Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, Week 582.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.
Completely Random but from last week the mini discussion about the Red Car Secret, I found it! Week 576
Haha Fate is back on here. lol
I was not saying it was ok for people to be a home wrecker, be it sl or rl. I was referring to people who have fun in SL, exploring their fantasies, etc without doing harm to others. But those who do it to cause harm to others, then I am not for that. The liars and cheaters who wreak havoc on others, not in support of them. Nope.
I’m sorry. You said you were done. You have another website to hang out with. Go there. No one here talked about you. Bye, Felicia.
Just stop. You earned your comments being shadowbanned. If someone says your name get the fuck over it and move on. They weren’t lying. You make absolutely zero sense when you comment and your grammar is atrocious.
You upset because that other site gets like absolutely zero hits and no one comments there?
Hey Kess, if you mean the gossip blog, there is a few comments on her submission to them but they are NOT in her favor. lol. I’m guessing Sam is a little twisted about that fact.
Lol 11 comments. I’d read them except they format terribly on a cell phone. She should go defend herself more there.
/5 – looks like a dollar store bargain
y’all really need to learn to check spelling when you post stuff cause there are so many different spelling errors lawd you would think you didn’t know how to speak English let alone type it
Punctuation is a thing.
only person i would ever take spelling and grammar advice from is BeLess…xD everyone else to me is iffy xD
You two should get a room 😉 😉
xD things people say who live in their parents house. ↑
I don’t think me is into vaginas but who knows ?
Try it maybe u will like it ? who knows
You may want to double-check your own sentence there, before criticizing anyone else.
You know not everyone is from America or England? For some people this can be a foreign language. I wonder how you would type in German, Spanish, French … etc You have no business being a grammar Nazi while u write y’all and lawd.
@Whatever. I see basic syntax continues to elude you. Please stop.
#19 Place is run by a couple who are together RL, but he must not be happy since he is in EVERY females box and she is super insecure. Control issues. Calls him Daddy but that’s a joke in both worlds since she runs him around like a bull with a ring in his nose who has had his balls snipped. Both trying to hook up RL to replace one another. and will ban you if you out them over it. Also, never have I seen a girl more insecure with control issues. SO PATHETIC. Can you guys just stop arguing in local please? Place started to look good until they took the one area that was lag free and cluttered it up with a bunch of crap. Should have left it how it was. Used to be fun, but the people who made it fun to come chat with have either left or been run off. It’s like a SL episode of Hoarders- LAG LAG LAG – NAG -NAG-NAG! Just GROSS!
#39 You are wrong, and clearly an idiot.
No u
27. Lumi has lost her class and integrity over that jerk. I wish she had known the real Chuckles before it was too late.
No u
#35 – I’d buy the fuck out of those beanies tbh.
That’s cus ur gay dude
The main reason why Naria has Darkana back in videos is trying desperately to gain back some old viewers again, and the reason why Naria is nicer is also for the same reason. Naria is desperate for people to like her now. Because many people have been running away from Naria.
For example: The friend vlogger Luca has not been seen hanging out with Naria for months anymore, except recently they just got together for a business reason: a giveaway. Lately, even the Luca is trying to distance from Naria and Tim even more. As evidence by Luca removing Tim and Naria from her featured channels list. Luca is trying to be more professional because sponsors told her if she have any close ties with Naria, then they wont sponsor her as much. So Luca agreed to it.
There are consequences for being mean, Naria. I hope you finally see them.
Waw you people are idiots. First of all me and Darkana and Tugs have been talking for some time now. It has nothing to do with YouTube or videos … Darkana was away from second life and is now back not cause of any drama here – but u do get people have real life to take care about or no?
Seriously u people are amazing with the stories your pulling out of your asses. Again I’m not nicer I’m the same as I was all the time …WTF are u talking about. If u would look Luka put all the vloggers away from her suggested list as she said she is supporting everyone …we talked about it and stop pulling shit out of your ass. Really people if I would get a dollar from all the shit u come out with I would be rich. Amusing to say the least. And no I’m not missing viewers ? I have enough and I’m gaining them day by day ? Thanks for the concern tho
Naria no one cares ur turning into Samantha P just go crawl back in ur toilet be alright.
There is a difference, I have to admit. SP is delusional and craves any attention, even negative attention, last weekend’s thread is a great example of that. Naria, on the other hand, is just your basic, run of the mill, toxic personality who loves to talk down to people, in order to try to make herself feel more important.
U wish … I will loose interest before u know it ? I have better things to do then loose months off my life talking to anonymous cunts. For now its entertaining but you know better stuff comes along every day!
What is really concerning given your enthusiasm for feverish posting here, is your utter lack of disdain for basic syntax and spelling. Reeks of toothless neckbeard with cheeto crumbs gathering in the corners of its mouth and chins kinda deal. [PS- loose, is when something is the opposite of -tight- ; vide exhibit nr 1- your clapped out, ancient vag, not to be confused with you’re an ancient cryptkeeper. just stop. ]
this is random but im high.. is naria and the other panthar chic who comments here related? i think its Ali or something..
Id like to know which person was the 1st Panthar? xD
That actually would not surprise me that some sponsors would want to put more distance between themselves and Naria, including having their bloggers not working or colabing with her.
I just facepalm my self so hard .. Mmm get a life ?!
Lmao mm rekt
Nameanshamebabaay how about getting a life and not follow everything that we do … I get that your obsessed but you know … how about playing your own SL and have some fun in it … By now your just lame. And he’s not rekt it’s the only comment he left under that nick and it’s just to facepalm himself … Really get a life it will do you good
What did any of this have to do with u naria? Or is that a slip up that its u lmao! Nice repeating urself from what u said on whatever. I think ull find its u following. Go clean ur dentures grandma.
Get a life Namenshamebabaay .. you wouldn’t be lurking on sl secrets all the time if you had any at all … pffff I think kess would be all over the post if that was me … gtfo u lurking no life twat
@Naria how do you know what he did??? perhaps Kess will have to add you to that list lol
@MmmmNop and @Timm Novak:
Please stick to a single username. Thanks.
Ya’ll need to stop raising your blood pressure over a virtual world that is supposed to be freeing and fun. How can an avatar be a slut? Lmao. Everyone runs their sl how they want, if someone wants to pixel bump 800 avatars a day. Who cares? Let them have fun.
You worry about making your own fun in sl.
Sl should not be causing stress, drama, etc…if so, you’re doing it wrong.
The problem is a lot of people take this shit from the sex beds into the real world. And they take it off of SL and take it beyond their avatars on to social media. Many of them catch feelings and when they catch their partner with someone else online. The end results in them posting dumb shit like this on SL secrets. Instead of realizing that SL isn’t RL and they just exposed their RL to some potential fuckboy or fuckgirl who just wants 20-minute to get off on skype.
Guess some people are having fun while they cause drama … they must be miserable and boring to desire some high blood pressure in virtual world
Whatever is naria under a different name btw
Nah, whatever has better grammar than the new Sam P.
It’s funny to think this site would raise anyone’s blood pressure though; sneaky glimpse into their own thought processes I guess, like people who care too much what strangers think. The whole reason this is fun is because no one’s opinions really matter, and people who can’t take it that way shouldn’t come here.
I figured ill go to this site for some entertaiment to day ( bored and down with flu) … i had 3 weeks of secrets to scroll trough. And all i can say.. i am kinda happy i do not play this game anymore 😛 So much dramas.. how can a person use so much energy on that shit, when its a whole world waiting for you when u closing that viewer.
Naria piss off n get ur schizophrenia sorted
Im not Naria tho ? im just here to get entertained over people who live second life as if it was the last thing on earth ?
Wow u really look obsessed now … Damn I knew it … I think we know who’s the new obsessed hoe on the block. As I said not every comment is me I know u want it to be but seriously u can just IM me if u need my attention so much. Anyway last words for u cause ur and obsessive little twat hope I made u feel like u existed for this 5 weeks just a little …think I did some kind of a good deed here but now run along.
Hey can designers stop shitting on each other here and just report the damn things. These secrets are really BORING. I don’t give a flying fuck u think us masochists come here to read that shite? No we come for fucking drama! Fuck off n report puttin on here won’t solve the problem u dickheads. Please stop being boring no one cares.
I agree.. if they put that same energy in bettering their products. They wouldn’t be worried about what other designers are doing or saying. They would be too busy making that money. If they feel that those products were ” stolen” report their asses. Otherwise, they need to just STFU. SL secrets isn’t a damn DMCA. The only thing they’re doing is ” promoting ” the products. Just like with David Cooper.. people shitted on his products… but what they actually did was help him by bringing more people his way.
#24 Can we find something else to post about. I mean really your pulling pictures off my FB and saying things that other ppl have said to me… if I have come in contact with you at some point in my sl and I hurt your feelings, think about how you treated me first… The constant calling me a whore in EVERY SINGLE TIME I’ve graced this lovely page… Ever think maybe you’re the whore? Stalking my FB isn’t gonna get you anywhere at all in what I have going on… Hell http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pond/109/171/2226 there you go come visit… There will be a big ass party for my birthday this weekend.. Were having a tribute band come do rob zombie (PARTY AT MY PLACE)!!!
@PLEASE – your comment made me laugh… It does feel a little bit buffalo bill-ish… I feel I might be hearing the words it put the lotion on the skin, before too long with this knuckle-dragging waste of air THING posting this shit about me…
♥ Kerli Mae ♥
9. This is either the most elaborate troll or this guy is seriously mentally ill I cant even tell
#7 Trey posting about natalya cheating on him with other dudes. At least she is outted now. THOT POCKET
Not sure why anyone believes anything now. Does anyone have proof? Hell, I tried to get at her while with Trey and she turned my ass down several times. The chick is loyal.
i got a video. test me again and I will post it.
i say post it.. ill test you for the vid xD
Deal. I’m going to tag her on fb
So she deleted her facebook. I can wait.
post it here… make it a clip.. gif it up in gyazo. xD problem solved .. its only wednesday we need entertainment
why do studs in SL and VU always pick r&b singer names for themselves? just wondering.
ur probably just ugly
I’m answering to all the bullshits and fake accusation from Elizabeth and all the desperate, jelous people like her. Then I’ll be fucking out of this story I wont read the replies, I’m done. I don’t care who made the secrets, but it’s obv are made for me and my family to being accused ? I talked public on fb with MY NAME and MY FACE. As I’m doing now too here in the kingdom of the sheeps. My mom which you are so jel about and hate for no fuckin reason, had already blocked all of you a week ago as this website and won’t even bother to give you 5 minutes of her time and mental sanity. I wasn’t banned from CMC sim. I got banned 2 days earlier I made that post. I shopped there before and I was banned when I went to Sakura to buy some kigurumi for my friend (who was banned too and never once have talked with the owners in her entire life). The day after other people from my family AGAIN THEY NEVER INTERACTED ONCE WITH THE OWNERS were banned too while shopping at the event. Lot of other people were banned to have “Snow” in their lastnames. We not even related to them. My post was about this and not about my personal tea with cricket or presley, which is still our own fuckin business. You have to learn that actions have consequences and I’m not the kind of person who stay in silence especially when is about my friends, especially when is about innocent people who have to pay consequences cause of me. So I understand things were tense but they could have been handled better from BOTH sides from the start. I’ve talked with Presley and don’t want… Read more »
Almira and Grace seems to have stepped on someones toes. Welcome to the drama still being a large part of the family world. If you two basic bitches are still around causing issues no wonder the kid community is no more. The Pastel Drama is starting all over again it seems.
Now Almira, show everything YOU said. You are the one who made the initial post about CMC. You started that little shit storm up, claiming you didn’t have issues with the owner before that and suddenly were banned for no reason. Then it came out that that had been a lie. You did know the owners and you did know why you were banned. FYI, before you try to lie about that part, I screen grabbed that shit storm. Then later, another post of yours came up, regarding Elizabeth, where you started yet another drama. In both cases, you started it. On top of that, you claim you were nice, which I do admit, I laughed at since I saw the original where you hadn’t quite cropped it right. It showed you going off on her after she said she was going to come in and pay you what was due. There was this massive reply, where you basically went nuts on her about having issues with paying your tier and everything. You took that post down fairly quickly when you didn’t get the response you felt entitled to. Here is the fun part, this isn’t the first time you have started drama. You have come across my timeline quite a few times with some issue with someone, having a fit that they didn’t act, say, or treat you the way you claimed you are entitled to, or you just wanted to bad mouth others, which sadly I have seen as well. That Elizabeth fiasco is when I finally decided to take the trash out and booted you off of my friend list and I know I was not the only one who did it. Between you and Grace, you both seem to be really quite toxic and the two… Read more »
@Just saying… you are elizabeth, quit that shit dude. You are a grown ass woman abusing and spreading lies about a younger girl…making yourself look totally crazy…dusgusting. Teach your kids to say thanks and sorry by giving them the example, be a better mother not a miserable desperate housewife
Umm nope. You do not get the cupie doll and you do not pass Go. Now sit your ass down Almira or Grace or whichever lame family member this is.
I am glad i don’t do sl families pheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew
Me too; fuck that shit. Literally all they’re for is people who didn’t have a clique in high school where they could exclude others, trying to recapture that now in their bitter, regretful adulthoods.
Almira and her family are psychotic and DISGUSTING!
Almira Palmira is one of the rudest people I’ve ever come and contact with. All and any of her friends are scared of her because of her threats and her relentless bullying and harassment that’s why they all stay her friend and anyone who has the courage to leave gets bullied and threatened. Her mother Grace Snow the owner of Pity party and Momoko is known for threatening people, and bullying to no end. SHE IS MALICIOUS!!!! I recently heard she ran her ex sister Ivy off of secondlife (Ever wonder what happened to Turducken?) Grace is also known for copybotting and ripping skins apart SHE LITERALLY JUST RELEASED A COPY BOTTED AND RIPPED SKIN AT EPIPHANY it was originally made by soapberry, If you don’t believe me, compare them. Their whole family are liars , manipulators and bullies and they think they are sl famous the only thing they are famous for is copybotting, stealing, harassing ex family and bullying anyone who gets in their way. BE AWARE AND STAY AWAY!!!!
While I agree with parts like Almira is rude. Very much a hypocrite. (Callls out someone in public, cries lawyer for people who did it in return.) Are they both a little snoody? Sure. The copybot stuff is stupid. If you compare the two skins they’re not even close to the same. Similar styles =/= copybot. The owner of Turducken is also still in SL soooo that’s also a lie.
Dude, I dunno who ur even talkin bout cba to read all of that chill ur boring ass no one cares
#34 Scamdalize copying something/someone, nothing new. What still surprises me is why people and event owners still support this creator.
#31 Well the second I want my avi to look like Kelly Anne Conway, or a cross eye, starved, and over all resting Bitch faced Doll, I certainly know where to go now.
#35 Oh yea I want one now!! MP here I come.
#21 I am dating my what?!
Where the party @? Im tryna get my party on!
#7 so does that make Natalya and Farrah lesbians? Considering Trey’s a girl.
No denial Trey isn’t female ?
Come on now. I know ya’ll be studding so hard but this is not that case very much a female and i have proof so keep it up
can I just be pedantic here and point out that pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to a PREPUBESCENT child…
Ephebophilia is the primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19 and is much more common.
A second life freak trying to analyse and explain the difference between psychiatric disorders and paedophilia. Give it a rest grandma stop pretending your something your not you’re a fat obese cunt living on welfare.
Ew, it’s like a fedora with fingers wrote this. Are you a libertarian too?
When we’re talking medical diagnoses, we’ll worry about precision; in this context, “pedo” simply means “underage”.
… obviously. Ironic username, that.
When I was in a fandom that shall remain nameless, a very popular “ship” between a 14 year old and a 25 year old was said to be “okay” since it was ephebophilia and not pedophilia and teenagers were “sexual”. All I ever found that distinction to be is an excuse to make it “more okay”. “Oh it’s totally not a gross pedo adult creeping on someone underage! It’s ephebophilia!” despite the fact that, yeah it was a gross pedo adult creeping on someone underage that a bunch of other grown adults were getting off to.
In other words, it’s still gross. Don’t do it.
Exactly…if it’s okay then why is R. Kelly in legal trouble? Of course you all realize that pedos claim that a 2 year old can consent to sex? Yeah, it’s right on disgusting. So sure, someone can label it whatever they want, but like you said, it’s down right gross.
Little Mermaid?
Actually it bothers me to call someone a pedophile in regards to women who are legally underage but physically mature.
Once upon a time women were getting married at that age, for chrissakes. While it’s a legal issue and super skeevy when a older dude pervs after an underage girl – it’s not pedophilia.
“Underage women” are called CHILDREN you sicko
Technically you are a child from birth until puberty. Once you hit puberty, you are no longer a child. At puberty you enter a phase called adolescence, which is commonly referred to as being a teenager. You become an adult somewhere between 18 and 21 depending on who you talk to. This is not gender exclusive.
Ephebophilia is when an adult is mostly or only sexually attracted to post-pubescent teenagers—usually those in the age range 15–19. Adults with this attraction are called ephebophiles.
Pedophilia is an ongoing sexual attraction to pre-pubertal children.
Your opinion on an avatars age range has no bearing in this. The age in which the participants state they are in private during play, the age of which the RP is acknowledged they are is what determines if this might be an issue.
The only people, besides those who actually teach human sexuality, that care about this kind of distinction are people who are looking to make their predatory preferences/behavior seem less abhorrent. When we’re talking about adults perving on non-adults, the subcategory of non-adult is pretty much moot outside a shrink’s office. They are all off limits, and no, it’s not really any better to lech on a 15 year old than it is to lech on a 9 year old. It’s all based on power imbalance and manipulation; it’s all predatory behavior, period. There are no mitigating factors.
Those designations are based on physical sexual maturity, not mental or emotional, and that’s why the laws to protect adolescents from predatory adults exist. It’s not because their bodies aren’t capable of desiring or having sex, or because they lack secondary physical sexual characteristics, but because they are usually not mentally ready to handle the repercussions of an adult sexual relationship.
amen @BeLess.. its a fucking shame that there are even any adults that need “directions/warning labels” on a kid in the first place.
a decent person knows right from wrong.. but one of the worst things im learning as i grow up is the world is a despicable place full of horrible, fake, scamming, will take the bait if given the chance, hush money it never happened, no morals, never heard of dont do to people what you dont want done to you sick fucks. =/
the law says .. and really is all that actually matters… is 18+ adult.. and under 18 child.
case closed. technical shit means nothing in court
Wrong, it does not state child and does not state as pedophilia either. There are separate laws per age each with own labels and consents and charges possible. Pedophilia is not a criminal word or charge in itself. The attraction is not a chargeable offense to anyone. Laws have charges via criminal behavior differences what the act was and on age ranges of both parties adjusting accordingly.
Perhaps you need to actually study the law itself a bit better?
Are you talking about laws in the US. I looked it up – 30 states have the age of consent set at 16.
Might want to write your congressman/woman.
@whatsmynameagain in some countries age doesnt even matter you just have to be married…
hence child brides. whats ur point?
telling yourself anything you can possibly think up.. to okay that you’re a sick fuck..
and only someone with an underdeveloped brain would be your only hopes for a partner in the world.
Those states have additional laws regarding how old their partners can be, for the most part; generally it’s not 16 and free for all, it’s like 16 and partners within a certain number of years are legally acceptable, or the parents have to allow it, something like that.
whatsmynameagain probably works for LL.. where its the size of the tits that tell the age .

i bet @WhatsMyNameAgain believes Elvis and R Kelly are totally different too.
2 peas in a pedo pod
Doesn’t change the fact they get off to fucking a CHILD AVI.
#19 It’s that same thing with any shitty Baby Girl Wannabe hangout, fill em with bots to build up traffic for more fake people within the life style to hang out in. Early 20’s girls hang out their having no idea to what a gag even is… Sugarland did the same thing as of everywhere else. Little do that realize that if people really want to go to a specific place they just need to type a key word. Losers.
Well, no place can control the uneducated wanna be babygirls, Doms and Masters of SL! Most business’s do use a couple bots in the beginning BUT WOW, that is a bit overkill! It’s all about advertising and word of mouth that builds a place up. If it’s run by idiots then it won’t last!
#1 – Please stop trying to fit in with the slang. Cancel culture is a dumb thing and enabling it ruins lives. However, you are a middle-aged woman, most likely, stop talking like a sixteen-year-old girl. If you dislike the club, be the mature adult you are and do not go there or affiliate yourself with it. You. Are. An. Adult. Act like one. #2 – This is an awful ‘secret’. You should feel ashamed. #3 – I Love Cocaine is a good song. Why are you hating? #5 – Another skin done in another program that will look nothing like that in Second Life. It is the norm, now. #6/#7 – You mad or nah? #9 – Finally, a movement I am behind! Let us do it! #downwithslsex #10 – That is now how the format works. Stop it. #11/#12/#13 – And you are all shocked that people are doing this? I mean, let us go and complain about people using real life inspiration and leave the people that are actually ripping mesh alone. Crazy. #15 – God, both these avatars are a hot mess. The male looks like he was hit in the face with a shovel repeatedly. Like, what is going on with his face? His clothes are clipping, he has trashy tattoos to try and make himself look like he is tough, he has an undercut, he has a hipster inspired beard, he has torn jeans, a black singlet, and to finish off the look, he looks like he is far too tall to be normal looking. If you level the camera and move him next to that car, to roof looks like it would hit just below his chest. Now, the girl is not as bad, but her proportions are a joke. She looks like… Read more »
If slex was gone SL would once and for all die
It’s the reason Sansar is empty
Exactly lol
@#44 tho.. lol you do start with ones.. but the secret said its a afk fuck sim xD kinda makes it more funny now that you said that =D
guy prob had a huge orgy for 7Ls lmao
he are big pimpin
You have too much time on your hands, sir. Sunlight, it exists.
#22: There’s two kinds of DJ’s: the radio kind and the mixing tracks kind. Each has their fans. Neither are less legitimate than the other. Let it go, dude.
A good DJ always keeps the flow going and tries to pick songs to lead into each other and build a mood instead of just randomly tossing in MP3s. They know how a particular song sounds by memory and they know what other songs mingle well with it or can be sampled/mixed into it.
Whether they do that by mixing songs live or creating a setlist, it doesn’t matter. Go to enough clubs and you can tell the difference between someone who loves music and loves playing it and people just loading up MP3s for $$$.
Ooo shut up dude no one in SL is expected to be some professional DJ it’s a game lmao
Never said “professional”, I said “good” and “loves music”.
Professional DJs are too busy doing events in the real world.
I wasn’t talkin about ur comment in particular A-Kid lmao hit a nerve?
No. Just clarifying what I said. Don’t be so eager to look for offense where there is none.
Amy Kellner wrote everything I want to say about DJs 15 years ago:
# 9 – Good luck with that.
#18 – Do you not have any friends to tell you that “vile” is a word and it’s used correctly there? LMAO
Does it hurt being that stupid, Vichonette? Or does it just come naturally?
Learn to pronounce
a small container, typically cylindrical and made of glass, used especially for holding liquid medicines.
Learn to pronounce
extremely unpleasant.
“Vichonette’s grammar is vile”
Unless that was the intention of the name? The ink is wicked and vile etc. It can be misspelled or correct both. Depending on the meaning the owner is referring to
Should be “vial” because it’s a container for the ink. “Ink Vile” doesn’t make sense. “Ink Vial” does. Vile is a word, sure. It’s just not the word that should’ve been used.
This is Farrah. Me and Trey have been broken up for over a year. I left him. I never wanted him back. I couldn’t care less about what happens in his love life. Please leave me out of this drama and off SL secrets. Thanks for being #TeamFarrah tho lol
So are you still lesbian or do you prefer real men now.
So which secrets were about you, Guess who?
Lifehack tip; if your actions and perceived morals are not offensive or questionable, then you’ve provided no fodder for others to submit.
PS your karma pays attention to you wishing death on others.
Guess who is either the chick on plurk that plurked constantly about how her unborn baby was a parasite and talked about getting an abortion like it was removing a mole. I’m not pro life. I’m totally pro choice but the way this person spoke they were super trashy about it. They even spent energy crying about it in the comments of the Hamlet article. OR they are the tender designer who claimed to Hamlet that they have to take Xanax every Sunday because of this site. If you let this stupid site get to you that much perhaps you need to get a fucking life.
9. That campaign will have the same amount of success as one to stop photos of selfies on social media sites. 15. I just get a kick out of people who change partners every week. It brings me back to my junior high days. 18. LOL ? 19. That’s her son? Wow, the resemblance is uncanny! ? 22. Whoever posted this is the same kind of person who gets pissed off when the karaoke host at the local bar on Friday nights doesn’t call them up to the stage to sing enough. Easy there, gunpowder… it’s just SL. No one is on their way to DJ fame from what they’re doing here. 23. I get so annoyed with people that do that too! There are a lot on the marketplacce. 24. Whoever posted this: are you going to put on a human skin suit, dance around in your basement to “Goodbye Horses” with your little white poodle watching, stopping only to look in the mirror and say, “Would you fuck me? I’d fuck me.” Tuck it in, girl! 30. I don’t get it… but then again, I don’t get a lot of the secrets this week. 31. Fugly. Just fucking fugly. I don’t understand how a creator or designer or whatever the hell they want to be called can’t see when their work looks like total crap. The same goes for people who’s avies look like shit… are they blind? 32. I know nothing about this Naria, but your post is pretty lame… you really care that much about setting the record straight on pentagrams? It hurts your feelings if someone attacks a pentagram? Oooooookayyyy! 33. & 38. Receiving unemployment, social security, disability and welfare checks is kind of like being a government employee! ? 39. I don’t think this… Read more »
33. & 38. Ya know she got cancer now, right?
@Fo Shizzle, I don’t know anything about her at all aside from funny secrets posted here. However, from my experience with pathological liars on the internet who claim to work for the government along with a multitude of other outrageous stories, it often means they don’t work at all.
Seriously, every pathological liar ends there eventually. She will be OKAY!! XD
Who are these people? Am I suppose to know who all these are?
Yeah, I don’t care about relationship drama and who is cheating on who in virtual romances because let’s be real it’s probably all of them. I just want to know drama about stores and know which store owners are copybotters, assholes, and racists so I can avoid buying from them.
#25: India, India, India… tsk, tsk, tsk. What a waste of youth and potential. Another social media whore with a pretty face and an ugly heart. I hope you can out grow your narcissistic, arrogant, ignorant, contriving, immature, selfish, manipulative, victim-seeking, blame-shifting, serial habitual lying, deceitful, self-serving, reckless fuck girl ways. Too bad they don’t teach “students” how to be a good human being at “uni.” Keep your RP goals up high, because we all know your RL ways are deplorable and disgraceful. Best of luck in this life to you, India.
India looks like a heroin addict… Pretty Face? How can you see her face behind that HUGE nose. LOL. Noizy is a pathetic loser that does anything he can to stay relevant. Come on Noizy like you had no idea what an E-Whore she is… You act surprised that she was cheating with multiple people. Get a life and stop using SL as a dating service. Spend more time on your lame ass Noizy “merch” and let a hoe be a hoe. Still don’t see why you are trippin shes RP fucking people on a game and you were hitting that shit in RL. I guess you just weren’t cuttin it. To bad so sad. Cry me a damn river and stop airing your dirty laundry all over the place, Nobody fucking cares that she broke your heart. Everyone is laughing at the train wreck you 2 have caused.
Oh my… Regarding the whole trying to stay relevant, dating on SL and getting a life – pot calling the kettle black, CAMERON GLAZ? It’s fascinating that you’re still keeping tabs on what I’m doing, that you seem to be piping up anytime Nicc, Dan or myself are mentioned on here and thinking you’re still somehow anonymous, that you’d rather be salty over getting ejected from the group by me over being grateful about being one of the fewer ones that were heavily against you getting doxxed by Bella and Von Teeses despite the shit that you stirred, mental instability over the little things and just generally hardcore catfishing? I feel like my priorities are in a better place by far.
I’m shocked you’re still alive to be honest, I guess that throat cancer is not malignant enough. But yeah keep on getting that disability check that allows you to lurk on here and on SL and talk shit about everyone, including your closest ones.. I earn my shit, including “relevance” that you JUST gave me more of. ♥
Also shocked that you feel entitled to comment on anyone’s looks. BIG YIKES
Not really much else to say other than all of this is pathetic. Your all just mad cuz she has time to sit around and laugh at your tragic SL lives while you all fuck and un fuck eachother LOL. Fmd is a joke. All you idiots are a joke. Lmao you know Betty white is like 90 right? Is 40 the new 90? You’ll all prob be 40 still on SL to pay the fucking light bill. Matter fact. Lemme pull out my DEBIT (that means money bitch) card so I can buy your merch to pay your bills and feed jazmins kids ? oh fuck you guys are to much. Everyone is just laughing at all of you. Dumb fucking pitiful lame ass losers. Cammy go back to your worry free life without worrying what heroin addict in SL will drop or cheat next.
Hai Rou! xD
Wait what ??? I Haven’t even comment for the secrets about me, why to do about others?? Lol you guys really have issues … Good Morning and have a nice rest of your day ! Love each other pls ❤️
Rou, I thought you had surgery yesterday? Why you were on here?
Cameron Glaz the catfish who looks like Betty White from The Golden Girls but sends photos of a sexy model to up her chances in getting dick from anything that moves on SL? Cameron Glaz who’s got all the terminal diseases one can think of including a very complicated brain surgery? Cameron Glaz who left her RL cuckold of a husband to live with an abusive boyfriend in Belgium who kept her locked because he knew what a major whore she is? THAT Cameron Glaz?
TBH now that I wrote all this, I kinda feel bad about posting it. ONLY because I compared this fascinating specimen of a psychotic cunt to the sweet ‘ol Betty White. LOL
Aww Noizy called out his minions to help him fight his battles… how cute. Betty White LMFAO wow! I dunno where you people are getting your information from but you need to do a little more research. I have terminal diseases? That’s the first I am hearing of this bullshit but ok. And as far as my RL husband, I sure as hell didn’t leave him and you got your shit all mixed up honey. And as far as the Whore comment, its funny that you deem me as a whore when I stick to myself and don’t fuck with any of these Daddy Dom wannabe fuck boys. So like I mentioned earlier, keep making shit up to try and drag someone’s name through the dirt. And as for the people close to me, they all know this is a crock of shit. Just a bunch of butt hurt ass keyboard warriors making up lies because they don’t have any “actual” dirt on me. So keep on with your catfish and Whore comments its really quite amusing!
I’ve never spoken to Kess yet she’s outed you for who I suspected you to be, I don’t need to call out for anybody, I could roast you for days. Again, act according to your age, please.. calling her a hoe for doing shit in SL, yet you’re doing it here for 10 years with “non-Daddy Dom wannabe fuck boys” even though you’re happily married? YOU comment on her looks even though you’re a disgusting old blob hiding behind some hot redhead’s pictures? Look, I think she’s absolutely stunning regardless of what you or anyone else thinks, but even with her out of equation, just about ANY 23yo would look better than you.
The people close to you only know you for what you tell them and not what they see, which is fine.. look I totally forgot about you and your shit.. but it’s clear I could recognize your old dense ass the moment you piped up about me, which is sad as fuck fact, because I don’t even know you that well. Yet you’re keeping tabs on me – I’m flattered. Now go buy my MERCH, peasant.
Haha! The only reason I would send your broke ass a dime is to PISS all over it. You and your band of Trolls harrassed me for 8 fucking months over what? And you are surprised when people lash out back at you? Stop acting like the victim and own up to the shit all of you FMD idiots TRIED to do to me. And as far as Kess outing me, She can post whatever she likes but you better believe I’m not stupid enough to let anyone pull my fucking IP. I have been rounds with you internet bullies and your “doxxing” and before you go calling someone a peasant maybe you should get a real job and stop acting like you are some badass DJ and have a chance of making any money anywhere besides SL. You know NOTHING about me and my RL so keep on making shit up to try and hurt me. I can give a fuck less what you or any of your people think about me. You are SL scum and have had accounts hacked and deleted on more then one occasion. I wonder why? Because you are such a stand up guy huh? Ooooh Im 40 big fucking deal. Is that all you can say is I’m older then the stupid ass trolling millenials that you surround yourself with? Come on big boy you can do better then that. SO come at me when you have some real “dirt” or actual facts to support your accusations you fucking depressed ass sad boy. You need Jesus.
You’re “not stupid enough”… Omg, Cammy, stop… Go lick your wounds.
I have no wounds to lick, I know how to protect myself. Unlike you. Like I said when you got some real shit to talk about… Get at me then. Until then shut your fucking cock sucker. You are mad because you aired your shit on SL and people are talking about it. So what? Don’t put your shit out there if you don’t want people’s opinions. Thanks for the entertainment but I have much better things to do with my time then argue with your irrelevant ass! ♥
lol mhm since she can’t create more names without getting the spot blown up xD
Excuse me? I don’t know who tf you are talking to but I can give a fuck less about you and your SL drama Noizy. Oh and fuck FMD fuck you Nicc, Dan and all the other pieces of shit that bought into the lies that Jasmin’s fake ass and all the other jealous bitches decided to throw into the mix. I haven’t stepped foot in that shit hole in damn near a year so as far as me keeping tabs on you… don’t flatter yourself. Mental instability? Hahaha. Lemme ask you something, How in the fuck do you know who I am in RL to comment on any pictures or any “doxxing”? And as for hardcore Catfishing… I seem to recall you whining and crying about your “body dysmorphia” and how you catfished MANY PEOPLE. So who’s the kettle now BITCH. Make sure you have your facts right before you go trying to call someone out on some shit. Throat cancer LMAO…. you are really grasping for straws now boy. Yeah earn your shit? How? By being a troll and sicking your possee of fucktards on people when someone hurts your little feelings? Do me a favor SADBOY drink some bleach and put us out of our misery. And as for my looks… Its pretty funny that I met married and am about to celebrate my 10 year anniversary with a great man I met in SL… What do you have? Not a damn thing but a cheating whore gf that you roast all over SL any chance you get. So you can kiss my white ass broke ass Serbian boy.
You keep saying that we harrassed you for 8 months when truth be told none of us Even give you a thought other than when you reach out with some weird ass bullshit statement., not Even then do we care enough to Engage.
You do all this in an attempt to stay relevant and thats fine, just know that you aint relevant to us.
Your stories can be entertaining at times but far from truthfull!
Oh and i didnt Even know you 8 months ago.
Fuck off Jasmin you are just as big a bullshitter as the rest of them with the lies you and Rat made up. You got busted to … oh and weren’t you just dying of some horrible head injury you got when you wrecked your Tesla?? LMAO ok just like you have some fine ass husband at home but would rather be on SL dating ugly ass mama’s boys. Stop using all the filters on your pics, I have seen you and honey you ain’t nothing special. I was told the biggest instigators were you and Jane and it came right from a persons mouth that was directly involved. So yeah keep trying to act innocent because its just that AN ACT.
What on earth are you talking about? I have not once Said that i have a head injury. You obviously do though.
Regarding everything else I have no idea what your on about other than me having Said i felt uncomfortable around you, wich i did for obvious reasons.
I do have a fine ass husband, not that i know what he has to do with any of this.
You keep preaching about what a great person you are, if you was you wouldnt feel the need to make up lies about all these ppl in order to attack them.
Lay it to rest Cammy, move on and find Happiness.
Of course you have NO IDEA what I’m on a bout…. you need to lay it to rest you fake ass wanna be fin dom Bitch. Ya’ll wanna act all innocent now hahaha thats ok I got you.
This is fucking hilarious… You guys ain’t got nothing to say now huh?
Funny because you wouldn’t shut the fuck up a few months ago.
I know the truth. I know what you guys did and you can sit here an act like an innocent little angel all you want.
You ain’t foolin anyone bitch.
Look, Cammy, you can talk about my BD all you want – I own my shit and I sure as hell don’t sigh myself as 2hot4u LOL. You’re in your 40s, cow.. act accordingly.
@CammyToe and @2hot4ukthxbye: Please use the same username.
lmfao this is by far my fav calling out… that was some epic shit. xD @Kess
Oh really? Don’t you have anything better to do then sit there all day trying to bust people out? If that was me I sure as hell have no problem owning up to it. As a matter of fact I need to meet this person because it seems we have some stuff in common. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who has been the victim of Noizy and his sheep. But I will tell you just like I told him. Having been harrassed and stalked for months by people that are dying to have some “dirt” on me… get in line.
Cammy, sweetheart… darlin’, look. Since I told you about VPNs (that truthfully don’t do a whole lot in regards to protecting yourself) back when you were paranoid about getting hacked and doxxed, that you so flawlessly use now to post as 2hot4ukthxbye! and to boost the likes on your own comments, lemme educate you further – there’s more ways than just by your IP to identify duplicates on this page, I’m sure @kesseret can confirm or deny this. But it’s ok, keep up the pretense, and keep on flattering yourself that I, Jasmin, Dan or Nicc care enough about you to be getting any dirt on you.. big yikes again.
Calm down, I don’t care what username folks use across different posts. I just require them to stay the same within the same post. Particularly if they are commenting about the same topic. I miss a few here and there.
I don’t and won’t confirm or deny shit for anyone of youse.
I know this is everyone’s first rodeo.
And I give a shit about any of you?
Get a life. Get a job… Get a fucking hobby dude.
Like I said keep on trying to make me look like the idiot.
Maybe you should focus on your own life and moving out of your parents house
and maybe trying to be an adult instead of some whiny ass 30 year old living in Mommy’s basement.
Just like Dan and Nicc both. Wow I am noticing a trend of basement boys here.
I’m making accounts to like my comments HAHA… thats a good one. Looks like thats you making the fake names love.
I don’t need reassurance from SL secrets to know I am not a piece of shit. But week after week I see you on here.
So go contact your peeps and have them like your shit so you can look like you know what the fuck you are talking about.
Here babe, I’ll give you a like. Go meet yourself.
Ouch! LOL
cancer girl, no seriously im for real at uni and not lying, girl at it again? how fitting.
She literally started her sl life pretending to be dying from cancer for attention. You don’t just outgrow that kind of deepseated need for it – I bet she’s happy as fk Rn though. The thin lipped little black hole. Have fun at ” uni” lmao what a joke.
Since she’s clearly not done grasping at straws for attention & effort to undermine me with a bunch of made up lies, feel free to message me in-world about all of them details regarding this can of worms.. I didn’t even know about this until this week.
And she’s not gonna be done until this supposed -memory loss- thing of hers sets in.
Pretty face? I wouldn’t go that far. Generic maybe. But it’s her personality that’s the ugliest. Makes her disgusting no matter how much makeup she slaps on. Intentionally screwing over someone so devoted to her like she did, and then having the nerve to get offended when people were worried about him like she owned him. Fuck this cunt. She is the epitome of deplorable human being.
Evidence? Because otherwise you’ll be turning out to be either a very bitter bitch or a very jealous cunt after this comment. <3 Because I'm very proud to say I've been nothing but loyal. Go
CONFIRMED CUCK. You wanna know what your controlling master has been up to behind your back?
Nevermind cucks don’t care about these things. They live for it. India is as empty, identity lacking, ladder climbing whore as they make them. This is the most attention she’s gotten since dying of cancer. I bet shes like a pig in shit, fitting since she looks like one. who would be jealous of that ?
I think it’s hilarious he keeps defending a chick who cucked and publicly humiliated him, and is SL famous for lying about dying from cancer ?? Like how much more clearly can you spell “rl incel”, guys? How little respect do you have to have for yourself to go for a garbage chick like that to begin with, let alone keep defending her after she betrays you?
Not defending her at all. All I’m saying is I feel like she’s pretty easy on the eyes. As far as I’m concerned she can become besties with that there Cammy on the common ground of the number of terminal diseases they both have or have had, and the fact that nothing but shit comes out of their mouths.
“Yet I’d go as far as to say it’s the prettiest face, and as per the original post, you’re right – but I’d still bury my face in it if I had the choice.” – this guy
You should give some serious thought to how pathetic it makes you look to say something like this about a person who made a fool of you in public- like you have no self-respect, and symmetrical features are all it takes to turn you into a doormat.
Are you still going on about fucking diseases? LMAO I have no clue where you came up with this bullshit maybe its because you have STDs and feel alone and wanna try and feel better about yourself? No one fucking cares about your suicidal depressed ass bullshit. Grow the fuck up man. You wanna keep calling me out because you think I was the one that made that post its hilarious. Look at all the other people here LAUGHING at you…. fucking pathetic. Go and suck your fin dom partners cock and send her some money so she can feed her 7 kids. LOSERS.
Yet I’d go as far as to say it’s the prettiest face, and as per the original post, you’re right – but I’d still bury my face in it if I had the choice.
If you’re my friend, then let things fade, we’ve done a phenomenal job at making each other miserable in the aftermath of it all, external factor’s really not necessary.
Oh sweet. An actual cuck lmao. I’ve got a secret for you though it might hurt… But maybe you’re a pathetic liar as well. Maybe you also fuck around.
20. Almira probably made and posted this secret herself. Lmfao. You’re not innocent Mira. We all seen your very public mistakes as of recently. Stop pretending you’re some kind of victim when in reality you are a very angry, pressed and vile woman. We see you.
12 – I can not speak much about the first mentioned event, but I can say, that I am pretty sure the event owner, Bliss, for All Things Events, does not care. She is too busy, praising anyone who sucks her to her. Which is funny, because, the second you may disagree with her on anything, she will make sure you are made to feel like total trash. She does not care about the authenticity of the creators, for her events. She just wants to make sure booths are filled.
So true she really is a pain in the arse but this is not about her bliss you mean
#35 Viking beanies are life man! let’s make them a trend ?
39. Sorry to tell you, if your RL genitals do not touch their RL genitals it is not real sex. You are both masturbating and it’s not much different than porn. This would be like people believing they actually has sex with phone sex operators.
amen.. it kind of makes me understand better the mind of a stalker though… since we talked about intimate things we’re now in love. whether you like it or not. xD

#39 is flat out wrong.
I don’t communicate with pornstars on porn hub when i’m choking the turkey, I can also get off to messing around with a poseball.
this assumes all sexual arousal is based on comminication, for some reason, to make their point sound good.
so bella.. the one that always plays the victim on social media ( facebook) is being caught…
also bella the one that loves the drama on other brands and loves to talk about t..
crying all the time why stores reject her as a blogger when her blog is spammed with her ugly ads that look like from a trash 50cent store..and now she also steals mesh.. hypocrite
She took it down because people were calling her out on her lies. She changed the story 3 times. First by saying she was creator, then said it was a test, then finally said she stole and is sorry.
Someone asked if she truly was sorry, why isn’t she refunding lindens to all the people that got ripped off. She got all upset and deleted. In my opinion, it’s her own damn fault. That’s her karma for always trying to stir drama in other creators lives.
We small people tho ? bitch is the one stealin n selling others work as her own
https://gyazo.com/3ecb9388e3f09a61585ece3ddd205029 she uses this tool and thinks people are idiots ….
Actually these have nothing to do with copybotting, they are a tool for full perm mesh users to linkset their full perm bought items inworld to wear their name as a creator. This is also what the creator of the full perm mesh wants you to do. And perfectly legal and a great help to people texturing full perm. Bella was stealing and uploading mesh, therefor it will have her name automatically as she upload it into SL and she won’t be needing it for that. This is when she used to do full perm mesh, before she turned into the thieving bitch she is now. And I am amazed how event owners can take her in again, because basically they shit on every designer and original content creator out there, who they need to have a successful event. Whoever takes her new brand serious and support it are idiots and deserve no support whatsoever.
Whoa! I thought those were banned in like 2009! I knew a couple of people that had a similar tool but LL banned them after people started reporting them. I didn’t think those tools could copy mesh! Wtf.
If you go up on her La Bella Boutique flickr and then over to The Sims Resource site, in many cases, she was too lazy to even change the names of the items she stole and brought over here. As a thief, she is really stupid.
She just posted a statement about it saying that larger brands do it so why can’t she? And now she’s accusing Adams of copybotting because they did a similar style to some pants that are in the Sims 4. This is not going to end well for her.
She is live now, admitting that she stole everything.
Post is gone or unavailable. Hope someone saved it or least watched it. Oh well!
I still have it up in my browser. How do I save it?
Save video? I am not sure. Open a new tab and google search how to save I am guessing FB videos?
I already did, but I did get the transcript. I posted it but it said “awaiting moderation” so it might be a while.
If it worked, do you have a link? ?
transcription saved…
It was still up on my Facebook because I hadn’t closed the page yet so I had my girlfriend use her software to transcribe it :p “Hey everybody, I am sharing my, I’m talking from my avatar today because in rl I don’t feel good. So, I’m, I don’t feel good, it’s Sunday, it’s 6 pm and, um, I really don’t feel good. So, my appearance is not well (chuckle) So, I am doing a video today about what happened with SL Secrets and I’m just gonna come out and say it and I don’t wanna, and this’ll be the end of whatever I’m going to say and after this, I am closing down everything. So, I am taking mesh classes. I have done mesh classes. I have even paid a creator and she has talked to me over Discord and she is teaching me mesh. I am learning rigging, I am learning everything. I am a new mesh creator for second life. In the past I used to use templates, okay? And I still use templates, okay? So, SL Secrets, whoever that asshole is and whoever turned me into SL Secrets is there and they have shown a lot of my previous creations that I have said that is mine. So, I have taken creations from Blahberry and all those other creators that Gaea has said and other creators have said. Yes, I did. I am saying it, yes I did, But I did it for a reason. I wanted to (thank you) I wanted to see what it feels like to be an original mesh creator and I wanted to get caught. That is (chuckle) believe it or not, I wanted to get caught. Why did I want to get caught? People ask, because I wanted to do… Read more »
the thief is back and getting ready for some witch craft , be careful people lol
How in the world is an admitted thief getting into events already with a new brand. People in her facebook be all ready for that crap to. People amaze me sometimes.
shes so shady.. i clicked the link and (the unboxing chic IS her 1st life) because on the right was the thumbnail of her rl mug..
lol and in her SL profile it said in rl shes a video producer..and on her rl facebook it says…
what in the actual fuck is a linden scout? o.0
she should add pathological liar.. smh she looks like she chews rocks.
i just came back for the 3rd time today to read this
So, I have taken creations from Blahberry and all those other creators that Gaea has said and other creators have said. Yes, I did. I am saying it, yes I did, But I did it for a reason. I wanted to (thank you) I wanted to see what it feels like to be an original mesh creator and I wanted to get caught. That is (chuckle) believe it or not, I wanted to get caught. Why did I want to get caught? People ask, because I wanted to do an experiment and if you want to believe me or not, this is the absolute reason.
lmfao.. thats so retarded..
i didnt see the video .. or get to hear her voice.. but is she the same chic who has unboxing videos bellas unboxing or some shit. It was linked to her youtube profile.
If thats the same chic.. she is EXACTLY what i would imagine when i see a SL scammer.. go fund me beggar.. i got 2 working legs and many business plans but im on ssi because i dont like to wake up early scammer in my head.
Do you have the second video transcript too or just this one? Thanks for sharing by the way
Now she admits it but she was denying it at first and claiming that she was the Sims creator for all of it, until someone called her out and named the creators from there, that she stole from. There were 2 or 3 different creators that she was stealing creations from, so she was busted.
I know that she has already been taken down at one event because of this. things returned and stall taken down.
She just lost another event
doesnt she own the go makeup brand too? if so they need to boot that trash out too
15. Let me get this straight – are you hanging out this place solely for the purpose of stalking other avatars and taking their photos? How do you know so much about this dude’s history, exactly?
22. You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.
disc jock·ey
/ˈdis(k) ˌjäkē/
noun: disc jockey; plural noun: disc jockeys; noun: disk jockey; plural noun: disk jockeys
1. a person who introduces and plays recorded popular music, especially on radio or at a disco. Who cares if they use a playlist? Calling them scum is a bit of an overreaction, don’t you think?
31. I respect Poema for trying to make skins for older people, but i wish they looked better.
As for Poema. I really like her makeup to. What her avatar look like is what ever you like
oh that last one though…did their pet write it or a child?
Perhaps stop posting as different people. You keep coming back and giving me hits.
Excuse me ?! Keep coming back ?! Check all your post ma’am.. I commented like 2-3 times around here .. just because it hurts when someone says the truth that don’t mean I’m the evil one here ?
Your “truth” isn’t hurting anyone. You’re only making yourself sound hysterically insane – one, for whining that your comments aren’t being posted; and two, because you’re saying really nasty shit that wouldn’t come out of the mouth of a normally reasonable person who is feeling angry.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL cancer cathy over here in the news. ?
@elle thanks we all have issues… and @me well I wish you and kindly likewise .. what is wrong in wishing her same fate as her friend ?! I just wish her same as her friend so she don’t live the shirt life she is having right now .. you all want to look so innocent when you are actually broken. And toxic .. you are worst then people that you post and comment about .. just saying..
You wish death upon another human for having a blog?????? Your perception of both Kess and Lourdes (kisses to her in Heaven/Paradise/Avalon/Nirvana/ etc and so on) are so one dimensional. Kess has a life very far removed from Second Life, that to judge her on a BLOG is so unbelievably black and white.
Seriously…for you own inner peace I think you need to step away from all this if your views about a person are this extreme. Believe me, I have been on the brink of losing my mind from things that happened in SL – really. You gotta regroup for your own well being. I wish you peace, my friend.
I have been in SL for 10 years .. it have not been as toxic as it got now .. I discover this place and I got even more disturbed how people act innocent but in the same time they cut your head off .. maybe I need a break but all this people with all this toxic comments and post need it as well .. just saying
you’re complaining about toxic shit, but you wishing another person to die /same fate as her partner who died.. is by far toxic as fuck! hypocrite. pot calling kettle black bullshit. you don’t like toxic then dont be toxic back. stfu and log off the computer if you do not like this shit. noone is forcing you to read this
You really hate this site Guess? Then why not wish Kess to find other things in life to busy herself with so she has no time to run it? Wishing death is.. just as toxic as the stuff you claim to hate.
10 years? jesus christ.. go outside. thats the problem.. you’re too fucking invested in a GAME
you can call it real all you want.. but this site exists because people dont know the difference in real and a game..
just because people think its real… DOESNT MAKE IT REAL.
just like the relationships.. everything feels good when you have no shared bills together.. or your not walking over some assholes laundry he refuses to put in the basket.
until you’re able to deal with all the REAL LIFE SHIT .. its not real..
your 700L tier is nothing more than $2.75 USD… thats not real world anything.
delusional people are so dumb
i bet you dont even have your RL tab filled out with facts.. you know why?? because no one would probably talk to you.. if thats what you people call real. you got issues.
stay real on your avatar… lmfao
even i have limits on things i say… you’re nothing but scum that nobody wants. =)
You know whats funny though….. you probably camped out all fucking night last night hitting refresh to see your secrets today…lmaoo like a fucking black friday sale shopper..
you pathetic bitch lolll
Well how to put this .. I have never been here and I will never be .. reason … I don’t hang with toxic people like you <3
You’re here right now.
nor have i….but you’re defending someone who has.. so that makes you NASTY hahahaha stop chilling with thots
i bet you ate all night long.. lmaoo fucking flaming hot cheetos fingers and everything.
#24 NEWS FLASH MORON….. No one gives a flying fuck who you are, honestly I come here to see the event adverts I’m supposed to stay away from, you are just a nice bit of biscuit to dump into my tea as I browse and judge relentlessly (that’s what this site is for right??) Move on already because if you think you are holding our attention past the first giggle of ” look what the dumb arse posted this week” you are seriously wrong.
When you grow some balls and “reveal” yourself then we might be a bit more interested, as of now tho your a child with a brain smaller then my toe and my time ain’t worth yours beyond this post.
See you in Second life if your pixel balls (or ovaries) are big enough to actually rock up and stop hiding to a point where you can actually TALK to us. (we ain’t that scary….seriously… its a game…. move on…)
Stop flirting with grandpa.. by putting “biscuits” in your comment please. Thanks so much =D
Now now, i flirt when I say cookies, biscuits to me are not that impressive to me
@guess who… May you slip and fall down a flight of stairs today and break your fucking hip.. stfu. find a new hobby no one in secrets needs ur secrets to survive.. eat a dick. =)
and to be honest with you i wouldn’t mind if Kess through up the donation button again just so I could pay to keep you out. xD
and i mean it
Well thanks @me .. wish you and kindly likewise .. and again I stand on my words .. you are all toxic .. more broke then all the people you post / comment about .. feel sorry for all of you .. that’s why I hope u have a shorter life so you don’t live in a crap life that you have now ? ?
You are just as toxic. Ypu are fucking hilarious. I am gonna wish death on someone because they are toxic. But I am not. Hahahaha wow , go take your meds
feel sorry for me?? who hurt you?? loll did we make fun of you? did it hurt your feelings??? awwwwww
sorry not sorry. xD if you dont know the difference between someone making fun of your avatar and someone making fun of death.. I FEEL SORRY FOR YOU.
no one wants you in any life… maybe you should take your own advice =)
You know whats funny though….. you probably camped out all fucking night last night hitting refresh to see your secrets today…lmaoo like a fucking black friday sale shopper..
you pathetic bitch lolll
Thanks but I’m happy how I am .. u look like the hurt one because I say the truth:) .. you all say u make fun of Avis ?! Look in the comments .. all the hate YOU give .. I didn’t tell her to kill her self lol .. read again-.-‘ and keep people like me away ?! Are lots of people thinking same thing as me, the only reason they stay silent is because they don’t have to balls to say it .. and one more thing .. open donation and you should pay ofc u will do because u have nothing better to do then stay on a toxic website and be toxic your self .. just saying ..
LOL You think it takes balls to comment on this site? Nah. All you are is comedy, with your hypocrisy and broken English, here wasting time on something you claim to hate. Obviously you have nothing else going on. That makes you the biggest loser, sorry; facts are facts.
i love BeLess .. lol i erased a broken english comment i couldnt figure out if i was reading wrong or the cold i have right now has me crazy. xD
Why is copying real life items such a crime in Second Life. The funny thing is almost everything about Second Life is a copy of real life – or at least the one we wish we had.
most real life products are copies of other real life products too, People just like to complain while not making new content themselves
Wow…you have issues.
Thanks.. like most people … I just wish her same as her friend ?
You wish death upon another human for having a blog?????? Seriously, what is wrong with you. I think you need to step back from all this and really re-evaluate things.
You are as disgusting as the people who post shit on here. This is a website. You can choose to put lovely things are awful things. Some of us come here to read what awful people are for putting memes up, and then to see people go nuts in comments. But you my dear sweet confused piece of shit, wishing that… are just as VILE as those awful people. Mind you there are other places you can do this too…. fucking troll.
being mean wont make you pretty… find a doctor for that.
I am mean cuz I’m doing same this like you people do ?! And thanks I’m freaking cute actually and I’m arrogant proud of it ? ps: check a mirror :))
i am pretty so i have nothing to worry about. xD
but you must live in SL so much that this site is like CNN to you.
note to you idiots SL is not first life. ..they have a tab for 1st life which most of you fake bitches won’t even add to. lol
its not real n if you’re hurt by it.. try to find a 3rd life and try again… its not our fault people dont like you…
be more fucking likable xD
i havent been on this site.. you know why?? because im not a messy bitch like the ones who are posted up on weekly.
Ps: the karma refer to her “wonderful “ partner that she passed away .. now she is next ?
Wow you are trash for wishing the person running this to die. This site has some horrible shit, but also have helpful shit. Some is true some are just petty people making lies up about people they want and can’t have or had but broke up with. who knows. but this is entertaining to say the least. the only time i find this page annoying is when there are too many of the same posts. or when people post about the same person every week and you know that person isnt what the jealous hater is trying to make them out to be. lol you are mental for wishing death. if you dont like this page why you even come here and read it? dumbass