Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 515.
virtual-secrets: Week 515
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 400 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Why do so many people hang from lances balls keeping track of his relationships? who gives a shit who he is dating, fucking over, cheating on, and daddy doming? who CARES? Why is secrets the “Lance show” every damn week, its boring, and so is he…Quit giving him free publicity. find someone elses balls to hang from, hopefully someone with a little more going for them than some “gentlemans club”. Also, this DMCA crap with Catwa is silly, she is just butthurt because she has no more ideas for heads (as a lot of hers look alike and as you notice, A lot more time between them than there used to be) and others are coming into the market cheaper, and unique, and this is her way of knocking out some competition. She has already fucked herself in the ass though, as she lost a lot of customers with her very public temper tantrum. Whether she apologized or not, deleted said tantrum or not…the internet does not forgive or forget. She will have a tough time proving anyone stole her maps when they aren’t even hers, they are linden labs….
13: What has been seen cannot be unseen. I really didn’t need to see that RL butt.
it is photoshopped, pay attention to the left cheek near the crack you can see a brush line…
This is the original picture:
but still even if it is someone elses ass …. covers my eyes!!!
Ok I see your point, but did you notice the detail i mentioned? right next to crack, look very closely, you can see the bad spray touch there… It is photoshopped.
Try to make the image bigger and you will see what I mean, next to the crack.
For the fact that you actually took time to zoom in and inspect someone else’s actual ass for something that doesn’t really matter to begin with is actually pretty sad.
14: Someone is a very jelly-honut about not making it as a blogger for them and those others did. News flash for you…. the blogging world can be rough be glad you didn’t make it and can do your own thing instead. (ain’t got no time for bloggers jealousy!)
21. so wait, you’re poly and can date other people but your partners can’t?
What do you think cuckolding is about?
so all 4 of the people shes with are into cuckholding? thats a farfetch assumption.
Different strokes for different folks 😛
i see what you did there!
That’s how she does it, yes. She’s ruined long-time friendships of her significant others because she’s felt jealous or threatened.
what about this kid thing? shes trying to fuck her kids too or what?
#14 That… just looks like a bunch of people who were pleased that they were accepted as bloggers. WTF? Come on, 90% of us would be awful at blogging, and we know it. Don’t rain on someone else’s parade. Don’t be such a killjoy.
All the ignorant rude shit I said and yall hone in on me talking shit about not having kids. FYI i also said id leave weed in my back seat so as not to forget my kids. First of all I dont care 2nd of all I am not a mom. I dont know how to take care of shit but myself. So if your mad I dont know how to take care of a RL tiny child I dont care. WTF. Im barely able to act like a functioning adult on sl at least i admit it.
Well since you don’t care, why even comment? Being single I bet is not your choice, you cannot keep anyone. You are just a nasty person in general. You are an attention seeker, why not try to be a nicer person. Not everybody agree with you and most of your ‘friends’ are too scared to put you in your place. This is sad and you are a pathetic person that leech onto others to feel better about yourself. Now you probably going to rant and rave some more … showing more of your true mental colors.
9.) When you blame and criticize others, you are avoiding some truth about yourself… Theres only one person who would keep stiring a pot that has boiled over one to many times.. Before we go putting fingers at Evie lets look at the big picture here… Alexis & Zak owned a sim where Junior lived that went under, where she tried to go big to fast taking everyones money and running to an alt… Then along came Masoma… Another one she took money closed down and up and left AGAIN… Then Cumberland where it was all blamed on Traci, again more money gone… Then it went to Avon.. Everyones quick to pointing fingers but no one wants to look at the big picture.. Maxwell and Alexis has been on everyone of these sims… Theres always been another person blamed but no one wants to step back and look at the big picture… There has been NO DEATH RECORDS on Alexis… And Maxwell sat around forcing everyone to believe he had them until he was confronted.. Theres rumor going around that Alexis has started a new avatar but whos out trying to find out what shes doing now? Rather then sitting here bashing people that have of you have no idea about!! Evie was forced and pushed around by Maxwell, until others had stepped in and put there foot down. Alot of her children has left her because of him.. Evie wears her heart on her sleeve and would do anything to make him happy just to keep her family together until outsiders stepped in pointing it out to her… Evie is one of the many who has pushed to pay some people back… All communities work differently and just because she was a manager in Avon doesnt mean she had… Read more »
Alexis is not dead I don’t care who you think you talked to at that place she was supposed to be creamated at. I have it on good authority that it was called, both locations, never getting confirmation that any such person was ever there. Not only that, her “RL Facebook”, if you actually take the time to look at it, there are SL people claiming to be her family on there. Where she then added a number of strangers with the same last name as her from all over the place. You don’t need to be a PI to figure out her face book was bull shit. She was a terrible owner who tried to fuck every girl she met. And she ran every community into the ground that she touched. And low and behold, the one person who claimed to have met her in RL, just 2 weeks after Alexis died was trying to start a community. The screen shots are shit. Alexis is every single one of the people you think you spoke to. That bitch is casting shade as we speak!
This is maxwell. Let me clear some things. Yes I am no longer in SL fulltime. I do come in for a few minutes here and there to say hi to some. I never had any access to Avon finances and dont care.if anyone believes that. I do not know if Charisma did or not. I suspect she did from conversations but do not know. I also do not know if Alexis is dead or not. I personally never got confirmation but was told by charisma that she did speak to people. This fighting over all this is dumb and shouldnt be happening because it’s been over a year why does anyone care anymore. Yes I am a dick and an asshole and thats fine im not in SL bothering anyone anymore. This is all childish. Grow up and move on.
Why this keeps surfacing, I have no idea. Move on people, unless you were ‘in’ the family, then all you have is perception. There were many things that took place, but Evie did make an effort to pay people back with her own money, even against the opinions of Alexis and Maxwell. It was never her responsibility to do that. She kept lists, logs, and answered IM’s. That is far more than anyone else was willing to do. I agree that people really need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture, Evie (or her alts) weren’t even around until Cumberland, which removes her from having knowledge about prior communities. All of you who claimed to be ‘family’, did you even pay attention to the ongoings? Kids did leave, as kids do, but when Evie decided to go teen, the kids who were left were invited to come with her. Let us also keep in mind that the remaining kids were never even online that often. No one sits in SL to be bored, or wait on people, or deal with drama. A lot of the drama was because of Maxwells “opinions”, and a lot of the kids did have issues with his opinions and that is why they left, or he told them to leave. So while everyone sits here pointing fingers at Evie, lets keep in mind that the family consisted of many more people than her. You shouldn’t throw stones at a glass house, so before you sit here and claim perfection, take a look in the mirror. Own up to your own bullshit and move on, life is too short.
Again someone that only knows Evie part of the story. Obviously because she was in masoma. Only 1 kid left the rest she kicked out herself. Maxwells opinions are just that …..opinions. He was an asshole and a bully but his words had no power of the rest of us or them kids. No one ever listened to him. Her attitude was much more hurtful. And as stated a dozen times she did pay people back. But only those that could back her up by saying she did. And against Alexis wishes? Alexis was in the hospital not even online and barely talking to anyone so seriously doubt she had an opinion. Y’all keep trying though because everyone , but the few ignorant, knows who she really is and her lies. Even the people before Moore’s know her lies. Keep trying though it’s cute.
P.s he only told one to leave and it was because she asked him to go on her avatar and do it for her which she has admited to multiple people.
Alexis was around in SL before she went into the hospital, right after the issues at Avon. She had plenty to say. Alas though, no one has any concrete proof of anything and only one person was butt hurt enough to stir the pot, again. Rejected is a lovely shade.
actually charisma was given to rosie when alexis and rosie took there relationship into secondlife and was never in masoma or had access to charismas account rosie always kept me up to date on things being and i obtained alot of chat logs between maxwell and rosie that 1. shows that charisma was given to her and 2. shows that maxwell did steal money of course i’m sure rosie has the screenshots somewhere
Now we know your lying. Everyone that knew Alexis and managed for her knew that Alexis didn’t trust anyone with the account that had the rental money on it except her wife Charisma. So how did Maxwell steak money when there was only two people that had access to the money account. And everyone knows that charisma was given to Rosie, like seriously everyone. A little common sense would show that when speaking of charisma is also speaking of Rosie who was I fact part of Cumberland and Mosoma. Hello mcfly got any common sense up there? And Actually She has fucked over plenty of people that can stir the pot again. Sometimes people don’t forget. Alexis is gone. Maxwell is gone. I’m sure there are a lot of people that don’t like Evie sitting pretty as if she is innocent. She would sit there and talk to max. Hang out with max. Be his best friend but behind his back talk shit about him to the rest of us. If he was so bad to her why didn’t she dump him ages ago. Because he would buy her clothes and skins and things she needed and as soon as he decided it was enough and she found someone else to live off of she didn’t need him anymore. But you know what it’s all pointless because you know her truth and we know ours. She isn’t a bitching to us anymore and seeking attention from us anymore and No one is saying Alexis and Maxwell are victims because they aren’t but but to tell lies about them to make her look like an angel is bull, she sure as hell isnt innocent and for someone that wasn’t able to buy lindens she sure as hell lived comfortably after Avon… Read more »
And with that I’m done posting. She knows who she is and what she has done. She is no better than the other two. Everyone knows this. The people that stood by her after being warned have learned and now know and everyone else will eventually learn. As far as I’m concerned this topic is over for me. Peace out Evie I’m sure you accomplished what you needed.
Come to think of it. Charisma always seeked attention. How do we know she didn’t post this SL secret about herself to get attention and pity from the new family she freeloading off of. Isn’t unlike her.
Woah now that’s quite a lil soap opera.Some cable network might actually buy that story.I’m dying that this person is serious about the feels here.Sometimes ya should just push the off switch,eh?
so you all think your smart and know everything well you don’t you all just want someone to blame for what happened at avon instead of blaming the one who had access to the money alexis moore not charisma, alexis never even paid for the sim that her family lived on dharisma did as for max he never even paid a penny towards the sim just because they are both gone now its time to pick on the one person that remains in SL
rose: charisma may been a shit mom but you was a shit daughter and a spoiled brat who would always moan about wanting a bigger room instead of small room – fyi it was alexis who wanted you gone also.
I never moaned about wanting a bigger room, that was just one more of Charismas many many lies she spreads about me. But frankly I don’t give a shit about her lies since I know that is all she ever did. I was Alexis’ daughter longer than any of the others who came and went, far longer than charisma was even a blip on her radar, so I know you are full of shit there. But keep kissing Charismas ass and listening to her toxic lies.
obviously you don’t know what you think you know, Max did’t pay for anything that part is true. But Charisma never paid anything either. How someone that don’t work able to pay an entire sim? She couldn’t even keep a quarter sim. this post is probably Charisma herself or one of her new meal tickets that fallen into her lies. Alexis and Rose had been together longer than any of them, longer than Charisma and even longer than Max. They were closer than any, no way Alexis wanted her gone. try that BS again.
Awww look someone new to believe her lies. Actually She was in every single one of those communities and she also helped handle the finances……known fact by many. Maxwell is no angel everyone knows that but he didn’t handle any money and he wasn’t sleeping with Alexis. Maxwell is guilty of being a dick to people. And i believe Charisma was the one that said she had proof from Alexis co workers and family about her death so not sure what your speaking about. Not really sure how you can “force” anyone or anything in SL since they are fake avatars. Many MANY people were never paid back only those that were close to Charisma that could say ” yes she paid back” great game was played many times before. and finally you can’t lose a job when you never had one. oh yeah and anyone can ask her kids , they didn’t leave, except one. she kicked each one out to become a teen and get in with yet again a family that runs a community.
Hi yes, Im the kid who left just before Alexis died. Ive talked to the people who were my siblings in that family and Charisma did indeed boot them out. Also I also have proof of Alexis’ death, we called the morgue to confirm her death, as well as talking to a number of people who knew her irl and anyone who would like screenshots please just ask I am happy to provide them.
#21 Hi, I’m Chips. Since Embrylenne likes to pretend this isn’t a thing and just focus on the “attack” on her Polywhatevr I’m waiting for her to explain why she’s hit on every “family” member she has/ had. It’s like she collects the people who she was/is interested in someway. If she can’t fuck them she’ll make them family. I want an explanation, but she’ll just cry victim.
If she’s not collecting family/friends because they’re failed attempts to fuck someone, then she’s collecting them to try and get at someone else in that person’s life. She just can’t stop.
Now she’s forcing her daughter to suck her fathers cawk because she can’t do it herself!
I mean hahahaha! The guy who is her dad now is currently someone she’s been trying to fuck for years but he’s so turned off by the genital warts on her face irl he opted to adopt her instead! How is such a ugly broad able to be poly? She needs to treat her herpes instead of trying to spread that shit! Grow up embreylenne! Get treated!
29: I’m not going to drop L$2500-L$5000 on a new bento head, especially with transaction fees going up. Do I have to purchase more from her? No. Will I purchase from her again? No. I have other important things to spend money on. I don’t buy Lindens often, and usually only do so as a treat to myself when I can afford to not be saving (which is rare).
Oh why not wasting time and money in SL that`s what it is all about LMAO…
One name and one email per week. Pick one and stick to it. Your current comment in moderation is getting trashed, repost it under one of your other names “Get A RL” perhaps. Things are too busy this week for you all to be changing names every 5 minutes
It always amazes me that that people are too broke to spend money in SL. But god forbid there is a scam fund raiser suddenly the poor broke down people have money to throw at scammers. Just talking in general.
I get what you mean. If I’m going to donate to an actual charity, I’m going to give my money to the charity directly. I’ve never been a fan of the charity events people host on SL because it always seems rather shady. With that being said, I’m a recent college graduate who picked a profession that pays shit so I don’t get to donate (or splurge) often.
I’m not entirely sure why so many people disliked your comment? You make a valid point.
Hi, can I help you? 🙂
No surprise that Oakley the white trash queen is on secrets “calling someone out” for their BS. She’s full of BS herself. Why does she care who Harlow is bumping pixels with? This is why two sluts can’t be friends, eventually one will infringe on the other person’s territory. I’ll speculate that Lance was dabbling with both Oakley and Harlow (probably still is). Harlow gets to be in the partner box, Oakley is the side piece and of course this pisses Oakley off that both her and Harlow were messing around with the same guy. I don’t get that part because when she was being her trashy self and tried to embarrass Sands, she was talking about how good her current pixel man is, Shiro? Hiro? Shyiro? Who the fuck can keep up with who Oakley is currently with anyway.
Harlow better keep a look out, its not unlike Oakley to fuck around on the down-low with her friend’s and associate’s pixel man. Some of us remember how she fucked over her friend Millie with Jay Money. Yeah ancient history but pattern behavior.
But Harlow is a dumb bitch anyway and this will be ongoing drama I am sure.
One thing I don’t get, IMO Oakley isn’t a bad looking woman. I don’t understand why she can’t get RL diq and goes through all this over pixel diq. Sad.
PS. Let us also not forget it was Oakley that was the main organizer of the Vanity fundraiser scam.
Oakley isn’t a bad looking woman? That ugly bitch looks like the result of a Pennywise and Miss Piggy marriage. LOL
She lives in Alabama, by Alabama standards she is a beauty queen. She still shouldn’t have a problem getting RL diq. She appears to have all her teeth. I don’t see why its so difficult for her.
What is the story about Catwa heads? I got one and I don’t know that there is anything wrong with it. What am I missing out on?
Come on, fill some bitches who aren’t on plurk in. Is there a link?
Lance doesn’t submit secrets about himself that’s just silly to say and he has enough haters that already do that. But boy if you knew what a good laugh he gets from those who do. He looks forward to them, thrives on them and then gets the last laugh. If his haters only knew how much he loves getting posted on secrets they would drop it immediately. He was having bets earlier at FMD how many times he’d get posted here. So unbeknownst to the pack of imbeciles, they are serve to make him and his club famous.
It’s funny that neither you nor he realizes that caring to that degree about this is actually the most pathetic thing of all- and this “betting” shit just makes it more likely that he’s posting them himself, or having sycophants do it. Being that invested in SL on any level is pitiful.
ROFL…this has to be is manager tool boi davishreborn. Now you have been mentioned, feeling all FAMOUS?
The word you are looking for is “infamous”.
Lmao gets the last laugh?? Sounds pretty gay
because “Sounds pretty gay” really shows how mature you are.
#46 Nutty…you salty ass bitch. You are just mad he ain’t fuckin’ you anymore. You’re suppose to be in your thirties and your up in SL and on here actin like a damn fool. Move the fuck on with your life.
Nutty playing the Victim again!!!!!!!! NEW sl name sexy fingers>>>>>> u fuck everyone u touch one way or anther and then cry it not your fault (LIKE fuck not your fault)……
-34- that is not a secret everyone knows hes a wannabe
This guy Lance……lol. Just his name made me laugh. Sounds like some bartender at a gay bar.
After all these weeks I finally looked at Lance’s profile to see who the fuck he is. So he collects bitches and SL family down to nieces and shit. And his whole profile is full of your momma jabs. This guy is the daddy all these girls with daddy issues want? He seems more like the 14 year old boy who wrote “your momma” on my locker in 8th grade. Someone please explain the daddy thing to me especially when the daddies are douchebags who just want new flavors. Is it all about getting the guy other women want? And who the hell wants the teenager with gray hair and a beard Lance? Someone explain.
You went to the trouble of disecting Lance’s profile, analyze every line in his profile, his family and lineage only to come back here and share your brain farts. You must be a PI in RL!
I find calling anyone “daddy” creepy and could never do it, but to each their own. It’s SL, it’s roleplay, it’s not real life (though this can happen RL too). It’s pixels.
#21 – Gosh you guys are so disrespectful making fun of Embry like that. Sheeesh she’s not even Poly she’s Poly-MONO jeeze get it right.
Is this the Embry moriarty on fb? Or are there 2 “poly” embrys who collect people because they can’t stand to be alone with themself. She also is poly… but doesn’t want her partners to be. Only she is allowed to date multiple people lol.
Yes the one and only.
Slashme – Adjusts sarcasm font.
She’s still very much “Poly” even if shes in several Mono relationships. Get it? “Several”?
A person can’t be Poly-Mono. The relationship they’re in can be: A Poly-person dating a Mono-Person. Poly-Mono person is like saying Gay-Straight.
Gosh Embry, speechless now?
#26- This man needs his own blog. Like it’s the kardasians of SL…. But worse… like…. First off his last chick was alot prettier, and actually had brain cells, like its like someone had starbucks but they settled for a gas station mocha…. Like WHY! He is obviously a narcissist and this is what the 5th time he been on here. Like karma get this Banjo-Picking Hilljack already….
oh and whoever posted this secret thank you having the balls to do what i wanted to but couldn’t if i knew who you were you’d be my new friend <3
Cant get mad at the people commenting here! lol Its Lincolngabriels problem that he ended up here again! Obviously his shit causes people a lot of distress, but his head is too far up his own ass to see that. #thatwontchange
On that note I am a fucking idiot for having anything to do with him in the first place cause I clearly saw all the dumb things he did to every other woman he dated. #cantblamehimformystupiduty
I can say it is certainly a mistake I wish I had never made! Good luck to him and all of his wifeys… at least he threw me out on my ass before I married him. #THANKTHELORDJESUS
From daughter to wifes from sisters to wives. This man does it all. Even banged his aunt on a alt. Honestly I’m not surprised anymore it’s got to that point where I can no longer put my trust and faith that he has changed. Even before any of you were even in the family it was just me and karrie who knew him back then. Maybe he was worse then he is today or maybe he was better back then. He’s changed…. into a man that no longer has the values he did back then believe or not he was kinder a year ago. I’m glad I wised up and left him before I became one of his hit and runs and maybe it was for the better that we didn’t try again because let’s face it you really pretty much picking up anything with a pussy and a pulse. Lincoln I know your gonna read this and I know your gonna comment. Surprised you haven’t made it public about your secret plays on the side. Does silver know about Andrew Aeon? Your alt?
I mean Someone that i used to Blow=Brielle
And to clear something up so nothing gets misunderstood, I will come out with my identity right now, I’m not scared of Linc or his family. I am his ex daughter Brielle. He fucked my mom over. I stated my opinion what is he gonna do, threaten to get me kicked out the wild west or eternal conflict? talk more shit behind my back?? Come at me Linc. I don’t care, I didn’t post the secret and I am entitled to my own opinion, So have a super sparkly day <3
Just got one question. WHO TF IS LANCE? I come here and almost every week someone is posting about this Lance guy. Why are y’all so obsessed with him??? If the old man (just by his avi pics that get posted, I assume he is old…) is getting some pussy then let him and if you women keep falling for it, than that’s on you. Obviously this older guy isn’t going to stop, he is set in his ways. I just don’t get it and have no idea who tf this guy is……..
You get a downvote, only because we can’t see what you are writing :p
Loveless has a few like this. Makes me wonder if she went back and editted/deleted what she wrote earlier or if a shadow banning happened.
Loveless is one of those crazy bitches from a few weeks ago with the whole Morgie bullshit. It catches her no matter what name she uses.

Funny how whenever someone wants to shit talk Oakley here they don’t even have to say anything. All they gotta do is post a snapshot of her chat LOLLOLOL. How many more times are we gonna give this crazy cunt a free pass for acting the way she does?
PS that whole daddy dom thing is creepy as fuck. It’s not a kink, it’s not something people “don’t understand”. Everyone understands and it’s creepy as fuck. It’s low, it’s disgusting and it’s down right ghetto. Only within confines abnormal mentally unstable sector of SL is it considered acceptable. Get real.
No Stromfield-Mistwood bitch slap this week for having 2 secrets published? Did her fucking internet go down or something?? Or maybe finally her nerve pills are working.
I’ve been trying to find out. What are the references to Catwa about this week?
This might help.
#50 I don’t even know what its all about but Oakley Foxtrot is the biggest scumbag, chithead cheap whore of whole second life. GET A FUCKING LIFE, no one copies you, no one to be like your fucking pixel “you”, you are 24/7 in SL talking shit of ppl or being a cheap slut. Much love ♥
#24 that has to be one of the most noob & ugly avatars I’ve ever saw.
these are all great secrets, but did Rose ever get those driving lessons/go back to school though? Asking for a friend.
#13 is FAKE
what the fuck is this flickr… that’s scary
It is the original picture, the one on the secret is a bad photoshop.
Why are most of these almost impossible to read?
Because you need glasses or a new monitor, phone, tablet etc…
Perhaps a GoFundMe is in order? Lol that joke never gets old.
5) Sis, we done knew Hope V. and Cedric are sexual ageplayers. If anyone hasn’t noticed.. they’re not the most secret about it. Must we reflect back on like SLS pedo list again? ((if anyone even remembers the week it was)) *rolls eyes*
DearMss Hayyz Heavenly, Allow me to be the First to invite you to FMD
Come sit with us, there is always a place for you at our cafeteria table. We don’t slut shame. (Well we do but you’ll be laugh WITH US) – Weekend are free,! We will all stand with you cause we know how these jealous ,fucking , LACKLUSTER, catty bitches can be. Muah! Sorry people we m ean.
figures there would be a cafeteria in ur club..lmao
the fatties need lots of carbs to fuel those big bodies it makes sense
Lance got it going on. I never go to FMD, it’s been yeeears and don’t know who this guy is. Why hate when you can do the same? If you don’t want to then don’t. What’s the point of even posting about someone in SL? You really think this playa care about jealous people? Nah he’s laughing at you while he gets all the hotties and you are just maaad. Get gone with your daddy came in my room at night mentality.
Clearly another FMD employee “playin”…or maybe the same one being a total hard on. You think this is helping your rep because people are talking about you idiots. Keep on feeding this fire “playa” you will know when we get bored.
Yes Lance has a checklist what his women must be in real life, esp knowing what his last conquests look like. criteria……menopausal, chubby, ..as he is a feeder, not all teeth have to be real and when on voice let us not forget their trademark wheezing.
lmao@hotties… jesus christ…yes yes we know lance is the cats meow.. lolll all the pussy he gets is in mesh form NOT rl.. we know thats what sl girls think a ‘man’ is.. meanwhile ^5 to thye real men in the world who get real pussy and have been to a rl club before lmao u guys are his inspiration
This lance shit is so boring anymore, Who cares? he goes to one girl after another, So what. The girls know how he is, if they want to be with someone that gets kick to the side, after what a month or less, Good for them.
OMG thank you for sharing me, who wanna suck my dick?! I feel like a celebrity…
p.s. i don’t change my fake picture, bcs i love this guy!
fucking the funniest thing is that I never said that this is my photo OMFG, hey spy, you made my evening … ahaha fuck .. it’s the secret of all the secrets… write more secrets about meeee!!!111 gah
Give this guy a prize for having the most down votes I have seen in here
41 dislikes… i’m absolute evil!! <3 hey, who dislikes me, please hate me in reply
Are you over 15? I would be sad to learn you were an adult with real responsibilities.
*sit’s back with some gin & tonic to lawl over the shenanigans… Kess & me you’re welcome to join me at the adult table and oh Satan sorry since you are “12” to bad
*joins you with a bottle of tequila…staring at the ridiculous jibberish this guy spits out in fascination* Must be a full moon coming
@kesseret you will save the world ? read my post please… we need you!
I am 12 years old, why you ask? you wanna sex with me?
so so so … well … I have to confess to the whole internet, my ex-girlfriend, in profile used a fake photo .. her name is alina milian !! please find her .. the world … oh no … the universe … the galaxy is in danger !!!
god stop snorting adderall
@me god is dead, your welcome :3
its really not the secret of all secrets.. just letting you know.. lol
dont lie!!11 it’s a secret… anybody call the police… satan catfish and don’t public RL pic in SL!111
Comments be like this today.
#30 and #17 Wow Austin, we knew you were pretty fucking petty but to stoop to this level is an all new low.
Jealous much? Stop being a douchetard and stop worrying about what Naddel is doing. Move on with your life!
#28 It’s kind of hard to be cheated on when you hide from your partner for 2 weeks, then dissolve your partnership without even mentioning it to said partner, then blocking him from the land and his stuff. So, who did he cheat on, poor narcissistic, bat-shit crazy Luna with? hmmmmm? Wouldn’t surprise me if this sad cunt posted this about herself to gain more “poor me, I’m the victim” attention. You are a grown-ass woman, start acting like it. Let’s hope you don’t act like this in your real life, cause if you do, I feel sorry for you.
Since I’m obviously late to this whole bashing of me on a public forum because well none of you unlike myself have an actual paying job. I dumped him for many reasons and him running back to tori who he hated so much and talked down on in saying she cheated on him and lied. It seems to me that Taz has a pattern when it comes to females and his attitude towards them.
He knew I was going back to working fulltime doing night shifts on rotate. He also played stupid when logging in with his dick on after the fact I was sleeping and he stays up all night long doing fuck knows what. He also knew i suffer long term anxiety and BDD which is why i have never cammed, but that changed today cam calling with my new man because what took taz 3 days to move on to his ex like the pathetic “man” that he is but so poorly tries to portray otherwise, it took me longer to move on with someone who actually cares. So Taz enjoy trying to be like your idol mikey and shane in pictures and mesh body with a life you cant afford on your own And I hope to God you start acting like a decent human being, get your ass up and start sorting yourself out.
Ps quit your oxytocin addiction that we all know you have. Duecs.
I think you meant oxycontin. Oxytocin is a hormone. But that probably was an autocorrect error.
Certainly was an auto correct error thank you Kesseret xx
Mfs stfu please. She didnt hide we all knew she was going back to work. Sounds like he is just butthurt for being caught with his ex and not having luna pay his way anymore he must love being pampered like a lame bitchass-princess on another person’s dollar.
yup thats exactly it. he was a whiny ass bitch 24/7 and was so fucking needy. HE is the one who is married and needs to focus on his god damn marriage and kids. she always had mic open and i could hear her being a good mom with her kids all day. she wasn’t active in sl most of the time bc she was being a SINGLE MOM. these people are fucking moronic idiots.
Going to have to agree. Luna is an illiterate Catfish. Voice but not cam verified. Also a SL whore cheating on her RL husband.
actually she HAS been cam and voice verified, but why the fuck does it matter to you? stalkin assholes. leave her the fuck alone. she didn’t lie about shit. you fuckfaces are just picking on her. she doesn’t have to prove shit to any of you losers. She his herself. She didn’t lie. she didn’t hide. HE did. get your shit straight. Morons
Illiterate? Really that girl is incredibly well spoken finished school and has a career and sure as fuck isn’t ignorant or married for that matter. You clearly do not know her at all sit your fat ass down, stfu and stop speaking with your mouth full.
but why does she have to cam verify maybe shes not there for more than sl.. not everyone wants to really be affiliated with ya’ll mfs after they log from a ROLEPLAY CLIENT
married rl,, hmm another non working, bad mother who is on 24/7 and cheats on her husband. Lovely Sl story..
she’s a good mom. and is single and has been for a long ass time. leave her the fuck alone. you all are some douches.
how do you hide on someone in sl?? all you have to be is in the same group as them.. any group that has a name list and hidden or not you shall see if they’re on.. i thought that was why everyone had so many alts
Who stalks someone in a group to see if they have been online, That seems rather nuts.
im not the one blocked or one being hidden on so slow your jelly rolls my loves. i was just actually trying to learn more hiding techniques if i so needed them.. lol dont be mad now all your stalkers will know ur online @ Get a RL.. and why should anything in SL=the INTERNET seem anything other than nuts lol
You can not hide when people use such things as online trackers
@me Good point you have made. I seem to run into alot of nuts in SL. I believe it is the home of crazy ass people.
Hell, I have an attachment that all I have to do is type a command in local and it will tell me whether someone is online or not, regardless of that little checkbox, and I’ve had that thing for years.
@be less and me …..shhhhhh you guys are giving away how to avoid stupid people…
Another stalker comment, How creepy is that?
Good for you. Still doesn’t negate the fact she ignored him. Jesus… sorry “hide” was the wrong word. Maybe be little less of a dick.
Wouldn’t surprise me if she had alts. Lets just say she “ghosted” him for 2 weeks.
@someone who sees through your bullshit,
I do have an alt, everyone knows I took a friends account over and made a TD version of myself for pictures with family. Anyone can see when she is or isnt online, just like with my main. So your opinion/theory on that is debunked.
#20 There seems to be an interesting breed of people in Second Life who are so desperate to “own” something and to “be” somebody that they will try, time and time again, to open up these various businesses that all inevitably fail. At some point, recognizing that you’re just not cut out to run even a bottom-of-the-barrel online escort club is important for your personal growth, let alone the embarrassment that you should feel by the fact that others do not forget. It’s always funny to me seeing that new escort clubs open with the same collection of failures at the helm, only to be torn down once they realize they can no longer feasibly pay for this “dream business” with the paltry amount of shekels they’re bringing in. At some point it might be wise surrounding yourself with people who won’t cling to the same ridiculous dream as yourselves, and will be honest about your abilities. And don’t get it twisted – if you’re having fun, you’re having a good time, and it’s not about the money for you – all the power in the world to you. But if it’s simply an effort to make a name for yourself, and if you already have a few failed businesses under your belt, perhaps look at the common denominator here: It’s you. You are a failure at running virtual businesses. But that’s okay! Maybe you have other hobbies, maybe you’re a really good juggler? Maybe you’re really good at looking after your children! But at some point, wake up and recognize that you are not good at running businesses. Stop trying to “be” somebody, because it just causes people to laugh at you – case and point, this secret. See also: Whipped, who if I remember correctly were the ones… Read more »
Its not Allie (or all of her alts with their failed businesses) fault that all of the shitholes fail. She’s managing about 12 accounts, her client list for boring photos of girls on the same bed background just skyrockets then RL gets so busy and shes only ONE person; how can you expect her to constantly dominate the escorting industry too?
Also, I’m pretty sure the number of failed businesses are much higher than are listed on that secret.. this bitch has all the free time in the world. I don’t think she’s ever seen sunlight since she’s joined Second Life, just sits in piles of trash at her computer going from account to account.
Impact is a joke. If you’re hard up for money, you should cut back on the alts and Second Life then maybe open a web browser tab and try filling out a job application.
Anyways, back to the constant conversation about Lance.
Hello there, I’m not sure who you are but I guess you must know me pretty well huh. Any business I’ve opened has been on my account and not an alt so not entirely sure with that one but you hit the spot with the rest of your comment. My 12 accounts and I have a grand time actually. Between my strip clubs (the 5 that I currently own) and the studios (8 and counting), and the clothing stores and whatever else…I don’t really know how I have the time! I joined SL a while ago so, you’re right…definitely no tan for me! The trash piles are growing slowly and quietly…I’ve got some leftover pizza here..want a slice? We can talk about your feelings since you seem to have many. I do have alts, you got me there. As if everyone here doesn’t. I’m not hard up for money actually as clubs don’t usually make money. Especially failed clubs like mine. Feel free to stop by and enjoy the music and the girls though…I might not be there as I’ve got you know…12 accounts to be on and manage my 50 businesses but yeah…Hope to see you one day!
I didn’t say that you’re currently running anything besides Impact.. everything you’re involved in sucks then fails.. that’s what we’re laughing at, dummy. Your roleplay sims, photography studios, clubs, etc.
Good to hear that you’re not hard up for money (I hear that some manage to almost turn a profit from government assistance if they’re disable enough) because with your track-record, “fun with your friends” is all you will gain from your club.
And sure.. I’ll stop by and enjoy the radio but that’s about it because do you even have a staff? Besides the mentally handicapped Alessa? I hope that mouthbreathing neanderthal is not the star of your herd because she’s been around hooker town begging for a job from every club here lately. =/
Ah okay, sorry for misunderstanding. I mean I get what you’re saying but I do wonder who you are since you seem to have a personal issue with me. Which sucks that you’ve chosen to take out here. Maybe you have a valid point. And that’s all I’m really looking for, not money. A few do profit you’re right. And no we don’t have staff as we’re not open which is why I find it funny that it’s even on here. I don’t mind people telling me I’ve failed. I have failed and probably will many more times with many things but at the end of the day, it’s an online game. I have a feeling I know who you are, as again, this seems personal so if you want to trash me in person feel free as I’m assuming you know my in-world name. I’ve had one role play sim with a friend about three years ago…not sure how or why you remember that but I guess I’ve known you for a while. I’ve had two photography studios (those can’t really fail they’re just there) I don’t constitute as just doing stuff for fun as failing. I’m not out here seeking RL income, so I don’t know. Like I said though. You know my in-world name so, why don’t you message me there instead? If you don’t want to, just come by and hang out. Maybe we’re not all as terrible as you think who knows.
No personal issue here, just enjoy laughing and talking about the nonsense that goes on in the hooker world.
Thank you for defending yourself to us here on SL Secrets and losing your sarcastic tone, we appreciate it. Humility may help you better run your future businesses! I look forward to the opening of Impact then and hopefully it doesn’t meet the same fate as the rest of the businesses (although you left out quite a few but no sense in arguing over numbers when you seem to be in beginning stages of acceptance) that you have listed above for us. 😉
Sure thing. Thank you for your criticism regarding my photos…I’m slowly trying to improve and make my backgrounds more diverse, sometimes my creativity runs out. Hope you have a good day! 🙂
Nice of you to jump ship on your failure club, Allie. I’m sorry virtual-secrets stung too much, but now you can focus more on those backgrounds I critiqued. Seems to be in the intelligent hands of your “friends” alts now. I would take down your tipper board when your only tipper is Alessa’s alt and maybe throw it back up once you have a chance to log on your other accounts and tip your “staff”… it would stop people from laughing so much at this train wreck
Hi sweetie! It’s okay we’re all here for you. Let it all out. Waiting for just one day a week to feel empowered is hard I know. I don’t take offense to insults from anons seeing as I don’t care and I’m just thankful for the free promos. My client list is filling up after being gone for a few months and we’ve even hired some staff.
The funniest thing about all this is that it’s not even MY club LOL. Two other people running it. But go off I guess. It’s my family sim as well but you go ahead and keep stalking me. I’m glad that you’re thinking of me so often. It’s sweet. Really do consider investing in some self help though…it helps a lot. See ya at the club! As I’m sure you’ll come by on your alts many more times to see what we’ve been up to. Sad to know that this is the highlight of your day. Boost my traffic daddy and I hope you find some true happiness <3
After this reply I decided to look up the club from the secret, and lo and behold I found the mysterious “Allie” account that you’re all talking about… Who claims in her profile that she’s a (and I quote) “part-time owner” of Impact! Which is it, friend? Are you in or are you out? You seem to be distancing yourself an awful lot from this place (I point to your comment: “it’s not even MY club LOL”) to some troublemakers and miscreants on SL Secrets, yet it appears that in-world you can’t make your mind up. If you’re going to attach your name to something, at the very least own that shit. No doubt your “friends” have seen this as well, and have seen you doing everything you can to distance yourself from this inevitable failure. I also recognized the Alessa name being thrown around, and whoever posted that she was everywhere was absolutely right. Based upon forum postings alone, in the last 30 days this girl has worked for (and spammed the In-World Employment Forums on behalf of) no less than 3 different escort clubs: Whipped (enough said), CakeShop (I don’t know enough about this place to comment), and now Impact. Such loyalty! I hope your friend can stick around at this new joint longer than you can – or can at least make her mind up a little better about where she’s going to work. I sure hope her spamming on the forums isn’t indicative of her being management at all of these places. Golly. The only thing more embarrassing than a constant failure is someone who, upon being called out, immediately attempts to distance themselves from failure to let their friends take the fall. “LOL it’s not even my club” is so disingenuous, and I hope your… Read more »
She didn’t distance herself – she was never ever an owner (despite saying so on here, in her profile, and on the fucking building wall).. duhhhh.
Good to see they added a new throwaway account as a manager aka her newest photography client. That client list really is “filling up” loooooooooool. Nothing makes a place look better than a bunch of managers that are the same delusional person and no staff (except one mentally delayed mongrel that spams the forums for any club that will take her. You should get a tax write-off for her employment, tbh.)
Put down the alts Allie and get some fresh air hahahahaha.
Any who, This week was very boring.Whats tea,bitches?
Good to see that you’re back in sarcastic defensive mode.
You literally said two comments ago that it’s your club that you’re running with your friends and it’s nothing wrong with not having any goals of making any money but to only have fun? Now it isn’t your club at all? You abandoned that pretty quick lol. And yeah, see ya there – anything that’ll help that dump besides Alessa standing around boosting traffic while she waits for her nurse to change her diaper in RL.
And come on… come onnnn… you know nobody but the like three actual friends you do have in SL that you give pictures to are the ones on your client list. Unless you’re running a “Practicing New Backgrounds Free Picture Giveaway” promo, then I may believe your nonsense.
Haha no point in indulging a troll. Good luck and have fun with virtual-secrets <3
lmao I dont know nothing about the diaper shit but between the start of the week and now u have removed urself from the owner wall at impact and call urself a part time owner lmaoooooooo sumone got there panties in a twist giving up before u even had a chance lolll typical THE SECRET WAS TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome to sl secrets where the truth comes out and bitches get got
This whole conversation was like listening to two girly junior high students fight and spit at each other.
Oh, and additional thought: If you’re going to let a business capsize, don’t insult others by telling everyone in your profile how “busy” your “Real Life” has become, and that you simply don’t have “the time” to keep your successful business running. In very few cases have I seen this to be reality, and it’s a pathetic effort to save face.
You know your ass will remain on Second Life still, day in and day out. Maybe on an alt for a while. You can lie to yourself, but don’t try to lie to the world.
I agree with your statements completely regarding failure, and everything else you said. However I still don’t get how I am in the wrong for wanting to do something with my friends. SL isn’t about money for me, let’s be real, if it was I would be paying much more attention to what I do on here. I edit photos for fun, if you don’t like my work, don’t follow. If you don’t want to spend time at a club and listen to music, play games, hang out with people, whatever, don’t come. It’s all very simple. No one forces anyone to do anything yet people sit here all day and talk shit about everyone else. Making a name for myself on a virtual platform seems unrealistic and unnecessary, so no. The things I do are for me and my friends. If you have any other questions about me feel free to IM me.
See you agree but then back track Allison. They can and will talk shit on any website whenever they want it’s there choice right?
Yeah you’re right there. There are valid points as well…I just choose not to write anything about anyone without actually knowing them but that’s me. I’m a strong believer in if you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything but this is SL after all xD
@ Allison – My comment was in response to the secret posted, with a general “this is what I’ve noticed” tone. I was commenting on what I’ve seen happen time and time again to others. I didn’t post the secret, I don’t care about the club that was posted about. I don’t even know who you are, though I assume given your responses that you’re aligned with this Impact club in some way. I also have to imagine that you are, in fact, one of the people I’m talking about that has had failed attempt after failed attempt.
In response to your mention of “I still don’t get how I am in the wrong for wanting to do something with my friends,” I’ll point you to one of the comments I made: “[…] if you’re having fun, you’re having a good time, and it’s not about the money for you – all the power in the world to you.”
Your responses here, however, seem to indicate otherwise.
Alas, if I’m ever looking to live on the wild side and throw $10 at a virtual hooker I know where to find you – assuming the club is still open at that point, that is!
^5@ the voice of reason
Jessyca & Jayce are only together because the people they want ..dont want them
idk who they are but with the both spell the names with a Y that tells me they are 1 in the same
It’s a J. Now you will all yell at me as grammar police, but I couldn’t shut off.
um im far from the grammar police (i admit i chat in 1 huge run on sentence always) but i was talking about 2 names spelled with Y’s instead of i’s. people in SL get played because they dont notice the very obvious lol
At this rate there may as well be a whole new blog dedicated to the many exploits of Lance Pyara.
No shit! We get it, he is a dirt-bag, move along already!!
here we go again with whos stealing what from who… who gives a fuck.. second lifers are the most unoriginal bunch of mfs anyway lol
ill still wear my catwa and maybe go to all the original mesh events to buy KNOCKOFF off-white from net-a-porter.
and maybe even some copybotted gacha sets from marketplace from sailor moon who knows.. and if i have time before i log maybe ill even go fuck Lance for 3-4 minutes.
Serious question here: Would you actually buy that stuff knowing prior it was copybotted? I have been trying to get my mind around why some residents would think that is ok. Is that just cause it’s a new trend of residents just not giving a fuck anymore? Does the thought of “this is someone elses work” pop up prior to buying? I just don’t understand how people want to be part of the SL community, but don’t really care about it either. I really want to hear your thoughts on this.
actually to be completely honest with you i would… why give L’s to certain stores who steal from rl designers? i would NOT buy copybotted things from designers i know are original.. but if i know they have no originality.. i would in a new york minute because then its stealing both ways and ill take the sale price darling.
I don’t understand this mentality.
The same people who whine about sl designers “stealing from r/l designers” are usually the same ones who will buy a 50 dollar knock-off of a 500 dollar dress/handbag/pair of shoes etc, and not have a second thought about it. So one is okay and the other isn’t? Explain.
And I won’t even get into how many people post pics of r/l things they want to see made in SL.
If everyone had to delete everything in their inventory that was copied from r/l, they’d have nearly nothing to wear.
also bigger rl brands do check things like MP.. which is why a certain eyeglass shop now has no inventory..because it is infact stealing and if it weren’t for using a real brand names the sl store would have no sales lol hence the no talent
You should have seen the fight I got into with one person who got upset with me a couple of months ago for calling them out for knowingly buying copybotted items. If people buy copybotted items knowingly from others, they may want to take a good long hard look at themselves, or just accept that they will get called out for it. After all, if copybotting becomes rife, then creators aren’t going to want to create stuff.
@Theodoric – True!
But hey– Why be informed when we can use our feelings as facts? amirite? LOL
And if people wanna spend their L’s on stuff that might possibly end up getting removed from their inventory, then who are we to stop them? 😀
people can make whatever they want… that part doesn’t bug me at all..but why call it original? Why wont events take templates when 5 events will run with the same pair of nikes being sold by 5 different brands. Why will some brands talk shit about for instance ionic who was making meshes from rl things/2d images but its ok for a brand they are friends with to do it? If its ok to make gucci fanny packs in second life why isnt it ok for 1 sl brand to copybot another sl brands gachas? Why is it ok to make all the unoriginal mesh with stolen programs?? my point isnt the things made its why call out 1 brand if EVERYONE does it. and ur knock off comment… even canal street gets raided honey… fake bags for fake bitches 😉 why waste the word original on unoriginal people?? there are people who have talent to design from talent…they should be able to be called what they are which is original.
And lol at the canal street comment, that’s not the knock-off I was referring to, “honey”.
What you’re referring to is called counterfeiting. Counterfeiting is illegal.
What I’m referring to is instead of buying that $2000 versace dress, going to Macy’s or [insert random discount store name] and finding something that looks just like it for $100.
I reiterate my previous points.
ooh and while on topic if you could be so kind to explain the beef with david cooper everyone has??!?!?!?!! so its ok to steal from rl brands??? but everyone hates this guy because they say he steals from sl brands? so?!?!?! whats good for the goose is good for the gander.. sl = hypocrites
same shit honey… you can still get in trouble for using rl logos on the replica virtual goods here in sl.. do you not see rl logos in sl???? i do….do u not see shit taken directly from high end websites??? i do…. do u not understand that people are taking a picture from a website of front and back clothing and making it a mesh.. so it is in fact exact?!?! i do..
this is why i dont feel bad for these brands who get eventually copybotted..and why id rather support the 2nd thief because its cheaper and HAHA n if u think thats original ur kinda stupid
and a knock off is counterfeit genius
LOL wow the condescending is strong with this one!
What you’re referring to is again, NOT what ***Iiiii’m*** referring to. I’m not talking about logos or counterfeit stuff or anyyyy of that shit you seem to be hung up on. It seems like you’re just trying to make a different point just to be contrary.
And in case you weren’t aware, a knock off isn’t a counterfeit as long as it’s NOT trying to pass itself off as the original. Counterfeits are illegal. Knock offs are not, GENIUS.
ok im through with you.. im not talking about 2 people making a white button down shirt…dumb ass.. im talking about logo stealing.. and idk where ur from but anything less than original… RL ORIGINAL for those who only speak sl.. is indeed fake.. counterfeit…bootleg..knockoff.. and any other fake words you can find.. if its not authentic its NOT ORIGINAL…. so ur dismissed… go back to your walmart website and have a nice rest of the weekend.
lmaoooooo Stay mad, sweetheart!
I’m good love, enjoy!
“Original” does not pertain to the ‘idea’ of the item. the term ‘original’ merely pertains to the mesh itself.
It simply means that it’s not full perm, and that the designer made it themselves or had it made exclusively for them.
yes in SL we know this.. sl has a whole different vocab than rl.. lmao.. smh until they’re being served paper from RL brands..because if it was ok that wouldnt happen.. and it does.
original means i stole it first just like inspiration means stealing from pintrest.. lol sorry excuses for creative for real
Nothing artistic is absolutely original. If you think it’s original, the source or i nfluence is just well concealead or well built upon. Designers and creators could spend energy fighting theft but most successful ones fight by creating something more spectacular than the last. They pay other people to fight the petty battles and focus on creating. Or they pay for trademarks etc.
@OK ur wrong.. and people in SL dont pay for trademarks.. they dont pay for shit… they’re cry babies who will talk shit about someone copying something they (brand 1 and brand 2) both happened to steal from RL.. like i stole it 1st.. its mine.. .. its sad that so many people dont understand this..and exactly why ill keep buying blk market things in SL especially when they’re unoriginal.. and also tell all my friends to as well. 😉
Why the fuck are you even in SL?
p.s. thank you for the downvotes.. just like in flickr its about views not likes lol
looks like 4 downvoters thought that caution tape shit was original mesh ..or the shit they wrap around your trailers after a storm
#16 … Jealous much. Honestly who cares. If their work is good that is all that matters. You are just a bitter hater.
#31 … Terrica!!!!!!!! Girl you SLfamous!!!!
51. Everyone knows Jayce is only using her to make Via jealous. I wonder if Jayce knows Jessyca was fucking Via too? Can’t wait for next week!
Well from what I know, Via is single and probably couldn’t care less. However as for that POS (Jayce) I wouldn’t put it past her to try to lol. Knowing Via, she’s probably laughing.
Oh via cares. She and Jules just broke up (gag really Jules? Bottom of the barrel pick there) . This has been a back and forth game between Via and others for a long time. She won’t stop with Jayce until Landon takes her back because she only wants that status.
Eh she’s just waiting for Frost/Frank to come back. Let’s not fool ourselves there. We all know that one HAHA. So in the meantime she will get what she can with the inbetweens. Just know Landon wouldn’t ever take her back after what’s she did to Landon…
Well spill the tea. What did she’s do to Landon
I vote to ban Lance from SL secrets. No, I don’t know him. Idc.
Nobody fucking cares besides the useless people involved.
That’s funny, I said something similar last week and everyone got their panties in a bunch. That’s why he keeps sending these secrets in about himself. If he ignore his secrets entirely, they will stop.
Agreed. I dont get why people keep posting this crap, Unless its lance himself posting it haha…
NO one cares its old news, Move on. e
Ditto.Don’t know,don’t care.Never even heard the name or the place till SL Secrets.Boring to read.
Same. never heard of him before SL secrets and I still dont care. so very tired of hearing about him
22? Skyler has been been a “good one”.
She’s a horrible mother who had her child taken away because she refuses to take care of him.
She’d rather be on SL.
There’s also the fact she goes after guys that are taken.
She’ll always be a shit brain
LOL obviously you don’t know Skyler. I’ve known her for years and she does NOT have any RL kids. For you to claim that her children were “taken away” is disgusting. Learn your facts before you start spreading rumors.
Shit brain? For one, skyler solano has no children. She is a good one . Secondly, it sounds quite frankly that you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about. Three, the person who posted this is obviously a salty fuck twat because not only did skyler turn him or her down but so did skylar marquis who is also a good one. Finally, you obviously were not a good because you are blasting her and her “sister” on this stupid ass website. So maybe in a way they were protecting themselves from the trash that was approaching them. Unlike you , they obviously have feelings and if someone knew who you were they would shred you to pieces for being a fucking coward like you are or i would. Go be a piece of shit somewhere else and leave both skyler and skylar alone. Id you are going to spread hate , get your facts straight first. Better yet give me your paypal so i can send you some money for a good hooker because at this rate you aren’t doing to well “shit brains.”
Skyler solano is a piece of ratty ass shit that needs to just disappear into the night. She fucks over everyone and anyone, just ask one of the manys she has done it to. She is one of the most vile humans I ever had the unpleasure of knowing. Not surprised to see her on secrets, she’s had it coming for a while. Poof – be gone you psycho bitch!
Another hysterical hoe. Crying.
LOL I dont even have rl kids to be taken away XD not sure what skyler you are referring to there darlin
Are Skylar Solano and Delaney Cannuci the same people?
The fuck is going on with Catwa?
Seriously I have no clue, *and* those UV maps do not look identical to me whatsoever, so I feel like the people claiming they are must be either blind or not very smart.
Mornings All, I brought ham & eggs to stuff in my Catwa face to complement all this salty goodness on stuff I have no clue about. Could someone explain because this is the 1st I’ve heard about any of it.
4) such truth preach on! Grammar police need to get a new gig.
14) As much as I roll my eyes at the braggery as well, like really, those flicker pics with people showing off how they got a pic chosen as a group banner so stupid I don’t out of principle; I just don’t think it’s something I want to litter my flicker with. But, that said, let them have their moment of being proud. Why do you care so much?
16) To my fellow bloggers I’m gonna let you on a little secret I learned early on in my “blogging career/hobby”… Creators aren’t Gods they are flawed humans just like the rest of us. Bloggers have the right and ability to be picky about who they blog for and I strongly encourage this practice. Often times the less known creators are a much better fit and are much more about growth and art compared to some of the bigger ones who are more concerned with marketability and numbers. Any Creator I blog for (including the well known power houses) was because they met My standards and requirements. So do what you do and stop being so concerned about others.
18) for some reason I started thinking about Concrete Blonde >.>.
27) Yiss the Boys like to be Styling
I was just gonna reply to you in another thread that you can’t have a RL because I missed the pastries you bring.
Mokes notes to bring pastries, donuts, and crepes, next week <3
All these folks downvoting us for comment RP breakfast pastries probably RP pregnancy and other shit inworld. 😉
I upvoted that shit because Coffee Break brings a nice, honest but not catty/bitter consistent presence to the comments. \o/
Aww thanx!
Lol no idea but come on who doesn’t like a yummy Sunday brunch RP or RL…. Food is the best!
I love brunch anytime, but I also love food. Lol
I love Pastries, where’s mine? Lol
Lol sorry Sammy I brought ham and eggs this week but don’t worry I always bring enough food for everyone to dig in 😀
i love secret #27, is there any “quality men’s fashion” stores you guys would recommend?
My current favs are Semller, Hiemal and BTTB! They’re all in the same sim.
depends on your style, but some of my all time faves for the most part for creativity and thinking out side the jeans & t-shirt box are Breath/Hilu, Gild, Ascend, CX, and Tomato.
satan picked “his” rl picture on the subway …lol the poor guy doesn’t know second life …
i’m cute, yea?! ^^
Re. 29: Joke’s on you, my go-to for guy heads are BJD Lance and AK. If I need a human ladyhead anytime soon (not now though), I’d get a Normie, which is a TENTH of the price.
I never did care for Catwa’s 5000l for lips that fricking big schtick. I now feel even more justified in not buying the stuff. I mean bodies are expensive enough as it is.
So many secrets with so much crammed into them it’s an overload to the eyes. Stawp, clean that ish up, streamline what you’re trying to say there’s only so much print one will read.
# 4 – Oooooo someone’s done had it with the Gramr P0leece lmfao
# 13 – My poor eyes … I don’t even care about the actual subject matter … but just … my poor eyes! xD
# 14 – Clearly I don’t pay a lot of attention because my first thought was ‘What, they aren’t allowed to be proud/happy?’
# 19 – Did anyone else start to hear ‘Slim Shady’ music play but with different words?
Your guess is as good as mine.
I think it’s when one person in a relationship is poly and the other is mono. One can play while the other can’t or doesn’t.
If all she puts out is stuff they wouldn’t wear. .. why are they CSRing for her store? Genuinely asking here. I assume if you wanted to CSR for a store in SL you must like what the store offers at least a little?
it’s neither. shes a name thats everywhere so a lot of people mistake her as one of the better brands in SL and jump on the chance to work for her before really doing their homework. they choose to take the job for the bragging rights but then quickly discover shes not all that. she also hired a ton of mods/CSRs so she doesnt have to pay any of them a living sl wage since the work is spread so thin among them
If anyone CSRs for a (high traffic) store, and they only did it for the bragging rights, I really hope they have some seriously good customer service skills. Without being able to have any investment in what you’re working with, it’s no better than a RL retail job… and like you said these aren’t even living wages. There’s got to be motivation somewhere to do a good job. Bragging rights gets old real fast.