommy not pay you any attention this week or have you not been able to con anyone else out of lindens so if anyone want these screen shots please feel free to message me I will share them as its the done thing now am i right Ciel
You’re an idiot rose, the sim is only what, 18k a week? and he charges people stupid amounts to rent there, is a shit hole of a sim that changes more times than i change my undies, pick a theme and stick with it, no wonder everyone up and left. in fact paris changes guys quicker than he changes the sim.
Post it !!
Proof This is one of the nonces that ageplays with paris lol
Rose who the hell would believe your dumb ass? you literally just do everything Paris tells you to fucking do so he doesn’t throw you out like ALL of his other kids, it’s sad really you cry about how he just leaves you alone all the time but you need his approval so much you don’t even know who you are LOL. To protect a person calling someone an age player, when really he is the one throwing his children out because they wont fuck his child avatar makes you just as sick as him, everyone knows what Paris is and what he does, his town is fucking empty and he is going insane from all the bath salts he snorts. So enjoy your sinking ship little bitch we will see who is there for you when he finally throws your pathetic ass out too
Rose keep it like Paris said if this continues then post it all ?
I dont nonce ageplay with a virtual toodledoo avatar nonce like you do 🙂
nahh whodunnit he only age plays with boys he doesn’t even hold his daughters he loves his little boys. Just go to his sim he will be holding his son milo with his pants half down
hes a reverend you know? A man of god
*chokes on coffee* Man of god but will tell a sick person to go die and hates transsexuals, yet he is ” gay “? yeah ok bud.
Well am not one to jump to this page weekly but as it was brought to my attention i am going to say if this continues and they don’t ‘Fuck Off’ with their ”BULLSHIT” then i will take your advice and post the fucking lot on here.
Have a good day!
Go on, show them. Post it.
So shut the fuck up and do it. Damn.
You are the one that posts 90% of this shit, you even told ALL of us that you do.
BTW Nonce you have no evidence there are multiple people who know your shady activity around atonement and other places and your shady past using multiple sock names doesn’t change the fact that we know you’re a nonce case.
^ Paris/rose both predators and known nonces on SL
before calling anyone anything have you got proof I myself have just received the proof of you 3 boy child avatars seriously you 3 need to be ashamed and it is you 3 that are the predator’s on here
Grow up = Rose/paris using yet another sock name
Oh. Please share with the class. 😛
Lets see your real ID Fucking asshole Coward!
Ok mark, calm your tits ?
HAHAHAH Seethe hard nonce case proof posted for next week of you noncing the virtual toddler avatar 🙂
Come at me bro.
well guess your post Ciel Edlund (ciel0001) your secret its out lol guess you like them young n tender or is it the kids you go after are more appealing to you and your crew . People like you give SL a bad name go crawl back under the rock you came from and get a life and leave kid avi alone!!!!!
Stop using diff names pairs nonce.
Lets see who you really are. stop hiding and come out with your real name – Coward!
Paris your disgusting! Turn yourself in and admit to the shitty shit you’ve done! You bring the wrong image to the Mommy/Daddy/ Little Girl and Little boy community! DDLG MDLB and all these other groups of ppl are for 18+ not to go after actual lil boys, thats just being a pedo!
I honestly don’t think he even knows what DDLG/DDLB is.
Wait, you’re telling this person to use his real name?, you mean to tell us tour REAL name is paris fuck you cocaine? I mean, mark, come on, its just an sl name.
Awww you mad nonce?
Coward! no its all funny to see u lot hide
Funny to see you seethe over a website talking about you nonce case
Had a bit of a yawn with this lot, no context to any of them, the “ stitched heart? Doesn’t say who it’s for or from, the couple having sex? So? You jelly ? Who cares? You obviously. And as for you wanting her to be yours, good luck, maybe tell her how you feel?
So 12 is resending me the secret. They uploaded the wrong one. I’ll switch it out when I get it.
Blah blah blah blah.
See you all next week. lmao
The Usual
#9 Yes Sir! am watching ??????
I was just watching One of you.
The watchers are being Watched!
Really? Your bullshit is getting old!
So are the watchers, being watched? But then the people watching the watchers are also being watched which means there’s even more watching going on?
A whole lot of watching 😉
why u think gonna happen if u left the sim ? people get raped ?
They fear that they wont have anything to share here.
That their 15 seconds of fame will be gone.
Grow the fuck up!
#16 Sounds about right for that place.
Why not stick to the truth? This post above was Pure bullcrap and your answer you just feeding in to it. How about not letting some old sad hurt little man ruin a good place? All the shit that been about Atonement here hold no ground. It’s little sad hurt men that can’t pay and build a Great sim for the gay community them self. And for that they slander and lie about this place and it’s owners. Pathetic really!
#15 Hes from Atonement so this says it all
Stop throwing crap where it should not be thrown. Caz did nothing wrong!
#8 Is Codene Gay now? lol?
He has joined the Gay way…
Maybe? Apparently he can at least be fooled by a guy in a female avi- which means he has very little experience speaking with actual women. It’s highly unusual that anyone can fake being the other gender convincingly for very long, so either he’s not very bright and lacking experience, or he hopped right on “her” without enough time to get a feel for “her” personality.
TBH I don’t think men care all that much about RL gender. I had a RL friend who got “conned” by a guy ages ago. And all he said was, well if he was good at imitating being a woman, that’s fine by me. Have had SL friends who’ve said the same.
If a guy wants to get his fake dick wet, and a “woman” lets him have his way with “her”, he’ll do the deed. As long as he gets his fake dick wet. Losers, but that’s guys for you.
Calm down Paris, just mad you don’t have him, how long will your new partner stay there for this time?
I have no idea who the Fuck You are! But am not scared to use my real second life ID, and as for this Prick he can drop dead as far as am concerned i have no time for the likes of him.
Who’s dj maza? if you have your stream linked in your profile, wouldn’t you have your own info? https://gyazo.com/59cd2f0747176a05d893e9b5122439f0 . You’re such a fraud.
How about you use your Real name? Mark? Still scamming people out of their lindens in that shitty town? Maybe asked them to send the money to PayPal? Or is your husband paying for your sim? Does he know about all the guys you fuck in SL? What? Isn’t he a good enough root? Oh what happened to the guy you were dating and going to see in America, did your husband know about that? Still walking around children with your pants down around your ankles? You think you have dirt on everyone, you haven’t got shit on anyone, but trust me, there are a lot of people with a lot of dirt on you. You know what the old saying is right? Don’t throw stones at glass houses, because there is a lot of glass to break and it’s going to cause a lot of mess. Lucky for you we are not allowed to post RL stuff on here because trust me, you’re not as clean as you think you are.
bparibs? did you misspell spareribs? your name looks stupid, and having “fuck you” and “cocaine” in your name, doesn’t make you cool, tough or edgy, just kinda makes y’all look like a joke.
It is well past joke. I bet he is still going to “raves.”
REAL SECOND LIFE ID!!! lmao….god…Real >.<
Hey! I have my Real Second Life ID too, also got my Third Life ID somewhere I think.
This is coming from someone that has their ENTIRE squad on here, letters and all. XD
By squad you mean rose and kg right? Oh and crickett, don’t forget her.
Dude this guys fucking mentally unwell hahahaha you cant make this shit up average SL IQ.
#33 – she can do better ? a raccoon probably could too!
seriously who is it? she looks like every other person on the grid
Who can even tell who that is? Generic af; using lara petite chest doesn’t suddenly make you unique LOL
i agree!
You always sound so salty. Who hurt you? I know who this is just from following her flickr. Far from generic.
Well, I mean her husband was the person who posted it on his Flickr wasn’t he? He’s always cheating on her with other people, has a long history of gaslighting the girls he’s with and treating them horribly. He also ruins their careers on sl and their reps but they’re always supposedly the crazy exes right? Pretty sure he’s literal scum but even raccoons wouldn’t be into that stench he puts off. No one has to be jealous to say that she deserves better
You come to a site for gossip and you think gossip about strangers is “salty”? Aww.
Gossip all the way. Keep me entertained with your sad salty comments. I just said that you sound so salty…. always. Always ready to jump here on anyone that you don’t even know and you always do it in such a way so that you can feel a little superior. I personally think that you have nothing in RL and SL so you come here to forget that for 10 mins every Sunday and jump on everything and everyone 🙂 problem with that? Awww and don’t forget to tell me about all the happiness and things your RL holds for you and how I am a sad troll living in mom’s basement cause that’s what basic people like you would say now nah? And in case you now finally have the feeling that I don’t like you…awesome you finally got the hint. Good job 🙂
Nah, I don’t need to make shit up about people’s rl to have something to say; I’ve never had a single thought about you or your rl, and never will. I don’t dislike you; you’re nothing to me. You’re welcome for something to obsess about today though! I won’t remember you more than 10 seconds after the page is closed.
Y’all are stupid af!!!
Agreed! and so is the Owner of this page!
You post 90% of the shit on here paris, so you’re basically calling yourself stupid.
Djfaketale, rips all his music and “ piano “ playing from YouTube ,
Keep seething pedophile. Dont you have kids to go nonce up?
You’re pretty stupid for even coming here and commenting that.
If you don’t like it don’t read it, dumbass.
It’s the same shit but a different day.
I mean, look at that REAL SL ID name, of course they’re a dumbass!