Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 573.
I went out of town so Secrets is late. I also had a secrets situation and lost a majority of secrets submitted all last week. It’s my fault, I was showing off the “roomba” script to a friend and forgot to save the results. That’s what I get for flexing.
Cricket is the most pathetic person I have ever been friends with, what a sad, overgrown, disgusting excuse for a person. She lives at her dads house who threatens to cut off her wifi so she has to secretly play SL despite being an adult and doesn’t leave the house, it once took her 3 months to leave. She doesn’t wash and is very overweight and looks like she stinks. Despite all this she thinks she’s better than everyone else, in her own deluded world she thinks she is someone because she has online validation in a virtual game. She is an extreme case of a sad existence and if she wasn’t such a cunt I would pity her.
what you have described is severe Agoraphobia and Depression, not really something to be used to make fun of someone. Also note if any of this is true, this me you were once someone she trusted and confided in. That makes you an even lower, pathetic person than claiming she is. Only the lowest of beings would take a trust and tell this sort of personal real life information just to degrade someone on a virtual slam book about avatars.
Sadly this statement “the most pathetic person I have ever been friends with, what a sad, overgrown, disgusting excuse for a person.” now more refers to you than her. Personality can make someone far more pathetic and disgusting as a human being than mental illness ever can.
Since this week was so short and boring, here’s another nasty fucking pedophile and the gross twat who enabled it: https://www.flickr.com/photos/torstenholst/48599731466/in/photosof-holly_cosplay/
Come on, borderline pedophiles; someone tell me how she’s not trying to look underage. Someone tell me how they aren’t both incredibly disgusting people.
THIS is at a sex sim rt now.
is this ok? o0 shes gross i’ve seen her a few times but reporting does nothing.
Duuuude her groups on profile aswell “family safe nude beach”?! Wtf? Keep reporting them.
Uuugh so nasty. I mean reporting is all you can do; what really disgusts me is the women who perpetuate this. I hope so much they don’t have children ☹ can you imagine having a mother who likes to enable pedophiles online, would any child ever be safe? What if her E-Daddy decides he wants pictures of rl kids? This shit has happened before, plenty.
they call it kawaii.. but idk whats cute about it.. so so common.. logged in for 5 mins im telling you…. epidemic
the tit thing they really need to reconsider too.. because i started to wear a bra at 12.. thats still a kid.
thats exactly what fumes me.. these people acting cute dont understand the demon they could be unleashing..
i’ve got another reason for why i get aggrivated (even ragey over this) i didnt want to say but its a true story and the saddest thing i’ve ever seen with my own eyes. I worked a real (off sl) cam site before.. the money was GREAT (but not great enough for the mental image ill never get out of my head).. idk if customers know but we can view their cams in a show (if they have one on actual sites idk about SL sites) and i learned about ic3 because i was on a call and hit the cam button and the guy was shirtless with a little girl on his lap idk the kids age but she was older than a baby but very young toddlerish. Idk what was waist down..but i never want to feel as disgusting as i felt that day ever again. i screen shot it and reported it (to the site itself and the cyber crimes (ic3 site) and of course logged out and never went back. The guy was from india somewhere(it tells their loc) but i felt like pissed.. its so far and probably nothing would be done about it. Idk if he was doing something bad to her.. but its bad enough that he was watching porn with a kid. These girls have no idea whats going on on the other side of the screen… Probably nothing.. but what if?
so BUNDY maybe it is a little personal.. but not really against a particular sl person… just because of the possibilities
This is what happens when there are only 12 secrets. People start opening up. It’s really scary when people start opening up. I tend to avoid this topic as it’s full of fire and seems often to be an avenue in SL Secrets for every pissed off person to accuse another of being a Pedo. And, well, I just prefer funny shit. Like maternity bra drama. Nevertheless…. “Pedo” is the ultimate throw down in our snarky divisive world. Pedos are sick, disgusting, and any other adjective you want to add. But what is often the case is that what and who is a Pedo is often lost in the flurry of accusations that are commonly misplaced vengeance. In the end it undermines the real cause of defending children and exposing what is a true pedophile. It all becomes commercial. A Walmart of Pedos. The references you show are disturbing. And I am not going to justify it – as I can’t. But in a world where “barely legal” is a primary marketing tool of most porn sites and school girl outfits are sold at every adult shop in existence one must ask, what do you expect? Further, role play of daddy and baby girl is very real. The Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, as an example, had sales of what, hundreds of millions copies, of which, you might be surprised, 80% were women. This is a real fetish. Older women want to be young. Older men want to experience younger women that play vulnerable. They play into each other whether you agree or not. Where is the line? It should be easy to answer and I think for most it is. I am not one to ask though as It’s not a kink I am after. I prefer mature breasts… Read more »
Slingshot earns the medal for this comment. Thanks for this.
i understand what you’re saying grandpa.. but schoolgirl costumes and even the dd/lg world dont even really bother me (when they aren’t obviously trying to be a child.. younger i understand but not a little kid).. i know a few people who are into it but they aren’t trying to look like toddlers. The visual of a room full of regular avis and then that little girl avi.. i’m sorry but im judging.. and im judging hard. lol even barely legal doesnt bother me as much as you may think but the toddler stuff does. toddler face and toddler height irk tf out of me. .. and im forever going to think the person behind that avi is nothing but a scumbag. and pray they don’t have kids. My friend has a kid and where i live when a sex offender moves in the neighborhood (near any school kids)you get an automated call and snail mail of the mugshot and all the info.. If you knew how many of those she gets every month.. go to familywatchdog dot us.. and put in your zip code one day.. i swear to god you will be SHOCKED at how many sick fucks are surrounding every single one of your houses in just 1 mile radius. sigh
my zip code https://gyazo.com/00b4973a1ccb1ad0bc80dc3b3cc35d35
i agree tho back to bras.. lol
if they fantasize about kids technically i mean just read it
they’ll make excuses for it i’m sure. like shes a woman with just a flat chest.
how about this fuckery.
her flicker https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantrica-sl/
smh@ this shit –> https://www.flickr.com/photos/tantrica-sl/48313447006/in/dateposted/
I’m sure the inbred commitee will say some shit like shes just a nudist.
later on i’ll see if i still have some of the convos from randoms.. they don’t even have shame just asking for you to shrink down..
whoever doesn’t believe it is insane.
this is clothed but still suggestive of an older guy and a little girl
thats what they call “cute” o0
when i first started coming onto secrets i used to fuck around and say stuff .. and didn’t really care about all of this but then i started noticing it a lot..and also someone in my family works for a state agency and they’re working with a girl who was rescued from trafficking and i met her and idk it changed my thoughts a lot.
Oh my fuck that Tantrica chick is gross and the comments literally activated my gag reflex.
12 ??? is that a joke? only 12 god damn posts? either people aint got shit to say or someone was feeling lazy
Or you could read the explanation up top. Who is the feeling lazy one?
#7 – Copy? Isn’t that a mesh template from the marketplace? ?
it sure is lol
Really only 12???? Fuck that!!!!
This week’s is so short and boring we deserve another post on Wednesday.
#3 Get of your high horse poster. This goes to say that anyone with a remotely cute faced avatar isn’t allowed to have sexual interactions in SL? Good luck with that.
As if they aren’t grown ass adults in real life that look younger than they really are. smfh.
Exactly, I’m 30 IRL and I legit get mistaken at times for my niece who just turned 15 if I don’t wear make up etc. Does that mean I’m not allowed to be sexual or if the person I’m with is sexual towards me that means they’re a pedo even though I know I’m 30 and they know I’m 30?
looking young and looking like a kid is different.. i would bet my whole like your face has woman features no matter what kind of illusion you believe you see (to be honest and im sorry at 30 you haven’t learned this yet.. a guy will say anything to make you feel good so he can hit it and quit it so stop believing the hype lol also if its a carding thing lemme deflate your bullshit where i live they card anyone who looks under 50 .. they HAVE to.. so the carded shit is getting old.) These avis we’re speaking of have CHILD FACES … i look young af myself im small framed and almost short enough to get SSI .. what irritates me about sl hoes is that they defend this shit. Being a woman.. knowing the fucked up things that happen to little girls all over the world..and giving an excuse to be apart of it. You should be fucking ashamed of yourselves..but i understand why you people end up on secrets.. they use you up and advertise your skill here. Its so disgusting that anyone with fucking ovaries make so many excuses for what is a proven epidemic in SL//and real with the pedo shit. I like cute things and pink and ruffles like most girls but just merely out of having CLASS you wouldn’t catch me dead in real or sl posing with my legs open with old men for likes. lol i hope you people never have kids because teaching little girls thats ok is a recipe for disaster. Its not about changing who you are.. its about knowing the possibilities of your actions and that being more important than you thinking you’re cute. thats how i know you hoes are ugly in… Read more »
So lets clear the air what does a “kid” look like? Anyone that looks younger then you right? And looking 40+ is going to keep guys from playing you.. is that what you are trying to say? You do understand that equating how someone chooses to make their avatar look in SL with rl child sexual abuse is both absurd and disgusting right? I have an idea, why don’t you make your avatar the way you want, and let others do the same.. if you see something that violates ToS simply report it and cease this tiresome jihad, crusade, salem witch hunt, inquisition of yours. You don’t get to decide what is a child and who is violating ToS for everyone else. ToS states 18, which is also when you are usually considered an adult. check out a college in your area and look at the faces and bodys
if you don’t know this without being told.. you’re probably a pedo.. Someone call Chris Hansen for this guy! Grandpa grab me the phone please..xD no im not saying anything about 40+ I’m saying purposely looking like a CHILD IN THE FACE fucking old men is revolting. Hanging out at grandpas looking like a child in the face is gross. Helping a man with a pedo fantasy makes YOU just as guilty. you wanna be cute.. be cute at home… but going to GRANDPAS as a whoreish child..is trying to turn on old disgusting men. SO THAT MAKES YOU JUST AS GUILTY. This dumb cunt isn’t being cute at home or the park with her family or shopping.. shes purposely at a pedo sim that caters to little girls and old men. you’re so fucking stupid. frfr its so annoying explaining things to sick people.. i guess thats why shrinks get paid so much. LL and their TOS can pretty much suck a dick because they allow the fuckery as long as they get their cut of the marketplace sale. Do you morons understand that in some countries its accepted.. there are countries that age of consent is like 12 and other countries even younger as long as they marry…those men are mixed in all of SL and the dumb whores who will never have anything other than a cartoon boyfriend dont get it. lol i feel sorry for you people.. im being honest. its a whole nother level of trife when you’re a woman and its not registering. i hope all your ovaries fry up after stuffing your faces with too many hot cheetos =) i need BeLess here.. because she puts it perfectly with face proportions since you aint understanding the words thats coming out my mouth (hands… Read more »
Your problem is not that people do not understand what you are saying, your problem is that they do and either disagree with you or are tired of the ceaseless hysterical ranting about it. I am not familiar with grandpas garage but if they encourage underage play LL would close them down faster then you could get the sand out of your twat. As someone said someplace, this is personal, it isn’t about kids, young faces, or grandpas garage
ur problem is that you like banging girls with infant faces .. to each his own weirdo.. =)
real women aren’t attracted to that skeevy shit.
not personal at all.. it just proves a little bit more that SL has more bottom of the barrel trash in it than i originally thought.
nasty asses
God, I am still trying to break down and understand the maternity bra conversation. And now this.
It’s hard trying to be “woke.”
When Dalriada Owner of MooH contacted, me I was a little confused about what she meant … my native language is not English (as you can see I’m using a translator)
But then I understood after she sent me the link to this site … hahahahahaha I’m finding it all very funny, it’s the first time this happens to me, I usually create my own texture since 2011 … but I’m so busy RL In the last few months I’ve been buying at least 50% of ready textures, I bought this ready texture … you can even check out my review comment made a few days ago, even before this post is here.
It is always funny when someone uses ready made stuff and then boldly accuses others of copying. Bold MoOH really bold.
@ Pacagaia Your ad looks 100 x better anyway.
Hold the fuck up.
IF cricket claims to have no kids.
WHY is she wearing a maternity nursing bra in that fb post of her shrek looking face.
who the fuck cares?! she can wear whatever she feels like! and if she did have kids and didnt want yall fuckers to know thats her choice too. get out of her life. stop caring what bra she wears, how she looks , how old she is.. holy fuck who cares.
I have huge ‘uns and when i was a young, naive, developing girl (10-12) I wore my bra ALL the time. I was in a C cup at 11 so, there was a lot there…I wore it to bed even. Now, I pay the price, between losing weight, and no muscle tone from wearing bras so much when I was young, my tits look like half full sand bags hanging from my chest…….or maybe like…condoms with a bit of water in them…..anyway, y’all get the idea…it aint pretty. Now, I usually only wear a bra when leaving the house
I can relate. i was a very early developer (also was chubby, so that didnt help). i started wearing bras in grade 1 because my mother told me i had to. apparently my school complained that i, a little 6 year old, was distracting the older boys with my A cups. i too slept in it. i thought i had to.
now i have shitty titties and im only in my mid 20s. i legit call them grandma boobs.
Unrelated, I have to ask how can anyone wear a bra to bed? It’s uncomfortable. Wait until you have children too….that’ll change them as well.
maybe regular size shit don’t fit her. xD
i wouldn’t know i dont rock maternity shit.. but im glad you guys know. xD go watch your kids
Fat women don’t all have kids. They are just the bras that fit us.
i honestly thought you were joking about maternity bras being a cute alternative. not even lying.
this is a maternity full set …
All maternity
I wasnt saying they were cute. i was saying it was the only affordable option for some.
i spend like 60$ on my bras because i want them to look cute. the ugly or maternity like bras are basics that cost like 20-30$
but you know, to each their own!
i probably get paid way less than she does, so i dont get why she cant spend more money on a good, nice bra that would make her look and feel good.
got it.. well if cute bras at good price is still an issue check smartandsexy dot com. they have good reviews for sizing and good prices. and i taught my mom this but shop in clearance for panties/bras and socks.. i mean unless they’re holiday patterned the dont really go out of style. xD
The things I learn on Virtual Secrets. It’s like being a fly on the wall at a ladies’ tea party.
You don’t just buy a wireless bra maternity for massive boobs. That’s asking for saggage.
Actually you sag more by wearing bras and wires than you do without them. By wearng items that constantly 100% hold the weight for you, you remove the inner muscle strength and the tits sag faster than normal. Check your science first. Wire bras are BAD. Bad on boobs, bad on backs, bad on shoulders. Bad period in all ways. And just a tip maternity bras are used alot in fetish looks -winks- even in SL. What do you think those bras are at events that flip down?
Yup, bras in general are actually bad for your tits, and literally nothing will stop tits from sagging over time, more or less based on their size. All you can do to mitigate it is work those pecs, and that is minimal help.
for us fat girls, its sometimes hard to find nice looking bras that are not expensive and the only bras really available look like ugly nursing bras. girl should really look into Torrid. got some good bras, a little pricey, but worth it.
also, underwire bras can actually cause saggage.
#11 interesting post … that aint even my picture
Number 3: Some things to consider…
1 Everybody has a different “icky” line and it is drawn in different places
2 Laws and customs vary by geography and in time
3 There is a ‘thing’ rl and sl that is known as Babygirl, an adult woman playing that she is a teen, which is not ageplay
4 I have known 14 year olds that can get in bars, and 25 year olds that cant get into an R rated movie without being IDed
5 Not everyone plays human avatars
6 The only thing that matters in SL is ToS which states you can not play someone under the age of 18 in an adult zone, or around adult activity -the rest is just your effing opinion
7 There will always be those dumb kunts that think anyone prettier, shorter, or younger is age playing or just a slut -just like rl.
8 There will always be dumb kunts that live for drama and want to make themselves look better by shitting on others -just like rl.
9 I would be far more concerned about an underage person in adult situations in SL then about what anyone plays
10 If this chick is the biggest problem you have… If your life is so wonderful you cant find anything else to bitch about… and if you are so obsessed that you have to stalk people, threaten their friends, hang on their every picture or word you might want to do a little self reflection -cause it really seems to me that there is some big time projection going on
[3 There is a ‘thing’ rl and sl that is known as Babygirl, an adult woman playing that she is a teen, which is not ageplay]
you sound like a complete retard..lol an adult playing a teen is NOT ageplay?????????? DIES AT THAT FUCKERY
loll idiots.. I’m going to start reporting those images to IC3 and see if they think its age play. They’re better judges i’m sure.
its not a question if its an adult behind the avi.. we know they usually are.. the disgusting part is making little kids look like whores and fuck old men.. you skeevy fuckers.
some of you thots really need mental help. Taking pics like that is equal to passing kiddy porn.
Playing a character that is older or younger than your age is ageplay. Ageplay, as a whole, is not against the rules. Ageplaying sexually with avatars that are underage is.
Just report them then stupid and stfu about it, you sound like one of those fat ass old sows anyway. You don’t have at have a huge fat ass, size triple D tits and look 40-50 . While you are at it report the furs for bestiality, all the old fat chicks partnered here but married rl for bigomy, the gays for sin and whoever else you want to the purity police
gays for sin? god isn’t even real.. but thats a whole nother topic.
and fat? look dear…pretty people don’t have to lower themselves to do disgusting things for people who don’t even care about them after they log off.
thats every single hoe with the infant faces.
They’re merely cum rags..who are forgotten about when the next new baby face comes crawling along.
What would you know about being pretty? Your avatar looks like Stormy Daniels Starr Ghost. She is so skanky she can only someone who makes antique tractors would sign her up to blog, and she probably spread her legs to get that. All the while girls that are late teens to early twenties are getting the mesh clothes and skin blogs AND THAT is why you are so bitter
lmao you sound so old..dead af @stormy daniels .. who under 100000000 talks about her?? just you and the fat orange dude.
and the last sentence loll i can’t.
I’m a proud latina sweetheart i promise you .. you or anyone you know don’t have anything at all that i need or want.
sounding like you just learned about mesh and blogs 5 minutes before you wrote that
That explains everything, you struggle with English so don’t understand. Let me speak without ambiguity. you are a worthless twat not even good for a pump and dump, you feel free to keep your fat ass old avatar, a few of the more desperate guys might hit it
Are you Bunderwahl Guisse? Because that would explain an awful lot, if you were the owner of a rape sim and an OLD man with a barely legal fetish. If you don’t see any other alternatives between jailbait appearance and middle aged “Stormy Daniels” types, that whole attitude screams ephebophilia. All you’re saying is that if the avi doesn’t look quasi-underage, it looks old to you, which is incredibly revealing and not very canny of you to say.
well my grandpa bought me an avi in the womans department. so no toodleedoos here. =)
go waste all your ssi on banging child like avis in SL…i’m sure 5-0 will be knocking on your rl door one day. lol
An adult woman playing a teen is NOT ageplay? Then what is it exactly.. ? She is literally ‘playing’ a different age..
It means the adult woman wears teenage clothes and acts like a teenager. Lets keep this rl for a second -she dresses up a cheerleader outfit say, she is still whatever rl age she is, she is acting like a teen NOT becoming a teen
umm no its SL.. you must not be too cute inworld.. because there are MANY MANY MANY daddys looking for babygirls who will shrink down to kneel level. get woke
Knee level, seriously? Exactly when did you see that? Excepting a few idiots nobody is talking ageplay )the ToS violation kind at least) This is all about a few bitter chicks taking it upon themselves to launch a holy Jihad against whoever they think looks too young, mind you not ageplayers, not children… but someone their man looked at, someone getting more attention then them. They get to tell other girls what their avatars should look like, how big their tits have to be. The twat “Me”s are the only ones talking about ageplay
yes knee level.. are you slow??? 99% of SL even with clothes on is like that. lol
So you are just an effing giant and you want everyone else to change their avatars height so you don’t stick out like a turd in a punch bowl, is that what this is about?. Do you realize how absurd you look with your wild exaggerations? You have zero credability
you are probably the stupidest fuck in all of SL.. Congrats.. i mean everyone has to be good at something.. being retarded to the fullest is your specialty. lol god im so happy i dont know anyone as dense as you.
Wow, this is the shortest one of these I’ve ever seen! Everyone musta took a chill pill this week. Well, almost everyone. Couldn’t have a week go by, let alone a day, without someone being called out for being slutty or a pedo…..
You must have missed the part where they said they lost most of the entries. It’s at the top of the page.
Bestiality is the new Pedo this week. Of course, that’s because Kesseret decided to get a new vacuum.
Animeislame…keep the same username.
These delusional freaks think im other people. HAHAHAH LMAO Epic.. I’m living rent free in their heads.
You need a new vocabulary, you seem stuck with the same words
rent free pedo freak
Hey. HEY. Take a step back, Anime. If anyone insults @me it’s me (no pun intended). I built this venue of trolling her and damn you for daring to step in my spotlight. Just go about your Pedo business and leave the insults to the big boys. Besides, you can’t afford to insult her. Or anything for that matter.
sticks my tongue out @anime.. ha ha you certified home boy.
and grandpa see i’m not as dumb as you think..its fun to hear people talk shit about me.. cuz it sounds like they’re talking about themselves xD
ooh you live at home anime? lol not fucking surprising.
Rofl wow look who’s calling the kettle blk.. Ffs. Think before you speak
get spell check before you speak. @ffsEA
and welcome back.. see the upside of paying your bills? xD
Well you sound the same as them but I apologize. So are you the person that thinks I’m a male pedo or do you recognize I’m female?
My god, I sound like him? I hope NOT! I was just making a joke that your vacuum demonstration created less Pedo this week. You had me freaked out though, I was worried animeislame’s IP address was the same as mine and he was hiding in my basement using the Internet. I checked though and all clear. I did though find a set of car keys I lost two years ago.
I have no idea if you are a woman, man, possum, or giraffe. Nor do I care.
Oh no the pedos are trying to track my IP.. You’re pathetic.. Go look after your kids freak LMAO
I’m so sorry. Usually anime is calling me a pedo or some freak. I misread. Thanks for being understanding.
Totally ok. I usually reserve my trolling for @me. She loves it. It’s actually become so intense you can cut the sexual tension between her and I with a knife. That is though when I can distract her from overindulging in biscuits and gravy.
You and @me do have a special kind of tension. Which is cute.
grandpas so used to sl southern girls. .. xD
I’m in the north.. where we mukbang sushi and energy drinks.
aww no grandpa.. say it aint so? sighs
Number 1.
Lady Avalira is a joke beyond jokes. Agree she is full of herself even though she is fat broke middle-aged trash in RL she thinks people actually give a shit about her. We don’t. We pretty much hate her and yes it is true we talk mad shit about her and just put up with her because no one wants to deal with her crazy fat ass and mouth. Huge pathological liar and crazy drama whore who is literally on tons of meds in real life for her bipolar menopausal ass. Her avi is always noob as hell with a million crooked piercings and she has closed down every club she touches in SL with her drama.(Toontopia, Energy). There is seriously not a bigger narcissistic sack of shit in SL.
Props to whoever posted this. You made our day.
Jokes on her though because her partner Datrip fucks pretty much everything behind her back when she’s offline all the time and on his million alts.
Everyone also knows that fake ass partnership has been a sham for years and total joke and that he keeps it just because he does not want to deal with her continuous drama and threats. We all know he is currently having a major relationship with Leila his “bro” Vic’s ex and Leila is mad obsessed with him. So maybe it’s time Lady stops making a total fool of herself and step outta his partner box and his sidepiece Leila steps in.
Enjoy the tea folks. Peace out.
Leila is a SL slut , who thinks she is so damn special , you seen way she dresses and chats , Trash , She acts like she so innocent, but we all know she is one of SL’S biggest sluts , She and Datrip are the perfect couple . Pure sl players!!
I find this amusing that you call Leila a slut because of how her avi dresses and types. That’s 3/4th of SL hunny. All secrets come out over time, so if it’s true then good for them. Lady has and will always be a big piece of fucking using, lying shit. She only uses Datrip anyway. I’m in no way saying this is right but there are all sorts of reasons why people stray and find new loves. This is SL (the place where most have 50 partners a month) and fuck 50 a day. 😀
yes SLQueen if being with 2 guys in 6 years make her a slut then she is the biggest slut sl has ever seen. As for her dressing, she can outrdress most of us. I dont even think you have a clue who she is but I know who you are. Now hop away little one
Leila ‘s a total doorknob coz everyone’s had a turn. Got nothing to do with clothes or the way she talks. The chica has been straight up slut ass bitch ass trash for yeaaaaaars. Before Vik she banged half of SL while standing in the back supposedly afk all day in GOL and other places she hung in. You can still smell the SL syphilis snap crackle and pop on them pixels. Everyone that’s been in game a while knows ALL about her ass, the way she ignores her son for SL, her weight loss surgery, how Vik cheated on her, how she cheated, her payin top dollar for dead ass clubs that fail, people using her for money. Too much 2 list. The only part of class on Leila is the ass. She been through more dick and friends in 10 years than wet naps at a BBQ. Makes sense she’s the side chick in this situation.
says another hater who probably never even had 1 conversation with her.
LMFAO. There must be a doppleganger… that’s not Lady Avalira or whatever you said. And come on! The piercings are on point.
Oh Cricket, our favorite punching bag, hanging out in our favorite punching bag location Grandpa’s Garage. I’d choose a new fetish if I were you.
Jus’asking, what were you doing there…. hmmmmmm?
I’m not there as I’m not the person who made the secret. It’s just Cricket is a frequent person here. I personally don’t see the appeal of the whole “baby girl” stuff
Let’s all agree that #3 is a desperate trashy hoe of a cumbucket
Want to end her SL so badly quit buying her shit people
We have a mission for you… if you choose to accept. xD
12. Tyler is WAY to happy with his RL and how his life is moving in all the positive directions to actually give a flying fuck what someone on Second Life posts on this site about him. I can also guarantee when he see’s this he will just roll his eyes and go about his day lol.
There are only a small handful of people who are so obvious that they could write this. Bitter much? lol.
is this tyler from one of the Carolina’s… originally from Maryland? My friend told me about a guy who wanted rl and he was a girl. She didn’t care he was a girl but he ended up being a sneaky fucker. He burned the bridges 1st in IMVU. If its the same one.
To answer you. No.
ty. i’m pretty sure no one else would have answered. lol
Well to be fair I am not sure we are thinking the same person but I’m confident enough to answer no.
its all good.. i was excited i may have actually heard of someone. xD better luck next time lol
I have yet to know anyone posted here. But I have learned that a maternity bra can help with sagging breasts. Or large breasts? Damn it, need to read again.
lol i think grandpa gets feeling down there again.. when he reads about bras xD
Tyler could you please stop talking about yourself in third- person, Thank you. And Kudos to you with your RL.
@ #2 – Oh come on….I have seen this girl in real life. She may not be the hottest thing in SL but I don’t think she would resort to having sex with a dog.
So she’s a Vegan? And that dog was really Tofu? What a bitch.
xxXX is telling the truth. She is all about using people for money and using her not sub-par nudes and videos to get it. She is unattractive in real life just like her personality. Lots of her ex daddy doms say she enjoys beast RP in-world and I know about one incident on Skype. This secret is not a surprise. No ones business is safe in the FMD community.
I do know that in Germany (where she is from) – bestiality is a relatively widely practiced ‘fetish’. Hmm- second ocassion of bestial;ity in FMD here in secrets (remember Lance on voice with his partner and her pet from back about a year ago that made it in here?) Maybe they need to change the name from F*ck Me Daddy to F*ck Me Doggie.
She’s not pretty. But she’s a cheating, manipulative bitch at VERY least. She’s even bragged about using people friends and boyfriends for L$ ~ She’s trash
i used to play around with her for awhile offline and online she isnt the hottest thing rl either but she would do anything i would say on cam so kinda hot for only that but i defend her in that i dont think she is nasty enough to do shit with a dog unless on crack
Arwn’t the submissions or don’t the submissions come into your email? sp why can’t you just get them out of your email? I am just curious.
Submissions aren’t sent over email. They are stored on the server until I pull them down.
#12 you know, who you are.
#7 If they’re dumb enough to use a mesh template, you will find “copies” all over the marketplace/grid.
12. Tyler is WAY to happy with his RL and how his life is moving in all the positive directions to actually give a flying fuck what someone on Second Life posts on this site about him. I can also guarantee when he see’s this he will just roll his eyes and go about his day lol.
There are only a small handful of people who are so obvious that they could write this. Bitter much? lol.
Had to post this crap twice because you did not like the three thumbs down and one thumb up?
#3) It’s gotten boring now guys.. we get it you think she looks young. If it bothers you that much, delete her. But you can’t because then who’s life will you obsess over? Clearly your own isn’t interesting enough. Grow up..
#12) Transphobic much? Ty is completely open and transparent about his transition, it’s in his profile, it’s on his Facebook? He talks regularly of his journey. He is male. End of story. Shame on the bigot who submitted this post.
I’m completely proud and honoured to be able to call him my friend, doubt a single one of yours – if you have any – could say the same about you.
Ignorance is not a cute look sweetie.
Maybe now he is because ” the cats out of the bag. ” But what about before that? My point in exactly. Not every cisgender male or female is interested in transgenders. And I know who he is.. he was on my buddy list a long time ago. He did not tell anyone he was a transgender male. Probably never mentioned it to that Russian chick he was with. Call it homophobe all you want. Everyone has a right to preferences, especially if it’s taken from second life to real-life..
You are absolutely right you ain’t shit either. Tyler has taken me back home a few times and there wasn’t anything in her profile at the time stating what her profile says today. It’s deceiving.
if its an SL house who tf cares though? its not even like you’d have felt a real dick.. not everyone is in SL to find real anything.. perhaps write in your profiles YOU WANT REAL LOVE .. so all the people just having fun can pass you by.
If you are dumb enough NOT to see it on his profile then thats your problem. I have known tyler for over a year now and that is something he is very passionate about and something he doesnt hide. Its always been on his profile. This is just some stupid childish bitter drama. Pay better attention next time you want to blast.
Another boring week full of degenerates and mentally ill freaks.. Barely any gossip.. Looks like the pedos site is slowly dying lmao
You came to read but you can’t even do that properly.
I don’t know how you guys managed to miss that disclaimer part.
12 secrets kek you’re a mong
Get the fuck out of my basement, animeislame.
When you actually look after your children instead of basing your life on a virtual game you freak.
The only child I know is @me and she is enough to swear off children forever. A handful she is. In the meantime I live a peaceful life. But, who knows, there might just be a little Slingshot out there somewhere. If he/she is I would have only one piece of advice: Don’t vacuum and manage Virtual Secrets at the same time. Oh, and eat more broccoli.
I’ve actually heard that before in rl. xD many times.
but i do make the holidays extra fun. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m a little high (maybe a lot) but why is anime mad this week?
We didn’t even get to indulge in the usual amount of fuckery this week.
I’ve got my money on??? grandpa??? with this anime vs slingshot battle of words.
Maybe making lovey emojis to grandpa with lots of kisses will get anime to say something other than kek and mong?
Probably not.
you forgot “freak” seems animes vocab consists of kek, mong, freak, and LMAO……i should stop, or people will think I’m him!
lol true…. freak and omg.. we forgot his fav.. PEDO xD
i thought my vocab was limited.. but you got me beat anime. or shall i call you Mr Lame
Thought so freak
Freak? Freak!!?? Fine. Gonna hit back with the greatest of all, Anime. To honor the most subtle of all trolls through history, PeeWee Herman.
“I know you are but what am I?”
Beat that, Motherfucker.
But you still come here to lurk for gossip and comment when there isn’t anything interesting for you..so who’s the hypocrite?
And you only come here to defend sexual predators on this dead game LMAO freak
Just 12 this week? Wow you guys are slippin
@3: cricket is a 45 housewife in rl of course she play a babygirl in sl
@12: welcome to second life
@10: some stupid butthurt weekly blogger drama
@7: a template..
@6: welcome to second life
Only 27 and no kids,. Wow you people really? She looks even younger RL btw. If going to stalk/insult people should at least get the information correct
She’s actually in her mid-twenties, try again dumbass. #salty
Cricket is 26yo, single with no kids and free to look the way she wants , actually looks very simular to her avatar in rl, blonde hair and big eyes.
o.o 45 y/o housewife?? does she have kids? If so that makes her even more disgusting. and no not because shes 45 but because you would think if you’re a mom you would be against that fuckery.
lol she doesn’t have kids she’s not even 30
45 you say dang I wish I looked as good as her at 45
Can’t blame people for not knowing her real age. She uses 10 filters, face slimming, eye enlarger, blur/skin brightening the works, that poor app works harder then she does.
If that means in my 30’s and still look like I’m in my 20’s god yes.
Stop being jealous doll it makes you look like a child
lol@mira im younger than you.. so its not jealousy.
You old women are trying to be me inworld. xD I’m not the one wishful thinking here.
and sorrynotsorry best comment ever xD if a chic has a picture with the face all blurry.. RUN
its an optical illusion
you must be part of the infant face club
7. Are you an idiot? Both are shitty templates. Who cares who did it first, it’s not theirs.
What a shitty week. Same shit different day. Cricket is a child, everyone’s pixel fucking and “cheating”.
Goes back to my coffee.
#3 stays on here now. At this point you either leave the girl alone or find someone else to constantly post about. Shes one of MANY girls of the same category. Stop focusing on just her. We get it. Its boring at this point.
Meh someone is obsessing cos she owns stores and want to trash her name and hopefully buisness with it. who it is its very personal
I honestly believe it’s her ex friends muffin faerye and llyricc. Apparently they had a falling out. They claim Cricket ruined Muffin’s store with rumors and that Muffins and Llyricc are innocent drama free girls…. At the same time they spout off some bullshit about Cricket and her friends. They will spew that shit for anyone to hear. The 2 are so problematic that they will literally yell at you, guilt you, and even dump you as a friend for shopping at Sakura, Momoko and SadGirl.
lord I am so glad I do not know any of those SL names. I know the store names and shop at all of them. LOL I honestly dont even know cricket and have had issues with her skin store before. But such is life, nothing nobody is perfect but this week after week trash lie on ageplay junk is getting old. Will admit her nose is kinda piggy face a little weird to me but it’s cute piggy fat face so whatever it’s sl lol she doesnt look underage sex play so each their own
Now the Paula one last week yeah her avies bug living hell out of me. Her shape reminds me a starved 12yr old and her face looks like she 8yrs old. And I know she switches ages randomly between and adult all using same avi and clothes skin etc so. Theres an irk there. But the whole kawaii bordering anime girls? mehs whatever they arent actually trying to be 12 just feel cute.
People use the word “cute” to defend an awful lot of borderline pedophilic behavior. Perhaps everyone needs to look that word up and realize you don’t have to look underage to qualify. I read a profile a while back where the “girl” was ranting about how she kept getting banned from adult places for “being too cute” because the owners of said places were “jealous”. Apparently it never occurred to that idiot, or anyone making these kinds of comments, that literally anyone in SL can be their exact type of “cute” just for the effort- if anyone were jealous or envious, they could just copy you. If they don’t, maybe it’s time to accept their critique is genuine.
The real question is, why would anyone choose to present their avatar as possibly appearing underage and choose to do sexual things with it? This isn’t rl, and rl will never be a good excuse for SL shit.
i bet muffin is hot.. lmaooooooooooo
12. who cares!! Its sl be what you want, and if your so homophobic, step away from your computer cause News Flash most men in sl are female in rl .. is this 2006 or something?
Not if you’re on second life looking for something RL and concrete only to deceive women into thinking you’re a real-life man. Not every cisgender man or woman are interested in transgenders. Just saying.
Funny I submitted something but it wasn’t posted. Was trying to warn people about someone, but whatever.
If it’s so important warn us here, in the comments
Most people don’t spend time reading comments unless they posted one so it’s pointless like this site has become. So many people are catfished in SL so good luck with that. lol
Warn of who?
Resubmit it. I lost all submissions from last Sunday until last night. If it doesn’t contain RL info, someone’s profile screenshot, or the n word then it’ll probably post.
So to warn people about someone who has multiple alts you can’t use a profile screenshot anymore? This page gets pussywhipped more each week.
No profile secrets make sense though… she never said you can’t get creative or pass out the news.. but some of you idiots literally start your secrets on like a 3000×3000 canvas ..throw 5 profile screenshots on it and all this shit on it.. then resize it so its not even readable at 600×450.
Then people get upset with her because shes getting up on fucking Sundays for us.. trying to read all the red font on black background bullshit.. hoping there isn’t an N word or something else fucked up in it. When i think about it like that it makes perfect sense. lol I wouldn’t want the job of weeding through those eyesores either.
in gimp/photoshop create the 1st layer at 600×450 and add to THAT..
never resize that. EVER. E V E R
resize everything b4 placing it on the 600×450
cut and paste the persons name only.. paste it on the bg..
cut and paste the pro pic only (make that a little smaller before putting it on the pre-sized shit)
you can actually fit a decent amount of stuff on that if you do it right (i tested this a few times)… its way past hilarious that its so difficult for some people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
someone should open a little store.. you send your drama to them.. and they make your secret art for a fee. YES!
God’s work done. Right here.
You still won’t say who it is you are warning about. As someone else said, if it’s so important, warn right here in the comments.
Are you serious? No one can read 3-4 profile screenshots in 600×450. Be more creative. I’m sick of seeing profile pic screenshots. I’ve accepted them in the past because it made sense for the secret. But come on, one can be more creative. Besides generally secrets in the past wouldn’t just name a person.
Kess, Should have put your disclaimer in secret form so ppl would read it lol
Meowth, you expect people to read? :p
Kess expected ppl to read. I said put it in a secret form (aka a pic), bc ppl look at and read the secrets. Could have really made it *pop* with a black background and dark red text! LMFAO
Half the comments so far there are only eight posted- are complaining about the low number of secrets. I’m just stumped as to how you guys got to the secrest but didn’t see the explanation before they began as to why there were so few…
Yeah! You would think a site with such high standards of journalism would attract a well read and thorough user base.
& yet here you are, slingshot.
Yes! Just like The Onion, I find Virtual Secrets to be an excellent source of cutting edge investigative reporting..
mhm.. secrets is thedirty dot com of sl
IKR? so few and can’t read
#12… it literally says that on his profile…
i mean it says hes trans, im assuming female to male so yeah – this person is just being a dick cus theyre salty idk
o0 #7 who tf would buy from a store called mooh? xD you can’t make this shit up.
but neither of them copied they both bought the template from MP its industria
MOoH! is a great store that has been around for many many years. She is the one actually gave me my start in blogging. She a lovely person. So what if she doesn’t do original mesh. Why do you people think people are there creating full perm mesh templates??? She can texture amazingly. She does adorable textures and nice rich colors in fat packs at super affordable prices. She’s not in it for making a living. She does it because she loves it and loves helping people.
lol@ texture amazingly
throwing a shadow map over a color isn’t texturing.
hud creators don’t texture.. the laziest.
i guess this isn’t the fashion forward section of secrets.
If she’s so great why publicly accuse someone of copying when she’s using FP templates? Make it make sense.
Dal is too much of a class act to accuse anyone of copying her regardless. There’s your sense made of the situation. It was NOT her that made the secret. Whoever made it is a troll intent on starting a windstorm of drama in the community of designers who use full perm templates. Before you go and assume and accuse this comment to be by Dal, It’s not darlin. I’ll reveal myself. This is JenJen Sommerfleck. No, we have no idea who posted the secret, nor do we even care. It was done. It’s over. Carry on.
Don’t you just love when they call their re-texturing job ” event exclusive” and then the same item shows up in several other events?
A scroll through mainstoresl shows at least 5 other stores using this template.
exactly!!!!!!!! many designers are just texturers!!! lol
#7.. that’s a full perm item on marketplace,the whole outfit. anyone can buy it neither of those stores are special snowflakes.
@12: Many avis are opposite in RL you never know do you?
@10: another salty blogger-why are bloggers so salty?
@7: that is probably a full perm that both of them used LOL
@6: there are lots of men who do that and have like 10 alts for it.
I am also wondering what happened to all the other memes made that are lost will they be recovered? Roomba script sounds interesting ? DO PEOPLE READ? lots of disappointment about the amount of memes LOL
What in the actual fuck is this week about. 12 pathetic posts and we thought last week was bad. Comon people wheres the gossip this week. Lazy buggers.
#7 its a template moron
I applied to be a spoiled blogger, glad I was rejected.
i fill out applications all the time i hope to be rejected for. xD
i can’t
And while their stuff is definitely fake “gamer gurl” thot gear if overdone, like your whole outfit, mixing a piece or two from Spoiled with other things can be super cute. The quality of the fit, rig, and textures are high. *No one* would be happy to be rejected to get their stuff for free.
Sooooooo there were 12 entries? What a disappointment this week.
Please read: I went out of town so Secrets is late. I also had a secrets situation and lost a majority of secrets submitted all last week. It’s my fault, I was showing off the “roomba” script to a friend and forgot to save the results. That’s what I get for flexing.
12 photos!?!?! I feel ripped offfffffffff…
Should probably feel like an idiot instead…Scroll all the way up to find out why there were only 12 ding dong.
@3 Guess we need to start a new drinking game. Every time someone posts her shit on sl secrets, we drink. Tho if that happened we’d all have alcohol poisoning. Y’all need a life. The amount of times she’s on here… someone needs a hobby.
@12 Thanks. Thanks for showing yourself as a transphobic pos. Literally you’ve no respect for others and we all know who posted it. Get over the past and move on.
having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against transsexual or transgender people.
I do not think the word transphobic is the correct word.
12- Idk what shit hole you crawled out of but Tyler is awesome. His RL is no ones concern but his own. Yes I said HIS! You must be a bitter ex to blast personal rl shit on this website. Who is anyone to judge who we are in RL.
Like honestly I haven’t spoken with Tyler in a few years but last I checked he was never deceitful to anyone about his transition.
Secondly, yea, that is super transphobic and shows the person posted that is a hateful bigot.
Third, seriously, are we still doing this “so and so is really this in second life” bullshit? Get a freaking grip.
Fourth, let me reiterate–the transphobic blasts show who you are as a person. Which is a miserable, hateful, disgusting piece of shit. I don’t care if you feel you’ve been slighted by someone, trying to misgender someone because they’ve hurt you is the lowest of the lows.