Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, Week 612
Envy has no sense of loyalty to those who have shown it to him. He fired Asami and threatened her multiple times, despite the fact that she had been apart of the management team for a year and was there every single day involved in the happenings of the club. He thinks all of his staff is expendable. I know a handful of people who would love to see Envy just close the club, how long can you keep trying to rebuild from the dirt? He’s a terrible leader, the other managers could of ran it way better than he could any day of the week. He’s also stupid to think that the managers didn’t bring life to the club, now that half of the cool staff is gone it’s a dead and boring place. 10/10 would not recommend.
TL;DR , don’t support Envy or his shitty club.
Hey old manager here and everyone that has said anything about club neko and Envy is 100% true. I kept club neko alive longer than it should have because I was the top earner and was really loyal to Envy. He’s a transphobic, misogynist bastard. He lied to everyone on why I “quit”. I didn’t quit, I was fired and thrown away like garbage. He was told by Kou not to use her excel sheets and applications and continued while it was still called Club Neko. (Unsure now because I haven’t even been to the new dumpster fire he made). He likes to brag he took out all the competition but probably because SL is dying.
He would constantly misgender his transgender manager when many people told him what was going on. He viewed all of his workers as disposable garbage but could barely pay the fees for his sim. His talk is very cheap for a very short man.
37. That has to be TiddlesWiddles. The infamously disgusting drunk toilet water drinker. He has no idea he looks like a walking piece of shit now. Once upon a time he used to be edgy but now, a starving bear wouldn’t eat that and he has the personality to match his look! Just a bag of shit!
Just a small update on the Bella/Audrey drama.
It appears that after Bella..I mean Audrey noticed the secret on the site, she did what Bella..I mean Audrey, always does and made a long-ass post about how important she believes she is and how wrong everyone is and how she’s not lying, honestly…
As someone else noticed, she changed the profile background on BOTH accounts, to the exact same photo. (I’ve always said that Bella or Audrey or whatever face she is wearing now, is not really the brightest bulb). After all that, she deleted the Audrey account up on FB and all that is left, is the Bella account, where she’s on a small rant on how she won’t be sharing any more of her talent with the ungrateful masses who missed out in noticing her greatness…Oh and she also wished that everything in the SL world would go to shit. I think it’s safe to say that not only is she aware that she was caught, but she’s basically throwing a temper tantrum about being caught, now.
She’s like the herp, always popping up. lol Lets wait for the fourth round of this cause we all know it’s coming.
She was not counting that i would expose her on facebook!
She choosed the wrong bitch to mess with and to play mocking games.
Yesterday she sent the nasty ass bitch boyfriend of her to talk with me, accusing me of accusing her of deadbeat, without evidence!
LOL He forgets that I have known his “little princess” since 2015 and I know her bad character and what she has done since that time until now!
No wonder I hate it!
I really told him to go take care of his life and his reputation, which is dirtier than a mechanic’s cloth!
Dirty ass bitches, bunch of dirty bags!
The bitch still texted me on SL …
She paid me 5k for my services to her “imaginary store”!
She said she was going to pay me, so I was not going to say that she was deadbeat!
ahahahaha as if paying me would end the reputation of what she is in the sl!
Yes, because I was hired in the middle of last week and in those days I got tired of doing jobs for her! On Sunday when I saw the post here on V.Secrets I confronted her!
Bunch of dysfunctional Sociopaths!
I just can’t believe you all call yourself adults… This is the most HS drama BS ive ever seen. WHO FUCKING CARES!!!! Wow ya’ll some lame ass corny fuckin people. Straight goofies bro lol. Grow up and worry about yourselves. Let people do what they want. Gossiping about it makes u a child. I get ur bored and got nothing better to do, but damn lol… SMH
One of these is about you isn’t it? Hehe
But yet here you are commenting. lol Completely blinded to the fact that the shit you just complained about, you have become.
Yet here you are, reading it and commenting; guess you don’t have anything to do, either.
was around near the “end” of neko and had heard many horror stories including ones where they treated one of their trans managers so badly that it put them into medical crisis. there were only two managers running that place under envys thumb from the end of 2019 into 2020 i wont mention their names but they were the backbone of the club i personally watched them ruin their health and relationships wit their friends and family for this horrible club owner. once they were gone the shitshow turned into “okiya” and people noticed how shit the club was without them and followed suit including myself. envy lets any woman come in and play with his dick and his club and disregards any existing staff to get what he wants.
they constantly flex what they have and offer it to the poor girls who dont know what hes really like to entice them into fucked up psuedo-ships that he ultimately tosses away when somethingelse comes along. i do not understand how he still is able to own a club let alone be allowed on secondlife for being such a vulture.
It’s interesting, you only hear from the cynical ones. They’re the ones who make up things on these sites for attention. Club Neko didn’t END, it’s just changing. I was staff once, quite a while back. I had no problem with him. When I worked for him he pushed people because he saw potential, not to be an asshole or because he disliked them. If they didn’t perform their duties he let them go like any club owner would. He was not the perverted tyrant you all have yourselves convinced of. Rather, he was about his club and making it succeed for everyone involved. He never flirted with, hit on, or “PRAYED” on me, in fact I saw him as a friend with whom I was comfortable working under. When I quit it was on good terms and I was told I was always welcome back. I still stop in from time to time. He, his managers and staff, though different, are still pretty cool and make me feel right at home. He is not the womanizer you all deem him to be. Quite honestly this all sounds like you’re being petty, jealous babies, who are upset you got fired for sucking at your job and you just want to watch him fail. It’s sad really, I’m sorry you cant let go of your grudges or ill feelings toward him, must be part of how it feels to suck ass so hard.
Interesting… I can’t state fact and disagree. And oh YES! I MUST be a dude. Except- “He never flirted with, hit on, or “PRAYED” on me, in fact I saw him as a friend with whom I was comfortable working under.” Meaning I’m a past FEMALE employee who left on good terms. You obviously don’t read well. Explains a lot. I must be a unicorn next right? Oh and you must be banned because I was just there a couple days ago and Club Neko is alive and well. You may want to check your sources.
You are the only person here defending him. There’s people who don’t even look at this website who would agree with points made here. Open your eyes, he has treated so many people poorly.
check my sources? alright, me going there on a regular before and working under him.. Maybe you’re just oblivious to what’s in front of you. oh well.
i can go to sleep at night knowing im away from that mess. he did his managers, staff AND previous friends dirty. I can’t be convinced otherwise
Apologies, this will be a long one but: DoomDoomDoom seems to be Envy under a different name or one of the managers who work for him right now. The only people I’ve seen at Club Neko that was worth a damn has already been mentioned. Envy never ran his own club, at least not when I would hang around. Managers like Mizu and Misa were worthless. They were overpowered and did diddly. Envy let himself get walked over by these two who aren’t even honest, let alone, kind people. Asami was nice. She was bitchy sometimes but was around a lot and sociable. I don’t know about her involvement, but I at least saw her around and she talked to people. I think she was fired because she wasn’t around because she was going through something in IRL. Very heartless of Envy. Meyrin was super nice and I loved seeing her because she was super kind to everyone. I didn’t talk to her much but she seemed to have disappeared one day. When Milky became manager shit started hitting the fan. I hated her, she was loud and obnoxious. She only wanted attention on her and when she didn’t get it she sulked in a corner and whined. I loved Nephy as a manager before too, shes always so sweet and I loved her DJ sets. I was too shy to talk to her a lot because she was always busy with her sets. Teacups and Lune were super nice too and I enjoyed being around them. I heard Envy fired them because they told him to be nicer to people and he took offence to that. So stupid. He didn’t know how to give any respect to the managers. When Jace and Lori were managers they were nonexistent. I… Read more »
Interesting… I can’t state fact and disagree with the incompetent masses. And oh YES! I MUST be a man now. That IS always the answer isn’t it. Except- “He never flirted with, hit on, or “PRAYED” on me, in fact I saw him as a friend with whom I was comfortable working under.” You obviously don’t read well. Explains a lot. Let me explain in terms you might understand, this means I am a past FEMALE employee who saw Envy as a friend and who has no ill will toward him. I must be a unicorn next right? Oh and you must be banned too because I was just there a couple days ago and Club Neko is alive and well in fact. You may want to check your sources. ?
It’s easy for people to say this place is great when they were never apart of the staff. They never witnessed the real Envy, and how unfair he treated everyone. He was always about pointing fingers, but never pointed any at himself. Every failure was everyone elses but his own. He also has banned so many people for the smallest, most dumbest reasons. He won’t even bother telling you why half the time either. Shitty owner, shitty management.
i worked at neko so long because of a specific manager but after they left management i was heartbroken because they were so personable and amazing. any issue i had they would work on it right aways and would always do their best to host special weekend events even using their own funds half the time. this manager would put their own money into the club and would tip us girls that were left out for the more popular ones we all know who im talking about here. he made a lot of people who thout that we wernt good enough feel like we meant something 2 the club… he always set aside time to talk to or help staff and even partons …envy should have passed ownership to him i bet the club would be well off if that manager wasint ran into the dirt and yes burned is right envy treated that manager so bad they developed health issues..imagine being that dedicated tht u fall sick from trying so hard…it was sad
There are only two managers that I am aware of that busted their buns and that was Kou and Ai.
They went incredible lengths for that club, and many knew how devastating it was for them and for the club when they left. Ai was basically the face of the club. When Ai entered that club it was like a title wave of joy and the vibe of the club changed completely. Kou always made the place look amazing and had a wonderful eye for design. Those two were the “power couple” when it came to managing things and it is a shame envy threw them away like garbage. I was brought here by an IMGUR link that had shown all of their hard work tossed into a dumpster because envy is a petty piece of shit.
Imagine two of your best managers that kept that shit club alive and you toss their work into a dumpster. Imagine that. Sickening. Also I can agree with Ari I stuck around the club because Ai(I’m going to assume they are talking about Ai)…
No matter what Ai was going through or how much work they had piled up they always made time for me. Ai was dedicated to that club. I do not fully know what happened to them quitting but I am almost glad they did quit seeing the state of the club now I’m sure they would have gotten dragged down with it. I hope wherever Kou and Ai are now, that they are happy.
1. Pedo from a pic? ok
3. *Squints eyes*
4. Who took the pic? were you stalking them?
5. Who?
6.*squints eyes again*
7. Yeah na
8-9. Gotta love photoshop?
10.*squints even harder*
11. Who is Rashad?
13. Not everyone has a Potato PC
14. Shadys back ?
15. that would look pretty nice actually.
16. *increases chrome by 200% just to read that
17. Better than half the avatars in SL, i mean, who would want a huge fucking ass, bit tits and a tiny waste?
18. don’t join them 😉
19. I guess you know him personally
20.More unknowns
21. Phil? is that you?… AEG reference for those that don’t get it.
22. Everyone needs a bit of faith in their life? as for the person you are talking about?
23. Yeah, that’s not right, report him maybe?
24. can’t read half the shit on that.
25. Copybots are still a thing?
26. Some actually like that kind of RP, not that i condone it.
27″ Quit ”
28. Why not have both? again, more unknowns that no one in sl cares about or probably never heard of.
29. Nicks brother maybe?
30. Someone is a bit upset they got dumped ?
31. Who? next time, maybe use black text so people can read it?
32. Looks like a gift?
33. Been there much?
34. Who? more unknowns
35. Each to their own.
36. 14th century for sure.
37. Well ok then.
38. wtf are you on about?
39. Shes no beauty 😕 , and can’t see the other one.
40. Don’t like it, don’t go?
41. Well said, glad someone understands.
42. It’s free, stop complaing, you want something that looks ” better ” than free, then pay for it! simple.
I couldn’t continue lol
#5 Just Dyna Serenity a hypocritical catfish that calls people gorillas and will put you (Owner of Sakura) on this site because she is jealous you are with her ex.
1. Kek this is a t-shirt with a logo how exactly does it promote a child predotor?
Me thinks you be deflecting your pedophilia.. But that’s normal since it’s full of
old sickos and ageplayers.
2. Why are you so upset that you have to vent your anger on a gossip blog? Have you
Ever considered contacting them cause you sound like a massive whining little spoiled
3.Nobody really follows this the site is run by a literal retard and it’s full of
Retards that can’t even read. Low IQ.
4. Virtual pornography in 2020 disgusting.
5. I don’t think anyone literally cares and the term grandma is so outdated.
6. Why are you posting this twice? LMAO.
7. This is why i don’t use this shit game.. Degenerates and pedos.
8. Those lips doe.
13. Animesh from what i saw on Youtube looks like a badly formatted 2d gif. Whoever
Came up with this idea needs to be fired and beaten senseless.
17 This mesh looks like garbage. Even opensim does a fucking better job.
18 Probably a fucking scam
19. Looks like a pedophile.
23. In some states in America loli isn’t illegal is protected by some creative art law
Or some shit. But this doesn’t look like it should be on FB you should of just reported it.
25. Every spastic on SL does this?
26. So you’re upset that a virtual game is promoting rape?
35 You’re the pedophile looking at kids. Stop deflecting.44
44 Yeah but you whine about it instead of reporting you’re the pedo.
#1 BOTDF. Dahvie Vanity. known as a child predator for years. Being investigated by FBI. Google it.
a answer to everything? lame much!??!?
Sooooo sick of the Pedo posts in here. Week after week after week. Unless you have proof they’re actually targeting underage girl’s/boy’s and doing actual harm, shut the fuck up, take it to RL and report them. Posting it in here means shit. Some of us are actually insulted that adult role play, in a game, is equal to what we actually went through in our own childhood. Because yet again, actual adults are aware of what’s going on, gossiping about it to whoever will listen, yet not doing a damn thing about it. Because that’s what this subject is all about. Actual harm. Consenting adults and dress ups and persona’s on a game is NOT the same thing. I’ve stayed silent on the subject because I see every week how vicious you all are to each other but I’ve had enough. Stop with the Pedo posts. Take it to the authorities where you may just do some actual good or like I said…shut the fuck up.
pedo is the new black
virtual-secrets is now what it used to be. lets make virtual-secrets great again peoples!!!
Everyone cry’s pedo, but no proof… only because they don’t like the person.
Or because they’re deflecting their own paedophilia. Mind you everyone on that games a pedo themselves.
Over a pixel because somehow it effects them personally
As for all the down votes I guess it’s all you ‘tard’s perpetuating the myth with your constant posts because that’s where you all hang out (otherwise where would all these pics and profiles and so called knowledge come from) and your boring personalities cant think of anything else to talk about. Think about that.
#25 Is so true. They have been saying so many racist things for years! They are always on mic screaming at people purposely yelling and fighting with people, trying to bully them. \There are so many fight videos on youtube calling people transphobic slurs as well. I think there are even gestures of them saying the racist things mostly against white people and saying the n word constantly. Their brand seems to be unimaginative and trying to be Rowne 2.0 as well, very tasteless. Hopefully their customers will see this and boycott this horrible individual.
When your comments don’t get approved because someone is salty 😆
tell us more. i have popcorn.
I hate catwa, she banned me and also from all her lands, but i took the free head and looks horrible, #teamgenus #teamlelutka 4 ever
#18 too many people abuse the giveaways, creators are too busy to investigate each entries. so if you know someone who does it i think reporting it would be good enough for them to ban the abuser.
unfortunately reporting doesnt really help!
a lot of copy botters either use an alt after they get banned or they dont get banned at all!
#1 – I want to contribute to this one a little more. I did not make the secret, of course, but it is a topic that I was speaking about and seems to have blown up once more, which seems to do every few years. The issue, especially on Second Life, is that most of the people jumping on the train where thirty or forty when all this drama happened… far too old to be following bands and trends on MySpace. Blood on the Dance Floor was (they disbanded recently) a scene band. It was them, brokeNCYDe, and Jeffree Star. Yes, for all you grown-ass women that love Jeffree Star, he collaborated with Blood on the Dance Floor regularly, despite all the accusations at the time. All three of these bands had very explicit lyrics that often portrayed women poorly. brokeNCYDE had a ‘slut pit’ where girls, teenagers, could show their breasts and crap. It really was a massive thing and mothers were livid, creating hate groups. However, while brokeNCYDE never actually did disgusting things like Dahvie Vanity, they were the same. Jeffree Star had the same lyrical style, but there has been no accusations that he ever did it. Jay (who was also in Blood on the Dance Floor) is fine. The hate is solely for Dahvie Vanity. Now, somehow, Dahvie Vanity avoided prison entirely, which is still baffling despite the evidence. The issue is that Blood on the Dance Floor had a cult following, one that was as toxic as it was pathetic. I used to be a fan of the band, brokeNCYDE included, back when I was an edgy teen going through my ‘It’s not a phase’ phase. Either way, not only is Dahvie Vanity a paedophile, he is a disgusting piece of human trash that exploits… Read more »
God YES. This is it; I got fired and banned after another staff member started a whole log of shit with me and other girls but kept them and removed me after everyone liked me and I was one of the “favorite girls” at this club. Envy later unbanned me without telling me and then rebanned me cause I worked at other places. After griefing the club I worked at and making managers and staff do this wanting to be the “only best anime place on SecondLife.” he tried redoing his shitty little club several times but failed as literally everyone quit and wanted to do nothing cause he kept banning people for no damn reason. He is also known to copy his avatar based on actual teenagers wanting that “Look.” He is seriously scum with how he treats staff and gets away with his fetish for teenage girls “adoring” that look. It’s so disgusting. The new club looks like a tool shack with shitty wood textures looking like some afk sex place. If you thought the perfect pussy was bad, it’s basically TPP 2.0 I do not recommend anyone to visit that shitty club. If you like terrible managers, staff that doesn’t give a shit about you and an owner who harasses you have at it.
amen x 2
#4 He likes to marry on the same date too! Scroll down his time line, Oct.12th he married stiffy and June 12th he marrys this blind bitch!
Stalker much?
how long is the appropriate dating time before “marriage” in SL, moron? its a game. SL IS A GAME YOU GUYS!
Really? What was the last mission you completed? How far are you from beating SL?
#7 no gaming culture here? lol
#8,9,12,32 morphs are creepy AF and basically false advertisement
#17 who the hell r u to tell people what they like to look like? no, system head is not better than that.
#23 barf barf barf barf barf
#26 dude your warned that your giving permission. PERMISSION. that aint rape.
#36 the Hapbsburg vibe is so underrated
#42 don’t like it, don’t get it, nobodys forcing your ungrateful ass to buy shit
#44 barf barf barf
@35 pretty sure they have been on here before. What they do in their family is their business, but i am pretty sure they kind of broke up, well most of the guys left anyway. Chubs and Tyler were cheaters, would like to say it came as a surprise but that would be a huge ass lie. I would like to know if they just get a kick out of being huge dickbags, not to mention weird perverts who get off to child looking avis.
How does this effect your life in SL?
And you care because? does it effect your Second Life in any way?
Yeah, obviously this person doesn’t know a thing about what an Okiya or even an Ochaya is and probably just sounds cool to them. Perverted fantasy.
Clearly none of you know this person… Is THIS all you have to do all day? You have so much time on your hands and have nothing better to do than to sit around with your thumbs up your asses picking at a people? It makes you all just sound like a bunch of incompetent, entitled and disgruntled ex employees. You all deserved to be fired if this is how you think/ feel about him and his place. You make me want to puke… Get a life.
Are you one of the managers right now, Doom? Cause I knew him. I watched everything he did while working under him. He’s awful.
I feel very sorry for you that you don’t see the toxicity that Envy emits. I’d rather be working for someone who will treat you like a friend rather than a disposable pocket pussy.
There are folks who’ve worked for this idiot that left because he doesn’t know how to appreciate them. Theres a lot of good people that worked for him and believed in him and the sim and they were either fired over stupid shit or they quit cause they wanna deal with that crap. You can keep supporting him all you want, but there’s a reason he’s got more enemies than friends. Ever put that into consideration? Club Neko at its humble beginnings was the best. I popped around time to time and people were genuinely hanging out and being cool. Now it’s a failed sex club where people are essentially all walls since no staff is able to upkeep a decent conversation with anyone. Any conversation is all for sales. It’s not genuine. It’s not enjoyable. I never worked for him, but became close with people who have. Do whatever you folks want but I wouldn’t wanna see myself support someone who plays with vulnerable women’s emotions, and outright lies to people’s faces to make himself look like a saint. He’s no good. Anyone who “likes” him doesn’t know him like he really is or is just an enabler. There’s a reason I haven’t stepped into his club for months, and I tell people all the time to do the same. I can’t imagine looking at his club now and thinking “I did this all by myself”. Spoiler Alert; He didn’t.
i used to work for envy
he was awful
he threatened to fire the entire staff on a regular. at least thats wht he kept tellin the managers. i was kinda close to one of the managers and there was one day they were rantin cause they were really frustrated.
i was always uncomfortable around him. i earned a decent amount of tips but apparently i wasnt worth anything despite earning more. i was never properly acknowledged or even treated like i existed by envy. i was fed up n left. i only applied to work there cause it was busy at the time n a bunch of my other friends were workin there.
anytime he would socialize with guests on the floor n stuff he only talked about himself or how successful the club was. it was really stupid. he pushed and pushed for the girls to be sexy and earn tips but he would be on the floor talkin bout jack shit or afk.
hes full of it
I guess the question is, if you’ve never worked for him and haven’t experienced him as a boss first had then how would you know anything but the negatives your friends have told you? I guess it’s not really your fault. You are just a sheep after all. Maybe instead of following the crowd you should give him a real chance and see what he’s really like? Only dead fish go w/ the flow my friend. 🙂
Looks like Prince of Germany John Herring/Johannes Huntsman is at it again… Sure Tempest Rosca is a known whore but everyone knows you write on here for attention because you lack Importance in SL. You are both trash, don’t use SL secrets to try to get out of your shared garbage bin now Johannes.

Dont know about all the virgin–small penis business ….. but he sounds like a unimportant loser with overinflated ego. Seen his real life picture??? i doubt you get all the crones you are telling us …..
So funneh when old ugly people shame old ugly people
bet he did his own secret to feel relevant
Well I guess I’ll just go delete my profile, flickr, virtual social media accounts, etc., and cry myself to sleep again. If anyone has any actual point or substance, I’m easy to find.
Unlike your dick, right? Apparently no one can find that.
Goodness, you magpie! It appears you messed up with the wrong crone this time.
We’ll be waiting for your new Flickr. How many you deleted so far?
Calm down, old-champ! It’s just a game!
Please help a guy out and share with the rest of the group the complete list of virtual sexcapades & all the “crazy”, “paranoid”, “delusional”, “crazies”, “unhappily-married-in-RL”, “mentally challenged”, “catfishes”, “crones”?
***Fist-Bump ***
I’m not going to reply to this for a few reasons, namely:-
1) As you know, I’ve always wanted to end up on here organically. I’ve loved reading about all of this unfortunate misery for years now. And there’s my profile up there, it’s brilliant. So you’ve helped me achieve my last remaining SL dream (already been catfished, hooked up with crazy, had blow-up dolls styled on my avatar(s), etc).
2) It’s hard to argue with the truth.
3) When you don’t use SL to socialise at all (catfishes, crazies, etc), and only have to knock back the advances of an unhappily-married-in-RL crone once every six months or so, it feels a bit like directly picking on the mentally challenged.
4) Most other people who read this site will identify with point 3 above and downvote me until I feel emotional about it.
So I’m taking the high road here and, tell you what, let’s stay friends, ok?
– Doesn’t want to reply to this
– Gives 4 replies and a flickr post
choose one
Oh man. We don’t know each other but I’ve seen you fave my work on Flickr and comment on some. And all of this is just off-putting somehow ’cause I’ve always thought you were pretty interesting and weird (in a funny kind of way). But all of this is just… disappointing.
Damn. What a letdown.
Whut? I mean for really reals. You’re not going to reply, but there you are. Taking time to number your zingers. Does it suck that you couldn’t format bullet points- or would that REALLY be trying too hard? And insulting “crones” who apparently see some side of you that you didn’t present in your “I’m not replying” reply- just wow. Maybe anyone who winds up enduring interacting with you is just bored to incoherent babbling & rather than reflect on your own shortcomings & how they impact others you dub them as “mentally challenged.”
Maybe if your email correspondence was as fascinating as your gossipy bollocks here then we wouldn’t be in this position.
your molly, mollie or moli or jordan or tab or oakley or alessandra or tegan or katat0nik or vin or anika?
yes we are all crazy crones according to certified crazy socio ugly old man
who would want to catfish you ??!!?? lmao come back from fantasy land Eddo.
I am taking the high road too,, let’s stay friends, ok?
I actually appreciate this one. A couple of those people I’ve no idea who they are, but I’m sure they’ll be happy to be linked to ugly old man-child virgin Ed. The ones I do know will also be delighted to be considered as my very own virtual sexcapades. Yes, this is sarcasm. I notice the obvious one you left off that supposed list so I guess that’s where we’re at. Best of luck to you in your future paranoid delusional rantings.
Please help a guy out and share with the rest of the group the complete list of virtual sexcapades & all the “crazy”, “paranoid”, “delusional”, “crazies”, “unhappily-married-in-RL”, “mentally challenged”, “catfishes”, “crones”?
***Fist-Bump ***
the rumor is true then LOLZ
nothing wrong with keeping your cherry (TMI much) and i feel sorry for the sizing
he is always the first to favorite all my photos in flickr . bit weird LQTM
He’s weird, we used to chat a lot and one day I was extra nice with compliments and he got negative, strange and self-depreciating. He assumed I was into him, projected his issues onto me and got distant like a diva and deleted me
Completely out of his mind, crazy and negative, talks and gossips a lot about other people so be careful what you share if you are friends with him
He likes to drop names and pretend he’s at the cool kids table, doesn’t he?
Let the old man live his fantasy, for goodness sake! After all… isn’t SL for living fake reality?
Can you people not spell or even use basic English? U ” You “, Quitted? That’s not even a word?
34. Who? Another unknown
Bitching about peoples lives on on a site that 98% of second life don’t even read or care about? Ok.
u quitted
#47 You cant even read the name of who that is in the picture… come on you can do better then that lol
Who’s the one hung up on who I am not the one stalking me taking pictures don’t you have anything else better to do why don’t you go fuck your wife oh wait she doesn’t put out .
I believe you are the one hung up on your ex. Checked your profile to see some more drama, it’s so easy to find shit these days! I don’t see your ex or whatever she is, bash you on her profile yet yours has it going on. So I think that’s your answer right there man.
I actually didn’t stalk you but do continue to flatter yourself. Been going to HoV for years and happened to see your sad ass there. And you’re the one talking about your ex in your profile yet are fucking a new chick..yet you bash her for moving on. Fucking hypocrite. Also, I don’t require my partner to put out like your abusive ass. I get plenty of that irl unlike you.
If we had unlimited group space, you might have a point. Since we don’t, you’re just being stupid; I have the premium 60 and it would still be impossible to stay in every group I ever joined.
if i was in 60 groups in sl i’d probably re-evaluate how much time i spend on there
There are many store owners in SL who earn enough $ to support themselves in RL. They often need tons of group slots for events groups, land groups, etc.
They may spend more time in SL than you, but each minute they spend there is way more productive than time spent leaving derogatory comments about people’s hobbies or occupations.
Now chill, have tea, wash your hands.
no-life losers downvoting me lol
That’s why you make space for groups you want to stay in and leave the Groups that are connected to stores or sims whose owners that have left SL or groups that have remained quiet(No notices or IMs) for a certain amount of time or ones associated with clubs you no longer frequent. It’s really not that hard of a concept. It has nothing to do with whether or not you have unlimited group space, it has to do with leaving dead groups and making space for new groups. I’ve also noticed most stores use subscribers not because they can still spam you if you leave their physical groups(which can be annoying, I admit which is why I don’t really care for subscribers), but to let people who don’t have enough group space that are actually interested in more than just the freebies, stay up to date about the store and new products.
Except it has everything to do with limited space. I’m approaching running out of group slots because not only do I want spaces for store groups I’m interested in and roleplay groups, but I also need land groups for sims I either work on or manage, or event/blogger groups I have to be in for events I participate in. It’s really easy to run out of space even when trimming groups you don’t need, especially if a lot of the group’s you’re still in you paid a decent sum to join.
I can completely understand and sympathize with people (especially the non-premium users) who join my store group just for gifts then drop back out. It’s fine. It’s no slight against me or my store for this to happen. They lose out on a pretty great group of people to look to for help or chat, but sometimes that’s not really what people need. If they want to keep up with my releases, they can follow my Flickr page; the catch is I don’t always announce the gifts on there and some are limited time (another benefit if they stay, but they don’t have to).
So from the store owner end of things, I can assure you most of us don’t care. Join or leave, it’s up to the customer if the group is worth staying in and/or paying to rejoin if there’s group fees. More often than not, people getting and enjoying our gifts is more worth it because other people see them worn or blogged and it gets them into the store. If they choose to stay in the store group that’s just an added bonus for everyone involved.
1. Dahive Vanity sympathizers in SL.. I’m not surprised.. almost the whole SL is filled with M.A.P.S it’s sickening.
2. You do know you need to update your Maitreya body, Right? If you are still using Maitreya v5.0. You need to update your body to v5.1 Pepe’s body appliers work, it was a flaw on Maitreya’s part.
47. The question is, does she even fucking care. She’s probably up on some dude her damn self.
42. When are skin creators gonna learn to stop making free gifts that look like shit? It’s like giving someone a stale fruit cake for Christmas and expecting them to be happy with it. Fuck outta here. If you’re just gonna take old 2006 skin and try and put it on mesh.. as a free gift. Don’t fucking bother giving it out. Trash it. DETAILS IN SKINS MATTER!
You do know you don’t need to grab every gift out there, right? There are literally truckloads of gifts everywhere, nobody’s holding you at gun point forcing you to wear it.
Fuck ? yes.
“The update is coming”.. shes been using this saying for so long.
Shes also the only store i know, that is charging people for changing over to BOM.
Maybe remove the red ass pigment from the skin, update the skin appliers, treat your customers better and not like cash cows and you might have some loyalty from people.
17. you can tell these are actual men in real life, because men in general are lazy af about their avatars. the basic look for men in SL is: buff body / orange-ish tan skin / ian somerhalder clone caucasian face / blue eyes / dark hair / ridiculous giant penis the size of a pringles can.
You’re not wrong, but all the bitches who are fucking one of those lame ass default avis don’t wanna hear that shit LOL
When you see a woman who obviously puts way too much work into her avi with one of those, you know that either she’s desperate or he’s paying.
That and most of them are probably really old like in their 40-50
#30 Well this one here deserves everything she gets. I don’t even think her bed sheets got cold after her marriage ended and met a new guy then kept him around until her and amari got serious!
I dated her too. She really gets around.
Did you date her too?
LMAO Almost!
8-9. morphing + daz3d model ads are the top things that instantly put me off from buying your product.
22. Sooooo your immediate reaction to seeing “child porn” is to screenshot it and circulate it? Right.
44. “Old men pretending to be pre teen girls” “Tgirls” make up ur mind?
It’s pretty simple. Let me decode for you.
RL old men
SL plays girls with dicks
I assumed “part of well known Tgirl group” meant transgender so if it’s actually a kink/fetish group then I stand corrected :p
makes sense to me because almost all the dick girls i know in SL are RL men
#26 Funny the person who made that nice picture in Maui, dint you do the interview all naked to get in ? dint you needed to do RP naked to get in Maui ? and this is what it say seat: Welcome, xxxxx to the FREE SEX BAR. If you sit here, you give permission to anyone to come up and join you and have sex with you. They don’t need to ask permission or even speak to you. If you’re not into that, then you should stand and find another spot to sit. All the seats at this bar assume you give permission. So I don’t think it is a rape thing at all it even warns you when you sit on it lol. The person who made this post is kind of funny. So this secret is stupid
Give me a break, when do these idiots at Maui learn that people cannot be FORCED to fuck each other! It’s absolutely pathetic what they try to to do “make” people fuck each other, these being the latest dumb idea.
People like other people because they feel an attraction, not because someone came up with the retarded idea to create a bar where people can sit and fuck someone else without saying a word. You might as well just go to an afk sex sim if you want that and it’s pretty ironic that they make you do an interview to test your emote skills and then come up with a bar that requires not a single word for you to hop on and fuck someone…
How about you fix those hideous faces on that furniture if yours instead Bandor? Find some nice, realistic animations instead of the ones where both men and woman have huge open mouths and look like they swallowed each others fists and got their jaws stuck! Or let people choose to turn those retarded bento faces you put in your stuff OFF!!
You’re totally right except for one tiny thing- the bento face animations can be turned off in most furniture, including Bandor’s. I agree they are almost always garbage, distorting mesh heads in ways so comically ugly that I’m surprised it doesn’t kill more erections. Usually you’ll find the option either in its own Faces menu, or under Adjust. You can only disable it entirely if you own the furniture, but you can always turn it off for you, and you may have to switch poses to make the option kick in.
Funny Rose, you are the stupid one who can’t compose a sentence. Facts are this – Maui is a place that is loaded with overweight boomers . You have to be dry and desperate to sit pixels on a virtual stool so you can diddle. Also, do you win some virtual award when you strip your avatar down for an interview? Goals lol
You sound a bit salty ?
Well you can sit on most furniture on SL and choose a rumpy pumpy pose – you’ll just find the person changes the pose back or blocks you! I thought AFK sex sims have been around for yonks! At it’s most basic it just means people won’t be booted from the sim if they choose an “anal fisting” pose to get their jollies. If you want a ‘rape’ sim I suggest you go visit Chicago Biker Gang where you can be orally, anally and vaginally ‘raped’. The idea that this bar seat is rape is laughable as if some drongo sits on you and elects to orally assault you, you can click “stand”, something rape victims don’t have the opportunity to choose.
#7 FINAL FANTASY 7 HONEYBEE INN! Does no one get this reference????? My God all you people want to do is complain and act like you’re better than everything.
That’s not a bee ass, its a ant ass, with what she said about licking its from the ant group on facebook. its a fun group im in it
@DaBear What? You’ve checking out ant ass? You have some strange hobbies.
@Rei Rei I bet they’re the same losers who play Fornite. -eyeroll-
Fuck Fortnite…and tbh, Fuck FF as well. Just cuz most people don't get the reference to shitty FF anything, doesn't mean they don't play other GENRES of games as well.
Fucking loser.
IKR? My guess is there aren’t any gamers in SL… even when sl is considered a game to them? Ironic huh?
Not all gamers like final fantasy… come on now.
oh my goddd thank you.
Envy is literally THE WORST. I frequented club neko. I’ve been around him the past few months and recently stopped supporting him after a lot of the staff I was in favor to quit. Also the rebrand was stupid to me. It was sad watching dedicated staff working daily and having such a fun personality only to quit. The staff aren’t happy there. Some just still stay in hopes of earning a quick $L. He also tried to get into my friends’ pants. She was really creeped out by it, but according to others it’s not news. He preys on women but the moment he finds someone else to try to “woo” (*gags*), he’ll toss the other girls out like they were nothing… He’s really gross. It’s funny how he thinks he can handle his sim but will apparrently have tantrums when his reigion doesn’t earn enough money. He thinks everyone loves him but everyone I know just pretends to because well… They either work for him or they hang out at the sim for their friends or favourite workers. It’s really sad how he’s crumbling down. He’s got his 15 minutes of fame. Just shut down the garbage sim already.
Envy enjoys having people around him that say yes constantly and follow him like a harem. Unless you are female he doesn’t let you on the management team and even then if you don’t do as he wants or even remotely suggest anything to him he flips out. LGBT place my ass when you can’t even give respect to anyone who is gay or trans in any which shape or form and on top of it he fires people just of a whim. Doesn’t matter what you do or say if you aren’t kissing his ass he doesn’t care even if you are making money for him. What’s disgusting about it all is that everyone whos ever stuck their necks out to do something for him or try to better his already failing club ends up fired no matter what. Get over yourself Envy your club is dying and there’s only so many people you can hire before you run out of people idiotic enough to run your club for you.
lok at the downvotes . they trying to make it lok like this is an unpopular opnion. hihihihi :silly:
@Audrey Marie Jeffery aka Bella. Yes, you. Stop denying it. So here’s what you posted on Facebook and my opinion on what you’ve said! ———— “So I am here today to say something. I am being compared in a website that I am someone else. Like every SL Resident in this world, I have my right to preserve my RL and reveal to no one. There are people that do not share their RL information to anyone.” Yeah, sure. ———– “I am sad that a member of my team left because they suspect I am this person and that I refused to open a video web chat with them. Again, this is my right to do this.” It is but it’s also in her right to know who she is actually working with. We know who you are, so cut the crap. Stop trying to yet again pull people into your scheme and harming them and their business in the process. ———– “As far as the other people on my team, they are friends of mine that I have grown to know and love. What is wrong with that?” Uhm, sure… except that the people you call friends are exactly the same ones as before, even your lover comments on your posts! And since when, April? Since you came back because of Covid, right? That’s a month of knowing them… hmmhmmmmmm…… Please….. we’re not as dumb as you think everyone around you is. Wake up! Stop being so delusional. ———– ” About the dress, its my creation. I did not buy this anywhere or have someone else to do it.” If you weren’t Bella, why do you need to defend yourself by stating something that Bella was being accused of? And yes Bella, you bought it, no harm done in… Read more »
Bella thinks that we are all as stupid as she or Edu, she thinks that we do not know when she mounted a fake facebook and even married Edu using another fake facebook, she is so idiot that she made her group with Kay jessy using another Facebook profile and Carla as a member, And in addition to everything began with her horrifying clothes of Disney fantasies, who does not know that you are your Bella? you think we’re so stupid, I’m waiting to see when she reveals her identity and says it was a social experiment, Let me tell you … YOU ARE PATHETIC
Now this is some good tea lol
I just checked her FB… yes, it’s her, …..it’s been 3 years since she was gone?:D ? https://gyazo.com/0f71383b24d75511e5a45d880f11ea90 ….God, I hate these psychos….
I just noticed today…a friend sent me that, because i have bella on my blocked list!
If we are talking about this stupid’s chick SL here, why is there this link above from her RL? Is it that RL not allowed in SL Secrets?
Someone messaged me and alerted me, thanks.
2. Holy shit someone finally said it. Some of her skins are great but she neglects body appliers which she promised to update but never did. I get having RL stuff going on but don’t go venturing into “home/decor” and releasing new shit when you have pending projects and updates you promised to deliver.
Her appliers work. You need to update your maitreya ( if that’s what you are using) from v5.0 to v5.1, The flaw was on maitreya’s part.
You mean it’s Maitreya’s (and any other body’s) fault for not having the skin tones, cleavage options, and updated BoM/appliers for bodies other than Belleza and Legacy?
Nah, sis. Read it again.
Honestly he’s the most disgusting man child I’ve ever met in SL and I’ve met a few idiots around in world. It doesn’t surprise me at all if he was f*cking around on Cricket especially since he partnered his new gal just two days after they split so yeah I’m gonna go with he was cheating on her.
Let’s also not forget the whole crap he gave Cricket about shared money from the item he helped make for her store *cough*textured*cough* and how he was gonna blast her on her. I see no secret here Taylor, oh wait your a idiot who doesn’t think to check your own transaction page before blowing up on people. Someone seriously needs to think before he speaks
I give the new girl a week before she gets fed up with his b.s and running offline when his wife gets home cause god forbid she find out he’s playing LOL
I’m not the least bit surprised to hear this tbh. I ran into him about a year ago when he was dating someone in my Sl family who had a lot of drinking problems and he was very interested in me even while with her. That man can’t stay still for a moment if his life dependent on it. I feel bad for his real life wife if that is said to be true; that woman deserves better.
He is a manchild who cheats on his RL wife for pixel pussy while trying to pretend to be badass. Didnt he throw a hissy fit and ‘delete’ his account last time he got caught cheating?
Chatting up other girls while involved with another seems to run in the family…
#16. The guy’s Facebook bio says he is a well known person. That is such a weird and awkward thing to put on a bio. Also he is not well known because I didn’t know who he was. So many people in sl think they’re known by everyone but you’re really not and no one cares about you. #7 this person is sick in the head I think that photo is enough to warrant them being put on a sex offender list.
#7 LOL this is an Ant Booty, which goes with the Facebook group – A group where we all pretend to be ants in an ant colony, that’s what it pertains to. It’s a fun little group and this person is probably in the said group and made an Ant Booty. Just because you took it as disgusting doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t get the joke. It’s funny as all hell, I may even walk around with my own Ant Booty as I am a member of that group L I F T, B I T E, T O T H E Q U E E N!
#2 Kiiindaaa have to agree with this one. Way too much info being shared on the social media. I get that designers are people, and I’m usually one of the first ones to admit this..but the skins are over hyped. Yes the bodies are gorgeous, I love that chubby and personally feel it’s one of the best ones made on the market but it’s disappointing really. There’s not a good range of tones to choose from and the bodies are limited. There was a promised paler tone for months that hasn’t happened. Having to use the moonbeam skin with a skin tint from Evermore to lighten it, secondlife problems, I know lol. But I’ve been getting the feeling lately that after every new skin is released..the promised updates and changes aren’t going to happen. *shrugs*
Don’t even get me started on how long it took to actually get the body..and how many posts were written and taken down about the teasers.
#42 Are we seriously bashing a creator on Virtual Secrets for making something that YOU don’t like? Do you want a different shape? Hit the motherflipping marketplace, there are thousands.
It seems obvious to me that you have a beef with the creator. Go find therapy someplace else.
Oh, dear, are you outing yourself, Stargazer? Or are you just afraid that people have aesthetic tastes that don’t run along the lines of “eyes too small for an adult’s head and lips that look like a Kardashian stuck her lips in a vacuum?”
And you could say I have a beef with that store. I dislike skins that force the female wearers to have dimples and smile lines. I dislike that skin for managing to have the worst freckles of 2020. I don’t know the maker behind that store from whoever the running fuck you are. But I think they can do a LOT better and refuse to. So, I have standards, which I’ve upped over the years. Now, up yours.
Oh dear, do you need a hug? Or a drink? Or therapy?
Not gonna find it here. I’m a fan of Stargazers for about 4 years now, and do you know what I do when one of their products isn’t my jam? I DON’T BUY THEM. In fact, I happen to make my own shapes, so I didn’t buy that particular one.
That’s it. I don’t make a fuss like a baby with a full diaper, or throw a tantrum like a toddler who got momma take a candy away from them.
Nobody “forces” you to any kind of shape or dimple or freckle skin that I don’t want to wear. Now, why would you need to come here making such a petty drama, just because you don’t like that shape? A ton of people do, leave them to their tastes! Or just admit that your beef is personal and you just tried to get people on your drama wagon and it blew on your face… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
HOE (noun) a long -handled gardening tool .
with a thin metal blade, used mainly for weeding
use a HOE to dig (earth) or thin out or dig up (weeds)
everyone knows the only REAL dictionary is the urban dictionary so especially for you:
A trashbag who thinks who thinks having sex with only one person means one person at a time. Has sex with multiple people and thinks it’s ok to do that. Can be male or female.
@42 when you stop releasing free gifts that make your store look like shit ??♀️
OMG I can’t believe that someone is forcing you to wear… oh wait their not ??
When people stop being choosing beggars you poor fucks
The point is if your gifts aren’t representative of what you sell, they are not just useless, they are actually counterproductive. It would be better to offer no gifts at all than to offer garbage ones.
#1 – The absolute state of original design in SL. #2 – Yeah just don’t buy them. #3 – Can’t argue with that. #4 – Yawn. #5 – Ooooh, names? #6 – Yeah, we get it… #7 – With all the wasp waists around, only a matter of time… #8 – That’s what demos are for. #9 – Yeah we got it on the first one. #10 – Who ever these people are. #11 – Little chuckle there. #12 – Stuff of nightmares. #13 – Because it’s superior in every way? And they use FAR less resources, the way complexity is calculated is just fucked and it gives it a higher number for no reason, the old ones are WAY heavier in reality for your system. #14 – Oh look, another event. #15 – Hey designing things is hard. #16 – I’m sure Nadia will listen to you, who ever Nadia is. #17 – That classic catwa vomit inducing face. #18 – Easy solution, lock prizes on the winning account. #19 – His ship? What ever you meant there I guess… #20 – I fell asleep half way on this one. #21 – I’ll make a note of that. #22 – You could have gotten a better meme. #23 – What in the actual fuck? That has to be a montage… how is Facebook not on the phone with the police right now? #24 – Yeah we saw the first one. #25 – Busted. #26 – I don’t see a problem with that when they literally even scripted the thing to warn you of the free for all, you can always opt out? All these secrets for Maui reminds me of some secrets from some other clubs a while ago that were more ads than anything… I think even the… Read more »
You are missing the point and you do not know f*ck about laws. Morphing is FALSE ADVERTISING. And please is ugly. Is fake. Takinh an SL pic is not soooo difficult.
Agreed. If you can’t tell from the ad how it will look, even with demo available it’s false advertisement. Now for artistic posters, I perosnally find it creepy AF but at least it’s not dishonest.
nooooooooooobody cares
#5 is Dyna Serenity, hit her up if you want grainy asf nudes from the 80’s
Wow. Looks like karma came and knocked someone out. Dyna and her crew are nasty as fuck to people. Viciously mean even. Ive even seen them trying to ruin peoples names out of SL too.
If you’re going to be nasty cunts to people then I feel sorry for you. Something must be really wrong if you are so bitter, with so much hate, that you try to ruin people. I hope this will be a valuable lesson on how to treat others but I doubt it. I’ve watched this happen for years.
Not just Her (Dyna) you’re going after is it, what’s this Real Life FB message about? Hitting up another woman’s RL FB, with your RL FB, threatening her to take back things/more lies she repeated, things you told her and if she doesn’t, you are going to phish (again) her RL man? Threatening her a “world of shit” and she won’t know when it’s coming? Is that what you’re doing here? Is this going to go on for weeks, until you ruin her reputation? I wonder who else you have done this to. Put your name in your next comment or Secrets post, so others can see it and can jump in.
to try to obtain financial or other confidential information from Internet users, typically by sending an email that looks as if it is from a legitimate organization, usually a financial institution, but contains a link to a fake website that replicates the real one.
verb (used with object)
to make (someone) a victim in this way:
Everyone who demands SL names on the secrets is a dumbass, but there’s an extra special level of stupid hypocrisy when the demand comes from someone who isn’t using theirs.
Dyna stop trying to hide and “expose” when your not even talking to or about the right person. You’re just giving us a laugh.
That’s adorable that im being blamed for this shit, hilarious, as for phish i never said dick about that, i told that fat cow to either clear the rumors cherry spread that i ain’t no fucking pedo, which you already accused me of Dyna, and later i proved to be all spread bullshit. As for fat ass mandy, she had known me for over 10 years, she knew this shit was lies and didn’t step up and say something, instead she decided to suck the nasty breast milk from dyna’s nasty catfish lying ass instead and take sides on a very serious claim. If you come at me with pedo assumptions then you bet your fucking ass im coming after you, if anything shes lucky all she got was a RL FB message and nothing more. Back on track, i actually had nothing to do with this stupid fucking picture apart from a friend showing me it existed in the first place, but you know what am i surprised? no, you pissed all your friends away, the only two friends you have left is a troll idiot who has the iq of a watermelon and a bi polar piece of shit majority of sl already hates. So next time, if you’re going to call me out, miss dyna, be sure to drop my fucking name first and stop hiding behind the bullshit. When you catfish, talk shit about everyone behind there back, are the center of drama 24/7, hand nudes out and laugh about them claiming the person looks like a crackhead, laugh at the fact i had just lost my father, “laughed” at this fact, and then go on and make pictures of people’s rl faces beside random stupid shit like the hulk, talk shit about everyones rl looks,… Read more »
Odn Slade aka pig fucker. Boo fucking hoo.. Mandy didn’t stand up for you. I don’t see you out there concerned about what the truth is. You have spread many lies hiding in your little corner at Grandpas.
Hey Killjoy, do something about it, i’ll wait.
Irony, oh the irony.
Pig fucker? Says the neck beard fucktard who literally got so badly bullied in school that in his mid 20’s still comes on and tries to “bully” people in grandpa’s, you’re adorable, i said it once and i’ll say it again, let’s meet boy, me love you long time, neck beard. As for spreading lies, nah, i call shit as i see it, if i talk shit about someone, they crossed me, pretty simple really, talk shit get hit. Ironic you call me a pig fucker, we both know that came from Dyna, we both know that’s directed towards a previous ex who happened to also “fuck” one of Dyna’s “buddies”.. oh the irony from you lot. As for Mandy, maybe ask her how many time’s i stuck up for her broken ass in sl, then come back to me and boo hoo, a girl who literally makes fun and finds pleasure in the fact of men’s disabilities, like one particular guy who hangs in teqi’s, he’s in a wheel chair in rl and she makes fun of this fact, spreads all the pictures of the day around of every guy who dumps her bi polar over weight ass. I have all the chat logs, we can play this game all night long Mr neck beard, you won’t and can’t win this one, i absolutely guarantee it, now run back to your corner and continue “trying” to be a really shit troll on a game with less then 20k player base, god it must make you all fuzzy inside being such a badass on the internet. P.S. you lot called me out, you lot said put your name beside your comments, funny that. I’m the only one doing it, i guess mr neckbeard is scared, like he has some reputation… Read more »
Oh look its watermelon brain, the white knight autistic cuck coming to the rescue. Here to waste time and money on his futile efforts to bother people who don’t give a fuck about him and his only friend. You could have used that $50 to feed Dyna’s fat ass instead of wasting it. I really thought you were better at trolling, your just one of those kids that got picked on in grade school and goes online to make himself feel better about himself. Thanks for the entertainment though would be boring without you :*
Pig Fucker? Didn’t he fuck dyna? Oh you’re collaborating his “lies” and have now made it into a truth! That was brilliant Killjoy you Simp. You really do have the IQ of a watermelon. Get back to your lonely corner of the garage now champ.
Odn Sway – you using different names to post as several different people. This is the hardest you worked in your entire life. What was your reason you went back to stick the pig, again? Did you crave bacon? So let me get this straight you have issues with someone using older pics of themselves, buy you have no issues sliding that lymph dick up someone who hides being highly filtered photos.
This goes to the rest of you. Stop talking about Karma. If you believed in Karma you wouldn’t be posting here. You would let karma play out. You all have skeletons in your closet. Shit you have done that could easily be the topic on here next week.
LMAO that bitch is naaasty and at least 50, maybe 60; her nudes are probably literally that old. You must know her better than me though if you can tell that generic face from any of the other 500 chicks running around with it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her without drool, personally. I wonder if she’s still standing around Teqis trying desperately to look like jailbait.
First off .. she’s not 50 or 60. And all this bullshit you are saying about her is just that .. bullshit lies. Dyna is one of the most caring and non judgemental person I know. I have been her friend for over a decade and too bad there isn’t more people like her. She’s always there for her friends and has a heart of gold. All these lies you have been spewing about her are just that. There’s not a racist bone in her body as you stated on last weeks secrets. Obviously you are out to try and destroy her reputation but it’s not going to happen because those who know her, truly know her are going to defend her and stick by her side. I hope Karma reaps it’s soul on the 3 of you.
So proud to be her friend that you are anonymous. As someone who knows her quite well then you would know that she talks shit about each and every one of her friends and passes around their RL pics. She has even passed around the nudes of women she hated. There isn’t one person who knows her who can defend her and not get told or shown shit she has said or done to them, myself included. Karma is reaping souls and I suggest you get the whole truth before taking sides, as I did, and enabling someone who needs RL mental help.
They are anonymous .. but so are all you trash shit talking bullies. Why don’t you say who you are then if you know her so well. You all are just a bunch of keyboard rambos who lie and bully people.
Hypocritical to call someone a bully when Dyna stands at Garage and bashes females around her. Calling them pedos and taking pics of their avs to spread around and then magically those same females end up on this website the following Sunday. Lead by example and state your name so you too can be told what’s been said. or shown about you. Break free of your Stockholm Syndrome.
She calls other bitches pedos with that toddler face? That’s fucking hilarious. Maybe if she stopped being a hypocrite for just a minute and did some work, she wouldn’t have to be wearing 4-5 year old freebie hair. I would be fucking embarrassed.
I heard she kept putting Cherry Lucy in Virtual Secrets week after week only because she is jealous she is with her ex Honeymixes. Messing with that poor girl’s business for shame 😆
This is probably Dyna . I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have any friends anymore because all she does is talk shit constantly behind ALL of her friends back. If you think she hasn’t talk shit about you than you are naive.
I heard what a drama whore she was from multiple people before I even met her, and I have personally witnessed her being a shitty, useless friend, which is why I’ve never bothered to speak to her directly. I get it though; bitches who have to pretend to be 20 years younger than they are for attention gotta stick together and keep their stories straight. I’m sure it’s nice to get no “judgment” for being desperate and thirsty, lol… but that’s called enabling, not being a good friend.
/me waits for Caiti to chime in, gleaming with pride that her name was mentioned. LORDT like this chick needs another reason to get MORE attention. FYI a CNA is NOT a nurse. Girl stop lyin. Much betrayal. Wow Romans a chick. Who the fuck caressss. Roman moves thru females like she changes her boxers. So fucking whattt. Worry about why you’re so worried with what other people are doin.
Literally every time I venture onto the SL fb I made for event tracking, that chick is commenting on every post by certain FMD guys and it is the most pathetic, thirsty thing. If you DJ at FMD and you have a dick be prepared for her to try to ride it every single time you post anything; memes, articles, even if all she says is “lol” it’s not enough for her to simply react, she’s gotta leave a comment. I’m seriously embarrassed for her, sometimes.
imagine getting to the point that you have a facebook for your second life avatar lmao
Imagine getting to the point that you think everyone else’s SL experience is exactly like yours lmao
Store owners, event organizers, bloggers, etc. need social media to promote their products or events, and it makes total sense to me to keep that separated from their RL profiles.
Imagine getting to the point that you reply to comment on a social media website about second life avatars lmao. Besides you know you have one too.
I look at it like this- it keeps all the event spam in one place, where I only have to look at it if I’m trying to find a party, and frees up my group space in world. I don’t post on it at all; just a way to gather and manage information. Scrolling the timelines of these people who post non-business related shit makes me feel like autism might be contagious.
Girl! Seems to the year for chicks pussy whipping the gay boys. Nice one Ms Baxton…you are pure class like the crowd you hang with! And she is in Second Pride organizational team too…hmmm. lmfao! Go Babes!
OKAY Caiti lawl. Pure class. Totes. But really tho, how many times you gotta mention you’re a “nurse” per day? Also like working in a nursing home as a CNA isn’t the same as an actual ER nurse. Just stfu already. Besidesssss Roman didn’t even really like her. She knew Roman is female irl.
Happy Sunday all! It seems that there is some hot tea to be had today. First, I want to applaud #3 & #6. I wish more people would listen to this advice, on how to make secrets more readable. 8, 9, & 12 Not only are morphs fugly, majority of the time, the people doing them, do not bother checking out the copyrights on the RL photos. I have lost count on how many I have seen, which was in direct violation of the photographer’s TOS. 14, 15, & 24 Well, Bella is at it again; or should I say Audrey Marie Jeffery (audreymariejeffery resident). You would think that after being caught twice and exposed, she would have learned by now to just stop the bs and quit stealing and lying. I guess some people just NEVER learn. 26 If you read that note that they sent out, they warn about the bar, then there is a warning ON the bar when you sit down. If you STILL want to sit there, you have been warned what it’s for. I’m not a fan of Bandor’s but hey, if he has a warning system set up for it, then it can’t be called rape. There is better tea on Bandor than this, so I have to say, this secret is a reach. 45 Catwa being petty, is not new. In fact, I thought this was a well-known fact. I recall, years ago, when I first went to her store with a couple of friends, before she was making mesh heads, they warned me to watch what I said in local about her or her products. She had a reputation back then, for ejecting and banning people, with no warning, just because she didn’t like what you may have said in local… Read more »
@1. That is seriously messed up Pseudo. If you support Dahvie, or even Jeffree, you must be real sad sack of a human.
Besides that, all those shop look-a-likes, cluttering they high poly clothes on events, so more to not support those shops, bye girl. bye.
#44. Second Life: Where the dirty perverts go to be themselves.
#35 This ‘family’ is pathetic lol. Enjoy the drama of idiots cheating on idiots.
#2 – I love Pepe Skins but this post has some relevancy. She needs to update her body appliers for more than Belleza and Legacy. Plus, we all are watching your drama with your man with a bucket of popcorn. You give us too much information, doll. You should find a friend to confide in because SL Facebook isn’t the way, sis. #8-9 … when will skin creators figure out that skin morphing is trash? Velour and Revoul had a huge, public fight because they used, without permission, the same RL advertisement to market their SL content. This also happened with Tres Beau. Try making your own advertisement without RL content and this kind of thing wouldn’t happen. Morphs are shit, they always have been, they always will be. #10 – Let me get this straight. You went back 9 whole weeks to find this conversation? Do you have a life? Do you not have other productive things you could be doing with that kind of time? We all have seen that old ass conversation. What is your goal by resharing old news? Zzzzz. Get a life and find a way to stop obsessing over Lynn Larimore and Farrah. All of the pedo, cheating, and whore posts were completely scrolled past without further glance. #42 – Everyone thinks they’re a shape maker in SL. You’re not. You shape makers are selling shapes that took 5 minutes to make with some sliders for a higher price than the skin (that was actually painted) you’re demoing for the shape. You want to make money but don’t invest in your product by purchasing the skin. Instead you wear and demo for free and shit out a $1,500 shape that no one asked for. #48 – We all knew Roman was a chick. “Daddy… Read more »
“You shape makers are selling shapes that took 5 minutes to make with some sliders for a higher price than the skin (that was actually painted) you’re demoing for the shape. You want to make money but don’t invest in your product by purchasing the skin. Instead you wear and demo for free and shit out a $1,500 shape that no one asked for”
You clearly know absolutely nothing about any of this that you still talk about as if you knew.
First of all, the skin’s price is L$ 50. FIFTY. Not L$1500.
Second, the creator did not just demo the skin, SHE CREATED IT. It’s her effing skin, and this is not the first time that she has made shapes to match HER OWN skins.
Third, I know for a fact that there is high demand for Catwa Freya shapes, and I know this because, unlike the creator of that skin and shape, I am a shape creator, and my Freya shapes are my best sales of the month.
LOL oooh, triggered.
I’m speaking about shape makers in general who spend 5 mins making a shape while wearing a demo skin. Then make their vendor using the same demo skin.
The skin costs $999 in world and it took hours and hours of painting and drawing to perfect, but the shape a shape creator spent 5 mins on costs $1500.
It’s ridiculous.
Oh, and I can guarantee your Freya shapes are as terrible as everyone else’s. They’re only best selling because it was a free head and very few people could make a shape for it. I doubt you’re one of the few.
But your aggression and anger over my comment really makes my day. Go off, sis.
Hey snowflake, I never said my shapes were awesome, you said “a $1,500 shape that no one asked for” and I came to tell you that a) it is not $1500 and b) yes, a lot of people asked for them.
Need a hug, sweet cheeks?
You comment to that specific pic, and now you tryina to convince anyone your comment was not about *that* pic, but “shape makers in general”? dude who you bullshitting?rofl
Also, if you think that comment is aggressive and angry, your not ready for the world, buttercup… VS is not your safe place, go cry somewhere else or grow a thicker skin when someone calls you out on your BS…
Like southa said, let’s see how good you are at making any sh*ts in SL hahahahahaha
Oh yeah I have been told he’s actually married in RL and he has to run and hide because his wife doesn’t even know what he gets upto online, he’s so skeevy
He knows his wife from Second Life, as far as I know. But also tried to hit on friends of mine and me, several times.