Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, Week 595.
Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, Week 595.
#10 Now this isn’t a shocker at all. He has popped into my box wanting to pretend like we would be together in the future, wanting on my collar and wanting to cuddle and talk about sex. Yet he is supposedly married in SL and with her in RL. Sadly she stayed with his pathetic self, Maybe his sl wife will learn when he goes and cheats on her again. Apparently he isn’t happy and wants to stay with someone and have his cake too.
My experience with the man was different but sure he said inappropriate things even I as a grown and married woman in rl would say in sl. I laughed it off and we moved him n as I can tell as an adult woman he’s not a serious person and if you really knew then man or took the time you’d know he’s not serious and when he is. Fucking his sl sisters I’m sure they loved that line I’m pretty sure that was some vengeful spite there. He’s not perfect bet he’s gonna own his mistake though like a man should. If not that’s on him. Yes maybe the cell number was too much but if he learns from his mistakes then good for him, question is are you?
Cuddling is ymmv imo I cuddle with a couple different men when I am bummed just not happy gtfo it. Collaring to some is viewed differently but I am sure all you bitches went straight for the kill because I am willing to bet somewhere out there he mentioned her more than once and made clear like me we would never be together. I love talking to him he makes me smile and is funny as fuck.
In the end as a woman did you butt hurt bitches ever tell him to stop? Did you ever say this is wrong and or not respond to him or end it or kept it going like you thought you had something real? It takes two to tango and so your not innocent in this either girl and just as guilty by perpetuating it.
If you did tell him to stop and he wouldn’t then why did you not block him?
HOLD UP- I didn’t bother to read #10 originally because of the stupid tiny font, but I can first hand testify that guy is the cheating garbage he’s being called out as. I’ll personally guarantee he will never, ever be faithful because he is constantly trying to set up the next thing- and not just one extra thing at a time. As many “things” as he can juggle. He plays the caring, understanding guy as a front for a very dishonest and not very smart “player”.
I actually typed out the whole story here and then decided naaaaah… if he gets pissy about being posted here, he might guess who I am. Suffice it to say I have personally been one of the chicks he TRIED to cheat on his girl with (2 different girls lol), TRIED to rush into collaring, and TRIED talking rl stuff with even… but he failed with me, and at some point in the last year or so removed me without my noticing until now. He must have finally figured out he was never going to get anywhere without more than talk, and he never had that. ? ?
This is awesome; I’ve never personally experienced any of the trash posted here before. It kinda is more fun when I know it’s true LOL
So I knew Aser a long time ago I kinda blew him off the first time we met because we got on voice and his voice kinda creeped me out lol but over the next few months he got in my box more and more frequently and what started as innocent flirting became way more complicated, he was taken at the time and so was I and I made it clear to him I do not cheat nor do I approve of cheating, I brushed off most of his attempts of getting too sexual or his remarks about flying me out to Vegas and having passionate sex together, multiple times he tried to let me put him on my collar and I never let him, fast forward many months and I became single and he proceeded to try to get me to role play with him asking me for naked photos of my boobs or my ass, which I never gave him and never will cause I don’t send nudes to anyone. Multiple times I would bring up his wife/girlfriend at the time and I would say things like. “I don’t think your girlfriend would like that” and he would just smile and laugh it off and continue to flirt. I use to consider Aser a really good friend, I could talk to him about a lot and he was good at giving advice and helping me through hard shit, he is a good guy but his only downfall is he can’t just be happy with one female. Now I do not think Aser has ever gotten with his family that shit is just wrong, and I can’t see him doing something like that, but I also know that I was in the wrong for ever flirting back with him… Read more »
You ever heard of giving someone enough rope to hang themselves with? It can be very amusing- and no, it doesn’t make the person doing the busting culpable. It just makes the idiot who thought they were getting away with sneaky shit gullible. SL loser men don’t need any encouragement to make asses of themselves like this, just a lack of discouragement.
“As a woman” you’re obviously illiterate trash, and it’s no wonder you’re fond of the gross cheater in question. I can tell you’re a jealous old cunt by your desperate attempts to victim blame; we don’t do that in the current year, didn’t you get the meme? I’m sure you’ll take attention from anywhere you can get it, though.
Really? Sooo if he is the only one to blame why did you other bitches keep it going? Did you think it was ok? Did you think it was going anywhere by talking? Did you pixel fuck or voice fuck? I mean for real cheating and talking about cheating is not one sided other wise why would he need to get a girl to participate then and play along he wasn’t alone but I bet you bitches thought you were gonna get somewhere and it didn’t. Shit you should see how I talk to men in front of my sl husband. Ima Chester now too.
Bet none of you cunts got sex from him and no I am not justifying him cuz yea I bet she is pissed but you all are here for drama and your not innocent either.
Do you bitches believe he’s fucking his sl sisters if so prove it?
Your all lying to get over being butthurt cuz he was messing around albeit in the wrong way and you can’t have him.
@Butthurt much? … the way you speak to other women leads me to believe that you are jealous, insecure, or you have a low self esteem, perhaps all of the above. You don’t even who you are talking to but you call them “bitches” and “cunts”. Why? Because they had a bad experience with your friend Aser.? Just because he never crossed the line with you doesn’t mean he hasn’t crossed the line with other people. However, I can see why he never went after you with that ugly attitude you have.
I can say that I know Aser and he flirted relentlessly with me also even though I am happily partnered.. He would message me the instant I logged in, He would compliment me all the time even though our avatars weren’t even in the same region. He went out of his way to talk to me on a daily basis when I barely knew him. He pressed to know more about me. This isn’t how people become friends.
I brushed his advances off at first thinking I was just reading too much into it. Then I got sick of it so I set the boundaries with him. If he is as innocent as you say he is @Butthurtmuch then he would have simply apologized for any misunderstandings or miscommunication. Instead, he first tried to normalize it by saying he does this particular action to everyone. Then he tried to blame me and say I did this particular action to him first the day before. When I stood up to him saying that was not true, he then played stupid and said he was getting old as if his feeble demented mind had the situation confused. Then he stopped talking to me and eventually unfriended me.
I had this exact same experience, only it was him who was partnered (to two different girls); my comment explaining that went to moderation last night and still has not shown up. Hopefully Kess hasn’t chosen to censor me.
No just was in meetings all day.
1 let them dance, nazi dance polizei
2 + 9 + 10 cant be bothered with the tiny print
3 + 6 + 7 + 15 + 16 + 20 + 21 + 32 + 36 + 41 + 42 gotta love these secrets that dont say shit. say it gurl, or shut the fuck up. dont waste our time, we want the real dealio, the names, the blood, the juice, the gore, the details. the proof.
4 nobody “steals” men or women. people are not things, he/she wasn’t that much into you if they get “stolen”. Accept that and move on
5 envious much? were you expecting a couple of 3? let them be, find your person
8 dont like facebook drama?? log off then.
11 + 12 + 13 + 16 + 17 + 19 + 25 + 27 + 28 + 29 boring. try again
14 + 18 + 23 + 26 + 30 + 31 + 34 + 35 + 37 + 39 + 40 + 45 more hoes and cheaters zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
22 + 24 + 43 + 44 and you just discovered people on sl/rl want to make money no matter what? bless your innocent pure soul
33 oh lord. he managed to seduce you with gestures?? go to therapy now dear
38 you can just IM that to the person, no need to come here
#1 – The worst thing on this one is his tiny little ass… #2 – Fuck your tiny font. #3 – Who? #4 – She stole your man didn’t she? #5 – Why do you care if they fuck on voice? #6 – That picture is the stuff of nightmares. #7 – SL Facebooks… drama drama drama! #8 – Burn! #9 – Fuck your tiny font. Fuck your stupid font. Fuck the background behind all that shit. How the fuck do you look at that and think you’ve done a good job? #10 – Fucking hell, 20 words or less! So after torturing my eyes all that to say you gave him your phone number and your RL pictures because you are desperate and have a troubled past with trust issues but somehow fell for his bullshit… you know you are just giving yourself away right? How about you start identifying fuck boys for what they are and don’t give them shit? All you have to do is ignore them and if they insist too much, block them. #11 – You might be talking trash of someone’s Flickr, but at least you don’t follow them. Respect for that. #12 – Or, just don’t go there? It looks like shit from the picture, and if they are using bots, what are you even doing there? #13 – That was pretty funny, can’t wait for LL to start charging to change the display name and with a bit of luck get rid of the fucking fonts! Fuck that shit and everyone that uses them. #14 – Okay? #15 – Alright then, pictures next time. #16 – Who ever this is. #17 – We’ll just take your word for it, and they look like shit, who the hell is giving them any attention?… Read more »
#37 second life is full of “men” with micro tiny cocks – impotent cocks – virgin cocks – almost virgin cocks – cocks on vacation – fleshlight addicted cocks
Lets make a list of them all to help the normal women avoid them and facilitate it for the women with small penis related kinks
those fingers down should be the first in the list . . . scared of being outed lmao???
dont worry sad little fellas, this website will not allow us to share yur sad real life details
premature ejaculation problems should be in that list too!!! lots with that.
to all of you, ‘men’ of SL, i recommend to install and log on into RL to get in touch with reality, touch a real boob, shag . . . the old medicine. try therapy too.
#45 More details and funny shit on the SL Shade Room
#45 All true! He isn’t even ashamed of what he does and all of the women who are desperate and sound like they smoke 10 packs of cigarettes a day act love it
#20 maybe you’re the person who needs to re-evaluate your priorities if someone is BEGGING to be with you.
#32 Doesn’t surprise me at all…really doesn’t.. but people fall for them every year… but I can’t shake this feeling.. that something this year will happen to them…*fingers crossed*
The whole “beauty pageant” thing to me is laughable. Why do you need the approval or adulation of a bunch of no names?
#30 people might remember him more as Troy Lumet. It’s not the first time hes hidden on alts nor will it be the last. Typically hes partnered to at least 2 or 3 on his various accounts. Kinda glad this time he got cheated on and he dumped her. Karmas a bitch.
#- uhhh….I would say there are way bigger issues here than her being a drama queen and a “lier”. and if you have been involved with her guess what?WHEEEE, you too, are a pedo.
Why are people making secrets a block of text 8 paragraphs long? Nobody came here to read a whole ass book.
If he has 10+ alts and you only posted 2 of them then you don’t know the other names or know for a fact if he has 10+ other alts. When you can come up with factual, tangible proof, then people might care. It’s amusing for me to see all of his exes bitch and moan when shit doesn’t work out. I have known him personally since BEFORE the davidbryan account lol . He is one of my best friends ever and blunt as fuck. Maybe if bitches weren’t so thirsty for his attention, then he wouldn’t have to hide from them . Listen “ladies”, he’s never lied about who he is or what he wants. And before you go off about how “oh this girl is his new gf or probably dated him” … let me make this crystal clear, the reason he trusts me and is one of my closest friends is because WE ARENT AND HAVE NOT DATED. I , unlike the rest of you thirsty hoes, know how to value a friendship and not expect more than that ?
Stop whining twat muffins. ❤
Yikes… i feel sorry for the fact that he has you brainwashed. Maybe you should try dating the guy then so shit can really hit the fan. I know who you are (which is sad cause he really doesnt have too many friends that claim they’ve known him for that long lol). You sit here and call girls thirsty yet hes the one whos fucking around on alt accounts.
I’ve known him personally as well, even almost met him irl when he was driving a truck before he retired and had his back surgery. Know his ex wife’s name and the names of his 2..3 (one isn’t his, that he claimed as his own) kids. Knew his rl phone number, his google number, and just about anything you could know about a person.
And yes, he has lied about who he is and what he wants. It’s called gas-lighting as well as a few other names as to what he does. And he does it to friends as well because I was a friend first, for about 2 years. I heard all the stories, heard the sob stories from him. Felt pity for him, sympathized with his problems. Then we got together. And for a week, it was amazing. Then the shit started.
So if you think..for one second that he trusts you and you are his closest friend? You’re wrong. Because I was.
Oh and by the way…I knew him 2 years before we dated. And dated him off and on for about 6 or 7, each time only lasting about a month or two..longest time we stuck together was about 3 months and he was partnered to two people during that time on both the accounts listed, one he had been with for two years and she was going to meet him irl.
Part of it is my mistake for not realizing and always forgiving. I admit that. I loved him to death and he was my best friend..or so I thought. But you cannot sit here and shit talk the girls and claim you know him when you absolutely do not know a single thing about him or how he operates.
and the chic banking off the fires should be treated like Olive/Rose for the rest of her time in SL.. fucking trashbag
Join the discussion…I still can’t figure out who she is…
I can’t find anything about intending to donate on either 1313’s facebook or Izzy Lane’s personal feed. I did see a contest for koala socks however, and nothing mentioned there either. There’s nothing about intention to donate at the event itself either, however the stall next to theirs has a suspiciously familiar “Space Baby”:
Anyway, all I see is post #44 showing ANY sort of intention to donate. Let’s hope she’s just shopping for the most honest charity. Let’s hope lmao…
… hope…
#39 why do those trailer trash chics have rectangular asses? ew wide assed with the hip length on 5.. retards
I call ’em mammogram booties. Only chicks understand why that’s so funny.
its true.. u can tell a chic who is out of shape in real life.. they have NO clue what a body looks like outside of internet pictures. xD
#16 We all know this guy is a douche bag if you’re going to continue posting about him at least give us something new to read
#26 Let me just get my pre-school glasses to try and read this or maybe you should take a minute to learn editing instead of digging up dirt on peeople xD
#33 To be fair, Oreo is an amazing and wonderful man. Everyone that knows him finds that he is a delightful person. He is truly Americas Sweetheart and a fine example of a human being. I would trust him with my heart and soul. He is the best friend that everyone has always wanted. A true stand up guy. Everyone I have ever met loves him and is our lives are truly better with him in it. Sir Oreo of Nahms you are a man of honour and respect. A true American hero. We all love you.
A true American hero? You’re laying the praise on a bit thick there
#43 Honestly I don’t like the creator of Parfait. She’s always sitting high on her soap box ready to judge others. She thinks her views and opinions are right just because she’s a creator and she has so many ass kissers to back her up. People like her are just fucking annoying. So did you really think she was gonna tell you who wasn’t donating to the wildfires? Little bitch isn’t even donating herself even though she constantly boasts about how much money she has. But people seem to forget about stuff like that :^)
Reading this breaks my heart. You know absolutely nothing about me and I can tell because everything you’ve described me as is completely untrue. You have nothing to back up your statement whatsoever. I have never bragged about my finances. Anyone who actually knows me also knows that I do the complete opposite of what you accuse me of, I constantly talk about how broke and poor I am! I do not have asskissers, I am held to the same standard as everyone else because I am not a popular person. People are free to have their own opinion and I always remind them of that as well. Even when I disagree with someone I always remind them that they are entitled to their own opinion and while I respect it, I don’t have to agree with it. I respect your opinion of me, though it’s absolute slander. I still respect you as a person with free speech. I have never issued a witch hunt on anyone. In fact, if I forget to blur out a name most decent people will IM me and let me know and I correct it right away. People make mistakes, there’s nothing malicious about it. Why would I go through the effort of blurring out someone’s name only to intentionally leave a piece unblurred? Think about it, dude. Not everyone is a piece of garbage like you think they are. I have an idea of who you are already but I won’t expose you because I respect basic human privacy. If my existence really bothers you that much how about you pull up a seat and speak to me yourself? https://prnt.sc/qrdwvg If not, you’re free to stay in your feelings but the offer is on the table to contact me personally and tell me… Read more »
lol ut oh.. we have another.. “pull up a SL seat” and have a chat .. skurrd.
Why would you need to blur any names ever if you’re not screenshotting things with the intention of causing drama? It’s almost like those “mistakes” wouldn’t need to be corrected if you just didn’t do that at all. Hmmm.
@Be Less Ignorant, Please
Because I know how some people are. I block out names to protect the person’s identity. If someone says something horribly racist and I want to have a discussion about it I’m going to block out their name because there are people out there who will seek them out if I don’t. For someone who named themselves ‘Be Less Ignorant, Please’, I’m surprised you’d even suggest not blurring out someone’s name.
I suggest not screenshotting people’s messages and sharing them at all, dumbass. I very clearly said that.
You act as if you’ve never screenshot a conversation in your life and now you’re getting belligerent. You can stay in your feelings, I’m ending the discussion here. Misery loves company and you can stay lonely.
Lol awww, that’s cute. I’m so not lonely, and I don’t even know who you are; you have zero effect on my feelings, and that’s a really lame catchphrase when you’re talking to strangers. It’s just extremely obvious you’ve got an overinflated opinion of yourself when you’re nothing but another drama queen, and I like pointing out hypocrisy. Truth hurts; I know.
Oh dear, she didn’t perpetuate drama by naming and shaming and causing more drama to protect herself and business. What an outlandish proposition.
Oh , Did you think I just meant the wildfires? I can already tell now you’re one of the ass kissers. Let me educate you so you have a better understanding. You think she’s protecting herself when she causes gossip to happen that instantly causes arguments to happen? Is she protecting herself when she’s calling out witch hunts on girls who said something that she didn’t like… blanking out her name in a screenshot but leaving one with her name exposed so this girl can be attacked by people like you? Is she protecting herself when she is forcing her views down your throat and yells at you if you try and correct her? I can go on and on about this girl but I think I proved my point. Don’t believe me? Feel free to go back to her page and look. You’ll be surprised.
As you suggested I visited her page and didn’t see anything untoward that I haven’t already seen from other people/designers.
I think maybe you want to hate her for whatever reason it is. If “Forcing your views” is effecting you negatively in regards to her latest opinion posts then I’m not sure what to say to you because I can see is her mentioning this bushfire charity scammer, and speaking out over animal abusers.
Now I don’t know about you, but I think the opinion on scammers and animal abusers is pretty unanimous. They’re bad people. I highly doubt you support scammers and animal abusers yourself, right?
Tell me more about the toxic shit Parfait is spouting because I really can’t find anything that would be considered a controversial or a witch hunt.
@Wow Really I don’t think you ever met this girl in person to say this kind of stuff about her…. From what I saw she’s a very kind soul who’s really dorky and funny. I’ve never got to talk to her in person but she’s nothing like you say she is…. People aren’t perfect… Just because she said something that pissed you off doesn’t mean you hate to put so much hate on her…
http://prntscr.com/qqk5m4 Just in case you’re too stupid to find it. :^)
im just seeing the same SL secret posters about some dirty hoebags cheating money ex-wife and other shitty relationship issues on SL.
please make slsecrets great again?
What is it that you want to see?
#39 Forreal if you can’t get that many girls to like you like he does it called get a fucken life and let him be he a pretty awesome person once you get to know him ?
Your only saying this because your Stormy envy his sick little (babygirl) girlfriend. maybe you all should stop fantasing about children. You are all a bunch of sick pedofiles. ddlg is sick and your sick for doing it.
Clearly your ignorant pathetic ass knows NOTHING about the lifestyle you dried up hag. Ddlg has NOTHING to do with pedophelia you pig. Educate yourself you ignorant fuck.
You’re right there Captivatingly Corrupt, Whether it does or doesn’t involve pedophelia it is still disgusting, Lol, Each to their own.. Tell it too all the other hundreds of people who think the same. You may insult as you wish HasBeens It’s amusing to see people be so riled up about this. When it is often on here people who do the BDSM “DDLG” lifestyle are often called out for the same reason, As for grampa’s garage for home for the sick fucks who like their women to look like a child avatar in second life. If people claim this is nothing to do with “pedophelia” as you so claim. Don’t make your avatar’s look like a child. People have their views on this, You can not change it, I have read up about it and it is sick so i have as you so put it “Educated myself” but your input doesn’t concern me. The clear fact that you think “Dried up hag”, “Pig” and “ignorant fuck” are decent insults to use them in your little rant makes it clear that you are the one who is uneducated as their as children/teenagers with better insults.
If I u don’t understand the aspect of the BDSM stuff then why get yourself invole in it it’s part of the BDSM style so get your facts right before you assume shit
BDSM isn’t about being sexually/not sexually attracted to someone who has “little/Childlike tendencies”. It’s sickening. I have read up about DDLG and its disgusting. You call your boyfriend “Daddy” or “Senpai” (which is daddy in another language), You got some daddy issues there sweetheart? You want a true BDSM experience go find it in the real world not with some “fake dom ” who you met online. you claim is “pretty awesome once you get to know him”, think you find not many people want to get to know him. His pixel dick must be pretty expensive to fool thirsty whores like your little group.
Senpai is not “daddy” in another language. It’s Japanese for a more senior student in your school (i.e., freshman to senior or second year to fifth year). So either some DD/lg folks are mistranslating it or you’re getting confused in your mad rush to scream about this. Mind, I don’t do DD/lg myself for a bundle of reasons labeled “childhood trauma,” but if you’re going to hate on the stuff, at least use the right translation of a word so you can hate more accurately.
Also, I’ve seen more than one daddy dom whose girl was the farthest from pedo cosplay you can get. I ended things with two DDs because they needed to hear that word and it sends me into flashbacks. But one of them never tried to get me to dress or act like a child (more on the other later). DD/lg is supposed to involve the doms being caring, protective, and nurturing to their subs. The fucked parts are how we only have paternal nicknames for men in that position and how there is a huge thread of pedophilia fetishizing amongst many of its practitioners. (Do not come at me. One of those daddy exes jacked off to incest fic in his spare time and dearly wanted me to ageplay a six-year-old. Thank all the gods he had no children in RL.)
His pixel dick ain’t all that great. Been there, done that, made me sick, so I left. He only fucks them all for the money. Everyone knows it.
So, now the whole BDSM community is disgusting, ey? More like you are
if you actually bothered to read my comment properly, i said Daddy dom/ little girl (DDLG) is disgusting i did not say the whole bdsm community. You need to put your glasses back on and learn to read proper before opening your mouth to things that do not concern you.
You do realise DD/LG has nothing to do with actual young children or those underage nor has it to do with sexual fantasy of any kind that involves a person underage. Before typing out something why not take the time to educate yourself. Small closed minded idiots such as yourself really are whats wrong with this world. I suggest you check your facts before typing out dumbass bullshit next time such as you have in the above statement. I am not defending the person who is with codiene because he is a fake in all things and is a disgusting male and most the girls he has around him act so damn thirsty I do not understand how they could be willing to lower their standards and settle for such a disgusting human being. Do yourself a favour and go get educated on the lifestyle and meaning of Daddy Dom and Babygirl/Little before spewing out utter nonsense next time…..
judging by all the screenshots and profile pics, a good portion of you have shit computers and use the worst viewer on top of it.
That’s true it’s always the broke bitches concerned with secrets lol
Join the discussion…That was good…spot on.
What is this shit? If we’re commenting here, we are “joining the discussion”. Are you talking about the Discord? Because no thanks; those of us that enjoy laughing at this without letting any of the dumbass drama llamas know who we are to harass us inworld are never going to compromise our anonymity that way.
Derek grafta has been a second life loser for years now
If you rely on sl for pussy let’s be real you’re a loser in rl
He throws like $40 usd at girls and they’re all like daddy lmao get outta here losers
Lol whatever Nahmz is, I don’t want to be part of it ? ?
Oreo of Nahmz is an amazing man with the voice and charisma of a God.
Seems like some jealous bitch clearly didn’t get tipped at a club he popped into and now took time out of her sad ass life to come on here and make a post lol … pretty sure Oreo also works in sl and makes his own cash to do what he pleases with it, like indulging on bitches and hoes…. ? Quit hating and step your wack ass game up. Pretty confused as to if the original poster is a jealous broad who was rejected by him, or a closet clown who wants Oreo’s penis up the poop shoot -_-
This person really wrote ‘Beware’
i mean.. I heard hes an escort and makes bank.. so I dunno
You know who doesn’t hire girls in SL??
Guys who don’t need to lmao
How much you make this week, son?
With receipts. SL girls are easy to win over.
We are not
Based on all your comments so far, it’s apparent you do care. Alot. Most likely you were the one who posted #33.
Also it’s a lot
Not alot
In case you don’t wanna look dumb moving forward
Thanks, you’ve already shown what dumb looks like.
Honestly if you could speak English properly you’d probably be in for a chance
And yet here you are, using “alot”
I had to add it to my phone for me to even use it as a word lol it’s not that hard to spellcheck hun gdamn
“If you think You a king in sl that mean you either disabled or a rapist or sumn in rl
I know mans that get pussy and they ain’t in sl getting fat girls on cam lmao”
I am glad you know mans.
You still reeling from that typo of yours huh
In my world people say mans
In your world aint nobody saying alot
Again I had to tell my phone to add that because despite my advanced multicultural lexicon it wasn’t in there
There’s a difference between slang and being dumb and we both know you’re falling dangerously close to that trap baby girl
I feel like it might be time to take a night class, get that English all mastered
I can see your future and the only thing worse than a loser is an illiterate loser
Educate yourself byyyye
Ironically, you’re lacking in both punctuation and spelling skills, making your arrogant spelling lectures to others along with your ghetto rant posts even more comical.
^ Someone has issues. Salute! Grammar Nazi! Get over it!
I’m just carrying on my name from last week lol get your shit together
Looks like someone didn’t get tipped
#43 Honestly I don’t like the creator of parfait. She’s always sitting high on her soap box judging others. She thinks her views are right and everyone should shut up and listen just because she’s a creator. People like her are annoying as fuck. So did you really expect her to tell you who isn’t donating to help the wildfires? Little bitch isn’t doing anything to help either but hey no one talks about that do they :^)
#5 here again? Why? Who hurt you OP? I bet you are one of her exes cause she has been in this page so many times now. This is boring, time to move on or cough up some proof. And voice sex? Who cares lol. I bet they are camming too don’t be jealous!
31. Ive known lumi for years and she has been my best friend 4 years straight. She has never told me any rl info about any of her other friends or family members and she has also never shared any of mine. If you are hurt about something you should talk to them instead of backstabbing and posting her here. Shame on you
If she’s really your best friend of 4 years, then you should be a good friend and tell her that her avi has resting bitch face in her profile pic. ?
#6: Can someone explain to me why people are putting these really terrifying realistic smiles onto their SL photos? I’ve seen it popping up on Flickr and every single time is just weird uncanny valley levels of cringe.
It’s some Faceapp thing; it’s supposed to be their “real” smile, like from a photo of that person, but it’s funny how everyone I’ve seen use it has perfectly white, flawlessly straight teeth… lol
i bet they use that face app on their rl pics too..when in reality they got dentures xD
Yeah, but I’d rather see pics that use Faceapp than those cringey, sugar coated stories Absinthe writes for her pictures!
people even use it on their characters in other games where there’s no smiling or even teeth on the models. it’s awful.
#13 looks like he wants to be / really enjoys RPing as an old WWE/WWF wrestlers. Kevin Nash, big Poppa Pump were all one guys stage name. Cerebral Assassin is what another wrestler uses. Kinda lame but also why you stalking his display name changes for like near a decade? THATS what i find fucked up here. ?
hes on here cuz he thinks hes hot shit and someone had to find a reason to show all what he does to show such hes a lier and a dumbass Don go fly a kite somewhere cuz u dumb as fuck and no one thinks your sexy at all ,,,buhbye ?
To be fair name changes don’t show that you absolute retard
#37 & 38 Bout time this loser gets what he deserves, doesn’t surprise me if he is fucking his obsessed ex, I know his last relationship warned niko when she kicked his submissive ass to the gutter. Niko bro wake up and kick your slut out. We all saw his tiny dick pic and laughed. Unrestrained desires is a joke for letting your virgin ass hang out there as a dom.
Roo is that you?? The down votes on this one is funny! At least his dick was rememberable. Unlike the other million you have seen im sure. Most of the ppl who dont like him hes fucked so the virgin comment isn’t really believable if your going to insult him you should just call him a whore. Lol
6. That is one fucking shiny face. There are sliders on your head’s HUD to help with that. On a related note, to all female avatars – ANKLE LOCK. USE IT. 8. We get it. The cat’s out of the bag. Everyone knows now. TREY IS A FEMALE IN RL. Next. 9 & 10. Your tiny font sucks and these secrets are totally useless. 12. Oh, come on now. The bots are just taking naps… like the managers of Big Daddy’s, before their home health aides come to change their Depends and wheel them over to their computers for another fun-filled day of drama and insanity, geriatric sex and scandals, boomer back-stabbing, and all-around embarrassment and assholery. 13. And the significance of this tool’s feed is…? What’s your point? 18. & 19. I like these. Cross-eyed and big eared avies are always good for a laugh. 20. Thanks for the public service announcment, but this secret would be better if you indicated who you had in mind when you created it. 21. So true! 28. When I’m playing with windlights and advanced lighting, I often have a similar effect on my avi’s neck with certain lights (and yes, the skin on the head and body matches). This secret is dumb. 29. What business is it of yours? Is she making up ridiculous stories about her partner to look cool, or otherwise directly disrupting your peace by partnering her alt? 33. Oh yes, who can resist a man who reels you in with some REALLY HOT, SEXY GESTURES? ? ? ? ? Please re-evaluate your mental stability. 34. Phil is legendary in SL for being a long-time slimy douchebag. 42. Boo hoo. This isn’t a therapy website for the infinitely emo. Post names. 45. This one puzzles me… If he’s mainly… Read more »
12. This comment is too funny and so true about BIG. DADDYs. You have to respect their caregivers. They make sure they’re logged on 24/7. Now that’s loyalty.
literally nobody is holding their breath for your synopsis and opinion you loser
Maybe get a better hobby
But you keep replying, dipshit! ? ? ?
#40. Seems he doesn’t want you either, ho. Get over it. We all know how he is and what he’s not, but you’re the only one big mad about it. Time to let it go and move the fuck on.
Do you honestly believe this stupid fucking shit head.
He was in my box two weeks about talking about some girl who is clearly obsessed with. Then he was with a friend of mine. This guy is a womanizer and a stalker… warning don’t tell him shit about your rl.
Aww are you his side bitch?
#33 Seems like a stand up guy to me…. ?
#33 was posted by a typical dumb stripper at a typical dumb stripping club. What do you expect? To find out who posted this stupid post, just think of all the clubs you go to and that should explain everything.
im sure its just some fangirl
You’ve been a fuckboy for years
Nothing new nothing to see here
You must be speaking from experience. ?
probably right
#28: More like the magic of appropriate windlight. Don’t be taking snaps of people in a shitass unflattering windlight and then act like they ugly. Damn Gina, lol. That is one of my biggest worries any time I step off my land in SL tbh. Because of computers,. windlight, graphics, other people do not see me how I see me. #shallowproblems
33. Pro-tip: If a guy walks into a strip club he isn’t looking for a girlfriend. He is “moving on” to the next WHORE because that’s the gig. If you are going to get into your emotions every time a guy hires you more then once you need to get into a different line of work for your own well being. I barely know the guy being posted but to act like what was said in the secret makes him bad is laughable.
you aren’t wrong though
Holy shit you’re an actual male escort Again lol
I’m crying Do you even have a rl Job!?!?!,??,???
Every ho you hire talks shit but you out here scrambling for cash to hire more of them lol
A few things –
A successful person doesn’t have to work in sl to make money you broke
Where did your 40usd week stipend go baby don’t tell me you spending it on that ugly avatar???
You are a little bitch lol
Everyone makes fun of you
Wow, look at all of your comments on this Oreo guy. You care a lot, for someone who supposedly doesn’t care. Even more than that, it sounds like you’re a subject matter expert. Go massage your overbloated, obsessed pussy and try to calm down, lol. ?
You might be right
Ummm I just wanna know what is wrong with disability checks? Even if he got one, that really isnt any of your business is it? Sorry that you feel the need to post on secrets about a guy. Let him spend his moniez on those hoes yanno!
For someone that supposedly doesn’t care, you sure seem to give a damn. *shrugs* Get a life.
i mean if I had disability that would be awesome
I usually like to jump on the people the post is about too, then I see posts like these where someone goes off the rails and I just feel sad for them. Like, damn bitch who break you lol.
Don’t pretend you’re a daddy with $200uSD in your pocket baby lol
These bitches are pathetic jumping for the disability check you cash in every month lol
To be fair if my one desperate thing I cling to in life was how much sl hoes liked me I’d probably cling to that too
Ain’t nobody that gets pussy in rl turning to sl for side pussy lol
If you think You a king in sl that mean you either disabled or a rapist or sumn in rl
I know mans that get pussy and they ain’t in sl getting fat girls on cam lmao
And this bish gon roll up on sl secrets like he part of it
Funny how you keep posting me Tori, but youre in Codey’s box still telling him how you want him and need him. And how the new looser youre with cant tell you who to be friends with. Its amusing to see your chats between you two.
[2020/01/17 19:49] ღƬօƦƗ Hᴇᴀʀᴛᴡɪᴄᴋ S̸ɣҠЄSღ (toriius): i miss you and didnt want to remove you but i dont want to fight with him
[2020/01/17 19:56] ღƬօƦƗ Hᴇᴀʀᴛᴡɪᴄᴋ S̸ɣҠЄSღ (toriius): I love you codey
Real loyal Tori
Hmmm seems as if someone is not good at editing chats and not posting the entire thing… I will just sit back and laugh at how pathetic extremes people will go over the jealous acts of true love. Grow up and learn screen shot as thats more believable than this fake ass chat log! Also that is not how tori types lol !!!!!!!!!! REAL NICE TRY THOUGH!
Lol, you guys are all crazy af
Where’s the whole conversation Codeine’s Friend? If this was true, wonder what Codeine said back to her? what is he hiding from all his whores?
LOL This is fucking hilarious. you really trying to “ruin my relationship huh? NEWS FLASH DARLING, I wasn’t even online Friday dumb ass. I was in the real world with Mikey. Jealous much? are you mad that I wont connect you? you have to make shit up to make you sound hella good right? Well i got em screenshots my dear and I’m not afraid to use them. So please find me in the Second Life World @ Toriius
-The Real Toriius. Thank you Next!
Show em!
LOL someone just got shot in the dick. I’ve been to a few of his sets before I got bored. Just like I did DJ Dirty. They both sound the same with their shitty af gangsta music and stoned af voice overs trying to act all sexy and relevant.. And yeah he does get in your box and acts like you’re something special just to see how thirsty you are for his attention. I’m just one of those girl’s if a dude has a partner on their profile I won’t touch it. Not even with my Grandma’s old used vagina touch it. Why would anyone settle for sloppy seconds in the first place let alone his? As for Phil. No one should be posting anything about that dude cos it just gives him the attention he loves. He’s swamp bait and everyone knows it.
Well this is amusing, because she wasnt online… she was in my lap watching Netflix all night >_> So like come on bro make up some deeper shit….. and some shit that actually will make sense…. Btw her bubble booty is nice af and you should know she had them booty short she was talkin about in AEG on….. damn… I hated going home
~Mikey out….. and Codey this is sad you makin shit up now xD
from your response, I’m gathering you need to get out into the real world, more often.
Yeah he is, but he’s my loser♥
LMAO! Callin your own man a loser, priceless
Ooooh, this thread is gonna be spicy tea if last week’s embarrassing self incriminations were any indicator.
#33 I know Oreo (Derek) … he’s a great guy, and an escort the last I checked, or wanted to be. You are a stupid person if you think any man or woman who does this on SL is looking for real relationships or love you have another thing coming. Did you meet him in an escort sim, or a dating sim? Think about it.
Sorry you thought it was something it wasn’t though, that sucks. If you want a man who is going to be faithful or even interested, vet them properly. It only takes a few questions answered to realize loveable Derek is not there to settle down into an SL house and have fake babies. He’s having fun and screwing around like 97% of the rest of the people in there. You do you and let him do him. Much more peaceful and less stress for you girl.
I heard he was a legend
I heard he had to get a second life job to sustain the amount of lindens he was spending on virtual girls to make up for the lack of rl action he gets
One would imagine he could’ve sustained his virtual bbgs with his fictitious rl income he lies about
i think you might be right
Oreo! Who are you in world? I must know you!
Who is this legend you all speaketh of?
Jut some loser (me)
She’s wearing a different head and a different skin in the two photos you are using for comparison.
You’re also using a wind light that wasn’t designed for avatar optimization. You have different creators making mesh heads and mesh bodies so there’s usually an odd line of demarcation depending on the wind light.
What’s wrong with Photoshop? The photo of her that I assume you stole from her Flickr – is she selling something or was she just having fun taking photos of her avatar?
Take a photo of yourself under the same windlight and share with the class, let’s see how awesome you look.
No – I don’t know Keely personally – I just think the poster of the secret is kind of a douche.
#15 Ha! as if she ever stopped. She just jumps accounts and comes back to Casey like the dumb whore she is. She has more alts she catfishes on then anyone ive ever known. Total gutter trash waste of life.
Shitty store- shitty manager….
#24, 43,44 – Hold up. You say that you want proof that she donated to charity. But just by you typing that, I can tell you have no proof that she didn’t. If she didn’t donate and you had proof, then you would have been submitted the proof as the secret. See how common sense works? Izzy is one of the most caring, compassionate people in SL. No one should question her love of animals, it’s evident in her FB posts. You’re making it seem like the whole tragedy and it’s recovery rests on a pair of koala socks being sold in SL. How stupid does that sound? Fucking koala socks. I am cracking up just typing that. Listen, it’s horrific what is happening to your country but if you have time to bitch about this then your humanitarian resources are going to waste. If you are that concerned about charity, second life would not even be part of the equation.
44,24,22 – You could’ve taken some of those profits and donated Lizzy.
28- Wow , that snapshot you took, just showed up how shitty your pc is. Do you even know what ” windlights ” are? As a matter, fact get a whole new pc before you come on here dragging someone.
How can anyone get upset/offended by being on here is hilarious to me, it’s a virtual world!!! Y’all let it go to your heads and take it to heart? ???
Posts like #4 amuse and disturb me at the same time. Ladies, no woman can “steal” your man unless he *wants* to be stolen. Why are we always hating on the woman in this scenario? Why not the man? Just something to think about.
I say blame them both. They’re both adults who made the decision, they should share the ire.
He was just caught this time lol that’s all it is. I dunno why girls get so pissy so so stole. Bitch he was already cheating numerous times more than likely
@ Vichonette B*tch you act like every women out there is fucking innocent, women cheat as well the guy does not need to be blame for everything because both cheat because it goes both ways and plus for you to say something like that sound like your friends with that person and do the same thing she does so sit down and have some wine and do some study on relationships instead of being a thisty girl just makes you lame as hell. ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
@ Kai, you must be the person who posted that “secret.” To enlighten you, no, I have no clue who that person is, nor do I care. The fact remains, as Be Less Ignorant pointed out above, if a man can be “stolen,” he wasn’t yours to begin with, and that’s on him, not the other woman. Unless, of course, that other woman happens to be – or claims to be – your friend; in which case she’s a raving c***. But that doesn’t let HIM off the hook. He’s the one who made the conscious decision to stray. As for what I do … let’s just say my slate is clean.
In this particular situation, it was a man who was cheating on his woman with another woman.
That brings up an interesting point – how often do we see guys blaming the other dude when his girl cheats? I don’t see it often at all – the guys lay the blame on their woman – the person who cheated on them in the first place.
Ain’t that the truth??? Posts like that just make it sound like it’s a soundbyte from one of those trashy shows like Jerry Springer or Maury.
A wise person (at least, I assume they were wise) once said, “A pleasant illusion is better than a harsh reality.” I suppose it’s easier to blame a “wicked temptress” for “swaying a man’s affections”, than it is to face the reality that homeboy acted willingly and consciously of his own volition.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him motorboat dem tiddies. He has to want to do it.
As the saying goes it takes two to tango, don’t be just shitting on the girl if your man strayed then quite frankly as much his fault as hers, it’s never just down to the girl. He has to give into the temptation after all.
I wish I could upvote this more than once – I’m so tired of women blaming other women for “stealing” their man.
Especially when in most cases, that girl didn’t owe you a fucking thing; the guy’s the only one that made any promises. Yes, she might be a skank who knew he wasn’t single, but unless she’s actually your friend she’s still not really doing anything wrong.
I will say though that friends who betray each other like that deserve a beating, and to end up with no friends.
Gives Vich a high five damn straight, and you didn’t have him in the first place woman…get a clue
#36 this girl must have really rejected you hard. Its pretty obvious your stalking this bitch and spending your life trying to bring her down. Week after week. Its really sad that there are so many of you stupid fucks sitting around trying to figure out how to make someone else miserable. The funny thing is that you have mentioned posting proof multiple times, yet have nothing. Its also pretty obvious that a lot of the basement dwelling losers that post shit on here are really just projecting on themselves.. ‘Pedo’ is really all you have. Thats what the fuck everyone says when they get their feelings hurt. OR.. my personal favorite.. Calling someone a dog fucker. You people have zero fucking originality. Your probably just some middle aged bitch sitting in her house, unhappy with your life.. like every other cunt on here trying to make someone just as miserable as they are. FUCK OFF.
Maybe go catch a dick in rl and hop off Rous ♥
Actually I can think of a small number of e famous flickr people and bloggers who have alts for ageplaying.
seems to be a common theme. Unfortunately their followers and the stores allowing them to still blog for them care more about numbers and sales than the morality of letting someone like that blog their creations.
Would be more beneficial to send the secret directly to them and have people boycott it until they drop the scum.
Yassssssssssss! Preach!!!
Someone did submit pics of someone sexing a dog but I’m not that kind of site. If they blurred out or edited the images slightly they might have been posted. Anyway it’s not a real dog it’s an SL avatar. Still a little weird to me but … I don’t know just weird to me.
wait do you mean just in general? or specifically to number 36? lol cuz the dog fucker comment was just an example of what people generally go to when they are pissed at someone..
In general. Not direct. I know nothing about the submission or 36. Dog fucking does seem to be the new “pedo”. The new go-to for calling someone out.
Well they’re equally gross for much the same reason, so it kinda makes sense.
#21 If you really had proof of anything, you would post the actual screen shots. Annoying little attention begging whore. POST THEM THEN.
#36 pathetic profile stalker on it again … dont you have anything better to do than stalking rou´s profile? are you butt hurt coz she didnt bang you or is it coz the guys you want to bang want actually her? PLEASE share those screen shots LOL .btw, give me your moms phone number, i need to talk to her, something went seriously wrong in your life to be calling a woman a pedo for fun. you clearly dont know shit about her break up either…ta ta jelly bean ♥
16 & 39 – Man this DJ must be the most popular dj I’ve ever seen to be in here week in and week out. Lmao, guy must be doing something right. The world might not have known him before but they sure as hell do now. Whoever makes these constant posts sure must want him to be famous.
True that, lol. By the time they stop he will be infamous as fuck!
Yeah pretty sure half the time he puts himself here.
#14 Lucas LMAO Not shocked to see you on here. STAY OUT OF MY DM’S! You are a cheater and are always trying to get me to tp you. You than proceed to guilt me when I tell you no. Hit’s on every blogger girl with a following. Clout chasing isn’t even a word big enough to describe this douche bag. Sweet guy attitude is just a front. Don’t be stupid girl. He’s a cheater with poor voice sex. Once was enough.
u can just block him, dude
Nobodys shocked to see him here. or Kirca . . at least these two deserve each others lies
better luck next time
43. So Many people don’t watch TV or read daily news so maybe this drama will highlight the root of the problem Australia BUSH FIRES! I Don’t support her milking off the human and animal tragedy though!!!
Milking off of the human and animal tragedy? Izzy is one of the most caring, compassionate people in SL. I am going to say you are probably one of the people who got the fatpack for free. You have no proof of what she is, or is not donating. Think about this: If you are raging over some (1) singular person in a virtual world about a horrific tragedy like the Australian fires, you lack common sense.
btw, regardless of whether or not she’s profiting off a tragedy, she isn’t even using original art.

How many times are you going to suck her teat in one comment section? Anyone profiting off the Australian bush fires is a douchebag for doing it, regardless of who or where they are. She shouldn’t be profiting off them in any capacity to begin with, no one should. Her being bitchy with her karma comments because she made a mistake when marking her items for sale, and people bought anyway, is a bit ironic and kind of funny though. People don’t have to be “raging” to not like the way someone is behaving.
#40) I don’t recall wanting anybody, yall weird as fuck lmao
Then why were you all up in my box last night David?
I haven’t been in anyone’s box tbh, why dont you stop lying. You’re pathetic as fuck. And so are your followers if they believe you, “Alana”
You dont matter, your opinions and allegations of me dont matter either.
Big oof XD
#20 Thank you.