Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 520.
virtual-secrets: Week 520
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 295 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
#35 LOL Comraich was a car crash from the moment the people who made it decided to try and world build. An overcomplicated, poorly thought out mess, full of contradictions because they didn’t stop and think that the real world counterparts to what they added to their lore had historical and material contexts. “This ‘noble’ race is both puritan and sexually laissez-faire at the same time!” for example. Then the obsession with fantasy-style magical eugenics and a soul crushing refusal for even the mildest variation from their vision. Stuck up cunts in the admin team literally telling people they “weren’t a good fit” because their avatars were intentionally ugly, calling people “childish” because they were jumping around the landing zone and reprimanding them. Other people in their staff deliberately blocking or frustrating the application process because they are threatened by someone and don’t like them because of it. And yadda yadda yadda.
They took a mish mash of folklore, fucked it in the arse, puked the in-between bits up and called it “unique lore.”
And anyone who role played there and called it “good” is a fucking embarrassment. (I mean, considering it was Goreans and GoT role players, that was already true.)
The person who made it should just close up shop and never make an attempt again.
Considering this is the owners, what 5th attempt at a sim? That should have sounded warning bells right there.
The place is a breeding ground for ego and bullying and the cliques? My god I have never seen such a cliquish place in my life.
They took volunteers to do all the dirty work for them then when they didn’t like what they got, they’d bash them on discord.
You know, Discord-the playground of keyboard punks.
But I agree 100% with your comment, it’s all regurgitated fucked in the ass lore.
A lot has been said about #16, but y’all know that B-Triv can’t keep his mouth shut when things get a little crazy.
No matter what banner you put it under – ageplay, DD/LG, “kinky shit” – the sheer concept of finding children in any way sexy is fucking disgusting, and should be treated as such. Sexualizing children and glorifying the thought of sex with them or as them is wrong, and I sincerely hope that none of the people involved ever get their fat, disgusting asses out of the house and away from their computers long enough to have children of their own. The only saving grace is that it is happening online, and (presumably) no actual children are involved.
I won’t freefall into my standard rant about how people that propagate this shit are (in my experience) generally involved in abuse of their own at a young age – I’ve been there, said that, look back in the archives if you want some real good Trivia ranting. I will, however, say that the trivalization of sex with children under the guise of any of these things is something that runs rampant in Second Life, and as someone who hasn’t been around forever it’s surprising and disappointing to see. Who knew that a virtual world would attract so many sick fucks? Yet here we are.
Also, I laughed so hard at this girl’s profile. Maybe next time you think about fucking children you channel that into something productive, like going to an actual gym rather than a SECOND LIFE gym you fucking pig.
I don’t understand what it matters, if someone is a different gender in real life than what they portray in second life? It’s a second life. Your avatar doesn’t have to look like yourself if you don’t want to. I have male alts because it’s fun to have a dick sometimes and play around with it lol. A person’s real life gender shouldn’t matter unless you’re actually going to hook up with them IRL.
#10 This post is uploaded by Sтαяѕнιиε Mσσи ÐαякSσυℓ (moonpiestar) .She rented land from me but after some time she changed her mind and asked me for Refund, I politely said there is ‘no refund’ Policy but she dint stop and kept threatening me and now she is blackmailing me that if I do not give her refund she would post something like this , but i am not going to fall in to that , This is my side of story and everyone needed to know that too.
#1 -> #42 Who the fuck cares
stupidest comment possibly ever… why are you here kumquat
So we finally find out the source of #16. I was curious about the other side of the conversation. He has a few disgusting kinks. Note how he said she fucked a dog. That is one of his kinks. Fucking girls as a dog. He shared only part of the conversation to prevent himself from looking like a sick fuck. He didn’t seem to run away when she spoke of things she was into. So please people if you are calling her a pedo. Which she isn’t as she doesn’t want to fuck kids. She wants to be said kid getting fucked. So incest seems to be her thing. Get your adjectives right. Big shocker it is a kink Takashi shares with her. Him wanting to fuck her as a kid does make him not only into incest but a fucking pedo too. See how that works? I am sure there alot of female out there that can vouch for what a scum fuck piece of shit that guy is. He is a drama whoring lying piece of shit. Who’s latest kink is obviously sending the masses to attack a girl who’s first language is not even English. Great fucking catch.
@let’s talk… you are fucking retarded. That is all I have to say regarding your comment.
@ Stormy there is a difference between someone getting off to fantasies of themselves in a situation. I am not saying she is in the right but lets be realistic. Does she deserve to be told to kill herself because she likes the same thing 40% of other SL players like? Yet the other party of this conversation is a known sick fuck gets to stroke his sack to kid avatars while everyone focuses on her. No sorry that doesn’t work.
@Twat Waffle ever hear the phrase “Me thinks thou protests to much”? You’re trying to explain away your fucked up fetishes. I’m the weak one? That’s laughable coming from the one who cannot help but respond to this shit he says is trolling. You are in your feelings because your secrets are out. Poor baby. Stop whining and grow a pair you sick fuck.
You are either simple, slow, or stupid. How is the shit she said, magically MY kinks. I’m not her man, I’m not her boyfriend, she told me she wanted a catwa head, said she was a cam girl, told me she liked roleplaying incest sex. I said it’s cool, cause incest shit is the most searched porn. The dog, clearly wasn’t me either. But you know these “facts” right? She said HER man, which is NOT me. None of the shit was about me. And my kinks are normal as fuck, shiabri, pain, some normal shit. I didn’t bash her, I didn’t post the shit, I showed it to Susanna Summers an she showed it to whoever else.
Simply put, no. You’re completely wrong, you know nothing about me, other than I’m a prick. You’re assuming that I like that shit, which I do not. Nothing in the entire conversation would suggest that I like, want, or want to have anything to do with any of the depravity of what she said. You’re a weak troll, wanting a response. So here it is 🙂
Takashi, you put yourself in the world of women gossip, that says more about you than you’ll ever know. I don’t know anything about you, nor do I know you at all. I’m just being judgmental from what I see here. You have alot to learn about being a man. 😉
twisted yea but just like people who rape play arent rapists or really wanting to get raped.. i mean just dont trust the strangers of SL with ur dirty fantasies because….see what happens? lol
pisses me off when everyone is like “but this” and “but that”.. theres no buts about it. any rl to sl fantasies about underage is nasty and illegal and shouldnt be made light of from these hordes of weirdos, that seem to wanna protect her because “oooh but bullying”. cry me a damn river, thats the least of her problems when children are legit subjected to something they are helpess in. Its her dumbass that was part of this conversation and her dumbass that will be dragged for what she said. Im sure that other people who are caught talking like this will get the same treatment. Zero tolerance. fuck your “sl is sl” excuses.
I hope you don’t own a school girl costume.. because im sorry to tell you people but like it or not that IS age play. SO everyone who owns that costume according to @Nopeee is an awful person. I mean it is what it is..Brittney Spears in the Hit me Baby One More Time video… shes an age player too..as long as ur not hurting kids rl thats what should matter.. how many people have watched some kinda twisted porn before (not kids but anything out of the norm) 5 minutes after do you even remember what you saw? I don’t just mental stimulation for the moment. Stop acting so stupid..
well this is why i asked one week in comments peoples thoughts about the creators of movies like the blue lagoon…and american beauty.. because the writers thought up the movie/book are they too scum of the earth?? just asking and no one seems to wanna answer this lmao
First off, bestiality isn’t a kink of mine. Lol, nice try though. An I have sent the entire chat logs out to many people. But keep comin with your “facts” Also, never ONCE did I condone, or say I wanted to fuck her as a kid, or me as a kid, or her as an adult, or anything. I don’t share or condone her kinks. I told her to keep her depravity to herself. 🙂
Um, no. You’re trying to justify and wave away what she said as in it not being pedophilia. Regardless of which end of it she fantasizes about, she’s still fantasizing about sexualizing children. You can sprinkle as much glitter on it- or wave flags elsewhere to divert attention, but a spade is a spade is a spade.
@stormy… exactly this.
I see way too much bullshit talk about this one. Way too much hating. Are any of you brave enough to say you’ve fucked your family members on SL? WE all know it happens. How many of you in your noob days were fucking like bunnies in your little furry bs? Yeah, I see you over there pretending it wasn’t you. LOL
Honestly, the only thing that makes me say What in the FUCK about this post, was finding out it was a GUY that started this whole bs. What kind of pussy ass, bitch dude runs around starting drama and gossip like high school girls. Dude, you need to get some serious pussy in your life and lay off the gossip train, that shit just says “Hi, I’m a bitch boi and need attention ’cause mommy’s not giving me enough.” Just fucking saying.
,\/,, Peace out, bitches!
im pretty sure a lot of people in SL fucked real family members lmao the slfam/ strangers arent a surprise
Omg it’s a miracle no Lance this time
u ruined that.. didnt u.. dumbass
#16 update (facebook post. set to friends only) Jeni Crystal 20 mins · This my first and last time posting about this.I haven’t commented on anything that’s been said about me but I’ve seen a lot lies.It’s my time to say my truth, you take it the way you want and do what you want with it.I ask that if you can’t respect me as a person, if you still feel like you need to kick me when I’m down and make fun of me, please delete me.There’s nothing you can say to make it worse, I’m already at the bottom. Lets talk about few lies that I’ve seen: – She touches lil kids on sl – No I don’t , I have never done anything with a SL kid.Nor do I own a kid avi myself. – She hides behind where she’s from / it’s ok in Finland – No, beastiality, incest and pedophilia is illegal in Finland as it should be.I have NEVER said that cuz I’m from Finland I do this and that.I have said that cuz English is not my own language, it’s hard for me to fully explain myself in English and people take me the wrong way often. – She said it’s RL too – No, fuck no. Then to my truth, my side.What VERY FEW of you even bothered asking.It’s so easy to hear something, hear people making more lies and believe everything and join the bandwagon.Everything I do is SL RP only.I have never ever done anything like it in real life nor do I desire to.I ageplay, me saying word ‘pedo’ was stupid and careless of me.Me and the guy I’ve been dating liked to make up stories and create imaginary people in our stories and just do kinky fucked up… Read more »
Why are you guys bullying someone. Like seriously. Get a fucking life why don’t you. Every time someone who has done nothing wrong to any of you gets posted here you all feel like your better then them and judge it’s fucking SL get the fuck over yourself. It’s not even real.
if its not real.. why is everyone so uptight? lol why should they care what sl ppl think.. most of them have dinner crumbs in their cleavage anyways
Anyone who thinks there is anything arousing about forcing sex on an entity who literally cannot consent under any circumstances- meaning any and all sexual contact is forced- is a sick piece of shit. If it arouses you to do in SL, the only reason you don’t do it in RL is fear of repercussions, and that doesn’t make you a good person. It makes you a cowardly, sick piece of shit. No matter how many excuses you use, there is something deeply wrong with you. You should just go ahead and make your new avi now; you know you’re going to.
Lol Jeni Crystal….she just dug herself a deeper hole by admitting that sex with children turn her on. Whether you actually do it in rl or just in sl through texting….you’re still getting off on the idea which makes you a pedo….same goes for any other fucked up shit they rp. If you weren’t into it you wouldn’t be rping it.
Lol…honestly…”it’s between two adults so it’s not illegal”….lolol…that don’t make you any less a pedo….idiot.
Not disagreeing here (because I honestly do agree with you), but this is no different than the Daddy Dom-Little Girl “kink”.
It’s excused by people since it’s “pretend” and between adults.
Personally, I find it disgusting and there’s no excuse for the DD/LG shit. It’s vile. You’re sexualizing child-like behavior.
Yeah but you’re factually wrong there.
i can see that account gone soon. lmao
You probably should have just ignored the secret and not responded. Opinions, once formed, are difficult to sway, and on something like this, saying “it’s only in SL” isn’t really gonna dissuade those who take offense at your alleged secrets & kinks, regardless of what you say to justify them.
Just a heads up, im neither Jeni or Takashi. im just a bystander.
im not even the person who put them up here.
And i posted whats public to hundreds of people, not a private IM.
I’m not going to argue who “uhhh” is, my response was and maybe should have been declared as such- was in general. But when you posted that you did actually put on there:
#16 update (facebook post. set to friends only) Jeni Crystal 20 mins
which means it’s not public…
either way, I could care less, just pointing that out.
i was saying im not the one who posted the Secret. i posted the posts they made.
and its private to the world yes, but not to everyone on her list, which she also likes to randomly add people. so kinda public too.
lol whatever floats your boat. I understand you said you didn’t post the secret. (I still don’t care) 😀
(on facebook)
Takashi Waffle
3 hrs ·
Aight fuck it, it was me in the conversation with Jeni Crystal.
I did NOT post the shit to virtual-secrets, I sent the screenshots to a friend, she sent them to whoever.
Any questions, feel free to drop a line. Or inbox me.
Oh?… then I have a question! My personal theory/hope here is that is just a out of context snippet of the convo and it there is a bunch more that would make it obvious that what is shown here on virtual-secrets is just sarcasm. Is this theory/hopeful thinking correct or could you elaborate more on why she said such a thing that is well uhmmm “distasteful”?
Just a heads up, im neither Jeni or Takashi. im just a bystander.
im not even the person who put them up here.
And i posted whats public to hundreds of people, not a private IM.
I understand that you are just a bystander, but posting the entire thing was a bit much. A small portion of her “truth” was more than enough to clear up the fact that she did mean what she said, in that secret. What gets me, is how she tried to explain away what she is doing, by claiming “it’s all SL” and stating that none of what she is doing is illegal. Actually, ageplay in SL is very illegal. SL rightly takes a very dim view on that.
I have seen the different posts on FB, where people have screen grabbed her conversation and are sharing it. Personally, I think she has fully buried herself with what she wrote.
the only reason i posted the whole thing is because only posting small portions can look like someone (ie. me) made the small portion up. id rather get the whole thing out there. if shes not ashamed, she shouldnt mind me posting 100% what she said. though now shes crying because of it *shrug*
anyways, im done. time to go back to my cave.
Aight, yeah nah… Jeni hit me up bout a catwa head she wanted, then started telling me that she was a cam girl and used to always have at least 20k on her account sent me nudes, videos an shit… Without me askin or mentioning them. Then it got to where she told me her man and her would rp him being her dad or brother, she went on an on, I told her she could keep her depravity to herself. Later on after more videos of her masterbating she said that pedo/little kink shit… I basically made up excuses to get away from the conversation and her after that point. Anyway, hmy takashi waffle on FB. I’m not scared of anyones thoughts or words. I’m not that one who said that shit ?
she pretty much admit it on a post. Saying she doesnt use avatars, that its all text roleplay, that its legal because its 2 adults (though sick to think that someone gets off on the thought of fucking children *gag* regardless if legal or not) another grab from facebook. she posted where only friends can see. Jeni Crystal 20 mins · This my first and last time posting about this.I haven’t commented on anything that’s been said about me but I’ve seen a lot lies.It’s my time to say my truth, you take it the way you want and do what you want with it.I ask that if you can’t respect me as a person, if you still feel like you need to kick me when I’m down and make fun of me, please delete me.There’s nothing you can say to make it worse, I’m already at the bottom. Lets talk about few lies that I’ve seen: – She touches lil kids on sl – No I don’t , I have never done anything with a SL kid.Nor do I own a kid avi myself. – She hides behind where she’s from / it’s ok in Finland – No, beastiality, incest and pedophilia is illegal in Finland as it should be.I have NEVER said that cuz I’m from Finland I do this and that.I have said that cuz English is not my own language, it’s hard for me to fully explain myself in English and people take me the wrong way often. – She said it’s RL too – No, fuck no. Then to my truth, my side.What VERY FEW of you even bothered asking.It’s so easy to hear something, hear people making more lies and believe everything and join the bandwagon.Everything I do is SL RP only.I have never… Read more »
@uhhh.. Thank you for clearing some things up there but honestly that was a little too TMI. It’s no ones biz what 2 consenting adults do behind closed doors and quite frankly I didn’t want to know the details of your Kinks.
SL is a great place to safely explore things you wouldn’t do in RL but maybe keeping a few of those things private might be a good thing for you if you don’t want people to be “Judging Hard” Yes?
#10 Smithy has screwed me over time and time again.. Ive heard some horror stories too. Like he returns others items when they still have days on their rent. We all have different opinions. But ive seen some of this with my own eyes.
anyone in the US right now who are on the KaidenTray thing…Peoples Court has on a Ozzy scammer.. this may be him. lmao
possibly look it up on youtube season20 episode117 (Bail Bond Blowup) your welcome. i would put money thats the real kaiden tray.. he has SL all over him
You’re Welcome
Last time Kaiden Tray got called out on here he dropped the Ozzy surname lol like people wouldn’t notice & the fact all his photos are inconsistent… COME ON KAIDEN YOUR RUMBLED AGAIN STOP DIGGING YOURSELF AN EVEN BIGGER HOLE…GAMES OVER!!!!
He told a friend of mine that he got reported to Facebook and he showed them proof and “won” the case and yet.. the Osbourne name is still missing.
im sure that guy hasnt won anything in his whole life.. altho he does belong on the crazy train
No idea who #10 is but it seems awfully suspicious the last two comments are very similar in wording about him, almost as if he asked them to come and comment.
#10 – I have rented from Smithy off and on for over 2 years and have never had a problem… hes always fair and understanding. If I have a problem, he promptly fixes it. He is kind & respectful to work with.
We have rented from Smithy for a year now, never had an issue except when 2 huge horse breeders moved in next door. I told him, he offered to move us, 30 minutes later we we moved on to a better sim. He’s let me know before when I was late and even accepted my payment while I was at work DJ’ing, and credited me properly.
I am pretty polite and courteous when dealing with him, maybe this is the secret? Lol
lets take that advice from “Rose” lol
I dont think hes a very good landlord
#10 – Just want to say I was with Smithy for 4 years and never had an issue with him. He was always fair, and would even remind me if I was a teeny late with my rent. He never raised our tier, even when he was charging more for others, unless we wanted to change spots.
#16 thanks for that great hint, i’ve added her immediately. Can’t wait to get in touch! xD
Jebi we know this is you lol nobody is fooled, pedo
No surprise that Lexxi and Emerie are on here. Lexxi is a compulsive liar just like her mother Alex. Emerie fucks anything in sight and runs back to ex’s when she’s lonely claiming she loves them. She has also already cheated on Lexxi in the way beginning with two ex’s and one was a long term one. Those they fool everyday are blinded because they don’t know the things they have done to others on their other alts they have. Emerie has alts Lexxi doesn’t even know of because all she ever does is run from one alt to another when something goes wrong on one of them. All these people who think great of them only see some post on social media and believe someone is a good person. Dummies who think anyone is jealous of their “online relationship” with a girl being with another girl and one being Lexxi who has never even had sex with another girl for real are a joke. Throwing the word I love you around when if either knew what that meant Lexxi wouldn’t cheat on her fiancé and Emerie wouldn’t cheat on her husband. Both just use each other as play toys on the Internet. They will never be together in real life and Lexxi will leave Emerie soon enough because that’s what she does. She may waste her life away now and neglect her real life and fiancé but that will get old for her and she’ll drop Emerie. Then Emerie will stalk everything she can that has to do about her real life because she’s been there and done that with others from her past. Another reason for all her alts. Both are toxic wastes. If it wasn’t for them using each other to get money off of landscaping they… Read more »
Lol wow what a lying bitch. She blames others for why she isn’t in second life but here she is once again. Can’t walk away cause she’s too busy fucking guys and girls online rather then actually focusing on her own real life with her finance and fixing that. LOL that guy deserves better. Didn’t she date a hamster too? Guess she’s into beastitality as well as being a fake doms little bitch.
Question is whos the biggest thot in this ? Lexxi and Emerie have a million alts but so does the ex Z, every profile professes undying love for a different broad lol
Do you have an obsession with this Z guy? He’s not even in the secrets besides being told he was cheated on. You’re bringing him up which seems you have quite the issues there Jill and seem pretty salty and jealous. I’m going to take a stab at this and say he chose Lexxi over you. It’ll be ok honey, stay strong.
It’s really interesting how people get so bold when they can hide behind their computers like some scary ass internet thugs. I’m sure none of you dared to ever confront these two of their supposed wrong doings. Because of course , what anyone else does is your business , right? You guys are allll angels on sl. right ;). Now that would be something to see. I admit the comments here are always the best part since the peanut gallery loves to hop on the bandwagon lmao. Seeing as it’s almost near a year these two started up together and somehow they are still being talked about is pretty hilarious or sad, depending how you look at it. You guys must really have nothing else going on in sl/rl for that matter. Were you rejected by one of them? Was it your dream to be important to them? I mean are these two really that special? Are they some sl celebs I wasn’t aware of? I briefly knew the two separately and I mean to me idk, they were alright but to continue this saga about them like…why? I feel that you all (peanut gallery/garbage dwellers) really need some help. Sooo many people in sl mess around and have rls. Do we deny that? A lot of people decide to leave their families etc etc…who cares? Take a look at your obsession over this Lexxie and Emerie saga and re-evaluate your time and energy. I love gossip just as much as the next person, but this is really getting old, repetitive, and honestly pathetic. While you’re at it, can we talk about how their exes are suddenly together (even though none of them knew one another up until a few months ago) and one is creepily starting to look just… Read more »
o my gaw- people get so bold!
Lol what does their ex’s have to do with them? They aren’t in the secrets. So why is your comment irrelevant with that? That girl looks nothing like Lexxi either. If anything it’s Asher who wants Lexxi to be her. Her name in game is Averyelise that girls name is Ivyelise lol Asher dated her on and off for years. They hooked up when Lexxi was hooking up with Asher in the beginning. Asher plays the field and if it wasn’t for Lexxi giving it up when the fiancé isn’t around Asher would run right back to Ivy. She is her go to and always will be. Lexxi is just another girl on the list for Asher. #SheAintSpecial
So you call people internet thugs then turn around and confess to loving following gossip?
They are both just insecure people. Karma will catch up to them both. I feel bad for their new fam though. Already lying about who they really are. But as always it catches up.
I used to know Lexxi. We were actually good friends at one point but I came to see she is very controlling and always wants things done her way. She bitches about every little thing and sticks her nose where it doesn’t belong. Not saying that makes her 100% a bad person but I can see why whoever doesn’t like her and even her mom cause she was up here for years too but I see why it’s here. I do know the other parties talked about in here through passing and I have to say the new girl looks nothing at all like Lexxi one bit. Lexxi’s other avi has a resting bitch face. New girls face just looks innocent. I don’t see the comparison.
I’d like to thank my bro for not posting anything about himself this week so our family gets a break from all the hate. Thanks, Bro!
#15 was discussed last week . We know he is a disgusting individual but better to report if you feel that badly and make LL make a difference. I find it funny he asks people to make him stuff all the time, yet we all know he is Aztroboy as well as the other alts. The guy thinks we are stupid to see past his pedo ass. Also need to make your posts clearer to read.
Why don’t you tell us your SL name? Stop hiding, coward.
Drew why are you ERP’ing as loki?
Yeah, this isn’t Drew dude.
Oh surely it mustn’t be you Drew

You got banned dude just deal with it lol.
Which discord discussion is this found in?
If there is one thing I hate more than kids giving other kids bad names like Drew, its the rest of his Jailbait girls over at Golden Sun. I have actually seen some of the things going on and posted in various sites, it gets more X rated as it goes and a lot of it is generated through one a set of particular people. I leave that for next weeks SL Secrets
I’m sure you will claim he is me next?
He had a shitty fucking gay ass fake teen forum with that panther guy who thought he was a teen…. Hes a fucking freak
I am not understanding number 3, we know that cucumber belongs up his ass cause anal retentive as he is . The whole picture and what the poster is trying to tell us is confusing AF though!! What you telling us?
#42 Lmao! Nothing but DRAMA surrounds this person and everyone connected to him/her.
ill never understand why people get all bent out of shape about gender.. i mean truth be told MOST of these SL thots don’t give a fuck if it has a snatch or a doggy dick as long as its giving them attention they crave so bad..lol rubbing em out to cartoon characters… like just stop.. if you care so much whats on the other end of ur fucking fiber optic net connection.. get ur big ass up .. dust off the crumbs… n go outside.
here’s an idea to all you fat ass broke bored housewives/ single hoes with nothing better to do because SL is your whole fkn life.
What the actual fuck does #42 have to do with you? Absolutely nothing so back the fuck off and get a life. Also what does it matter what gender someone may be in a virtual world because it’s just that a virtual world. SL is not your whole life you slags.. time to more on from this guy now …fuck me dead
Actually when he threatens to expose intimate rl photos of females to their family members etc then what does he expect is going to happen? Thats the type of person that he is . Its either that or he must love looking at those “fat ass broke bored housewives/single hoes”that hes still holding onto all of the pics ? Because why havent they been deleted? Haha ..I’m thinking your the one that needs to “fuck off”.
not for nothing but girls that send nudes to anyone that says they are pretty or asks kinda deserve it.. i dont condone it …altho it may sound i do..girls need to stop.. seriously STOP thinking that you are anything more than something to do in SL.. and im not being mean.,.. im being honest… because i’ve learned this myself… not sending nudes but thinking there are more good people than assholes just wasting the time in their life away in SL
but it’s ok for them to share rl info and pictures of his family and kids as a form of revenge? gtfo with that shit. they may not have been intimate photos but they too crossed a line and they are not innocent of all the drama and bs that’s gone on. instead of focusing on whether Kunt is female or male, focus on being upfront about your own rl if being honest is that fucking important to you, be honest about being married. you arent victims, you are hypocrites.
Ah seems you’re the one who only knows one side of a story? ? I’m guessing Leah or via or friends of. Bitch sit the fuck down
A little wound up huh? Black & white print dont lie sunshine
#42 Not very bright are you. Threatening to expose a person’s real life pictures as a form of revenge last time I checked is a criminal offense.Your the one that put it out there for everyone to see so you cant play the blame game on that one. You truly are a Kunt and a piece of shit.
OMG #39. I could not believe the brows…… Dem brows dohhhhhhhh! wth does someone want with a unibrow?
happy someone finally called out kaiden, he is on Facebook about how this is all lies, but when someone asks if you are really related to the osbournes you revert and say it is not relevant and delete the post. it’s reasons like this that you are being called out ?
someone just needs to grow a pair and hit up max and neeve from catfish and finally bring SL on tv. do it for giggles.. or are all the girls fakes too? I’ve got the rest of my month of spokeo if we shall look it up best $12 ever spent..looks him up
Except it’s just Nev now. I cri.
I was thinking the same thing. I was always thinking “this can’t be real” unreal
He says its all fake but he won’t provide ANY proof that says otherwise? Plus if hes related to the osbournes why in the hell does he have a shrine of Ozzy and pictures of him and Ozzy in his room? Its in one of his photos where hes showing his muscles and the minute I saw it I was creeped out, thats not a cousin thats an obsessive fan.
Plus supposedly a reality tv crew films him…..
Yes! i saw that too, I am Glad he finally has be exposed, it will only be a matter of time before his merry band of followers see this too and leave him.
#16 – and she wanted to throw shade at the stoners. Interesting. Very interesting. ??
Whomever posted #16 isn’t any better than the person they are posting about as they are pretending to be their friend ~ shady!
Who the hell is that kid avatar in #3 ?? That’s perverted and disturbing
Skippy Beresford
Oh wait is that Skippy the old man that says Shippy? He should know better on that picture then. Def sounds like a pervert.
#16 That FB convo is so obviously faked. How are people falling for it??
#41 Katherine Carolina is obviously bitter about it and tried to save her fragile ego. Immature and insecure. She’s also a moderator for the L’etre/Doux CHAT and not the store. Fuck out of here.
Takashi admitted that it was him talking with Jeni in that secret. The conversation is real, as is the huge post she has on her wall, trying to explain away what she said in that conversation.
Takashi Waffle was the one talking with #16
I’m waiting for the day ya’ll bore me to tears. already pretty close. Maybe someone just post a secret of me Here at least I’m exciting
ur what happens when the coat hanger leaves some in
#37 What good designers left? “Good designer” is subjective. What stores that you opine that are so great have left the event? Your post sounds like whining to me. If you think the owner of the event is struggling to sort out how to run it, why not offer some help instead of coming here being a whiny cow? You are exactly what is wrong with the kid world, a bunch of entitled whiny assholes. Maybe all the “good designers” left because they got sick of designing things for your shitty entitled community?
Not to mention the whining that started in when Zooby and others created mesh bodies for the community. Now all I see and hear is a bunch of bleating and crying about how this or that store is fucking you over because they are not creating for umpteen bodies (namely whatever body YOU are wearing)
Stop your whining and do something to improve your community. Don’t like the events or the way they are run? Then create your own event and run it however you think a good event should be run.
Don’t like that creators have chosen to create for one body instead of multiples? Learn to rig yourself and make your own clothing and creations.
Stop expecting people to cater to your wants and needs. I know nothing about this event but I do know exactly why so many designers (good or otherwise) have left your community. Do something to help fix it or shut the hell up.
Seems to me a bunch of self entitled whiney adults playing child avatars that only seem to have drama. If you don’t like how a certain event is run then get off your lazy ass and make your own event. Furthermore, people have lives outside of second life and maybe some of these people have decided to finally get on with there lives. Just because you live behind your computer 24/7 doesn’t mean the rest of the god damn world does. Here is a thought go outside, get a job, and maybe try getting a tan, instead of being pasty white lazy asses. I agree with everything the above person said as well
They would need to put down the mega-cheetos bag and 28 ounce coke first. Way too difficult for most of the beached whales playing as kids (both boys and girls)
#37 I learned about this stupid post and came here to respond and was happy to see that someone took the words right out of my mouth, thank you!
Promise didn’t ruin anything… she brought back an event and is re-growing it… if you think this is some easy feat-you do it! Let’s see what “good designers” you can pull in…. not to mention she does it for FREE. I look forward to seeing the OP’s Shop Hop 2.0 next month…
12, oh emerie don’t lie for lexxi. It’s out there we all know now. Lexxi How could you leave everyone behind like that? And lie about it as if they were nothing.?
So we awoke this morning to being on SL Secrets. As much as I wish we had a cool story or some spice to our lives we are just Avery and Elijah; Nothing more, nothing less. Continue on with your regularly scheduled programs folks and don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Now for breakfast and coffee ? ? .
29 & 31 *
# 16 is miumeow resident & this doesn’t shock me at all.
Hi secret submitter!
That’s the trouble when you post Facebook secrets.
Nobody knows which avatar you are talking about, only their real life name.
But her avatar’s facebook is under that name, with her sl name attached. So you can look and see that its her… and you (not you specifically) cannot complain if people find you since you were dumb enough to friend a bunch of sl avatars on an account that shows your rl name
#22 Wow, never be a co sponsor to someone you do not know personally in real life – just for the record, being a co-sponsor means you are liable for their well being, finances, etc if they get into trouble. If they cannot take care of themselves, or even get government assistance by chance – it is YOU that will be responsible to pay the government, you literally have to take care of this person if they cannot take care of themselves financially. Helllllll nah! Also, why can’t your American partner sponsor fully? You have to make a minimum of 24k a year to be approved to be a sponsor. How are you gonna live in America if your partner can’t even make 24k a year??? It takes a good 4 months to get your work visa, ontop of another 4 months (if you’re lucky) to get your greencard. I only know from experience because I met my husband via SL and we had to go through all the immigration hoops to be where we are today.
I had a sponsor, my husband’s parents. Even though my husband made over the required amount I came with a kid attached which went over his limit. His parents sponsored me. It was pretty rough in the months before I was allowed to work and they did end up helping us out took me 11 months to get my work permit and first Green-card. Besides unless this person has some serious skills or won the green-card lottery, is entering on a temporary investment visa a K1 visa would be the best they could hope for. Not easy to get I had to jump through a lot of hoops. And then you have to marry within 90 days of getting to the US. And that only works if you are marrying a natural citizen…. anyway, those people must have only read the first page of all those applications, otherwise they’d know unless they marry there is basically almost no chance to come to the US legally. P.S. Paid my in-laws back of course once I was allowed to be gainfully employed. It’s been 14 years still married, still jumping through hoops because I refuse to naturalize, the country I come from does not allow dual citizenship for anyone over 18 and I am not ready to make that kind of commitment to a country with terrible healthcare 😛
I am fairly certain rules changed now and the old ones sound impossible. My friend’s parents got naturalised after 10 years of illegal work under those as well (moved 1989 and got that in 1999). I was not as lucky or unlucky as cannot imagine living in US now (UK becoming radicalised is hard enough), however had to be there in 1996/8 due to … health issues unknown and US wanting to solve that puzzle. Probably would have been dead by now with this amazing health system or the sponsoring laws as they were ridiculous (and are). Since I was a kid, mum had to find one for 2 years of pre-approved stay. Sponsor lasted for 3 days and she had to work two full time jobs since. Fun. I do hope this improves despite comments below and you get stable government and services one day.
Ok you must be a real 90 day fiancé addict … another thing, you don’t like it…leave. Sounds like you came for a green card .
lmaooooooooooo omg onenameonly i wish to friend you in SL one day because you just say all the right things. so dead@90 Day Fiance.. best trainwreck ever
Yes, Me.! .. She will come and love him up for the green card and benefits and then after the 90 days move on to another sucker lol . Me love you long time for gold chain and Range Rover and designer handbags
Best SHOW EVER!! . TLC is what i envision majority of SL. lol Best Couple Ever is Mohamed and Danielle. If you don’t follow H3H3 Productions on youtube DO IT!!!!!! lmao I am obsessed with him!!!!!!!!! He even did a video about the guy on my strange obsession or whatever its called who is in love with his car https://youtu.be/gim3d1qlZog
I subscribed, the guy is brilliant and it IS like most of SL peeps lol
i could watch him all day… its like hes speaking for me . lmao
Shit or get off the pot. Enjoy our country but complain about our healthcare. *shrug* No wonder Trump won.
Yet you jumped all those hoops to get here even with our terrible healthcare.
Yeah it kinda pisses me off when immigrants come here and then talk shit. It’s like being invited into someone’s home and then talking shit about the hospitality but not leaving. Just rude.
lol Doesn’t change the fact that your healthcare still sucks and is rated as one of the worst in the modern world. lol Nice deflection though !
Actually our healthcare is not “free”. It’s not the worst in the world it’s just not socialist based. But if we are getting into that socialist healthcare isn’t “free” either. Its just funded by all the hard working people in the country.
I will say that I am fortunate to have very good health coverage and get better care than the NHS or others. So not all Americans are one common cold away from bankruptcy.
Edit: Also the point still remains, we don’t force immigrants to come here and endure out terrible healthcare. We’d be more than happy to ship all the ungrateful whiners to Australia, New Zealand or the UK. All that free healthcare for the taking.
Exactly. I was wondering if he was also an immigrant himself, can’t manage to make $24k a year or can’t make $24k a year above the table. Either way only a dumb ass will sponsor her under those circumstances.
That’s some seriously disturbing shit right there. I almost wish I hadn’t read it, because now I want to know who the other person is and why they were even discussing that. That’s shit you need to take to LL not SL secrets. *shudders*
Likely better taking it to facebook. It’s not SL related.
This site is becoming “Facebook Secrets” recently.
thats because stupid sl people tried to take over fb..which is why fb pulls the sl name accounts.. i mean i cant stand fb but dont blame fb for sl tard things
Anyone who is buying bullshit from or gifts for that fugly Aesthetic clone in #27 needs to take a long, hard look at her life and ask herself when exactly it was that she decided she wasn’t worth better than that. Fucking ew.
Naria Panthar is so not deserving of the things being said about her. Someone is jealous of her.
Ofc someone is … She didnt have drama with no one … Well beside one person Kai (Kairi) … Maybe next time she post this she can explain how fake her ass is and stop lying all around about people she dont know shit ..
I’m a really close friend of naria, and let me tell you there’s never a dull moment with her. She doesn’t cause drama, she’s actually very laid back and immensely funny! Nothing two faced about her. She says it how it is and has a huge heart! She has a busy rl, but puts her heart and soul into her channel and entertaining her subscribers. And we are best friends, yet last time I checked, I’m not gay, not male, and I have never called her fat or ugly…only call her a cunt because she likes it xD! She’s a beautiful girl in rl and sl! This little bitch making this post (yes we know it’s you kairi)…has gone one hell of a chip on her shoulders and too much time on her hands. Paaaaathetic 😛
I absolutely love Naria and her channel. Whoever wrote that fuckery is sooooo jealous of Naria! Hahaha. What a daft cunt you are! LOVE YOU NARIA #NOHOMO #PUREFANGIRL ??
I absolutely love Maria and her channel. Whoever wrote that fuckery is sooooo jealous of Naria! Hahaha. What a daft cunt you are! LOVE YOU NARIA #NOHOMO #PUREFANGIRL ??
Hi, I’m only approving the comments under this name. So all your comments made under the other name “Just a commenter” are being trashed. Repost your comments.
thats another fav comment of mine..that never ever gets old..the reveals of the people with many names. lol ^5 Lourdes
Agreed. Love her youtube. Know this is jealousy because she has a life, at least, that’s what her rl vlogs tell me.
I just pulled up her youtube, I’m watching her noob adventures- she’s a riot- she’s got the noobie sex perv down pat lol.
I laughed so hard at the Do You Wanna Dance video when they go as men undercover to Franks club and the one had the Gene Simmons Kiss platforms on! Lmao
Love her 50 L Friday YouTube videos, esp when she does the hot man of the day lol. She also did a great video on how to make friends on SL. She seems genuine and kind, give her a break .
Morning or actually almost afternoon All… we seem to have a lot of overly sweet and cute with too much stalker seasoning today so for brunch I’m bringing some quiche and bacon…
Well as far as #16 I’m hoping beyond probably all hope that it was taken out of context and it was actually a sarcastic convo.
Hmmm #25 seems to not get out much and has a very small world I hope if she has anyone disabled in her/his RL that they give them a good dose of Bitch Slap for being that biggoted.
Once again people if you don’t think what a creator makes is worth buying or in some way conflicts with your “morals” then Don’t Buy It! 9 times out of 10 it isn’t virtual-secrets worthy and makes us all yawn because well most of us don’t care unless it’s really crossing the line on things that should just not even exists.
Ooo some SL guys are actually girls OMG someone call the SL hall monitors it’s such a big No No how dare they…The world is ending! >.>…unless they are using this as a way to scam or do harm to others in some way (Kaiden might be so go on) then it’s none of your damn biz and you just be a creepy butthurt stalker.
when you dont know the word “biggoted” means.
Why do people keep on freaking out about how someone is ‘an ugly fat ho” in RL. Who gives a fuck? Seriously. Do all of you look like your fucking avatars in RL? Doubtful.
just the ugly fat hoes that cry that their dream man has a vagina. like beggars cant be choosers
waves at the 7 hoes
It’s probably for people doing the webcam sex, wanting a good body?
16!!!!! My cereal fell out of my mouth. I unfriended and blocked so fast. You sick fucking bitch
I am offended someone would even put the queen Jeffree starrrr in thisss LOL I’m sleep. He makes more money then most these sorry sl hoes. Don’t throw him on this page that is straight disrespect LOL. But honestly people keep posting the same shit to the point it’s getting boring. Yeaaa girls pretending to be guys? NOT NEW cheating? NOT NEW people copying rl work? NOT NEW come on give me something better to binge on yo. Now it’s lame old shit and fucking “I wanna tell you this but I can’t” LIKE WHO ARE YOUUU lol posting that shit grow balls an tell the person your pathetic yo. I don’t even play sl no more but get on here to have a laugh but now it’s just repeat after repeat. All in all, COME UP WITH SOME BETTERRR.
#25 – Are you retarded? First of all, all male mesh bodies that are popular and well known that have clothing fitted for them have muscular defintition. Except maybe the “Piggu” series of mesh avatars. There is hardly any body diversity in SL for mesh bodies and it’s sad. You’re either Aesthetic big, Signature/TMP/Belleza slim muscular, or obese. No variety in between.
Second of all, don’t you understand that if you’re in a wheelchair, you literally use your upper body strength and arms to move yourself? I know a guy RL who races up and down hills on the sidewalk in his wheelchair, he uses his wheelchair everywhere to travel around town instead of driving a car – and he’s fucking stacked. He’s saving our environment, even if it is by a little measure.
Last of all, why the fuck do you CARE? Just leave them alone, derender them you miserable fuck. Disability exists. It should not be shamed or censored, I’m sorry that you don’t have the capacity to handle it.
what i hear from the anon post is “mind your own business.” but that would count to anyone else that’s been doing the SL secret posts, wheelchair bound people on SL is stupid, and also if you saw the guy’s irl pic, he looked skinny like a toothpick, so nice try.
Well I think this is totally irrelevant to the “secret”, however the person behind that avatar in particular doesn’t move his weelchair around with his stacked arms – he can just move his fingers slightly to toggle a joystick on an electric weelchair, and uses a complicated technology to write things down and move around in SL. That’s not a secret, I wouldn’t publicly say it if he wasn’t stating it in his profile. And I don’t mind about you secret’s writer, to me this sure matters.
Anyway I really think he has every right to either stand up, or be in a weelchair, or waggle around in a mermaid body, being slender or very well built, or just whatever else he likes in SL. That isn’t really anybody’s business
Did you forget about the Kuroo? It’s okay, a lot of people do.
So agree with you but… there is more body diversity out there than you speak of! There is of course the v-tech but also you can tweak Sig & Belleza to be less muscular and if someone doesn’t want those “painted abs” I found getting a female skin with the v-tech omega applier does the trick. So it’s not that there isn’t diversity… it’s that the common SL user doesn’t know how to fiddle with sliders in the right way or experiment with different methods to get a unique look.
#12 who was the petty person to even put this up?
pls did you get rejected? you wish you were in his bed? I cri for you.
If you all know me so well, stop hiding as anons and put your names at least, Jesus Christ.
DAMNNNNNNN MIKEY, How many women are in this post?
IKR! But holy fuck, I needed the laugh. Thank you, Mikey :), for being such a manwhore there’s like five bitches beyond the one who posted the secret on this post, and thank you, Kikilee, for not backing down and making me smile.
Boy oh boy…there sure is more than 5. Wait and watch til Penelope comes back and he dumps the new girls ass too…whether it’s the current one or 3 girls after. The hoe is strong in this one.
Mikey had sex with me while he was dating another girl…. He’s a mega huge man hoe….he told me he loved me. GUESS NOT
Sex in real life in the same bed or computer virtual sex ?
I’m just curious, or better yet just nosey! But is this the same Mikey that used to be with Penelope??
@Hi Bitch ya the same Penelope that quit secondlife
@Twixeldix Thanks for the confirmation!
What I want to know is why are people so selfish with the info when they break up though? They used to be all over my FB timeline when they were looking to adopt, having family dinners, having movie night, having game night, when it was time for bed time, when they couldn’t wait to meet in RL etc etc etc. So I’m just saying if we just needed to know all of that shit about the “family”, why in the fuck wouldn’t they post about the break up as well? And I’m speaking about all you people that love to showboat your fake relationships on social media. If you’re gonna force feed us all the good times, then show us the bad times to got dammit since you want us all to see so bad. Don’t be inconsiderate to your audience!
LoL I totally agree. If you wanna broadcast all the good shit, broadcast when it crashes and burns.
like 2 weeks ago yeah
Because avatar names are real…. ??
Question is if you have not been a hoe how do you not know who I am ?????
If he wasn’t being a hoe, then he wouldn’t know who you are. Not rocket science. If he didn’t pixel bump you, then how does he know?
You’re claiming you “fucked” him (using that term loosely since it’s impossible unless you were physically in his bed), but yet you won’t name yourself or show any of that “proof” you claim to have.
Right now to third parties, it looks like a girl crying ‘wolf’ – or in this case, crying ‘dick’.
This makes no sense
question, why yall playing like he ain’t a man hoe? Why you playin like he won’t soon get tired of you and get another hoe just as fast as he picked you up? you trashing the bitch who blasted him but when he fucks you over and replaces you like a dead battery don’t be mad when you see us all laughing cause you blastin him too. Trust me no girl is special to Mikey, they are all just little toys to feed his hunger for the moment before he moves on. Ask yourself how many women he has gone through and how many girls are saying the same shit. lmfao wanna be good friend to ya boy Mikey be honest with him and stop thinking his fuck boy trash attitude is okay, cause you aren’t real if you agree you are just fake. Now since i’m done speaking the truth to you thirsty tramps i’m gonna get some starbucks and go back to shooting raiders. Peace out…
Christ are we still going ? I’ve had “so many hoes” that I’ve been with the same girl for 3 years lol. Yikes ??
ok but you were cheating on Penelope for at least 2 of those 3 years, you were caught on more than one occasion. so the fact that you “been with the same girl for 3 years” is laughable and meaningless.
3 years then you are a hoe cos it wasn’t that long ago
prove it prove it prove it
Lol I’m waiting for mikey to ask me. We were both free and single at the time and I only commented to be on his side. But then I got called thirsty lol and got accused of lying. He knows full well I ain’t lying and I think so does she lol
WTF LMAO leave me alone i’m crying :'(
she probably did smash, tbh tbh tbh lol just denying to protect the new girls feels, which is understandable
New girl posted up top that theres plenty of room in that bed for all y’all thirsty hos- she aint trippin, just the rejected ho that made this post lol
Lmao this is so fucking lame please stop commenting
Mikey is hot as fuck I wish I was in his bed too lmao
Have you ever done any self-crit on what it says about you to be so hung up on a pixel dick? Especially one that is so disinterested in you in return, it denies your existence?
You really should.
he is cute but he a ho………… you ain’t a man if you a ho
Ooo Shit just got Real! the Manwhore card got played!
This is why I look forward to your comments Coffee. I busted out laughing when I read your comment.
Lol you’re welcome Just saying… I was probably laughing at my comment to hard as well I just couldn’t help myself
I miss that game Hungry, Hungry Hippos. Oh wait…..
Exactly, that’s why they fight over Computer Cock… fatties not gettin it in reals lol
Do you actually think fat girls can’t get laid in real life? Like even ugly fat girls? Because you are deeply confused, if that’s the case… now they can’t get alpha dick, or dick that gives the illusion of being alpha and that’s what SL is for, but any woman can get laid any time.
Well yes agreed, but if you wanna get a FINE man, you have to be on top of your game, or else you get nothing but a Sugar Bear
Be on top of the game and have your shit together or at least know how to fake it. Most of these chicks playing the forever alone violin come off as desperate, needy and/or too thirsty.
Obviously they’ve never seen Honey Booboo’s mom, Momma June. I figure if she could get the diq when she was fat. ANYONE can get the diq. Getting diq is easy, getting quality diq is work.
lmao this is true.. but honey booboos mom was also banging a molester.. which is so very SL too lol
another thirsty girl after his dick? yikes
Y’all thirsty over a dude that looks like Hodor but he ain’t holdin the door for any of you bitches.
I just died lmao
Not thirsty already had it but I’d revisit that experience
You already been there? Don’t think so lol
wow so Mikey 🙂 just how many girls are gonna be claiming they have been in your bed… seems like it’s gonna be crowded you might want to kick them all out and take your sleeping spot back
plenty of room for all of us 🙂
Omfg Mikey die in a fire worst son ever
Kiki, did you get d, were you riding, why the fuck you ever leave right beside heem
I have and I can prove it too lol
prove it prove it prove it
but pls do prove it I’m curious now
well get mikey to ask me to prove it then I will. I ain’t doing shit for u lol
kiki lets meet up!!!
What is even going on lol stop you creeps
Oh you can prove it? how litty.
what’s your name in sl? 🙂
Sorry what language are you speaking in ?? I can post his rl pics here next week if you want ???
Yeah, no. You won’t. There’s other ways to prove whatever this ridiculous argument is about.
I hope it’s about RL diq and not clicking a poseball. ???
You know very well this is about some poseball action. Not skin to skin.
Unfortunately for you the bed is not cold so you should move along tbh
Does it need to be ? Lol
You are funny I give you that but even so I doubt you had his dick and if you did then woo go you but won’t happen again so pls carry on. c:
Oh the delusional one. If I wanted his cock I wouldn’t have given it up only cos I fucked his doesn’t mean I’d wanna date him lol please be sure to leave ure Flickr rest assured when I do fuck him again which I will now I will gladly take pics of every angle and tag u in them :p
How in the hell do you fuck a pixel cock?? You do know it’s not real right? Put your effort into real life sex!!
lmao@onename.. it never gets old reading.. ‘i fucked him’ and then seeing ur name below… love it!
We never pixelled it was cam sex so ya I know his cock was real lol
All you silly girls and your talk of having sex….do you stick your vagina on your monitor while he pokes his with the tip of his dick? No really…I am quite curious as to how any of this is considered sex in your eyes.
Never cam sexed in my life, you got your mikeys mixed up honey. Now let’s stop shall we ?
No sure u haven’t I guess you don’t masturbate using a plastic pussy either huh ok I’ll stop now but u know I’m right
Yea but cam sex is still Not fucking, you need skin on skin !! Not cam to cam
No paparazzi, pls.
#25 For the same reason people choose to be fat or blonde or female or whatever. Some disabled folk cannot imagine themselves without their disability same as some women could never have a male avatar and some heterosexuals could never be gay in Second Life.
Also.. psssst… people in chairs can still have muscles.
#2.. thats not even the same adidas logo, it has been altered, do your research.
Name being removed or not – the symbol itself is likely copyrighted…hence why it looks bad for this designer to have used it.
They only took off the bottom line. >.>
Yes, it’s been altered and now only 98% of an adidas logo, but it’s clearly designed to ride their coat-tails.
still cheesy to do
SL Secrets:
Where butthurt dumpees and jealous creators can make any claim about the object of their bitterness regardless of truth.
SL Secrets comments:
Where the real truth can be found – as long as you’re willing to sift thru all the garbage to find it
Posts and comments should be taken with a grain of salt. I always side eye half the shit people say in comments.
Comments are where 90% of the secrets are disputed and a good lot of them are proven wrong. I don’t mind sifting through the garbage – cause the garbage is mostly made up of petty rivalries that always make me feel better about my relationships and my life. Win-win.
Kaiden was called out once before only to be rescued by his merry band of following hoes who dropped at his feet. He is a fake, I knew it instantly after speaking with him on many “lonely” nights. Like stated before me, his stories were never consistent. We became “friends” and things NEVER added up. I called him out and was blocked the next day, Facebook and in world. I figured others would figure it out as the secret I wrote about him months ago, no one believed. Sorry Kaiden, game over…. finally. Time to alt it up.
12: who gives a F if the bed is cold or not? The way Mikey’s been mistreated he deserves to move on to someone who won’t just vanish all the time.
#26 is a Lie. Who got their panties in a bunch cause he turned you down? Hmmmm?
Ha!’ok, whatever. Cubito is a chick and looks like a fool trying to play like a man. And hes one of the biggest social climber ass kissers, second only to Trouble Deathly. Who is also a chick. Go figure.
of course its a lie. He has a girlfriend … together both sl and rl.
That’s disgusting. She’s gross and always has been. I can’t wait to see what else is said on all this. Karma sure does come around. 😀