Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 542
Kesseret’s Note: Many removed for too small font (and I’m pretty generous about it because I can read most but it’s getting ridiculous), multiple secrets about the same thing, or real life pictures.
Questions to ask yourself before uploading a Secret:
1. Is it 600×450
2. Does it contain a real life photo of someone?
3. Do I use the n word?
4. Is it 10-15 words or less?
5. Have I submitted a secret about this topic before? (Yes I can tell if you make the same ones because you make them look the same!)
If your secret has any of the above; REMAKE IT BEFORE YOU SUBMIT TO NOT BE LIKE THIS.
#6 Cain Saunders is too insecure, paranoid and jealous to ever have a relationship that will last. Dude, you don’t have to post every thought that comes into that head of yours. It shows you’re unstable and immature. Give your new found relationship more than a day before posting your undying love and admiration that way when you get jealous because she’s not perfect in your eyes you can avoid the public pussy fits which in turn will probably keep your name off of this site. You can’t attack someone and not expect some kind of retaliation from those crazy bitches you pick up.
#53 when you tossing his salad and then he farts
Love that dumbasses like Alana Klassen are posting stuff on here when she can barely string a sentence together. The woman knows only how to bitch and complain when she is told to leave for being annoying and overly clingy. Stalker is the word for chicks like her gotta love a lunatic with an overactive imagination believing the world should revolve around her. Not to mention the fact that she tells her own son who she claims is autistic to Fuck Off.
#35 & #36
That’s a lot of salt for a person who is too dumb to figure out the bot is a bot. I can almost smell the entitled “I’m going to speak to your manager” haircut wafting off you.
I’ve actually seen Nicole walk around the store on microphone… It’s some dirty old man.
Hahaha you want to be like Viper? I don’t believe Viper Restless would ever fuck Dogs.
Are you sure? Check out his wives and yes I said wives, they might have pretty avis and maybe pretty faces in real but those bitches are dogs all on their own
52# I know this is true!!!
She cares more about sl then her RL children. Meanwhile she has prim babies… how about she takes care of her real children first.
I hate parents like this.
I can attest to this also, she never goes afk to look after them, and that Alana chick is just as bad and given what she said on Facebook I bet she’s the one that posted this, thinking she’s all high and mighty but just like Destiny she doesn’t look after her kid either.
26 is suspected to be Noctis Zero
32. . I thought I got scammed after not hearing from him for a few weeks and eventually let it go, until one day,I was going through my textures and BOOM! There was the finished Product in my Inv. so,check your textures folder, secret poster
Well Secret Poster, WAS it there or are you going to keep us all waiting in suspense? Its okay if it is in there to tell us and admit you were wrong
Aren’t you the same stupid bitch that posted in local chat about being allergic to everything including potassium? Your dumb ass can’t even lie worth a damn. You would be dead if you were stupid. And NO ONE is allergic to potassium. Just fucking dumb
Everytime I see you post in groups inworld (doesn’t matter what they’re for), especially groups I didn’t know you were part of, your posts are always so cringy and desperate for some sort of individual recognition. Doesn’t matter if the conversation wasn’t about you.
Then you come on here and do the same thing but even worse. Time to face it, Sam. Everyone’s already made up their minds about you. You’re just reinforcing what they’ve come to figure out. You’re irrelevant beyond being an annoying nutjob.
I keep finding it Funny tho Sam P I’ve seen your drama and fucked up stuff in various sims , EOC , mischief managed , Morthai , ….. . It seems everywhere you go you cause drama or stuff to happen just to get the attention. Like you Call out Liyah and Mal for stuff yet your not a hair better. Given i know these people and have been on voice with them , they aren’t perfect neither is anyone. But i also have to say they would be the first people to actually help someone with issues and stuff on an Rp sim cuz been there , done that. And I seem to recall on Morthai you were whining to the admin and staff team you wanted to be a princess , seeems to me its obvious what kinda person you are …… instead of trying to whine for attention or make up some lame ass excuses Id like to point out you faked mental issues , did guilt tripping even with the words suicide to Liy (( Those that wanna read she has a beautifull link in her profile picks with the exact proof of it all )) and you go as far as to slam the people that actually gave you advice on how to make your shitty pictures look pretty again …. I’m not intending to bash you , but I’ve seen your true faces so perhaps its time to move on , and stop trying to be sad or envious about the fact that you never got a good name like theirs and the fact that you obviously have a crush on Mal …… Ps: as for the fact you said you was being used by Alren you bought that on yourself with being a… Read more »
#1 contains a real photo of somebody with a disability (regardless of whether they are an SL user or not). The OP likely does not have permission to use the photo and is much like trolls who steal these photos from pages or groups for nasty memes. This is illegal. Targeting any minority group and using words like “retard” to insult is no better than using the n-word and is considered “hate” speech in many countries.
LOL So posting a picture off a google image result is illegal? The more you know.
Oh so whenever someone shares a meme or gif a heinous crime is being committed specially if it has a RL person in it? Someone call 911 an atrocity against humanity is happening!
You have got to be a troll. No way can anyone be that fucking stupid on purpose.
Lol # 1 is not a person with a real disability. Unless it’s “crippling depression” or “I’m gay”. He’s a YouTuber. I don’t recall his name but my favorite of his is the “osteoporosis” one.
his unboxing vids rock.. but making the original commenter feel dumb rocks even more. lmao xD
It’s iDubbbz. Mister bad unboxing content cop himself. Lol
Thanks @pocketsand. That’s his YouTube name OP
Can’t be fucked to read all these small-lettered, red-fonted shit. If you’re going to use red font, do it like one of the pictures and use a white stroke around your letters pls. At least it’s visible against the dark gray background of the profile. Also ffs, USE A GODDAMN spell-checker. Don’t let your ragey rage get the better of you while you type in your inane words!
#38 & 49 – Lol…those body shapes – terrible. Also, there are a ton of free or cheap modelling poses around, buy some. I’m sure you’re making SOME money selling skins -_-
Lol @ the rest of the “secrets”…so many repeated ones, even from last year. Stop posting them.
Post better secrets too, please.
Honestly, what is with people misusing autism as an insult? Like, it is not just on here and Second Life, but everywhere. Granted, the easiest way to tell whether someone is faking autism is to see if they act ‘stupid’ or throw it around in casual conversation.
Fun fact: most people suffering from these conditions do not open a conversation with, “I’m autistic. Hello! I have OCD! LOL! ADD! PLEASE! DEPRESSION! I tAkE XanAx!”
Depression, as a whole, is a different breed because I find most people that suffer from it make fun of it. No one, and I know a few autistic people, would ever say it in light conversation because it is such a life-altering condition. Anyone on Second Life who claims OCD, autism, ADD, Asperger’s, or anything else like that is moronic. Sure, there are few, but 90% of you fuckers are not even depressed, just upset.
You morons make me want to pull a Kurt Cobain.
Anyway, my biggest gripe is people misusing autism. Sure, laugh at something, but at least make sure you insult is good and accurate. You may as well be saying, ‘ur mum gay lol’. Check your insults before you try and clap at people.
@Admins, when are you going to make people score five or above on an IQ test to post a secret? Half these morons would fail.
#1: Why is spellcheck such a fucking difficult process for just about everyone that posts here?
#3: That didn’t even work, fuck off.
#4: Adorable.
#5: What the fuck?
#12: Oriental is an incredibly offensive, racist word now? Fucking SJW’s, go get fucked cunts.
#15: Too bad his tattoos fucking suck.
#21: We’re all adults here, shut the fuck up. Let the weirdos have their kinks. It’s a fucking online game, grow a fucking spine. Nobody is getting hurt. You think banning the child avatars is going to cure all of the pedophiles? Fuck off. Let them make money, cunt.
#24: Probably.
#28: Oh shut the fuck up. Let crackers have cracker babies, you whiney cunt.
You made several grammatical mistakes in your post bud.
Please come back next week, this is pure gold. XD
#53 right above where you circled Freckles you will see the Word “Intense” yes hard to believe that you circled the word freckles but didn’t see the word intense. Also im sorry not everyone’s freckles meet your expectations . People have this Intense freckles “Mud” look in Real life i know hard to believe but they do. Not everything is made for you in mind. Sorry not sorry to Say these are freckles , intense freckles as listed if you don’t want them so intense there are plenty of other stores that sell less intense freckles for your enjoyment .
SL Famous? The only SL Fame comes from these posts.. the one people love to hate, so that’s already covered. No one comes to mind when I try to think of someone famous. Club owners, Djs, hosts, creators.. all are a dime a dozen with more arriving in world everyday, so if someone thinks they’re a big shot in SL it’s in their own mind. They’re one bad set or design away from being a no body like the rest of us 😉
omg just shut up.
Who ever posted about #24 and #44 Can suck cock! Oh wait they do to get what they want in sl lol
To anyone to simply upload a pic and not give real facts….oh jokes on you, believe me when i say i have a mountain of shit on you. I just wouldnt stoop this low and hide like a bitch.?
Who posted this about you? are you 100% sure you know?
Post that sh*t sweetheart, I wanna know!!
Pixel dicks are not real, no one sucks them on SL
yeah they get impaled through the skull with giant horse cocks. unless you can unhinge your jaw like a snake those grossly exaggerated things cannot fit into anyone’s mouth
You wouldn’t hide like a bitch?… yet you posted anon? Why did u even comment? That was the lamest of lame.
This site is full of cowards, fuck….sign it and show proof of what you accuse them of… Jealousy is a nasty thing its eats away at you. Oh well you cowards will remain cowards. I just know that most of these so called facts have no substance lol where as I’ve clearly seen how shit can hit a nerve. You all are a joke and take sl far too early, get a life and log out.
Says the person who is ALSO on this site and uses a anon name. These are the things that make you go “Hmmmmm”
So which one was about you, cupcake? Lol
i would bet its the same person who posted above ‘jokesonyou’ comments are equally retarded
Well someone didn’t like their SLS post about them did they now Cain?
#7 – Well fuck you too, kid.
You’re annoying af. ijs
Crying about disabilities and mental illness won’t make it go away.. There is no cure for autism or mental retardation it’s all a figuratively permanent condition and there’s nothing you can really do about it lol. Howbout instead bitching and moaning about how it’s so wrong you donate to some kind of charity for people with disabilities or sickness to show how much you really”care”. I doubt you will cause all you social retards are too selfish and entitled to even donate a smidge of your own earnings to anyone but yourselves.
If you do however congratulations.
There are two kinds of people who claim a disability on SL, the ones that actually have it and use SL as a bridge for social stuff . Then you have people who use a disability brand as a free ticket to act like a prick. In both sides, I would not use a genuine disability to insult another because that’s low as fuck !
My gripe is when people don’t understand what is a mental illness right away and people supporting shit behaviour of the people using a disability as an excuse, or worse not even seeing people have a serious mental personality disorders and abuse it.
Don’t mix an autistic with a sociopath, two different things!!
Our own earnings come from something called Hard Work at our jobs . Adults need to stop using autism as a crutch. If you want funds- go out and get a job. It’s that simple.
i would say that at least 50% of people on disability are scamming tf out of the government. Its fucked up because there are real people with actual disabilities who over come so much just to show people that they are no different and want to do regular everyday things. People who have actual disabilities have so much fucking drive in them.. its sad that the lazy asses who lie taint the word .. because being a lazy bitch isn’t a disability. So many lazy bitches its a shame.. but for the lazy asses if you have a PC and headset i did you a little favor.. instead of flicking the bean and country grandma phone sex for a fatpack…. google u-haul telecommute. stop with the excuses
you’re welcome.
in RL, the disability frauds are pretty low. Just like welfare frauds. They do exist but not 50%. It’s a hell of a bitch to get on Disability, most people it takes YEARS. Lots harder than it used to be
maybe the frauds are low in getting caught but i’ve met quite a few people in my life that are truly taking advantage of the system. I worked with a man at my first job when i was 16 who was on disability for some kind of hand pain but working full time at this restaurant as a chef under the table. So hes not only paying no taxes on wages, hes also getting disability money not really disabled enough to not work.. If everyone who wasn’t really disabled was reported by someone i would bet my life it would be at or over 50%.
He must have really suckered someone in to really be able to make “hand pain” get him on disability, because it’s not so easy to get on it
a lot of doctors are crooked too.. pretty sure thats how most do it. they’re on the same boat with the assholes who go to places like food stamp offices driving a benz…another job i had to walk around all day long biting the fuck out of my tongue.
You wont see me crying about disabilities and mental illnesses, but I wont go out of my way to ridicule and use said disabilities/mental illnesses as some sort of insult. I’m not saying our standards are high, but there are some places many of us will not go to, and for me and others, that means not making fun of and/or using disabilities and mental illnesses as an insult against others. We aren’t that classy because this is a gossip site after all, but we aren’t completely classless either.
We don’t have to act like we have a soul on this website…. There is no class it’s a bunch of anonymous posters bantering about random shit if you can’t handle the bantz don’t come here lel
True that. Everyone loves the banter and name calling but once something is too close to home, like being an actual retard, they tense up and it’s considered “immoral”. Bunch of snow flakes in their safe spaces.
#4 is for people who want a ringworm infection on their genitalia. Let’s hope the cat doesn’t scratch and shit, or they might end up with Toxoplasmosis too.
I am pretty sure that pixel dicks can’t catch ringworms, even from a pixel kitten.
#21 link to original pic! before resize

Many “Adult” rated parcels/regions, have minimum height requirements for entry. This isn’t a ToS thing, it’s a “they who pay the tier set the rules” thing. The reasoning is really simple… Too many people with Kreepy-kid-Paedo-Bait avatars, trying to enter A rated areas, simply because the ToS allows them to, while ignoring the fact that the ToS also states that they may NOT participate in any A rated activities.The only material in the Linden Labs Terms of Service pertaining to child avatars is found in section 6.3(viii) of the Terms of Service. This prohibits sexualized situations involving child avatars, also known as “age play.”
It’s a tricky pickle when someone alters their av to look non human. Now having a child-like shape, if the person was banging in the open it could be considered ageplay by ToS.
i have read 6.3(viii) yeah
lmao impact gonna impact
how bout that new male club they opened tho lmaooooo
dumb bitches go spend the small money they do make on a bunch of wannabe fat ass male strippers
dont even get me started on this pile of steaming shit escort club lol belladonnas old ass still gettin mad if any one else makes money??
came in twice and my ad boards had to be set up again cuz they changed owners AGAIN lmao
they made the club look even worse and i bounced
Before Impact They started up The Manot but that did not even open, I can’t remember the one before that. And now Impact. I guess you got to try till it sticks. Yes of course Impact wıll blow your mind away with the Winesmith trolls. Right on with that name. I was more stuck on the one that is sitting on the lap but I guess any owner who hires everyones castoffs as managers then nothing should suprise us. Some like trash some like class.
before impact it was findomina lmao these dumb bitches dont know when to damn quit
i see now that faithkhaine has left that bitch is loyal til the end so you know they gots some dumb shit happening
Hahahaha. Yeah i got told there is mandatory classes to be the perfect whore. Well i guess it works for the “Managers”, the old, the fat, the lesbian, the basement chick and the neglectful mother. In a way it’s the SL version of the Breakfast club. Let’s hope they go down like the Manhattan, that place was just as bad they all contain thirsty whores.
lmao they made me do the classes to it was stupid bitches tryna teach stupid bitches
they were the biggest waste of my goddam time i could of been on stage makin 3 lindens lmao
glad to see studded is going so well lmaoooooooo
he does have an alien head.. im more weirded out by the enormous fake gucci shoes.
hahahaha the winesmith’s, Madilyn and keera only keep them around to use them and they are so scared of what they’d do to their accounts. Pathetic wenches. The managers there are just as bad as the owners tho, they suck those guys dry then laugh about them at there expense in front of vips and staff. Visiting the trash house for gossip is the highlight of my Day.
the winesmiths lmao think they too cool for second life while spending they whole life on sl
when i was applying to other clubs it was nice to see they were smart enough to ban that whole family lmao
they all get on voice and disrespect other clients and they annoying af
i got fussed at for turning my ears off when they was there but nobody want to hear they virgin shit lol
and the 1 girl who is friends with the winesmiths has a snaggletooth ass lmao teeth lookin like they tryna get outta they damn mouth
When your argument rests on a citation of Prokofy Neva, it’s time to reconsider whether or not your position is batshit crazy.
#24 facts about the chick on the Right
She isn’t a slut, but she is a bad friend. She pushes those who care about her out of her life for people who don’t give a shit about her, and that is probably worse.
Lol what bull shit, who ever thinks this should show proof. Someone obviously hates someone cos they a slut themselves.
How do you slut on SL, when SL sex isn’t real sex, just animated pixels?
#10, Someone get that Kaiden motherf*cker on there and lets settle this once and for all.
#4: the horrified cat on the right is like, CANNOT UNSEE
#28 You just outed yourself as a racist with your post. Congratulations, dumbass.
yea kinda funny when their first line is an attack on being white ,,pasty white ……..yea i stopped reading after that , nothing better these days then using racist comments against one race while trying to call out racism against another.
how many fuckin times are you gonna post this shite
Moreover… if it is her sim, she has the right to decide the dress code
41. Him, Cummie (why do they even have that name, which they changed to Adoraball), Kit Kat, and Ben Westbrook are all trouble. They hang out together, get on voice and in front of every talk about how they want to have sex, and they flirt with anything that walks. Plus several of them are in their 40s. Grow up!
Adoraball is my main username, brat,
loved you in drag race 🙂
that is all. >.>
Thanks, you’re adorable!
the same Kit kat that’s married in rl? I guess all sl sluts are though
Her profile says she’s divorced in RL…soo maybe I dunno. Can you really believe anyone in that group says?
#15 needs an ankle lock for his neck
#21 You know the place sucks and is desperate when they keep trolls around that pay “well”. Pathetic. : >
4 is disturbing AF! I said the exact same thing when I went to Equal10, wtf are these people thinking putting pussy down there.
Cerberus does make his own textures. I’ve been in discord with him and shown the W.I.P at times. Not sure what you’re on about there. I also know other stores that he helps with, although I won’t give the names out because it’s confidential. He’s not that old and that is actually a bot you’re referring to. A few stores have them.
I’m not sure what happened between you both to cause this response but it’s quite childish.
If you’re going to accuse someone of not being able to make their own textures, can you at least provide solid proof? Otherwise, you sound like someone who didn’t get the attention they wanted.
Whoever that is might just be Butthurt over some random thing… I’m willing to bet they got told something along the lines of “No, it’s against store policy” so they are throwing bogus accusations here to feed their self entitled ego.
#4 is a nudge at reality- all these SL dudes, if you reach into the boxers, youll only find pussy
Haha about time someone brought up Legion Hancroft family. He claims he a big shot Dom. He is a fake. He enjoys fucking his brother and sisters.
#45 Zigster Lyle….. dude, they dont give out awards for “Most often seen on SL Secrets”. How many times do you have to have your shit on blast before you change your behavior and realize these are real people you are manipulating, hurting, and taking advantage of? I for one am tired of seeing it, and tired of giving you the benefit of the doubt.
38. Customers are demanding more body options at all designers and S.E. wasn’t the first do do this. Revouls look nothing like S.E. in any way, not a single shading even close to similar. Why the fuss over S.E. who has continued to fuck over it’s customers for months promising to fix appliers release that never happens while releasing other items instead? Are you S.E. and just jilted people got fed the fuck up your lack of professional ad lashing out we are going and asking other brands?
yea i was going to say the same thing they look nothing alike not even close ..i guess they trying to say only 1 store can make skins.
#39: aki69; he is arrogant and narcist and it is a pain to deal with him in general, also aki is a girl in real life (<- I was former friend of aki69)
Honestly dont know who Aki is or what they have done, but I want to say it’s really not your business nor your place to reveal someones RL identity just because you’re mad. Its SL, let people be who they want. Are you 100000% your avatar IRL? I bet you aren’t. Most of us arent! Thats usually whwhy people are on SL. Whether someone is Male or female irl and playing the opposite gender, what does that have to do with you if you are not trying to date them? A trans friend of mine got called out when he wasnt ready to come out and that person outed them just because they were mad over some virtual drama. I’m not trying to make you feel shitty or anything, but just please try to be mindful. You have no idea howsomething like that can affect someones life.
I’m going to play Devil’s advocate here and suggest your point might be a little moot on this site since a large fraction of posts and secrets on here are about people’s rl genders and catfishing. I understand your point about Trans individuals but I don’t think that’s what’s going on here.
If Just is talking about the Aki I think they are, pointing out her real identity in this case is more help than harm; since that Aki is a dangerously mental mess who isn’t above tricking people. And no, I don’t mean ‘mental’ as in ‘oh ha ha you’re crazy’; but literally, actually unhinged. People need to be very cautious around her.
#30: Yes!! Finally!! One word for this man and his club!! Rubbish!!
Magnifico is his name, Magnifico he and his club are not! Total utter bullshit spews from his mouth every time he speaks. As for Corolla, without doubt, one of the most two faced bullies you will ever have the (dis) pleasure to meet in either life. Perfectly matched those two are, along with all the hangers on, their so called friends/managers who drag behind them on their coat tails.
#1: Whoever wrote #1 can f*ck off and go suck a d*ck! You don’t make fun of mental disabilities it has nothing to do with sl. I’m not even made your making fun of the game. Just the poor people who cant defend themselves. does it make you feel like a big boy making fun or people who literally have no control over their disabilities? A$$hole award!!!!
#5 Yessssss (mom of child with autism)
Someones upset.
#41 unmmm he’s single and fucking in SL? Boringggggg.
im wondering the same thing…….he is single …….so a secret not secret that a single man is fucking in SL ………what the fuck is this shit ……..someone seems to be hating that a single guy is getting ass
actually hes getting some hand
What exactly is he doing wrong here? I’m lost….
sounds like someone who had her turn in that “long line of thirsty bitches”
She’s salty cuz he didn’t want to keep her ass
For the love of bacon people, PLEASE STOP USING RED FONT!!!!!!!
Back to the Autism bashing are we? Autistic people are not mentally deranged or mentally incapable, those who are high functioning Autistic are extremely intelligent. They get sensory overload, unable to process too much emotion, more often than that hyper focus on things they are interested in. Hyper focus helps them a lot in the work place, they often see things others would have overlooked. Those of you bashing Autism really need to go do some research, or hang around with some Autistic people to learn what it actually is.
Anyone who is acting like a shitty person and claiming its Autism, is GASP not actually Autistic and are just a shitty person.
I’m reading a long ass copy-pasta post form someone possibly within the autism spectral range..
This is pretty much why I “pretend” to be normal. It pisses me off when people use autism as an excuse. I have aspergers, and serious talk — I get sensory overload… A LOT on SL. I quietly excuse myself and fuck off the computer for a bit to try to calm down so it doesn’t go into a full-blown panic attack and EMS is called. Like this person said, Autistic people are not mentally deranged or mentally incapable, those who are high functioning Autistic are extremely intelligent. Please don’t use this kind of shit as an excuse. It just shows what a really shitty person you are. And to the people who are shitty and claim to have autism… They might? They might not. We don’t have access to their records. [Unless you hack into them, which is highly illigal and ill advised.]
wow someone downvoted this for just telling the truth …i guess there are some sick fucks out there
#21 The owners of this trash club will let anything that walks into their club as long as they give Linden. They have no self respect or give a shit about their staff as long as they make money. Not surprising tho, most owners do that kinda thing all the time. They harass and track you down at other places on alts to try and get you fired. The owners don’t “Escort” because no-one would pay anything for them but they do fuck for free as long as they get something out of it.
No surprise, if you look at who works there!
#27 That is one fucked up looking hand.Looks like the cookie jar lid was slammed down on it a whole lotta times
Your mom looks like she got slammed down a whole lotta times
What are you, 12 years old?
Respect your customers, Like you have any room to talk you Sl secrets groupie
Hey… Since you want me here…
They’re still together.
What now? Need something else? No? K.
Not after the huge blow up and Julez pleased not to do it. So ya they got back together. But it’s only a lie .
They don’t want the truth of it all known so they just covering it up.
False, but HEEEEY…
Whatever you wanna believe 😀
Oh dear Harle I think Punked outed that there was a blow out already so before you wanna open your mouth it may be wise to talk to those who are in the loop of things.
Anyways keep talking out your ass it’s very entertaining ?
Smith, pretty sure punked noted they don’t actually know cause they weren’t around.
Perhaps re-read and don’t assume?
Oh wait, that’s a normal thing for you folks.
You dense?? She outed the fact she not been around and as to a fall out or not, those words there say that something occurred while Punked was not around. I guess I had to help you read that, dang you are Dumb as they get!
Harke you’re really still on Team Von Fuqers? You are a special kind of stupid, aren’t you? Fucking idiot, smh
Yes, “they’re still together” but for how long? Does anyone really believe that this will last? Not even two weeks into the marriage and they’ve split then back together. This in itself only proves that they are toxic and full of drama.
Next on…As the Von Fuqtards world revolves around them tune in to see Julez struggle to keep an ounce of dignity while Shitzo continues her mind games. Kenz denies her involvement in Virtual Secrets and James remains a stupid asshole. 🙂
@High5that Little obsessed? Do you know how pathetic you look? Now scoot back to the pound you little bitch.
Jilted much? Only whining pathetic loser is you now shooo before someone lands a house on you!
@High5 @Smith @Bunny & @Shocker @Me @Respect I feel like I need to be perfectly clear. To the lot of you… I’m on no ones team but my mothers. I am not part of either family (Skitzo or Von Fuq) by my own decision. To them I might be an outsider and that’s perfectly fine. The simple fact is, Julez is my mother and you guys have decided to bash her for no reason aside from loving someone. Not gonna lie, really shows what kinda person you are. But, is that an issue? That I care about my mother and will defend her when I know the truth? She is my best friend in real, her actual family is like family to me. As noted, multiple times you do not know Julez like I do. In fact NONE of you idiots do. So while you’re so worried about their relationship, maybe you should worry about your own, or do you have one? If they are toxic to one another that’s on them. At least they’re trying to make it work, they’re trying to build their foundation and make their lives work together. If it doesn’t work out, they’re adults. They’ll move on. Whatever damage anyone of the Skitzos or Von Fuq’s may have done to you is your issue. I have personal issues with one of them (they know that, hell they hate me) but you know what? I keep my mouth fucking shut and move on with my life because it’s not my issue anymore. The bed is made. It’s done. It’s been done. I give no fucks for the person because I’m better than that. I’m always going to be better because I’m not holding a grudge. I grew up and got over it. Did they? Dunno, don’t… Read more »
Don’t include me on your wall of text tirade that I won’t fully read.
I dont know who you are, I dont know who any of the people this is about are. The last part I see though “I grew up and got over it”. Obviously you didn’t.
Awww their back together ?!?! should we bake the skitzo’s a fucking cake for it ?
One question. You bitches grunt or bark when you finger fuck yourselves to Karons and Julez? Asking for a friend.
Haha “Ew” Try again with a better insult.That one didnt even register.
Humpmelikeabunny is on here picking her nose with her thick ass glasses trying to find something negative to bash the people in the photo for. What a ding dong lmao can’t take you serious jokerrrrr
Wasn’t suppose to be an insult you retarded stalker lol
My question is who tattoos their name on his own chest?? Arrogant Much??
most likely a reminder of which avi hes on xD
Anyways those two didn’t last as expected, They rushed the engagement to a wedding what to be expected. Two people who need to take a good long look at themselves before trying to be with anyone.
As for Ms Shitzo will always be lonely ass because she doesn’t know what “LOVE” is and never will until she learns to love herself flaws and all.
Julez on the other hand needs to look into the mirror and see what she is worth instead of trying to be something that she is not.
I would love to hear from Harle, PUNKED aka Julez, or SYKE aka Kenz now. Where are you defenders of the great and amazing love that these two pathetic assholes have for each other that couldn’t even last 2 months? I guess the whole bunch of blow hards have nothing to say. They sure had plenty to say last week.
Btw Kenz, you fucking idiot, anyone can block a site make a video and then unblock it. Obviously, you DO care about what is said here or you wouldn’t post about it. Listen to your pathetic husband, at least pretend not to care with a bit more intelligence.
Shitzo and Julez – I told you so!!
Go die you twat lol They are together and so what if they had a fall or not I’ve personally not been around last few days due to being out of town. But shows you’re a sick desperate stalker to know more then me and I know alot. So now suck a dick and stfu and get a fuckin life. I don’t live on this site to see every post dumbass.
You don’t live on this site yet here you are posting not even a full 24 hours after I mention you. LMFAO @ you
Brb I’ve got to go suck a dick SMFH
all of them should try going outside into the real world for ‘love’
Maybe they don’t know how to “get outside” it’s called turn off the laptop or PC and take their stanky ass to shower and put nice clothes on and call up a friend or two to go out!!
Wait that might be the issue they don’t have any RL friends
Noooo… real world is scary
RL people have cooties
RL people, don’t take showers
lol@respect.. real life people have eyes too .. I think thats a BIG one..catfish can’t live in the real world.
You dingdongs find anything to bitch about don’t ya lol
#46&50….This stupid cunt is unreal. Firstly she uses people and if she don’t get her own way she goes bat shit crazy . Also she likes to fuck other people’s partners whether it be male or female she ain’t bothered…so keep your partners away from her. She also claims she doesn’t do the whole pixel sex thing but she clearly does lol She is nasty because if she is with someone and it don’t work out she then tries to make them family…like seriously that is nasty AF!! This whore also likes to try and get exes back when she sees them happy with someone else, she IMs her ex and also the ex’s new partner and tries to cause a whole lot of drama. Bitch they don’t want you back and seriously if they did they are as crazy and delusional as you. So Rain do us all a fucking favour and get your nasty ass of SL and never come back….no one wants you here!!!
Btw, No one is really having sex on SL.
Just 2 pixilated avatars having animations and possibly some disturbingly cheesy role play text. It’s not real
I love when people say “Oh, he/she fucks other people’s partners,” about someone in SL. The issue isn’t with her being a whore, it’s about your partner’s being unfaithful. Calm the fuck down. People are thirsty everywhere. Your man didn’t need to stick his cock in her. Or was it an “Oh, I tripped in her holes” type of situation?
#12 – Lets all pretend we dont know who posted this, right xenophobe Princess? ?
Ok but lets not pretend that Alice is a bit of a drama whore BUT since when is Oriental a racist term? And why should it be? Literally, it means of the Orient or of the East, as opposed to of the Occident or of the West. Last I checked, geographic origin is not a slur. If it were, it would be wrong to label people from Mississippi as Southerners.
Tell that to all the Asians that find it offensive. But for future use, “Oriental” is an adjective that describes objects, especially rugs. But seriously its mostly white people offended at the word. Anyway, it’s always best to err on the side of caution, So try not to use it when you are speaking about a person.