Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 538.
· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 317 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 538.
I find it funny all this limelight talk…. and how people are there when they are the sibling club of same owners as pink velvet in post 2 and 3. seems like there is a lot going on with the owners of those clubs.
I did some research and apparently the owners don’t just have limelight they have the palace, pink velvet, betterflies, drive inn, sinnocents and formerly black jinx, jinx, and love kats 2.
Heard a lot of stories about these venues owners and mistreatement of its customers it appears they want to build their own grid of clubs and looks like they do go into venues and spy and gather names in the hope to destroy them, i was taken aback, but after seeing the posts and finding the club, i went in and a staff member admitted going to a new venue called glow and harassing it’s owner, her staff and friends.
This venue glow has only been open just over two weeks and it looks like they have been subjected to a lot of harassment because the pink velvet owners greed and jealousy, it looks like all they wish for is pink velvet to move on and stop causing issues in clubs
seriously can’t all clubs have the right to be at peace and have fun on sl without petty club trying to ruin it for everyone else. i have heard they spied on over 30 clubs. fucks sake like get a grip dude
#7 Lexxi, Stella, Averyelise is that u ? Or maybe it’s Emerie ? U both still trying to sit pretty claiming ur not in Second Life but here u are still up on Second Life being the trash that u are LOL I’ll laugh the day u two continue to be so invested and someone calls ur Real Life. Karma.
Aww you disabled comments
Bruh, you got OWNED! In a nutshell, this dude sounds like a lost puppy just itching to find a new owner. Problem is, he’s SOOO stuck on his last owner he can’t move on. So she has alts…IDGARA! So she makes money in SL…who gives a shit! You are so adamant about ‘getting revenge’ that you can’t see you are making a complete and utter ass of yourself. But hey, it’s GREAT material for a good laugh. Tell me, Expose A Flake…what angered you more? The fact someone else got that punani or that you didn’t?? Just curious.
actually it was your life that gave me a good laugh but nice come back though, Must be nice to be a dead beat parent ignoring your kids for some online fun ya Ivana.. or wait a minute “Bruh” you sound just like that coon Jarone, lmfao are you 2 the same people as well? You out here posting random names just to put your 2 cents in? pitty …you’re life suck much?
Like usual, nothing new to add to the comment section, just more sour puss insults and ignorance. Noticed you didn’t answer which angered you more but I’m glad to see her punani was SO vajazzled it caught YOUR attention, lol. Now, there is only one question that remains….will you or won’t you ever get over being denied?! My guess, never will. Go ahead with your bad ass self, Diamond, do you, boo. Take solace in the fact that teeny peons such as him will never rise to your standards 🙂
like usual another flea bag making another post with utterly nothing worth taking serious ..yawns
than why you flappin ya gums like an angry nigglet? Diamonds a whore.. devilishtemptations AKA awyckeddisaster ravenbloodshade lialahcheyenne desireemayfield ashleighsalathiel biancasolderinie lusciouskittyy geniunebeauty llianaflores 6ivy6storm6 babygirlciara lexihart2 lexihart1 Take you’re pick porch monkey, They all the same person, go ahead & hit them all up, for defending a useless whore, you might get laid by all her alts for free lol
I’ve had enough of your racist comments. Talk all you want, you now talk into a void. I tolerate a lot of shit on this site but I’m not going to tolerate anymore of your racist bullshit.
9. Why the fuck is this weirdo posting pics of a pixel avatar on a toilet only wearing socks? Seems like a fetish, i mean I’ve heard of parents in RL doing it with their kids but this motha fuckas fucked in the head
18. when hive makes an harmless pointless sl secret about herself to promote her trees – haha
haha was thinking the same :p
Made me want to buy the trees, I never seen them before lol but I like them… So good on whoever posted it haha
18. Y’all are complaining about fuckin trees being unoriginal now? Y’all ever look outside?
All them unoriginal trees outside too, we should cut them all down. How dare they grow like each other
The point goes beyond trees or advertising. Creators are getting shit about chairs and desk and tables being unoriginal. Creators get shit for bringing rl things into sl and its called unoriginal because they did not come up with the idea. Even though they are the ones that took the time to rebuild the mesh into the digital world. This was a mockery of that. Things like food, and basic furniture and even animals and trees are being called unoriginal, but just because the inspiration comes from rl, it doesn’t mean that creators aren’t real original designers. I’d rather buy things inspired by rl objects creators build than copy-botted ones.
Expose A Fake sounds like maybe he is a bitter ex because possibly she moved on to someone better, or is actually a female and jealous because she makes more money at her job than she does. Either way there are far better secrets to read. This was a poor attempt to defame someone. When in all honesty it may actually just drum up more customers for her ultimately in the end. Don’t quit your day job Expose A Flake and seek some medical help if you are that upset.
Seriously Flake.You sound like you have issues and are into SL far to deep for all the wrong reason’s. People fuck around on SL everywhere and good luck to them.Its been happening since the beginning of time and will always be that way.Get over yourself and stop being a asshole about how people choose to live their sl and worry about your own.Be a adult and grow up.
humping bunny ..why dont you take your own advice… You might actually get some where in Life, just saying
Yeah I haven’t gotten anywhere in life….lol….fucking loser Flake
exactly like what? Day dreaming of beastiality??
#10. Keesie and Stella aren’t even worth posting about. They should be the poster kids for people who stay together just because no one else wants them. Stella is nothing but trash. You two need to get some class. Smdh
I know the man trying to slam and shame this family, I had a run in with him a couple years ago, this man is a cheat, liar and registered sex offender. He is constantly making alts and attacking women who will not give him what he wants, he has come after me and my friends as well as this girl, to date there is at least 26 plus alts he runs by. My friends, family and have been trying consistently for the last couple years to have him banned. I personally have talked to one of the people on his list of names he dropped here and the reason he is going after her and her family is because she called him out in front of his ex while they were all having a conversation. He has continuously cheated on his SecondLife lover princessdesi multiple times with random women. They have broke up numerous amounts of time and got back together. He has been supposedly banned on SecondLife but continues to make alts to attack people with because that how immature he is. Some of his other alts consist of KingRawks, KingRawk, ExposeTheFlakes, FoundMyNewHobby, Asheleighsalathiei, Deviishtemptations, biancasoiderinie, liaiahcheyenne, desireemayfieid, jayden806, vatranicovaia, xxbetterthanyouarexx, tellhimnowokay, ravenbioodshade, llianafiores, hediditagain, edenmaddox, amaloveaww, aiyxiai and too many others to list which we have been gathering on him and the list keeps getting bigger and bigger. Several of these account he has made are trannys. This man is a disgusting piece of shit, so please anyone who gets mixed up with him please be ware, he is not friendly and will try defame you in SecondLife. I however would like to extend my apology to whomever has been harassed by this man he is fucked up in the head.
Hey Richard -aka- Anita Winterwolf why you still soooo obsessed with me to the point you still have me all over your main profile Anita Winterwolf? That joke of a relationship has been over for over a year & yet you still sooo obsessed like a lunatic. Once I seen how much of a clown circus you live your life, I Ran far away from you & found much better. Its rather obvious i made a new account to get away from you because you couldnt stop stalking my profile Spreading the lies & rumors you mentioned above. Glad to know you still so in love with me after i left you over a YEAR ago & you still up my ass 24/7 trying to get with me lmfao…. You fools should check out her profile Anita Winterwolf, This psycho still has me all over her damn profile & dont know how to let go LOL!! So sorry you say im fucked in the head… You the 1 so obssed with meh so looks like YOU the 1 fucked in the head LOL!!!
Flake.You are sounding like the Stalker/Creeper that you are accusing others of doing.Go find a hobby dude.
Hold up …. Hold up …. This dude for real? He wants to target this girl saying she some escort and hoe but did he just admit to tipping her? Like how in the hell you going to sling dirt at someone then admit to giving her lindens. Lol like this dude for real seriously? Whether its 1L, 2L or 3L your ass still tipping dawg. You still paying her bills dawg. This dude needs to find some recreational shit to do outside of SL cause he is all over the place with this shit for real. Dawg you short as fuck on a few brain cells stop thinking with your dick dawg and start using that thing on your shoulders for something other than a hat rack, cause damn you be toasted as fuck lol I think this broke ass bitch needs to lay off the weed instead of smoking him some more. No to mention though for real dawg SL is a game stop taking this shit so seriously.
jerome ..this dude is foreal, I will target who i want & do as i please. She is a SL Whore fucking for lindens & yup I tipped the whoer 2L because i felt pitty for her having to use fake girls pictures in her profile just to be able to get a man to look twice at her lol. Calling me short as fuck on a few brain cells? You mad bro that i dont play by normal games?? Or are you just mad because i wasnt born black like you? …ouch was that a bitch move?? lol SL is a game, learn to play it & get over your self black cat
Another thing to bruh your girl must really be proud knowing her dude is a racist piece of shit when she is latina. Thats right bruh we know all about your girl too you think peeps ain’t been looking in at your accounts as well oh but we have bruh we have. I feel sorry for that bum ass bitch laying with a loser like you. Guess its a good thing this girl caught on to your bullshit before you had a chance. Basic ass bitch bruh go wipe the shit off your dick you starting to smell like shit bruh.
Bruh my girl has nothing to do with this but yet you fools want to drag her into it lol. Oh damn should I be scared that you looking at my accounts?? omg should i call the Suicidal Hotline? OMG what would i ever dooo?? Welp you feel sorry for my woman?? Well guess what, I feel sorry for the Bitch that put out such a Runt of a son.. Just saying. You call me basic but yet you the 1 crying like a bitch.. whats wrong ape man?? are your feelings hurt? Now you are telling me to wipe the shit off my dick?? is that you being ghetto as hell or is that you trying to be all manly?? Im rather confused on that because it was dumb as hell, but then again you are black & ghetto so Kudos for you!! lmao
people like you are whats wrong with the world, you have real issues….please…stfu……you are wasting oxygen
People like me are proud Americans, Freedom of speech act, we southern folk take pride & speak our mind weather you get offended or not, You’re opinion means nada to me, Whats your excuse? …oh thats right, you’re sensitive & yet on a websight that posts highly offensive material & yet you crying like a sissy for what you read then you say I have issues?? LoL Check your self. People like you are as useful as Hilary Clinton
That just tickles my pickle Jerome how you stick your nose into some shit trying to be all He man & yet you the 1 all offended crying like a Bitch it just to damn hilarious lol!!!! But anywho, Ill give a mad shout out to the creator of this sight, To give my respect to them for all they do. Because of them we get to clown on fools like you Jerome.
My ass is perfectly happy being black bruh. I’m not at all ashamed of my skin color but being how your mad ass wants to come side ways at a brother let me fill you in on some shit bruh. 1st of all lets get this out the way. Cyberbulling is now a federal offense punishable by law and more so when you throw in racial remarks. I can promise you that your punk ass would not have the guts to say that shit to my face bruh cause I’d knock your god damn socks off your punk ass. So the reason you mad as fuck at this girl is because you got busted trying to play behind your girls back with this girl but you was all cool and shit with it until you found out they weren’t her real pictures. Okay I got you now bruh. As for other players being in SL as long as they have who the fuck are you to judge people druh. Everyone is seeing you as you are painting yourself out on your post. IPs can be masked bruh but anyone who knows how to use a vpn also knows how to get past one remeber that bruh you ain’t as safe as you think you are Daz Taurus, yeah thats right homie I know who the fuck you are bitch.
lololol Jerome, Your such a funny coon. You over saying im mad? Nah “Bruh” I aint mad, Im just proud to be able to use this web sight for its full potential & then there your ape ass goes forcing your nose itno some shit & for the out come of it, You the 1 who is all butt hurt & FYI I would say the shit to you’re face because “bruh” IDGAF about you.. All you are is some ape man trying to be billy bad ass & because of you being billy bad ass sticking you’re nose in some shit you get all offended saying “Cyber bullying” lol you a bitch.. This Ape man over here crying about Cyber bullying but yet lives his life on this web sight talking shit to others & yet you get offended & want to pull some Cyber Bullying shit on a web sight that was obviously put out there for people to be EXPOSED & talked about & yet apparently you & every 1 ells all butt hurt about it lmfao… guess what Ape man, The creator of this web sight has posted a “Suicidal Prevention” hot line with a number for you to call… They cleverly posted that for the weak such as your self. You should call it. They might actually listen to you & help you through your manly hood. Aint no one play any one idiot lol, You talk about every 1 sees how i am painting my self? welp good for them Bruh, atleast I my self aint a painted feller LoL. Now you say i aint safe because you think you know who I am? If thats the case then why you crying like a bitch online? lololololol sit down boy you weak af
Expose A Flake, There are a few things not adding with your comments and this person called Find It Quite Amsuing. They are saying you and this girl are no longer together where here you are saying that your girl is better. Right there in itself raises a red flag. It’s easy to remove people from your profile to make it look like you have split up from one another. Then there is the comment where said person says all those accounts are more than a year or less old and you are saying they can’t be found. Another red flag as someone who has been in SL for over 13 years it’s easy to hide accounts from being found in search there are several reasons for this. One in your settings preferences it allows you to hide yourself from search, two deleting an account also allows the account to not be found in search and having your IP address blocked by LL also allows this. It seems that the only person really disturbed by what you are posting is yourself. The girl you are attacking has even posted saying you are not a bother to her or her family. As for blurring things out and posting later. If anyone such as myself has any photoshop skills of any kind it’s easy to fabric screenshots, a little typing here a little typing there. A clip here and a clip there and bingo self made fabricated junk. For Mrs Diamonds comment about you telling her sister, her or anyone for the case being to go cut their wrist and kill their self that makes you one ignorant person. You are an adult or at least I hope you are but it’s sort of starting to appear that you are possibly a… Read more »
some people cant be helped ….few things not adding up? You say the things i say raise a red flag? Who gives a shit? Ill do as i please, I aint here to impress you, You say you been in SL 13 years? you must have a miserable life then.. JS, being in sl 13 years as you “Claim” then you should know how easy it is to mask your IP to do as you please via SL. Apparently you dont know wtf your talking about lol. You say im Disturbed? nah i just play the game differently. You say im no bother to her incest family? okay well the family is not whom im after idiot lol. You are truly stupid as hell And not seeing the truth of how she has no sister, There the same people she just so in denial she lying out her ass and you being the consumer just feeding into it lmao but go ahead…. after all you been in SL 13 years and all with no life.
This is a bunch of shit. These sites are for punk ass children to anonymously bully other people. Having the prevention numbers listed does not help any. You all need to grow the hell up and talk to the people you have issues with, or just move the hell on.
@concerened non-adult
Your comment here, wasn’t anymore grown up. It sounded like an 8th grader mad at rumors
With a name like that sounds ironic.. If you can’t handle being bullied dont use the internet mong
concerned adult.. i look forward to reading how your sl hubby bangs your daughter. xD You’re the type who end up here acting clueless.
I see you are new here. Welcome to Virtual Secrets.
And you, so pure and perfect, just so happened to wind up here? I don’t believe it for a second. Wallow in your filth like the rest of us gossip-suckers. Those who are actually above this place don’t bother posting comments.
Blah blah blah!
Thank u, next!
Expose a flake….Thousands of people have alts,you yourself probably have them.Get over yourself.
Dayum dude this girl done made you her bitch. I think you need to sit the fuck down already. Least she got the guts to come straight the fuck out and call you out. But by looking at her 1 single post and your multiple post I think its safe to say you a bitter ass bitch bruh. Who the fuck cares if she is being a hoe at least she is having fun doing it and if you aren’t supporting her I feel like you ain’t got a card in this game. From what I am reading the only difference between you and her is if she is doing it at least she is getting paid for it so whats your lame ass excuse, not to mention what is with you and this broke back mountain shit you posting bruh. Like you gay or some shit? Talking about fucking dudes in the ass and shit sounds like you hiding in the closet homie. I like this girls attitude towards this shit though cause she straight up saying she ain’t got time for your drama. Diamond girl you do what doing girl don’t let this fat ass dwelling in his mommas basement bring you down girl. One more thing too bruh I can understand why she used fake profile pictures cause dayum you one thirsty ass mother-fucker bruh. Stalking and shit cause you got rejected I can’t say I blame her I would have done the shit too. Go hit you a bowl or something bruh cause you need to sit down for a piece.
good thing your opinion is like assholes because every 1 has one. ill do as i please. Now why dont you be the perfect little bitch and sit down bruh
Unlike SixthSense Rawks here I do not need to hide behind some fake ass name. Am I upset? Oh baby boy how mistaken you truly are. Did I use fake profile pictures yes, yes I did simply because its all about the allure of the sex appeal. Those who know me in real life know exactly what I look like. You seem to think that your child like behavior is cute when in reality its rather disturbing. You should seriously seek some mental help. As far as alts well yes I do have some doesnt everyone, obviously we know you do. But the problem is half of those alts you speak about literally are not me not sure how I can be using voice with you on two of them and the voices be completely different. The problem here is as follows. You were in my sisters box and mine hitting us up because you did not realize we were sisters. While still partnered to your girl whom you both are trying to now make it look like you are not together. You got called out on it because this RichardManly person messaged me explaining how whack job fucking crazy you are because they thought I should be aware, telling me if I did not believe them that I should ask your girlfriend about it and thats exactly what I. When I told her what was going on with the message about you being a registered sex offender, a cheat and a liar on voice with you there she instantly hesitated and said I can not discuss that because it was not her place to tell me. Not sure why you need to tell me that you were a liar and a cheat, but maybe she was referring to you… Read more »
Thats fine do what you need to do to make yourself feel complete. You do not bother me in the least bit to be honest. I find you to be an immature child with nothing better to do. But on the bright side you are coming off as a stalker crazed individual. Everyone is seeing it for themselves here its in black and white. But you seriously need to get the accounts right there are at least 9 accounts you confusing with people who were at one time in my family or who are friends. Just because someone is in a group as a daughter or whatever it may be does not mean they are my alts. But I expect no less from a piece of uneducated trash such as yourself. I will gladly admit to my accounts but will not admit to accounts that are not mine. Some of them I literally do not know but trying to explain that to some half wit asshole such as yourself is a challenge in itself. Keep posting, keep making me famous its cool. Think it bothers me in the least bit? Nope you are sadly mistaken. So what I had fake pictures in my profile. People like you are the reason a lot of women use fake pictures. You are a complete fucking mental case. But hey on the bright side by at least harassing me you are leaving other people alone. I got thick ass skin sweety so do your best.
Dawg, seriously? So the girl admits to having alts. Who gives a fuck outside of you? And because they all in the same group is this how you are putting two and two together? He just keep on keeping on lol. Like dawg do you not see the picture you are painting of yourself here? You are so worried about this chic yet you looking dumber by the minute. Eventually ain’t no one gonna give a rats ass about what you got to say or post. Diamond I don’t know you girl but this dude here is straight on some shit in the fucking head. Don’t let this dude get you, I mean not that it seems to be but you hear me. I wouldn’t even respond to this shit anymore to be truthful. He just made cause his ass got caught at being a shitty player.
yup and i wont stop lol
Jerome, no need to worry I have nothing else to say to man child thats throwing a tantrum. He can keep posting doesn’t bother me at all. He will just shared screen shot of accounts he has stock piled together saying this one and that one is mine. And he is right on a few of them but then there are the ones he isn’t right on and is way off by a long shot. He can say I’m ugly if he wants to cause I know different. Besides you can be the most beautiful person in the world have an ugly ass heart and it makes you ugly or you can be the ugliest person in the world and have a beautiful heart and be one of the most beautiful. We all see what he is. But thank you for your input. May you have a joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year cause I sure as hell know I will.
apparently im doing something right enough to cause you to take all your fake pictures down & to lie to the world telling every 1 how you & your alt are now “Sisters” So yup cudos to me lol. And yes need-a-cock tease, I do have many pics piled up to prove how you contradict your self lol. We all see where your heart is Diamond, Lying to people with fake pictures just to get lindens from random guys.. but no worry they will all know whom you are. As you contradicted your self about the sappy “whats in your heart story” aint no 1 truly cares for a whore/escort in SL & yes I know you will have a Great Christmas because you give Hoe Hoe Hoe a whole new metaphor
I decided to pop in to this club Limelight. It is a sex and social club yes. As I am there mingling with people probably I would say 30 to 40 minutes later Diamond pops in. So I’m dancing on the dance floor a couple meters away from her. I start to observe her interactions with people which honestly I have to say I was shocked. Here I am expecting some high nosed reaction from this person yet everyone who came in she greeted politely with a warm welcome. I jump in her box and strike up just a random conversation with her, telling her I thought she had a beautiful avi and that her personality was a refreshment compared to most clubs I frequent. Her replies were very polite not like your typical stripper in SL by any means. About 25 minutes or so into the conversation I asked her if she would like to dance and she said sure, kind of the response I was expecting to get but here is where things really floored me. While dancing we are still talking about her likes and my likes, how long she had been in SL and so on. I started to tip her 200L thinking okay at what I am tipping her once I get to a certain amount if she is escorting I will eventually get a proposition from her. Oddly enough as I am tipping her another dancer jumped in my box and goes if you are hoping to get laid you picked the wrong girl. I responded back with I am sorry we are just dancing and I am tipping her because I have engaged in some time with her. The girl in my box whom seemed to be possibly foreign begins to tell me… Read more »
Lmao..Flake wont be back
Damn the likes/dislikes spiked on this lol
Dude, give me a break. No one is forcing these guys to hand out money, they’re doing it of their own volition.
#1 – Please, for the sake of us all, learn the difference between “your” and “you’re”. Thank you kindly. You should have learned this back in grade two. #9 – I do not think that paedophilia should fall under a mental illness. I will address the rest soon, but this is obviously a joke (like feminism, which is clearly a mental illness) and needs to end because it degrades other illnesses that can actually be fixed or halted. It is, honestly, as bad as everyone claiming to have OCD and depression. You like order, you do not have OCD. You are sad, not depressed. Back to the topic at hand, anyone who is a paedophile should straight up be executed. Defending something does not mean that you are something. The person was not as much condoning paedophilia as he was posting about a child using the toilet in a roleplay sense. Nothing about that photo was done so that the child was in a sexual situation, which makes it fine. There are a few naked photos of me when I was five lurking about, is my mother a paedophile for taking them? Nope. Second of all, calling someone a paedophile should have some serious evidence because that can ruin lives. We are living in a generation with special snowflakes who cry when asked on a date and claim rape. The last thing Second Life needs is another wave of, “All children are paedophiles in disguise”. A picture of a naked kid using the toilet is hardly proof. Most children are naked constantly – my own nephew, who is three, frequently gets naked and runs around. It happens. No one likes clothes. And the rest: Weak week with kink shaming, failed accusations, and jealous ex-partners. Just because the avatar is a… Read more »
Here’s the difference between a a picture of a real child doing something innocent while naked, and a child avatar doing something seemingly innocent while naked: It’s not a real child making that decision, it’s a fully grown adult. It’s not a process of “these clothes are uncomfortable, I won’t wear them,” it’s “this is what I think is amusing/cute/whatever.” This is not a proud parent documenting their child growing and learning, to look back on fondly; this is an adult controlling a grouping of pixels that represent a child for all intents and purposes, and sharing a picture of that “child” fully nude for some unspecified reason. It’s an adult making a decision for some purpose, whether the purpose is clear or not. This is the same reason why it’s not okay to have genitalia on a child avatar whether or not the person claims that they’ll “never use them,” because, again, that’s not a child just having something that’s a natural part of their body, it’s a grown person making a decision to put genitals on something that does not otherwise need them. What reason is there to have them if they’re not being looked at, and what reason is there to look at them? I say this as someone who plays as a child avatar on occasion, as realistically as possible on SL and other platforms, while trying not to be creepy with it. There’s no reason to make your child avatar be nude for any reason, aside from maybe bathing. Any reason other than that is solely for personal titillation, which is pedophillic. A couple extra notes: – Just because they’re “using the toilet in a roleplay sense” doesn’t mean it’s not for fetish purposes. There’s a whole subset of people who get off on seeing… Read more »
I remember a secret i sent in about a girl in a group asking for genitals for her tweenster avi and saying she fought long and hard to be able wear it or some nonsense. I just don’t see any legit reason whatsoever for that to be on a child in second life.
So every other sub-culture in sl can have realism in their lives (or try to create realism), but the SL child sub-culture cannot? What if this adult wanted to recreate something they remember from their rl youth? What if the feelings these people get from being children are those of warmth and security rather than sexual pleasures? Why is this linked to pedophilia if they aren’t actually doing anything that classifies as pedophilia?. I don’t actually see genitalia in the photo, but if there was, what makes it any different than the breast and genitalia that is also unused and posted onto an adult avatar for human realism? How is something so natural as nudity misconstrued because someone wishes to relive their second life in a way that makes them most happy? Why are photos like this that do not show sex instantly turned into sex? What makes sex the first thing you turn to when you see something like this? Before you get upset and call me names to hide the fact that you are incapable of having an intelligent conversation, know that I am just playing devil’s advocate here. Would love to hear your response. You don’t have to answer all questions.
Because I try not to be ignorant, I had to endure that article and now I am suing you, kesseret, for trauma. I probably should not make jokes like that, seeing as some people say the same things, but whatever.
You see, it is things like this that make me disregard any self-appointed titles. The paedophiles are trying to latch onto LGBT, knowing that gay people were once dubbed child molesters and such. I do admit, it is quite clever, but it is also painfully transparent and anyone with above ten IQ will see through it.
I am going to be crude – if you see a real-life child and your penis gets erect, you are a paedophile. You should be shot in the head. The issue is that it is the paedophiles attaching this label to themselves, not everyone else. I will never defend someone who ruins children’s lives. I think everyone has the right, everyone has the freedom to do that if they please, and it does not make them paedophiles, however. That was the point I was trying to make.
If people want to claim paedophilia as a mental illness, them homosexuality will be claimed, too. I think, in all senses, it is a sexual illness. The article you linked proved a lot of my points.
Do not be confused. I do not support paedophiles. I want them all dead. Mass-genocide, I do not care. I just think that defending something does not mean that you are that thing you are defending.
LMAO, I’m sorry I damaged you. But your comment earlier reminded me of that. It is true even though the article sounds very 4chan.
HAHAHA #19 i RP on her sim……..the one calling her out though is 100%………..RIGHT
HAHAHAHAHA this is to Funny I call Karma and yeah so true oh well at least she’s making name like she always wanted just not how she hoped oh also she’s a Gold digger her Sl boyfriend is paying for the sim she’s says she owns but when you mention it to her the initial I’m not a Gold digger reaction comes up and the fact she has 5 or 6 alts going around same with some off the staff there and pretend there other people in rl or even made an alt to spy on her own staff
Please meet some punctuation.
20 – It is sad that immature people have so much influence over the idiots of the internet, I hope that the person’s mother is alright and didnt get hurt. I checked their profiles and they remind me of some girls that caused drama back a fetish club. One of them even accused the owner of raping her over webcam. Serious shit to be throwing around. And if they are just now in their early 20s then they joined SL way too young, and would explain their retard mentality, I hope they grow up before someone gets really hurt. If it were my mother I would track them down and beat them to an inch of their lives.
Wow what a lame read this week. Weak secrets and only 27? Did you guys sell out when you turned Virtual?
We only post what we are given. It’s the time of the year. Despite what submissions to this site suggest the holidays are consuming many people and there is less time to throw shade.
Nahhhh i sent you something Juicy as fuck and it was within rule guidelines and i dont see it anywhereeeeee.
You could always just make your own secrets site with blackjack and hookers…
Naaahhhh you did not. Sorry. I remove redundant secrets too. You really wanna read 10 secrets about the same thing? This isn’t a serialized comic strip.
Like I said: your secret said the n-word or had real life pictures in them that didn’t cover the face.
#7 Threatening to call RL family members is a dangerous precedent for Virtual Secrets. As someone who had this very situation, it’s no joke and was turned over to local law enforcement. NO one has the right to contact someone’s RL family. It’s dangerous and stalking and should be reported. Get a restraining order if this happens to you.
whats funny to me is week after week everyone complains how “we are real people behind these avis, with real hearts and real this and that’… and i do understand thats true.. but why do you mfs flake when shit gets REAL? lol is SL a game or RL??? stop mixing shit on a game and you fools won’t get exposed. morons.. you wanna fuck with real life feelings and then cry cop caller when ur rl feelings show up at ur door.
Not Vitual Secrets issue though is it.Its the persons problem that made the threat.And is it about you? I dont see a name mentioned.Holy shit it could be about me!. lol.Think you need to take a chill pill Candy Wrapper.
yeah however much as i would agree with the sentiment of what you’re saying, it’s not illegal for them to call your family if you’ve given them your real name and phone number. Also, you’re not going to get an RO over online harassment, so don’t mislead anyone about that.
amen@haha .. stop leaving paper trails all over the place on a game and no one will kn ow ur business
How dare they expose a cheating whore for being a cheating whore. Wow! What shameful people they are! We live in a world where cheating on your partners is ignored and completely acceptable.. But when someone threatens to expose them, that’s just crossing a line.
Neither one is acceptable but going “RL” on someone? That’s a real muddy area and the line between when it’s okay and when it’s not can be pretty thin. There’s no story attached here – could be a spurned ex lover willing to go RL as revenge just as easily as it could be someone concerned for the RL husband.
Yes, because we ALL know that most people separate the two lives… SL stays in SL, RL stays in RL…lovers in SL, friends in RL. There is a difference between cheating and lying to everyone involved and everyone knowing about it. And frankly, my dear asshole, it’s none of your business to call anyone’s family in the real world. That makes you a stalker and a jerk. So, yes, that’s crossing the line to bring RL into a virtual world issue all because YOU can’t control yourself and/or how you deal with people and do it in a healthy way. You’re a nut…
No sorry, if you’re willing to cheat on your partner mentally and emotionally with some dude in a pixel world you would be willing to do it in R/L if there was no chance of being caught. Most people don’t do it in R/L because of the ramifications and they feel they don’t suffer any ramifications for being a person with low morale value on second life. From what I have seen over the literal 12+ years ive been on second life is that the game brings out who people really are because they don’t have to fear judgement or reprisal. If you’re a cheating whore on second life, you’re a cheating whore. There’s no justification or excuse, accept it for what it is.
Granted the one exception is that you tell him or her exactly what you’re doing and if they accept it not under pressure from you.. Then go for it, be free together and do what makes you happy.
20 bucks says that the person who is threatening to tell didn’t have a problem with her being a so-called “cheating whore” when she was doing it with him.
All of a sudden it’s a problem when they’re doing it with someone else.
It’s the hypocrisy that’s makes me roll my eyes. Also – it’s none of your business. You’re not threatening to tell hubby because you care about his well-being, you’re doing it for revenge. Pathetic.
WhatsMyNAmeAgain ….Um I posted #14 of ALL your ALT’s name for all to see in case you forgot what your name was, just scroll up,
I actually understand and agree with your sentiment here, though just because he wasn’t willing to expose her before.. Doesn’t automatically make her actions morale or justified. He’s just as much of a fucking loser as she is.
Thank you!! Only crazy people do this shit as a form of “getting back at someone”, this secret can be for about 98% of the sl population, whoever wrote it, move on and deal with your issue in a healthy way please
Biiitch im Pissed lmao. I sent one in and it was some TEAAAA but they declined it like what?? Yall site wanna be messy until its someone you like lmao. Bullshit
I tried to post something about the Lara body and it got ignored. They definitely release only what they want.
Yeah, pretty much. We have even mentioned that on Hamlet’s NWN article too. Big fucking surprise. 🙂 But as for secrets this week, since I did them, I can explain the ones I removed had RL pictures, the n word, personal information, or were continued serialized secrets that I am sick of seeing. You got only 2 of the 10 that were posted for each of them above.
Here’s a hint if you want your submission posted. Don’t use the n word. Don’t use RL photos of people without at least blocking out their face out (after that I’ll still decide if the secret is worthy to post). Don’t post people’s RL names and addresses. Not sure which one is yours but pay attention to the rules. Don’t act like an FNG.
Final discretion about what is posted is still mine.
I believe in the about section it says The ONLY rule is it has to be the correct dimensions…. but okay
*shrug*. My boat. My rules. I’m not posting some things. Sorry, you don’t like it take it to the other site. She’ll probably post it because she’s all “anonymous”, or at least thinks she is.
#17 I cannot speak for anyone else but I’ll always remember where I was when I heard about the great Romano divorce of 2018.
So, SL secrets is getting really bland…same old shit, people complaining because a creator does this or that..honestly, who the fuck cares…if you don’t like their shit…here’s a hint …don’t buy it..problem solved. I mean, peoples personal drama is entertaining reading. Maybe not so much about the people concerned, but more from the person posting it, their disconnection from reality really lights up my sunday morning.
Then find some good tea and post it, babe. This place is what we make it.
I tried to do that, but I think the person it was about is in on it somehow. I guess because i used their RL photo…. but i know for a fact she’s sent in a RL picture of my friend and it got posted quick af. But thats the real tea
Yo wtf… seems like the person who would call the rl hubby .. lol ijs
I see you submitted the SAME secrets again. There’s 4 of them (Serial secrets we don’t post), they contain RL pictures without the face blurred out (I don’t post those). AND TINY FONT (No one fucking likes that). They will get tossed. Try again, please. A single secret, no tiny font, and blur the face. Do you have a reading comprehension issue?
Yo stop fucking whining.
I posted the RL pic last week because the face was covered. I have repeatedly told you your secret was removed because it had a RL photo. Try remaking the secret and blocking out the face. Also, if it’s the one I am thinking of – we can’t read that font, sweetheart. Ask anyone here – no one likes tiny ass font. That’s another reason shit gets tossed too.
LMAO who the fuck are Elyssa and Mackenzie? Isn’t Mac a whole ass female iRL? Lmao they’re acting like they’re SL celebrities or something more important than two mesh bodies role playing a relationship. Y’all ain’t nobody. celebrating “‘making” it to SL secrets. Goofy asses. No one is mad y’all together cause nobody gives a damn, ol irrelevant asses.
Legit no one gives two fucks lmao.
#18…… ITS A F*CKING TREE! you straight up cant claim copyright on a tree. they are everywhere. those trees dont even match the pictures.
i hope this is just a troll post, because damn…
That was the gag, I assume. There has been an abundance of posts just like it on almost everything because the moronic masses do not know the difference between inspiration and theft. Making something yourself makes it original, even if it was modelled after something else.
The only way it is content theft is if you are stealing the entire render.
Wow I wasted my diet coke drinking time on this? Weak secrets. I’m kind of over the kink shaming secrets like who cares that a girl wants to fuck everyone and wear a cum HUD don’t act like SL isn’t for living out fantasies.
#26: What body is that anyway? LOLOLOL… definitely a dude.
most sluts in SL are dude
It’s the sking katena bimbo ripped. And if the person that posted this looked any further than that pic they would see that yes indeed I am a dude in rl, I don’t hide it, it’s kinda plastered all over my profile.
Sking Katena, the Fusion bodies from Violet Studios look better.
#4 That girl is a total slut. So much a slut, she’s had 2 boyfriends in 8 months AND she’s the meanest girl of the family. Lulz The two on the right are the BIGGEST liars in SL, so you better watch out b/c they’ll say one thing to your face and another to others! That cunt though, I tell you.. She is a mean girl through and through. Best not tell your secrets to her either. Haha! And that kiss ass DJ! He is such a suck up for Linden Dollars – he’s like the stripper in the DJ community. That one guy who calls all his pets “Queens” – he’s a queen himself! The psycho bitch is an actual demon. And that asshole to the left? Well in all honesty, he is an asshole. HAHA They really do fuck each other, by the way. *laughs like a 12 year old school boy*
Ewww. They look like they fuck each other lol. Hey but watch out. The ones on the right lowkey check SlSecrets and will have their family down-vote comments ?
Also, #22 is a fucking joke. I used to think Ana and Frankey were SL couple goals. Both now are just complete jokes. Ana, the sultry porn star and Frankey unfriended anyone who doesn’t agree with everything out his stupid mouth. I love watching their relationship drama unfold though! Keep it coming, guys!!
“SL couple goals” LMAO
You sound really hurt my guy. For anyone to think an SL couple were “goals” you need to put SL down and go try out RL. Change your name to Really Is A Fan.
Okay you fake ass New Yorker. SL COUPLE GOALS. That means a couple in SL, since your backwoods ass can’t read properly. This means anyone seeking a relationship in SL. I deliberately used the word SL. Not a goddamn thing to do with RL, ya dummy. So how stupid do you look not making ANY point. My RL is fine, though, thanks. Try again, loser.
Do you want to give that unintelligible mess one more go? I love this site, I love the trash talking in the comments, I love reading it, but Tyler isn’t wrong on part of that comment (rl part ignored, it’s idiotic).
It sounds completely asinine to say some couple in sl is “sl relationship goals”, even more so than it sounds to say some couple is “rl relationship goals”. Do your own thing, be your own self, have your own relationship experiences. It’s really not that damn difficult.
Those two are just in a unhealthy relationship and everyone knows it. She’s a 1 trick pony and well the other is a manipulator.
So Bridgie aka Minerva aka Narcissa aka “I change my name every time I jump on a new dick” is a fake ass bitch who tries desperately to get a man so her last resort was FMD. (poor Setners! and does your sister know about you and Lance?) Now she dates Shane who calls all his pets Queens and he is also into Igno his sl Daddy! Igno is a fake bastard who runs after his ex and he is up Lance’s ass (like most of these pathetic fmd kiddos! now that he is gone your thirsty to run fmd) Dappa just tries to stay relevant, go and work on your lame tattoos and stop running after Rainn’s ass. So fatboi scumbag Rainn is trying to make friends but do they know you talk shit behind their backs? Does Shane know you were fucking his new “queen”? Max is another arrogant fuckboi same boring sets every time dude, 0 effort! Beejay is up on Lance’s ass 24/7. Salem… thirstyyyyyy whore , does Igno know your cheating on him? Are you guys enjoying your incest family? Yall talk shit about each other and act like your “the shit” in sl…true…You are SHIT!
I’m trying to figure out how they have time to be up Lance’s ass when he hasn’t been in SL since October. Do you even GO to FMD to see what is going on there? Lawl
Most people would rather just observe the cesspool, rather than actually climb in.
Igno loves it when I cheat so he can spend time with his Babyboy Shane
You seem to know a lot about the current Peverell roster and the rough ongoings there, and at FMD in general. You sure you’re not one of these pathetic fmd kiddos? You little fmd dweller you 😉
So true
18 looks like it was made by a 5 year old. A tree is a tree, who cares.
i think it was suppose to be ironic? At least i hope it was suppose to be
Agreed, I mean… do people wanna put snow trees in their SL yards that look like snow trees or do they want some Dr. Seuss looking shit in the name of originality? How do you make a snowy pine tree NOT look like other snowy pine trees but still look like a good, quality snowy pine tree?!
24: OMG I am so glad someone made this one! Morphing skin appliers for mesh heads is FALSE ADVERTISING! Just because you can morph or think you can morph doesn’t mean that you should! It’s false in every way. These days people don’t morph anymore because we spend thousands of L on beautiful mesh heads and bodies and the skins are beautiful too. Why would you downscale your own skin with making a shit morph with it???? You are not advertising the skin or the head at this point are you though? If you don’t know PS well enough and can only do morphs… let the bloggers do it…. Stop false advertising!! Done it a couple times huh? In this one you can see for sure its a morph or its a filter used to give yourself away.. [%5D(https://gyazo.com/ec1a6056ce32156f7be5c286a227370b)
OMG his advertisements are the WORST. Then he has to spend MORE time taking pics and posting them to SLFB to prove they look the same in world as they do on the advert. Maybe if they weren’t morphed (terribly), you wouldn’t have to spend time taking in world shots to prove that they look like the horrible ad
the only skin we are seeing are the eyes, nose and mouth area maybe some cheeks. How are we to know from the ad what the skin looks like when he does this? You can t see anything except the RL picture…
I agree with you, but how would this be any different than rendered ads? I would assume the people that do these similar to people who do rendered ads do it because it is working for them. Their items always get a second glance over those who are doing honest advertising. If it wasn’t working they wouldn’t keep doing it.
I usually ignore the ones who do rendered ads. I’ve seen an outfit that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on cause of a rendered ad and then I demo’d it..It was rigged like shit and the quality was worse than shit. Now I don’t trust the ads and spend even less in SL than before. It’s like 500L a week on clothes now at most.
Yeah, unless a photo is taken in SL it’s not an accurate representation of the item being sold. I keep seeing people say stuff like “but my stuff looks exactly the same in SL” or “but it looks just like my renders in SL.” It does not, it does not look the same. It’s impossible for it to look the same, if something running in real time on a super old engine like SL’s looked same as something pre-rendered in Vray, Iray, Arnold or any other pre-rendering program then why do we even have them? They would be out of business.
Yet we see people do it, and we see more and more brands doing it, i’m only assuming it’s because it works, despite the false advertising. I think it’s similar to gachas, no one likes them, everyone complains about them, but yet they are still very profitable because people keep playing them despite saying how much they hate them, so we keep seeing more and more gachas.
Why do we care people are sluts? Are we in a puritanical society?
Also…it’s not real sex.
You can be anything you wanna be on SL and you choose to be a slut.
12….. idiots will destroy each other,,, where is the popcorn???… it is a matter of time it is no secret!!!! julez alrdy said she still does-not trust him fully yet!!!! …. they will rush this engagement trying to prove every1 wrong…. in the end you will prove us all right,,, karma will eat the von fuqers a-live this is the best drama show!
i was never gonna post on here but hey first time for everything yh so here goes as far as all the shit i have read on this site bout ma family has been an absolute load of shit but high5 on getting onething right yes i am blonde was born that way so aye give yaself a pat on ur back for that one , what gets me most bout this is everyone has stuff bout there real they dont share with all i only share with ma closests and im sorry if that annoys some ppl but hey im pretty sure most ppl r the same ,u hafta earns someones trust to know all about them and that specially online is hard to find , im lucky enough to have a few i totally trust and they know all bout me and ma real same as ik all bout them and there real,am i gonna sit here and tell u not a chance in hell thats what trust means , but i will tell u i have been on skype call with them alot ik how much they all love and care for there real kids and what they do for them they r all amazing parents and sorry but this is a fact as ive seen it all ,so u all claiming they need to b offline and look after there real u have no idea u honestly dont ,as far as the unwashed honestly thats laughable kinda hard to b an unwashed person when u have ocd bout germs am i right? i think so rofl,what they look like in real means nothing to me and unless ur drop dead gorgous model material it shuldnt mean shit to u either ,looks can fade whats inside always… Read more »
Sas – is that post even fucking English? You’re about dumb as fuck. Please learn to form sentences and get fucking spell check. Sit your stupid ass down and leave the posting to defend your family to someone that can actually MAKE a point.
Plus I knew one of you drama whores would show up. Not that we don’t already have Shitzo, Julez and Kenz on here under aliases. :-O lmfao @ all of you
Didn’t you say this was a site for everyone to have there say?
Now you have said that the Von Fuq Family attack everyone yet you are doing the same, this is a prime example of how you and your friends are no better as I said yesterday hypocrite.
Also, you are saying they assuming names of who is on here you are too. I think you need to sit down and practice what you preach.
Have to also say as an onlooker can see why they removed you. you never know when to shut up an leave well alone.
CW- It’s “their” when speaking of someone’s “say”.
And I’ve never been removed. Check your facts.
I’ve already addressed you above, scroll up. You’ll see that I don’t claim to be better. I simply feel like myself and others have the chance to give these Von Fuqtards a taste of their own medicine. And we can all hope that they’ll think twice by remembering all of this next time they have the choice to bash someone or to just simply walk away from that person, that they’ll choose the later.
If you personally have never seen their family attack someone then you have no idea how it feels. As I said above… it’s retaliation. Simple. And no I’m not ashamed of my actions because I have personally seen them treat many others like shit without a second thought to their words or actions. Say what you wish, but what I say is the truth. MANY will agree and it doesn’t come from jealousy or being denied in any way. It comes from pure anger from the treatment many have taken without any other option at the hand of the Von Fuqers.
IF All of this family would right their wrongs instead of denying any fault in themselves, they might actually gain some respect from many and all of this could end. Otherwise, they will continue to be on this site and bashed for their actions. Period.
I’m done.
Oh, so you little freedom frights yes?
Save the people of second life from the Von Fuq’s they are bad and evil people, Do you need an Aid setting up also? Hotline? are you seriously hearing yourself you bashing others about how dumb they sound with spellings and everything, when in fact you are sounding pretty dumb yourself,
I mean who made you God? who made you judge, jury, and executioner of what should be done against people. ? No one.
you do know there is also three sides to every story yes? each side and the truth, you have seen people attacked by them yes? and its vile and disgusting made them bad people ugly people right? So what are you all doing now the same?
As for righting their wrongs ill think you will find James came here to try to do that a few weeks ago and was treated how you saying they were treated. Now I also know he made a post on facebook agreeing to do it also and sorted his own issues with the one called Lacy Both sorted their differences and apologized. so that alone shows it can be solved. but you all wish to continue. Now, who in the wrong.
Mind Blown!!!! You don’t get it do you … again for your pea sized brain. These joke of losers do not know how to treat others regardless who they are friend or even foe. I don’t care every person deserves to have respect treated no matter what but these few demand the respect given to them when they can not give it to others regardless. That is what is wrong with the Von Fucktards!!!! James may of righted a wrong doing with this Lacy but to still harp on this girl that where it is uncalled for as for anyone to defend her to the shit thrown at her, One no one knows if this girl is even present and knows any of this the accusation that this person is her or that person whatever don’t make it justified to even put her down, so stop right there! The actions and words of Karson, Julez and who ever is posting on a Anon name to feel justified that they are superior to all the accusations of them being the victims in this says more words when they choose the actions that brought unto them. They had to make the problem in the first place hence why they are getting people retaliating at them for what they did to them. hence you get what you give. Maybe they might learn from all this to learn and I will say this again to Treat others they want to be treated no matter who they are end of story!!! – walks away dropping the mic!
*Taking hold of the mic* ” Testing Testing.. If that’s the case do you all need to get what say your karma for how you have bashed and belittled people that’s not even in the Voq Fuq Family, the ones commenting from their experience of them.
Lacy not present right that any of you know of but getting put down, yet you don’t know for sure it’s Karson, Julez or even Kenz or James but throwing peoples real out. you cant sit and want justice for something you all doing also. if that’s what you want well maybe they need the same and the people that are nothing to do with them. you are all so caught up in what is history from over the years what really should have been let go and move on with your lives like they have you can’t see past the hatred.”
*handing her back the Mic* “I’m sure you will be back if not rest of this week when one you put of one them up again Merry Christmas Everyone by the way”
CW, BTW its “Hands Him the Mic”, I am seeing this as an observer and I have seen many times over those who claim to be Karson and them say shameful thoughts of Lacy’s RL yet my thought of this is ok bash on a girl who no one knows if she is even here reading this crap. This is the point the Von Fucktards called out yet again but does no one think that all those who they are claiming writing on the thread really them? I mean these girls must have other to socialize with and I bet sure enough talk of the past, who doesn’t? I sure talk crap of my ex only because she is a known SL whore. But back to my point, people talk in world and word spreads and especially if this crowd is seen in known places you don’t think others are in IM’s whispering about them and how they are acting? Or even look up the profile since they see them? It pure arrogance they portray. For one thing is that I can say you give out an image you want to be seen as and for them they show that they do no wrong and love to feel superior. If you have ever heard you reap what you sow then the reaping time has come. Maybe Ms. Karson and her family may want to show some sympathy to how they treat others even if they are getting what is due back, I guess killing someone with kindness instead of showing hatred for those who did such terrible things to them yet on the other side it is thought opposite. Reminder to all everyone has feelings and to go after another when no solid proof of any of those girls are… Read more »
Takes the Bow… I was on the phone with my Girl and she was like dang babe.. Hell guess good charm and manners go a long way with girls. I feel bad for the girls who have been spoken bad on this thread. as for the Von Fuktards they need to take a long look in the mirror and see how they act and how they want to be treated in the long haul of it. otherwise they will keep getting truth set back onto them.
I only wish that the Von Fuqers would listen and learn from how they’ve treated others. What you’ve seen on these threads is nothing compared to how I’ve seen them talk to or about many people, not just women. Which is why I walked away from that toxic group. They all act as if they are so above everyone and not at all nice. Maybe to someone’s face but even Shitzo talks poorly about his so called family behind their backs. But what do you expect from someone who is a self claimed cunt and wears it like it’s something to be proud of. It seriously blows my fucking mind.
Regardless, thank you for putting things so well into words. I attempted several times but it seems to be falling on deaf ears.
As I said I am just an observer I do not know any one of them nor do i care to want to. Small minds only hear what they want to hear and assume shit over the actually reality of it all. And that’s just stomach-churning that Ms Karson talks poorly of her own family memebers, Hence to what I have read over the past why even have a RP Family if you lie to them and cover it up. Considering I think i have read that his new girl is his grandchild, which blows my mind. I get that they are not related in “RL” but this about SL and you play a RP family those rules are to be followed.
Like i said people will talk and knowing about how toxic this group of people are that there is enough to spread the word to my fellow friends. People in world should be treated as if you are just meeting them in RL first impressions are hard to change. Knowledge that a group or so called family loathe the actions of repulsiveness to others is just sickening. Good people do win in the long run and High5 know that your words are taken to heart to those who are listening with open ears.
As for those small minded they will see what only they want to see and keep on that track. I can only hope that the girls that were talked poorly on don’t get the wrong thoughts of anything, just not fair in everything when the secret is about how it looks like Julez and Karson don’t “PLAY” well with each other that is what the subject is about.
Seriously.. wtf.. What purpose does it serve to get on here and bash people? For amusement? Leave my family alone. If you dont like them, don’t look! We all go online to relax and have fun with our family & friends. We all make our own choices, see who we want to see, do what we want to do. Who are you to post over and over about people? Seriously.. before you go pointing fingers make sure you are perfect. When you go pointing its one at the person, but three pointing back at you. This place should try posting something positive.
Ummm you smoking something? Did you not see your so called family make remarks about Lacy, Char, Lizz and Pennie?? Your family is phony as they get! When they want to belittle another on a thread when who the hell is writting because we all are ANONYMOUSLY POSTING… don’t give the right to thrash upon woman!! I must have to say you as a woman wouldn’t want your personal life on here thrown out and that’s what they did! Not one of these woman attack the RL until they were under attack if it is them! IDFK because I’m a guy who is an observer and seeing shit like this is unkind and cruel when the actual post is about how well Ms Karson and Julez “play” together, so before you want to rant on tell your fucked up family to say sorry to all those women they brought it on themselves!!
Only one smoking anything is you, if you think for one second any of them four are innocent, that just goes to show you only listen to one sided stories hearsay, lets take Lacy for one who knowing Karson was in a relationship wouldnt leave him to be happy in that relationship, even stole pictures from his imvu account to make couple edits with him, she didnt stop even being told a number of times by her own family she has know for years and himself he wasnt intrested, until he was drunk wasted and yes something happen regreting it the next day taking blame also no didnt just blame Lacy, even tried to stay friends with her, but her knowing Karson cared for her used that against him all the time, years later and sat on skype with people she claimed as family and besties bandicaming the conversations with her and them just to get that little closer to Karson something to get him to talk to her a little bit of juice gossip and that is just the tip of it with her, now char come on anyone and I mean anyone who knows char knows she cheats lies and dont care who she back stabs or hurts to get what she wants could also go on about her too. and Lizz well anyone who knows what happen with her and James she cheated on him with her ex after letting him believe it was all in his head publicly making him look a fool apologizing to them both knowing full well what they had been doing, he even made friends with her ex going against his own judgment and that alone isn’t it all, need me to stop yet? and then there is Pennie well this one… Read more »
CW you keep going on and on about shit other than the point of this post, you are dodging the point all together why is that, because there is truth to it? I think that is why. Now sit the Fuck down and learn to find humility in life. I get that you do not like these women but AGAIN point is not about them! Are you and that family so bothered by them? I will state this again NO ONE has proof of who wrote the post and who is writing in this thread, take it as it is or feel it like a grain of salt in a fresh wound.
Ok and that’s a nice one sided story you have put out there now where is the other side to this story? Because everyone knows there is 3 parts to a story “His” side and then “Her” side and somewhere in between it all there is the truth. Without knowing the other side all you have said to me is biased. And furthermore when has the post of this secret have to do with ANY OF THE WOMEN MENTIONED AGAIN!!!! You just want to BE A SLIMY RAT and put justification to the two in question, am I NOT CORRECT? WHO made you the judge of this post of JULEZ AND KARSON don’t know how to PLAY well together, where does it state Lacy, Char, Lizz or even Pennie in that? Does you small mind now get it? WHY are you attacking THESE WOMEN??? Does the Von Fucktards have a vendetta towards them?
As for degrading any woman on this thread, I haven’t so you’re wrong in that!
@NoShocker Just like to point out here, you yourself bashed Kenz on this post as well as weeks before . yet she wasnt even on this Secret that was posted. So before you tell someone they owe someone apology how about you do the same thing . Don’t act like youre innocent in not bashing women. Hypocritical much?
As for those females being brought into this, I could say a whole lot about quite a few of them . But I’m an adult and I leave the past in the past where it belongs .
@Haa its clear you lack any kind of education as well any knowledge about Kenz real life. As a matter of fact I do know her in real. My husband and I have met her and her beautiful children several times.I also know for FACT, she’s never lost custody of her kids.
Its pretty sad that ALL of you come to this site and bash each other . When i say ALL i mean everyone, if you don’t like each other why waste all your energy on being so negative. I get and understand everyone lashes out but yall need jesus in your life and pray for some positive to come your way. If youre happy with your own life you wouldnt feel the need to beli bash others .
Anyways I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and May god grant you the happiness you deserve. Seems a lot of you need it .
Mon is Kenz,,, plz stfu with ur double personality,,,,
yeah, I’m done here you can’t argue with idiots. and only ones with a vendetta is you all anyone can clearly see that you half-wit . because you all here hating and bashing even ones that only had a say. while the family moved on from old stuff years ago. reality check who posted who and why we all here not because of the family post but because of haters posted.
a lot of anger you have there you might want to get that in check after all its only about avatars right and just a site.
Figured as much you blindly did not acknowledge the actual truth of the matter. I clearly said what is with going on and on about those women and you have nothing to say for it. Just made my point, so thank you! Since you can not talk about the real issue being Karson and Julez don’t play well together just says that is right. You have not argued against that statement. I stand correct that you and anyone else who degraded all those women should apologize for it, but won’t because you feel superior to them and how they affected each family member. Disgusting vile piece of family shit ever to exist on the grid! And I learned this just from all of them and you CW replying on the threads when you go after women who aren’t even on the initial post, shows what kind of people you all are so thank you!!!
This baffles me if the girl don’t trust the dude why she engaged in the first place? Clingy needed loser of a woman that needs to clingy to pixel dick much? Guess the lower the standard the women has makes this guy feel superior. Girl don’t trust the guy, Bitch RUN!!! that is pure shade as fuck bet he has a side candy or she does. either way that comical.
Now Now Lacy here we go againnn, stop talking to yourself you nasty sick cunt. You need some help. Keep on with this you will be on here next and trust me it won’t be pretty 😉 You talk about comical? you need to look at your sick ass that can’t get over Julez & Ste lol. How long has it been Lacy? I mean come on now. YOU are the only one on here posting and responding to yourself each week give or take a few others. But 90% is you. Geez ya mad cow get over it already.
Here we go again with everyone is Lacy, get over it pathetic whinny Von fucking retards.
Do you know how fucking stupid you sound right now? “Get over it” you say? Yet here you are AGAIN with the same old shit BUT this time taking trips back in time to try get shit on them. LOL. Pot calling kettle black i believe! So take a little advice of your own and “Get over it!” DUMB fucking retards. ? BTW how is Ken and Mary? :P.
You lost it! Mental case I read this site comment on other feeds and seen that the whack jobs of Karson and Julez and who ever make these shitty comments attacking a person who isn’t even present makes you feel like a big shot right? Just shows what kind of people the Von Fucking Retards are, petty shit get on with your life since this chick Lacy has you all mental. You focus on her way too much.
How do you know that Lacy isn’t present? AND Karson, Julez and whoever are? Oops? Slip up Lacy? Now you want to get into details and figure out who i am? Maybe look at who you told about you fucking your Daddy Greyson. Yannet is clueless you said i do believe. Bye now.
You read between the lines crazy whack job. I said already here we go again everyone is Lacy. Gesssh this chick got under your skin. But there you go who ever you are and I don’t care I’ve read past weeks so I know you are one of the many who think they are all Bad ass in reality just looking like an Ass. Keep it up while I grab a drink and watch you keep making yourself look like a fool.
YET the person that makes all the posts totally lets it all go right? “READ BETWEEN THE LINES” Dropped on your head at birth maybe? Anyway i am done here.
You don’t even make any sense. Try speaking English oh wait you must of been dropped on your head. Now go wander off stupid Von fucking retard.
It is Kenz & James on this post sticking up for the Von Losers….notice the whole family is a bunch of obese middle-age women who have kids they don’t take care of? I do…. All the guys besides James, are middle-age obese women…. Kenz is a old bag w/ menopause. James is bipolar and abuses women….
We know the “guys” in this Von family are women and they are all from IMVU crap just bringing all the drama from there to Second Life.. whole family is a bunch of muff diving bitches
@HAA Not quite sure where you get your information about Kenz being old bag with menopause . Are you a Dr ? Do you personally know everyone menstrual? Clearly you don’t know Kenz, because if you did you would know she doesn’t thrive off of drama and don’t feel the need to be on here speaking negative about others ,like yourself. It’s pretty pathetic that people have to grab at straws to find something negative to say about someone you clearly don’t know. As for people not taking care of their kids, are you paying their bills, are you feeding them, are you providing them a roof over their kids heads?If not drop the topic ,because if they weren’t taken care of their kids I’m pretty damn sure CPS would be involved. So stop being childish , stop living in the past (its clear you’re stuck there) .Stop trying to tarnish people names based on the way they were in the past, because everyone Changes so stop acting like you know who they are today.
As for her husband James, its obvious you feel rejected by this man to accuse him of having bipolar and being abusive towards women. Do you have physical proof that he abuses them?Do you have physical documentation of him having bipolar. You sure do throw around a lot of accusations hiding behind that anonymous name .Since i know mine will be brought up . Mon is short for Monica
Monica – I enjoyed your rant defending Kenz and James. To say that Kenz doesn’t thrive off drama is a fucking joke. Just because she hasn’t posted on here using her actual name doesn’t mean that the foul little bitch isn’t posting on here or elsewhere. Anyone who knows Kenz will tell you that she’s all about the drama. And anyone on her FB knows she takes every opportunity to shoot off her mouth trying to be a badass but everyone just laughs at her. Poor Kenz is dying inside because Julez has taken the attention. Don’t worry Kenz, they will grow tired of her too but chances are you won’t be around then. Lmfao As far as James, why is it when anyone speaks badly of him or even Shitzo that person must have been rejected by them? That’s just fucking ridiculous. Some women have taste and morals. Sure maybe some have been interested in either of them at some point but I can tell you they dodged a bullet and I’m sure after seeing the shit show that they both are feel lucky to not have been sucked into that ridiculous Von Fuqer circus. The list of women that are in their past is proof that once the person sees the real assholes that both James and Shitzo are, that they no longer want anything to do with them. Their kids – I feel sorry for because anyone that has a child the young age that many of this family has – Ste, James, Kenz, Lydz – and they are on the computer the majority of a 24 hour day is NOT taking care of that child or spending quality time with them as they should. NONE can argue with that!! Anyone that reads this site, which turns… Read more »
Sit the fuck down you clearly DO NOT know that family AT ALL!! You sit here claiming they are drama but funny they are not showing drama anywhere at all….ITS ALL YOU SAD BASTARDS ON HERE! Grow up move on and quit fucking shit talking. Also funny how all are right about you using different names and emails and that is a classic example that Kesseret called YOU out LOL. Now how fucking stupid do you feel LACY? Bringing RL kids into it as you are too is a pretty low blow JS …. The kids are very well looked after i have you know …YOU are just angry cause you are a ex von fuq family member that has obsession issues and a huge shrine of pictures …ALSO you have no kids real LACY cause no-one is stupid enough to give you any…. LACY can’t even keep a relationship held down on SL let alone real LOL. Keep screwing your Daddy it’s all you are going to get. POOF.
Struck a nerve there? Go throw your anger and fits elsewhere. Truth hurts when spoken otherwise you wouldn’t try to defend yourself. Karma goes around sorry your at the wrong end of the stick. I mean to throw out a woman’s name because she angers you when you sit there and judge her, who gives you that right? Ya we are here judging you loser only because you put it out there for others to see. Now now think about your words and actions before you speak or even react. Otherwise you look like a fool… wait no a total incompetent jackass!!
Oh ffs Lacy just fuck off already. You’re fucking sad and pathetic. I mean come on it’s dead giveaway you’re some stranger defending this (Lacy) Get real the gig is up ya drama queen. You’re making yourself shit loads of enemies to be added to your long list.. Soon you will be alone and have none cause even ones around you are sick of your ass. Then you wanna come on here and talk of peoples looks and of their real life when you’re a fat ass fucking cow and nearly 50 that’s never been married and had no kids.. THANK FUCK FOR THAT.. Don’t need any offspring off you in this world. You’re digging yourself deeper and deeper you stupid bitch. I’ve never wished bad on a soul in my life but you my dear I’d not spit on your nasty ass if you was on fire.
Lacy you claim you are so loyal but you talk shit on your own brother Mark (Details) and your Dad Greyson. I told you to watch who you are talking to didn’t i? Now you say shit about him to the same person on how he is all cozing up on that girl Erin munster but still talking to his EX wife Steph..And fucking your own Dad made you get feelings for him and you can’t stand he won’t give you more attention.
Oh my goodness…and she’s so against keeping it in the family?? Oh Lacy practice what you preach ya dirty twat.
Shitzo and James BOTH fucked Lacy!! So what does that say about them if all of this is true about her? You’re so stupid that you don’t even know when to shut the fuck up because what you’re saying can be used against the very case you’re trying to make. Fucking idiot!!! You’re so mentally twisted that you just can’t stop spewing negative shit on Lacy! Seriously, sit down and shut your dick sucker!! All that you’re doing is showing the true way of a Von Fuqer!
Who said we are family. Did we touch a nerve? James did not touch that disgusting THING and Karson WAS DRUNK LMFAO. So what does that say about you LACY? That people need to be drunk to fuck your dirty ass. I feel for the dude.
It’s not a dick stop taking it so hard lol.
It’s very obvious that you’re part of that family by your words. You speak fluent dumbass just like them. And you’re wrong about James… he did fuck Lacy! Ask him.
I am not Lacy. But she is my hero since she has the Von Fuqtards all wound up. I’m just sitting back laughing at your stupid ass because you are putting on such a great show. Blaming all of this on Lacy so that you have a scapegoat and won’t have to admit that there are many people who despise Shitzo and her family. Or I should say now it’s Julez that’s leading the Von Fuqs since she has Shitzo’s virtual balls in her strap on. She’s playing Shitzo like a fucking fool and I’m enjoying the show. Can’t wait until she strikes leaving her and the rest looking like fools for the way they treated her before. Oops, sorry Julez, was I not supposed to say that?!
Calling your ass out here and now. Say who the fuck you are.. I mean you’re all big shit to talk all this mess, now show us you’re not Lacy and do the right thing… oh wait you can’t cause you’re fucking Lacy. Anyhow when ya grow a pair to say the truth a face your bs then come at me. And I’ll say who I am. Let’s do this.. Don’t be a fucking chicken.
LOL you can call me out all you want. Nice try but I really don’t play into shit like that. Keep believing I’m Lacy, I don’t give a fuck. Go suck on some more Von Fuq ass.
And Mr.R.Sole. I bet I can make you come back 🙂
Speaking of someone leaving someone RL because of uncleanliness , check facts on why Shitzo was left by “John”.
Seriously, just shut the fuck up!
I’ll come back ya fat twat. So still waiting on you to grow some fucking balls to say who you are. Stop being a chicken shit lol. And think people are done with your pathetic ass.. You keep saying the same bullshit. You’re such a scary bitch I swear..
You are posting under a name of “LOLBITCH”. I don’t see you being so brave.
Told ya dumb ass,come out with who you are and I will. 🙂 think ya might be a bit surprised.
Are you that fucking dense? As I said before, I am very happy the way things are. I don’t care who you are and I’m not sure why you care who I am. Unless you are in fact a Von Fuq, otherwise I’d think I would be of no interest to you. BUT we both know you are a member of the family and are trying so very hard to validate your claims at Lacy but you are failing miserably. It’s entertaining though. Keep it going. 🙂
Let’s see we got a list of wannabe’s but those who would talk the talk because they love to hear them yap we all know Cough Karson would be the number one suspect it rallying up her minions so those would be Sassy you is a complete blonde hence ShitzoBlondy then there is dumb fuck James with his bimbo Barbie Kenz let’s not forget the loud mouth Julez and as for the rest Kimmy, Lynz. Lynn, Kel, Kayla, Briah they would be clueless they get left out on purpose. Wait forgot the crack pipe hooker Harle. I may have forgotten a kid or two in the list if so then they don’t mean anything to them all anyways. How about a roll call now? Anyone?? That’s what I thought, stupid bastards who think they are super cool, NOT!!
It’s not you is, it’s you are… And keep thinking you know who is who .You now are using another acct to comment to make it look like you got ones to agree.. We all know you’re a lonely pathetic bitch with no life that sits here dwelling on this shit. It really is sad. We know the main 2 idiots on this post. Both are ass hurt bitches that they decided to be done with. Lacy he never wanted you sweetheart. It’s high time you get over it. I mean look it’s been over a year. You holding on to this hate isn’t healthy. I’ms sure out of stress and nerves you have picked your scalp down till it’s bleeding :/ And that isn’t good. And It’s got to be hard to keep up with all these accounts aswell. Although we know another that does come put her opinion in to because she’s ass hurt at the moment aswell. Tomorrow isn’t promised and we got to live each day to the best we can. And honestly sitting here wasting time on you is most def time wasted.I hope you can find something in your life to bring you joy and peace cause God knows you need it. By how bitter you are and hateful it shows. You can continue commenting and spewing out more bullshit lies of that family but end of day you know you’re fake and your words are complete shit and soon you will get tired of talking to yourself and get bored. Please get some help one way or another. This isn’t healthy for ya sweetie. May God bless your poor hateful soul.
Dang you all need to get a grip on your self, Its just Online Bullshit! Butt Hurt and all Doesn’t make one person better than the other. Move along .. so i say Thank you, NEXT!!!!
I’ll say it again EVERYONE must be this LACY!!! God Damn Mother Fuckers you look like idiots ragging on this chick. You are all mentally ill now I get it Skitzos.. yep they a crazy bunch!!!
SHUT IT LACY lmfao 🙂
Now that’s funny!! Yelling at “Lacy” since everyone who says anything is assumed as Lacy. You look like a total Asshole. What are you losing your temper over this thread? Woah nelly don’t blow too hard now… let some of that steam out of your kettle. What a bunch of fucking losers you want some chesse with that whine?
point is von fuqers need & are exposed for the sick ppl they are.they are always the victims & think their shit do not stink.i have first hand seen how they treat others with-out being provoked.they are sick in the head & deserve what is coming & happening to them.von fuqers your exposed.every1 knows karson kader aka shitzo looks like mama june = honey booboos mama.but treats every1 like shit.proof is they will all ruin each other in the end we are just waiting for it laughing
Smh fuck off with that shit. To sit and say one looks like that when you yourself haven’t even seen him? Funny there cause I’ve been on cam with him and he’s fucking far from that and very good looking. Not all sit and show their real life to just anyone you fuckwit. You really are pathetic.. Now keep on trying to make him look bad and making yourself feel good. But soon my dear karma is gonna fuck you so hard in the ass. Stupid fucking bitch get over it already.. Move tf on.
HIM? don’t you mean Her? try again
I said him and I’m well aware it’s a her you fucktard. Not like he hides it. Now go back to your trailer park and smoke yourself to death 🙂 thanks
Just correcting you like you love to correct others 😉
Oh I don’t need your correction sweetie I’m well aware. And it’s none of your business aswell. 😉
I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts.
hhahaha Karson looks like mama june … read that made me giggle
Oh and btw Lizz, Dena, Pennie & Char and ofc first and 4most Lacy… You all are fucking sad fucking fucktards that think you’re clear of this shit when we all know first hand it’s all among a few other haters and jealous bitches. But you all are the main dumb fucks keeping this going. If your dumb ass’s don’t wanna be put on here with dirt known of you I advise you fuck off with your drama now. Get the fuck over shit. How long are you gonna sit and hide like lil bitches oh wait should say BIG cause you wanna make fun of others weight but you’re all fat cunts.. Ok that is mean.. Sorry…fuck that I’m NOT sorry.All you have done is downed, lied and made this family out to be something their not. And to go as low as to bring real life into it? Oh but yet it gets thrown back to you and oh it’s bullying and wrong on the sudden. Don’t fucking dish out shit if you don’t want it back. And let me make this clear you bitches. I know all of you. I know ALOT of your reals and even your real facebooks and already printscreened shit loads of your family memebers. Bring their real in this shit one more time and keep this lying online bullying bs going and you all will get a taste of your own medicine. And Char your nasty fanny pics and saggy fucking tits are all around sadly. You give them to all you try to fuck with and sad part is many are the same you have to another. Girl have some respect. Least put on a bra so your tits don’t fucking looking like cow utters hanging to your belly. It’s NOT… Read more »
Wait a minute you have no place to talk. What have you done to Lacy repetitively time and time again. You slandered her more and once and you have no solid proof that any one of these comments is from her, Do you NOW??? Now sit the fuck down and shut that fucking hole you call a mouth! Better yet why not go for a walk since you need a motherfucking refill on air for that airhead of yours!
Lacy since you feel the needs to defend yourself cause nobody else will cause you’re a lonely, fake, 2 faced , jealous, scabby, ugly hearted bitch. We know it is you by knowing the lines you say, how you talk and even tho you try to throw us off at times we’re well aware. But by all means if you would like to come out to whom you truly are and clear Lacy’s name and do the right thing and stop being a pussy ass bitch hiding behind your keyboard. I will even come out of who I am 🙂 I mean come on ya bitch what we got to lose? Not like when we do I can jump through my screen and beat your fucking ass like I’d love to do :/ Buttttt hey do the right thing clear Lacys name.. do it ya biitch lol
Why would anyone want to out who they are, and No Not Lacy, just an observer and I’ve seen the comments that makes you all believe this girl would come to defend herself but then again you don’t know who is who. You have no proof and the way “she writes” that is like saying anyone who uses words like Y’all is from the south. Words don’t dictate nothing that’s just shit talk so mind your place and get back in line you whinny lil bitch. And everyone knows who you are by now 😉 so no need to say nothing so Good Day Mate!
Fuck off you fat fuck. Who do you think you are lol? Big talker aye? You fucking are pathetic and a fucking pussy that hides so ofc you won’t say shit. I’m actually getting very bored with you lot and it’s not just me..We sit and laugh at ya’ll pathetic bullshit. We know who tf you fat cunts are and we know you’re 2 much of pussies to even come at us with your real selfs sooooooo there’s really no point in this. You’re a waste of time and space . Bye you stupid attention seeking bitch! <3
just wasting your time
Who sits and laughs at this site? You and your Von Fuqtard family?
You being part of that fucked up family says so much about you. Good luck with that!
Why yes cause it’s fuckin funny as hell to see all the fuckery and lies. I mean we all learn something new of ourselfs each week. And no luck needed hunni cause been here long time with them so stick your luck up your ass. Oh and told ya you’d come back on another acct (wink wink) 😉
You need a better hobby than staring at your phone or computer screen !
Stop looking in the mirror my dear!!! You know you too are hiding behind a fake name so you shouldn’t talk in calling others pussies you are one yourself! You are as dumb as they get, you make me laugh my ass off trying to be this big bad ass bitch when you are nothing but a whinnying crybaby because many make you look foolish!!
Whiny crybaby??? Bitch where? We reading the same post? lmfao And me foolish? My dear you’re the fucktard on an online gossip site downing people and keeping a thread going of pure lies all cause you was rejected by them 🙂 Aww it’s ok I’m sure one day you will get past it. And I already told your dumb ass, come out with who tf you are since you think you’re so big and bad and I will aswell. But you’re to much of a fucking chicken shit you dumb fuck.
You’re an idiot darling, you think your fighting words mean anything? Haha ? you just like to hear yourself talk otherwise you wouldn’t reply but you did! Got to have the last word?
Lmao guess that goes for you sweetheart cause you sure came back and did same 😉 And you will do it again, and if not under this acct another.. Until next time <3
kenz go take care of yo kids for once.at least get custody back since they were taken from you.
What kind of person goes as low and vindictive to bring someones real life and situations on this true or not it’s an online avatar chat site, not someone’s real life. I get you are angry, hurt but you are all coming across as nothing but keyboard warriors, no, in fact, worse bullies and this is nothing more than cyberbullying. you want to claim that you are better yet dragging someone’s kids into this your no better your far worse. Take a step back and think for one second of the reactions of your actions/words. you on here to have your say right? when in fact that’s not it at all, you want to feel like a big shot for a little moment like you have one up on them that’s it yes? i also get you want revenge but at what cost may be for a second stop to think that there are real people with real feelings. now you may not care for them but for someone who drags there kids into this acting as if you care, so think for a second about them when you have made there parent feel so low about themselves. won’t affect you all but it will them. But I’m sure you don’t care you think you getting your fix of revenge when in fact you not.
Did you just write that load of shit? About feelings? Woah step a big fucking step back! Look at all the names said about Lacy and Char and who ever that’s equally just as fucked up! Those who have been ridiculed on these threads is damn straight dreadful when those who knows who they are speak up and show how disgusting and Vial the Von Fucktards are to anyone who stands up against them. That’s what everyone is doing here and they want to cry because they are hurt over the damn fucking truth spoken about who and how they are as for Sas. You would stand up for someone who you fucked you over when you were removed from the family. You say your not perfect but then who gives you justification to say shit about anyone? You have zero weight in the matter dumb fuck. As for Kenz , Julez and Ms Special Karson get a check in reality because you don’t wanna be treated like you what you treat all these others with vial foul words so playing victim don’t show what you need to do. So do us all a favor and act the way you want to be treated even if you don’t like a fucking person you don’t go to a person in real and bash on them do you?? So sit the fuck down and listen carefully… TREAT OTHERS THE WAY YOU FUCKING WANT TO BE TREATED!!! I’m done with this crazy lunatics of idiots who feel the need to act superior!
As I said before how can you all sit and judge a group of people for doing what you are also doing? it’s being a hypocrite, yes I said about feelings you throwing out someone’s kids, someones real but when they retaliate they in the wrong, did you all not say over and over how you couldn’t have your say with them, yet every person that has a say on them if you don’t agree with it you bash them you ridicule them, you can’t throw all these people out as a bad person when you are acting no better. as for Lacy and Char are you going to really talk about them as they are saints if you know so much history of them both you would know the things both of them have done and had done to the Von Fuq Family and even others.
I must be talking to a fucking brick wall, again to you CW you state of bringing RL to all of this correct? So let me spell it out for you… WHO HAS ANY RIGHT TO SAY SHIT ON LACY, CHAR AND THE LIST OF GIRLS THAT WERE CALLED OUT!!! There is no proof that any of those girls wrote anything or are even aware of all this going on!!! The pea size brain of the Von Fucktards are looking to put blame on anyone who no longer have history with them!! DO you get it now? These idiots of a family want to show that they are good people when the actions that they are showing on here show what vivacious people they are, they do not show respect to anyone but themselves. I mean do these people in everyday life smirk and grin at people for the fun of it? If they do egotistical much! Who made them superior? Humble your self and see others as what you want them to see you as. Now do you get it??
See I knew you would be back is why I handed you the mic back. these people are calling out people that they had issues with clearly. it doesn’t take much to figure that out, how are they going to know when you hiding behind fake names, Do you get that now? this is why not one but two of them no sorry three have asked to go inbox and sort things. from here and one has even come here to try as explained in another comment. it is going to be an ongoing circle till the ones with the issues open their mouths and deal with the problems with them at hand. I get it very well you all sat judging someone for actions you all now doing to justify it. Karson, Julez, and kenz been up on here for what reasons they have a past, they have done people wrong, they have acted out when people have done them wrong, something none have ever said they haven’t done. I’m sure you have done wrong in past I have everyone on here has done something at one point in their life does that deserve to have this ongoing? let’s be honest here is it really worth all of this sure little past time with coffee and gives the owner of the site hits but has it really give that person any person peace of mind, the only thing that will do that is letting go or going to the problem itself.
I have also seen first hand the foul treatment of people by this family many times for many reasons that they justify in their minds as valid because they are sick fucked up people.
So how is any of you doing all this making you any better?
From what I have also seen few have been and talked situations out with them, dealt with the issues at hand why not do that. Then you can say you tried if they are as bad as you say you will prove them wrong and yourself right.
Because sitting here week in and week out is really sad and pathetic. A just makes you all look cowardly haters,
To be honest, who is really going to believe whats put on here by a bunch of ex’s or haters, seriously it will be old news next week and the week after that, so what is the point.
I’m guessing you are still dwelling on the past?
If they are going to ruining each other why not let them get on with it or are you so hell-bent on revenge because that in itself isn’t good and makes you no better, I mean from what I can see with all the comments if they are as bad as you all claim why not move on leaving them in past ? who on earth would want anything to do with them bad or good.
you say Karson looks like mama June? but didn’t someone say not long ago no one seen him? see again need to really get your stories straight.
You can clearly see they have really got to you I mean you all hear saying they playing victims but isn’t that what you all doing and making the situations worse.
It really is amusing as I’m sure a lot of others think reading this how you claim they are so sick in the head an need help, play victims when from all the comments it seems they are not the only ones. Just as they are also not the only ones attacking people who have a say again making yourselves no better.
Have to say no wonder people come to this site to read with all the idiotic childish comments.
shits going to hit the fan soon little does julez know that shitzo has been in the inboxes of his ex mistresses and ex when you make the wrong people hate you the truth will come out. we all know you can’t be loyal to one person. Julez if I was you I would run while you can and don’t get pulled into this fuckery of a family. Cause your gonna end up turning and looking just like them.
She already is like that screwed up family. Doesn’t know how to think for herself.
I really think when telling lies about someone you need to make up your minds what this Karson has or is only a few weeks ago you calling him a fake Dominant now he has Mistresses. For a bunch of people that claim to or just want to hate on him and his family you all really need to get your stories straight don’t you think? but then again you not hating, are you? its a site to comment as you wish yes? so does that mean he or anyone else cant have there say also?
I mean just by reading the past few weeks you all have been none stop at them, yet claim he and his family has anger issues and mental issues I think you all need a reality check.
Also ill think you will find the only reason they are saying, Lacy, because well she was the only one who did try talk to James did she not? So at least one coward came forward right?
My opinion you all are no better you are on here for a reason to call them out but also doing what you claim they are also doing very hypocritical.
Are you really preaching about spreading Lies? Where is any proof to what these idiots are even saying about that poor girl Lacy? As for Lacy talking to James I dared her to see if that bastard would apologize to her and he did. What a shocker!!!! But no one in that family knows how to speak the truth even though they say that they don’t lie, which is a Lie in it self. So before you wanna swing the bat for them know actual FACTS about the people and one I can tell you is that Karson does look like Momma June, lazy piece of shit.
Yes Funny Shit, If I was Lacy, I’d claim that shit since they hate her so fucking much. I’ve been honest with them that I am NOT Lacy yet they keep on with that bullshit. I will just let them keep thinking it. Fucking Idiots!! And then they say ‘another that does come put her opinion in because she’s ass hurt’, give me a damn break, I suppose she is ass hurt because Shitzo the Crazy Fucker with anger issues and is a fat lazy woman in RL or her loser son James that has the mental capacity of a 15 year old boy and is frightened to step away from Shitzo’s skirt tail to be his own person MUST HAVE denied any of us that despise them the virtual D. It’s down right ridiculous.
You are really going to sit there judging someone on anger issues and mental age when you yourself are sat on this with your childish comments. I’m sure there is a lot of people sat reading this thinking how sad you kinda looking, oh and a lot laughing but you know they laughing at you not with you right? its sad and pathetic you let a bunch of people get to you so much they really must have got to you pretty bad.
By the way we know now the other in this and we know it’s not just Lacy and ur troll looking ass is as pathetic as her. Keep hating … Karma will get ya.
It just goes to show what lies you are all saying about the family or all going by hearsay or old drama to say that James fucked lacy clearly shows you know nothing. If you did you would know was only Karson that did many years ago when he was drunk and a little out of his mind clearly.
since then she has been obsessed with him to the point she even edited pictures of herself and Karson.
High5that you seem a little high-strung when it comes to Karson and his family could it be you yourself have a little crush or hating because you got knocked back, I really feel for you all that you have to lower yourselves to be so bitter living with this hate of a few people. As for bashing someone about real, it’s showing your class of a person you all here saying you want to have your say of how bad they are and how they bully people but from all the comments haven’t you all also done that? seems you are no better.
CW – I am definitely not someone who has a crush nor have I ever. I am simply someone who has seen the Von Fuqtards in action on dragging someone through the mud and bashed them unjustifiably. This family deserves every bit of trash talking that they get on this site. So literally what is being done to them has been done BY them to many! Which proof of the many it’s been done to is in the number of posters here. It’s called retaliation. Look it up!
Your point of bringing real into this – you should really go back and read the comments that have been made about Lacy on her RL. Especially when there is NO proof that anyone here is actually Lacy.
Bottom line here – I am not the person on secrets, they ARE because of the way they have treated others. I did not submit this secret but I, just like everyone else here, I have this site to voice my opinion. So CW I suggest if my comments bother you that you get the fuck off of this website and shut up or learn to deal with them because your comments will not stop me or change my thoughts on the Von Fuq Family. Have a great day.
Be brave enough to say who the fuck you are and maybe we all will ;)~~ You’d be surprised.
LOL We know it’s Lacy . NOONE!!!! NOT even her own family defend her because they know what poison she is. Which makes it more funnier that her Dad fucked her knowing she spews all details.
Tell me where I have defended her? I am merely speaking the truth and think it’s hilarious how upset all of you get. And you don’t have to tell me who you are because I don’t give a fuck. I am very content the way things are. We’re both hiding. The only difference between me and all of you is that I only speak when what I’m saying is the truth.
We are speaking truth to. So before casting stones take the speck out your own eye. You are guilty as they come by keeping a post going lying and making things up of a family that apparently are jealous of for some reason or another. So don’t sit here trying to be all innocent in shit when you’re far from it.
Who is upset? lol. And of course you are content…living with your mum and Dad to keep you in check RL. Shame they can’t do it online too. I guess they are too busy running around cleaning them dirty scalp scabs off the floor that you pick off your head daily. Oh yes i know about that too and the fact you can see them on cam. You have a hairy snatch in RL that falls out of your multi large underwear. Your EX bf left you due to your lack of cleanliness in RL. Good god Lacy you are repulsive yet sit and slate others. SMH. *Drops the mic and walks off* LOL I’m so done here. Tattybye.
Well, see that’s not true so how are you speaking the truth, as I said in my earlier comment you are going by hearsay nothing you have said is the truth.
You sure do know a lot about this Lacy, stalker much? Or you just obsessed over her since all you talk about is her that’s a fucking joke! Look in the mirror dude you are making yourself look more like a jackass! A crazy obsessed one over a girl who is so much of your concern if anything you giving her all this attention has the opposite affect your making her famous and known while you look stupid.
LOL Lacy is famous already. Her vagina has been slapped with more balls than the NBA backboard
Oh my god I know that’s the truth.. Just think I threw up in my mouth a lil thinking of her getting fucked tho.
Gross! BUT we all know anything that comes out that nasty bitches mouth is bullshit and lies and anything that goes in it is DICK.
If I was a dick even I’d not even wanna go in that dirty thing lmfao
LMFAOOOO did you just say that? You’re the fucking stalker you fucktard. Says the one here week after week…the one who can’t let shit go..All cause you are ass hurt you wasn’t wanted..
Any decent man/woman would say something about another person, wait that’s right none of you are decent just a bunch of sour pussies. You are so quick to throw someone name out there for justification on your own behalf. Look at your self I mean truly look at the words you wrote did this one person do that much harm to your social life in SL? Dang Man get a grip on reality. you all sit here like your everything to society and how old are you acting not the 40+ year old most of you are or at least close to it. Get off the Ass and go clean your dirty house and do your children’s wash or something productive than just sit and loiter on the computer.
Tell Ken and Mary to check their inbox lard ass.
Youre really convinced It is just one person that hates all of you losers….. Kenz shut the fuck up…… delusional menopausal baggy-eyed old hag….. you talk bad about every1……
As for who are you Monica, sounds like you know every detail of them. Are you a doctor or a therapist? Do you truly know each one of these people outside of online? I’m sure they act the same way in real as they do online. As for them being middle aged woman and not taking care of kids it’s called School that most are in when these ladies are sitting around bullshiting online. I would think if they are a single parent they either should be at work to provide for their children unless they have a hubby who does that already. It more sounds like none of them have priorities straight. It should be kids work and home before they sit that ass down. I wouldn’t wanna see how each personally lives since it’s online they rather be doing then what’s going on in RL.
@Los Locos, keep your single username.
LMFAO You need to lay off them drugs they are giving you some fucked up thoughts there buddy.
#1 – 27….. What a waste. BORING
#4 oh so true…
No lies. Mya is the worst thing about Vale K. I’ll never shop that brand, not until Bob dumps her foul mouthed, bully ass. Mya, suck a dick, ya dumb shit!
Fucking preach. I looooved VK. Then I ran into Mya @ MAGE. Knowing who she was. I didn’t disrespect her at all. But her friend said something hella racist to me and my friend. Then Mya chimed in confirming that we were “loud black females who they can’t understand” which is not even true.
We weren’t yelling at all, just approaching her friend because when we walked by she called us dumb idiots.
I stopped shopping @ VK because of that bitch. He can do better trust me.
Btw I hope Bob doesn’t feel the same way she does about black people because most of his customers are….. Black!
Have you seen him. He probably thinks thats best he can get. Lol. Shame though how he settles for someone who doesnt respect him enough to hold some dignity for his brand and consumers. Virtual or not. Boy open your eyes. I stopped shopping VK months ago. I dont think anyone i know really fucks with it. Went from fatpacks every release to the brand being as revelvant as Murray. Lets keep it 100% lol
I don’t know these people and have nothing to say about this matter, but I’m upvoting for the Bojack Horseman reference.
100% agree, I can’t stand her, Bob’s extremely talented but he doesn’t realise that who he associates with affects his brand. I won’t shop there either as long as Mya has a say, never encountered such a toxic, foul person as her. The problem goes far beyond VK though, Mya has him by the balls in RL too, he’s a very insecure person and lets Mya dictate everything, poor guy doesn’t stand a chance.
Which is a shame because the store itself is truly good, the products very well made. And then there’s her…….the outhouse of VK
#4 the worst kind of incest clique family at fmd.
Incest only is real when having it in rl with real relatives. If you are doing it in sl you just don’t take your RP that serious. I’m sick of reading that bullshit over and over again. Most of those persons do not even meet in rl…
Maaaan they’re incest af idc idc idc. If you sit there and CLAIM to be family members but then you want to fuck your so-called brother sister cousin… Bih that’s fantasizing incest. But of course, we got hella sick people on SL who will disagree because they are fucking their whole family including the grandma.
Hey do you know why incest is illegal. If you did, you wouldn’t have such a fucking tantrum over the fact that unrelated people in sl are committing “INCEST”
Get a clue before you talk. Also you’re projecting.
I don’t have a SL family and kinda find it mostly stupid, but is it incest when people are family and aren’t actually blood related? I went to a party real life where a step brother and step sister were making out. It bothered me a little bit, but they aren’t related by blood so figured no harm no foul.
If you role play a family on SL have standards of not dating or hooking up with your own family members. Makes the family name look stupid. Ya no one may not truly be related but in words of RP make sure it’s followed. Unless you are on Pornhub and making a porn video of family fucking family
haha tfw you realize people on sl aren’t related to each other.
That whole ageplay / pedo shit is way worse than the supposed incest on SL
The funniest thing to me is how every one of those bitches has basically the same face, a bunch of boring fucking clones that probably think they’re hot shit.
I bet they’re all using realistic avatars too, hmm. I’m picking up on a general “I don’t like anyone except for people that are me, myself, or have the same narrative on SLife as me” vibe, you just like to vomit all over the place. That’s gross.
Aww, you tried it, but you forgot how to read where I said “face”. No points.
Because you judging faces is completely different from judging bodies…right. You just like to complain and pick and choose what’s relevant when you want it to be. I really hope you have an amazing avatar because your personality is garbage. 😀
incest on SL doesnt exist. You aren’t truly related to each other, sex on SL doesn’t exist.. its just pixels bumping non-related avatars
Really boring secrets this week, that’s disappointing.
#26- Vanni is a dude RL, he doesn’t hide it. He’s posted RL photos of himself several times. His main is Daemonn Mistwalkerr. I can also confirm that not “everyone who likes this body is a dude.” I know several females who wear it because they like not having a plain Jane, cookie cutter, realistically-proportioned avatar, myself included. As much as I enjoyed seeing Vanni being called out on here, I’m disappointed that your powers of perception definitely don’t put you in the league of Sherlock Holmes.
Thank you Sherlock for taking the time to look beyond that first pic. Yeah, I don’t hide who I am in rl. But beyond that, why is it other people’s job to judge how people live their sl? Makes my head spin.
… do you actually think that if you are realistic, you are “cookie cutter”? You think there’s no way to be unique without becoming a wildly disproportionate caricature of a woman? You think looking like a real woman instead of a cheap blow up doll is “plain Jane”? (The expensive ones are- shocker- realistic!) That’s just… sad, and bizarre.
Do you think everyone looks the same in real life? Lol
That kind of body/ shape is a fetish thing, nothing more or less. It’s fine if that’s what you’re about, but to act like people whose female avis don’t look like a 10 year old’s scribbled idea of what is sexy are boring or predictable is just a really weak attempt to throw shade back, and it failed miserably.
From ten years of being in SL, I can tell you that having an adult human avatar that is proportionate and has a realistic face shape makes you stand out like a sore thumb. When I picked up a recent store gift on my adult avatar, I was awash in a sea of 7 foot, size 0, duck lipped, small headed women with twiggy legs up to their necks and huge butts. I felt like an alien. That is the norm, that is the “plain Jane” of SL. The Sking bodies don’t surprise me, people were doing that with prims when I joined SL in 2008 and it’s so common that I’m actually more surprised when I see avatars that aren’t like that and look like real people. So, my apologies, no one thinks you’re edgy nor unique nor special nor “going against the grain” for picking that body. Fetishy unrealistic female shapes have always outnumbered realistic ones and it’s far more common for both men and women to use those avatars.
Now you wanna talk “same face” syndrome… that’s because very few people bother to play with bento head sliders.
As an adult woman who has been gone trough very much in her life, it sometimes brings tears to my eyes when I see to what women usually are reduced now in sl. Not on red light- or fetish sim, everywhere. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CK-Sweet-pie-bunny/14147761. Everytime I see those (and similar) pictures it makes me sad. Look at the face, dumbness is staring outta it. What remains, is a dumb plastic doll ready to b… and nothing more.
On top of that for me, are those oversized bodies, containing only boobs and butt. And ducklips. Is that really how we should view a woman? Or younger people, should we really suggest them that a woman isn’t good for anything else other than that? A walking spare parts depot in slutty clothes and lips ready to b…? I’m for diversity in sl (even if it comes to bigger shapes) and I also dress sexy sometimes, but for my personal taste proportions and fashion ingame has gone totally outta wack. For me SL has turned into an overall red light district (even wen I shop) containing walking oversized body parts. People like A-Kid are really rare af nowadays.
That is the reason why I do derender everybody when landing on a sim. It’s not beautiful for me at all. But that is just my own small opinion.
The notion that you would latch onto the “plain Jane, cookie cutter” part of that post and gloss over the retort to the insult towards people who wear those bodies being only men, is simply reinforcing your (or #26’s) personal preference while condemning other’s choices, and is more a comment to your insecurity than a valid argument. You completely missed the point.
Your reply to another post above this thread is literally “The funniest thing to me is how every one of those bitches has basically the same face, a bunch of boring fucking clones that probably think they’re hot shit.” Seems pretty cookie-cutter to me.
You can handle a little shade, darling. As someone who wears the “10 year old’s scribbled idea of what is sexy” bodies, we hear a lot of shit from people and we’re used to it. You can deal with a little thrown back. Do you feel personally attacked? Do you feel that people attacking your choice of avatar is stupid? Yeah? Good for you, so do we. You’ll be fine.
You don’t have to try to explain WHY I am choosing to use my avatar of choice, I am fully aware of my own reasons and sadly they don’t quite sync up to your opinion-based generalizations but hey, that’s why it’s just an opinion, right? Pot meet kettle and all that shit.
Perhaps you shouldn’t throw it if you find it so chilly in the shade yourself; there was no reason to insult people with realistic shapes to make your point. I do find your hypocritical offense amusing, though. The irony of you saying “opinion based generalizations” after your OP is probably the funniest thing that will happen in these comments this week.
You are right though, these comments are a lot more spicy then the secrets. We can continue this throughout the week if you like, it’s tickling my schadenfreude and I could use the entertainment.
Throw what? My response was in response to the OP generalizing that all bigger-bodied users are male and I was giving my “Nope, not true.” I’m aware of the hypocrisy, on my posting and definitely yours. However, I wasn’t butthurt about it, as your post so eloquently reeked of “T R I G G E R E D”.
Did I add shade, yep. What is this site about? Shade. I didn’t post a badly spaced 3-part response to defend my choice in avatar, did I? I didn’t flatly state that people that use the realistic bodies just do it because they lack the creativity to get into the hyper-proportioned ones. (See what I did there?) I didn’t generalize and toss out my opinion as fact on why people use their particular choice of avatar. I added one little quip of my opinion, some flavorful descriptors to your preference in avatar. Big difference, darling.
LOL you went after my spacing! Well, I’ll give you this; you must not be a typical T-rex bimbo avi, with that reach.
Unfortunately, the whole topic isn’t that interesting past the part where I obviously made my point, so you’ll have to go comically jiggle your way around whichever sex sims you prefer for your entertainment instead. I’m sure the fetishists will keep you busy! ♥
I thought your particular brand of unpleasantness was familiar, you’re all over the secrets. How dare I call someone cookie-cutter? I guess I was encroaching on your territory.
“10: Who can tell who that bitch is? There are literally 500 thots who look just like her. If you’re gonna bother to hate on a generic clone avi, have the balls to post their name so we know which one.”
“Yup. People are just fucking lazy, or too afraid to diverge from the currently popular style of face, whatever it is; it’s frankly absurd to act like all Catwa heads look the same, considering how many of them there are. I never see my face anywhere, not even close.”
…and I’m sure there are more.
It’s cute that you’re interested enough dig through past weeks, obsessively trying to prove yourself right about me; I completely forgot about you until I needed something to read with my coffee today. You’re welcome for the distraction from what must be a very dull life!
Triggered much? Yikes.
yeah i take offense at the cookie cutter remark, only because i got banned from a sim yesterday for having a realistic shaped and sized avi, which they deemed was child-like, when it was anything but.
So fuck your big fat butts and big boobies, i’m good with my realistic B cups.
But yeah you’re right, men are not the only ones who like those types of avis, and I have known girls to use them too. Just not a personal choice.
I can respect that. To each their own.
#1- That’s the patch of fail for most of em. Such hateful, angry, vapid people.
#23- Someone’s opinion of themselves needs to dial back a bit. She is the flexi hair of personality on the grid.
Most of the rest is the SL equivalent of vaguebooking. Tea is a lil on the weak side this week for sure.
Follow your dreams.
Also, #1 – you’re*
20 and 23 are the same post o.o
Yeah I fixed it, thanks. People upload the same image twice and it’s usually 0700 when I’m building the post so the sleep is still in my eyes.
Understandable xD
Smh why would I defend these people after being a victim myself as a kid? Seriously why? You can believe what you want but I said wat I said and my point was made that we don’t just sit there and joke about these people and bash them report them to save them for. Hurting other kids because I have seen too many people who know a child molester and they don’t REPORT THEM! You all love to post about a shitload of child molesters on this site and turn it into a damn joke. It’s not cool. Report them and they shall do their time and seek help and save future victims. You can twist this shit all you want but you’re just as guilty as them for joking about it and not reporting them.
Since I’m a pedophile why not report me. Send screenshots to the authorities or something. Send proof the sudden proof that I’m out there molesting kids ….go right ahead. You won’t find shit because I’m not one clearly. All you got is a post of me saying not to joke about them that they are mentally sick and need help and should go get help. Idgaf what you all think about me as long as I got the word out there that this isn’t a joke and people stop joking about it and actually take action I’m happy.
Seriously, what sane human being will honestly joke about shit like that? Where is this proof of ppl “joking” about this? I can almost guarantee that anyone who ever witnesses a child being harmed in that way they will report it. At this point I believe your making this up along with being a victim yourself. If an asshole molested you, the last thing you want is for that person to be “helped”.
I heard someone making a joke about it and i reported them and blocked their number and it pissed me off so i ranted out on FB about it who i considered someone i could have talk to .and what i said to help them is to report them to seek help because they are mentally sick and help the victum, The moment you report a child molester they do their jail time and seek mental help, and its no laughing matter to just sit there and laugh about it.
You dont have to believe a shit what i said because you dont know my life story you dont know what i have been through , at this point i dont care i just want people to know that to stop making jokes about this shit because its a big slap on the face for victims like myself, youre just basically encouraging them making them think its alright to do what they are doing.
what the fuck is wrong with everyone. i don’t think it’s really considered pedophilia. i’ve never seen any virtual children complain about there emotions at a local virtual uuh help line center place. thing is. your going on about how a virtual kid is a real kid, yet at the same time it’s make believe. yeahh put rules on make believe . fuck you. are you guys actually serious? all i read is…. like. a bunch of people get mad that a bunch of fake kids decide it’s fun to take off some pants. like. i can’t put my finger around logic here. i mean leave the virtual children. who are in fact adults. nevermind this convo brain numbs me. i aint a pedo. yet i don’t go up screaming calling imagination land pedophilia world. thing is. if adults wanna play kids. maybe they are just the boy inside the man. just forever trapped inside as a small child. doing anything you can. well fuck it. your a fairy anyway, so i’m leaving. get your deep fried taco corditas and leave. look i know it’s an emotion, but when the emotion is behind a computer, and infact make believe. shouldn’t be even consider it in the first place. it’s more on the line of submissive.some people just feel submissive younger. nevermind. i’m not explaining shit. press derender and it’s not real anymore. the fuck.
Pretty sure you missed the mark completely here, Stank.
OK it’s mostly fear people deal with, as the paranoia that goes with it. most of them end up on tables. being examined on an operating table. nobody forgives. they will send you to rehab, yet the doubters will always put you down. make you feel like shit and try to make you reoffend as they know you want to. also turning a friend in is almost like a burdened deathwish. This type of behavior will not stop. so if they have an outlet say virtual reality to tame it. also if you report it. report it to a social worker orsomething. remember they are only human. this is turned into the next witch plague.
Dear Stankfish. According to SL TOS an adult avatar doing sexual activities with a child avatar is illegal and grounds for an ISP life ban, they do not care if the player of the child avatar is an adult. It’s a crime. LL is based in USA where this activity be it real or virtual is against the law, it’s the same thing in a great many countries. So suggesting they “tame it” and use virtual reality to fuck kids, is basically saying it’s fine for them to break the law. Real or virtual makes no difference.
Report them to the cops, lock em up and toss away the key!
@ Observer .
Except they said that about gay men right up until the 70s, which was not that long ago. Paedophiles are branded as a blanket case no matter if they act on it or not. Pederasty has been around since time began and its not as if human society has changed, its just we look for other things to lay blame on as a moral panic. There are more people in the church and in government doing that secretly and behind closed doors, we are the people who let them control our lives. Its a fact of life, these things happen with consent as well as against will. We have kids having sex now at pre-teen level onward, we have gender confusion and all sorts now. That is not a freak occurrence. What explains that behaviour. ? Do we put these kids in mental institutions too?
On your quote, I rather there was an outlet on some damn game than in real life. The only problem is the powers that be cut off empirical and scientific data on this , so we brand them as unfit people for humanity. I could call all people with a tinge of racist behaviour as possible candidates for extremist racial hate crimes. You cannot tar people with a brush if you have no experience other than what you were brainwashed with as a child and what is held as biased studies from so called world experts.
Thinking that pedophiles fucking kids is immoral, wrong and disgusting is now brainwashing, okay got it thanks.
how do you want us to help them? how are we in any way qualified to help with a huge mental disability like that? they need professional help, not half assed advice from a bunch of people on the internet.
Honestly, just throw all those pedos to /b/ they know how to take care of them
Pedophiles don’t need help they need locking up
No you’re the one encouraging pedos to be pedos. I rather be the troll picking on a pedo, than being the pedo fucking up a kids life. Both are horrible, but we all know which is worse.
You were better off making a post saying pedos leave ppl’s children alone please.
LMAO. Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot no one gives a fuck about your fake ass life story
Why believe anything you say? You lie about who you are every other month tho.
If you soo believe im also a pedophile i advise you to take the moment to report me. Just go right ahead since youre saying you dont believe me. I have nothing to hide. Just go right ahead , prove everyone that im this so called pedophile , ill be waiting.
For future advise, pedophile or not. Don’t make dumb posts saying that kind of shit, if you feel pedos need help, do it or keep it to yourself, or post it in public like you did, and get slammed for it like you did. Good day to you sir.
every other month??? Isnt that exaggerating the truth … Im not denying that i did catfish which i did and i stopped it and told the truth on June , we are now in December into a new year .. I am who I am when I came out with the truth. So how is that every other month , please come with proof on that before assuming shit.
At the end of the day none of you all know me and none of you need to know me if you’re going to assume shit. Who ever posted that shit on going to look at it on the bright side and take it as my point getting into other people’s heads and hopefully from now on that people stop taking this shit as a joke.
Clearly you all don’t get my point. My point is these people are sick they need help and to do their time. Sitting there joking about them isn’t going to do SHITTT. Go and get help to help the kids because clearly they are fuckked and those who think it’s cool to just post them on social media and make jokes about them are as guilty as them and I bit my tongue long enough about it. So yes they are mentally sick and should get help so they won’t hurt any more kids.
Your post never said anything about helping the victim. Like I said no one will agree with you here. The way your initial post is worded is acting like that shit is compared to other mental illnesses. Do yourself a favor and stop making dumb ass posts and no one will attack you about it. You say one thing, but type something completely different. It doesn’t make any sense.
He’s a pedophile now? Last I heard he was catfishing people, first pretending to be a white swedish guy in the military with a wife and daughter, now he’s half mexican and black. Guess that why his bitch Veda left him. Why doesn’t he go back to IMVU already or at LEAST pick a story an stick to it. SMH.
I have more of an issue on people with shit personalities, who get off with literal murder week after week on SL that create victims. The same people who protect the liars, the con-artists, the vindictive bastards, the bullies etc. . Things we would consider as RL dysfunction. Yet, in SL people flock to people like that, celebrate it and encourage it. Then go back to their RL kids and lecture them on standards and doing the right thing. If they do that in SL, damn sure they would do that shit in RL too. Just as damaging to people!!
No one will agree with you here, you’re talking about “twisting” a story, you’re the one who twisted yours. You go on to say help them and shit, never did you once say report them until someone called you out about it. Obviously you thought what you said was dumb too, thats why you deleted the post. Don’t compare that sick shit to other mental issues. As being a “victim” too you should know better. Stop contradicting yourself. “SMH”
You are just an ugly catfish anyways so of course you are going to stick up for paedophiles, as you are one yourself.