Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, Week 583.
Woooo~ it’s a spooky invisable ghost post! Just in time for Halloween! Spooooooky! 😆
Girl, give it the fuck up. Game. Set. Match.
Thank you, Kess, for shadowbanning her. I took a peek over at “the site that shall not be named” and it’s a whole shit show over there, with all of her ramblings. I have to wonder if the person who owns it will shut down comments when they finally see that circus of nuttiness going on in that post.
Like someone said there she needs help and she won’t get it, so the better thing is to help her help herself. Normally I believe folks need to learn to handle their own issues but it’s not funny anymore to watch her spiral into mental illness. I am never nice, so, mark this one for the calendars.
Looks like someone called her family. Apparently it isn’t the first they have heard about her issues this way. At least was said over there.
Happy Halloween to the best Gossip site around! Also happy candy day to you trolls!?????
u too . be safe xD
Guys, no matter which life or situation – if a toddler’s panties look sexual to you, then you’ve got a serious problem that you need to seriously address. Just saying
@Tres Chic right now..”””EXCLUSIVE”””
and everything else in this store (which apparently has all sims stolen shit it says in the item reviews)
nothing original or new.. great job. xD not even a change in textures
just don’t go to the event if you dont like it – petty af
To be fair, there’s nowhere in that gacha ad that states it’s original mesh. And from my understanding an exclusive release isn’t the same as saying it’s an original mesh. As for the other store that is meant to be selling stolen meshes from the sims, do your homework and contact the creators? And make sure it isn’t the creator within the game just selling their own meshes.
you idiots miss the whole point.. to even be in that event and selling full perm shit is ridiculous. lol
AND using the same textures the shit comes with? so many excuses all the time.. lol
why would it even be in tres chic when that dress has been out for over a year?? thats the reason bigger events dont accept full perm mesh.. so it doesnt look like all the smaller events selling duplicates of everything.
there are plenty of people who work with full perm stuff who at least make their own textures.. who sadly will never get in that event because of this.. all in who you know and who you blow… thats just plain lazy and retarded.. like majority of SL anyways. i guess.
heres the designer application.. apparently you have no idea about the event..
Please read the requirements and rules carefully prior to your application.
The event focuses on mesh creations, the items should be 100% original or exclusive content.
Only slightly modified items are not allowed (threshold of originality concept)
For the duration of the event round the items stay exclusive to the event and are not allowed to be sold on any platform.
Prior to every round a theme will be announced, it should be inspiration and guideline for your creations, we encourage you to keep your creations in theme.
Items need to be ready for sale prior to the opening of the event.
Gachas are allowed as long as the content follows the other rules.
and @whatever i imagine your closet full of 99L mierda 180 colors of the same shit. Its not petty to people who create..
Well that’s indeed my bad, I didn’t know it was a strict original mesh event. In that case sure. But I feel events should also be keeping this in check, prior to the event opening. But like I mentioned in some other comment, they don’t seem to care these days who is in and what they are selling as long they get the booth money.
i agree 100%.. you would think they would skim MP enough to at least know whats out but maybe because its a “Heather” they allow it.
I can’t even believe they used the textures that came in the box..lol it blows my mind. Actually that whole store looks like things i’ve seen before anyways just redone (retextured – at least they changed some things).
It’s sad after reading what @Honest Dev (i think was the name) was saying.. he/she took the time to learn.. im pretty sure he/she views it as an art and probably would get denied access to participate in that event but faux artists and scammers are welcomed.
6: Interesting. Why pretend to be a former Linden. What is scout anyway?
7: Read through it all and never saw the videos.
SO MANY about Nikita. I saw her for what she was a few months back and now all this. WTF Actually WTF. Piece of work I tell you.
46: ——-“CHURCH YO!!!”———
52: SERIOUSLY???? WHY????? We don’t need to see toddler snatch with these avatars.
Why people always talking about creators copyright infringements on SL?What do this people expect?To have some Gucci creator working for L$?That Nike start to produce shoes for SL?Period!… What about Djs? Djs do the biggest copyright infringements and people even pay them! Is it becouse they dont know that is a crime to stream music?Ofc that is possible, if people buy the Licence with goes £200 up! I dont think someone playing SL would invest that much, to stay on SL, and who invest that much on Licence don`t stay on SL. So to those that come to Virtual Secrets talk about Bass Swap and BS, shut up, if You would be a true Dj You wouldnt be bitching on SL! Djs are just like Chefs, even food is same for all, what matters is the taste! Have a nice day!
SL people are just bitching addicted , they expect to get real satisfations playing a virtual game 24/7 over 10 years, do you all check how sick that is? Look at You, you probably have no colour, sure fat like a frog and have no friends RL becouse your allday is about stand up and sit on your dream world!Be humble bitches, share love, help & support others, you all on same boat, all deep on Psychosis!Hoes can be over 10 years living a fake life, and complain if the Guccilike Dress is not really from Gucci!?Or if looks like the real Gucci Dress?What`s your talent Hoe?Selfies with a naked puppet?Wow, impressed!Probably you just envy that other Hoes can do more then just being a Hoe!
#47 I know right. Kinda like copy botting skins and getting caught by the creator. No Bueno Dude.
#27| or someone should def. ask max twain before using his art ? https://www.google.com/search?q=max+twain+art&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiI_b2incHlAhUK0aYKHT6MAkIQ_AUIEigB&biw=1920&bih=937#imgrc=PCe_fQx8Oh20OM:
#41 yep, Naria got angry with Tim for buying on sale, the Tarot cards from Disorderly. Tim wondered if those cards were modifiable, so when he starts to buy the item saying: “you know what…?”
But Naria got angry and said “No don’t buy it, don’t fucken buy it!” Then Naria becomes aware that she was on livestream and tried to laugh it off adding, “will you buy it? hahaha” and changed the subject to dogs. But we caught Naria. It was sooo cringy and awkward!
Its so true that she deletes comments. Thats why people have to come to SL secrets to vent about her because she closes off communication. Even in the QandA when someone asks Naria to address some of the disagreeing comments she gets on videos, she doesnt even show any proper criticism comments. She only showed some dumb comments that said “Naria i dont like your videos” or something boring, trying to imply that they are just trolls. Naria is so fake.
Samp – If you see we can not read, what your saying – why are u still trying? Is not that the definiton of Insanity?
well now I wanna know other site so I can damn laugh at her
It’s the “other” gossip site. The one that barely anyone really looks at, which is why Sam is probably able to go off so much on it. OMG, she has these long-ass paragraphs of rambling nonsense and because it’s not modded over there, she’s just going to town there.
But what is it called? I’ve never even heard of it.
I don’t advertise that site, sorry. Bria gets half of her gossip from this site anyway.
It’s gotten pretty bad over there. 60+ comments and counting, though not all by her.
It’s now up to 226 comments and counting. SP did a full meltdown and people got tired of her antics and started to really call her out on her BS. Hell, just going through that thread, you learn some really nasty things about Sam. She really has done more than a few horrible things to people, including stalking and harassing a guy who had issues after he had been in an accident and sustained a head injury. According to one of the posters, what she did to him was disgusting.
She’s now proclaiming that people have to pay her if they are going to screen grab her comments….
about 52, there’s toys called Living Dead Dolls that have shorter skirts or similar. Just saying. The product or ad itself is lame af though so it sucks for that reason.
At least Living Dead Dolls have adult proportions; nothing at all similar to having the panties hang out on a toddler avi.
#1 – No clue what that place is from the likely stolen art. #2 – Who? #3 – Who? #4 – Who? #5 – Literally who? #6 – That can only end well. #7 – Lol, seriously? #8 – Fuck your font color. #9 – Fuck your font size. #10 – Taking the piss I see. #11 – Dogs > cats. #12 – Isn’t this one always stealing makeup and reselling it? #13 – Burn! #14 – Now that’s just a beating. #15 – Who? #16 – Fuck your font size… #17 – At least name the guy so we can avoid! #18 – If you think you are having mental health issues over facebook, you really need a break… #19 – Catfight! #20 – I feel like I missed something. #21 – Yup, there she is again. #22 – I don’t get this one, that’s a really cookie cutter shape too. #23 – Oh no, what will we do without this event, we have no others… and that art has to be stolen, only 1/10000 people in SL could do that themselves. #24 – Who the hell cares? #25 – Posted by self… #26 – Literally who? #27 – That would be funny is RL started copying from SL. #28 – Talk show? #29 – Who copied it first from RL? #30 – Lol! Seriously, leaving the fucking watermark… #31 – Nikita wins this week, free publicity! #32 – LL turns a blind eye on bots because it makes their user numbers look good. #33 – Yikes Nikiti… I see you’ll be getting an alt soon enough. #34 – Lol at anti “bodyshaming” avatars… that same people that won’t give the time of day for anyone not full mesh. #35 – Pretty sure that is against ToS, and that… Read more »
About your “fucking white people…” well fuck you racist!Big mouth idiot!
Girl I like your style! Well done
No one cares….
I nominate Kess for sainthood for being stuck having to read the crazy that comes in from you-know-who. Said person went nuts again over on the other site in the comments.
what’s the other site?
#26 — Posting logs is against ToS lol
Logs are allowed to be posted outside of second life. It’s out of their jurisdiction. It’s only a problem if you post it in SL groups or local or in private messages.
It’s not against ToS to post logs here or on any website or other platform. Only within the Second Life platform. Hope this helps!
I honestly love this discussion, people so worried about their logs being shared and crying TOS- lemme tell ya, your logs have been shared, inside SL- almost definitely, and the more bullshit you try to pull the more likely it is. TOS does not protect you from a damn thing really, because you have to prove they did it to even report them. It’s probably best that you think carefully about what you say and not say anything in someone’s IM box that you wouldn’t say in local. People who cry when they get found out just because they thought the conversation was “private” have no integrity.
You can take screenshots of any platform and send it through skype, discord, ect and it won’t go against tos. The tos is only if you take from a private conversation and share it to another in another private conversation within second life. People can post logs fron sl all day long of their fb accounts etc.
43-44 First off, No one gives a shit if Becky, Wilding or if any other panther in GoR is a man or a lesbian. Most of their avatars look basic bitched or shit anyways. And secondly, GOR IS A FUCKING TRASH ASS PLACE WITH TRASH ASS PEOPLE. Done.
why are all these empty by Samp?
She’s shadowbanned. She can see her comments but everyone else cannot.
Also, please keep to a single username. Thank you.
why shadowban her? Don’t we get the joy to read her too?
I know people are new here and all but those regulars who have seen this from the beginning, from *last year* (yes she’s been nutballing all over this place for almost a year now), know that she posted her RL identification card online (without redacting her IDN), posted personal information about herself, commented on her RL facebook on our FB site, harassed Lourdes and myself in e-mails, threatened to use a firearm to protect herself against me (LMAO, still gets me), threatened that she was suicidal multiple times, with a myriad of other drama-laden things. She’s so fucking confused she can’t even keep her dramas the same. Sometimes it’s about this Liyah chick and sometimes it’s about some other person that I have no idea who they are. She’s been posting secrets about herself and about other people (I refuse to post them anymore) to gain sympathy. She’s got mental health issues and after a while it became sad to see her come here and act out. As a favor to her, because she literally needs to move on and find her own way in Second Life, she’s been shadowbanned, IP banned, and blocked on FB. She’s circumvented the IP ban and shadowban multiple times yet somehow doesn’t get the hint she’s better off moving on from this. She’s taken her drama to twitter and accused people not even associated with Second Life or Twitter for causing her to be banned on Twitter. She’s been banned on facebook and on the SL forums. She’s a total hot mess and she needs to check herself big-time and get some serious psychological help. That is why she’s not allowed to be here.
Yes, and all yes. I’m glad we can’t see what she says here anymore. Over on the other site? I just watch the total number of comments skyrocket at this point and shake my head. ?
wow a real piece of work (I will stay with my original anonymous name-sorry) I had drama with a few on here outing me for awhile so sometimes I feel like using a dif name. But its all passed for a long time now. I seriously doubt anyone cares who TalkToTheHand is anyway. LOL
Understandable – she needs to cool it down – big time. Well I got a picture of it all, on the other site, probably 90% of the time, I had no idea what she was talking about. Hard to argue crazy.
Ok sorry I went to the other site – I see it now why. Damn ain’t nobody got time to read that crap.
Ohhhhhh nice…. nice feature.
Am replying to a post from last week regarding Firmath and all his many alts… he also is now Duriondarkness and is partnered already. Someone needs to tell his latest “victim ” Callie that she is just one of the many that he constantly lies to. SMH
I never comment but there’s always a first…
A) Pleaze, pleazzze, keep the secrets short. So many td;dr;idc posts this week
B) SL is pixel. Any RP is pixel. Inbreeding is factually imposible. Pixel avs are not relatives, they are random people in random countries pixel humping, probably from the basement eating cheetos. We keep having this “he f’s his mom!” secrets… well.. guess what.. there is no blood or genetic line.
C) 2006 is calling. Everybody knows that 70% of panthers are men irl, 95% of lesbian panthers (or avies tbh) are men irl. Again… it´s pixel sex, you won turn suddenly gay if you f a pixel that acts like a woman.
Relax people… have fun or hit the X. <3
Good point. I’ll sleep with anything.
Some good advice, sadly, not a lot of people will listen. They will still be all over new secrets next week.
Not that you probably care, but as a friend of the dude’s, I’d personally appreciate it if you’d knock it off. I don’t care if you keep trash talking the chick, she embarrasses herself here as is, but if you TRULY love(d) him? Please keep him off this site, I doubt he needs the extra drama. Thanks.
@Innocent Bystander
Innocent bystander my ass you lame ass lemming. You bash kerli mae just as much as the person who is posting.
Actually, I don’t know enough about her to bash her, so why would I waste my time?
But yet passing judgment on a person whom you know nothing about. And won’t even take the time to know. Like i said even i had a past with her. She was my bestfriend till i tried to get her to lie for me about thing’s.. she is honestly a good woman she raises money for many charities in world.. her favorite is with team fox. I bashed her for being brutally honest about things with me. Yes her ex’s left sl, but for them to be calling her all this i know even when i was family she would be there and and support anyone because that’s truly how kerli is. You wasted your time saying you don’t care, but in the end truly you do to post what you said. Think about it your friend cares deeply for her, and that’s why you dislike her.. and we all know you secretly bash her to.
You’re right, I dont care!
#22: It’s Jess Hilarious, the SL version.
#53: The end of that was the highlight of the week’s secrets.
35. deleting and relisting items to remove negative reviews is against the marketplace ToS, if someone is doing this report them for misrepresentation
How do I do that besides flagging the item? Do I have to fill out an AR as well?
Caine Chambers, why didn’t you sign your secret? I thought you were the boss.
Roman Godde or whatever his name can go to hell. He told me i was a terrible blogger ,and ive been blogging LONGER than hes been in second life. He’s not even a creator. He can so suck a dick.
Doesn’t matter how long you’ve been blogging. If you suck, you suck
13/14 i somewhat get the point of the post , a live radio style DJ is a DJ just like a live mixing DJ then only ones i dont personal like ar the ones that make a spotify list and hit play and do nothing else. I enjoy the live radio style DJs that talk on mics ect between songs as long as they are good at it , and i really love live mixing Djs, but im going to say the secret writer doesn’t know what live mixing is , if he/she thinks all it involves is beat matching and base swapping as if its 1 button push, hint its not. and the comment about mouse clicking cringe worthy none of the live mixing Djs i know use a mouse most of us are Djing off a Pioneer DDJ using Serato software or a Native instrument Kontrol using Traktor pro software , no mouse clicking involved. He could be talking about virtual DJs though. As far as the comment about how do we know your mixing if your not talking to the crowd …ummm no shit im not talking to the crowd cause im normally busy getting the music out for you , a so called live mixer who is constantly talking to the crowd typing isn’t live mixing at all and are normally the ones who just hit play on a preset and you can normally catch them typing while they are suppose to be transitioning to the next song . while playing we normally have 1 to 2 mins between songs in order to type and i personally use that time to say hello to all the new comers and to thank people for tips, say good bye to people that are leaving or quickly answering Private… Read more »
4. Just one question to this delusional wierdo
Who hurt you?
idk just seems like a clear case of ddlg hating and stuff from what i herd some chicks in bloodlines wanted to play with andre’s girlfriend or what ever and she refused them so they got antsy and send this in
But andre (leaf211) is banned from golden sun a known pedo pick up place …. confirm it inworld by asking management, if you want proof. Reason…..indecent flirting/sexual nature conversation with a under aged avatar and was reported. Dont think its hating on a fake collar inworld. Ijs. Also bloodlines is a pyramid scam. No clue how it is still going.
Because people are stupid enough to pay for it lel.. Like most paywall games for PC. Money is the primary concern for them
Because bloodlines sadly has people knowledgeable about the scam willing to prey on people who are naive, and wanting to be a vampire/werewolf/hybrid or fed on by those types. Never realizing bloodlines is s scam and they don’t need the expensive hud to do what words can do for free.
As for Andre I have nothing, just wow.
Bloodlines.. Isn’t that some kind of pyramid scam?
Yup, set up for people too stupid or illiterate to role play without HUDs.
Bloodlines and Eternal conflict are both shitty. However, Bloodlines is more cash cow then EC.
My guess would be Leaf211.
1 dislike from the poster.. Hmm seems they are saltier then usual.
Post a comment anon tell us why you’re so upset
32. Lots of stores still do this – easy to check by looking at the map and continuously seeing multiple avs there, high in traffic even though you know the store may not be considered the best. Most of the best stores do not need to use bots to get traffic and most designers prefer to get their traffic to be honest.
The grid is half down… I bet it’s about to get busy af in here.
Oh my fucking gooooood we cant have sex on SL reeeeeeee i need my daily fap to pixel porn
That one said Reeeeeee
And I can’t be with my partner, I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed hiiiiiiiiiiim, and I can’t see what my friends are doing and what drama I’m missing and I can’t get into Uber, I’ve been trying for DAYS, but I had planned to try again ALL DAY TODAY… OMG, LL, YOU’RE RUINING MY LIFE!!! 😆 😆 😆
You’re tearing me apart lisa.
blue balls…. blue balls everywhere xD
I wonder how many people are tearing the last remaining strands of hair on their heads out over it. People are already going apeshit on facebook, cursing Linden Labs… How about, oh, I dunno… existing in reality and dealing with it for a change?
#5 What she said is disgusting. I saw the notecard she sent everyone in The Summoning group telling her side of the story, using her anger as an excuse for what she said and saying she suffers from mental illness herself. #6,7- That girl clearly has issues. She is all over the place and just another person saying she will be taking a break and one day later saying she is opening a store with a friend. I defriended her as soon as I saw her ‘apology’ and saw how crazy she kept getting with her live videos and then deleting. Don’t support people like her by buying her merchandise if she does open a sim. #9.36- if they aren’t brother and sister in RL, it’s not news. It happens in SL all the time because ummm it’s SL. #13,14- This guy takes his job as an SL DJ seriously lol #18- I defriended that girl after she posted she was taking FB breaks for the 1000th time. I don’t understand people like that. #27 RL did it first…that’s a nice shirt though #28 That girl don’t need to be doing no videos on every Drama that comes along in FB. #41 Fact on that. I do feel sorry for Timm. I’ve chatted with him before and he is a really nice person and I see how he slightly changes when he’s with her. He brings his pissy personality to match hers. You can tell she is lonely because she posts a lot of videos. I feel kind of bad for her. A woman her age should stop trying to make ‘troll’ videos. #46 – Let’s all be honest for a minute. In Second Life, you can make your own ‘SL UNITY PROJECT’ type, if you feel like things like… Read more »
7 and those like it
I am not sure if this is the correct place for it, but I am an honest designer and I would like to keep designing before SL gets sued over all the theft. It’s not far from what could really happen. I want to make a list of all stores along with the proof of those that steal. They should not be allowed in events as it messes with their integrity. SL has changed the rules so only the owner can report stolen merch and it must be their IP rights being infringed on. This damages the integrity of sl, but we don’t let it have to damage the integrity of our little communities. Please reply to this post with all info(if that’s allowed) I guess folks wont see this message if not. The list of stores should be sent around in sl or there should be a website to check for such stores. people obviously care to post this stuff week after week so lets get together to stop it ourselves.
You could always identify yourself as a crusader against IP theft and set this up yourself. Be a leader, make it known that you’re out to expose theives; that way the message will get out beyond Virtual Secrets and others may join your cause. Reach out to the original creators of the art and let them know that their work is being stolen, like some others do. I’m sure the designers who are theiving and their cliques will try to destroy you… too much risk for your SL business?
Check the previous SLSecrets for info on her stealing, the proof is there.
#19 lol sooo umm yeah umm let’s see… I enjoyed your buffalo bill syle last week. The week before that me and my rl sister in sl pictures. (loved the pictures you posted of us) Oh yeah my Ex’s, they are Ex’s for a reason. then the first one stating there’s a love triangle between Freddie, Skyler and I (you sounded jelly over that one)… is it just me or do you want what I have, or do you want Skyler or Freddie? If you think you’re the better of me then come on try and take them… But I seriously doubt you can, it’s called loyalty, honesty, and commitment to having the relationships I have with the ppl you’ve posted about what makes them want me over you… Remember the Rob Zombie tribute concert for my birthday is around 4 pm slt http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pond/109/171/2226 … Oh, you might need this… 4 weeks in a row now you have posted shit about me. we need to have you fill out one of these and returen it to skyler, freddie, or myself… and we will get to the bottom of your butthurt, KTHXBIA.. Twisted Hallow’s Butthurt Forum If you have a legitimate issue, use this form. If you are a sensitive little baby, use the form below. SL Resident Name(including alts): * Date and time of the butthurt(if mutipule list all): * Please describe the nature of the butthurt(if mutipule list all): * Please place an X in the below if it partains to the butthurt… Please tell us more about the incident of the butthurt * __ Someone made a comment or posted a pic in open group/feed that I didn’t agree with __Someone said they need “to get to know me better” before accepting my friends request and I really… Read more »
She busted out the butthurt thing.. ive learned fron experiences of my sl past is this woman is an honest woman. And from what ive seen in the past 4 weeks this person has a hard on for her. And this weeks looks like they’re going crazy because she’s with someone who she been with a year.
kind of embarrassed for you that you took all that time to make that form.. lol not sure which is more embarrassing that form or having a birthday party in SL.
enjoy your cake
@me I’ve had that thing for years, just sitting there… after being in sl for nearly 10 years you find humor in things … and the part of the birthday party is what the others do for me.. jelly much cause people care about me having a happy birthday …. are you butt hurt too? No? stick to the creator’s post that you normally comment on and seem to have the most interest in muffin okay. ?
so i feel more embarassed for you there sugar dumplings for even making a comment like you did.. ?
ooh yesss… im very jelly you have more fake friends than i do. very very jelly. xD
also very very jelly you’ve been cooped up in the house for 10 years. so very jelly. lmao
Hands you a biscuit for all your jelly
actually sugar dumpling about you take your nose and shove it up your knuckle-dragging ignorant ass.. using a word like retard as in insult is very low standards.. as for my rl I take care of people with special needs and I’m an advocate for special needs people for the court system… saying I’m a retard is just showing how much of an arrogant paramecium and really and truly have no upbringing.. as for me being on here nearly 10 years and gracing this wonderful site many times before doesn’t mean i have no life.. there’s a better chance of you living in you grandmothers basement and never even see a real anything.. soo you can bounce up and kiss my rosie red ass you narcissistic shit… like i said.. stick to the whole creators post that youve been bashing on since you think you know everything…
lmao@sugar dumpling.. whatever you say paula deen .. whatever you say . xD
So much salt. When will people learn that defending themselves on virtual secrets is a worthless endeavor?
Bless your heart was all she miss.
#13/14 We get it, you’re the best DJ in town and everyone knows it. You are the best and brightest of all SL and only you know how to DJ and your way is the best. Everyone who doesn’t bow down to your superiority is only fooling themselves. Don’t listen to anyone who know that ultimately, no matter how you spin, you’re still just playing other, more talented people’s music.
although i agree with the sentiment and dont like when people show a superiority complex which is why i give your statement a thumbs up , but the last part of your statement im going to disagree with because that’s what a DJ (Disc Jockey ) is they play other peoples music , i believe what your looking for is the term Producer.
A Dj just plays Music rather they are a live mixer, or a radio style who talks between songs, or just plays a playlist. all those styles are still DJs , the talent of a DJ comes into play with how well they deliver that music to the listeners. Ultimately i dont like the playlist Djs that just hit play on spotify , but the live mixers and radio style Djs can both be good for their styles and i like both if they are good at what they do.
News flash, none of you are Steve Aoki and I’m not going to split hairs over being a DJ or a producer. Literally, no one cares how you mix, if you’re mixing, or if you just downloaded and MP3 converted a premade mix off of Youtube (which most ‘live mixers’ do). Also, if you think this statement and the lengthy one at the top makes you better than the poster of #13/14, you’re on the same playing field. You finally get a little bit of lime light and now you’re the expert! OMG, a pioneer deck with a–Blaaah blaaah blah.
No one cares. Play the song. Get over it.
News flash , you dont know who anyone is , and its doesn’t matter if you are Steve Aoki or if you are a local Radio Dj for your town , or if you Dj at a club in RL , or you DJ over the internet, its all the same you are a DJ by the very meaning of the term. No where did i say i was Better, no where did i say i was an expert, i stated facts on where his post was wrong but i also conceded where he was right.
if you think just responding about parts that are wrong means i think im better or an expert then so be it. i even agree with your original post which is why i gave it a thumbs up.
PS just cause You dont care , doesn’t mean others dont.
#32 Well took long enough for this dirt bag to show up here! He uses babygirls then tosses them away like trash yest wonders why REAL people won’t hang out at his trashy place! Now he is finally being outed for the person he really is. He is in every single babygirls box so they steer clear of that place!

hi5 to whoever made #21
usually i’m not for snitching but this is 1 of them instances you would want someone to tell you as well. xD
Second life is dying because its nothing but a flea market of untalented thieves… zero originality
everyone is so cutthroat copying one another.. they aren’t even talented enough to find a genre that isn’t being used as much to bring something fresh
I agree. and those of us that do make honest mesh are undercut by the low prices of the stolen goods. It has gotten out of hand.
6 talentless souls disapprove this comment. xD
I wasn’t around when SL was being built but those people are actually real creators.. as much as flexi shit is lame at least they had a vision.
inspiration is something you see to get an idea from.. not a carbon copy. dee dee dees
#1…. That sim closed nearly a month ago. You’re late on your secret. Maybe you can get a head start on the El Presidio sim that will end up closing in a couple of months. Aiden’s sims always close, but he picked a shitty admin team this time to top it off.
I’m sure anyone who roleplays urban sims knows his sim, as usual, will crash and burn. But he picked shitty *this time*? I’d say every time. And the very few times he chose anyone worth while that would contribute honestly to a sim, he pushed them out quite openly. We can’t forget his point system for choosing admins is based solely on which avi he wants to see naked (Oooh, pixel tiddies!) with a side of who he can attempt to mentally tear down to make himself feel like less of a garbage bin. Ah, the beauty that is the socially and emotionally retarded.
I’m honestly surprised I didn’t see more secrets about Juniper considering poor Peni chose two of the most drama fueled people to be on her admin team. And they wonder why urban roleplay is dead. Well, dying. If it were a person, at this point it would be missing one and a half lungs while laying in a field somewhere in Chernobyl taking in that beautiful smoggy toxic fresh air.
Peni was/is just as drama fueled tbh
Flakey RPers anyone?
#13 Well said! Although, there must must be some special category for the live noise makers who can’t even beat match. So they resort to playing their aggressive music styles to hide the fact that they couldn’t find the beat if it was was right in front of them on the screen. As is painfully evident when some try to “headbang” or “dance?” to the beat of their music on Twitch. They’re like that one guy at every wedding who JUST CAN’T DANCE yet they think they can, or in this case, think they can DJ.
I am sick and also sick and tired of some one who’s had their feelers hurt and wanna try and be billybadass and fucking hide fickled bitch who’s had too much cock stuffed in all her holes and wants to be butt hurt over Kerli actually having her supposed man bitch if his ass wanted you don’t you think he’d still be with your skank ass
Posted by Squeaky though my account as she is too sick to get up.
#2 Trey it’s okay to be a female behind the avi. Most are! You can give up the act now. It’s 2019 people voice in sl and we don’t want to hear your excuses about your roommates or time zone difference thats been for years now. It’s OKAY TO BE A GIRL IN REAL WHO LIKES PIXEL PUSSY. It’s embarrassing watching you hold on to the act. cringes
why is it so important to say what you are behind the monitor though???
If its like that you chics should be letting people know your real weight.
both things can be dealbreakers to someone. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well I can tell your fat cuz the way you breath heavy on mic. He ran around pretending to be male getting with straight women. So yes it mattered cow.
If all he did was fuck em, who cares?
Ya’ll keep that same energy when people lie to you so easily… You say it don’t matter but it shows someones true colors when they can lie so easily. Not every girl in sl is gay. If this was a man dating a female avi and he found out he was a man ya’ll would be acting different
i agree not every girl on SL is gay.. but respectively not everyone in SL is looking for real love either…. so many people can roleplay without catching feelings… kind of like actors do.. i mean perhaps go to a more transparent platform. a dating site/app.. outside..a bar/club that you dance at not sitting in a chair. i mean c’mon now.. if love is so serious.. maybe you people should be taking it more serious in a more serious place
Those people who aren’t looking for “real love” or anything honest at all should be up front about that. Lying is not role playing if the other person doesn’t know you’re playing a role; it’s just lying.
if your on a game looking for love…you should let the love interest know you want real.. and when you do that make sure to exchange real pics….
whats funny is girls usually wont talk to a noob dude…because his avi isnt hot enough.. how is that real??? lol
All everyone does is take things to far. So now that we can admit everyone is a fucking actor. So the friendships we form are just roleplay than to right. girl bye
that last statement … amen
#3 Lord someone shut her up. From the man’s voice to the contast posting on FB. Ranging from I’m an independent bad bitch to Hey who can I add online I’m thirsty. You’re a washed-up one-trick pony and your few real pics with different wigs girl bye. Honestly, I’m glad the real you is showing now. So you can stop pretending to be an angel now. Go suck that dildo some more on mic for the studs you always be fucking with. Seriously get a life. Your own friends are smiling in your face and rolling there eyes behind your back.
Her voice is nails on chalkboard seriously. Lmaoooo
I decided to do one of these so the people who posted the secrets could check and either get validation or get defensive. Sorry for my English, this is a long post and I don’t feel like proofreading. =] #1 I don’t know why I laughed at this but I did. #2 proof or it’s just a bitter ex #3 That’s about 25% of the SL FB community. Unfollow them and don’t waste a secret #4 a known secret isn’t a secret. give us proof instead of the name-calling #5, #23, #25 & #31 Never heard of it/her #6 & #7 Bella is just a all around mess. 3 days after admitting she spend months selling other peoples mesh, she’s act like it never happened and expecting people to root for her as she works to create a new brand. The only people still support her are emotionally weak and vulnerable. Most of us watched as she making excuses for her behavior, then playing the victim when she had no right to do either of those things. #8 Aww, you worked so hard on this and no one will read it. #9 & #36 Oh look, family drama that no one but the family care about #10 & #11 Amen, brother #12 & #20 This is such old news. Why is it sill talked about? BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE STILL BUYING THE SHIT #13 & #14 DJ FEUD FTW #15 What #16 Too long, didn’t read. #17 Someone still bitter about a breakup. If there isn’t a dozen of these each week, I start to worry. #18 I would usually say block those bitches but that one seem entertaining. #19 See #17 #21 See, more proof, but she will continue BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE STILL BUYING THE SHIT #22 I Kissed Your… Read more »
48 I hate having to message some creators they just don’t give a fuck and are extremely rude like the Rezz Room creator giant asshole. Don’t even try to talk to David Cooper about Doux hair issues you’ll get told to change your shape to fit the hair instead of him just being consistent with fit. Don’t even try to resolve an issue with the Cynful CSR because nothing is their fault. The Deetalez creator will treat you like you are the biggest idiot on the grid because her HUD won’t work. And don’t expect Revoul to ever resolve HUD issues. But thankfully not all creators are like this I truly have had more positive experiences than negative ones but the few negative ones have caused me to have so much anxiety when I do need to contact a creator or their CSR
Doux never fits Genus head…it clips into my face unless i make a flat face, then it clips someplace else, or floats on the forehead….shame because i love the styles, but he just cant seem to get the fit
Sorry but I can not agree with you on what you said about the RezzRoom Owner…
He is one of the best person in SL, with a great customer support and he is always there to help
people when they need help with his creations.
If you had some sort of issues with him, that is your problem ,but dont turn your experience into a realitty!
I know the owner and I know the Store manager and I can surely say they are one of the best in sl!
I will agree to that, Rezz Room creator is a really nice person. Maybe this people just don’t know how to talk and they think, they can rent, like they do on sl secrets!
Looks like a lot of people disagree with you. So maybe before you start attacking someone that’s actually had to deal with him take his cock out of your mouth first. I never said anything about his customer support learn to read.
You people have problems – mostly with communication!
Communication.. Whats that?
something to spread on your bread
“If you had some sort of issues with him, that is your problem ,but dont turn your experience into a realitty!”
Um, Sick and Tired’s experience with Rezz Room was their reality. Please sit down and silence your yap, you were obviously sent here to do recon, and it’s not working.
I’m not doing recon you paranoid psycho. I shared my experience with certain creators so why don’t you shut your yap
I was referring to Whatever Bitch!’s post as the one doing recon. “…dont turn your experience into a realitty!” was a pretty stupid thing to say, and I was merely pointing that out. I was not addressing you, Sick and Tired, I was actually defending your experience against someone who was trying to say that it wasn’t relevant.
Doux Hair has been going to shit lately. I don’t even bother to demo it or buy it. It’s like the creator is outsourcing and doesn’t give a crap. Probably has meshers doing his work as before he was simply stealing from others. Dude has mesh ears with skins that don’t even match his FACE skins. Seriously how shitty is that.
8. I can’t read the color of the font against the background pic, but I will say this: Chuckles is a fucking asshole. I have watched him treating people like shit for years. I have never commented on any of the secrets posted about him here before, but I always thought to myself, “Good… someone else sees it too.” I am quiet, I have never bothered anyone, I have supported the club and it’s staff because the music is usually very good… but that guy is a true asshole. 13, & 14. Again… no one is still making a fortune or career out of being an SL DJ. Whether they are creating their own flows, or pushing a button on a playlist, it doesn’t matter bcause it’s SL. If anyone is putting more time, effort (and equipment) into mixing in SL and getting upset over Playlist DJs, then I feel sorry for them… why waste the time and talent and then get mad over a Pretend Place? Go mix in a RL club if it’s that important, or publish your mixes onto an album and put it on Napster or something. SL is basically not much different than playing “Barbies” with your friends. 18. Why do people feel the need to announce that they have to pee? WHO CARES?? Everyone does it, but you don’t have to announce it! Like people are going to respond, “I am so glad you shared that with me, I was dying to know! HAVE A GREAT TIME!” Classles. 25., 48. and all of the other Summoning posts, Nikita posts, and posts relating to being nice to creators, and about creators being assholes… seriously… the customer service skills of people in SL are seriously lacking. In the real world, if people went into a store… Read more »
It is funny how the ratings of the up and downs appear on here, I wonder if the people who worked in Big Daddys is doing this to cheat out the ups and downs as they did for their avi choice awards they won, by having themselves vote just to win a object. To say they are better. We all see clearly they are not. CHEATERS, it’s the only way they know how to win anything, just like they have pushed their traffic since day one with bots and alts.
The Poster has this exactly right. Not only is Chuckles two faced but he has double standards. He bans for thongs and laughing at him, even when others in his little groupie are doing the same. If you not in his clique avoid this moron. Good to see someone stand up for others.
The Chuckles I knew was a decent person. Over the years I have watched him become this moronic omnipotent God of big daddys an all important deity of those who attend the club. His profile…In my position.. what position? Big Daddy’s is not a real job, no one cares… If you do care to read on, of his profile bring a bucket just in case you barf. His recent treatment of Zara and her close friends lays testament to his ill treatmnet of people, but then none of that is his fault, he can not accept responsibility for his words or actions, neither can he say sorry, he always has reason and seems to think the last word should be his.. with a muted….. I agree with the poster although, make your font brighter it took me time to read it.
I’ve wondered why his friends are so loyal to him. Every conversation I’ve had with him has been so unpleasant on his part… I’ve often wondered, don’t they see this? Or is it a mutual ass kissing? Most of the people he hangs with seem like nice, reasonable people… with the only exception that they like him, like they’re so blind to his treatment of people outside of his group and club visitors. His profile makes me puke. The last time I read it, there was all this “I’m not perfect” blah blah crap, but really, it goes way beyond that. He’s certainly not perfect, he has all of the smoothness of broken glass, and he’s so full of shit that he makes my uncle’s colostomy bag look like a cupcake wrapper. No idea what happened to Zara… what happened? Lol ?
Because all of his “friends” are followers. They log on every morning to line up and dance and grab attention anyway they can. They look at him as somebody because he’s got Boss rights…..really Chuckles? Being a boss in SL is as important as the gum on the bottom of my shoe. Get real people. You’re nothing to
Him but low life’s that worship him and make him feel important. And he prides himself as saying “In my position”. What position is that Chuck??! On your computer in your basement with Lumis pic all over the wall. Isn’t she the one who worships you the most?!! Lmao
#3 Natalya playing victim again ” Dont talk about my daughter” nothing bad was said about her. The point was for you to not be so pathetic over sl and concentrate on being a mom. And as for you saying very few people know you have a daughter, you put it on yet ANOTHER POST you deleted when you were saying you were going to kill someone, you know the same post you said Trey was female in rl???….DUMB ASS HOE you talk so much shit you can’t remember what you even said.
19 Says the salt licking whore that has posted every week for what 4 weeks now???? Yeah stalk much…. MOVE ON HE UPGRADED !!!
People could resolve an awful lot of drama for themselves if they didn’t feel the need to call everyone they speak to for more than 10 minutes “family”; what happened to having friends? Why is that not good enough anymore?
“Family” in SL is so cringe-worthy. More often then not, they sleep with each other behind each others backs anyway. They’re like the more pathetic version of MC’s in SL. Reeee!!!
Why even bother with the pretense if the fucking between generations is happening? Real life families (while there are some exceptions of course) tend to not devolve into an orgy of father-daughter, mother-son and whatever else combo of depravity. Just do it, no need to pretend you’re some sort of twisted family.
And those people who play those little baby/child avatars, please, get over yourselves. Your little cutesy talk is stupid. Hear me? STUPID!
people are sick… i think they say family so it gives the illusion of being much closer.. so they can take advantage of you faster.
dont believe the hype people.. please.
#51 *pretends to be shocked*
53. Tru
9. And 36. Who fucking cares if they were siblings! It’s fucking SL! Someone is being salty! I don’t even know these people but they aren’t really brother and sister. This shit happens alllll the time in SL! You talk to someone long enough you might catch feelings, it’s life! Move the hell in and leave people alone. Second Life is a place where you can do anything you want, so if she wants to pixel fuck her brother then so be it, it’s their second life!
The main point of it all was that her real life cousin messed around with her ex and married him and lied about it. The bonus was that he was her brother. I don’t know about you but if i consider someone in SL my mom, dad, brother or sister there is no way in hell im crossing that line because thats not something I would do in RL. It’s some sick nasty shit in my opinion.
46. “The Unity Project” what a joke. When I first saw this come across my Flickr Feed I honestly laughed for a few reasons.
Every person in that photo is a “friend” of one of the organizers. They weren’t selected for any other reason aside from their “popularity “ if you want unity select people who are good at what they do but HAVEN’T been recognized. You are doing exactly what the bloggies have done except people don’t vote.
Roman Godde is all of a sudden a humanitarian? It’s amazing to me how many people forget what a lying nasty ass woman she is. She lied to soooooo many women and plays with sooooo many women. For years!!! What is wrong with you people?! If there were ever a Catfish in the sea of SL it was Roman!
I’m surprised that Lawrence Pryce even put his name on this. I had respect for him until this.
Cati- you are still a trifling hoe. You still giving it up to Roman?
If you really want to do good in the world then stop trying to make the world a clique of virtual royalty. For as many people who are kissing your asses to be one of the chosen few, there are twice as many people talking about how fucked up you all are. Get over yourselves.
I have no horse in this race, no skin in this game, but I will offer just one tiny piece of advice from the perspective of an outsider. If there are so many good bloggers out there who aren’t getting recognition, someone “in the know” about them should post some links to their blogs so they can get their deserved recognition.
It is things like this, promoting the clique, that make me want to give up blogging! And before anyone starts I wouldn’t ever be invited, I would never accept to be included. I hate hate hate how this divides a community I once really enjoyed being a part of. A lot of these bloggers are my ‘friends’ . and disappointment is real 🙁
I have to say that as allegedly popular as all these people are they were almost all new to me and now I have followed a ton of new to me people on flickr. Especially the dudes, I watch very little male focused things in SL so this is a fresh new world of stuff to look at for me. So it has helped at least one person expand their horizons.
Roman will do anything to be part of what she thinks the ‘IT’ crowd is!
If this has “expanded” your horizons you still haven’t left the boat dock to explore the Sea of Blogging & all the Bloggers/Artists in it who are far better & way more deep than the little school of puffer fish that the Unity Project has put together…
Go forth TeaDrinker and explore that vast sea maybe one day you to will look at the Unity project in total disdain like the “Seasoned Voyagers” do.
I’ve been in SL for over a decade, heh. I just don’t suckle at the teat of bloggers, even having been one myself. So oftentimes someone popular is still new to me, because outside of this website I don’t really follow the social goings on of SL.
That being said, you’re right, SL is an endless expanse of exploration for all of us, we are never done seeing new vistas. ^^
Or new levels of idiocy, thottery, and delinquency!
Maybe I’m the only one who noticed this about the first photo as well, the women, it was incredibly white-washed. What, Roman, you couldn’t find more than 2 avatars of color for your UNITY project? No thanks. Hard pass.
As a suggestion, Roman – You should do a photo of upcoming bloggers as well and include lesser known people instead of the same people included in everything year after year. THAT would be inclusive. What you are doing is not inclusive, it’s cliquish.
Amen!… I’m so sick of watching the cluster fuck of ass kissing & gloating that a few are doing ever so loudly & making the rest of the blogging community facepalm so often we might as well have permanent hand prints on said faces.
Can’t wait for Naria to defend herself in the comments for a month in a row???
You people are acting like needy children rofl
spotted the cringy fan
I’m indifferent on this subject.
But as far as I can see, all of you want attention from her. If you wouldn’t care, you would not comment on it tbh.
Talking about cringy, stalker like fans we all know where to look ⬆️ yeah it’s up!
Mhm sure Whatever. Keep feeding that notion. Why would anyone want attention from an egotistical wretch who feeds her own insecurities by talking bad about anything and anyone that crosses her path that does not fit her standards.
I am here just for the comments and to read the gossip, not her attention.
So stop commenting. Looks like your way more into this, then you should be. Really, how can you talk about someone else talking bad, while u do the same in the comment section week in and out! Pot calling the kettle black situation, don’t u think?
Enjoy life and don’t bother with people u don’t like. Here is my life advice to you 😉
Aren’t you doing the same week after week, I see your name just as much as mine. And I never said I didn’t like Naria I just don’t like her content and how she treats people, love her ramblings and screams of I don’t care and I am done also her wails of C***, I think they are hysterical while I am taking a shit. But sure, want to say Kettle calling the pot black, but that makes you a hypocrite too chicca.
as I said – fans and needy children, case closed
Okay Naria.
lol, woman ok. I see how bad you want her attention, now everyone, that does not agree with u will be Naria, or what?
Why not make yourself look less crazy and just IM her, if u want to talk so bad? Get a grip on that obsession of yours
I don’t see a post about her here.
#41 is hers
I saw and commented now lol thank you
What is worse is we know it is coming and the constant ” I don’t care” or “You are Cunts” blah blah won’t be far behind. I just skim the top of her rants and chuckle cause week after week it has been the same thing.
she just wants views and followers.. and im sure by people posting secrets shes getting them even if its just someone curious to see what its all about.
dont view her shit nor follow. xD
always use your likes and follows like its cash.. because its what puts money in other peoples hands. ♥
I am borrowing that me I love it!
“always use your likes and follows like its cash.. because its what puts money in other peoples hands. “
its true.. i read an article that selena gomez and big names like that make over $800K USD per instagram post.
Yes PER IG POST. look it up.
because of likes and followers.. how many people in the world are working hard af and missing out on family and fun and don’t even make that in a year.
I deleted all social media.. fuck that.. that like button is cash. and not in my hands. ♥
Is she really capable of saying anything else, other than the same old tune she loves to sing here?
Okay #52, I didn’t even notice underwear on the child avatar until I noticed the circle. How hard did you have to stare at that photo to notice the underwear? Maybe the problem is you because my eyes surely didn’t go to the crotch area of a child avatar but yours did. Yeah. The problem is you.
i hate pedophiles as much as every other sane person out there, but sometimes people dig way too much to find problems that aren’t even there. chill, people. chill. :envy:
Those are leggings… look at the shoes.
-signed… someone who can’t stand kid avatars but this deserved to be noticed
Usually, a TD will wear leggings with that kind of outfit or a diaper since that’s a toddler avatar but even if they didn’t… they’re totally Barbie. No details. No nothing. Real kids are dressed like that, it’s not sexual in any way so.. not seeing the issue.
honestly, most of them don’t know how to rig once the knee bones get involved, so all of the clothing is short so they don’t have to try to get a skirt to behave around the knees. you see the same in adult clothing.