Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 591.
· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 186 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 591.
We have another secret from another game, Sindome. #34.
Perhaps they will enlighten us on the tea?
whys this gettin downvoted? textbased rpgs are awesome
I am so tired of she fucked her and so on.. it’s not sex dumbass’s.. it people master dating behind the monitors!! Duh
Wow the sense of entitlement from that peasant about catwa not doing sales is really annoying. Its their fucking shop they can do what they want.
1. still fun tho
13, reaction image was funnier than the actual post.
19. Ah, you’re one of those people. You can think highly of yourself and not give a shit about your SL avatar. He can do whatever the fuck he wants to do with his time, while you’re on here. people like you piss me off. quit worrying so much about other people. you’ll live longer.
22. likewise
#27 check her next bfs hard drive and theirs
Everyone that posts “secrets” on here is so damn miserable that they have to come on here anonymously. If you feel a way towards someone grow the hell up and tell them to their faces. The whole thing with Trey, I’ve seen his name on here way too many times for the same shit. He’s admitted it. What more do y’all want ffs?? Just drop it already everyone knows it’s not a fucking secret. The other one I will touch on, #33 you’re calling this woman a slut because she probably didn’t wanna fuck you and you’re obviously feeling petty. To go and bring someone that has passed away into it just to get your bullshit point across makes you a damn lowlife and a horrible human being. One girl didn’t wanna fuck you, there are plenty more in sl. Get over it!!
#40 – Someone finally said it!!! Talked to that dude for a whole day months ago cause his attitude and rp was hilarious to me! Good day of entertainment for sure.
35. if i knew how, i’d do it
Why are y’all mad its just a game .. ?
Tell me, how do you win at Second Life? Who gave you your last mission, and what was the reward?
Does anyone actually know what a game is, or is that how retards refer to all computer programs that aren’t Word?
Not all games have progression so your argument is void there. Some games are there just to create with what is available such as Garry’s Mod and universe sandbox. There are many of those types of games.
But I do agree with the idea that sl is used more like social media, but it’s still a game program.
No. It’s just factually not. Even Gary’s Mod has parameters and structure beyond SL.
Yes I do agree that some might not consider it a game – more as a social media platform. But still they take everything to such offense as if someone is saying all this shit to them IRL.
#11 How is that any of your business? You knock cuckolding is a real kink ^^ So what if he likes to watch while she gets fucked it aint no bodys business but theres mind your own god damn business next time before you kink shame ppl im one of those too my husband likes to watch me suck other dick is it your business too? nah just worry about your self and let others live how they wanna nosey ass ppl smh. i know Nikki loves to take multiple dick but that aint you business smh
You know Nikki but you can’t even spell her name. smh pathetic
Why is every SL secret always about some man fucking another woman? or a woman slutting around? too boring.
The one about newbies was very nice tho, always refreshing to see a bit of niceness in this snake pit of hell.
35. FUCK NO,
#1 – Almost everything sucks at events, anyway. Most of it is poses, eye appliers, or other generic crap we see at all the other events. As for the advent, is not that the spirit of it? You are not meant to know what you are getting. #2 – I mean, there may be more to this than, “He has cancer and now she is dating someone else”. It could have been a mutual split. I knew a few people with cancer that broke up with their wife/girlfriend/boyfriend due to the sheer agony and pain. #5 – Who cares? The whole point of Second Life is to be someone else or live as something you want to do. If a girl wants to be a male, then she can. If a boy wants to be a girl, then he can. The second you look beyond the avatar, you are going to be disappointed as the illusion shatters. Sure, he may be a female in real life, but do you look exactly like your avatar? Nope. Move on. #9 – Smells like entitlement in here. Also, most creators do not actually live off creating for Second Life. A few might, but to most, it is nothing more than extra income. By all means, though, feel free to make your own heads, script them, and then sell them to show Catwa how to treat her customers. #10 – Similar concept, different design. What are you aiming for? #12 – January 18, 2019. Who is this bitch? #13 – Took you, like, three weeks to steal a comment and repost it? Darn. #16 – Do people honestly have crap like, “2000 L$ to add me” in their profiles unironically? That is almost as bad as the people who are escorting and sucking e-dick… Read more »
I actually find BOM to be a great concept. It opens the door for more people to create and gives the older skins, makeup, eyebrows, whatever a chance to be used again. Not to mention it is all around cheaper and doesn’t require you to get a system kit from one company (I.e Catwa or Lelutka). Newer residents also have an easier time customizing their avatars since they don’t have to worry about this hud or that applier not being compatible with this or that body.
It also isn’t stopping anyone from still using their appliers so I don’t see why there is all this hate towards it.
I agree with you except in that most old system layers were made when 512 was the maximum texture resolution, and will look really shitty on mesh if people try to use them. The new ones made with 1024s should be great though.
As reported on Virtual Bloke’s blog:
Revision from Theresa Tennyson: “Skins, tattoos, etc. that had their textures uploaded at 1024×1024 will display at full resolution on mesh bodies (and currently on the system body, for that matter.) A skin is just like an applier – it’s a texture delivery system. The reason they used to display at 512 x 512 was that was the maximum resolution of the bakes provided by the baking service; however, that’s now been changed to 1024 x 1024.”
So you’re agreeing with me using more words? Cool; unnecessary, but thanks. It’s funny as hell to me that someone hit thumbs down; have fun with that blurry old skin, ya cheap bitch LOL
Any avatar component made more than 5 years ago in SL is obsolete, period. Time to let that shit go.
I honestly don’t understand the slut shaming and the posts about people trying to get with taken individuals. It’s SL, the fucking isn’t real, it’s more like masturbation with help (even if you get the appropriate usb plug ins) and partners can always block the extra pushy individuals. Maybe if there was some sort of evidence of harassment outside of some name calling I could get the picture, but these posts of, “Predators going after defenseless men with partners! What ever shall they do? The pussy is offered and they cannot simply walk away from it!” Is getting silly, redundant, and dumb.
Also, if you’re a ‘slut’, go on, get yourself some. This is the safest place to do it along the lines of STDs and pregnancy risks.
Thank you, Morty. I’ve never seen the point of going for a guy who is already taken, it is gross behavior BUT I don’t understand women blame the other woman and not the dude who cheated. This goes for RL and SL. If your guy isn’t strong enough to say no, then maybe you’re better off without him?
*sigh* I was at a funeral today and I’m wiped – My grammar is bad – mea culpa.
1. If you pay for them, they’re not gifts. Period. 2. I’m sure there’s more to it than that. I feel bad for both of these people. Most of us, thankfully, have never had to experience a relationship with someone who is terminally ill, I imagine that is one of the hardest things a person will ever have to go through, and some just aren’t strong enough to do it, and sometimes the ill person doesn’t want the partner around to see it. 3. I think it’s pretty. 4. ?.. and another ?? 5. What’s that matter to you, unless you’re using SL as an RL dating site? If you’re that afraid of dating or masturbating to someone of the same sex (or opposite sex if you’re gay) there are ways to verify this. Understand tho, this is Second Life, not first life, and most people here want to live their fantasies. There is a big trans community that can’t, usually due to family, live out their true lives IRL, so they do it here. I’m not going to deny them that. Nor am I going to be an absolute bellend and out them on here. Their RL has nothing to do with /US/ at all and is only theirs to share. 6. I don’t get it. 7. Please refer to 5. 8. Good for her. Nothing wrong with being sexually liberated or being proud of one’s body. 8. Psst, you get 25% store credit back right now, and 50% off one male head and one female head tomorrow and Tuesday. No one does deals like LaQ and Logo do tho, that’s their prerogative. They don’t owe you anything. You don’t have to buy from them either. 10 Same idea, not same items tho. Do think this was a bit… Read more »
That’s like the DeeTaleZ( not sure.if I spelt that right but honestly don’t care ) they had an advent up for Genus,Catwa and another he’s but the catch 250$L a pop & you didn’t get to see what it was until you opened the ” gift ” and if you got the skin color already well as they think oh well you paid for it.. smh i understand the skins are more then 250$ but if you have to pay for it it’s not entirely a gift.. last time I knew gifts were free. ? Oh well
I bought “gift” and got skin i never wanted. Nordic or Artic, dont remember. Waiated money. With this blind buying costumers should get more details. Terrible skin!
Ya I saw that. I love her skins, just wish her tones weren’t all varying shades of jaundice. And for $250, she should very much have a picture that day of what the skin is, she’s been doing Wanderlust for $50Ls.. and those have pictures, so not sure what this deal is.. def not gifts tho.
I saw the advertisement on that store and just went, “nope”. I cannot recall how long she has it for, if it started on the 1st or what but for that price, I really do want to see what is in there first. I’m not a big fan of buying blindly, without having some hint on what is coming my way.
35. Will you be paying these creators to re-work their old skins and makeups for BOM? Or do you expect them to do it for free?
Most shops I use for thay started on SL ages ago so provide layers and been from beginning. Others who do appliers only usually are easily convertible with Omega system so no need to even ask creators to do work for you. Not that I like BoM but had plenty situations where had to use a different system skin on a different system mesh. Otherwise, if you realllly cannot do it on your own – you can kindly ask and tips would probably be appreciated even it took a second.
There’s no “reworking” needed. The system layers are totally free to create inworld and they’ve already uploaded the textures to plug into them. The “reworking” consists of a few clicks, and typing a name. It would be a poor business move, petty really, to charge for it when they are out no extra expense themselves. They’re free to try that of course, but both they and those creators who can’t be bothered to make the effort at all should not be surprised when they find their textures are getting ripped so people can do it themselves.
You people are simply retarded… Absolutely retarded and here is explanation why
1. Applier = 1024×1024 (most of the time) image applied to your mesh
2. BOM skin = THE SAME FUCKING IMAGE made into SL wearable
Right click, New Skin, Select upper and lower body images, save, set NO TRANSFER, DONE!
Thats your fucking re-work right there. 30 seconds work per skin.
And you are asking us to pay for that? Just go eat a dick, together with the plebs below willing to pay for that.
Can you spell this out in detail please, cause I’m an idiot when it comes to creating stuff.
lol they hear a new name and believe its a new thing.. if ur fav old skin has system layers that shit will work
Pay them of course.
I’d pay. Like I have for all the creators I have gotten the BoM update for (most creators sell each skin separately, so you kinda have to pay for them, Maitreya, Omega, Slink, Legacy, Belleza, BoM). It’s only a main adjustment to the feet/fingers and bellybuttons. Skin layer BoM faces on a tattoo/makeup layer. ?
Thats because you are supporting designers who will literally milk you because of your ignorance (its insult to them not you).
BoM is simply a system wearable using the SAME texture that is used in appliers you mention. Needless to say that in 99% of cases, all of the above mentioned are using the SAME texture (and proof to that is Omega applier for your skin, because Omega have no clue what body you are using, meaning that there is one texture that will be applied to any Omega relay). To explain better
They create a skin (upper/lower/neck blend). They use that three textures to create their appliers and charge each separately basically with no real work behind it except making the huds for each. Does that make sense to you?
Pro tip:
If your favorite skin have Omega applier, get that instead of brand specific, because it will work on ANY named body in future.
They’re not exactly the same, as I stated, there are minor changes that have to be done, which still requires work on the designers part. The belly button on system skins is located in a different area than on mesh bodies, as well as redoing the fingers and toes.
Also, not all bodies use omega. Nor will they in the future.
No changes have to be made to convert skins that are appliers to BoM. None .. All they have to do is take the same texture used in the applier and drop it into the system layer forms. I am not sure where you got the idea you are talking about.. example..
Genus Head applier – 4 brows option applier
Create 4 tattoos and drag drop the texture used in the head applier for each brow into each of the 4 tattoos. Save and name.
Tone 4 Body applier – 3 cleavage options
Create 3 base skins. Drag drop textures used in applier lower and upper into slots. Save and name.
Ok, let me re-iterate that…
Skin designer have appliers for Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and Omega. That skin, or rather texture for it is the same in each applier. And how do you know that? Because its offered as Omega. Meaning that Omega will send the uuid of the texture to ANY relay you are using. Omega don’t care which relay is listening, it simply llSay(, ). If there is a relay listening, it will hear the UUID and apply to your body. Thats it. Meaning that the UUID sent to Maitreya, Slink or Belleza relay is the SAME.
For the BoM it is again the SAME image made into a system wearable, the belly button you mention has literally nothing to do with the issue, because you are not wearing the system body but simply applied to your mesh you are wearing.
The whole story and constant fucking whining (less than 1% increase of MP commission on yearly basis) was introduced by the “designers” who are simply a fucking money whores, and will continue milking you like a sheep until you decide to vote with your wallet. Birth and Deetalez among others updated their appliers to BoM already for free, so go and tell them what you said to me and see what they will reply. People constantly supporting awful designers and then cry when they screw them over (TMP anyone?)…
I was thinking system skins, not applier textures
#40 I’m surprised no one has mentioned the fact that he likes to be in Father/Daughter roleplay, fucking his “actual” roleplay daughter and very much prefers her to be underage.
I had to scroll back up, cause I didn’t remember seeing Skye Acer in the secrets this week.
#40 Have you not figured it out yet hon? There isn’t a such thing in SL as a True Daddy Dom, you obviously got burnt from this guy to slander him here but its your own fault for running around these “Baby Girl” sims which are full of fake 20 year old bitches that wouldn’t know how to be Submissive if it bit them on the foot so it’s your own fault to be struch by a predator.
Victim blaming.. nice. I’m going to assume you’re the creep the post is targeting.
You’re correct, there are no, or very little real DD’s in SL, and there are a lot of misguided and misinformed bbgs lgs because of it. How is it their fault that abusive cucks with an ego issue want to manipulate, terrorize and traumatize women on here, when they’re claiming to be what that woman thinks she wants? We’ve got the abusers leading the blind here.
I dated this guy for almost 2 years back in 2010 and I can tell you from experience he is not anything that is written in here. He is actually really caring and sweet. He has some issues in RL that are out of his control, but that doesn’t make him abusive. I think whoever wrote this was just salty because he didn’t want to do anything with them. He’s actually the person that introduced me into the daddy/babygirl fetish. Its not incest or pedofilea, its two people who like to role-play someone in control. How are you all in SL and not desensitized by all this shit? If you play SL you have seen and heard it all, get the fuck over it. Also leave Choji alone he doesn’t want your rotten “baby girl” ass.
As someone who has also been involved with him, all I can say to your entire comment is “no.” That is not how he is at all. He doesn’t do Daddy Dom/Babygirl. He legitimately tries to be Daddy, like biological father to a daughter who then wants to fuck her. And he will always ask them to be underage.
Maybe this isn’t the same Choji that you dated back in 2010, but it is certainly the Choji of the present. I went in blind too, having already known what an actual Daddy/Babygirl dynamic is, experiencing it both in SL and in RL, thinking that’s what he was. I was dead wrong. You are dead wrong. This isn’t a Daddy at all. It’s an incestuous pedophile.
And I don’t use that word here very often. Either of them, actually.
Choji is an absolute incest paedophile who absolutely tried to start a role play being a ” daddy” making it clear he was groping an extreme underage child. I have encountered him in many sims and DD bbg groups, sadly hiding his real kinks. The no payment offer 10 yrs….Choji is clearly the perverted play alt used specificly for his incest pedo fetish and RP. Anyone who doesn’t know the difference between a Daddy Dom and a guy who wants to RP being your father and referring to himself as such…while typing out a crude incestuous sex scene between father and YOUNG daughter…..is nuts. I was a mod on 2 adult DD bbg sims saw the screen shots of his RP and banned him…same MO everywhere goes….then he logs out for a couple weeks from Choji till it blows over. He’s one of SLs finest creep…right up there with Starman.
Pedophilia is not connected to reality in sl. It’s like made by the creator, yet your labeling a pixels as the same thing as actually doing it. If someone offered to blow you.said they were 5,so since sl is based on experience your like Alright that’s something new. He shows you his I.d making him 22in rl .This could be great you say. Rp is rp,leave reality out of rp,and let perverts run free. Weird how people are ok with others fucking dogs,mutants aliens. Yet 1 taboo they won’t do. Fakophelia. Tos or not,laws or not really ruin fun. Virtual pedophilia is not high up on my care list. Porn is porn,plus a taboo now and again don’t hurt nobody. There is a market for this,so just let it be, and be happy. Wanna break tos with me?
I hope you’ll quietly take your ban for breaking TOS when it happens if you’re one of those nasty pieces of shit who thinks it’s OK to rp raping children and animals, because there is no other kind of sex with either. Don’t you dare to bitch when you get kicked out, knowing you were using someone else’s property in a manner you freely agreed not to.
Here he is, we found the guy that came to comment on himself and behold, he’s pretending to be an ex standing up for him xD just like the secret said, spineless!
You’re not fooling anyone, specially when you are here claiming OP MUST have been rejected by you and ence why the secret but when you read the secret it’s clear she rejected you and you were the salty one.
I can imagine it went something like the classic “what ever, you are ugly anyway” so many guys default to when they are told to get fucked.
Welcome to Second Life
24. So she leaves behind the mer group she started, has like what, two friends if that, and apparently ditches them (I’m sure her alt keeps her company) and SUPPOSEDLY finds a new man (are you sure it isn’t her alt HAHA) Poor thing, she’s got no one and it so shows. No wonder she hardly talks or ims anyone as her profile says.
Leriadraven resident you mean? She deserves what she gets. I’m sure this guy will find her as dull and boring as anyone in the bellisseria group did. Honestly, we’ve been thriving since she left us, so no love lost there. Wonder if we should start flooding her im box…… >:] and love the name.. Kore is indeed, a bore. Maybe we should make badges! If someone does, please pass her one!
If history has any chance of repeating itself she will just get cheated on just like she has in the past. Kore is a bore indeed. Every single guy she’s been with in second life cheat on her. That’s a known fact and many have witnessed it at the babygirl sims she used to hang out at. When you’re as boring as she is why not cheat. Maybe I should hit her guy up, doubt he’d mind. Especially once he realizes she has nothing to offer. Should we tell him how boring she really is? Maybe we should send him a badge, if he indeed isn’t her alt LOL!
I wrote 35 and I just wanted to clear things up instead of responding to every comment aimed at 35. I did not mean to sound demanding and I’m not demanding anyone to do anything. It was more of a request or being suggestive. English is not my first language and writing is not a skill of mine, so it ended up sounding way different than what it did in my head while writing it. So I apologize for that. What I really meant was ” Hey BOM exists, it would be cool if you could turn your old popular appliers into BOM if you wanted to, and if you did you will earn even more respect from me and others because you decided to do something you didn’t have to do because it is a lot of work! Thank you for reading or considering it! ” ^ That is what I was trying to get out, but it just didn’t end up sounding that way, because again I suck at writing and generally just suck tbh. I don’t want anyone to do things they don’t want to, it is completely fine if you decide not to. I do not expect these updates to be free either, I will gladly pay a fee or full price for the updates. I’m aware it is hard work and it takes time, so I don’t expect things to be done here and now or ever if they don’t want to. I know that not everyone is aware of BOM either, and I know there are creators lurking on this website so that was why I decided to write the post to begin with, but I should have thought it out more before sending it in. And that is all I wanted to say.… Read more »
Meanwhile I just want creators to make alpha layers for BOM since BOM bodies have no alpha sections to better accommodate mesh clothing.
#35 BOM is garbage, why would i want a million and 1 “layers” in my inventory instead of 1 applier hud that has pictures, so i can see wtf im putting on…really, why are we stepping backwards?
BOM is a just a cheap investment for those wanting to look mesh.
It is honestly concerning anyone thinks this way and/or agrees with such an asinine statement. You literally can’t use it on anything but mesh… like do you even know what BOM stands for? How basic must your avi be to have never had an issue with your hair/clothes/layers alpha conflicting with one another at some point? When we can bake all our skin details (hair, freckles, moles, stretch marks, scars, veins…) and tattoos directly onto the mesh with our skins, those conflicts will no longer happen with attachment hair or clothes. The advantage of this is obvious. If you can’t be bothered to get the slightest clue what you’re talking about, you should really shut the fuck up about it.
Wow, just wow… you have absolutely no idea what are you talking about, but just decided to share your ignorance with us?
It’s FOR mesh.. literally.. for mesh. Are you daft?
BOM would be a godsend for lag, if creators would update. Every Maitreya updated body would remove 100,000+ vertices per person. Not to mention the amount of texture memory saved from only loading 1 texture instead of 4.
Because maybe on a Genus head you could wear Freckles and a hairbase at the same time? Or eyeshadow and eyeliner at the same time? Or heaven forbid you want to have freckles and blush and eyebrows? BOM is not a requirement for everyone. Some are really happy with their appliers and their heads, etc. But for some who enjoy, for example, the look and style of the Genus heads, but didn’t appreciate the lack of layers to work with, BOM solves that problem.
Ultimately, the end goal of BOM is to create less of the “onion layers” on mesh bodies and heads, so they lower in complexity and cause less lag. That’s obviously not what it’s used for right now, because bodies and heads still have to update, etc. But that’s the end goal, from my understanding.
To call it garbage is premature at best, ill-conceived at worst.
Then you don’t know how to use the dam head because I have every genus head and I’m able to have all of that at then same time.
i wear genus too, the layer thing is annoying BUT i like my HD lipstick way to much to give it up… i get the lag thing i guess, but the whole thing is still dumb to me, why waste inventory space? and why have a bunch of things in my inventory i have no idea what it looks like a week from now because its all named “lips1” and “eyeshadow2” and shit…no thanks ? ?
To all the males with female avatars and vice-versa out there, for the record: I don’t care. You want to explore your sexuality in a safe anonymous way until you’re ready to transition in rl, you go right ahead. You don’t owe anybody an explanation just like they don’t owe you one.
To the pieces of shit who out them, grow up ya’ fuckin’ losers. No one’s real life is your story to tell. If you’re that afraid of being with the opposite sex then quit banging pixels and get a rl partner. Check inside their pants on the first date to be certain. Make sure you inform them you’re a homophobe and completely unreliable at keeping a secret. They need to know you’re an asshole just as desperately as you need to know their gender.
“It’s my fantasy” is not a good excuse to blatantly lie to someone who thinks you are their friend. Live a fantasy all you like- just don’t get close to people if you can’t be honest.
Both yours and comment above are right – SL avatars are in itself roleplaying and used to be way more diverse when it started so we had plenty none-human ones, tiny creatures, furries, animals, aliens and so on which is why humans were also not really scrutinised by anything. Currently, social media trends are to give up all your info and privacy on various platforms so the opposite of internet loads grown up with and cherished – not caring about status, class, background or such just made whole thing more fun. Nevermind, it allowed plenty to explore their potential queerness in safer manner but…
Deliberately lying to your friends if it is for any other reason that you are not ready to be out or in danger or similar is … rude. That depends on specific friendships that is as used to be close with friends whose gender I never learned for example but for some others – I would consider it a slap in the face. Again – varies from person to person as they are not one and the same. However, playing with someone romantically and making up anything for no reason besides to toy with them and not any sane ones – that is just arseholish.
Moral: if this person is not your friend or lover – meh, no one cares.
I can understand this point of view too… no one likes to be deceived. Here’s the thing… if you never plan to meet someone from SL in RL, then there is no reason for them to know anything about you except to become familiar with the core of who you are, your personality. I do think that it helps to be up front and set expectations by telling people that you don’t plan to meet with or interact with them in RL. It’s honest. Toying with people’s feelings is awful, but I think staying “in character” and enjoying the fantasy can be managed without hurting anyone if the expectations for no RL is addressed from the start.
Hard agree.
It’s not about fearing homosexuals; it’s about the fantasy being squashed. I am a female with a good amount of gay friends and relatives in RL, but I’m not personally attracted to other females. If I knew a RL female was using a male avatar, I wouldn’t be interested – fantasy over (I never ask, but sometimes information that I don’t want to know is offered to me). “Don’t ask, don’t tell” if you want the SL fantasy to live on.
However, like 21stcentury said… if you want to make sure the person you’re dating is the correct gender for you, find it in RL. If you’re asking anyone in SL for RL information, then it’s RL that you truly seek, not an online fantasy.
Epiphany has a lot of good creators, but they also actively skip over talent because they don’t like the creator or creators said something they didn’t agree with. It’s all politics with that one. That’s why you’re getting this trash quality when there are so many high quality creators they ignore. They are a bunch of snotty fucking bitches, you fucks are the sheep blindly following them. You shouldn’t be buying trash just because a couple of 40 year old sagging cunts said they were good enough for their event. Event and customers of that event are basic and stupid as fuck. Learn to think for your damn selves. There is a social order within all events done by these bitches, and they ONLY allow in whatever noob sucks their tit the hardest. Disagree with them, and you are blacklisted for life. Lordt. Stop supporting old, fat cunts with nothing better to do than wipe cheeto dust on their keyboard 50 times a day.
WTF are you on about. Someone was talking on FB the other day about poor rigging from some designer at Epiphany, but the Epiphany staff and management was super helpful about the items and got in contact with the designer who then fixed the items.
Instead of whinging on here, did this poster get in contact with the designer, or Epiphany staff to let them know it was broken for that body?
Arcade has always been where the issues are, I’ve not heard drama about Epiphany at all, until this. You sound like a designer who was rejected, and it seems with good reason. If politics means being less toxic of a person, then sure. I wouldn’t want Cunty McCuntFace associated with my event either. I see them give newer designers a chance all the time. Ever think the issue is you, and not them? ?
nah everyone knows skye is a massive twat. You’d think at her age she’d be a bit more mature about stuff.
someone should make Pare re-rig that retarded hoodie from 1 of the past events.,.fake folding mf xD
^^^^^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^^^^
i blame EVERYONE that goes to these shitty events, they have bevaume a massive source of income for anyone that gets in them, because you cunts only buy in them, so creators are desperate trying to get there cuz in their stores they sell 10 times less
dont go to events ,dont buy at events, wait for the things to be in their mainsote, why u have to wear all that shit day 1? its like a race for the newnewnwnewnwnwnewnew if u stop buyint at events, you take away the power of cunts to to just do wha tthey want and hold hostage creators then pimp this shit
#1 – How about you skip those, just don’t pay for crap like that. #2 – These bitches ain’t loyal! #3 – Okay? #4 – Actual good advice. #5 – Write that name down! And yeah, that look is not fooling anyone, no way that was put together by a real guy. #6 – Not sure what you are bitching about here. #7 – What would an alt even keep track of you with unless you gave map permissions? Anything else, like if you are really online or not, you don’t even need to be in a friends list, there are ways to check that shit even if you try to hide. But anyone interested in that crap needs to rethink their priorities. #8 – RL nudes or SL nudes? And what’s the problem with that? Why are you caring? She got a guy you wanted? Up your game. #9 – Wasn’t this on last week too? #10 – Oh my fucking God, will you mother fucking cunts stop with this shit??? Imagine that, a Santa and a Deer how so fucking original work that should not be copied!!! Not to mention that shit is 5 days apart, you are taking one fucking leap if you think someone saw it and decided to do their own, look anywhere this time of year and Santas with Deers are everywhere, get the fuck outta here. #11 – What’s the problem here if he knows? And if he doesn’t, that’s his problem, are you jealous because you can’t get anyone and this one apparently gets one after the other? #12 – Such a predator, poor taken men completely defenseless just being taken advantage of against their will… #13 – That’s what you get when you do a lot of weighted squats, some people… Read more »
#25 Try on the demo? Also, you have a petite avi with massive boobs, maybe edit the shape a little? I have tons of outfits that are rigged perfectly, but I still adjust my shape in small ways here and there so that the outfit looks better (shoulders, cleavage, hip size, etc). Also, you can fix the ass problem by bringing your hip length up. *sips tea*
pare has great photoshop skills.. every piece of clothing on your avi look slike shit
Yeah it wasn’t even rigged nicely, I had to alpha the parts myself: Very low quality stuff / never buying again Pare
oh no, i’m all for trying a demo before investing in rigged items, money wasn’t the complaint here. the fact is, it is a terrible quality item that you wouldn’t expect from a supposed top tier event like the epiphany. i edited my shape for a good 20 minutes trying to see if it could be wearable, it looked horrible, small tits or not. it’s very clear that they rigged it to the body without bothering to smooth the weights at all, which is just incredibly lazy and really shouldn’t be sold
i’ve been learning 3d meshing and rigging and i’m glad that you’ve pointed this out. i’m taking my time to realllly learn how to do it properly, test on the beta grid a million time and to try out all the sliders to make sure i can get it as close as i possibly can. and not just mass produce garbage. i’m shocked they didn’t even smooth out the weights (it takes literally 2 minutes)
#35 i do agree but i know some brands don’t like making system layers (which are bom layers) because they’re easier to steal.. some of my favs won’t even make omega appliers but only catwa specific because the huds scripted different.
Quite the contrary.
There the programs out there that intercept the texture straight from the graphics card, furthermore, appliers use ‘layers’ for adding extra features to bodies, this allows each texture to be intercepted in a clean fashion, they can get just the lipstick, just the head skin, ect.
BOM (system layers) on the other hand merges all the textures together before it’s sent to other clients that can see you (one if the performance improvements), so if they use the same interception method, or any interception method for that matter, they’ll have your texture, but also all your makeup, tattoos, and whatever else is on your avatar, which in turn would make it difficult and/or impossible for them to get exactly what they want, which would deter theft.
nothing is impossible in SL or the net.. the net was made for sharing.. but whatever think as you must.. go ask a few and see what they tell you.
It’s not a matter of “think as you must” that is a fact and you are just ignorant, anyone that says other wise is either ignorant of trying to pass you for a fool.
Let me just laugh at you for a second on those “Catwa Specific HUDs” and people that do make up specific for Catwa, you know what I do with those?
I use them on ANY head I want, because guess what? The UV map is the same and they DO work on other heads, not just makeup, full skins as well, there is no reason to make exclusive skins and I could show you how a Catwa exclusive skin works perfectly well on a Genus or LeLutka head and creators that lock them for no reason can go fuck themselves.
What ‘Just a Guy’ said is true, with BoM is actually harder to steal anything, you can no longer get just that makeup or just the skin or just the tattoo, the server sends you everything BAKED (ence the name) into 1 texture, so saying BoM makes it easier for people to steal anything is a big fat out lie and completely the opposite.
It’s amazing how over the years people in SL have actually became more and more ignorant, they can’t do anything anymore and they have no sympathy for technical knowledge.
#1: I will blog about whatever Advent calendar gifts I want, thankyouverymuch.
#13: This made me ROAR with laughter! Thank you to whoever submitted this one.
#15: Well, it’s not Nanceee’s club, it’s just an upstart that took over the name (and a very smart move it was, the new place is always busy). Nanceee might be pissed off, but it’s not like she trademarked the name Frank’s.
The problem is that the person, or people that work for them, who created this new club posted their club URL in the Franks Elite many times. We wouldn’t care that they decided to use the name if they didn’t try to make their club popular through another club that they are not affiliated with. ? If the club lasts for a long time good for them but it’s a shame they stooped to such low tactics and then even banned Nanceee and created this SL secret post afterwards when she hasn’t even been online since she is focusing on her RL marriage now.
As far as he’s concerned the sluttier, the better … and even better if they voice with him. Hope the RL wifey doesn’t find out! CTFU
#38 seems u have more of an issue with them then u do so who really has the problem the non stop abuse is you lol just cant let it go sad thing maybe one day u find someone for urself pats u on the top of the head there there sweetheart the short bus coming for u soon
This is just simply hilarious. To the poster… thanks for the laugh . To everyone else Merry Christmas ?….
Now Sherrie chimes in as herself instead of hiding under other names, now that’s hilarious ? ?
If she were changing names, kesseret would call her out.
This whole feed is laughable he said she said get over it people. You all believe everything you hear in second life seriously? That’s like saying everything that you read on the internet is true. Breakups happen in SL everyday and its never one sided. Whoever they are they both played a part thats how it goes Get a grip!
zara is so much better of with out him and looks so much more happy to now go and look all for a new hobby its all old news live and let live hohohohohoho merry crisftmas dumbasses
You make no sense. You are trying to defend the truth that everyone seems to clearly see, by now only took them years to realize it. I hope they abuse each other until they are blue in the face. Short Bus? I didn’t realize they still existed suppose you never got off it. And the wheels on the bus go around and around. I don’t see people trying to tell the truth about them two as abuse I find it a nice fair warning for others. Thank you to the people that try and protect us from the people that are still sitting on the short bus.
Oh no honey, no! These stupid fucks aren’t the blueprint for “one day u find someone for urself” They take the fun out of dysfunctional they’re so terrible. She talks so much shit about chuckles behind his back I hope she has enough lipstick for all those faces she has. If you support them it’s you that belongs on the short bus luv.
You are so right I have seen and heard of her spreads of copy pasting around the Secondlife grid to all the men around about him being so abusive.
Oh yes, when they split a couple years ago and he got with Zara, Lumi went around to everyone who would listen telling them how terrible and and abusive he was and shared nasty notecard letters he’d sent to her, with lots of people. She even went as far as telling people how worried she was for Zara and hoped he didn’t treat her badly too. Now Lumi finally got what she wanted and chased her off, a lot of people have sympathy for Zara for a different reason, mainly as she has terminal cancer in rl. and I was told that he dumped her because when she was sick and getting her treatment stabilized she wasn’t on a lot and he was BORED.
I just want to clarify something @Not Illiterate, I don’t have terminal cancer, I have incurable cancer. Terminal is when all treatment options have been exhausted and the only thing left is palliative care. Don’t shove me off the edge too soon please! lol
Move on, people, I am very happy in SL these days with an amazing guy who treats me like a Princess and has all the time in the world for me. Don’t waste your typing time here, just be amused with the popcorn from afar like the rest of us ?
Awww, Zara… I am truly sorry about what you must be going through. Cheers to you for staying positive and in good spirits!
And applause for your attitude toward the clown circus that is Big Daddy’s.
If I am not mistaken she is part of that circus daily and has had many of her own popcorn episodes.
Yes she is part of the cool kid table in the cafeteria that bully everyone around them, she should be proud.
This makes no sense. Learn to english! So he canned Zara for that dumbass cunt Lumi again??? and his group is called More Love Less Hate? HAHAHAHA Oh darn now I have to go back to that club and watch the performance. It’s the best entertainment in SL. She’s calling him baby in local on Monday and ignoring each other by Friday. HAHA funniest thing ever.
Whoever you are can I join you on this ?? I would love to watch the two lover birds at it again.
Maybe one day you will find punctuation.
#6 you all couldn’t find anything better this week? Why you so jealous of her? All your doing is feeding her Ego so keep at it!
None is jealous of her, she is just simply a great performance to watch. Keep up the good work Lumi. Your acts of actions are extraordinary.
You replied to the wrong post but i LOLed at the thought of anyone being jealous of Lumi. I’ve been going there for years and she used to look like she’d covered herself in glue and ran through goodwill in the dark until fuckface started a relationship with Zara, then she started to morph herself into a clone of her. She changed heads, skins, everything until she looked spookily like her. Gave a few people the Single White Female vibe, specially since she glued herself to his side even when Z was there. Why Z didn’t tell her to back off and go fuck herself is a mystery.
I love this! Cracking up!
That was great reading thank you well said , she did make herself look just like her before she looked like a linebacker. laughing
Marina the immature cunt Munter
no edit no everything goes to moderation. ugh you win. lol =p toodles
Sorry. It’s because of she who shall not be named.
ahhh okies .. i thought i said something bad and forgot.
Nope everyone is stuck in the mod queue. I’ll turn it off soon back to normal
Speaking of, sometimes I get hit with it randomly. Is there something that triggers the queue or no?
If you mention the most popular female clothing creator in SL it will, even if you try to be clever about it; can’t even use the color that’s in her name. lol
Yes there is – certain words are in the auto-mod field. WordPress will, if there is any part of the word in another word, trigger the word match.
For example I have press in the mod list. Words like “WordPress, Pressident, Pressed” will need looking at.
Hope this helps.
#38. Who else in SL would want either of them? Chuckles, the guyliner, black nail polish on his fingers and toes, HORRIBLE dresser, moody, rude, RL chick ; and Lumi, who is 5 sandwiches short of a picnic… Let’s talk some more about last week’s secret that I regretfully missed out on… Keesie, you’re a fucking bitch for making fun of Shad’s spelling. English is not his first language, cunt. Unlike you and the majority of the immature, shit talking, back stabbing, partner swapping, dramatic hot messes of Big Daddy’s, he is actually one of the few people in SL who has some integrity. Your rude, catty, patronizing comment was a blaring advertisement of the truth in the fact that the Big Daddy’s crew are nothing but social retards. That’s why you’re all there every day, for hours and hours, creating new drama amongst yourselves and sadly pulling unsuspecting newcomers down into the depths of your self-made swamp with you. Just a bunch of old farts, dressing your avatars like sluts as fishing bait, so some newcomer to the club who doesn’t know you might take interest, since everyone else already knows what a bunch of trashbags you are. Nobody wants any of your old, retarded asses except for other equally fucked up losers, because you’re all such fails at life! 😆
Happy Hannukah and Merry Christmas!
Someone sounds butthurt, banned, jealous and stalkerish and preaching for others to get a life hysterical.
You wish. You also should learn punctuation and proper sentence composition.
bahahahaah well shit it seems like i got somebody’s panties all twisted. i can be rude and patronizing. if that was meant as an insult, you failed, twit. but lets be clear, shadetard doesn’t know what integrity is, or how to spell it. he gets all butt hurt because somebody didn’t tell him something he thought he was entitled to know so he runs to sl secrets and posts under the name “good guy” ahahahahahaha. im not exactly sure whats wrong with your head but acting like you suffer from pms isn’t the definition of “integrity”. now you run along and rub his mangina and the two of you can tell each other how great you are and hey! for fun you can get matching man buns!
You didn’t get my panties twisted. I think you just need a good dose of reality – you’re a loser who spends your entire day sitting behind a computer so that you can be “cool” in Second Life. The rest of us have real lives, because we know how to function in regular society. You care all too much about SL drama, your reply to me is very evident of that… I find you and your crew of shut-in assholes entertaining when I don’t feel like watching Netflix.
#15: How in the hell did Nanceee get herself estate forever banned from Franks Elite? We will NEVER know. But I am still laughing and trying to drink my coffee unable to believe my own eyes. She is now forever banned along with me. LOL. WHAT?????? What is that phase? ….alle-oop!!!!
That’s not Elite. That’s the fake Frank’s that popped up a week or so after the original closed, and that’s not even her real name showing there. It’s a display name, which tells me some imposter went over there and started some shit. Wouldn’t be the first time, and even though she’s left SL, it probably won’t be the last, either.
William Zeta took over Franks Elite instead of it closing down. Nanceee passed it over to him. This is the SAME sim, SAME venue. Ran by Zeta now instead of Nanceee. Also Dante is her name Sinatra was added on later. This place is not an imposter… it’s actually Franks Elite. Why are people so confused when there were notecards that went out explaining.
There is a different club that was named Franks Jazz Club, they are not referring to Franks Elite ? Nanceee was banned from the new “fake Franks” club for no reason as far as I’m aware of as she has not been online since she is focusing on her RL marriage at the moment.
This club likes to piggy back off of other clubs that they copied and are not affiliated with by posting their clubs URL in the Franks Elite group which was done multiple times. The funny thing is, I have visited this fake club a few times to see what kind of music they play and I have yet to hear Jazz music XD Nor has a few other people that I know of that visited
it’s request radio… no DJ’s no staff… nothing… but it’s busy… lol
Interesting… I wasn’t wrapping my head around the possibility that there could be another imposter Franks club out there..
for proof….. Nanceee Dante (nanceee.sinatra) look it up in world so I don’t have to show a gyazo here.
lmao for an old lady who acts mad bougie@Nancee.. she needs to buy her man a fucking AO.. i’ve seen them somewhere (no not the club) and we just sit and giggle at the no AO stance.. booty out and head bobbin like a chicken
perhaps she wanted to go panty-less lol
….and I oop! works too!
39. For those of you new to the saga of Dolly sit down and have a cup of tea before it’s all spilled below. Dolly has attempted to rule over the child community for the last decade. She went as far as to have Heritage an adoption agency to oversee who went to what family and control the way that process happened. Dolly is a relentless heartless hack. She tramples over and degrades everyone she comes in contact with. She lives out an imaginary life with a young man on private sims and completely ignores her real life children. She is the most self absorbed individual I have ever come across. She spends any time she isn’t at work pretending to be a 20 something or a child. She’s a forty year old woman in real life. She adopts talented children to show off as she has no talent of her own. She pushes her adopted children to change their avatars to fit into the mold she has created. She thinks she’s the greatest home decor designer in SecondLife and that everyone copies her but in reality very few people have even seen her estate because she has no friends due to her insensitive nature and cruel behavior. Her sim is tacky, sloppy and over done. She thinks slapping down the largest mansion she can find is being a master of home decor. To give you an idea of her cold nature. She had one kid with cancer a while back and tossed her out because she was sick and getting treatment in real life. She throws out others when they don’t tell her exactly what they are doing and when they will be online and give her their undivided attention. She pressures her kids to be online and take… Read more »
As a ‘former’ friend of Versailles, I can 100% say that Mr. Clue knows exactly what he’s talking about. Dolly and Fel are festering cesspools of hatred and cruelty. They do judge you for being busy. I myself was punished because I busy in real life, and was berated by them. More so Fel, but Dolly allowed him to continue to lash out at me as if I had committed some heinous crime. If you are a talented creator in the kid community they will want to swipe you up for clout. If you do not agree with her or Fel they will toss you aside. Fel is very temperamental at best, and mental at his worst. Dolly will talk so much crap about Fel, then turn around and act like she loves him to his face. All the while, she’s telling you she’s afraid of his temper and how he will backlash at her if she dares to leave. She’s tried, and he’s went for the juggler. Not to say she’s innocent, by no means. She’s very manipulative and will do anything she can to attempt to appear innocent. I’m very happy to have removed them completely from my life. Anyone who sucks their teats in hopes of gaining greatness.. yeah good luck with that. And to anyone defending them, one day we can all welcome you with open arms to say, “Welcome to the Club.” Because believe me, they will. They can’t take off their victim ‘crowns’ long enough to realize French Royalty was beheaded. Aptly named, as they are airheads.
Something no one ever addresses is the fact that dolly stole fel from a so called ‘friend’. Also what ever happened to the Kennedy/Knaves? Britian just poofed away… anyways I was just wondering.
It strikes me as sad that there are people who cannot maintain even a semblance of civility and sanity even in a virtual worlds. This entire site is so fricking juvenile, and I avoid it at all costs. However, I did hear about the Versailles trashing posts so had to see for myself. I’ve known Dolly for several years now, and when she had Heritage, she was nothing but kind to me. As a family member, I’ve had the time of my life with she and Fel. They go out of their way to have fun here, and are very generous. The cancer kid went silent for months, while playing on her alt. I’ve had zero pressure from either of them in regards to my time here, and find both to be open-minded and caring. I suppose when you’re a person who can’t even have fun in a make-believe world, the sight of a family that is so together can be grating. To that, really, all I can say is to grow the f*ck up. I suspect you’ll continue your little crusade of vitriol here, but really, the Versailles could care less.
It strikes me as sad, that you delude yourself into thinking dolly and fel have any semblance of civility and sanity as well. They care. This isn’t their first rodeo on sl secrets, for good reason, and self absorbed narcissists always care about their image, because it’s all part of their manipulation. I’m so sorry you fell for it sweetie. We all did too at some point so don’t beat yourself up for it too much, just some of us were wise enough to call bullshit when we saw it and excused ourselves from the madness. Trust me, nobody views that family as together…their family members are a revolving door. bahahaha.
The ones that painfully stay are broke up into two categories – the ones that are controlled, abused, and too scared to leave. or the ones that are just as horrible and enjoy that kind of abhorrent behavior. You don’t strike me as the former, so I would have to leave you in the last category. That means you’re just as disgusting as dolly and fel and you deserve each other. Keep drinking the koolaid hunny. Better yet, add something stronger, you probably need it. Being a versailles is a dishonor and something to be ashamed of. If you’re not ashamed, then you are among the worst of humanity. Congratulations.
Dolly Versailles is a master control freak who goes around acting like she lives in a glass palace. She is heartless and cruel to the multiple children she brings in, she wants to control their every move then complains that her kids don’t let her breathe or give her space…she classifies them as clingy and annoying. She uses any pathetic excuse to throw them out like they are trash. Dolly and Fel not only bully their children but also are snakes towards friends. Fel, where to start with you…Every statement about this drunk, abusive, homophobic, racist is accurate. Just one small detail was left out, you cheat on your rl wife not only on sl but in rl with Dolly. You travel to her location to have sexual intercourse. You bad mouth her rl children just like you do your sl children. You are a gross insecure man child that has to go around abusing people verbally and mentally to make yourself feel like a man.
Everyone in the kid community knows Dolly and Fel and everyone knows the horror stories that come out of their home. Fel Versailles is a drunk and that loves to talk shit on everyone he meets his favorite words are pussy and fag. He is a homophobe and a fat shamer. The way they talk about the people in their inner circle is disgusting calling his own son pussy and his daughter a hoe. The stupid people they have know are only using them but soon dolly will start to freak out and start kicking them out she will start with the newer ones. No one is safe from hurricane dolly. Only the stupid fallow these two idiots. #bringdowntheversailles
Correction, she is 61.
Hahaha incorrect
I smell bullshit. First of all, rule over the child community how? How would anyone even do that if they wanted?
That’s as pathetic as when people say “rule over SL” it’s not like you are forced to sign up to anything, you do what ever you want, at best you are talking about 1 adoption agency, Heritage? I never even heard of that one.
Now I’m not crazy about the whole family thing, but I do know no one comes here to help anyone, so, looking at the secret which I assume is yours, because who else, what’s my take on it?
Well, for a start you already admitted you were never invited again.
You also complained about the designed of her place, which by your description is a full sim.
You say she’s in her 40, so I’m assuming her RL kids are in their teens.
The picture is getting pretty clear. Living rent free in SL at someone’s home is something a lot of people try to get, who wouldn’t? You claim she ignores her kids IRL but likely her kids ignore her, if they are over 10 they will be playing video games and doing anything else and she, like every woman ever, is gonna try to cling on to their babies. Some will have another baby even when they are close or past 50, this one has turned to SL.
If she demands loyalty and consistency from her SL kids, I see nothing wrong with that, specially since she’d be looking for an emotional connection trying to recapture the magic the lived with her RL kids when they were small.
Sounds like you are the one with problems here and are salty.
Not many people defend Dolly but herself, her photo props and her emotionally abusive child of a partner, how weird. People are painfully aware she is unstable and that Fel exacerbates the insanity. She is even aware of how much anxiety he gives her because she has told enough people. She used to have a relatively peaceful existence before he came along and she has admitted this to others on numerous occasions. He is very toxic for her but she clings to his manipulation. She lets him tear her down and build her up like a puppet. She makes rash decisions to placate him out of fear of the backlash from him. It also works both ways and she conceals the actual details of events when she confides in people and talks about him behind his back. It doesn’t stop there however, both she and he persistently talk poorly about others among people they believe actually tolerate it but even the people close to them can’t bear how awful they are and in turn voice their concern amongst themselves. Fel is the worst of them all, and Dolly defends this blockhead to no end. The original poster is right. He is not only a racist bigot…he’s a chauvinist pig and a homophobic piece of alcoholic dung. He fat shames people, calls his children names..you name it! They are the worst possible pairing, they feed each others worst traits. It’s no surprise that they can’t keep it together, anyone with deductive reasoning skills would see they are incompatible. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with demanding loyalty and expecting consistency when it comes to SL children…however, this is not what is occuring. They are dumping EVERY SINGLE CHILD they have as well as any auxiliary family for bizarre reasons of their own puzzling… Read more »
Dolly n Fel don’t reign over any one or any bloody community, no matter how much they wish they did. they are dried up has beens, that nobody cares about, except for the desperate few willing to kiss their arses n’ make excuses for their classless behavior. They put on a glamorous fake show for the photo ops, as they make pathetic attempts to stay semi-relevant, but the reality is they are miserable fuckin people spewing hate, racism, misogyny, n’ bigotry behind the backs of their so-called family n’ friends. Everyone knows it by now. They treat the people closest to them like shit, then wonder why they have to get new family n’ friends so often.When you see the red flags, believe them. When they show you who they really are n’ you see how badly they treat other people, trust your gut. They really are that fuckin horrible. Dolly pretends to be all about angels n’ love, but once you truly get to know her, it’s not long before the facade comes down n’ you see how evil she really is. Fel is a mentally-ill, insecure, extreme narcissist whose tight control and emotional abuse of those around him are what keeps them all “loyal” to him – ask Dolly, she’ll tell ya that herself, yet the dumbass stays with him. I d’nno who wrote the post above, but it is all true, n’ those of us fuckers unfortunate enough to get caught up in their manipulative web, no matter how brief, have seen it all first hand. Pity those that you see around them, because no matter how glossy the picture may seem, we know the truth behind the mask. Thanks be to the gods – I got out quickly, others aren’t so lucky. Their victims won’t realize… Read more »
Well I am a blast from the past lol …who was close on a personal level to her, and she was never like that back then, she was a good mum, n yah,, her kids would be teens now. I think she gets lot negativity, mainly by the company she keeps.. but who are any of us to judge? Its her SL what she makes of it, just as it is for everyone else…If you don’t like the way someone in sl conducts them self.. simply, mute n move on in it .. peace out..
Another blast from the past here. She definitely was not like this in the past and spent quite a bit of time with her kids back then. Her kids would definitely be teens by now and be wanting to do stuff with friends rather than parents. The part about her throwing kids out sounds like slander, especially since I know one of her kids.
*Second Life Kids
To make a distinction.
I was once considered but I told them I cant be online everyday because I have a life and she banned me for a yr lmao. Never looked back. I always knew their was something off about her. She used to be a Kennedy wonder what happened to that dude
shes like most of SL.. most of them will be in SL on Christmas while their family is wondering why cartoons mean more than them.
whoever made #21 is a retard.
all you have to do is ask questions to the right people.. to find out the correct info.
and whoever made the secret does NOT have a good eye.
I saw this a while back myself…. reed hennessy isn’t stealing dae’s from some trash bag like meli imako (by the way if he was i would congratulate him because Meli refuses to offer demos on her trashy bad fitting items.. i guess its a fair trade for giving untalented people a texture to use.. because her shit fits horrible.. so dollar store)
but back to hennessy..not 1 of those brands listed are in reeds store… BUT guess which brand is REBEL HOPE. So because im not a retard like the secrets maker is.. i first googled and found out that reed was i guess a brand manager for rebel hope.. but that still could have ended bad so all it takes is a click of a IM box to ask rebel hope themselves.. and rebel hope was aware and said it was ok. So that means maybe RH sold the meshes to r.hennessy.. or reed made certain ones or whatever.. but they’re legit.
page 58-70 cover rebel hope having reed hennessy as business partner.
i love drama but research before you make yourself look dumb
You’re right – Reed was a mesher hired by Rebel Hope and the store is closing down so maybe he is okay to sell the stuff now. There are a lot of people who know this so I’m not sure why someone made that secret.
im 100% right because i asked rebel hope.. feel free to do the same., its the best way to avoid buying fake.. something i really aint into.
What did you ask Rebel Hope and what did she say? I’m confused.
I’m confused and curious because I rather liked that brand and bought a few things here and there. If those original meshes are being sold by another creator now, I want to find him lol
Yea he’s selling all the meshes he made for Rebel Hope because the store is closing.
p.s. i reread that and it sounds weird .. im meant in any situation with meshes.. asking who you think it was stolen from will always make it clear xD
I went and checked them out myself just now, and I agree, I don’t see any that are definitely other people’s work. Reed probably posted it himself to get people to come look at the stuff.
I know I keep saying that, but in SL there is no thing like forcing you to things if you do not consent in any way. So when your man gets laid by Emma, you should have a Stern talk with him about it lmao and kick that sucker.
You girls in SL act so weird sometimes…all so very tough and “ugh don’t play me dude” on the outside but so many girls put up with such dudes and even excuse HIS failure with blaming the “Emmas” of SL.
HE is the one in a relationship not Emma obviously so HE is the one that threw everything away for another pixel puss.
Oh my.
Most of the women in SL are stupid. Saying this as a woman myself, it’s really painful to see the posts here about women who stole some other women’s dude.
First – Choose your man wisely. If, however YOU were the woman he cheated on WITH, then don’t expect that he won’t do that same idiocy back to you.
Second – If YOU know he’s cheating, let HIM go. Posting shit on here…for what? No one knows these cunts, nor cares. Lol.
Third – Look at yourself. See if you’re good to him. If you know you are, then good riddance to garbage. And refer back to FIRST, choose wisely.
Ladies, don’t give your hearts and minds so easily. I think that’s the biggest problem here tbh. Get to know them, if they’re worth it, then go all out. Otherwise, keep you heart tucked away, and don’t wear it on your sleeve. This goes for everyone, no matter what age. Please, you’re on the internet, anyone can be ANYONE. Trust no one, until you make them jump through hoops and they still come out intact on the other end.
31# – Now that’s some funny shit this guy wants a green card to travel from the shit hole he lives I personally have been around him and watched him treat women like shit, he is a bully and a control freak and he he does not get his own way hes a baby. Another interesting fact is that he claims he gave up hes RL job to work as a host on SL What the actual fuck?
Hes an arrogant prick, won’t listen to anyone, always thinks he is higher than anyone and his shit doesn’t stink….. BS!!! his shit does stink and you can smell it a mile away :))))))))
Really boring week.
#9 this is a repeat secret from Week 589. i mean same exact picture
Booooring Boooooring BOOOOORING ! Week.
Well except for #35.
Get off your entitled high horse ya cuck. Creators don’t HAVE to update to ANYTHING they don’t want to. Plus a lot of people AREN’T using BOM still so there is really really really really really is no need to push out BOM as fast as you can atm. Dont like it? go back to using appliers till the creators you buy from feel like doing it.
Well except a lot of people really are using BOM already. The sooner a store starts migrating to it the better. If they don’t, it just runs the risk of people feeling justified in pulling the textures to make their own system layer versions; especially since it’s not hard for them to do it.
Really, the benefits outweigh the hassle in this situation even if you slowly work backward starting with your best items.
Literally all they have to do is make the system layers and put the textures they already uploaded into them; it’s no expense and almost no work at all, they’ll just need to put a disclaimer on them saying they are converted from appliers, so people wearing bodies with weird UVs can’t bitch.
Lmao since when have disclaimers of any kind stopped people from bitching in sl?
Though, sometimes their bitching is a bit entertaining. I say let them go forth and bitch!
She didn’t demand it – she made a request. It didn’t sound like she was expecting a free update, but perhaps I’m wrong there.
I think the high horse award should go to the person who keeps complaining that Catwa didn’t give out a gift this year.
I’ve been having a lot of fun using BOM layers on my avatars – I will note that you can combine BOM layers with appliers – works pretty nicely with the Lelutka and AK BOM Beta so far.
Glad someone could see my post in a positive light, Yeah I do not demand anything, it was more suggestive and a request if they could do so. And I would never expect it for free, if I have to pay for it, I will. ?
It didn’t really sound demanding to me either, but it does sound extraordinarily dismissive to creators that have to put the work in to change things to BOM. Wanting or asking for BOM versions isn’t a strange request at all. But saying “It is time-consuming. But…” is probably going to sound really dismissive though. I can see how some people might read it that way, because it’s more than just time consuming for some creators. People don’t have to agree with that opinion to see how they got it. Then again, I figure creators will get to shit when they’re good and ready to get to shit. Even though people are using BOM, there are way less of them. It’s going to take a while before it gets widespread enough for most creators to want to put the effort in. Can’t say I blame them.
I didn’t mean to make it sound that way, I’m by no means good at writing. So if it sounded that way, then I apologize. I know it is a lot of work and it takes a lot of time, I don’t want them to rush and I’m not demanding to get everything for BOM right here and now. or ever if they chose not to. But I know there are many people including creators who aren’t even aware of BOM yet, so it was kind of a hey BOM exists and it is a nice feature and it would be nice if older applier skins could get updated to BOM if you want to do that, and it would make me and probably others respect you more because we know it is a lot of work to do and you didn’t have to do it in the end, that is kinda what I meant but there’s so so much I can write in the small picture without it becoming tiny and unreadable, so it sounded pretty cold which I didn’t mean it to. ?
I think you need to find some other way of entertainment since SL secrets don’t seem to feed you enough negativity that you crave, but to be honest you don’t need more of that since you can turn something meant to be positive into something negative.
But anyway.
I didn’t mean to make it sound like that they “have to” update anything, it was more suggestive.
I might have worded it wrong, so that was not on purpose.
BOM is a great thing that should be embraced, and the only way I know how to spread things is by posting something here, I’m very aware that there are creators lurking in here.
That is why I wanted to ask creators if they could update their stuff, but it wasn’t meant to be forced.
Not everyone is aware of BOM, even creators.
And that was all.
I’m honestly not great at writing things, so I’m sorry for sounding like a high horse riding entitled cuck 🙂