Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 603.


· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 239 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 603.
I started the list of child lovers I know of. If I don’t get enough time this week for secret making I will next week. Looks like we’re going to be home forever anyway.
a pixelized version of 12
#21. All this man wanted was nudes and when you resisted he got verbally abusive, told me too die and said nasty names about me. He would tell you he would give you everything blah blah blah. He also hated when another man said a friendly hello too me, he wanted complete control of you. Needed team-viewer to track you and see what you were doing because he has a major screw loose. Glad I got away from this man.
I haven’t got anything much that’s factual to add to what Ella put here, Matt, you despicable piece of broke-back garbage. You pulled your sleazy shit on her and both of us tolerated it because you and I had been friends for a long time, and we both felt pity for you, but by starting this shit up and continuing on with it you’ve gone from being just a sad, fat-tongued, incredibly boring cuck whose limit-range of conversation comes down to 2 syllable sentences and laughing like Beavis and Butthead, to being a vicious, vindictive, insanely jealous, rat-faced weasel fuck – and now you’re getting called out on it by both Ella AND I. But don’t take my word for it. Anyone’s welcome to ask Ella directly whether I ever “abused” her, and she can answer for herself. You’re a fucking joke Matt, and now everyone knows that the reason you got blocked and deleted by us was because you couldn’t respect boundaries and pulled sleazy shit on her. What a lowlife, and indeed, really quite stupid cunt – I would have spared your embarrassment but you decided to stir things up with your insanely jealous posts here, a month later, so now you’re getting it from both of us, both barrels, and you deserve every single bit of it. So suck it up, you moronic fucking bitch, and know that everyone’s now laughing at you. You were rapidly fading from memory anyway as another insignificant fool that couldn’t keep his cock to himself, but by pulling this tedious nonsense you’ve ensured you will be utterly forgotten. Don’t ever darken our door again – we are beyond done and neither Ella nor I would piss on you if you were on fire. Damo *I also refuse to qualify this bullshit… Read more »
Umm I didn’t post shit about you man, so why don’t you go get fucked by a horse you cock sucka. Don’t accuse me for bullshit you got yourself into man. Why don’t you get off your high horse you piece of shit, accuse someone who actually gives a fuck. Seems like you have a woman problem. No one gives 2 fucks about ya man, you lose so many friends because your a jealous prick and a bitch pussy. Grow some fuckin balls and admit what a piece of shit you are too people. So why don’t you take my fat D and shove it so far up your ass and out your mouth so you can taste your own ass from my cock, you cock sucka. Go get fucked by a horse.
Hahaha – Matt, you’ve used “too” and “to” in the wrong places again in your posts here as yourself, your posts as “Susan” (that’s your RL Mom’s name, if I remember correctly, you unimaginative fucktard), and all over your SL profile as well. By doing so you’ve made it completely obvious it’s you – ANYONE can see it, you dumb, illiterate cunt, and you can’t delete it either. You thought you were being smart but this is now saved and going out to everyone to expose you – everyone knows already it was you, this just shows how obvious it is in black and white. Face it – you’re done. And a fucking creepy weirdo obsessive mental case – what a complete and absolute LOSER.
Writes an essay. “Couldn’t give the vaguest of shits.” Hahaha. All three of you sound like a trainwreck. Enjoy your virtual relationship while you fap your wiener. I wish you guys visit us again when the relationship ends and make a post.
You don’t care about anything anyone says because you know you got caught Damo and by the way Damo I am not Matt nor any other guy you may accuse, I am one of your many ex’s. So why don’t you grow some balls and admit what you have done. You got caught with your pants down to your ankles and pinned your bullshit on someone else, you’re a fucking coward. Smh….
Uh for one this is the first time I heard about any of this being posted today. Two: Ella, I never liked you like that, I only liked you as a friend, Damo never liked another dude saying hi too you or anything like that and you know it deep down. I never would have touched you with a 10 foot pole anyhow. Three: Damo I think your accusing the wrong person for this post, maybe look at one of or many of your past relationships that have been a disaster, seems like you are an abuser from what the post says. Lastly, I didn’t read much of your post because it is utter garbage, all you are is a jealous prick that no one gives a shit about. You’re probably the biggest dumbass on SL and it seems like a lot of women has enough of your bullshit, so suck my fat D asshole.
You’re throwing out a lot of personal RL insults for someone who looks like the love child of Sebastian Bach and Peewee Herman my dude.
Matt – A. It’s easy to identify you by your poor misuse of “too” and “to” and your inability to decipher [especially considering we had been pretty close friends for a time]. I didn’t have to read more than a sentence before it was both painfully cringe and obvious who this is. B. If you’re going to pull some sideways, snaky shit, for the love of God dude, be inconspicuous. I had a good giggle at this myself to be honest. It’s pretty sad, and a bit creepy how invested in this you’ve actually become. If my partner were abusing me, I’d be the one flaming him. Not some scared randos on this SL Dear Diary bullshit. Go back to what you know, being a GM/Pixel stripper at Unleashed. I hope you manage better than you strip/hold a conversation, because let’s be honest- that’s a fucking crash and burn. Makes sense why you’re always so broke, though. Speaking of, isn’t the man you’re claiming to be an “abuser” the same man you’ve taken multiple handouts from, because you’re a sad, boring cuck who always gets used and flushed like a drenched tampon? Makes sense now, I use to feel pity for you but it’s quite apparent that you’re just a weaselly, broke-back cunt. Broke back- get it? Because you’re so spineless that your back actually IS broken in RL? DundunTSST. The only thing I’m wondering is why you’re SO bitter after being de-friended/blocked for more than a month now. Because I (obviously) chose my kickass fucking partner over your friendship and threw you under the bus for sleazing on me? Grow a fucking pair, your back is kaput, but what’s your excuse for your horrendous case of no balls? Inquiring minds!
Cheers hun!
Your old pal, Ella. 🙂
Uh dude really? I never posted anything about you or Ella. You two need to grow up. You guys act like little bitches, it’s pathetic. Why talk about someone’s rl like that? You know for how long I have known you, I have heard a lot of racist and discriminating shit come out of your mouth it is sad, no wonder why someone posted about you on here because it doesn’t surprise me one but from what I have heard you say about people in the past. Go get fucked by a horse asshole!
Uh for one this is the first time I heard about any of this being posted today. Two: Ella, I never liked you like that, I only liked you as a friend, Damo never liked another dude saying hi too you or anything like that and you know it deep down. I never would have touched you with a 10 foot pole anyhow. Three: Damo I think your accusing the wrong person for this post, maybe look at one of or many of your past relationships that have been a disaster, seems like you are an abuser from what the post says. Lastly, I didn’t read much of your post because it is utter garbage, all you are is a jealous prick that no one gives a shit about. You’re probably the biggest dumbass on SL and it seems like a lot of women has enough of your bullshit, so suck my fat D asshole.
Why post it so many times?
We all know Ella didn’t write this, she has the IQ of a thumbnail.
Matt (Matt007 Wetherby, if you will) – A. It’s easy to identify you by your poor misuse of “too” and “to” and your inability to decipher [especially considering we had been pretty close friends for a time]. I didn’t have to read more than a sentence before it was both painfully cringe and obvious who this is. B. If you’re going to pull some sideways, snaky shit, for the love of God dude, be inconspicuous. I had a good giggle at this myself to be honest. It’s pretty sad, and a bit creepy how invested in this you’ve actually become. If my partner were abusing me, I’d be the one flaming him. Not some scared randos on this SL Dear Diary bullshit. Go back to what you know, being a GM/Pixel stripper at Unleashed. I hope you manage better than you strip/hold a conversation, because let’s be honest- that’s a fucking crash and burn. Makes sense why you’re always so broke, though. Speaking of, isn’t the man you’re claiming to be an “abuser” the same man you’ve taken multiple handouts from, because you’re a sad, boring cuck who always gets used and flushed like a drenched tampon? Makes sense now, I use to feel pity for you but it’s quite apparent that you’re just a weaselly, broke-back cunt. Broke back- get it? Because you’re so spineless that your back actually IS broken in RL? DundunTSST. The only thing I’m wondering is why you’re SO bitter after being de-friended/blocked for more than a month now. Because I (obviously) chose my kickass fucking partner over your friendship and threw you under the bus for sleazing on me? Grow a fucking pair, your back is kaput, but what’s your excuse for your horrendous case of no balls? Inquiring minds! Cheers hun! Your old… Read more »
You picked him because he was the only one that wanted you sadly and it seems like your blind as fuck. I only liked you as a friend and that was it, probably wasn’t enough for you but that is all I wanted was a friendship, you aren’t no where near my type that I look for anyhow. And again I didn’t post this so shut your fucking mouth and open up your damn eyes. I could probably round up at least 12 women, probably more who hate him anyhow and it seems like there is a lot that do.
Uh for one this is the first time I heard about any of this being posted today. Two: Ella, I never liked you like that, I only liked you as a friend, Damo never liked another dude saying hi too you or anything like that and you know it deep down. I never would have touched you with a 10 foot pole anyhow. Three: Damo I think your accusing the wrong person for this post, maybe look at one of or many of your past relationships that have been a disaster, seems like you are an abuser from what the post says. Lastly, I didn’t read much of your post because it is utter garbage, all you are is a jealous prick that no one gives a shit about. You’re probably the biggest dumbass on SL and it seems like a lot of women has enough of your bullshit, so suck my fat D asshole.
Matt (Matt007 Wetherby, if you will) – A. It’s easy to identify you by your poor misuse of “too” and “to” and your inability to decipher between the two [especially considering we had been pretty close friends for a time]. I didn’t have to read more than a sentence before it was both painfully cringe and obvious who this is. B. If you’re going to pull some sideways, snaky shit, for the love of God dude, be inconspicuous. I had a good giggle at this myself to be honest. It’s pretty sad, and a bit creepy how invested in this you’ve actually become. If my partner were abusing me, I’d be the one flaming him. Not some scared randos on this SL Dear Diary bullshit. Go back to what you know, being a GM/Pixel stripper at Unleashed. I hope you manage better than you strip/hold a conversation, because let’s be honest- that’s a fucking crash and burn. Makes sense why you’re always so broke, though. Speaking of, isn’t the man you’re claiming to be an “abuser” the same man you’ve taken multiple handouts from, because you’re a sad, boring cuck who always gets used and flushed like a drenched tampon? Makes sense now, I use to feel pity for you but it’s quite apparent that you’re just a weaselly, broke-back cunt. Broke back- get it? Because you’re so spineless that your back actually IS broken in RL? *DundunTSST*. The only thing I’m wondering is why you’re SO bitter after being de-friended/blocked for more than a month now. Because I (obviously) chose my kickass fucking partner over your friendship and threw you under the bus for sleazing on me? Grow a fucking pair, your back is kaput, but what’s your excuse for your horrendous case of no balls? Inquiring minds! Cheers… Read more »
Talking about someones disability like that is pathetic. Grow up!
Uh for one this is the first time I heard about any of this being posted today. Two: Ella, I never liked you like that, I only liked you as a friend, Damo never liked another dude saying hi too you or anything like that and you know it deep down. I never would have touched you with a 10 foot pole anyhow. Three: Damo I think your accusing the wrong person for this post, maybe look at one of or many of your past relationships that have been a disaster, seems like you are an abuser from what the post says. Lastly, I didn’t read much of your post because it is utter garbage, all you are is a jealous prick that no one gives a shit about. You’re probably the biggest dumbass on SL and it seems like a lot of women has enough of your bullshit, so suck my fat D asshole.
im glad too.. ugh team viewer? id love to slap him..i hope the next girl knows better
15. Well, I see someone couldn’t pass the interview and practiced collage instead of emoting to get it out of their system. A close friend of mine is an interviewer there. Funny how he never fucks the applicants. If others do, that’s their decision to make and the applicants’ decision to do it or not. I’m sure there are more ways to test emoting skills than asking folks to grab a pose and a friend, but if you even resent being asked for a quote from a prior encounter, Maui is clearly not for you. Maybe you’d be happier throwing 500 Lindens you’ll never get back into the kitty of a sim with no standards.
16. Like, omigawd, someone has sex in a big bull avi. Is your problem that the woman looks like an adult so you can’t call him a pedo? Wah.
LOL maybe “your friend” doesn’t fuck the applicants, but you might wanna take a look into how pathetically thirsty the female interviewers are before you defend them all… every single person I’ve referred who got the most active, most talkative one- we know who that is- said she tried to fuck them. If I hadn’t told them before they went in that they weren’t required to do so, they would have thought they had to, because she doesn’t present it as part of a list of options. No shocker, because her avi is hideous; most likely she only even took the job so she could get attention. If you’re reading this- fix your linebacker shoulders, you ugly bitch, and stop trying to take advantage of new people! lol
1. awww boohoo welcome to the real world, you can’t pay your bills? how about get off your ass and sort your life out and stop begging for money. I had to read this one twice because i couldn’t believe the audacity. ❗
Well, that would require some actual effort. My favorites are the ones that put them in their SL profiles. Instant report. LL AND to the site for the donation. Wankers.
#4 and #18… omg y’all are some salty jealous motherf%$kers. First of all, if you don’t like how someone does their pics, it’s very simple… don’t follow them. They aren’t posting pics solely for your enjoyment, and sure as hell not for your criticism. Do you walk into a museum, look at the Van Gogh on the wall and say “Meh, that’s stupid. Enough flowers already, ffs”? Art is there for you to enjoy, if you want. If you don’t enjoy it, you’re free to F$#k off and do your own damn thing. So she can put a flower or whatever she wants in her mouth, it’s not for you to say she shouldn’t. Someone can have 20k followers and only follow 150 back, or none. It’s not a quid pro quo thing. All the people who follow her who only did it for followers themselves are perfectly capable of unfollowing her, too. But they won’t, because they don’t check her feed… they don’t care about her photos. They did it to get something for it, but it is not implied that they deserve anything or should expect anything. Understand? In the same way that if you don’t like how Amazon does business, you don’t buy from them. But you don’t email Jeff Bezos and tell him how he should run his business, either. (or I don’t know, maybe you do, because y’all seem to think you should be telling everyone how to do their business)
Ouch. Maybe you should go put that flower up your ass sweetie cause it’d look better there.
Just for you… https://www.flickr.com/photos/26353883@N04/49672282743/in/dateposted/
I’m actually glad this person posted #4, because I wasn’t following Luane on Flickr. I am now. Yes, I do agree that she’s overdone the flower a little (or a lot) but again, not my place to say what she should do with her own damn avatar in her own damn pictures. And thank you for thinking a flower would look good in my ass. I think so too, although my ass would look good with anything or nothing at all. I might just post that pic just for you.
#13 I actually tried on the Legacy Body demo when it came out of curiosity and I did like how it made my shape look. However, when I saw the price I decided against buying it. I’m not going to pay 5,000 Lindens for a mesh body from a creator that has a bad reputation. I’ll stick with my Maitreya Body. If what I’ve read about the creators of Legacy are true, the people that bought Legacy bodies deserve whatever happens.
#20 I’ve never really RPed here but I’ve RPed in a place similar. You only got high positions if you’re close to the owners. They had rules of course but played favorites and if you reported the favorites for breaking rules, no matter how long you RPed there or how loyal you were to the owners, you were accused of causing drama. It didn’t matter if you had proof or not. The owners chose to take the side of the favorite. What these power hungry RP sim owners don’t realize is playing favorites and creating cliques among members will back fire hard. RP members are what keeps your sim active and going. People RP to have fun and get away from crap. Cliques and favorites create drama, and that drama will kill your RP sim and destroy your reputation. No one will RP in or join an empty sim.
In regards to the body, I must admit that it actually sucks that their past is working against them as the entire Legacy line is fantastic. They look amazing (even with some poorly created skins), they have realistic and nice proportions that do not look weird (EG: the arms on Jake) when altered, and they are insanely user-friendly and quite easy to pick up and adapt to your older clothes. I should even add that creating for the bodies is somewhat easier than Signature (who is losing customers rapidly). However, I cannot trust the creators. I was burned by The Mesh Project and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth to think about. I understand that things happen, you may bite off more than you can chew, but I cannot understand the silence on the matter. Trying to keep it a secret is shady, not addressing it is weird, and it feels wrong. I would quite happily pay that amount to a creator I trusted. If Maitreya came out with a male body similar to the Legacy body, I would happily buy it. Moving on to Mischief Managed, I can assure you that you are spot on. However, a lot of Second Life roleplay places are exactly like this and you are not bound to find any good places outside of one or two. My own experience with that place has left me jaded and distrustful of any place that operates similarly. I was approached in IM by a player who abused me for my character being somewhat mean, somewhat of a bully. Now, I assume they were upset as I was not a Slytherin bully like every single other person trying to imitate Draco Malfoy – a lone example – and that caused issues. Well, anyway, I must… Read more »
I agree with you 100%. As I said, I loved the way the Legacy Body demo looked with my shape, but I heard too many bad things about the creators to pay that much for it. If it had been about the same price as Maitreya, or even Slink, I would have considered it.
The RP sim I was talking about, wasn’t Mischief Managed, but I WAS one of the Admins and I reported someone who was constantly causing drama with other players as well as breaking other rules to the owners and I was accused of the one causing drama with that person because she knew how to play the victim and manipulate the owners. She was a friend of one of the new players that was brought in to help bring more people in to RP so of course, they believed her over me, even though I had chat logs as proof and had been a member for 7 plus years. But by the time they finally opened their eyes, their sim had died a slow and painful death and they had no choice but to shut it down.
Also looks like some peoples real life picks are on some posts lol oops
1 boring
2 complete joke
3 just lol
4 that flower has been around the block a few times i bet, keep the blue light away
5 never heard off
6 eeew
7 right lol
8 bleh, sugaslut drama was so 2019 i see it’s still stalking twitters
9 boring
10 yeah ezra been doing that for about 5 years now
11 boring sl facebooks
12 yeah whats new?
13 cringe
14 please make your writting clearer
15 eek cluster fucked?
16 dang imagine the beast on that lol
17 boring, appears to be scraping the barrel the lot of them, thots be bored now.
18 no one cares
19 eww
20 not worth it
21 could be the sugasluts new daddy, get it? Rofl!
22 another fugly never heard off
23 what the? Clusterful pmsl
24 desperate
25 lol
26 never heard off but hey any promotings good promoting
27 rofl looks like a punk got owned.
28 boring sl fbs
Boring week eek
#20. I used to be at Mischief Managed for good enough years, and I saw everything behind the scenes (mainly cause the people working there as teachers, told me the scoop and what was going on.) The bullying and “mean girl” attitudes everywhere, people rping like they are an elite rper, they even booted out people that haven’t even done anything, I’m happy to see that the sim is burning up and no traffic goes to it, it’s a shit rp sim.
#25. Tiddles prolly wrote that one, huehue.
it’s about time Mischief Managed turned into pure garbage.
Can you point on the doll where the bad sim hurt you?
Nobody is forcing you participate. It’s time to move on with your life.
#1 – Give me money because reasons! #2 – Boring stuff. #3 – Yawn. #4 – Meh. #5 – Well some people like clubs full of sluts and all about sex. #6 – How is he fooling anyone with that username? #7 – Got a chuckle outta me. #8 – Don’t care enough to look at last week. #9 – Now that was funny. #10 – It’s called a stolen account, the idiot put her password someplace she wasn’t suppose to and got her account stolen, when that happens that account sends a messages to all the friends asking for a little loan and posts on a bunch of groups with more fishing stuff. The only thing you can accuse her of is being an idiot with her password. #11 – The next one will be the one. #12 – Yikes, well, with the piles of events going around no one can keep up with production and more and more we see shit stuff made in a hurry just to make a buck at an event. I know for a fact an item released at an event will make more money in those 2 weeks than the 12 months following at the store. You people pushed for this with your thirst and now it’s imploding. #13 – OH MY GOD, SERIOUSLY?! Fuck The Shops! Fuck their bodies, stop buying this shit! #14 – Sounds like you are jelly and want him for yourself, I just wonder why he looks boring as fuck. #15 – What ever this is… #16 – What the world must be like in his head. #17 – Making secrets about herself to have a pity party? Pathetic. #18 – I can understand when you don’t follow some back, since some people that follow you might be… Read more »
You’re great. Learn from you!
#12) Sorry FaMESHed X would rather have an empty booth then be associated with your brand.
#18 I don’t follow half the people that follow me, because they are shit and i don’t want to see that (mostly *yawn* ‘sexy’ pics and bad porn). I follow/fav people i genuinely like and i don’t lose sleep over the hurt feelings of someone that is only fishing for follow backs. I do my art for ME and if people like it great otherwise sod off. It took me a ages to get followed back by my favourite artist on flickr and it meant more because i knew it was legit. Such entitlement to fake statistics. #7 Sally is my kind of people.
I actively avoid following people who are obviously only looking for followers. It’s amazing to me that people even can follow upwards of 5k, 10k…I saw one person who follows 18k!!! And they tend not to even fave more than one pic or two if that many, so really they only want to boost their own following, to which I say sod off.
Hello everyone, a weekly reminder that nobody is fucking anything here except your own sausage finger rolls. Stop talking like you and others are getting laid. Virtual barbie sex doesn’t count. Also imagine only relationship you get is some roleplay in a video game lulz
Also nobody uses facebook nowadays. Stop pretending you have a social life with your barbie doll fake fb account. Maybe go out and lose some weight to make your fuckable scale go from 0 to 3 or 4/10 then you can have an average instagram or something! With your real life!
You are all in your 30s 40s 50s fighting like middle school kids over fake dollies.
Blogging is not a real job. Video game clubs are not a real job. Go out and hoard toilet papers. You probably are the type of people to do so.
Thank you for your weekly entertainment. Give salt.
Lol best post ever!!!
i so thought that was you with a new name. lmao xD
More than likely you still live with your parents and your mother buys your underwear for you. I hope that next week you can post THE SAME DAMN THING cause it’s laughable. You wait for secrets to come out on Sundays then post up about how WE are all losers. Are you blind or something? How does it feel to be the moron who follows “losers” every week?
Ah keep on projecting and feed me that salt
@dontplayslhereforthedrama: I wanted to say your e-mail address made me chuckle.
Some of the stuff you guys make up for the e-mail is hilarious. Thanks to everyone who gives me a laugh. All you totally anon salty, cranky, lovely folks!
I bet ur playing SL really
I play wolcen
Wolcen sucks, it’s a glitched out clusterfuck. You know that’s not a real job too, right?
Who said it was a job?
#9 I know this loser coreynapa aka rockinsamantha sad and pathetic can’t even work a job apparently cause he likes to get on sl voice drunk don’t waste your time or lindens or rl you will regret it. yes it is 100 percent confirmed his alt avatar or his crasher as he always called it.
can anyone refresh my memory on the sl last name glad? i know i’ve seen it on here but i forget why.
The person who did the body enhancers is also ripping people off when you buy fatpack u do not get what is shown on pics and demo
but why would you want that nasty shit anyway? they don’t even know how to anatomy
#3 we need some details !
#5….haha….sex events SO WHAT? that’s all of SL….. personal preference of music is your own…as for the managers and staff…..what did they do to you that made you cry hahaha NO ONE CARES!
#16……again, NO ONE CARES!
#13….AGAIN! Don’t like it GO AWAY!
#8….don’t like her photos, stop looking. Guess you do then right? HAHA!
#11 as if jenn the hoe R us doll is so holly. If pixels STDS where a thing in game she had them and keep having them. They deserve each other
ugh who tf would give money to someone over a sob story in SL?? Whoever you are you are soo stupid. Probably someone who downvotes me for my attitude or stupidity.. but look whose stupid now.
that shit makes me so mad even to read….lol.. fucking lame ass hoe probably on an obama account anyways needs a phone more expensive than her life.
people stop feeling bad for others. in SL anyways. bring out the bitchiest you when you’re logged in so you dont get taken advantage of.
everyone should block that hoe..throw her right out of SL when shes a ghost on everyone screen.
@ The ass – SL is a LUXURY, its a fucking game not the oxygen we breathe. If people don’t have the cash to fund themselves i really don’t want to hear about it. It’s not my fault you’re poor rl . ‘You guys don’t know everyone’s story’.
That’s right you don’t.
That “struggling to live like everyone else” bullshit is like, WOW, so fucking ignorant, but I guess I shouldn’t be shocked at anyone’s entitlement. Like just being able to get on the internet and beg puts her above the starving, deprived daily lives of millions of people and acting like not having extra money to spend in SL is a hardship is insane.
the difference between someone with stuff and someone without stuff.. is the someone with stuff gets off their ass everyday to get it.
(minus the sick people)
How about I am that person that was in the secret? Eh. I lost my grandmother in 2018 and we were PURELY struggling (I have the proof from where I asked my RL Facebook for help AND also go help from my JOB) when I posted that post in 2019. Look at the date retards. My new phone came AFTER I got a real-life job and got my family to a better spot. It’s called a celebration of my own triumphs. It’s my money, I do what the fuck I want with it. Hey, for those who think I could’ve gotten it for free on a plan, I can’t because guess what I have Student Loans that are in default because back in 2015, when I got out of college, I didn’t have a job like planned BECAUSE LIFE DON’T GO THE WAY THE FUCK YOU WANT. I don’t have kids, can’t have any. And posting the 3rd blog post, just wanted whoever that was jealous of me, to make me mad. Well, guess what? It doesn’t. Haters going to hate, and I don’t give a fuck. This is a fucking game with REAL-LIFE emotions behind it. You don’t know everyone’s fucking story. This site is fucking trash and nothing but cyberbullies, so get the fuck on with your lives. So, minus the sick people? Hmm. I look at a whole site of them.
why do people in second life think they are the only humans in the whole wide world who have bills and hardships?
everyone does.. but not everyone has to beg from strangers on a game for help… thats what family and rl friends are for… IF you have the balls to do that.. everyone has student loans just about.. everyone has bills from when they just turned 18 (like me) and thought woot fucking credit cards xD i was dumb af and im fixing it.. but no one did the damage but me..so why would i ask anyone else??? what if the person who gave to you has more problems than you but doesnt disclose them out of pride or whatever?
why ask for money and not pay a bitch back? lol ur a fucking loser. str8 up.
Guess, what fuckers…no one gave me the money. So shut the fuck up. I have proof to where the money came from. MY JOB. Which by the way, I don’t have the luxury of sitting on my ass and playing a video game while at work, so whoever said that, fuck off.
@The ass but you’re on second life begging for money.. instead use that time for a second job to pay your shit down. be like me talk shit and have fun FROM WORK…
you shouldnt have time for games if you cant wipe your won ass.. im just saying..
wahhhhhhh edit por favor. xD
own ass*
Triggered whale here! Man the harpoons. You clearly do give a fuck. Everyone goes through life struggles only trashbags begs while sitting on their ass playing video games.
Oh yes, look at that wall of “don’t give a fuck” LOL of course you’re not mad
Oooh you must be new here too. Welcome. How can I assist you?
*ways you can tell shes a ghetto ass hoe with bad credit…..if she had good credit her phone woulda been free with the plan. she prob should have used that money to feed her kids in coronavirus times.. but priorities = new phone.
Um. Wow. You don’t know anyone’s story. And for you to say that is wrong. Get over ya’ll asses and every story has two sides. This site is nothing but cyberbullies.
No fucking shit sherlock. You think people come here to be nice to each other? Also don’t need to know the whole story to know a book is trash.
amen.. shes just mad because shes the idiot that sent the money lmao
the chic said she got a new phone after she got the money.. did u read the secret u moron? grow up u people live ur lives on a game that sells animal cocks for idiots to fuck with..lol foh with cyberbullies.
how was a phone important? ur probably the idiot who lost ya money. lmao i hope someone else gets u.. smarten up
Y’all all need to grow up. You guys don’t know everyone’s story.
Enough to know she wastes her life on a goddamn video game while begging for money instead of you know get a job or resell lysol or something.
22, Abaut kamila is….100% truth. Here a Merchant that worked a time with her.
You people still don’t get it, this lady and Silent are the same person.
Soon the truth will rise ?
Hahahaha nice!
i believe thats true too.. no one blogs in any group she manages.. thats why designers dont send blog packs.
stop events anyways.. people aren’t going to have tons of extra money to spend.. and if they do it should be on important shit while rl stores are sold out of stuff.
#14 — Jenn, you can’t keep a man because you have no self esteem or self worth. Stop looking for validation in SL relationships. You come off as a stage five clinger and it is not attractive. You need to learn it is okay not to be involved in a shit relationship just so you are not alone.
You flirt with males you know don’t want you. You get offended when they have to repeat they are not interested. You continue to flirt with others while claiming Leric is your man. How can you expect a man to be faithful to you when are running around behind his back trying to fuck others?
You need to slow the fuck down stop going from friend to married with babies in five days. You fill your profile with “forever” this and that yet you can’t hold onto anyone, friend or otherwise more than a couple of months. If you are that thirsty get some water and sit down- think about how you behave.
Jenn is a nut job. She obsesses over her ex. She logs NCs after NCs of every convo she has. The second she is dumped she hands out the NCs to everyone. She talks about her exes a year after she gets dumped. Thirsty ass bitch.
25. Haven’t fucked him yet but now I want to.
lmao what a loser.. i wouldnt be surprised in the least if your snatch has blackheads
You aren’t gonna be fucking anyone while playing this game you delusional whale.
When the person writes there own reply. Cringy
#14 Dammm Jen. three times a charm huh? I think you are both meant to be with each other . does he know how you always calling others daddy when you message them . ? with your pyscho clingy shit rofl or being a thirsty a hoe while you dancing with others. come on Jenn your djing sucks you can’t play for shit .. and thank god you took out your rl pic in your profile. looks like a moose that got hit on a highway ..or you posted the secret yourself so you can seem relevant .. cause you always licking someones ass smh
I don’t know about the women thing…….but he is a drama queen for sure.
Clearly someone’s far too worried about other people’s bussiness. green doesnt look good on you honey
If any of that looks like jealousy to you, you’re as delusional as the bitch they’re talking about. This whole attitude of “anyone who criticizes me must be jealous” is one of the most absolutely idiotic concepts in existence.
The fact that you had to go and reply just to say that you aren’t jealous, proves the point lul.
How about you mind your damn business and get a life.
I have no idea who any of you people are; I just think that attitude is as vapid and inane as it gets.
lmfao@mind your “damn” business .. i love when they say that shit.. i picture nothing more than mama junes ol bad mother, crackhead ass..lol
This is by far the craziest woman I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. God forbid you date her crazy ass for a week or less and you break up; She will literally stalk you like an obsessed twit for months on end. Well, I guess you’re finally relevant Jenn, congrats cow. Last thing: I feel bad for her guy, he really has no clue what he’s in for, good luck buddy. Oh, and Lyric, be careful what you say to her in her box, she loves to copy everything you have ever said in neat little notecards to distribute around when you dump her ass. Okay, I digress, enough about this loser.
She’s obsessed with her ex dated for one week last year. Hell she still talks about his dick! Wonder how Leric feels knowing she still fantasizes about her ex’s dick?
Jenn and her rank ass pussy. She goes through men like water. She’s obsessed with her ex. She’s a mental case.
Every week, we have a new Pedo/Pedos up in here, it is getting darn silly now, it seems that if you hang out at “Grandpa’s Garage”, sooner or later, you will have a (surprise surprise) Pedo post made about you in Virtual Secrets. Please stop using the word “pedophile” as a form of childish revenge, it’s a serious accusation and the word is thrown around far too freely now, in revenge or as a joke. Any post made about literally anyone from Grandpas garage, I can’t take seriously, it’s just a way of manipulating members, so they will stop hanging there…stupid secrets about them being into Beastiality, child sex, being fat, being old, being a whore, being a prude, being a man, being a woman, plotting to start the next world war. Give it a rest, it’s starting to get like the old FMD posts.
Note: Any member who finds themselves unfortunate enough to have had a post made about them, the LAST thing you should do, is comment, just ignore it.
getting darn silly u say? baby if they fucking pedos they deserve to be outed and named and shamed !
its like that Danno Spiegelblatt dude whos on secrets every week its not out of nothing …………….. we all know hes a confirmed pedophile and thats according to numerous people, dozens of conversations and screenshots. a lot have even confirmed that he’s a registered sex offender irl which i dont doubt for a second.
If he and his likes are on here every single week, that is THERE problem, not YOURS. You can skip mentions of pedophiles and not warn others about it, but I and many others will not turn a blind eye.
Scumbags like Danno who molest their underage daughters’ friends don’t deserve to live, let alone get away with it and do it again, and again, and again. I’d fucking burn them at the stake, if I could!
Danno you be downvoting this? Rofl
If someone is a pedo, they should be called out. If you don’t like it, keep scrolling!
amen.. but they need receipts.. but the only problem with that is.. after you give it they still dont believe it..
ill see wut i can come up with this week. its really not hard to do at all.. i think people play dumb because they’re the guilty ones
Makes me wonder.. If these places are so bad and “pedos” are there. then why the fuck are people there snapping photos of others. It seems like your only motive is to stir up shit. If you don’t like what goes on in these places, Don’t go to them. Stop trying to feed your own ego by causing drama and bullshit to someone else. There’s enough drama in the real world we dont need it on sl too lol. have an issue with someone… then go tell them.. don’t hide behind an anonymous post on virtual secrets. Everyone plays their sl lives differently and uses sl to escape for different reasons so what. get over it.
its secrets u retard.. of course, its to stir up shit.. why are u even on this site?? for bible study?
be careful @nonsense ur screen name may be up here next sunday xD
Ok Pedo.
Should be hunting yourself then right?
It’s written here so it must be true. How do you like it? Lawl, so dumb.
Don’t like it? Then scroll.
thats 1 of the places you go to when u want that shit to happen to you..
i’ll be working a lot this week but mostly because theres going to be lots of call outs..so ill bring in my laptop and start making secrets to show u idiots facts. I went there when it was the basement once with a friend when i started in SL and it was a disgrace and i got countless IMs about really gross stuff.. ya’ll want exposure? i got u. stay tuned.
If it happens then call it out. Maybe that’ll teach the nasty ones to stop or risk a ban.
That’s one of the many places I wouldn’t step foot in cause not into the whole young (we’re talking 18 and most know that) and really old men. Grosses me out as it is, but honestly I doubt much Pedo stuff goes on out in the open. Though if someone is dumb enough to do it and do it openly then so be it REPORT them (you sometimes have to do it twice even when you see real life pictures -Thanks LL for taking so long to take action). They do seem to whine about it a lot on here and I just roll my eyes at it. Babygirl/Daddy Dom isn’t Pedo. I do wonder if the one making all these secrets will end up here after someone else decides to just snap photo’s of every single person there and they get caught up in it. I wonder if people even realize that Pedophilia is about prepubescent children and not adults or those who try to blur the lines between 18 and slightly lower (yuck). Any way yeah like you i’m kinda over the whole screaming pedo to get back at people.
#28 – who still uses FB at all, much less with their avatar/toon? #18 – follow for follow isn’t a thing unless you were in the SL Flickr licker circle, otherwise people don’t do that anymore. Also predicting Flickr will go tits up by 2021.
retards who have no friends in rl need to have an SL fb so in real life they look like they get alerts on the phone. xD
11 losers have an avi default on their fb..loll i hope fb cuts u short bussers off
#21 Damo is on here umm different
Wasn’t having a go. I’m surprised to see him up here
1- This woman who borrowed this money now can’t pay it back and is begging for it. How about instead of blogging Virtual goods and doing Virtual pictures, you get off your fat ass into what is called the Real World and get a job to pay back that money! Lesson learned – never ever loan someone cash on a game.
Um. Wow. You don’t know anyone’s story. How about this site grows the fuck up and get the full truth. This site is cyberbullies.
You must be new here. How can I assist you?
you’re a fucking sucker.
hope she loves her new phone.. dumbass.
Why ANYONE would give money to somoene they barely know…online…seems moronic to me. Gullible and catfished. Lol…serves anyone right who loans out and thinks they’ll get paid back.
I hate the begging, but I despise those who thinks it’s a kindness to loan.
i agree… why post it here that you took the bait? My grandmother taught me dont ever loan anyone anything IF you need it back.
Just like she doesn’t want her mother to catch Covid-19 because she doesn’t want to be homeless….
Wouldn’t that be your fear too, if you had someone close to you that was immunocompromised and had a loan on the house that was leftover from a recent death which was told if the new person who has the loan dies, the people in the home would be kicked out? Think before you speak.
Welcome to pretty much everyone’s story. Plenty of people have hardships and most of them don’t beg. Most of them work a second job instead of sitting online begging for money. Long story short the reality is this: if you beg for money, that’s your business to do so, but when you do expect everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, to come out of the woodwork to ask how you spent the money and even talk about it. Is it right? Probably not. But do I care? Nope. Just passing along some realistic advice about ‘post begging’ scenarios. Don’t think I know about this? This place has been around 11+ years and featured almost every serial beggar… it’s the same story over and over.
Also I highly recommend the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”.
u seem to know a lot of the story.. lmao how she got a new phone tho???? u fucking suckerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. read the secret
Photoes and now “suckest.” New slang is lit.
People seriously ask online friends for money on SL FB? Why don’t you… I dunno… get a hosting job at a club, be a CSR rep, learn blender, learn to texture…
If you don’t like a mesh body/head/dick/vagina/tentacle just keep walking. Talking shit doesn’t do anything. I’m not a fan of Sking bodies, but I’m not like OMG SKING GTFO THE GRID.
#1 No idea what the context is here, but ew hope nobody is stupid enough to give people anything.
#9 What a great ad.
#10 Probably they were not the one who linked it, but their account is hacked/ stolen
#12 Doubt it.
#18 Why would she need to follow others? Following 2.2k people is a lot already, maybe you are one of those fav everybody their picture so you get likes else nobody will fav them ? awh.
#21 Him and his partner are maniacs. Or bad trolls.
#25 You are saying a person that is pixel sexing is more dangerous then a RL virus that is cousing havoc in a lot of countries. Get your priorities straight. You clearly have no clue what is going on outside of your nans basement.
#28 The sheer entitlement and stupidity of idiots in SL is great entertainment.
I am #10 and yes my account did get hacked. Thankfully LL/SL was able to help me get it back.
I’m glad you got your account back, but you need to take responsibility for how it happened. Chances are you didn’t “get hacked”; you saw a link for something cheap or free, didn’t bother to verify if it was a valid site, and unwittingly gave someone your log in information. That’s how phishing scams work and until people like you quit falling for them, they won’t stop.
Thank you for your reply to #1. The context is way out of line.
Meh…boring week for virtual secrets it seems.?
That’s what you get when you start censoring the things that get submitted. Maybe someone else should start a page where this does not happen.
No one’s stopping you, but I have a feeling that you couldn’t code your way out of a wet paper bag, let alone create a website.
they same the same shit every week.. like they just need to make a comment.. if its so boring leave.. we wont miss u mf’s, xD
#15 & 16. It’s a sex sim, so yeah, you will find that there are many people there for…sex. Bandor uses that place as way to promote and showcase his furniture store. In a way, it’s smart promoting but they are really shitty with managing the place. It’s suppose to be high quality but, members avs are mediocre. If Bandor gets on one of his ego trips, he will ban you with no warning and no explanation, and yeah it’s his place but he’s a douche and takes offense at anything. As for #16, if you think that is the worse he does….hahahahaha. Try again.
Wahahahahaha they should call the place “Maui Losers Resort”. What a bunch of sad tossers, I’d rather get off on porn or not at all than fuck these losers.
The women there spread their legs with dusty pussies when a guy says “Hi”. And the men literally don’t care if they fuck a woman, a man, a shemale or a dead raccoon. As long as it has a hole, they will hit it.
There used to be a somewhat social gathering but now people just sit on loungers waiting to be chosen for a lame ass fuck or just dance on the floor behind the loungers to a non existing dj on a non existing dance floor.. on shit music…. What a party dude! And dont get me started on the lame ass orgys. Where couples only fuck each other and the rest are people that never get fucks otherwise hoping to find a hole or dick to play with.
That place is dying anyways, although it’s good because it keeps all the idiots in one place so I guess it serves a purpose. And Bandor… he is a jerk selling mediocre furniture but he is literally smarter than all these morons that kiss his ass day in day out sucking up to him and kissing the ground he walks on telling how AMAZING he is and how AMAZING his gay little love stories are. I bet half of the women would not even respond if this gorilla would message them any other place.. LOL
Seems there are people who join just to complain/cause drama. I’ve seen a member or two get called out here for having sex at a sex sim.. I don’t get why some people are even there, if it’s not your thing, find somewhere else to go cause drama. You’re spot on with Bandor. At the end of the day it’s his sim and he can run it anyway he wants.. And no one is forcing anyone to go there if it’s not your cup of tea.
#9 – God I love submissions like this. It’s beautiful. Clear pictures, drop shadows on text, good fonts and love the arrow. The cherry on top is the Billy Mays part. This secret is just great and I don’t know who the fuck it’s about. lol
You sound like patrick bateman analyzing a business card and I’m here for it
haahhaha, you’re welcome ?
How exactly did I fail Sere? Who says I’m sukkisukki I could be anyone n u have no clue u paranoid cunt. Using a hashtag in ur post aswell lmfao u fail not knowing how they are to be used. Get dragged bitch.
It’s Sere, who is almost as bad as Samanthaprater.
Tbh she’s worse. Look at her profile on SL it’s phychoticly hilarious lmao. This bitch lies bout some sick shit aswell. DX
#13 – signed, Maitreya User who feels threatened
first thing, i bet youre a legacy user and its probably your first ever mesh body so you wouldnt know what bodies were good or not since you wasted all your Ls on that pos body lol second, i dont use maitreya, in fact, i use belleza freya… but i did buy the original legacy body… it was utter shit and a waste of money so im going to assume that the new legacy perky is just as shitty.
Nah, my guess is they used to use Lara, bought legacy and thought “holy crap, some mesh bodies actually have definition?!?” and decided they were better than anyone else still using Lara, because that body really is trash unless you want to be super skinny so the total lack of muscle shape looks normal. Belleza had it all along though, just as good as legacy in the arms and torso and better in the legs (especially the thighs, legacy inner thighs are just a straight line down from the crotch), which is why I just shrugged and went on with my life when I saw that overpriced, overhyped shit from a creator who had already ripped people off. Finding out you need a stable server connection to use the HUDs was just another reason to pass it by.
Anyone got any stuff from Glamistry made before this year, and tried to use those HUDs lately? Dead. Your fatpacks are all dead, and so will your legacy body be once TMP cuts and runs again.
How does a customer of a product “feel threatened” that other people prefer a different product? That doesn’t even make sense. I like Coke Zero, do I feel threatened that other people buy Pepsi? No.
It’s actually op of this thread revealing her own sad ass thought processes- that she is somehow a “threat” to someone with a lara body, when that could only possibly be true if she’s a skank out trying to be some SL loser’s side piece.
Sorry, nope. But Bellezza body owners are probably laughing their asses off at you guys, since they have all three options for breasts, in ONE body, which they only had to pay for ONCE. So you guys go right ahead and buy an update, which is what this whole perky body is really about. I will give it to the TMP/Legacy owners, they sure do know how to con people.
Actually, Regalia users are laughing at all of you. For less than the cost of one body, they get Slink, Slink HG, Maitreya, Maitreya with Vtech, Freya, Jake, and Legacy fit bodies. Just the UV is different.
Hold up, upon looking even closer, the feet have only high position? Really? So this body is totally made for furries with basically no consideration for human avis. No wonder it never even comes up. I happen to like wearing sneakers and normal shoes.
It’s not made for human avatars. It’s also made to work with the vast number of feet furry avatars have. The UV is different because the LL UV is hell to work with if you’re not doing human skins.
And yes, they are laughing at human avs shelling out thousands for Omega bodies and then fighting over which one is best.
Who the hell cares about furries? They’re like…less then 20% of the SL population. No one makes shit for those “specialty” bodies except their own furry friends.
Great for them though that they’re no longer stuck with shitty sculpties and millions of attachments for every part.
And we’re not even laughing at you/furries…you’re insignificant.
I don’t begrudge the furry community that insignificant “win”; the entire rest of the world is laughing at them.
“Just the UV is different” so zero existing human skins work, k
Must be why everything for that body on the MP is for furries. I have no problem with furries but most people don’t want to be one.
yea its as bad as if u have kemono.. try to get a skin for that that looks normal.. good luck
You do know your talking about pixels right. I mean beleza is a mesh body people behind a computer buy and use on there avatar in a game. Why the fuck do people take Second Life so fucking serious, you need to go out side more enjoy the real world
nothing is funnier than their gigantic fat legs tottering on tiny stripper heels, more like hooves really. 99%of people in sl have no clue how to shape their mesh though, regardless of body.
Uuuugh every detail of Sking bodies is so disgusting… all that saggy flubber jiggling around. I will never understand how an actual woman can look at the way the thigh “muscle” sags over the back of the knee and want to look like that. That only happens in the morbidly obese in rl…
xD its hilarious the older bodies that they used slink feet with.. lmfao.. the ankles looks mad retarded and then as you go up a whole different person is standing there.. no real women want to actually look like that.. all the men who love them chics havent realized they’re fucking dudes
Obesity doesn’t exist in SL. Try again at your poor attempt at fat shaming.
obesity does exist in SL and its called skiing xD
Lmao ????
Apparently we’re all fat and old with no life and sit in our chair covered in dorrito chip crumbs combing our grey pubes while our fat little fingers desperately try to find our vagina’s amongst our blubbery folds. Sometimes we even manage to roll ourselves into the kitchen and bake pies…
Did I cover it all?
@nothewreforthefiction.. nah ur 100% correct lol men have flavor savers.. and the chics have boob stash of all the snacks that didnt make it down the marlboro throat
Stay clear of the Coronavirus, please! Your comments are precious and golden!
Yeah, apparently desperation for attention is a lucrative market… the funny thing is 90% of the legacy avis I’ve seen have such bad shapes that they literally wasted their money- a bunch of them twice.
Belleza users are having to switch to Legacy because it’s the only body that can offer a semblance of curvature that’s still in rotation. HG and Belleza have been phased out of the SL Grid. So Belleza wearers are in fact, not laughing at anyone.
Bellezas million times better then legacy. Legacy is just a copy of hourglass with maitreya tits. Fuck that over priced shit.
You are literally retarded if you think Freya and HG are even close to going, or gone LOL
Maybe come off the sleazy meat market sims and take a look around; they are both still a much bigger market share than anything tmp.
Maybe. If it wasn’t made by TMP. I’ve been on the Grid long enough to know all about their BS. Legacy is a decent enough body but I won’t get it for my adult avatar. I just don’t trust TMP.
Why would maitreya feel threatened? Its literally the same body as the original crappy legacy body but with bigger/smaller boobs. It’s a scam. Good ol TMP back to their original bullshit. Legacy aint shit, its a severely poorly meshed body. The tits is about the only thing going for it. ?
maitreya is a terrible excuse for a body honestly, its ugly af……popular, but ugly
I never bought TMP because of some of the rigging. I bought Legacy during the beta and I love it. If you know how to create shapes well by using different height/body fat/thickness/torso/legs proportions, it’s actually very balanced. For example, with Freya, if you make the butt size bigger, it makes the stomach bigger, or if you mess with the love handles/hip width, they both clash with one another. With that, I would argue it’s a pretty good piece of mesh. And I could also talk about Slink. Poor rigging for bento on the hands–and to deal with glitches they literally put out a “delete script” system… which, IMO, is poor work for a mesh/script designer. Before a lot of people complained about lack of CS support with TMP, but there are now mods in the group around the clock. And, LL lag aside, the HUDs are fairly quick and efficient. (Although all mesh bodies have their pros and cons, and I use Slink, Freya, Maitreya, and Legacy interchangeably with multiple mesh heads and BOM skins.)
#26 damn it’s up here again. That place is really going to shit.
Actually, The Rhoxy is only brought up in comments by drama starters. Take a look back at the comments and read the posts from the past few weeks and try to place the pieces together. The posts had little to do with the Rhoxy. However, People want to place the blame of their own failures and shortcomings on others. It is quite sad that people live in such a state of mental despair that they must bring down others. All I have seen from any of these postings are people either upset because they are jealous or they have been banned or fired. It seems more logical that the drama starters are kicked from this place quickly and come here to revel in their misery and spread lies and drama. I commend this company for kicking out such trash and pushing the drama out of their lives. Best of luck to them and their staff. Some examples of the insanity that has been posted out there: The person posting with the name of ” Rhoxy” (funny how this person thinks it is clever to use the name of the business instead of being able to creatively think up their own personal name) has continued to post each week inciting drama. They have claimed that: Virtual-Secrets, Week 601 (Rhoxy: “Wait who do you think I am? Wasn’t fired from rhoxy so not sure who you are talking about”) Virtual-Secrets, Week 602 (Rhoxy: “If you mean me. I dont actually work there I just picked the name on here”) There are several possibilities of who this person is: 1)An irate ex-employee 2)Someone from another business 3)A person who was removed from the business land. That being said, This person is only here to stir the pot and bring nothing insightful to the… Read more »
Hey once again guess what nobody cares
This dissertation seems like a total waste of time
I don’t even pay attention to the secrets posted but the comments from the Rhoxy have been completely embarrassing, this one included
Just ignore it
Lol I dont pay attention *comments three times*
And you’ll notice that every comment has been about another comment
Reading comprehension is your friend
Lol Well that was a good read. For your information which i don’t actually have to tell you but my name is actually rhoxy well it’s Roxanne but I go by rhoxy. Believe me or not everyone has an opinion. I am not an ex employer I was a customer there and stopped going to the place after the crap I heard. Love how you think you know all about me and who I am and why I have the name. Lol.
Man you sat there and did your research guessing you have nothing better to do. Many don’t like the place and that ain’t my doing or my fault. It isn’t drama free as they say so, no club is.
But thanks for the research was good read and thanks for assuming you know who I am and why I have the name lol.
LMFAO!!!! Roxanne right? You are an IDIOT!!! I went back and looked at the post you were called out and sure enough you said that you picked your name from here. Dumbass! You can’t even keep up with your own lies.
Picked my name, means I used rhoxy instead of Roxanne geeze *facepalm* I can use Roxanne if you really want haha.
Ya Okaay Britt.
I wish yall dumb hoes would quit putting my name on this gossip forum. Clearly I am not apart of that club anymore and do not want to play any role in this drama. Please leave my name out of your drama. K THANKS
*PS: I will always reply with my REAL NAME because I am not a KEYBOARD HOE*
Much Love,
Its Brittany Bitch
Ya Okaay Rhoxy
Lmao you remind me of the person who tries to sell mud as clear water. There are sides to every story. Regardless of how you want to spin it, several things are very quite clear.
Rhoxy does not own their mistakes, there are three sides to a story, I am sure there are truths in all of those posts, about each party involved.
Rhoxy clearly is a toxic place, posts, comments, etc, speak for themselves.
Rhoxy clearly associates with people who bring in kids to online gossip forums, and use them for insult means.
Problems are problems and it seems this place Rhoxy is full of them.
Assuming Rhoxy had zero faults in any of the problems/drama that had been involved, is choosing to be blind, and one sided. It’s like saying the customers or previous staff from anywhere are always wrong no matter what. It is just not a viable option to believe.
I for one, never have gone there, nor plan on it, from what I have read over the weeks. Enjoy the rest of your day 😎
Nicely said King420
LMAO exactly what Nevefails said, the tax money ran out and his bitch ass started acting up.. Obviously we know who posted this about themselves.. soured at the fact that his shitty plan to turn all the girls against each other failed LOL the club will be fine with or without your once a year, tax season splurge of lindens… and even BETTER without your shit talking and attempted brain washing.. Leave my fucking hoes alone bruh… go on to the next club you will irritate until your ass gets banned from there too. I swear you only have like 3 options left at this point LOL should be worrying about yourself and your daughter and maybe take some time off sl to do so….
You seem so mad, to bring in someone’s kid, kinda proves the original post true. You are a true keyboard warrior.
Dumbass Kanos spent thousands of dollars at the Rhoxy and his kid is probably wearing clothes 2 sizes too small…
Wow attacking his kid again, that’s low bringing a kid into online bs.
Damn the Rhoxy is still on here again, third week in a row, and now bringing in kids to insult people. Really doing a great job at proving everything said about that place is toxic as fuck. Sounds like that guy is better off not going there.
I know I wouldn’t want to go somewhere that brings kids in to insult people. Thought the people that worked there were family friendly. Guess not.
Lol your hoes? What you own them?
Yes, my hoes, as in thats my girls…. funny how you posted the first comment 5 hours ago and the second one 5 minutes ago LOL what a LOSER 😀 Log off and go to bed
I know I wouldn’t like being called a hoe if I was friend. It makes you sound like you own them. Also bringing someone’s child into an online fight doesn’t make ou look like a strong person. It makes you look like a bully and an awful person. So why don’t you grow up Joey and leave people’s children out of stuff.
Malakai, shut the fuck up… please spare yourself and quit while you’re ahead. Ain’t nobody trying to call you their hoe cuz no body wanna be your friend. You are a two faced loser, who has kanos’ dick so far down your throat you must not realize that the lindens are gone now and he don’t give a fuck about you! He’s playing all you stupid bitches and you twats are just biting the bait… Have fun kissing ass and stroking ego for free, you girls seem to like giving freebies to freeloaders.
Kanos needs to leave taken bitches alone, and stick with his washed up old hags. NO BODY WANTS YOU BESIDES THEM SO EMBRACE IT HONEY!! BEGGERS CAN’T BE CHOOSERS!
You sound really salty
Malakai, let’s be real. You don’t give two shits about this. You only care because, and I quote, “I saw him as a kind person and a big tipper.” Yeah, he had a nice personality, but he also caused issues that you not only give a damn about, but hurt a lot of people. YOU only care because he spent a lot of money at the Rhoxy, and you missed out, so you’re hoping defending him here will drag him to you. And while you’re at the whole starting of drama that you so love to do, even though it’s none of your fucking business, why don’t you stop accusing people of posting comments when you don’t know who the fuck they are. I know who posted the comment, and I love the person to death and I personally don’t give a shit when they call me a hoe, because everyone who ACTUALLY FUCKING KNOWS THE PERSON knows they mean it out of love and caring. Quit knit-picking shit and go find a fucking J.O.B and get a hobby, because you posting comments on this site and attacking people with no fucking proof makes you uglier than you already are.
Kisses! mwah
for the love of god please get your facts straight before talking shit. you ain’t got no clue about who posted what or what the is even going on. stop being stupid you trolly cunt.
Malakai, You are not a good person. You spread rumours like wildfires and fuel to the fire. Living within the drama makes you feel special, wanted or needed. That is a sad way to live. You message people who barely know you and try to make yourself relevant. Trying to spread your trash talk only makes you seem pathetic. How pathetic it is that you thrive off of these things. Please, Log off the computer and form some sort of relevance to your life. The negativity you spread everywhere you go is a virus of disgust. You are a disgusting person that spreads your disgusting drama and lies across the grid. Please stop because it only makes yourself look like a fool.
The fact you got so offended by that just proves it hits a point. There’s PROOF that you randomly messaged one of the people from the Rhoxy VIP discord to complaining about being banned from the discord and sim, not realizing that he was FRIENDS WITH THE OWNER. You’re so triggered right now, that it’s funny. And I’m sure a lot of us know about your real life, because it’s all you talk about. Have you gotten a job yet? It was all you talked about for several weeks, not having any income coming in for RL. *smh* Get off the computer and stay off of SL. Get some real friends.
Lol I don’t need to tell you about my life thank you and no you don’t know. also dont have to answer your question about if I have job or not, I’m sorry when did you become Someone important to know that stuff. If you want to pay me out go for it, but at least do it under your real name instead of under fake one. Stop hiding.
Oh I’m sorry when did you become my mother and decided when I go to bed? Lol
When your hoe girlfriend wants to fuck everyone and you catch feelings and ban someone. Next.
Umm why you makibg it so personal you shouldn’t bring someone’s daughter into online shit. It ain’t me your talking about cause I dont have kids
Literally nobody cares about the Rhoxy dude
Stop with the posts
Lol I’m not the one that has posted the picture on sl secrets. I just replied. Oh is it because my name is rhoxy you think I posted it? Pfft why would I waste my time posting pictures about thst club?
The thing is.. Big tippers come and go. It’s really not about the linden that’s why high tippers get banned sometimes because one would rather clean out the drama than get paid. It’s about who you are as a person.
But they are the drama….so
When the tax return money runs out, say goodbye to your clout.
tax return money..?? all the hoes of SL cant even get TDI because hoeing in SL doesnt qualify them.. and in this coronavirus times they’re gunna be assed out. bunch of fattys with no toilet paper. xD loll im joking im sure you grannys have scrunched up tissues all over the place like every other grandma in the world.
When your hoe girlfriend wants to fuck everyone and you ban a high tipper?
I’ll start paying attention to you again next refund bro. I’ll spend another two hours with ya on the phone pretending I give a shit about your life. Social engineering is my major “bro.”
Imagine not being bothered by what other people do
Imagine having a facebook account.
Fuck ALL social media.
Wtf how can you sound fat?
Wtf lol
Still waiting for someone to drop this whole truth bomb!
It’s gonna be hilarious the day those HUD servers go offline and all those dumb, mark ass bitches are stuck with shit they can never change again. Watch them switch stories real quick about how whichever body they go back to was better all along, pretending like they never acted superior over getting conned lol
anyone who drops more money for perky tits..lmfao has got to be dead ass ugly in real.. like most guys dont care THAT ,much because most chics are a dime a dozen.. perky tits wont make u hoes worth talking to a second time. xD
but that they’ll never understand @BeLess
If we wore the clothes/mesh we did for men, we wouldn’t wear any at all. Avatar customization is a very personal experience, for the player first and the people around them second.
not in SL you hoes try to outdo one another for losers like that fucking clown dude .. or that fucking pathetic fuck who swore he was family of ozzy osbourne xD what losers..
It’s true the fashion aspect is mostly for some kind of weird girl clout I don’t involve myself in- meaning, not one of those people who cries trying to get into events the first day so I can demonstrate ready disposable income while being a derpy clone in whatever was released that day- but these hoes that are so excited about legacy body think it will give them an advantage getting attention from whoever’s daddy they’re trying to steal this week; bet. That’s where the bunch of overly shiny, expressionless legacy/genus clones you see now came from and omg they are so funny to me with their almost lack of animation. The rare occasions you see a genus head actively animating beyond a blink, it’s spastic as fuck, and a lot of times you don’t even get the blink LOL
Anyway, no one ever taught them that newer is not always better and pretty is as pretty does, so they just keep buying shit to heap on top of the dumpster fire they call a personality and wonder why the shallow dbags that hit on them in their brand new whore gear lose interest in a week. If you’re reading this and wondering why it’s you- you don’t need new whore gear, you need some self-awareness and a personality overhaul.
A week??? Lol…a lot less then that. More like…in the same time space that they’re being talked to, there’s another one waiting in the wings. Lol.
And Genus…yuck omg…why anyone would want to look like they’re staring into space like a drooling moron…I don’t know. Weird.
Why do you think anyone cares about what parts you might want on your next pedo bait avatar? You pop up one week trying to get on the “no underage looking avatars” bandwagon, then outline your wish to build one the next week. Just shut the fuck up, seriously, no one cares that you got kicked out of somewhere again. This has got to be a frequent thing for you; not remarkable.
Said the probably anorexic that is just dying to take a bite of a donut but won’t because they are paranoid they will gain weight and finally hit 100 lbs . lol