Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 539.
Please stop with the RL photos/information unless you censor their faces/identifying information.
29 – The drama may be there but yall acting like children im taking no sides but shit at least put your name i mean why hide if you got a problem with someone then go to there face talking anonymously you are just hiding and in all fairness it don’t even look like drama. Simply put you have a issue with this person then resolve it why get petty? Honestly its just being toxic lame as fuck
#21 Pretty sure Mossu didn’t copy Nitro. I remember Nitropanic’s being on SImsDom really recently. Kind of sad
actually both of them copied.. you know good old sl. lol Victoria’s Secret Swarovski Balmain Bra Set You’re Welcome. Never Original in SL. Shouldn’t matter much who stole it first. Neither is theirs.
ffs, who cares!
thanks for putting 45 up, it looks nice. somehow i missed that release!
If you’re Fran Drescher maybe…
#42 so you’re going to waste your own chance to be happy and just spend the rest of your sl and rl time trying to ruin someone else’s life, huh? That makes you soooo brave (but only if sarcasm is used). If you can’t make yourself happy, you deserve to be miserable. Stop making yourself look pathetic. K, thx, bai.
10 – I am unsettled by this post, the poster is obviously mad at this Kinky.Mint person, whatever the reason it is not fun enough to be on here, the drama is boring and the last time my gay ass check People hide their marriages from parents all the time, usually for safety or reasons not my business and the witch hunt attempt on this girl, I hide my Husband my my dad because the homophobia in my family is extremely dangerous.. Are you going to blast me on that Poster? I also conplain about my husband constantly, because I love him and I want him to see things my way but he is his own person. ARE YOU GONNA ATTACK ALL OF US FOR THAT?? After messaging this girl I decided to befriend, to hear her complaints and find her side, Funniest person to meet over the holidays.. This negative post gave me the gift a new friend… and now I have a snippet of the whole situation.. this girl is being dragged on here more than once over a fued of a proposed boundary of respect. I think this drama is why many of you women including the poster have relationship problems.. jealous and drama is ugly and those looking to stir it for no reason are down right grotesque. Her marriage is one of convenience it sounds like and that is not a crime, Hearing her talk about it, she cares a whole deal for her man and said to him on voice she was happy to trap him and spun it around and told him she would leave him for a hot Asian, His laughter in the background only proves that she is NOT cheating on him and the poster of this mess is Lying. Some… Read more »
After have spoken to the other side of this know that the drama between these people have been going on for years and that this time was the single straw that broke the camel’s back. False rape accusations, constantly calling friends men-stealer after one misunderstood incident, attempting to break apart couples, turning common friends against each other, you name it. The leaving-her-husband-for-a-hot-asian had been said so many times that they honestly believed it. Other than the slsecrets post these people have done nothing else, no real-life information spread, no having sent strangers to harass her, and so they are surprised to hear that real life family was attacked and hope that they are okay. Believe this post or not, but your new friend should realize that these persons aren’t the only enemies she has.
you are way too invested in ur new friend .. lol give it time.. ull regret this post.
She has been nothing but delightful. She greets me when she sees me and then leaves me alone unless I message her to chat., which is better then most neighbors in real life. Stop being a bitter little child. Also please stop typing like a person without education it only adds to the loser vibe. Nothing I can say to your lack of class matters anyway.
Every week, sometimes 3 or 4 times per edition, we see someone being called “the biggest whore in sl”. Perhaps we should have a contestto settle the issue once and for all. Any takers?
yeah it’s silly. like how the media says every movie is the best movie at the time, then it quickly fades away when the next “big” movie is released. These people on here are too simple.
#48 I feel you’ve led a fairly sheltered SL life if you think that this is worth posting up as a secret. Trust me, it gets a lot worse once you start looking at the speedos and bikinis that are marketed to child avi’s.
That store alone has transparent sexy lengerie for tween avatars. I know ive reported them as inoppropriate more then a few times. But apperently plastic see trhough lingerie on a child is appriopriate to linden labes because they never get taken down.
LL doesn’t give a fuck because they get their cut. Same for the full perm section come Friday Evening / Saturday morning.. same assholes week after week bootlegging everyone’s things for the first 3-5 pages and the idiots who complain they didn’t get a full perm Maitreya body for 105L.. As for the latex kids clothes read the mp comments of the scum who buy them and 5 star it same with the kids girly parts listings. People in SL have NO shame. I’m a despicable person because i tell the truth as i see it and hurt a few feelings every now and again meanwhile 50-75% of the people reading this now probably own them. Insanity.
#37 is a bullshit lie, if you know shiny at all, You know what kind of loving, caring, generous person she is. All you have to do is ask her for her stuff, and she would give it to you. And if she was a shitty creator, How does she end up in all the events she’s in if she’s a shitty creator. Maybe the shit starter who posted this Drama cause she is a drama infested cest pool. Should realize, if she’d stop being such a douchebag, maybe she’d have some positive people in her life. But the shit starter that started this bullshit lie. I wonder why karma KEEPS punching you in the face. LOL
#35 : are you talking about the gaps between the body and the robe? theres a reason for it.
the robe is TRANSPARENT.
you cant alpha your body with this outfit.
the “baggier” the outfit, the less clipping when you move.
His “sister” was only an SL family and is not real life related, so it doesn’t matter. That’s not incest, thats just a change of pixel status. Sheesh.
This “omg they were sisters/brothers/mothers” and they are pixel fucking each other! is ridiculous. Just because you say “hey you are party of this family and now my sister” doesn’t mean it’s real life.
Also it’s not real sex….. But whatever.
Why do people get hyped over this?
Shh.. you going to upset people who want to call others whores for pixel sexing more than one person …. don’t ruin it for those peoples! lol
@respect lmao true. I wouldn’t have a blog if it weren’t for that, I suppose.
and this is what FMD looks like behind the avis xD
Much older, and much fatter, but basically yes lol
amen@BeLess xD
LOL I used to roleplay an incestuous relationship on my original avi. They weren’t actually brother and sister (she was vampire, he was lycan), but called each other that because they were in the same clan. People freaked, both IC and OOC. We found it highly amusing, and it made for a fun storyline. People seriously need to get a grip. Unless they’re real life related and fucking, no one cares.
My first comment on Sl secret and its about my bestie. LOOOOOOL!!!!!! Just to clear it up on picture nr 49.. they have never been brother and sister. They are members of my family yes. But they where never brother and sister. I was zacks sister not samantha. Lol. People need to get tthere facts right before they post secrets … they where both in the same family (who i am the founder of) but never as brother and sister. Im gonna sign this with my sl name to ^^ so people get that clear ?
I dont care who they are, or who it’s about. I dont know any of them or you. It doesn’t matter if they were SL relatives. It was never my point. Not sure why you need to make it seen as to be such. Drama wasn’t needed
i agree@Respect.. im more mortified how she glorified and said loudly and proudly its the fam SHE WAS FOUNDER OF.. lmao.. god i got embarrassed for her reading that shit.
So apparently, Me, despite your earlier comment, you “do give a fuck” Just laughing at you and your endless expertise throughout SL Secrets. You are like the Nurse Ratchet of the gossip rags. Don’t stop though, we all love laughing at you. Yes, at your expense.
i couldn’t be offended by ANYTHING anyone named “Waltzing Matilda” would say.. You sound a few decades OLDER than whiskey monday..so get ur few last laughs in before grim reaper pulls you away at my expense.. see it as a parting gift.
Oh, umm, “Me.” Dearie, I am sure everyone seems a few decades older when you are 14 and hiding in your bedroom from your parents. You should spend more time with them. Oh, and of course, sweetie, I await your “expense.” But be careful love, the grim reaper is fickle.
Watch out Matilda.. i’ll bring my heathens over to Flexi Skirt Frank’s (sounds like a place you would frequent) and we can have a dance off..lol After you take your osteoporosis meds of course. Ooh god shut the fuck up and go smoke a joint.. stop being a boring cunt and using me to catch secrets fame because i’m the only one whos high enough to talk back. go dye your grays and hush. toodles not responding to any more old hag chat.. you’ll give me wrinkles
Flexi Skirt Franks? is it still all those types of outfits there? I’ve not gone there for years
No, “Waltzing Matilda” sounds just as juvenile as the majority :p
They come on here talking like junior high students like this one just did
we really don’t give even 1/2 a fuck. but thanks for the clarification.
I didnt even read her whole comment, went from reading first couple lines to scan quickly
People like to add drama into things ya know.. lol
#49 — Who cares if it was his sister or not? As long as it’s not his RL sister, then I think we’re guuci fam. Maybe they enjoyed eachother’s company so much, that they fell in love? Eh. Could always be worse. If it was his RL sister, then I’d be singing a different tune. Also… On a few of these #11 included… MAKE YOUR TEXT BIGGER AND CLEARER SO WE CAN FUCKING READ IT! DAMN. Alsoalso, #48, you can report this on the marketplace. On the bottom it should say “FLAG ITEM” Here, I even highlighted, and did all the stops to show you. http://prntscr.com/lyr3wi
Sadly, reporting these items doesn’t do a damn thing. I’ve personally gone through and reported probably every item in their store well over a year ago; nothing happened then, nothing would happen now. It’s just toeing the line of being pedophilic without being explicit, so LL doesn’t give a shit enough to do anything about it. Not to mention there’s no option to report it as breaking TOS, so it’ll just be glossed over for being misreported even if it’s checked.
35 – glitzz sucks. i have always had a problem with their clothing. but they seem to always make it in all of the major events? I wonder who they had to masturbate on skype with to get into them all? :shrug:
I want to thank my overly kind stalker for posting that lovely review of my life. All I can say is thank you so very much it’s such a relief this all put forward now everyone knows what an utter disgrace I am. And how incredibly uneducated I am and such a fucking asshole for bring my aging mother into my home to care for her! Smooches darlings! Like I fucking care what some twatwaffle says about me. LMAO enjoy! Post more!
Some grammatically correct salt. Thanks for teh chuckles.
Feel free to remain under the illusion that you do not care what someone says. You are transparent and anyone above forty IQ will see right through you. The issue is the average IQ of the Second Life player base is around thirty-seven.
1. Posting a secret about someone does not make them a stalker. I bet you are the type of person to call rape on a first kiss. I can easily assume you are a feminist, as well. You come off like one.
2. If you did not care about what was posted, why respond to it?
u sound salty bruh, might wanna calm down a bit
37 – it’s okay kaysha you’re the only one that is I hate her and nobody else is like this, Merry Christmas I hope you have a better New Year
Shiny I have known you for a long time, you are a sweetie. Ignore the dumbass haters♡ Merry Christmas
I fucking can’t stand your shit ass and I can assure you I’m not Kaysha lmao me and my 7 friends posted this.
Are you Ashlie and Chelsey really ? I thought you both left second life cause you were to mimic everyone
lmao you wish we left
Why not admit to who you are?
are you really that dumb? We already admited to be Ashlie and Chelsey lol
No one cares, grow up and quit acting like a jealous toddler
never heard of shiny
#43. Can you sink lower? You are so jealous it is screaming from every pore of your body. If you put half the energy into finding your own man that you do in trying to badmouth this couple, then you would maybe succeed. But probably not, since nobody want a bitchy fucker always in other people’s business ? You need to stop making a fool of yourself, you are the one we laugh of!
if they didnt put all business on social media no one would know it.. i dont even know them and i’ve seen the bullshit in passing. I mean best way to keep people out of ur business is to stop fucking posting it for people to see.. retards. i hope everyone steps up and gets actual boyfriends they can touch..it helps in the growing process.
Clearly, love, a boyfriend is something you are lacking given that you now account for some 50% of all weekly SL Secrets comments.
I’m glad you took the time to read them and unlike most i have mine in real so i can be typing this to you and sitting on his lap at the same time..but since we’re on boyfriends how many years has it been since you’ve had one without dentures?
Aww, you are a lap sitter. So cute. Have you told him of your special hobby? You know the one. Yes, we know who you are and are having so much fun laughing at you. So much fun our dentures are rattling.
You get awfully salty about people reading your old comments for someone who will hop right to that with others if you think it’ll help you make a point- it never has, but the irony is funny.
@Beless i don’t read your old comments luv, I recall convos we already had.. maybe its my young memory but you were a different person some weeks ago. I’m the kind of person who says exactly what im thinking when i think it (right or wrong and very blunt) thumbs up or down.. its all the same to me.. you still read the shit and bothered picking either. . You’re the type of person who says whats going to get you likes.. thats been proven.
Lmao, why so angry. Everyone knows better then to envy those two. Hell I’ll even give you more credit to not be in that PUBLIC shit show of a relationship. Maybe they should stay lowkey instead of putting it out there every month. Sit down and enjoy the entertainment like the rest of us. Lol
Happy Merry Holiday that you celebrate inserted here! 16 & 25 is definitely a comical post that I’ve read in a while. One’s from Australia, the other New York City. How do I know? Well I do know Lucius, and I’m partnered to Cas and I know Ane Luc’s partner. O.O Wait! *long Gasp* Maybe I’m Ane! :O (just kidding she’s cooler than I am.
) Anyway the logistics alone don’t fit. Seeing as I’m the “real life wife of the person that is alting both these avis” I think it’s only fair to state, I’d rather be in Australia. Than the snowy Appalachian mountains where I live. It’s freaking cold where I am! Madfaise.. D:< Why can't this be true! -_- Also, how old are these screenshots, they're like from October? @_@ I know for fact Castiel swapped the picture I took of him and I for an older one he took from 2016 like in November…. Someone needs to stop stalking ya bunny boiler you! *rings her bell screaming Shame!* ? I'm disappointed by this "secret". Try again k? ^_^ Maybe a rumor about how Ane is my alt, and I'm her alt, and we're totally alting to uh shop for clothing? Oh I know! Lucius is -actually- in real life living and doing things there, and that's like the worst to do ever in second life because you must be in SL alll day long! :O So he's a heathen and is *insert another avi name to put him on a new alt* new rumor \o/ A big thank you to those that run this blog, It's really a great read weekly. ♥♥ Now, Onto who burned down Cheryl's she shed. Anyone? I think it was totally that Elf on the shelf bastard. :X
Oh Aengel, the partner hopper. What happened to Moll? Revenge is a dish best served cold, yeah? You cheater cheater pumpkin eater! You are never with out a partner. Are you in a race with Pedantic??? How is your RL spouse? *rolls eyes* Just keep the door revolving girl… you will find what you don’t get at home in SL… I PROMISE! Round 2 for Cas! Watch out buddy, she is a cheater, JUST ASK MOLL! LAWL
Seems like people that worked at “That Place” all seem to have a way higher opinion of themselves then they really should. I have ZERO respect for that shithole, seeing the tea smells like piss and Sugar ?
Another rl couple that fucks around in sl.Aengel,you and your rl husband must lack a whole lot of self respect for your marriage and yourselves. And dont try to reply with your blah blah lame excuses to try and justify it cause it will just be a whole lot of bullshit dribbling out.
LOL @ Aengels RL marriage is not OPEN, she is just a liar
Who cares, if they’re not lying to each other? Honesty is the best form of respect; you sound like someone who prefers missionary with the lights off and can’t imagine putting your mouth “down there”.
To be clear, their comment is dumb as fuck, but shaming honestly open couples is just as bad.
Blip,your the ignorant one.So i dont like going down there because I dont agree with the shit they both do online.How did you come up with that logic?.
It means you’re an uptight, frigid cunt, dear. I’m sorry I didn’t use simple enough terms for you to follow.
Because you’re clutching your pearls over the fact that a married couple is exploring their fantasies in SL. None of your business unless you’re involved with one or the other. Are you? If not, it’s none of your damn business.
Exploring. He openly told people about how he leured his wife into their relationship / marriage and how her family hated him for it. He gets off on stockhloming women forcing them to need him.
Depends, I am all for an open marriage, but with intentions that whomever they have a relationship in both RL or SL for this matter, is fully disclosed so that they are never ever with any doubt whatsoever that their relationship with these married folks is never going to lead anywhere and is either rl sex or just voice sexing within sl. Otherwise, it’s mind-playing with someone. And I’m sick of this in both worlds. You want complete clarity, you don’t want any drama? Be upfront. Part of all of the issues in both rl and sl is the lies and lack of communication between potential sexual partners. And it’s what causes the majority of these secrets here. And I say this to both the women and the men here that don’t give a rats ass because to them it’s just a game. It is, but you have different mentalities flowing within this game.
But if they are an open couple and the people that they are mutually dating/partnering are well-aware of all of this then there’s no issue here move on. Kudos to everyone.
@someone who reads
They never told people they were married so someone has figured it all out, Always introduced as best friends or knew each other IRL only. now everyone knows they are married and have been making fools of everyone. rumour was aengel runs around as lucius when she is bored
To be frank, to each their own. However, I loathe people that want to hurt others, and that does cause hurt. While I always tell someone not to take sl too seriously, I hate people that use the game in order to hurt others or have a power game and mind fuck people in the process. We already have enough rl problems and we don’t need assholes in sl fucking it over for others.
Agreed 110% Blip. Aengel is as dumb as a bag of smashed assholes, however being in a open relationship myself I do not condone the shaming of it. Different strokes for different folks.
lol @ a bag of smashed up assholes!
#13 Wish someone would of commented her shape it’s hideous. She deserves everything coming to her. Karma is a bitch Kristi. And your getting your due. I only wish I came up with this. But sadly my hands are clean. Maybe one day you’ll see how much of a shit person you are and change. But knowing you….. you’ll pretend to be a changed woman, beg people back to be your friend, use them for their lindens and gachas like you did me because you live off your real life dad and make him take care of your ugly ass and your poor neglected son. I feel bad for him he’s a cute kid….. but came from such a whore of a woman. Maybe it’s time you turn the computer off, Pay attention to your son and get a fucking job….unless sucking dick for cash is still working for you. Then by all means hunny…. girls like you has to make a living somehow am I right?
^ Everything is so true it’s not even funny anymore. No wonder no guy wants to be around her for that long ?
so fucking true
#17 Whoever made this secret about Inertia thank you, I was gonna make one myself about this crap but I’ve been too busy.
What an actual self absorbed cunt she really is to think that no one can use the name Neverfar but her.
She’s on Flickr following people and then unfollowing to make herself look popular, which she did to me a couple of times till I blocked the bitch.
IF she’s so happy in her real as she makes out she should fucking stay there.
Since jakobat don’t pay her sim anymore, she had to give it up. WE ALL KNOW, you used your “Friends” to pay the sim rent. No one went to Neverfar (copy of Never River). Jacobat saw there was never anyone. He is happy to tell everyone what a idiot and little money pet he was for her! This psycho tells lies about all ppl that discover her lies and secrets! And too many did fall for them, and protected her on Flickr, when she was AGAIN bulling against ppl that never did anything to her! Look on that stupid post! Marina just have get the sim back, like so many others. It’s her job. Why should she rename it? Did inertia named the sim before? With money of her friends?! For sure not! She is a mental sick person! And don’t forget all her stolen rl pics!
you too huh? shes done that to me a few times. (the follow and then unfollow).
she did it 3 times in 1 month because i didnt follow her back lol
Who is that woman btw?
I 100% agree with the royal pain post and the post about lola and her boy toys.
Like share comment die laughing.
omg there’s 2 of us
37 – it’s okay kaysha you’re the only one that is I hate her and nobody else is like this, Merry Christmas I hope you have a better New Year
I don’t think it’s Kaysha. Her head is so far up floe’s ass, I don’t think she’d out her in comparison. Also, the secret maker has much better grammar than Kaysha does.
#50 Bye, Felicia!
Why do folks insist on giving exit speeches? No one cares, life will go on with your departure unnoticed. No one will beg you to stay. Whoever you were.
Same as no one cares about your comment or any of ours.
Best comment I’ve read so far today!
Thank you
16 & 25 – it’s common knowledge his main is Castiel Harcourt. And yes he’s on it all the time (day and night) partnered to the RL wife. This person is a pathological liar and has been playing women for years. I guess the only person who doesn’t know all this .. is his latest victim whose been given the “typical excuse” – I’m working on myself in RL and need a break from SL but we will still talk from time to time – his current partner.
@ anonymous, He always denied having alts. But Castiel fits seeing it’s very similar to his real life name Casimir. Seems he has lied about a number of things to alot of women. Dont even feel sorry for aengel anymore shes an enabler to it all too.
Aengel doesn’t care… she is on round 2 with Cas anyway. She has had at least a round 2 with several of her ex’s. He broke things off with her last time, because he was too busy. Actually… he really didnt even break it off, he just ignored the fuck out of her until she broke it off. She was the cash cow to pay for all his bs. She is always the cash cow, until she has enough, cheats and moves directly in to the next partnership. She will get all sarcastic and salty and self righteous in response, but actually she is a pretty miserable person.
So Lucius is from australia? Because anyone that knows Castiel knows he is an aussie!
Merry Xmas everyone! Hope you all have a safe wonderful holiday and get to enjoy it with family & friends.
#1 Maybe they are there for your protection? Aliens perhaps? Keeping the door to door sales people away?
#9 I worked for SLE as a land sales rep and I can say that claim is bullshit. SLE is very proffesional and offers great customer service.
#9 i can say the claim is Bullshit too and was most likely written by some one who was banned and is too butthurt to take responsibility for their own actions. If you got banned you got banned for breaking a rule of the sim you were on , if you really fucked up then you got an estate ban, im going to reason this person posting this BS did something really wrong got banned from all their fav sims and is playing victim when in reality they are the ones that were breaking the rules.
29 – the karma just keeps coming ?
Oh since Kenz is mentioned I will say Sorry to her if I did by any chance said anything offensive to her, but don’t take this that I feel she is not to blame for her actions of attacking other women she should know better, anyone who learns of this family knows that they are all vile people and do not know how to treat others with an ounce of humility or respect since they have to be superior to all.
As for that post we all know drama follows the Von Fucktards they thrive on it as seen in past weeks on here they do love to talk shit on others when not knowing any truth to any part of the post. With that I can hope all have a good holiday!
@No Shocker Again I like to point out where is your proof of Kenz bashing any one on here. Yes she is well aware of this site and all the name calling . People acting like little children. It’s been publicly knowledge that she hasnt commented. Has she tried ? YES she admited she’ s tried to comment in her own defence but wasnt able to get the comment to go through.
However, I think that your apology is decent but it would be more affective if she knew who you were to accepted . I mean after all you claim to know who she is . Why cant she know who you are. I have seen yall say you guys want that family to “Right their wrongs” how are they to do that if they dont know who you are ? Kinda contradicting the whole purpose of ” Righting their wrongs” don’t you think?
Ik this comment is irrelevant to this post but @Haa from the post before accusing me being Kenz. Please do yourself a favor log out and get some experience with real life people . It’s clear you’re trapped in a virtual world. Youre just as bad as the people claiming that chick Lacy is everyone. FYI definitly not Kenz but I do know her really well out side of online.
Wait a minute here dear Mon Did I ever state that Kenz was bashing on this site? No, I am saying it as a general comment. And I also said I am an observer as I stated prior last week I Do Not Know any of them and nor do I want to know any of them, Cruel; unkind personalities are toxic in their own way. As for who I am, that is no one’s concern I say this because again I am just an observer a guy who feels that woman shouldn’t be subjected to degrade no matter what, I love my current GF very much, and I know she isn’t a model in RL, but in my eyes she is all I ever wanted personality and more. I guess some people find joy out of being cruel and deranged lunatics in a simulated virtual online reality and find to a way to escape the RL they have. But I will say those who take what the real world gives them out on people online need serious help. This is where you should go see a therapist or even talk to your doctor. Knowing the people, you meet online is different than your next door neighbor or even that co-worker. Everyone’s lifestyle is different and when you think you may understand a person you met online you also if they tell you the most profound secrets you still don’t know them. Real Life is much more than just online and my point sorry I talk too much as my GF says I do. What I have seen with my eyes as I read this blog for just the comical antics and bullshit. I look at the posts of GF’s/BF’s who cheat, the lack of originality of develops the list… Read more »
*slow clap*
Showing a listing of a sexual predator with all the info blacked out proves nothing about anyone. You could paste any SL name on that and there’s no proof.
Well I won’t allow their full info to be submitted. Feel free to post it on your own website. Not here. If the info wasn’t blanked out I’d have removed it myself.
And for you folks thinking you are funny posting names in comments….. That’s asking for a ban.
Presumably the person who it’s directed to will recognize the unblocked details and be concerned that someone has their actual information. Of course it’s not specific enough to be sure, but if whoever that’s about is messing around with child avatars in SL, I hope it scares the crap out of them.
I am going to say more than likely the dude knows who this is pointed at and as long as he gets the message. I am going to say that this is probably what they were doing here, but if I am not mistaken according to the rules face and real life names have to be removed. But being the date of the offense is shown, his height, weight and age of the poor victim he knows it’s directed at him.
#41 jaxonryker is so cunt hungry he will chase tail every chance he gets……..married to a cunt and chasing fresh cunts on the DL…..
Wonder if they even care ?
Its all about the cunts !! cunt pride !!
@ThistleWhistle: No matter what usernames you use (malebutter, me, mimilarula, etc) I still know it’s you. Stick to a single username.
I am glad someone called it out! Good Riddance
All about the cunt!
You mad because he won’t chase your cunt <3
Too busy chasing yours cunt
First of all the incredibly small fonts this week are off the charts. If you are going to put 3 people on blast, at least either name em in the secret or make the pic a lil better ffs. Also the flaming red color doesn’t help a bit on the eyes no matter what it is against. Now onto the tea itself:
#16 & #25- Another douche who gloms onto like a magnet to families that take in broken toys then tosses them when the real comes to light, no shocker there. A multiple time loser all around.
#22- Pretty positive this microphallus has been trouble for years, can’t believe he’s even still around tbh, and hasn’t obviously changed a bit
#26- Ummmm I havent had a days trouble with mesh causing lag. Can you please cite something to refer by? Overloaded scripts within objects can cause lag
#27- Hit the nail on the head, the “events” fever is way overdone. Even the Mens events for the most part are simply awful. They do 1 good one and 11 horrid ones. It was not that long ago when people did “shop”, it was always fun to bounce in and outta stores to see the latest offerings vs a crowded sim full of people window shopping and cramming the sim full for days.
#32 and #33 are my pick for Roast of the decade. The truth hurts and is so real. Arcade can die or should I say die faster.
#41- Appears to be more “MC” drama *although everything’s so fucking tiny who’d know. Yawn
#42- Pexie has been a proven trolling tire fire for years
#45- If you had a girl in your life like his, you too would have more then a few misfires js.
Thank you for saying that about 32 and 33…I didn’t know who they were talking about…makes sense now. lol
Anyone who thinks Animesh causes more lag than having to fake animations by creating multiple, linked, highly complex meshes with a scripted alpha system is a fucking ignoramus of the highest caliber. Mesh causes *less* lag than sculpties; complexity counters confirm this consistently. Sounds like someone is trying to run SL on an outdated machine and looking for something to blame without bothering to inform themselves at all.
Only obsolete computers, and the same will be true for anything graphically intensive if you don’t keep up with technology- it’s not the mesh, again it is more efficient than sculpts. It’s the higher resolution textures we use on mesh that are lagging YOU personally, if indeed you’re even correct about the source of your lag.
Keep up, or get left behind; it’s not the fault of progress if you’re too poor or ignorant to manage that.
Maybe yours, but it doesn’t slow mine up. I am surrounded by mesh nonstop, run streaming programs, Discord, DJ Software with no slowups. Now if you have less then an I3, and some of the AMD processors you might have slowups or “onboard” graphics. I check my task manager frequently and I don’t see it..
you know what causes a shit load of lag, those fucking breedables. They need to get rid of those things. Those things are disgusting and a huge resource sink.
I’m really 100% with you, but they also keep money moving around the grid and I can’t really argue that isn’t important; I just won’t rent anywhere that allows breedables, and I would never spend a single L on anything related to them.
If they weren’t so script heavy they wouldn’t be as bad. But I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
Once again I see the fans of Kerli are back out, very well since you won’t stop I shall stoop to your level. Thing is I won’t pretend to hide behind a secret, Ill just air your dirty laundry here. * Luna, Lets start with you, How many people have you lied too this week claiming to be a female? now if you were escorting I would understand females do get paid more of course but you just show up to sims and hop on a pose-ball waiting for anyone desperate enough to plug a loose hole to come along, but that’s not where it ends now is it? no you make sure to grab screenshots and try financially blackmail any poor sap dumb enough to use you as a cum dump for a day all the while begging your friends that your so happily trashing on here for lindens because “You’re so broke and need this and this and this” Its laughable that your calling out Kerli repeatedly when we all know your the one shacked up with a proven pedo in SL, fuck we’ve seen the child avi you sick cunts use to “play” so perhaps keep that glass house a little more cleaner before you go casting rocks eh? * And Airwen, oh my dear man… you have tried so much with me over the past few years its honestly quite sick, from the random video chats (ffs please no-one wants to see your hairy apey arse fucking chest that’s whiter than a goddamn milky bar keep a fucking shirt on) and whats worse, you do it while your missus who has to work scrubbing HOTELS and web-cam’ing herself out to people (poor poor lady i respect her efforts I do) so your family has SOME financial… Read more »
lied to*, not lied too
usage: “i lied to her” vs “i lied too”
(also this isn’t making up words, this is basic grammar considering both “to” and “too” are in the standard english dictionary)
also, majority of people and places do not use poseballs anymore. if you are still using poseballs, consider upgrading.
We need full names not just first names
Oh my bad …Airawin Viper …. Luna has alot of alts but Ill give you her top few Matt Davidson (bubbu1994)
Łūñä ŁūçįƖƖє ηιgнţ ƒίяε (demongodess123)
Luna Heartmist (lunaheartmist123)and of course me, well they know who I am.
#13.. Not surprised.. She used to be my best friend..
#42.. Still not surprised… But just let her enjoy her SL.
#49.. It’s just SL, dumbass.. -_-
4….me LOL I don’t chase ANYONE. I am only ever in IM’s with my friends. Nor do I ever cam sex…lol I have kids in my house idiot. Anyone who knows me, knows what I am like, the rest, Idgaf. So whatever salty person posted that, why don’t you grow a pair of balls and try Dial – a – spine instead and come say it to my FACE. waits. ?
congrats thistle . you made it to the poster aka ad board group . sponsored by your sister alivia and paris . cause they are well known of being attention whores and guess what you made it .we all know they put you on here or you did yourself cause for attention next time add the the aeg background it was a sweet touch for your sisters ..
First of all I put myself on because I love cock and we all know it. Second of all who the fuck do you think your talking to? Are you one of my ex cam buddies? Did I not moan hard enough for you? Your so stupid because you don’t no wtf you are talkin about so do yourself a fav and stfu
Who am I kidding !! Im the biggest and fattest whore in SL got a dick bring it to me and we can cam all day and night. Don’t care much about my real life! Got the money ? better spend it all on me cause im broke and need a whore to survive
thistle always striked me as an annoying bitch anyways. always on that “notice me” bullshit on local chat at clubs. with her accent that would make cats cry,
Well she was part of the whore sisterhood with Paris & Alivia so she deserves all she gets.
jealous over her having an accent ?? no one cares darling . . keep your fatself away from santas cookies you cow
God this is another pathetic keyboard warrior. Say it to your face… how? Through the monitor or you gonna give out your address?
I hate it when people are like SAY IT TO MY FACE like they’re some kind of badass whilst behind a computer screen. Lame fuck
all these fat American bitches are just jealous of you.
Jealous of what, exactly?
well no one is jealous of you…so you can stfu.
like carla said, jealous of what? Sounding like a moron and looking like a hoebag on sl? Color me green.
Or else you will? What pray tell will you do if I don’t shut the fuck up? I asked a simple question, jealous of what, exactly? Instead of answering as an adult would, you answered as if you are in an elementary school playground. You do know that SL is for adults, right? The reason I asked that question is because have you actually seen her? You claim that it’s fat American bitches that are jealous, but if I recall, and yes, I am privy to what she actually looks like, she ain’t no skinny lil bitch at all. So again, I ask. Jealous of what, exactly?
I meant in sl duhhhhhh am not gonna give out my home address am I? sit down before you hurt yourself! LAME
How stupid are you?
#14 – Now THIS is how you make a declaration of someone being a cunt! Nice background color, good font and I like the contrasting colors. The whole thing is presented very cutesy. I find it adorable. PS: I have no idea who this secret it talking about. lol
She’s just a horrible person. LoL. Thanks for the compliment tho!!
yes@Abafb i said the same .. like finally someone made it readable and pretty and right to the fucking point. xD
Thank you, thank you
Cami chu is the creator of Namiichuu. Looks like he needs to clean out his inner circle of designer friends.
#9 Second Lifestyles is literally the worst. I’ve had a few avatars banned because I got annoyed that I was added to their spam list just for accidentally teleporting onto one of their sims.
They also did this on the safe hubs.. Bunch of retards
Best secret of the week…. number 36