Welcome to Virtual Secrets, week 578.
#8 Male in RL and kids don’t live with him!! Just wants attention!!
Perhaps before assuming what you read online is real, try asking the source information? and instead of hiding like pussies solve you’re own issues? Are all of you really that stupid to believe half of this? :/.
Lol which secret was bout u mate?
Again, do you really have to be so nosy? Some of us come here for the LOL’s too.see above response for further info.
Oh, cool, so, all good for you to insult and tear people all you want, but no one else can. You know you wouldn’t have any LOL’s[sic] to read at all if it weren’t for other people.. right?
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
So which one was about you or yours?
WTF man, None. Stop witchur goddamned nose in other people’s lives. Got anything better to do? Do that instead. Some of us are just sick of seeing imbeciles tear each-other down. Like , Seriously, What, you not smoke enough Weed to be happy?! Go get laid, bruh- or sis, seriously. stop being a cranky loser on a website. go a head and down vote me. -shrug- to me this is just stupidity at it’s finest.
Can IQ scores drop into the negative?
Huh. Funny. I’m not the one who cares about what others say on a site.
If it’s so stupid, then why are you even bothering to come over to the site? As Pocketsand said, which one of the secrets is about you?
None. and I stick to that. if they were about me I wouldn’t bother responding because no one believes fake rumors. in my Family they go to me. If it was about me I’d be handling this another way, would you not think? I’d be upset. angry? I just read it because sometimes life is boring and there are funny one’s now and again. plus, I quit SL a long time ago.
Cmon folks, you are doing a big deal about a brazilian cheap hoe. When one is a failure as designer, what else can be done? Events! lol
And no, I’m not an hater. I have seen her sucking her own nipples on skype upon request.
See my name and then see their response.
“REALLY?” “WTF.” would’ve been my comment. get a Dictionary, Thesaurus, and a sense of humor and you would’ve gotten that.
Lmao shat up u boring cunt @Really?
It’s not that people don’t have a sense of humor, it’s just that you’re not funny.
About the Jaay thing.
I have blogged for years never once messaged someone as to why I didn’t get accepted. Not everyone can get in, work on your shit, keep getting better and next time apply again.
Now this Jaay person was a plain moron. You don’t make this kind of comment somewhere public. So you don’t tell the blogger directly that you don’t like their pics or av but go on your public page and diss them like that? Yup, you’re a passive agressive moron.
Level event – While I do agree that the situation was handled all wrong, I also think everyone involved has turned into a bully. You all point fingers at each other and talk about how bad one is to the other. It does not make things right when you run that person into the ground via social media. At this point no one is the better person. Including the designer(s) that hired the blogger when that same designer was seen doing the same thing a few months ago…kettle…black.
#18. I’m not really sure why you are so concerned about other peoples height. That’s like saying no one can have blue eyes, because you have green eyes, so everyone else should have green eyes. I’m 5’7″ IRL, so I set my avatar’s height to that. I didn’t want to be 6’+ tall. My avatar’s height tends to fluctuate between 5’3″ and 5’7″. I wear high heel bases, so my heels aren’t halfway through the ground, and those give me a bit of height. I don’t consider myself a “tiny” or anything like that. The only problems I have with furniture, is that I either sink down, am way up in the air(which usually happens with couples poses/animations), or my legs clip the front of the cushion. All of those things are easily fixed. I don’t have any issues with the furniture being extra huge on me. I’m a normal sized person with normal sized furniture. As for the Jaay thing. His response, and the HR person’s, was unprofessional. It could have been handled differently. However, to the blogger’s defense , If there hasn’t been prior warning not to contact a store or event, as to why I didn’t get in, I have done the same thing. I usually don’t get answers, but I just write it off. For growing bloggers, we are constantly looking at what we can improve, so we can get more followers, more exposure and possibly accepted to blog for the bigger, more well known brands and events. If I get rejected, via Blogotex, I’ll immediately log in and see if they wrote anything as to why I was rejected. I’m always happy to see when they have written something, because it does give me some indication as to the reason. It could simply be that… Read more »
Kk done reading bit better then last few weeks but meh it’s still a bit snoozy. Clearly a load of y’all didn’t think someone else would know bout this level dude lmao.
Wat a pair of wankers though lmao!!! Goodbye level event. Way too sabotage dude!
Not done reading all yet but #18 stfu! Ur getting ur pants in a twist over this? 6.7ft is too damn tall for a women anyway! My avatar 5.2ft just like my RL height n I don’t give a fuck what u think bout that. So sniff my farts u bore.
#5. oh sonny / beau berlin / carlisle .radikal resident .. ur the biggest douche bag fuck boy out there, Like havent u been off SL for a while xD, also arent u a “real celebrity” xD your ass dont even play pro hockey, its just ur dream, im sure ur like the water boy or something. what RL celebrity is gonna sit on SL just being a fuckboy, none they be getting bitches irl and dealing with there celebrity status work.
Jaay Tiratzo?
I had to google it…that ant woman thing with the bubble butt?!
Has the guts to tell anyone about their looks?!
This woman must have her leg and ass slider on 100 and still her thigh gap is made for a whole stampede of elephants to pass through it!!
#18 and then I stay next to my house and can’t reach the door? And when I sit on a couch, it looks like I am in kids town? Or do you think the adult animations would fit better with being tiny? I guess you are a new account. Long time ago the whole SL was full of giants. Really really big tall avatars. But anyways, that “height” information on the shape is a joke. Linden should remove it. Since ever no one ever used it. And now you come here and BA BA BA BA, because you point on this little little height info. Go to Apple fall, stay next to a door. Then decide the size of your avatar. Sit on a couch, from some very popular creator. Then decide. But as long you don’t give a fuck about how YOU fit into this big world with your tiny avatar (does even clothes fit on you????), why bothering us? WE FIT AWESOME!
I am REALLY confused how this has not gotten out before about #41 lol. I have personally known for almost 3 years now exactly what he does. HE has a weird dick irl anyways, period.
I don’t care too know if he has weird dick periods
# 33 She is a whore who rolls from family to family and offers everyone her smelly pussy, and cries after why everyone is playing her
#11 and 38 seems like those 2 using same fake rl picture, same guy? maybe be more creative next time idiot
#24 shemale? what is this, 2001?
#1. Well yah, just because you can use 3d software does not mean you can design anything! Well not anything decent! I’m sure an admin assistant from Swindon with basic skills can ‘design’ a chair, but, basically, I want an Alver Aalto designed one, not Dave from Swindon’s shite! So, I for one, am glad designer nick stuff from interior sites/the creators site or that Turbo Squib place. The other day I recognised the Hay chairs at Uber before they had even fully rendered. If any designers are reading this I’d love the Result chair by Hay. The library is here: https://hay.presscloud.com/digitalshowroom/#/gallery/3d-and-2d-files #6 #12 et al. Oh I loved seeing Miss Tiratzo react in that manner. Even funnier was viewing her own images on flickr which make her look like she has as much class as a lottery winner or Anna Nicole Smith. Fran Lebowitz said Donald Trump is “a poor person’s idea of a rich person,” – this also accurately describes Miss Tiratzo. Mind you she is called Jaay Tiratzo so I can’t say I’m surprised by that outburst, I mean Jaay?! Tiratzo? Jade Goody’s family is trash but wow…. #8 Admittedly I don’t know the exact circumstances here, but why on earth would she take a child with a temperature of 102F and NO other symptoms to the Emergency Room? One imagines she may well have googled, called a nurse/doctor line, asked her own parents, friends or maybe she knew what to do before she posted. Yes it’s attention seeking to post on your bloody SL Facebook, but I’m quite sure when you are bored at home caring for a child with a temp of 102F and NO other symptoms this is an acceptable thing to do – I mean post on FB or watch This Morning or… Read more »
What is this site? To think I been hand-making and hand-painting all of my own mesh for so long. This could make me a fortune! Thanks!
My pleasure Dave from Swindon!
Because this entire week seems to be all based on something Jaay Tiratzo has said and/or done. Every other post is your standard ‘my Second Life partner/ex is a cheating scumbag’ and ‘______ creator steals mesh! So unoriginal’ crap.
I just want to start – even though I will be downvoted into oblivion – by saying that the move by Jaay was nothing short of genius. Bad publicity is still publicity and this person’s name is on the tip of everyone’s fingers. No matter what, Jaay’s name is now more widely known than it was before and that is good no matter how you want to look at it.
We live in a culture where everyone is trying their hardest to be as bitchy as possible and to replicate the ‘sassiness’ that is seen on RuPaul’s Drag Race and other such cringe content. People are sweating trying to be the cliché sassy gay man or black woman that they reek of it whenever they speak.
Jaay radiates this energy and people flock to it because, well, “YAAS QUEEN! SLAY! SLAY!” crap that you see. Jaay’s post is pretty much the epitome of this.
The average age of every Second Life user is around forty. These people are not with the culture and truly do not understand the things they parrot. ‘Cancel culture’ does not exist and boycotting has never proven to actually work. Five people may stop going to Level, but fifty more will go due to exposure.
Toxicity sells.
Unfortunately Level never really has anything interesting to sell me.Never been , never will go. Sadly the last 6 months or so has been dismal as far as events go. 88 blah. Uber bored of it. I already own whatever they put out due to lack of originality.Eyes roll whenever something repurposed has been put out for the last 5 years.It appears that SL consumers want fresh meat.Someone could be SL ghetto rich if they succeed in doing this.
dude, its not gay culture /black culture.
its called the Cancel Culture and everyone is part of it. its even in politics and entertainment industry and social media… Where people join together to cancel others for what someone says or done.
Still makes him look like a dickhead though
no its not sassyiness. nothing to do with gays or black women.
the “slay” is a positive word. when someone does something good. “slay ” is not a negative thing. like “beyonce slays” is a good thing.
Dont get your memes mixed up. Alexander or you end up sounding dumb.
its actually the “savage” theme thats been going on for a few years. People praise each other for being “savage” and for “dragging” people. “savvaggee” “He’s a savage.” “She’s a savage”. okay?
Thank you @thisisano I thought “Slay” sounded a little off but I’m not ‘Hip with the new lingo kids are slinging these days’ but I’ve heard “Savage” a few times & yes that sounds like a more appropriate term
Hmmm, well people might flock to this drama at 1st ’cause yes everyone loves to watch a facepalming shit show … but that stuff gets old fast & there is always something new to judge hard on… just look at chp 4 & Pupito he’s held the “Total Dick” crown for quite some time but people got plain sick of it & last I checked his precious event is pretty much dead
A valid point about Pupito. But still, that may have been mostly because of how he handled the anniversary round of Chapter Four two years ago where he had creators do special gifts and then upped the group fee for himself for that round. You can be an asshole persona and maybe get away with it. But be an asshole persona that takes money from people and all bets are off. He still seems to do fine with Ionic though. And they are at events.
Disagree because Jaay isn not smart enough to come up with such a plan. He or she is just a ghetto trash but it will work in their favor.
Toxicity sells IF you own it and IF you make it your persona. Kanye West as an example. Or, even Bill Maher. But it does not work if you flip flop and apologize and show weakness. She should have ignored the backlash or just continued spewing the insults. It works for that Dreem character in SL because he embraces his craziness and sells his image. The second Jaay apologized she was finished.
Number 5 is going to become my Female dominant lmao i’ll tap both i’m game.
Lmao to the poster of number 5 if you can’t chew on overreacting and spew hate don’t spit on someone and bring them down in the end I think it’s the person with the jealousy and assumptions who always gets the blunt of the bs and trash they spew,you seem triggered, Maybe I don’t know take a damn break stop acting butt hurt ,move on,because it’s pointless.
Just saying…When you follow trash,you can’t not expect trash back your little finger just waits on the dislike button because you don’t want to face confrontation and act like a total keyboard warrior,then run and hide like a pansy stop abusing people and grow up.
That’s what secrets is for trash and hate,but not pointless stuff to read,I don’t know maybe be more nicer then you will get earned respect,you totally don’t follow your own perspective it’s a shame really if they are in the wrong try speaking your side of things a mere picture doesn’t submit enough proof
Lastly to drop this bomb out don’t be irrational or get afraid and use fear as weapon or a excuse to cover for your own actions when you know your in the wrong don’t go posting things on websites.
Face people otherwise your just hurting the innocent,
I don’t know be more open minded,you have been hurt before surely you could of learned your lesson but no you sit their judging and hating that does not fix situations,you sit there taking advice from people who are half assed to what they say no logical mind set,who are not always honest,karmas a bitch isn’t it? lmao some keyboard warrior,if you don’t want to be outted then stop refreshing the page,you are manipulative number 5 deserves better than someone who acts like others are contagious and then walks all over them,and you act so self centered they aren’t a priority my ass you just want to be a attention whore and be all pity me I got your number next time don’t attack someone who has not done wrong ,princess your tiara is too far up your ass
I also have proof of a specific individual for the victim involved,that seems they were being twofaced and talking about their friends behind their knowledge slandering their current friends,as well as,someone outted them and had an entire voice about this specific person and their circle,it seems like they were always crying wolf,they have been stealing money from previous people they thought fit them in multiple occasions and getting extra money from old friends,they have also been stealing gachas and other items out of people’s inventory ,as well against tos selling stuff without permission from the original creators.
The identity of the poster is pretty obvious cause nobody in hell would just draw,over a picture,in lame ass writing what a joke,oh yeah I totally just responded to the joke bit because that is a stupid comeback everyone always hears,what a joke all the TIME.
Two if things were recently then it’s usually the most recent person they dated,lmao key logic
Number 5 take that little bitch warrior to court you have rights to defending yourself,if you want them to stop,take it to law enforcement if there’s no other options this is labeled as harassment,not even excuses can save this.
It’s bad for a innocent to see past pictures and words.
Fyi you claim to be nice yet you back elderly people and laugh and lock them what the hell is wrong with you?You go around trashing innocent people while your not so sugar coated in sugar,said elderly have admitted to a dozen worth of money theft all the duration of knowing you,secondly true fact a product went missing from others inventory during the period of how someone supposed attacked you while you just labeled on miscommunication of a disabled person,suddenly it was what was it oh yes”im shy so is she”when it was your more shy than us,and a fact is you abandoned a kid and kept neglecting her to where she ran off then fed the kid story’s ,she just wanted love and affection yet all you cared about was patrolling down drama Ville ,your a liar and a thief,maybe it’s not anyone but you that changed,secondly behind number 5 back you were visiting prohibited lands and still contacting people,trying to make them hate others and work your way back to said people,they said everything from you being a controlled puppet,to people being the oddity that was more weaker and basically said and stated from knowing you and them that they have seen things coming since you allowed trash back in your life they admitted that the innocent would of got framed and tossed under the bus because the poster wouldn’t change,while you and friends walked on others,and you are always the said victim in things,even past evidence you fear confrontation that much you bully others can it sister seriously your busted,nothing but a story twister with her little cliche beside her,has to bully or she won’t have popularity or be alone,all about people are more special,nope,everyone’s special and beautiful in their own way,timezones don’t matter,people having lives don’t… Read more »
James Joyce’s, Ulysses, was easier to read than this. I need a fourth eye apparently.
This comment thread is what dementia looks like.
@Be Less Ignorant, Please Ur comment is epic lmao
Aww pity maybe stop getting your pants in a twist over comments and scroll down you seem triggered to mentally bash on people you just proved,my entire point lmao thanks a heap.
By the way lame comeback lmao Verbal Abuser
LMFAO talking to urself? No wonder u named urself Yawn u boring cunt
You just showed everyone to be what you just others to be. Maybe, you are mostly yelling at yourself in the mirror.
To all creators, and event organizers in SL. Get your head out of your ass. You aren’t
Is this a cliffhanger? I have to wait until next week for the finale?
I commend Jaay for telling it like it is. It says don’t ask why you didn’t get picked and you asked anyway? Because you need Jaay to feel as bad as you do for telling you off? You even say in your asking that you don’t get many favs and views. That’s not on Jaay. After the initial request to not pester the staff about being rejected, you still begged for it. No one is going to coddle you sweetheart. But you can’t get mad because YOU asked for it. Don’t ask for truths you don’t want the answer to and post it on secrets when you don’t like the outcome. It is not up to them to school you on how to be a better photographer(if you can call sl blogging that). Jaay had every right to say it that way. I would have said it way worse especially to someone who doesn’t read and ignores my request not to be bothered with such things. You want to be accepted as a blogger? Do better work. Reapply when your your favs and views are high enough. Jaay cant give you worth. You must do that on your own. Also the message posted looks like a general message anyone can come across. It doesn’t look like it was directed solely at her. Nobody should be pestering staff. I have never heard of Level event, but thanks to this situation that is blown way out of proportion, I am certainly going to go check it out. Perhaps even apply as a designer.
I’m assuming this is in reference to #39. If so, it looks to me like the request that bloggers not contact the event staff about why they were not selected was a response to the request, given the title of that notecard, and not a prior message being “violated” by the individual asking. It is typical and fully acceptable for someone who is rejected as a blogger or a model for any event to ask for and receive *constructive* feedback as to the reason they were not selected. If they don’t want to provide feedback, that’s fine. Tell the applicant politely that it’s something you do not do and call it a day. Don’t go onto social media and insult them for asking. That’s unprofessional and unacceptable. Even if someone’s photos were the worst I’ve ever seen, I would never tell them that. Something along the lines of, “Your look and style just don’t match up with our vision at this time,” is much kinder and far more professional than “your avi is ugly and your pics suck.”
you would never tell them? you are lying to yourself. What world do you live in? I hope it’s not that glass one that shatters easily… Even if they begged you like this woman? It clearly says don’t contact designers. So I don’t know how much more politely the initial request to not ask why you weren’t accepted could have been. you cannot go around the world thinking in your little head that you can pick or choose what words other people will say so that you are not offended. She got tired of the asking after it said don’t ask and she told her like it was. If you beg me after I tell you not to, I’m going to tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But then again she ASKED for it. If she sucks she sucks. This world wasn’t made to coddle anyone.
If we have the screenshots to go by, there’s two problems in your defense:
1) The blogger didn’t beg. She sent a fairly professionally-worded request and in none of the screenshots in the secrets or shared in the comments did anyone mention she’d asked multiple times.
2) Their reply in the notecard screenshot is the first instance of the blogger being informed she wouldn’t be getting feedback (since the dialogue is backwards; the exchanges need to be read bottom to top). In other words, how would she have known that this was something they weren’t willing to do without asking? They literally told her their stance only in response.
Unless you have different screenshots or inside information that can be validated, if so, I’m sure everyone here would like to see it.
You keep saying they should be commended and no one needs to be coddled; well no one deserves to be treated unprofessionally when they never acted that way themselves. One can be firm and professional when declining someone without being a douche. It just requires an iota of restraint. If they really didn’t want to deal with the blogger they could just say no and then put a policy up somewhere for future reference. It’s magical how now they would no longer have any obligation to even respond to those requests now.
Before commenting Kaine, it would have served you better to actually find out what happened. There was no mention about not contacting staff on the application. The blogger sent a NC, politely asking for some feedback. Jaay answered back, putting her answer over top the blogger’s question, which was the first time it was mentioned not to contact staff. The blogger later asked if maybe she had worded the NC wrong. It was when that post was shared, that is when all hell broke loose and Jaay and Lovely decided it would be a great idea to bash anyone who was in that thread. The vulgarity, the rudeness, the classless behavior didn’t happen in the original blogger’s thread, it happened in the shared thread. Then Jaay went to her own feed and put up a post, insulting the original blogger and Lovely, who was going around claiming to be the HR for Level made her own posts, each one attacking somebody. The person who started all this drama was not the blogger who had been declined but Jaay and Lovely, who decided to attack people, including that blogger, in a separate thread that the blogger was not even in. There is, of course, more but I’m not going to spend more time here explaining it to a fool who didn’t bother to check it out. You want to see more, go over to The Whisperer. Someone posted up about it over there as well.
You do realize that it actually stated no where about not contacting the team? The part you must have seen came AFTER she asked for feedback…
If I’m the K you’re looking for, then you’re right. You can’t talk to me. You’ve spent enough time going around talking about “only good memories” from your side of things, and that’s fine, but it wasn’t fine or good for me.
I spent so much time trying to build you up, being your friend, asking you how you are and talking to you for hours about things that mattered to you, and then you ghosted me.
Just because I have a good life now doesn’t mean you can come back and fuck it all up like you did last time. I’m in a good place. Without you. Have been for a while. Yet every time I checked up on you, you acted like I was annoying and unwanted. Of course I stopped. Who wouldn’t have.
I hope you have a good life, but you can sure as hell beg I will never be in it again. “Forever” is over.
It would have worked if she was a vowel. Two consonants rarely work well together.
Number 5 ,can we be sluts together 😉 don’t worry of haters ,want to see a real person come join me i’ll wiggle my ass for you and say hey baby where have you been all my life
Blowing number 5 drunken kisses savvy muah
Ur boring shut up
41. THAT IS SICK! If that’s true, that is.
40. Ow. Why this font?
KillHeart Dragon clan WHOM!? NO ONE CARES! No one even know’s you! It doesn’t matter !
Walk away before they mock you more ! yeesh!
Him and his gf just broke up. I’m not surprised he’s already on here. He don’t waste any time, already at babygirl sims and grandpas in every girls box.
Messin around with girls who like to cuck thier partner. Lol
On the subject of #18. I purposefully created my avi to be a midget, dwarf or Little Person. I am small in RL and it makes me feel more keen to role play. I do not ageplay nore have I ever. It’s just wrong. Yes I’m a babygirl but some people take that a bit too far. Y’all have a good one.
Then don’t get mad if you scare the shit out of me and I end up accidentally kicking your ass across the sim…. little people scare me
Plz don’t kick my virtual avatar it will traumatise me
ok so #4… if merch (dreem) is in level (which he is).. i have a feeling that that von bruiser girl is part of a real big joke.. thats kinda mean overload.
and with bloggers you have to pick and choose your battles.. i’m looking at her pics now and even if they aren’t my personal style she she tags groups and puts the event the items in as well as a mainstore link on her FLICKR (or was in the past.. she should do that again instead of writing mainstore because its better) and not just a link to a blog. I personally would choose her over so many. Its like pulling fucking teeth to get people to tag you in their posts, tag the group (your business flickr pool) and have proper links.. and all while being able to see the outfit.
I would say shes more of an asset, but thats just me.
and the person writing #1 a year after again.. lol only 1 triggered if you. but just an insider when i started in SL azoury used to have on their website a link and contact form for real life shoe design (like blue prints). =) I used to have a store on etsy with re-designed heels i did as a passion so that stayed in my head. =*
hope everyone has a good week. and Hiiii grandpa =P
Most likely his ex wife threw a fit and he deleted all social media. *shrugs* he’s done it before and went MIA for a month or two and comes back when things settle.
I so wanted to put … really? most of these posts are the same damn thing?…. but guess what… looks like every fucker has noticed it… WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU
#36 Mjel Grigorovich is the perfect example of how wrong the blogger community has become on Flickr. She gave over 170K favs in a short period of time to try to get some favs back. Now she copy-paste the word “beautiful” to every fucking picture. She follow-unfollow-follow people to try to gain some new followers. We get it: she wants to be popular. But for what? For her artistic talent? Her originality? Not at all. She’s a known copycat, not able to create her own photographic style. Some people are so sick in SL it’s just jaw dropping. I don’t understand why people still follow her. Oh… wait… she gives TONS of favs, and other people crave for them too…
Mjel Grigorovich is a fraud. Everyone should be aware. We should banish copycats like her, not give her faves.
Too real! These people annoy me. They need to focus more on making good content vs copying someone and licking butts to get 1k faves.
This fucks up the blog industry, designers will likely put her on a list rather than people w great content and style but get 100 faves or less.
Do these people with 400 faves make me want to buy what they are wearing? No.
Yes we all know she blatantly copies Anouk, been doing it for years and people know but they want the faves and awards so they simply don’t care. What matters in this “photographer” contest is who faves and comments and collects awards rather than who really has talent and passion to create.
31. For the record, I have shoved many a stick of butter in Bianca Michalak’s mouth and it eventually melts. It chunks up in her teeth and gets pretty messy. And it can take a while to melt if the butter comes straight from the fridge. But it does melt. She still cheats and lies and all that. But the rumors of butter not melting in her mouth are NOT true AT ALL.
37. You think I can’t tangle with the Killheart Dragon Clan? I OWN the Killheart Dragon Clan. I cut the Killheart Dragon Clan into little bite-sized morsels and then swallow them one at a time. And they digest in my stomach for a day. And then I sit on the toilet and shit out the Killheart Dragon Clan . I use a “Squatty Potty” just to make sure I evacuate myself of them all. They drop into bowl, mushed into my feces like little corn nuggets. The brown logs containing the remains of the Killheart Dragon Clan swirl around the bowl as I finish them off by pissing on them. Then I flush them away forever.
This has to be the most retarded thing I’ve ever read in my life. Get a job you inbred boomer
Remind me to never use the bathroom after you.
#5 Kaiden Tray the Coward
Yeah he may have admitted to catfishing people. But fishing for sympathy of him going to Syria which never actually happened after 4 days of announcing the shit. Talking about “well them 3 days was a waste of time, im back lol”. What back from being a lying coward? Pretending to “deployed” when real men out there are taking real bullets. Baiting “awws” and “be safes” for a deployment that doesnt fucking exist. I would know because Im part of the army reserves in the UK. And no such ‘tour’ has even been a thing as of late. The only reason the little bitch allegedly returned so quickly was because he probably got some emotionally co-dependant moron to partner him in sl. Considering he partnered like a day later.
Hes full of shite a pathological liar and does whatever to get sympathy and attention. Weirdo. But to pretend hes being deployed for attention is low and sad as fuck.
He’s one very unhappy person who needs to stay out of the closest nothing that comes from him is true.
what does being in the closet or not have to do with anything xD
For reference:
hey dipshit where in any of those references says he was going to syria?
#18 There are many different “sides” to SL. Different worlds, groups of people, styles people gravitate towards. My avi is short and I am a female. I have male avi friends who *you* would consider short I guess because they are, what I would say is, a foot or less taller than me. Sometimes when *I* go to a sim I feel uncomfortable because everyone is as tall as the fucking redwood forest, but you don’t see me freaking out and creating conspiracy theories. Live and let live. ✌?
I found that “secret” rather amusing, because my avi is tall and most of the men I encounter are a foot or more shorter than I am. Where are all these tall men hiding? I like being a redwood. I’m short in RL. Why would I want to be short in SL too?
#25 Reading down the list and came across this one. I found so funny because the dude it’s partnered to i dated once upon a time. It won’t last long because he is obsessive, you can’t talk to anyone unless he knows what it’s about in IM, he wants you to keep a call open even if you aren’t there and you aren’t allowed to mute it. This dude is a titty baby and has a new chick each month so it won’t last.
#26 Plastik’s skins look so bad, she doesn’t even wear them herself. And when she doesn’t scam people and never pays them for their work, she rips Curio skins and mods them for her bento heads.
“Original” work.

RoyalBlack’s Original work: Crown Princess, Dark Knight, and Guard Corsets
Plastik’s unoriginal copy: Ana Corset
The mesh maker she paid to copy this one must have been less skilled as the plagiaristic edition doesn’t give the originals justice.
RoyalBlack makes some very detailed and well made corsets. If you like looking at artistically designed clothing and like corsets I highly recommend you check them out.
You can find them at this address: http://royalblack.at/corsetry-couture-collection
While visiting you may find some other “inspiration” items and by inspiration I mean obvious copying.
The right hand pic is a full perm corset from Millionheels. I’m sure they’ve copied it from RoyalBlack as they ask their members to vote on what to create next (from links of pictures of RL stuff).
Thank you for the link, Royal Black’s corsets are beautiful. Took a quick peek and recognized a few others. This one isn’t even the most obvious one.
Plastik rips off artwork too.
Original artist known as Len Yan on DeviantArt with artwork from 2011.

Plastik’s plagiarized version.

You can view the rest of Len Yan’s artwork here. You might find some other stolen ideas and work. 🙂 Also the original artist is very skilled.
Ooo this Len Yan’s work is so pretty must add to my “Adore & Support” follow list Thank you
this isn’t illegal or the same thing as plagiarism or art theft, it’s adapting something into second life. people do the same thing all the time with furniture, architecture, fabrics- anything that exists in real life. i guess she could have credited the original artists, but it’s not legally necessary. fashion and jewellery designs cannot be copyrighted.
Allow me to educate your sadly inaccurate attempts at white knighting this. Perhaps it is innocent ignorance, or a potential agenda. Despite the reasoning behind your attempt at making a counterpoint you are utterly wrong.
Have a nice read https://www.plagiarism.org/article/what-is-plagiarism
It would nice if you educated yourself before attempting to appear as if though you may have knowledge on a topic in public.
This applies especially to the artwork plagiarized off DeviantArt.com in the examples. Please pay particular attention to the part that states “Re-creating a visual work in a different medium (for example: making a painting that closely resembles another person’s photograph).”
It’s called inspiration. U can bitch if u want but you might aswell say all ur clothing RL n SL is copied.
You use this word “inspiration” and I don’t think you know what it means. She blatantly copies [or more accurately stated, pays for copies]. To the level of asking a mesh maker to copy it with the promise of paying the mesh maker. This person gives her the copy and she uploads it. Sometimes she even pays the financially “inspired” mesh plagiarist as promised.
These objects are unique enough to be considered more than simple inspiration. After looking through this artists work and comments I see the original artist does not want their ideas and work used in this way, especially without credit.
You can bitch all you want but plagiarism is plagiarism regardless even if it is thought to be common and confused people call it inspiration.
It’s not the same either dude LOOK at it. You will see details are not the same! Aka INSPIRATION
Holy shit I typed you what’s the world coming too XD
Oi stop copyin my name u twat
There’s a difference between inspiration and imitation. Inspiration requires that the creator uses a transformative design choice to make their creation unique from the source material in some way. Imitation is just a nearly direct copy. In both those images, Plastik has done next to nothing (if anything at all) to change the original concepts. The choker is a 1:1 copy. The halo has very minimal changes (probably owing to the fact that not all the cutouts are visible in the source image); the overall shape of the curves used, open ends in the front, and pointed peak in the back are the same.
You’re absolutely right that our SL wardrobes are grossly copied. Makeup creators and “kawaii” product creators often steal their ideas from Pinterest. You’ll find recreations of popular types of shoes, purses, clothing, etc from lots of mainstream stores. You just have to make the decision, “did this person make their version unique somehow, and if not, how strongly do I feel about that?”
It’s just good to be aware when creators are truly not relying on their own resources and use that to guide your buying habits if that’s something that is important to you.
More than 80% of what Plastik has in Second Life is content ripped from actual artists online. She shows a someone a picture of the original work online and pays them to make the 3d model and sometimes even the texture. All she does is, chastise the actual mesh creator if it doesn’t fit right, maybe actually pay them, recolor it, and package it up.
Oirginal creation is the Crystal Body Choker by VidaKush
Stolen and unaccredited version: Seed of Inspo ripped by an anonymous mesh maker paid for and uploaded by Aikeo Reiko
She steals from jewelry makers, makers of unique clothing items, and from artists on sites like Deviant Art.
Many many MANY more to come if you’d like!
I’m not sure if she still does this, but the thing I always thought was sorta sketchy was that if you want an applier she doesn’t offer, you basically have to fill out a form and commission it. Which is okay in the sense that it’s fine to pay for appliers sometimes, but:
A) she charges a lot, saying you’re paying for her time to make the applier and adjust the skin since it isn’t already made.
B) even after someone commissions it, she never puts it up for sale at a more normal applier price for everyone else, therefore the next person has to “commission” it again at the same high rate even though it’s already made and they never know.
At the end of the day she can do whatever she wants, but it just feels kinda dishonest to do it that way.
#5 Lmaoo why are you worried about SL when you haven’t logged on in months. Sonny you’re weird asf
#4 I wouldn’t be proud of being a blogger for Merch…a brand owned by someone known to be a copy botter and has had several brands before they got removed from the grid cause of copyright infringement
re: Jaay Tiratzo posts
I have no issue with what he said because hes just saying what a ton of blogger managers/owners want to say but don’t have the balls to.
It gets annoying to get a ton of messages whining about “why didn’t you pick me??”. And its unprofessional to bug them, begging to know why you didn’t get chosen. YOU JUST WEREN’T UP TO THEIR STANDARDS. Deal with it like an adult and move on. Obviously, there were better bloggers who applied. Want to better yourself? Watch Youtube videos on photo editing, try harder with poses/clothes/looks, do your research.
So your solution to being asked by a blogger as to why they weren’t accepted is to then be a complete knob about it? You talk about “dealing with it” like an adult, well maybe Jaay should have done the same. Arguing that someone else is being a douchebag doesn’t change the fact that Jaay was also a douchebag when dealing with this.
why don’t you ask Lakua how business has been since her cunting ‘edgelord’ bastard of a partner shit all over their customer base?…I won’t be giving the event a shout out let alone shopping there. ever. and I personally know some big fishes that are doing the same.
the funny part of all of this is look at the numbers on 2cents post.. 8 and 50 dislikes… i bet those 50 people will still shop at level tho..
help fix this dudes attitude.. and dont shop the event anymore. i can do it.. can you? (you 50+ people)
After reading this, I have to wonder if this is Thomas Onyx, Jaay’s partner. He basically said almost the exact same thing on his timeline, in his lame attempt at trying to defend her ignorant ass.
If that’s the case, I’m kinda laughing at the notion that they’re not grasping WHY other event owners “don’t have the balls” to speak publically like that. If they’re reading any of this, the pro gamer tip of the week for them is:
They don’t do it because they have common sense.
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. You can explain yourself professionally without being a total dick.
I don’t think you quite understand why it’s considered Jaay has done a big No No…. yes there are a lot of crappy & rather annoying unprofessional bloggers out there! We all have seen & complained about them but there is this thing known as a “Time & Place” & Jaay so didn’t consider that & ended making a huge spectical of herself in the process… it’s not that other managers/owners “don’t have the balls to” it’s that they have actual Class & know better than to do that.
Morning All! The sun is shining; coffee nice & hot; & pastries all sorts of tasty for what is a very “Jaay Tiratzo Sunday”! 1) Love how you included the pic I posted the comments of last week ^5… & glad how I’m not the only one who has seen how much Azoury takes & uses as “inspiration” (which is pretty much every last release they have ever done) for years now I’ve quietly rolled my eyes as people coo over how creative Azoury is because they are one of the biggest “Art Thieves” out there & the only difference is that they are clever enough to take from the non-mainstream smaller artist that most of the SL population probably has never heard about. 18) Yet another “secret” complaining & thinking they have the right to dictate how an Avi should be… love how this one says we should base our height off of the default noob avi… like really? who wants to base anything off of that fugly ass shit… not me kay thanx. I’ll keep my avi the height I prefer & you can mind your biz cause does the height of others effect you?… No, not in the slightest & if it does there is a handy button that is called Derender so use it. And, lastly, I guess I should bring up Jaay since it’s the “topic of the week”… never heard of Jaay ever before I saw the now infamous post on FB. When I did, I suspected that there would be a buzz here but wow not this much. I’m also quite sure Jaay & the other Level people don’t care one bit about what they have caused in their wake…yet! But they should; the blogging community is not a fan… most of us… Read more »
Pretty sure #37 was meant to poke fun at the group in question.
#9 Stop Hatin… people can express appreciation. Just cause you don’t do it doesn’t mean others can’t.
If you’re the “L”, I am thinking of… Reach out.
“Time heals all wounds”, or some shit like that…
I miss you too.
Aww dis is presh. SL Secrets bringing people back together. 😀
1. Azoury is an amazing Designer, but no reason to drag them on this because of customer drama. It is also true many game and SL creators use Pinterest or RL items as references. I agree idiots need to stop posting about that, it’s SL though don’t hold your breath.
12. 19, 21, 34, 39. Jaay Tiratzo is an asshole, not news.
Azoury is not a “Designer”. They are a Creator using another artists reference. She did zilch designing and used someone else’s designing mind power (concept artists as shown above) as a guide to create mesh and is taking credit as designer.
so does every other ‘designer’ in SL tho.. at least they use stuff that isn’t being done in every other store. and texture wise its not a photocopy of the actual product..(some designers ur able to see the exact stitches on the textures as the actual rl product). like the sneaker makers in SL.. like who needs to have 2 pairs of the same exact nikes or jordans? so dumb..
18. First of all I’m gonna have my avi’s height the way I want it in SL. Since when the hell you became the Height FBI? If someone wants be to a short babygirl, go ahead. If someone wants be a tall amazon, go ahead. Otherwise don’t worry about it if it’s not affecting you. And second..who the fuck is Jaay Tiratzo?
18 I am 5’7 in rl and my avi NaeNae is small and honestly I like having her as I call it “funsized”. It honestly is MY SL and others so what they want to do is their choice not yours
“funsized” =
Shit well you’re one of us then.. Welcome to the tall club. 😉
Who is #32
#6, #12, #13, #14, #19, #21, #34, #39
More gems form our gurl Jaay Tiratzo.
But wait! There’s more~
And the desperate brown nosed sidekick
Then when it got a little too intense
Thanks Gurl! It was entertaining to see you ruin your reputation. 10/10 would LOL again.
Funny how he says she’s not affiliated with Level Event yet he responds to comment saying she is. That is one heck of a mess. Hope people stop bothering to shop there and designers have more sense than to attend.
Pulled my store out of Level Event because of this. Will not support.
Forgot one
that had me spitting my tea literally lol
18. Wait, so because you’re saying this everyone who using this game is contractually obliged to change their height to suit to your liking? I dunno about you but there are people out there who suffer dwarfism who might disagree with you on the whole height proportion stuff just saying. Furthermore, noobs are of all shapes and sizes aren’t they?
23 Wait what?
30. Nothing i love more then retards who us hard to read coloured text that blends in with the picture to the point where you just can’t read the so-called “secret”. Good work.
28. For me I don’t like the trans community and some of what they stand for.. From what I’ve seen on the internet alot of them use their orientation as an excuse for childish behaviour and getting away with alot of things i can’t agree with them and I wouldn’t consider them to eb part of the LGBT community. Especially their attitude.
35. What’s this meant to represent?
40. Sorry you got cucked lad :c
But…trans is literally in the definition of LGBT…you don’t need to like them personally but we don’t need you to speak for the entire LGBT+ community. They belong as much as the rest of us do.
Get over it
You don’t want transgender people to be part of the LGTB community? What do you think that T stands for? TACOS?
It stands for nothing
Absolutely no one in the LGBTQ+ needs your validation. You don’t like what the trans community stands for? You don’t like the childish behavior? That’s real fucking rich coming from you. Guess what? They’re people, prone to all the foibles of people. Being LGBT or just straight ol’ whitebread doesn’t make you inherently any more or less “right,” any more or less prone to mistakes, anything other than people trying to figure out their place in this life, too.
News flash: People of all kinds use anything as an excuse for their childish behavior. Which may or may not include “kek” and disparaging entire groups based on the actions of a few.
sounds like you are right where need to be on a site with bunch of cunty catty bitches being cunty catty bitches
The replies tell you alot about the trans community.
I just don’t agree with trans people due to their history. You’re free to have your opinion just as much as i am allowed to have mine.
How do you not “agree” with someone’s innate orientation and identity, though? It’s not a matter for opinion.
This take is dumb. And you should feel dumb.
You are dumb lol
Also this is why people cringe around trans people.. Because of the standards they set for the rest of the trans community
Suffer dwarfism? I think they would suffer ignorant people more. Like the ones who say “people out there who suffer dwarfism”.
Nothing against dwarfism 🙂
Dwarfism is a disorder characterised by shorter than normal skeletal growth. It can be genetic. Over 100 different conditions can cause dwarfism. Achondroplasia is a common form of short-limbed dwarfism. Most children born with achondroplasia have average-sized parents
Since it’s such a hot topic this week, and I have zero stake in it, I’m gonna play devil’s advocate for a second- would not an ugly, cheap looking avatar with shitty pictures be legit reasons to reject a blogger? And, is it really that much more unprofessional to criticize like that than to reach out after being rejected as a blogger demanding to know why? The notecard specifically said not to bother them with that; apparently “punkarella” is not good at following directions, another bad blogger trait. They could’ve just moved on after being rejected, like grown ups do. I bet if you did that after a RL job interview, you’d probably hear things you didn’t want to hear as well. Yes, it was unnecessary to post that publicly- but s/he (?) didn’t name any names, which would have been actually cruel- the SL secrets person did that, no one had to know who Jaay was talking about. It seems to me like people are really blowing this whole thing out of proportion.
That being said, I’m all for events dying, so get your pitchforks!
See the problem is that the event rejected Punky (the blogger that applied). She sent a note card asking for criticism on why she was rejected and how she can better her skills. Bella Drakon (a nobody that was in dire need of attention.), decided to take the note card that did not belong to her, and made a public FB post, to shame the event about their reply towards Punky. Then proceeded to make more than one live video on her facebook wall, calling out this person and talking them down about their refusal to respond to the question. The person that runs the even (Jaay) after dealing with non stop annoyance from all these people reacted with the post that’s posted up there several times.
Now, I don’t know a thing about blog managers, event managers, or people that run any time of anything on SL. I do know what it’s like to manage in RL, and I’ll say this. If I rejected someone’s application, and they asked why and I responded (which Jaay did), yet the answer isn’t good enough and keep getting harassed for it, I shit you not, I will definitely have a few things to say. My hats off to Jaay for snapping and giving attitude, I on the other hand, would not have taken my post down and apologized. Jaay have as much right to snap at them, as they snapped at Jaay. They threw Jaay on that facebook publicity, because of a “Don’t message asking why.” I say if anyone burns at the steak, burn Punky and Bella for starting so much drama, that it ate up our entire slsecrets for the week!
I do have to wonder if this is Jaay or one of her friends. Nice twist on the story but those of us who were in BOTH threads, know that the story is very different from the spin that you are trying to claim. Punky was NOT looking for drama at all. As for Lovely and Jaay, they were both warned in the one thread that this shit attitude they brought in there was going to haunt them and it sure did. If you really know about managing, then you would know that what they did was not acceptable and was the worse way to handle any situation. I call BS on your whole comment.
Ok Jan
That’s not how anything transpired, but nice try.
All that aside, it falls back to the event representative to maintain their dignity on behalf of the event. When I’ve had this issue arise, you have two options: you don’t respond (not usually recommended unless you have a policy posted explaining that you don’t give reasons), or you give them a canned “sorry no can do” response then don’t entertain it anymore. What the blogger does after is on them and them alone.
The moment the people involved in the event began acting the fool, it was over. It doesn’t matter how rude or inept or unreasonable an applicant might become, you just DON’T act that way and expect to be taken seriously. You’re trying to act in a role of leadership and all you’re displaying is that you’re not above being small and pretty about being inconvenienced even if names were withheld. Look at the image it presents to other bloggers, “hello, please work with us, but if we dislike your application or what you do we’re going to sit there and have a go at it.”
This is literal image suicide, if one of my team did this, they’d be ejected so fast their head would spin.
If your going to play devils advocate, you might want to make sure you know what you’re talking about first.
-the blogger’s avatar looks just like all other avatars of high popularity.
-the blogger was never told to not contact the event staff before she sent the notecard. What you read in the notecard was the staff’s response to her asking for feedback.
-the blogger only posted status asking if she had done wrong in her notecard.
-she never stated that she was entitled to feedback.
-asking for feedback is a valid way of figuring out how to improve yourself.
-in the past blogger has asked on facebook for feedback of other bloggers and blog managers, then thanked them for their feedback and applied it to her work. I seen it myself.
“the blogger’s avatar looks just like all other avatars of high popularity.”
So what you’re really saying is —- she looks just like another freaking clone? Yea… Probably wouldn’t have hired her based on that.
Who wants unoriginal?
Eh, so they are trashy; shocker. I knew as much detail as was posted here, I certainly don’t talk to any of those people inworld, so the background is nice but no one who doesn’t use SL facebook or know those people had those details before you posted them. Also, I still think whoever decided to connect them together and put them here is worse, because otherwise no one would have known who the Fb post was about. So eh. The whole situation is way pettier than the reaction warrants.
The problem is, the blogger comment came before the Event organizers comment. On the application, there was no mention of not contacting the staff. The blogger was just asking the owner for some feedback. The top part of the nc was the answer the owner gave to the blogger’s question, which is at the bottom. The way the nc looks at first, it’s a little odd but you have to read it from bottom to top, since that is how they were communicating, not the normal way from top to bottom.
That is exactly how I read it as well, and it’s common practice for bloggers and models to ask for feedback. The response on the notecard should have been the end of it. But nooooo, they had to go the extra mile and sling insults on social media. Not a smart move.
I am 100% with you on this. The way the blogger “handled” this after being rejected and straight up being told the policy to not give feedback was poor – she took it to FB to get sympathy. After looking at that particular blogger, I wouldn’t have hired her either. If I was looking for bloggers, and this one applied after watching this kerfuffle, I still wouldn’t hire her. She doesn’t come across as someone with integrity, especially after this stunt. But it’s all about Jaay’s response. Jaay’s response was a bit more than overboard and should’ve/could’ve been handled better as an event owner – she really shot herself in the foot on that one, but I really do understand the frustration from her point of view after getting barraged with bullshit from all corners.
Theres no acceptable reason for that reaction.
There’s no acceptable reason for any of this bullshit. Chick didn’t get accepted. Fucking move on. We’re all sick of the shit now.
#2, 3, 6, etc He was way to rude but who goes around asking why you have been rejected? It might not work out. Take the hint and get better.
#30 I don’t understand why people still watch her channel. It is so trashy. Everyone should know about it by now.
#41 Wasn’t he on here before? Every time I see him at Grandpa’s basement he has a new chick on his profile.
To clarify about 2, 3, 6, etc. the blogger was just asking for feedback on how to improve herself. It is actually more common than most people realize. Now you can get some who ask and basically just want to argue but this was not the case in this situation. Punky was genuinely looking for some feedback on how to make her work better. She did pose her question in a polite way, so Jaay’s response is all the harsher looking when you compare the comments on the nc. Punky was being polite and respectful towards Jaay. When she received Jaay’s response (the top part of that nc) to her question, she thought she had maybe worded her nc wrong to get the response she did. This started because she thought she maybe hadn’t been polite enough….
Asking for resume or interview feedback is actually quite common (in RL) and really helps applicants learn to improve on areas that they might have been weak in.
#25 he’s gay..come out of the closet already
hahaha nah he aint gay he is just an emotional bitch boy
This is exactly why I prefer to date girls who have at least two letters in their name. My ex was named “U” and it was more than awkward when I yelled across a crowded room, “Hey, U!”
whew xD
my stalker has arrived.. i bet shes extra ugly xD anyways see you guys next week.. im going to harass the people of Maine ♥