Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 541.
Is it Sunday yet?
I get through all the silly by Wednesday
Rest of the time I just come to irritate the junior high kids :p
fighting with junior high kids seems to be yr style shows you what a loser you are if you get joy from that is sl secrets yr life ?
“Fighting with Junior High kids seem to be your style. It shows you what a loser you are if you get joy from that. Is SL Secrets your life?”
There, I made your comment somewhat readable. Isn’t it past your bedtime?
Nobody plays SL seriously… If you’re that compelled and dedicated to a pixel game then your life must be out of order.
McDomino what are you trying to prove on this page? That you are a bigger twat then you already am on sl?
no just that everyone but them is a loser and trying to show how annoying it is to type big walls of non-punctuated text and be a snot about everything ever typed because trying to call people a loser makes you a bigger person
Oh, a twat yes sorry my bed lol
Know how hard it was to type without punctuation, annoyed the fuck out of me to do. lol
It’s funny when people come on and say you have no life for being on here and commenting, from a person who is on here, commenting too.
@ #2
#2 is just a bit petty if you ask me. People are allowed to go AFK, don’t be so entitled.
Also love #19, death threats through a game always make me lol.
This post sounds like something Kenz would post anonymously to make Julez think people like her more. hahaha!
#11 – #41 – #44
Hai there!
Harle here, remember me? Julez’s kid and rl best friend? 😮
I’m just here to remind you guys that it’s a brand new year, and you guys are still asshurt over the same two people. Boy did they shit in your cheerios or something?
I feel it’s time I ask that you folks consider seeking therapy or possibly a psych-ward. Your obsession has gone from being “reverse bullies” (is that even a thing?) to who’s photos look better. (Really?)
Samantha What are you talking about?
You are an idiot. No one is ass hurt as you think, More like justification to that full of SHIT family who deserves every thing they get back for all the wrongs they have done over time.
For it being a New Year how about go and settle all the wrongs they have done to those and settle the score so to say. Then maybe they can get over the ones who they like to call out over and over. That’s how to handle everything but no they won’t because they all believe they do no wrong and they are always correct. As long as they have that mentality and do not see their errors in all they have done, Karma you can say has a way of making it back towards them. Peace
Some of you retards can’t spell for shit.
Most of the time you, you don’t even sound like you left junior high.
yawns you need a life
Says the person on here responding to my messages… gotta love when people tell you to get a life when here doing the same thing by commenting. Just becuase you don’t like the response, doesn’t mean you should be non-adult about it
when you sit on here and stick yr nose into shit you know nothing about then yes I will respond to all yr pointless comments don’t bitch at people if you cant take it back
You seem to have maturity issues going on. That’s not my issue, just your own.
This site is pretty public, so everyone’s nose is in it and everyone has a right to comment unless Kesseret or Lourdes says otherwise.
“if you can’t take it” what? You seem to make a lot of nonsense.
Maybe you need a nap.
well why you moaning about me making comments to you lol you need to think before you speak drama queen lol its not one rule for you ad another for others now just shut up yr boring me
I’m just here for the sarcastically over-dramatized reactions and deflections from the players of this dead game… No real other reason to be there then to sit and enjoy mentally unstable incompetent beings have a mental breakdown and chuck a hypothetical hissy fit.
I feel like #7 is so much more worse than the look of his crackhead AV, cat fishing, and stealing. I stay as far away from this creep as I can.
I figured if people are going to post screencaps on one side of the spectrum, I’ll post this on another side of the spectrum. https://paste.plurk.com/show/RO4gZb94sYayoUBVy7m6 I don’t know Apple Fall or anything, just figured both sides should be heard here.
@21 – Mate finally came clean about being female. Good on her for letting her wife call her that out in the open. It has been known for years. Not really a secret.
I wouldn’t hold breath over anything being done about Sunflower. People have been AR’ing for years. She has been using this “I’m a shapeshifter, I can be any age but I should say I am 14” speech for a very long time. She isn’t 14 unless she just quit aging years ago. She is likely a 53 year old pervert trying to get his rocks off. It’s a new account because she gets banned everywhere she goes, but she just keeps coming back. If LL were actually doing anything about it, they would hardware ban, scan for similar info, and just pick her off in one of their governance sweeps which happen on the regular. Even if she were hardware banned, her profile and stuff she says are near identical in every iteration. The methods LL use to pick off the permbanned folks are getting a lot more advanced. One of the YouTubers said she seems to be picked off within minutes every time she purchases one particular item on marketplace – one that is essential to her identity- so she quit doing it. Permbanned people also have gotten picked off for saying who they are in IM’s, and it went pretty fast. So if Sun is sticking around despite running around with all the same info and saying the same stuff, it’s highly unlikely that LL is making that much of an effort to keep her out. They work a lot harder on trash-talking infohobos from the safe hubs. The only solace here is that there isn’t any actual RL child involved in the situation. Just some sick people fucking around.
its kinda sad that you think this. i am just surprised BROOKLYN (my old sl mother) aka the one that wrote this forum.. took the time to post this online. its so sad knowing she is 40 irl exposing a 14 year old girl. I am 14, I will admit.
If you are 14, what year did you stop having birthdays? Because I don’t just “think” this. You have been telling people that you are “14” for years. A reality lesson, honey. Every 365 days you have to add “1” to the number in your age. This is science. Maybe rocket science in your case, but science nonetheless.
why are you not in school? like go play with makeup and shit like a normal 14 year old girl instead of talking to old desperate perverts on SL. Makes you a fucking loser just like them. p.s. its obvious a 14 year old didn’t write that comment above. I write more like a 14 year old than you. lol Old ass
# 11 – 41 – 44, i begin feeling sorry for these ppl since they have been on here week after week. then i remember what they did to me. the pity fades again
Well they both disabled their Facebooks, See all in good time it happened couldn’t last 2 months!!!
Funny part tho is that Karson’s FB acct was gone prior to all of this and only a day later Julez acct was gone, so they just playing a game. trying to fake out anyone who cares, Yet they are both trash talking wannabe no bodies. They not all that and never will be anything but posers.
“Posers” is a thing online?
What exactly are they “posing” to be?
Who said they were all that?
Who said they wannabe anybody?
They didn’t.
Who said SLS had anything to do with why their accounts were disabled? Maybe they both just got fed up with some things on facebook for a bit?
You Don’t Know.
You don’t have these answers because you, like everyone else on this site, know fuck all about them.
“They’re bullies and mean.”
Oh go cry in your diary.
Everyone has their little Clique and they’re all suspicious of letting people in that might ruin that vibe they have when they’re all hanging together. You got your feelings hurt? Poor thing. I’ve been on Karsons bad side, let me inform you. He’s not this scary. (Scary enough to hide and cry about him and his fam week after week SMH)
This has been going on, every single week for the last what? Two months? Whoever actually posts these has no life at all except to bash them out of what honestly looks like jealous rage. Grow up. Put some big girl panties on and live your life. Stop worrying about theirs.
The bad thing is on a psychological standpoint, I’d love to talk to whoever is posting these, just to try and help you get over whatever damage is wrong with you.
All I was doing is stating facts that nothing here is why they disabled or whatever happened as for your nosy ass wanting to jump on here how about tucking in your coat tails between those legs. If you want to provide any information to the actual posts then who cares who the fuck you are.
To answer your question about being a poser here try a vocabulary lesson.
1.one who pretends to be someone whose not.
2. who tries to fit in but with exaggeration
They all try to be this big personality when they are just like everyone else on SL. They need their EGOS checked. It’s sad to know Flux is closed as well I guess Karson couldn’t handle the stress of every thing being on here week after week. Guess she need to look at herself and figure out why her horrible family name is widely spread over the grid as a bunch of idiots and shit heads well the term used is SHITZO’s .
How about you go be the little rat you are and tell them what’s going on SLS. Adios
Harley please stfu and sit your fat ass down with the rest of the busted can of biscuits family aka skitzos
Samantha is a complete idiot just dismiss it. No, she doesn’t have it. Serious mental issues yeah am sure of it. She just wanted to open her mouth and try to sound cool get people like her. Which per usual only happened to make her look more like a moron.
And Samantha stop using fucking google for shit you don’t know about. That Mayo clinic/ Wiki shit been dismissed years ago with actual known facts, causes and treatments.
I’ve been battling it since I was 14.. Want some real knowledge? Talk to an actual damn doctor that specializes in it or maybe someone actually with it.
Ohhhhhhhh trust me they broke up last week. And karma gonna get that fuckwit!!
As karma will get you all for the constant bullying. Do not think for one second it will bypass you. Idiot. And trust you? Anyone would be stupid to trust any of you people because all this is a warning to how you all are. If you are fast enough to bully people over stupid jealous rages and constantly lie about someone to make them look less appealing to others, then that is the flag to show they will do the same to you in a heartbeat. So sorry to disappoint you but i will pass on that. I will leave that to the sheep.
Samantha dear I think you missed the point.
samantha, their name on sl is skitzos you crazy cunt …. I didn’t read the rest of your rant…. I got the hint you suffer from the same issues they do……
Looooool karson busted for cheating! Jules hunny we warned you. He can’t b loyal to one. He throws you out when done uses you up then tosses out. He tells a source you don’t trust him and constant naggin I would be to with that snake. You was the stupid ass trust shitzo again. Sorry your marriage failed. He will just go to the next victim wonder who that will be.
Do you know how stupid you sound with invalid facts? Lawd you people are mental cases.
Who’s to say I have invalid facts? I could prove it if she’d be willing to come out lol. Shitzo can’t keep 1 he keeps many. He knows what to say cause if you should know I was one till I escaped his mind traps and bullshit. Then he went after a few I knew after. One now it’s a friend he’s mind fucking. He’s probably also after her friends. She’s close to exposing. Since their marriage failed he will try her again as he does but all are catching on to the mind fuckery. This is why they are over now can’t buckshot a pro reader dumbshit. Lol shitzo better be careful cause he will be shutdown soon and will have to hide in a hole cause all is coming out. Stayed tuned!!!
Refer to Shitzo as they are..SHE SHE SHE …they dont qualify to be classed as a HE ..get it right you moron
JEBUS CHRIST!!!!! You sound about 12 years old with a huge jealousy issue. So provide the proof? You won’t because you have NONE. Get off fucking sl and back to imvu you drama whore.
Might want to recheck your sources too you fool. They are very much still together. SMH lol
Of course they don’t want to “SHOW” anyone the truth they hide it. That’s like fucking common sense especially when they are to be proven wrong that they couldn’t last.
I love to see the proof. LOL
Ofc you would love to see so called proof but guess what there is none you stupid fucks. Bring it on… oh but you can’t huh 😉 ya getting bored yet?
PUNKED is julez and SYKE is kenz…..they think we are stupid….. We see you…. we know we have your attention….
Who tha fuck are you
If you feel that this bores you than waddle off!
I think these people need to start thinking of their actions maybe then they won’t be on here week after week.
But it is comical in sense have to laugh at it!
Same old drama just a different place to bring it too once again
#24 Yet poor little Sir was triggered and mad enough to take the time to create a pick, gather quotes, find a Youtube link, a nice picture…and with doing that proving every quote in said pick wrong. Sad girl.
#12 Really? Firstly, the remark regarding his sexual orientation, with Obama on the background, shows exactly what kind of a small-minded, intolerant person you are. I guess that would also add fuel to the fire of you being the kind of person to throw unsubstantiated hand grenades here. You think people would care about this if there was legitimate evidence that Apple was stealing content from elsewhere and editing/uploading it to Second Life? I have only posted here once before, and I only ever look here when I’m directed by a friend, which is the case on this occasion. The reason I was directed here is that up to 8 months ago, I was one of Apple’s closest friends, perhaps his closest. We worked together many times and spent 90% of our SL time together on a private build platform. That friendship has completely broken down now, and if there was anyone who would jump on to accusations that carry any amount of weight, it would be me. That being said, and considering the above, I know for a FACT that Apple creates all of his own work. I have spent hundreds and hundreds of hours, as a fellow designer, working very closely with him, and there is absolutely no doubt in this. Like any other designer, he draws inspiration from REAL items, and as such, you’re going to find models on websites that are similar to his designs. This DOES NOT mean he has copied and/or edited them. He has been creating game content for a long time, and has become extremely good at it. Foremost, he is an artist. He draws and paints his own custom work for his SL creations, and is one of the few true creators out there. This accusation is absolutely laughable. As for… Read more »
#31-32 – Woodcrest RP University was TOLD and given PROOF that a RL 14 yr old girl (Avatar: Sunfloweerrs Resident) was having sexual relations on the sim with RL Adult Male (Avatar: Einsames Blatt – who knew of the RL age of the girl) Woodcrest NOT ONLY Admitted that this has happened SEVERAL times before but that they WANTED to handle it by getting both sides and either way bringing up to LL via the TOS and let them handle the after effects. HOWEVER, ALL Woodcrest did was ASK the girl if she was 14 who replied no I am 19 (<-LIE) and ALL FURTHER INVESTIGATION WAS STOPPED. I DID go to LL and report her & Woodcrest but NOTHING has been done & Other Must Know about this!!! WOODCREST RP UNIVERSITY ALLOWS & ENCOURAGES SEX WITH ITS STAFF & UNDERAGE RL CHILDREN!!! They even admit several times this has happened before…Yet NOTHING was done. Woodcrest RP University is a sex sim for Pedophiles!!!!
That avatar has added and used payment info, which means the owner isn’t a 14 year old girl.
You can get your teen a card in their name
Deflecting your pedophilia much?
You know if its legit. LL will go through their conversations JS
why did they bother telling woodcrest?? all you have to do to solve this ‘problem’ is report it to LL with the convo of the 14 year old saying they are 14 years old..and when you report it make sure its under age play. All they need to see is the person saying they are that age. You can throw in extra info about woodcrest but LL would be who you go to to handle it not some fucking sim owner who makes believe they care until it goes away. get some fucking brains people. dont talk about it be about it.
#6 – Its Milk the drag queen in SL ! Woot Woot!
6 Is that Katie Lefevre? Looks like that same trout mouth she’s constantly plastering Flickr with. Middle age woman seriously needs to get a RL
#29 seriously? He’s taking the piss… Bear is a nice guy and Mayza is a beaut.. I smell a jealous cunt who doesn’t have any fans ??? Try harder next time you miserable fucktard.
4: Making fun of disabled people by using that picture makes you trash and destroys any point you were trying for.
+ enlighten me how that image is making fun of someone disabled ?
the person who made the comment is a moron and most likely meant #3
oh dear so now am a Domino Roxley alt LOL am hurt last week I was someone other person alts for the record I have two avis mchoot asteria and mistresmc the fact I have had about 100 fights with Domino Roxley bn banned from sims because of him yr really clutching at straws adding me to his alt list plus he’s English am Scottish don’t insult me lol
I guess if you two had 100 fights then there is plenty in your sl log to prove that. Post an unedited copy of your SL logs with this person. I am not the person who posted the entry. Both avatars seem to be in love with the word “cunt”. Also both avatars seem to change their sl name excessively. An both have used to same font in when they have changed their sl names.
well tbf every Scottish person uses that word and English people too plus if you never posted the post how would you know we change their sl names I aint changed mine in months lol its always mc lol and I never have a font cos anytime I try one they delete it and put me back to my basic name lol get a life everyone with a brain knows am not him if I was I means I would have fucked his ex april ktaba and I hate that bitch lol the last thing I would do is have sex with it nice try tho tbf idgaf who thinks am who am just bored and thought to post a comment if I need to be him can you make sure he has a big cock if am meant to be a man I want to be a hung hot one tyvm lol xx btw you cant even put yr real name when you bitch lol loser
Strange because you just changed your second life name to Everyone’s alt and used to non standard font. In fact if anyone looks up your second life profile in the search on the web site. It lists all the second life names you previously had. An it shows how much full of shit you are. So if you lied about that. What would stop you from lying about being this Domino douche bag?
omg you pay to much attention to me for someone who’s not posted this bs you sado. why don’t you just message me on yr avi and lets hash it out tho I guess yr to much of a pussy to do that if I was him I would say why would I be honest enough to say the mistressmc is me lol but not the rest btw am full a shit I said I have not changed my name in months its bn mc for ages if u look back you would see its bn mc till this week for ages lol am trying to work out is it dom you have a issue with lol or me you seem very bitter did I fuck yr man ? you should thank me I prob sent him back to better at sex keep stalking my comments tho I live for the fame dear shower me with hate lol
Punctuation, even if the wrong ones slightly, makes your comments readable
fuck of draven go deal with yr own shit
That made no sense, try again?
yeah that was a mistake that comment sorry draven. why don’t you fuck off and get a life do you just sit looking at sl secrets all day making comments what a loser I bet yr the type to sit in shit loads of group chats and rant shit like mr know all wanker btw if yr a girl you need to get a dick in you you seem very up tight. btw I wont respond to you again not yr worth it
Hey Mchoot! How are those 100s of logs of you and this Domino guy coming along? Clearly these 100 fights did not happen on voice, because you don’t voice. You want to know who I am? Let’s go meet up at a nice public sim with voice on and we can chat about it, bro.
ok message me and we an go to a public sim lol but as I have bn on voice at fmd lol before and others have heard me over the years that shit wont wash lol but yeah message me but we both know you wont lol ohh I have loads of logs but if I post them then you will say I sat and faked them all so whats the point of logs lol but you should defo message me sado I will wait lol and wait and wait then I will post that u never messaged me then who looks stupid lol
I have been to FMD many times over the years and not once have you ever been on voice. Sure, it is easy to say you have. You can’t prove a thing. You expect everyone to take your word for what you say. I’m sorry to say but your word is not even good enough for me to whipe my ass with it. You claimed havent changed your second life name in a while. A day after you changed it. You claim you never used any different fonts in your name. Second life web site proves otherwise.
Just admit you are Domino. What’s a matter? You don’t think all those thirsty fuck boys will touch you now if you admit to being a man?
Put your big boy pants on and come clean.
you know I just thought who u might be a aussie dyke ? now that could be interesting with yr past and yr gfs you say that pull yr big boy pants up shit to much in local to people
you have proved nothing and you can always message lance or envy and ask them lol btw still waiting for you to message me so we can go to this sim and voice lol why wont you message me why you just talking shit on here lol so funny just another sl loser with fake news so bitter lol hey everyone says dom is a girl in rl lol that might not work for you either to claim that I shall wait for you to pull yr big boys pants up and message me on the avi you know me on and lets voice lol we know you wont tho right ?
now people reading this must be like why are you not messaging her if you have all this proof if you know so much about her why are you the one hiding am telling you to message me on the avi you know me on we will chat and go to a public sim if you dont its clear to me and anyone reading this shit yr fake as fuck and just another sl freak spreading shit anyway i wont give you any more of my time till i hear from you lol i think i have proved all i need to now yr the one not willing to back yr shit up lol bye xxxx just a im away remember huni get in the bin winks
No one cares if they message you or not
Punctuation, still, would help you make sense without having to reread 20 times to figure out wtf you are talking about
I doubt anyone gives a shit about my punctuation apart from you and I was done talking to you ages ago why you telling me to ignore yr comments but you keep posting on mine am talking to the loser that cant deal in facts or truth or they would message me and take me to a public sim to voice and prove me wrong lol but they wont just as you wont shut up lol cause all you do is talk shit that bores everyone now if you don’t mid don’t try read this 20 times if you then its you that has issues
Never said for you to ignore mine?
Took me a while to figure out what YR was, since I don’t talk on an old Nokia phone, I prefer full words, so lets not make up things. Doesn’t make you look anymore mature
Why would they have to take you to voice? They aren’t obligated to listen to you there.
The only one “bored” is probably you. You aren’t an adult, we get it.
I mean you don’t know me you don’t know this dom guy you know nothing but keep leaving comments about it yet you get pissed at me if I say anything back to you lol do you know how mad you sound and to think yr punctuation is amazing shows you it counts for nothing when yr bat shit crazy now move the fuck along hoe
In case you didn’t know, you are on a public site that isn’t ran by you…
Draven? Who is Draven?
I sit here all day? Only if a day is like 5 minutes, lol I don’t have time to sit here all day, I have a business to run (outside SL thank you in case you want to be immature about that too)
“If you are a girl you need to get a dick in you”, what are you a sexual predator? You need mental therapy
Oh, and if you use punctuation even if its a comma or a few dots in between sentences, it would make your juvenile comments a bit more readable.
Kind of funny how I’m the uptight one, though you are the one freaking out on me. Silly kids
second life names are NOT real names you fool-and you can’t fuck on a computer game !!
Why keep trying to talk, no one can see… shhhhhh take a nap
#32 and some of the others about Woodcrest, think the worst person here is the drama monger going out of her way to try to get somebody banned from Woodcrest and SL while acknowledging that the person had been mislead on age. It’s a good thing she hid her name as she’s the one I’d ban to keep that kind of person off my sim
13- I’m struggling to find it hard how Dreem Crowne has not been banned by SL yet. He’s like a 3-year-old with a big mouth that can’t shut up. He has copied brands like LV, OFFWHITE, Rhianna X Fenty, Moschino, and the list goes on. Yet He’s telling Jack Valentine that he’s a copy botter? When He’s copying Rl Brands? Ok, because that makes total sense in my mind. Jack just wanted to solve the problem and move on, but yet here Dreem is again using his big mouth; Just shut up and go away already. I swear if Jerry Springer were still on he’d be on that show. He just annoys the hell out of me that he preys on other people and the way they act, but he’s not looking how he’s acting by the shit he says and does.
He has been banned already but he just keeps making new accounts. But he hasn’t started up his store cause he will get banned again if he does.
#30 If you are seeing this shit happening, why aren’t you reporting it to LL with chat logs and pictures. They do ban you if there is evidence to prove molestation and sick activity. Honestly, I for one am tired of hearing about Grandpa’s Basement.
With regards to #12.
Apple Fall does not use mesh from third party sites or steal them, and how do I know this? I have seen the man himself work on his items. All creators get inspired by things they see in real life, it does not mean that they have ripped the item off some 3D website. The salty spittoon is clearly still hurting that Isla was caught, and they want to make sure that revenge is set on the creators that dared to speak up the situation. It is old news with regards to Isla, and I am personally tired of people attacking those who dare to speak up against with what is wrong in Second Life.
The reason why no one raises this subject up because everyone knows that he does not rip his items, I know this is going to be shocking news, but he actually in fact creates his own items. Who would have thunk it?! Please do not bring someones sexual orientation into this, this is 2019 not the 1950’s.
I suggest before making an anon Plurk, or making a secret to back your facts up. Many have seen Apple Fall create an item from scratch and sell it at his store or at events. He is an extremely talented individual, just because you wish to be as creative as him does not mean his items are not his.
It just goes to show how naive, and how little you know.
To be honest with you from what i’ve read in comments majority people in SL dont care who made it as long as they can afford it. Hard work, blood sweat and tears take the back burner on ‘well i can’t afford it in real life so i have it in SL’ . Maybe 5 people stopped shopping with CP so either way i don’t think AF has anything to be worried about. The few people who voice concern here were probably voicing last week on the gift/coupon scandal with addams. lol Very few people have a mind of their own and real standards anyways.
It is petty AF to take the time to look for some kind of mesh model that looks like something made by someone in SL and post it trying to start some kind of scandal. It comes across like some trifling BS to try to wreck the reputation of a creator. I guess some people don’t have anything better to do with their time.
i don’t doubt AF at all.. im just saying that most of the people opening their traps on secrets would buy it anyways if everyone else was.. it wouldnt matter if it was handmade or mass produced.
@Real Proof watch this video.. it kind of changed my outlook on meshers in a positive way.
Was looking at the Pintrest board the guy in the video listed, I found some of the backdrops that are selling haha
I’m good with reference photos, if they use that to make something.. awesome. Everything is inspired by something else.
why don’t you get of sl secrets is this all you do is make pointless comments
Why don’t you instead so you don’t have to read them? Seriously, it’s not up to you to decide who can be on here, we aren’t here for your comment approval. You should try to be more adult
says you that makes comments about things that have nothing to do with you lol
You don’t get to decide when anyone gets to comment. It’s a public site.
McDomino you have too many alts to be posting on this site as much as you been. Run long and go lot into one of them.
funny only bn posting on this one as it says in all of them mchoot yet again lets deal in facts and lets meet and speak in public message me lol why you so scared lol big at giving it out on here why not be big enough to message me do you fear me that much winks
1 alt mistressmc tyvm xx
Where are the wireframe comparisons? Many people create similar meshes because of using the same RL inspiration. This is not “real proof” until wireframes are compared, and you didn’t even post which items you think have been taken lol..
It’s not that the items are direct copies. It’s that the items in those websites themselves are copying large retail chains like Potterybarn, Ethan Allen, Zallerie or whatever the name. Thus, of course, if everyone is copying the same exact rl companies things will look similar. Especially to those sites.
I don’t know, i have modeled thousands of items and have never once ran into this issue, and i use rl images as my references all the time. Though finding so many apple fall look alike items on these sites is very very curious don’t you think? every designer uses rl images as reference and inspiration but they don’t seem to have this problem with so many of their stuff *shrugs*
Just because it looks similar to the item, does not mean he stole it. Go compare them, they are not the same.
Yes, the topic is not that they are the same, it’s that he buys them and modifies them so they don’t look exactly the same.
Don’t be ridiculous. I compared photos of the two and just a cursory glance showed over a dozen significant differences. The basic body shape is the same, but it’s the details (which are all different) that take all the time to model. Why would he pay $150 to have the easy part done, only to spend dozens of hours changing all that mesh? If you really are a mesher, you know it’s easier to build from scratch than make all those changes to an existing mesh.
Just to name a few, the join between the cab and the body at the top, the shape of the headlights, the detail on the grill, the small lights just above the bumper, the shape of the bumper, the configuration of the textured panels under the cutout, the curtains in the window, the interior of the back, the way the back opens, the angle of the shade cover, the door handle shape, the size of the vent slots on the hood, the position of the windshield wipers. All different between the two models. Just because you recognize a similar inspiration, please don’t slander one of the few really talented creators who exist in SL.
Well he doesn’t do that, people are literally pulling at anything to try and make themselves feel like better people. I was not lying when I stated I have seen him create things from scratch. There are plenty of other witnesses who have seen the same thing. They can go buy all these items off these sites and compare it to his, and everyone will see they are not the same.
If this is the game everyone is going to play, then allow me to go on Pinterest or wherever else and start showing all the images people have used for inspiration and have sold in SL, because it is possible and I mean very possible that people get inspiration from the same place. We have all seen it happen many times in SL.
Apple Fall is an honest person, and he works hard on his items. It is saddening to see people behave like these days, instead of actually appreciating someones work.
i agree with you, two different people can use the same reference images as inspiration. But their work would look very different. I did a google image search for food truck and these images came up that are obviously the inspiration behind this truck:

The shocking part isn’t that two different artists have made a food truck that is similar, the shocking part is, if you look at the references, the artist on turbosquid took a little from these various images and sort of put his own touch to it. The striking thing is AF happens have taken the same exact various at the same exact spots as the artist. That is the case with the chair too. Also if you look closely at the parts that are different are the the parts that can easily be modified, the major structural parts are the same. Which is striking because i cannot find a single rl reference of a food truck that has all the same major structural pieces as the 2 3d models in question. Mixing and matching the exact same structural parts by 2 different people modeling a food truck of all things? I’ts very curious.
I don’t doubt that someone has watched him work, lots of people came out and said they had watched CP work too. This is becoming a case of de ja vu. Everything that is being said in defence of AF was said in defence of CP over the years.
Remember a few months ago someone released a train set at the arcade and people posted links to a train set that was very similar, but some parts were different? Think about this, if you are a sl designer who owns an organized brand that releases monthly and is established as a business to get invited to to the higher end events, would they ever sit there and go “ok im going to spend a few weeks modeling a detailed rl like train for a SL release as part of my gacha”. That thought alone doesn’t make sense, who would do that? there is no way there is enough demand for a train set like that on sl to warrant the time spent on something like that. If someone is releasing that without even knowing a trainset similar exists i would be suspicious just by the context and circumstances alone.
AF is banking on the fact he won’t get in trouble as long as he makes some small changes or deletes certain parts, or raises the ceiling of a truck a little bit, because most people on expect the 2 items to be identical, otherwise no shady thing was done. No one is looking deep enough to see the real structures of the models. I bet you if 5 artists modeled a food truck, you would see major structural differences in each and every one of them.
Because of lack of common sense being applied, a lot of people are getting away with this. It’s not just AF, it’s not just CP, it’s a lot of brands doing this right now because it’s the only way left to compete in the market.
There are major differences. And so many minor ones, your argument becomes ludicrous. No one would buy a model only to tear it almost completely down and rebuild everything but the door panel, the front grill and the tires. There are major structural differences between every other part of those two trucks.
But lets say you are right, and he spent all that money just so he wouldn’t have to model a tire. I don’t give a damn. If he started with that model, he put so much work into changing it, and making it his own, that I don’t care. I don’t believe that happened, because I mesh, and I know how many times I’ve started a mesh all over, rather than try and fix something that’s gone wrong with an existing mesh, because it’s so damn hard to “repair” or fundamentally change existing mesh once you exceed the limits of “undo”. But even if he did, it’s ridiculous to act like that truck isn’t his. There are SO many differences between the two (I listed some, just some, above), it’s his truck. When a mesher makes no changes, or only tiny easy to do alterations (like deleting parts), it’s speaks to a misrepresentation of that creator’s ability to make mesh they are claiming as their own. That enrages other honest creators, and purchasers of the product. Nothing like that is happening here. Even if you are right, it took a tremendous amount of talent to turn that base model into what he released. It’s a dumb argument and a baseless accusation.
It’s funny how you’re not getting any upvotes for this…
I have had a good close look at your link. Structurally, and in every specific detail around places like the back wheel arch, the mirrors, door handle, the side opening, the wheels, the foot plates, the lights, roof…. it is all completely different to your linked turbosquid model. You’re clearly someone desperate to cast some doubt over a real creator of original mesh.
Whether it’s a personal vendetta, or jealousy and utter disbelief that he can accurately reproduce complex items at high quality, I don’t know. Accept that you’re an inferior designer and that working harder might furnish you with similar results. You’re just embarrassing your anonymous self now.
Since links are not allowed, go check the Apple Fall plurk account where he proves it. You may want to brush up on your skills of calling out people for stealing mesh because it is a huge accusation that can potentially damage an innocent store. I rezzed the truck myself and could tell it is completely different before he even posted his wips.
Posting this in this thread too for the folks following. Apple Fall’s reply: https://paste.plurk.com/show/RO4gZb94sYayoUBVy7m6
I am aware that CP had people say the same thing, and there is no way for me to prove that I have seen him work on his items, but I have and there is not much more I can do to justify that because I never take screenshots of peoples work when they are sharing their screen. Kinda breaks that trust factor there. The Bakery Van was a gacha set, I had seen him work on all of those items, I have also seen the Far East Collection, the items he made for an adult event, the Fulwood collection, and many more but these are items I am stating as they were released within the last year and to my memory. Again, I know it is very easy to say that, but he is not taking shortcuts. He isn’t cheating the system. He isn’t trying to be sneaky. He is an honest guy, and knowing him, will show his work. I know this does not mean much, but if you were to look at the two vans, you will see there are small but big differences between them, the window, the lights, the front of the van, the inside, minor things but major differences. A simple Google search will show all those images, and easy for people to get plucked by the inspiration for it. I can’t comment for other artists because I do not watch them or how they work, but I will stick up for this individual because it is not right that someone as honest as him, is being pulled into something he does not do. He has been creating 3D objects longer than he has been on SL, and it started in Sims where he used to create items there. Many designers from Sims have… Read more »
His ability as an artist is not being questioned, it’s the items. The differences you mentioned are superficial differences not structural. That to me looks like the same exact model modified a little bit.
Look at the chair, see the curved side and how it connects to the base of the chair? on the 3d model from the website the connection is seamless, the AF one it looks like a lower subdivision was placed and shifted to forcefully connect to the base of the chair. That to me looks like a case of grabbing an existing chair model and forcing it together. If that chair was made from scratch by AF it would fit seamlessly, because when you create it you would naturally have the pieces fit together.
You may have watched him worked, but i don’t know that and i don’t know what you have seen. All I’m saying is, there is enough evidence here to raise a suspicion, and he shouldn’t have had any issues clearing it up yet we are a couple of weeks in waiting for a clarification from him.
You say a couple of weeks in waiting for him to clarify things, but what makes you so sure he pays attention to this other place that you are all talking about him? Instead of hiding on a gossip site, all sitting around a campfire and trying to bring him down, next time inform him so he can at least defend himself. Because how do you expect someone to reply to something they are not aware of? He has shown on Plurk, his work today, to prove to everyone that he is not stealing/ripping. That van, I saw it built up from a cube. I don’t need to prove anything, I know what I am saying is the truth. I do not come onto this site to comment ever, and this is my first time today that I am, because I will always defend what is right or wrong, and what you are saying or trying to put out there is wrong. Here is the difference between Apple Fall and Cheeky Pea: CP claimed she used parts and components in her sets, when in actual fact the last set she made for an event, was pretty much a whole set that was found on cgtrader. She didn’t just use parts and components, she used it all and didn’t hide it. Before she went public with it, she tried to sweep it under the rug, so then finally she came out with the truth, but didn’t admit the whole truth. Still continued to lie. Apple Fall is an honest person, he does not spend money on 3D sites, then rips it apart to make it his. He prefers to make his profit 100% his. How do I know this? Because myself, and many others have seen him work. We have watched… Read more »
Yeah nothing you’ve said will change my mine of probably majority of the people’s on Apple Fall. I’ve always loved his stuff, especially his textures and I still will.
You don’t have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt. You claim all artists put their own personal touch when making items from real life inspirations but that doesn’t preclude artists who make things an exact carbon copy of what they’re seeing. Your logic and evidence are shoddy at best.
And the fact that you include his sexual orientation???? Yeah, ad homs and trying to divert a person’s attention from your accusation shows how weak your argument is.
You sound jealous… js And your “proof” means squat. Anyone can go online, google “chair” and come back with a million hits on chairs that look the same and/or similar to each other. None of them “copied” the other. I would love to know what “store” you are from so I can avoid it in the future.
#5 PleaseUnsquishTextSoPeopleCanReadIt
#42 You do realize you can turn that shit off right? …. Right?
#46 You mean like all of VB’s clothes?
#47 There /are/ differences in that mesh too ya’know?
#42 You do realize there’s no way to turn off spam in chat without having to mute the entire social group chat right?… Right?
You can mute the avatar that is spamming.
You can mute a specific person
#47 With regards to this, the issue is more that the creator made a custom for the title and then exported the mesh outside of SL (without permission) and modded it.
#47 You can add on to a ripped mesh too ya’know?
13. Folks… You could’ve seen this secret on a larger scale just by one right-click/tap-and-hold…
link : https://i2.wp.com/virtual-secrets.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/drama-is-real(.)jpg
The secret was well legible per se, but this website layout tends to resize pics, that’s it!
Or maybe make a TL:DNR 600X450 to the effin point legible graphic that people can read while scrolling. Last week had multiple secrets that I just kept scrolling because if you can’t bother, then why should I?
Doesn’t work on a PC without a touchscreen.
none of this shit would happen if people made their own fashion.. not stolen off of net a porter. that is all.
Somehow you honestly think these people have the creativity to even compare to the cheapest designer on netaporter. Smh. If they did they would be working at those places and not bringing pennies in on sl. Use your brain.
some people paint, some people write.. u must have zero talent to think such fuckery. there are plenty of people who make things for the sake of enjoying it kind of like that upcycled chic in mp who charges next to nothing she just ENJOYS it. dummy .. you know like most of you nasty fucks like rp’ing as a child for daddy some people like clothes. lol
yeah, this just proves you’re a mental midget.
If people were that talented to a point where they could make something BETTER than the designer clothes on netaporter, then they’re not just going to be making things for the SAKE and ENJOYMENT of making them. And then on top of that, to sell it on a game like SECOND LIFE? Jokes.
If you even had a clue what talent is, you would know that people aren’t going to waste it on a dead end game like sl.
Try using your brain next time before you type again. I’m beginning to think that post #3 is a picture of you.
edit: i just checked out upcycled on MP. Is this your definition of talent? ROFL YIKES
@haha ur extra stupid really. Do you think the world doesn’t have maybe hundreds of Whitney Houstons good enough to make it but life took a different road? You’re one of those people and its quite obvious that ride coat tails but have zero talent in anything. I feel bad for you. lol and for upcycled to sell what she does and people still steal her shit and resell for higher she could make more than 1L for the items she makes full perm.. If you had 1/2 a brain you would know TEXTURING is everything. I can only imagine how you dress. smh awful.
ROFL. You really are just pure trash entertainment. Look at you, trying to say it’s obvious that i ride coat tails when it’s NOT obvious.
Here’s the issue. You have a clearly BROADER view of talent, eg, Upcycled. ROFL. I have a narrower view of talent since in my field, I am surrounded by varying degrees of talent, but only a few geniuses. Clearly, you have no idea what true talent is, because if you think LOTS of people can do what Whitney Houston did, you’re delusional as well as stupid.
And imagine the way I dress? LMAO. You couldn’t even afford to even touch half of what’s in my closet, let alone try to compare to the way I dress and live my life. Although i admit, I spend a lot of time at home, so i’m in sweats and shorts a lot. Maybe then, you can compare. But i have a suspicion you’re a land whale.
Just change your name to mental midget and get it over with.
Then post things that don’t have issues when they’re resized to this site’s standards.
How can they know unless they try? ?
I thought the Right Click/Tap and Hold>View Image trick was an obvious reflex to have but I guess not!
right click/tap and hold>view is as OBVIOUS as 600×450 that NOONE seems to see either.
We’re honestly on a non-issue there, considering that :
1) The secret had still been approved regardless of its size.
2) You can easily have access to the secret on an even higher resolution than usual, it only requires two clicks/taps.
And to be frank, I prefer this than a 600×450 secret that is so illegible that not even the “View image” trick can do anything about it, or a single secret that’s divided into several parts.
Each to their own!
the drama isn’t even really that juicy to be honest.. we ALL know Dreems a cunt who over filters his rl pic into a blurry mess and i just find it all stupid with the copybotted mesh shit because copybotted or from reference its not their rl brand they’re making money off of. Its like calling the police telling them that some guy just sold you fake cocaine.. you shouldn’t have been buying it in the first place. whatevz
*Waves* Glad people still have nothing better to do then name alts that I have never hid, but ffs adding peoples main avatars that have nothing to do with me ……. Shame you post on here with out stating who you are I could name and shame you for your stupidity. Send me a I.M il give you the correct list =)
and yr a knob too I bet it was you who posted this shit about yr self for attention
Mchoot just come out and say you are a dude. Save everyone the trouble.
I will come out and say am a dude when you come out and post yr name instead of hiding behind hooo yaaah I guess that day will never happen tho huh the fake man shit is just about as lame as when people on sl call u a dead beat on welfare or yr obese living in yr mums basement you really need bigger amo to try shoot people down
#3 – You sexy mother fucker!!
#6 – Williams syndrome
#7 – Looks at tad “methy”
#19 – This one is just hilarious and an example of SL at it’s finest. You need to do a freebie weapons search in SL and missile hit that fucker out of the air. I think that kind of revenge is justified and I personally would like to see follow-up photos if possible.
In regards to #7, I don’t think he could look much more like a meth head if he tried.
loL@ #7 sure does look extra methy. Isn’t that the guy who thinks hes related to Ozzy or some shit? SL’s biggest catfish all the old ladies seem to love.
@20 Well Thank you Captain Obvious! News Flash…..this is exactly the way it is also in real life. In Latin, Frater means brother and Soror means sister – so basically they are social clubs based gender. The biggest question though is why did we use Greek letters????
#12 I’d love to see this “overwhelming evidence” that most likely does not exist or it would have been known by now or posted with this secret. This poster failed to post any evidence in an anon on plurk they started which they quickly deleted. The evidence of Isla’s theft spoke for itself, not a poster who is trying to stir the pot. This person seems to be salty that Isla was “ripped to shreds” aka basically got away without any real punishment which was more than deserved. Theft is no joke, and trying to bring down one of the best home and garden stores without real proof is pathetic.
I don’t know if we can post pictures in comments on this site or not, but check that other gossip site, there is a train wreck of a discussing and screenshots being posted going on. It looks very suspicious. Apparently the accusation is, he is downloading meshes and slightly modifying them then uploading them to SL. Several screenshots are posted already. I did a google search after seeing this secret and right away found the discussion (not sure if we are allowed to post links here) I don’t know, looking at several different view points, it looks very suspicious but he is also being careful and clever enough at the same time. Just go look for yourself.
“That other gossip site”…..that’s a big help.
The truck mesh and chair mesh are not the same. I just saw them, and I’m positive Apple Fall will have no issue providing evidence to prove that. People seem to forget that SL stores and even these 3rd party model sites use the same RL inspiration to make these models. Regardless, for the people who cannot see the obvious, wireframe comparisons will always speak for themselves.
it looks very curious though, i found the rl reference image both artists used on that truck and both took the exact same interpretation of shapes, and both made the same exact decisions, the AF model looks slightly modified, which seems to be the topic, he is not uploading them as they are, he makes changes to them. It is curious enough for me to want to see his side of the story tbh. I can’t really accuse someone of something without strong and clear evidence, buuuuuuuut seeing those images does warrant a response from AF because they really do look slightly modified version of the same turbosquid mesh. I know if this was being said about one of my items i’d jump to prove my innocence and uphold the integrity of my work.
Since links are not allowed, go check the Apple Fall plurk account where he proves it. You may want to brush up on your skills of calling out people for stealing mesh because it is a huge accusation that can potentially damage an innocent store. I rezzed the truck myself and could tell it is completely different before he even posted his wips.
@Realproof: go ahead and post screenshots of the proof. If it doesn’t have racial slurs or real life pictures of people it’ll go through. Links will not, though.
#43 I couldn’t agree more. On another hand, if I was TMD owner, right now I would be so ashamed of letting a “designer” like Tiller in my event with such a disgusting work when so many other talented designers wait for a spot there. The photo ad announced is a render, and it doesn’t matter there is a warning that “all visuals & designs may be subject to change before the initial release” because the quality distance between that render and the actual product is just brutal. Anyone who cared to get a demo of that crap can notice the texture flickering, poor texture quality, mesh issues on the floors and the worst, not a fucking single texture was baked on that shit. WTG TMD!
TMD has 1 mediocre round, then they have 11 that are like this month, loaded with a million poses, stolen image tats, places like Etham tossing out a rerun, and the ugliest jewelry on the grid. Sweatpants much this month? TMD and MoM may have 1 decent offering a month at that.
#3 – Somebody got butthurt la la la la lmfao
#5 – Can not read this, not putting any effort in to try either, better luck next time?
#13 – LOL
#19 – So angry…I like it. xD
#20 – To be honest, this could be said about any sort of ‘group’ in SL…get used to it.
#23 – Admittedly when I had him on my FB he was good for entertainment for a short time, then it just got old … and that unfriend button click had to happen. Until he quits with his regular self loathing he’s never gonna find the right girl, they’re all going to see him for what he is and run for the hills. Got to love yourself first buddy, and not in that ‘I’m God’s gift to you’ kind of way I see happen all too often either.
#31/32 – Kudos for at least making this mostly readable … however it’s TOO MUCH to read, so … pass.
#34 – Am I the only one that sees this and thinks … ‘If you want to place your foot in a pile of poo and wear it, these are perfect!’ I have Reign shoes, I haven’t bought any new ones in probably at least a year to two years, but their more recent styles are either ugly or not something different enough from what I already have. Their mesh quality was good, that’s why I liked them, but I’m a fading fan to be sure which disappoints me.
#35 – Look if someone requires a helmet and just happens to want it to look like hair …. lmfao I can’t … just can’t.
Number 12 – want to know more
#30 does it seem like the pervert also has a boner from the little boy? fucking disgusting.
quick question to the secret poster. why do you hang out at that unspeakable place when they are all age players and pedophiles?
Draven and all the miserable old cunts who hang around him are the scum of the scum. I really wouldn’t put that past him.
Really? Sounds like you know the guy
Does anyone know where the “overwhelming evidence” is that #12 is true?
Quasi-weak tea this week. Although the fact that names are actually legible is a HUGE plus.
#3- You forgot your signature if you are gonna call em out js
#18- All these events are dying, chock full of ugly shit that you can get at yardsales at cost instead of getting raped at the machines. I can’t even fathom why anyone would even want to be associated with them anymore.
# 19-Again forgot ya signature, this isn’t Vagueboook
#20-I equate them (sl frats and sororities) to Bloodlines clans, MCs and a billion other get-a-long gangs that act as pyramid schemes to finance the owners shopping addictions.
#22-Yes, pull the plug on “events” and make shop owners work again like they used to before this became a runaway clown car
#30- How does this place still continue to exist? Seems that a well placed call to LL might clarify as to why they haven’t yet shut it down.
#40-Yet more MC drivel….yawn
#42: Its called group chat for a reason…. people chat and promote…. you don’t want to socialize GTFO.
Chat is a good thing, social is a good thing – the ceaseless repetitive spam is NOT a good thing. The group charter says “no spamming”, so even the owner doesn’t want this spam blotting out the social chat!
Then complain to the group owner about it. It is possible that the owner does not monitor the group 24/7 and is not aware of the frequency of the posts. If they are and they don’t care, well.. it’s their decision and you can go from there.
Socialize, yes, spam, NO! I am in the group and tend to close it when the spam is going. I have noticed that more and more people are not coming to Surfers. Has NOTHING to do with spamming. It happens because well, people get bored fucking the same people all the time. There is over 5000 members. Why are the same ones always there?
I don’t think you can make up your mind. …. there is an X you can click… look for it. You can also open the profile and opt out of group chat LOLOLOL….
#3 What’s a “selfie congrat”? Another secret submitted by a retard.
As if anyone who reads here doesn’t know the admins are female…
Right? lol
Why would Trey Darius stalk Anna? Ain’t he with Elle Revoul? Or is my info outdated??
Elle among others he’s a player that’s why Farrah left him
its the internet.. if you think you have someone loyal you’re a retard
#34 … Rosary has the same shoe too. But I support that brand so ??♀️??♀️
#25 – it’s called “artistic license” or “artistic freedom” and with it one can do anything artistically that would not be proper grammar/art in a structured setting. And why do you care, even?
Misspelling for artistic license does not include article noun conjugation. It is funny you say that cause per that reply anyone can spell the brand however they want and call it artistic interpretation or liberty and then Cary has no right to ask or require anything from people. The post says nothing that is wrong, moreover it spells one of the biggest truths there is out there, Cary is known for starting drama. People pretend she is not and they keep quiet about it for whatever reasons, but the woman goes from point A to Z in half a second, can’t ever make a decision and stick with it, and gets butt hurt about someone misspelling the store name? Please all her customers should be mad about how many notices she posted last year of today I make Bebe, tomorrow I go back to TD, I can’t make skirts for TD cause of the rigging, wait never-mind now I can. If people still buy her brands she should be more than grateful and a perhaps think for a minute if its worth turning on her customers for a spelling issue. If she doesn’t want the drama or the replies to it, then do not put it out there for everyone to see. That’s the funny part about it all. They want to complain but let someone reply something other than you are right and all hell breaks loose and suddenly everyone else is the one starting the drama. Maybe she should spend more time creating than fixating on the stupid things and there wouldn’t be nearly as much drama as there always is around her.
lol @ people thinking this is drama. You people are seriously thin skinned. Asking the public to spell your name correctly is not drama. All ya’ll need a reality check if you are this desperate to be using the word “drama” I am especially fond of the term “turning on her customers” FFS, you are squishy.
And who cares if this person changes their mind about what bodies they rig for? Your life is so boring that you actually pay attention to that shit? Jesus.
thats what happens when you have to rush jobs to fulfill all the events.. shotty shit.
That wasn’t for an event…it was a group gift she randomly put out. That’s what makes this being done even worse.
Hahaha is that why she had to resend the gift. I didn’t even realize
nothing better than unwearable gifts..lol shameful