Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 598.
Please make sure to read the rules before you upload secrets for next week. I have changed them.
I’m curious. Every time I see this site, I see PEDO this and PEDO that. Is there proof? or are people just making stupid accusations? If there is proof in this, then call the damn authorities and stop accusing people!
#16 Whitley is now threatening people with the nudes he has of them, so if he has a nude of you, and you have information on him, be wary.
43- Dear concerned and horny old man, the problem is you are more interest in jerking off to a cartoon avatar than a stunning woman in real life. By the way, as how second life works, the sexy cartoons you need for your daily diddle are actually obese old women in real life . Now diddle on and have a nice day?
26. In Greek that is pronounced PORKS, Comments are yours now ?
1 person said mashed potatoes.. tyler says porks.. and i say regardless of which is accurate IT FIGURES xD
anyways idk who #1 is but that def is like a 50 y/o forehead .. and looks like they’ve used their share and possibly still use aquanet xD
Figure I might as well mention: if it’s a Casper vendor, then there is no way to do a free demo. You can only make it so that it charges 1L then refunds you the 1L. This may or may not be what’s happening, I have about as much interest in events as I do in watching paint dry at 1fps and 3% scripts run, but it’s something to bear in mind.
(Honestly though, llGiveInventory is not hard. Get a givescript from the LSL wiki and shove it in a box, and you can give demos away for free without the Casper weirdness.)
true but u dont even need a script to put it in a prim with open permissions.. some people really are thirty for that change though
Unpopular opinion: the problem with most SL relationships is just that- they’re viewed as SL relationships. When you apply the tag of “oh, it’s just SL”, it seems to aid in the belief that it’s not an actual relationship, so your actions mean less than they might otherwise.
There are those who are married in RL and date in SL. That’s their prerogative, but personally not one I agree with. Emotional affairs are just as real as physical ones.
I met my boyfriend through SL. Since then, we’ve spent time together in RL and have plans for the future. We video chat, talk constantly, and share our lives as though we were in the same room. It’s possible to maintain a level of commitment if both parties are invested, regardless of how the relationship began.
It’s easy to say that “nobody’s loyal” in SL. But the truth of it is, the ones who aren’t loyal are probably the same ones who are cheating on their RL mates, or would do so at the drop of a hat. They’re the same ones who use others and take what they want. They’re the narcissists who manipulate the ones they “love”. It’s not because it’s SL- it’s who they are. The anonymity of an online persona simply makes it easier to let their true natures show.
Just be kind to one another. Show love more than hate. Be honest and up front, as you’d want others to do for you. You’ll find both lives far more fulfilling.
As someone who has worked in the hooker industry for a while now, this kind of drama – that’s been outed from Addiction, is hardly something new and definitely not something that’s been done by them alone. And for the record – if you read it properly – they say that they allow you to work at one other club – which means – don’t spread yourself too thin – coz who has time to work at 5 different clubs anyway ffs, and secondly that they don’t share girls with these specific clubs – for what really should be obvious reasons to anyone but if not – rivalry and past employee’s are probably owners/managers there – and no one wants to share their club secrets, duh! Let’s face it – clubs have beefs – be it between owners, clients or over money – its literally the norm in SL. I have seen and heard of plenty of other stripclubs placing restrictions on girls and where they work. Of clubs who literally force girls to take classes in order to “teach” them to be better ho’s, of clubs that fire when they find out you spend more time working at another place than their own even though they “aren’t exclusive”, of clubs that insist you look a certain way – shape, height, skin detailing. I’ve seen girls fired for petty things that would make your grandmother roll her eyes in her grave. Fights between bitches over guys. Girls getting into IM’s of clients despite the sacred rule of hookering 101 – don’t IM clients first. Girls who literally fuck stageside for tips. Girls who were working too hard and playing too hard – causing other girls to become jealous or belittled by their prowess. Girls fired over guys who literally come… Read more »
Ummm, who are you? The Rhoxy’s rates are similar to most female strip clubs right now, thank you very much. And for whatever reason, the owners of Addiction and Labyrinth hatin’ on the club, because they’re threatened by the way Rhoxy is run, because it’s fun and there’s no fucking drama, THAT is why the guys flock to the club. It DOES matter where us hoes work, because we’re trying to earn money working for a legit business, so the ones that are full of DRAMA, like Addiction and Labyrinth, being run by psychotic fucking bitches who are firing girls left and right, and banning clients because they are supporting the Rhoxy. Seriously girls? Fuck off. Especially you, Madilyn and Catty. You two are the top crazies, it’s no wonder your clubs are dying and men are running from your flappy vaginas.
Actually, The Rhoxy’s prices are about the same as the other clubs. They have some VIP special pricing but other than that their prices are about the same. If they were charging less then no one would want to work there. I think they did a pretty good job at pricing very similar to the other clubs. Sure there are some things more expensive and some things less, but in general it is very similar. They do have a great vibe there as well. The girls are unique and fun to talk with. I visit many clubs in SL and this one has become top of my list. Great management, great staff, and a great club all the way around.
Okay so… 21, I am the person in the photo xD yall saying kid avi just cause of the paci… okay fair play but take that out and what now? still a kid due to my height ever seen a 5 ft person, grow up all of you… ironically the person who posted that photo is a guy who hit on that avi and was in for the paci… cause as soon as I rejected the fucker this was up, smh… yall need to learn how to adapt to being open minded instead of slamming on your keyboards about bullshit that has nothing to do with you.
Honestly, if your ganna post about anyone, include a name.
honestly, who cares. Your avi is ugly.
And lets see your avi then xD gyazo please honey boo boo or are you a pussy to write a statement and then not follow up? and oooo yes sooo thirsty come gimmie a juice box looool bye 😉
you must feel so stupid when you bang these guys and they’re thinking of a little girl and not u.. lol trashy af.. i hope you dont have kids pendeja
@someone you’re a thirsty bitch xD
Get real, its a kid avatar dummy or no dummy and if you are really claiming its at short adult, you are fucked in the head. Seriously!
mr sidelines, your obviously retarded, since when does child avatars have big tiddies duh. also i dont like children and i found her avi very THICC, also if you own a child avi on sl i mean actual child, you are a pedo, your wearing a child avatar and you fuck outside of sl. nothing wrong with holding a pig, so you are saying famers are children? since when do children work, this aint slavery times. since when does blush mean children lmfao.
and you are seriously deluded….. its a kid avi you utter twat
Shut your mouth pedo. Keep running it and you best hope your personal info is on lockdown.
So I’m not going to go into this insulting you because that’s not the point but I’ll gladly tell you why you look like a child av (and this is coming from someone with a child av – not a paranoid SLer looking for pedos)
#1 – The paci but you know that
#2 – Your face shape. It’s just over the line between youthful and child.
#3 – Your skin. Very blushy skins tend to look childish and “kawaii”.
#4 – Your proportions. I have no idea how tall your avatar is, the picture didn’t even hint towards that, but it looks like you have a large, round head.
#5 – The pig plus all the others makes you look like a kid.
You very much look like a child avatar in that photo and had I seen that with no context, I’d be surprised to find out you weren’t a kid avvie.
Yall obviously havent seen a proper child avatar xD its kinda funny… okay proportions… uhh so that makes me a child? also skin being blushy…. not at all many people are naturally red cheeked.. and holding a pig makes me look like a kid?! I mean people ive heard it all… and now Its just funny shit. so please explain to me now… if this is a child avi ? lemme just slip a paci in there. https://gyazo.com/124b857fe51d39ebb1aa858d73cccbd6
*glances up at name, glances back to poster* My dear. I am a child avatar and have been since 2009. I have seen many child avatars in my time in Second Life. You 100% look like a child avatar in the secret picture – do you not understand that people are going at this solely based on that image? Should I talk with smaller words so you understand it? I can say it in a few languages if that’ll help.
You. Look. Like. A. Child. In. The. Secret. Photo.
Does that help?
The picture you linked is not. the. picture. in. the. secret. None of us know who you are (and by your attitude, thank god) and none of us know you look like that. In the picture you linked, not the photo that was posted as the secret, you do not look like a child.
Why are you at an adult place with a paci in your mouth?
I notice you asked that twice and she failed to answer either time. That really tells everyone what they need to know about why she was at not just an adult, but one of the sleaziest of adult places, with a pacifier in her mouth, looking like a child.
I honestly think she’s not a child avatar, she’s just a child in real life.
Couches aren’t shoulder high on 5t adults in real life, dumbass. That’s why using the numbers on your sliders instead of scaling to your environment is stupid; everyone knows that, so when someone throws that lame excuse out you know they’re just trying to be extremely short for whatever reason. Considering your avatar looks like a straight up child and you’re at (gag) Grandpa’s, your “whatever reason” is very clear.
And your whatever reason is saying my avi is a child avi cause of a paci…. you’re the stupid and naive one here baby cakes 😉 you should see my “child avi” now… might jizz too much… plus when do children have tattoos and a curvy body get off child porn bro xD
#1 No one can see you are curvy in the picture
#2 I had to look close to see those were tattoos and not designs on a shirt
#3 The paci is honestly just the icing on the cake. Can I politely ask why you wear it?
#4 The way the photo is cropped and angled, you look like you’re 6 years old, we can’t see your full avatar.
Oh FFS. #44 Just leave Vi and Lex alone, move on with your shitty fucking second lives. This is week 3, and nobody but you and a tiny fraction of people care about your pathetic hateboner. Get over yourselves.
i was just flicking through marketplace and i saw something for the people somewhere below talking about how a proper vagina is supposed to look.
look up
B.O.M. Amasonia 2.0 / VULVA6PLUS
Jesus! If i wore that i’m pretty sure it would start talking.
That is fucking terrifying.
whoever downvotes that comment literally thinks that is how a vagina is supposed to look like and therefore admit that they have never seen a real vagina
lol amen.. gotta be careful with them skiing ‘girls’ lol
#5 Just like maitreya, everyone knows who the first pic is, nicoleTV, sis is successful. 2nd chick, who is she? never seen her a day in my life, cute but irrelevant just like the maker of this secret and everyone who agrees with it. Hoes mad cos we got clothes to wear while they stay nekkid and built like a sack of lumpy potatoes they call cUrVeS. Just because your hip slider can bend reality doesn’t mean you actually look thicc. You look like an abomination. We are the priority, It’s 2020 and ya’ll STILL have to beg for clothes. Can’t relate.
lol i kinda agree here.. but try alice shes killin maitreya xD
I love how whoever typed that has somehow turned being common and basic into something special in their own delusional little mind LOL
39. “as if” yr real life photo is actually, “real”. You go shopping and con guys out of lindens. You’re a whore. lmao.. and you brag about that on SL Secrets. I’m gonna vote you the pathetic one honey.
Exactly…and if guys are that gulible to even give her a L more fool them, sounds like she has tickets on herself, just be careful the next time you go out in a breeeze they don’t blow off and go up your ass….
Nova was known as Ella once on a website called IMVU.
The lying little slut faked her own death. Then came back to the SAME FAMILY – Brielle was stupid enough to adopt her back. Brie also cheats and lies and whores around. They’re perfect mother / daughter pair!
Brie even helped her “sister” cheat on her supposed best friend by giving her an alt account to do it on. All while lying to his face saying she didn’t know anything.
There’s so much disgusting shit these cunttastic psycho-twat wondertwins have pulled but there isnt enough character space to type it all. ?
We already know ?
Go on…
I am not surprised to see this post. After the notice they sent out to their employees, giving them orders to not work at those places or they lose their spot at Addiction??? LOL WHAT KIND OF THREAT IS THAT SINCE YOUR CLUB MAKES WAY LESS THAN THE ‘CLUBS Y’ALL DON’T SHARE GIRLS WITH’. You sound pathetic and desperate, and with a staff list as small as yours, are you really in a position to be giving your current employees ultimatums?
People are so fucking soured that they had girls leave that shit hole, to move on and build a better club than theirs…. A place that men want to actually go to and women actually want to work at! The only broads who dont mind working at Addiction are the ones who don’t mind standing on stage for hours at a time with no drop ins, no tips, and everyone else on stage is speaking a fucking foreign language lmaoooo so “NO ENGLISH” at this club is a WAY OF LIFE.
Better hope that the last few girls that you have left don’t run off to those clubs you just BANNED them from lol Because I hear The Rhoxy brings in over $70K a day 😉
And for the rest of the club owners being so uptight about newer clubs doing better than yours, maybe its time to adjust your strategy and freshen up your club ideas, because obviously you got these CLIENTS OUT HERE BORED AS FUCK…. Coming to the Rhoxy and expressing that they have never been to such a welcoming club before!
Addiction is Firing – The Rhoxy is Hiring!
Come to where you’ll be wanted and valued and not treated like a 3 year old- given ultimatums and shiiiiiit 🙂
My reaction to this is to FUCKING laugh really loud and not surprised to the ignorance of this bullshit club.. Do not take my remarks are petty and bitter cause I am far from that… I am calling a spade a spade with this club (Addiction) The are bitchy and full of themselves and judge as hell.. and this time its costing them so much $ cause of their views and outlooks and controlling ways. I have been at the Rhoxy now for 7 1/2 weeks and this is what I pulled in so far and I am so grateful to the owner for giving me the opportunity to work with her club. The Rhoxy took me in when I had no dancer/escort experience yet they actually took the time to interview me and see my true potential where as Addiction never took any time with me just told me in an IM that I was not Addiction material. “BITCHES” in just 7 1/2 I have become one of the top earners. Take that you FUCKING SNOBs…The Rhoxy is such a great atmosphere to work at, not only do they care here and invest in all their girls, the atmosphere Rocks as not only are the dancers having so much fun the clients keep coming back over and over again always feeling at home when they are here.. the atmosphere is not thick with arrogance its so the reverse with a laid back fun, enticing and full of excitement Atmosphere to be in. The Rhoxy is on this list for only one reason, their success is threatening certain clubs “coughs.. Addiction” and you should be jealous as we here at the Rhoxy are Prime Grade Ass with a client satisfaction and a good time as our focus.. and for all… Read more »
Oreo, your friends come into clubs and say they can’t fuck us because you have, meanwhile you’ve tipped us a measly 500 lindens. Please stop pretending you’re the man. You’re not. You never will be. Spreading your name won’t make you the man either.
You haven’t dated any of us either, you never will. You aren’t good enough for us Oreo. Stop making different fucking names just to make yourself look big.
Typical reaction of an Oreo one night stand who couldn’t accept that Oreo doesn’t do relationships. Move on honey.
Oreo literally has botched so many of my hires by saying he’s dated me when we KNOW he hasn’t. Can he stop this shit already? I would never fuck him.
Who TF is CC?
I dunno, but I was here first ?
scoot over!
We can share the confused couch!
#33 https://www.flickr.com/photos/137622761@N08/44353750752/in/dateposted/ and she reselling more other goods from her stores on many events… And this person have more than two store…
thats super fucked up.. a lot of stores do that shit.. same shit with the amataria shop.. i prob spelled it wrong but i notice most things are recolors and shit she sold as her full perms that other people also own now.
#42 – Made me giggle/gasp a little. While i can totally see where they are coming from, i used to know Jasmine some years ago and was one of her many friends to encourage her to start her thing. Even though we drifted apart (her bf was crazy up her ass and was annoying lol) she was a legit really nice person who worked hard to make her own original stuff which was part of the entire philosophy behind Second Life in the first place. The rest seem like the usual trash talk of (mostly) women? who get off on trying to out alpha one another *yawn* change the record already.
@Be Less Ignorant, Please – Fair enough, its nothing i want to buy either i just wanted to share my 2 cents that in person she was a nice person but i respect the point of view.
Those overlays look like smears of bird shit on your skin and in the age of materials enhancement, using white streaks for “shine” or “highlights” is definitely obsolete. I would never have bothered to make a secret about them, but I’ve always thought they looked ridiculous.
#1 – Who ever this is. #2 – Fuck your tiny font, 20 words or less! #3 – Another one bites the dust. #4 – Lol, his face looks like it was sculpted by the flat side of a frying pan. #5 – Good thing it’s a free capitalist market with several options for you to choose. #6 – People will find anything to complain about. #7 – I’m gonna guess it was supernatural role play? All of those are shit, no rules every ones does what ever the fuck they want, rules and scrubs will bitch and moan because they can’t make all the shit up that crosses their mind. Lose – lose. #8 – That’s what demos are for. #9 – Sounds like you are jealous she can get them by the handful. #10 – So she got to find love with her male alt hey? #11 – Okay. #12 – This is a fucking ad… #13 – Fuck your tiny font and fuck your red on black. #14 – Oh noes, how dare he tell a joke that offended YOU signal that virtue! #15 – He looks like shit, who the hell is giving him the time of day? #16 – Yawn. And you know next week he’s gonna say your name right? Why did you hide it, not to mention you’ll be reported for sharing logs… start using your brain. #17 – No one cares, come back with something good. #18 – Lol, fuck off outta here, he put this up himself. #19 – If you say so it must be true, we’ll take your word for it. #20 – Where have all the good men gone! #21 – That depends on the body type, but you just focused on the head because of the pacifier,… Read more »
you are genuinely the reason i look down here, you have the best commentary
Totally agree on 7#.. both Orius and waterdeep are shit. Same people… same drama.
Oprah #2 have u ever tried to use the zoom in technique on your screen to make the texture bigger
all u have to do is enlarge this website on ur phone and u can read everything clearly ??♀️
the story wasn’t even that interesting.. so i wouldnt bother @Oprah xD
#21. 100% Child avatar. Should immediately be banned from any adult sim, no questioned asked. It should also be enforced by sim staff. The more concerning and disgusting part is this child avatar looks abused on top of it all. #24. I’ve already boycotted designers that charge for demo’s. It’s not about the money, it’s solely about principle. Imagine if a real clothing store charged people the tiny amount of 50 cents to try on a single designs? It’s absurd. Most stores encourage people to sample their designs. So many designers manipulate the ads or render them in outside of Second Life, that when you do actually demo it, it looks very different. It’s ridiculous and just plain greedy. #29. Exposed and cheap. It was probably harder to create the fake than it would be to actually take their own photo. The irony in their brand name is laughable. # 39. The word “loyal” is incorrectly used with almost all Second Life couples, sadly. While the male ogre is busy messaging you, telling you he wants you as his ‘baby girl’, the female ogre is busy messaging other male ogres telling them she needs a new daddy. All fake people, living a fantasy relationship they couldn’t ever have in real life, with other fake people that are doing the exact same which goes on for an SL eternity (aka a few months)…only to break up and run off with another fake person. Wrapping themselves up in fake drama that they feed off of. All ‘Catfishing’ each other in a perpetual cesspool and ultimately losing touch of reality. Catfishing is named that for a reason, they are bottom feeders. This is not true of all Second Life couples, as I have met some exceptional couples that set the bar high to… Read more »
#43 Monstrocity: A cyberpunk dark urban sim inhabited by giant male avies from 2006 with their newbie dicks always in a boner, wandering with concerned and horny faces through the empty streets
#43 aw did she shut you down again? sad crybaby wannabe dom got his fake sl ego hurt again. fyi your cock couldnt shrink any smaller than the grain of rice it is when hard. babydick starterpenis fool hahahaha
I bet my left nut that 43 was written by some chick. Also yall so fucking delusional on this game. Like you realize the avatars are not real and you are only making love to your hand right?? Like the post 1 talks as if she carried babies irl? As if marriage was not some barbie playhouse? Most of “sexy” or whatever is just wrinkly whales anyway just fap to pornhub you thirsty thots.
YASSS!! amen
It’s so tragic the way some people talk as though it counts haha….IT DOESN’T!
#37. Don’t worry , soon the viewers will no longer support your ancient computer and you will not be able to log into SL anymore.
#43. That avi is not hideous. Unless you are using #37’s computer to view it.
Body wars. Here. I laugh. I die. I rise to laugh again. Popularity and quality are not parallel features, or we’d study Jackie Collins in American literature classes. I also find it deathly ironic that I could make both the slim and thicc bodies in #5 using Maitreya without trying hard. And both of those shapes are just fine on the people wearing them, so what’s your point, bunky?
And a dodo complaining about avis under ten years old and lag. That’s comedy to any of us who experienced sim-killing lag when it was 25 of us in our system-body selves. Well played.
Everyone thinks they can do it better till the fail… will be funny to see Vixen or Vivid or whatever the fuck it’s called crash and burn just like any club Giana has ever owned… bitches be crazy… also you girls be nasty as fuck
For all you people who call this chick at #43 stylish, I have seen her and her hipster wannabe boyfriend multiple times and there is nothing stylish nor sexy about this chick. She definitely does not belong in a sexy place like TEQI.
Although I agree, a woman does not always have to be naked, she is tickling nobodies fantasy with her outfits and face/shape.
lmao@sexy place… Teqi’s is like eHarmony for the old and lonely
Since when is Teqi’s sexy? Lol. You sound like the person who posted the secret — definitely not a straight male in any capacity, “Jack.” Dudes don’t talk like that.
You’re lose in the head. I’ve seen her multiple times and she always looks good and put together.
Firstly, nobody belongs at Teqi’s because it’s a shit place riddled with shit people like your shit self.
Secondly, define what you deem stylish because we’re all dying to know. Even better, post a pic of your, all mighty avatar so we can see what real style is. Lastly, not to bruise your obviously inflated ego, but I doubt she dresses herself to tickle your fantasies.
#43. There is no way this was written by a straight male. Think about it… what straight man cares or complains about purses?? LOL. Only women and flamboyantly gay dudes are this catty over someone’s appearance. This is just someone who hates her and was trying to find a sneaky way to attack.
The writing style of the post matches the writing style of her profile. I think there are similar words used even. I think she is trying to make herself SL famous because who really believes this post?
Ding ding ding! Someone’s catching on… because no other females would be jealous of how that bitch looks, either. Women don’t get jealous of each other for wearing too much clothing; only the opposite.
mhm.. its fun to over dress in sex sims… but i mean extra boujie not looking like a nerd. Someone should have called the fashion police on her ass
If we are being completely honest here, the purse and jeans are in style. The coat is a couple years outdated but the star top? When has that star top ever been in style for an adult female – The rave scene of the late 90s/early 2000s?
.22 Who’s the lucky fella, sounds like he went from one nutbar to another! Right from the frying pan and into the fire! Poor guy!
Seems like just another dumb, entitled blonde only good for one thing. Hoe needs to pay my bed a visit soon. I’ll put her where she belongs.
Pussy whip the bitch out of her. Being a freak she be getting off on that too.
Hit her up on sl, we can take our turns lmao
Bro I did a message and she’s down
Xxtwilightxx zeplin is legacy name
There is a difference. Even if you’re into the whole idea of being a kid or having a child persona – you need to drop it once setting foot anyplace adult. I don’t take my kid avatar to adult places and my adult avatar does have cute things but not pacifiers and baby dresses. It really bothers me to see that sexualized.
#5: Is this a diss of Maitreya or other bodies? Those are both real body shapes and real people.
#21: That is straight up a child avatar. You cannot convince me otherwise.
#43: Oh no. A female avatar went somewhere dressed like a normal person. How dare she deny your manly needs by dressing how she wanted to. I honestly dig her style, where is that top from?
Apparently you know nothing of the DDlg world. It’s not just a SL fad, although some DO make it into that. It is a rl lifestyle. I’ve lived it for 25+ years. I’m 45 years old and I use a pacifier, have stuffies, wear cutesie “little girl” clothes at times. It all depends on when I go into little space. Maybe read up on the real dynamic of babygirls and littles before being so judgy .
No one has said its not a real thing, no one is claiming its just an SL fad, you’re just not allowed to fuck kids in SL.
There is also the fact that she is neko, most neko are small and young looking.
/me sniffs the air……. Is that butterfly shit? Antelope shit? Nope definitely bullshit
lmfao@BeMore i did a double take like helllll nah BeLess would NEVER say that shit. xD 45 year old retard with a pacifer bcuz u can’t find a man.. lol hitting 50 soon.. grow up buttercup
Oh sweets, I have a man. I’ve been married to him an amazing 20 years. I think I’m quite grown up sugar britches. What a person does in their life doesn’t make them grown. Degrading others for their lifestyle does make them not grown, or jealous. *pops in her paci and runs off to Daddy’s lap*
i so just threw up in my mouth.. lmfao married 20 years and you play a little.lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooo.. you have fucking skin that needs crepe erase and your sucking on paci’s? loll soo gross saggy skin trying to look cute.. jesus christ thats soo just the opposite.. Where the fuck is this other chic.. i need her here now for this convo.. check this out @Namenshamebabaay loll
Ol Saggy face will end up on one of them TLC my crazy obsession shows..
decrepit old lady plays little for her 70 yr old hunchback hubby of 20 years.. and next up another talk with Nathaniel the guy who fucks his car. xD
TBH, I don’t care if someone has “a little” and “little space” IRL. I do actually know what both of those are. That’s not my thing but if it’s yours… sure. I still don’t like to see it sexualized but that has to do with me not liking childhood things and sex mixed (and getting my pictures on social media of happy childhood things reblogged and tagged DD/lg was really.. not cool).
Let’s just be SL exclusive with this. You have to be so careful with anything childlike and this is coming from a person with a child avatar. There’s a line you really can’t cross before LL sees it as sexual ageplay and a paci with a very young face is over that line.
Yeah, she made that name because she was in here defending that toddler faced thot and got big mad at lil ole me.
I’ve got a gif in moderation already in this thread; imagine outing yourself as a 45 year old woman who wears pacifers on the secrets 😆 😆 I’ve read all the stuff she’s talking about too. It’s so weird how fucked up people think because people write blogs about their issues, suddenly they’re validated or something 😆 😆 You can’t even bandwagon fallacy it when the majority thinks you’re severely fucked up.
The internet is a wonderful thing I would never want to give up, but it sure did give people who used to have the sense to keep their freak shit to themselves a way to find each other. They build echo chambers, kicking out anyone who criticizes, until the false sense of support and acceptance gives them the confidence to inflict that shit on the world in general.
#8 Ugh, right? I am so sick of morphed vendor pictures especially for skins, c’mon. Accurately represent your product as it appears in SL – if you cannot do that I must assume that it looks like shit on an SL avatar. #9 I can’t even find one person to date in SL how these folks be doing 3 in a month? lmao #21 It’s bad enough it looks like a child, a child with a pacifier well beyond the age of needing one. The scars and dirty look just makes her look abused and neglected. Overall a pretty troubling appearance to cultivate. Scars n shit on teen/adult avatars = badass. On kids? Really sad. 🙁 Pacifiers are initializing, this is a deliberate choice among sissies, subs, and ageplayers. It would be less disturbing if the avatar looked adult and wore one: it would look appropriately sissy instead of pedo. #24 Charging for demos is sheisty but whatever, if I want it bad enough I will do it but it often turns me off a brand. Charging for demos at an event? GTFO girlfriend lol. That alone makes me never buy from you, let alone pay for your demo. #25 Shh my legacy body is sexy and the one thing I hate seeing on any vendor is “Maitreya Exclusive” ugh ugh ugh. I have Hourglass/Legacy/Freya all of which I love, I haven’t worn Lara in ages, so seeing that on a vendor is poop. #26 is funny, she used green symbols to spell NOPE, nothing more to it than that. I don’t think the anti-sorority concept is disrespectful, it’s just meant to be funny. #29 Holy crap this is bad. It’s theft, and it’s ugly. I used to like this brand back in the day, no clue what has happened… Read more »
#41 – Personally I buy shapes just for the style card and not the shape lol. It’s like paying for a stylist RL I guess.
Ugh so many typos and I cannot edit, QQ.
#43: I’m sure that the guy who posted this totally has room to talk and has an avatar that totally has all the sex appeal and style of Pierce Brosnan circa 1996.
googles that because that’s my birth year. xD
me suspect he take good self shot
7: LOL Chronicles of Waterdeep still trying to drag Orius.. meanwhile the Goblin Kingdom took both regions traffic. The Irony of it all.
No, I was there once, took a good look at it, and shrugged, then I kept hearing it was a bunch of drama and people were getting banned and their characters bastardized for no reason, so I’m glad I dodged a bullet there, Waterdeep and Goblin has something that Orius been trying to get, consistency.
and favourtism isn’t cute either.
LOL do you know who those mods are at Waterdeep? The same Arrogant judgy shit heads that were in orius kicking people random people they did not like of the elven group. That’s why they got kicked out of Orius. And those same fuckers are from G.E gor… both sims are shit. Trust… it’s like a place for the pew-pew rejects of G.E gor. I’ll take my chances with Goblin Kingdom.. than any of those two shitholes.
#1 I LOVE whoever put this post on here 😀 🙂
It boggles my mind that big daddy’s gets put in every other week. To the person who keeps putting them up….why do you even hang out there if you hate the staff and how its ran??? Why not just yanno…leave?
But I guess that’s the logical action to take and you wont leave because you’re a miserable salty person. ?
Advertising. I’m sure that’s what it is
So because you dont understand what Little space is or what Babygirls are its wrong ok… And your closet don’t have anything to hide. Lol well glad you got to feel important about attacking someone elses lifestyle. Untill you have set down and talked to someone about their motivations for what they do in SL is it really right to attack them? I just dont get it myself. Live your life and let others live their own. They are both obviously adults living their own lives and choose to look different than what you personally think is the norm. Hope you feel good about yourself because the people your attacking probably feel horrible right now.
As far as I know ageplay is still against LL ToS. just saying….
Sexual ageplay is.
Regular old ageplay isn’t or else every 60 year with an avatar who looks like they’re 20 would be banned.
I’ve known roxy for awhile and sadly it’s fucking true. The LS stuff not updated on that, but jesus fucking LORD. Roxy tries to blame everyone else for why the clubs go down and it’s really them. Fuck Roxy had an AMAZING staff going on too, amazing GM and amazing managers who got the job done! But yet….. Fucked over their staff time and time again. SO much so, that when V.I.C came out….. The only people they had on sim were shiloh and his fuck up girl friend rain (DIFFERENT STORY ALL TOGETHER!!) and what ever people they managed to drag in with money……26 people was it? who showed up….. It’s been pretty much dead ever since.
This is all confusing the fuck out of me lol. So, firstly, all the shade being thrown at myself and Rain here, clearly most of the people trying to shit on Rain are dumb. If ya don’t like her, that’s fine. but I can only assume, just like myself, none of y’all have a clean slate. If you would like to say things to myself or Rain, then by all means, go for it. Actually say something. Don’t sit around for months on end trying to spread rumors and secrets because you’re wanting to be petty. It just makes all of ya look childish at best. As for the issues involving Roxy, Rain and I built VIC and that’s basically it. Rain did a lot more of the work on furnishing and such while most of my end was the design of the building itself. After Roxy’s boyfriend (or whatever at this point, it doesn’t concern me) decided to act on his/her behalf, I mentioned to them that it was problematic and would void contractual agreements made between us. After that, it just went downhill because, apparently, someone said we told Leo a bunch of stuff about the place and then Leo went to Lemme Smash about stuff. Basically a whole bunch of crap that Rain and myself don’t even know the full story on. Simply put, neither of us talks to Leo. Neither of us cares that much because it interferes with our daily lives to stir the pot that much. Overall, Roxy already wants all this taken down, but eh, more shit heard through the grapevine. I don’t particularly care either way. All of the statements I’ve seen in this thread of posts is pretty much true though. Mostly, Rain and myself tried to keep Roxy on the… Read more »
I was there, pet of Roxy up until everything went down. What raven said is right as I was there right behind them when it happened and was there from the beginning.
The person that said she disagreed with raven and Leo there, doesnt know what she is saying. I say she, because I dont think that is Rain too, I think its the iyc club owner her name is Blaze or something? She has said these to groups in public chat in the club and to my friend and to a few of us talking in the club together. She says ugly things about them all the time. She doesnt know what she is saying.
I can confirm it wasn’t Blazey. To be blunt about it, I’m not here to tell who said what, but I would suggest to not just throw someone else under the bus. Besides, Blazey is a GM, not the owner of IYC. That would be Primal.
Welp all I can say is the destructive path that is Roxy will continue as she gobbles up pre-established clubs and runs them into the ground. causes drama wars with everyone involved everywhere and spins out lies after lies about knowing lindens, owning 40 something sims, and can get peoples accounts banned at will.. funny no one’s accounts have been banned by her yet? lol. She had one chance at success and that was IFC which was her staff’s efforts not hers. short lived and destroyed it, needs to stop trying to run clubs, she’s a terrible person with no people skills. Acts like a child when she doesn’t get her way having meltdowns which is proven by her deleting the ifc groups, club and rolling back the sim twice. IYC , POUNCE, furzona, Yiff etc are all doing their own thing and not getting involved in each others shit. Roxy is not hovever.
Kazz said Between VIC and IYC not IYC and Pounce. your not even reading and your making rumours on the same page. All as bad as one another”roles eyes”
Whoopsie, guess I made an accident and said the wrong place. Simply put, we don’t even go to VIC cause we’re both banned from the sim for “talking to leo.”
Either way, point still stands. Not to mention I stated that I’m not different for posting on here as well? Maybe take your own post into account as well. I misspoke on the place I meant to. Big whoop.
“All as bad as one another” Says the one posting on here too. Also learn to spell illiterate Twat, pretty clear who you are.
All i can say is, Roxy was a nightmare to work with, constant mood swings, threatening (and actually) deleting the club and groups. not particularly sure why she wanted to reopen vic but did.. filled it with alts to keep traffic going? like why pay for that? and no leo, raven and the rest of the staff either left or were fired by her cause she was batshit insane. made up a fake story about a rl wife that came online and said Roxy wouldn’t be back??? then she comes back 3 months later and no mention of this wife? seems to be involved with letme smash now.. all i can say is, i hope they enjoy waking up one morning to their sim gone cause she rolled the sim back a number of times when she owned ifc. as for raine putting up bullshit here about vic and pounce, you’re the one wandering between VIC and iyc trying to get your own way. its pretty sad your thrashing other clubs for the sake of it. iyc and pounce are doing their own things and not getting involved in others shit.
Leo and Raven were best she had, ruined it when it was top club. deleted everyone in group and banned everyone who went to other clubs after
IFC became a joke since Roxy cracked under the slightest bit of pressure. Leo and Raven left that anyways due to not getting to have “owner privileges” of IFC. Was also due to Rain not listening to Roxy’s drama.
As far as Leo and Raven being the best thing to happen, I think I’ll disagree since they left and out of spite got another place to open up way bigger than the owner wanted it to be. When the owner of that place said the same thing (Y’all can’t be part owner) they both left and, out of spite again, opened up Pounce. Not even gonna comment on how shite Pounce looks cause that would be way too much to explain. Leo and Raven are just narcissistic whiners, nothing more, nothing less.
In the case of VIC, yeah, Shiloh and Rain were the builders and they were there on the opening night. Apparently, the opening night went to complete shit and nobody has really been back in there. Roxy’s alt accounts are primarily the only ones there and that’s for blatant traffic boosting. It’s basically dead as shit.
That whole (DIFFERENT STORY ALL TOGETHER!!) bit is interesting. All I know about Shiloh is that he’s an asshole, entertaining asshole, but still an asshole. With Rain, not sure how she’s a fuck up, or from what I can gather you probably meant “fucked up,” because all she does is mind her shit and tell people to fuck off when they annoy her.
Also, as far as the opening of VIC having 26 people, yeah, no. There was about 12-14 actual people there and then a bunch of alt accounts from people trying to win the money being given out or the alt accounts from Roxy.
I got alerted to this so I had to respond. Rumors are just that, rumors.. mostly false or exaggerated. People find out the truth on their own, we barely even talk about any of this but hear about it allll the time IFC was originally founded and owned by Leo in 2015. Leo then sold the name, the community groups associated with it, the Tribe groups and its community, was commissioned to build a club and design the SIMs associated with it. He was also asked by Roxy to help start up, start staff, run and manage the club while training her how to do so. He never intended to own a place he sold to her. He did exactly as she asked for the club and more so. Club commissions, sim design commissions and more. What happened was, she was screaming at staff, having mental meltdowns in patrons and staff chats, threatening people with being fired constantly over minor things. Was upset her friends were upset with her over getting help from Leo. Tried to interfere in my relationship with Leo, later trying to take credit for he and I (rolls eyes). Her mental meltdowns started by various things like her mates not doing what she asked, her mates having sex with Leo or being close, jealousy over another person, pets not doing what she demanded, etc. It was always SOMETHING stupid she had going on. There is so much more, not worth even gong into. In the end, she had a meltdown, stood up in the club on top of Leo’s avatar, club full of people while he was AFK and screamed and demanded on voice so everyone could here, he talk to her NOW or she would ban him, I dont even remember what it was about… Read more »
Roxy is that you? XD Gurl you need to get your facts right. Leo was owner and Founder of IFC. He didn’t have to fight for owner privileges he chose to just sell it to Roxy . His mistake was just trusting the wrong hoe so i hate him for that at least XD.
#10 #11 Rashad has posted on fb saying he only fucked 3 girls from the monarchy then got the one he wanted Lyn ???? took him 3 rejections from the others til desperate Lyn said “yes to the dress” ???? since when was fucking your friends first classy? Hope you washed your pixel dick Rashad, Farah’s pussy still wet on it
He fucked zero girls. Because his hand aint no girl.
Tf is 16 lmao windows 98?
#3 this shit will blow the fuck up next week xD
#4 I mean lmao
Capri done a runner off fb now the shit hit the fan #guilty#caught#hoe
Shawny boy is finally outed dont be a weak bish symone, the proof is right there he has made a fool out of you
Not started reading fully yet. #1 u sound a quiet a cunt tbf re-evaluate urself
So I guess its ok for a bunch of people on here to put people out and make them feel like shit. Its kind of sad for in this day and age that someone will look down on someone else because they are different than they are. And to post someones profile on here is even worse. So now this person will get attacked in SL because someone is too much of a pussy to say something to the person themself. You dont like their lifestyle fine you dont have to live it. But to point a person out and even include their profile on here is wrong. I would hate to see what karma has in store for you.
*does it for Kess since she hasn’t yet* You must be new here.
no one is a pussy for not confronting someone by more typing inworld.. ijs xD and if all the craziness bothers you why come read it? its fun because ITS A GAME xD
I mean…yes? That’s why the site is here? That’s literally what the function of this site is. It’s an anonymous gossip site. Are you actually unsure about it?
(In before Kess drops the “You must be new here” post.)
#1 ewwww.. lol that’s some old twilly hair right thurr. #2 I’m so confused.. but it’s quite obvious I’m sure to all of us that one person is way too invested in someone who isn’t.. stop it. #3 I mean they even stole the Disney font.. it screams pedo without even going inside. #4 that’s SL solid.. solid as a bento wedding ring #5 Nothing wrong with either.. but i notice its ok when people “”skinny shame”” lmao but everyone gets mad when i say fat all the time.. relax maitreya or any other body there’s a good chance there’s a fucking monster behind the avi. #6 i still choose Alice. she looks actually healthy. to me anyway. #7 not my thing #8 i agree.. when they have to morph don’t waste your money. STealing real faces is still stealing.. remember when people used to be able to create abs and shit out black and white blurred lines in photoshop? those days have ended.. everything now is cut corners.. one day all of our inventory will be gone. =/ #9 hes probably white.. and shes probably a whale.. match made in crooked heaven. #10 & 11 see number 9 #12 nice to see someone listened to me and went to pngtree for their glitter border. xD #13 friends for 3 years?? sounds like ur just mad he won’t fuck you. lol don’t be jelly hoe. #14 c.mon that jokes kinda funny.. i bet one of you can handle Chapelle #15 he looks like a certified shmuck. and someone fucked up his fade. #16 why is it in notepad?? and not directly from IMs?? i call bullshit. and if you did fuck him you’re he slutbag.. he’s just every other guy in SL who lets thots bang taken men. get a… Read more »
In response to #16 I may be friends with the writer of that. They said SL only saved 3 pages of logs and that went back farther than 3 pages so they had to dig into their computers logs. Also peeps you can share logs on social media ust not on SL or SL platforms yw.
2 stalkers always within 3 seconds.. loll now u fuckers can rest.. i have arrived and your job is done. =p with yo0ur arthritis granny fingers
damn even Grammarly quit on me.. way more than just the e key lol xD sorry that was brutal even for me.
#14 Yet you are there week in and week out taking pictures and posting them here, but you are not ignorant? You must be happy in that little world of yours 😉
More like Keesie is going to get all his bloody tampons together and start a gang called “the bloods”.
shit! i didnt even think of that! so, go ahead and mark you down as a blood?
43. So that’s my beautiful partner this numbnut scumbag is talking about and I’d like NOTHING more than to say that my baby looks so AMAZING and CLASSY. Sorry you are deprived of seeing how a good woman carries herself and are only familar to seeing the half naked whores that frolic along the grid day in and day out. I cant see how a horny old mans irrelevant comment made the cut considering this guy is reachinggg but this unfortunately defines a majority of the male population on sl. Cant respect a relationship or themselves ? Appreciate the laugh though homie, Say hi if you see us together!
Dude is really that your GF? Man, I feel sorry that you have to jack off on that shit.. I bet you got a massive porno collection on the side while you jack off to all the SEXY HAWT women in Teqis! LMFAO
He is no looker either, she prolly has a few boyfriends on the side to help herself!!
Nice job arguing she is everything but SEXY. That was the purpose of the post, right? It didn’t argue her awesomeness or classiness. It declared she wasn’t sexy – seems you agree.
LOL She looks like somewhere between phase 2 and 3 on a Faces of Meth poster 😆 😆
I say she’s a solid 4
#43 Not enough tits and ass displayed everywhere is so to suit your fancy? Looks to me like she actually has style and class and puts effort into her avatar which is probably more than I can say for you. I think her avatar is hot and I find it sexy she doesn’t stoop down to your trashy level of what sexy is. You should go watch some porn if you are in need of beating off that bad.
No guy talks like this, pussy is welcome in any color and any outfit and this chick is hot af so to the salty bitch that posted this secret: This is exactly why you don’t get any dick!
Because that’s the purpose of sl
I would love to show you all how bad Maitreya is. It starts with the break on the back.

Legacy ->
The Vagina of an adult woman is very different. The fat shifts to the Venus Mound once the Puberty hits, means the slit seperating the Labia Majora shortens because it fills ups with fatty tissue. It also lowers somewhat and gives the Female outer Genitalia the V shape.
I don’t want to judge anyone on wearing Maitreya, but please note, that Maitreya is not superior. Their Creator Kit is cancer and the Owner of Maitreya is not a kind person. She doesn’t even make her own Clothes. She has Meshers and everything.
No idea what you did, but my Maitreya doesn’t have corners like yours does….
ya’ll really out here examining some pixels with a damn microscope huh? what’s it like to have that kind of time, or to even have that thought of “oh lemme examine these pussy lips and make sure they slope at this angle in just the right degree at just the right centimeter of skin”. Come on lol no one but you cares about that. I hate to think how you would have critiqued things back in the early days of SL, damn. Also, the creator kit can’t possibly be “cancer” as you so eloquently put it, while it’s the most commonly available version for clothing. Owners/creators don’t need to be kind/nice/friendly – sure it helps if they are, but you 100% do not need to be nice to have a well made creation that makes a shit ton of money. obviously they’ve done something right for it to be this popular. complaints from the consumer will always be a thing, for everyone, no matter how good or bad your product is. people like you will always be there to put it under a microscope and point out every pixel out of place, whether its the creators fault or just a flaw in the grid’s abilities. and who cares if she makes her own clothes or if she pays someone to do it? thats no different than a rl designer- some make their own, some have a team. that’s just how the world works. bottom line here is that maitreya DOES have a nice looking body with a great hud. might not be the best body, since it is a bit limiting on curves, but there are plenty of options to choose from so why shit talk? if the creator isn’t very kind, i wonder if it’s because of people like… Read more »
I love how your whole argument boils down to “if you don’t look that close, it’s fine” 😆 I was around for those early days of SL, and of course the criticism was different. We didn’t have mesh, but there were still better and worse shapes on that system avi and plenty of things to “put under a microscope”. Some people just have more attention to detail and higher standards than others.
Also, if you’re going to have a business and expect people to spend real money on your products, you invite criticism of those products. If you can’t maintain a professional attitude under critique, that’s a problem.
@i have yes we examined some pictures.. but i did NOT read your book. tyvm xD
@i have: The only thing I’ll toss in there about your post is that they’re right about the official Maitreya kit not being very good. The reason it blew up is because someone copybotted the body and made a better, easier to use kit way, way back. I’m not sure if Maitreya has changed this since the recent update, but that’s how it was before that point for sure.
You’re not wrong. The official Maitreya kit had major flaws which made clothes not fit right but the CB one was perfect.
Okay. Someone already pointed out that’s not how all bits look in real life and they’re right.
What if you don’t care about having bits at all and use a vagina cover on your adult avatar?
Don’t get me wrong, Maitreya has flaws. Every mesh body does. We’d be here all day if I pointed out what’s wrong with each one of them and they’re all different issues. Every user picks the one with the flaws they can accept and the clothes they like best.
Does it even really matter which is “teh best”?
You act like having meshers work for you is a bad thing. Even Blueberry has said she hired different people to help with different things, meshers included. Stop being such a snob.
Lara is definitely the worst of the popular bodies, that’s obvious to anyone with eyes, but Legacy has horse shoe crotch too regardless of the vulva. They both lack definition on the insides of the thighs, and legacy wearers are some of the worst offenders for running around constantly looking like they’ve been dipped in oil. I don’t mean a bit of materials skin enhancement that looks realistic and sexy, I mean these bitches look shrink wrapped in shiny plastic. There are times to be sweaty and shiny and there are times to not; when it’s not the time, it looks stupid at best.
Oh, and that back thing can happen with any body in certain poses or animations; we just don’t have enough “joints” in the spine. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out Lara has it worst though, since everything about that body is the bare minimum of acceptable.
maitreya didnt even really change, just the nipples. i perfer realistic which is legacy not fucked up shit. sorry not sorry
Tmp/legacy are thieves on so many levels. Anyone who supports legacy is stupid af.
TMP could have it’s own drama page, that’s how much crap they’ve pulled..
p.s. kess was trying to get adwords back loll we’re supposed to block the bits xD
ok but you do know that all vaginas look different right? lol theres no textbook pussy…i used maitreya for a while and my back didn’t look fucked up.. and to be honest none of us in all bodies use the snatch it comes with.. everyone has add ons. xD
I don’t know. Her 1995 mom jeans and coupon holding bag are a bit lame.
Literally looks like she double parked her Dodge Caravan outside while she ran it to grab something.
High waist jeans were more 80s than 90s. 94-95 was actually when low-rise were huge.
So, hot librarians, sexy school teachers and MILFs aren’t a thing anymore?
It’s a cute outfit. Nobody needs to break out the Strip Me Slave Leia outfit to fit in just to make strangers happy.
maybe you should.. because i meant what i said =)