Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 616.
34- His tattos are lame, why dont try to steal something good
really, are horrible
#26 I love it! Finally a creator with some humor. The poster needs a stick removed from their ass though
#13 As if DollsKill isn’t notorious for stealing art and clothing designs from anyone that quotes a commission price out of their ballpark… (which is any commission price)
#38 “hard to see with the lighting at equal” you fucking retard learn to turn off local lights, learn how to change wind light yourself. You’re dumb.
#18, you guys are dumbasses listening to fake posts from somebody, catwa didnt file the dmca against genus. they even said it themselves.
Because I can’t amend my previous comment, just gonna type it out here.
I saw a lot of vendors taking 1L BUT any single of them refunded me the 1L immediately. What tells me that the OP didn’t even tried … probably just bored and needed a reason to vent.
Woah, I’m gonna test this starting tomorrow. Because if it’s true then Doux got some explaining to do. As much as I hate age-playing like any other sane person in SL, this type of accusation requires PROOF. Show it next time. Just because the site says secret don’t mean the entries have to be a secret. Everyone likes a bit of drama. What the fuck you think any of us are doing here reading your filth? Who cares. People grab images off google to make shit in SL all the time. Is it right? No. But at the same time, who really gives a shit? I swear if I ever meet the creator of this trend, I’ll stab them in the neck with a dull fork. You picked a loser, get over it. It’s the alpha layer of the hair that causes the eyelash glitching. It happens with a lot of hair stores. Doux, Stealthic, even Truth. Nothing we can really do. Worst Sale Pitch Ever. Who even does that? XD So? Jealousy is ugly, even when it’s anonymous. Just saying, you look like a colossal cunt. I agree the one sided shading is a little weird, but just spare yourself the hassle and find another skin store. There are better ones. Yeeeeah, this edit is trash. Who leaves heart pose balls in their pictures? LOL You must be slow. SL creators copy/imitate RL creators all the time. It ain’t some new thing. If you’re waiting for a particular brand to come out with a specific type of hair, then you’re barking up the wrong tree by posting about it here. Tell Doux directly and don’t be a pussy about it. Also, I noticed they have styles you mentioned. Go to the fucking store. Skin creators that use morphing in… Read more »
The world has gotten that bad, that even the power rangers need to say ” Multicolored Power!!! “
[15.] I have no words for this one. I have a keen eye for photoshop and this morph is overly morphed so much that I don’t even know what to call it. Just because you can morph does not mean you should. This one only has a very small part of SL in it. Only the eyes, brows and nose are SL. THAT’S IT! They even used the mouth/lips from the RL picture. This morph is all RL except for eyes, nose and brows. How can this be a vendor ad when you can see NOTHING of the skin in the picture at all????? FFS!!!!

Are you using regular markup to format your text here?
#25 she is a blogger, she did her job like all the other bloggers in the same tattoo group with similar pics, there is nothing disrespectful. the tattoo is for free. so you shouldnt blame bloggers when they doing their job.
#30 – Vixens .. what can be said that hasnt been said before, about the fith time the club has come back now after roxy has kept rolling the sim back and deleting the patron groups. basically now has 10 plus known alts now parked in an empty club. like is that really what he wants, fake valour? sitting in a club of his own alts thinking hes important? honestly do you think people are going to trust someone thats fucked them over repeatingly in the past? give it up man!
#38 so change the windlight u fucking idiot
This is a good blog, happy every day
#1 – Holy shit, really? Almost worth checking out and make a list! #2 – Is this even real? Then again he does hang around creepy child avatars… #3 – Yawn. #4 – Show me anyone making tattoos in SL that is not using images from the internet. #5 – This secret is way too busy, what the fucking shit is this? #6 – Booo, we want blood! #7 – That’s what demos are for. #8 – What in the holy hell is this? I’m nodding off just looking at his picture… #9 – I don’t know what flag is this for, and I sure as shit not gonna look it up, let’s just say you are right. #10 – What, was someone boasting for having Flickr Pro? Doesn’t that just give some useless stats? #11 – How about you just don’t buy it??? #12 – That is a shitty picture, and what did you wanted to have answered in the comments? You don’t have to look at these, or follow her and she’s not obligated to answer to you… #13 – Every shoe in SL is copied from RL, welcome to the grid, you must be new. #14 – Well fuck, if he made that kinda hair you’d be crying cultural appropriation and trying to profit off other races, because he’s not making you are complaining he doesn’t make them, also 3rd secret on him this week, someone is pissy over something… #15 – Don’t buy it, that easy. #16 – Yawn, post the shit or stop making shit up. #17 – That is all the MCs in SL, took you this long to see that? #18 – Dun dun duuuuuun! #19 – Well she wouldn’t be the first woman in SL making a male alt to take pictures… Read more »
14- Umm doux does have a few hairs of theirs that have braids, dreads, and some loose curls. I guess you haven’t went to the store and actually looked? Or went to their flickr site to look. Please stop using BLM for some virtual reality shit. If there isn’t diversity in the store , stop supporting it and make your own damn hair.
16- Are you surprised? I’m not, half of SL is. I’m not saying it’s a good thing. Where do you think racist will hide at when they don’t wanna be confronted of their racism? ONLINE obviously and in their own homes.
24 – When you have people spout off the n-word and then saying ” all lives matter”. You might wanna question that. Or when you see someone with a confederate flag knowing what that stands for and then spouting off ” all lives matter.” they only believe their lives matter more then all lives. Nikki B might wanna “check ” herself. People who spout off all lives matter do it to counter BLM because they don’t wanna be confront with the truth that black lives don’t matter across the world. They are too damn scare to say ” white lives matter ” in public because they know they benefit from minority money In real life and in the virtual world. So ” all lives matter” makes it so they seem ” non-racist”
29 – So you wanna be famous for the genocide of Jewish people? Smh
39 – Unless it’s directly going to cancer research. Don’t donate.
7# i am more bothered his hair is flatter than paper when on the side. Only looks good from the front.
Yay more delusional pedo accusations how fun!
That whole concept is ridiculous and funny. Honestly who cares about aromantics. Sounds like a personal problem to me.
This whole conversation is balls. A flag for dick heads who don’t want romance is a stupid concept. Enough said.
#2 Although the secret is incorrect in some details, the rest has some truth in it. I take it the Panda is a reference to the PSE school? The Numbers were never involved with such links with opengrid sims as far as I know. That part will be linked to the usual half-baked guesswork/ hate of Anime on here. I wish he would stop that, a lot of the crap spouted is incorrect. At least know about things before talking about them or seen it. It is true Marcus was parking himself on various grids, shacking up with another son who roleplayed under 10 y and incidentally also who owned his own grid. Age Play was never assumed, although the kid had various bans for Age Play reports. So I would not be surprised either way. The same kid was also very well known for stealing various kids clothing and body creator items to sequester into other grids. The disingenuous part is that Marcus had a big dealing with the Numbers in the past; he also championed one through his Youngstar pageant. Where I find it distasteful was the deception going on there. If you are to take another kid on in another grid; at least do the honourable thing and NOT not take on the person who copy-botted SL kid clothing and bodies from the people he spent years championing and won his Youngster pageant. Worse still, who also copybotted content from his own children’s stores. I have no idea on the grid the poster is on about, seems a useless secret to me without naming where. It does give you an insight into how corrupt things are, especially when they have dealings with the world of SL kids all too frequently and through people that should… Read more »
Yeah I assumed that marcus was fucking the winners the of the youngstar pageants. In order to win I think you must fuck him prior and they do it on another grid to avoid being banned in SL.
Could he not be doing both? If you’re Marcus you aren’t setting the bar very high
What about the crab people? I am sure they’re involved in all of this as well.
Here is some real talk. Pride’s origins are the days of protest marches following the riots at Stonewall. I am sorry, but when have aromantics been shot at, murdered, fired from jobs, clubs raided ECT? Where is the violence taking place for aromantics? Reddit? With Corona most Pride activities are cancelled and are returning to their GLF roots marching for BLM, and you are whining about merch? FFS
Are you that dumb? Aromantics can be homosexual or bisexual or transgender or asexual too. All those have faced discrimination, violence, and hatred. So.. you’re saying only alloromantic queer people count then?
Let me break this down for you Kid, because you are too stupid to understand how social movements work. They are coalitions and a push back to oppressive systems of power. So people experiencing every day state violence, employment discrimination, the list goes on. It is not a fight for more merchandise. What do we want? More ugly flag crap! When do we want it? Sometimes in June!
Aromantics and asexuals are not under attack, the examples your state are people facing violence for being queer and trans, not for being aromantic. The current power structure has literally no interesting in policing aromatic or asexual people. No one faces barriers to employment, housing or healthcare due to aromantic statuses. In fact historically the state has forced asexually on those deemed undesirables ie castrations, drug treatments, lobotomies, forced sterilizations.
There have been many many subgroups in the past demanding inclusion in Pride, like NAMBLA. They have a flag and feel like they need visibility too. It is pretty difficult to politcally organize around “man – boy love,” they try though. So what exactly are aromatics politically organizing around? Right now it is just whining about not having a flag flown and not having merch which sounds like some hyper consumer petty bullshit given what is going on politically in the USA. Whining “you just don’t get ussssssss” sounds like some teenager yelling in their bedroom. No I get it, I just fail to see how a personality trait is a cause for political mobilization.
The fact that you’re here attacking them shows exactly what kind discrimination asexual and aromantic people face. Take your exclusionist ass and yeet it off the nearest pride float. We don’t need people like you.
On This Day in Aromatic History: 1997- Barb Tamworth went to work. A coworker asked her out after work,she said no and went home.
More like: On this date in 1995, an aromantic/asexual teenager got bullied by classmates and asked if she/he was into animals instead of humans since she/he was the only person in the whole school who didn’t care about dating/sex.
There may not be widespread discrimination, but especially for teens and tweens, there’s hostility.
Waits for a statement on zoophilia inclusion. Anyways, unless this hypothetical school has four students there is a good chance that great deal of students aren’t particularly obessed with sex and dating.
Basically, let me break down what you said:
“I, Marcuse, am an exclusionist. Only allosexual alloromantic queer people count and can experience oppression. I brought up pedophiles because I enjoy using buzz words, even though asexuality and aromantism are not in any way comparable with NAMBLA. If you are aromantic or asexual, you have never been hurt because of that part of your identity. Corrective rape and the violence, hatred, bullying, invalidation, and discrimination queer asexuals and queer aromantics face is not real. I am happy to call aromantic homosexuals and aromantic asexual transwomen ‘teenagers yelling in their bedrooms’ and eliminate any struggles they face because I, Marcuse, do not understand how romantic attraction and sexual attraction work. This is proven by the fact that I believe asexuality can and was forced on people via sterilizations and other gruesome acts instead of the reality that it’s something people are born as and also by the fact I believe it is a personality trait that is chosen. I am a gatekeeper and I get to decide who is really queer.”
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. My work is done. Happy Pride.
I am not sure you know what buzzwords are. Gatekeepers and exclusionist are two, pedophile is not… unless you live in a sl bubble. If you bothered to spend 35 seconds on google, you would know the NAMBLA inclusion debate happened, it is an example of inclusion for the sake of it. What you are doing is demanding a CENTERING, vs just inclusion. They are different. At this moment with everything going on, it is tone deaf. A heterosexual,white aromantic does not face any systematic oppression, zero. A gay white aromantic faces zero discrimination from his aromantic status. This is where you are putting your energy in a time where people are demanding Pride focuses on pocs and state violence against pocs. You further showcase your cluelessness by somehow denying that chemical castrations, lobotomies, forced sterilizations and FGMs, were perpetuated by the state against queer and pocs. It happened, it still is happening. Break out of your bubble for one second.
I’m just laughing that there is even an aromantic flag. No one discriminated against it so what, they feel so left out that make themselves a flag???? Hahahaha my god what people do for attention these days.
I bet you’re the kind of asshole who laughs at the trans flag or thinks that pansexuality is stupid because they’re just bi. You can fuck right off.
Alright, you’ve had some valid things to say, but this is asinine. If you have to make shit up to respond to someone, you should just not do it. Marcuse specifically mentioned people who are victims of violence, and everyone who cares about this cause knows that Trans people are among the most frequent victims of violence per capita just based on them being trans, so there is literally no reason to assume he has a problem with the Trans flag. You pulled that bit about pansexuality right out of your ass, too, and this is coming from an actual pansexual. If you can’t rebut exactly what someone says, learn to shut the fuck up.
Are you new to the whole ‘LGBT’ nonsense? They all hate each other. Straight people support them more than they support themselves. I can list more gay people who think transgender people are disgusting than straight people, more lesbians that hate gay men, and more lesbians and gay people, who will actually band together, to shame bisexual people.
A flag fixes nothing. Why are you so triggered?
Thank you!
#35 We know its Kimbella Rambling. Hire more people or give your current managers more rights to take care of your sim while you are gone 2 weeks at a time. Your sim is dead because of you only. You had people ready to start RP at your place but you failed to capitalize on it. HavenWood Community will never be worth anyone’s time.
@ #22 I have known Lori for a long time now… And I was really sad to see somebody attacking this fledgling store for the stupidest reason possible…. Lori is an amazing person would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it, for someone to attack them over 1L gift that they’re too stupid to realize will be refunded to them. this is why a lot of creators stop creating in second life because when they’re new and they’re just starting you people attacked them for no damn reason, & force them to quit…
you decided to Target them because you weren’t happy but instead of complaining to the person directly like a normal person… you want to throw some dirty secret up online and act like a keyboard warrior, solving nothing.. get some f****** guts and message the Creator with your problem….. this is what’s wrong with virtual secrets every moron that can find the site can say anything they want… From the anonymity of a meme. most of the people that post here are too spineless to do a direct confrontation… Therefore never getting the issue solved.
This website reminds me of Trumps Twitter feed….. It sows nothing but hatred, and that’s not what our digital world or real world needs right now…..
Not gonna lie. At first glance at the name of the flag on #9 I thought “some sort of nose thing?” Cause AROMAntic. Then I read the description. To which I embrace you. ?. But I still felt very silly at first glance-assumption. Guessing it’s another sign I am old as dirt.
Looking it up because I would rather learn directly than get second hand knowledge.
More info: https://www.yourtango.com/2018318788/what-does-aromantic-mean-aromantic-meaning-and-13-signs-you-are-one
How is laughing at someones lifestyle funny? We like things on our bodies, our walls, our facebook pages, etc to iconize what we represent or believe in.
However, instead of complaining into the void, why not enlighten and create awareness? Contact a creator and ask about inclusivity? Surely someone can whip up a T-shirt, a flag or other doohickey of desire.
Again instead of losing your mind that someone does not understand you based on minimal info and understanding, get off your offended high horse and introduce yourself.
Thanks! I learned something new today!
#1 actually its not alts its people thinking they can go there to hit on girls/boys
It represents the inability to experience romantic attraction.
No one in the secret asked Pride vendors to show them romantic attraction or even used the word ‘love’.
Can I offer you a cast since your arm broke from the reach you made for that joke?
I think you missed the mark here A kid. Pride supporting vendors are not selling items to represent romance or love. It represents who you are as a person. When a joke is made at someone else’s expense the words are not longer funny
Let me introduce you to the split attraction model, or SAM. Split attraction means that a person can be sexually attracted one way and feel romantic attraction in a different way. Like someone might be bisexual but only feel romantic attraction towards members of the same sex. They’re bisexual and homoromantic. For many people, their sexual and romantic orientations are the same so they don’t need to distinguish, but for those of us whose attraction isn’t entirely in line on both sides, we need to specify who we’re attracted to. Romantic attraction is a part of your identity, just like gender and sexual attraction are. Saying that romantic attraction isn’t part of who you are as a person is silly beyond words.
I think you need to direct that at anon who was making a joke about “aromantics wanting ‘love’ from Pride vendors’.
Wow, that’s an asshole thing to say and shows absolutely no understanding of what aromanticism is. You can fuck right off with that attitude.
#7 Or you could update your head to BOM and rarely have that problem. I promise it’s not hard to do and will make your life much easier.
#8 Oh that’s where Rio went.
#13 Dollskill steals designs and over charges, get past it.
#17 All SL MCs are full of racist old people who wish they were interesting and bad ass
15. Raonhausen doesn’t just morph their ads. They literally RIP the skin off the image reference and edit it to blend with a base on SL. They have been called out on this several times but they don’t give a fuck and still get invited back to several events. Disgusting.
28. This is a known issue with Pseudo. They look good on the ad and all but the lousy rigging is tragic. Keep your money, support brands who actually care about what they put out.
This is a tea-licious week! #5: Sooo tired now of this face app especially when it’s on every damn photo you do AND it looks ugly AF on some avatars, y’all need to relax. #7: The eyelash thing happens with all brands that use alpha. If you want that natural feathered gawgeous hair and not stiff sculpted anime clump hair, alphas are needed and they glitch with lashes. That’s why “prim lashes” because popular back in the day. Those were fun but looked like spiders at distance lol. #8: Tell you what I have to offer if you pick me? Lmao, gross. I offer you the bird. #11: I agree and it’s not just this brand, I find it so distracting. 🙁 #13: Ay that’s pretty blatant lol. I didn’t buy these shoes but I considered it for a hot sec. #14: Doux released 3 ethnic hair styles just a month ago that the grid lost it’s shit over, where you been, under a rock? #15: That ain’t just a morph, that is literally the entire model’s face made into a skin, this is fucked. #20: Agreed more Black owned / Black culture stores in FLF would be nice, to that end considering going to the StandForJustice sim and nominating some Black owned stores in the area provided to bring more awareness to them. Same owner as FLF. #25: Nasty D: #31: My gay ass never heard of your store so it probably ain’t shit. 😛 #39: OHHHHH ok so now that we have all seen your ginormous ugly eye sore of a sign that obscured the view of other walkers and had a shitty passive aggressive message “the REAL cure” get the fuck off your high horse you’re 100% in the wrong. I thought you had a cute… Read more »
General Thoughts for this weeks Tea: General complaints about creators not making what you like, fits, etc. *Get a demo. Always. Do not like the fit, color, style. Do not buy it. *Creators owe you nothing other than the item you paid for. Again, see above. *Creators are not obligated to customize anything to your liking or preferences or timing. If you actually know creators, you will understand they have RL first, creating may not be their primary goal or they may be new at the process. Heck, they may be shit. But like RL, if you admire the talent of a creator/designer but are interested in something different, FFS, do not be an asshole. Read the creator profile to see if they take suggestions or custom work. If the answer is NO be a damn adult about it. Creators who are struggling and want to stay in business will adapt, creator, and market items to meet their business GOALS, not your ego. That is how business works. To people looking for the SL Love of their life. (Referring to #8) I love when people hold their hand out with their needs asking people to OFFER them love, but do not have anything to offer themselves. Ladies and Gents, date smarter. If you get miffed a guy “uses you for free” ask yourself-what payment were you expecting? Most people in SL are socially dysfunctional stuck in unhappy situations and do not know how to function in social situations long term. Most people in SL are looking to get off anyway. Buyer beware when it comes to dealing with some of these so called commitments. #20 Perhaps approach those stores directly and ask why they do not participate in FLF? Going direct to the source can provide… Read more »
I’d like to personally thank Nikki.Mathieson#2904 for her display of professionalism.
Why would this change your perspective though? In the original content posted, it was noted that a board promoting the cancer foundation was being worn. Kess even responded to a comment in that thread –
“My guess was, in reading over the story carefully and talking to the submitter, was that their board advertised another foundation that did cancer research. When posed the question, “if you were asked to remove the board because of the url would you have?” And they answered yes. Unfortunately they weren’t given any guidance on the matter or an answer. Hope that helps.”
No one tried to dupe readers on what transpired. ACS people were reactionary, were not forthcoming, and showed zero interest. So what has changed?
Nothing. I genuinely had not thought about this being offensive when I did it. It was a very spur of the moment idea and I wholly expected that ACS would have donated to Dr. Green by now.
I actually contacted both organizations. I asked point blank questions. ACS to date, has not given research money to Dr. Green. But now, I can see why. ACS’ time is almost up. Why would they want a cure when they make BILLIONS of dollars getting people to chase for a cure that never seems to come to fruition? I had given money to ACS – I will not give them any more. I choose to put my money on the intelligent physicist who is working hard to get donations for human trials.
A 15 minute treatment that eradicates cancer cells in your body. Affordable. No joke, she created it.
Yes please, let’s keep stirring this pot, I think its worth it.
You asked : Why would this change your perspective though?
I believe I explained why I changed my mind. Going to simply for it you.
Continue to stir pot in appropriate venues and in effective outlets. THEY do exist in SL. I agree that we need intervention for effective cancer treatments. Let that sink in. I agree with YOU on your cause.
It was not appropriate to go to a fundraising event that you disagree with and solicit towards another organization.
Do I agree with RFL/ACS practices in SL? No, I do not agree with the business side of things. There are far more effective ways to financially support cancer research and treatments.
Having lost people to cancer and being high risk myself I want to explore every avenue possible to win the fight. This does not make me self entitled to do whatever and wherever I want.
“It was not appropriate to go to a fundraising event that you disagree with and solicit towards another organization.”
For the record – I didn’t go there with that in mind. I stated that a few times – I even donated at the event.
But the results of what occurred, did in fact change my mind about them and their practices. At the very least, this brought attention to them and caused people to talk – even if initially unintended.
I am not one to really get involved in things, but I am sick of this real life stuff spilling over into everything. I am not racist, but by the terms posted today I would be. I live in a mixed race home. I have dated african americans. I can assure you, none of us are in support of the massive stupidity going on right now. Trying to change history because what? Tired of actually putting in some work? There are more races then just the blacks that have problems. More races that have a dark history. A darker history in some cases, but which one is the one always complaining? You realize your ancestors would be disgusted in you, right? This is not what they worked for. Yes, an innocent man was harmed. Yes, it’s happened before, but do you realize how many jew churches burn? How many of them are harmed? Do you see them acting like this? No. Do you see other races acting like this? No. All lives do matter, yes. So stop acting like you are better then everyone else. Start trying to act like a damn team. Start actually trying to make an effort into the world. Nothing will just be handed over? We all work our butts off everyday. We all deal with racial slurs and uncalled for harm. We all deal with our own demons. I know this won’t be taken very well, but seriously. Stop and think. If your ancestors were here today and saw you, saw the damage, saw your worth ethnics, saw what you’ve done with yourselves. Do you think they would be proud? Now try to answer without a clouded mind. Answer thinking about the world and not your own personal feelings. Learn to love each other and… Read more »
I am not racist but —
Why does anyone say this, though? It just tells everyone that they’re a racist, because people who aren’t racist don’t have to run around trying to convince people that they’re not. Also, the stuff following the ‘but’ is always racist as fuck. Nobody who actually gave a shit about anti-semitism, or indeed had half a clue what they were talking about, would ever invent a term like ‘jew church’. jew. church. I can’t.
It’s not being taken well because it’s gross and wrong and terrible. How dare you presume to speak for the ancestors of oppressed people? And no, white people do not deal with racial slurs every day, you’re cracked. Have you even looked at crime stats and compared Jewish death by cop to Black death by cop? If you were Black irl I would drink my own piss, lol.
The protests aren’t about violence, they’re about being heard.
WWII ring a bell? A cop gets shot by trying to stop an armed robery or a standard traffic stop and no one batts an eyelid, a cop kills a black man with medical issues and the whole world bings back the past history of over 220 years of slavery, riot, damaging innocent peoples property and killing Innocent police for doing their jobs to keep the ” good ” people safe, to keep you all safe. Stop branding everyone with the same tag just because there are a few rotten apples, or better yet, next time you need help, don’t call the police.
“And no, white people do not deal with racial slurs every day, you’re cracked.”
Lmao. Alright. White people don’t suffer, have never suffered, and have no racist names against them. No one is oppressed. Black people can do everything white people can. Forgot about Obama already, I see. One of the richest women in the world is black.
A black person is killed in the riots, talked about for weeks. What about that white man who was killed? Not a single word. What about that Chinese lady? Nothing.
You are racist. Do not deny it. You are racist against white people. Fix your own attitude. I admit I myself am racist, transphobic, whatever else you want to heap on. I hate people. I, however, do not hate them because they’re black or a different skin colour. You are trying to fix racism against black people only, not everyone. All Lives Matter is a protest to a protest, I get that, but not only black people suffer. I know more white people below the wage line than anyone else.
Also, the people rioting are lo longer getting their voices heard for the right thing. They are terrorising shit. They are causing damage, ruining their own communities. If that is how black people want to be heard via smashing things, looting, injuring people, and setting fire to buildings, then I have no words. Innocent police officers are getting targetted for no reason. Cops who have been ideal police officers all their lives are getting abused. The guy who killed that black dude was not racist, he was a dick. He did it to many people, white, black, Asian.
Of course you know more poor white people, you fucking idiot; black people are only 14% of the US population. And yet despite that, they are arrested, convicted, and sent to prison at a rate many times that of white people PER CAPITA- not because white people aren’t criminals, either. There are no innocent officers when they close ranks to hide wrongdoing for other cops. Any police officer who hides another officer’s crime or looks the other way is just as culpable as the perpetrator. Those people are paid and equipped with taxpayer dollars to uphold the law, and they’re not being held accountable for their own criminal activity. That’s what should be pissing you off, even if you don’t have the capacity to care about the race issue. Imagine you hired a housekeeper and all they did all day was make a mess in your kitchen and shoot your dog, then expect to get paid- that’s pretty much all the cops are right now, literally. Just the fact that you had to point out our ONE black president out of over 40- who was treated with massive disrespect through both his terms, his family constantly attacked when they were definitely the most wholesome one we’ve had in my lifetime- makes you look like an imbecile. Sure, Oprah is mad wealthy… how many other members of the 1% are black? It’s baffling how you can’t see what a racist- an old school, super ignorant racist at that- you sound like saying that because 1 lone person beat all the odds, those odds don’t exist. I already addressed the uselessness of “slurs” that make fun of advantages; let me put it another way, since you’re obviously not very bright. No one ever hung a sign on a business… Read more »
“Of course you know more poor white people, you fucking idiot; black people are only 14% of the US population.” Stop assuming things. I may not be American, but I grew up in one of the most racist countries known… well, not the most, but one of. My entire street as a child was full of darker skinned people. A street over was full of Asians. My entire area was known as the ‘poor’ area, the trashy area, what Americans would call a hood. “And yet despite that, they are arrested, convicted, and sent to prison at a rate many times that of white people PER CAPITA- not because white people aren’t criminals, either.” No, because of the gang culture that Americans seem to have. Getting a gun is easier than taking a piss. Both the black people that were killed recently had criminal convictions. Also, prisons are full of white people and Mexicans. Have you ever seen a jail outside of a movie? There are no innocent officers when they close ranks to hide wrongdoing for other cops. Any police officer who hides another officer’s crime or looks the other way is just as culpable as the perpetrator.” This mind-set is an issue. There are innocent cops. You just live in a country where everyone has a gun and the officer has to spend each waking moment fearing for their life. England has black people, how often do you see them shot? Australia has black people, how often do you see them shot? The issue is not racism, it is your backwards country and the laws allowing everyone, their child, and each of their fingers to have a gun. “Those people are paid and equipped with taxpayer dollars to uphold the law, and they’re not being held accountable for… Read more »
You only needed to say one thing to prove you are retarded- “white people ended slavery” LMAO
It shouldn’t have ever existed? It only did in the US because of white people? And they’re supposed to get credit for ending it?!? Like wow, you literally could not be a more worthless waste of life.
I’m so glad you’re obviously an incel and will never get a chance to breed.
white people dont deal with racial slurs are you serious right now ? come on it might not be on the media to keep you update on what white people go threw but other races do too .. the only reason WHY you hear about its not broadcast on natonial news .once something happen to a black person the whole world stops . and why is that . its cause they get more rating on it . which is really sad annonymous has a piont . if our past would see us now acting like complete idots . they would say why did i did my life they way i did .. so it can be made fun or destroyed . smh . hate to see whats happens next year we will be lucky if we get to do anything with this corona shit. thats what you should be worrying about .
Oof relax Karen. I’m so sorry you were offended because someone called you a flaky bland tasting food item. Jesus, get your privilege into perspective.
hmm wow you really got me rofl
Of course the “slurs” exist, moron. But being made fun of for being white is like being made fun of for being rich, or thin- doesn’t have very much sting unless you are actually a whiny little bitch, since those things are all advantages in society. They have also never been used to systematically oppress white people. Not the same, and acting like they are is idiotic.
I agree people should worry about corona, but most of us actually have the ability to care about many things at the same time. Sorry about your limitations.
hmm wow this person knows how to type.. wow ty
Nobody’s saying all lives don’t matter.
What’s being said is HOW can all lives matter until all races have a level playing field.
I know right lol they’re ranting about how changes are happening and racism is coming to and end, yet at the antifa garden they have signs saying “food for blacks and indigenous only” and they’re discussing racial segregation. These people who claim they are for “ending racism” are some of the biggest racists at all. They have no interest in unity or equality, they want what any extreme group wants, and that’s special treatment for who they want. This is nothing more than a movement to restrict the freedoms of the people, incite further racial issues, and waste yet even more tax payer money.
What worries me, is that the far right groups are emboldened by these actions. More people will listen to them, they are driving people to their cause. This will only create civil war, many people will die. This is not the way to peace, or happiness,
They should focus on their own lives and what good they mbring to this world. Talk to people and ask questions, rather than make assumptions and spew anger and judgement upon them. Put effort into doing the things you can do to make the world better. Check in with yourself to make sure you are taking responsibility for the things you do in life, good or bad.
Just be aware that whatever side you are on, it’s an extremist point of view and you are both different sides of the same coin. Most understand the far right is racist and destructive, and that the far left is racist and destructive. The narrative needs to change and people need to stop being so tribalistic with their politics. Their language mimics that of religious extremists.
Have a great day. ?
Racism is not coming to an end. Racism in many races and groups has risen in numbers. Sorry burst the bubble, but what is happening now? Is doing more dividing than uniting or helping anyone.Many need to stop feeding and relying on media so much and do their own research. Most of the “innocent” were not in the least innocent. Blacks are NOT the most killed or even arrested in the US by cops. Racism does not in fact kill and terrorize blacks more than anything else. Blacks are not less able to get better jobs or education. White men specifically are killed more by cops than anyone else. Blacks kill more blacks than anyone else. There are more loans, grants and programs for blacks to improve them self, pay for college, start first time business, become first time home owners etc than any other race, specifically ONLY they can apply for and receive. There are minority laws that state a company must hire a percentage number of minority even if non-minority is more qualified.Why does it seem blacks are not getting as many bail releases? Blacks have the highest number of repeated violent crimes. Repeated offense and nature of offense effect bail and jail/prison time. History is being erased, removed and taken down to be forgotten because it’s “offensive” yet if we ignore history we are repeating it. Do you really think that going on rampage screaming racism while attacking everyone not your race is not racism itself? Do you really think screaming innocent on violent criminals and ignoring the rest of the facts just because of their color is not racism as well? At current times well actually for the last several yrs or more there has been more racism coming from the black community towards… Read more »
#29 – Comparing someone’s freedom of speech to the atrocities of what Hitler did under the Nazi regime? How offensive can you be to Jews or any ethnicity that was killed in the holocaust? I mean seriously. Just by you submitting this I can tell you don’t know ANYTHING about the holocaust. What it means, what it still means and how this world was affected by it. More than likely you are young and dumb. Is this voluntary mental retardation on your part? Do you know who the Angel of Death is from that time period? Do you know about the twin experiments with the eyes? Do you know that one of the Angel of Deaths assistant was a Jew, that was forced to boil some bodies after death for medical comparison? Do you know that some of the starved prisoners in that area smelled the pot cooking and rush to it grabbing pieces of “meat” to eat? Do you know of the babies that were throw into the air alive by soldiers so they could shoot them like a clay shot? Do you know of the babies who were throw alive into pens, to be ripped apart by the SS dogs? Oh by the way they did that in front of the mothers. They made the mothers watch. But in your mind that person’s comments are a good comparison to what Hitler did. You should really be ashamed at yourself. There is nothing in this world that will EVER compare to Hitler. Let that be your starting point. Also FYI, if you are making these kind of comparisons there is a high chance you don’t know anything else about history. There is no excuse to be this stupid. Also here is a book for you to… Read more »
Yeah creator of #29 is uneducated. There are very few things in this world that can compare to what hitler did as a whole.
M’kay, so Doux is overrated and overworn, but that “glitch” with your eyelashes is going to happen with literally any alpha hair that hangs in your face that closely. It has nothing to do with the creator or their quality; alpha conflict is just part of SL. Every other creator making alpha hairs has the same issue; Stealthic handles it by rarely making hair that hangs in your face, Sintiklia and Truth handle it by offering separate, editable bangs attachments as an option. You can resolve the issue yourself by finding an eyelash applier that looks good in mask mode- they’re not common, but they exist. Think thin separate lashes, not thick voluminous styles.
As far as Not Found skins go, I’ll say it again- they look like shit because they are literally photographs distorted into skin templates and tinted to match Skinnery body skins. I tried every single demo they made for my head once and was just disgusted at the absolutely garbage quality.They’re not drawing that shadow on half the face- it was just part of the photo. Take a close look around the eyes and nose holes and you’ll see more glaring lack of quality. Eyelashes on the skin, because again- it’s a photo- and if you find any skins that actually line up at the nostrils it’s a miracle. They’re not the only ones doing it, either… demand original work in your skins, people. Don’t buy this trash just because they’re a couple hundred Ls cheaper. Higher quality skins are worth the price.
I like the way suddenly BLM is so promoted. Smells of social justice warrior trendiness, sadly, not the valid ethical issue. All lives should matter, black, pink, green, purple…. not racism to want everyone to have a chance.
you are right human stuff ..all lives do matter but what’s sad when others don’t see that. only what the media puts out and its the media fault for making people that way aways targeting one color and not all. and what’s sadder is it took our focus off corona where now the number will go higher
What? It’s the media’s fault for making people target one color? Wtf is going through your mind? No it’s not the media’s fault and in fact, I think the opposite might be true that because of mainstream media, racism wasn’t focused on as a systemic issue bur rather as a one off issue every time it happened.
You can tell the real racists because they actually believe there’s more racism now than there was before, when the real difference is that most people have a video camera in their pocket now and the ability to remotely upload footage so it can’t be destroyed by police before we see it. There was never any less racism- it’s just in our faces now, and the people that have a problem with having to see it instead of the actual issue are garbage.
Nah, purple lives don’t matter. Orange ones don’t either.
As a white woman in the US, I don’t have any fear that I will be shot when I get stopped by the police. Any white person in the US who claims they do have that fear, without being involved in any kind of organized or violent crime or literally attacking the police themselves, is being facetious. I can allow my son to go places at night wearing a hoodie and not worry a cop is going to shoot him for reaching for his phone. This is something black mothers of sons can’t do. I recognize my privilege. Those who don’t, preferring to try to engage in some kind of dumbfuck victim Olympics, are pathetic.
“All Lives Matter” is like ripping the chemo treatment out of a dying child’s IV to give to another and saying “But All Children Matter”.
If the child is already dying, what good will it do except for prolonging the suffering? If the child will always die, why not give it to someone else who has a chance.
God forbid we try to save someone with cancer or give them a little longer, right? If someone is dying we can save them – ya know that right?
So basically in the context of this discussion since what I said was an allegory and not meant to be a literal reality – what you implied was “If PoC are dying what good does it do to prolong their suffering? If PoC will always face violence at the hands of cops, why not care about some other race who won’t”
You said dying child. Do not backtrack now you look silly. You said dying, not sick, which implies the child would die whether they had the IV or not.
How about we not talk about kids dying from fucking cancer?
Saying Black Lives Matter is /not/ saying that other lives don’t matter. It’s saying that black lives are particularly endangered because of systematic racism towards black people. Shouting about ‘all lives matter’ is like spraying your own house with water when your neighbor’s house is on fire. Spray the damn fire. Support the people who are actively being murdered and discriminated against for the color of their skin. Make it clear that they do matter, because the message in our culture is that they don’t.
Except they are not. They kill them self more than anyone kills them. They are not the most arrested or killed by the cops. They have the most help programs and priority laws to protect them. More funding specific only to them for education and self improvement. Laws to protect and force are hired.90% of the deaths have happened was not even about color of skin, it was shitty ass cops dealing with shitty ass criminals.
Okay, Regarding #22 since people seem to be jumping the gun.
After being notified that my store was listed on this page, i decided to monitor it to see the comments, however to the person titled “Mystery Shopper” I will comment on this.
The stay at home gift is infact Free, It is set to 1L$ as Caspervend wont let me set it to 0L$, however when delivery is completed, It will send you your 1L$ Back.
Another reason that I have done it through my Caspervend is so that way people can get a redelivery in case that someone deletes it.
IF for whatever reason you don’t get your 1L$ back, please send me a NC with your name and i will happily check my logs to see if it got paid back, and if it doesn’t, I will happily send one back, 1L$ ain’t gonna break the bank.
the fact that I have done this out of the kindness of my heart, and changed it multiple times for those so people can get new stuff during this difficult lockdown period.
Another thing is, it states on the Stay At Home website exactly this:
“Please note, some vendor systems will ask for a payment of 1L$ which will be refunded after purchase.” (Visual Evidence) > https://gyazo.com/caaac5b1bef709b19d54d86758faa202
The fact that I have been accused of being greedy, i find highly hilarious on the fact that, who’s the one complaining about 1L$?
So before you decide to target someone, Please get your facts right as well as test these Vendors just so you could of seen that You would have gotten your 1L$ Back.
Owner of [L.T] Lori’s Threads
I wouldn’t worry about someone who spells meant as ment and worries about 1L$. Can’t imagine them being not trash at pretty much everything in life.
I heart Doux ❤️
You may love them but for those of us who try to use proportionate attributes on our avi’s, Doux’s small, medium and large fits are all the same fucking size. And if I want to use it I have to shrink my tits down because it glitches into them.
Or don’t be a dumbass and know the L M S refers to the head shaping not the tit size? The tit size is rigged to NORMAL shape tit bodies that follow the system body type. Not FREYA rocket ass tits.
#22 about time someone outed this store, for greed. they obviously don’t know what the word FREE means on more then 1 ocassion i have noticed ‘Free’ gifts but charge, but i guess some people are always going to take advantage of other peoples fortune. i think its now time people boycott this store, so the owner actually gets the message.
Seriously, you just come off as being salty here. I love to break the news to you that she’s not the only one who has their gift set up in a Caspervend. There are a few other stores/shops, who have their gifts in the system and have the 1L charge on it, since the system will not allow a 0L transaction. Since you do get the 1L back and you are out literally no money, that means it is free, you dumbass.
Is 1L is really that much money that it is just going to break the bank?
Have you done the math? Shall i do it for you?
Assuming that one USD equals 260L – you’re paying .038 cents for the item. If you can’t afford that – you shouldn’t be playing in SL – full stop.
I’m so tired of people bitching about paying 1L for an item – be it a demo or a gift.
I have multiple avatars but only one premium account that has payment information attached to it. I PREFER it when an item is set up to purchase on the MP as 1L because then I can send it to my alt without having to log in and log out and log in and log out and log in and log out and you get the idea.
Yes – I have a bunch of alts and the people I’m friends with in SL also have a bunch of alts because making pixeldollies is tons of fun.
TLDR? You’re a butthead, Mystery Shopper.
Why do you need multiple accounts to make different “pixeldollies” when you can save literally every detail of your avi in an outfit and change completely with a couple of clicks? Much faster than logging out and in under a different name… almost like that’s the real point. At least the missing payment info is a pretty glaring giveaway for anyone being fooled.
I’m not trying to fool anyone – I like having different names for my avatars – sometimes I get inspiration from a new name – that’s part of the fun too. Most of the alts don’t have anyone on their friends’ list.
I have a small handful of friends who know I’m an alt-addict. They also know my RL info and can reach me on my cell phone if they like. I’ve stopped trying to make new acquaintances a long time ago.
It has been an absolute blast putting together avatars with old skins – the new Akeruka BOM group gift is ridiculously cute and using that combined with the free eBody or the free Classic Meshbody has provided a lot of entertainment value.
Before you lambaste me for not contributing to the SL economy – I’ve put in more than enough money into it over the years – right now I’m waiting for my impending layoff – so I’ve allotted a small amount of cash for entertainment and I am saving the rest.
There are a few legit reasons. As far as mine go, I don’t want my kid avatar and my adult avatar on the same account, that’s just asking for trouble.
Kid avatars are fucking creepy.
Also something else that I would like to point out,
The stay at home gifts are the only gifts I have ever done in the history of my store, So i would love to know how your “More than 1 occasion” stands?
Mystery Shopper, Sounds more like someone that has a personal issue with the store owner & was so bored that they had to create drama. If the person was ” Mystery Shopper” They would have seen the 1L is refunded. “Rolls eyes” … Please take your Personal issues some where else and stop trying to be so damn hateful.
What is clear here is that you have no idea what your talking about! Clearly you are the Moron that posted this store to Virtual Secrets. If you had actually shopped there you would have known you receive your 1L back, I mean kinda petty to come here and try to trash someone over 1L anyway. The “Stay at home” Group was created for people that appreciate that Creators take the time to be part of the group during Covid-19, Not to try an slam someone cause your clearly upset for other reasons. Ya know they have doctors for that. Have a great day.
Please Read my post above ?
Clearly the dumbass who wrote 14 hasn’t been paying attention or even shopping there. Doux has been fucking killing it and making ethnic styles but people shit a brick with the fucking name like dumb asses. For all the backlash he received from us poc i wouldn’t blame him if he stopped. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
So much unnecessary hate on DOUX this week. Smh.
Also, 38, it’s called using your mesh head HUD. Remove the scalp.
It is not unnecessary. It is karma for his years of lying and stealing.
Who are you to dole out karma? Are you God?
#9 – I feel you. The “A”‘s are always left out unless it’s “ally”. A certain fruit themed store apparently left out asexual too and some of the members were quite nasty about it when it was brought up. I see you though. You’re valid. You belong. Happy Pride!
#16 – Someone I never though was that way hit me up with “all lives matter” recently. Never been so disappointed.
The fruit themed store did a collection of a few different ‘hues’ of the whole rainbow, then also Bi and Trans. It was never meant to be a full release – it was a L$99 fatpack.
You can’t compare a mini release from someone who has always worked her ass off to be inclusive of what everyone asks her to do – to people blatantly leaving people out.
Why not just only do rainbow then if it’s a “mini release”?
I didn’t even know the aros had a flag! Also, the group for the fruit-themed store is so bloated that half the members are inevitably trash.
reign just released a tote bag with all of the flags on it, including the one posted. Its possible you just have to look harder.
I did see that, yeah. I saw a lot more ace but still very little aromantic or agender though some of the small, lesser know places absolutely included them. Still – the L, G, and B got the lions share as usual.
That is because the Stonewall riots were for L, G, and B people. Not asexual, aromatic, or whatever else has joined the alphabet gang.
Asexuality was mentioned in Stonewall literature. A queer transwoman didn’t riot in the 60’s so you could sit on your ass and tell other queer people they don’t belong.
Source please
The fruit store left out everyone but trans and bi people. This isn’t an excuse, mind. IMNSHO, they would’ve done better leaving it with the rainbow ombres and maybe do one with the stripes clearly drawn. Alternatively, they could’ve pulled up the updated Pride flag that adds a triangular canton striped to honor trans people and POC. What with there being a couple of dozen flags for orientations and genders, if you can’t do a fair spread, best not to do more than the basics. I speak as a bisexual person, so this isn’t me calling sour grapes. I’m able to find anything from nail polish to skimpy bathing suits. Ace people are real, you deserve to be recognized, and I’d love seeing more of that in concrete ways.
Another store named after a goth family just went with rainbows. Probably the safe choice if you’re too busy to make multiple textures.
There was a great deal of ace merch this year though, more than last Pride, and I’m starting to see the flags of many different gender identies included too so the Fruit Store leaving out the “A” in the acryonym when some very small, lesser known shops had not only asexual but aromantic and agender… let’s just say it made them look pretty moldly in comparison.
Catwa didn’t file the DCMA? There’s proof out there that even Genus says Catwa didn’t do it. I’m very confused why everyone seems to think this current DCMA is because of Catwa. Yeah, they may not be the best maker, but people need to inform themselves.
“ Many people, however, automatically leapt to the conclusion that it was Catwa who had filed the DMCA against the Genus Project, which has led to further strong denials by both Catwa and Genus Project, who posted this image to their group:”
Unless there’s something new that has come out since these articles, spreading slander and rumor will do nothing except spread misinformation. I know the Catwa hate is strong. They’re not the best heads owned by not the best person who has previously been proven to be incredibly petty, but blaming them for something they claim they didn’t do and Genus has said they didn’t do is kinda dumb.
In my article I never wrote Catwa made anything against Genus. All the contrary. Read before telling, please.
True. Yours was more used as a claim that Catwa has denied involvement via this quote:
“ The uproar has continued rather long to that other creators have expressed their support for the Genus Project and have openly declared that they are not the authors of this accusation; in particular, they have pronounced Catwa, Lelutka, and Akeruka.”
Only to back up claims that Catwa was not involved. My apologies, I should have clarified and quoted appropriately.
Dear #14.
Are you telling Truth that? How about Magika? Wasabi? Or is it just hardon for Doux week?
Newsflash…creators don’t have to pander to you and your demands. Don’t like it, shop elsewhere.
I got 5 downvotes for my comment. Some people are saaalty.
Adding onto 9, the diversity of rep in SL pride events is shit. I’m really glad more people are including the trans flag, that’s great, but half of them are still using the TERF lesbian flag instead of the modern one. If you’re very lucky, you might see someone including a pan or ace flag, but other than that?
I get there’s a limit to how many different textures people want to do but it bugs the hell out of me to only see bi, gay, and lesbian acknowledged by too many people. The gender, romantic, and sexual spectrum is more than the binary, and the rest of us would love to be seen.
Bisexuality isn’t inherently binary, for the record. I know there’s an attraction to erase decades of bi activism and language usage by thinking the prefix is used identically in both words, but don’t go there if you want to actually be inclusive. Biphobia is fucked up from anyone’s mouth and I get so tired of having to argue with fellow queers at least as often as I do straights on this issue. Bisexuals have been on the record as seeing beyond a gender binary in modern activism since 1990 if not earlier. I’m trans non-binary, so try telling me that calling myself bisexual is binarist. I double dog dare you.
God no one cares. The fact is no one is discriminating against you for being asexual or aromantic. People don’t even know unless you tell them. There are no laws against it, nothing to stop you. Frankly let’s be real, people don’t even know you exist.
I dunno, man, I know aces who have been raped for being ace and get told constantly they don’t exist and don’t matter or are mentally ill and should just “be normal”. Hmn.. sounds real familiar…
uh huh. this is why people call some in the LGBTQ community snowflakes. You’re literally dragging the LGBTQ fight down with your bullshit all because you want a piece of that attention. You should look at yourself and the shit you say when you talk about being discriminated and made to feel non existent.
I dunno, man, the only person in the comments throwing out buzz words and begging for attention seems to be you and your bigot buddies.
Just so you know – you just backstabbed everyone who is lesbian and aromantic, trans and asexual, and bi and homoromantic. You said only the queer people who experience both sexual and romantic attraction count. Congrats, you’re an asshole who axed half of the “real queers”.
Your comments prove that you’re a hateful bigot. I hope no one treats you the way you treat others.
@ Real Talk and #9 and anyone else sharing those feelings. I see you. You are important! ♥♥
Real talk – someone in a fruit themed VIP group claimed ace was “too new” for people to know about it. Someone corrected her but I just stared for a few moments.
OMG. I would’ve gone OFF. Nothing we have flags for now is “new” to the human experience. We’re just expanding the English language and flag databases to accommodate them.
#29 Fuck Me I’m Famous = Compilation album by Cathy Guetta and David Guetta
What is the flag for #9 I’ve never heard of that one?
Aromantic. I had to look it up.
Take it from an aroace, they’re 100% separate. There are many aces who are romantically attracted, and many aros who feel sexual attraction. Sex and romance are two different things, and aros who aren’t also ace don’t feel comfortable sporting the ace flag or being considered ace.
You’re an asexual escort, and you’ve never considered that might be why you’re not able to keep a job doing it, or make much money at it? I am blown away that you keep coming here blaming the clubs that fire you, in light of this info. Do you think others can’t tell when you’re not actually turned on and into what’s happening? It totally comes across, even in text. Why on earth did you think it would be a good idea to try to make a job out of something that does not interest you at all? You might as well be tone deaf and not interested in music, auditioning for bands.
I don’t really care about your answers; this really just explains an awful lot about you.
LMAO awww, it just wanted to jump into the conversation and had literally no idea what it was talking about; cute.
Actually that is exactly what it means. lol You are a moron. To be Asexual you have no sexual attraction or sexual desires.
Given the way people change sexual partners every day here – See Virtual Secrets #1-616 – it sounds like half of SL is aromantic!
That’s not what aromantic means though. I know you’re being sarcastic but…
My joke was that they like the sexual aspect, not the romantic aspect and thus change partner.
Aromanticism is the absence of romantic attraction at all. People who jump from relationship to relationship are assholes, not aros.
Aromantic has it’s own flag because you can be not asexual and be aromantic. It’s just more common to be aromantic and asexual but the two don’t automatically go together.
Well that’s a lie, because I was part of the group who regularly updates the alts of the person causing the various in-world problems, as well as other dramas being posted to cause inworld harassment. We informed all who were being targeted and supplied regularly with updated alts to keep everyone safe from harassment until Linden Labs deal with the situation correctly. We have this via both Facebook and Discord and we make sure we supply the information, especially to groups that cater for SL Childen.
If you know and I seriously doubt you know anything, because everyone else with regular shared communication knew who was behind it. The evidence came from various other forms of inworld harassment using other methods to harass SL residents, mostly SL children.
This has been going now for over 8 years. If course if you know who was at fault and we are falsely accusing the wrong person, do let us all know. No point keeping it quietly in your little group for only the chosen few to benefit. I think you are blatantly lying to cover up another issue of another disgruntled reason. Please don’t make our work any harder by placing your uncorroborated information here or I can invite you to our focus group if you provide a point of contact.
But to me it sounds like you have a pick on people and using this for your own revenge. You sound misinformed that’s for sure and using what is distressing for others for your own selfish reasons. Please don’t !
Ah yes “B”, the old “lets fire an alias scapegoat to keep the rage and salt going”.Typical The usual black book list of paranoia. The “hypocrisy” is always the same story, the same people living “rent free” in your head. The joke is you my friend! Exuse the reply but best say things clear instead of a half-assed attempt, so you get the angle. At least I can give a proper factual account other than “QQ”. 1- You may not like these kids you keep trying to accuse, but I assure you they contribute more than you to peoples lives than you will ever be. They are a joke to you maybe, I don’t care either way. You talk of astounding hypocrisy, well you just laid one in your reply. 2-Your reply is interesting though, worth unravelling. That there is an instant defence reflex with the mindset that thinks if anyone says things about us, it must be him because you know, he rumbles our shit years back. Its common, all kids have have had, sure wont ever be the last. What you fail to reflect on is most kids in the community FULLY know the usual suspects who sit and bash kids such as Jordy and many other like him. That’s why you do, say and claim in your reply. Kick and scream yet nothing… only problem you have is they rumbles your shit years ago. The joke is you and that’s why you need to fight rather than be adults and solve your shit amicably. 3- Sorry to disappoint you but no, this is because the person you referred to was not on any of these grids, you may check freely with past owners and admins of Misfits, Dreamworld and Forgotten Realms (of which I was… Read more »
Noth is a total creep! Everyone knows that!
Noth is a two faced snake and stalker that posted lies. Beware of Noth627 and Lee440
Both the same person…
Well its not simple, innit? Because you came on here, blasting the odds and yourself “excoriating someone” to cause more issues as well as cause incitement to defame another inworld.”Simple innit?”. You have the pleasure of anonymity here yet you feel the need to accuse people wrongly because you have a pick? Can you see the hypocrisy yet? Can you see how you just contradicted yourself? The poster below as an example just told you openly who was involved and still you have a problem dealing with facts given to you openly. You took it and still you answer back arrogantly back like an ungrateful brat. You did not do your homework, what you do have is some salt going on and used it to piggy back a clear intention push the blame on an unwitting party. This is not just affecting your little cosy group of SL boys, closing ranks and supporting each other regardless who is killing you off. Your list isn’t worth time looking at unless you and the rest of your mates, actually share that information out so everyone else can look at it. All I see is not very much but a lot of excuses. But what do you do, just go lash out at a kid who is not even involved in this. How low can you actually go? And i bet you wont even have the decency to apologise to the person you tried to pass blame onto. Even when you were told lots of facts. That really sucks! Which on that point, the right thing if have been slandered by Colby on several occasions, then the human thing is to do exactly the opposite to others. That makes you no better than he is. Yet you did it! Exactly… Read more »