Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 568.
Hi Sam. Did they chase you out of Runeterra or did you quit because you weren’t being indulged the way you wanted? How long until you leave Armitage?
Btw your attempt to convince anyone in their chat that you’re a “tech nerd” was the funniest stuff I’ve seen since you stopped practically wetting yourself over this site. Though maybe let the other members who actually know what they’re talking about handle troubleshooting computer problems.
She isn’t a tech nerd or she would know how not to send notecards to people that are no copy no modify. News flash! Tech Nerds would know you can’t open or read them.
@AdaBellaGwen did you expect any different. She wasn’t away from SL a full month before the claims of she is better started again. It is cringe worthy.
@me I read it and it sure does sound like the local VS stalker.
She was banned from Armitage after a little over a week. Some shit does not change. Period.
@welp: Lol what did they wind up banning her for? I know the discord interactions were painful. You could practically see the forced customer service smiles they had on while dealing with her. I felt bad for the staff.
@siren: she’s got a lot of tech nerding to catch up on considering she thinks uploading mesh is like uploading files to YouTube in that if you do it repeatedly, the mesh will magically degrade and become “glitched”.
bitch was going loco fruitcake in groups for hours ranting lol .. better my ass
you may be right@Siren.. because both posts from this person seemed pretty bugged out. lol
god shes prolly on McDonalds wifi. xD
theres a comment somewhere below about fake names.. i really think you’re right xD ahhh
#15 so why is dabb the main focus of all these attacks huh ? …kinda funny i think…guess the competition did not like the 30k traffic maybe they should focus on the filth that hangs out at {Zombie’s} Daddy’s Babygirl Naughty Hangout and also Daddy’s Babygirl Sugarland Hangout & Community …and while your at it focus on that trailer trash candy cain and home wrecker jaede jinx
Hmm, I can’t imagine why a place stuffed with more pedophiles would attract more attention than a place with fewer pedophiles. Really makes you think.
ok daddy fred… simmer down now they’re all equally disgusting xD
As SL gets even more lame and empty, so do the secrets. Everyone knows that everyone cheats on their rl and/or sl partner, everyone knows that so called original mesh creators really cannot make original mesh and purchase templates either in SL or from mesh repositories, everyone knows that events no longer care about originality and let anyone in, everyone knows that most SL clubs are drama filled, everyone knows that people who have families or age roleplay are either sick pedos or fucked up in the head and want to relive their shitty childhoods, everyone knows that 99.9 percent of all SL gofundmes are scams…the list can go on and on but you catch my drift?
SL is full over a 50 plus age crowd that are all trying to act as if they are in their 20’s again and it is also full of loser people who are keyboard warriors, hiding behind a computer screen, pretending they are god’s gift to the earth. Really cannot wait until the entire lame excuse of a program closes down..
What do you expect? The Mormon Church owns SL just like they do Ancestry.com. Just go with it – get yourself a few wives, grab dozens of prim babies, and for the love of Joseph Smith have yourself a ball.
lol@back and behaving. crazy just doesn’t go away.. but i wish her the best.
im confused on what was stolen? a profile screenshot? maybe the wrong secret? idk maybe im just too high xD
10. – I concur
The first item I ever bought from this designer was from a kinky event of some sort and their shit didn’t work, not with any of my bodies (Maitreya, Freya, SH). I turned off my AO and everything, and their animation just kept looping. I have taken to buying strictly from the marketplace now- so I can leave reviews on shitty stuff.
This is what folks are resorting to now, over a cybernetic game within a cyber platform.
I’m not sure where this animosity is stemming from.
Realistically, this person is just the head of her respective assignation by the owners of the game.
She is amicable and friendly.
Yet for two weeks in a row, there have been continual attacks on her character on the basis of personal grudges with less functional members that exist within the system as a whole. And by less functional, I mean idiots.
It would behoove users to remember that she is the equivalent of a CSR, and that any problems they have with her are only a reflection of larger issues they have with the system themselves.
Everyone and their mom has a family unit in SL so why they feel that attacking the elected heads of one somehow makes any difference, is nothing short of pointless.
This same notion applies to #30. Another chosen leader attacked for no reason other than existing.
Hordes and Choirs are imaginary groups, in case it’s been forgotten. They amount to nothing.
Play the game and get over it. don’t and go get fucking fresh air or something.
This is the kid in middle school who thinks he’s really smart but in fact he’s just using words he heard on TV.
If it’s all not real then why get so hurt by it? It’s just a “character” or an “avatar” why should the opinions of others matter so much if none of this is actually real ? Honestly this stupidity goes on both sides the one making it and the one reading it. There’s better things to do then get so butthurt on shit that really doesn’t exist. But then again. Who you show yourself off on the internet is who you really are in real life so. I guess there’s that. ?
Combine insecurity, low self esteem, and fragile ego and a silly game. What you will get is people that want to be on top of another at no matter the cost because their self worth is so low that they want validation through high rank in the game. And sore losers. People fight on the comment about angel demon whatever and try to put one another down because that is only way they feel like they are worth something (over the other person). What they don’t realize is that when they have this type of childish drama over public blog, they look pathetic af. Especially since we know these are old ass dumb people in their 30s 40s 50s.
For them it is not just a game, it is their self worth. Hence why they take it so seriously. It is dumb and pathetic. I sincerely hope these people mature a bit and be able to take a step back and reflect on themselves. Or not, because then we get free entertainment every week over this dumb shit.
Girl your ass is apparently “no longer in Second Life” (yeah sure bud) but here “for the drama”?
If I wasn’t in Second Life I wouldn’t be on this site. Get your fucking life together.
Well first of all, I am a guy. My name here is “dont play sl,” not “no longer in Second Life” if we are being nit picky here. I mean I did play SL for like 2 weeks after watching some troll videos but it wasn’t as fun as those videos made it out to be so I quit.
Also, there are two types of people on this site. The first type are those that comes here each week to see people fight and cry over nothing because it is funny. It is like watching a house burning down across the river while eating popcorn. Second are those that are personally involved in drama and make idiots of themselves by fighting in public (and too blind to see how fucking pathetic they appear to everyone else that are not part of that petty drama). I’ll let you guess which type I am.
And yes this may be a surprise to you, but I am a roamer. Between reddit, imgur, and here, the SL community seems to have the most over dramatic and delusional people despite being so small. The people here are literally walking memes and cringe fest. And is a great source of entertainment.
You don’t need to play SL or have to be personally involved with these people to be entertained by them. The posts and comments tell a lot about what kind of people they are and it is enough for me to poke fun at.
Lastly, however my life is maybe, I think you (or any others that “live” on SL) are the last person that I should hear from to get my life together :).
ooh and the people who have SL FB.. they have no lives ..lol
those are the same ones who say SL is RL..
had that been true you would have your real SL friends on your real FB page? no?
i can’t fathom real behind a cartoon picture. and maybe thats why the loves you find also won’t take you serious.
just a thought.
im surprised so many people disagree’d with @dontplays’ comment.
i don’t log in too often and i rarely even know any of the people that get posted about.
What i have learned by secrets is all the people that end up here.. just stay away from them. lol
I’ve been on and off SL approx 3 years and none of the people that i’ve met and hung out with EVER popped up on here.
Yeah.. i’ve seen a few that may have been on the same sim as me before.. but no one i’m ever had convo with.
Some people need to have a lot of people around them to feel relevant.. when you actually just need a very few good ones.
High 5 to the people who come here to laugh… because its possible to have a drama free SL.. just people won’t admit to loving to be in the mix of it.
Me.. i love reading about the insanity.. xD you can do it mobile just like mto..tmz..and a side of perez hilton.
the people who ‘have no lives’ are not the commenters its the people who eat sleep and shit inworld.
Stay Crazy Mfs xD
Two weeks in world and you got to open the kimono of SL wide. You’re like a newly landed alien surveying Earth news from The Onion website and then reporting back to the mother ship that, “Virginia agrees to remove Confederate ghosts from the state capital building.” Or worse, like Trump, an “expert” on everything.
#44 how many moms has she used and dropped now? 2 or 3?
Aww, look at Sands up there on his soapbox trying to be SL’s moral guidance officer. Anyone remember the good ole days after we were celebrating the first Black US President and he forwarned us of the impending rise in crime since according to him a black president will cause blacks to feel empowered since they (the Blacks) are basically prone to crime and responsible for most of the violent crime (Can I get a witness up in here?) ..It would be one thing if he did learn and apologize for being a giant dick but nope he just went on saying how long ago it was and we should all get over it but the North Remembers.
I guess this is now a safe space platform where pedophiles can freely vent their feelings without people being able to use certain phrases. Or that’s what i feel like is happening.. Can’t post anything controversial here because the owner doesn’t like peoples feelings being hurt or People using words that might hurt them . Such a shit little snowflake site you’re running now lol anything everything will be censored by the pedo owners.
This makes no sense at all. People on VS freely bash both avatars and places that they deem to be pedo related. How does the owner of VS support pedos if they repost those images? Lol.
You can’t even spell hypocrite properly i can’t take you seriously with that mong name 🙂
maybe they’re a big hypocrite. duh
Most are a hypocrite here.Specifically if they hide on their name. though I have a reason for hiding:P ~!
im sure you’re the only one with a valid reason. lol o.0
secrets names and SL names.. are all fake. doesn’t really matter
Most people have like 5 alts.. maybe they’re not sure which fake name to put.
Spastic delusional nonce i been using the same name lol
You seem to not understand that Kess can see that you all have the same info.. lol Or you do and you wanna look like something special
Oh hi. Welcome back. Still think I’m a man?
Sad to think a paedophile is defending paedophiles and preventing us from freely saying whatever we want… Whatever you want to think special little snowflake proves you’re as fucking dull minded as the rest of these retards on this communist run pedo website..
Can you troll better, please? Half the comments the past several weeks have been vehemently anti-pedophile, so this shit doesn’t make any sense at all. Anyone defending even looking like pedo bait is downvoted into oblivion, and no one’s comments are being removed. It’s like you’re leaving your comments on the wrong site entirely.
Right? Same old boring stuff lol
Trolls are never very creative
Ass kisser lel
Don’t be jealous.
Imagine being this much of a virgin incel ass kissing the owner who is supposedly female only because you can orbit over everything she/he says. Sad sad cunts you are never gonna get any female attention because they turn you sad cunts away and all you got left is your delusional game.. LOL beta virgins
Says the person who can’t seem to stick to a name, constantly repeats Kess and others are a pedophile. Usually the one that says stuff like that the most, tends to be what they are against. Makes me wonder about you
I been using the same name the entire time you spastic clown lol
@Animeislame: Stop telling folks to neck themselves. Please. Thank you.
I legitimately do not understand some of you guys and your SL relationships. Pixel fucking is weird. And YOU are weird if you do it. You’re also weird if you get all emotionally invested with people that play SL. Bottom line, you’re all fucking weird.
Thank you for telling us! I’m going to stop it right away! Of course I don’t want to be weird, my god! How about you telling Mr Trump he is weird? Then he sure steps back from his position. Don’t forget the gays! So weird. The Bible says only woman and man should have connections by genders. And don’t forget those, that just do for fun! Weird. I see YOU being THE ONE stopping them! I am happy you really take your time for the IMPORTANT things in life. Thank you. THANK YOU FOR SHARING and making the world better by being not tolerant! Really thank you! I love you! I tp you later into my bed and show you HOW MUCH I do so ❤
ew you said mr trump. fuck that dude.
The irony of you calling others weirdos is baffling. While I do think pixel sex is silly, emotions developed over online is a norm nowadays. It can be sl, insta, tumblr, fb, or even fucking roblox. Cyber dating is common and you should wake up from your 90s mentality.
I will continue to make fun of people get all hyped over how their avatars look or who sucked whos virtual e peen though. And the pettiness of the drama, the gossip, dudes acting all tough and bad when in reality their only gf is Palmela Handerson. It is all fucking stupid but funny lol.
This site shows what happens when you put emotionally immature and insecure people in a single platform with no moderation or logic.
Well, clearly with this ground breaking comment that marks the end of pixel sex in SL. Of course, just when I got the courage to start tipping virtual strippers.
I didn’t say it had to be the end of it. I said you are fucking weirdos.
Thank you. You know I was waiting for someone telling me this. I feel very good with you trying to save us. Why don’t you give us your inworld name and we make a fan group for you? I am sure we can make SL a better world and the shit adult furnitures finally ends! The worse sexual events finally ends! Those clothes that just be there to get sexy and make others horny. I can’t see it anymore! I just use Thalia’s and she knows like you what SL really needs!
Phew. I was worried your comment would start a ground swell of anti pixel sex sentiment. Ok, here goes…tipping the stripper now.
thanks for the dollaz grandpa. xD
Don’t forget my change.
Well, let me rewrite since my comment apparently doesn’t meet moderation requirements.
Yay, go for it weirdo. Just please remember to k!|| any e-babies that will undoubtedly occur after the catfish gets impregnated by fire or dr0wning.
Are you talking about Pinos Nr 1? She makes births at the backyard like a bee queen.
Yay, go for it weirdo. Just please remember to kill any e-babies that will undoubtedly occur after the catfish gets impregnated by fire or drowning.
Entice …..

I think the debate is over now.

They download these models, adjust them a little and quickly upload them to sl, if they were making these from scratch it would take much longer.
Damn that’s a shame cus I like that store. How yall find this shit tho? Lol how? How do u know what to search n shit XD
Its shit tho. Some just get petty in these posts cus it’s clear just inspiration, like the shoe s in the past couple of weeks lmao. It’s like come on it’s a basic shoe design of course someone else has designed it already.
This tho yea that’s just pure theift. It’s funny cus u can actually get free to use blender projects. These people jus dont care tho. They want to have talent but dont
U know what aswell entice had the others at it will be crackin avastar n shit aswell. To rig the clothes to fit.
Yus I know I typoed n misspelt who gives a shit u know what I mean lmao
Where are the entice cult members? They seem awfully quiet all of a sudden.
Well, some of us actually have lives, unlike you Sands. Yeah, I recognize the writing style, the arrogance, and the huge chip on your shoulder. In all of your obsessive ranting about this whole issue, you have failed to mention several things. The fact that the creator from Renderosity, herself; has come out and stated that it’s not her meshwork, has never been mentioned by you. She has even posted comments on the Entice threads, stating point-blank, that it’s not her mesh. I’m not going to post a huge reply here though since a statement has come out from the Entice group and they lay it out fairly decently. Yes, mistakes were made but not what you have been harassing them about Sands. http://www.facebook.com/enticeboutiqueinSL/posts/1574310689367815
Just so you know, I’m not the only one whole realized it was you, Sands Leavitt from Azuchi.
*mistakes were made* You had to be told not to steal other people’s work? I read the post made by Kira and i cannot believe how brazen she still is. Even CP put her head down and apologized and Kira is still trying to spin this around as if they didn’t do anything wrong.
Nice try removing the other infringements from your flickr btw, we saved screenshots.
I really hope you learned your lesson the same way CP did, and don’t steal other people’s work in your future work. As far as your SL goes, I will be here to make sure no one ever forgets what you did for years and how you tried to shove it all under the rug.
Most people don’t look at this past Sunday, only the truly interested minority actually check back during the week, lol.
Fucking christ, how could anyone believe that someone who uses models that look like that could possibly have any taste or talent?
people will say things like.. ooh i dont care if its stolen or illegal.. its ‘cute’ (not my taste but ijs)
but i bet if they log in one day and their whole inventory is gone because of it they will.
shop smart people.
stop supporting thieves its only a matter of time until sl even cracks down on it.
August 1st will make it a lot easier to crack down on having social security numbers from people who cash out/have businesses.
if thats not a win.. idk what is
shhhh lol gunna wake the beast
Entice is trying to make stealing mesh and IP infringement the norm the same way Trump is trying to make racism the norm. By attacking and slandering and bullying anyone who tries to call them out on their wrong doings, throwing insults, using cropped conversation shots out of context, trying to muddy the waters and create a mess to conceal the fact their items were taken down, pointing fingers at others to divert attention away from themselves. This is beyond acceptable, the fact that they stole content (be it mesh, textures, original designs) and had their items removed yet still fighting and throwing insults is inexcusable.
Only fact that remains is that your items were taken down, no legal item, made with no infringements would ever be taken down because days and often times weeks of hard work goes into creating these items. (which you clearly haven’t done) You’d fight tooth and nail to defend your work otherwise.
I guess the kid avatar has to weigh in…
#11 – I see no pedophilia in those photos.
#40 – W-what…. why??
whats your thoughts on #15
*deeeeep breath*
#15 makes me super uncomfortable and I was avoiding it because of how uncomfy it makes me. I don’t like adult avatars with pacifiers to begin with and the avatar with the teddy bear in the dress just….
It makes me very uncomfortable because as much as people say DD/lg isn’t always sexual, it *usually* is. Especially in SL. There’s a big difference between a cute style avatar and being a cute style avatar and wearing things that are for infants on a sexual sim.
Ummmm you avoided it because it made you “uncomfy”? As a child avatar you would not have been allowed there. Also, who ever said DDbbg isn’t “sexual”? If you mean not sexual with children, you’re correct. Otherwise, it’s a baffling comment to make about a place that was explicitly for adults to meet and form relationships.
You misunderstood.
I was avoiding offering my **OPINION** on #15 because the **SITUATION** and the **AVATARS** in the secret made me uncomfy to even **TALK** about. Is that stated clearly enough for you to understand now? I don’t like even going to stores with adult-sexualized clothes on my child avatar account. I’d rather someone break my legs with a baseball bat than go anywhere near that sim. That is seriously squicky stuff for me, okay?
I.. kinda think you’re arguing with the wrong person about DD/lg too. I want no part of it, sexual or not.
until they get you in private…and ask you to get a little shorter for daddy…c’mon be a goodgirl.
#16- hahahahaha! Wow, Daddy Patty must be a sucker. Ol Ronnie over here could use a sucker….for this clown bulge.
And for the person that posted how horrible we all are for posting and reading virtual secrets smut, what are you doing here? Take a look in a mirror before you start finger pointing calling us out for not having a “life”, you’re here right along with all of us, reading the National Enquirer of virtual reality, do you have a “life”?
Ageplay Erick sounds like the worst superhero ever.
Something tells me it’s enough for the losers who make being a #GamerGirl their entire personality, though.
As another self-proclaimed gamer girl, I’d appreciate actual gamer girl products, though…
Koshkakitten needs to give up while she’s behind. At what point does someone just accept their failure and inability to run anything that even remotely resembles a semi-decent business in Second Life? This is, what, her 4th attempt now? Stop wasting Pat’s money and take the hint. If she can’t even run a low-effort Second Life business successfully I can’t even fathom how useless she must be in the real world.
Nope way more than 4. I lost count. She must have a golden pussy for him to keep funding her pathetic attempts to tey and have a leading club in SL. Not gonna happen not with that bitchy attitude you got.
lol@golden pussy.. in SL thats a bento snatch.. the one that open and closes like the little shop of horrors plant.. and sings feed me seymour
http://prntscr.com/ogoui3 Desperate much Kosha? I give you few months on this club.. Can’t wait to see another epic failure of yours.
If she finds idiots that will bankroll her lil projects, why the fuck not?
Live and let live.
#40 stockholms&lima has a whole little princess set and that store has been around so long I don’t know why it has not been reported they have a princess carriage, a jump rope, hopscotch, swing set, monkey bars..ect I have seen so many rocking horses you can do things on its amazing. The whole ddlg lifestyle is just awful even if you are an adult who likes childish things it’s just wrong!
#40 I think this is just someone pist at the creator and just out to cause grief either because they messed up on their own purchase or because of some other drama. Either way picking on creators for making an object that falls under the same category as hundereds if not thousands already on MP and in world is just stupid… Unless you are going to go after every single creator making these types of objects… shut it and let these people make their stuff… It’s not like this object was built to encourage any lewd or inappropriate scenario involving child avis, the animations are sized for adults. as long as this remains a fact… who gives a shit. LOL
Seems to be a lot of “RL IS UGLY” or “RL DOESN’T TAKE CARE OF KIDS” or “RL SPOUSE DOESN’T KNOW ABOUT ONLINE RELATIONSHIPS”, etc. You seriously really don’t know anyone’s RL and since you cant verbally abuse one way, you go the junior high kid route. This whole week is full of this stupidity. Come up with something better, this gets boring lol
I don’t even look at them. A lot of the girls you say are kids except for the ones with the kid faces are dressing like Virginia in Claws. Who cares about who’s cheating in SL of all places. It’s not real. It’s just good graphics (like that funny old gif). Who cares about who steals what or who makes what best or makes it wrong or rigs it wrong it’s all just a stupid game that is barely running right. None of it’s real and none of it matters. Seriously all this stuff be it sex, creators, cheaters, liars, whatever.. attach the words Second Life to the end of a sentence talking about the terrible things these people do and it loses all cred. Taking any of this stuff in SL serious is like saying a storyline in I Love Lucy is as hardcore serious as a modern series on tv/netflix. Comparing SL to RL is probably worse.
I agree on everything *except* stealing content to sell in SL. These are real business, not just pretend, and people are making real money, not just SL money, out of someone else’s hard work. That is not ok, no matter in which platform it happens.
29 & 30:
okay really yall LEAVE ARCH LYRI ALONE!!!!!!!!
also, Midori is barely online to even deal with the drama zero reasons to lie about her real life.
they’re both personally different people. Arch Lyri has a kind heart and is very open-minded. she may be the Arch of Hatred but she hates no one. everyone has their own opinions and views they have about someone Personally. but it doesn’t mean they should.
Bully someone based on a game they play. or make drama just because they’re bored.
Don’t go attacking people because you can’t let yourself Love yourself.
i know this woman. she has a hard time in real life.
but she is a bully too. so it might be the right thing someone is calling her out
#44 whats hard about being a stay at home mom that cheats on her husband online and ignores him while hes home? cut the shit lol
Please don’t leave Lyri alone. Her family is a walking drama fest. We need juicier things from this hot dog down a hallway type gal.
you’re like the SL Chris Crocker.. LEAVEEEEEE BRITTNEY ALONEEEE xD
@me Someone is going to create a character called “Chris Crocker” now, I can just see that happening.
lol theres only one chris crocker xD so they better make it good.
Lol @me ?
No.# 6 : That isn’t a secret (Repetitive) – References – Shoe Whore
#8 – Who keeps posting these moronic ‘secrets’? It is painfully obvious you have no idea how depression works because this is the second week you have said something moronic and the opposite of what depressed people want to hear.
1) You have zero right to tell people who you have never met what they want and how they should be feeling. You have no idea what they go through on a daily basis.
2) Depression is more than just pain. It’s mental anguish. These people are battling themselves daily.
If someone has hit the point where they truly desire to die or are on the fence about it, telling them that they just want the pain to go away solves nothing. It is ignorance, it is stupidity, and it is you trying to cash in on the grief of other people to make yourself look good.
People who are about to commit suicide have this calm, this unwavering storm and surge of happiness and bliss. There is no pain, but the desire to die still remains. Your statement is wrong off that point alone.
Stop it. Stop trying to make yourself look better because you are trying to make up for something in life. You have no right to spread these ignorant messages. Educate yourself on depression. A few inspirational messages will not help. It is just making people feel guilty, which will make them feel worse.
#15 Do the people posting about that place even know what a babygirl is? All those people look adult, yeah the pacifiers are a bit weird, take those out and they look like most female avis in sl. The rose colored cheeks and round face is a pretty common look. I mean there are entire events for girls whom dress “dolly”. It’s a bdsm place so yeah you get your share of weirdos, but they did a pretty job of booting them when they come around. They, in no way condoned age play or anything else associated with people who do that. I’m sure ignorant people only see what they want to but if they would take like a second before flipping shit and maybe just type it in google or even ask someone they won’t get their nasty panties in a bunch.
{Zombie’s} Daddy’s Babygirl Naughty Hangout also needs a look at js run by that fat cow zombie and her trailer trash friend candy cain
I would Google it but I don’t want to end up on the same list these people highlighted are on.
Y’all know what you’re doing.
The best part is that they’re all fat old ladies unable to speak a sentence on voice without gasping for breath, acting like children in Second Life.
@ random potato — That right there has nothing at all to do with BDSM. Period. Those are not BDSM bbgs. And if you think that they are, you really need to educate yourself. The majority of true BDSM places in SL would not touch that with someone else’s 10 foot pole. That is age play, pure and simple. You can be a bbg or a dolly without looking like you’re 5 years old.
If you honestly think those avis look like adults, you are part of the problem
Do any Avi’s look like themselves in RL ?, I think the important thing here is freedom of choice, security, common sense.
29# 30# and all the other posts…. What kind of people are you, this is how you get your kicks shaming people? does your lives suck that much? I mean you see all the time people harming themselves over people like you some go to the extremity of ending their lives. Is it worth it? do you hate these people that much? do you actually know these people? the lengths you people go to, to humiliate and shame these people that more than likely don’t deserve it and are probably very nice upstanding people in the real world. why would you do that to another human being. its very disheartening to see. All I can say is what goes around comes back around one day you people will be held accountable for the negative things you do to others.
Yes, their lives DO suck that much.
#11 This would seem to be a typical salty post, if the paedophilia is that open, then lets see some evidence.
Yea i don;t think anything is wrong with giving your toddler a little kiss on the lips.
How dare you think that this is proper! This is 2019! A Mississippi candidate for Governor won’t drive alone with a woman reporter and you expect a mother to kiss their child? I am shocked that you would question the rules of the day. No kisses from Mom EVER. It’s lockdown time. And Dad, what a scary dude, just lock him in the shed for expressing any sort of love. Clearly you need to be “woke.”
That reporter will not drive alone with the female because he is afraid she will come out in ten years time and accuse him of raping her.
Women cannot be trusted. I do not blame him.
I’m also getting a bit suspicious of people petting their dogs. Something really strange with that.
lol so funny and soo true..
she is lack of all the meme saids and more..
#30, so obviosly this make someone close of lyri arch.. as they thinking someone close to arch midori do the last about her..
the only truth here, is that the person or people who shared those secrets of arch lyri was someone close to her in her line, or someone who was inside her family and her exes, who are the ones who know everything about her xDD
seriosly all in second life has some disease, problem or drama in their real life… why you and others need to talk about rl to trying win a fight in virtual world?.. are you so patethic, you cant fight in the system?
so you guide the gossip that others tell you .. there are two stories for everything .. I recommend asking for evidence. Those people who talk about the real life of others to win an absurd fight are too pathetic.
im so sure the life of arch lyri as the stupid who put this.. is same shit but nobody who knows (as in this system gossip go so fast) are shared her because nobody need to go same pathetic level..
you no longer need to lick arch lyri’s ass so hard, the archs do not own the hordes anymore .. you do not need to make an effort to please her. she can no longer benefit you at all 😉
#37 boring store, start as saying is gamer and only make a good one cosplay of LOL , later all are boring normal cloths just add gamer control..
sime times slut and gammer fit well, but all the cloths slut is not a gamer thing…
#15 those are not children avis. You all clearly don’t understand how bdsm works. Yes, they look young, but, I mean come on. It’s their sl. If they want to attract the pedos, cool beans, but keep it off Sims that are good.
It’s not “cool beans” if they want to attract the pedos. Ageplay is against ToS, not to mention effing gross.
I absolutely understand how BDSM works. Ive been in the lifestyle for longer than I care to relay to you. Those are child avs. Its child play. Its against TOS. It has NOTHING to do with BDSM, period.
I’m not sure how you can look at them and not think they are children. Certainly my initial impressions were “they look younger than my child avi”, and I still stand by that initial reaction.
They have child skins on, features, just a bit taller .. wearing pacifiers.. yes they are fckin children and gross. 🙂
#27. Its about time the truth caught up with littlelacuna. the only thing that wants to fuck with her now is a 50 yr old desperate dude who thinks hes the shit cos hes fuckin a 29 yr old blogger that obvs doesnt know how to change outfit.
Look at Malachi DeCuir’s photo’s in FB, if he takes his baseball cap off IRL i bet he’s not even wearing a hairbase. Looks like you found your level finally Lacuna
IRL = in real life
At least he can afford to buy her pizza and biscuits. Just sayin. Sounds like they both scored a win.
i saw shes been slapping their fakerelationship all over facebook n flickr for attention too like shes done time n time b4. funny thing is tho that she never shows his face like shes embarrased of his noobness. i hope hes got a big supply of pizza n cookies or she’ll fuck him off when shes finished using him too, the saddo cos thats what she does. sucks them in with her fake pics n uses them for whatever she can.
#15 – you do realize none of those avs are children right? They are adult avs dressed as “babygirls.” It’s a roleplay thing. Just because you don’t understand it, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Spend some time learning about things you don’t understand instead of making a blanket statement that wrongly labels adults as children. You’re way off base here.
@ Disgruntled Duck — For the THIRD time in about 5 minutes … Those are NOT babygirls. They are CHILDREN AVs. They are not BDSM Anything. They look like they are about 5 years old. Its disgusting. Its against TOS. They aren’t bbg, they aren’t dollies. Ugh.
They are not children. They don’t look like children. Maybe their faces are a little off but they are clearly adult avatars. You all know there is like 10 real pedo sims right. There’s one called taboo family ties why don’t y’all go attack that place. It says what it is right in the name.
if you dont see kids.. maybe its best you stay in the house and don’t go out much.. lol because its summer and there are too many kids out right now.
sick fucker@disgruntled ped
Well, I’m not going to ask how you know that, because we all know why already and you’ll just lie about it. All I’m saying is I’ve got 12 years in SL and I didn’t know about that place, or the 9 others.
I’ve got 13 years in SL and I do. How do I know about these places? I’ve been there. Have I ever seen an actual child av there? No. It’s rare that I even see avs that look like the ones in the picture. Most of the babygirls are normal looking avs. Again, they are adults. If you want to protest pedophilia, go to a sim that actually promotes pedophilia, not one that promotes the Ddbg lifestyle; they are two completely different things.
I can’t even fathom the idea of seeing that sim name and teleporting there, but you do you I guess. My point was not my years in SL but how very easy it was to avoid those things for all those years, if you lack interest in them. All you’re doing right now is revealing your own interests.
This deep controversy could easily be solved with a few tape measures. And duct tape. Duct tape instead of pacifiers. Duct tape fixes everything.
Great…. grandpa turned into Casey Anthony now.
There are some facial proportions that only exist in very small children- not even teenagers, and certainly not adults, not ever. Several of those avatars have them. It’s fucking gross.
They look like they were made in the image of a child. That is fucking SICK. I don’t care if they are adults behind the avatars. They should be shamed either way!
honestly the child fetish has to go; if they really want it gone I’d consider asking Linden Lab to take the avis down.it’s a disgusting fetish.
There is a difference between dressing as a babygirl, than dressing up looking as complete fucking children. They look like fucking children and if you can’t see that then you must have a sicko mind. 🙂 I am a babygirl but I do not shove a pacifer in my mouth and use a child like skin and shape almost like these girls do 🙂
Yea the same with #40 those poses in that mat are clearly for adults if a small avi were to use the poses it would not work without serious adjustment and not all of the poses. I have a normal sized avi and the poses are for someone a bit taller than mine. There is a difference between ddlg stuff and paedos. Two consenting adults can play whatever fantasy game they want just like furries and everything else under the big BDSM umbrella if its consensual between two adults and not hurting anyone then it’s on them what they do.
Just because you do not use pacifier does not mean it is tied to paedophiles. Most of the AB/DL fetish group uses them, as well as most people that go to raves and take a certain drug so that they do not grind their teeth or bite off their tongue.
Being 100% honest, the people do not look like children. They look like a deformed adult.
that would hold up as good excuse @Alexander.. if these people were wearing pacifiers and jnco jeans.. but they’re not.
they have paci’s and teddy bears and stand at ‘daddys’ waist level.
those are the most desperate chics in SL.. ones that literally can’t get anything else but bottom of the barrel scumbags.
they actually deserve one another.
If you go on YouTube there are some SL videos of Babygirls Looking for Daddies, and they are done by different men dressed as babygirls and show the disgusting chat these perverted dads Message them. Thanks for exposing these dicks guys !! They are so funny to watch!! Kudos to Adore!
xD im watching now…is this the same place they’re talking about? dabb? xD
I believe so lol
nothing like having a video about the sim in question .. i wonder how many people defending the place was on that clip xD
raise your hand Srilankan guy and doctor daddy xD yuck
Anyone who meshes knows they took the daz model and repacked the UVs and ran it through remesher. Even the sculpted folds on the 2 items are in identical places. Details that if you were to even copy a model 1:1 wouldn’t be that precise.
For those that don’t mesh and won’t take our word for it, consider the stupidity of hiring and paying a mesher to model something anyone can go download for 8 dollars. Even with no meshing background, with common sense alone you would know they are full of shit. We still don’t know who this crook mysterious mesher is btw, reminds of littlebone’s 3 meshers lol.
@somecreator Thank you! They stole that shit straight off the Renderosity market or Daz3d market.
Are you saying the original creator of the Daz product is too stupid to know if someone recently purchased their item or not, and too blind to realize if it is their work? You are going on about common sense, but the original creator of the Daz model is publicly saying (on Facebook) it is NOT their mesh, and that it is NOT their mesh remeshed. Why would the original creator make this public statement if it were not true, especially since they said they file DMCAs on SL creators all the time, but in this instance it is not their work.
@Daka Jecur And they also have TOS where you’re not allowed to upload their products on second life PERIODT!! And profit from something someone took the time and day to make from fucking scratch on daz3d..
Except the Daz3d artist posted on their facebook that it is NOT their mesh and it was NOT remeshed; that it was heavily referenced. That is my point. I am well aware what the TOS state. If the item was not purchased from DAZ or another site, and was indeed made by the 3rd party mesher, who provided the files on the Entice FB page, no TOS was breached. Anything else is conjecture and hearsay. There are plenty of people uploading crap from Daz, why not go after those individuals and actually have the items removed from Second Life instead of trying to ruin a brand, that appears to have done everything above board, albeit not very creative, but still not breaching SL TOS??!
You are one the most dense people I have ever met., Either that or trying desperately to salvage what reputation Entice has left. All the proof is in the fact the items were removed. Why? because they were -illegal-. Keep trying to spin this in whichever direction you want, no one removes an item they spend days making and marketing if they weren’t afraid of something.
No i’m saying YOU are too stupid to know. The Daz creator said the items were too close, the UVs were different and they said their design was copied 1:1 so it could have been the same mesh ran through zremesher. Amazing how you are leaving all that out. They also had the items taken down with threat of dmca, do you know why? because they are illegal and not at all “original” mesh as advertised.
That is not what their public post states. I have no idea where you are getting this information, perhaps you are privy to information the public is not. It was stated that originally they thought it was theirs until it was compared. I just don’t understand why an artist would lie and say something is not their work, if it was indeed their work. I know that i’d be up in arms if someone (a stranger at that!) was using my work without the proper license… or fees…. or whatever ….
I don’t understand why someone who “has done nothing wrong” had to take down their “own original and legal” creations.
I don’t either. All I know is what the Daz creator announced and I also read the Entice posts and the posts by the Azuchi brand. The Daz person wanted their comment read as they posted on several posts directing people to their official statement. I read it as it came through my FB feed. Everything you are saying counters their statement… but hey I guess your speculation has to be more valid then the actual people involved……
If you don’t know why someone gets forced to remove their items from SL, then you aren’t qualified to be here talking about this. Might want to stop.
You just can’t help being so arrogant. Your inflated ego and self righteous sense of purpose is neausting. I know exactly who are you are just by the condescending way you speak to people. Maybe if you spent more time working on Substance Painter skills, and less time on witch hunts and rabbit holes, your brand would start selling better and you wouldn’t have to worry about other smaller brands being your competition. You may be able to talk your way into bigger events, but it’s the customers that make the ultimate conclusions, and we will just say…. it is rare to see anyone in your clothing. And after this latest outburst from you, I’m guessing that number will more than likely drop as well. But, what would I know, being so unqualified and all.
Not to butt in your vendetta against sands but are you seriously telling the person who textured this:
To get better at texturing while defending someone who textured whatever this is?:

You are right customers will form their own opinion and this only shows you are bitter and angry while he knows his stuff and defended someone else who outed Entice and you were all trying to bully them into silence on plurk.
Bitter and angry? I don’t even know you??! I just think your attitude is repulsive. Perhaps take a step back and look how you toss insult upon insult with anything or anyone that doesn’t fit your story. You trashed what, 50 creators in one sweeping post alone??! And yes, I find your colors sophomoric and your texturing novice, sorry. Not so much in the image you chose to show, but items I’ve actually purchased. And, since someone else commented on your texturing here as well, perhaps heed the criticism and strive for better, since my opinion isn’t unique to this forum. Believe it or not, you are not always right, nor are you entitled to your own set of “facts.”
(The ironic part is I actually took a step back and attempted to edit that comment because I wasn’t going to stoop to your level with personal attacks, but the comment was not approved, so I was given a message that said it was unable to be edited. I actually felt good that it was not published, and decided to walk away; I have no bone in this fight. Interesting how it appears hours later though. Anyway, I do want to apologize for the personal insults and saying negative things about your creative process. That was not cool of me, at all. I will do better at brushing off personal insults that are hurled at me, and steering clear from stooping to the same level by typing with a knee jerk reaction. )
18-22: Y’know, I can’t say I am too amazed when Entice took /months/ to specify they were only selling Freya and Hourglass sizes on their vendor ads after they dropped Isis, Venus, and Physique. I commented on this and the reply was it didn’t look good to change what it said. Bish, please, dozens of designers specify in good and artistic ways. You were just being lazy. Telling people “this is why we say ‘try the demo’” is insufficient when most designers mean /all/ Belleza and SLink bodies when they only say Belleza and SLink. The others are lazy bishes, too. PS: Starting as a template painter doesn’t make you a goddess of design when you start ripping off… er, designing your own. Using templates isn’t wrong. Just remember your roots instead of thinking a sheepskin means jack shit to whether you actually know how to use Blender or Maya.
#29 & #30 …
I know these girls ..
What I don’t get is why are people so obsessed with them ? It’s a constant bitchfest over those two. I can guarantee it’s people that play Angels&Demons because all of those fuckers are drama whores. It’s like they feed off the drama. If there isn’t drama going around then they feel lost and will create drama just to have something to bitch about lol .
# 26 Seems she kissed a lot asses to be in events.
Did ever somebody bought that shit?
U talking about a Second Life devorce? Lmfao if so damn go outside
Insane how the owner of that Azuchi store is still in his take down mode of two brands that they obviously feel are a competitor. I don’t know about the NC brand, but the original creator of the DAZ model he accused Entice of stealing wrote a very detailed novel on one of the Entice owner’s facebook page, stating the mesh was not stolen and it was instead heavily referenced. Surprisingly, the artist even gave permission for Entice to continue using their items as reference, although did ask for them to differ more in the future. The disgusting display of behavior by the Azuchi owner was some of the most unprofessional and tasteless public character assassinations I’ve witnessed in quite some time. Tearing down the work of another SL brand in an effort to prove a point, a point that ended up to not even be valid, was despicable, but to not apologize and then to create a secret after the DAZ artist specifically asked this dude to stop spreading false allegations is beyond childish. I would assume at this point it is slander by USA terms… not sure what country Entice is out of…. but if it is America, they may be able to retire sooner, rather than later. I know what brand I will no longer support…. and it isn’t Entice.
“Surprisingly, the artist even gave permission for Entice to continue using their items as reference” This is false. What they said is IF they did it again, please change it up more. And this is from the Entice page, which you are twisting to make it sound like the original artist was super Ok with the whole thing.
If you see the screenshot of the actual conversation (which Entice posted), the artist was not super ok with this. She says “In the future I would ask your people who make the mesh to not make it exact because it’s quite easy to go to rendo find the product buy it get the mesh rework it a little so not to hurt the UV and market it for SL. We have lost a lot this way.”
Also, that very detailed novel you speak of not on the Entice Facebook page, not on Kira’s, not on Jolene’s… so… where is it?
“You are welcome to use our work for inspiration so long as it’s different enough so there wouldn’t be future problems because neither you, nor I, want drama, and you clearly do not want to be lynched again as it’s not fun, as you can see, I know how it is to be attacked for one thing or another by other artists. ”
Using as a reference, does not mean copying. I am sorry if I was not clear enough, I was typing from memory. No artist is going to agree to having their work copied outright for commercial use, so I really didn’t think it was worthy of a mention. Notice i said “Surprisingly” – it is because I am not sure I would have gone that far, and found it surprisingly generous of the Daz artist.
go to the top of the page where comments start and talk there…lol
its much better to watch this fuckery with the new pics up
@Daka Jecur THEY BROKE Daz3d’s TOS. They do not allow their products on SECOND LIFE. If you went the daz3d forums and their TOS. They do not want their products on the second life PERIOD!!! stop trying to make an excuse for fucking thieves!
According to the original DAZ creator, they actually didn’t break the TOS. She was given the files for the work, went over them and made a huge statement that, though it is “heavily influenced”, it was in fact, not hers. I put that one part into quotes since I’m using her words there. As for why they took it down, as she said, since it is causing so many issues, Entice and her agreed for them to take it down to stop the insane messages that were coming to her about the outfit. As for Sands, he was reported to FB for his harassment, since he went over several lines in behavior regarding this. It was speculated that he was the original anonymous poster in Plurk and I’m suspecting that Some Creator is Sands, still trying to keep the drama going.
If it ended up not being valid then why were the items taken down? Also failed to mention the Daz creator told them to take it down and they found more of their work they had ripped and had those taken down as well? Nope, they got caught and are trying to bully their way out of it. No one is buying it.
Actually the Daz creator did not say that. Go read the Daz creator’s post on Facebook. The Daz creator specifically states they went through all of Entice’s items and they did not recognize anything from Daz or Renderocity. The Daz creator also said the agreement to remove the item was mutual and based on the hopes for the drama to stop. It is a public statement.
I’d love to read it, can’t find it for my life tho, got entice and Jolenes and Kira, and the Sveva girl, and it’s not there. Where is it?
If entice had done nothing wrong there would be no need for mutual agreement or whatever you wanna call it to take the items DOWN. Are you seriously that dense?
Entice stole, falsely advertised original mesh, they got caught, now they have to deal with the consequences of it. Keep trying to spin this however you want, I’m a creator and have never had to take any of my stuff down, Ever, “mutual” agreement or not.
Also lol @ making fun of Azuchi’s textures. That is getting really desperate.
I agree. I thought Azuchi’s behavior was deplorable. I bought most of the things he made when collabing with Vinyl, and previously I really liked his models of some samurai guy. But I don’t want to give one red cent to that man after his unprofessional public display. Had he done all that behind closed doors I would still be a customer, but his whole “judge jury and executioner” way of airing out what he thought he should left the worst impression on me.
And about “why would they take it down if it’s not stolen, are you too stupid to believe.. yada yada”, No, Sands, we’re not stupid. We believe what the renderosity designer said for herself, as should you.
Is that what the designer from daz said or what entice said? All I see is some cropped snaps that don’t make it look like the daz creator was too happy about it.
I have been wondering the same, the conversation is cropped too much and even in that the daz creator doesn’t seem happy about this at all. everyone can talk, but the fact the items were removed is a fact. that is undeniably a sign of wrong doing. If they had done nothing wrong they would be fighting tooth and nail for the right and never remove something they created.
Agree! I too liked the Samurai guy! He did an amazing job copying the details of that piece and it shows he has great meshing skills. It looks almost exactly like the original outfit/image. I too was a customer, but of his current brand (I didn’t even know he worked with Vinyl.) Watching how unprofessional that entire scenario unfolded left me sick to my stomach. I could never in good conscience support that brand after he treated another creator that way and then the disparaging things said about all the creators at W<3RP….. yuck.
Is he selling that on SL or is it just fan art work?
There it is! So you wanted it handled privately so they could push it all under the rug and keep stealing away without customers knowing what is going on? If he had not brought it up to everyone’s attention Entice would still be in events and and would move on without any consequences and no one would be the wiser.
Some of us are glad someone stood up publicly, he is taking the bullying and abuse for outing thieves.
#38 I wanted to start this comment off by saying.. aren’t we all out here holding something up, standing a certain way, using whatever filter makes us look flattering…? If you say no then you’re a damn lie. If Damsel is the source for the fuckbois which in reality you people hang out with a bunch middle age men… so fuckmen? I’m not sure and nobody cares really except for the fucktard that must be butt hurt over you. Groovey your pixels could use a bit of updating… maybe Damsel could loan you a new shape instead of her recycled old fuckboi’s… you’re running a bit flat and 0 curves. WE all know you’re not a sl celebrity so not sure if the person who posted this knows you at all lol… you run a club house on the weekends for middle aged drunks and loose old women. That’s the extent of your celebrity status. But chin up!! (see what I did t here) Keep knocking out those dazzling pictures of yourself. Stay just as glamorous as your Glamour Shots *blows glitter*
Numbers 18-22 failed to mention that the creator of the mesh that was said to be “stolen” from the 3D website came out and officially stated the mesh is not the same at all. She defended Entice on their facebook. https://prnt.sc/oex0lh Sands, we know this is you. Funny how you put all these secrets on here but fail to even regard the fact that it was all proven wrong by the designer you contacted about the “stolen” mesh. Admit your mistake and move on. Maybe focus on making better textures on your mesh that dont look like a Smurf vomited on it instead of blaming others for your crap sales. They might actually improve.
” officially stated the mesh is not the same at all”
No that’s not what she stated. She clearly says it was “extremely close”, and “which is concerning”, but that she doesn’t have a problem *because* it was removed.
Read the post you linked yourself ffs
Sands may have went in on them, but at least he got to the bottom of the situation. Entice’s response on FB was not professional at all. I felt that they were a bit too defensive in the reactions. They should had just kept it to the official statement.
I think what Entice should had done was get the permission from the creator first. The creator would had told them that the design was too close, and they would had been forced to modify it. Had someone recognized the design and reported it, all Entice had to do was to show evidence of their work, and the okay from the creator who inspired their work. You would think with all the rampant TOS violations, that would had been the first course of action to do, to avoid all of this. Perhaps they, like many other content creators in SL, rush through their work in order to put it for sale at events, so there is no time to do this part of the research.
The question you have to ask yourself is, what would had happened had Entice not taken the items down? As others said, if there was nothing wrong at all (i.e. UV Maps were totally different), no need to take it down – just have the proof readily available. I would imagine if two people created the same item, each would have their own work flow and method on how to create such things. In this case there was no such proof because the UV Maps were similar – just different enough to not be identical. Some people may be satisfied that it’s not identical work, and others will not be.
that would be believable if this wasn’t the first set of secrets about it. lol @fakenews
You fail to mention the items were taken down, and more of their stuff were found and also taken down. keep trying though.
Taken down as a courtesy for an unoriginal idea. Not because the mesh was stolen.
since when do they take down for unoriginal ideas???? all SL shit is stolen from RL.. that makes no sense @Oh my word. just saying =)
Maybe in this case because they had the original artist sitting on their Facebook saying “these are almost too close to my designs, even if the mesh isn’t stolen, please don’t copy so closely anymore and we all won’t have problems”?
Really the only golden child in any of this is the original creator because she probably could have put Entice on blast for unoriginality. Instead she chose to be gracious about it and make a reasonable request like a class act.
True, but on SL where these people are selling content at the same events who claim “original mesh only, no IP infringement, no stolen content” next to those that put in the time and have to sell their items next to thieves. Sorry but we are making a stand and won’t put up with this crap anymore.
@Some: Look, I get it. I really, really do. There’s some events I wanted to be in, but then didn’t because they allowed stores in notorious for selling stolen mesh and items from 3D sites. I’ve turned in other stores to event coordinators during events I was participating in for ripped content. This sort of thing sucks all the way around.
But on the other hand, the 3D creator has asked very politely that everyone drop the witch hunt. I’m inclined to give them what they ask for in this instance.
It doesn’t make Entice look any better in this. Really, this just speaks volumes to how uncreative they were and I hope they at least learn from this experience. Take some solace at least in knowing that this sort of thing sticks to your reputation; especially if they choose to keep doing it. As a consumer, this would make me take their creations with a grain of salt at the very least.
Trying to push an outright theft claim when the original artist is denying it will be next to impossible and will be draining. Instead, I’d recommend looking for other items they may have been “inspired” by; however, even that seems like it’s becoming a personal thing at that point. It’s good this was all brought to light, but sometimes you have to accept whatever form of victory you can get.
I honestly see where you are coming from, however what you need to consider is that the original creator is not an SLer, to them someone took their mesh ran it through remesher and adjusted UVs and profited from it, they have nothing to gain by arguing over it.. They won’t sue over a 8 dollar product, and to them if they asking them nicely to take it down works then it does and they take their losses and move on. They got their sale from it anyway and they are not associated with SL at all. To them it’s a one time thing and that’s the end of it.
Here on our end, Entice and brands similar to Entice are participating in events next to original creators, who spend days creating content that is supposed to be original and involve no ip infringement. To us this is not a one time thing, this is Entice’s entire business module. They release so rapidly that it’s impossible for them to not be cutting corners, this one particular item from daz is the one we caught them with, but there are millions and millions of items on the internet for download. They have proven they cannot be trusted. To us it’s not a one time thing, it’s what we have to deal with every.single.day. Unless we fight this and permanently remove these brands from events, we will be dealing with this forever. Brands like CP, Entice, NC, Littlebones, etc should never ever be allowed in events again. Period.
I cannot believe the arrogance, Entice stole content, got caught were threatened with a DMCA and now they are trying to make it look like they did everyone a favour out of goodness of their hearts by choosing to remove the item???? fuck right off this planet.
#1 Who even wants to fight over the Final Fantasy surplus character bin……Seriously LOOOOOL
#7 As much as i have my ups and downs with this guy. doing a year with him i know this is bullshit. and trust that i wish i could make this fucker swing, but i wont see anyone be done in over that crap. So which ever fool it is that thinks this is funny, sort your freakin head out assholes. what a waste of your time and effort. He is a great dad, nothing more, nothing less ~Alfablot~
15. Dabb just announced they are closing:
After much talk and deliberation, we have decided to close the sim. We’ve had a great run and made some wonderful friends and we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for making Daddy’s Babygirl Adoption House so successful for so long.
People with singles panels, your 10 lindens will be refunded to you. Girls with Featured panels, your 250 lindens will be refunded to you. Girls with rooms in the house rented, your rent will be refunded to you.
Home renters will not be effected, we will still have the rental homes for 200 lindens a week for 280 prims
The group will remain for people to chat and have fun.
Lots of Love and best Wishes for the future,
Mr. D and cari
Places like that need to be shut down. Maybe the FBI needs to investigate LL again like they did the early 2000’s shutting down PEDO sims.
LL’s have rules in place for adult content, no one forces people to visit these Sims DABB was without a doubt one of that safest and best monitored for bad behaviors which is more than I can say when you see the wannabe BBG sims offering sex and voice to all , that’s what I find So laughable about all these negative comments about Sims such as DABB
lol@safest.. like i don’t get that part. how is 1 sim more ‘safe’ than another?
because it has a short meter thing? tf? we all have the mighty X thing at the top corner.
weirdos go there because they know what they can find.
desperate hoes fucked up in the head enough to do what the rest won’t.
I don’t understand why people flock to these places..it is very possible to meet people in regular places..
but when you go to these themed sex spots and wonder why you deal with bad people.. cheaters.. whatever else
secrets are made of.. women looking for long term anything on sex sims have to be mentally slow…. because when a guy
is in a sex sim he’s thinking with the lower head.
I’m glad i figured this out at my age..so hopefully I’m not as a mess as some of you when I’m your age. xD
Don’t worry @me. They said they will refund you for your panel ad.
omgee grandpa slingshot.. you’re so old! pobrecito xD
no matter how many times you say it…it won’t make it real. lol
Good. They are disgusting. They probably saw this post and our comments. LOL
Actually pretty sure that after 5+ years of dealing with turds like you they got bored. But, you believe what you want.
Or they do not want their accounts all banned when they are reported for ageplay pedophilia =)
Yes, because no losers like you ever tried that bullshit in the 4+ years they’ve been around. Do you engage your brain before you type?
15. I saw a girl call another girl out there for looking like a child one day and the girl who called her out was the one who got yelled at by a manager. As someone who used to frequent Dabb, I can no longer stomach going there. Cari and Donovan have zero control over their daughters, especially that Pedobait Mia and her old lady sister Henna, Kat usually just sits and rides the wave but never shuts up.
They feel if you are an adult behind the avi, you can be as “little” as you want to be. Not only this, the men who are daddy’s to some of these girls support it. i.e. enjoy them looking like a child. I could give you a list of ACTUAL pedofiles who frequent that sim who I have reported. Some of which who have been banned and any avatar who had come into contact with that avatar had been banned too; but some how they always end up back on SL with another avitar. I have noticed one man in particular based on his voice. Any time I hear it, I literally cringe, he is from Australia, that is why his voice is so memorable. I really hope this place gets shut down.
So petty, considering you’re hiding behind a name like SpiceSpice baby???
Says “Observer” xD
Jealous of a well managed BBG sim Spice?
I have nothing but praise for each and every person from DABB, don’t like it don’t put it down due to your own insecurities, of all the so called BBG Sims… this was the best run and safest place for real littles to express themselves and feel safe no sex, stupid people such as pedos, trollers and general creepers were banned or ejected including Alts when they became known , I personally wish Cari, Donavan and all the wonderful and diligent managers the very best.
As for the BBG clones just call yourselves a pedo sex sim .
Maybe your one of the nooby looking avis @Observer that none of them try to get dirty with.
thats a possibility
Have to say, I’ve been going to DABB a very longtime, in that entire time I have found nothing but a great SIM with great people, yes, some Avi’s Look young which is apart of being a little, I don’t think I know of anyone who has taken advantage of a little nor have the staff and management(truely wonderful people)
The mere fact you didn’t like the place simply means you shouldn’t be there or have any idea of what the place was there for, anyone I spoke to was in a little space and never had I spoken to anyone that wasn’t a consenting adult, which is more than I can say about those pit the staff and a long standing and reputable Sim into disrepute, key words consenting adults, I have seen similar Sims come and go and as far as I see it that sim was the safest place for an adult little to be, it was the only BBG sim not based on Sex all the SIM that have tried to copy DABB have had to resort to adding sexual contexts to their Sims (Trash Sims essentially).
As far as Avis go SL is a diverse entity, allowing people to become what ever they wish , that to me is the overall appeal about SL which leads me to say “if you don’t like an Avi or it doesn’t conform to your ideals who cares!, it’s not yours, allowing people’s freedoms is not your place nor anyone’s to judge others.
Translation: “I like my pedophile fantasies CLASSY, OK? Now I have to go be surrounded by sims as seedy as my thoughts in order to pick up the underage looking girls I prefer, and that makes me uncomfortable. I liked being able to imagine I wasn’t being completely disgusting seeking sexualized child avatars for company, because things looked sweet and pretty around me.”
We all know the people behind the gross, pedophile bait avatars are “consenting adults” for the most part, and fucked up teenagers otherwise; we know they’re not actual children. That’s never been in question, and the way you people have to keep throwing that in as if it matters is amusing. When you’re stuffing your pixel cock in a tiny, infantile mouth with a rosebud pout, you’re a fucking pedophile, no matter how big her tits are.
ughh that last sentence is the fucking cringiest truth ever.
LMFAO!!!!!! Mr D isn’t from Australia. I use to go to DABB before this bs adoption agency came in. It use to be an actual hangout with a club every day and people chatting and actually talking about the lifestyle. Not this adoption agency for kids barely in their 20’s not knowing the difference between a Sugar Daddy and a Daddy Dominant. The lifestyle has turned into a joke, they had awesome dj’s once now it’s run by their apparent power tripping kids and little 20’s… huge pass… would much rather watch Sesame Street.
Trust me, if people bring it back to the FBI’s attention again like that did the early 2000’s to LL. Sims like that will shut down fast and people involved will be under investigation.
Then why don’t you be a good citizen and do so? I mean, your silence CLEARLY indicates you tolerate pedophilia. Or, you really no better but love to say stupid things.
Why is it you only speak up to defend prostitots? I wonder what your motivation could possibly be. Hmmm.
im so friending beless..lmfao@prostitots. bad word to laugh at.. BUT its funny af
Look how far we’ve come 😛
lol its true.
it has to be because i got Grammarly xD
even tho to be honest sometimes im typing too quick to fix all the red lines. xD
Mhmm.. Definitely was the one to get yelled at. When the child looking avi should have been yelled at.. for breaking the NO CHILDREN.. They defended that child avi, apparently shes ok to go there Shes so sweet.. YUCK no. NOT OKAY
Who is #1?
smitty werbenjagermanjensen duh!
anybody who thinks they’re the only 1 xD
40. What fucked in the head moron thought one morning ‘I know. Let me drop sex animation scripts into a kids car mat. Even better. Lets masturbate over the store.”
Get the fuck offline and the fuck into therapy.
I know so many stores have adult furniture in young looking things have you seen those teddy bears you can hump on? between that and all the pet play stuff around ” nekos ” and ” baby girls ” its just disgusting stop trying to pretend like your something your not. I don’t care if its a fetish between two consenting adults it’s just awful. seraphim shouldn’t have posted that for that event. They even have a pet play set by little thoughts …that’s just grouse isn’t bestiality aginst tos or something? ??!!!
Bestiality involves animals, not humans wearing collars and crawling around on their knees barking like a dog. They have nothing in common. Now if you see “pet play” going on with an actual animal avatar, that’s fucking disgusting, but I don’t actually think it’s against TOS. I’ve seen some truly nasty hoes openly advertising in their profiles inworld that they’re into that and I figure that would probably get you banned if it was.
Okay so I submited #40 but I did not submit it because I agree with it. I think its fucked to hell?
I forgot that that context to this still was when she was safe and was saying “phew!” and I thought it was when Ru made a really weird aka gross saving choice. Her face looked like a good “I am swallowing my own vomit back” picture.
15. Babygirl date rape place girls don’t care unless you got big wallet big dick. Goggle those pictures obce get on cam you will never wanna come back. Beware do not go thier you will have to go to theripy in the end. Most girls are bipolar and borderline disorder.
Dafuq did you just say? Like really. Did you use google translate a few times then decide to inject random letters before posting, because that’s what it looks like.
Y’all, I am in total agreement that 15 & 40 are fuckin DISGUSTING. This shit makes me want to quit SL for real. The fuck is wrong with u people? Plz report this shit tho. It’s all good n well pointin it out but if you just do that, it won’t stop. If LL can’t be assed, then I hope it gets on the news again n these places are closed down. It could happen happened years ago. YouTube it.
Also #37 a water pistol? yeea megagamer chicks babay… Not.
Do yourself and others a favor and quit., it’s easy.
stockholms&lima has a whole little set princess carriage, jump rope, swing set, playground
I saw it not on marketplace or in game- it is currently in the catalog of the XXX event. Seraphim hosted a link to the event but didn’t actually do the pictures which is why I think got past.
Yea why is seraphim posting this shit i saw this too http://prntscr.com/of46my its from a childs anime show and they made it into dildos how gross!
#9 . The only stores I have seen them call out were obvious cases of theft. This is clearly someone with an personal issue trying to make them look bad. I have met them and they are some of the sweetest people you could know.
They make cosplay clothing so they give it more of an animeish style, if they made it look ultra realistic then it would look odd on the style of the people trying to wear it. It is a style choice, as people are allowed to do. Not everything on secondlife needs to be ultra realistic, if you want that style then shop at those stores.
This is nothing but somone being butt hurt, get over it. Don’t like their stuff then move on. At least they make their own textures and mesh.
Keep doing what you guys do for the fellow cosplayers don’t let these salty assholes get you down.
I have seen them insulting new creators with no reason to on public facebook posts. It’s not really a secret and the logs going around from the altair owners also shows that they like to insult people who they believe are below them.
i think what this post is trying to say is that they shouldn’t be trying to tear down smaller brands when their quality isn’t that good either
Wow, a lot of justification for someone you just “met”.
You are one of the atlair owners? xD
It’s not about cosplay textures, atlair’s textures are shit……bottom of the barrel cosplay.
And I agree with you @lolno, i’ve recently seen atlair insult designers on facebook and even on flickr, directly commenting under a designers advert. about how she doesn’t like something they released. (Designers don’t usually disparage another designers work publicly). Also, Runa is known to constantly talk shit about designers. Not as nice as she portrays to the Sworld.
So…….Those who live in glass houses, yanno?