Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 565.
i wonder if any of you witnessed the fuckery on flickr earlier. but don’t worry if you’ve missed it.. i’ve got the 600 x 450 thing down xD
What fuckery on flickr?
… may have to wait until sunday… that link will prob get me shadow banned lol =/ hint loony columbia
Dayam now can’t wait for sunday!
look up the hint on flickr.. and you shall find xD oooh try elnalter instead 😉
What I heard my name bein called ?!!
Yea I just looked up what you were talking about @me and agree with @Siren cant wait for sunday
The chic who has the acct must be slow..I’m pretty sure the very few likes (for a over 2K viewed in a day pic) are just everyone keeping tabs on the situation. xD
well and RoxxyPink and Julie Jen(something) but they like everyones pic so they don’t count.
#14 Bravo! Couldn’t have said it better myself.
#1 the sound of my mighty horse farts make more sense then the shit that comes out of her mouth
Wow what a yawner this week. At least I can thank Kess for banning that wackadoo.
Also Franks is also a yawner for sure. Shocked that dump even still exists. It ranks up with Muddy’s in terms of sheer lagholes.
Thank god Samantha got banned from here…
Now all I have to say is this… her mom should have swallowed instead of spreading her legs, would have saved the world from a complete psycho.
#savesamantha bumper stickers are trending in LA now. This shit is getting real.
I’ve never had issues at Franks except being asked to change into formal because I came in to scope the venue for a date idea. I will say, the place reminds me of a MEAT MARKET as how so many avatars just stand around and wait for something to happen.
An incest fetish should not shock any of you whatsoever. This IS Second Life after all.
Oh, come on. Everyone has a template of those damn boots. Nothing is sacred, and no one is unique.
FUCKING PREACH. Seeing skin ads put on an unrelated 3D model is infuriating. As the saying goes, “We eat with our eyes” but creators like this make me feel that the product they sell is absolute shit.
Y’all bitch about Second Life creators not making their own things; to stand out – be different. Be careful what you wish for.
Those are tolerable. Unless when you click them, they change your avatar to the bunny costume.
I understand where this one is coming from and this OP is right. But, that’s the beauty of Second Life; change yourself with the click of a mouse. I hope you know that not everyone who switches between a cock and a pussy is just following a trend. 🙂
Tyler sounds like the same person who would claim that “MENSTRUAL CRAMPS AREN’T THAT BIG OF A DEAL, SO STOP BITCHING!” until he’s hooked up to a Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulator.
Is it wrong that I want to punch this shit-biscuit because he’s wearing the same type skin of someone that I love deeply – and made it look like crap?
Who the fuck builds an avatar with this face and thinks they’re fuckable? Jesus Christ.
I don’t know about anyone else but, the OP for #17 needs to take a step back & chill out a little ’cause yeah they are right about how it is for the Trans community in RL but to tell people they shouldn’t gender swap in SL is about as silly as if someone said people shouldn’t wear or change their tattoos in SL because in RL they are a long painful process that is permanent & often times has a social stigma tied to them. But, each to their own I guess.
My guess would be that they have experienced someone who did that just for fetish/trend sake. Or just finds it plain offensive because they’re no longer special. The latter is a legit theory as it was theorized by the family that I could have Aspergers. My ex, who is Autistic – got SO pissed off because he would no longer be a special case. /shrugs
#29 noizy got those tattoos in 2016- they match.. … as far as his dick.. I would love to say it’s small. it’s not.
he can be an asshole- but let’s be fair he supports his family on his salary .. so who cares? i have never ever heard him brag about the money he makes, and he is quite generous in tipping others.
How generous was his tip for this comment?
#30. I almost forgot ..does this look familiar ? When you talk shit about Me stop & think about how obsessed you sound.
?♥??? ??? ??? ???? ??
– It’s your SL. Do what you want, be who you want. I could care less. Just don’t tell me you have to go walk your dog in RL when you really don’t even have a dog to walk. ???-
– There are three sides to a story. His, hers and the truth.
– People can easily fool you – even the devil was once an angel. It takes the gift of discernment to be able to see through somebody’s facade. Think about that.
hypocrite much ? lol stop sucking dick and start working on your issues dumbfuck. No one is fooled by your fake ass sl persona. lol
the first dislike on this comment was Godric lol or one of his “subs” lol
Actually I just read this shitty comment. Trust ME I did not post that, dislike these but I will dislike them all now, notice the new dislike dumb ass? AND If I were to post something about you STAR it wouldn’t be about you being a fake ass friend. It would be something more like personal shit that you told me but even though you are a traitor I will keep your dark secrets to myself. So don’t worry all your secrets are safe with me Star.
You’re not the brightest are you ? I haven’t the time, patience, crayons, or construction paper to dumb shit down for you Godric. I can’t believe you haven’t figured out who I am yet….. after all.. you and I talk to each other .. ALOT . lol I always knew you were a fucking idiot.
#30 We all know you posted this Godric aka “Project” . Sit your fake ass findom self down. We all know you are just a hypocritical hoe. Why are you shit talking about someone else when you are a big fucking mess as it is. Stop playing the “poor me, pity me” game with your less than a quarter truths. YOU know what the fuck you did. Own up to it. Wear that busted ass shoe , lace that bitch up and own up to it you sloppy ass moron. Shit, you might be crap, but be the best piece of crap you can be! And stop lying all the time lol We are ALL laughing at your ass. Every time you talk shit about someone in chat or to us privately we pretend to agree with you and as soon as you’re gone we all get a good laugh at your sorry ass expense.
keep laughing, it is what you usually do. BUT for your INFO I am far away from that Godric aka “Project” of yours and you must be so obsessed with that person since you put all this on her/him, keep eyes in here so much more will come
1. I WILL keep laughing.
2. You don’t even know who this is to be able to make the uneducated assumption that this is what I “usually” do.
3. “project god”. SIT THE FUCK DOWN. Everyone knows that you are the one that was trying to be cute by talking shit about star.
I’ve banned her. For her sanity…and a little bit of mine.
Surprisingly (or not) it took a deranged lunatic to get under your skin. Next.
She’s not under my skin, I don’t really give a shit. But she clearly cannot handle life right now and it’s not right to keep egging her on. In a few months I’ll remove the bans, when she has, hopefully. moved on.
@kesseret I am probably going to state an unpopular opinion but I would wait longer than a few months. She holds grudges to the extent that they become comfort to her. I say keep her banned permanently. Help that she needs isn’t going to be months but years. She is a ticking time bomb.
Agreeing with Siren. This isn’t about someone getting under your skin either, it’s about not giving her an outlet to continue her crazy. Long as she has a voice here, she’ll use it to just continue her delusions and I’m honestly afraid she’s going to hurt herself or someone else.
I doubt it will but we can do our part by forgetting she exists. After seeing her meltdown, I think we have to be the bigger people in this situation, she’s not capable.
According to SP? Sometime before Christmas last year but I’m not fully sure. I can tell you most of what was posted about her from people that weren’t her is true because I’ve ran into her in the RP groups while I was corunning a rp and let me tell you – she was a piece of work that one. One of my friends have yet to return to sl thanks to SP harassing him about wanting to be his character’s mistress and sending him unsolicited soft core pornographic pictures.
Go back thru archives if I rememver it starts about week 534 maybe. I know 537 is one of them. You can search site for sp
If sp would just stop responding to everything that gets posted there wouldn’t be any issues. She obviously has some kind of mental disorder, or maybe just isn’t smart. If she just stops posting she will go back to being left alone. Please if you see this for the love of all things good, just stop. she keep saying she’s doesn’t care what people say…but responding to everything little thing sure does make it seem like she does.
SO AGAIN AND I CAN NOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH…..JUST……STOP. To be honest though I’m not even sure her online self is even salvageable at this point.
Apparently it didn’t last long
You’re doxing yourself with that photo you ignorant twat! You’re posting a link to a picture of a conversation you posted on VS FB from YOUR RL NAME! OMG The dumb- it burns. I hope it’s not contagious.
Happy Monday All… Uhmm isn’t this Pride Month & not “Let’s tell everybody what they can or can’t do with their own bodies” month? 12) I agree with the thought line that those faces are rather fugly & I personally wouldn’t wear that head even if I was paid to; but who really cares if someone else likes too look that way in SL. There isn’t some unspoken rule that one must look like a “real person” hell my avi sure as hell doesn’t… I took special care to make mine look more like manga art (which by the nature of the art medium looks really young) because real can be soo bland at times & *gasps* SL isn’t Real… So OP stop assuming that everyone has your way of thinking that automatically goes to the gutter over such things. 14) That Tyler guy clearly needs to get out more… He’s probably the type that would be traumatized by other cultures where Boobs aren’t a big deal & are freely shown because they are nothing more than a human version of “Udders” >.> 17) No, OP you should be “Deeply ashamed” of yourself (specially if you are Transgender &/or part of the LGBT community) for thinking you have the right to tell people what they can or can’t do with their own bodies… & apparently you forgot there is more than 2 genders! Did you even think for a second that people who “gender swap” in SL might do it on some level in RL as well? Are you saying the Non-binary, Genderqueer, Genderfluid, & the list goes on… don’t have the right to express themselves? “Gender swapping” has nothing to do with the latest trend or fetish it might be as simple as gender means nothing to them &… Read more »
Samantha, I get you wanna fight to show how you are right and to stand up for yourself, but sometimes you need to just let it go. Take a step back and breathe. Go talk a walk outside or a drive, listen to some loud music, scream…if you want people to leave you alone, you need to leave them alone too.
GET HELP NOW! Jeezus this girl sounds crazy. I tried to read the crap on reddit and just toned it out to save what brain cells I could. They don’t care on reddit either. They probably think you need help also.
and lmao@”TheRealOne” stop acting like you’ve got imposters
You just keep making me laugh. It’s like a bad comedy bit.
SP: “Okay I am gone for real this time.”
“Wait, I just need to post THIS then I’m gone. Okay. This time for sure.”
Nobody again:
SP: “Hey what up guys, I’m back with more to say about my personal life. Why don’t you all tell me I’m right?”
Your reddit post has been removed. Guess redditors didn’t want to hear this either.
@siten and no one that responded to it was going along with her, they were not happy with her posting and drama. Had nothing to do with rping which is what that area was for
#12 Oh, I can’t stand these faces either (the second and third) they all look like they have Down syndrome.
Framing means that what people said about you is false, I haven’t seen one thing false said about you by someone other than you.
1. Hardly a reason to act like a twat. You failed in gaining any attention, so you are now playing the victim and hoping for pity attention. Being abused is no excuse for any of it and, depending on what, would make you more cautious of angering and upsetting people. I do not know many people who would publically speak out on their abuse. Most people take it too their graves because it is such a heavy burden and such constant weakness.
Being a slow learner adds nothing to this situation because it is just another excuse.
You are a twenty-eight-year-old woman acting like a five-year-old.
2. Sigh. No one can read that font and font colour.
4. I am somewhat curious, too.
17. If people want to swap mesh bodies, who does it concern but them? Get over yourself.
21. Harry Potter grew up in a cupboard, not a closet.
29. Personal attacks. Classy. You seem like a mad ex.
33. More whore clothes for men.
34. Read above. More slutty clothes for men. Are you really shocked?
39-46. No one cares. Original in the sense that they tweaked it and made it their own. Learn how things work before you start foaming at the mouth over things that do not concern you. Do not like it? Do not buy it. Amazing.
47. Ok.
“39-46. No one cares.” More like you don’t care. Which says a lot.
11. Like I’d touch that place with a 10-foot pole what with thier ‘human avatars only’ rule. There are more accepting places out there to be frank.
You are so correct. I myself enjoy a good slow dance with a furry in a ballroom and not to be judged.
17 – You totally misunderstood whomever does that as sounds like ordinary gender play. We do that irl as well with Drag Queens and Kings. Unless the person plays an avatar that is trans and not some magical shapeshifter – then only it would relate to trans issues depending on their portrayal.
1 – Your drama was chaotic and no idea what it even was so – do you have a link to your side with evidence you mention?
#30 So you made it on SL secrets 2 times now? have you not learned to keep your legs closed? obv not making your rounds through A&D and fucking anyone who will give you a pitty fuck you are a disgusting ratchet whore. you bitch and complain no one commits to you but ive learned no man wants what anyone can have hold yourself with some class skank and things would prob be much better and if anyone knew how you looked they probably would not touch you with a ten foot pole hell id even put a paper bag over your head and turn the lights off. just do the world a favor and vanish go on your demon alt and cheat more your nothing star just a lying filthy skank of a whore! stop trying to sleep with men who are involved and you wont be on here. you have quite the reputation to begin with star a sleezy hoe is just a title you have accomplished.
I know you lol next time don’t tell angels that know demons that you posted a comment on sl secrets. lol nice try at being a badass. everyone knows you’re a hoe so maybe try taking a look in the mirror 😉
#30 she is so desperate she can’t be trusted bc she fucks all Cardinals man! lmfao
The definition of desperate is ᵀᴴᴱ Projeⓒt™God (godricdecristoforo) lol stop already Gordric.. come on now. It’s funny when you get your little “slaves” to do shit for you. Stop alting it up and pretending that all of your slaves are actual people … it’s so sad lol
30. What kind of person says that? Only someone that has been the snake all along. If you can’t trust ONE SINGLE FRIEND it’s probably bc you burnt them all and no one gives a fuck about your fake ass.
if you know ᵀᴴᴱ Projeⓒt™God (godricdecristoforo) … since he is the one that posted that on here .. then you already know ALL about fakes lol
#30 Ugly ass snake! hisssss
ugly ass snake ? you must be talking about that crappily put together wannabe findom av named ᵀᴴᴱ Projeⓒt™God (godricdecristoforo) that only “doms” men lol cause he likes the D. lolololol
#30 – Above ^^^
#14 is a win.
#39 – 46 – you’re a hater,.Since you have sooooooo. Much time on your hands, go build something or find a hobby.
#11 First of all as someone going to Franks for all of my Second Life….There are no bots at Franks….And never in 11 years has anyone just asked me for free sex, and if they do report to host or hostess and they will deal with. Anyone is allowed at Franks and your a foreigner to them dumb ass. Everywhere is laggy in sl anymore duh……And your remark about the staff and picking on you because you think your all that and a bag of chips again that’s lame…They are a G rated sim and if your not dressed appropriately then they will ask yo to change….If you do not respond they will warn you again. If you choose to ignore you will be ejected to the bottom of the sea. Remember that if someone from LL went over their and someone stayed with their ass and tits out Franks would get in trouble….This is the oldest continuously running club on the grid….And this is the last point if you don’t like don’t go but don’t speak on stuff you know nothing of, it just makes you look like an idiot.
She aint showing
I’m surprised they weren’t set off by her lips..(the ones on her face).. I’m pretty sure all the men were like OOOOwwwEeeeee that’s some fine DSL if I’ve ever seen them. lol xD
(DSL for the slow ones isn’t internet connection.. its dick suckin lips.)
That place looks lame but i bet this bootlegg Billy Ray Cyrus dude gets alot of flexi bush xD
damn i found another but i lost the page lol
at least men get something to look at.. look what the ladies get..
this when a stranger calls looking thing.
DSL for sure …. need to see the Botched Doctors to help with those things.
Good lord what happen to that guys chin ?
Get away from the flexi hair bs
Time to update for sure
Just go to Frank’s dressed up as nuns ???
I’ve seen Frank’s on and off for years, I’ve had people point out a few bits too which are obvious. Boring place though and I hear drama from there constantly (did until I took my SL break). The stuff being told here isn’t surprising and I’ve only been there a few times. Obviously there is some major issues, being a long running or longest doesn’t mean crap on SL.
If people not going here is hearing tons of drama and stupid issues and even I hear it… There has to be some legitimacy. Defending it like you are makes it seem real. Why are people looking up dresses? That is some creepy predator like stuff
There still there so obviously people like it…and of course anyone has a choice to go or not go…..easy peasy right. I have been going to franks forever and never have seen drama…only time is when people want to argue about the rules…and rules are rules if don’t like don’t go…now I am done with all of this nonsense…..
Before you give out grammar lessons you may want to take a look at this, honey. “There still there so obviously people like it…” See anything wrong with that?
@ava if they are upskirting to find out what kinda panties you have on .. they have serious problems within themselves.. i hope all the men at FRanks know they can derender mesh.. pretty soon mesh wont be allowed..lol
Which makes what their bitching about even more ridiculous. Yes you can derender someones clothes. But this is the thing for me…They don’t care the host and hostesses….They do their job and if you are not dressed appropriate then you will be warned, if you don’t change, you are warned…..Do nothing and you thrown to the bottom of the sea and to the sharks….lol
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bitchhhhhhhhhh how tf is it possible to make Azoury look bad? lmaoo u won@Ava.. u won ugh
I bet you comment again .. lol
Here’s the creature calling other avatars hootchie mama.
Yes Frank’s is perfect for your antiquated avatar.
If it dresses like hoochie, talks,like a hoochie it’s a hoochie and if you go by Mattox’s hootchie what is that…..hooch that’s liquor
Learn to pronounce
nouninformal•North American
noun: hoochie; plural noun: hoochies; noun: hootchie; plural noun: hootchies
a young woman who has many casual sexual partners or who dresses or behaves in a sexually provocative way.
Ava could use her roasting bunny picture for the image next to the definition.Page 10 row 3, 2nd pic.Such a judgey and hypocritical old snatch.
I love how you hypocritically call out “hootchies” When you have a photo of your av in Chop Zuey with your big right titty nipple hanging out of your dress.So Klassy.
Hmmm thought you were done with all this nonsense? Sounds like you got your granny panty knickers in a knot. Calm down now we don’t want you to have a stroke old girl. All those pancakes probably clogged up those brittle arteries. Take it easy now ok.
Just for the record, that’s NOT Ava in that photo, so keep on hating.
It’s nice to see someone here with real name instead of an alias like all these chicken shit ass bites. And don’t be haters it’s bad for your health…..Me I said what I said about Franks because I was one of those people that thought they were whaaaaa, so unfair….Until I learned it was a G rated sim….So get a clue and stop your silly rants, cuz you look like idiots. And me personally, I have nothing to do with it…It’s about Franks not Ava….And if you would like to confront me in world with your shit and with your real name bring it on baby……
oooh confront me inworld. sooo fuckin gangsta.. xD
inworld names are NOT real names… for the grandmas in the back!!
get ready shes about to fucking type in all caps. grab them bulletproof vests now… but make sure its not too revealing for the ol lady club.
Ava like seriously even if Mattox fucked up the spelling of a word you apparently know so well (wonder why)
they still slayed you in the comment section. xD
shots fired.
that place is just a bunch of gmas jealous that their man is going to look elsewhere.. lol
i wonder how many of them dudes are low key in the freak groups.
Hide behind “Me” pathetic…..and not gangsta just saying…if you have something to say say it to my face……it’s easy to hind behind anonymous……In world names are our names you don’t see me hiding behind me, anonymous do you now. And please you can keep up your attacks on me personally and I will say the same…say it to my face chicken shits. It’s funny to me how this turned to me personally is Mattox a hoochie sure came to their defense quickly….or does he just fuck the hoochies……Makes you go hmmmmmm.
The reason people like you don’t “hide” is because your lives are so fucking boring, you wish like hell you had someone to cause drama with inworld. It would be the most exciting thing to happen to you in weeks, maybe months, if you could round up the Golden Girls and try harassing people “in (pixel) person” for their opinions on a website. The rest of us are busy inworld actually having fun, and aren’t interested in your Geritol-fueled antics.
By the way, hypocrite- wishing you had someone’s personal info so you could get back at them is the very definition of a bully’s attitude. If you disappeared from this site, no one would follow you trying to get your attention any further, and you know it- that’s why you’re here. You’re welcome for more attention than you’ve had in the past year, granny.
I know you’re not gangsta.. gangstas don’t rock wedges at the beach sweetie.
I’m a little surprised I didn’t see knee highs with them.. but I guess you can take the girl out of the trailer park.. but you’ll never take the trailer park out of the girl. lol
and no one is afraid of anyone inworld.. if you think that typing in caps or yelling on voice thousands of miles away from each other puts fear in people you are retarded as fuck. lol
I just think if you’re going to look up someones snatch you should at least buy them a drink first. lol nasty ass
Let’s see what would me wear on her feet with a bikini stilettos….thought so….just like you call a head wrap a turban….
They wear turbans in the middle east, they wear head wraps in fashion….lol……you have a lot of nerve saying who and who doesn’t know fashion…get a clue sheva.
no you retard.. on the beach you don’t wear shoes.
i dont dress like a slut or like i live in a trailer park.. like you.
and idk who Sheva is but if she thinks you’re a fucking dud ..we’d probably be great friends.
you look like you stole a table cloth and ran with it.. thats not fashion.
you idiots got some nerve talking about bullying.. when that place treats people like shit who chose to go to that dump.. (i never would.. but i’ve heard and seen many of posts about this topic..as well as all the people here in comments who’ve been turned away)
when they only attempted to have a nice night out . .. thats bullying camming up potential customers dresses when they just wanted to have a nice night out. GOD FORBID someone actually looks nice and not like they’re rolled in a rug. like you ava
What I find so funny is yes people can have their opinion just like me. But then you go off and personally attack me….why is that? Why do you have enough time on your hands to see how I am dressed. And frankly why do you care so much…..And it’s also funny that wherever I go anywhere, I get your avi is beautiful….so be a hater I frankly don’t give a crap….but remember you put utter lies and crap and don’t expect the people you are spewing your crap about not to respond….And age is not a good comeback just saying because I love my age and not ashamed of being an older woman at all…So put that in your pipe and smoke it. And have you tried to cam up a mesh gown it’s not easy…..And honestly do you think they care……the bottom line is that if you are not dressed right you pay the price end of story!!!!!! end of this…….So if your smart you will just shut up and let it go.
“”And have you tried to cam up a mesh gown it’s not easy”” ava.. no i havent tried to cam up a mesh gown.. but you just admitted you’re a fucking weirdo as i thought. lol xD
great job!
@ava trust me I always smoke before commenting. xD
but you name called first holy roller. .. why call these people hoochies??? they were going to Franks, not the black cock motel.
Most of them even showed what they wore when turned down… but ur too far up someone’s ass to admit the outfits they had on were fine…. so because you wanted to be in everyone else’s closet and vagina… I went into yours (closet not the cobb web factory).. remember wedges on the beach? xD
Now be nice before I print up whore dresses with ur RL tab pic and set them for sale. xD
stop making everything public info kumquat
Oh my Ava, you seem very angry for such a devout Christian woman. Time to turn the other cheek, honey.
Okay – I care nothing about the Frank’s drama, but she’s not outdated at all. That’s either a Catwa or Lelutka mesh head – mesh body – mesh clothing. The style may not be to your taste but you make it sound like she’s wearing a full system body with full flexi hair. Tell me what’s outdated.
Well finally a person with some brain cells…And your right that can’t even tell if updated or not…but speaking about it go figure…pfffft
When your shape and photography quality are so bad people can’t tell you’re mesh, you think that’s a problem with what others are seeing and not what you’re presenting to be seen? That’s just… weapons grade level delusion, there. I’m a little impressed.
Her calling out people as hoochie mamas seems hypocritical. The way she expresses herself I.E. sorry honey makes her sound like a retired Denny’s waitress. Her biased comments that a Frank’s hostess would never cam up someone’s skirt in spite of testimonials to the contrary. Yeah she’s outdated alright. She may put on mesh but her brains she’s stuck in 2009.
Mattox won my freakin heart with a retired Denny’s waitress.. lol xD
I will say though on the SL homepage where it has the ‘upcoming events’ their ad does warn everyone that they will totally be camming up the vag to the uterus. lmao
thats 100% real i just whited out the SLurl xD
Actually it’s not Denny’s yuk, it’s I-Hop…..
Goddamn, that would have been ugly in 2012, let alone now. But it just goes to show, no matter how much of a fuggo she is, looks like there’s a guy desperate enough to go for it. Please get some standards, people!
Like I said above….bento head, mesh body, mesh clothes and before you go off know what the hell you talking about first…..and another FYI what people look like frankly is none of your fricking business……Why don’t you use your real name so we can see what you look like….And also not me idiot……
Vichonette stay in your lane.. you’ve failed in the fashion department also (thanks flickr). Shhh no wonder Nancee wants ya’ll covered up from head to toe.
makes sense now xD i wouldn’t want to see your floppy taco hanging out with cobb webs either
and Ava you can tell you’re old when you wear wedges with a bikini. ijs
i believe you may have murdered joan fucking rivers with that mess.
Oh, “me” … personal attacks for no legitimate reason. The cornerstone of cowards and bullies. Highly amusing, actually.
@vichonette.. you know whats bullying??
all these people who chose to go to that dump with good intentions for a nice night out..
only to be harassed and treated like they have stripper outfits on.. i would bet my life that all the staff is in group chat talking shit about them too.. making a mockery.
thats more bullying.. than me saying how i feel about the situation and your lack of fashion.
@me … Ah, but you see, this discussion is not about me, nor is it about Ava. You chose to make it about me … why, exactly? Because I pointed out that someone in a photo was not the person you all were attacking over it? I’m truly sorry that you were so triggered by my simple statement that you feel it necessary to go on and on about it for how many posts is it now? Seven? Eight? At any rate, I no longer have the patience to deal with your ignorance, and so I am done with this thread. Do have a lovely day, won’t you?
i sure will.. thanks for the paragraph. ?
lol wasn’t an attack it was an opinion…
and stop throwing the word bully around.. bunch of 50+ ‘women’ acting like they can’t handle themselves.. on a forum. you people can cam snatch but its bullying when i say my piece. lmao okkkk
if you cared so much about bullying you wouldn’t frequent a slam site. like c’mon now… use your head.
i know you have it stuffed under the turban in the franks picture somewhere.
So why doesn’t me come on over and meet me in world, and Vich to I will invite her over….Why don’t you stop hiding behind “ME” with all you crap……I use my sl name because I am not hiding if it’s something I believe…How many of you can say that….and all of you who speak crap come over and say it to my face……….And what does being 12 like you and 58 like me matter…I am not ashamed of my age you moron.
In world or here is the same thing. Imagine going inworkd to say something.. you still aren’t face to face, that’s a worthless idea as if you can do anything.
ava why don’t you act your age and stop fighting with me..lol seriously… aren’t you grown????
you dont need balls to fight inworld(on the OTHER FAKE NAME ) dee dee dee .. so spare me with that stupidity..
don’t you wish you left your name out now??? lmao dumb ass
now go back to doing what you were doing.. before i have my friend take naughty pics with your sl love interest… and have them on next weeks secrets
you’re making franks look worse now than before.
What .. The .. Actual.. FUCK .. is THAT abomination ? lol jesus christ.. get upgraded lol
FYI Model is wearing bento head, mesh body, and mesh clothes….So do me a favor before you speak….know what your talking about before you speak…..
Excuse me … Franks Elite is rated MODERATE not G. Unless what being discussed is the other Franks Place which is rated G. They are talking about Franks ELITE!!!! ….. everything is true!!!!!!!!
Franks Elite is moderate but moderate doesn’t mean ho wear….and we were talking about Franks which is a G sim…..which is what we were talking about.
G or Mod… doesn’t give you the right to give people gynecological exams to enter a club. lmaoo
bunch of perverted grandmas
whats the difference mod sim you count pubes? and g rated you throw out cameltoes . all sickos
We were not talking about Elite we were talking about Regular franks and it is General
i say we all go in our finest thot wear and see how fast they are able to eject with the artheritis fingers xD
I am in! Wait what do THOTS wear? From the sounds of it doesn’t even sound like you have to dress like one to get ejected.
WTF is a THOT anyway?
That Hoe Over There – THOT
Ohh okay ty Observer
im telling you its so fun going to this gaming sim… mostly because THEY can’t eject you.. instead they leave.. just pop up and play a game standing between the mr & mrs looking hoeish.. i know it doesnt take much to make them mad but i could imagine the whole vag out would enrage tf out of her lmao
people have to play SL how i do.. i can have the best time even by myself xD
or we need a few of the ‘its not mine girls’ to not shower before going..she will make him leave SOOOOOOOOOOO fast xD
Your points may have been valid except there have been way too many complaints about Frank’s. The number of people who have said pretty much the same thing, about being harassed, hosts looking up skirts, and basically acting like the Mormon fashion police, is way too common about Frank’s. You can try to justify their bad behavior and elitist attitude all you want but I have seen photos of what people have been banned for. NOTHING was hanging out for anyone to see but they got banned anyways. I do know Frank’s as well. The only idiot here Ava is you if you think you can defend them when too many people have shown what Frank’s is really like, and had proof to back up what they were saying.
Ok Sheva stop stalking me lol….and look again at your gyazo Franks (2) in general….And ok lets give you the benefit of the doubt that a hostess was a complete bitch…did you report her to Franks management….Because trust people like that don’t last and get fired…….
Do you need a little help there with reading comprehension? Go back and read what I said. I stated it was a mix of general and moderate. When you land there, you land on moderate land. The owner, being the dumbass he is, left the landing moderate and just turned the club to general. Then again, this is the same muttonhead who was a BIG supporter of Red Zone because he loved to collect IP addresses on his customers, so not a surprise that he would set the place up wrong. You can also stop calling me Sheva, I’m not her. lol
no one is stalking your old, ugly ass. lol you are imagining shit lol
It’s a G rated sim so if your dress appropriately then you have nothing to worry about right…If your not then pay the price…and lets me real there are way to many hoochie mommas then there should be…and hey to each his own but not on a g rated sim.
“hoochie mommas”? lol btw…. frank’s isnt just full of jealous host’s… its too fucking expensive. It used to be 500Ls to join the group when I joined a while back.. now its 1k to join it. WHO THE FUCK is stupid enough to pay 1k for a group to a place that is just fucking lag hell, never updated, and full of rude ass staff.
Actually, Frank’s is a mix of General and Moderate. The main club is set up by the owner, for General. When you get sims, the default is Moderate, so he did that on his own. As you can see in this gyazo, it’s both really. https://gyazo.com/ccfc11aae04e81cc2b02d3e6d44afa87
I also went and looked up the definition of General, from the LL site.
General – A region designated General is not allowed to advertise or make available content or activity that is sexually explicit, violent, or depicts nudity. Sexually-oriented objects such as “sex beds” or poseballs may not be located or sold in General regions.
I can guarantee that NO ONE is showing any nudity while there. That slit that you prudes are making a fuss over, it’s just a slit. If everything is covered, then there is no nudity. The people who have been discriminated against, have shown photos of the things that have gotten them banned. Guess what? There was NO NUDITY.
If you pervs are camming up skirts though, in order to locate some nudity, then that just shows how classless you really are. I can guarantee that no LL employee is going to do that, if they decide to drop by. In fact, it might be your guys getting into trouble, if they catch you doing that. It could be constituted as harassment.
actually read your own gyazo Sheva Franks (2) is not moderate it’s general and what were talking about is Franks 2 And when you can see a woman’s crotch just camming and circling around her…..not only is it just wrong in the whole scheme of life but if your looking to get laid there are plenty out their for that.
And like I said they do not cam up skirts they cam if a slit and see if they can see crotch and if they can going to report…wouldn’t it make more sense for people going there knowing this to just wear something with no slits, tits showing or ass all the way out……
Now you are just either lying or you are an idiot and turning a blind eye. Which is it? Too many people have had this issue and the hostesses have even admitted that was how they found out that the panties were missing on those ladies. I even went there at one point to test this, because I even doubted that someone would be that disgusting. Yes, they do cam up the skirts. I had my bits alphaed, which is a habit I have in case someone decides to be a smartass and derenders clothing on me. The hostess claimed that it didn’t matter and that I needed to wear panties. The best part, there was no slit on that dress and the dress was formal but not revealing. Want to try again?
Easy don’t go…….nuff said your boring me.
omfg i love you @the mormon fashion police. lmaooooooo xD
she probably works there
My girl and I went to Frank’s. The hostess was looking up her dress and said her panties were to far away from her body. Mind you my girl was wearing a dress that went to the floor. The hostess was rude and condescending. The girl standing next to the hostess, and no doubt was her friend, had no panties on. When we brought that to her attention she booted us. I agree with #11.
Will completely agree Mattox. I was there once with a long gown on. Everything was covered up but the outside layer of the skirt was see thru. I was still told to change. Completely pathetic, treating us like we’re dressed like whores when we’re in a better dress than 90% of those on the sim. People there still look like theyre stuck in 2010. How about worrying less about what some of us have on and upgrade the build?
The only time that would happened is if a slit up one side or both and not wearing panties at all. No hostess will look up a dress that is solid….laughable. And this is the thing I am the best friend of a hostess and sorry honey but all rules apply to all…..
Then you either A. have a fugly avatar like most of the staff there. or B. have no clue wtf you are talking about AVA. Some of the hostesses you have are jerks. I left that stupid ass group and decided to never go back there again due to being harassed over a dress I had on one time. and IT WAS FLOOR LENGTH. I was told that I was showing “too much skin”… the kicker? not only was my dress floor length, but it was a high neck dress. It was backless but didnt show any buttcrack. Stop trying to stick up for that crappy ass place.
And you just showed why you are over here, blowing off your big mouth once again Ava. You are friends with the hostess, along with being a VIP member, I’m guessing. I believe Mattox over you. The hostesses are KNOWN for camming up skirts, even if there are no slits. I have been at Frank’s when one of them started their stupid shit with another couple and the woman’s dress was fine. Turned out the panty hadn’t rezzed for the hostess, due to lag. It didn’t stop her from being a total bitch though about it. You are so full of shit Ava. Go fix your avatar.
Well that just rich because first of all no hostess would go to ground level and look up a skirt…they would look if slits and cam around and if can see any hooha would then say so….And never would they not wait until the person was fully rezzed, so what your saying just saying doesn’t make sense….And take pictures and if not sure someone else will come look. If you going to attack me personally then show your real name you twit. So who really is full of shit……laughable
You presumptuous dummy. You DONT KNOW exactly what a hostess would do. Go sit back in the fugly corner till you can fix your avatar you old ass hoe.
Your an idiot and I do know as bff is a hostess so once again I am done nuff your a bore.
Sorry honey sounds just like the hostess who kicked us. Very rude and ancient.
Hi Samantha!…after reading through your latest diatribe I believe you show clear signs of Bipolar Disorder with mixed symptoms…and most likely a Borderline Personality Disorder as well. My honest advice is to switch off from all social media and seek help from a certified psychiatrist who can help you with talk therapy and medications, probably a combo of antidepressants and mood stabilizers will be needed.
If you live in the UK I could pass you proper information on where to get help. Mental illness is not a joke -the person at the centre of a manic episode is legally classed as a vulnerable adult…and taking the piss out of someone so clearly in the middle of an episode is really punching down.
Bipolar I believe is possible but not borderline personality. She may also have schizo effective disorder. She resembles a lot of attitude that my sister does, who has both of these.
My whole family is filled with various levels of mental illness, mostly these two. (Its why I avoid all of them, have to, its hard to live with)
But you cannot tell these people that most of the time, then they feel like Samantha does, everyone against them, everyone lying to force them into help that they think they don’t really need becuase everyone is abusing them and not the other way around.
The only way, she will get any help.. is if she does something that causes her to be arrested several times for real life situations and even then likely not get help in this country. She will never change
Are you some sort of Mental Health expert? I would not go around throwing Mental illnesses around like you can diagnose someone after reading what they spew on a forum. There is only so much you can read from as person and feel bad for them before they bite you in the ass. Which is precisely what she is doing. We all agree she needs help, but people with the above mentioned mental health issues will all tell you this isn’t how they act. She cannot function on a daily basis. She lives in a world where the only thing that matters is the internet. You can offer her all the help you want, but she will bite your hand and turn it around and tell you that you are the one who needs help. This is a fact.
I hate to break this to you Captain Obvious, but this isn’t just a “Manic Episode” This is her life, every hour of the day. We have all tried to talk to her nice, tried to tell her she needs help, week after week. And here we are 12 hours later and 5 or 6 times today she said she was done and she is still going off on her facebook to HERSELF. For hours between her Twitter account and her Facebook account she has been going back and forth with herself! Not one person is feeding into it. She is answering her own tweets with answers! I have mental health issues as well. One that you have named above. Nothing in the world could make me be that way. I have had Manic breakdowns. This isnt that.
We would like you to go back and read your psychoness, take it to a therapist and get some help. You created all the drama, you put it all there. You are like Trump, creating drama and blaming others
~People including femboys are going for an anime(huge eyes)/kawaii(cutesy)/kpop kind of look.
~Not everyone wants to be realistic in SL and while I understand concerns for pedophilia I don’t agree that’s what’s going on here.
~Adults can look 12-15 while they’re 20-30 it just happens, look at aforementioned kpop idols.
~Where exactly do we draw the line on how big is too big for eyes? lips? noses? you run into censorship too fast since specifically this is about just faces and the bodies look adult enough.
Ok so. Cricket actually looks like that in real life. Go to her profile on Facebook, compare her avatar to her real life photo. She looks exactly the same, and she is an ADULT. She just looks young, does that mean she can’t recreate her avatar to look like her real self because you think that makes her a paedophile? So many people in this world are blessed to look youthful, it doesn’t mean that they’re paedophile like come on just listen to what you’re saying ffs. Paedophilia is the sexual attraction to a child. There is no child involved so your comments are invalid.
Some femboys need to stop. They just end up looking like 12 year old girls.
Nothing wrong with femboys, I don’t see them going to adult sex sims with childrens toys and sucking on a pacifier. Femboys are fine, even the cute look is fine but it goes to far when that toddler look is paired with milk bottles, Teddy bears, pacifiers and then hanging out in an adult sex sim. We all have an opinion and we are all entitled to one, so I respect yours but you imo, you can’t compare a femboy to a LG with her toys, stood with Daddy in a sex sim. They want to relive the childhood they never had right and I get that but I am sure standing in a sex sim is not the childhood we all had growing up, at least I hope so. This talk about banning and reporting that @Just a loser was rambling on about is silly and totally off the topic of what I was talking about and yes, @Just a loser was referencing my post and the Gyazo examples I posted. I never once said let’s report and get people with cute baby faces banned. This person is rambling and making shit up and clearly has something against the girl (Stunned ****) in the gyazo I used, assuming the girl is me and that I was saying how cute, innocent and gorgeous I look. No, it was an example of cute but adult.
amen but.. totally got it right in my book.
i think it depends on the whole look.. because for example
that to me is looking disturbing af
totally child faces
To me it isn’t even about the look, they can look how they want and wear what they want but if you call yourself a LG and dress like a LG, then behave like a LG, you have no business being in a sex sim and it is happening so much now.
i agree@but… totally.
im just saying .. there were a few more pics on that account i could have posted but i felt disgusting even opening them on my screen.. so ill pass.. if all you have to do is deflate ur boobs to look like a child ur a sick fuck.. there is no ifs ands or buts
The only people who make all these excuses are the ones trying to tell THEMSELVES they arent sick fucks.. if you get turned on turning daddy on as something that looks like a kid.. u too are a pedophile.. a ped is someone who gets turned on by kids… if u cant fuck a girl with a womans face thats on you..lol sick fucks
i know someone and she hooked up with a couple and she told me that in the middle of their ‘session’ the other girl was getting smaller and smaller. boobs and body…and my friend ended up leaving in the midst.
there are a lot of weirdos .. i wouldn’t even have ever thought of changing shape during play lol
Okay here I go again seems I was right about their being a bit of a avatar issue lol but bedsides that are you telling me that adults don’t have button noses sometimes, and its not really ddlg is the only aesthetic here but Melanie Martinez is a big inspiration on alot of her looks / styles the whole crybaby movement. I really wish this wasn’t a issue and fembois and more cuesty people weren’t getting banned because of people reporting age play every here and were when the people are not even age playing I’m not really into ddlg, but I can see and understand how someone who doesn’t know about it would think that pedophilia or something like that. But yall really gotta chill and go after actual pedophiles like those people who sexuaize those tween avis, those are the people who look like actual kids and yea I see your adult / baby person face scale thing. Yea it looks similar but did you know their like SL family so they be making their avatars look similar or a baby too adult version soo okkbye and pity party and momoko people look alike anways besides all this I think their are better things too focus on then someone having a babyish face and wearing cutesy stuff and But… who ever you are https://gyazo.com/230a80edaadb7f3a5ff53b05147f28cc this is not innocent cute this is quite frankly ugly and scary lol i can see why you would be dissing crickets avatar when you look like this lol I dont mean to be mean but jeez girl
@Just a loser
What are you talking about? I am lost. Also, what do you mean banning and reporting and ageplay? Are you always this dramatic. First of all, who said I was the person in the Gyazo and second, wasn’t the whole topic just about the look and how some people don’t like it or want it around them, more so in sex sims? You are going off on one my child.
@Just a loser
You do realize that the gyazo ( https://gyazo.com/230a80edaadb7f3a5ff53b05147f28cc )was taken off Flickr, same as Crickets, it belongs to Stunned *** on Flickr and was obviously used as an example. Where does it say he/she is dissing Cricket or even left a comment? Lol@I don’t mean to be mean. Meowwwwwww, damn y’all getting crazy on this site, just because some people don’t like a toddler looking Avatar at a sex sim and god forbid they have an opinion or someone posts a picture for an example, then that person gets blamed. He/she looks good to me, as do the toddler looking Avatars, when they are in the right enviroment for that sort of thing. chillax.
its more because people are really into the lona shape that looks near identical to a toodledoo kid face.

^ you cant tell me, aside from makeup, that those faces don’t look similar – the small round nose, round/wide/big head and very round eyes are all things artists use to distinguish kids faces from adults and example of adult vs kid/baby proportions v
you can still look CUTE and BABYGIRL whatever like without having a weird baby head
I personally think that the reason DDLG is getting dragged through the mud on SL is because of SL’s negative history with pedophilia. Can we just clarify what Pedophilia is because, for whatever reason, SL seems to be the only place where most people throw that word around. The dictionary specifically defines pedophilia as; “…Sexual or erotic feelings or desires directed by adults and late adolescents towards children; particularly, in psychiatry, a paraphilia consisting of a primary adult sexual attraction to prepubescent children.“. DDLG does not involve or include children, it is a consensual relationship between an adult man or woman and vise versa. Some DDLG relationships are not even sexual. There is a power exchange between the two, it is a sub-category of BDSM. It is not age play ( which I can also break down if anyone wants to understand that category better ). I am not a DDLG ( or BDSM) expert but, I know when I see a reach, where people throw around blanket assumptions, just like when everyone started wearing a choker/collar, or the Doms that run around SL screaming about being a Dom to anyone who will listen. We need to get a better understanding of a topic before making accusatory remarks based off of a person’s shape, that just makes you seem ignorant.
Seems as though https://gyazo.com/230a80edaadb7f3a5ff53b05147f28cc got offended when i said “Hello Poppet” and got kicked off their land. Disgraceful
Draven behave lol or I shall tell the world about your poppet antics and how you almost got Solly and https://gyazo.com/230a80edaadb7f3a5ff53b05147f28cc kicked off the land too. Very rude indeed….you and your hairdo!
Draven behave lol or I shall tell the world about your poppet antics and how you almost got Solly and Dyna kicked off the land too. Very rude indeed.
https://gyazo.com/230a80edaadb7f3a5ff53b05147f28cc <—-Cute, innocent and adult, not looking like a Six Year old, thank god.
https://gyazo.com/46dc3a33e5cfe39ec513dc6d4f2b9eb9 <———-No words needed and yes, it is the girl on the right, in the picture of the OP. https://gyazo.com/fa0aa7e424cc823a75f73851de4762e1 <—–(Same girl) Stop making excuses ok?
We get that some want to look cute and innocent and there is NOTHING wrong with that but don't make excuses for all that extra shit and then these girls turn up in sex sims looking like toddlers, sucking pacifiers, holding bottles of milk and Teddy bears as they toddle about on a harness. No, just no. Lol SMH
I hate to break it to you …. but your “Cute, innocent and adult, not looking like a Six Year old” .. still looks like a fucking child. You are the WRONG person to be trying to compare your “adult” av to her supposed “toddler” looking av. Try turning yourself into an adult then talking . Go back to the corner and SIT THE FUCK DOWN. Dumbass lol
@Suck it. I think it is clear by now the picture/gyazo was used as an example and the girl in the gyazo you are cussing out is not the poster or OP. Where does it say she made the post? The hell is wrong with people, all fired up over a god darn post and even if it was, she is entitled to an opinion, those caps though. Dumbass indeedy
sorry but the first looks horrible, that is not cute or innocent. It looks like a over makeup’d hooker who been starving herself cos her lower cheeks are far tooo sunken for her upper cheeks. And that highlight only makes it worse giving it the shape of a crackwhore. NOT cute and innocent. Adult yes.
The last 2 while both are young looking neither of them have proportions of a baby or a 6yr old. Her bone structure is actually late teens early 20;s. It is a soft young face get over it. She is using “toys” which is kinna standard of a “little” if know anything at all about D/s. It is also a huge fashion in other countries and has been since the late 80’s early 90’s for this type of overtop cute look.
Not everything is about pedophilia.. Curious? look up my profile I havent hid my name at all. I am personally wearing that persons skin named “cricket” in my profile photo tone 2
Uhhmmm … my face did look different when I was in in my late teens/beginning twenties. I still have some photos here. That was the time, when you already had lost all of your baby-fat off the face and the cheeks/chin region started to become edged. In fact I did look more like that, what you are calling a “shape of a crackwhore”. Neither did any of my friends looked like that, what you are calling “late teens early 20;s”.
There is no excuse here, those round plushy faces full of baby-fat are looking exactly like babies.
You are serving the fantasies of pedophiles.
Sunken in cheeks? Looks Starved? It looks normal to me, So a nice big round cabbage patch kid head is better? I don’t even want to check you out in SL, I can already imagine what your beach ball headed avi looks like and no, it is not ok to be turning up at sex sims with that childs face and holding toys, gtf out of here lol, fuck off to a LG/DD sim with that shit and pray to god I don’t catch you having sex looking like that, or you will be on SL secrets, and if you don’t have sex looking like that then there is no need to hang in sex sims with avatars who are and look and act adult.
There’s being cute, there’s being kawaii, and then there’s being a fucking baby that hangs out at FMD (which literally stands for FUCK ME DADDY). OP was too right in calling those people out. I agree, they look like abused kids from toddlers and tiaras. I’m down for exploring your perversions in SL bc it’s safer here, but call a spade a spade and make it known cricket and chicks that look like her are pedo bait. People acting like the OP is thinking in the gutter when we all know damn well Cricket identifies as a bdsm Babygirl. Go on and be a babygirl but why you gotta he posing in a baby’s nursery? She makes DDbg more about ageplaying than about being taken care of, and it’s fucking creepy.
Whilst I detest these faces, as they look like they are literally retarded, claiming that people whom want to take on a more youthful, childish, persona in here, is feeding paedophilia is fucking dumb.
There is a massive DD/bg-lg culture in SL. Yes, most of the “Daddy Doms” abusive fucktard cunts that know nothing about the culture and that it’s supposed to be a nurturing caring relationship, and with the b/ls, it’s not even about the sexual aspect, it’s about being taken care of. It’s a relationship based on trust and moves entirely at the pace of the b/l. Anyways, I digress, this DD/lg culture isn’t paedophilia, anyone that is a paedo and is using the DD/bg-lg scene to hide the fact they’re a paedo, is just revolting, but that, like anywhere else in life, is such a small portion. So just because you see a woman, that to you, looks childish, doesn’t mean they are age-playing, or wanting to age play, at all.
This is the kinda useful informative shit I can’t be arsed to post; I just expect people to be willing to inform themselves, lol. I do applaud your effort though.
Hold up a sec, why we all going to pretend that we have never seen the 2 on the RIGHT (Cricket, CherryLucy, whatever her name is) and LOTS of others with this type of childish face, standing in sex sims, holding child’s toys/teddy bears, sucking pacifiers, I have even seen bottles of baby milk being held, and she (cricket/Cherry) has just made (to sell, to the other pedo enablers) a toddlers harness, you know, the ones that TODDLERS wear, because they are TODDLERS and can/will run off if you take your eyes off them for a second, why will they run off, well, because they are fucking toddlers, children, NOT adults and need to be supervised. Stop fucking making stupid excuses about how it is the Lona head or some fucking culture, when do you see adults going to work being lead via a child’s harness by another adult, also sucking on a pacifier and holding a teddy bear, just fuck off with the excuses, we all know exactly what is going on here and no one wants to speak out on it, plenty want to make excuses though, scary how the world is changing, no one has balls anymore, people enable others and excuses are made. Fuck off out of the sex sims with your damn childish face, baby toys and other sick shit you want to wear right under our noses, we see you. Again, keep talking about proportions but also please do explain the other shit I just pointed out and if you weren’t aware that this is happening in SL, then please, wake up and stay woke. Peace.
Kind of like the Olsen twins
I agree with you fully I feel this is kinda a reach and messed up that their brain goes to that when they see a more cutesy avatar people really be bugging over avatars that look more cute then their normal tall normie avatars with hot dog legs and flexi hair or just someone who is fucking old as hell and isn’t in on what actually looks good now days or update with styles these people are not trying to look like children why dont people actually go after real problems and pedophiles intend of getting worked up on someone who likes to more feminine and girly srsly yall rude as hell and barely know what is going on half of the time too judgmental also sheeh also does that mean all kawaii or fairy kai fashion is for babies ummmm
I think not or all anime avatars are babys okay then
I hadn’t though about it but yes, a difference in age could be at play here between the younger sl crowd: 18-30’s and the older crowd who may see this as too young looking by their PERSONAL standards. It would make sense if they can’t equate an adult woman looking that youthful anymore when they’re used to people like themselves as the norm: 40yr+
So apparently I’m supposed to go around and delete her personal information from FB and here. I don’t even know why it’s my responsibility to remove things she posted.
I warned her and many others warned her not to post her RL information. I even told her she needed to remove it. She ignored that advice and continued to post personal information.
But I guess that’s gas lighting. Right?
Also I don’t get her rant about the IP address thing … it’s not doxing if a site OWNER knows an ip of someone posting to their site. That’s just the internet, site owners get the privilege to be able to ip block crazy twats like her . -shrugs- And no one here has the energy to dox her ass.
She thinks Kess doxed her because she gets pop ups from this site. She is obviously unaware of how ads work on the interwebs
There’s no ads on this site. There used to be Google ads but someone got salty and I’m banned there (lmao) and then I tried another ad service but it was 90 percent porn and 10 percent Russian spybots so I cut that ASAP.
I have a patreon but I’m too lazy to care anyway, this site is cheaper to run than a dreamhost site.
I think she thinks I doxxed her because her ID showed it was from a specific state and I said what state that was. Perhaps.
Kess, all you can do is delete things she’s said on here and on the VS FB page.
We all tried to warn her back when she posted the ID that she was doxxing herself, she wouldn’t listen. It’s too late.
And as a real abuse survivor – she can fuck off with that “gas lighting” shit.
Actually I wouldn’t delete the things she said just in case she does try anything. The proof is all against her so removing it only looks guilty and serves no benefit to VS.
I agree with Pocketsands. This is proof she is mental. Don’t delete anything. And hate to say this you do it opens a can of worms for anyone else that throws a fit thinking you will delete posts. Stand true Kess!
None of her Facebook posts had any support, reactions, comments with her rants either
She was preaching to herself
Kess, I literally have been looking at her stuff for the last 25 minutes or so. I am seriously surprised that her friends and or family have not tried to get this girl help. She can go on and on, but anyone that knows her, and lets her continually do this, doesnt care. For hours and hours and has conversations with herself. It is not your responsibility to do anything. But perhaps, just Ban her IP from this site. I get that she goes off the rails, but man. I’d hate for her to do something to herself and have you to blame for it. I would really consider it.
Perhaps I might do that. Ban her from here and FB. That’s all I can do.
Nooo, I find it amusing.. lol
I’m not even going to get into it on FB, I dont want her to get onto MY page and start it.. she wont like responses from everyone on my list. Maybe I’ll just piss her off by reporting her fake SL FB account and all her friends on there for being fake name/fake account.
that’s always fun 😛
@respect i promise you..lol even if shes banned here .. she will still be everywhere else going off. Just start bookmarking now xD if she were saying something new and exciting would be one thing.. but shes totally repeating herself
DO IT. I did.
I Think it would be seriously in your best interest, she is toxic for everyone, including herself. Once you ban her, she has no one to blame but herself. She will no longer have anything to blame her crazy on.
She’s blocked on FB. I’ll have to do the site tomorrow when I have access to a PC.
Kess, I think that’s for the best and you’ll be protecting her from herself. She isn’t capable of understanding she’s creating this mess.
what about all the sites shes adding to it now.. lol smh I wouldn’t be surprised if she has to hit up Tom from Myspace.
im still dead @ her totally bringing it to the biggest site there is lol
Looking at one page leads you to about 6 others, with all of her user names and everything! ITS CRAZY!
Stfu you train wreck go play victim else where your the dumbass who posted her and emails for the world to see when identity theft hits you.. you will have no one to run to
true that@horsemask..lol shes screwed if she got good credit xD
https://noctemiuventae.blogspot.com/2019/05/i-realizenow.html Don’t even know how I got sucked into actually following links down the rabbit hole after the redit link. But SP claims now she didn’t submit her own secret today (#1)…
12. Cricket is a hoe. A sad bitch with a stank fupa. Her child like avi looks like a downser that’s run into a parked car face first. Poor cricket.
Someone is a salty bitch
stank fupa has won the disgusting award for the week. lol ???
Is that like Tony Stank? Lol ?
No one asked you Samantha- because NO ONE CARES! We’ve only reacted to your outbursts you’ve put on display here. Sunday mornings must be like a weekly Christmas morning for you lately- refreshing your browser until Kess has updated & posted the latest weeks shenanigans. Eagerly, your eyes glaze over as you scroll-scroll-scroll thru the secrets, hoping for posts about you. Seems you didn’t get enough of them in your honor last week, so you had to post one yourself. Attention whore, much?
why does she STILL think any of us care if we get an I’m sorry or not….when none of this shit had ANYTHING to do with MOST of us in the first place. If you wanna apologize to people you’ve wronged do it 1 on 1 where it looks like you’re being woman enough to make the effort. Everyone commenting is merely commenting on what we’ve seen.. we don’t even care about the whole story. It’s really not IMPORTANT to us because it had nothing to do with us.
why in the fuck is that so hard for her to comprehend? lol
She lacks the ability to comprehend? Because if she could comprehend she wouldn’t spiral in the same shitty victim card playing bullshit she does with every group of people she finds that gives the smallest bit of attention?
lol i guess so.. to be honest i’m not even sure why shes taking everything out on secrets and Kess.. when she herself said she posted all the secrets even ones about herself… its like she asked for the drama and when she got it (from herself) she wants it to go away (but dont leave it alone) literally only her in the whole convo.. with all of us spectators thats crazy xD
Well now it’s gaslighting if you even remind her that she revealed she posted her own secrets.
I have just been reading and reading and reading about this Samantha woman. I say to def ban her from the site. She lives in a computer game. Think of Tron, that is her life. I think pushing buttons with her only will do damage . It really is some scary shit.
It seems you and I were doing the same thing since I didn’t know who this person was and why she was going off like this. After a little bit of researching, I finally had to step back and shake my head. She’s a serious rabbit hole that you do not really want to get too close to. Right now, according to her and a post she made 2 days ago on one of her accounts, she has been bullied off of sl, stalked through the Virtual Secrets site, and outed by this site. That is the tip of the iceberg. Honestly, Kess, putting distance between this site and her is not a bad idea. She has a history of threatening suicide, claims to have mental issues (I do believe that), and different health issues. She’s already trying to put the blame here for her alts being exposed and her RL information getting out.
She’s gonna do what she’s gonna do. I think it’s wise to just back off and forget her.
She is actually gaslighting from what I’ve seen. Gaslighting very much is “I am creating this huge drama but it’s your fault so you need to apologize to me as you are evil and toxic and since I am a good person, I will forgive you for making me do this. Can’t you see how you made me post these things?”
That is exactly what Samantha is doing
She’s a female version of my abusive ex
i agree…she can keep telling us it wasn’t her until shes blue in the face.. but we all seen it
-rolls eyes- Newsflash to her, just because roses smell like shit, it doesn’t make the pile of shit a rose. Just because the truth doesn’t match up to her version of reality doesn’t mean that it’s fake and that she’s being gaslit.
OMG! whomever posts about Samantha dammit……………funny………..but………..ugh…………now shes gonna hog the fucking page again. She is the most annoying bitch and ruins the forum with her drama. Sam just shut the fuck up you are not the star here. The STAR here is #StarFireSeeker The backstabbing dick sucking hoe! lmao
She posted this shit herself this time around.
we were all 14 before.. i was causing far more havoc at 14 but in the real world.. it has NOTHING to do with who you are RIGHT NOW. Stop being crazy.. and get over yourself.. no one really cares at all.. we’re just reading it because YOU are writing it. dee dee dee
SP: This is now what the hundredth time you have said you won’t come back but still do. You can not help yourself.
Your story is off. Again.
No one wants to talk to you . You have apologized and gave so many “reasons” IE excuses as to why we should all feel bad for you and just forgive your bull shit, it has fallen on deaf ears.
This world full of people owe you nothing for anything. Not your crap childhood, not your weight, not your horrific spelling and grammar, not your syndromes or why you are the train wreck up here every week. We don’t owe you for the fact people generally don’t like you. Your concept of being kind is say something nice then counter it with a negative. Your whole sense of kindness and earning anything, forgiveness and respect are warped.
You threaten people on almost a daily basis that someone finally had proof enough to get you turned in and suspended, and I highly doubt it was for sexual harassment. Perhaps it was the threat of violence, the use of an innocent child’s image to propagate this hatred of another person. You realize Flickr, Facebook, and Twitter are affiliated with Secondlife and LL. You have sent out enough notecards and posts on enough platforms and places online that someone likely gathered them all up and turned you in.
Take this as a learning lesson(which you won’t), walk away as we all said. Seek help. And stop talking for the love of god!
You attacked Kess, she did not make any secrets, and your first step was to attack. You said your apologies… but… apologies don’t mean we forget how off the rails you go. I know now your sex life, more and more stuff about your personal life than I ever would have thrown out of my mouth…. and you did not realize that although we use a lot of sarcasm… you got so many people here trying to give you advice ..
You went off the rails .. we did nothing wrong here, except respond to someone who sounds like they are going off and name calling everyone, who did not do a thing. You aren’t entitled for people to ask you for your side. Because we did not really care to know because we didn’t know you.
I am glad things are looking up for you… but btw… your fb is still open for everyone to see…. if you don’t want trolls… close it completely off… so no one can see your posts..
Everything I know about Samantha has come from Samantha. Not Kess. Not anyone else on SL Secrets. Just Samantha. Even things Lyriah said were stuff Samantha had already revealed. She was a random name that I never heard of… yet now I know her entire life story because she cannot stop talking.
I’m not sure she realizes that she doxxed herself completely and is continuing to do so, I don’t think she’s mentally capable of understanding it. Locking down her FB and not talking about this doesn’t mean “the trolls win”, it means she moves on and is better than the drama.
Sam, please, honest to god serious and empathetic here… lock down your FB, get offline, forget this happened.
SP – “I’m not coming back”
Also SP – *Keeps coming back*
You don’t communicate you lie, insult, belittle, threaten and throw tantrums when people tell you no. If your bad behavior is in the past then you would be acting better, here you are acting the same now as you have done in the past.
If you wanna see a good floor show come to the Virtual Secrets Facebook page.
Samantha is losing it there. Apparently I doxxed her by pointing out where she lives (even though she showed a picture of her license).
Also we are apparently cancelled. *Shrug*
whats sad, is i have NO idea what this chick said or did or who she is but this site seems like she has dominated the conversation to the point i almost wanna know. but i really dont. i come to read all the funny stuff and comments and she makes this site look schizophrenic. not the site, but her all the fuck over it all week, every week. ban her and bring back the funny stuff ❤
Oh, the twatwaffle thinks she has that much power to cancel a site on the internet? Wow, the last time I saw someone that insecure yet egotistical, his dick was smaller than my thumb.
ugh you’re so making me come out of deactivation.. lol but i may be willing to check out this rant.
It’s gone. Unless you navigate over to her RL FB. Which is easy enough to find. But she’s removed anything from VS FB.
I have screenshots. I also have the Reddit link. https://www.reddit.com/r/BadRPerStories/comments/c3y0gs/i_was_framed_on_several_siteswarning_some_trigger
the erp shit cracks me up.. like sex online is forceful… if u don’t want it there are so many ways to leave, block blahzay blah.
shes too much xD
yooooo she linked mad rl pics. O.O her elevator def doesn’t go to the top floor.
↑↑ she said a rape story here on secrets..ugh shes too much. its more and more painful to watch
everything she says no one would know if she kept her mouth closed and her twitter fingers stopped tapping.
lol im sure it will be back.. she has like serious diarrhea of the mouth (well in her case fingers) xD
So she apologized here.. and then went back and started shit with you, about stuff she did….not you? What the ever loving.. her license had where she lived because she kept saying she didn’t live there…..so she didnt care who knew the address… um whatt?
Lol I give the girl an ounce of… good for you and she spews …. smh
Reading the meltdown
Please Kess post a link!
Heres a link to someone talking about this site with herself, enjoy the feed!
She only has 10 followers. No one is liking her tweets or responding.. No one is listening. She has a couple facebook accounts for rl too, one apparently was recently closed (she was posting on Fb for VS with it).
No one cares to listen to constant freaking rants of nonsense.. 10 followers, half could likely be her other accounts.
Her account is temporarily restricted right now, it says. It appears that Twitter noticed some unusual activity on it and put a temp restriction warning on it. Color me NOT surprised.
*Sorry wall of text and formatting mushed my thoughts together* Sadly still shows for me but looks like rant calmed about 12 hours ago. So perhaps that’s where the restriction happened. What is sad is this: She is in a lot of hot water. Lets quick look at facts. -She threatened two people with harm-Pre-meditation would come into play -She used a child’s photo to further hate. – She has openly admitted, despite the story changes and her mood swings, she will stop at nothing to continue this, even making up Secrets to cause drama. -Gaslighting is essentially poisoning yourself and expecting the other person to die. And when they don’t blaming them for you poisoning yourself. She has been doing that. -Can not take no, blocks, mutes, unfollows, silence, the word stop for an answer. -She claim she is being bullied but she keeps causing the drama! -Blames everyone else for problems she causes. -Shows no restraint. She kept coming back here and to Facebook. -Her sex life was information she brought up. Not us. Her groups, being in SugarDaddy’s opened that can of worms. None of us wanted to know she tried scat!(F****ING YUCK!<Sorry caps but yuck just yuck!) She offered she was an escort. -She habitually attacked someone who told her no and blocked her. And still kept sending notecards to them threatening them! That is the reason she got suspended in SL. Not Sexual Harassment but because she harassed with Violence and abuse on multiple platforms associated with SL, a virtual world. -This is over a virtual world. That anytime she could have logged off, took a week or two or a few months from, and no one would have been wiser of any drama. And lastly; We all have been telling her to get help… Read more »
You forgot about the Reddit post, which was taken down as well. The instagram one is there but on her FB account, where she claims that the site doxxed her, she has a photo there that just shows an old secret week. When she was asked about that and they mentioned that it showed no proof, she did get upset and claimed that it was proof. (I have no clue how that was proof). As for FB, she has a lot of accounts (no, I’m not going to put names here), so even if you block one, she has a large list of others she can go to. On her one account, where she claimed her accounts were all exposed by Virtual Secrets, she also explains to someone how you can find her accounts. (headdesk) As for this person Liyah, I feel really bad for her. Yes, I did find her as well, along with her blog. She does have a few posts about Samantha there, some of the things that she has gone through with her and she has proof that Samantha has been the stalker and instigator of all of this. This woman has been gone from SL since January, due to Samantha causing so many issues/drama/gossip. She’s been getting blamed by Samantha this whole time and, meanwhile, she hasn’t been around to do anything. The only aggressor I can see, from everything I found, is Samantha herself. She is her own worse enemy.
Oh for fudge sake she is tweeting people that likely have social media managers that care less about her crap.
Samantha, are you kidding me right now? Here you are again! First of all, WE HAD NO IDEA WHO YOU WERE. Secondly, WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WE WOULD BE ASKING!
Please, for the love of God, seek professional help! This is insane! There is no being nice to you or feeling bad for you anymore. Whatever you think we all know in your little head isn’t true!
no way!!!!.. are you serious?
That didn’t take long, did it?
xD never does