Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 517.
virtual-secrets: Week 517
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 365 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Quick note on 2 things:
1) We are having technical issues with one of the new mods we added and some of you who have been good commenters comments may not show up. Kess will be fixing that at some point today don’t worry. We are holding comments in moderation until we sort it. Our apologies.
2) Some people seem to doubt when we say we don’t run this site anonymously. Our real names aren’t a secret. A couple of clicks and you would know this info. But for those that are inept:
My RL name is Melanie Pérez. Kess’s RL name is Christine Giglio.
Pleased to meet you :p
Oh I noticed that and was wondering what happened with the comments.. technology can be so fickled at times lol
I believe I have sorted the tech issues. My apologies.
On another note:
I have never ever tried to hide who I am in Second life. When I first started in 06, I did. Until 07 when my husband’s real life name was posted on the front page of the Second Life website because he won an award. At that point I decided that there wasn’t any point and who cared.
I conduct myself accordingly, I do not cross people in order to get ahead. I piss people off because I won’t conform to their ideals or don’t agree with them but I do not generally push folks down in order to get ahead in a virtual world because I don’t really give a fuck about virtual popularity. I’m more likely to tell you to fuck off than do anything else.
Pleased to meet you all.
thats all well and good but it doesnt change the fact that certain people have you in their back pocket which negates any claim you have that you dont care what others think and have no personal investment in what’s posted here. also the fact that you delete any comments where people call you on your hypocrisy (including this one soon enough) shows you care a lot more than you let on. this isnt a matter of ‘free speech’, its a matter of why you’re putting on a front and why you allow some people to be held accountable for their actions but not others.
Seriously? Are you always on?
Is this your hill you plan to die on? Arguing with people who own a website on how they want to run a website?
If it is, that’s cool, carry on.
*logs off to lick his wounds, completely forgetting about the very clear and concise question he asked which was conveniently left unanswered*
I think you are not willing to hear the answer to all your questions.
We are exactly who we say we are. Which is more than what you get when you speak to a lot of people.
“I think you are not willing to hear the answer to all your questions.”
I only had one question and am perfectly willing to hear the answer. here it is again.
“just tell us – did she threaten you with legal action that would actually stick? if thats the case i would appologize immediately because our constant demand for answers puts you in a bad position.”
was it answered in another week? because im not on this site all the time and i dont always read every comment in here. can you link me to the answer?
You don’t have to read every comment or be on the site all the time. The answer was very prominently posted. You shouldn’t have any trouble finding it.
As far as we’re concerned your question and all other questions regarding this subject have been answered to our satisfaction. There will be no further discussion here on the subject.

Lourdes and Kess, Found a picture of each of you, now I understand all these years of hate from you, you both are ugly as shit.
Yes, we are down right hideous. Its so tragic.
The question was answered before you asked. Our response to all your questions past, present and future on this subject has not changed and will not change. So what Kess said was true. You are not willing to hear the answer to all your questions.
Yeah yeah yeah we get it we’re on the take, we’re hypocrites blah blah blah add on more shit we’ve been called lots of time.
What are you going to do about it except whine like baby? Oh that’s right nothing. Because there is nothing you can do.
You are powerless here, you comment because we allow you too, your posts stay because we allow it. Its our sandbox our rules. Don’t like it, tough. We aren’t begging you to stay.
just tell us – did she threaten you with legal action that would actually stick? if thats the case i would appologize immediately because our constant demand for answers puts you in a bad position.
For those that want to see the plurk post that is referred to in several of the secrets. Here is the link, it is public:
They have tried to keep this confined to just plurk, but that changes now. Read while you can. They are trying to get the plurk removed. If it does get removed, I have it saved up until last night. I’ll upload and provide a link.
Looks like a “press release” was put out on the CP blog. And surprise surprise the only items being listed as compromised releases are the ones that were called out in the anon. Seems like a Trump administration move, deny deny, oh well okay maybe we did that one, but just that one you listed and it was likely the Russians who did it anyway..but we don’t have anything to do with them right?? but we will send out someone else to face people and make them feel like something was done. I guess it is a challenge to the public, fellow designers and customers to find the illegal sets and components that are still out there from this brand. It only exists if you are called out on it.
I have some of their furniture sets, now I have no clue if they are from some other REAL artist who hasn’t been properly paid for use of their work. How much money has Cheeky Pea made off these fraudulently used models over the last past few years? Linden Lab should act if this is a Red Flag issue under DMCA (they don’t need to wait for a court case). I hope to GOD one of these small artists nails Cheeky Pea for the obvious TOS infringement and Second Life ejects this fraud who is actually harming the platform including the community/customers, other creators and economy.
Get out of Second Life, Cheeky Pea. Go do your fraud elsewhere please.
Cheeky Pea = Fraud.
LL doesn’t give a damn unless someone is about to sue them or involve them in a lawsuit.
So if you all are waiting for LL to lift a finger get a snickers it may take awhile.
What, if anything at all would be a reaction from the Lindens in light of all this?
Well unless DMCAs are filed by the people she bought models from, I don’t think they’ll do much. LL generally stays out of business disputes unless it’s something like that or if it’s abusing the SL in some way.
Im sorry. Is it only me who sees an apology from a husband being made and not a personal one from the one responsible for the whole goddamned mess? As a customer. I still don’t think its good enough and it may have rung a little truer without the attempts at being all cutesy about things.
Read the whole thread and cannot say I am surprised as people already pointed out that it is widespread problem in SL and items are regularly stolen from Renderosity, Daz3D, Turbosquid and in Cheeky Pea’s case – CGTrader. None of these allow sale of assets in online games and specifically SL.
Certainly, some shops probably made deals with designers themselves and not websites as plenty buy assets for projects just like some outsource work. No idea if items can remain on reselling portals then as never used them (I use Envato Market for design work out of SL and they have various licenses that are pretty similar to those used with 3D model resell websites) but intellectual property licensing is a broad subject.
The issue with Cheeky Pea is that they did not use their own work – outsourced or insourced – and sold it as such plus joined events claiming so. If they broke license laws with CGTrader or designers – that is additional topic and can only judge by what was posted about their policies.
Trolls will always be trolls and most folks just were disappointed and angry due to buying the items in question and wanted transparency. Few people then moved to random personal things which were unnecessary but thread definitely should stay as customers need to know such things AND other designers can see what examples not to follow.
People want it removed because someone wished that her house burnt down with her and her family inside. Nothing was done illegally. People just want to lead a witch hunt
Don’t agree with a witch hunt, However when you see someone on facebook talking about how they want to commit suicide to try and shift things then you see their husband plurking about toblerone who is sitting 4 steps away from her. The people on Facebook will never be the wiser because they aren’t on plurk right?
Report it to Facebook, her account will go in suspension and help will be called. Can’t ignore something like that if it’s said
Ironically, that post was deleted.
Suicide threats are serious but when it comes paired with a major controversy such as this, it’s a deceitful tactic to sidetrack the attention from the issue and make the person appear as a victim. Narcissists tend to do this and it’s a rather double edged sword move. Damned if you act on it because then you feed into their attention-seeking habit, and damned if you don’t because there’s that “what if they were actually serious” factor.
If it’s the former, then it further invalidates those who need help from suicidal tendencies… dick move Isla, DICK MOVE.
Someone saying they wished her house burned down is a bit over the top, I agree. However misrepresenting what was said by adding “with her and her family inside” to grab attention and attempt to distract from what is actually going on is deplorable and discredits anything farther you have to say. Actual quote:
I’ve been reading the Plurk ever since Lourdes posted the link to the thread, and I honestly didn’t think jaguar meant her actual house. I read it to mean her business. Perhaps that’s naive, but I didn’t read it as physical harm, but hoping that her business fails. It might be a stretch, but I connected it with the idea of getting one’s house in order = handling your business. Cheeky Pea is her business, hence the hope that it burns down.
I didn’t even think of it as a threat until the white knights came in to defend her actions.
P.S. It isn’t a witch hunt if you’re guilty of witchcraft.
P.P.S. I stopped buying Cheeky Pea items a long time ago because it was too primmy. A mesh bed should not be 40 prims. I thought her stuff was pretty, but not worth the land impact.
Eh. Don’t wish harm on people/property like that over pixels. That’s a dick move too. Even if they just said they wished her house burned down… nah, not cool.
Actually, buying meshes from a Russian website that has known stolen content from TurboSquid, which strictly prohibits the use of said meshes within the SL platform probably is illegal and if not, is something utterly indefensible. I really don’t understand how you can still be siding with CP on this issue.
If this was all done legally, please can we see the receipts to prove that CP paid the Turbosquid creators for the extra licenses required to use these models in SL? Because using the excuse that they came from a knockoff Russian website doesn’t cut it with me I’m afraid. You claim that nothing was done illegally, yet don’t seem to be able to prove that it wasn’t.
Is it just me or did #31 post a secret about herself? Honey, that white part is for editing – something that’s only available when YOU open your own profile. Stop looking so pathetic.
To all those who feel the need to talk about Auggeh be more than just a gutless coward and hide behind your fake ass names. Seems you are nothing but jealous trolls looking for shit to say about others when the fact is you are probably some weird person hiding in your mothers basement playing games and being idiots in forums such as this because you got no damn guts to get out and do shit on your own.
As for Auggeh taking a screen shot of her profile who the fuck cares? She does not do that shit for your entertainment and she hides nothing. She is a woman who does a damn good job at what she does and she needs no one to back her up. I personally never get on these sights because there stupid but this time you are talking about my girl. Why? Because it seems you are no more than jealous assholes who can’t have her and you want to try to bring her down as low as you are yourselves. You want to talk shit about someone then come out and reveal yourself instead of being the gutless wonders you are.
auggeh are you pretending you someone else rofl .. take another picture so you can be on here next week
About number 10, yes I really hate matova design for males, but you just taking small example of male designer’s showcase honey. Not all of male designer design like that. It’s only on events like kinky event, RLD, the men jail, and so on. And don’t blame them design like that because we lacks of male outfit here.
#17 obviously anyone with a morph is the opposite gender, did you JUST figure this out?
I don’t care either way but 99% of the time morphs look weird. They just fall into a strange uncanny valley of “this picture looks off” since avatars are artificial and ‘perfected’ human face models.
Can we point out Albana was on here before a couple years back… Similar scenario…. Toxic partnership as sim owners… Are they the same partners or do you have shitty taste in men? Birds of a feather flock together I figure..
LoL! Ya’ll are crazy as hell if you believe this nonsense. Someone obviously wanted it to look like I posted this myself and bunch of idiots are just feeding the damn troll. Nothing I do is private, and now even my screenshots are shared. Lesson Learned.
Come on now August! LMAO This has got to be the most ridiculous explanation I have ever heard of! First of all it does not matter if you are with someone or not. An unwelcomed advance is just that. UNWELCOMED! There are lots of polite ways to tell someone thanks for the compliment but I am not interested or taken.
Secondly, for some of us who actually know you, like I do, knows how you make things up to drum up interest. Remember that secrets page you started up a few years ago and how you would submit your own false secrets when the page wasn’t getting any attention? I do!
Third of all… if you aren’t in it for the free promotion on this website then why not just have your username here be August Torii rather than August Torii – Owner of Havoc?
Lame… just like your club (that your men pays for)
LoL yes, of course I remember that secret page.. I also remember stopping all confessions and shutting it down literally 2 months after. And really, that was 3 years ago, don’t you think it’s time for you to move on? I used my business name here just like every other business owner, not to advertise but to let people know I am who I say I am and not some troll pretending to be me. And lastly, you claim to know me.. yet you say my “men” pay for my club. That’s the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard in my life. If you really knew me as you say you do then you know that 1. I dont have “men” and 2. I dont need help from anyone paying for what’s mine. Perhaps the concept of being an independent woman is lost on you or maybe you’re just really dumb. And do tell me, whats your name by the way? Oh I know.. it’s Bitter because the only people that actually have a problem with me are staff that were fired and an Ex GM who is psychotic. Is that you dear? Maybe it’s time you crawl back into your hole and leave the grownup talk for the adults. 🙂
lol it probably IS that dumb, psychotic, poisonous bitch that used to be the GM. She ran so many people off, both staff and vip’s with her rude and disrespectful, lying ways. Poor little girl still must have a chip on her shoulder over being fired for being a SHIT GM… once a bitch, always a bitch lolololol
I’m calling rubbish on this who the hell takes screenshots of their profile page to show they are taken, especially when nothing in there even proves the point lol.
August stop lying it really isn’t working lol
Dumbest excuse ive ever heard. But at lies she always has been so good….and people seem to eat her BS
Where’s your proof? None? Didn’t think so, lol Coward.
But DID you post it yourself and you react this way with a big ‘uh-ohhh’ moment?
This post comes with some foolhardy proclamation of love. So they love you or they hate you. They would have to be pretty savvy and slick to think all this through of what the commenter pointed out as Ii myself was surprised and I was going to reply to them an say “good eye!”. So the poster schemed – “Muwahhahah! They will see she posted this herself! Muwahhaha!”
No lol I didn’t post it. I am not that blonde nor am I that stupid. But I can say that until I am blue in the face and it wont make a bit of difference. So I’m done commenting here. 🙂
Go ahead, try to explain why you sent someone- apparently so many someones you can’t identify who might have used it- a screencap of your profile, something no one would ever need a screencap of because anyone can see it.
Dis gon b gud- if she bothers.
I send screenshots of it all the time to point out that I am taken and it usually stops them from hitting on me instantly. Anyone can see it yes, but that doesn’t stop them. I do know which avatar I’ve sent this too. I am not dumb. It’s obviously an alt. However, your opinion of the subject means nothing to me and I owe no one an explanation. But keep spewing your hate, you just look pathetic.
Why send someone a picture of your profile when they can just look it up in the instant message box they’re conversing with you in? If you’re receiving unwanted advances after saying “thanks but I’m not interested” why not just mute them and move on? NO ONE TAKES PICTURES OF THEIR OWN PROFILE TO SEND TO PEOPLE!?!!??!?!?
INCORRECT! I have before, it’s called being sarcastic to the person who hits on you and doesnt obviously take the time to read your profile. I have done it a few times myself. They’ve hit on my in a rude way, instead of bothering to tell them off, ive sent them a screen shot of my profile with an arrow pointing to my partner box, so no, YOU are incorrect. and YOU are a coward.. what’s your legacy, do you dare?
You would think so huh.. you have no idea. I don’t just mute and block people who hit on me. I’m a club owner, I take my business seriously and that is not good for business. And yes, it may be a smart ass way to get my point across to them and has proved to be a good way to handle the situation in the past, until now. As i said, lesson learned.
Your partner box is empty so I understand you may feel the need to emphasize things but its still obnoxious and weird that you send out screen shots of your profile. Why not simply say “hey I am taken by so-and-so’, they are not in my partner box but mentioned in the main part”
Its SL, nothing in your partner box and if you have a decent avi guys may approach you. So your approach to that is to take a gyazo? lol
you mute and block people who hit on you ? rofl dont make me laugh . you had more turns than a door knob. gimmie a break . and dont try to act like you serious club owner when you club as been failing for the last few months .plus they have other club workers poaching your vips . cause you dont even have a djs working . so before you try to make yourself look better cause we all know you did this for people to talk about you . so they can go vist your patheic club you have . try to adverise a different way . than on here . your club sucks close it up already
You don’t read too well do you.. I said I DON’T mute and block people who hit on me, because it’s not good business. My club is doing just fine and has been for 5 years… which successfull club is yours again? And my schedule is full, so before you go run your mouth you should probably get your facts straight. Nice to know that I bother you this much tho 🙂
yo they be doing this shit to you for years dont let them get a rise out of yo girl dont let them win
#1 As one of their roleplayers, I totally confirm what the author said -they just don’t give a shit about people that come to their sims, especially Emersonlanks who is just plain rude and gruff.
It doesn’t matter if you set rentals for 400L a week or give lindens in contests- don’t treat people like piece of shit.
Oh, and try to be more creative next time- using the same buildings on EVERY of your new sims is kinda lame.
The current sim they own is a remake of another. of course their build is the same. I personally never had a problem with howlingwinds. He just has no back bone and goes radio silent when emersonlanks starts in.
#6 wow who ever posted this can’t get much stupider LMAO 1. SHe is white I talk to her on skype all the time with cam on. 2 she loves ass she can’t get enough ass. Not into boobs at all. 3. 99.9 % of women arnt really Blond lmao 4. She does not have enough sex toys as we all can use more sex toys. Who ever posted this needs to at least get one fact right!! Come on!! Lmfao this must be your first time playing with the big people. Keep trying you can do better.
I could really go on for days; faked identify, faked sexual orientation, faked gender, faked appearance, faked talent, faked skill, faked accents…. BUT not race… I mean, because race is just impossible to fake. You guys are the cherry on top of secondlife, just brilliant.
im not saying she is faking her race .. if you read the comments right maybe you would see who said she was passing her race do you need glasses ? cause seriously i was taking up for the poor woman who lourdes said she was just passing .. thats what wrong with everyone on here to believe anything they see here lol and assume for you say im not american .. you are just as bad as lourdes .. i guess im passing as a american for ffs
Bless your heart @thisisgold
This comment is absolutely hilarious. Let me guess, you guys are not Americans so you are oblivious to the race wars and instances through out history where black or biracials have passed as white, often times for the presumed “perks” of being Caucasian until they get caught and ultimately killed. With google being so accessible in the next tab over, please don’t tell me you’re oblivious to these historical facts.
There are people on secondlife who have faked actual illnesses, faked family deaths and funeral arrangements ( see Rose, owner of Olive Hair ), faked their own deaths! faked economic status, faked job descriptions, and a numerous amount of other things including weight and height, but according to you, faking ones race is just impossible as long as you’ve got the fuzzy cam footage as proof. Wow, no wonder secondlife is a scammer’s paradise, some of you lot are just too easy.
Do you know for sure she is white? She could be just passing.
do you know what race you are lourdes ? sounds like you dont know either oh wait rofl you might be passing ..
I know what race I am and so do most of the regular posters here. I was replying to the person that was sure they knew what race the woman is. However I do know that there are some us that are light skinned enough with enough Caucasian features to pass for white. Some of them do pass for white until, someone finds out. Its quite common.
Well I am 100% sure she is white not something she could fake. It’s funny to me someone would post something when they clearly have no idea . I feel bad for people that have such sad lives they need to do stuff like this to feel good about them selves because there clearly Jealous of her. Shame on you. If you post facts that’s fine but this is just sad. I truly feel bad for the person who posted this .
You think a person can’t fake being white?
Okie dokie…
Lourdes Denimore sounds like you may be the sad person that made the post. Because you clearly have not talked to her outside of SL. I have many times seen her Facebook seen live stream in public and many group calls with cam on. You don’t need to beleave me at all. But the FACT you don’t know her and have never seen her and have no idea, you really should fuck off, I never comment on posts like this only doing it here because I know for a fact it is Fake and uncalled for.
But you commented here. I’m just pointing out that just because someone may look a certain race does not mean they are. So unless you know for a fact details of her ancestry don’t think you can double down and swear she is white.
Unless this is just a sign of denial that you could never mistake a non-white person for white.
Anyway I’ve had my fun. Carry on.
so you going to tell us that gabby can say the N word ? cause if so we will let her know soon as possible cause because according to lourdes denimore who runs sl secerts that gabby lacombe is a black woman whos faking she is white .. when some one telling you that they know her rl .. so we wont have a problem telling her that next time she djs .. and when they asks her why she said it . she will drop your name .. cause now she is a black woman and she can say it rofl
So gonna help you and the Mark person out since pictures will probably help you out more.
See that guy there? He’s black. Now do a google search for Slash and his mom.
So he could dye his hair blonde and you guys would never know he was black. He can pass very well. So yes it is possible that the chick in the secret is black and pass. Its also possible she’s lily white. But unless you know her ancestry you don’t know for sure.
So I’ve been reading this thread for the last couple of days and I’m a little confused as to why some of you all care so much about people’s “race” or “passing as”… why does it even matter? I might be a Lily white American but I get mistaken for being Asian (usually Japanese) all the time.. it’s not that I’m faking it or pretending to be Asian online… the mistaken identity has everything to do with me pretty much hanging out with mostly other Asians in RL for most of my life so I have certain mannerisms that I picked up from them.
Shit even my own RL room mate (who is Asian) and sees my lily ass every day forgets I’m white… So are you guys even sure she is trying to “fake it” or is this person just being themselves and it was assumed she was “white, black, or whatever” and still even with that.. Why even Care.. It doesn’t even matter in RL when it comes down to it (excluding certain things that have everything to do with racist Asshats) so why should it even remotely matter in SL?
This initially started off with me just trolling. Since Mike was so sure that the woman he’s been Skype cam sexing was white beyond a doubt. But it was also trolling with a message. You can’t determine race just by looks alone.
Is it important if she is white or not? In the big scheme of things in SL, SL Secrets and me trolling no its not important. Is race important in RL? Yes its very important, especially if your race is tied in with a culture that is the flavor of the month for appropriation. But I realize we won’t see eye to eye on this due to cultural and racial difference.
Oh ok that makes sense and I agree with you on the “if your race is tied in with a culture that is the flavor of the month for appropriation” that is why I included the (excluding certain things that have everything to do with racist Asshats) because when race does matter it has a lot to do with the history of the culture and things like appropriation or past racism like slavery/segregation and about a dozen other factors.. I just was to lazy to try to include them all because well skin tone has more to do with Melanin than race (hence why the smexy beast Slash can be black and pale) so the others on this thread going crazy over if a girl is white or black; blonde or not; and whatever else I missed I just don’t get.
And my statement to race not mattering in RL was based on genes not culture which is a whole beast in itself because one could be of one race but grow up in and have the ideology/mannerisms of another.. There are so many variables there that it would take at least 20 page essay to even scratch the surface and who want to read that on a gossip site.
I see education in your parts hasn’t gotten much better. I do believe they teach reading comprehension. I guess you missed that class a!ong with several others. He did not say he knew her RL he said he Skype cams with her, has knowledge of her sexual proclivities (I’ll wait while you look that word up) and watches her live FB thing. Not the same as knowing someone RL.
Also I said she could be black. I didn’t say she was black. I was throwing out the possibility that she may be “passing”. It’s been done before much to the horror of many Caucasians. That would include some of you it appears, much to my amusement.
no but you did say she was passing off being white so thats the way you pass judgement , but then you wouldnt want someone to say the same about your hispanic ways .. or if your hispanic cause your name ffs . mark of never said he kne w her in rl .. but im sorry to say is this if your education button is on . if SOMEONE TELLS YOU THEY CAM AND SKPE WITH THE INDIVIDUAL .means that they are in contact with that person real life . sorry if you feel im wrong on this but its the same thing you if see the person and talk to them you in contact .. just like your other person who runs this site with you .. we all know yall skpe , text and chat maybe fuck each other once in awhile and live under the fairy sparkly bridge that you both love but . dont pass judgement on someone whos taking up for that person . that got put on here cause the at the end you look pretty fucking stupid .. saying about ppl whos passing for a race
BTW Hispanic isn’t a race. I can be black or white and hispanic.
My whole point is that you can base race on looks alone or Skype cams sex.
wow that is funny sad but funny.
thats why the comments are sometimes better than the “secrets” themselves because a lotof time secrets are making definitive statements as though they’re well known facts when half the time they’re bullshit accusations made by people who are bitter and hurt or jealous.
Any way sl is a place where people can be anything they want so who cares what they are behind their avatars any way.
# 30 so they have a posted about you congrats on the entry .it s just sad that you did it your own dam self and for people to take up for you is just is bad . or wait are you posting the comments yourself to pretend people actually care about you after. You screw a lot of people over . agree you a drama whore and your club havoc is dying you can’t even get good traffic in . Only with the bots that you have running all the time . You just look pathetic posting about yourself and got busted someone notice so before anyone takes up for you is just as pathetic cause no one posted it .Rofl sad
Just saying, Zenith and Belle Epoque (Janire Coba) use the same mesher: “Medanielle” ,so people… if you want to have a SL fashion brand and lie about who creates the model, here you go!
So? Lots of brands hire out digital artists to either make mesh for them, do texture work, rigging, etc. No one cares. It is still original mesh, so long as the particular mesh items are only sold under one brand.
That’s all good and dandy, but they should stop acting like artists with massive egos, because they are just a cashier at this point.
Does ANYONE on SL make their own stuff??????????
#7 Really starting to think Lance has both Lourdes and kesseret’s asses leashed to him. Why else would these two cunts allow free advertizing for him and his club every fucking week! i’ve been keeping tabs on FMD’s traffic before sl secrets and after and looks he’s got you two doing whatever the fuck he wants. Fucking pathetic!
i thought this was going to be the week that .. yes there was a secret…. but no one said a word about him.. lol you fucked it all up @Eeny = u suck
I’d like to hope Kess and I have slightly better taste than to go after a man both Oakley and Harlow found appealing.
He’s also not my type anyway.
Lol do you though Lourdes?
Its possible we don’t. This sort of thing is relative.
I am pretty sure Lourdes and Kesseret do not police the secrets sent in to that degree. We’ve all established that Lance has been sending in secrets about himself for months now. Every single snapshot, screencap, picture just appears to be from the same angle, same settings, whoever is consistently sending these secrets in sure loves that same setting.
#30 Like seriously why must yall insist on saying such bullshit on such a Genuine Person have yall talked to her do yall fuck her feed her finance her why must yall sit there and Blast her when honestly u dont know her and how she runs her club is the most organized ive ever seen in my life I seriously think yall must love spewing her name and it must taste good in yall mouths cuz u keep hating and also sorry all shes now got all in her corner she will ever need so seriously fuck off…
#31 Seriously who cares how many relationships shes been in like i said above about number 30 Are yall fucking feeding or financing her? NO so get a life and keep on making her famous cuz all we doing is laughing at ya dumbasses kthxbaii
whats most funny about this is the poster of the comment is probably AARP certified.. and just said this bullshit —> kthxbaii lol
Punctuation, really helps in reading walls of nonsense text. Which I read barely into because you lack that punctuation. I don’t care about perfect grammar but for fuck sake use a , or a . in there occasionally so people can understand wtf you are ranting on about.
#30 – I work for her a very long time now and she is one of the most amazing caring People i ever met she is not some Club Owner that just does nothing like you would see from other Big Clubs she is there to alot of sets herself she pays attention she is very loyal to see her here on this highschool site over and over again just because maybe someone get fired or didnt get into her panties is just so fucking stupid!! Jealous much!
This site is not about tell your opinion its internet bullying bullshit talk shit about everyone here because you have not the balls to say it in someones face come on get a life why you need to hate why you cant just suck it up!
And you all talk about this store owners but most of you cant even move a prim or build anything on your own
#10 These are whore items..??? mannn! Are ya serious.. these are no way whoreish !! ya might wanna get out a bit more … 😀
No way whore-ish? Sounds like you need to get out less.
I get out just the right amount, thank you!
#20. Just another Big Daddy’s slut making her rounds. Move over Katy, you have some competition!
Sorry read worng my coment IS NOT foer amanda i apologize
Its alright, I thought.. Wait a minute! What did I comment! haha 🙂
AMANDA get ur facts straight before U COMMENT , number on e in 11 years i have had 4 partners One DIed in real, one turned out to be a fake for 7 years i was with them and found out he was sending me fake pics yes a lawyer was involved and 3rd wasnt ready for a relationship the new one i have known for 3 years so before u MAKE stupid imature comments get ity straight and u muist be a BDS reg to know soo much with NOO BALLS to confront anyone so GET A LIFE i have nothing to hide
A lawyer? For fucks sake why?
I goddamn refuse to engage in SL pregnancy HUD paternity scandals. I got about 3 points dumber just typing it. This is the bottom of the barrel of scandals.
That is all.
Wait… does that mean you also will refuse to acknowledge our baby!? Future baby… If there is no script errors… And it does not vanish from inventory.
I was so hoping it was about real babies as no idea how you can doubt paternity in SL if scripts single out user UUID. Or is it like a dice roll hud and you activate it whenever you sit on a sex pose? I am now oddly curious.
For sake of that baby of ours of course…
Best comment, blessed comment
#11 and 19, It seems to be the trend now. Hardly any women avies wear clothing. Gone are the days of fashionable SL. Anymore, it’s tits and crotch out. Look at Dickr , which a few of my friends call Flickr anymore. The majority of the pictures could be in a porno mag. The days of originality are sadly going. SL and Dickr are nothing but the clone wars.
I agree with you that there is a bit much of the nudity in SL and porn is abundant on Flickr.. But! originality isn’t dead and there are quite a few blogger out there… myself included, who have jumped on the “Stay Classy” bandwagon and refuse to do pornographic pictures.. some even won’t show dick or pussy ever (me included here as well). I’m all for artistic nudity with a purpose . We all can appreciate Michelangelo’s “David” and other pieces like it on some level… but there is a fine line between artistic and crass.
Maybe, instead of complaining about the over saturated nudity/porn trend that will always be there.. start supporting those who don’t do it and buy from creators that make classy clothes along with supporting the bloggers who don’t have themselves butt ass naked for every pic they do. These are not hard to find.. my flickr follow page has very little nudity and even less “porn” because I refuse to follow anyone that doesn’t do it artistically and my avi whether I’m in my Guy, Girl, and even Femboy (don’t get me started on how hard it is to find classy clothes for that one >.>) are all sporting the more covered looks. So the originality you crave is out there, you just have to look for it.
Well said Coffee Break. I am a blogger as well and I do agree with all that you’ve said!
It was sort of always like this. It’s a big reason I went with a kid avatar as my main account. Mesh has just made it more realistic and better to look at.
Sounds like you need to curate your list closer, then.
#5 – clearly you’re a salty cunt as honestly who gives a flying fuck how someone wants to portray themselves in SL or even play their SL.. It’s not called RL dickhead.
#6 – You really ought to proof read your shit, in fact learn how to do up a secret so people can actually read in the first place you twat.
#8 – 90% of gacha shit is just that, shit. Don’t like it, don’t play it… That’s what I do!
#12 – I’m hearing you loud and clear!
The deletions are strong tonight. We are all laughing at you Lourdes and Kesseret. We are growing in numbers and we have only just begun. Censor us all you want. We have The Whisperer now and will make sure that you learn the meaning of “relevance.”
Karma, as they say, is a b… lmao I almost said it!
Pretty please, can we not see what Mistwood wrote?? (lol Petra – how did it feel to get your real name busted on FB?)
I for one would love to see how she tries to justify her no-talent mesh ripping thief partner, and the threats she is making.
Got to have a little sympathy for her, it must really suck that he got found out for what he is, and it must also suck that she is paying for 2 sims for them, when he gets no sales, even with all her forced promotion and persuading through her contacts to take him into events.
It must also suck to be a desperate housewife doormat, but I doubt anybody has a bit of sympathy for that.
I was pretty sure I knew you were Robert and then more you post, the different names you use, I am beyond certain that it is in fact you. I wanted to believe that a grown man would not be so petty but you have proven me wrong. You clearly are no one who knows me because if you did, you would be aware that I would never use anyone and I would never use my partner especially for money. I believe in taking care of ones business weather I make money or not, that is not what I am in SL for. My RL provides me with a comfortable living, Keely pays for nothing in which I pursue. I have listened for months about the things being said about her, calling her slut, or cunt or whore. You are just so very bitter I can’t be mad, I am in all honestly just sad for you. I am not perfect, I have made plenty of mistake like any human, but the thing is you don’t know me or my relationship with Keely at all. You spew lies and discontent. I learned long ago that we treat ppl the way we see ourselves, it is in fact a direct reflection on what we harbor inside. So I pity you, that you hate yourself this much that you must project it to someone who in all honestly cared about you. I know you are going to say oh it’s not Robert and yeah yeah bs but if by chance that you are in fact not Robert (smh) I invite you to IM me and have a talk, an honest conversation like adults about whatever problem you seem to have with us. Your obsession with us. I will even excuse you calling… Read more »
Why not have a black avatar if you are black in RL, are you not proud of that?
I appreciate your commentary. I’m glad you think she’s wonderful and maybe she is. Can you explain to Petra P. about fair use: Fair Use There is a doctrine in the United States copyright law called “Fair Use” which allows people to use your content without your permission. Fair Use is now widely accepted in most countries around the world. It allows the limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the copyright owner. Items considered Fair Use would be commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship. It provides for the legal, non-licensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author’s work under a four-factor balancing test. To read the US Copyright law section which specific references Fair Use click here It reference four factors to measure fair use. They are: 1. the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; 2. the nature of the copyrighted work; 3. the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and 4. the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. This is important because if a smaller photo of yours is used or a few words out of an entire document is used this could fall under Fair Use depending on the site and the use. If someone were to take a paragraph of your work, or a site has copied your entire site or pictures, and they run a business profiting from your copyrighted work, then most likely its copyright infringement. It is usually very obvious when you see how your work is being used whether the content is being used under the Fair Use criteria or for profit.… Read more »
If you think that this fair use has anything to do with not understanding and or with you it doesn’t. As far as cleaning house, as I stated ppl will do and say whatever no matter if you clean house or not. This site gives those who are bitter or hurt a place to displace their discontent in a hidden fashion.
It’s not personal to you, her effort to stop this isn’t personal against your site. It’s about fighting it. I would hope you would see the spirit in that. It is your site and you run it as you see fight but ppl can stand up and fight if they want even if you don’t like it.
This is her fighting it?
If she wants the secrets to stop then she needs to fight the person that is submitting them. We told her that way back when. But for whatever reason she won’t address the issue. If Robert is the one submitting the secrets then she needs to stop him. Which means she might need to get off her fucking ass and log out of SL and get law enforcement involved.
If she wants us to stop posting the secrets then she needs to handle her alleged stalker. When she gets law enforcement involved, have them contact us and we will help in anyway that we can. Until then every secret submitted will be published, because we are within our rights.
Same as you are within your rights. She is within hers to fight it in as many ways as she sees fit. Again I understand it’s your site but it is just another thing that helps aide this “stalker” and obsession situation. So fighting it on all fronts to me seem s like the thing to do. Even if you both don’t agree.
She’s filing false DMCA, that is not within her rights. We are covered under Fair Use. It is listed as criticism.
Why doesn’t this chick just make a new avi and move on? If it’s that bad?
Go ahead and ask Keely Mistwood about her past partners. I guarantee every single one of them are described in terms of being some kind of psycho. Then she should ask the question, if ALL of them are this way, isn’t it more likely that in fact it is HER that is the psycho, to choose such people?
So after getting up and checking my emails, I find someone has informed me again that my name has appeared on this website, and after reading the comments here, I am sitting and wondering how I am supposed to respond to all this, even when I promised before that I was done with it all, but I need to respond to this in some way, even though I don’t know where to start and what I can say. I realize you were very hurt when I had to leave SL and you, but your need for revenge against me for that and the need to destroy my name is reaching Shakespearean proportions now. I wrote you a letter to explain when I came back in November, and I beg you to read that again, it is the truth, but you don’t seem to want to accept that, in fact, do you remember that comment I made on the flickr picture of you both, before I sent the letter? That was the truth too, but you chose to delete it. Please read that letter again, so you can see what I have said from the beginning. You chose to ignore that letter for about a month, until you called to talk to me, but at that point you started throwing accusations at me. Using an alt to try to break you up. I said then and I have said since, that I cannot defend myself from that, I don’t know what I can do to prove it wasn’t me doing that, and I also said, I don’t remember if it was to you, but it was to River that I do realize that it puts me in the position of the main suspect, but you should see that that’s precisely why… Read more »
As I said to you before. If it’s not you, then it’s not you. So yes this will all get sorted.
Well I guess you are right she is within her rights to be stupid. We are within our rights as posted by Kess. So every single secret submitted that is within our rules will be published. Until she gets off her stupid ass and handles her alleged stalker, that will not change. The way things are right now, how do we even know its this Robert person? Do we even know? How do we know its not her submitting all this and trying to get attention. But if she actually wanted to stop this she would go to law enforcement and then she could get logs from our host that prove its him. See there something smart that would actually give her something to fight with. But no she decides to fight us by being petty with her fruitless DMCA’s that don’t do a damn thing.
So whats the deal? Is she really interested in fighting this or is she just giving all of you lip service?
I am having a simple legitimate conversation with you and your response is to name call? Calling her stupid is just unnecessary. And yes I get that, that is your opinion but we should be able to have a respectful convo. None the less you keep bringing up fair use, no one is questioning that so I am lost as to why you both keep throwing that out. As I stated it’s not about you or your site. It’s fighting it in as many ways as possible. You say it’s fruitless but you both seem very up in arms about this fruitless cause. If it is so fruitless and stupid then let it play out. Again weather you think it’s stupid or not it is just another thing. Your host would not give logs however now that you have given permission in a sense, I will gladly go back to your host for them now.
As far as knowing who is doing this, there are lots of things however you state this as if it’s just so simple black and white. It’s not because LL doesn’t care what takes place here and you don’t care what takes place in SL. Also law enforcement isn’t so black and white either. There are lots of moving parts here so again fighting this on many fronts. I am not here to argue nor disrespect you nor your site. But you defend tooth and nail ppl who find it ok and amusing to slander, harass ppl, but will call someone who is taking action stupid. Actions you don’t agree with. Again it’s not a personal attack to you both. But it is a personal attack to her.
Ok let me try and explain this in a way where there are no misunderstandings.
You and Keely allege that “Robert” is submitting the secrets. It seems that Robert is on a path and this isn’t his only outlet for harassing her. She may potentially have a case for harassment if what you allege is true. Keely needs go to law enforcement to fight this. When she gets law enforcement involved; law enforcement can request the information from our host. Our host will not give those logs to some random Joe who asks for them. Hell, they won’t give them to us. It has to come from law enforcement or a court.
The whole point is to fight to get results, if she wants it to stop then she needs to stop it at the source. It doesn’t make sense to keep bailing water when you aren’t bothering to plug the leak. When you fight on too many fronts you lose. She needs to focus on the main front: “Robert” who you all allege is doing all this.
Or she can just keeping filing DMCA’s and hope “Robert” and his alleged harassment stops. Its black and white to me that if she wants it to stop she’ll do what will actually get it to stop.
You may see it as simple black and white but that is not the case. Law enforcement isn’t simple. I agree with you on that harassment potential, getting law enforcement to care about this harassment is a whole other story.
I know this won’t stop, be aware of that the moment it started. But as I said this site just helps to aide that sort of deviant. Again you see the filings as fruitless but it’s not hurting you, so let it play out. You both will continue to publish your posts, she can’t stop that, that’s not lost on her. If she wants to keep filing her DMCA’s then so be it, while she works on other things as well. I don’t see the harm in that. Your site loses nothing, you lose nothing.
As someone that HAS gotten rl law enforcement involved in a case like this. I can assure you, it is VERY black and white. They do take those claims seriously, they do investigate them, and they do get results. Continuing to say that they won’t, doesn’t change this very real fact.
I think she’s giving you a shit ton of lip service and you’re buying every damn line of it. Your reasoning for doing so may seem sound in your mind (you love her, you like her, you believe her, whatever), but from a legal or even logical standpoint, it’s not sound at all.
You, clearly, aren’t interested in having her actually pursue the issue legally, utilizing the tools at her disposal, all of our disposal. She doesn’t seem all that interested in doing so either. Your insistence that THIS is the right way to pursue it is only going to solidify the belief that she’s lying through her teeth to you. Maybe deep down you realize things aren’t as serious as she’s trying to claim. It wouldn’t be the first time someone exaggerated what was going on because to do otherwise might well make that person seem like a loon.
No I wasn’t insisting that the DMCAs were the right and only way. You missed my point completely. If I wasn’t interested I wouldn’t have even come to this site I keep hearing about. Your assumption is wrong but we all have them.
I did notice he suddenly bowed out of the conversation when some real solutions were offered on how to solve her issue. The fact she isn’t willing to what needs to be done makes is exponentially less sympathetic to her cause. Not that we were very sympathetic to begin with.
Folks need to be careful who they hook up with and give details for their RL life to. Just because some guy chats you up and buys you a fatpack at Truth doesn’t make him a good SL catch.
I did not bow out. It was just late here and I went to bed. Thanks for your concern though
Late? It was in the middle of the afternoon and we are in the same time zone. Unless you are working graveyard. Then yes it was late.
The whole thing took place through the day yes, but once I was done with work I didn’t keep looking here. So yeah it was late and I went to bed, didnt check back til today.
I’ll even be nice. Which is rare, if you ask folks around here. River if Keely emails me where “Robert” lives I will find the appropriate law enforcement information she needs to utilize and get the ball rolling on stopping it.
I know she’s not in the US. That doesn’t matter. Even if “Robert” isn’t either his local law enforcement are going to be interested in his harassment.
There now she has no excuse, I’m offering my services to her to help her.
I know I was a total dick above, please don’t be mistaken I am a total asshole. But in this case I am absolutely sincere and will do my best to help.
She can use the contact form to get in touch with me. I am not going to respond until Monday so she can wait until then but I’m perfectly willing to help.
I don’t need to reiterate Lourdes’ advice. Don’t “get with crazy” and also be careful who you share personal information with. It’s very good advice.
Thanks, she has reached out to a lawyer after our convo yesterday and he said basically same as you. I will pass this along and it’s very appreciated. She will reach out via your contact form.
I forgot to mention. I have no idea how law enforcement works at all. Sorry, let me defer to you.
It’s clear you are absolutely new here.
Lol, thanks for the convo.
Hi Keely. How are you doing. Filing that lawsuit yet?
Bring it!!
#4 You’re back. Bless you. These Joanne secrets always make me laugh. Thank you for that.
I support fatpacks being offered.
Keep it up epiphany and pocket gacha!! Some customers just want it all for their own use, not to sell and profit.
Not everyone who resells is doing so at a profit. I guess it’s fine that people offer fatpacks of their gachas, but that’s not the spirit of the gacha events. If they want to do that, the creators should release it as a set in their store or whatever, and not try to make money both ways.
I support it as well. If you’re going for a full set and don’t want to be bothered with selling, trading, and “the hunt”, it’s probably better to drop 2000-3000L on the fatpack than play the gacha. Plus, the item creators get sales from people who’d never play the gacha in the first place.
Agreed entirely. There are lots of people who don’t mind paying a fair price for a full set to avoid having to pay 20x pull price for an item they wanted.
Parts of this makes me sad, I have been struggling to learn how to mesh in blender for over a year now, made a few things here and there but, if I knew that majority, if not all of the larger creators I lookup to were cheating the entire time, I would have cut corners too.
This is totally unrelated to any of the secrets posted, but I’m confused & wondering if I’m going crazy. I see a bunch of empty comments from several different people this week. I remember seeing that a couple months ago when those 2 bat shit crazy chicks were defending their friend, & I think their comments became blocked to spare us all the non-stop crap they were spewing. But I had never seen this many comments be empty, from this many different people. Am I missing something or is the site going haywire on me? 🙁
I also thought why all the empty posts too am like did I miss something because some have upvotes
Yep the posts are blank. Some folks are hurt because they learned free speech doesn’t happen here.
Phew, I am glad it’s editorial control. I thought it was my browser.
You go girl! Your site, your red button.
Yeah, was sort of wondering too. But I get super curious at what stupid thing was said lol
Does people report these pedophile people to linden labs? Like you send it in here with proof but do yall send the same info to linden labs?
Sick that you would even ask for genitalia for kid avi? It is unnecessary because you don’t need to have it. It appears sick as shit when you even ask for that and from what is in your profile talking about “Do my avi look alottt younger than 24? Well good.” it makes it even worst.
43-44 I think it is a good idea that the fatpack is offered, some people spend tons of money on gachas and still don’t win the rares. It isn’t like people aren’t still going to gamble with the gachas on what they are going to get, some people may have wanted to give the option of just selling the fatpack. Shit some people on marketplace sell rares for 43,000 (I forgot what I searched and saw someone have it at that).
9-10 Everyone should dress the way they want. However it would be nice if there was a better mixture of items in events for men and women. Please stop bodysuits and harnesses smh lol.
I soooo agree, every1 can dress the way they want! I love the bodysuits and harnesses but I would like a verity too!
Hey @me. You were accidentally shadowbanned. I have removed you. I am so sorry!
no worries ♥
#4 – joanne the scammer AHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA I laughed so damn much loud when I saw her face! ahhahahahhahahahahha
#12 – IKR????? always the same shitty tiny fonts! Please do it better!
#57 – The person who did this secret…Are you legit?
Go back to the trash can that you managed to crawl out!
Great meme choice! “Russians” ahahhahahahahhaha
I scroll past the shitty fonts.. my eyeballs cant take the strain
I don’t know if it’s #32 or #33 but Shelly Avro… lol. Who cares… the only ones more retarded than her are the dudes that get involved with her. She’s a bipolar, lying psychopath with a touch of alcoholism.
#32 So this is what people do when they have no life and are involved into their sl wayyyy too much..the post that was put out there .. like that is sopposed mean anything..the partner knew of what she was doing so who ever posted it to begin with…Get a life and don’t be ass hurt cause you weren’t wanted.Nothing was ever hidden on that matter…and whomever sumii is.. again..cant handle that your weren’t wanted.. so sad.. get a life ..maybe walk outside into RL and go find yourself a woman/man. We all come into SL to get away from RL and here you have Most who feed into this stupid crap and actually believe and judge by some drama queen or king…all I can say is Wow Man…:3
#50 This dude without a doubt sits at a desk surrounded by weeks old soda cans and months old boxes of molding pizza. I am absolutely sure that he makes some sort of “tehehehe” sound as he’s tapping away on his keyboard planning next weeks attention seeking virtual-secrets post. Meanwhile which female alt will he use next week to boost his public appearance.
Hey, sorry I’m late but I brought pizza…
Ok.. so stuff on Epiphany, Cheeky Pea, uhm other stuff I don’t really know about.. oh Look there is like only 1 FMD post \o/.. Still kinda lost in this chaos though.
18) if this is to detour crimsons groups of many new friends you failed epically. We don’t care at all what gender she is in real life. You’re petty lol you need to start with a fresh tampon and move on lol nobody cares about your past drama with her.
Thanks for the backup with this response. She just mad who posted this, just jelly….but yay I’m a dude, when can I pick up my male parts? LMAO
#3 – How fitting… is it ironic that “his” girlfriend Denna/Autumn/Candygunpowder is a man in RL, pretending to be a female ? You heard it here, folks! Voice changer and all . . . come get your weekly dose of double catfish right here. Trouble Dethly has been pulling this “I’m a dude” thing off for SO long. Thank god he’s been outed ! It’s one thing to be insecure about your gender or if you’re transitioning, whatever, but it’s another to be constantly lying to others !
Ah yes, the bitter ex girlfriend surfaces months after breakup only to dwell on the mere fact that well… he just didn’t want you, muffin… Now run along to mum.
Doesn’t matter what gender, sexuality, race, hair color, whether they shave their legs or poop in public, it’s SL. Doesn’t matter
#62 caiti is just being a good girl for her menopausal gf. she’s trying to get in islas good books.
It’s about time Isla/Annie’s karma caught up to her.
I honestly didn’t realize it was a well-kept secret that Isla is a raging bitch, and not a particularly talented one at that. (Obviously, if she’s been stealing meshes for years.) I’m glad to see her exposed, if only for her pain in the ass, diva behavior when I worked with her…ALL she cared about was $$$$$.
Gonna have to agree with #9 and #10.
I’m a guy and I want real clothes. Not that shit you’ll see men wearing at a gay bar that’s pretty much the gender reversal of a streetwalker. Every time I go to TMD I see manthongs, easily six months in a row now, not to mention of the other shit that’s questionable of one’s sexual preference.
I have nothing against gay men, but there’s a majority of us that one actual clothes, those of us that don’t want to look like a hoochiedaddy.
Also any good beard is a ‘hipster’ beard with fucking curly mustache tips, can we get something rigged for bento heads that’s more rugged and natural looking?
And for women as well, I know it’s SL, you can be what you want, but why is the trend as little clothes as possible? Does modesty no longer exist?
I think you’re in the wrong game, full stop, but I get it. You like your men super manly. Noted.
lol I have to agree with you on most of that because really this whole overly sexual 1/2 dressed look at my titties or package just makes me go uhg and is sooo over rated in SL like it’s more rare to be decently covered than ever much like you can’t get away from SL Flickr porn. but there are places out there even at these events and yeah you have to dig through the mass of thongs and hooker skirts to get to them but it’s still worth it and when buying them tells the creators yes that is what is needed.. hopefully people will get bored with the hooker & hipster looks soon!
But, just because something is kinda pervy doesn’t mean it’s gay.. a lot of the LGBT community think that look is meh as well and have nothing to do with it’s creation… myself included… we to like to be dressed “classy” and not the stereotype you speak of that really is only in movies for the most part except for a very small population.
There are 11,000 stores in SL that sell dull-as-ditchwater mens clothing. The number of stores that sell gender-bending or sexy wear for men is negligible in comparison, but they do tend to be the ones that get into events. And thank goodness for that because otherwise those of us who want something besides jeans, sweats, and tees would never be able to find those brands.
Because guys like their SL women or their female alts to prance around half dressed and bored housewives want to feel sexy. That’s been true since the 10+ years ago when I joined and didn’t understand why the majority of adult clothes for women were “here’s my butt and tiddies” when I wanted tee-shirts without nipple shading and a pair of comfy looking jeans.
If you want “modesty”, go to one of the Victorian sims.
So this week is, complain about Gachas and other clothing that you could just not buy if you don’t like them.
Complain about SL relationshiops when it takes 2 people to get there, and it’s SL.
Complain again about someone being a different gender, now a different race and hair color? Who cares, you are only complaining because you have some hate against another person. Trust me, there are lots of people of all types of ethnic backgrounds that have an avatar of another race. It doesn’t matter and since when does your hair have to match your real life color? This is like junior high kids making up ugly stories to get other people to hate them too. Grow up, damn.
about 5 I couldn’t read anyway.
Cheeky Pea attack, (shrugs).
Well, this week is over. We need these couple times a week now :p my fun reading ends a few days in. Then there will be fights like kids over people all week with whore, slut, cunts, pedos, childish junior high drama lol
Do I really have to wait till next Sunday? I’m impatient.
Just re read this one it will be the same next week anyway lol
I am 99.9% sure Rose sent that in herself. Did the publicity garner some sales for you last time? Well, in case you have already forgotten, some of us still remember how you scammed the SL community out of thousands of dollars. Make all the tree trunk-like hair you want, being a scam artist gets you zero loyalty, every time. If I wanted hair strands shaped like tree branches, I’ll just go ahead and upload one of those plants from the russian 3d websites cheeky pea loves so much, and wear it on my head with hair textures to boot.
Sadly am seeing a couple well-known bloggers wearing her hair am guessing that is all good for them as maybe they were never scammed
90% of designers are holding their shit right now to be busted lol.
Bit of a bummer that most designers do this yes, but people can lose their head over these things, pretty entertaining (:
Who will be the next to fall? :p
it s entirely okay in my book for people to hire a team to help you bring their ideas to fruition…..as long as theyre transparent about it and dont try to hide the fact that they didnt do it themself. allot of people have great and creative ideas but cannot or havent yet mastered maya and blender and other 3D programs so why not?
Its those shady ass money grubbers who try to silence the hard working team in the background while taking all the credit. and the ones like cheeky pea who buy 3D models off websites which clearly state they are not for resale in second life and pass them off as their own original creations who should really close shop and gtfo
Boring week and at least the SL Whisperer made more sense of the Cheeky pea issue than what’s posted here.
Regardless of names used or not. At least they will post about certain people/brands/etc. 🙂
More comments removed.. sensitive much… Undecided you in the same boat I take it. I thought you could take the heat? Sadly nothing or no one was mentioned. Just ego bruised I take it.
Oh hi. I thought you were done with us?
No one cares about a site that won’t post shit on their name. We take the heat all day and every day for folks who can’t handle it. The whisperer can’t even take the heat. Thus why they are irrelevant.
The heat and those frivolous lawsuit threats from idiots with egos.
So what has CP removed so far and what does she still have up in her store or MP that was stolen?
[editor’s note: this links to Cheeky Pea’s Plurk. I only add this as some folks don’t follow blind links]
16 & 20
if i recall i remember seeing V-tech come out with that anime like outfit top n panties before Muggleborn…JS
V-Tech came out with a kitty version before Muggleborn yes.. but someone also came with a kitty one before V-Tech, Muggleborn took inspiration from somewhere and made it their own, not just point plank copied like the kitty ones 😉 Just saying!
#10 – Be fair. The Addams gacha is lingerie and probably shouldn’t be on there. You also missed that the Foreverberry gacha has wholly transparent lingerie.
#35-36 – No kid body ever needs any sort of genitals, working or not. Good on the chat for calling that out.
#43-44 – It’s not killing a thing. People are still overspending because they want “a deal” and to not buy a fatpack/full pack for the rare they crave. Names are still getting out there. MP is still flooded with Epiphany gachas.
Morning! So it seems that Cheek Pea is the big topic of today’s virtual-secrets. (Understatement there). From what I have seen and what I do know, Isla brought a ton of this on herself. Am I all for the witch hunt? No, but she has not exactly been the nicest person in her time on SL. Yeah, she has busted the TOS of the sites that she got the mesh from, lied to her customers and event owners about her doing the work, been an all-around asshat to people/other creators, tried to start some dodgy rumours about some of her competition to cause them drama, and the site that she was getting the pre-made mesh is hinky as hell (Russian one is filled with stolen mesh). In my opinion, don’t buy from her, refuse to get anything that she has worked on and, I see that events have been removing her, so don’t have her in events any longer. I do understand people are feeling salty, upset, and betrayed by her, but some of the things that have been said by some, are a bit overboard. In regards to Trompe Loeil using pre-made mesh, I know I have seen a couple of pieces in the distant past now, that I ended up finding over at Surge, who does create full perm premade mesh for SL. The Alyce bench is an older piece, so it is very possible that Trompe bought the premade kit. Before anyone jumps on the bandwagon regarding Trompe though, please remember that quite a few designers in sl, when they first started did use premade mesh to help them to get started with mesh. Mesh takes quite a bit of time to learn and a lot of time to work with. When we first got it in… Read more »
#30 – makes me both sad and entertained at the same time when I see people post secrets about themselves. Too bad you made the pic quality too poor to tell who you are. (red means options only visible to you on your own profile. )

You stupid baby fuckers know nothing about the real Auggeh. Go drown yourselves.
Hey now, I do appreciate you taking up for me, but that is not the way to get your point across. Never wish harm on anyone like that, especially not on my behalf.
wow why on gods earth are you that fucking retarded
Use another word besides the R word
this is GOLD !
Lol I cannot stop laughing
good eye lol
LOL I almost posted a comment laughing at this, because that chick is one of the biggest drama whores on the grid and I couldn’t imagine who would feel that way about her… should have zoomed in! lolololol posting secrets about yourself Auggeh, seriously, just go hang out in your dying club with your few remaining sycophants and quit pretending you are sought after XDDDDDDD
Look at her profile inworld… all the groups are hidden except Havoc VIP and we can see all the hidden groups in that image LOLOLOLOL
Watch her try to say she lets her “man” log into her account or something… I wonder if he even exists, or if he’s an alt she made because she’s obviously so desperately lonely and in need of attention xDDDDDD
She is a piece of work always trying to threaten people and say people is copying her smfh so sad that’s she got to post shit about herself to help her dying place . Or her singing career no one wants that fat bitch rofl
Really? You really feel that way about her? Interesting. You sit there hidden behind your little mask of stupidity and anonymity and say all these things about her yet… you haven’t got the BALLS to say it to her face OR to let us know who you are. Isn’t it sad that you have ALL these comments and opinions about someone you don’t even know yet you don’t tell us who you are.. are you a coward? Too chicken-shit to show your legacy name or who you really are? Mm didn’t think so, so you keep going, keep spouting your hate, your ignorance for the world to see when really, you come to this site and talk shit about someone else cause the reality is, if you spoke about yourself, no fucker would listen. Oh btw, you call Auggeh a fat bitch? Show us a photo of yourself then?
auggeh how many post are you taking up for your fat bitch self ? they all sound the same. just like that patheic post you put on here .. rofl show everyone what you look like in rl . wait we seen you already no dont do us that favor lol
And suddenly when all the dogs are called out to give their legacies so we can see who you REALLY are, you’re all like fucking crickets when someone walks past… suddenly quiet.. figures!
Wait.. and where is YOUR legacy name, or are you too gutless to show your face so we can find out who you are? This page is FULL of cowards, i dare every single one of you to post your legacy names, IF your dare, let’s get all this shit out on the table and see how ‘brave’ you are with your words when everyone know exactly who YOU are… cant hide behind words when your real legacy is here… do you dare?
Pick one name and email. The next post I see from you in moderation will be trashed. I don’t know why you keep changing names. Everyone knows it’s you.
PROVE it is Auggeh.. you can’t, you’re generating hate and I think it’s about time legal advice is sought on this hate fueling site.. enough is enough.
The irony of this response is the best; seriously, congrats on a truly epic level of self-awareness?
Where is your legacy name, again? LOL
Nah didn’t think you’d share YOUR legacy, you’re all talk, all bluff and blunder but too gutless to put a name to your words… an absolute COWARD.
Where is it? It’s right here, Brayleighhope Resident… that’s me… Not Augs, but me.. now, where’s yours!?
7 – That is utterly golden lmao I love it!
12 – LOL thank you for this one too!.
Cheeky Pea Madness – My two cents on this … she fucked up big time. She did what she did, she finally admitted what she did and is making efforts to rectify it (she didn’t do all of this overnight, it’ll take more than a day or two to catch and remove all affected items I would imagine). She accused/trash talked/etc etc. (not limiting it, just not listing it all) other creators in the past, before her own indiscretion and did to them what they are doing to her. Their reaction is just another consequence. It’ll all pass, she’ll get back to doing what she does, so will (and did) the other creators and people will buy her (and the other creators) items. Hopefully she learns from her mistake and doesn’t do it again, but everything that’s happening is just par for the course when something like that happens (i.e. backlash, unhappy people, creators past being hurt and outraged that she turned around to do it herself, possible legal action, etc. etc.). That being said, there is a difference in expressing someone’s disappointment in her vs. lashing out and letting your emotions get the better of you (at least I hope that’s what the case was, otherwise that’s just letting your psychosis out to play and that’s not safe either). …and yes … I saw the Plurk.
Just a random thought … could you imagine how different SL shopping would be if each creator literally HAD to create/upload their own mesh … like … there were no templates to buy or it was just physically impossible to upload any other kind of template/mesh but a specific kind? xD
Like Rose & Vanity learned their lessons on scamming anyone who believed their lives ~ doubt it ~ as people still are busy buying Olive Hair as seen in recent blogger posts ~ it’s like who cares one day they are vilified weeks later its back to business as no one is willing to really come and truly stand up and say something to each of them and before you ask or care I sent each of them an NC giving them my thoughts on how despicable they were for taking advantage of good people ~ not that I got replies nor actually thought I would.
#1 LOL Now this made me laugh for a few reasons and I agree with the person that responded. I am truly surprised it took someone this long to put us on here, of course it was the one person that is a special cupcake to do it. Let me point out your mistakes in this ok? Good. Bare with me. 1. Cape Crimson was two years 2 months ago and open more than a month but thank you for the memory lane. Thank you for posting that our websites state no returns… I mean you do realize what that means right? It means you do not get your money back. Now I shouldnt need to do this but I will. I am not the only sim that does that. As a matter of fact… our website suggests you only rent one week at a time. Now Its no secret who this is Riley Thomas (rileyjones2). Who by the way is a scorned ex Admin for us. So if we are going to go down memory lane and tell stories why dont we just do that shall we? Ok good. Riley comes to our sim and claims to LOVE IT. The most amazing build she has ever seen. Great good thanks. At first all is well. Now those that know me know I am big on communication. Riley doesnt communicate well at all, and yes she was getting paid 5000k a month to do an Admin job she agreed to, along with 2k a month for being lead. So Riley wanted to be a lead as well as Admin. At first we didnt want this because we wanted our Admins to focus on one task. She said she could do it, she can handle it. We agreed to change it… Read more »
“I guess getting the boot from a 7k a month job would do that to you.”
Less than US$1.00 a day.
Who pays admin (of a faction lead or general staff sort) on a roleplay type sim? Sure, more often than not, it can be a bit of stress, but those sorts of places tend to be labours of love more often than not.
If you pay a builder, scripter or a web dev to get you started, that’s one thing, but paying people to spend time and help manage in a way that is typically a hobby or exercise in creativity just seems like bad news bears to begin with.
The same reason you pay sl strippers, they are performing a service. This is just an observation.
thieves always have to take down others to take the heat off of themselves.. lol ur a dickhead js
LOL you people are killing me. Def making my morning! Yes I close and open close and open. Why? Because I get an idea, I build it, then decide I am not feeling it and close. Guess what? Here is a secret.. shh dont tell anyone.. its my money. I can do what I want. When I want. How I want. If you dont want to come play there its simple, DONT. I am not one of those owners that needs the traffic. You will never see bots sitting around one of my sims. Yes some of close closed due to RL, and guess what RL has this way of working itself out sometimes. Sorry my life can do that and others cant. Many people close open close open try new things, try this try that, but here I am getting shit for it. That is ok, I dont care. Makes me laugh. Will this stop me from opening another? No. Maybe the other comment believes we are banking off rentals. “Come pay us”. Let me point out. None of our websites or sims allow for donations. Nor do we allow for businesses in the OOC area. Yep sounds like I am trying to take you all for all your worth! Which is about … nothing. Yes I am a dickhead. Scammer I am not. LOL. Anyone else want to claim they didnt get paid?
Listen mate. I joined your sim Fifty Shades of Crimson. It was open one week, you accepted me to your group a few days before you closed ‘due to rl’. You took my Lindin for a rental then you closed the sim. You then opened another one. You didn’t refund me my lindin for the week. That’s called being a jack off scammer.
Now fuck off with your attempt to claim innocence. Damage is done and I’ll be sure to tell my friends to stay away in giving you any kind of support. Sort your shit out first before trying to run a sim. When people go to a RP sim it’s with the intent of actually roleplaying. If you want money, go do event sims and advertise designers.
I don’t know or care who this person your blaming all your shit on for your scam projects but it sure as fuck has nothing to do what you’ve been up to or so your drama filled explanation tells us.
https://gyazo.com/893051ed31da858818b9b38db430ae82 <— I am not sure which part of this is confusing. Is it the .. dont pay more than a week? Is it the no refunds? Is it the fact that I repeated it more than once? So why is it an owners fault the player decides to pay when they are highly suggested NOT TO.. So did I force you? Did I influence you? Beg you? Perhaps if players would actually read the website your issues wouldnt happen. You want to claim its me? Why are you special? Why should you get your rent back? Why as an owner I am suddenly responsible for your actions.. your decisions? I warned you and every other player that choose to rent that you would not receive a refund. I am not your daddy or your dom. Your choice own it.
I have no clue who you are or what your sim is about (other than what is stated here) but you have a pattern of behavior it would seem of opening up sims with rental spots, then closing up shop- with rent monies paid out to you. I’m sure the rent monies don’t come close to covering tier- I’m sure you’re not getting rich off your actions- and yes we all have seen your “no refunds-do not rent more than a week” jargon- but plain and simple- as a decent human being who seems to either be really wishy washy and yanks their builds on a whim, or plagued by RL issues that you repeatedly suffer from enough that you have a pattern of behavior in SL as a side affect- you could do the right thing and refund rent to these persons- kickback karma can be a nasty bitch…
Please go outside and get some Vitamin D before it’s too late. In the immortal words from CSI:NY, “log off, log off now”
Well said, Kesseret and Be Less Ignorant, Please = That made me chuckle.
Also, Bastian you should call your next sim ‘Titanic’. At least when people join they know where it’s headed.
lol@titanic.. yes!
Did it take you thirty minutes to think of that? I am surprised you are able to reply considering you do not know how to read something that is repeated over and over.
Oh but he has a “No Refunds” disclaimer! Doesn’t that mean he’s completely covered his ass and isn’t liable in any way for being a scam artist? LOL
But……. If it clearly says “No refunds” you can’t be mad when you are NOT refunded. Come on now. Hell if it’s that big of a deal don’t rent from them. Just role play. For fucks sake I’ve never seen a bigger group of children in my life. Crying children at that. After all it is just a game so let’s not all take it so damn seriously. Unless of course Second Life is in fact your First Life. I just don’t see how anyone can believe this if they know how much it costs to even have a full sim. You can’t make the money back in rentals like that.
One more thing.. I am breaking it down for you. I need 100 weeks worth of rent to make $1. and 1,700,000 weeks of rentals to make one week of tier. That is one million seven hundred thousand for you that have trouble with numbers. LOLOL.. .. now you all look special.
Actually it makes you look stupid.If you are trying to make money SL isn’t the place.Linden Labs get richer on your kind of special.
shotty business man
LOL This is a role-play sim not a business. Shocker right?
Bastian NOT Bastion umm whatever Bastard
https://gyazo.com/f933e298e0bde02a2869af5c27a30bc6 LOLOL at least call me something I dont call myself every single day. Also.. using pet names on me will not get you free rentals! I am here to take your 1Ls!!!!
Scamming people has got you wired that you go batshit over a typo.
Go make another sim and get some lindin off innocent victims. Blaming all your drama on someone else makes me believe the secret even more. Gotta love those notices “WE’RE CLOSING DUE TO RL SUCK IT UP”. One week later “HI! WE’VE OPENED A NEW SIM!”.
AKA the money has ran out, come pay us.
It’s been a few weeks since I’ve managed to do a full read, however, here we are. 1 – Who? 2 – Again, who? 3 – Is this the new ‘pedo hunt’? Suddenly we’re social justice warriors who are going to try to out people as being a different gender than their avatar? For what it’s worth, though, I’ve heard Trouble on voice. He’s young, and sounds young. But he is very much male. 4 – We get it. Olive is a piece of shit. Move forward. 5 – “Acts like she’s white, but she’s black in RL”. “Not really a blonde in RL.” And? Lol. What is your point? 6 – Fix your font, use a drop shadow, something. If I can’t read it, I don’t care. 7 – Spot on. Whoever posted this one, you are my hero/heroine. 8 – Then don’t play the machine? 9 – I’m confused why being gay or female is supposed to make a difference between the ‘bad’ texturing you think you’re pointing out here. 10 – A lot of these clothing are far too covered to be considered ‘whoreish’. 11 – Awww. Tell them! 12 – Yes, please. 13 – Who? 14 – Again, who? 15 – This is a pet peeve of mine, so thank you secret-poster for calling stuff like this out. I get that designers are incredibly busy with some close deadlines, but there is absolutely no excuse for this kind of laziness. 16 – Everyone gets their inspiration from RL. Get over yourself. 17 – See my response to #3. Except I’ve not heard Crimson voice. 18 – How the fuck is the far left one ‘sex worker level’? It’s shorts and a thin-strap tank top. Also, sex workers can run around in tshirts and sweatpants. How someone… Read more »
In reference to “30 – Fun fact: When you’re looking at other peoples’ profiles, the About section isn’t usually white, implying you can edit it. And since this secret was done in a dark UI, the About section would have been the color of the groups background if it were anyone other than the person actually attached to that avatar. When submitting secrets of yourself, try to be a little more clever, please. Maybe you should take lessons from Lance, if it’s a marketing ploy to get people into your club.”
I noticed the white background of the “About Me” section right off the get go as well! Not to mention that if you view a profile that is not your own you will NOT see the box to “Show In Search”. You can also see the wrench icon to change the display name hahaha! Obviously August is making secrets about her damn self to feel relevent and get some free promo for her crappy club. The traffic must be low this month.
I think my numbers are off cause 66 was empty when I commented this morning, but most of the relevant shit you can figure out. Sorry. Lol.
You’re an idiot. I find it funny you had all this time to read through all the posts and then comment on them and yet still found nothing intelligent to say.
1-66. How many times can you say “why do you care” without looking redundant? 2.. Sorry you’ve exceeded your limit.
6. Who gives a crap if you don’t care.
8. Grow a pair!
10. I’m sure you know best about what’s whorish and what’s not.
26. Stay confused, the world is better that way.
28. “No comment” is the best thing you’ve said in this entire post.
30. Ever heard of Photoshop?
36. See #8
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 49, 54, 60, 61(?), 63, 64, 65. No one cares about your opinion.
50. Leash holders are what they want to be. Some people actually do consider them a sign of commitment. You just sound really dumb.
62. Calling someone else garbage? That’s rich.
Hi Lance! How are you today?
Caiti or Lance, is that you?
I suspect that’s part of the Cheeky Pea rant plurk. Dust Bunny and Apple Fall were part of that discussion. There was a witch in the plurk, as well, but I’m not curious enough to go back in there to figure out who that was.
Additionally #25 – What the fuck is a babydomme? Lol, no. This is not a thing. Sit down.
means shes a little bitch prob
27) you can’t claim someone stole something without posting a side by side of the victim you are claiming this person stole from … SL secrets 101
#5 “Not actually blond in RL” *rolls eyes*
#6 only way submitter got that skin was copybotting it. 2 wrongs don’t make a right.
#10 “All these gay men are in fact bitchy women” (and who cares)
#11 “All these cockjuggling whores are in fact ‘lesbian’ males” (and who cares)
#29 We have discussed this before, let the Asian cultures reclaim the Manji please.
Big news this week is how Cheeky Pea, and now it seems Trompe Liel are buying stolen models from dodgy Russian sites? Well, they need to be run out on a rail.
You cannot “reclaim “ the Nazi symbol. It’s poison korvo didn’t put on the out side, visibly- it was placed on the inside . It’s fucked remove it. As an Asian I am embarrassed to think people can’t find a symbol of strength with a purer reputation.
Oh shit, Trompe too? Well, at least Trompe fixes the LOD, I’ve always wondered why CP’s became such shit compared to when I started buying her stuff, now I know.
Well to be fair, I believe both her and her husband do 3D modeling in RL. They used to work for Electric Sheep company which had a presence in SL in the very early days. I would say it is possible that the content someone found made actually been theirs as well. I mean we do have lives outside Second Life lol.
here’s hoping since i buy everything she makes pretty much lol
please dont tell me that about Trpmpe. i love their stuff more than cheeky pea. 🙁
@#10 – Second Life is like 85% women AVATARS (Men playing women, gay men playing women, actual women and other feminine genders), 13% gay men and and 2% straight men who are taking a break from gaming/looking for a virtual world social outlet. So yes, male content will look like this in male events.
Sorry, but there are a lot more men in all than that. I can’t even go shopping without having some guy literally want to crawl up my ass (not even joking this dude had a tiny Avi and his fetish was living in a ass lol).
The issue is that male avatars are much less likely to care about their apperence (as evidenced by all the 8 year old ugly ass noobs with payment info activated) so there isn’t the same demand. I’ve met very few men on sl who have the same interest in their appearance as the ladies, and the few have met are also fashion bloggers, so it’s their thing, but my experience with men on sl is that as long as their pixel dick is working they dont really care about their looks. These are the same guys who don’t get why a female avatar that has had at least 100usd invested into it isn’t interested in their orange ass. So if you are wondering why there isn’t much male avatar content it’s because most guys on sl have one look. It’s not worth it for designers to make guys stuff exclusively.
You must hang around some pretty bad places.
Lol Lord Meow, instead of acting bitchy point us to the good pleaces…
I honestly asked the Dubai Event question because the amount of times I was getting messaged in world a week, sent note cards & messaged on fb. It was getting ridiculous. After I did not apply they tracked down my husband & sent him a message, note card & a gyazo of their in world sim traffic! It was a little weird in comparison to how other events do business. Hence me asking were they legit.
no one chases your fat husband he is too easy to catch hahahaha
That feels very aggressive on their part. I don’t blame you for wanting to ask that question. Any sensible person, after getting all that, should start asking questions.
Lol which is why this Event is going to fail quickly!
stop the lies kimberly no one was chasing you.. ypu have not responded and the thought came uo you might not seen the messages because of customer might messageyou so much so that the messages and nc get down. stop trying make the event organization look bad because of your ignorant behaviour.
M. sorry but the even it’s a shit and a joke… bad DJs for have traffic? please… it suppouse to be a shopping event not a fucking bad electronic music ones ohh sorry i forgot makarena “shitty host” is a spammer