Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 540.
I’ve been playing SL for 9 years. I discovered this website the other week and I have absolutely no idea who 99% of the people and events mentioned over and over are. I feel like I’m missing on some juicy bullshit.
Welcome!!!! We love new visitors. Don’t worry I don’t know anyone anymore mentioned really. Unless it spreads into plurk.
#30 so glad karma has caught up to Mr Nyte/Alen Briggs/Genesis Nyte… From the world of Gor to Bdsm, he has been a player for Years
#40. I have known Suzzie for a long time. That description does not match the person I know. She would not do that in SL, and she has never asked anything like that of me.
I am number 40. I can tell you one thing. He offered the gift card to which I politely declined after asking around. This is how he deals with rejection. I have politely asked this website to take it down.
I know you are probably new here, but I don’t take anything down. Sorry. We don’t assume anything in the post is real either, at least I can confidently say Lourdes and I do not assume anything in comments or secrets submitted are real. Please step off your high horse and come back down to the unwashed masses here. This website is the Weekly World News of Virtual Worlds…
Thank you for clarifying what this place is all about. I am beginning to get the picture. This is not actual good reporting on second life but rather a mud slinging website. Thanks for the clarification.
lol@good reporting.. ok ok well maybe i see this like SL TMZ but dead@reporting.
What part of Shopping Cart Disco and Secrets was ever ‘actual good reporting’ on Second Life? We’ve been here 10 years and haven’t changed.
#22 and #23, as a designer myself I’ve experienced people like this customer and frankly they are insane. Everyone knows that no one gives refunds on no transfer items. The reason why things are returnable in real life is they are not copyable and can be transfered back to the store. Why would a designer give you the money back and you get to keep the item? It’s 100% unfair to the creator. Also this person didn’t read the signage, $288L for an original mesh head piece and color pack isn’t very expensive if it’s an intricate piece as it probably took the designer a few days to make it. I do think the whole buy the base for 88L and buy the color packs for 188L is a bit weird and a lot of buyers won’t like it even if they save a bit of money doing so. It would’ve been easier to just sell them for 288L flat for each color. It does seem a bit money grabby to the customer to sell them separately even if they are saving some money because the base is useless without the color pack hud(s). I don’t get where customers think they can demand refunds over and over then call you names and a fraud or “I will speak to your manager” attitudes over it. They are just trying to scare you. As for me, I am my own manager and this isn’t my livelihood so I couldn’t give two fucks. Also LL doesn’t care about your petty drama and the customer sharing chat lots is against TOS more so than the seller dividing up her products to sell in an odd way. If I was the owner I’d report them. Also, it’s ok to trash the designer but hide your… Read more »
I’d like to see more information regarding events in Second Life that have gone sideways. For the longest time, I went to every new event and spent a ton of money at them. I have cut way back buying at top events because there is nothing new and unique, and frankly the designs are not inspiring. Also, the prices are too high for most items. I know that Linden changed the cash out and we’re all paying the price, so at least give us something original to purchase. I’m not going to pay 250 for one item, top, pant, whatever. Not going to happen. Designers who keep the best textures in their fatpacks is another issue for me. Especially when most of the clothes are THE same style. Honestly, I have everything there is to buy 180K in my inventory, and without something unique, I’m just struggling in these lag-zones for nothing. I’m totally over gachas. They shouldn’t be in major events. I’m not pulling the trigger for the ONE item that no one is going to win, and the rest is crap. Gachas have run their course. Anyways, I hope something changes because there’s nothing to do but go to a few clubs and listen to terrible playsets.
As far as this site goes, it seems it’s a few people having a public fight. I don’t know any of these people. I’m not even sure what the point of this site is or why I’m writing this comment. Hope you all have a great new years.
I see you are new here. Welcome to Virtual-Secrets. We’ve been here almost 10 years. How can I assist you?
YOU have not been here for 10 years. Tenshi started this site and made it famous. She had to sell due to need for income.
Yes. But Secrets would never be made if it weren’t for Iris and me. Iris had the idea. I made the technical stuff work. Tenshi made SCD famous, I created this and the last domain and moved off blogging to this only. Secrets has been always something I was involved with from day 1. SCD never did receive the hits that Secrets did in the last few years, so yes, even if it spawned from someone else’s blog I’ve been part of the project since day 1 and also it’s my SEO and work that made it receive way more hits than SCD ever had.
The summed up version 1. Some bitch salty with some other bitch 2. Some broke bitch salty about a rich bitch 3. Bored virgin bitch with too much time on their hands salty at another derpy bitches relationship 4. Illiterate bitch who can’t read properly, salty about word counts 5. Social island retard bitch salty with other social island retard bitch 6. Pissed off ex bitch salty at some other home wrecking bitch who probably stole their bitch of a man (insert threats of weaves here) 7. Another broke bitch salty at a successful bitch 8. Pedantic salty bitch who is under the decision that we are going to read all of that, or care for that matter 9. Salty wannabe know all bitch who doesn’t understand what bakes on mesh actually is, posting about developer bitch 10. Sued salty bitch about SL secrets post coming back to bite them in the ass 11. Salty kinky bitch, upset because events don’t cater to their own specific wants (self entitled bitch) 12. Salty lied about bitch posting pointless nonsense no one cares about 13. Salty family bitch who’s relatives abandoned her because she’s neurotic complaining about other pregnant bitch 14. Salty ex friend bitch upset that she no longer the main bitch to some other friendship devotee bitch 15. Basement dwelling masturbator bitch upset at other developer bitch over something that doesn’t affect them 16. Single bitch jealous of married bitch who also wants married bitches man and cant have him 17. Salty partner of the guy bitch who may not have realised that guy bitch and girl bitch might just be good friends 18. Victim bitch playing on the fact she a victim bitch believing nonsense that a SL “soul mate” will wait around four years for some guy bitch… Read more »
I am number 40. I can update this to let you know it was offered to me, to which I politely declined, and he posts this. This is his way of dealing with rejection. By the way, the person that posted this is perm banned from SL for this very reason.
lmao @ hello im #40.. someone make this chic a fucking badge
Oh my goodness, shut up. No one cares, Suzzie.
i almost went past this comment… but it was worth the read xD
Weak tea this week for sure. Pizzaface must have a complex to likely post more Arcade nonsense. NOBODY CARES at this point. The event is ruined and spinning the cesspool.
#11, 58- Spot on, I have said it once I have said it a million times. The “event” phenomenon has run its course. Shop owners need to do what they used to do best and that is get people inside their stores instead of relying on laggy, idiot filled sims full of lookers who stay there for hours trying on demos.
#45 & 48- Rolls my eyes at more “MC” people, these ones need to be dropped as soon as submitted. MC’s are nothing but pyramid schemed chock full of the most insecure, vapid, drama riddled rere’s on the grid.
#59 & 62- More human tire fires. You reap what you sow
#61- Imo all those places can close. Some of the worst on the grid hide behind those cutesy chubby faced carpet crawlers
#56- Sounds like some people met the wrong ones. But lifestyle choices shouldn’t be bagged on in a lump.
#42- Can’t believe this shithole even is still around tbh. It should have stayed closed the first time they shut it down.
And finally the fonts….learn to make shit readable if you are gonna put people on blast. It’s so much more entertaining for the rest of us js.
Your response made me laugh!! “Human tire fires!” So funny!
#59 and #62 ~ Sadly.. That’s a true story!
#55 I have no clue who that is, but isn’t that what hookers do? Granted I have seen her interact with others while on stage,and she does try to set up dates to meet and then find a reason to “not be able to go.” But again, isn’t that what all hookers do?
#25 why are you singling out the Kenobis? They aren’t any different than the other 30 pedophiles hanging out at that pedophilia sim.
I don’t get why Linden Fucking Labs keeps a place around that screams pedophillia. It’s a cesspool of the most pathetic and unoriginal scum of SL and RL.
those kenobis are gross like fucking old ugly cunts in rl that get off on pedo shit at that fucking garage shithole
Because not enough non-pedos go and report these cesspools. They just assume others are.
Because their presence is the indicator that a place has really gone to shit, and that the crowd can’t get any worse, cause the worst just arrived: them.
“Fuck a lot of dicks.” That is all.
#42 LEGIT! drama and backstabbing all the way. Experienced it myself and got the fuck out. Went back as a VIP to visit ages later and Pixie and Lovely did their bullshit where they talk shit in local about you too. But they do it non-chalant like so new people don’t get it. Great way to run a club.
Pretty sure Princess Usbourne sent this one in, based on the childish self-entitled hissy fit she threw on fb recently.
SE doesn’t owe her a fucking thing, and she came at ash like she owed her money. LOL what?!
She’s always doing edgelord shit then tries to back-peddle w/ some “i was joking” bullshit.
Grow tf up and stop being messy and problematic, sis.
actually she didn’t. I did 🙂 I am definitely not Princess. Get over yourself trick.
2. Where does it say gift? I see “coupon event”… I see “in the spirit of giving” and the fact that they are GIVING out coupons. Newsflash cupcake, coupons/deep discounts CAN be a gift. Stop expecting free shit from designers.
5. Why does this bother you?
7. That “proofs” nothing.
9, 22, 41, 42, 43, 49, 55 No one is reading that shit. Stop.
13. It’s called “role-play” and at least half (but probably MUCH more) of SL does it. Just bcs you don’t have imagination doesn’t mean you get to try dragging others for it Stop being mean without a reason.
14. Online friends can be just as good, if not actually better than RL ones. You obviously don’t see “online people” as anything more than pixels and that’s honestly sad.
17. Have you heard of 2 people who enjoy each other’s company and therefor chat & hang out together often? It’s called FRIENDS. Maybe you need some of your own.
18, 35, 47 You get a hi5
20. no one cares about Arcade nonsense anymore. The event has gone down the toilet and out to sea, move on.
38. You’re not serious, are you? lol…7 objects and you DON’T expect it to be packaged? Gtfo
46. I got food
50. What is the point?
51. There’s a function in SL called MUTE. Check it out.
52. Are you really trying to drag someone for taking a moment of time for themselves at the holidays but not spend HOURS & DAYS/WEEKS on creating something new? How entitled are you?
56. Are you expecting to meet models and porn stars on SL? Why does their age matter and living situation even matter?
59. “Fuck a lot of dicks” is now my favorite phrase.
Fun round this week, thanks ❤
It was announced in her group as a gift, and the event required a gift from all participants, and that was Addams’ offering. It’s not a gift by a long shot. BUT, on the 30th, Addams put an actual gift out at the event, so either they were just late getting it together, or someone read here and realized it was bad optics. Either way, the gift is nice and best of all, an actual gift.
Guys, calm your nipples.
A “Gift” is something a person allows you to have, it does not mean, free product. It could simply be a coupon… For Example.
Idiot! gift
a thing given willingly to someone without payment; <————–
Right and the coupon is pixels on a screen until you pony up a good bit of your own money. It’s obnoxious when people charge 10-50L and try and call something a gift. Those coupons require you to come up with 100L or more to use them. Not a gift.
Another one that doesn’t understand the difference between gift and sale.
Newsflash: gifts are generally things given without payment.
I wouldn’t consider a coupon from macy’s a gift and I doubt you would either.
What kind of sad life do you live that you think coupons are in any remote form, a gift? Maybe from your kid or someone who can’t afford to give anything to you materially. How is this in any form in the spirit of giving FROM A STORE?
Might as well call it what it really is, a random chance percentage sale. I have yet to see any store, rl or sl say that their sale is in the spirit of giving. Relax there, your life must be pretty shit to be able to accept something like that as a gift.
Still waiting to be shown where exactly the notice calls it a gift. IT DOESN’T. Y’all are just some entitled brats who expect to be given free stuff at holidays and events, damn. Or are you so poor that you can’t buy some shit on your own and need a handout? Some creators in SL actually rely on their content sales to supplement their RL income, some are even the sole source. There’s plenty of free stuff over on help island or on MP, knock yourself out. Those of us with some respect for designers and all that they do will be over here appreciating whatever they decide to give out.
“In the spirit of the holidays and giving, Addams will be having an IN-WORLD coupon event for you all. ” There’s not really any other way to interpret that than that it was meant as a “gift”. But more importantly, it was out at an event that required a gift from participants. And Addams offered no other gift, ergo, that’s the gift. Maybe know what you are talking about before you shoot off your mouth.
P.S. On the 30th, they put a gift out, after the coupon event was over.
who’s asking for a handout? Reading comprehension is low in this one.
What was the point of my post? Don’t call an apple an orange. Don’t call a shit sale a GIFT.
double post
So many are hard to read, and #8 I can’t read at all. I thought there was a size requirement?
#39. Why is this even in SL secrets? Cause you expected it to end? Maybe you don’t know them like you think you do.
True. Who knows. I guess the real surprise is how any guy can stand looking at a rl hagrid for that long, amirite vandel?
#53 next time click edit and show us who placed that at NGI, troll.
Oh sure, have some screens. They only sloppily scooted the texture around instead of removing it, so I can still give you proof.
Pics at NGI:

At the vendor’s store:

That good enough or do I need to go deeper?
dear colbydark, i dug a little deeper for you. you already had firsthand knowledge of this texture and loved it so much that you gave it a 5-star review. stop fucking with the numbers and go back to your gay daddys seeking gay boys groups
Oh now this is some tea I was not expecting
shame on tommy then for not having the knowledge you have about pedo bears. the issue has since been solved. good on you for bringing it to virtual secrets FIRST, troll
#48-Yayyyyyyyy Hopie you made it lol Famous this week lol Salty ass peeps in sl I swear
Another boring load of garbage i see.. Exes whining about their partners cheating on them lying on them ect.. Yawn and as usual the old “you’re a pedophile” routine is still the same trend… #53 NGI don’t own that texture you nonce someone put it there…. I can see why people stop visiting this dead blog/gossip site, hell i even stopped coming here because it was the same shit over and over like a broken record.. If your fucking partners leaving you and/or cheating get the fuck over it sister i mean it’s the fucking internet you’re not going to get anything out of these beta male pricks sucking your toes.
Yeah basic unimportant stuff really. People really need to relax , and not make a big deal over nothing. So what if people enjoy it. The fact that pedobear is on it makes it 10 times hilarious. Plus virtual pedophilia is hilarious . Oversized dicks, odd entry and out out parts,. Just let them have their fun.
virtual pedophilia is hilarious until the feds knock on your door.. dickhead
under the freedom of act. shotacon under freedom of expression makes it legal. rl is no bueno for the feds. have a joint…
tell that shit to the kid who just turned 18 and got arrest in front of his mother live on LivePD for having kiddy porn on his xbox. I bet you’re one of the retards who think peds belong in the lgbt community, too . smh
The difference between that kid and shotacon was that the kid had REAL life child porn. Not defending Stank’s comment, just saying that the US supreme court did rule on it back in 2002 in the case of Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition (yes I did just read up about it). That being said, just because it is lawful doesn’t make it morally right.
i suppose.. i also think @stank he who knows that laws for shit like that are the ones who checked them for a reason.
Nope, Tommy Numbers put it up, one of the managers “fixed it” but didn’t even bother replacing the texture, they just scooted it around so you couldn’t see pedobear anymore when people noticed and complained.
Arnmor/ColbyDark/et al: I often wonder why you shit so much in the bed you sleep in
A rational person who wanted to make the grid better would IM the objects owner and say “hey dude, you might not have noticed but the creator of that schoolroom left a pedobear meme in the graphics, might not be ideal in an adoption sim” to which he would go “Gee thanks for telling me friend, you are awesome” – and the problem would be solved, you would be liked, appreciated, welcome and not be hated and banned in every kid sim on the grid.
But instead you have this weird assed fetish for publicly calling people Pedos. From the alts you make listing the “pedo sims”, to the group chats you do, to the posts here, and everything in between.
Be less nasty and you might find that you have an easier path through SL, maybe even friends again. Try it next time, rather then kicking a sim owner in the balls, tell them in confidences and see that you get the same results, you get respect, you make friends, and you leave behind the banning and muting that you normally get.
By the way, that texture is hard to remove due to the way mesh textures are baked, the only fix is scooting it around. But you know that because you owned one… https://gyazo.com/7f6edfa581ef78899280faea03b49fa1
I actually have no idea who you’re talking about is, I only brought the pedobear thing up here because it took them days after someone complained for them to fix it, and I thought it might be interesting to see the response on here. Also, they could’ve just removed the prop altogether and replaced it with, idk, better chalkboards that weren’t so low rez and ugly? Nobody’s forcing them to keep that shit there.
The person you’re talking about sounds like a nutjob though, thanks for the info so I know to block them, don’t need that kind of crazy in my life.
@ Hallow
So you decided after they did not react to your request to remove Pedobear from the chalkboards after a few days , you thought it was level-headed to come here and post a secret about it? If Pedobear is so offensive then SL is not for you, because there is far worse out there that adult snowflakes can’t deal with.
I am sure the Numbers have far more pressing things going on than to remove a small non offensive graphic on a chalkboard immediately. Maybe it was not the best meme image to put down on a kids sim but some people do things for the LOLs . Or are so into creating something for others in a rush, that they overlook whatever. There are far worse things going on with kids than that shit and well you know it.
@KG. As much as I agree with what LordMew was saying, it was a bit optimistic to say the least. For one Colby is too far gone to even be reasonable but I could be wrong in that. Even if he did turn good (whatever the fuck that is in the community these days), he would still be blacklisted. So its a domino effect. That’s why I say, ask people why they shit the bed. Sometimes the reason they do is because others are shitting in their bed every day and asking them to lie in it. You won’t solve problems that way!
who are you fooling? you both post within 12 minutes of each other at 2am slt, and you both use this site to troll the numbers. plus no one uses the word “pedo” or “sexualized” more than you. read LordMew’s post again and gain some wisdom.
I mean, y’all can believe what y’all wanna, it’s no skin off my bones, it’s kinda funny though that y’all think that there can’t possibly be more than one person who’s willing to bring up sketchy shit they see. I personally don’t care about the Numbers or any other “big name” in the kid community, I really doubt I ever will. But you can’t go on a site that’s literally for drama and not expect to, y’know, find drama? Why’re y’all on here if you care so much about ~peace and positivity~?
Actually, you know what? I took a few minutes to reflect, I am being weirdly antagonistic for no reason, I shouldn’t be acting like this, I’m grown. Just cause I see drama doesn’t mean I have to indulge or share with others, I’ll leave this site be.
Delusional 🙂 have a nice new years sitting by yourself no family no loved ones around you cause you drove them away. lol
Says,,,, “hell i even stopped coming here because it was the same shit over and over like a broken record” Then proceeds to use the word delusional 5 times in 4 replies. You are a beacon of hope for people who wear tweety bird shirts and drool in their sleep. Everyone’s got a calling in life. Glad you found yours.
Stay mad 🙂
I was wondering when ColbyDark would rear his head. Funny really, he complains about “pedos” and yet he got banned for *shock horror* ageplay. There is a certain irony in that fact.
Delusional freak
Colbydark et al aside, not sure about being less nasty and having an easier path is actually true. Being “Nasty” in the kid community is fickle impropriety and always has been. Too many nice people are being labelled nasty and some really nasty people are being praised. So on that point I ask this!
Has anyone actually asked these people etc why they ” Shit the bed?”
I doubt it and even if they did have a solid/valid issue, who would sort it?
The only reason people are on here posting on certain others always rolls from unresolved drama. Some SL people are stubborn fuckers, can’t talk things out, cannot reason with others because too busy in defence of each others bullshit instead of being decent human beings.
Numbers are delusional and call everyone someone they hate this si what happens when you use this game too much you turn into a delusional nutcase
yeah the numbers hate everyone? that’s certainly obvious in everything they do for just about everyone but trolls like you. i thought you said you were starting anew. nope you’re right back at it again.
Still I’m assuming someone you have a personal vendetta against? Go take your meds you delusional nut. 🙂
Pedobear isn’t offensive . ‘‘Tis just a meme. If their complaining over an anime 4chan joke shows people have issues .
But yet you’re here. Lmao stfu
For the gossip you trollop.
second best comment of the week “for the gossip you trollop”
62. Damn couldn’t wait to see the day poor old cypher was on there, damn he gets around likes nobodies business and claims to be separated from his Rl Baby Mom, wouldn’t be surprised if he was doing her on the go as well in world, Has more time for SL pussy then his RL Kids….you should be ashamed!
Can’t read half of them… especially number 8.
True that I come on here to laugh but all I see is random shit that you can’t read.
#47 i be sighing autographs from 9 to 5 seeing am just so mother fucking famous i will even sigh boobies and ass cheeks love fucking chaos oh ya its very clear your slower then a 10 pound sack of bricks so you are I have more family then just Nadine and Deacon but its clear that you have no brain cells to know this or to even under stand the fact that you center me all around your life and your being I mean fuck if u there bored with your sl and rl maybe get a life or some thing I dono but it very clear your a coward and the parties that have been helping u are cowards am not hiding from any one I just don’t have the time to deal with your sad ass bull shit but again I thank u for posting this shit out here for every one to read just how truly sad u are well u know maybe next time u wont trip on your upper lip and land on some dudes cock well some ones not on line and come back to every one telling me just what I all ready knew but I dropped your ass and went on with my shit I have no time for fake ass cheating nobodies any ways love when u get your head out your ass and you cop some fucking manly balls its not hard to find me u have not fucked up any thing in my life I just been siting back waiting to see who was the idiots in my life and the ones clamming to be family when there not but hey I can thank your for that saves me the time of getting rid of the dead weight… Read more »
Hey Cocksucker,
One that was painful to fucking read but thanks for the laugh, and two I never dated your retarded ass, I wouldn’t have touched that with a ten foot fucking pole if you were the last pleb on earth and I needed to survive. So keep trying to figure out who I am while blaming ex’s of yours because obviously there would be no-one else that Michael hasn’t angered hmm?
You stupid son of a bitch.
Guess what, bro. Punctuation is fun, and also relays the emotion you are feeling!
Punctuation alone, would have at least made this somewhat readable, but its one long seriously screwed up wall of one sentence that I only read until it became a headache
You mean the peanut butter that other people had to pay for because you broke as fuck?
Yeah you can see from amused’s posts she’s not the brightest bulb in the batch but she tries hard.
i sighed at this post ✔️
i wish you knew how to english and spell.
That….was the biggest load of shit I have ever read, not to mention how much it hurt my brain after it.
If I send you some cash can you go back to school?
How to english? How do you english? I know how to use English. Was never taught how to english in school though.
Sarcasm and irony went over your head real quick. Not too bright are you?
secret makers please print this out and tack it to ur wall.
If you start ur secrets art at 600 x 450 (blank canvas)
then layer all ur drama on top of that work area of 600 x 450
its nearly impossible to fuck up.
* DO NOT resize it after..it shouldn’t be THAT difficult. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
try it
you’re welcome.
Their retards… What do you expect out of people with a mental deficiency?
We have learned something from this post.Grammar nazis love to virtue signal.
You struggle with the definition of irony too, don’t you?
People who don’t use the proper word in THEIR shit-talking comments are only letting the world know that THEY’RE the ones with the mental deficiency. Js.
oh god, please refrain from correcting spelling in my comments lol i mean at least their they’re there all sound the same.. its not like he meant their and spelled fucking truck. cut it out.
Somebodies mad over a purposely misspelled word. 😉
Your previous comments prove, that you are not spelling anything wrong purposely, but are just plain dumb.
#19 Oh boy, good luck there buddy! Word of advise, store evidence on multiple cloud services.
#22-23 To the poster, those instructions are quite clear. You’re the dumbass who couldn’t bother to read or ask for clarity before buying. And why hide your name if you were going to post about it on Facebook? Sounds like you know you done goofed but just want to stir shit up. Btw, you’re cheap!
16 & 21 Mama June = Karson Kader spent the entire morning angry about Virtual Secrets & it makes me roll on the floor laughing.
The best part about this comment “Lol” is that they didn’t care at all.
Kinda goes to show how excited you are to try and flame them for being happy.
Enjoy your week! ♥
I don’t know but seeing a post on FB that reads the following:
DaddyFappers and Bbg ❤ ❤
congrats to both of you! love you both loads always and forever!
How does one even process this utter Bullshit??
I do have to laugh at “Mama June” being angry, what she gonna think making it public for all to see. I mean why make it known just says they are trying to prove something, keeping it under wraps would of been better but it sounds like this group of people need to prove that they are not as what ALL say about them. Geeesh they all sound egotistical and full of shit wait is that how SHITZO came about? Now I get it, dumb fucks.
@That’s Disgusting
Even though this isn’t the case… Incest porn is trending on pornhub. (you most likely fap to it… it’s okay, most of you guys do.)
This is NOT a Real Life Family. They are not Adopting each other LEGALLY which means if her dad is married to her daughter.. so what of it? It’s secondlife. “Where the family matters but you dont have to claim anyone you dont want.”
Fluffy you don’t fucking get it!!! This about SECOND LIFE not RL!! So in the online world they are role playing a family’. When is it ok for GPA to marry Gbbg?!?!? They DONT!!! It’s just down right gross . Remember this not about RL! All this says that basically molestation and Pedophilla incest and whatever is ok, when it is not. Why encourage this behavior? SMFH
High5that i seen pics posted only 3 ppl sitting in their crowd. every1 else is the problem “they say” LMFAO no losers u fcked every1 over! kenz & her whore mouth need to keep sucking on her dads dick & stay off of here. she likes to pretend to be a kid while james pretends to be a dad for once! exactly why she sticks up for incest behaviors!
3 PEOPLE!?!?! Not that is about as SAD as her 40th Birthday Party online, where it was only family where she only proposed to Julez as a Birthday present to her self. I guess no one can give her any gift then her own ego boost.
Kenz sucking on her dad’s DICK?!?!! wait so you mean she giving Daddy Karson sexual favors?? Ummm Hello JULEZ?? YOUR Spouse is having sexual relations with others than you!!! WAKE UP WHORE!!!!
stfu kenz we kno it is u posting on here… ur guys secret poster hits home closer than u think. Some1 in ur circle lol
Definitely someone in their circle and they are too stupid to figure it out. They are acting like they don’t care yet still in here defending themselves. Just a hint – we’d believe you more if you didn’t keep posting to claim “they didn’t care at all”. I agree it’s most likely Kenz that is posting because that foul bitch can’t keep her mouth shut.
Anyone else notice that the only people in attendance at the wedding were family members? Where were all those friends that you have Von Fuqers? Let me guess, they weren’t invited? Lmfao yeah sure maybe they just don’t exist.
Shitzo is already spinning out of control. Julez, you know these warming signs. Wake up dumbass.
I’ll say this again. If you’re going to RP a family and try to appear to be this unified group then it’s disgusting to fuck, date, partner and marry your family. Even if it is only RP. Those that say otherwise are only grasping at something to justify their actions. If you fall for your RP family member then it’s time to break away from that “family” and give a relationship a go. But to post a congrats to Daddyfappers and Bbg on their wedding is disturbing to say the least.
I think whoever made the secret knew, but ya where are ALL these LOYAL followers of that family? Why such a small wedding?
As for claiming people, just remember no matter that Karson said he doesn’t claim Julez as his Gbbg but fact is Kimmy is STILL his BBG so no matter what by association that is still his Gbbg. And let even go further back when she was his MOM!!! How does a “Mom” go to fucking her kid?!? Now that’s disturbing, these people all have lost the sense of an RP Family.
It’s so very fucked up. I agree with you Thats Disgusting, I think Mom or Gbbg, the association is enough to mean that they should either step away from the RP family or that family member is hands off period. And don’t give me that “meant to be” bullshit. These two are like fire and ice and will eventually show their real self to each other again like before. Never ever a good idea to go back to an EX, there is a reason it was over the first time and these two were toxic!!
Just waiting for the fall out. It WILL happen.
High5That they broke up the first time because he hide her and was very demanding and she has no clue how to be submissive to him or anyone at that. She speaks her mind as for the other post saying his way or no way. It goes for her too! Dumb bitch thinks she is so smart she looks just pathetic and Stupid for not being able to stand alone by herself to learn her errors and fix her wrongs she has done.
I’m still cracking up over “Mama June” so angry wonder if she stomps around the house in rage fits! Hey Karson try to control your anger before it eats at you!
Yet you are here Fluffy says something about you since your for them, it just means you are relaying about the site or is one of them. Sounds to me like forcing a wedding in a month has to prove shit. Kind of funny actually to make a “SHOW” of the event when most likely it was as quick and fast .. “SHOTGUN” wedding ? only time will say what happens to them.
@Rolls My Eyes
Here’s the thing. I don’t relay things. This has been going on for over a month, everyone is in their business and seems to make it their problem.
I find it adorable to see that their happiness is pissing off so many people enough to fume about it on secrets.
Literally, nothing any of you could say or post about these two people would change the fact you’re all just angry little people with no life aside from sniffing their asses to find a little bit of shit to talk about.
Karson and Julez aren’t blind. They just really don’t care.
I actually came to see if Hayyz or August got posted this week. Usually it’s clockwork.
Someone with the name “rolls my eyes” trying to shit talk. LOL. So, who is rolling your eyes?
At garbage like you who thinks they are all badass, what’s with Snow?!? You gonna drift off?
Anyways not sure how it’s been longer than a month, but sure 5 weeks I’ll give it an additional week but whatever end of November still point on this shit is why they forcing a fucking relationship? What’s the whole rush into it all?
Do they have to prove that the relationship is true? Is it just for Show? Time will tell
For those who act like #29 is so hard to read…
December 6th is circled to show when the picture was originally taken…
then it was reposted on the 25th as if it was a new picture by that whore..
She so confessed her love for her “man” a few days after cheating on him with someone she told him not to worry about..
Looks like a cheating hoe to me ?
how’d she cheat though? By taking a picture with him? Or was there some kinda virtual (ly not there) penetration?
Remember, pixel dickings are reality now… LOL
#51 made my day
If you even know what Ultra is…. you would know it has been failing. The owner was too busy trying to seem important and getting his imaginary dick wet. He was not about to tell the creators it was failing because that is less money in his pocket. Who is the con artist now?
If you’re a designer in Ultra (or any) you would know probably before him if the event was failing by checking your own sales/traffic. If you notice numbers plunging and you stay, you really can only blame yourself. You should have a quota set in your head of expectations of an event and if it doesn’t pan out.. leave. There are far too many events anyways..keep just a few and put out a better product..keep customers happy instead of keeping these half wit event owners happy paying their bills because they really don’t care much after you pay your booth.
#19 – That’s because the brains and talent of the operation quit. Kalopsia is no longer what it once was.
So I remember the stuff that happened in 2011 (god I cannot believe how into the skins at the warehouse I was, shiiit. And super proud of my big fake foot moodys.) but what are they relating to in today’s SL world?
Also, so many of these secrets are completely illegible, even when opened in new tab and blown up. Soooo maybe stop including them and the submitters will get a freaking clue that if they want us drinking their tea they have to make it legible. 😛 I bet it would be SO MADDENING to be waiting by the computer on Sunday morning with your boner in hand waiting for your secret to go up and then you scroll through and it’s not there – agony!
But really it’s not the website’s responsibility to make your shit legible. Submitters, I KNOW you’re reading these comments. IF YOU WANT US DRINKING YOUR TEA MAKE IT DRINKABLE. JFC.
I removed so many. Like about 7 or 8. I’ve debated your suggestion the last 3 weeks. I’m thinking along your lines too. People: you have 400×600. 10 words or less. Also if you have a chat conversation…pick the relevant info.
#2 So true. It’s a sale. It’s potentially a really good sale (I think those coupons go above 50% off). But in no way is 50% off, “a gift”. I thought it was odd to call that a gift too, especially in the season when other retailers are giving actual nice gifts and/or gift cards. Retailers who do this, just be aware it makes you look bad.
They do not go above 50%, and getting above 40% is pretty uncommon; most of her “coupons” are for discounts in the 20-30% range or less. I didn’t even bother to pick them up this time. Lamest “gift” choice of any creator whose group I’m in, by far.
I got one that was 78% and @83. They certainly do go above it and more often you might think
Please stfu. Having me spend more money is not a gift. And why are you lying? It definitely stated up to 50% off so how did you get 83? ?
she got it mixed up with her dollar store discounts. Respect, even Addams states up to 50%, how do you magically get 78%? Delusional much?
For as cheap as the stuff is anyway, coupons are fine. You get a HUGE massive discount. Customers can choose to buy it or not. They aren’t obligated to give away free work.
Coupons can go up and over 80% so you nearly get them free. It doesn’t make Addams look bad, just in the eyes of the petty.
Still not a “gift”. Don’t call it a gift, if it’s not a gift.
All in how you look at it, you might not see it as a gift.. just your own thinking
i’m thinking that you’re poor and you probably clip grocery coupons for 50% off beef. It’s not a gift, it’s a sale. Get the terms correct.
I’m thinking you’ve not left Junior High yet, you seem very much like someone from there
I’m going to keep correcting this twat until you let it through moderation, even though it says I’ve posted this already and it can’t be seen.
Copied directly from the most recent Addams notice before the event ended:
“You have until midnight tonight (less than 6 more hours!) to come to the main store & receive a folder of coupons. Each folder contains 3 coupons each. They can range anywhere from 5 -50% OFF. ”
No, they do not go up to and over 80%, and you correcting someone when you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about is what’s petty here.
Oookay. Ctfd. I went to the grocery store and cooked dinner. Your comments are up.
lol ^5 @kess
I’m going to keep correcting this twat until you let it through moderation.
Copied directly from the most recent Addams notice before the event ended:
“You have until midnight tonight (less than 6 more hours!) to come to the main store & receive a folder of coupons. Each folder contains 3 coupons each. They can range anywhere from 5 -50% OFF. ”
No, they do not go up to and over 80%, and you correcting someone when you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about is what’s petty here.
Copied directly from the most recent notice before the event closed-
“You have until midnight tonight (less than 6 more hours!) to come to the main store & receive a folder of coupons. Each folder contains 3 coupons each. They can range anywhere from 5 -50% OFF. ”
No, they do not go up to 80%, and correcting someone when you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about is what’s petty here.
#50 – Am I missing something on this secret? SM has not made shoes for years and this card is from 2011.
Cannot read over half of them.
I know right! I need a microscope to read some of them.
just a quick skim and saw Rose/Olive at it again so ill be back to shit talk later but thank you to the poster of #24 . I’m all for anyone who takes pride in their art to them its priceless.. but i too screenshot that 600L beanie and forgot to make a secret. lol the fuckery
THE FUCKERY! I still don’t know who the hell these Rose/Olive people are… ok I dont ever know any of the people posted about. But hey..FUCKERY (ok so I like that word… or obsessed.. or tired, fuck if I know… Imma shut up for a moment now) lol
i so cannot believe you don’t know the rose/olive story.. thats most likely where the word fuckery came from. no lie xD
I only know her from the info on here… never seen or heard of her anywhere else (cause I choose the right people to hang out with I guess)
ahh well i don’t hang out with her but have a friend who had an issue with her because she had her wait over a month for a re-delivery (she has or had like 2 or 3 customer service idiots who are just message relayers i guess) but was putting out shit at Uber and ever other event. I guess because the shit was paid for she got her part of the deal and didn’t quite care about fulfilling the rest. Awful customer service, and just a shitty person.. and if you don’t live in NY or Jersey or a place where mass transit exists having no license and over 30 makes you an even bigger home bound mess.
Rose makes crap hair under the brand name Olive. She used her mothers death to gain sympathy from the community and then a fundraiser was thrown to help her with ‘funeral costs’ which turns out to be code for bags, art supplies and driving lessons.
Don’t forget that the “my mom’s dead” fundraiser wasn’t even the first time she’s fleeced the community for money under false pretense. If I remember right, there was one that paid for her to go to a Disney park too.
She wasn’t the First, and certainly won’t be the Last. So soon we forget some of the biggest scammers are still here, just disguised or -Reinvented.
Her other fundraiser was her family was going to lose their house. So she got money and then went to Disney world or whatever.
Just like other people in less than a year go from being destitute with no savings and no home to buying a hybrid BMW after an SL fundraiser.
All fundraisers in SL are scams.
LOL Ultra sucks and needs to go away. FFE isnt going to save it. Roman Godde sucks, too. Someone give this woman a reality check.
This is the damn truth. I am pretty sure she keeps her ego in her forehead. It is big enough to house it. I will never understand why women like someone like her. Just a RL loser riding the coat tails of an imaginary character she created.
#25 Does it really surprise you, given the name of the place? Literally implies age play. I went once out of curiosity why that location is so popular, and was not surprised to see the nastiest, basic bitch scum there. The Kenobis, Kinky Mint, and Mari Radikal. Doesn’t get worse or more gross than that.
that Kenobi group look fucking old and tired like fucking log off for fucks sake.
Ageplay is not a big deal as everyone is an adult . I’m fully support peoples odd creativity. Since sl is fantasy the repercussions do not exist, and should just be considered hilarious and random. The animations are never in sync, oversized dicks and weird jokey stuff. Plus if it’s just pretend and not real,then that in itself means it’s fantasy. You lot really need to understand the fantasy vs reality agenda. Everybody ageplay in so as different ages. Plus grandpas garage is hella lag and crashy.
I have a great way for you to be 100% sure if ageplay is appropriate or not. Take what you wrote down here and show it to a psychologist and see what they say. Make sure you include that oversized dick comment too.
Someone who thinks ageplay is not a big deal in my eyes is on the same page as a paedophile, they think of a child as a sexual object and that’s the point, it’s not about the pixels poking through places it shouldn’t nor is it about both being adults because one of not both are gaining sexual gratification. Ask a child that has been groomed online if it was hilarious even better ask their parents now it felt for someone to violate the innocence of their child’s childhood. Just because it’s on the internet it doesn’t make it less of a crime, the internet is a perfect world for sexual predators, people need to realise that someone’s fantasy is usually their reality of what they would like to be their reality. Maybe the ageplayer has a child they have groomed in a fb call or a Skype call or even a babysitter or even a family member who is home alone with child/children and shows them what they’re doing and going to do with them, now a crime is being committed and no one would even know.
@Missy Moo, I think it is shocking how you confuse fantasy and real world issues. Also, there seems to be major problem with the label “pedophile”. Haha says it means just that someone is attracted sexually to kids – not whether or not they act on that feeling. You on the other hand link the label “pedophile” directly to the act of harming real life children like a psycho (not taking the feelings of the child into account at all). This way it is hard to communicate about the subject in a sensible way (but maybe you don’t want that).
Na you got the whole thing wrong ma’am. I’m simply telling you I don’t care. Just the thought of you mouthing off mundane facts about how fake virtual kids are having their feelings hurt by using their imagination .Thing Is i don’t even think about it. Sl was meant to try new things and create. Probably nothing you know about. You would of hated sl in the mid 2000s. If no real child it’s not my problem. — . The television screen is the retina of the mind’s eye. Therefore the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain. Therefore whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it. Therefore television is reality, and reality is less than television.
But ya do Blanche, ya do!!
Facts something you have a problem understanding but you carry on over there with your twisted shit because you are making yourself look like an idiotic paedophile.. Did you know that some paedophiles don’t even offend but they know they’re paedophiles because they fantasize about it… How about that uh. FYI I’ve been ISL over 11 years and it makes no difference because child molestation hasn’t changed since the beginning of time. I am starting to wonder if you’re much older than those years because you really sound very infantile in your opinions.
still dont care. i know i am not a pedophile. sl is like vegas now. looking like an idiotic malcontented fool is what i am. thanks for noticing. i am sorry yout delusions get in your way. pedophilia doesnt exist as it is make believe lady. you really do not understand the ways of being a virtual submissive. little avis are nothing more then little submissives.. if you want to play reality in sl suggest you put your morals and emotions at the door. plus. i heard sl was free back then and wasnt even a big deal. if you take sl chlidren as literal children you clearly have issues… sl was created to do as you feel. not listen to your rebuttles. your opinion matters to you so thank you for using stfu enterprises. please sit down and become an alcoholic. 18+ means my avi can do wtf i want without thinking. plus you havent tried it so you can’t really have an opinion about it.
You really are stupid.. I never said child avvies are real i said the fantasy is real to one of more of the people taking part.. Someone who has sex with kid avvies don’t do it for the lols They make it their sick twisted minds a reality. If you can’t understand that then go and get help. I’m done with you I can’t deal with stupid , shoooo .
i guess you don’t know trolls. its not about pedophilia is about trying something new. i have met rl sl pedo pedos they are more fucked up then me. rp is rp. so it cant be justified as the real thing as they are only larping.
Being a survivor, and helping others who are victims or survivors themselves… would be disturbed by all this. When you promote it as acceptable here, people will be encouraged to do it RL too. Anyone thinking that it’s okay to sexually play with childlike avatars, is messed up. It helps push it outside the virtual world. It helps promote more abuse in the real world. It helps push into child porn. It promotes this as perfectly fine. It’s not. It’s disturbing. It’s a spit in the face to survivors of it outside SL.
It is also against TOS of SL. Anyone convicted of sexual assault of a child in the real world, caught doing it on SL, could get in trouble with probation/parole if they are out of prison. I’ve talked to a parole office about someone we found out was convicted himself in the real world, of what would happen if he was caught doing it online.
You cannot keep saying (I dont care) unless you are one of the predators of the real world. “Trying something new”, this is also done in real life. If you need to think sexually playing with childlike figures is okay, then yes, you need to get help. This promotes it outside quite often. Why do you think pedophiles are in locations where children could be found all the time?
It’s not acceptable, it’s disgusting.
@stank.. its about something new?? Go stick ur dick in a blender.. i mean at least its safe for everyone else.
So is whatever happens in a virtual world.
@stankfish well i wasn’t going to say anything until i finished reading your posts about you don’t care nor is it your problem if it happens so lets wind time back to when SL started out and there was a simulator called Wonderland where several men were arrested for pedophilia because of a sting operation between FBI and interpol where they created accounts to bust several people and close the simulator down, you may google the story it was on international news at one point also, so no child porn is still child porn no matter if your an adult or a child avatar in Second Life also Second Life ToS goes into detail that no child avatar should be around adult themed simulators i.e sexual themes meaning they may enter an adult rated simulator but the moment sex is involved the child avatar and adult avatar carrying out these crimes will lose accounts and face potential jail time along with going on the sex offenders register, so despite your pitiful attempt at saying “they are consenting adults and do whatever they want” there is clearly a law people still need to abide by when it comes to virtual activites, you see in your mind what your trying to justify is looking at online images of naked children in a sexual manner is fine…. well it isn’t no matter what country your from… tell you what release your details and lets see how your local law enforcement feels about you justifying pedophilia to be fine
There has to be a real child victim for it to be a crime. That being said most ageplayers in SL aren’t committing a crime. I won’t disagree there is something wrong with them. Their pathetic attempt at calling it a “sexual preference” is ridiculous.
That sim was investigated by the FBI not because of the sexual ageplayer but because people there were passing around legit child porn through SL servers.
Obviously linden lab didn’t care because lalinda Lovell and her husband Gareth whatever aren’t permabanned from SL.
Let that sink in. LL doesn’t perm ban folks who knowingly allowed and probably contained real child pornography on their accounts.
If you think that pretending to have sex with virtual children is alright, I would suggest you get help. If you have a need to have sex with child like characters, your mind is super flawed and you are disturbed. Find some therapy. You’d be the type of person that would make me wonder how much child porn you have on your computer.
Na I’m good.i’d rather spend the money on rd2. Also I’d advise you not to go to Japan .Fantasy is fantasy and reality is reality. Sl isn’t reality. So telling someone I need help would only make them curious about it. Plus sl Is a game so I’m going to do everything sl has to offer.
Whoops we have a self professed weeaboo here who clearly has never been to japan. Whoopsies!
Here have some gum.
Yikes, falling back to the candy van method. I’m surprised you didn’t rp it to me.
Vans broke man.
you say this here but how do you know if the dickhead you’re playing with logs off and has a child in the next room over he goes in to hurt after your desperate ass was used to get him hard. fuck that.. disgusting.. people in SL should think of bigger pictures sometimes.. I know its not important because its not you.. but step away from ‘ only ur feelings matter’ for a moment and think about it.
Oh, you must be the type that watches an action movie with gore, enjoys it (who doesn’t) and then goes out on the street to beat up people and shoot them. After all, there is no difference between fantasy and reality in your world.
im dying in how vile sl’ers are.. lol the comment i made above this is maybe the truest ever.. and its either my 4 lame haters who always remember me lol or there is a LOT of scum in SL who care more about getting their fupas wet moreso than the horror they may be bringing to some innocent kid. sick fucks. Where i live i get papers from the police station to inform us of peds moving in the neighborhood.. these nasty fucks are everywhere..and only desperate disgusting whores entertain them. lol Those are the ones who should kill themselves.
You do realize that people don’t think like that. That’s hella asinine . If their fupas are wet with gravy and just committed a virtual sin should be ashamed. The thought of a virtual moron is vile and depressive in nature.here we see the sacred bleeding of the ass. I really don’t know how that is logical if people in there don’t even think like that. Why did you type that? Like who actually would do that? Weirdo. Also in sl a fucks a fuck as porn is a poem. Plus I never think I just do. So if some ugly motherfucker wants to funk me as a kid I go no ,unless your Jason mamoa. Points my fingers you.
@stank.. its not asinine at all. but thats the difference between a person who gets fucked on a regular basis (healthy normal sex drive) and someone like you whose most likely never been touched who takes to the internet to fuck kids in a game” JUST because he can” or maybe because hes just a fucking loser no one over 18 wants. which is probably the case. So much easier to get a toddler to do what you want than a chic with a backbone. and all the trash bags girls who do it to have attention from a guy. i hope ur uterus’s fail and you can’t reproduce.
Did…did you just role play in a wordpress post???? Wtf is wrong with you???
let’s be real. If you get turned on by young, baby, pre-teen looks of another, and you actively seek to have sexual relations with that person because of said looks, you’re a pedophile. Doesn’t matter if the other is a consenting adult; the only saving grace for you is that it’s not illegal and you’re not subjecting an actual child to your predator like behavior.
You do realize that half the population of offensive fiction Mogwi looking children that openly speak retarded isn’t my idea of a good time..half the time I want to ask them moronic questions like, have you seen your nuts today. Also being turned on by a graphic that is still blatantly non realistic looks is grounds for why the fuck do you care? Their is far worse to care about then retarded looking avatars. It’s not really pedophilia if it’s already something to do. I’m guessing you’ve never been curious to try something different. Most adults in sl are above special and need guidance to stop being so triggered. In sl it’s best to keep your feelings at the door. Just like Japan. Your only a pedophile if you touch rl kids so not my problem too care about. Also it’s the internet and telling people what they can’t do backfires . So what it’s not like Kevin spacey said no. So have a beer and chill.
You’re legit stupid. “You’re only a pedophile if you touch rl kids”???? No you’re a pedophile if you’re sexually attracted to them. You’ll be convicted by the law if you do anything about it such as touch a rl child. Many people are sexually attracted to kids, most don’t do anything because they understand it’s against the law but that doesn’t make them less of a pedophile.
Not stupid. Just not going to take GRAPHIcs as reality. So if they touch a virtual adult that plays make believe let them have fun. Leave reality out of sl, same with emotions. Keep them at the door. Porn is porn,writtem upon the roleplay door . Tell us why you feel content to play a fantasy on my bathroom floor. Kevin spacey loves you.
Nah you’re dumb as door nails if you don’t understand what constitutes being a pedophile.
You keep bringing up Kevin spacey. Here’s the thing Kevin spacey would LOVE you and hate me.
Thank you. I appreciate that you know I’m dumb. Runs around screaming.
Seriously, the place is full of literally nothing but gross fucking people; any time I’ve been asked to visit to read profiles and laugh, I felt like I needed a fucking hazmat suit and an hour long boiling shower when I left.
Is that now a child avi in SL?
Sigh… I’m not saying anything about the avatars in the post, don’t know who they are don’t care. The poster of the secret has been “outing pedos” at this sim for a while. Since they spend so much time there, they might as well out them self too. If you sit in a cesspool you’re part of the cesspool, maybe they should go hang somewhere else.
They look like two fully grown women to me (and they are, I’m not blind).
My question is why is this person sitting at this sim in the first place? They are obviously there 24/7 to just post up secrets about pedophiles, they should be posting up themselves too considering where they like to hang out. So number 25 how about pointing some fingers at yourself? You are there you are one of those people too.
why did roman godde sellt he ultras event to flair to events? how much did he ask for it ?
3 fatpacks and a bag of pretzels
Boring like always all of it. ‘Worst” whoever in SL. ‘Biggest liar” or this person sleeps with (looks st their monitor) with other girls/boys/husbands/wives and them all those sl creators doing something wrong. Plus the screen caps of chats… anything gacha should be hated on, but all the rest is silly. Worst this and that and watch out for this person. Always the same and never interesting anymore. Plus lots of you use tiny fonts.
How salty do you have to be to make a “secret” about unpacking a demo? Bruh, calm down. Take a xanax.
Also, I know Olive saving money is a big surprise to you people (and me, tbh) but everyone needs to wear pants at some point. News about her is old and in the dirt. Find somebody else to stalk because we’re bored with it.
She used her mothers death as an excuse to scam the community out of cash. She is disgusting and that should never be forgotten. So whoever is posting it, I ask you to shout it louder for those at the back.
Who cares at this point? I’m tired of hearing about it. It doesn’t make any fucking difference, at all. So she’s disgusting…so she scammed SL…half the people in SL are scamming each other. Pull something new out of your hat, we’ll listen. We don’t care anymore…but obviously you do…so let me call you that wambulance and give you a quarter to call someone who gives af.
no one told you to read the secrets. Damn, you sound like someone torched your cat, you cat lady you.
People who dont give a fuck don’t generally go on some large rant on how they don’t give a fuck and speak for others too
Whatever, you just thoroughly embarrassed yourself. I don’t know whats worse, your attempt to be insulting or the fact that you take pride in ‘not giving a fuck’ about a person using a parents death to cash in and take driving lessons. When you say *we* who do you mean? You and Rose? 🙂
amen to that.
flair for events is not better the ultras haha do you guys think they will save the reputation of ultras event?
HOOOEEEBOIII This is gonna be a long post so… GET STRAPPED IN FOLKS! Sadly, I can’t sort this properly so… YAY FOR LONG BLOCKS OF TEXTS! #14 — You do realize… Online friends /are/ real friends…. Right?….. Right? #20 — Use bigger font please, k thanks. #22 — same as 20 #24 — Bitch, why are you complaining about one beanie… You can get a entire fuckin’ thing for 600$L or less. Especially for men. #25 — Who? #26 Aww, froggy! We missed your posts! At least Hunter/Skyler & Lydia are on talking terms now lol. #27 Oh hey, Froggy! [read 26, I’m not retyping] However, at least with #27, it makes some sense. She only cares about herself and does refuse to get Real Life help. Trust me on this. Me and countless other people she knows has tried & failed lol. #28 — Who? #29 You should blow up what your circling… Not everybody has 20/20 vision. #30 — Please use better colors in text. #31 Who? #32 who? #33 Again……Who? #34 ya’know… They do have a block / mute button on facebook too! #35 — Yeah… and the regular humans are 7 feet tall. At least we’re not ogres! #36 Drama aside, it is a pretty cute pic… Minus the text. #37 — 5 words or less please, make font bigger #38 because some creators try to organize their shit. Not everybody has a folder delivery system #39 — Honest question, how’d you get the pink? It’s pretty dope tbh. #40 who? #41 I’m gonna start a hashtag movement… #5WordsOrLess #42 #5WordsOrLess #43 tl;dr #5WordsOrLess #44 — Will the real slim shady please stand up? Please stand up. *sings* #45 awww puppy love ♥.♥ Also, tl;dr #5WordsOrLess #46 AND THEN THEY FUCKED! #47 Blow. Up. Your. Texts.… Read more »
#27/#26 – Who is Lydia she has been on here a lot she must have a lot of enemies.
all i remember about lydia is shes jealous because the new chic is younger xD and im skimming the comments about her and dying.. what kinda broke bitch asks for computer parts from people she meets online? fucking weird.. Sl’ers have ZERO SHAME lol i wonder who she asked to buy her a charger for her obama phone
I mean… if one person continuously ends up on this site for similar reasons, I’d start believing some of the stuff said about them, lol. Honestly though, I worry for the girl, she refuses to get help and continues to ruin her own and others lives because she’s so miserable. *shrugs* guess some people are just lost causes.
I have no clue but it’s always entertaining whenever she gets thrown up there, I mean either a lot of people have confabulated together as a group or there really is a piece of bs that walks and talks and likes to cause drama after taking men for a ride and sucking their wallet dry.
Well… she uses people, like randomer said, she used one guy to get a new video card and when it arrived, she flipped out about needing to spend money on a new power supply, then when she got that and put it all together, threw a hissy fit about the fact that the card was dead LOL. Then went crying to her friends to get them to talk to the dude about how he fucked her over…. all over something this guy sent her for free, all because she led him on to believe that she wanted him. For a graphics card. Then there’s another guy she met not long after the first one, he really liked her, or rather the front she put on for him and she couldn’t be assed to give him the time of day, she would make plans with him and go off and shop instead of spending time with him and then go to sex sims. Kinda pathetic, considering she always cries about how lonely she is all the time and how she wants to find a good man, but the one time a good one comes along, she fucks off, lol. Added to that, am pretty sure she was trying to get between two people to break them up, with all the crap she said and did to them. Even after the girl told her to fuck off and find her own man, Lydia wouldn’t let it go and insisted that the guy hadn’t told her no, LOL. Sooooo… yeah, she sounds like scum to me. These are only just the recent ones too.. I know her last friend very well, I’ve heard ALL about Lydia and see all the proof. Should also add that now, she’s back to trying to hop on… Read more »
*coughs whore*
not so much sucking the wallet dry she was lying to one dude seeing him while another dude knew nothing about it and he sent her a 1060 graphics card and she bitched and moaned about the fact she needed a new power supply and than all of a sudden after she got said power supply the card didn’t work and than she was trying to get her friends to I.M the person who sent her the graphics card instead of her while she lived on his land yet had her own land a parcel on crappy grove and than linden land while seeing hunter at the same time along with still being friends with that cat chick that she put on here twice yet her and cat fear are all still friends after lydia posted all that crap about her and got her banned from AG for a while lol backstabber much and froggy threw lydia to the floor after she lied to him about shit so she went running back to hunter to be “friends with him”
Actually, she was trying to get into Hunter’s pants until he denied the fuck out of her because he’s taken.
@randomer hahahaha “Welcome to SL” there are trash around like that all the damn time. Sl needs trash men who can clean up these types of people.
please make your posts short and legible next time. And properly formatted.
Also, “Online friends /are/ real friends…. Right?….. Right?” Sorry no, they’re not always. You can definitely make real friends online but not all online friends are real friends. Do you not get out much or have friends in rl?
i agree here if you have to say ‘my online friend’ instead of friend.. there is a difference. i bet that bitch knows all of her fb friends too? lol so dumb
I myself, only have a few RL friends, I prefer going to places, hiking and enjoying my time without them most of the time. SL friends and RL friends can be just as crappy as the other
Oh stfu. 29 is clearly showing the circled dates. All you have to do is zoom in. You are so pressed lmao.
lol… You expect me to zoom in on an already big as fuck page? No thanks. Bigger text plz k thx
why are you talking to yourself in comments you mong?
You’re a very boring condescending cunt this is why men don’t like you old saggy slags.. You’ve lost any and all affection from younger bucks you dusty muff.
Hey at least this one can spell! @me ; you could take a lesson or two from this guy! 😀
Also, Dusty Muff… Lol.
OK “lolw0t’ take ur own advice lame one.
improper use of semi colon. Please learn to use them,
Shouldn’t you be in school? I don’t figure junior high generally is out of school this early
DUSTY. MUFF. Swear to god that’s about to be my display name ?
Jesus Christ you have all the warning signs don’t ya?
Yes I do my child
ur post is retarded. ijs or maybe ur retarded .. not sure.. little of both perhaps. this is proven in the #24 comment.
you should have used 5 words or less too xD
Your* ; “I’m Just Saying* ; “You’re” * ; — If you’re going to insult me, at least do it right!
Feeling insulted is a choice, you feel insulted? You choose to
Exactly! @RespectYourCustomers – I think I triggered them by trying to make them talk like a grown up instead of a baby.
Then shouldn’t you be sounding like a grown up yourself? You felt insulted and then took my comment about how you chose to feel insulted as a praise for you (it wasn’t)
I’m not insulted though?
w0t? fucking dumb ass lol
not triggered by some auto correct hoe named ‘lolw0t’ <—whats that say?
Nice try at changing the subject. YOUR commentary is still shite.
its sunday morning.. u worry about ur & you’re n all that….i didnt spell it out either time used but to be honest its a tap of a spacebar ur . u r.. i bet nobody reads ur texts though..spelling out every word why? welcome to almost 2019