Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 531.
Virtual-Secrets: Week 531
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 319 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Lmfao the fooker family is so much drama no wondering people keep leaving ur fam or you kicking them out cause they wont be backstabbers and liars and haters like you pathetic excuse for a family
**Breaking News** Soon all flickr whores will be limited to 1000 pics (on free accounts) I can almost hear the sighs of having to really pic the best of the best. xD
You seem to adore anyone’s potential struggle, Me. Even so much as to take pleasure in the silliest of things like Flickr. Given your comment quota here I assume you are completely lost in your own struggle and looking for schadenfreude to swath the pain you are feeling. Please seek help. You clearly need it.
comment quota?? they can’t handle the truth . I may be blunt and say whats on my mind but at least i don’t smile in your face and talk behind your back and deceive you. I don’t believe in sugarcoating.. i keep it real, dear.
Yes, you are so real here, lol.
my opinions are very real.. yes.. dumbass
lol i just dont take cartoon characters serious like u.. u may need the help.
#21 does not look like a baby to me. Remember SL before Catwa took over? SL is now giant barbie avatars and fuckbois everything else is a kiddo. It’s a styled anime avatar. Look at the top porn search results https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/sex/news/a52061/most-popular-porn-searches/ hentai is wayyyy near the top. Follow your dreams.
Feel free to argue with me but be constructive and reasonable.
yeah it looks like a kemono avatar actually… and it´s anime, so no childish shapes! totally agreed with you.
#20 is a gacha store, that’s why she doesn’t put them on marketplace.
All the posts of designers copying things and shit like are you kidding me? Do you people know the word “reference”. If you’re not an artist/designer then shut the fuck up. You think Gucci and Prada don’t use references from other designers? Duh! It’s called “RESEARCH”. Seriously, people. Why are you so bothered with people stealing ideas because I can tell you that 99.999999999% of the designers in SL take references from google, pinteres, etc. Using references helps inspire someone to create something similar but they often tweak it to suit their design. It’s only a copy if you literally pluck it off the internet, didn’t do any tweaks or changes and claim it as yours. You people should learn the difference between “copy” and “reference”.
only people who dont have an imagination need to look at other garmets to make their own. …and only original designers will understand and agree… There are many people who don’t need reference or any other words you sl’ers make up for copy/inspiration.. real designers are inspired from emotion..creativity.. those are god given talents.. don’t mix up awesome people with copycats. please .. thats so wack
Give us examples, oh wise one.
i just can’t see lagerfeld, lauren, ford, westwood, armani, the blonds etc taking to garmets on pinterest for their next big idea. lmao real designers DO exist.. second life designers (not all but most) are nothing more than copycats.. the same ones who cry everyweek about someone copying them..have a store full of copied shit. =) Week after week people down Doux/David Cooper over hair but have a store full of ‘off white’ shit stolen from netaporter. There are a few stores i notice that have a talent..all im saying is the word designer should be saved for them.. not all your designer inspired seamstresses. that is all. toodles.
So you gave us four examples of designers in real life who, at best, had their best days in the 80’s. Tom Ford would be the most current in vogue but is still not so original. He came from Gucci and his craft is apparent from their early days. You often contradict yourself…”cartoon…who cares” and yet at the same time expect the standards as in rl with fashion. Make up your mind? SL is a mirror of rl and until Tom Ford decides to design here get a fucking life girl and chill out. Yes, it’s a cartoon. You win. Now lighten up and let people have fun. Or else you look like an old lady stuck in the 80’s and thinking Vivienne Westwood is still a goddess of couture. And that they got their “inspiration” from a magic ball of blessed creative genius.
I can see you just need a friend or something…. but count me out honey. and i didnt give new ones because i figured you were one of AARP’s finest 60+ residents so i wanted you to know what i was talking about since you’re pretty fucking stupid to think that there are no REAL RL designers and you needed fucking examples. The point is hardly anyone in SL is ‘designing’ anything… and real designers DONT NEED to look at others peoples creations to make their own. If you don’t know the difference – someone designing from talent and designing from pinterest i cant even say im surprised. lol most of SL im sure sits around in their designer INSPIRED (bootleg) mumus anyways . =)
the likes and dislikes in this pretty much represent the mind frame of a SL “designer” such a bad term they should feel honored… 1 out of 5 people know the difference .. the other 4 buy the mesh and textures and have a store and say its not business in a box. lmao when yes tf it is.
#9 bahahahaha oh look another psychotic wanna be Daddy Dom, I laugh at everytime lydia would be up his ass begging to give her another go when she’d be cuddled up at her linden house with another dude. This pathetic wanna be is as bad as the fat ass bitch lydia, mooching for suckers to emotionally manipulate. Nina goodluck with that thing. You’ll be the next tragic victim til he goes running back with his tail between his legs to that other psycho.
um how much room do you have to judge? your clearly one of lydias friends which means you had nothing better to do withyour life then be wrapped up in relationship drama that aint even yours. its so elementary grow up. this is something 2nd graders would write on teh bathroom wall cause tommy circled 0 on the note your best friend passed. calling names doesnt make the true. “fat ass bitch” “psycho” “pathetic wanna be” “psychotic wanna be daddy dom” those arnt factual statements followed up with proof.. they are hateful slander followed up by pathetic emotion.. its childish grow up cause your just as bad as that toddler lydia
#1 and #31 to be honest I’m not surprised of this family is up there. I think I’m more surprised that they were up sooner. The “fear family” are all a bunch of fucking weirdos. They all have issues and only have any real interest in causing stupid drama, they live off it. I hav yet to meet on that could prove that wrong
all families in sl are weirdos.
I know right? cause SL is so not full of weirdo’s…. I mean come on now if you think about it these Morons that even take time out to read this trash are the number one trouble makers who Love to feed off drama. As for the jealous hater’s out there? well their the two faced bitches that have been rejected by their friends, side candies that believe they will live happily ever after on false pretenses which are considered psycho’s to begin with, they live in a fantasy world. Wake up and smell your jizz, Second life is a Jerry springer show. Some people love to watch it, some people love to be on it and then you have someone like me that loves to direct it.
No one who thinks plurals require apostrophes and can’t tell the difference between there and their is directing anything except low end porn and their own bathtub meth addiction. Why don’t you tell people what a catfish you are, Maka?
I mean you are here as well it’s calling the kettle black really. You should join their family seems like you would fit right in, since you obviously love being dramatic bitch
#7 I’m more concerned someone was actually cammed in watching them more than I am of what’s actually going on LOL. Who cares what kind of freaky shit people are into? You aren’t part of it poster are you? Then what’s it matter? Sounds like someone needs a hobby. I’m just saying though…
#3 I have to agree here, this girl is nuts, she loves tearing family’s and friends apart as well if it suits her needs, she will spread lies about you to everyone and basically harass you over and over even her mother will do it was well. Just beware being around her.
There are too many sharks in the water, and she’s one of them. The level of manipulation I’ve seen from her is astronomical. If you want everyone to hate you for no reason, then become her friend.
Oh wow. That level of manipulation isn’t needed in SL. It figures that the mom is in on it too.
#35 – She made it on here again? Tsk, tsk. Who else did she piss off? Lol! She’s a pathetic cunt who hits on someone else’s husband making them believe she’s some hot chick but she’s a cow in rl and looks like a man. She drops people all the time. If you don’t agree with her, she’ll fucking drop your ass and find someone else to be friends with and then fuck it up and come crawling back. She’s afraid of being alone in SL hence why she’s always partnered or dating someone. Whoever posted this is spot on! She’s a disgusting whore.
And before her supporters assume that I’m jealous of her, please bitch, I don’t want your pathetic life – you can keep it but do us all a favour and leave SL. No one fucking wants you around. Also, while you’re at it, don’t bother coming back. Cunt.
This is so fucking boring.. Petty drama over people between the selling on the MP and people bitching about how their ex chested on them this is begging to look more like a soap opera then a gossip blog. You retards with below 50 IQ need to wake the fuck up and realize these are pixels were talking about.. Old people obsessing over fucking pixels that’s all it is lmao
#4 – pretends to be this pretends to be that… Dear Poster..you are a complete moron.. this is called SL.. you can pretend to be what ever the fuck you want.. if i were you i’d log out and maybe go outside since you are looking for REAL… but warning… there are A LOT of fakes out there too. Im sure that will really fucking stump you. #5 again its SL stop worrying about if someone mooches off a rl wife.. it sounds like jealousy to me..I mean pixel sex is no different than everyone who watches porn .. hes not actually fucking anyone but his hand.. like most of you xD maybe wifey rather him fake fuck the beasts on SL and isn’t threatened by it. lol There are people who aren’t jealous of cartoon characters you know. #7 is gross but i cant stop laughing.. seriously who cares.. be happy this dude is disgusting enough to fuck someone looking like that .. it should give hope to most of the hags on this game. #8 whoever wrote this post needs to check into a hospital or something. Songs with profanity on a general sim?? OOoOoH Daring! lol where everyone is an adult or supposed to be anyways? Does this mean i’m not allowed on general sims because i say fuck a lot? lol who cares.. #8 was a waste of a few seconds of my life again.. thanks. #10 another jealous poster.. who cares if shes single ..partnered.. single .. partnered?? look at how shes dressed.. thats wayy more secret worthy.. -calls the fashion police! #12 who also wrote 3&4 im guessing needs to get a J-O-B. Stop being so jealous that so many people are having fun exploring sl while ur acting like Martha Fucking Stewart with… Read more »
Hi, this is Le Oodles, the person in #34.
Thanks for putting my fuckin’ name in the screenshot.
As for the rest of it. Abril and I no longer get along. This does not mean I advocate harassing her. Don’t bring my name into your vendetta.
I am not responsible for Abril’s actions and I don’t want my name tied in to any situation she is involved in. Leave me alone, and especially leave me out of your bullshit. You guys are the reason I closed down my Sarahah.
Why have you got it in your profile like that tho. Like… what kinda drama, attention-seeking, shit is that? “I don’t advocate harassment but just hold up a sec and let me publicly shame without any context.”
TBH y’all are frighteningly awful people. Every single one’o’ya. You could be an adult and just like… disengage and leave it at that. But instead you … miserable, sorry people just perpetuate and perpetuate the misery and inconveniences and frustrations. A private falling out becomes a big ol’ he said she said, everyone goes to their corners and everyone winds up worse off because someone (in this case you) couldn’t be a grown up.
And I’m willin’ to hedge a bet that ‘harassment’ wasn’t even the reason. It was just the only palatable one you could come up with that didn’t leave stink on you.
And breathe…
The point is, you can’t go commenting here, now, like you didn’t want some nonsense because you are the one trying to shit on someone else public-like. You’re as childish and asinine as the SLSecret poster. So maybe, shit… take that to the bank and have a think about it.
Welcome to SL Secrets, ‘ KillMePlsNoMoreSLDrama’ you must be new here. If this material triggers you and you think that we’re all ‘frighteningly awful people’ then kindly take that ‘Fuck Off’ door and leave.
Abril Fride is a mentally deranged drama whore. You do not simply ‘ignore’ that person, they come back at you with all the alts in an attempt to try and be your friend again. Bit like a parasite that even the best creams won’t get rid of. So no, Oodles isn’t the drama seeking child you so assume. The only unfortunate part is, someone who warned Oodles didn’t simply send a message, but felt the need to share with the class. One of many who have the same pick.
Oodles= Keep the pick up, especially when in roleplay sims where let’s be honest, Abril haunts. It shows maturity in that you want nothing more to do with her and that you’re making it crystal clear. Abril has an issue with reading and understanding “Stop”.
LOL. Kind of pretty sure you must be Holy Highwater. That language choice is uncanny. Oh, Lordy, are you the least credible person to talk shit about Abril, let alone anyone else. And sure as shit wouldn’t take that advice, given your proclivity for enthusiastically taking the drama train for no reason other than the “fun” of it. I could be wrong. But that part’s whatever. You don’t have to like a person. You can have a falling out with them. It can be real bad. But it’s the stupidity here that gets me. Like how do you make a pick like that and expect nothing to come of it? How do you do that and then act like you didn’t mean to when some other dumbass shares it publicly, not only to humiliate you, but also the person in the pick? How do you go, “EW THIS PERSON!!!” but also “don’t harass.” That there doesn’t make any damn sense. At least, not to those of us who don’t bury ourselves in miserable bullshit on a daily basis. Whatever the story is with why Oodles made that pick? I guarantee you it was not what the pick claims, or at the very least, not the whole story. I guarantee there is more stupid in there. Hell, I bet if you asked the other half of this shit for some kind of proof she’d probably have it, what with the way she documents her interactions for exactly these sort of reasons. And I bet Oodles is sweating just a little because she knows her own bullshit. It isn’t rocket science. People who have their shit together don’t make dumbass picks like that. That screams “I’m going to parade this around so I can hurt that person.” not “I’m trying to keep… Read more »
Hello friends of Abril!
Will look out for you next month with the same pick featuring “Abril is fucking nuts, please stay away from me”. The first two sentences were enough to avoid reading the rest. Please, continue with your”This is” assumption game some more.
See you next week for the next edition of Virtual Secrets.
It’s probably Abril herself
@Suz, I would not be surprised. Not the first time she’s pulled that stunt.
Aww, it’s okay that you can’t brain the important bits. No one expected you were able.
@PeaceOutGirlScout. /sips beer.
Darling, you and your friends are just not that important. Sorry! I have more gossip to enjoy than the bullshit you three are spinning. Sorry if that offends your sensitive parts. You are welcome to use the same ‘Fuck Off’ door as anyone else who can’t handle Virtual Secrets.
Sashay Away!
34) One would think that simply saying “I want nothing more to do with you” would suffice as a method of making it clear you want nothing more to do with a person. But clearly that’s not the case. But this entire situation reeks of irony in the highest regard. Oodles playing the innocent victim game, how quaint. The same shit she’s now accusing Abril of, even if she’s guilty of it is similar to Oodle’s behaviors in the past. Both of them have a constant need to create alt upon alt to hide after pulling something shitty. Both have funded these alts endlessly only to bench them when shit goes south. Both have committed some form of copybotting. In this regard I’d almost say that Oodles is worse. Who could possibly be horrible enough to log onto their closest friend of like 8 years account, who was almost like a mother to them and buy almost 2000 USD worth of linden on their account, causing them to go severely overdraft causing a massive landslide of problems in their life including homelessness. Oh, Oodles that’s who. This is the same girl that got fired from a job for stealing beef jerky and eating it while on the clock only to question “Why me?!” When she got fired. Who would refuse to bathe for weeks on end or wear deodorant and got mad when she wouldn’t get fucked by the dude she moved in with. The same girl that supposedly moved all the way to the south east from PNW to move in with some unfortunate sucker wherein she sat at the PC, refused to associate with any of his friends and just ate family sized bags of Ruffle’s Cheddar & Sour Cream Chips all day while guzzling down soda before… Read more »
I haven’t accused Abril of anything. I asked her to leave me alone, she didn’t. I put a pick in my profile because I was told to by sim admins. Again. I have no interest in being a part of any drama regarding her, but since I keep getting people trying to say shit like this about me, I guess I’ll just leave that little profile blurb up. Not my circus, not my monkeys beyond that. 🙂
See? Totally full of shit.
Oodles gtfoutta here with your trashcan self.
You put her in your profile with and didn’t expect someone to put it up on here? Sorry. If you didn’t want attention drawn to it you’d not have stuck it in your profile.
2 – why would someone hire an escort in SL and pay when porn is free and there’s so much sex in sl without payment. Don’t get it.
Fantasies. Some people have specific kinks or fetishes, and want them played out. Some people fantasize about hiring sex workers or having the kind of cash to splash around on beautiful women. Some people are role playing. Everyone knows that you don’t get into that scene for actual money. It’s all about fantasies.
some of these hoes need to fantasize about employment lmao w2’s and 401k
You need to fantasize about a universe where you have a little self-awareness. You criticize the way people use their leisure time, but your main hobby is creeping on a website about a community you think you’re too good for.
Bless your heart.
Why is #36 even a post here? You know how many ppl would agree? I’ve seen some shit work done by half assed creators. They want to slap shit on mesh and call it a creation then hike up the price. OUTFIT or one piece. NAAA I’m good. Did anyone see the picture she was speaking about on the item? If not, why ya’ll bitches crying? How do you know the item wasn’t crap? Whoever posted this needs some better material. Weak AF.
I dont think the item really matters… if she was THAT bent out of shape about it to post on every social media platform around its obvious to me that she wanted it…because if she didnt she’d have moved on to the next and wouldnt have price checked baby! =)
I’ve never checked the price on something i DIDNT want.. maybe thats what ya’ll do.
#2 Someone didn’t get the mass response they expected last week?
On today’s episode of “Not Adults”…
Good lord, these are awful. Not just the topic of them, but the stupid way people text on them about “whores, sluts, fat, ugly”. It’s like junior high students went online during school lunch break. lol Good grief
#6 the SLipsters were lame af. James schwarz or whatever his name was outed on plurk as some fake person. He had his fame from his photo series back in the day. Also, Till hapmouche (who is still on plurk) too that kids a fucking dick bag. lakai st louis quit playing sl.
13. I am surprised I did not make it but I can count an army of people. And they still never make the news despite being awful online, offline and sometimes criminal. Probably since they are excellent at damage control. I’d use brain bleach and run away OP. Best – cut internet off, burn computer and go live in mountain, become a wolf and forget humans exist.
#33 Your new and not good at what you do to be cocky… your texture and rigging is trash your ADs are RL pics get good 1st lil boy I don’t know why you think you above everyone else or even equal
#53 – takes the Numbers last name after years of causing drama and talking badly about everyone in that family. It wont last considering she is a spanko who wants a parent who whips and spanks her, unless Nishoyo is a closeted ageplayer as well….
I’m all for people changing and turning over a new leaf, but I’m concerned that she moved very fast to get into this family. She’s a smart person, but I’m confused as to why she feels it’s important to talk down to people. She would be an awesome friend, but I’m concerned she’d trash talk about me to anyone with a listening ear!
She’s being just as destructive and causing the same drama around her new environment again. I give it a few weeks before she gets the boot from her new family.
You may have her confused with Phoebie Moonites. She does that. If they are both like that, then, well… Gross.
#1 Honestly if you don’t like her then let her stay with Rojo. That guy is a mental headcase. I dealt with him once and ran away screaming. He’s very manipulative and will use guilt trips to get his way. After about 2 days of him I was gone.
she claims he’s “dead” lol
Because he did pass away you dumbass twat.
is there any ACTUAL “proof” other than he said she said? XDDDDD
That tells you how much I understand these nobodies 😛 RIP Rojo, but still he was a crazy and bad guy.
#23 – Oh Liz! LOL! Karma is a bitch! You got served.
#42 – It’s interesting that they copied another event to a T, the event that Toxxic Rhiannyr is running and let them two twats in.. That’s fucking salty. Get your facts straight before posting this stupid shit.
#49 – No fucking surprise there. Kattington/Milk/Soonsiki/Besom and whatever else you want to call this unoriginal bitch been doing this for years, burning bridges, and riding whoever and whatever she can out until the flames die out. Sooner or later karma will get her, I hope sooner rather than later. P.S. The new logo work looks like shit too but she is shit so it matches perfectly.’
All the Little Bones bullshit – FINALLY! Someone caught on to that mess. Glad to never own a hair from there.
guess i’m not really getting what #49 is about.
shit looks same as doux ads, i noticed that as well. the difference is that she has a troll pokemon head / face which looks ugly.
lmao@troll pokemon head. i love it!
47? I’m sorry say what?
13. Oh, my. What did they do to you? Say you couldn’t wear a skirt so short your ass is hanging out on a sim where you’re playing a child avatar? Deny your application because you wanted to be the most powerful wizard ever and wouldn’t work with them? Not give you enough attention? MM is full of pretty reasonable people. Maybe you should try using their feedback form or chatting with them before you post dumb secrets.
I know when I even attempted to apply (for context, this was way back, so it could be completely different people now) I set up my avatar and wore a single line of THIN eyeliner, enough to make my eyelashes make sense (back when mesh heads didn’t exist and you had to wear prim eyelashes that no one could fit correctly). I was denied for wearing “too much makeup” and when I tried to explain why that single line of eyeliner was there, I was cursed at and screamed at about trying to “sexualize” a young avi with makeup. It was. Um. It escalated quickly, let’s just say.
Can’t reason with a bunch of mentally ill cunts
Whilst I have no idea what or whom done anything now buuut the world would be a beautiful place if the only thing they did was banhammer whatever they wished. But nope. They act like your worst nightmare outside and inside of SL which is just a pretext.
How so? How have you been “victimized”?
#7, I could have gone a lifetime without seeing that! ewwww! *gouges eyes out, pours bleach in, scrubs brain clean*
that guy is the ultimate motherfucker xD
and this is what SL has become… The reason question here is…. You glad to still be playing this game?
The picture has ‘Stand’ at the top. I’m wondering if the person posting the secret is actually one of the two posing lol. So weird!
@41 and 29
Yawn, shut up and get in the bin, what a load of fucking horseshit.
A, yes I have lost a load of weight, well done me. Clearly you haven’t, enjoy your diabetes.
B, I do actually work,. Here’s some Gyazo’s of the bar/ lounge of a posh hotel I manage. Also, do you really think I WEAR that waistcoat and tie for a joke? Shut up.
C, I was partnered to my ex on SL for 7-8 months, took a months break and came back.. I found someone new, is this really me jumping from partner to partner? Why is my partner box so interesting to you?
D, I actually log off to work, I did about 55 hours last week. I’m up at 5:30am most mornings, what do you do?
Some people need to chill, just because I leave my av logged in doesn’t mean I’m there all the time and my laptop goes to sleep and logs me off. If this actually offends you? Mute and derender me… do something with your life other than watching mine on the internet…
The keyboard warriors union has officially kicked Pedantic out of its union as big momma has suddenly disappeared.
No please,
Keep going, you’re all making my cock hard.
I haven’t checked in a while, was told a lot of lolistry is going on. Was right! – I even have Jeremy Kyle rejects joining in too. Wondrous/
Please feature me next week doe. Let me tell you all about me, because you’re getting ALL THIS information from me, that’s why I love it so. Noonne knows NOTHING about me, so… the stuff you’re making up is a little redundant.
None of this lot IM’d me neither, on their SL names. It’s what virtual secrets is all about. slag off designers on anonymous names and the people you continue being friends with. It’s cute, I’ve always posted my shit on my name LOL
Anonymity at it’s best
Keep watching, I’ll check back in a few days time <3
Make it interesting, because lets face it.. people like 'me' post on everything on here like a moany old stale-piss-stinking bint.n Nothing better to do, luv? It shows in the main website page how many times you post on different things. You're quite the busy little keyboard warrior aren't you? Your constant hatred of me 'A girl you don't even know' makes me fucking love it! – Keep swearing and going mental at me, caps lock that shit because at the end of the day it's YOU that's working yourself up into a big ball of anger, not me. Y O U
Hold up hold up LOL
I didn’t care anything about this drama until I read “Noonne knows NOTHING about me, so… the stuff you’re making up is a little redundant.” and the irony of all your attempts to call people chavs by picking on their typing cracked me up. Your grammar definitely deteriorates the more mad you get, as possessive “its” doesn’t have an apostrophe as well. How funny!
“it shows in the main website page how many times you post on different things. You’re quite the busy little keyboard warrior aren’t you?”
Once again bitch what you are crying about also applies to you. You cry about fat women. You are one. You cry about someone replying 10 times. You just did. Keyboard warrior? That’s you. Trying to take on all of second life. Save a ho for me why don’t you. LOL
ur too stupid to post anonymous lol you really should when your posting other peoples pictures you work with on the net in your SL drama. lol scratch off barista.. now i say dishwasher
Hey Pedantic why the long face?
Do you send the last pic to people and ask them if its yay or … neigh?
After reading this whole thread I have learned one thing. @Pedantic: you may have lost weight but you sound like a real bitch. No wonder you were featured on Secrets.
What I do not understand is why would you put down anyone over their weight when you used to be a big girl yourself? You had weight loss surgery.
You should be building up people not putting them down???
Yes I did have surgery, friend. Clearly this is someone I know under an anonymous name and I think I know who and I removed her LOL
I actually know A LOT of girls on SL that have had the surgery done.
I was well under weight to get it on the NHS, I paid for it out of my own money and I have done awesomely on it.
Building people up? Is this group therapy sessions 101? Big girls call other big girls fat, I’ve been called ‘fat’ numerous times. I have called other girls fat too. Am I being singled out for being the only one doing it? Okay.
Do you think I really lose sleep over it?
so this long faced old biddy cunt has had that surgery that the morbidly obese have coz their mum was a fat biddy too who was too poor to feed her baby donkey good food?????? holy shit….
You are a chav.
Not only are you a chav but you’re a severely disabled one.
“u got no dad?”
Does someone turn your computer on for you in the morning?
@Pedantic….are you an idiot or is it a hobby to constantly feed trolls?
That cannot be true. She owns everything or so I heard. lollololol
Did she really have bariatric surgery? You have to be about morbidly obese to get bariatric surgery. I mean that’s fine but if you did don’t be the typical dumbass cunt in sl who thinks she is her avi. Sit down, be humble.
i agree.. she didnt find a cure for cancer she didnt even change eating habits nor take a walk.. she took the SL EASY way out.. now back to making coffees bitch
Ha! Manage a Posh hotel Bar? The only thing you might manage is to take a few food orders. Give it a rest.
Strange how you talk so much about other’s appearances and you post a picture of you looking like Donkey from Shrek.
You should be the last one to be pointing out flaws in others.
Its funny you should say that….I kept thinking I’ve seen that face somewhere…

I loved shrek,. he was my favourite character!
A lot of people in SL aren’t accustomed to classy places.. but believe it or not.. i AM! and thats NOT “manager’ wear you look like a fucking barista lmao good try tho.. congrats on having a job though .. i mean.. you could be cleaning toilets and its more than most.
Bitch, You are literally standing at grandpa’s garage 24/7. Jumping straight to diabetes comments whenever any other female who possibly could be competition to you, speaks in local. You’re a sad, sad, redundant cunt. Log off, no one likes you.
Shows how much you know about Pedantic, does it matter if she is at the basement 24/7…afk at work or not? Far as I know she is logged in for her man and wtf does that have to do with you? Pretty sure they are on voice in other games or watching a movie or working, why does it trigger you so much that they like to sometimes park together? Get a grip fgs.
I originally wasn’t going to comment on this because not like she needs or wants anyone to defend her, but If you don’t like or get along with someone or god forbid don’t like something they say on second life, there’s an option to ignore them you know. GASP! Shocking concept. Also, competition…on SL? Are you for real?
That’s a great concept there Stephen Hawkings. So when is Donkey Pedantic going to start using it?
Godamnit. You only wrote this to get attention and you call yourself shy? Get on a table, it’s what shy people who don’t want to be noticed do.
She speaks from a place of experience. Crystal meth is becoming famous for curing diabetes too and she has taken it upon herself to become the face of the drug. We can’t blame her for taking a stance against such a pesky illness!! Go Pedantic meth! We salute your efforts.
The sheer fact you mention ‘crystal meth’ means you’re reaching to the furthest depths of your arse there, slender.
I’m sure if you stretch your arm far enough you’ll find narnia.
You’ve written a lot about me here. It’s cute.
The names Mandy, It’s a pleasure to meet such an adorning fan of mine. Can’t figure out if you want my signature on a cap or t-shirt?
In any-case, anything you write, if it’s true I’ll respond. If not? Continue to make yourself look hard-up for my attention
b i c c b o y.
Btw, I have this theory, are you the dude that got caught ‘breeding’ over text behind her back? :3
hahahahahahaha fatmandy the fact you can’t ‘figure’ things out is coz you’re fatmandy duh?
Btw , I have this theory your fat.
Btw, why have you got so much time to stand around being a fat shit? It’s cute.
I’m sure if you stretch your arm far enough you could actually log off.
Any way feel free to respond fatarse.
I reckon your parents should’ve aborted you.
Infact, I think they kept the afterbirth because noone with a brain would type something T H I S retarded.
CHAV – an angry knock-off reebok classic wearing one, at that.
lmfao calm down fatmandy your morbidly obese scars and extra skin might pop off.
I reakon your fat mother couldn’t afford proper medical care for you and thats where the problem lies but not all benefit babies are hanging out 24/7 in a chat room claiming they have a life either soooooo sad fatmandy.
CHAV – you fatmandy you.
your avi is ugly as fuck do you wear your whole entire inventory in one hit? lay off off the accessories fatarse.
I’m sorry, poodantic..
Sorry for calling you names n’ the like because this little paragraph here shows your level of mentality and quite frankly that makes me feel terrible for even picking on you to begin with.
When you ‘saw’ me you should’ve said hello, or messaged me. I’d have liked that.
As a token of my friendship I’d like to extend the olive branch and a pack of windex to your carer, y’know… so you don’t have to lick windows for the rest of the year.
Merry christmas.
awww poor big fatty 🙁
your heart is in the right place considering you wash dishes then race to a chat room for validation as you clearly have none anywhere else….bless
I wholeheartedly accept your olive branch in hope of a better day for you and your family and you finally take them out of the ghetto with your menial minimum wage like the povo slag you are luv.
I felt so sorry for you when i first saw “you” …obviously, as you come across clingy and outdated.
have a good one yeah 🙂
Are you on drugs or is your foundation in shade crystal meth? Do you really go about attacking people’s weight because, you finally made it down to 165 lbs? Woman you’re a long way from skinny. I’ve heard meth gets you there faster though so good luck.
Is “posh bar” the UK’s version of McDonald’s with forks and knives. Who brags, and takes pictures of their work place for strangers on the internet? In fact, who puts how much they weigh in their SL profile? If you were truly seriously about this you would take full body pictures standing up straight to show before and afters, instead of these hunched over in damp sheets pictures, unless you are a cripple, then I can sympathize with the crouching thot, hidden back fat pictures you seem to take all the time.
You can tell when someone thinks their beauty lies in weight loss. You’ve been a ball of fat for over 35 years and now that you’ve finally lost 3 pounds you think you’ve earned the right to stand on the other side to insult other overweight people? Have several seats hodor and work on finding that beauty. Look for instructions on how to use Pat Mcgrath yellow shadow, I am sure you’re not supposed to apply it to your teeth.
Oh and another thing, I never once claimed to be skinny. Never EVER told anyone I was slim, skinny, or anything of the like so…
Infact I still think I’m chubby, I am still losing weight on the weekly.
It’s in my first life and It’ll change again if you’d like to tune in next week into a sneak peak at my weight loss.
How does that roasting feel? Do you wanna go for deep fried or burnt off eyelashes?
Speaking of eyelashes, what happened to yours? It looks like you lost your eyelashes during your weightloss journey. You’ve made it too easy for strangers on the internet to roast you like the pork fat of a pig’s anus. I hope at some point you’ll realize how ridiculous it is to lay out screenshots of your work place, face and almost address to anons on the internet.
Why do you feel the need to boast to strangers on the internet? Are we supposed to be impressed? What is severely lacking in your RL that SL has become the place you can ride around on a virtual high chair horse? As if we are all overweight and jobless. What in the delusional back fat is wrong with you? Dignity costs nothing, pick up what’s left of yours and go.
LMFAO ‘back fat’
LMAO – this person actually went to my profile to take the time to write a whole paragraph about someone they’ve never spoken to in their whole life.
I love you man.
and you take the whole time to notice other girls standing on tables and feel the need to talk shit about them? lol fucking sort it out mate, you got no dad?
I mean as opposed to most people on SL, probably yourself included, at least she’s entitled to saying she lost weight rather than stay fat behind the screen but act like a hot catch in SL, like you probably do. Go lose some weight and take some Xanax/Zoloft, you’ll be less triggered by Pedantic’s comments, I promise. + you’ll be doing the world a favor since you’ll be using less resources and less shit will come out of you in return. A win for everybody.
thecock sounds mad asf
Hi TheRock,
I am starting a body building gym in secondlife, you will be required to share your RL weight progress in your profile during this rigorous regime, I like to keep my members honest. It’s free, we only ask that you park your avatar at free sex clubs for extended periods at a time. Are you interested?
Next year, I will work on getting some gym wear designers to sponsor our program. You won’t be disappointed. And since your name on virtual secrets is “The Rock”, I am sure we’ll have no problem coming up with some interesting advertising strategies.
Good for you girl…Too bad you look like a horse in the last pic.
hahahaha you’re fucking pathetic!!!
yo i’d like to see you put up a RL pic of yourself. Let’s see what you look like.
1. This bitch deserves so much more then this post says. She moved on from Stephens death after a week of him being gone… You make me sick… You didn’t deserve a wonderful man like him in your life. And you ruin his name by having it still in your profile… You go off and fuck other men while you have his name.. You are a disgusting piece of trash take his wonderful name out of your slutty profile.
so muggleborn made a event with 10 designers and half of them couldn´t set up on time?
oh well props to c88 and all others that have over 60 designers
Re.21: That’s a kemono…. and a major reason I never make anything human with mine, because I know I will get mistaken for a child otherwise. And that crotch add-on is just ridiculous.
Also, upvote #50.
My alt that I rarely use has a Kemono and I won’t wear it as a human either and I always wear clothes because it just looks way to young as a human. Every time I see a human female in it I automatically think child! I’m sure it’s not intended that way, but I can’t help but see it.
Kemono looks like a child even as a furry. I have told furries that tried hitting on me wearing those avatars, that they look underage and to not flirt with me. Unless you mod it to the point its not even the kemono anymore, then it is basically an underage avatar.
I did mod mine quite a bit with more adult looking mods. I still kept the clothes on at all times. Then again I don’t do the more adult stuff of second life.
that’s debatable. Kemono was originally made to look like anime. Unless you want to say all anime looks underage, then you’d be in the wrong to call it underage.
No not all anime looks underage, there is tons of anime that have adult looking people in them. Same as there is tons of anime with kids in it, you know none of the anime I watch has kids in sexual situations. Cos that’s sick. The kemono doesn’t look anime unlike its cousin the human 2.0 or whatever, it looks underage I refuse to let anyone flirt with me who wears it right out the box without trying to mod it to look more adult.
Catwa needs to sit down. The fact that she’s still holding onto that idea that they stole from her when all they did was modify the SL UV Map ticks me off.
Using her logo on their hud was wrong, but other creators can take the open source UV Map and modify it any way they want.
A lot of skin creators make skins for catwa and also sell them as Omega, so why can’t we have an adjusted UV map that shows the skin texture at its best? That is not YOUR product – skin creators have the right to sell THEIR creations to a larger market if they so choose.
Catwa is so delusional that she thinks she bent LL to her will and that LL removed the items via DMCA when it was actually the designers taking them off the market.
Genus team here! so glad i have nothing to do with catwa anymore
Hence why i wear lelutka ….
waitwaitwait i’ve been under a rock, who did catwa accuse and where can i find it lol
She accused GA.EG and Letluka (don’t know exact spelling) of stealing her UV maps and modifying them for their bento heads when the UV maps she’s been using are open-source for all and the accused fired back by showing the UVs they use that are leaps and bounds better than her own.
The only thing they really did wrong was using her logo on their ads, but she thinks her DMCA worked since they took the items down themselves until everything was resolved instead of LL doing it themselves, even though she had no proof anything was stolen, if open-source UVs can even be stolen.
She’s just jealous that her monopoly is crumbling and people make better heads that don’t have ski-ramp looking lips from the profile view.
It wasn’t Lelutka heads that she went after it was [AK] – AKERUKA Creations male I think the deluxe heads.
LOL @ Ski Ramp lips. I’ve always called Catwa the DuckLip Heads. I’m gonna have to borrow the Ski Ramps
Tl;dr: Catwa accused Akeruka and GA.EG of stealing the Catwa UV Maps. Problem is all the maps are based off the LL UV Maps so it’s petty at this point. You can read more here: http://blog.nalates.net/2018/07/03/the-latest-second-life-drama-coming-after-you/
Natales has a pretty straightforward overview of the whole thing that happened in July.
That covers most of it. Thank you, secret poster for reminding me why I don’t want to buy Catwa again.
it’s so sad how many people will be bald for the rest of their sl life
Number 10 OH by the way I am single in real so u got that wrong firs toff and i do voice outside of djing with those i iknow JUST NOT YOU and u wonder why lolol i dare u come talk to m ein person instead of spreading gossip or olies lot u know all that was not even a bit true but thankks for the publicity
You might wanna hold your thanks; no idea who you were before, but now you’re that chick who is either super mad, or super illiterate- maybe both lol
definitely both
no youre not lol why are you still lying.
#13 personally victimized????? have you tried logging out and going to the great unknown as the outdoors?!?!?!?
About the 27th: So damn true! A LOT of “events” in sl say they are sponsored by seraphim, but they are not! Shame!
About the 28th: LOOOOOOOOOOL Indeed! Great eye! I play The Sims 3 and 4 and I can surely say that those beards came for sure from TSR website!
About the 44th: I dont see problem of people transfering from RL to SL…the only problem is only when the person says she did the makeup
from the scratch, when you,me,us all as customers know very well that they are not from the scratch. Almost no one do things from the scratch!
They always be inspired by something, and the problem of this girl is proudly talking too much about her “from the scratch” makeups” and yeah… also her Copybots already known by the general public!
you can tell a lot of people in SL don’t fucking shop for makeup in the first place.. because if you did you would know its all rl ad pics.. everyone is wearing fucking Jenner or starr lips and don’t even know it…very few actually MAKE makeup.. only brand that comes to mind that makes makeup is Zibska i think.
There is absolutely nothing against people who cuts the makeup from google images and turn into sl makeup.
That is not the problem… (at least for me and to a lot of other people)!
The main problem is when the person bragging about for all to know she made the makeup from the scratch, when we know for sure that she didnt.
All she did was cuting a image from google,work that image on photoshop, upload to the sl and “turned” into a HUD!
Is that enough to charge 300L a pack for example?
Yes it is, because she is good at her work…what is not good on her is her “trash turncoats” personality!
And I agree with “Be Less Ignorant, Please”…she at least should have a goddamn Demo from her creations.
i agree with that but its no different than how alot of people “make” meshes.. stealing the whole outfit off of a site- textures and all….her attitude is shitty because a lot of slow second lifers gas up her head telling her how amazing shit is..when any one of you can make the SAME shit just as good..and i hope people reading this do.. best way to fix a bitches attitude problem is to do her job better and take her customer base. =) What she does a child in 1st grade could do. people need to stop being lazy.. its the same as when people here complain about business not being that good.. thats not the case…the thing is new people are learning and stealing their sales. Those are the smart ones… because none of it is hard to learn
#44 Most makeups are done the same way so why call out this one brand. It’s like Leur/revoul with their nail textures and the full perm creative studio nail kit that hundreds of other nail shops use. People will still buy it because they want the realism and don’t care that the only real work the creator did was make an ad.
I call it out because it looks bad compared to the vendor ads, and she doesn’t provide demos so people can see for themselves what they are actually buying before they give her twice or more the cost of most people’s makeup. If there’s a demo for something, there’s no basis to complain about being misled.
I actually looked at #44’s MP store before because those non-SL images really lead you to believe she’s doing special things with makeup- but she overcharges, she doesn’t provide any demos, and what few reviews she has include some very telling gyazos. No shocker she doesn’t provide demos when her work looks *nothing* like the vendor images.
True true!
Number 10 thats how stupid this site is , now i know 1000000% some VIP or staff is posting on this site cause the info u get is ALWAYS wrong AGAIN!! I am stil partnered ot same person and Pristy hasnt been partnered in ages if u gonna spread a rumour make sure it makes sense u nitwit
Yes just like two of the DJ’s were the same person couple weeks ago they obviously never listened because they sound nothing alike. Someone has no life even in second life and this is what they do for entertainment to satisfy their own sorry life. So what if people partner and unpartner, 95% of SL does that so I guess everyone are hoe’s. People have reasons for unpartnering or partnering that others know nothing about but yet they assume they do and then run here to post it anonymously. Wow aren’t you quite the role model LOL…get a life seriously!
#34 – Is it even SL if you’ve not been stalked and tormented by the psycho ‘victim’ that is ‘Abril Fride of 30 alts?”.
Just wait for the ‘friends’ that try to defend it then a month later have the same pick. Classic.
Avery really is batshit crazy and we have all seen the issues she caused Verinne. What makes this more funny is Le Ooodles was partnered to her not so long ago and spent a lot of time on here defending her.
People fall out. There’s nothing really funny about that – unless you’re some gossipy SL sloot. Oh wait, yeah, gotcha.
Though on a serious note, I find it really sort of absurd that people come to Verinne’s defense. She’s a bully at best. Literally throws tantrums at people when something happens that she doesn’t like. She thinks she has a claim to whatever outfit she puts on and thinks she’s OG, which is… delusional in the extreme. She hangs around roleplay sim landings just to watch who enters and then tries to get folk banned. She like… never actually participates. And that in itself is nothing but toxic behaviour. Like there really should be a blanket “GTFO Verinne” agreement going on, for all the good she actually does.
But you know, slap a shiny pair of tits on an avatar and everyone’s gonna mire you.
I wasn’t aware Verinne was relevant to the current situation, and regardless of your opinion of her, she tried to warn people about this psycho.
Bitch or not, she called the spade a spade.
TBH it just looks like you have a vendetta or an obsession with Avery/Abril.
Verinne did fucked up shit too.
Le Oodles isn’t as innocent as she is playing at.
Abril was a bitch.
Fighting with people isn’t really harassment. After finding out off admins at D18 as to what happened too wasn’t that bad of OOC harassment too.
Le Oodles showed up in Avery’s old shape. Le Oodles put herself around Avery. Le Oodles contacted Avery first after hearing that Avery didn’t say something nice about her. Avery blocked her after the first comment and unblocked her to basically say she’s a piece of shit and to not contact her again. Le Oodles put herself around Avery after the ban was put up.
Just like their initial fight was over their exes from what I was told.
All of this was shown to the admins along with evidence and from what they observed.
I’ve never met any of these three personally. After all the shit I see on here I probably don’t want to.
There is two sides to every story and to my knowledge, none of them have a good reputation. Avery’s is copybotting a shape, lying and being mentally unstable. Verinne is known for being extremely toxic and abusive in gor and in general. Le is basically stealing a large amount of money from her friend, and basically being a manipulative bitch when it comes to guys.
That’s from word of mouth or hearing it from other people.
It’s really a pot meet kettle situation.
All of this is really childish.
Hi, it’s me. I only advocated for people, including Abril, to move on from the drama, especially because it was starting to cause me drama in world. Clearly that is still happening, because people feel the need to post my profile on here as a little “gotcha” moment to either get at Abril or keep the drama alive.
It is very frustrating to have people IMing me over this, and all I really want is to be left out of it from here on out.
Hello Le Oodles. Those of us who have experienced Abril’s psychotic stages are well aware of the drama that she brings. Abril thrives on the victim method and those who don’t know her think “Aw that’s so sad, you poor thing” until they realize that all these people were right and that Abril is mentally deranged. When she uses her accounts to the point that nobody believes her anymore, another one will pop up. Don’t be surprised if you get messaged by a random person wanting to be your friend through all of the drama. 90% chance it’s Abril.
Well fuckin said Derp!
45 &46 miss me with that shit
still no statement from little bones? for those that don´t know about what happend
you are welcome https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=331572260726321&set=a.111656442717905&type=3&theater
https://gyazo.com/b6c325a6a8c03a31e82b70c4b2c39dd9 Statement from Little Bones via Flickr
am i the only one who didnt even know LB was a dude? lol
lol @me. Nope, because I didn’t know LB was a dude either.
xD ♥
Not surprised, I heard she was Killing Faith’s alt/close friend – big copybotter alongside a few other unmentionables. No fucking common sense or care for creators.
If she hasnt replied then more than likely she was instructed to not say anything to anyone about the matter except for the people directly in charge…. which means there is probably a legal case going on .
#3, #36, #53 : All these kid avatars posted are just well known social climbers and family drama starters. Ya’ll not surprising anyone. Give me some good tea sis, this is weak.
36# .. Whoever posted this about Pandora is a real freaking idiot and so are you Shaela, you don’t know her and you better watch your mouth. I’ve known Pandora for the past decade and she has NEVER been a drama starter at all and for everyone’s information ITS her freaking facebook what she shares,posts and takes down is none of your beeswax doesn’t make her guilty or anything she had an opinion I wouldn’t pay that much for that freaking outfit ether when people pay that much for something they expect more than just a shirt and pants with alil wording . If you got a problem with what she had said then scroll on by or remove her ,don’t be a chicken turd and salty fish pants an post it here just shows your ignorance.
lmaoooooooooo u people are so retarded.. like sooooooooooooooooooo retarded… i found it hilarious that the chick put it on fb or whatever to begin with… i mean the poster is dumb and petty.. but its still hilarious.. ONE DOLLAR AND FORTY CENTS USD.. lmao $1.40 Build a big ol bridge and get over it.. broke asses .. I have friends who paid 800Ls for David Heathers store group.. they don’t complain they get no presents… i bet you guys would fucking pickett SL. lmaoo idiots
I wish someone would post me on SL secrets for complaining about what I DONT want to do with my own money. Smh. I don’t give a flying fuck if its 50 cents USD. If the work is shit I aint buying it. Ive spent 1k on really nice items and ive seen items worth 1k that were complete shit and hell ya ill be petty af and complain on my social media about it if I feel like that’s what I want to do because im a grown ass adult. I ACTUALLY have the person their talking about on my fb friends list and seen her post. a lot did agree with her including me although I didn’t post.. its for the simple fact if creators expect us to buy their shit, atleast make your shit better. That’s 350 Ls she prob went and spent on something that was better. Whats really retarded is the fact this was even a post in sl secrets lmao who cares about a damn facebook post. smh
grown ass adults dont cry over fucking change.. they got more important shit going on.. to be honest… they really dont vent on a FAKE FB.. about some outfit thats not even TANGIBLE lol Grown adults vent over $350 REAL clothes not one equal to the price of something on the dollar menu that they can’t really wear.
I didn’t mention any of that, but please, keep sending idle threats to people on a drama site.
Not sure what the biggest joke is here especially regarding #36, who obviously commented with no shame in saying who they are and coming out, but not sure if the bigger joke is you who claim they’re a well known social climber and family drama starter, obviously you don’t know her at all or the person who submitted this. I seen the original post, and yeah tons of people agreed with her. It’s called an opinion, she’s allowed to have one. Anyone who knows Pandora knows she’s the sweetest, loving, most caring person with the biggest heart, so anyone who believes you or any bullshit like this, needs to self reflect and look who’s talking. First, if you’re going to have a business of any sort and you think the post is about you, grow a pair of balls and a backbone, take the criticism. She never said where the item was, who made it, nothing just gave an opinion, and plenty of people agreed, that this particular item was just a shirt with a logo tossed on it for a price that was higher than the rest. Second, OMG someone gave an opinion, their own opinion, on facebook! Holy fucking shit! Alert the press…wait some cowardless bitch already did so. Third, Bunch of cowards submitting shit to this website, too scared to just message the person and state your opnion? Or is your life too fucking pathetic that you can’t just disagree and move past a post on social media, or remove the person, that you have to try to throw them out to cause more drama? Funny though, cause I guarantee this hasn’t made them look bad, nor has it changed their original opinion, and the dumbass who submitted this just did nothing but put Pandora’s opinion out… Read more »
Nope, didn’t submit it. I see that your whole family is on a witch hunt, though. Enjoy!
Whole family on a witch hunt? I can assure you that the claim of knowing my whole family is inacurate. My family sticks with eachother. We don’t socialize often. Prevents people like you from causing unnecessary drama. Anything you THINK you’ve heard I’ll let you pretend to know what’s true and what isn’t. In the end, I know who we are and they know who we are and that’s all that concerns me. I just find it funny I’m all of a sudden a social climber because I posted on my facebook about an outfit top i found over priced. I complained about a 350 Linden top. Sounds like a social climber to me. Here i am… living all… popular and shit… living the expensive life. LOL
Ooooo I just got some juicy details of who the poster is and they’re related to you! I need some more popcorn!
Yet, you did not know that the one who posted it, is an alt IN YOUR FAMILY… LMAO.
that’s what gets me. Social climbing in SL???? Jokes.
Social climbers? LOL. First off I barely speak to anyone.. minus my family. This #36… hate to break it to you has no social anything… other than a social media account. Family drama starters? Funny considering my account is what? 4 months old? Seriously makes me laugh at your pettiness.
Not a social climber? That’s what a social climber would say! Also, your family’s witch hunt is hilarious. You already know who posted it, you even had an argument with them live on FB. Yet, you and your family are here on a drama site, making idle threats towards random strangers.
Oakley Foxtrot organized a fraud fundraiser for Vanity
Managed a fraud store (cheaky pea 2.0) Little Bones
By now you should know anyone associated with her is probably bottom of the barrel shady type of people and should not be trusted
I am trying to understand the common denominator here, does oak design too? All I see here is an opportunist social climber over compensating for their RL with SL. I also wonder how much some of these bloggers could make from advertising in RL if they ran blogs as aggressively as they do on SL.
lol@if they did rl ads or blogs.. would be nice huh?? but they arent able to do it with avi tits out.. so fuck rl work for them. lmao all old ladies
Holy shit. At first I was going to disagree because Oakley seemed better than that but now that you bring all of this to light… it’s super sketchy.
14… I literally heard crickets reading this. I translated it like “I got denied so I’m going to freak out, throw a temper tantrum, call him names and see how he likes it!” Lmao… if you’re referring to the bimbo who I think you’re referring to, she’s laughing at you lol js 😉
i love this site love how its used for people to slate others about hidin and bein bullies then spendin their time productively by doin the same. i not long met bass seems like a normal person to me protects his circle of sl people like most in sl and has a share of shit bein chucked at him and then his people defendin that to just get dragged down and rubbished, people say they hate him so on rarara but they dedicate so much time to tryna bring his sl down round his ears…aint gonna happen tho is it long as people feel good about runnin people down i guess this sire will continue to thrive, meetin people and judgin them for yourself is always the best not to go on what ex’s or the likes have to say, rubbishin peoples rl on bein a human bein tho…ya on a website slatin someone with as much passion as you can muster says more about you than them.
Just sayin you say he seems like a normal person obviously all that have said anything about him here thought the same at one point but he turned on them or did something to them. There is no effect if there is a cause to it. So it becomes a battle of he said she said of who is right and wrong. From what looks not knowing anything of this person sounds like he befriends many people and when he feels he is done he throws away people and as you said his circle is there to help defend him. To me that’s just cruel not an ounce of any respect towards others no matter if you are done with the friendship. Now you say to all those who were throwing shade that is just as bad? Just as bad as the crap he put each one through on whatever social media he did to them. One thing is if one can dish it they best can take it and from this sounds like he don’t, more over his actions of being cruel and unreasonable with others has consequences. In simple words Karma is a bitch
Well said Human Nature! My anger toward her and her family comes from being what I thought was accepted by them only to have every one of them, especially Skitzo/Karson turn on me then bad mouth me on social media to everyone we knew. Never even giving me the chance to tell my side of anything just casting me out. It’s one thing to have a disagreement but a very different one to slam someone to that degree. So I’m not an ex of Skitzo, just someone who trusted her. So anything I’ve said on this thread has been the truth and deserving. I’ve only been in SL a short time but I’ve never met any as mean as that family. You may say that I’m no different by bashing her and/or them but eventually enough is enough and we ALL bite back. Believe me when I say that none are as deserving as the Von Fuqers!
Bass why do date the crazies??
The person posting this about him obviously doesn’t know him at all but trust me that is because he hasn’t LET you see the REAL him. Yes, I’m an ex and I can say that he never hid me or acted bipolar. When he let’s you in, he shows you a different side than most on SL see. As far as the term “bimbo”, he has many women that want his attention but he is NOT the type to fall for just any common SL slut. If you want to know him, put in the effort and you’ll be surprised what you’ll find; or just keep believing someone that has obviously been burned by his rejection, knowing him I am very sure he doesn’t care either way.
OZ was the only one worth acknowledge that he dated, everyone else was a JOKE
He is already hiding his currrnt bimbo untagging himself in her pics u guy are right
LOL – Which one? Haha there’s more than one! But I’m sure that they all think they are special. Which is why she’d untag herself. And probably none of them have seen this site and know that “he’s” a SHE. Or maybe they like drama, bullying, mind games and being cheated on… oh and unbathed vagina.
I find it funny how you guys are accusing the person in the picture to be this horrible person. Yet, you are the only ones being dickheads… Not a single one of them have given a shit. Haven’t you guys figured out they probably honestly don’t care? All I see is pure hatred from a bunch of deranged women commenting. None of you which half-ass act and or are intelligent. How you conduct yourselves shows a lot about you and not the person in said photo. You define the word bully. You aren’t even warning anyone of said person in poster cause you’re hopping around like wild animals. I think what you’re trying to do is have the person be less appealing to others and you’re going about it the worst way possible. You’re actually proving that said accusations are false by your ways. You actually did the opposite effect and created something behind closed door which you will never fathom to feel. You aren’t making them look bad. You look bad. The hatred and aggression you all harbor in your hearts is such a pity. I can now see why you are ex’s or old friends. You’re ugly from the inside. It’s probably why you’re mad aye? None of the shit you are spewing even makes sense. One minute someone is a whore the next they aren’t. Oh about fucking the last family member and jumping on the next. Who cares honestly. You aren’t and will never be next in line in their lives so why be so mad? Stop being sloppy. Move on. Pull up your big girl panties. Say goodbye and move on.
“OH STOP” , you do realize that this is a site specifically for bringing out secrets in a virtual world, right? So you just spent 3 minutes of your real life trying to convince every person, which there are many who have posted above, that they should not be on here commenting about others because it makes THEM look bad? Look in the mirror aye, YOU started this whole thread by posting in here to defend said accusations, yes YOUR name all the way up at the top and even bragging about how SkitzoLoser loves your attention!! I’ll assume you are ONE of the current Bimbos who has her attention, i’ll congratulate you now for your accomplishment that you’ve obviously worked so hard to achieve by kissing the Von Fuq ass! Believe me you’ll wish you would have listened to ALL of us “sloppy big girl panty wearers” when she dumps your pathetic, gullible ass and her family bashes YOU on social media. Oh Stop, YOU may even get your very own virtual secret for your galant efforts to put all of us in our place. Good Luck!
Yikes. You’re trashy as fuck. I can see why you’re in the past. I won’t waste my time with you any longer. You’re not going to make me shake in my rain boots, kid.
@ Oh stop you are the one who even made the initial comment so point the finger the other way you dumb blonde!! If you didn’t even make that comment none of these comments would exist. Get off his pretend Dick, and your brain washed mind might work!
Yet you’re still posting, kid
And believe me I’m not trashy I just speak the truth.
You are the only one looking stupid defending her and calling everyone else out for doing the same thing that you’re doing. But you will learn the true Von Fuqers, it never fails that eventually the mask comes off. We will all wait. NOW we are done!! You bore me with your simple mind.
People will vent all they want on here, as for you Oh stop trying to make a point out of silly rants, why even go to that level, As you said say goodbye and move on, follow your own advice and let those who want to bitch , have their fun at it,. It just words, and last i Heard words may hurt but actions of other make the difference.. Now you all run along and play with your dolls!
@ LOL . Of course should of went into hiding long ago, dumb fuck, That’w what all this is.
I think you lost a brain cell to say you know Domin8 and she not bipolar well she is more of a narcissist. You speak of REAL, so you have actually met in person and hung out with her? You can show what you want others to see online very easy to change to act one way to a certain group of people than to the rest.
To feel that you are a part of his inner circle says even more about yourself and what you did as a person to even be with a person of that stature. You think a sane person would bash and make fun of people for fun a laugh on social media because he can? If was open to your relationship with everyone then it was to get under someone skin, ya he liked to do that. Don’t feel so proud of yourself, again it says a lot about what kind of person you are.
As for rejection anyone who never knew the whole story of the “rejected” that he would say that they are nuts or clingy. There is more to it than anyone knows and he keeps it private and will say that to his “rejected” who he feels others meaning his family would not accept him being with, hence Hid. He has many secrets and his mind thinks one way but is completely fucked up, truly needs mental help.
Think you need mental help your self you are bitching he is bashing making fun of people on social media but you are doing the exact same thing WTF
Ummm what blog page you reading dumb twit?
Ex…. Since when did BASS and you ever date ? Unless he did in fact hide your bimbo ass…
The only one BASS dated was OZ
She dated Julez too. Who supposedly screwed her over but was actually smart enough to get away.
She never dated Selena which even Selena herself would tell you. She would never claim she did.
OZ is still hoping for a 100th chance with the loser which says so much about her too.
Go ahead drag me into it. Nah not hoping for a chance he and i have well established we are over, not that it’s anything to do with you. But what says so much is the fact you people are so fucking petty to drag him all over this site probably over old shit that is long gone. You bitch he is a bully but are here yourselves. News Flash everyone knows about his gender why keep going on and on about it. Not showering, gotta love immature rumours played out by stupid slags who run to his real ex to cause shit. You are lame fucking bitches ay for doing that shit. smfh It don’t matter what he does or how much him and i fight , i will never stoop so low to drag his name all over social media and bring his real into it.. .2 wrongs don’t make a right grow the fuck up and get over yourselves..
I put your name in there OZ, only because I’ve seen you two as a couple and it was true, not fake. He clearly expressed how much you meant to him, Wasn’t to be taken as a Bad comment, This Selena who ever the FUCK she is to claim she was with him, well I have only ever seen you and him so in my mind that is all i have ever know who he has “BEEN WITH IN A RELATIONSHIP” as for the Petty shit, Bitches will bitch when they wont get what they want. Peace
Oz I didn’t drag you into this, check again how others put your name out. I can be big enough to say that I’m sorry for my comment about you but you may want to check who is saying that you’re always trying to get back. And as far as the bathing thing, that is what the original post said and I don’t actually give a fuck if Skitzo bathes or not but I do find it hilarious since she is forever online. To the gender, really? Everyone knows? I think not!! You might want to ask around and talk to all of the sl sluts trying to get with him. Yes, his family knows and his close friends but not everyone. Trust me.
Again I am sorry for my comment sincerely.
Loving the drama my comment is addressed to all shit talking him and anyone bringing my name into it. Come on now how old are we all acting.. ok so some fucktard put that he don’t shower on here and it really needs to be carried on by you all why exactly ? Considering how long he and i dated and have been back and forth together slept on skype together you name it we done it lol trust me he showers so stop the stupid bullshit it really is getting old. You cry bully but are here being a bully, like i said 2 wrongs don”t make a right if you got a problem quit being a coward and jump in his inbox or better yet move the fuck along with your lives. Im sure you all have way more important things you could be doing than sitting on here shit talking. Oh god you do realise in sl anyone can be pretty much anything they want right ? you would be surprised by how many people on sl are not the actual gender or age they claim to be or look the same as pics shown. you could be hitting up a wrinkled old bald dude who’s sitting behind the screen scratching his droopy balls wile on sl he is giving you a good tonguing LMFAO you just made grandpas day XD Dom is pretty honest… those that are on a need to know basis with him know all bout him like me 🙂 and those that know fuck all well , that is his right to tell who he wishes to tell.. Where does it say in sl rule book or anywhere else that you cannot gender roleplay ? Each to their own, he does not have… Read more »
Not what I heard Julez was a stab at the one who he called the obsessive one Lacy it was.? Idk don’t care for who he runs around with it’s just comical for this pathetic LOSER. don’t seem that smart should try to step away from his computer more and focus on the REAL!
*Inserts cricket sounds* Same old thing over and over with this loser, He got no real dick so he can’t even grow a pair!!!
LOL he will put her in the garbage with the rest
she wont putout
Nah from what is said she Easy but he needs more of a challenge to have her fun.
If you are trying to call out some Bimbo why no just call out her name, Hell its a bash blog for one thing, and in general those who do any of this seek attention anyways, Hence Mr Skitzo must love the attention that was given as for you. It sounds like you are batting for the guy could only mean one you are his current mistress or a close friend either way he should fight his own battles unless it is all true.
you people are fucking with a guy who calls himself skitzo.. let it sink in banana brains.. hes not the dumb one really. lmao
Oh trust me he loves my attention LOL
He/She … IT Loves that your the next Bimbo … If i was you I would RUN!!
You and every other THOT in SL. I wouldn’t brag!
Hahahaha… it’s the current BIMBO talking!!
I truly feel bad for the women who become close to him/her. Women are like toys and when hes done playing he kicks them to the curb, shames them, blasts them on facebook and everywhere else making himself look like a victim. Hes a POS in my opinion and that will never change. Not a hurt ex either lmao that mf wouldnt have a cold day in hell just stating facts. I think its amusing he acts all big and bad (Daddy Dom) lmfao dude you havent even been with a women irl. Man i cant tell you how hard I laughed when I seen this
I agree with you OneYouLoveToHate. I found this very comical. It’s a pattern with this attention seeking SkitzoDouche. Jumps from one to another, keeps them a secret, then finds some stupid reason to throw them away and bashes them on FB while his dumbass “family” blindly follows in the drama scene with their needless comments.. You’d think women in SL would notice this and leave his pathetic ass alone. He’s truly a mean person and acts like he’s the victim. NEWS FLASH if it keeps happening the same way over and over then he might want to take a look in the mirror at himself being the problem. Plus I love how his defenders (probably one of his mindless sheep) say that the poster must be a woman he turned down, well yes probably if any of those actually exist since he will take nearly anything but ask how many times he’s been on here with the same BS and I suppose none are smart enough to think maybe there’s a truth in it.
Oh and posting a picture of you with the doorknob stunner doesn’t help you. Big conquest! Want to impress someone? Get a gf that isn’t easy and stupid! That one is not impressive at all.
Yes very true Loving the Drama you nailed it to the direct point. It’s downright comical that she is called out once again, only thing is she got famous last time everyone wanted to know who this lame ass is, well now you know just follow suit and if you don’t best run for your life because the let the bashing begin. As for the truth that will never be something Mr. Domin8 can do he is bond to a web of lies and deceit.
Anyways what woman in their right mind sees that as some catch? Ok maybe they like Pinheads and needles up their noses but crazies do attack crazies, Hence the whole family it a whack job, Incest is the one thing they are proud of, oh wait that is hush hush and not talked about.
I think a reevaluation of self is needed and as for that doorknob stunner… just take away the stunner she just the next doorknob we all know that’s his next prize unless your right about how easy she is but that’s odd because to him it’s all about the game of how to get into his pea brain head
No Shocker**yesshe is bound to a life of deceit and lies which will shatter the whole bad boy, DaddyDom image for all of lDomin8l fans. As far as the family secrets don’t get me started on the family member partner swapping which continues with the new engagement but I’m sure James likes his Grandpa’s dirty sloppy seconds. Real great catch you’ve got there lDesolationl That whole family needs to be called out on this site. What a Von Fuqing joke!!
Loving the Drama … family swap mhmm kid to lover to kid then gbgg w/e just find some people outside the family dynamics, as for the fans, why he i mean she is a narcissist. If you over step and speak out you get bashed and made to feel that you are the problem when the problem lies with that family. The truth is that whole family is a joke, Domin8 the father figure who don’t know what a true father figure is and throws that he a good parent, HAHA good parents don’t talk SHIT about their kids behind their backs putting them down, Hypocrite runs in that family they think they are better then the rest and that their shit don’t stink, sorry to let them know anyone who has any brain cells can smell it a mile away! As for James he has a screw lose him self just waiting to see his sorry ass called out on here, I think in due time it could happen she loves the drama just as much as her dad Domin8. Neither of these two know what it is to be a DaddyDom or the roles of Dominate/Submissive maybe cause neither know what is truly is when the true power lies within the Submissive. I could go on but these fools are a waste of air space.
Not hard to figure who this dumb ass is LMFAO Maybe if you had not been such a SLUT than james may have still been with you…. Nah just kidding you cannot keep your legs shut for more than 5 seconds without jumping a dick or bitch…..Pathetic you attack both on social media but not surprising since you were always jealous of the father son bond they have….
AWWS – I think the word you were looking for in your name is BUTT
Carry On! You were making a point about the father son bond of a couple of females who obviously have a deep twisted love for each other online yet live very near each other and have never met in rl. I’m very sure James’ ex was green with envy!
HAHAHAHA… Little PEA BRAIN, I wouldn’t Touch JAMES or MR SKITZO with a ten foot pole, They are pure disgusting VIAL PIECES OF WORTHLESS SCUM BAGS, GROSS to even think that… I think i just barfed a little in my mouth.
The pathetic thing about all of this is you are all grown woman/men who are acting like a bunch of kid’s… As to his gender who gives a shit if he is a male or female… Most of you sluts that are bitching about him are bisexual yourselves and are only bitching because he wont fuck you again or never has LOL The showering seriously again how old are you all ?
SELENA didn’t you not so long ago dog BASS all over face book and to loads of people about him not showering and dogged him about his gender and other things hmm funny that and here you are now kissing ass LOL And now the topic goes to james…. Do you people have nothing better to do like maybe get off your fat asses go for a jog LOL Only a ex would bring up this shit about james in which case most were dirty incest sluts that cheated at every opportunity….. My advice to BASS you are a good person inside despite it all but you have some very bad habits that are catching up with you…. You seem to have a weakness for attention of the worst kind playing with nasty thots whom get pissed when you tire of playing and toss them aside.. And this is the consequence for those actions….. You are left with a bunch of nasty angry sluts that will do anything and everything to slander your name like your EX SELENA LOL So the lesson MR BASS is stop trusting and forgiving these trollops whom back stab you at every opportunity….. Leopards never change their spots remember that……How bout ya’ll move the fuck along to your next dick and leave the man alone…… This shit is getting old Yawns…XX
@getagrip i agree with most of that.. but to clarify most of the sluts arent even really bisexual.. they do that shit on the internet/sl so some weirdo with a slow country voice can find them interesting … all sl chics eat is cheeseburgers.. pussy may be too organic
The issue isn’t SkitzoSHIT’s gender. It’s the dishonesty of not telling others up front. If she’s not ashamed of who she is then just cut out the deceit and be herself instead of playing some DaddyDom wannabe male.
Also, if the showering thing isn’t true and she’s NOT a slob then stop hiding behind the screen. How many of you have actually seen her in rl? Could it be that she’s not at all what all of her blind followers think she is? ANYONE who sits on SL the entire time they are awake and especially if SHE has younger children and does it that makes them troubled individuals in my opinion. Yes, this includes you Kenz and James. Get JOBS, Go outside, Spend actual time with your kids!! Bunch of Fuqing Losers!! xx
You nailed It LovingtheDrama!!! Dishonesty and the Bullshit Lies that is spread. She Hides behind the screen because she is afraid of what others would think of her, very PRIVATE but anyone who understands why somebody would be a Private type of person knows that its not about how they look by how others may judge them, but then again She passes judgement on others even the truth is spoken to her face. The reality of it all is that she is a bully and doesn’t give a shit about what anyone says it her way or no other way.
“Get a grip” AKA Kenz AKA sloppy seconds
HAHA not kenz you dumb ass try again XD As for ROLLS EYES LOL So you had relations with him in one way or another to even know him because he dont open up to just anyone nor let just anyone into his close nit circle….. You are rather being a online BULLY your self are you not ? after all you are on here shit talking him… Calling the kettle black LOL Maybe make a example quit being a bully your self and get the fuck offline XD
Get a grip… no never had relations with that piece of filth, just seen how he treats others and been talked of him , like this page people talking as for your tiny pea brain to Bully someone is to do it to his face and belittle him, well I don’t see his loser ass anywhere so you can say I’m talking bad about him behind his back. And it’s calked freedom of speech I can say what I want. End of story you worthless piece of shit! < that’s being a bully,
Rolls Eyes LOL you are addressing him on this site and aiming bullshit at him are you not ? You gunna go to his door and mouth off to his face LOL i think not How the fuck do you label any online bulling as face to face smfh you are not at his fucking door you dumb cunt…. Cyber Bullying is exactly what this shit is. in a inbox or on a site same shit dummy duh…
This is a JOKE at its best, calling someone good when he is even on this says more than his personality sucks beyond recognition, as for you get a grip you assume all those who comment were or even had relations with this idiot who doesn’t know who to treat people with one once of respect. Blind leading blind any one who can see how he works close inner circle or just knows him knows that he loves to be the center of attention and the world revolves around him, Delusional fake ass who play Mr tough guy, why don’t his lazy ass go do something productive and stop being a total CUNT who is an online bully because he sits on his lazy ass day in and day out online when there is a world out there. … Pathetic losers.. GET A REAL LIFE and GET OFF YOUR ASS!!!
Yes very true Loving the Drama you nailed it to the direct point. It’s downright comical that she is called out once again, only thing is she got famous last time everyone wanted to know who this lame ass is, well now you know just follow suit and if you don’t best run for your life because the let the bashing begin. As for the truth that will never be something Mr. Domin8 can do he is bond to a web of lies and deceit.
Anyways what woman in their right mind sees that as some catch? Ok maybe they like Pinheads and needles up their noses but crazies do attack crazies, Hence the whole family it a whack job, Incest is the one thing they are proud of, oh wait that is hush hush and not talked about.
I think a reevaluation of self is needed and as for that doorknob stunner… just take away the stunner she just the next doorknob we all know that’s his next prize unless your right about how easy she is but that’s odd because to him it’s all about the game of how to get into his pea brain head
He/she?!? Sounds like a conflicted person maybe It does need medication
#43 & #44
Are you really surprised at this point?
It’s gotten pretty easy to take something and claim it as your own for profit. And there will always be those die hard fans who will fight tooth and nail to defend their thievery anyways. Sad but ??♀️ I guess no one really gives a damn.
I’m cute or Die owner in my Facebook and page I show proves that I do not steal nothing. Before judge please check it. You and everyone can find it searching about cute or Die on Facebook and also I posted it on Second Life friends group.
steal/borrowed…. original/inspiration. mhm
#19 – Well anyone could see this secret coming cause sadly it’s true just based on his FB posts. That is why I mentioned to him nicely that he’s the common denominator. Thinking that 100% of the women you date are cheating on you is ridiculous. Then he blasts them with a “oh it happened again” story on FB claiming that ANOTHER girl has cheated on him. You start to date a girl and less than 48 hours later you claim they have cheated on you? It’s almost like he is searching out something (FB, Flickr…etc) incriminating the girls he dates with. He automatically assumes that they will cheat and then looks for anything that supports the bogus claim. Even when I seen his last relationship comment I was thinking “Oh boy….here he goes again”. It gets comical after awhile. lol
I am betting that the people that are replying to this talking shit about Cain are bitches he dated at one point that probably were in a rl relationship or cheated on his ass…. i sense too much stupidity and defensiveness going on. get a life hoes. you dont like him ? fine .. you do ? fine … youre petty as fuck to be talking shit like you do. go suck some more pixel dick and stfu lol … now… complain about this reply like the thirsty hoes you are ?
I would fill my pixel vagina with cement and turn myself into a barbie doll before I would fuck that. If you think that is anything to lust after, I shudder to think what you look like as well. You people need to stay at Muddy’s or wherever and let the rest of SL stay pretty.
Hmmm – it appears that Cain is 60 year old trucker by his sl name – BigDiesel58
@MrRogers im learning A LOT of people in SL are over 60. .lol Second Life seems to be the Florida of the internet lmao
Too much stupidity? You do realize that you can take each one of his “oh it happened to me again” posts and the only thing that seem to change is the date on the post itself. It the same thing over and over. I feel sorry for these girls who date him, cause even after his “they cheated on me” you can OBVIOUSLY see they never did that. Sorry Cain seems like a guy who in RL was cheated on and cannot ever get over it. That will be projected onto ever relationship he ever has and it’s not fair to the women.
That would make me gay. which im not. He’s a bitch made man who plays his shitting violin and all his raggedy trailer dwelling female friends, flocking to pet his poor head. Just like you are doing now. How does it feel to be his barking dog running around defending him like the musty mutt you are? Woof hoe. Run back to your beta master and tell him all about his ‘haters’ LoL
Sorry, I’m not desperate enough to date a busted ass avatar. I like my men current with the SL Trends. Cain doesn’t meet my prerequisites. -smiles-
Cains flickr is infested with walmart standard porn shots of mostly afk sex dolls like some sex starved creature . At least his ex knew how to take some artistic erotic shots for her page, hes just a fucking clown and is indeed the common denominator. xD
Lmao… erotic shots of an AVATAR ?
♥ loll
Schediaphilia or toonophilia is the primary and exclusive sexual attraction to cartoon or anime characters. A person with this attraction feels love, sexual arousal, or emotional attraction to virtual characters. xD
#schediaphile#toonophile#toonophilia#gameophile#gameophilia#moe#sonic passion
LOL what’s his Flickr. I wanna see this bullshit.
Lawdy – did he get permission from ‘Angel’ to blast/plaster her all over VS? I mean what if she does that stuff on the side when her partner isn’t logged in? lmao
Or is ‘Angel’ him???? Duh duh duhhhhh
That link is already not working, but that’s good because we should gyazo or something instead of giving him that traffic; no one deserves many views for their shitty blank faced animated snapshot porn lol
LOL say least make them tasteful, Cain! He looks like an avatar from 2008, minus that shit body that no one wears anymore.
What I would like to know is , how do these people find the time to be on second life all day along with avatar accounts on Flickr , Facebook, and Discord?!! These people have ZERO real life . I am sure jobless as well. And for the excuse of taking 99 medications to alter the side effects of the previous medication- you would be so much healthier if you push your fat asses off the computer and exercised!
People get mad@OneName but it is a little insane to have every social media on the fucking planet and most are people without a business in SL (For advertising) ..I have to fully agree .. wackjobs.
He’s a fucking clown. I refuse to believe every girl he’s with is cheating. There is something mentally lacking with him. It’s also very sad that he searches so hard to find love in SL. Like … meet a chick, a day later, profess your love for them, then the next day “she cheated on me” … slow the fuck down, loser. These women haven’t built up time to respect you or your relationship yet IF they in fact ARE cheating. But I stay silent. Because I want to keep watching the shit show that is his love life. But yeah, he’s a serious loser and any girl needs to stay far far away from him. He’s too stalkerish and too controlling.
Get a life, Cain.
#33 While I do not know who they are, they do put out some good stuff for men which in of itself is becoming as rare as a Yeti. Especially at the “mens” events which are usually awful lately for the most part. How the fuck many poses and tats does 1 guy need?
Plus a general 90% thumbs down this week for no Havoc burns, fuck that place eternally and endlessly.
Wait what the hells going on with little bones? I musta missed somethin >.>
Does anyone know if a DMCA has been filed?
The creator of Stealthic posted a lengthy explanation regarding his alphas being used by Little bones, on the 25th. https://www.facebook.com/stealthichair/posts/331572987392915
They copied Stealthic’s everything, more or less… starting around 2016 when all the “old” designs were removed from LB shop. Hunter (Stealthic’s creator) explained on his FB. Neva (Little Bones Creator) has yet to say anything to the public to explain.
Personally, I was a Big fan of Little bones before all this and it was wrong to copy hunters things. if she would come forward explain and apologize and take responsibility for his actions and remove the stolen hair I would happily return as a customer but if he can’t show a little faith in us as his customers and give us an explanation why should we return that faith in him and go shop in his store?
Oh, I could have edited the above post, but here’s the link: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=331572260726321&set=a.111656442717905&type=3&theater
Well, I’ll give you, there was variety this round. As for the people bashing, can’t say I recognized a single one of them though so no fucks given as usual.
#15 … granted that style is not for me BUT who cares if someone wants their avi to look this way? Does it affect you in any way? Are you aware of the de-render button OR that you can just keep scrolling past images you don’t like? lol This would not be worth me wasting time to get annoyed or upset about.
In terms of Little Bones … I am curious to see a response of some sort admittedly. Has been really disappointing to see what I’m seeing so far but there’s two sides to everything.
Some spicy Colombian beef this week ??
The best definition ever! ?????????????
#30: Well HOV has a few ladies that sound like southern chain smoking truckers. They all talk on voice over the DJ. F-ing rude if you ask me. Some of the management and very clicky and one time one of them was a low life prejudiced nasty person that griefed a few who came in insulting them for being black and their avis looking different. Who wants to hang out there when they’re that nasty over local voice?
Went there one time and got so nauseous of one of the voicing grannies bragging how she was going to eat her McRib sandwich – then proceeded to chomp it down while voicing with her other granny friends
Its like being in a room full of Marge Simpson’s sisters
OMG lol
What is wrong with you people?? All this trash talk about others? People break up.. so what… people are over weight… how does that affect you? For gods sakes grow up… dont like someone.. mute them!!!! Stay away… but the posts on here are like a bunch of high school kids… this world is falling to peices rl that is… no wonder why with all this trash talk, anger and just down right stupidity… get a life!!!
Why are you here?
@no one special.. they post like high school kids.. and you read it like high school kids.. relax. and thanks a lot @OneName i will never hear ‘McRib’ the same ever again. xD
only trash talking prejudiced Marge Simpsons who trash others regularly…. lighten up….
HOV is and always has been a haven for rude fuckers. Why they even allow voice during a DJ’s set is beyond me. And their goofy rules for employees/patrons is laughable at best. I’m shocked that place is even still in existence.
Likewise; I have a friend who likes to loiter and people watch there on occasion, and I’ve been by recently to see- I don’t think that build has been updated in 10 years, the people who hang out there, half of them haven’t discovered mesh yet, and while it is definitely rude to have local voice on while DJs are working, their DJs are so fucking bad I can’t stand to leave the stream on. Might as well hit up the local classic rock station, ugh.
yeah might as well listen to local voice LOL…
Given the choice, I would rather listen to a cat caught in a fanbelt.
Amen BLIP! They have such strict lame restraints on the genres they allow. That place sucks out loud. Laggy as fuck all the damn time, full of drones just standing yelling on mic in local. I’m glad I stopped hanging out there in like 2012, about the last time it was maybe, possibly updated.
I think I love Blip as a nickname ♥