Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 519.
virtual-secrets: Week 519
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 247 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
First I want to thank everyone that has sent us triggered messages and threats via the web contact form. I don’t know why everyone is so upset this week. It seemed like a tame week to me.
Anyway take a moment to read the header before the secrets. Your autism, your lawyers, your misinformed FB diatribes don’t make us sympathize. They make us laugh at your antics.
Thanks for the behind the scenes entertainment.
Wow Why are you such a bitter pathetic person lol. People have a right to defend themselves and their reputations. Just shows how petty you are, how petty this site is, and how much of a life you don’t possess. Like are we supposed to be jealous of your empire built on talking shit about people # someone never left high school
Just a couple of cunts. Doing what cunts do. Amazing I got under that skin so badly. with something so minor. and yet i got enough attention on it that you both wised the hell up and are now posting on it. lol.
So you all can see what they said:
I see you are still salty that we’ve silenced you. You post here every week. Every week we trash your comments and keep you silenced. Why, because this site is owned by a couple of cunts. You forgot you don’t run shit here we do. So please keep up your efforts. I enjoy clicking trash several times a week when you try to comment.
Kess wanted to give you a 2nd chance. I said, never!! Once I’m crushing you under my heel I don’t let up until you are dust. So yes you are my amusement. Now go run tell dat to your new home. Kess and Lourdes were mean to you boohoo.
You new here?
If someone cares that much about what someone else they don’t know, on the internet, thinks about them, they should probably step away from the computer ASAP. The same goes for someone that thinks they need to defend or protect some reputation their avatar has.
We’ve seen some of the threats people have made and their long diatribes about being wronged. People are fucking looney toons sometimes, it would do us all well to laugh at them.
Although you got one thing right, your post reads like someone that hasn’t yet left high school, misused hashtag included.
***Avi reputations.. lol because everyone wants to make it big in toon world. =D
Are you supposed to be jealous?
As a counter point I think people have a right to keep their personal information private. Who gives a shit what strangers on the internet believe? Unless of course we are gearing up for a fundraiser? Is that what all this is about?
Oh forgot to add. – from someone who doesn’t say no to a bit B & D now and then, I think this Daddy/Baby Girl thing is just…..weird. R Kelly much?
Sometimes I want to log back into SL and piss enough people off to be talked about on SL secrets again……This statement may or may not be true!
@number 5 – they make mesh Westies now? Where do you get those in world???
I miss you!
Man, I love this site! Whoever is coming on here talking shit about people posting stuff can go suck one, this is called “SL Secrets” for a reason, so get your panties out the bunch. What an interesting feed we have here, and one in particular, LMFAOOOOOO @Escorting for pennies, when you cant get anymore pathetic, wow! I have seen that chick Torhuabitch a few times before, and all she does is run her fuckin mouth, I heard from my boy, she said some bs and made someone go off on her because she or he doesnt know when to shut it. Also I took my girl to get a few things and came across that bs ass hair at TMP, they need to delete that dry ass shit and try again .
Pathetic comment but do try next week but lets talk about how dead Indulge is. (:
I’m finding it very funny how people are coming in here making comments about how horrible it is for people to post secrets and gossip and blah blah on this website and how sad it is people are arguing back and forth and then I read someone saying this site is petty.
Funny thing is that these people are obviously reading the same “ petty” site and making their own “ petty” comments so your not much better than anyone else on here. In fact your not any better than anyone else on here. Your exactly the same as everyone else on here.
If it bothers you so much the things that go on this site then best solution would be to just stop reading he site. Stay off the page and leave the people that enjoy the site alone.
I come here to see who to stay away from inworld!
Amen.. its always fun and games until its their name up there then its the end of the world
Let me know : do you feel exciting when you read this site ? Do you feel happy ? It’s make your day happy when you read all these bitter words ?
Lot of peep read this site. No means that they clap in hands. It’s just show the sad face of humans.
In fact I do enjoy this site and sometimes it does make me happy which is why I come to the site and read it obviously. Your here too and your making comments which says your in here which says a lot about you as well.
Matter of fact my own name has been posted before but I’m still here reading and enjoying posts. So you can take your sad face and move on to rainbows and puppies.
That makes no cents
But yet you are here too.
haha you win!
You’re entirely too invested in a game / virtual platform if you feel the need to hate on everyone. You are all supposed to be adults and yet all of you are acting like gossiping sixteen year olds. You sit here in your protective bubble of internet, worrying about everyone else instead of just doing what makes you happy and doing what you enjoy. This isn’t real life, folks. SL is supposed to be fun, not something where everyone tries to find the dirt on others, posts it to a website and then spends hours arguing over it in the comments. I’m sorry you all are so insecure in your real lives that you have to be so petty. I truly am. This is why people leave and this is why a once thriving community is now a mess of alts and insults. Please, please, I am begging all of you, just grow up. Step away, go find a real problem to be pissed off about. Stop giving a flying fuck about what a mesh penis is doing and who said what. I promise you’ll be a happier person.
Now that I’ve said my piece, I’m going back to just being a roleplayer and hitting the little X on this browser tab. I challenge the rest of you to do the same.
If you wanna get reeeal technical, people leave SL for loads of reasons; so it’s a bit naieve to say places like SL Secrets is some sort of ‘Big Bad’ that’s driving players out substantially. A lot of people leaving can be attributed to costs and limitations of the platform. LL did not adjust their pricing for land when the economy (in the US) started to take more of a dive. In fact, any improvements they’ve been trying to make to balance the economy in world have only been happening in the last couple years. The price of L has been going up in the last half a year or so as well, pushing people who used to buy L to shop on a regular to become much more frugal. This also impacts overall sales for SL creators since now customers are becoming much more selective out of necessity. Couple this with the cost to maintain an inworld storefront, and creators have to work much harder to please the same customers they had been selling to. SL has also faced a lot of technical limitations that some users don’t want to keep putting up with. Inversely, when they make major progressive jumps (the advent of mesh, the addition of Bento), there are growing pains for consumers and creators in SL. When mesh finally replaced almost all demand for texture layer-based clothing, creators either learned how to mesh (or rig when rigged mesh became a thing) or gave up. Customers now needed to buy mesh bodies and sometimes appendages and heads (which were made obsolete by Bento fairly quickly). These were high-cost purchases to make just to get an Avatar going vs how easily one could get started in the past since you were only skinning and adding attachments to the… Read more »
I seriously doubt anything posted to SL Secrets ever sent someone sulking or screaming away from SL…. I agree with pocketsand on this one.
This site has been running for 10+ years sooo… kinda silly and ignorant to blame it for any loss of SL residents.
Sooooo, which secret was about you?
The only interresting comment is there !
#7 what’s wrong with you guys and the daddy rules? Daddy needs to protect you. He needs to cum for you. You can be sassy, a brat, being asshole to make him punish you, slap and ooooooh of course again taking care of you with his dick! What does a daddy get from you? Nothing. He is your cock slave. All that shit rules and they even want the daddy to pay… daddy do this. Daddy do that. Daddy should wear the handbag for you. That’s a daddy. Caring your handbag and always cock and money ready to serve you dominate girls. That’s the truth. Daddy got no powers. Babygirl got.
So he carries the handbag and you wear the cock. Got it.
Baby Gir/Daddy trend…it’s just Weird
who the fuck wants to fuck a guy that is that much of a pussy?? lol carry ur bag?! thats as stupid as cuckolding …yes to each his own i know.. but i could never understand having a punk ass guy.. my pet peeve
amen Me- that’s no real man, that’s a mommas boy basement dweller
#10 Ooooooohhhhhh Ines Lauria, why do you like to talk shit about other people and forget how slutty you are? It seems like you can stay out of the SL just for a few days, because your need for the pixel dicks is so strong, right? There is no competition you whore, give a lil break to your pussy you slut! 🙂 Ooooohhhh and how about all the things that you are saying about your friends behind their back ??? That must be verrrryyyyy honest from you 🙂 Kisses
jez man….maybe you need get some life than focus on “sl whores” then? Click “X” in the right corner and go do laundry 🙂
This all flickr group started to be annoying,I use to go to Black Milk regulary with my friends but it started be place where people just shit and is shame.On Neva and Keon place i would think a little because for Ines manny stop coming there,instead you enjoy in tunes you need listen her rude and annoying tongue.I really don’t know who finds it amusing but she makes people not feel welcomed there
Are you sure you was at the same Black Milk’s place.
I use to go sometimes and I never heard Ines with rude words. All is about joke and fun for people who don’t feel paranoid. For me, this team is a strong team that nobody can destroy with some bullshits.
How much club where team take all in a serious way ? With hosts jealous about other host ? Who change staff member each month ?
I can’t log every saturday but when I can, it’s a cool moment to go there. It’s fresh and different than we used to see in SL.
ohhh hello Ines’s monkey! 🙂 Let me ask you how many Black Milk’s places exist in SecondLife?
So you went there a couple of times and you see the strong team? Seriously?! Seems like you are there more than you’re saying 🙂 right? How strong that team is, we should ask Keon and Ines how often they are fucking behind Neva’s back and making the team very powerful!
Black Milk used to be fresh and different long time ago, we are talking about 2 years back when Ines was not around, but now its just another random place on the grid not so interesting, because of the staff that ruins it . People like to go to a club where they can feel positive vibes and where they feel welcomed by the staff members and that’s def not Black Milk! As you can notice, it’s not full anymore and less and less people are going there.
That place smells on Ines shitty private party and it’s far away from the open public club!
Eh no it’s not a cool club, it’s just a place for smugs. Nice try Ines 🙂
You won.
Insert coin and play again !
#56: This is why I always laughed at escorting game in SL. Bitches would pride themselves on making pennies to the dollar of what even the worse cam girls could pull down. Seriously, in the sea of SL thottier why would I pay a dollar when I coould get it for free from any of the hoes described above that post.
the 900 Ls was like a #2 at McDonalds thats why.. keeping heffas happy
#7 Farrah is so two faced we used to be friends but her bs put an end to that she confessed to only being with her ex for the lindens & what she could gain from him, isn’t that a form of prostitution Farrah? Go crawl back under the rock you managed to pull your fat ass up out of and go back to being star the hoe!!!!!
#23 Keely Mistwood really is just a big vagina that sucks in cocks and money, it’s crazy how many jobs she has in SL, staying online for hours and whoring herself out to help that dude out when it’s obvious he has better things to do with his time and life. He comes on a few times a week, and you can see she is desperate to get as many pictures of them together as she can to continue the farce that they really are a couple.
lmao 27 thumbs down, did the Stromfields discover VPNs or what?
… and ?
Is Keely disturb your RL mind than you are so hatefull ?
I’m always so disappointed when I’m not on secrets for the week, or when the person I know is making my secrets isn’t on for copybotting some more :(( so much sad I’d almost waste more than 10 minutes a week on here and make a secret myself but I have to go do shit unfortunately
Yet you took the time to write this out?. Obviously don’t have that much to do
#38- no one ever stole anyone away from someone else. no one was ever forced to cheat &/or leave. can’t force the willing.
#7 Okay let’s try not freak out about the kinky shit some people get into in their personal lives. Deal?
I think the daddy dom and babygirl genre of bdsm has completely swarmed SL so much that those who would be classified as pedophiles have taken on that umbrella to mask their true sick intentions and as a result, that genre gets a bad rep in SL.
This discussion brings to mind this little cue card I saw while browsing tumblr (see below) DDLG is not ageplay and it is not pedophilia. The line is so thin in this type of roleplay and things can get misconstrued so easily. Frankly, in my opinion, I think these things should be kept private. It’s no body business what you do behind closed doors or in private with your partner, stop making public announcements about it on facebook! We all over share and as a result, the pitch forks come out and people sit back and think they have a right to judge you like they breathe life into your lungs.
Honestly, people who have the time to sit back and accumulate screenshots of the private kinks of others need to get laid one good time. I bet if you’re buried in some D you wouldn’t have time to sit around lining and dotting “i”s on facebook. Kink shamers need to get a life. Let’s argue.
Honestly, I wish SL was a paid game to separate the sex aspects from people that just want to come on and build, hang with friends and explore. In the early days of SL it was toted as a new world that the player could build on, and it was great- until the sex popped up. I am not saying to close down adult areas , but have some boundaries. The amount of older perverted men joining the game is alarming but they are being enticed by all this Little sexual play. If you look at the description of the game now, it has Strong Sexual Play on it now. It’s pretty much embarrassing to let anyone know you play Second Life, or as they call it now, sex life. Lastly, I am no prude, but what is happening to the game is now , seems like it will belly up in a few years.
People have been saying that all the sex and sexualized things in sl are ruining it, since 2006, at least. They’ve also been saying that would kill off sl quickly since 2006. That was over 12 years ago, and those claims have still not come true. In recent years the userbase has even stopped declining, and has been sitting on a pretty steady flow.
You can still enjoy sl completely and avoid all the sex and sex related things whenever you’d like. It doesn’t even take much effort, at all. It doesn’t make someone a prude to want to avoid it as much as possible, either. If it’s all you’re finding, that is entirely on you.
this made me crack up merely because remember a while back SL had a posting of Dr. Phil making an avi and exploring for TV?? i wonder if he knew just how nasty a floor he was walking on..lol and what may be happening underground
Except DDLG people call themselves Littles and I have seen situations where they were in Little Space and being extremely sexual. There’s a reason “Daddy’s cummies” is a meme, ya know.
That makes every last one of us who have a child avatar or a Little look bad. I can’t even call myself a Little without a comment on how it’s a sexual BDSM thing because people – specifically Tumblr – have ruined the word. I’ve had photos of glitter and child-like things reblogged with #DDLG and #BDSM and other disgusting tags attached. I’ve seen cute photos of a person dressed child-like, coloring, overlaid with the text “Waiting to please Daddy when he comes home” or “Waiting for Daddy to choke me with his cock”. Why is this even a thing if it’s “non-sexual”?
Look at all the months I’ve been here, commenting and banging heads together that child avatars aren’t sexual and Little isn’t a sexual thing partly because of this DDLG crap that was adopted by idiots who do not understand BDSM, claimed the word, and made it into the pedo bait it is now. There was even an item on the MP that was a very skimpy, sexual outfit for a child called “Date with Daddy”.
If you’re doing things like this, maybe you deserve to be shamed. It’s really dodgy. Also I don’t want to get laid and I don’t need to. I’m wholly asexual 😛
A-Kid I totally understand your feels and even though I don’t have a child avi I also deal with the same things in many ways as others blindly over sexualize no matter which one I wear.
If I wear my Female avi suddenly I’m suppose to be a THOT, wear my main avi I’m automaticly a Twink , wear my Femboy I’m some cum depository. Even though I’m not Asexual I definitely don’t appreciate people assuming I’m suppose to be banging every dude that lays eyes on me and happens to “Likey Likey”.
Over the years I have found it’s best to think of SL as a version of the mind of a teenage boy who is experimenting with sex and sexuality that they know little about… so everything is going to be sexualized no matter how innocent and non sexual it is… Bronies is a good example of this (those of you who don’t know it is the adult male fan base for My Little Pony who some have actually sexualized the kid show in ways that are just facepalm)… After I started viewing SL that way it made it easier in dealing with others in SL who seem to use the platform as a way to experiment with sex in ways they would never do in RL because you really can’t get too upset once you visualize some teenager going out and exploring the unknown and making silly mistakes while doing so.
(Those of you who are ready to lynch mob me here because I associated under 18 age category with “Sex” keep your panties on and remember that teenagers do think about sex a lot and can be very sexual. I am just talking about the mindset not adults taking advantage of someone under aged)
Man… reading comprehension is rare these days. As soon as you disclosed that you have a child avatar, everything you said became irrelevant. I don’t see how anyone in the DDLG community can make you or anyone with a child avatar look bad if the avatars in question are adult avatars. In fact, I am curious as to how you wound up within a DDLG roleplay space in SL with your kid avatar? How did you come across the words “daddy cummies” anyway? Never even heard of that. A pedo bait is not just someone using the word “little”, a “pedo bait” in my opinion, is a fucking child avatar. If we are to really get into what lures pedos, I doubt they run after fully developed women and men who simply refer to themselves as “little”. It’s a word that doesn’t change their appearance, just like calling oneself “puppy girl” doesn’t make one a puppy. It is nothing compared to grown adults who use kid avatars and baby talk in SL. With kid avatars you are roleplaying as a kid and pretending to be a child, diapers and all. In DDLG they are not roleplaying as kid avatars but, merely adapting some attributes such as the frilly dresses (made for adults), candy (not exclusive to children ), coloring books ( which surprisingly enough are available to adults for stress relief and so on ) and many other factors that provide a temporary escape from the responsibilities of being an adult. Again, DDLG is not pedophilia and it is not age play. These are not kid avatars and in fact, if you see a “kid avatar” participating within a ddlg scene I hope you do your due diligence as a SL resident and report that asshole because, kid avatars should… Read more »
Are you just not understanding that your opinion is yours? It can not be pedophilia or ageplay to YOU all day, does not mean that other people see it the same way. Also you are defending a community where some of the people are extremely pushing those boundaries to the point of pedophila. Sorry, that shit don’t fly with anyone. If you are so much into that scene, then maybe your energy should be used on the people who are tainting the image of DDLG instead of attempting to go after people who are seeing more of the pedo issue that it’s become in SL. Don’t get mad if someone’s moral compass is stronger than yours and also don’t try to brush off their opinions as bad reading comprehension.
I am not defending the entire community, I am merely stating what DDLG is and what it is not. I already said several times that there are people who cross the line into pedophilia on secondlife and those are the people who should be targeted and reprimanded. Kid avatars should not be anywhere near any sexual roleplay. This is not rocket science people.
DDLG is not to blame here, it is the misrepresentation of it that you should be shining a light on.
Anyway, debate is over for me as I am repeating some of the same things I’ve said several times. I don’t even roleplay on secondlife, I’m lazy and busy but, I read when I get curious. Instead of hunting down nasty phrases associated with things maybe you lot should be doing some background research.
Help me out here…. if it’s not the clothes, candy, colouring books, swing-sets, childish bedroom, or how they refer to themselves as littles… the only difference is if they have a 4’5″ foot shape or a 5’8″ shape? Ah, but boobies you say, well then, is a scrawny 5’8″ male avatar with a 6″ cock and pubes a kid or in a DDBB relationship?
What?… Why can’t you ask them directly? Or are you making assumptions based on their style choices? I don’t know many children who are 5’8 irlife
So kink shamers need to get a life, your reference to this is a tumblr / urban dictionary image and in order to people to understand this they need to buried in Dick. This is the most intelligent conversation I have ever seen. Bravo.
I didn’t comment on this to educate you or anyone. If that is all you could summarize from my comment, then that’s your problem. When an idiot fails to grasp an idea, does that mean, the person explaining is unintelligent, or the person receiving the information has difficulty understanding? Whose fault is it that you’ve drawn up such a narrow conclusion on this topic?
My main point here is, people need to stop posting this shit in the public arena. Keep your kinks behind closed doors. Isn’t facebook for the general public? As I recall mature content is prohibited.
The way this genre of BDSM plays itself out in SL has become weird in some instances, and I will agree with some instances would be considered age play or pedophilia but, that is not what ddlg is about. That was the second point I was trying to make. Too bad you got lost in the banter.
So you call people idiots and say they are drawing a narrow conclusion? All because you don’t agree with it? People are allow to have different opinions and it’s not about them having difficulty understanding. Sorry that I find it repulsive that a man would want to be with a woman who looks like a child and calls herself a little girl. I don’t care what kind of spin you try to place on it to attempt to make it right, some will find it not.
I call people idiots all the time when it’s fitting. It’s a free word, I can use it within context when I see fit. In this case, I wasn’t calling you an idiot in particular but, you can apply that where fits.
You are allowed to have your opinion on the topic, you should have shared that in your initial comment instead of that patronizing spiel.
Like I said before, there are differences between ageplay, pedophilia and ddlg. In ddlg there is no “looking like a child” it’s only on SL that people push that narrative and turn the whole thing into that sick genre of pedophilia. The participants (or submissive in this case ) are not children, they are full grown adults who just happen to “act immaturely” when roleplay ensues. It’s the same thing in pet play, just because, the participant is role playing a horse and has the leather gear, straps and restraints does that mean they are an actual horse? Should the person dress their avatar as an actual horse to effectively roleplay within the “pet play” genre in BDSM? Somethings are just common sense. If I dress up in a horse costume does that mean I am trying to be an actual horse?
We need to have a clear distinction between these boundaries, so we can weed out the actual monsters that prey on kids. Just because you have a gravel doesn’t mean everything is a wooden pallet, judge.
Thanks for agreeing that it turns into a sick genre of pedophilia in second life. That is the fucking reason why people are pissed.
Not always but, in some cases yeah. If kid avatars are participating in a DDLG scene then that is a major red flag.
Because tumblr is the source we should trust to tell us what is decent in life.
Tumblr is usually a cesspool of idiocracy but this is pretty accurate. Ageplay is not my kink, I don’t particularly want to hang around people who do it but what you do in your bedroom as 2 adults is not my business.
I was hoping you could use deductive reasoning as an adult. The definition of ageplay and pedophilia are pretty clear to me there but, if tumblr has misinformed, please share your take on those terms.
#9 LOL Um photo shows a flat foot with the ankle purposely articulated. While I would agree it is articulated a little too much, an ankle lock would make the foot go to default 90 degree angle so would look stupid since seems the intent is to make a pointed foot using a flat foot (yanno, like on real feet). If a posemaker has to resort to using ankle locks, they suck in general and if they never articulate the foot, they still suck.
Yeah, I bet the moron who made that secret uses their high foot pose all the time in pics, as if anyone could actually do that with their foot outside a shoe for any length of time without considerable stress and pain *facepalm*
LOL @ #15.
I don’t even know Lance, only by name, but you realize this is basically a compliment right? Have you ever seen a duck’s dick? It’s longer than it’s entire body. And curly! There, that’s a thing you know now.
Congrats on your giant curly duck penis, Lance. 🙂
You forgot to mention that duck penises actually look disgusting too ( well from a human’s perspective, I bet ducks can’t resist those )

This is one of the last things I would expect to see from this site. I am actually shocked!
I’ll never ever make a duckface again
jesus christ.. is that real? lol i need to start watching natgeo more. lmao
#18 – Yay the illegible red font -_-
oops it’s #20 sorry
i thought the numbers were above the pics hehe
Been a loyal customer for a few years now and it’s quite sad to watch the company (Kiana), piss it all away in the name of GREED. Yep, as a few have mentioned, MadPea now wants to CHARGE a monthly fee to ‘help’ their peas. Perhaps those that work for MadPea should be treated better as well as compensated better to keep people from running away in DROVES. People don’t need to have worked for the company to know a hint of what is going on. I paid plenty in the past to play lots of their games, gachas, hunts ect but now, I have to PAY a monthly fee for the privilege of getting help for a game (or whatever) or to get customer service? Sorry, I’ll go elsewhere. I’m sure there will be some customers that pay to join that new ‘premium members’ group, the rest of us won’t and I’m sure those that do will quickly see how they are flushing their L$ away. Shame on MadPea for betraying their loyal customers all in the name of MOAR LINDZ PLZ! I hope fellow Peas will walk away, at least until the company remembers those that helped make it what it once was.
Nothing free here, move along!
Just saw Kiana In the MadPea Carnival. So I began using my throwing money typer, it felt right.
Even though I’m not a “Loyal Customer” because I’ve only ever bought one thing from Mad Pea. (Which was some giant rooster statue and only got it for the sole purpose of telling a friend “come see my big black cock” cause yeah who can resist that kind of troll >.>)…
I’m kinda sad to see this happening because when someone gets the “glint of gold” in they eye it’s all they can see and has brought many a person to ruin in SL and RL. Unfortunately the only way to cure this so to speak is for the person to fall hard and often times it doesn’t happen as others bail them out of the mess they made for themselves whilst stumbling around blind to anything but that golden glint.
But not is all lost because what also happens many times is others step up to the plate to fill the void of the Original Awesomeness. So hopefully the Employees/Co-creators we have been hearing from who do not support this turn of events team up and create something new to bring back the old Mad Pea motto and design under a new name and management.
best 1st sentence ever lol
OR MadPea reads these comments and gets a dose of the reality that their customers are not going to go along with their new money-grabbing schemes. Either way, as a customer, I’d still be happy
Whether or not she is lying about having it. Breast cancer IS diagnosed in stages so putting that up as a lie is incorrect.
Stage I. Starting at this level, breast cancer is called invasive, meaning it has broken free to attack healthy tissue.
Stage 1A means the cancer has spread into the fatty breast tissue. The tumor itself is no larger than a shelled peanut, or there may be no tumor
Stage IB means some cancer cells, but just tiny amounts, have been found in a few lymph nodes.
Stage II. The cancer has grown, spread, or both.
IIA means the tumor in the breast is still small, if there’s one at all. There may be no cancer in the lymph nodes, or it may have spread to as many as three
Stage III. The cancer has not spread to bones or organs, but it’s considered advanced, and it’s harder to fight.
Stage IV. Breast cancer cells have spread far away from the breast and lymph nodes right around it. The most common sites are the bones, lungs, liver, and brain. This stage is described as “metastatic,” meaning it has spread beyond the region of the body where it was first found.
Source : https://www.webmd.com/breast-cancer/guide/stages-breast-cancer#1
#5 – Does talk about people behind their back, lies about everything, and people will realise that there will be gaps in her stories eventually! Is she actually who’s she says she is?
#10 It’s *liar, retard.
So if English isn’t their first language they are retarded for not being able to spell correctly? Grow up!
If I was writing something that wasn’t my first language, I would be double checking my spelling. It called http://www.dictionary.com
That English comes from Ines Lauria ???
At that, the idiots just bandying about the word “retard” and all its forms need a swift slap upside the head. It truly is an offensive and tasteless display of ignorance.
#18, she is nothing more then an internet hardass, get her alone she turns to mush
#45 They don’t even look like the same dress. The one above is longer on the side and has a different lower shape than the one beneath it. They are very very very similar I will give you that but they are def not the same dress
I don’t know why people are getting all worked up about the cancer secret. The cancer con is old as the internet. At this point many people take it with a grain of salt. Sadly so many con artists and attention whores have made it so legit people get the side eye.
I don’t know if the woman has cancer or not. The only 2 people that one 100% know for sure is her and her doctor. So please keep the indignation under the control. Once bitten twice shy.
Ya know, Mayza is a friend. She was forced in tears today to post her medical records in FB because of this. There may be scams but I like to think that the outing here of the few who do scam does not justify EVER the damning of the innocent who are suffering and fighting. Who made you Judge Judy with a Salem, MA drivers license? You approved it. Take ownership of your mistake and be respectful of those in pain. Be brave like her, Lourdes.
isnt that the same chic dressed as a kid on a lap last week?
Ummmm, no. No one is – was ever forced to back up their story/claim/situation. Just don’t try to victimize her with that. She posted up something cause she wanted to.
Ok fill me in here. What mistake did I make that I need to be brave about?
Also, how/why is someone “forced” to post their medical records on social media to a bunch of strangers?
Anyway my point in the original comment was that kind hearted people have been burned in the past. You all act like someone faking cancer is far fetched. It’s not and people have a right to be wary. Also previous cancer con artists have posted medical records and bills they claimed were for treatments. So, it’s hard to tell who is genuine or not.
I get person in question being mad as someone might be trolling her or just an arse but that is indeed the ideal situation as ‘cancer’ is absolute favourite scam in SL. Seen few people ‘die’ and be perfectly fine IRL (Book of Adam or some other male name was the one I can think of now). It is probably favourite due to most people having dealt with cancer IRL and would love to help others but yeah …. that gets scammers going.
Are these ‘pedo’ hystericals missing the fact that these avatars have mature bodies with breasts and other secondary sex characteristics, though? These are women with youthful faces, not children.
Plenty of them are “women” with blatantly childlike faces, not just “youthful”. Proportions that literally only exist in child faces are disturbingly common, and just because those women have tits doesn’t mean they aren’t playing underage.
Yes, they are missing that fact. Along with some brain cells
i guess when they ride ‘daddy’ the babyface is what he likes to look at… grossness
No actually the majority of people see it as sick and disgusting. They don’t try to justify that kind of shit with labels like pedo hysterical or saying it’s youthful faces.
i find the daddy secret creepy as fuck, but none of those “pedo” pics are that disturbing. To say with authority that the majority of people find it sick and disgusting would be incorrect, presumptuous and is a hasty generalization.
How is a youthful face that doesn’t have intent to engage in ageplay be disgusting? I have never looked at a person with a young looking face both in RL and SL and thought to myself, “that’s disturbing.”
No, rather people with buffalo asses in sl disgust me. They disgust me in RL too. It’s called fat. Fat and unhealthy.
People who engage in age play with young looking avatars (read avatars which includes the shape of the body and face) disgust me, but people with youthful faces? Still a negative.
No satisfying the pedo-hystericals unless you make your avatar look 3 meters tall, decrepit, and rotund.
May I know what kind of skirt is the girl wearing in #3? (right above the middle finger pics? lol
looks like the hapa skirt by BOOM to me. If it’s not that one it’s REAAAlllly Close to it.
#7 What in the entire fuck???
#36 um wrong platform lol
I have come to the conclusion that at least 50% of the personal attacks on here, are butthurt exes x’D lol. So like #35 and 18. Like the two of you must be doing something right, for someone to pathetically try to pull you down
OK for the first time, let me have fun making some comments directly on the secrets:
#17 – if you want her to see you, buy a mesh body in the first place
#25 – Since he’s so very evil, give us his name please
#55 – Really do you go and check on reverse search all penis photos you receive? I take it for granted those I get to be all fake, I’ve got a remarkable collection
#25 is “Mitch.Guardian” part of https://voodoo.community/en
lol@55 you should actually reverse search all.. penis is a first though… im guessing it had to be like laying on a fur blanket down his leg . lmao
Ella…someone pretends to not like me and then suddenly you delete and block me.
I gave you clothes..I played with you..I introduced you to my family then at the end of the day you called me rude and mean and blocked me.
Nah you NOT my best friend..you never were. Friends don’t delete people because of what other people may or may not think. You’re a poor excuse for a friend and now like I said the other day LEAVE ME ALONE! go find someone to copy and love and be like because it aint gunna be me anymore..I don’t do second chances
#13 MadPea,
you couldn’t get people to pay L$1kish/month for stuff that was actually good (your monthly blind boxes) why would people pay for things you used to offer for free? Weekly drawings used to be offered to anyone who had your locations in their profile, free gifts were given out every Friday , game help was just a chat away in a group that was free to join. But now you’re gating it all behind a paywall? Are we supposed to believe that price is worth points to spend at your crappy carnival?
The welcome gift for joining as a gold member is a hangar build for 420li. 420 li!? I have fully furnished homes that use less.
You’re washed up and desperate and we can all smell it. I hope your fearless leader changes her business plan before you completely tank.
#34 kinky. I want to bang both of them. At the same time. That naddel make me wanna owww ahhh.
Leave it to talentless SL’ers to try to tarnish a name i mean. https://www.zhangjingna.com/
@ #44 Uhg I agree, sex seems to sell better than an actual op or jsk with a blouse so they remove all those aspects and make it low cut and above the knee. I also doesn’t help that lolita fashion and nymphet fashion seem to be interchangeable to people when it’s not.
I appreciate your username. I’m so happy to see that someone gets this. It’s pretty unfortunate that Lolita is such a niche that it doesn’t sell well when you do it properly 🙁
Drew used to go around pretending he was an actual kid before he came onto SL back when he owned a forum alongside a guy named panther. The shit that he’s done is creepy and doing a google search on his name pulls up some interesting results. The fact this guy used pictures of a random kid and pretended to be him proves hes some kind of sexually predatory creeper.
AH yes Drew… the one that never seemed to age over 13/14. What a mooching fraud he is, tell me do 13 to 14 year olds drive mopeds, ask for funding for computers to play second life , look for people to fund cameras and then have no shame to ask for repairs on another moped. I don’t mind helping people on these sites but at least be honest with who you are and what you are. And more fool the crazy people who donated to this crock of shit. https://imgur.com/a/tQqdprX
He has another one as well, all you have to do is search his name on the site and you’ll find it, lol. Both of them are still open.
Drew and Colbydark need to become boyfriends!
Yep, that’s definitely Drew. Wasn’t Drew exposed as being an old man a few years ago? But like Dokkiesdoodah said, I’m not sure how he hasn’t been banned.
I really don’t understand how he is still on the grid. The amount of times he broke TOS continually, stories he was seen sexing it up with adult men was many. I don’t remember the forum but i do remember he was tracked on a few websites, one of which was a boylove site and posting pictures of his made up stolen boys pics to various creepers with comments like “do you like my body ? etc”. He was never an actual kid, just an old pedo. If you google his name , you get a lot of his art and his background on the net with Flickr etc. So I agree with the poster, how he was never banned by Linden Labs is a disgrace, especially when they are so ready to delete other peoples accounts on less evidence. Guy is a sicko !
@Dokkiesdoodah & NegativeThoughts I totally get what you are saying and such but you both are throwing around certain terminology that is way off and has no connection to what you are speaking of….
Dokkie: Now while I don’t know the correct term of whatever site you speak of because well I’m not into that stuff.. it definitely isn’t Boys Love aka BL because BL is an offshoot of Yaoi which is most often written by girls for the fujoshi “rotten girls” fan base. I’m quite positive that he isn’t into targeting the Ladies so yeah uhm not BL at all.
NT: that avatar you speak of isn’t a “female/transgender” it’s known as a Femboy (these aren’t children, female, nor transgender) and the term you are using is a very insulting slur to the rest of the Femboy population that has no association to Drew or the things he does! You might as well have thrown in some term there that should never be said and probably could not type out even here on sl secrets and have it pass the moderation phase.
Drew does sound like quite the “Sicko” but please when presenting your cases do your homework specially when you are using terms you don’t know anything about Okies!
Coffee, when I say Boylove I mean that, not Boys Love. They are two very different things . Boylove aka BL in the terminology refers to sites that are made as forums for BLers . i.e Lovers of Boys that refer to real life as in NAMBLA and not the anime form. He was posting pictures of a real life person which was proven not to be him, on sites that have members who are attracted to real life pre-teen or teen boys. Not his avatar. As for the transgender part, it is known that Drew has dabbled into every term going to describe what he is, he even describes himself as a transgender boy in his profile, he has female genitalia on his avatar so he is Transgender in this latest guise . So we do know the difference between the two, look at his profiles and you will see what he describes himself as. I have never seen “Femboy” mentioned in his descriptions but Transgender many times.
oh okies I stand corrected! I so didn’t look at his profile because well I’m not interest in that kind of “sickness” and wow something like NAMBLA actually is around ewww.. Sorry for jumping the gun on that as I have a Femboy avi and do enjoy the manga form of BL I get a lot of those who do not know the difference and say things that make it auto “grrr mode” at times specially when I get called all sorts of things by people that is meant to degrade me for not having a manly man avi.
but either way thanks for the quick clarification and yeah that Drew stuff be ewww
Yeah the kid is a real disgusting human he was actually chased off a website made for teens to back when he was exposed supposedly by a or several users.
Hmm interesting.. Known for stealing peoples artwork.. Now where have i heard that before?
Pretending to be a kid threatening to get his parents involved for his fake account being banned.
It seems that the site he used to roam made for teens that he inducted himself into suddenly disappeared however, i know for a fact many people have come forward. I think this individual shouldn’t be on any kind of platform whatsoever and everything is does is disgusting and possibly illegal.. Hes even gone as far as to making a pixiv posting nudes of his “female/transgender” SL avatar which shouldn’t be on that site considering I’d highly imagine they would portray that as child porn. Either way LL should take action against his account. His drewtenma account i remember got in trouble and banned but he hasn’t used that for some reason.
Yeah, all of that is Drew making a fuss out of everything when he is found out. I have seen that Pixiv site, so creepy and the labels he puts on there too for what are photos of SL kids . Links in with Jaimie Syn too I should not wonder , she has the same bullshit coming from her as Drew does. It’s not a coincidence . This was my favourite of Drew exposing . https://imgur.com/a/Aje65ju
Well i found the site he was exposed on https://www.mylol.com/forum_thread.asp?t=381409&r=9&last=1
#2 Maybe you should get to know the health service here a little better, maybe they can teach you about the difference between grades and stages. All you managed to do here is prove how little you know.
re: #2 – Mayza, honey, you might want to purge your FB friends list since someone on it is sharing your posts with virtual-secrets and who knows where else… You don’t need that kind of shit from people who are just there to trash talk or spy on you.
I peeked, her feed is set to public- so it wasn’t necessarily a friend who posted that.
#3 Draven? Isn’t that the guy who returned most of FMD and thats why it looks shit now?
We have all seen your “letter”. Lmao
Your post proves nothing. You could have typed that letter yourself.
You could just have a random appointment there.
It still doesn’t prove you have cancer.
Nobody gonna believe you regardless
Actually, it is the real deal. With a little detective work and the knowledge on the formatting on those forms, that’s real. I have seen the post that she is talking about, and after seeing that, and going through some medical routes I have available to me, checking how their forms normally look for that hospital, it’s legitimately from the hospital. I have also seen other posts that she has done in the past, regarding issues with a doctor she was seeing and how she went for a second opinion. Whoever wrote that secret is not telling you the truth here. Her time frames on how things were going, what she went through, etc. are believable.
So I managed to type that in the 10 mins since sl secrets came out and the appointment is the cancer unit so what does that tell you lol I’m not even replying anymore because you are just stupid and I have a feeling I know you so if I do you’re just a pussy who’s too scared to IM me grow a pair of balls
mayza i dont’ know you and i would never wish cancer on anyone so good luck with that.
But you’re engaging with the trolls too much. You’re feeding them info when they have no right to it. I shouldn’t even know that you have cancer but I do, all because you fed into the troll. Just stop, let go, move on. Your life and your treatment will go better for you when you’re in a positive mindset.
I don’t want to hear another thing about you mayza on this website.
Breast cancer can be diagnosed by stage and grade. ( https://breast-cancer.ca/survicanc/) Just saying …back to the drama
What kind of sick fucked up mess are you that you are sitting on her timeline and then coming here to bitch. You are the ‘nobody’ you speak off because you are a worthless piece of shit to attack someone who has had a cancer scare
If you want to be dumb and naive to believe her then that’s your problem
We have all seen your “letter”. Lmao
Your post proves nothing. You could have typed that letter yourself.
You could just have a random appointment there.
It still doesn’t prove you have cancer.
Nobody gonna believe you regardless
if you hate someone on the basis of what u know or heard why do this anon it makes you look like a coward and its disgusting it also poisons the sl community as a whole it might be funny to “expose” people but at the end of it all what you going to do when secondlife becomes irrelevant due to the petty shit this site does or the drama it creates
I live for the rose posts
#15 not only looks a rachet mess but them t-rex arms though. Maybe she wouldn’t be so bitchy if she was able to flick the bean once in a while.
Morning Everyone.. today just feels like a belgium waffle day with fruit and whip cream.. the who shabang with a side of fresh french press coffee yes!
As I read through the secrets today I felt quite irked by this “Jingna Zhang”… as someone who really enjoys doing pics in SL and knowing how much.. or actually how little effort she put into those pics she is charging 5k & 8.5k makes me livid… I totally understand being inspired by someone’s work but to morph a face onto the actual piece and change some sliders around for colors and contrast add some blur or whatever which is maybe 15 minutes worth of work then to charge for it is just so Wrong! Shit; her name isn’t even original she stole it from an actual well known rl photographer that does pics for magazines like Vogue! How dare she do such a thing!…but then again if people are stupid enough to buy from her I guess it’s on them for making it possible for her to do this.
Also, this week seems to have a lot of “Pedo” things… now after reading #8 which is major eye roll TMI and should be in some BDSM/Kink/Daddy Dom forum or website not FB because really there are things that you don’t talk about with certain company. But, looking at #6 really people need to consider for a second that if that is the 1st thing you think of every time you see something slightly “childlike”maybe you might be Projecting a little? Just food for thought.
as far as #54 I don’t know why but my gut feeling is that it’s most likely true or at least if there was proof that is the case I wouldn’t be surprised or shocked in the least.
Morphs are so yesterday! No one wants those anymore anyhow. REAL ART could make that kind of money but basic snapshots with a few “skills” is not worth that kind of L.
ill never understand why people liked morphs in the first place.. thats the creepiest shit ever..
Hi everyone!
I have to disappoint you, I’m not associated with Cerberus in any way and your secret makes no sense
I know Cerberus for 4 years already and we have always been in relation – creator friend another creator. And just to make you sure I haven’t spoke with Cerb for really long time ( approximately 2 – 3 years). I’ve never had a single problem with him, his lifestyle, his girlfriends and they all could certainly tell you they have no problem with me either.
Actually I do not really know what kind of advantage would it bring me to spread rumors about Cerberus running a cult. Perhaps you know that better than me! Tell me! show me all the magical logs you are holding against me ! Don’t forget to explain why would I do all of this, pretty please.
All I could certainly tell you that when it was discussed on his Plurk long time ago I just laughed at it how absurd it was.
For you, super secret OP, maybe you could use search machine and find out the moment when I actually defended Cerb to recognize I’ve never spoke against him. I got a proof as well.
Just like you never talked trash about Jordan Giant, Oakley Foxtrot, Cory Edo, Trompe Loeil and … ? Keep going?
Yeeess keep going :p
everyone talks trash about oakley though so give em a pass for that ;D
#2 First thing that grabbed my attention was this comment ‘ Sadly I know your local health service, you would have been in by now!’ – Poster of Number two. Are you in the habit of stalking people online? Is there any particular reason that YOU feel the need to tell SL Secrets and whomever else you’ve been crying to about this woman’s personal business. Unless you’re the damn Doctor giving the tests, you know fuck all so stop being a cunt and get on with your own life.
Honestly, I don’t know the woman nor do I know you but I will tell you one thing. You’re the biggest cunt I’ve ever come across, deactivate your account you don’t deserve to be on SL if this is how you behave. I dare you to try and defend calling out someone’s medical business and claiming that they’re lying about it and if you have gone to the effort of prying on their business, I’d step back into the dark before you get yourself into some serious trouble.
The Derp has been triggered, I despise posters of this nature. @Coffeebreak, I need one of your charming gifs for this moment!
found a gif and posted it… but seems to be lost in getting accepted stage
we can’t be trusted with our links.. well maybe mine sent us all to moderation.. joking… ive been trying to be more ladylike lately. lol ;D
Agreed. I can’t stand people who put down others illnesses especially cancer. How DARE THEY assume someone is lying. I know too many including RL family fighting that battle….. grrrrrrrrrrr.
idk i understand it from both ends.. its sad that people really would lie about having cancer though.. its def not unheard of in SL thats for sure. i wouldnt wish that awful disease on anyone
Because the chances are slim.
I’ve known countless people in SL that lie about major health stuff.
You’re so gullible and naive to believe anybody without proof
How do you figure that chances are slim that someone has cancer? Millions of people die of cancer every year.
You’re fucking twisted if you posted this or are too involved in the private lives of others. It’s called Second Life for a reason. Now piss off with your bullshit.
Derp has it right.
You know what? People do lie.
You know what else? Because some people lie that doesn’t mean you treat everyone like shit and stalk them.
You’re too involved in this.
Because the chances are slim.
I’ve known countless people in SL that lie about major health stuff.
You’re so gullible and naive to believe anybody without proof
here I think this one expresses your feels right about now
Just had to comment on the yummy choice of smokin hot Robert Downey Jr❤️
You are a legend. Thank you!
rolls eyes…nariz marron
# 1 at least give some clues on this, bit pointless otherwise!
worst post ever
#1 at least give us a clue who this is aimed at, a bit pointless otherwise
I could have posted #51 with how accurate that shit is. Those events just went downhill out of nowhere. Aside from The Chapter Four which got obliterated because of Poopito. Y i k e s.
#3 Hello, I am the creator of Dravens leashholder. I made it for him for Valentines Day this year to pull me around by the leash as he flips off all the Daddies fighting over me. If you are one of them Original Poster, I do apologize. My butt hole belongs solely to him and he does not share. You can have another bento middle from me too though. -Solly Von Plebington the 3rd
awwww that’s a cute. was that before or after Draven dumped your ugly ass when he found out you were a female to male trans? lol
How suspicious, doesn’t sound like you know us. Id check your sources :3c!
So you put a texture on the one free one that an open collar gives… congrats?
You’re very angry, and use the word triggered to make a point that I have some emotional attachment to the subject (which I don’t) but it clearly was uploaded already existing in sl. No matter how long and childish you spell the word “yes” won’t change that 🙂 it’s hilarious how you go on and on about it.
Fighting over you seriously hun you have a ego the size of king kong, I very much doubt they fight over you, not with all the other gals that are giving it away for shits and giggles lol
“All the daddies fighting over me” you can keep the virtual pedophiles all to yourself then you sad, sad person.
Oh honey child, you do know second life is a computer game and no one cares about your virtual butthole! Lol
Tooooooo-shaaaaaaayyyyyyy! haha.
This is gold. You’ve lightened my mood.
rolls eyes, oh really? derp you suck up too much. Stop with the lame ‘gold’ and ‘classic’ and ‘legend’ comments.
You are quite welcome :).Can only laugh when people are triggered by a pose LOL
@33 This is almost becoming stalkerish. Perhaps you should see someone. I don’t think they sell a cream for envy, but there might be a pill for your obsessive behavior. If it’s not hurting you then what does it matter what or who she is doing? If you gave your own life this much attention instead of worrying about hers, then just maybe you will find happiness without focusing all of your attention on someone else.
I just applaud the people who can read that shit without punctuation. Hope she is not a para rp-er..
Or you she could make a fake poem for herself and post it to show she has more fans than haters like you did haha!! cute how you’re sticking up for your friend though, the same one who hit on your ex when she was between men and wanting a relationship with him. Such a good friend.
You really are pretty pathetic. But by all means.. keep going. You’re only giving me free publicity. I will stick up for my friends of course, I’m sorry you are such a horrible person that you don’t know that feeling or don’t have friends that will go to the ends of the earth for you. You should see someone about that. Too bad they can’t do anything about your ugly heart though. Shame.
Why would I want friends like that? who try to jump on your ex behind your back. Why don’t you ask her why she asked your ex to be in a relationship with her? desperate much, you’re all as desperate as each other haha My friends are in RL and don’t pretend to be something in SL and I’m pathetic haha Way to deflect from the fact you put up a post on here yourself about YOURSELF for attention/promote your fake club. Funny af. Ps your poem was shite.
Lol you have some serious issues man. I’m not going to entertain this crazy loony ride that you’re on. When you grow a pair and message me in SL then we can talk. Until then, keep your assumptions to yourself. Let me show you how adults handle situations. I’m done commenting here, I feel like I’m losing brain cells just by responding.
But you’ll still come back here and check for a message because like you’re totally popular and so famous in SL haha your comebacks are standard. Carry on with your fake drunk friends, good luck to you.