Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 605.
· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 127 Comments
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Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 605.
#27 Hey Toxxic when are you going to get drunk again while live streaming on YouTube and tell your dumb fuck husband that your going to drive to the nearest jack in the box to pick up some egg rolls. She is a wonderful mother in rl also btw ;). Toxxic is literally fucked up on drugs or drunk as fuck 24/7. And besides all that if you do some research and look at her shady history in SL it involves copybotting, hiring griefers to troll/crash other businesses or treating her customers for her prestigious pre-made template factory alterego like shit. Anyone that has been in SL for more then 5plus years thinks you are complete fucking scum and a joke.
Please leave second life, your mental condition is against the ToS
LOL Castles and their love for pedos! SL= Pedo land for the daddy doms and baby girls? yuck man
pretty sure we all know they are about it, why would they have pacifiers and wear toddler style clothing if they didn’t hmm. Yeah most girls on sl have that cute soft pink look but when have pacifiers, diapers and a oneise they are into it. I mean that one castle girl makes baby style clothes i mean come on do you think we are dumb
#24 ……………I have seen this guy Chubs ( mrohs.baxton) having drama with all of his girlfriends that he cant keep for more than a month at a time. One of you diaper wearing, snotting, over sexed babygirls (who sit in here defending) should ask him who Hayley is. And then ask him how old she was when he was with her…………… That should be fun.
LOLOL Not ONLY is he into pedophilia, he’s super into incest. It’s one of his many disgusting taboo kinks. He has some mental issues for sure. I can’t stand the guy. Like I said in a previous post – he gets mad when you tell him no and throws a fucking hissy fit. Tries to make you feel like shit (and fails) and then talks shit about you behind your back. He’s a shit person and honestly, LL needs to ban him from ever using SL ever again. If he’s like this in-game, can you imagine how he is RL?
This is so true. He loves incest. And he lives on SL I don’t think he has logged off in a year. FR.
Big OOF.
No one on the Aftercare sim partakes in pedophilia. You were banned for talking about child avis and for running your mouth. You have the same style as the girls that go there except you have less curves than they do, your body is much more childlike than any of the girls that go there. This is an ADULT hang out, there for.. tits out is allowed… if you can’t handle that.. don’t go to adult sims. Grow up.
The only reason they have curves is because their DADDY leader Honeymixes loves to degrade Cricket because she is HUGE in RL. She complains about it to every man she meets. Looking for sympathy then runs right back into his arms. Its a fucking joke. I wouldn’t call their avatars curvy I would call them overweight toddlers, thats a better description.
I find it amusing that you rock exactly the same aesthetic.
Must be bored with your own life to run around and judge others.
3. gives me the creeps. i might have nightmares.
Anyone who tries to argue that look isn’t infantile is a fucking retard.
IS THAT what that is? i’ve seen a couple pics with it in there on flickr, but i didn’t wanna believe that’s what it was. FUCK how do you buy that shit and think.. hmm this is cute?!
YES. It’s a fucking snot bubble; so repulsive.
News flash ladies- the only adults that constantly drool and run around with snot bubbles hanging out of their noses are mentally handicapped in some way- so which is it? Are you going for the preschool vibe or the drooling moron vibe? There are no other choices.
LOL slut shaming in 2020 in a virtual game. How edgy. >.>
11- The original Desperate Housewife, always got her nasty ass and her big ass fucking nose in everyone’s business except her own.
#1 – It’s only March, don’t give awards of the year just yet. #2 – So edgy… #3 – A face you can’t forget. #4 – That overflowing cum. #5 – Who ever this is. #6 – That was funny. #7 – Well if they can’t think for themselves, they have to copy. #8 – Oh look another one. #9 – Okay, they have a chair and a sign on a dinner sim, calm your tits, you aren’t the first one to make a place like this. #10 – I cannot imagine what the “misspelled” deleted post looked like if this is the one she’s presenting… #11 – Yawn. #12 – Yeah, tat her name… that’s such a big important thing on SL, not like they change those like they change underwear… #13 – Creepy stalking much? #14 – If she got game, why are you upset? You still endless looking? #15 – Oh third one this week… #16 – Who ever Lukas is I guess. #17 – Yawn. #18 – Voyeur? #19 – Alright, who’s handling the bets? Put down 20 on my name. #20 – Who do you trust? #21 – Posted by himself, LoL, fuck outta here. #22 – Who cares? #23 – Now that was funny. #24 – Modern family. #25 – Okay, why would you wanna be in such a place to begin with? If they are shit leave them be. #26 – A+ for effort! Add the full name next time. #27 – She actually had a point, follow the fucking rules if you agree with them, reminds me of people that break dress code because they think they are above it all and rules don’t apply to them. Next time she doesn’t invite rule breakers you’ll be bitching and moaning over clique when… Read more »
#25 – Okay, why would you wanna be in such a place to begin with? If they are shit leave them be.
My scene, but not my post.
Some backstory:
SL is down to like 2-3 decent gay hang out / hook-up spots. (The rest are empty, shitty clubs, or have turned into AFK bot farms.) White Rock was recently sold to (or rescued by) a Dutch guy who doesn’t have the time to police the beach drama. But he got all of his Dutch bros to look out for it who are… often drama queens in their own right.
Tomasiash is fresh-off-noob island with a dom compelex and a dislike for anyone who doesn’t share his fettishes.
10. Makeda, learn how to speak please. Illiteracy does not make you look intelligent. There’s this thing called grammar. Learn to use it. Thanks.
12. That tat looks like shit. Sekani needs to learn how to use blend and use transparency.
13. Those two need to get rid of that lame ass flexy hair bullshit, that’s what they need to do. Not to come off as racist, but why the fuck do the black avatars in sl still wear that garbage ?
it’s not cute honey. It looks cheap as fuck and just creates lag. GET NEW HAIR HOES.
21. We can smell the desperation coming off of you…. and “lover” it isn’t cute. Stop being a thirsty bitch. If he wanted you, he would be with you. He wouldn’t be messing with all of these “babygirls”.
27. Maybe follow the rules ? There is no turning this around on her. If everyone failed to do what they agreed to then it’s their fault. You are being the whiney one now. Hello Toxxic number 2. lol
Pro tip: Anything you say after “not to come off as racist, but..” is going to be racist 999 times out of 1000. And I’m afraid you didn’t achieve the 1000th case with that one, darling.
I mean, the only people in SL that still wear flexi hair are black avis and noobs, so I guess you can call a fact “racist” if you want, but it doesn’t make it any less true.
26. He really thinks his shit doesn’t stink
#7 and #9
i laughed my ass off when i seen this because corn bread glacier has always been just a unoriginal ghetto ignorant bitch that uses that tiny microcephaly lookin ass head of hers and big ass body in half naked pics to get likes, i saw that diner before she copied it and im low key not even surprised.
She deleted her status yesterday because she got roasted and told everyone it got reported. That bitch is dumb as fuck and her people too talking about how shes not invested in Secondlife when she has a whole ass Instagram. I just keep her on my friendlist for the entertainment TBFH
24. This is very true, that guy is pussy whipped by a girl that wears dippers. She got banded from the last baby girl sim she hung out at for mentioning she’s into age play. Also that entire family is a bunch of weird people, none of the girls Avis are over 5 feet and they all wear baby clothes. They all hang out at this place called aftercare, it’s like grandpas but like 10x worse because you have to hear their whiny voices on mic . It’s really just a matter of time before that place gets close too.
she does not wear diapers get your facts straight.
Bitch got banned from a sim for inviting age play and the diapers thing is the part you defend? There is something seriously wrong with you people.
That’s because if you actually knew her and the sim in question you would know that NEITHER of those things are true,.. but you know.. keep believing everything on the internet lol
@Grow up
I have been to the sim and it’s exactly like that. Weirdo baby looking Avis pretty much nude, With pacifiers, runny nose bubbles, drool and teddy bears. They look like a td avi became a stretched out stripper. It’s just not cool man
She talks on voice like a CHILD I have heard her many times slurring her words and TALKING like she is 5 years old… They age play. Period.
Well, when you put yourself out there like she does.. in the childlike way that she does, with all the childlike features and accessories.. you can expect this kind of attention.
I feel like yes it is an aesthetic, people can dress how ever, it’s just being taken a bit to far. It’s letting people indulge in behavior that’s just not Okay…. and who knows maybe that could be a trigger for someone. They haven’t acted on this fetish before but then they see that and role-played it, and then maybe think oh Role-play isn’t enough anymore I should try doing it in real life. You really never know, I feel like baby girls are fine, but there is such a thing as pushing it too far
i think the stupid thing that a lot of people have in common is that they attack or complain about someone with a youthful looking avatar even if they’re not using an aesthetic that would make it worse. if you have big eyes? you’re gross for being a child. big lips? child. clean looking skin? child. wearing pink or having a holdable item (IE. teddy bear, animesh animal, etc)? you’re a child.
why are you so worried about others so much that you have to let it blatantly make you upset and pissed off? the binky and diapers, that i can understand, but my main focus is literally everything else that has to do with being youthful looking is instantly classified as them being a child when that’s not the case at all. sometimes far from it. i just think y’all need to chill and stop letting peoples style get to you so much.
My avi has many of those characteristics, as well as a bit of a button nose. I’m definitely not tall- SL says I’m 5’9-10″, which in proportion to most environments is almost as short as an adult, non-dwarf woman could possibly manage while looking realistic. You would still never look at it and think even underage teen, let alone child. That’s why I don’t feel the need to state that my avi is over 18 in my profile; it’s completely obvious. Funny how often those avis do feel that need… because they know damn well how they look, it’s guilty conscience and covering their pedo bait asses. Instead of a disclaimer, why not just try looking like an adult so they don’t need one?
yeah i try to make my avi taller but when i stand next to some of my friends, i look like a giant even though SL says i’m 5’5 or taller. but i did misunderstand the message coming across and i do agree with the points both of you made. they should at least appear adult so they’re not HAVING to make a disclaimer that their avi’s are above the age of consent. i do agree that binkys, snot bubbles, and the pacifiers are pushing it and are very childish. like i said, i just misunderstood and don’t want to appeear as if i’m appropriating or defending what they’re doing
UH maybe you should read what the fuck we are talking about here. nobody is hating for looking young. We all have avis that don’t look like us, most of which are more youthful than our rl. AGEPLAY is what we are talking about. The binkys, the diapers, the snot bubbles coming from the nose. wearing a childs onsie.. shit like that.
Now if you wanna defend individuality, this is not the thread for that. The real question is WHY YOU chose this specific topic to weigh in on.. especially when you have no idea what you are referring to. Seems like you might have some negative personal experience with this… I have clean skin in sl, i have a YOUNGER face, i have big lips, and i wear pink.. but i also DO NOT resemble, or play like a child. THEY LOOK LIKE CHILDREN, and even further go out of their way to dress and seem like one. So, to each is own..i get. Normalizing age play and grown women and men sexualizing KIDS. nah fam. You can defend that sick shit somewhere else.
i’m not defending it or normalizing it at all because it literally makes me sick seeing people act like children too, but in general i’ve commonly seen people whining about it or jumping to those styles being child-like. i might have misread the message because some words made it seem super hostile. calm down lol. i misunderstood – my bad.
that did seem aggressive for no reason lol, my bad
im just hostile in general lately. Social isolation is not my friend
it happens and i’m not going to hold that over you. sometimes text is hard to get context from, so it’s all good. no hard feelings
‘ShE dOeS nOt WeAr DiApErs’ lmfao thats all you got? THE GIRL IS A GROWN ASS WOMAN PLAYING A TODDLER BRO.
binkys with her tits out. it not cute, its fucking sick. sexualizing kids and pedo playing with grown men for attention isnt a game, you need therapy.
the sad thing is chubs was cool and now he will forever be known not just for cheating but for being a pedo too.
that sad boy elf look tho. TF happened to this guy?
WOW. Seems Chubs has really gotten himself into it LMAO. I don’t know much about the family but i do know that this doesn’t surprise me. And YES, he cheats on everyone he dates so i’m sure that family is just a trade of who gets to fuck whose babygirl that night. It’s like ring around the hosie. ‘Uncle Daddy’ Chubs gets to have his babygirl and fuck her friends too. A DREAM.
A DIAPER THO? big fucking yikes.
The people disliking these comment are probably him and his pedo/incest family.
He really is fucking disgusting. And he cheats on EVERYONE he dates. 100% can’t be loyal but wants to lecture someone about loyalty. He is the absolute worse person and just a waste of space. All he does is bitch and whine when something doesn’t go his way or if someone tells him no. Fucking pathetic.
That toxic rhianna woman sounds like a real cunt
26. This dude is such an asshole. I hit on him at White Rock. He stood alongside me and said look at us, whats wrong here. Then he told me I looked like a neanderthal. Seriously bro grow the fuck up, I like my Aesthetic body and won’t change for anyone. Your whole attitude sucks.
Jaxon is his alt that he pretends is his brother. Luca Mielziner is his main. He always stands around the gay beaches and says he’s the only good looking avi around. gag.
Best part about this, this guy has the aesthetic body too so he’s a bit hypocritical for calling somebody else out with that body
LMAO…Aesthetic….LMAO…oh god…why are people STILL wearing this shit? Ugh.
LOL right, incoming IMs from those get blocked without response most of the time. The body is fucking hideous 99% of the time and they never want to ask what game I’m playing or if I saw any good movies lately -.- always that “dick in hand” vibe
TBF White Rock is an island for bears (hairy muscular gay men who like the company of other hairy gay men.) They’re still into the aesthetic for its Tom of Finland looks. Most of the rest of the grid has moved on.
That old ass body ain’t gonna win any fashion awards, but it fills a niche in certain communities till something else comes along.
Lmao @ dick in hand vibe
#5. About time someone cancelled this animal abusing cunt.
#5 & #27
You all should know by now that this doesn’t hurt meeee. Posting about me on here makes my life sooo much easier! TY FREE promo!! In the infamous words of Mrs Nicki Minaj “Why is it that I can’t be assertive or have certain demands without being classed as a bitch!? However, when men do it they are a boss or boss’d up!” Its the same shit. I want my events to be PERFECT! I want my designers to be on their A Game. We have a show to run! We have people waiting for this to open and it’s not gonna open half assed. Super NOT sorry, not my cup of tea. I’m not gonna apologize for my actions, for venting, in my OWN group. People knew at that moment, I mean business. So shit or get off the pot, period! They all knew the rules, they all agreed to the rules and I am someone who will enforce my rules. Call me an unhinged, crazy bitch, I thank you … but my event will be on point. Period.
@Toxxic Rhiannyr Gurl stop. First off bitch, Second life isn’t Wallstreet you aren’t anyone’s boss. Secondly, if you want shit done your way do it your damn self lazy bitch.
Never said I was anyone’s boss, but I would be the leading role for my events. So that gives me the platform to instruct and enforce rules. So technically … but anyways, yea your right. Maybe I should just do it all myself and stop relying on creators to make the event functional. Thx for commenting
Lmao. You are pushing sixty, stop quoting Nicki Minaj. The fact you readily quote a person who stole her entire career, supports a paedophile and child molester, has half her songs ghostwritten, actually hates thew female youth and wants them to fail baffles me. No one mentioned your gender. If a male did what you did, he would be getting shit, too.
Stop speaking like a black teenage female on Instagram and start speaking like a mature adult and maybe people will take you seriously. You had a full-on meltdown in public. Not attractive.
Also, not all promo is good promo. There are more cases where that ‘promo’ has sunken something entirely. I have no idea how acting twelve will make everything ‘easier’. In fact, I dare say lashing out at creators, who are the sole reason your event works, will make them hesitant to join in the future. I mean, people only go to it because it is free stuff, not because they appreciate the time and effort you put in.
I am certainly not pushing 60 lol and I can quote whomever I please. Just as sure as you can sit up here an try to tear me down. That quote solidifies my feelings towards the situation. I am def not trying to excuse my melt down, it happens, I am not ashamed of it. I put a lot of time in to my work and when people don’t respect it bothers me and I voice my frustrations. Same thing you all do here. You all hate me so much and you wanna tell the world! The only difference is, I will sit here on my name, while the rest of you hide. I welcome anyone here to IM me and tell me what you really think, but you wont. Coz it all doesn’t really matter that much does it? Nope it don’t.
@Alexander – I was with you until the “Stop speaking like a black teenage female on Instagram” part, but carry on…
I am here to remind you that you are not “boss’d up,” you are having a melt down over Easter eggs. This is an activity for children. Stop and process that. Again, you are shitting your panties over an Easter egg hunt.
I don’t think I am boss’d up, but I do think I want to have a successful event, no matter what the object is. Sure this is all stupid for you, because your business isn’t involved, so therefore it doesn’t affect you. There are 70 stores in this event so it certainly does affect them. I am trying to make people money and in turn offer the community something fun to do, while being stuck at home. So it is really important to someone out there for sure.
You were just screaming “misogyny” but now are back peddling because you sound like Joe Exotic in this. It is stupid to lose you shit over an Easter egg hunt. This is not a state diner you are organizing. This is not the Met Gala. This is an Easter egg hunt where people come for free shit. All your ramblings about “on point” and “perfect” and “your business” are delusional. The fun factor is getting free shit while spending at most a minute looking for one of these idiotic eggs you are worried about. Again, stop and process this because you have lost your fucking mind.
It is not YOUR designers. They are not your slaves. If you would actually know how to create and not copybot shit or still it you would know. Man i hate your guts. And stop abusing animals.
LOL well you missed the bus. I don’t think they are mine in the sense that they are my slaves. I say that with the intention of everyone being on a team. They are my team of people and we are all working for the same goal. I don’t really care if you hate my guts, you mean zero to me tbh and I don’t abuse animals? lol w/e that is referencing to
to the people who have a problem with the corona virus “infected” counter… it’s not insensitive, it’s a joke. it’s the internet. the internet is made of memes and people who aren’t so sensitive that they try to cancel or shame people for having a go at someone/something. yes covid-19 is a real and very serious issue in the world today but you know there are ALOT of other things in SL that are very real and serious that you don’t see popping up in VS. How about calling out people who have guns or drug paraphernalia on their avi? how about people who make disabled person avatars? how about people who make gestures with offensive audio? there is any number of potentially offensive things on the marketplace yet no one is calling them out here. stop trying to be a social justice warrior, you precious little snowflakes, and try just having a little fun sometimes. at the very least, stop worrying about what everyone else is doing to have a little fun. not everyone needs that stick up their ass as much as you do. some of us prefer dicks ?
Oh, my, somebody is triggered. Can’t stand that other people’s sense of humor doesn’t cover “I’m killing people LULZ” and blames the rest of the world for their myopic bullshit. Can’t even realize people who make avatars with disabilities aren’t doing it to troll the rest of us most of the time.
Get off the cross. We need the wood to make toilet paper.
I have multiple Genus heads and all I can say is that you can make it look good IF you edit the Head and Chin sections of the shape. Some people don’t know how to do that. Also, PLEASE do a 360 view of your head shape before saving and heading out—the flat noses are not cute. ?
Someone should have posted how cornbread butt looks like two horns ?
wheres the lie? FUCCIN DEAD. ? ? ? ?
All these relationship jumpers and bed hoppers and cheating people plastered on secrets every week, but i’m over here like… how do you even meet people? lol
It’s called having low standards, I think.
genus heads look like fucking trolls! also ripped from a popular game.
It’s nice to see so many women all switched to these fugly heads, women that used to look so beautiful now look hideous! The lips look massive, the jaw looks super masculine and huge and the eye sockets look strange too.
Oh well, makes the rest of us even prettier!
Honey, worry about Real Life pretty, that’s what counts- not some pixel avatar pretty !
No, it’s funny how only c**nty babygirls with a love for drama buy a Genus head, makes it easy to spot the crazies!
lmaooo number 3 is one ugly fuck I always wondered what the deal was with his face
How about you drop 9 stone, and actually put your own avatar together before you criticize anyone!
my avi is fly ?
#27 Toxxic is actually a very nice person if you aren’t an as*hole. Doing events aren’t easy & it’s not her fault if people ignore the rules. Rules are there for a reason, the ones that disregard them are the ones at fault & Toxxic or any event coordinator has every right to be mad & to boot the offenders out & ban then in my opinion. I’ve taken part in her events in the past & it brings in a lot of traffic & sales to my store during the event, so I’m glad she keeps a close eye on things so that the hunters don’t get confused by different looking hunt items & leave the hunt. You guys are just butt-hurt because you intentionally f*cked up & were scolded like children, which you were behaving as. Funny thing, you all talk trash about Toxxic, but you’re all running to take part in her hunts, because you know they are good. Cry babies.
For real. There are freebie hunts with similar or tighter rules than Toxxic’s. And the merchants obey the rules or get disinvited. She’s offering up a chance to make money from a hunt and also attract people to their stores. I think she’s allowed to get frustrated when people fuck up something she’s already advertised.
I agree. From an objective point of view, they look incompetent. I would be pissed off too if someone I let into my event blatantly ignored the rules and then have the nerve to post me on SLSecrets like they’re ‘exposing’ me. That’s just disrespectful.
She is very nice and i dont blame her one bit for her for snapping.
She is very nice, not sure why she even makes all the effort with shitheads like this. Nice people don’t mind paying for her clothes, only freebie shitheads ruin a hunt like that.
#27 Welcome to the life of planning hunts and events. This is a vent that I have seen over and over from many event owners… some of them good friends… They have every right to be frustrated when stores entering their events can’t be bothered to read the notecards and follow simple directions. What that conversation is was not a “whiney” post… it was a vent. When the OP becomes omnipotent and never gets frustrated, then they can talk. Until then they should just pull up their big girl panties and shut the fuck up.
So another week goes by and that “big juicy gossip” about the Legacy creator doesn’t seem to be here. Someone should tell us a story about it in the comments so we have some entertainment this week at least.
Haven’t seen a secret about it but email me the tea.
I don’t have any about this particular situation or I would, but someone in the comments last week was talking about some drama with the Legacy creator and a video that would ruin them. Maybe they’ll pop up this week to mention it
#13 LMAOOO Either one of those drama hoes posted that herself, or whoever did is mocking the way they speak because that’s it, exactly how all their half-literate ass posts look. Who would’ve thought with all the shit talking they do about being real one of them is too chickenshit to say how she really feels.
#29 how about inworld and Flickr name?
Beware nudity in link (NSFW)
i highly doubt that’s actually Lacuna
#1. As a female, who pays attention (as a friend) he’s never made any advances towards me. Frankly, I’m like 99.9% sure they could give two farts less about what anyone else thinks, especially those that don’t wish them well. That is all. As far as friends go, yes they wrapped up in one another, but at the end of the day, there is nothing wrong with being wholly devoted to the one you love.
There ain’t nothing wrong with being wrapped up in your SO, but you don’t kick your friends out of your life while you’re doing that. You don’t burn bridges with people you known for ages just because of some lying bitch. It’s fine, they deserve each other and I’m happy he’s happy, but when she’s gone, he ain’t gonna have any friends left except the ones who went ahead and declined his dick.
^^ How much you wanna bet this bitch would flip the fuck out if her man hung out with any former fuck buddies LOL
That’s the fuck buddy life. You make yourself scarce when they have something serious going on, you understand that your presence causes drama, and you’re still there when the relationship ends in 3 months, ready to hop back on the fuck buddy train. Get over yourself or stop living that life if you can’t stay in your fuck buddy lane.
Don’t get bitter, get better.
Those who are using that COVID-19 “I infected ## people” are disgusting. The masks I can overlook, the spray bottles of Lysol, sure. But THAT is just beyond fucked up. Whoever created that “toy” should be ashamed of themselves as should those who are openly wearing it… That shit isn’t funny.
Sometimes people deal with stress with humor. I would say…look the other way and let them do their thing.
ok I’ll agree that the people using this are probably doing it “for a laugh” and, obviously, it’s not, but – and this is a stretch – it is, weirdly, a reminder of the need for social distancing. For all the people living in covid-19 clusters, plenty do not and, perhaps, this, albeit slightly stupid thing, will highlight that it is a real issue. Do you have to click to be “infected” or does it just work on people getting too close?
I want to know who the creator is. I haven’t seen it in world yet, but I want to know so I can never buy anything from them in the future.
Fucking yup.
#6 Now make one with all the ugly Genus Babyface clones. Will only take you 10 minutes to get hundreds of snapshots!
This could also be done with all the ugly skinless Catwa heads. It’s not the creators fault that people don’t know how to make unique shapes or apply skins.
You guys want to drag her for being upset going through the trouble to set up an event, make a poster that shows what customers should be hunting so customers don’t complain. Yea she was very expressive at how upset she was. I would be to. This is why we can’t have nice things in SL. As soon as someone wants to enforce the rules of their own event you want to call them out for being a bitch and beyond. You want the whole thing cancelled and then later bitch how you are bored in SL or how there aren’t many good shopping events. You ruin it for yourselves. And as a designer myself, shame on those designers who think they can change things. You joined the event, you follow the rules. That little commentary about how no one follows rules this is normal. That’s when you start getting shit events and a shit SL. Your adults grow the fk up. Take responsibility if you join something. You know what you signed up for. Stick with it. If you didn’t plan on following rules go make room for someone else who will.
My only problem with this is in all the years I’ve worked in SL and participated in events I can name only one other time an event coordinator has had a fit in the chat like that. People are either dumb or assholes (sometimes both), so you have to be prepared to deal with it. But when you do deal with it, use some decorum. Right now she looks unhinged and whiney which doesn’t invoke a sense of strong leadership, and strong leadership is how you command respect from the people you’re in charge of. Either she needs to reevaluate how she’s handling things or reevaluate the stores in the event and get rid of them. Maybe both.
It’s absolutely fucking stupid to try to make “rules” about how hard people should hide their hunt items; there’s a reason Twisted Hunt died, after all. It used to be the biggest thing on the grid when it was happening and are they even still doing it now? It makes no news, if so. A combination of creators taking pride in making the hunt unreasonably difficult combined with extremely low quality, outdated items offered sealed its fate. I personally would blacklist a store for giving shitty, useless hints and making the items near impossible to find- then find out it’s some shit that looked bad years ago. If people want to make their “eggs” super easy to find, so what? If they decide to make them too hard to find, that’s also their problem. They’re the ones making an impression, not the event coordinator. They’re the ones that may gain or lose customers based on their choices.
The only valid complaint she had in that whole rant was about recoloring or making the hunt item not look like it is advertised. Personally, if any creator did anything so obviously stupid, I’d just kick them out without a word.
Lol, I was part of the TH and the Night of the Living Dead Hunts when they first started. Up front, I HATE hunts. Most of the items being given are SHIT. I always try to give something that I’d wear myself. Most people don’t.
Anyway, I stopped signing up for the TH cuz people were being bitches by hiding they items in really obscure places. That or making these idiotic puzzles JUST to get the item.
Fuck that noise, seriously. The last TH just finished…Out of 30+ items (?), I only did 3. Lol. Fuck all the other shitty stuff. All that TEAL in one outfit (and their ugly logo) all over the items is tacky and ugly.
Yaknow, I always rolled my eyes at creators whining about “cheating” at hunts by using things like area search. Um hello? How is using a feature of my viewer “cheating”? Because I’m not dumb enough to do things the hard way? Some people enjoy finding the fastest, most efficient way to do things, instead of a leisurely hunt. Look at the popularity of speedrun streamers! There’s obviously satisfaction in finding a shortcut and that’s not any less valid a thing to enjoy. People who want to have a challenging search are welcome to do so; me, I’ve rarely gotten anything in a hunt that was worth that kind of effort. If you’re not posting item locations in public or group chats, anything else should be fine.
The only creator that puts on hunts that are truly worth the effort of looking for the items anymore is Death Row Designs.
Eww I meant THEIR, not they … THEIR ITEMS
Don’t really know her personally but to me that chat doesn’t look like she is going off the handle or in some wrong ranting. Specific directions about hiding the eggs and specific directions about not altering the eggs appearances and both things were ignored. I can possibly see not noticing hide all eggs too clustered but, changing the actual egg knowing not supposed to she has ever right to be upset.
This is one the best and usually most reliable hunts every season. Always good items, always fun layout matching seasonal theme. So yeah I can see she goes to a lot work each time for setup. It shouldn’t be hard follow. She is doing exactly what she should do. Immediately addressing the issue. And she did so on anon overall not even directed at one specific calling them out.
And to the poster of the secret? Marg was actually rude by interjecting like that making a joke while the event owner was addressing an issue. Do that in a RL meeting you’d be fired on the spot or dismissed from whatever tie had with company running the meeting.
They are bringing more publicity for her hunt, win win
See, I would be at least a little bit compassionate if she wasn’t such a nasty person outside of this whole issue. Toxxic literally lives up to her name when it comes to her personality, lol.
#29 finally a nose job, she looks thinner ?
What a drag. This week was the worst in a long time.
Again, all about people than no one gives a shit about or even heard of.
#1 damn someone about with those two but have to say Damo does push friends away that have been there for him.
he pushes friends away because he is a narcissist, even Ella is just an extension of that
Soooo all these pictures of the people having the coronavirus lil bug thing is suppose to be some sorta name and shame??? Seems like a waste of VS space. You cant really infect pixels. If youre going after people for “insensitivity ” then go after creators making face masks and such specifically for covid 19, so they can make a profit off the pandemic. ?
Facemasks have been a longtime thing, though. The creators using toilet paper, however…