Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 587.
lol why is he shadow banned?
Happy Turkey Day people.. Be Safe and No drunk driving.
incase you need a ride i got the hook up
Happy Thanksgivingfor the US people and anyone else that like turkey and stuffing…Please take the time to forgive and move forward in life. Life is short, love hard, smile when you want to be angry and breathe.
Also… Have fun and laugh!!!
Kess, love you girlie.
HAPPY TURKEY DAY TO EVERYONE IN THE STATES! May you honor the defeat of Lord Gobble well! May your bellies be full and may you hibernate in peace!
Turkey Coma’s everyone!
@Mynameismyname and everyone
Happy Thanksgiving or Happy whatever makes you happy irl!
May peace live in your hearts each and every day;)
Happy Thanksgiving to to you!!! Such good advice. I’m building a Super Mario gingerbread house with my family.
We need pics!
Sounds like a great time! We are trying hard to not over cook a turkey lol and for no destructing pretty decorations from the kids! Enjoy today!
I second that! Happy Thanksgiving to all of our American neighbors. May you have many blessings visiting you today.
All this whining about fees going up, but not a peep about how much cheaper Lindens have gotten lately; you all realize they’re related, right? That the SL economy is suffering exactly the same way the US economy is suffering for 99% of people, being as how Linden Research is a US company? You can keep supporting SL creators if you want them to still make content and keep the grid alive, or you can moan and complain over fee changes that amount to very little and let it all die over a simple fact of life under capitalism.
Most SL’ers have totally checked out of real life because SL was so much cheaper to live.. (im guessing)
fuck a car payment – they dont go out
fuck work – i’ll show my vag on cam or voice escort on the low so i don’t have to pay taxes if i stop after i reach 600USD or whatever the cut off is for SSI or whatever other government funded program they’re scamming the fuck out of.
fuck family – ill adopt strangers into my life instead.. and when i no longer get along with them either.. i’ll eject them from my last name until i find new ones who will put up with me.
fuck rent – thanks section 8 and anshex for my 400L tier but between that and the next whoreness coming out in next months event.. i have to thank god for go fund me.
and now they want 10% instead of 5%.. for using a huge advertising platform that they don’t have to let me be apart of.. and i can’t even use it for free like i do with everything else. woe me.
Its turning too much into real life.
I feel bad for people who really think that thought process is ok.
Be prepared there is going to be some croaking from those that use SL for their interactions and other things they refuse to do in RL. Tons of excuses will come about how they can’t this or this.
SL is not a life.
But I agree, who cares if LL ups their take. Whoopty dip. I still make money off my meager items I sell. I still gain a profit.
Personally I don’t mind when they adjust as far as money goes, lol. I don’t sell on MP, I don’t post events in the calendar thingy. All of this doesn’t matter to me. If merchants want to up their prices on MP but keep their normal prices in world – I’ll just shop in world then, easy peasy lemon squeezy.
The only thing I cared about was the surname thing and the ability to change the username – I have an alt that is in dire need of it, lol. So, it’s my money, I’m willing to fix my mess up but again – it’s my money – which I put on the game after bills and meds are paid for and food and household stuff is bought.
That’s the deal I made with my SO, important stuff first, play stuff later. To me, that’s how it should always be. Besides, SL isn’t the only game that raised in prices over the last year or so. WOW went up nearly 2 bucks for by monthly subs -shrugs- my SO is still going to play it, because he enjoys it.
We work hard so we can play hard later.
Though you know – maybe that’s because we’re somewhat mature adults in our 30s with a stable relationship?
I have stuff on MP. I am not changing my prices. I don’t see the point. I made stuff for fun and to be affordable. Not for true profit.
And if the Lindens need the money that bad, go nuts! I have a real job, pay my Bbill’s with my own money, pay rent with hard earned cash… so do all the lindens. I don’t need the pennies they make off of my items, they do.
I use what I earn now to play with. Personally I would rather put that money towards other stuff like books or toys for the kiddos. SL comes second. And people really need to remember that.
i agree also.. to be honest i don’t even think creators should bother upping prices only in MP because of those fees..
Why lose a sale over some change? Most people shop in MP when they’re multitasking and can’t shop at the main store at that moment or made a quick decision on a splurge they want right away .. and if they’re anything like me once i click off the page of the thing i want to go see.. it takes nothing but a flash of light for me to forget wtf i was doing or what i was just looking at that i wanted. . and its gone forever. lol thanks maryjane. xD
indeed.. i mean it was only a matter of time..people don’t even see lindens as actual humans just avatars lol I’m pretty sure they go home to real families and have to eat real dinner.. which costs real money. . and they would know that if they turned on the news once in a while and knew what was going on in the world.. anything other than Instagram to steal pretty girls pics and facebook to create their new identity.. so they can hop on SL in being the next big escort of the year.. or be the girlfriend of that guy fuckboi jesus.. or receive a bloggie like its a fucking grammy. ?
Maybe they stopped leaving the house because last time they went outside cigarettes were $1.25 and they don’t understand how today (around my way at least) are $11.50. If they choose to never leave the house ever again the world will keep spinning..theres no way out.. but down.
Oh we say that at work but its phrased as “No one is getting out alive”. Sorry Gallows Humor
Sorry about your shit economy
Maybe best if sl just dies
#7 from his own profile
✪ Let’s all suck some cock of this virtual famous event owner so we can get more from it.. or try…
Isnt that all he does? LOL
#12 – I do get what that person was saying, it sort of looks like childrens furniture
All I have to say is this weeks for the birds! That’s my really constructive addition to this week.
yesss dirty birds. xD
I wonder when the spammer will be sectioned… ?
Ever have the feeling we will see this person on TV one day? Like a “Breaking news…..etc”
Fuckin hell 4 grandma SL MC rpers disliked xD
Oh shit are the escalators ok?
#7 he try the same to me and tells all the friends secrets and speaks very bad of everybody, friends and ex girlfriends. Tells you he is especial and a gud man but if your smart you can see he is lies. 😡
Who are you? Everyone can come and say that. I saw him wearing a dress and some diaper under. He was bending over for a findom. See. That’s sls!!!
Thanks I have now a justin bieber in a diaper image. No idea who this person is but that is what comes to mind
Well known fact that he is a sub…
Actually, that changes depending on what lie he’s telling the person he’s toying with, from what I’ve heard
Oh how cute, he joined to defend himself ???
Plot twist: No defence possible considering #7 is on point.
@Where is nona?, @Cancelhim, @Yourbestfriend – please use same username.
xD never ever gets old
Nope and that’s why it’s fun!
#1 – Fuck your font size. #2 – Next level drama queen. #3 – Who cares? And LoL at those usernames… #4 – Those two look NOTHING alike, look at the collar, the sleeves, are you claiming no one else can make a dress that crawls up the ass? Because there are dozens around. #5 – Literally who cares? #6 – Pure cringe. #7 – Yawn, if you fall for low quality guys you only have yourself to blame. #8 – That’s some messed up fetish. #9 – At least you can see just how shit he is just my looking. #10 – I’m sorry they made you pay for it. Oh wait, you don’t have to if you don’t want, and you won’t go to jail if you don’t! #11 – Why is this even here and not in her damn IM? #12 – That is one giant leap to make that conclusion. Signal that virtue harder! #13 – Those KINDA look like different colors, if she’s making a special free edition how is that taking away from anything that you bought? #14 – Literally who… And that is some creepy ass image if kid avatars weren’t creepy enough already. #15 – How about you people stop going to all these events and let’s go back to releases on main stores? #16 – The classic mistake of “I wanna look original so let me put all this crap on to look different.” #17 – Just no. #18 – Logic not being a strong point of most dwellers. #19 – Who? #20 – If only you could, I don’t know, unfollow?! #21 – What the hell is that even? #22 – We could tell by the bitch hair, the full body tattoos and the dozen earrings. #23 – Oh dear,… Read more »
Your names Oprah and you more then likely play SL that’s cringe in itself son
Attention ignorant fucks… just because a toy is “cute” or pink or sparkles or what the fuck ever it does NOT mean it is pedophelia ! We are ladies…we like pretty things. Get the fuck over yourselves. Find a new hobby. Don’t hate just because our toys are cuter and do a way better job than your basic dick. Move along boys.
Actually I love it. People wanna scream pedo on ot go for it but my toys need to be cute.
Tell that to the boomers and SJ’s screaming “Peedooo”.
27# What makes you think they’re different ? If you google inka mexicola lot of shit comes up about this person. What you do makes you who you are. Inka stopped the theft with skins templates from other creators and is uploading meshes from internet in ARCHITECT lately.
Lately he is doing nothing, didn’t see his brands in any of big events this month.
Perhaps she realized that her business goes to waste due to her miserable reputation. I’ve heard lot of people avoiding to support and buy Inka Mexicolas products.
4. Not the same. I spot at least 5 differences. Similar, yes, but not the same. You could say the same about every pair of sweatpants made for men at every event for the last year.
8. Bestiality? Seriously dude, not my thing either, but it’s a virtual pic, and there exists an entire group of people in SL that dress up as animals for the express purpose of sexualizing animals. There are literally animal avatars, complete with animal shaped genitals, for people to buy and roleplay, for just this purpose. And just why are you checking her Flickr feed anyway, if she’s so offensive? Hmmm?? You sound like the anti-gay preachers that get caught with gay escorts.
13. You sound like all the self-entitled idiots who complain that they had to pay for their student loans, and it’s not fair to forgive student debt. If you didn’t have to have everything the moment it came out, you’d have saved yourself some L$, so maybe next time learn from your mistake rather than accuse people of scamming you.
22. Loser. It’s “loser”. Looser is the opposite of tighter, ffs
37 & 38…. Real life happens sometimes, people. They don’t exist only to make stuff for you.
Go fuck yourself to your reply to #13.
People that paid their student loans shouldn’t have to be forced to pay for others as well with their taxes.
Imagine that, I buy a car and the government makes you pay for it! Sounds good to ME.
The cry babies that demand their student loans to be forgiven are the ones that took crap classes and are now flipping burgers because they didn’t realize a course about bitching and moaning wouldn’t get them hired to a good job anywhere, IMAGINE MY SHOCK!
i bet you believe immigrants are stealing US jobs too. xD@this doesnt add up
one day all the boomers will croak and racism will finally end. =D yesss!
Jesus christ you’re fucking stupid. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you your moron.
That’s a horrible analogy. But yes, I’d gladly let my taxes pay for your car so long as I have the same benefit, and my children do, and their children (assuming the world doesn’t become uninhabitable, which you probably think is fake too). There used to be people that didn’t have social security benefits, too. And they cried and whined that it wasn’t fair that they didn’t get to live off the government like these new freeloaders, but that isn’t an argument for not having social security. The point is, it’s an improvement to the lives of everyone, even if it comes out of your tax dollars. And let’s be honest, how much of my education do you really think you’re paying for? And unless you’re making above about $500,000 a year, which I very much doubt, then your tax dollars wouldn’t even go for that. But hey, you’re paying for relief to foreign countries you may never even visit. You’re paying for services you may never need or receive. You’re paying for lots of stuff that doesn’t directly affect you. Tough shit. That’s how it works, when the government is supposed to work for everyone.
Ok, boomer.
> unironically saying ok boomer like a fucking pleb
> unironically saying pleb like a fucking boomer
#23 – just fucking tint one of the darker hairs to get the ‘raven’ shade you want. It’s not rocket science. Last I checked, all their FLF hairs are tintable.
Like real hair you have to find the right colors to neutralize one shade to make it another. Wasabi’s hair can be tinted to make a close black whether you want a warm or a cool tone. Think on the lines of your greys. Want to neutralize a warm tone go to an ash(grey) want to spark a more neutral cooler tone go towards your lavenders. Warmer? Your reds and pinks. It’s not hard.
Regardless of how colors mix, tinting hairs more than a tiny bit looks weird with the highlights on any good texture, and people should just pay for the color they want instead of trying to turn freebies and cheapies into something they’re not.
Exactly, Be Less Ignorant. The 50L hairs aren’t in my color so I just don’t buy them. It’s disappointing but Wasabi seems to go with a more ‘fantasy’ palette for those.
And ew… that’s why I keep my “look at” off, Me. I don’t want anyone camming my Barbie body. Nothing there anyhow ?
I can see other people’s crosshairs if they haven’t disabled them, but mine are disabled. It can be pretty entertaining actually lol
lmao.. its crazy how many women actually upskirt.. Thats how i really knew most female avis are guys.xD real women dont really care THAT much about another womans snatch.. and lesbians are still women and usually have more class. =D
Oh great. And here I keep thinking, “Oh this person must like what I have on. Is it the belt? The extra baubles I have hanging from my belt…” my innocence has been shattered! They are trying to see if I have a mesh vaj on!*insert sarcastic smirk*
nerp… can’t even go to a virtual club without getting a gynecological exam lmao xD
Yuck! Glad I don’t go to clubs!
Yes people should, but not everyone has that income in SL, or can afford more than a few dollars at a time for a game. So a 50L you can tint even slightly to look close to what you like, is pretty good. I think the bitching needs to stop though. It’s the designers choice, don’t like it or the colors offered send them a NC asking for regular colors. Or just don’t buy it. No one is forcing SL consumers to buy it.
i can understand both sides.. but lets be real none of the guys they are trying to impress really care if they even have a wig on at all.. you know they’re only camming the bento mesh snatch..
i would bet my whole life the ones crying about tinting and cutting wig corners have bento vaginas.. and gift their men bento balls. lmaooo

Very true!
not hard at all.. i agree. Problem is most of them can’t take the finger off the bean long enough to accomplish anything but avi sex in their finest 50L wig xD
If you think tinting purple will make an acceptable looking black hair, I shudder to think what your avi looks like.
leave it to these pendejas to cry over a fucking 50L hair. A friend of mine did a set of nails as a group gift and some bitch commented upset that they were only 1 color (actually not one color .. they were designed with nail art but there wasn’t a hud to change shit but were exactly as pictured and described) .. lol entitled thots.
I bet the fucking carpets don’t match the drapes anyways. say thanks and stfu
God, this. It tends to destroy all the shading and makes the hair look like you just dipped it in MS Paint.
Doesn’t have to be the purple it can be any of the colors you tint to be black
The only dark colors on the HUD are purplish, even the “reds”. You said “darker colors”. It’s not complicated.
Mikey is a good lay
U fucking sad case lmfao get a lay in RL.
Having little girl faces in Second Life is dumb.
None of this shit is worth buying anymore. Get over it
To all the ads here
Esme is cool. You must be obsessed to watch months of her timeline. Seek help. There are numbers here for that.
Seung-ji Park has been known to be a SL fuckboy. He underestimates how far that news travels around SL social circles (even blogger people know about him being a slut and flirting with a bunch of other girls). NEVER TRUST A FUCK BOY
4. They are two different dresses. While they are both tightly fitted the one on the right accentuates the breasts more. The one on the left has a low neck exposing cleavage, shorter sleeves, no thick ruffle on the bottom. They are both the same length and expose the ass which is majority of skirts in second life. So they are not the same dress just similar concept that TONS of designers have already done in terms of length and tight fit, exposing ass. 11. You’re a joke. From what you wrote it sounds like you know nothing about that bird type. I would love to know who you are though. 12. Omg are you serious? there are adult cam girls who have kawaii or cosplay sex toys in rl like please take a moment and explore adult sex toys. I don’t see a child in that advert.. i have all kinds of sex toys and majority of them are pink and cute looking.. i don’t want anything resembling a boring stainless steel kitchen appliance going near my girly bits. 13. It’s a different pattern on the same dress. get over it. You people always have some shit to say when there are no group gifts or shitty group gifts and here a creator is giving a nice group gift when they aren’t obligated in any way to do so & you’re here crying about it? this is why a lot of creators don’t want to do nice shit for you. They do something you’re mad, they don’t do something you’re mad a creator isn’t about to make all of their group gifts from scratch so of course it’s going to come from a past release. 37. Let people have a real life. Stop trying to tell creators when they… Read more »
Holy crap I posted nearly an exact copy of a lot of what you said. Wish I’d read your comments first so I could have saved myself the typing and just upvoted this…
Number 26. It is very true actually. https://www.flickr.com/photos/182389224@N06/49112006206/in/dateposted/
Give some support if you like.
Since people want to assume. No, I’m not Hisa or jay. Or anyone close. It’s sad people assume so much. I simply know this post from flickr like many other people and just posted this so people can look more into this story. Don’t come at me with this bullshit when all I’m doing is posting a link that the original image came from. From my standpoint of view as I learn both sides. Hisa apparently found god in a week and decided he wasn’t gay anymore and broke things off which is all in this person Flickr history. Hisa never showed real-life pictures using other pictures and so forth catfishing this person. They never lived together and it was all online relationship the whole time which can happen. Catfishing is a huge thing on sl and I saw so many virtual secrets on catfish. It can happen to anyone. The breakup was out of nowhere and hisa used the excuse of god and how he isn’t gay overnight after four years of this I would be hurt too. With this, they had to leave sl because hisa and her friends bullied this person to all hell and no one believes toksik. hisa gloated on how many friends they made when all this happened right here https://www.flickr.com/photos/182389224@N06/48994322762/in/dateposted/ and not only did all this happened toksik was ONLY 14 YEARS OLD when hisa and tok first started dating, https://www.flickr.com/photos/182389224@N06/49112006206/in/dateposted/ So please before anyone attacks this person look at both sides. Because they posted so much about this and have receipts if you ask. It is sad a victim (he was only 14 he was a kid.) gets shamed when they finally speak out and gets harassed about this bullshit. So please don’t harass this person or think its anyone close to… Read more »
“I simply know this post from flickr” – So you don’t really know? “Hisa apparently…” – So you don’t really know? “…which is all in this person Flickr history” – So you don’t really know? “Catfishing is a huge thing on sl” – So you just assumed? “The breakup out of nowhere” – Did you also see in Jay’s history of Flickr pictures where he was posting about God and included scripture in his pictures? This was not because Jay wasn’t talking to his ex-love during this time after the breakup; and this was not because Jay just assumed God was an excuse for the breakup. They WERE still talking; they even went to church together inworld, staying friendly with each other. The breakup was not just out of nowhere. It was something they discussed for months. Jay did not just get dumped; they remained friends long after. “Hisa used the excuse of god…” – Why don’t you message him and see if God is just an excuse to him? He’s included God in his profile, store ads, and Flickr pics for over a year now. He still does, and this is long after their breakup. “After four years…” – Yeah so Jay is saying he is 18 now like he’s always done, so if you count back 4 years, that makes him 14 years old to not be lying to everyone else by saying he is STILL currently 18. Jay has never said he was ever younger than 18, but somehow every year he is still 18. You don’t see this as Jay doing the catfishing? Not to mention that he NEVER said anything about being under 18 ever, much less 14! Have you even gone years back into Jay’s Flickr to see what kinds of pictures and artwork… Read more »
you should pay more attention when replying KG
What did I miss? I responded to this in my comment above.
THE CATFISHING PART you threw him under a train up there and backed up or tried to but you haven’t addressed the main issue you gave the guy fake pictures for the entire relationship and you think he’s stupid because of your so-called glitch
sorry was editing the message and it posted before I could finish had a little more to say since this is kind of serious and honestly maybe the site host can remove any and all things related to this so they both can heal this is definitely hisadrug you added a lot of information an outsider wouldn’t know in your defense. Dude or dudette one of the two. lying about age, I mean just talking to a person you can grasp at the age they are about around, talking to jay i wouldn’t say he’s any older than 19-21, mind you on voice he sounds much younger. I’d have to agree to lie about his age back then doesn’t make you a bad person since apparently you didn’t “know”, I flipped back through his flicker to confirm or find the multiple daddys he’s had, there is nothing maybe he deleted it, who knows that would also mean in the years you two were an item he was cheating on you and you didn’t care? This glitch your screaming about, i did receive the screenshot where he messaged you in steam asking you about it, https://gyazo.com/bf555882f1fa6f09e0099bed49fca316 you never replied if this were the case why not tell him it was a glitch? all of s sudden you come out screaming “ITS A GLITCH” when things are heating up. regardless this person is obviously going through something that you caused and you can only sit up there and defend yourself instead of going to him directly and talking to him about it. https://flickr.com/photos/182389224@N06/49135721051/in/dateposted/ here he states he tried to chat you up and you ignored it but you keep saying in the above reply and another one that he can contact you. I did contact jay myself through Flickr mail and a… Read more »
Screaming for help to ruin someone else? Screaming for help because he believes he was catfished by a rl woman playing a gay man in sl? Screaming for help because he wants to say he was a rl 14-year old boy pursuing naughty things with rl adults in an sl fantasy world? Take a look at his Flickr. Nothing has changed. He’s still doing the same things and presenting himself the same way as he’s always done. He’s not wanting help with that. He’s the same Jay he’s always been. He obviously enjoys doing those things and continuing to be that way. He’s been posting the same kinds of pics he’s always done. So what exactly is he needing help with? “talking to jay i wouldn’t say he’s any older than 19-21” How convenient of you to still manage to keep his age under 18-years old at 4 years ago. We all knowww people’s voices change sooo drastically after they turn 21 and on into their 20s, so no way could he be let’s say 25 or 27 or maybe even 29. Who ya foolin? And if you’re so good with detecting someone’s age through voicing with them, how hard do you think it would be to determine a man’s voice from a woman’s voice? Jay knows better than to say he was catfished. He’s out to ruin someone’s rep over a breakup. Is someone not allowed to finally break it off and be done, finally be done with it all? “anyways why not contact him?” What? and allow Jay’s trolling to be rewarded? Really, why should there be any need for anymore contact between the two of them? Cause Jay can’t get over it finally being done?? You yourself said there’s evidence in Jay’s Flickr of him cheating during… Read more »
Nobody mentioned cheating during the relationship nice play there buddy lemme recap for you! ” that would also mean in the years you two were an item he was cheating on you and you didn’t care?” , that’s what I said, little man. I think my favorite part is you lying again about informing Jay it was a glitch, we would very much like to see this chat transcript of you informing Jay it was a glitch. As far as help goes, please better explain how posting pictures of a certain style character or doing anything at all says you don’t need help? Tell that to the people who’s lost friends and family due to suicide and say “we had no idea”, you’re a weird guy. So now we got Jay, a liar, cheater, 29 year old man, <- made me spew my frappe everywhere I laughed so hard, dramatic, what else did I miss, and you are just an innocent Christian who's been posting Christian pictures for over a year who all they did was break up. BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH But no this is getting more and more apparent and who is in the right. look how much stuff you've said up there! You keep bouncing around like a yoyo, 1st your say he's to contact the right person, then you say why to contact him, I wouldn't want to have to talk to the person who caught me either I get it, but alright Hisa lets all stay in one lane. Airing dirty laundry? you've just had your share, seems to be your style to bro and nobody just "knows" a few things by exploring SL, LOL! let's get more serious than that. I wanted to share chat transcripts you had at the beginning of this year with another avatar… Read more »
You seem to be confusing me with someone else. And you just made it clear what you’re really about. Laters.
This is some fucked up shit wth is wrong with people
so Jay is upset that his once and never daddy found God. we get it.
I’ve got to add one more thing to KG reply, nothing mentioned a daddy also once is not never reading through this person’s Flickr it was a long while so it’s not your usual sl flings this is wrong in all corners if you cant understand context of a situation you shouldn’t comment or if this is hisa dont defend yourself looks way worse
This must be hisa rolf!! Nobody else knew the kids name, your a sad mother fucker yo while your at it tell us his username so we can send support like mentioned above
this shows how much you DON’T know. both of them were a public couple for years, it was all over facebook and flickr, they were partnered in sl, they sold products together, lived together. if Jay has an issue about any of this, he knows who to reach and how to reach him. catfishing, really? you can believe whatever angry gossip you’ve heard because you made a new friend, but sorry to break it to ya, some of us DO know better than you. you don’t even know daddy slang or Jay’s username yet you wanna come to his defense over some mad ex-lover’s post, and then go throw shade on someone for something you know very little about?? fuck off
People tend to not understand that if SL is raising prices on things it’s not out of greed it’s cause they have to. You think they wanna hear people bitch and moan about changes? No. Every mf’r was screaming at LL to change this & that but when LL tries to make shit better & improve shit which costs real life money to do people lose their f#cking minds. Dude i get it. People are making a RL income off of SL but SL needs to do the same they can’t have tons of people working on fixes and changes and not pay them for their work. So while creators pull their shit from Mp they are proving how very little they care about the platform that they are making their money from. If SL were to die tomorrow everyone would be upset and screaming why or how it happened. So many virtual worlds have vanished without a heads up because people wouldn’t show support or give it.
Raising prices happens all over especially inrl with wage increase and such.
I think you mean inflation. Where I work they love to give no wage increases but inflation likes to keep moving on up.
11. To the person who wrote this.. how ignorant are you? African greys NEED mental stimulation. This baby (MIND YOU THIS IS A BABY BIRD WHO NEEDS WAY MORE ATTENTION THAN AN OLDER BIRD) is being AMAZINGLY CARED FOR. I do not know Ophelia… but I do see her posts about her beautiful Bayou and that baby is well cared for. As someone who has birds and works with birds as a volunteer, I can assure you that you are the ignorant one here.. not Ophelia. Obviously if you think birds should just be caged and left alone then you are one of those stupid ass people who have no idea how intelligent birds really are. Yes, you should handle your bird DAILY for HOURS. Yes, you should give them LOTS of toys and MOVE THEM AROUND so they do not get bored and pluck their feathers. YES, your bird SHOULD BE OUT OF ITS CAGE for SEVERAL HOURS. My birds spend about 5-6 hours outside of their cage daily.. More if I do not have to work. This bird is not being harmed or hurt in anyway but I am concerned that you may need some help with birds of your own (but i pray to god you dont have any). If you do.. Seek out a professional or look up some information. Birds arent just meant to be seen they are companions that deserve attention and love. I suggest doing your research before you spot off like some fucking boomer.
If you would like to learn more about the proper care of birds, I would suggest watching videos by marlene mccohen or birdtricks. They will set you straight.
I just want to say thank you. With the lack of MC posts as of late the new excitement of Parrot Drama has me properly reinvigorated.
Thank you! from their post they came off completely ignorant on the subject. It’s like they didn’t bother to research before posting that dumb shit.
12.. How is that pedophilic? Next thing you know they will start crying and saying pastel dildos are pedophilic. Smdh. What? grown women can’t like pandas and pink and pastels and cute things?
people are bored and have nothing else to rant about if their brain instantly point towards something like that, they should prob stop and question themselves
That’s what im saying majority of my sex toys are pink and cute. am i not allowed to have them? am i expected to have ugly toys? idk
#4 Its literally 2 different dresses tho.
They really are two different dresses i think that person needs glasses.
I thought this too lmao
Everytime I see someone use the word “Boomer” I lose a brain cell from the stupidity of it.
I don’t necessarily think that boomer is literal kinda like bae, everyone was being all literal like “omg don’t you know that means poop in another language”, I just think its more for like outdated,
I actually think the people who use the word “boomer” have no idea of what age range that represents.
between 70-90 in their senior years.
Baby boomers are born between 1946 and 1964. Therefore, the youngest boomers are 54. For the record I’m a millenial.
Oh gods you just gave me material to use against my therapist! I just laughed at work over this!
I’m being counseled by a BOOMER!!!
Please update us on how long it takes before you to burst out laughing.
I got part of that. Typonese strikes again!
oh guh! What I meant was please update us on how long it takes before you burst out laughing when you next see your counsellor!
Oh god you all will have to wait till friday! But likely no more than a minute or two in his office. Will update after ?
Update! My therapist had already heard it. Lordy no clue who was laughing more him or I!
That’s why I said what I said last week- very few actual boomers in SL, most of them can barely check their email- but apparently they have their little niche senior citizen communities. I find SL biker gangs and families to be the height of cringe, so I would have never known.
Most of the time when it’s said it’s because the person is acting ignorant specifically in an out of touch, “hasn’t bothered to check the state of the world in a couple of decades” way. That’s what it means when I say it. Frankly, acting like a boomer when you’re young enough to know better is worse.
best line of the week
That’s why I said what I said last week- very few actual boomers in SL, most of them can barely check their email-
thats soo fucking factual.
and another reason we need to vote these old people out of office.. the world has changed…immigrants aren’t stealing jobs.. computers are.
#YangGang xD
Now that i think about it.. i wouldn’t be surprised if the retard trump has baron actually holding the phone to tweet his delusions
And like an idiot, you brought politics into something that has nothing to do with politics.
You need to chill the fuck out dude, we get enough of it in real life.
We do not need that shit here.
@quiet reader you shoulda stayed quiet.
you motherfuckers want SL to be RL so bad but as soon as someone talks about something actually real you get all upset..
lol go for a fucking jog.. im sure reading that will hurt too.
i guess i get it though most sl’ers are probably on a sexual offender list/ or criminal and can’t vote and the other 1/2 have asses too big to get out of the chair to even bother. Only thing important is if they’re going to cut welfare and ssi for the people so broken they can’t work but can type up a storm 20 hours a day (they have jobs like that you know) =)
I work though.. so say thank you as i help pay for your life. xD
p.s. you boomers make my whole day watching ya’ll geniuses fall in love with Nigerian scammers on Dr Phil. xD
Pretty much. My parents are boomers. Dad’s in his mid 70s.
My parents are in mid 70s too, I never think of them as Boomers, they are a product of another age is all. I am lucky to have Boomer parents, when they depart I get a cash inheritance and a house. Something that many children of Millennials won’t have. Its not about the Boomers, its about the Gen X investment bankers that influenced the Boomers to stash and invest
Technically they were born right as the war was ending (if they are born around 44/45 like my parents). Officially not Boomers but too old to be in the Woodstock generation. My mother always told me she didn’t feel like a “Baby Boomer” but also didn’t feel like she fit in with the hippies because of their drug use. I can only assume part of that is because they were first-generation American and their parents still had a ‘motherland’ feel about the house. Who knows.
LOL Boomer
#30. Hi Zaidon, fancy seeing you here ? It has been a while hasn’t it? I almost thought you finally came to your senses, I guess not dear. I think you need to get some help sweetie. You don’t know what you are talking about and it’s making you look stupid.
We all know this couldn’t possibly be Zaidon posting this, come on now. ?
Michael would be right, I’m not. To you who thinks I don’t know what I’m talking about, there’s always more Sunday’s.
11. Complete stupid nonsense. That woman loves her birds and other pets how dare you. She did her research prior to getting that bird and she takes amazing care of her also big birds like that need lots of attention otherwise they pull out feathers, get violent or just become flat out miserable. Hell the birds i grew up with (even though living in hot as hell temps) always wanted to cuddle under my mums blankets so you have no fucking clue what you’re saying. you need to mind your own face.
Maybe not mind their own face? Then they can bash it ?
#30. Careful Zaidon your crazy is showing again. Another Sunday, another secret about Lexxi, the woman who broke your heart by leaving you because you are a psychopath, sociopathic stalker. Need proof? Why is Lexxi still immortalized in Zaidon’s profile even though she has been gone for over a year? You’re still so In love with her even though you claim she’s such a cheater/liar over and over? And what exactly did she do that was so wrong besides leave you? LOL And obviously the way to win any woman back is to stalk her so hard that the only thing she could do to get away from you is leave the grid LOL WOW. Also stop sending your sycophant Natty aka Lexxis ex child who basically wanted to be her to try to dig up dirt and do your dirty work for you. Everyone knows you two are the most toxic people in all of SL. Please go away LOL
I’m sure now that I put in the secret that people thought he was here for me. Why would anyone think that would be his old son typing that? They didn’t fuck like we did lol! You sound so stupid because if you knew things those around him saw that Lexxi and him left off good when she was texting him. She left because those wronged thought she was a lying shady bitch and if you knew that along with he never believed she cheated on him you’d actually sound like you knew something. If you think stalking was involved how many times has any of her past she wronged cared to message her on her fourth avatar she’s on now? Not one. It wasn’t hard for anyone knowing where she was and she can thank Alex, Aria, Matthew and Michael who told where she was when she tried to hide. Michael and I have a past so before bringing in others you think it is know facts before opening your mouth.
#7 hate him all you want, he still made you cum.
I don’t know why are you all fighting over this dung, but this is what he does anyway – sadly even in here.
Only one thing matters at the end of the day: When you got to push others down in order to lift yourself up, you are a PoS not worth anyone’s time. This is who he is and will be, it hasn’t changed in so many years.
@Where is nona?, @Cancelhim, @Yourbestfriend – please use same username.
Why? ? The usernames are part of the fun.
You can change usernames between posts. And many do and I don’t call them out or care. But using multiple names to support talking shit about someone I call people out. It’s the Lourdes Method.
Well, i don’t know who Lourdes is but…
Hold up, just to clarify: If i was defending this sorry excuse for a guy it would be OK to use different usernames, but since i’m instead defending the post (and actually explaining why in the process, by the way, not just merely talking nonsense) it’s not OK?
Anyway, i did not know that was not okay, so i apologize – I rarely come here.
In addition, if i wanted to “hide” to talk shit as you called it, i would have not used the same e-mail address.
@#cancelhim only Kess would see your email address anyways.. not the readers.. so it is kinda like hiding while you talk shit. o.0
Well now you know. Thanks for stopping by.
Either way. Talking shit or supporting, just stick to one name. It’s easier for others to join in with the shit talk if it’s one name we want to mention or reply to. Now if you want to add those names say in the posts as battle cries(hashtags don’t work here) that’s a suggestion.
Lourdes is, was a former owner of this site. She passed a few weeks back. Your new, you didn’t know that.
Now go one with your hate upon this sorry excuse for a guy.
I was the owner and brought Lourdes in. We co-owned at that point. She did the posting while I did hosting and site maintenance. I bought SCD a long time ago.
Copyright that Kess! In Lourdes memory please
Because Kess said so. It’s her site, her rules. We all keep to one name. It’s not hard, choose one and stick with it.
#7 has done a lot more than just make people cum, but honestly he’s not worth it. Everything said about him is true, but there’s nothing you can really do about it. I know it sucks and that he probably led whoever it is on as long as he led me on, saying things he didn’t mean so he could shit talk behind your back, but that just shows how much he hates himself.
Think about it; people treat him well, forgive him constantly and are kind to him and his friends and this is what they do. They try to bring people down every way they can despite the people not doing anything wrong or fighting back and what other reason does he have to hate the way he does? It’s nothing you did. He allows the care he thinks he deserves, which is none. He’s not worth your time.
Kharma Jenkins? The lying attention whore?
I’m not sure if I should be flattered that someone who doesn’t know me got upset at the honesty I’ve shown or whether I should just laugh it off. Hi, person I’ve never seen/talked to inworld or on Facebook, discord, etc! If you’re going to be rude over the internet, you might want to be less inventive/gossip bound and more educated. It’s far easier to hurt people with the truth than it is lies, as I have shown in previous comments. I think I’m going to give myself 10 points for your hilariously inventive outburst and call it a day. I’ve already wasted enough time talking to you guys when I should have been trying to make the person who actually made the post understand they don’t have to pay into your little games… if it wasn’t guga pretending to be me that posted it to begin with
flip you really are holding on to that grudge huh….. you gotta learn to let go… were you the same Kharma who used alts to contact his friends? I think you are, because remember you done it with me and then said afterwards. “Oh, I didn’t know you where his friend!”
lmao for goodness sake let it go. yas didn’t work out. no need to be a bitch about it. what you are spewing is lies about him profiting from other peoples businesses and you know it. away back under your rock love
He tried to do it with me to, so it’s not a lie if she’s saying it.
It’s well known he’s scum.
Is that the lie you tell yourself at night to feel all warm and fuzzy inside? I had two accounts; my business and my regular one. Now I barely log in. I’m barely even on anything related to sl.
It’s not a grudge. He can do what he wants, but honestly? I just see you guys for what you are and why you do the things you do. I wouldn’t say I’m being a bitch… I’m just telling it like it is, but if it hurts you that bad then maybe you need to work a lot more out than what you think you do
“Is that the lie you tell yourself at night ”
funny that resumes your personality and life…
Do you need a pacifier.
“Funny that resumes your personality and life…”
Did you mean “that is a résumé for your life” or “you resume your life and personality by lying to yourself at night”? Obviously there is some kind Of barrier here, but I can’t tell if it’s language or intelligence creating the gap.
In any case, I have to presume you’re saying I’m either acting like a baby or that I’m a babygirl, neither which are true. Or that you presume I lay awake at night lying to myself, saying what he did was because of me and not due to his own psychological damage and issues? Honestly, I haven’t really thought about him much over the past few months and every time I do I praise myself in how I handled it in the end.
Unlike those who have little time to do much else than bring people down, treat them poorly, or otherwise incapacitate (I can’t think of a less intelligent word to use here without singling our your friend group) them; I actually am living my life. Happily. Without guilt because I did everything I could and treated him like gold 🙂 pretty much every other girl should do the same, and if they do indulge in the pretty words that mean nothing to him as he says them then they have at least been warned. I’ve pretty much said/done everything I need to here. Go ahead and lie though, because I don’t know you personally and it makes you feel better about yourself and whatnot. Whatever you guys project onto me and say isn’t really worth my time. Have fun!
so ur not in SL but yet here you are in sl secrets jumping on every chance to run Guga into the ground?. Makes u look like a psycho ex girfriend… oh wait you are a psycho ex-girlfriend
You say you see us and know what we’re like? Didn’t know you were clairvoyant as well
get a l life
Psychopathy (or the inability to feel empathy towards anyone and the mass manipulation of others for one’s pleasure) is the best you can come up with as a description of what kind of girlfriend I was? I don’t think even he would have called me a girlfriend. I was just someone he led on from September to June last year ?
I think the fact that I had empathy towards you guys and was emotionally invested in him for so long counteracts that point. I mean, an actual psychopath would have let him come back again and would have jumped at all of the opportunities you guys have thrown my way to seek revenge or act against you…
Then again, most of your own acts paints what you are. Have you even dated or fucked anyone long enough to call them an ex? I mean, I know you’re a psycho, but are you anyone’s ex? I don’t think you know anyone that wants more than sex from you, if they even want that
Hi Gugas friend Cece
he can’t make himself cum, being so obsessed with what others are doing let alone anyone else.
hahaha not me I’m afraid. wish it was though! it’s such a great comment wish I had thought of it first… you shouldn’t take rejection so hard. it’s not your fault he didn’t like you
#12 really? It’s an adult sex toy. In the real world they come in cute designs too. Has nothing to do with pedophilia.
Next thing you know they will say Neon Pink dildo is pedophilic . SMDH
(This is just satire of course lmao)
i just choked on water xD damn you!
Thanks! Least I’m not the only one that does weird shit like that ?
#28 that is legit one of the ugliest faces I’ve seen in a while. You went beyond the default face and took a nose dive.
#34 the hair and bow are from Doux hair ~
#10 – The whole event has jumped the shark. Went to have a look on the 22nd, I was one of three people there, the day after opening and the quality of product on offer slips lower each round.
Here we go for another week of angry people complaining and projecting
6. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
12. It’s an adult sex toy. I don’t see any children projecting?
18. So you’re saying when you call people pedos as an anon it’s ok because you[re just “Projecting”?
Then you anon “Project” much and often . So what, you saying you have compensation to rattle your gums every week on that same issue?
Right… LMAO !!
Says the pedo obsessed with me writing me paragraphs of love letters trying so desperately to get my attention.
Ok boomer.
But you’re responding to his love letters jackass. So you are giving him your attention. That completely flew over your head didn’t it. In RL you don’t understand a lot of things, do you?
I think it’s kind of cute that he’s attached himself to me. Maybe it’s time to get off Second Life and feed your kids?
Unlike your parents, I don’t make mistakes. So that means I am happier and can buy more things. Go to your parents in the next room and ask them “If you didn’t have kids, what would you be doing?” You will see a smile come across their face and a glimmer of what hope felt like, in their eyes.
K boomer
“Unlike your parents, I don’t make mistakes.” @Abfab Hax… that is priceless. ❤
#3 – I don’t know any of these people, but as long as someone by the name of Lord Touch Me is out of the dating pool in SL…..the better off we all will be.
#12 – It’s fucked up. Makes me sick that this kind of shit exists in sl.
#16 -My dog gets two chewy tablets each day for this same condition! Someone in SL need to make some Dasuquin.
#20 – Even I saw something about this creation this week, and if that happens…..then yeah, it’s being overplayed.
#29 -Another asshole who cannot create something original. Stop buying this shit in SL people, it helps no on but the person stealing the content.
#31 -Nothing is being milked here. If anything ears are bleeding from the CONSTANT complaining of people when LL makes a change. We live in a world where we carry $1,000 RL cell phones and buy $5.00 coffee’s on the daily. Trust me, you can afford the increase. Anyone could. If those two stores decided to increase their MP listings to reflect the change, then they are greedy assholes.
#32 – Thank you!
#32 and #33
So I guess that you have a shop (in world or in RL), since you know sooo well how things works for people that sell stuff.
I suppose you work and you are paid, so you should better shut the hell up, unless you are giving your time away for free. And in that case, I definitely need somebody to work for free, so you are hired
i have a shop and i think its retarded to be complaining too… why lose a sale over a few cents…you see most people are upset over charging it to them in MP.. so you’d rather lose the whole sale than to lose a few cents?? you sound really dumb af.
Value your customers or they’ll go somewhere else.
I find it hilarious someone named themselves Lord Touch Me. They must watch Overlord. Isekai trash.
#3 can we stop with it? it’s already smoked and boring
On #31 – why would they be greedy assholes? If a real world store had a sudden increase in overhead, they’d increase their prices to cover it as well. Or they’ll have a “sale,” and then jack up the price 30% and give you 25% off. Happens all the time in retail. Speaking only for myself, I probably wouldn’t increase it by 10%, but I’d sure split the difference and up everything by 5% if my fees were going up 10%. But I don’t have a MP store, so I really don’t care either way.
As far as I know Belle is still around you just have to go to their website now to see what’s being offered as Seraphim is no longer covering it.
A peek into the diary of AnimeisLame (mental age of 3 years old) Got up this morning, itchy ass was over 9000 after I lost the verbal battle in Virtual Secrets last week. I don’t like losing, I’m so fucking angry. It’s as bad as when the last episode of Sailor Moon was cancelled by Crunchyroll . What will I do with my Harajuku dress now? I must be relevant, they will not win. I must continue my Otaku battle because you know, I have no fucking life but hey… Boomers right? FBI sent me an email two days back, fucking Boomer dicks. Said they want to question me after I overloaded most of the central west’s internet database through my VPNs. Fucking Boomer Pigs, they have no idea on the struggles I am fighting here. Second Life rage is real man!! So much salty crying, Gobshite is a dick, how dare he stand up to me. Does he NOT KNOW WHO I AM? I am troll supreme, I am the big man. He called me a twat, therefore his opinion is Boomer irrelevance. I am Super Saiyan, hear me roar. It is ok, I have backup, I shall pick on him and that other shitty kid who everyone seems to hate, because you know… broken people and all for the Skippy cult. Not that I give a shit, I just hijack it to rally my likes because it makes me win. Stupid people are cunts anyway, Boomers praising another ancient Boomer. The lies the lies, this is good…yes YES!! This feels better than the time i stuck my tiny dick in that Zender kids ass…yesssss MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Dat memory tho!! Putting all these fake posts will prove to all how I am right and Gobshite is wrong. He is a… Read more »
I am not sure what you were aiming for, but this post is not how you handle something. You are acting like a twelve-year-old.
Oh please tell us how you deal with a serial hypocrite, Alexander. A hypocrite along with another group of kiddie hypocrites who not only comes here to cause issues but also falsely accuses people here week after week? It you wish to be the Dr Phil of Virtual Secrets, please be my guest. If you have a solution we can all follow, please place it here.
But if you think I am a Twelve year old mirrored against his posts and his replies, then I am guessing you are another of his age-play boys come in to help. To which I will kindly show you where to get off . If you have an opinion like that , you make the solution. I don’t want any of your random and vacant comebacks here, Thank You . Go see your friend and sort him out, he is the one that needs the guidance. But yes it was written as an angry kid would write it, that is the point on the parody.
@Rev Gobshite Okay. I have never come here and accused people of things. I am not in the comments each week starting drama with other members. I am not a hypocrite. In fact, you seem to be the one that is coming on here, starting all kinds of irrelevant drama because someone got in your feelings. Maybe look at what you said and then re-evaluate your post. You, my friend, are the current hypocrite. I do have a solution, though. Want to hear it? Get over yourself. You are on a site where people moan and complain, moaning and complaining about another user moaning and complaining. Your priorities are wack. I. Do. Not. Care. About. Their. Posts. They are comical, often bait for the unwise to gobble up and then we get people like you. People who took the bait and are getting trolled. You are most likely red-faced, your heart pounding, your palms sweaty, about three seconds away from a heart attack. Chill. Nice. I have to come onto this site and educate more morons. Fantastic. Ageplay is not against the rules by itself. Because, in every sense of the word, if you play a character that age differs to your real age, you are ageplaying. If you are sixty-years-old in real life and your avatar is twenty, you are ageplaying. Now, what is against the rules is sexual ageplay involving characters that look underage. This is to put a stopper in the loophole of characters looking like they are ten, but really being a thousand-years-old. Yes, before you ask, all those girls at a certain place that look like children but have massive breasts? You can report them. They are breaking the Terms of Service. Their character looks underage. Pick up a book and educate yourself before you… Read more »
Alexander Honestly, Rev is right. Had you looked in that site, Sexual Ageplay was a big part of that forums content. Mostly it is or was underage girls within the Second Life world, very little were boys. He is also correct because you have missed what he has been implying. Ageplay as a report is one word as to SL TOS. There is no definition of sexual or otherwise, it is as it stands and anyone can report it at anytime. It is not about a post calling people a slut, a whore, a tosser or a wanker. Because there are no report labels under SL TOS, you either are or are not and you take it with a grain of salt. But all kid avvies are affected by that one report word, it sends all sorts of negatives to people associated by it with friends or otherwise. That is the difference of these posts . That there is one label that can make the difference between people having nothing to do with you, worse no account. As for your comment as that’s not what people want to see, well I disagree. I can come on here and call everyone what I want, I can still see what’s shitposting or not and can call it out. Rev did exactly that and good on him, we maybe bitches here not all are cut off from sense. You also suggested his house smells of cat pee, there was no need for that and that made you look like a dick. That was rude as fuck, it was also Rev doing the trolling and he did it well. Most of us found it funny for what it is. It is you that are the over- serious one. It was you that came in… Read more »
OK, Boomer. How about you get back on your mobility scooter and collect your fortnightly welfare benefits? “Participation by Residents in lewd or sexual acts in which one or more of the avatars appears to represent minors (or the depiction of such acts in images, video, textures, or text) is a violation of the Community Standards.” Taken directly from Linden Labs Terms of Service. You are wrong. I have no desire to look at some paedophilic site, thank you very much. I have no idea what you and Rev are doing there, but I doubt it is innocent. Very suspicious. And yes, you can report anyone for ageplay, but it will only be a valid report if it is for sexual ageplay. People in the kid community who are afraid or cautious of being banned for ageplay are the people who are breaking the rule. Please put on your glasses, old man. I said that Rev cannot dictate what is said on the site. And what he is doing to AnimeIsLame is not disrespectful? Boomer mentalities are so out of tune, I swear. I did to him what he is doing to AnimeIsLame. Alright, buddy, let us not confuse trolling with being a moron. Trolling is a fine art that none of you can even comprehend. Calling what he did trolling is like saying that Facebook is not selling your data. Of course, I came in with guns blazing. You cannot speak rationally to the mentally ill. You got to be firm and put them in their place. Rev probably cannot even wipe his arse right, I got to make sure he does not get any ideas about trying to think anything he says matters. I was scrolling through comments and saw some grown-arse man attacking another person on the… Read more »
Alexander. Ask your mother if knitting needles existed when she was pregnant with you. If the answer is yes, then it’s her own damn fault.
Why don’t you go back to your SL biker gang and ride your pixel bikes grandma?
There ya go with your delusions of competence again. *I would explain that to you, but I don’t have any crayons with me*
I don’t think you understand the difference between delusions and reality. Time to hop off the gossip site.
Or Anime, you could see someone about your pedophile obsession. You see them everywhere! Its unhealthy, it’s odd. I mean watching the sex offender site has got you seeing them in everybody.
Why are you talking about paedophilia bro?
Andy why are you going to” paedophile sites?”
@Anime did your mom drop you on your head too much as a kid? Did a horse kick you? Got hit by too many books by the smart kids? You scream pedo every week my dude! You really need help with your closet pedo issues.
All this projecting..
Poor boomer
Rev is dying for a CockOrTwo
No use arguing with this pedo he will just drag on about how mad he is and eventually obsess over you.
Ahh the good old anime is back with everyone’s a pedo and now a boomer too. You sound like Oprah when she gives out crap.
You’re a pedo and you’re a pedo. Everyone is s pedo!
@ Alexander Where the hell did you get all that verbatim from? Nobody has got into my “feelings” , I came here to settle what is a very unfair set of issues going back years. Are you a kid? are you a male kid? do you know what you are talking about? If you are, then you would know so your entire argument is bunk. How dare you come at me and tell me to get over myself, what I wrote was highly justified. I don’t see you making any moral reference from you about people being subjugated to false and pejorative retorts. You are not educating morons, you are a moron. The people causing drama is you, burying issues that affect other people. What now I am a bad person because i have some fucking morals?? yeah right!! You want a solution yourself? Talk about something you have an idea about, not something you think is the issue. There is no issues about my emotional centre, none what-so-ever. That’s another thought process you have to come back on anyone who has an opposing opinion. It is you that needs to chill, I can sense the annoyance and upset from the second you started your rant. Ageplay is not against the rules no, Sexual AgePlay is and it is not me that has the issue on who does what. I am not the one talking in pejorative slurs, accusing of pedos on posts and all sorts. It is these people that place blanket terms, that is what they do. Maybe if you look at that first before ramming your unformulated and biased rant on me, we would get further. I am very much a person who says what people do in their own time, in own parcels is up to… Read more »
What we need….are more parrots .
Cockatoo as well, I love my Birb
YAY parrots!
Did someone touch you?
No but I think you need to ask yourself that question ? I am not the one obsessed by Pedos
Why are you talking about twelve year olds? Hmm? :hmm:
This is brilliant. I tip my hat to you Sir in an old, timey way. lol
Hahaha, you are welcome. Thank You
Oh my @Rev you are too funny!
Lmfao lighten up @anime this comment was halerious have a sense of humour pedo! ?
But that’s you, that’s why it’s comedy LOL. We don’t make this shit up, you make it. As we said, we know you!!
Pedo… says the most well known APer covering 4 boys sims. Hahaha, so rich coming from you
Er rev dude, I was actually complimenting u lmao
Oh lol, ok then ? Sorry
Lmao ur all good
You still obsessing over me boomer? Geeze, you were going berserk in that other comment area but damn you really are off your rocker. I think it’s time for you to retire gramps.
Obsession, yes I see! , like the obsession to make another two lame posts today on Secrets perhaps? So lame it was hardly bothering to waste the electricity to fire up your computer on. And you talk about obsession ?? What a Joke !!. Yeah regular internet Houdini you are !!
Oh Berserk? You mean my post…? This is parody writing, dear boy. Do you not know the difference? Wow the education system is poor. Oh yes I forgot, you can only handle Twitter sized posts. So Sorry !!
Nobody is obsessed with you, sweetie. But bless your immature self-orientated little heart, I value your ego, I truly do.
Has your mum not given you curfew yet?
Again I remind you to do something good in your life, stop fighting a battle, give in. Apologize to the people you like to discriminate and vilify under false pretences. Only person you are fighting with is yourself. Two people warned you very nicely to stop and told you clearly what would happen. Please learn !!
I see we’ve exchanged the walls of SP rants for this Rev G walls of obsession towards Anime.
Help I’m being bullied by rev ?
Yeah, It don’t stop you bullying other people though, it is perfectly ok when YOU do it !!
Again, some people lend themselves to a lot of bullshittery. Bullshittery where someone was bullying 8 other people, reporting them for falsified shit to lose accounts on purpose and coming here to gloat at them is not being bullied? And you have the nerve to say you are being bullied? Pull the other one . What kind of sick fucked up mind does that to people?
I’m all for people being shown up on this site if they do something wrong, you kids just have a salty pick on shit you cannot sort because you are too precious. But that’s the issue, too into making up shit to see the shit in your own nests. I ain’t here to bully, I am here to show you what you are like. There are no mistruths here!
No shits on you but lets be fair. Someone did these people an injustice and if it was not you, then you can do better then come here and join in with their shit. You dislike pedos? Go make stories about the real big ones and the real arseholes. I will respect you more. And if you are stuck for a list, I happy give you some names to start.
I’m sorry do you know AnimeIsLame from inworld or something? You talk like you know them. AnimeIsLame hasn’t really bullied anyone here. I mean they had a little “love affair” with the commenter “me” but I always figured that wasn’t anything to write home about.
I’m just confused why you are all up in Anime’s business. Asking because I’m curious and I’m not sure what is going on and I normally don’t care but now I am incredibly nosy.
o.0 nooo@Kess .. my love affair was with grandpa. o.o wait they’re the same? O.O

I got animes back here though.. i love old people jokes. xD
Oh I probably am wrong. I thought anime was grandpa. They are not the same person. I’d out them if they were. You know that. I guess I forgot grandpa’s name lol
For the love of god, leave me out of this. What we need are…more parrots!
Now I’m the Boomer with the shit memory and the confusion. I’m so glad I’ve got time off I need a vacation.
Jordy Zipdash aka Andy Oreo clone 2.0
Nobody knows who he is and nobody cares lol. He’s an angry old boomer taking out his rage on a website let him have his autism moments He’ll tucker himself out eventually.
Pats your head ?
I don’t even see what your fuss is about, just go and make amends man, its easy enough. You have nothing to prove, just go do it
Hey Kess, nice to hear from you. I guess this is complicated but I will try and explain as short as I can. We do know Anime from inworld, many of us do. The story being that many people as SL kids have been constantly harassed by an individual mostly known as Schiller but also under various alts such as Arnmor, Apenus.. so many, there is one for every day of the week for 5 years over . Each time one is banned, another pops up and this is not centred to just reports, but will actually use mapping hacks to centre in on people just getting on with life. This person infiltrates groups, normally male kids groups selling clothing and places a massive amount of racial and political expletives and rants. He has also been responsible by creating false reports both in SL and outside on people to promote banning , hate and other issues. 9 days ago a message was circulated in a popular kids group regarding a certain someone , who constantly places mini references in his profiles (anime fixated), stating they were out to destroy various peoples groups. Again the person is synonymous with talking about “pedos and Boomers”, a crusade to clean up some kids community, always with boys and never girls where that sort of thing is more prevalent. There is his excuse to start problems with people, be it is credible or not. It matters not, it is a fixation and nothing more. Now I am not one to sit and judge someone unfairly, however I saw a lot last week in what I consider unfair representations, regardless they were false or not. And it was predicted and expected the perpetrator would come here, they always do as clockwork. I do feel there… Read more »
Still waiting for that proof boomer. ?
Thanks for the explanation.
I think I’ll go back to not giving a shit. Carry on.
Haha ok, TY 🙂
All the pointing the finger saying I’m obsessed with you and here you are writing paragraphs and whole essays on me. I think it’s the other way around you’re obsessed with me. And that leaves me with one question… Who hurt you?
I asked you that question first idiot, go back and look last week. There is nobody hurting me. I said to you for days, you have a lot of salty shit going on, so much I think you forgot why are salty in the first place. Everything you have said and done to people for the last two weeks has been salty and made up by you. It is you that is clearly fucked up over so many people as well as a fucking hypocrite too, but we can overlook that. As I said to you, if you want validation, you have to do what you were told to do. Stop fighting yourself !
All these love letters just screams “obsessed” old man, LOL. I’d hate to be in your family gramps.
Hahaha Anime, no nobody is obsessed with you kiddo , please don’t think you are that important for us to think that. To be honest, I would like you to inspect the gravel near railway lines a bit more! I think you need to give it up , you had your fun you little scamp, now go run off to the ageplay boys and say hi to your mum for me. She will know who and what you mean ?
#29 Unless Chanel has claim to intellectual property for their designs on the Internet, that’s not what counterfeiting is. Counterfeiting is making someone pay for what they think is real, and giving them something fake. Unless that designer is sending RL jewelry, I don’t think Chanel is going to care.
attention walmart shopper@idcreally .. chanel is actually 1 of the few that spend lots of money fighting it in ALL forms.. google chanel lawsuit and learn a little before you comment.. They’re making money from the Chanel name even in SL its against the law.
The idiot even had the audacity to call it a ‘chanel’ necklace.. at least some people are smart and name it other shit.
which is why whoever send it to chanel ..sent it. xD
i have a feeling one day Chanel will own SL.. then we can finally buy authentic
That is an interesting read tbh.
I read one of the lawsuits and couldn’t believe my eyes.. they were suing some lady from eBay for 56 MILLION USD (no lie lmao) ..for selling authentic stuff BUT testers (so like lipsticks and perfumes) and the reason was it wasn’t properly packaged to their standards. lol If they’re going to pull a Canal Street Chanel is like the very worst one to fuck with. lol
You don’t copy shit from RL, put a RL logo on it and sell it in SL. Is that so hard for people to understand? The TOS specifically states it. It’s copybot stolen property.
Yea actually they have a trademark on their logo in all forms. All the major designers do.
Chanel isn’t as shark like as some designer houses as far as going after people who cop their logo etc and the money is probably not worth it, but Chanel would have every right to do so if they choose to.
#31. This is so typical of her and her brands. Let’s make the customers pay for the increase. Nice to see that she appreciates her customers so much. I can’t wait to watch the Queen Bitch fall from her mighty throne.
People are sick of your shit, Mari. Backbone would make so much more money if he wasn’t associated with you. Ironically, as long as he’s with you, he doesn’t really have a backbone, does he?
how is announcing their MP is going to go up in price to make up for the LL price jump, but our In world store is going to be 20% cheaper a bad thing? its literally telling you to shop at our inworld store instead of using our Market place because its CHEAPER. im literally wanting to do the same thing and push my customers for my store to using my inworld location for the cheapest price and cutting LL’s greedy hands out of the pie. MP for me is a convenience, i much rather people come to my store and get the cheaper price. so i dont see the bad in them basically telling you just that.
Faith is right, the store for a regular customer, will NOT have a discounted price, compared to the MP. You have to join the group, in order to get that and all of Mari’s groups are pay groups. The Madpea Premium group is 1000L, in order to join that one and the Backbone group is 500L to join it, in order to get the discount. That is 1500L to join both of her groups, just so you can get a 20%-25% discount? Sorry but this is just Mari being her usual shady and greedy self.
I might agree with you in if their actual inworld stores were going to be cheaper for all shoppers, but they aren’t. They first want you to pay to be part of their groups just to get the discount. Only then are their inworld prices cheaper. They also intend to increase the mp prices much higher than the 10% fee. Some businesses are going to change their pricing, which is their prerogative of course. Raising the prices above the 5% increase isn’t going to sit well with most shoppers, but it is what it is. Being dishonest about what you’re doing isn’t very smart though. It will probably bite them in the ass. It might not be a bad business move for a business that doesn’t have a very shady past. For a business that does have a shady past, it’s going to turn people off.
25. If you pulled your head from your ass and asked around you would probably know that for the last 2 rounds; belle has started on the 20th. There were too many deadlines for designers in the beginning of that month. So it was moved.
I wouldn’t know where to ask. Not everyone is on SL Plurk, FB or even reads the fashion blogs.
It was only a matter of time. Parrot Drama.
Parrot gate.
U wat?
You are clearly a skimmer and not a reader. #11. Have you considered the audibles version of SL Secrets?
I mean wat exactly is being parroted? Lmao toucheee
Doh, Sorry, Name (and a bunch more letters). I clearly misunderstood and would make a pretty lousy Parrot.
Regarding number three. If your man can be taken by a piece of work like that, let her! That means you need to do two things work on yourself and time with better company. The best relationship is one where you feel secure with yourself and your guy ?
*sighs* nothing about you @Feeling Secure. But going to add to this. A lesson I learned at 16 yrs old
You can’t take the willing. Ponder that. #3… your man wasn’t taken. He left willingly. And you are better off.
#4 these are not remotely the same. Different length sleeves, different necklines, they’re clearly different meshes.
I never, ever purchase Scandalize items. I buy the originals – Blueberry, Addams, etc etc etc.
No, because if they were the same it would be COPYBOT, but Scandalize knows well what the limits are, and what she does is sabotage the work of others, SCANDALIZE made that gift the day the BELLE event opened. With the intention of sabotaging SAFIRA sales, sabotaging the event as well. REPEAT Scanadize laughs at the events.
Those edges, neckline, sleeves, length, chest shape, belly shape, sock length, sock design, and… yea even the colors except the ultra exclusive black that NO ONE ever uses…. all of these are different. But yea you’re right gurl, total copybot. Let’s boycott.
The only thing that’s the same here is that they are very short, just like many dresses before and will be. You are looking for something that is not there.
They are the same, same edges, same colors, just change the front neckline. But hey! If you are a Scandalize customer, don’t buy their releases, don’t waste your money! if you wait a bit she gives it to you! Lmao
Your hate boner is showing. It’s a sweater. It’s some socks. Such original. So creativity. Why don’t you go after every designer in SL who makes sweater and sock sets? It’ll take you a few hours because, news flash cupcake, everyone makes sweater and sock sets during this time of year.
No, it is not hate, it is shouting where someone hears you that there is a person who abuses the intellectual rights of others.
There are people who have a lot of art to deceive people, first copy, then cry to others with the story they have copied their design.
They are people who are crazy, that only they believe their own lies, fortunately everything is registered and can be kicked in the mouth.
Greetings from Safea
Hahahaha, the same as you have written this, you are the one who runs to copy others. The one that is crying to all event owners all the damage that people do to you. What is the name SAFEA hidden? putting a name similar to SAFIRA. Every day we are more than we see who you are. I propose something to everyone, go buy the DEMO of the two articles. Inspect the object, and you will see what date is earlier … that image is a FAKE Lmao!
#23-Be super careful with the Wasabi bitch, my friend complained about hair colours too and got banned from store.
No great loss – Wasabi hairs are fine, but the textures feel flat and lifeless. It is time for an update.
#4 & #13 This must be a joke! As they can continue to defend ‘Scandalize’, they take advantage of the work of others, sabotage people who work hard. Tell lies of other people, create discord among people. She laughs at the owners of the events. She doesn’t respect anyone. It is the worst poison that SL has ever had in history.
https://prnt.sc/q1dewf How much envy.!! Safira copied Scandalize the original mesh. Ugly nose.
to be honest i thought that was another 1 of scandalize’s brands..
but reguardless both them bitches copied RL shit.. lol
who cares if SL people copy other SL people THEY ALL COPY —-> RL people.. find something else to find tea on retards.
they’re all thieves.. i actually hope scandalize keeps doing it…so someone decides to create from their mind.
http://prntscr.com/q1fn6z What is this? Isn’t it a copy? exact?
Vinyl did it better.
The worst poison was Uglyberry Singh.