Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 574.
13. Why use a shared post from Morgan Jones? That guy is a legit drama Queen.
Nobody cares about this. Post something that is actually interesting next time.
#21. Considering how many times Hot Topic has ripped off smaller creators by copying their stuff, I’d find it highly ironic for them to go after someone in a virtual world for copying. We get it. You don’t like Aya. So, don’t shop there and move on.
VS, all the trash fit to print, unless the owner doesn’t agree with you. Or it involves her or her friends. Posts just disappear. Have fun trolls and drama queens
@Bundy or should we call you Al Bundy. You post a wall of text expecting people to read and care about it, and it’s not interesting enough to do that. I am assuming you are new to this, so let’s cover something. Most walls of text, people skim through for big cap letters or to the end. We want drama and gossip, not your bandwagon against a site that has given most of us drama seekers a good laugh and a relief in our boring lives. If you don’t like what is here, don’t come by or comment. Because now you are feeding the supposed “trash” you were speaking out against. Just saying.
Linode.com acceptable use policy #5 (I think every last one of those was violated -today) Webhost for virtual secrets
Offensive Content
You may not publish, transmit or store on or via the Linode network or equipment any content or links to any content that in Linode’s belief:
constitutes, depicts, fosters, promotes or relates in any manner to child sexual abuse, bestiality, or non-consensual sex acts;
is excessively violent, incites violence, threatens violence or contains harassing content or hate speech;
is unfair or deceptive under the consumer protection laws of any jurisdiction, including chain letters and pyramid schemes;
is defamatory or violates a person’s privacy;
creates a risk to a person’s safety or health, creates a risk to public safety or health, compromises national security or interferes with an investigation by law enforcement;
improperly exposes trade secrets or other confidential or proprietary information of another person or business;
is intended to assist others in defeating technical copyright protections;
infringes on another person’s copyright, trade or service mark, patent or other property right;
promotes illegal drugs, violates export control laws, relates to illegal gambling or illegal arms trafficking;
is otherwise illegal or solicits conduct that is illegal under laws applicable to you or to Linode; or
is otherwise malicious, fraudulent or may result in retaliation against Linode by offended viewers.
This list includes examples of content that Linode may deem inappropriate but prohibited content is not limited to the aforementioned list.
Linode knows what’s on this site. Several of their techs have had to read y’alls bullshit before.
Do they know the owner of the site is a pedo?
So, I read the comment above & the thread down below & I swear it’s about as riveting as a poorly written day time soap… but it did get me thinking about one thing in particular. Your name handle @Bundy… I’m assuming you use this one because you have some unhealthy idea that you can be compared to Ted Bundy but alas you could never be as suave or smart to fool enough people to get his “kill count” But, to keep in theme here of the serial killer line I was at 1st thinking maybe Gacy would be a better name handle for you… but no, he is also too smart & has a much too high of a kill count for the likes of you. After much thought though I did find the “perfect” serial killer for you to compare with… Dahmer! Why him one may ask? Well, because the low kill count of just 17 is much more suitable vs the 30+ the other 2 have. 2nd he was just an attention craving crybaby who pretty much killed his victims because he didn’t want them to leave his lonely unwanted ass. And then 3rdly his ending of being beaten to death on a prison bathroom floor is a much more believable as something that would happen to this fake Bundy. As a side note here one might be wondering why did I think of Gacy & Dahmer when they were gay & their victims male. I did however take that into consideration…. I wouldn’t be surprised if our little @Bundy here was a closeted gay much like Dahmer. And come on; the real Bundy was way too much of a “SMOOTH TALKING” ladies man for him to ever live up to. So I therefor petition that @Bundy… Read more »
Kind of creepy that you are so into serial killers. and you seem to seamlessly switch lanes right into homophobia.. almost as if such topics turned you on. The rambling admiration… the triggered reflex… and the complete lack of anything to do with anything discussed are a persuasive argument for grade C troll, better luck next time boy
@Bundy .. why would it be creepy IF he/she was into serial killers (i actually kind am lol not to bang just to read about)??? Dont YOU play the predator role on your sim?? apparently you’re a little more into serial creeps..killing is bad.. but rape and torture is good. eyerolls@the chooch
and its OBVIOUS you’re not even good at that RP with THIS in your profile..lmfao you fucking diva you
Just adding this one for giggles… i can’t get over the dude calling girls bullies doesn’t have a submissive bone in his body lmfao.. you fucking cuck. xD
pull away from the PC for a while and put on the news or actually google “greendot school bully”
THATS a bully situation..very upsetting too. NOT women telling off old creepers too lazy to RUN on a capture site and his pedo bait girlfriend.. and you said shes not human.. wtf is she then?? other than disgusting
p.s. @kess lol a good patreon perk would be posting without it going into moderation.. xD joking.. i know we can’t be trusted lol
and @respect.. i forgot to say this but you deserve comment of the week because all last week i was trying to figure out if he was a guy or girl too lol xD
I had considered custom messages on the sidebar for a patreon perk. But meh. No one would donate.
Never gonna happen, Bundy. Virtual Secrets is nothing in comparison to the content being hosted today across the inter webs. Live in your righteous world if you wish – but expect nothing in return. Better yet, read this, and if you feel the call embrace it. https://jamesclear.com/book-summaries/the-art-of-war
Read it many times, not any summery but Sun Zsu, Von Clausewitz “On War” and Machiavelli “The Prince” should go with it to better round things out. Different hosts have different terms of service
#44 This complaint is stupid. Dont be a dumb customer. Its called a sale and stores have the right to have them. So are stores supposed to never have sales? Just because you as a customer don’t have the patients to wait for sales, dont attack the stores! The stores uses sales, and FLF and TSS in order to get people into their stores and have traffic. Its worth it for the stores to have sales, thats why they do it. And smart customers love the sales too.
For those bitching about this. Yes, you may have paid full price for it, but you more than likely got it when it first came out. Most of the things on FLF and TSS have been out for at least a couple of months before.
If something comes out that interests me, but I don’t HAVE to have it immediately, I’ll put it on my wishlist or make a note of it somewhere for later. Especially if I know that vendor is part of FLF and TSS. It may or may not show up, but if it does, I can get it then.
Do you not shop clearance racks or special sales in stores IRL? It’s pretty much the same thing.
Yes, so much that! RL stores even do this… just the other day I got a shirt that was on clearance… was so happy because I saw it & kinda wanted that shirt a couple of months ago when it was full price but decided to *gasps* wait till it went on sale
xD never underestimate the power of a smart shopper.
Yes! My rl roomie is even better at it then me… he hardly ever pays full price for anything! he even will go to 4 different grocery stores in 1 trip to make sure he takes full advantage of sales/coupons/clearances… the poor OP needs to go back to Economics 101
#25 Casey Woodland … again you are not a law student who goes to dinner parties with pretty strawberry blonde hair. Repeat after me! YOU ARE NOT THE GIRLS FROM THE PICTURES YOU STEAL ON INSTAGRAM. Sighs! You don’t even voice. So for all we know you’re a man. Also you were my first SL gf and you left me the fuck you note in my living room than took all your stuff. You know I’m sitting here laughing like. She still pretending to be someone shes not. Mean while I’m still the same asshole. But hey your famous now. You win!
#36 – This type of toxicity is entirely unnecessary. In order to MAKE roleplay, you have to involve yourself. You cannot sit back and expect the stories to come to you. The saying “everyone was new once” is corny, and also true. Less than a year ago, I created my first character on this sim. I was shy, uncertain what I was doing. Certainly didn’t have admin or a big pocket of roleplayers in my back pocket. But I took the time, I crafted the story. I got to know my characters and put forth the EFFORT. In return, I’ve made great friends, both in and out of character, and now enjoy a plethora of stories with genuinely awesome people.
You get what you give. And if OP isn’t getting much, well… That might tell its own story.
If someone is getting out of line in chat, it is the responsibility of the mods to address it. Sounds like someone might have gotten called down and is salty about it.
Also, it’s ALO.
There is a fuckton of favoritism at Mischief Managed. If you don’t see it, you’re most likely in the “clique” or too high up to give a damn. Newcomers tend to be pushed aside and left to feel like outcasts. I’ve learned who not to bother with, because they’re 100% not going to give me the time of day either. It’s unfortunate that those same people are the ones who make up more than half the playerbase on alts, so who I can roleplay with while there is limited even further.
Nobody wants to stay somewhere they don’t feel wanted. Nobody wants to kiss ass just to get any sort of attention or recognition, or have any sort of FUN. Neglecting some roleplayers for others sends all sorts of bad messages. Giving all the plots and roles to those certain individuals and their alts and brushing off everyone else shows the blatant favoritism.
Yes, I’ve met amazing people there. Yes, I’ve met amazing roleplayers there. I’ve spoken to new and old who have all seen these same issues. If you’re not seeing it, you’re either in said “clique” or you’re too high up in management that it doesn’t effect you.
Is it also the responsibility of the mods/ALO’s to put down others players? You have ALO’s, not naming any HEAD ALO names or anything, not understanding the difference between ICLY and OOCLY. If you cross such “Clique” which they know exactly who they are, you are nothing. Most of the roleplayers on the sim are 1 of all the maxed out alts they are allowed to have. The sim who are staff, are only staffing themselves at one point being the only roleplayers on sim. “ALT” revealing is pretty redundant when you are required to put your characters names as your discord name. It’s pretty clear the way that is written is that you are either one of the brown nosers, or you are an ALO yourself up their asses. Now that there is another Harry Potter sim opened up, you can watch MM slowly drain from not wanting to put up with the nonsense any longer. The staff is poorly picked based on vouching for friends and brown nosers. There are roleplayers who cannot even defend themselves because they just want the love of a good roleplay story within the Harry Potter realm and then there are those who deny them this right. There are roleplayers who put themselves out there to try and roleplay and have a story, but what pushes them away is the snotty attitudes they receive in the chats. Not only will you have one of the ALO’s answer, you will have every single one of them and their brown nosers jump down their throat. That does detrimental damage on a person when it happens every single time, or they see it done to another. It’s not just hey here is what is wrong with how things are going, it is also here is what… Read more »
@Go Manage Your Mischief: What is the new HP RPG you mentioned?
Only required to put your main character’s name in Discord, for what it’s worth. Or one of them. Not all, not all of the alts… Some people don’t even bother to join the discord which is fine. It’s not mandatory, anything posted in there is also posted in world.
Right but the majority of oocly discussion happens in discord for those who are adults or in the ministry they would have no idea whats going on unless they are in discord. It’s a forced matter of communication. Remind you its the same main players in any major plot. How many times has Aisling or Percy got hurt or maimed.
You’re likely someone whose head is shoved up an admin’s arse.
Nah, just someone who knows how to conduct themselves with a shred of maturity. ☺
How exactly does that happen before even knowing who the admins are? Nice reading skills, champ. Probably the upper echelon of roleplayer right here
Kinda stupid how obvious it is that one person is so obsessed with dreem. All the exact same style lol! Someone is clearly obsessed and can’t get her off their mind?
Dreem is nothing but a bully and a dude….so there is that. he also doesn’t know how to rig because all his shit is a lumpy mess of yuck! Also, he is a racist and an all around shit person. he copyright infringes on a regular (using luis voitton, gucci, chanel ect is actual copyright infringement, look it up) And he thinks he is some god of SL or someshit, bitch please. quit talking about your kids, and grandkids, you haven’t had any kids…it’s SL get over it.
OMG so obsessed! lololololol
Here are great examples of what I meant last week:
45/50 advertisement, no sex, no nudity, no role play = no ToS violation. You don’t see ads all the time using teen models in real life? Jeans, Swimsuits, resorts that are more risqué?
5 If you see something sexual in this, YOU are the pedo! YOU are the sicko! When you go around looking for pedophiles then everything becomes pedo. Your seeing ageplay in everything is disturbing and creepy in itself BECAUSE it makes it look like you are the one sexualizing children and your outrage is only mock outrage to assuage your feelings of guilt at being turned on by it -its called projection, google it.
Just so some of you quit looking stupid http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Clarification_of_policy_disallowing_ageplay
Kind of sucks to be all you bitter bitches -blame evolution -That would be barely legal…
You just outed yourself for liking way younger girls you sicko! Just cause some internet research article says younger women are more attractive doesn’t mean it’s for the whole of the Male race. Or shared by others. It’s not gossip or sacred, it’s an internet research article.
Some guys, like my brothers like thick women, as did our grandfather. Some younger guys like older women Less drama more nurturing and know what they are doing. Some guys like members of the ibtc that are legal!
I would bring up that some women look younger though are older but I am positive your warped sense of morality would convulge upon that to a detrimental but hysterical conclusion: “tantrica -what’s-my-perv-age-again is legal respect my old man pervy ways whaaaa respect me!”.
So glad I left SL, this is too much lmao!
Nah, blame Trump. It’s more timely. Devolution. Never Legal.
Trumps to easy, 4.5 billion years of evolution is another thing, sexual urges are the province of the reptilian brain, the oldest part, you know… breathing, heartbeat, involuntary reflexes, reproduction, aggression, etc so just because it is all down hill for women at 20, they shouldn’t be haten (and yes 4.5 billion years is the age of the earth, I know life did not start until later)
2 worthless articles
The girls in the add pretty clearly look underage and one of them is topless. They have very young faces and bodies that look prepubescent almost (and its not just them having small boobs that creates that look but also the distinct lack of curves an adult women would have.) I mean theres definitely a lot of false pedo accusations thrown about on here but this one isnt one of those instances. It really does look innapropriate. Also just because sexualizeing teens (aka children) in ads happens irl doesnt make it okay really. Its not.
I leave you all for a few days and you guys can’t stop bickering! Now, with my uncanny memory for names I recall Starr Ghost already being outed here in a Secret that revealed her commenting name. It is not BeLess. It was back around a year ago. Please don’t make me look as I want to head into SL and grab a few lap dances with sweet talking trailer girls. Happy searching, Bundy!
I didn’t realize @bundy was a guy
Good gawd. So much junior high and anger over virtual stuff. Reaching too much to call it doxing and other thngs on a virtual name of a pixel… virtual characters.
Someone, @bundy, Needs to get a grip and step away from the computer for a bit into the real world… I don’t think you’ve been there lately
He’s just a creepy old man who likes non-consent and barely legal looking pixel pussy, defending himself and his nasty underage fetish hoes from the dying ruins of Dark Alley.
Brilliant logic there, you refuted every point with flair and aplomb. Ad hominem attack; the last refuge of someone with nothing to say.
So everyone knows “Be less ignorant” is Starr Ghost -stalker, cyber bully, and leading the jihad to save virtual children everywhere (even when they are adult, play adult, look adult, and don’t want her “saving”) She just gets sand in her twat seeing someone with an avatar more attractive then her 45 to 50ish looking one -that is probably 95 percent of SL. She has a SL man/cuck because her rl wants nothing to do with her skanky ass.. As to dying ruins of dark alley, thanks for the plug, it isn’t needed, makes money, been in SL longer then your cheap ass avatar and has great traffic trending upwards. Must suck to not create anything, not own anything, and call yourself a blogger as if that was some accomplishment.. like being a whore for selling out is something to be proud of in the first place -hope you like your fishing boats and old tractors. Quit being a cunt, update your avatar, and JUST maybe you can whore yourself out for clothes or something useful
Oh my someone got triggered!
Wow, you think you know me pervert. Awww are you upset that I called you out for your obsession with Tantrica who it is so obvious except dirty ole men like yourself? Get over yourself as take a look in the mirror with your own avi who needs to be updated. Boo Hoo Cudge as you are the stalker. Not that I care what you think but am single in RL so get your facts straight if you are going to put me down. Again you are desperate and pathetic as you have shown with all those images of you and Tantrica you like them underage. What can’t get it up if they are legal, or willing that you need to kidnap and rape them?
You don’t read so well either, and from the conversations lately, I would judge you to be my age or older, though in much worse shape, cant get a man rl, well you can get one here.. maybe he even has a luxury skybox. Guess you are not keen enough to grasp what role play is. Nobody is forced, though the force theme is MORE of a woman’s fetish then males. Wish it were not so to even out numbers. So here it is for the simple minded people come to the sim because they want to play that theme, in other words nobody is forced to do anything. You this though, you just like to play stupid when it is convenient
shut up old man.. i figured out why you like them young though.. it has NOTHING to do with the girls..
its that you have an unusually small dick.. isn’t it? id bet my life im right… makes it even more funny you have a rape sim..lmao how the fuck do you rape someone with 2 inches of cock? lol well at least they don’t get hurt..thats good.
your fat jokes are as dumb as you.. im not fat BUT if i was.. its possible to lose weight.. but you’re stuck with ugly forever.
and spare me the broke shit pendejo.. i do just fine for being 1/3 of your age in my spare time when im not rl working.
i make more than your SSI in just L’s
and thats not even counting the real life job
and seriously dude stop talking about peoples looks lmao with your 1 like pictures..loll fucking retard
you should take them down.. i bet people just stop by your page to laugh at you when they’re having a bad day… like a natural disaster just blew away their home but it could be worse.. look at this fucking chooch
Bundy, please get your facts straight when talking about my RL friend Starr Ghost ~ first, she is single in RL. Jealous of others that is such a laugh. And because of her sticking up for her beliefs about age play that has been brought up by others regarding Tantrica on Flickr, which no matter if she is a man, woman or adult her images portray a prepubescent female with clearly someone that is an adult. Again, Bundy, you are completely talking out your ass as you have no clue who Starr is. Maybe you are the one that is the stalker or one that got called out for liking Tantrica’s Flickr pics.
Gets younger and younger with each telling doesn’t dolt? Cant get a man rl so sits there eating herself to death and trolling people because of her sad condition. You two fanatics pour over peoples flickr pages for kicks, make judgments about them, harass and stalk them, then go after all their friends and hand out pitchforks to the mob as if that could make such psychotic stalkerish behavior seem normal -fuck. you might be starr just behind a proxy to buttress your own jihad. You and Sancho will never beat the windmill Don Quixote
@Bundy. Seriously, and I say this man to man and as someone that is probably around your age – that you are taking stuff here far too seriously. As well you are trying to attack a perceived enemy that has higher ground and is clearly in control. Cut your losses.
May I suggest a lesson on women? That is that they are usually smarter and better equipped for a battle on ethics and ideals. You are better equipped for a battle on the field. SL Secrets is their strength and not a place that testosterone wins. So learn from them. Tease em’ a bit. But respect them always. In doing so you become not only the master that you seem to crave but will gain the respect that they desire to give. Everyone wins.
Seriously, higher ground, a stalker, abuser, bully… SS you don’t seem to be a bad guy, but the worst thing you can do is just look away when bullies attack innocents with the zealots conviction that they are the righteous and the infidel must be destroyed. Though I don’t even think they can claim that, it is all about them and their attention seeking
Actually you are wrong. I know who BeLess is. But nice try.
You sound like a 12 year old trying to start an after school fight.
I dont know who @Beless is on SL, but all you describe we would have all seen long ago on VS. Pull up your pants and go eat a snickers bar
Dont know why it wont let me edit my post again and I tried it over the phone (wont do that again)
“but with all you describe, we would have seen this long ago on VS” (fuck you phone)
Cyber bullies don’t just bully on one program, @beless hasn’t been a bully here at all
I would call anyone who ignores the substance of others and concentrates replies on personal attacks, slander, lies a bully. Lets not forget doxing, the fact I don’t care about being doxed is irrelevant, People claim to know who she is, but nobody is talking, She CERTAINLY doesn’t have the ovaries to own what she says… another form of bullying but she is a terrible judge of character if she thought doxing me would send me running
You know Bundy aka Cudge I will own what I said about your pics with Tantrica as she is not portraying an adult but someone that might be in the tween age , which if you read your link on age play which that is exactly what you are doing with her and probably others is disgusting and yes again I will own that because no matter what kidnap rape scenarios are disturbing as well as underage females with older men that even the comments “takes my breath away” on images of Tantrica clearly portraying a prepubescent female nude. So who does that as the images are not artistically but aimed towards men like you that I am guessing are the only way you can get off. And you speak of doxing like you understand the definition, which is clearly you don’t. I have not tried to find out your RL name which that is the definition of doxing”search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent. Pathetic attempt as well trying to claim me as a bully because yes I believe that you, Trantrica are disgusting with your underage pics claiming its an adult female selling girl scout cookies. As far as not have the money to spend on a new computer that was a personal issue that I took responsibility on what was more important not that I have to explain to anyone especially you the reasons I left SL. Am not on SL to please you or anyone else with my looks or my Flickr ~ don’t like it oh well as I could give a shit.
Yeah, yeah, you are here to lead the jihad in designer clothes you cant afford rl. How about this get a job, it is really easy and not that hard. Even if you got to be the head fry guy at burger king you can get a cheap ass computer. If you are really sick, that is probably just Karmas way of saying “Stop being a bitch”, I hope it hurts, and for what it is worth, the world would be a better place without you. You wont be missed or mourned
What is with you and this computer drama? Who the hell cares if she couldn’t afford it or get one. That is her business. Does it affect you? No. So why does it matter, hmm.
And by telling her that the world would be better with out her is wrong. Because if something should ever happen to her and law enforcement gets involved… well it wouldn’t take much to find that comment, track your IP and you sir would be in a world of trouble.
How about you go sit down in your lazy boy, take your blood pressure pills and chill out gramps.
Again you are so fuckin clueless about me as my computer has been replaced months ago. Do you even know what the definition of jihad? Look it up as you keep using that word incorrectly. Some people do have responsibilities that do not depend on go fund me pages, or fake scams. Will not explain to you or anyone my reasons ~ as far my life goes am living very comfortable in a very nice house with no need to take extra jobs. As far as you wished me no longer in this world speaks so highly of the type of depraved individual you truly are. Sadly your kind is the ones that are not wanted in SL.
So your avatar name is “Me”? And it might be fun when your stupidity can go unanswered because either the site owner does not like views contrary to her own OR the posts simply get eaten. It would be kinda lame and chicken shit if it was the former
i can’t believe THIS fucking chooch called me stupid . ???? i had to just check who called me fat stupid old and whatever else lol you got some nerve lmfao. tf is wrong with your eyes?? ask someone to help you fix that. There really isn’t a better word than chooch for you.
you know whats funny that tantrica chic (from last weeks flickr pic convo) just happens to be one of the only people who like your flickr pics… maybe thats why you’re mad this week??. and your pic name is bundy alley.. guessing who you were wouldn’t have been some crack the case kind of thing after all… if young chics are letting you hit you must be buying them something because your avi looks depressing. that is all.
I know right, like that avi looked ok a few years ago but now it’s some outdated, default looking garbage and he has the nerve to try to attack the way others look LOL I’m sure that Starr chick is a fuggo too, they’re probably two peas in a low effort pod.
Btw- that 12 year old looking Tantrica chick? Just scroll a little further down his low quality, snapshot porn stream and you’ll find her there, naked on Grandpa’s lap just like Bundy likes them, complete with a underage-suggestive name; there are no adult girl scouts who sell cookies, after all. That’s what the little girls do. If you can contain your cringing enough to keep scrolling, and stay awake through the boredom of the same poor angles, bad lighting, and basic avatars, you’ll find she’s far from the only one with a disturbingly young appearance.
So of course that’s why he’s here- someone is “bullying” his favorite desperate pedo-enabling cunts and he wants to be able to bully them back, but he’s not smart enough to identify said “bullies”. I bet he’s been having to double up on his blood pressure meds the last couple of weeks LOL
So you are now a fan too, glad to have you aboard. Try again, join the others in who can appear more bitter and trashy. You and “Me” are neck-n-neck, though she is brighter, when she is stoned at least
you only said im brighter because you know im young you freakin predator. lol
Y O U C O U L D N E V E R B E G R A N D P A ?
it would be pretty fucking epic if he tried to report everyone for cyberbullying but starting off like ..
hello im Bunderwahl Guisse owner of the dark alley rape sim in SL..there are some women bullying me. xD
do itttt hahaah
even the net cops would say under their breath.. we’ve got us a certified pussy on the line.
You are so effing dumb it must hurt, I am here, nobody brought me here. Though I am not of here, see here I can make an ass out of you, me, the other three or four idiots on this troll site, but then I just leave, don’t give a rats furry hindquarters what you think, because you are pathetic back stabbers and drama whores… yes I get it, this is where the miserable go to launch anonymous attacks that nobody will see save the other sad trolls and pat each other on the back
Comment of the week.
xD he wouldn’t even be able to refer the cops to the pics hes speaking of. lmaoo
What in the fuck? Are you shitfaced? This is why people should not do crack. You are just getting it? Do you really think I am one of you fucking freaks? Well since you gave out my flickr lets all have a look, you can see my avs if you are not drooling all over yourself. Oh I sure hope this mensa candidate did not realize that one of my groups is for my sims Dark Alley and Dark Woods.. cause then people can see how run down and shitty they are. Damn they might even see the chicks I play with.. oh my! Then a bunch of people will look like effing fools… no matter how smart you are you will never get me to divulge that people can check Dark Alleys group membership 33, 500 I reckon about now? I am lucky she did not search more or their would be rl pics. Only cowards, cheaters, cheaters, loosers, liars, need to hide who they are…
LMAO “Do you really think I am one of you fucking freaks?” Quote @Bundy. Yes we do! You sir are because you are here getting all pissed and calling people out!
And yes @me is high! They say it all the time. Catch up Grandpa with the rest of us.
lmaooo you UGLY old weirdo.
your profile is the fucking cringiest shit i’ve ever read too..
what a fucking loser..
ooohh 33,000 people which adds up to like 1000 if you take out everyones alts and people who don’t even log in anymore. lmaoo
like you’re SL famous smh
you wont be friends with girls who dont use a GAME for real life? lmfaoooooooo you desperate old fuck.
no one wants you in real.. and apparently no one wants you in SL thats why you have to capture and kidnap em..
if you think any girl who looks half way decent (im not even saying hot im saying just okay) would look twice at you without you waving around a bunch of money .. you’re insane.
look like a fucking meth head
no one has to hide who they are on a GAME because its a GAME.. only the desperate need SL.. why no tinder???? lmfaoo
too ugly for that shit huh?? you can only get cartoon characters which are probably old men just like you.
Don’t be mad i dont have to take to second life for a boyfriend. =p
you should probably start looking for real life something though whose gunna change your diapers in the next few years.. not pay to play avi girlfriends. xD
Your reading comprehension is deplorable, that isn’t the worst thing, the worst thing is you don’t know how stupid you are. Your trolls don’t work when there is no truth to them.. see it only works if the person sees in your words what they feel about themselves. Now maybe you are right, maybe you are not insensate but merely trying to self medicate your depression and low self esteem with drugs and trolling. SL is not a game though there can be games within sl. A game has a winner and loser, an objective, you ask why I don’t use tender, face book, etc? Because I don’t need to, pretty simple even for someone dim or stoned. What you reference -I believe with “you wont be friends with girls who dont use a GAME for real life?” is out of context, does not mention a sex. Here it is in context “If you have such things as: Rl is RL, No RL, Fuck off!.. on your first life tab I may act friendly towards you but will never be your friend.” I will explain it to you -a PERSON of any gender who sees second life as a game and you as an npc in that game simply can not be trusted. They can lie, steal, sit on fat lazy asses getting high and talking shit and it doesn’t matter “It is only a game” But everyone knows it isn’t, it IS social media (not talking about role play personas here) What the desperate, a looser needs is to take their pain out on others while staying hidden, to alter their minds to escape crappy pathetic lives, to stick with the herd and rally around the bullies because otherwise they migh just think about where they are going, or… Read more »
Talk about dim. Re read your words. You call out others for the thoughts you have yourself:
Trailer trash
I had to dumb it down. As for the rest… wall of text. Boring!
shut the fuck up you mid life crisis
anyway im off from a long long long day of work.. thanks for entertaining me.
Stop complaining to the girl you’re talking with inworld..she just messaged me and said you don’t pay her enough to hear your bitching and that you sound like her mom on the rag. xD
goodnight methhead version of mr clean.
Age is going to do it, again no substance only attacks from a lackwit trying to appear smart and failing abysmally
Why don’t you go back and spend more time looking at my profile and hanging on EVERY word of it, then go through my flickr again -this time without touching yourself. You are not such a miserable little troll because you are liked, pretty, young and a joy to be around if you get my drift. Oh, and the girl who IMed you, she said she talked with you on voice -definitely a dood. You are dismissed now, remember, no thinking about me and touching yourself!
i didn’t talk to her on voice elderly man i was at work.. i told you watch out for your own friends.. you stupid pathetic old bastard lol they ALL laugh at you and someone else told me that LL is keeping tabs on your convos too. be very very careful. xD
you said women after 20 its all downhill? (that was the most internet predator thing ive ever read by the way lol) lmaoo women can get men at any age…but not you so you go on the internet and open a kidnap, capture sim..lmfao.. no one wants you unless YOU’RE paying… and you know it.
sorry ass loser. look at those other pics on flickr..lol you look so dumb that it looks like you took pictures of your own real life pictures in order to post them.. whats wrong cant afford rl digital? looks like a group of fat old derelicts. gross
real woman have standards lol i dont care what age they are. cute girls dont liek ugly old computer guys who are so dedicated to a game they paid for their sim months in advance.. like you said urself. lmaoo i guess rl looks very bleak.
have a great day.. we’re all laughing at you.. especially your own friends you gullible retard.
lol i knew it was that tantrica thot. gross
Yes i’m Me <—- spelled exactly that way. xD
so we're all chicken shit because you got called out by someone and she was right? lol
nahh buddy…we're not chicken.. you're just stupid. you could have said its not you.. but instead you pretty much agree'd.
You would think a guy who hangs out with the barely legal crowd would be a little more street wise.. but it goes to show you all the chics are really washed up grandmas. lol xD Its so lame when a guy.. excuse me.. a grown man throws around the word bully.. so pussyish of you. I don't care how many sims you have or money.. i can't stand a guy thats bitch made its so annoying. What about you calling out that Starr chic and it wasn't even BeLess? lol you ran all her business for no reason at all. LOL
You'd be that friend out of a big group of people who gets caught by the cops for dirt ya'll did.. and rats on the whole crew because he got arrested. lolll
Damn, you make me crazy when you get all sassy and shit.
You are really that stupid, or is it an act? I am not the one hiding who I am, the cunt doxed me, not that I care because I say what I mean. Your point was there is nothing to worry because it wasn’t your rl. As to Starr, well she knows who I am, the only way BeRealIgnorant would is if she was on the same purvy sim, or starr. And a chick here who hangs out on Grandpas and goes to sims where women are tortured, killed, raped, dismembered, and eaten should not be too loose with the word perverted… Grandpas basement is probably as close to pedo as they come. You want to be a chicken shit cunt safe in moms basement that nobody knows who you are? Fine with me. Barely legal is legal stupid and it is what ALL males prefer without across the board.. so feel free to remain fat stupid old and wrong
im not stupid you pussy.. im high as fuck. =D
you got doxed with an avi name.. lmaoo are you retarded??? seriously
like you run a rape sim you said (thats fine) but why are you acting like someone outted you and you’re a stand up member of SL society.. running a church or idk something proper where you would have to be embarrassed?
i honestly don’t even understand why you’re mad. lol
you’re blaming beless for something and its not her.. you’re the stupid one because you’re believing something thats not true. and yes i go to all kinds of sketchy places .. but not to finger bang myself.. i go with friends to laugh and take pics and have fun. you take SL way to serious. like seek help.
Back to the word bully.. calling someone a bully on SL is like calling someone on GTA a bully. its a game.. both games.. ESPECIALLY on a not serious sim like yours. Not exactly a place you expect to find love and honesty.. but it would seem normal to be bullied if your looking to be raped. o.0
i can’t even believe you are a real male… i’d bet my life your friends make fun of you while standing right next to you. watch out for friends because in SL those are the ones who know your business and are probably spreading it not us strangers. and spare me the barely legal definition because i happen to fall into that real age range…and most of us don’t even like older guys unless they’re rich because very few (especially in SL) we’d consider hot. xD just grandpa
high, cute, young and right ♥
Lol no I’m not, dumbass. I don’t even know who that is; plenty of people are disgusted by you, apparently.
Well then you are a dark alley player, so kind of hypocritical aren’t you?
i don’t know BeLess other than from secrets.. but i’m pretty sure that starr chic isn’t her. Why you ask.. (well you didn’t but i do have reasoning) #1 BeLess doesn’t spell things wrong or shorthand also no punctuation so that chics profile is first reason why. #2 i looked at flickr and that chic blogs maitreya shit.. and BeLess HATES maitreya.. and lastly that chics flickr she has some oddly tiny hands and this is something we all joke on..i can’t see that being her. BeLess i kinda like because she will tell someone off in proper english.. lol idk it makes her interesting to me and that starr chic doesnt seem the same way. grammatically and maitreyally xD i would be in SHOCK if it was. but i just dont think so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
thanks, Me for pointing that out and yeah I like Maitreya oh well we all cannot be perfect. BTW until you made this comment about my hands I actually didn’t give it a thought but I asked around at the size of hands and guess I was only embarrassing myself for those TRex size hands LOL so thank you as yeah I did alter them. As for the rest, I am who I am and if Cudge has a problem with me he can kiss my azz and scuddle back to his kidnap and rape sim as that is probably the only way he can get off.
no worries @starr.. I use maitreya mostly myself it just happened to be a topic beless and I have talked about way too many times so I couldn’t imagine her using it herself.. and don’t mind me everything I say comes out rude when I’m in the middle of proving a point..usually unintentional. (all my rudeness was intended for you tho @the chooch)
That guys mom should have used a wire hanger in a dark alley to spare us from him.
his profile says hes a dom.. lmfao i never met a dom even in SL who cries bully. xD
he thinks SL is so real he put avi pictures in his RL album on flickr.xD fucking dud
November 13,2008 on flickr that pic he looks almost 70 AND thats 10 years ago..lmfao GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
i was wrong about midlife crisis… you’re way past that @chooch
you really think young chics want a guy with grey pubes? lol
I could put you to work on it, some people do have a “mature” fetish, you could get that computer 10 lindens at a time, have that mouth doing something useful for a change
I am with @me here. Bundy, Cudge whoever the hell you are, only see a woman as a piece of ass. You talk big but from the looks of this you are triggered by pedo’s and this Starr woman. You love undermining a woman by calling her twat and cunt. And the pedophile attacks, let me inpart some wisdom “what you point out in others is your darkest thoughts.”
You’re absolutely correct; I would commit avatar hari-kari before I’d log in looking like that. And I just upgraded all my PC parts; definitely no broken machine here LOL
He just needs to lash out because I’m correct; he is an old man with a barely legal fetish that gets creepier every year he ages, and maybe the mesh update will save that dead sim- or maybe it won’t. Either way he’s got way too much ego wrapped up in it and watching him scramble to identify me is hilarious.
You’ll never figure it out. 😉
No, I lash out because you are an abuser, a cyber bully, a stalker, with an unnatural interest in underage sex. That says more about you then your victims who are always women. You think you have the right to tell them what their avatar should look like, that your subjective and biased opinion defines them. For her to know me she has to have more then a casual interest in dark alley
My picture is in my profile, I doubt you have weathered time as well, Dark Alley is alive and well with REAL traffic paid six months in advance and just added Dark Woods. The operative word in “barely legal” is legal so again you are fucked on that point -so if you want to trigger someone, it is usually best to pick attacks with some grain of truth
not everybody that goes to those sims though.. actually perv play.. nearly everyone i know sim hop to shady places for giggles and to silently judge the fuckery. I went with a friend (more than once) to HRA to literally play in the kitchen part of the sim.. they have a huge pot you can sit in so you look like soup. lmao a whole bunch of veggies fill the pot with you. and also a rotisserie. I admit i had the best time in SL on a fucking chicken skewer. xD (things high people do) and also on some circus wheel letting some guy chop off my limbs. xD 99% of sex sims are noob avi weirdos (those are the creepers you have to worry about) and if you’re the guy from grandpas i been there a few times when it was the basement.. you used to rock a robe..you can’t say that child avis never went there..ive seen it with my own eyes.. not barely legal.. i mean children.. thats how i know that escalade guy from there is a weirdo.. he wanted me to get young (frilly dress like a kid and no panties) and he was going to babysit me while my parents were away. Women that are bothered by it aren’t crazy jihadists..perhaps something happened to them as a kid by some creeper and men like yourself only see snatch when you see a female so you automatically crown them crazy. Myself ill just never understand it.. our real secrets grandpa put it well i guess even though i still think it turns twisted when your fantasy of taboo stuff comes to a reality by acting it out as an avatar.. idk to me it shows how bad you really wanna do that shit…and i… Read more »
Your posts don’t make sense and never have a point so usually don’t bother with them but this one is too good to pass up. No I don’t own grandpas and went there once, not for role play, but to scope out what it was about. I own Dark Alley (themed forced sex) I will have to take what you say about Grandpas as you certainly spend more time there then me. I would not go there to gage the ‘fuckery’ if I were you because any one of these insane bitches you are defending will take your picture, then post it here saying what a despicable age playing whore you are. You simply being there is all they need, don’t even have to be there. they might just say you there.. facts never matter with them Now I do not call them jihadis because they have an opinion, or do not engage in this or that. I call them such because they are intolerant and want to cram their opinions down every ones throats, and if you turn out to be an infidel destroy you with smears, lies, cyber bullying and trying to turn the masses (in the case of this websites the ten or twenty regulars here) who are all too happy to continue the smears, promote them, join in on the harassing and bullying. How come people that play drug dealers, hit men, criminals, racists and other such things don’t have the same mode of thinking applied to them? Killing is the worst possible thing right? Are they practicing murder? All these black supremacy sims get a pass? This moral supremacy is coming from someone who frequents sims where women are tortured, killed, butchered, and eaten, not to mention Grandpas? So far this has been about role… Read more »
i was like theres no way in hell shes rockin maitreya with tiny hands after all those convos.. xD
Its pretty easy to figure out alts and stuff though.. just pay attention to the fine details.
its a little bit funny though he wants to submit secrets about the wrong person lol
That’s her, for sure. I have solid reasoning behind that. First she stalked a friends flickr harassing that friend, then started harassing and threatening everyone that liked any of her pictures and stalking them as well. I am thinking about posting the back and forth myself as a secret… and while yes Bundy would not be a very creative way to hide my identity and it was not intended to do so since I tend to stand behind what I say and not be a pussy ass bitch attacking people anonymously. That’s what sad bitches do, attack another female, get their friends to pile on, then try to isolate her from her friends -classic psycho stalking 101
Sorry, Bundy aka Cudge am not who you keep claiming I am. Your solid reasoning is so full of shit and I was not anonymous in anything as I made my feelings quite clear in each note that I sent on Flickr that those that liked Tantrica’s pics that again it is clear she /he or whoever is portraying someone that is underage and those that like those type of images are Pedo’s and Perverts. That is my and others on here opinions. The friend that you are so valiantly defending is Tantrica that was brought up last week for her underage images with YOU and a couple of other azzholes think that is acceptable. Am not a prude but when I see anyone portraying a prepubescent female in the manner she does with men yeah I am mouthy enough to speak up. Wanna attack me get the truth and tell who this so-called friend of yours is.
Finally you made it to the library to respond! The facts, she has not and never has to my knowledge portrayed a minor, the avatar is not human but even if it was would not be a minor. I would guess you and Tigs while you just happened across her and then just happed to attack her like the pair of bullies you are -since you feel so strongly on the matter reported the images -I mean if you didn’t and just decided to come here instead and post a “secret”… that would signal not that you cared for anything other then attention and being a drama whore. But if you did… why she is still here… that means that Flickr and presumptively linden labs sided with her. In fact all you have is YOUR opinion which is based on your own filthy thoughts So now we have what I have said we had all along. You and Tigs decided to go looking for people to harass, then brought the crap here to try and demonize her and stir up hatred among the troll crowd, but that was not enough. Then you proceeded to go after everyone that favorited any of her pictures, stalking, threatening, insulting, harassing. The purpose of which is abusive personality 101 Isolate the victim from her friends… all because YOU thought she looked like a minor, then your own filthy mind created the narrative that she was ageplaying, acting as judge/ jury/ executioner. Again I say, you are the one that needs to be examined for projecting your own dirty thoughts on others. Both you AND Tigs vindicate me, went down EXACTLY like I said. it isn’t about her, it is about you. You want to feel important, you want the attention. you want people to… Read more »
in fairness even if you people start arguing inworld avi face to avi face its still anonymous.. it really doesn’t prove anything or even solve anything. lol
you can’t even slap a chic avi face to face.. the most you can do is act extra trailer park and scream at one another on a computer where the rest of your rl families sit in other rooms embarrassed to know you. xD (like all the best trolling vids)
and giving your SL info here is kind of stupid but if it makes you feel bigger and badder thats on you.. if the site owners got banned for this site why take the chance? why even let sl get that serious that is getting you that agitated? You could always just IM her and take care of it without even bringing it here(but i admit we like to read it lol).. but i have a feeling this is like the highlight of ya life. Smoke a little weed and be mean to boys like i do. Its fun. i promise. xD and don’t fight for people in SL one day they love you and the next day they don’t know you.
Trailer park is a good description for a broke ass bitch like that who last posted on her blog in march her computer broke and she cant afford to fix it or replace it… damn 6 months? I think they are about 150 USD for one that can do blogs and run SL
Talk about stalker Bundy you sure know a lot about Starr and her RL -Not! You have no clue as to what her RL was and why at that moment she could not afford a computer as she had RL commitments that getting a new computer or even logging into SL . There are RL responsibilities, Medical issues and whatever that as a friend will not reveal why replacing her computer was not on her top list of getting things done. She is far from living in a trailer park Bundy. But again you are simply clueless and a self-serving arrogant asshole.
Another faceless bitch… she is broke ass trailer trash on her broken sofa that cant afford 200 USD in 6 frigging months who has nothing better to do then stalk people who are her better here to make her crappy life seem less lame. She could get a new computer just by cutting out Cheetos. So miss stalker friend why don’t you buy her one. Cause you are broke ass skanky trailer trash too! You jealous little lesbidude cunts can dress in your “free” designer clothes here but when you log off you are still dirt poor worthless losers. Why don’t you call her rl and tell him to give her the message that her sl is having a great ol’time in grandpas while she is away
There’s no use convincing these sycophantic freaks. They will call other people paedophiles till they day they die and when one of the freaks are outed as a pedo they all go into damage control and use the old “cover-up” method like they do with the paedophile priests
You’ve called literally everyone on VS for the last 2 weeks, pedos.
Stop deflecting your paedophilia onto other people freak. LOL
@eh is says interactive swimsuit right on the ad in #50 lol so yea its sketchy as fuck (scripted to pull down.. why??? who knows??? for women its fine but baby faces i mean theres obviously a market for it i wonder why ).. and @respect remember a few weeks ago someone said that anime is really someone who trolls shotta sites or forums looking for little boys.. i’m thinking that may have been true now. lol apparently the scripts been flipped.
I think the issue or 45/50 is that it also has a version of the swimsuit pulled down from the chest. a tad weird, but i wouldnt call out pedo enabling clothes (unless it had an actual strip script. then thats a little far)
but #5 is just dumb. its a choker XD
My point is -it is a manakin/model. If it has the strip script it is still fine, unless you are playing an underage avatar -in which case it is on that individual
#27 Not sure you can claim she is copying? I mean ultimately both are making cliche’d images (and using the same apps or actions) of which there are four zillion examples on any google image search – or just open Instagram/Tumblr. They use popular poses? So what. There are dozens of people making twee images of people sat on piers gazing into the sunset and other nonsense. God, next thing you’ll accuse people who make black and white images and add a red rose of copying. She’s guilty of being boring and mundane, but that’s it. OMG what about all the people using the apps to give their work the red and blue effect on the edges!!!! Copying!!!!!! Still, at least they aren’t using apps/actions and pretending they did it – oh hang on……..
49. *Spurt has some sponsored events and Mega Sploders at some parties. unREAL! How dare they give back to those that come to party there.
*4 bots. lol. Last party i went to there had 50 av’s. Having that many at a party produces some lag unfortunately, but as they all left after the party, definitely, not sim bots.
*The management is made up of imperfect human beings? WOWWWWW! Never heard of that in sl. I thought all SL club managers were of complete perfection.
Spurt Beach is a LGBT friendly establishment that has been around for a long time in SL. It has certainly seen it’s up and downs, but oh well. That is not unusual.
I’ve met some of the best people there that I’ve ever known in SL.
So.. Blah on the haters and PARTY ON!!!!
Give back? Don’t ‘Sploders’ work by people buying into them and then the money being split between them with the ‘house’ taking a cut? I thought those were banned ages ago.. but yes, if you use bots to game traffic you are pathetic and in violation of ToS unfortunately the number of sims doing this is very high and a huge disservice to everyone in SL They are usually pretty easy to spot, but unlike pedophiles they WILL be everywhere! The newest iteration of them is the ‘AFK’ places where avatars park themselves for escorting -who knows how many of them belong to actual residents and how many are just bots to make money on the side….
This is how it works Bundy. Often times whose every doing the party will put extra linden in the sploder. I’m sure you are familiar with that. I’m not sure that 4 bots on a sim like Spurt does much for their traffic numbers…lol.. and one of those bots restarts the sim each day. the other 3 are just for decor. Camping bots are illegal, land bots are not. Okees?
#20…WTF? You need glasses. Nothing about these lips looks the same. Some of you people really need to get a damn life. This reaching bs just so you can post a secret is ridiculous. LAME!
Kind of confused about this myself. What exactly is the issue? the colors aren’t the same. Is it the white background that the lips are shown on? I’ve seen this on most lipstick ads. Maybe they should have made this issue a bit more clear.
I’m pretty sure they were talking about the vendor, genius.
Gawd if that’s the case its gotten really bad in SL. The vendors aren’t even so much the same. Its lips, how many other formats can you possibly display lips?? Yikes
Christian Rockwell is trash.
21. fashion designs cannot be copyrighted. you can copyright brand names, logos, branded prints like the LV print, but the cut/style of a dress or a shirt or a headband can’t be copyrighted. reporting to real life brands that they are being copied in second life is a waste of time because it’s not actually a crime and they can’t do anything about it even if they wanted to. you can make an exact copy of a real life item in second life, and as long as it doesn’t have some brand’s logo or name on it, it’s not copyright infringement. every year after the academy awards, there’s a handful of dresses that get knocked off and become popular prom/bridesmaid dresses. same thing every time there’s a royal wedding- princess dresses get knocked off and become a popular wedding dress.
38 we all know who posted this… Someone has a disgusting infatuation with me LMAO good to know I’m, loved but im not into inept saddos who waste their time and money into virtual games. Nice try tho
Also thanks for letting me know that i got under your skin to the point where you wrote a virtual love letter to me
44. Items get most of their sales new or at events. Why shouldn’t owners try and get a second boost of sales some months after the initial rush for them is over? Don’t be mad if you paid full price for something. You paid what you thought was a fair price at the time, and got good use out of it hopefully.
47. If you can’t give a little compassion for a person who is having their whole body shuffled around to accommodate a little critter living off their blood and the labor of their organs, maybe social interaction isn’t for you.
#15 All jokes aside guys, is that Yoyo Maginot on all fours? Would not be the first time just. did not know she was banging her dj manager…
Impossible since I heard that Yoyo Maginot DOES NOT have sexual relations with her partners. Just ask some of the poor s.o.b.s that she dated. She just keeps a guy by her side for looks.
The one she’s banging is the other dj manager I believe, the 1 she invented up just so he feels importand xD
So much truth wrapped up in this little bitty comment
You must not know her if you think thats her. Thats that Elsa girl.
Don’t be a Debbie downer, Brenda.
Well don’t be a dumbass dipshit.
Hey. HEY. I believe that is called lovemaking. If not all I can think of is it must be Kesseret’s new automated vacuum. No wonder everyone is buying them.
27 not even alike dude… Look up the term inspiration u old hag
#41.) I agree, those colors are fucking horrible, not sure what the designer of catwa was thinking. I’m constantly squinting to fix options on my head now due to that update.
Wow, I get busy for a few weeks & come back to a bunch of “Secrets” crying over pics with pose copying?!
To these Bloggers & Photographers… if you are that sensitive over something so stupid why don’t you go get Blender & the Avastar add on to make your own damn poses that no one can buy on the open market & possibly make a similar picture as yours? Hell, if you’re too lazy for that any Photographer/Blogger worth their salt should at least know how to use Animare to make a whole new pose from an existing one.
I do both; & you know what? Not a single person (that I know of) has copied or accused me of copying Ever!
#26 This is Halarious!!! Thanks for promoting my escort place.. hahaha. You guys have no life I swear, Oh and btw my husband knows everything that I do on SL 🙂 Your just jealous cus u cant get a Real Life hubby. Mvnster and Juney get a life will you? Im much happier without u.
Hey, for the record I am getting married in October, I don’t have to escort for attention or Lindens to make myself happy, I do not disrespect my fiance ,unlike you do with fucking every loser on SL. You have to always scam people out of there lindens lying about needing rent money or showing your nasty non -existing tits and unwashed pussy to all the old greasy men on SL & Omegle & IMVU for a little fake game money. You’ve sucked all the money off your poor husband because you’re too lazy to actually work for any money . You’re a disgrace to all disabled people everywhere. Saying you have a “learning Disability” when you were 4 years old, which you don’t have anymore is actually scamming the Welfare office. You don’t have current up to date record showing this “learning Disability” Learn to go out and work hard for what you want! Something your own mother didn’t do ,learn it your damn self! People have took time out of their busy life to help you become a better person and you still are a pathetic piece of shit who treats others like shit! Make yourself happy without having to cheat on your real life husband/Online scamming and whoring yourself out! Get some fucking help from actual doctors! FOR the record..I didn’t post this sl secret, but since you got all the time in the word to blast MY name online, have a fucking taste of your own punch, honey. You better start treating your man right,before he realizes he can do much better then your ugly Ronald McDonald lazy ass! Also, quit trying to be like everyone around you try to be original & get you’re own personality. Leave the makeup tutorials to the people who know… Read more »
Find it pretty sad that you’re ever so happy about flashing your tits and pussy on camera to “customers” while your real life husband is sleeping in another room. But I’m sure your husband knows about that part. But at the end of the day, you have to sleep with knowing that you’re hurting and effecting someone so deeply all for lindens and gratification. Or how about getting your ass off secondlife once and a while and cleaning your disgusting house and taking care of your cat before you kill another pet from neglect?
“Halarious” is not a word nor does it require capitalization.
Perhaps use some of your escort money for an English tutor??
Y’all wanna talk about pedos? Absinthe, while playing at MM, posted a few photos which made it look like her underage avatar was naked and posed her in skimpy string bikinis. She bitched up a storm over being told to stop putting her underage teenage av in overly sexual poses and skimpy outfits and was convinced that because the mods were out to get her because they wouldn’t let her produce pedo bait photos while playing there. She’s pathetic and gross.
You also have role players on that sim who blankly have in their profile both the MM groups, as well as sex sims, BDSM, and information in their profiles for the world to see just like in Flickr. Admins have done it as well posting half nudes of themselves to their flickrs of their characters advertising their relation and ties to MM. Don’t pick and choose who to pluck out and shame just because your salty that the truth is coming out now. Wonder who Candy is going to copy now since eyes are out there watching what the two of them are doing. She will just prove how ridiculous she really is in copying if she keeps at it to instigate an issue.
#36 – You are required to have a brown nose to even get any decent roleplay. Seems the whole clique there requires you to live on the Assworth sim to even have a story. Why has this place not changed its name to Assworth since they run the show anyhow with all of their alts. They openly around roleplayers play as an ability not even offered there. Seems some of the admins and Head ALO look past it since they ability to be included in on the roleplay anyhow.
I do not play there anymore but sometimes peruse their Flickr groups and that random family being everywhere mystifies me. Did they buy the school ICly? Have thousands of kids? Does every new player pick an already made character leading to all that? It is rather funny from the side but gods know how they even have any players left.
It seems to be getting better after that secret a few months back called out Lex and Aisling for their bullshit.
No, they are just better at hiding it now, but still condescending acting like they own the sim. Just wait till the new term starts up. The old selves will emerge again.
I couldn’t agree more, I still rp there but they are just horrible, they give you an I-don’t-care-I’m-a-fucking-admin attitude. I have had so many problems on this sim and I don’t know if I want to go back after my new character graduates. I just hate all the favoritism and them keep saying that this doesn’t go on..pfft yeah right.
I’ll never understand why people still want to join Mischief Managed, the RP is shit and the admin behaviour is even worse. And of course that speaks nothing of how toxic people can be to others there.
@Theodoric: I know the answer – people end there due to lack of options. I found it recommended off SL as modern supernatural RP which I was after then. Sure, few in SL exist but they tend to be sex games, have way too many races, classes and gangs and some vanish quickly. HP universe is easy to understand and research which is why people give it a go. Other RPs from same universe are mainly inactive.
Buuuut …. all of the above will soon evaporate when more and more ex players mention staff behaviour as I heard strangers off SL have chats about them.
44. LOL you are one crazy idiot. Just like irl when you buy a piece of clothing, or really if you buy anything at all full price you are expecting there will be a time where it would be sold at a discounted/sale price. A sale in Second Life is the same damn thing.
I am legitimately surprised some of you have the basic faculties to even log in and use SL when you’re so stupid. Use your brain, for realsies.
I do not think anyone is surprised that she’s been submitting secrets about other designers, as most who cross paths with her know how petty she is.
#29 – ok these are getting boring, grow some balls and tell them to their face.
#34 – Amen, Pooky is as fake as fuck just like her little clicky bitches. She wouldn’t know what a lifestyler was if it bit her on her ass. She likes to power trip and throw her wait around and kisses every dudes ass that comes through, not to mention CB is a great guy but she didn’t like the idea of “Submission” so she threw “oh he is controlling me” boo hoo pooky.
it really takes no balls to step to someone avi to avi. even in a hood sim it shouldn’t be even a little intimidating
14- well maybe if your daughter was not an idiot and send some online guy nudes of herself , this would not happen. Sure, it’s horrible he’s going to post them, but if she was a smart girl she would first , not be sending her nudes pics to men online and second and most important, have some self respect for herself.
Doesn’t matter. They said the daughter is 17.
Let him post them. The FBI will be at his door within 24 hours since she’s a minor.
Better yet. Call and report him to them now for being an online child predator soliciting minors.
That’ll teach him to be a gentleman.
Some kids are just stupid because they’re, you know, kids. That is why we have an age of consent.
Or at least don’t include your face!
Imagine copying someone in Second life, got called out without any names, then took it even further to shit talk them after you copied them, and THEN cried like a whiny bitch? Cmon dood
#15.. LMAO who gave this douchebag DJ manager at Exhale? The DJs in there are a joke now, most can’t even get a decent mic or mix for shit, he ignores staff IMs and throws his “frands” on all the prime time sets even though they’re all garbage!! Yos’ latest piece of dick gets hired as DJ manager and thrown into prime time even tho he hasn’t dj’d before and the decent DJs can’t get anything past the shit no one wants… every dude Yo gets with goes into a managers spot. Get y’all a long tongue to lick her ho ass if you gonna work there or you’ll be thrown in the corner with all the other nobody mufuckers! Get some decent managers and DJs your club is going to shit!! BRING BACK TROUBLE AND THE BOOZERS!!!
The last DJ manager got fired after banging his way through the staff-list…now doing the same at FMD ..good rep, exhale
that lesbian dj trouble doesn’t even drink bro mofo drinks ensure while she dj’s
I smell spicy tea here… hmm.
Of course you dont seem to know what youre talking about…shameful
you want trouble to bring back lesbian music? Go to FMD and AEG to listen to Melissa Etheridge
I mean I was on board with you and this comment until your last sentence. Trouble and the boozers? What a fucking joke. Boozer Losers. They are disgustingly drunk and obnoxious on mic THE ENTIRE TIME… how about get some real legit djs? It’s been awhile .. Pathetic you need a shit show for traffic… can’t even trust the music.
Abisinthe has always been kind , and not wanting to discuss each time Candygunpowder had copied her. She spoke highly of the fact she did things because it was just what she loved to do and wanted to pay no mind to the situation anymore. Imagine now, a scab being picked at constantly. Not only starting with the Polaroids, but let’s add in the white tattoo now in photos that Absinthe has been wearing. You would start to think it is a coincidence. Now let’s add a touch of the same poses. Ok. Something fishy is starting. But let’s now copy an entire scene, coloring, lighting, pose, style, tattoo, poloroid. You are dumb if you don’t notice it’s copying.
Everything isn’t about the numbers people want to pick at. It’s taking away the creative strides of one person to pass them off as your own. Each week this site picks out designers copying designers in items, these are designers in a different means. Those who agree it’s OK what Candy gunpowder does probably aren’t creative designers in a sense to just want to go with the popularity of it all. You are ignorant people if you believe this is something that is ok to do just because oh it looks better, she did it better. It’s art. Picking at who did it better is dumb. Look at who did it first and whom copied for a very long time constantly. Absinthe feels her creative rights as a person has been shattered where she as a unique individual who uses sl as a fun outlet is stolen from her to someone who cannot have a unique idea to herself to be herself.
How about the fact that little Abi posed her underage character in overly sexual, skimpy outfits? At least Autumn doesn’t feel the need to make pedo bait photos.
where we’re these so called pictures and outfits? I’ve been on the sim for quite some time and I’ve never seen it.
Check her photos from last summer. She posted a few of her in an itty bitty string bikini and one which made her avatar appear to be naked. There’s others too. I don’t care to give her any extra views, but if you enjoy sucking her ass, go ahead and click through all of them.
Hi Absinthe! A handful out of hundreds of photos have you crying when all you do is copy others yourself.
who cares about your pixel pics? doesnt btomstone use the poloroid frame and same colors & style absinthe does? Why is it ok for tomstone to copy but not the other girl? Just cause they are friends? Weird.
they aren’t friends.
I think they are in secret #30, personally I like ugly avatars because not everyone has to be beautiful, it’s the inside that makes someone beautiful
In this case the outside reflects the insides on #30
I’m not abi, just an on looker for months who has watched the shit show of candy copying Abi. She does it out of spite to purposely ruffle the feathers too. So all of you toxic people who encourage this are just the same like Candy and her posse of stans and I hope I never have the pleasure of meeting any of you. Your just as toxic as they are.
What I think is dumb is people fighting over SL cartoons on Flickr! I mean who really cares? They are not pictures of real people or places. The cartoon competition is laughable ???
#47… aww, look everyone, Maisey or Nickie got so jealous they couldn’t take it anymore. Pitiful.
#41, accidental vaporwave in the wild.
DJ 007. You suck stay in your country. Trump 2020
Please – do the rest of the world a favour and stay in YOUR country.
At the next symposium at the Far East Federal University in Vladivostok, where I train true experts, I will be sure to use this as an example of the most pathetic effort at trolling ever concocted. Unless of course it’s satire, in which case you might really want to consider that job selling hot dogs outside of Home Depot.
absolute fkn idiot 007 is one of the decent guys i know guess you are mad that your gf took his load diddums haah
You obviously don’t know him, and should probably keep you damn mouth shut….all I can figure is your jealous because people actually like him for him.
Like him? hahahhaha sounds like your desperate to fuck his fake ass.
Racist fuck, when you fucking finish dumb ass mother fucker, it aint a racist white mans country!! Do your homework
lol . well said, but lets drop the DJ title because lets face it he is not a DJ.
I have actually heard that he is totally 100 percent against the gays and says it is against his religion.
He gay bashes pretty hard and has major hate against gay men. Says awful things to them and about them.
Also agree he is a terrible DJ.
Yes he is homophobic I know plenty of people who have been insulted by him, he is just a 1st class C.U.N.T.
Let’s see your punk ass do the job…waits….
Hi 007 lol
You mean download Mixxx, Google popular songs, add them into a playlist, set up a streaming link, then press play in Mixxx? That is all it takes to be a Second Life DJ.
Mmmmm yes! but he can’t even do that well.
About the people who are bitching about SL designers copying RL designers. It happens in Real Life all the time. You see people or companies make items that look like designer items but at a lower price. Seriously you can go on Pintrest and find guides to look alike products. Unless someone in SL is copying the actual logo or the actual texture of the item then it’s not copybotting. Stuff coming from other virtual worlds or 3D programs are different. But if someone is making their version of Gucci or Michael Kors or whatever then they are doing the same thing as real world companies and individuals. Save your outrage for a real problem.
Hi. I work in fashion. Marketing director. I’d just like to point something out… IN MY OPINION major brands don’t care that someone made a replica in a virtual world. Sorry… it’s really the least of their worries. K. Thanks bye!
You’re probably right but I bet you if they were making big or decent money a house like LVMH would take notice.
There is also Ted Talk called Johanna Blakley: Lessons from Fashion’s Free Culture that explains why there isn’t stringent copyright protections against copying styles in the RL Fashion world- the fashion world much like education relies heavily on sharing concepts. It was decided this way because clothing is mostly used for utilitarian purposes and they didn’t want to have to deal with people claiming to have the rights to buttons and zippers.
It’s a pretty interesting watch!
I don’t think they care about design copies. But the use of their mark in any other way dilutes it. If they are particular about their mark they will care, NFL and Olympics are two that are particular, if not they know what they are doing and probably are worrying about real life infringement of their trademark. https://youtu.be/rRi8LptvFZY one of my favorite videos ever by Velcro.
totally agree on the logo infringement.
#15 – DJ 007 Hahahaha he is a joke
idiots grow up haha
?How in the flying fuck of fucks do you expect anyone to take you seriously with that name?
He really should not speak when he DJs; his voice is so, so cringey and it becomes immediately apparent why he has never touched a boob irl.
#4 “Pixel Boy Pussy?” It’s hard to enough to remove a girl’s bra during sex – now I have to figure this out as well?
#49 “Spurt Beach?” I will never look at frothy waves the same way now.
They don’t remove their bra for you when you tip them 3K, dork?
Candygunpowder has been copying Absinthe. And it is clear
You can use the same pose as someone, use black and white filter, polaroid frame, same tattoos, same hair ,same shorts; but when you do it all on the same pic it sounds like a copy.
And it sucks and feels creepy when someone does this over and over again. Also sucks when you see the copy getting more attention than you. Absinthe never said the name of who was copying, yet all knew who it was. Smh
Sis 1 ] — polaroid formatting apps has been around since 2013 or even earlier in the real world. 2 ] — everyone uses whatever is new and popular (clothes, pose, whateva) 3 ] — look at this logically, a grown ass woman starting drama over screenshots from a game.
Wake up and smell the tea! Absinthe and all these “artists” (i say that with a giant jar of salt) in sl use the outdated Nik Collection filters then add the same light leaks//bokeh layers and call it their unique art. Their photos look the same. Stop defending ego maniacs!!
Funny how Autumn never copied all those pedo bait photos she posted of her underage character. Why would anyone think it’s okay to pose their underage character so she appears to be naked? Made everyone really uncomfortable when she shared those.
where are these underage photos people keep talking about?
Again, what are people so bent out of shape over damn Cartoon pictures! These are not images of real people or places, it’s all cartoons and should be zero competition in that?
@OneName the better the picture the more you have to worry about.. lol i imagine all the hoes with the best pics go CRAZY on their RL pics to make them look good. Thats a code red right there.
True Me.. go look at the ones who have their Real Life Whiskey Monday pics on their second life profiles. That’s why that cartoon doll just HAS to look good! Lmao
yet , here you are commenting on a website that is aimed to people who play ‘cartoons’ in a virtual world.
Absinthe must always be special. It is why she cries when reality sets in and realizes she is not
Bella Diaz has been copying Rina Edenflower for over 2 years. Mjel Grigorovich has been copying Anouk A. for ages.
They all do the exact same thing: they wait a couple of days or even months then they copy the whole style, perspective, and even picture format. It’s super creepy but people still give copycats tons of favs. Why? Grigorovich gave over 178K favs in 2 years to get some back… Copycats want favs. The more we give them favs, the more they copy… it’s a vicious circle.
Exactly! These people also get faves because when people are scrolling through their feed they think it is Anouk or Rina. Many times I have faved Candy’s pics thinking it was Absinthe’s.
Why do you follow a known “copycat”, hmm? Why do you face pics without taking a second to see who posted them? Sounds like bullshit.
You know that before she started copying she had her own style , right?
You must be one of those who fave photos in the hopes of gaining favor from specific people? I thought most people are meant to fave photos that they think are good.
I never said Candy’s pics were not good. I’m saying I faved them thinking I was looking at Absinthe’s. So nope.
How is it clear? What other photos has she copied? 3 or 4 photos out of the hundreds posted by Candygunpowder and Absinthe look similar. Absinthe is just a narcissist who was not getting enough attention so she made more of drama!!!
Yes for drama! Funny that in her post she never said the name of this person who copied, yet myself and all of you knew who she was speaking of.
She verified it in the comments in not so many words haha Some of them even show that she has discussed and gossiped about it in the past. Absinthe is just so special is she not?
I think the real reason she’s salty is because the “copy” is a much better, higher quality photo. Every subtle detail is better. The “original” looks like it was taken on a potato machine with shitty graphics- and yes, I went to look on Flickr. I don’t know either of these people but sounds like Absinthe needs to up her game, because if she’s spending a lot of time to put out low quality work like that, it’s just sad.
Ofc. I’m going to paint over Mona Lisa, add some lashes, better teeth and clothes. If you are copying someone and making yours worse would be dumb. It’s like going on Wikipedia having all the info plastered in there and you still miss the key points you should have put into your paper.
#26 but where is that backdrop from???
The trash. Looks like she did not even try to edit this photo. For someone who supposedly,”blogs”. LOL! ?
10. Damn straight. It’s really none of your business how I design my avatar. I come in all shapes, sizes, ages and colors because they’re VIRTUAL DOLLS. It’s fun to put them together and dress them up, it’s my distraction while I wind down from exhaustion of the work week. Why do you care so much?
14, 18, 19 . Calling someone a THOT for sending nudes is gross. Fuck you and your victim blaming. I don’t care if her virtual parents are assholes – she’s a kid who made a mistake and you sound like a really crappy person for gloating about it.
44. Do you call up department stores and bitch at them for putting older items on sale?
A creator absolutely has the right to put an older item on sale. Sales have been a normal part of doing business for centuries.
I’m sorry, but you’re a dumbass.
47. Un-follow her then. Social media is dedicated to updating the world about the minutiae of one’s life. Maybe just get off SL FB full stop and then people won’t annoy you with their constant updates.
21 and 53. I’m not going to report creators for copying items in RL. Get over it.
So, your’e saying if you were a company and someone was copying your brand and that person could get sued…THEN how’d you get over that. I know someone who got sued for copying VALFRE because someone reported it to VALFRE. So i just wouldnt think thats ok. You must be stupid if you think using a brands image / exact name direct everything is ok. Thats a big business…
@um its true.. a lot of companies do indeed have LL do takedowns..
with all the outsourcing and copying real shit i could see big real brands one day selling their own designs as meshes.. blowing all the thieves right out of the game.
Obviously, the issue is not how you design your avatar- unless you’re being sexual with underage looking avis- but doing things like making friends while lying to them about who or what you are. It is perfectly fine to be creative; it’s not ok to deceive people. If you can’t stand being who you really are with people, be very clear that you are IC or stick to rp sims where you are expected to be fake.
=/ i can’t agree beless… i think its up to the person expecting real on a game to be clear thats what they want.. but i do think if both people agree on real stuff then they should be honest. I just don’t think most people start off thinking they’ll really connect… or even become friendly enough to be considered real. Also as soon as theres a falling out all the real stuff ends up on sites like this.. friendships in SL rarely end nice. lol Thats why i don’t understand sl facebook..i wonder how many people expect realness from a person and give out the real friend a SL facebook. shrugs
Eh, my feel is- if you don’t want to be called a liar, don’t lie. Being clear about being in character vs. out of character in conversations/relationships resolves that issue. Otherwise, if you’re just gonna run around being fake, get used to being called on it and don’t bitch about “muh creativity, muh outlet, muh fantasy”.
16, 18, 19… I’m seriously concerned about the lack of upset that someone was getting nudes from a 17 y/o child. “She’s a thot” are you fucking kidding me? She’s a child. Whatever her fake SL father has done doesn’t matter.. someone is coercing CHILDREN to send them nudes, and y’all blame the kid? Yet come on here and scream pedo over anything and everything else.
Get your shit in order.
It may not be a pedo issue but it IS a child pornography issue which I believe would make both felons -with the assumption she transmitted it, and he received it or passed it along. Guardians might also be liable in the case of the minor. The kid does deserve the majority of the blame, mother and young man also share it but the “kid” One year or less shy of being able to vote, live on their own, die for their country -lets just be real, we are not talking about a 4 year old ordering something expensive from amazon
not child pornograghy they must be under the age of 14 for that, and she is the one sent them. They were not taken against her will or knowledge.At the very most IF they had sex in rl… This carries a misdeamor charge and that is judge decides to actually press charges. Most won’t in this case. She is well considered old to make this decision and the age difference is within range.
It would fall within the sexting laws for minors in your area.
I had my first kid at 17 … trust me shes a thot!
a lot of SL people are old as fuck and don’t know how different the world really is today.. kids have kids .. multiple kids before even 18.. its not like in the 50s or whatever and the only courting we know about these days are ones for DNA tests xD
she is 17 and he is 19, this is not pedo issue. But is a harrashment issue. Neither are any smarter than the other or mature. Both are children in the brain.I do slightly blame the 17yr old for sending nudes but I blame the parents far more for allowing their damn 17yr old on SL in first place even knowing she was in sexual relationships and sending nudes. Those parents need damn castrated and fixed not to breed.
Under 18 is a minor and a child in the state of California where LL is located.
It’s a pedo issue regardless of the other’s age.
She is a solicited minor and he is over 18 hence can be tried as an adult.
Report him.
In Califonia because the age difference, he is still under 21 of yrs and she is over 15 no it would not carry a pedo charge. Nor is this pedo to begin within mentality. You should really learn more about what actual pedo is and the law of sexual consent. It would be dismissed from court as a 17yr by law can be considered able to make some adult decisions. This has come up more than once in several states actually and always dismissed where parents have tried to file charges againsr BFs didnt like getting their 16/17yr olds pregnant and the BFs were even up to 20 yrs of age. While she is a minor she over the age of consent at the same time in this situation and no charges will be hold unless can prove an actual rape incident.
Now he was to share those images he can be charged. Currently standing. Age of consent law applies here.
Just a tid bit of info. The mother in this case can be charged and if the 17yr old was taking anything in return for those images she can be charged AS an adult for solitation
California does not have a law in place to provide less severe penalties for sexting with minors. While California’s laws are in place for the protection and safety of minors, this can negatively affect and older teen (18 or 19) who may be having a consensual relationship with a slightly younger teen.
Any sexting that includes explicit images of a minor under the age of 18 is considered possession and/or distribution of materials displaying lewd acts with children. If an 18-year-old has intimate images of their 16 or 17-year-old partner, they can be charged as an adult in a very serious crime.
Lewd acts with children is a crime that can be punished as either a misdemeanor or felony, carrying a potential sentence of up to 18 years and lifetime registration as a sex offender.
On top of that it’s also covered under revenge porn.. which is also very illegal.
So.. there is your tidbit of info. .
At the very most this case carries the weight of a misdemeanor. No jailtime or otherwise. Slap on wrist ticket fine and go on. That is IF the judge even decides to do charges. Given the circumstances it is highly likely he will not at all.
Lewd Acts law – must be 14 yrs old or under …Read that law closer please.
There was no real sexual contact. No intercourse so doesnt fall under any laws referring to such.
This .. ONLY falls within the sexting law which is not even pushed in California at all. He would literally get a “Son you know better than play with the younger girl” slap. California generally doesnt give a right fuck about the sexting lol
So far he hasn’t actually posted it. So does not fall under anything at all. He hasnt actually done it so revenge porn is off the table as well.
Now want to charge him? Save all the texts and threats and get him for THAT!!! Get him for something you can actually push and charge with.
why is she even on an adult game?? fucking thots.. i tell you.. maybe her RL mom should start to pay some attention to her
Stop calling young women thots, moron.
i call em like i see em fea
It’s about damn time someone called that brand out. #45, #50. They’ve been disturbing me for ages. I’ve got a ‘tween’ account and there’s loads of disgusting brands out there who are clearly pedophiles. It’s so disturbing to go shopping on MP for tweenster which is sad because the real kid/tween community is probably the most pure, wholesome RP ever. Anyway. Glad this is getting a shout out, finally. I wish SL would do something about it.
Both you images are beautiful…
I don’t understand the hate towards each other, so you have a similar style or have images that are some what copies.
Don’t we all? Be flattered by it and support each other…
I look at both and there are similarities but i can tell who is who.
I actually follow both of you before these secrets.
It is just so sad you rather bring each other down.
Looks like Absinthe started it as her usual mode!!!
when did satan decide to go soft? xD
Once she realized that she looks like an ugly meatball with glasses in rl.
i think glasses are cute.. but not so much meatballs. xD
It’s funny how people remember things differently.
Grace is not a pedo. You sound jealous.
Furthermore, her ex sister logged into her account and stole saved rp cards. Cards off of her ADULT account. I thought it was clear that she was an adult and the person she was role playing with was a rp’ing a shemale. A lot, and I can’t stress this enough, a lot of people have noses like that which are typically seen on children. Her art looks that of an adult, please stop your jealousy, it’s not cool spreading gossip about a serious crime. You all use the word pedo way too loosely around here and THAT is disgusting.
Pedo skins? Ok.
She may not be a pedo, but she is a copy botter and a giant piece of shit.
I dont know the designer or situation of the designers were in. but that is a ridiculous claim that the skin itself is bad.
The skin itself isnt bad. Its just a skin. Theres all age ranges of avatars allowed to be on SL. Its just how you dress those avatars or perform actions with those avatars that are inappropriate.
But again, the skin is NOT the problem.
Ew please. Her art is fugly. Who would be jealous? All I could think was, no wonder her textures look like crayola.
As for pedo skin, someone’s just probably calling her out on the fact that her last gacha skin looked like the girl from stranger things, eleven. Don’t tell me that’s not what she was going for. Either way, her skin was ugly af.
Are you not getting enough attention? You just sound butthurt
I too had a double take. Pedo skins? I’m not sure how you can make a pedo skin unless you scrawl “I love little boys/girls” all over it.
It’s her crazy ex sister’s again, Muffin Faerye and Llyricc resident. They brag about making these and talk about her and her friends non stop! it’s super scary, I’m happy I stopped talking to them.
You are trying really hard to stir up some shit aren’t you? Considering that they both aren’t actively in SL at the moment, I highly doubt it’s them making these secrets. It sounds like you are the actual secret maker, trying to stir up some shit between all of these girls.
Probably, that’s creepy and a good decision on your part.
#44 You do realize that every item that goes on sale in RL was also full price at some point too, right? They are previous releases; if you paid full price, you had them first, and that’s the only thing you get for paying full price. Stop being a salty dumbfuck about other people saving a penny or 2 you already spent and work on your style if you are worried about others having things you have.
its probably hard for them to calculate how many mesh dicks to ride for a sale fatpack xD
Is everything you have to say this week going to be gross and slut-shamey?
most likely.. scroll down to read about my grandpas dick pic. xD
nice rl pic by the way.. stay in your lane you little thotty cheeseburger
damn yo.. i said to myself i’m not even going to type those 4 letters out this week.. and then i pass by 45 & 50. lol does your virtual reality have to be so real your kids have to literally undress? I’m not even surprised but its hard for me to not ask the point of that shit. =/ I really tried people. on a lighter note i finally know someone.. #4 holy shit i didn’t know boba/frank white had a fucking 5 head. lol everything about that post is true but i didn’t know all those names..so thanks to the secret maker..time to add them to the blocked list too. Is he still walking around in suit pants with no shirt? xD i can’t stand when people don’t change clothes. (especially when he talks like hes ballin.. probably meant free ballin) #37&38 especially 38 was a lol moment for sure. xD you guys are going to wake the kekster xD um #21 is hilarious not because of the secret itself but because they said they’ve been reporting it to hot topic.. lmao id bet lots of money that hot topic isn’t the original creator of the item either. lol why not report Chanel ones.. because they actually go forward with court process. Google chanel lawsuits one day they don’t play.. i know someone who got an SL account deaded because chanel filed a copymark/trademark report. I’m pretty sure hot topic dgaf. #14 im sorry i don’t feel bad for people who get their nudes sent around..i’m not heartless but thats what happens when your acting thirsty. 17 years old sending nudes to a net dude.. like why? not that sending em to ppl you know is better but its a stranger.. i bet all these SL guys who… Read more »
Of course you share the dick pic I gave you @me. It’s framed in gilt and hanging above your fireplace where the lapping light of the flames illuminates its glory. Female visitors swoon at the majesty. Gentleman callers see quickly they have no chance. You’re not the first. Or the last. A masterpiece will always find its rightful place.
why is that the most erotic thing i’ve read in all of my SL? lol
Wow! What you have been doing in SL?
@Slingshot I might have to frame that comment
#8. I’ve never seen this person but anyone who would wear those eyes on their ass screams “I NEED attention”
Sad really. *smdh
Is that all what your life is about? It is really pathetic. She has fun. She loves to make others laughing. She comes in sl to have fun and forget about the sad real world we are all living in. That is what you all should be doing in sl instead of bringing drama , criticism and your negative points. Because of people like you SL is becoming as ugly as Rl and it’s really sad
No wonder why the world is going crazy with wars murders…. Stupid people with small brains like yours make the world ugly.
In a way I feel pity for you as if you can waste your time on details like what someone Is wearing in sl to have fun, your life must be very poor and boring
Be a little more open minded.let people do their Sl as they wish. Make yours beautiful instead of trying to make others look like shit. This is not going to make you look better
And never forget that your freedom stops where other’s freedom starts.
Why is this even relevant to you? Who cares it’s for fun maybe? You do remember SL is for fun?
Why the hell is their eyes on her ass?
Maybe cause it is SL, and that is a normal thing in SL maybe?????????????
Hahahaha, well I have seen more than her wearing them….I could name names, but not gonna..
you should definitely name them so i can add them to the eyesore blickedy blocked list. xD
I’m not sure what im more confused at.. that someone actually made that mess… or that someone actually purchased it.
I have a feeling the people who own it refer to potatoes as taters. xD
The people of Big Daddy’s are all sheep. One person starts something, they ALL have to be doing the same thing: pets, hair, lollipop on the ass; it’s rather amusing really to see that no one in the place can think for themselves.
Pretty sure it’s for a laugh. I laughed. She accomplished her mission in sl.
Samwise gamgee is amazing and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
45 and 50…. why did anyone think that’s okay? Wtf?
20: Not sure I see how these are copying. All appliers for lipstick look the same to me as far as the matte sharp edge ones go. I don’t think this one is copying. Seriously though….
#6: I will never understand this follow-for-follow or fave-for-fave mentality that people have gained. Back in my day (cue old man/woman accent) we faved photos we liked. We followed who’s photos we consistently liked. Now people get butthurt if they follow you and fave your pictures and you don’t follow them back and fave their photos, regardless of how bad their photos actually are. I don’t really want to fave your unedited snapshot taken on low graphics, Karen. #10: “a human playing an animal (or the reverse)…” If that was a joke, thank you for the funny in the middle of your tirade. If you were serious, I’m not sure how educated your pets are, but unfortunately, my dog doesn’t have an SL avi. #14;18;19: No one deserves this ‘revenge porn’ bullshit. HOWEVER, you seem far more concerned about this Hoodiify person’s actions than you seem with your daughter’s. There’s something wrong in the way you parent if your SEVENTEEN year old sending nudes ILLEGALLY to someone over the age of 18 isn’t a problem. #20: I’m actually mad at this. It’s no secret Lisa Walker copybots lipsticks, but could you at least put a side by side of two lipsticks that actually look similar? You’re fucking up your own argument, my guy. #29: I like to tell myself when these cutesy little secrets pop up that they’re being posted back and forth by the same two people and we’ve got ourselves our own little fucked up Virtual Secrets lovestory. This is the content I signed up for, tbh. xDDD #32: Her naivity makes my who body hurt. She always tries to see the best in people and I’m honestly surprised it hasn’t really screwed her over yet. #39: I had to go back to find the post in question.… Read more »
Looking closer at the ad for #51, it appears there is an option to show your “real skin” through the rips- but for people who want their skin to “bulge” through the holes like their pants are too tight and splitting like a sausage casing, there is mesh you can toggle on for that as well.
Now, why people want to look like their clothes don’t fit properly- that’s entirely another story.
thats them fashion nova jeans lmao
Right, I was incredibly confused. Though thank you for pointing out the option! I didn’t see that, these old eyes ain’t what they used to be.
#42. Who gives af who Tempe is with or not with? It’s her life…her SL. If she wants to be with someone, then she can. Bitch, please, in this day and age, women can fuck whoever they want, as many times as they want, and not be shamed for it.
I fuck who I want…. on my adult avi… I haven’t had any online sex… actually I haven’t had any sex of any kind. What have I been doing with my life!?
Oh trust me, two peas on a pod, he is no better but he also loves the drama queen type, the list is long… LOL
Maybe because she is one of the biggest whores around in Second Life? Of course with a real life like hers (almost 50, never married, no kids, still living at home with her dad), I would probably be a whore in Second Life too. What a real loser she is.
And the question still stands, who tf cares? Why do you care?
You obviously do if you responded.
sounds like she’d be like kathy bates in misery.. just waiting for her Paul xD
Ohh such a big shot saying shit about someone without giving out your name. Knowing this much about her only means you are one of 2 ppl, and i guess everytime you get rejected for being a complete douchbag the woman is a whore? I pity you, i really do.
the Schrödinger’s Woman concept -where the woman exists simultaneously as both “sexy as hell” and a “fat bitch” until the man’s pathetic come-on is either rejected or accepted
It is just SL after all, why should I put my name out there? Besides I am only speaking the truth as 99.9% of the people who know Tempest, see it. A whore is a whore, there is no way around it and Tempest fits that bill.
You clearly don’t know her at all. How pathetic do you have to be to drag someone’s rl into sl. Go fuck yourself.
Could this be the infamous wannabe bad assed sister of Tempest? I would think so. Perhaps you would like YOUR rl dragged onto here too. Miss married and supposed conservative but fucks men all over Second Life also, guess the virtual mesh and prim genes dont fall far from the same tree, as you are like your big sister Tempest, except you were able to con someone into marrying you in rl, while Tempest is such a loser, she could not even get a local crack head off the street to propose to her, even if she bought him a bag of crack and blew him all night, but obviously you arent too happy in real life or maybe you cant satisfy your husband, or you would not fuck others in SL.
holy shit who hurt you? keep out of secondlife if you’re so triggered by other peoples own lives for fucks sake lmfao dummy.
You just answer the pathetic part ??
Infamous.. why thank you. I didnt know famous and infamous existed online in SL. How bold of you. You bring up others rl but your the one glued to this place. I didnt know someone was scouting out my sexual encounters in sl. Flattered really. Thanks for caring so much about others ❤?
No backbone, i knew it. Talking shit and hiding behind the keyboard. The cowards approach to life
Wanting someone’s SL username so you can harass them in world over their opinions on this site is the bully’s approach to life.
Hmm is Ziggy Sixpence your actual real life name? No I doubt it, it is a SL alias. So just as you are entitled to use a fake persona, as avatars are not real, I am entitled to use one too.
Who said anything about rl names, is your sl name “someoneinsl”? If you wanna have this discussion with me in sl i’m easy to find, cause you have my sl name, idf you dont your just someone really weird who doesn’t have the guts to stand up for your opinions. I’m not commenting on this anymore here, if you have something to say find me in sl. (as if)