Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 513.
13) Removed. My fault, I over looked this one. – Lourdes
· Lourdes Denimore ·
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Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 513.
13) Removed. My fault, I over looked this one. – Lourdes
Sorry on #13. I didn’t properly read it. That person has been trying to get that one in for over a month. Sometimes they all start to look the same.
So after all.. you do have some limit or some kida form of moral?
So true !
This is really bad and beyond any words. You allow this person to submit posts about us almost every single week for about 6 months now. Okay, I get it, this is a gossip site so everyone should take it as such and I did up until now. This person is my ex- partner RobertEroicaDupea. And this has to stop. I have tried to handle this the adult way, meaning: not give it any attention but he has gone too far with this post.
Thanks for removing post #13 but it should not have been posted in the first place. You say that he has been trying to get it in for over a month so you have seen the n-word over and over again.
To Robert: This is so low, even for you. Whatever respect I once had for you I see that it was misplaced and a bad judge of character on my part.
Really its time to move on. Can you imagine having to post all of these. Honestly they ALLLLL look fucking the same to me and many I can’t read because too small. I am willing to bet a lot of them are from the same person anyway.. Time to move on FFS. Just Saying. I never saw it I am late reading this weeks post. No matter how bad it was all of this is anonymous for a reason why out yourself or them commenting on how bad it is? Lets move on and brush it off as an … ooooops.
I was shocked to find my name mentioned here, but I really shouldn’t be surprised, you were always so paranoid and suspicious, I don’t know where you got the idea I am out to hurt you, when I recovered I explained what happened as much as I could. It’s your problem if you don’t accept that, and I understand you have been terribly hurt in the past, but you should just LET IT GO and try to get past this ridiculous paranoia, suspicion and making accusations. Your friends do not help, they encourage you to do this, when they should be telling you to let it go and move on.
When you were recently contacting my exs to ask them about me, what did they tell you? Did you believe them? I am pretty sure each and every one of them said that I was not in the slightest bit like what you seem to believe I am like. You did not ‘out me’ in the slightest because I am not doing this or anything else you accuse me of, I have very clear ideas about who is doing this, but I can’t prove it, and I am left in a place where I cannot defend myself either, and that pisses me off now because it is exactly what that person wants from this. For fuck’s sake, it’s been over a year now. I muted you both but then there was The Whisperer and now this, I am also sick of it, and I wish it would all fuck off and you too.
Accidents happen. What do you want, for Lourdes to commit seppuku for the shameful display of making a mistake while you furiously jerk your limp noodle, moaning that justice is finally served?
It was resolved as soon as it was reported. What more do you want?
Alas, Bobby, that may be a better question to ask yourself and others here each week; “What more do you want?” Indeed, Lourdes made a mistake. I believe I mentioned some weeks ago that this could be a danger to the heralded growth enjoyed by this site in that it would become difficult to manage and thus begin to create issues. This in itself is the fascinating part of watching SLS unfold. My own mantra shall always be that mistakes are human nature and quite forgivable (with clear exceptions). My laughter at this is more of the irony in Lourdes telling others to “move on” when her entire being as it relates to the Second Life community is one of making sure that few ever can.
do you wank off to a thesaurus lmao stfu blimey
I agree #13 should not have been posted in the first place due to the use of the N word. As I said I over looked it. Why did I over look it? Because there are several secrets about how this one is cheating and this one is an alt after awhile its all the same shit. I’m bound to make mistakes sometimes. You act like this a personal attack by me on you and your ex. The fact is that I have no clue who you or you ex are.
TL;DR I fucked up. I removed the secret. Move the fuck on.
Why should we, as you say, “move the fuck on?” You encourage others to rehash and mock people’s mistakes week after week, Lourdes. Are you entitled to a different set of standards?
Yes! Thank you!
Happens Lourdes, but you know how people are these days… they will rake you over the coals anyway.
Much like you do to people every week here?
I outed him like I should have a long time ago. I have not responded to one single secret made about me and River and now I do because this post was the lowest of the lowest and you tell me to move the fuck on? Hell no. I have been quiet for way too long.
@Keely, as an impartial party I can wholeheartedly say nobody gives a fuck about any of these secrets about you, or how you live your Second Life.
Nobody’s vilifying you over this because nobody gives a shit.
Now that you’ve outed the other part of this “Nobody Gives A Shit” triangle I hope you find peace.
^5@Bobby always perfectly put
lesson in this kids —Be more careful who you breed with on SL. then again when half of Second Life are your ex’s bound to get put on spotlight eventually
The post has been removed. This isn’t therapy.
Jesus- it’s gone already- mistakes happen- or are you the one fucking perfect person on the planet? Get over yourself.
Can we have Sunday’s a little early?
I don’t know this Roman individual personally, but aren’t all of these posts about him / her a bit much? Just move on and block. Maybe post something to warn others, and that’s it. Though i might be missing the point, who knows.
#14: You spell it gross. Like “The fact that you are homophobic is pretty gross”.
I literally have no idea who any of those avatars are, but they are good looking avatars, including Roman. So uh. I mean. Good for them?
looks like Danno the pedo is back to his ways maybe people need to read another secret about him which could be much worse than the ones before. js
oooooo yes pls give us an update on that sub human,, always wondered what happened to him and the lawyer he was going to hire to shut down this website ,, did a quick search to he if he owned up to his threats but nope its still there
Roman may have catfished people but what Jocelyn did is beyond fucked up. She pretended to be deaf and a quadriplegic. Her ex partner just wrote a heartfelt post about all the things she did to him. Her destruction goes way past a chick pretending to be a guy in RL. Not saying that is right either but some things are forgivable while others are not. There’s a special place in hell for Jocelyn York. Sick bitch.
17) Man, this herb chick is seriously fucked up in the head to keep going on and on about Freakshow Zsun months after they split. Get over it, psycho.
17) seriously? Check the source data of these photos posted about Freakshow here and the photos of anything “herb girl” has posted on Flickr and it’s not the same. So get your facts right before spreading false rumors and get over obsessing about them, psycho.
13. Don’t people realize that all games model after real life items or no? This is SL, no one is claiming to be the original thought of every item. Almost all clothing designers and furniture makers use real photo sources to model off of (usually from pinterest), even in the gaming industry. In the gaming industry, if they dont use real photo sources they have concept artists. Obviously, most creators in SL wont have access to their own concept artists. STFU with these already, no one cares.
Oooh serious question though… if its not a big deal to find something from real life to make for SL.. why does everyone hate on ionic? if they do the exact same shit
lmao@ most creators in SL wont have access to their own concept artists.
Thats true because REAL artists have their own CONCEPTS .. there is NOT much of a difference between someone making SL Nikes.. and someone copybotting someones items. They’re both stolen by talentless lol
Meant 25.. on the phone things got messed up
#3 Isn’t indulge dead? Its just a knockoff of Manhattan but they didn’t make as much as them.
AJ would be rolling in her grave if she heard that Indulge consider themselves a Manhattan knock-off. Not even in the same league.
For all their flaws, by all reports Manhattan at least made money.
Even better than what I said,thanks. Lol
#2 learn how to fucking spell for the love of god!!!
#11 Just want to know how your getting all these ladies? Who is that hot little number your hanging out with all the time at clubs or shoping?
Does this have anything to do with the people mentioned here??
Oh wow…
I did not read the whole thing, but for what I read…
Hearing disability means… I am not doing microphone with you. LOL
Creatiiive! No more of the ‘dog ate my mic; my mic is BROKE doggoneit, etc etc” BUT this!
lmao i just love this.. idk if its the way i read things sometimes but it had me with the giggles.. lol
@ I am not doing microphone with you. LOL
Well damn; not sure what that is all about but looks like it has to do with money. How did this person have the time to research all that … they got some stalker skills… but really, people need to learn whether you give money to a stranger, friends (RL & SL), or a RL family member the results will be the same one needs to consider that money long gone for good; hope for the best but don’t expect it; and if they pay you back yay unexpected Christmas bonus.
I read it too and it appears one thing led to another to another, ad nauseum. They saw a pic of SAMI (but wait i used to be partnered to SAMI, this SAMI piccy aint you!) and etc. One thing led to another.
Nothing pisses a thief off more than to have another thief use the same tools and stick it right up your arse too. Its like- ohh, ouch, ewwie! Kerblamm! Hell hath no furyyy………
Someone is carrying some substantial butthurt to stalk another person that hard.
damn thats extra thorough lol
Woah someone is intense with their research of outting this person out with RL stuff and truly has gone on a rampage ~ not sure who wrote it or spent all that time and energy and sadly sending a total stranger is a risk it’s like gambling if you cannot afford to lose it then don’t. Did Roman write this spending all this energy for payback of money that I doubt will ever be paid back or what
I’ve been seeing many comments that look like this:
“Can we please stop talking about Lance and making him famous? But wait, before we do that, allow me a few minutes to show you all how I’m jealous af of him or how I’m butthurt I am because he didn’t give me his dick and/or banned me from his club. Boohoo, but yeah back to what I was saying, can we now stop talking about Lance and making him famous?”
Lawl. you bitches need to go out more.
lol this made me laugh because of how true it is ?
says the girl drooling over his toon.. lmao
Rock Tox >> he is female in rl. he don’t use drugs nor any shit. He is spoiled brat wanting attention and all he say is total bs. His been hacked and all info that we got said what im saying now. He fucked up many of his exes only one of them got the truth about him. Story about his parent and him been left alone as kid is lie. Story about drugs is a lie. He is just sad little fat girl sitting in front pc and wanting attention and trust me you would be more then surprised if you only knew who are her alts so cheers ppl and don’t trust crazy ppl from sl. Again even who get hurted in this game lol what you expected lol its a GAME and ppl are damn good in playing it :))))
about post 14. Is your life so boring that you need to try to make other lifes misarable with such a dump theme. Is spreading silly rumors all you have? are there not enough fake news on FB already? SL is a game, a platform to have fun and meet people not to spread silly dramas!
Lol yes it does not matter if its a girl or a boy but sad thing is they dont love them selfs that much that they will hide behind gender and lieing to there partners that is sad. Sad poor little confused ppl lol
I agree. So to the person who wrote #14 … Who cares? Unless YOU are having sex with one of those people, what they do or do not have between their legs – in EITHER world – is none of your business. Move along. Nothing else to see here.
Lumpy lesbian…that’s a good one lol thanks for the giggle!
honestly girls who play guy avis make better boyfriends
im just saying
hook me up
They make better looking male avis, too. Just sayin’
I agree 😉
No.12-if I see good seems Ines was fucking female at no.14.That is hilarious but obviously it doesn’t matter if it is male or female to her important is only how he/she is popular on Flickr(well after all is pixel dick).I realy don’t understand how people can go so low.
She ass licks each men ass to come one day to his front side with her tongue. All people know she do it in a submessive way and act like being naive. Act like she is clumsy and forget all. Theatric all the time. I never tried her bedroom skills. Now I am curious. With all the time she got for posting pictures..
Same do Sofie Janic. She is a liar. Keep entertaining guys about her rl lies, with her dad is a popular music director and her brother and mother manage the same business. But all the time she talk about money problems. Of course if you got 2 kids and you stay whole day online. Sofie, stop that shit. Take care of your kids! They are just one time children. You loose a important part.
She is thirsty bitch ready to do anything for a 30minutes of attention!
That’s how low she is ready to go, not only in SL, but in RL too!
#25 I see is a chair made from a template. Dreamland Designs has it in their entryway, it is textured a little different, but is clearly the same chair. Dreamland Designs has a lot of template items, same crap all over their store, different textures. Disappoints me because I always thought Mudhoney was 100% original and I shop there a lot. But, not anymore if I am buying template garbage that places like Dreamland Designs is selling, using the same full perm item. So, that template is making the rounds I see. It is an ugly ass chair, I would not put it in my cottage if it was given to me for nothing.
Uh, I know the person who exclusively meshed that chair for Dreamland and she created it at least 3 weeks before MudHoney came out with their version. Soooo, maybe you need to make sure of your facts before you spread rumour and innuendo while hiding behind a nom de plume.
Uh……..good for you. Dreamland Designs is mostly template designs….. that is a fact. And that chair is a template too, that is a fact. I don’t care who made it first, it comes from a template.
templates or not.. they are all finding the real things on pintrest and just copying it.. only 2 creators i know have creative skills and a great design imagination is azoury and that boudoir chic ..otherwise whether its a template item or a pic someone found on a website.. its not original…but saying that to sl’ers is like beating a dead horse so carry on
fun fact, consumer market is filled with licenced products. in RL why do you think people make more money licencing their creations rather than turning it into a brand?
“textured a little different” is an understatement, it comes with a HUD to change its textures and it clearly has been given a new look. its not copybotted or illegally done. its a licenced product that was bought, remade and sold. this happens in RL all the time. why do you think we have so many similar products? because they are all made from the same, original, licenced design.
jfc. yes its the same mesh but since when did we get so selective? more items in the marketplace is a good thing. imagine going to a store IRL and complaining that you’ve seen the same shirt in another store by a different brand.
Fun fact, you cannot comprehend very well and I said nothing about copybotting either, you wasted your time lecturing me on that. When I say 100% original mesh I mean anything that is *not* a full perm item that a creator bought from a template maker. I don’t care if they got their inspiration from a magazine or website or a display at Lazy Boy. It would appear that this chair is a purchased template, because I have seen it in two other stores, Dreamland Designs being one of them and Dreamland Designs has template items, many of them. Go visit, see for yourself. Unless you are trying to say that three different designers just happened to read the same magazine and all three just had to replicate the design. Lol… okay, possible, but not likely and it is an ugly chair. I have bought template items, I texture my own curtains for personal use, not for sale…however I prefer original mesh designs. Resale creators buy the template and then make up their own textures for it. So what if they are putting them in a texture change hud, what does that have to do with anything? It is not a difficult task. They are still using a template product to put the textures on. They are not sitting in front of their computers making this design themselves. Again… I don’t care if they take something out of Better Homes and Gardens, Elle Decor, or off the Wayfair website, etc…as inspiration. And yes, it is a big deal to some of us. If people don’t mind template items, good for them, but I do mind. I prefer to have fewer of them. And so do many of the event coordinators because one of the rules to be part of many… Read more »
blah blah blah..no templates..ooh ooh and ill take no imagination either.,.i wasnt here when SL was being built up.. but those were the REAL creators…all you need now is a picture of something someone else made or a front and back pic of an outfit on pintrest for example
and a little of this http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_basic_clothes_in_5_minutes_using_Blender
and BAMMMMMMMMMMMM magic!!! creators need to stop acting like they cured cancer by making 3d objects out of a 2d pic.. lol lameo and ur welcome.. if you were thinking about learning read the 2nd link and you can open ur own sailor moon shop in no time. lol
#10 I wonder who this one Is about
Not sure. It’s pretty vague but I kind of like the ones that aren’t in your face profile snapshotting, even if it isn’t as direct an attack on someone.
I seriously hope that poster comes back with more, though… especially if they find the courage to post said “fucked up” face. Gotta love those…
Well Dayum I’m late today… Sorry no morning coffee or Brunch but it sure looks like we all could use a nice Nightcap after today…. #13) Completely missed it and glad I did! It’s ok Lourdes I wasn’t here to give you a nice cup of coffee this morning so you weren’t awake enough to notice every last thing in a pile of same this same that. ~Ode to the Catfish Week~ Uhm who’s Roman? No clue and don’t care really to be honest…And, btw so what if he is really a she playing a he… it’s just a damn avatar that can be switch out in seconds to anything under the sun that someone thought up and decided to create in SL. Like about a million said before me SL isn’t Tinder, Match.com, OK Cupid, or whatever else out there. I do get that there are RL feels attached and yada yada. But, really it’s SL… a place where you can be anything you want and everything you’re not in RL and you all are demanding people represent themselves perfectly as they are in RL or be considered horrid Liars that need to be burned at the stake because your feels were hurt? *insert eye roll here* I just don’t get it, Sorry. Maybe the reason I don’t get it is because I live by certain personal rules/standards in SL which keep me out of 90% of all the drama and off of the secret posts on this site: A) I’m straight forward about my RL “Gender Affiliation” or lack there of as I state I’m Non-Binary in my profile. B) I do what I want and wear what I want depending on my mood… if I want to wear a dress by God I’ll pull out my Female… Read more »
I’m with you, Coffee.
I’m also brutally honest about my gender (and my sexuality on my adult avatar) because I don’t care who knows. Beyond that though? It’s not the business of strangers living their fantasies in Second Life. I don’t do dating or relationships. There’s no reason for me to have to “get on mic” or send photos to thirsty dudes demanding I “prove my gender”. “Well, A Adult, I can’t be your friend then if you won’t send me RL pics” Too. Bad. Bye!
The only time I have an issue with people is when they’ve taken things to RL and aren’t honest. If a relationship goes RL, then tell the truth. I guess Roman sent out fake pictures and stuff? That’s not cool but if it had remained SL only… seriously, it’s a roleplay.
@A-Kid Yeah putting a little something in one’s profile helps and mine is pretty broad as I put non-binary but that is what I claim even in RL to people who know me. So if it isn’t good enough in SL and people are so concerned with what is my “nether regions” I straight up tell them that they are called private parts for a reason so it’s a private matter that they need to respect. You don’t go around in RL asking people to “prove their gender” or make them talk about if they have the Twig n’ Berries or the Titties and big V…. (wait straight people do sometimes for the Trans population and it’s always considered rude and uncalled for). As far as voicing or RL pics I’m even more picky… my friends know my discord and I’m all for the lazy route sometimes you just don’t want to have to type everything out I’m actually on voice quite a bit for other MMO’s as well (quite handy for raids). But, on voice with strangers in SL… not my thing not gonna do it “I don’t know you”!… RL pics are for RL friends and family Only and for good reason…. Giving RL pictures to people you don’t really know can have rather facepalming results. (quick lol story time to prove my point): One time an old room mate of mine took a random pic of me nothing too crazy I was in a sweater & jeans.. this pic traveled from the room mate to some Dude who was less than awesome and was at the local prison on some rather lengthy charges. Now, this Dude used the pic to sell to other inmates to be used for yeah you guessed …nothing good. I might have gotten… Read more »
Okay people this Roman situation…lol
If Roman had a system avi and no AO…. would any of you even have given him/her the time of day?!?!? So its ok for you to fall for an AVI………. and then get upset when the AVI isnt what you expected?????? I know a lot of people will lie now… and thats fine..lol.. but answer it honestly in your heads….and see whos really the fucked up person.
Roman has lied and manipulated people for many many years. He has used people for what he could get out of them then dumps them when he no longer needs what they do. He has stiffed people he has hired and lied about who he was. This the pot calling the kettle black. He is no better then the girl he is accusing.
@Sue welcome to the internet…. I’m sure you’ve heard from more people than myself.. and of course secrets every single week about the high class trollops in SL…fundraisers for handbags… gofundmes for disney… did u really expect anything other than the best? How about bronchitis and cold floors… does that play on ur emotions??? have u not learned anything???
lmao and to make matter worse in a virtual world…its quite laughable that bitches are getting PLAYED BY CARTOON characters….. do you guys get all hot & bothered or wet watching family guy too?? dumb asses lol people do it on the net because they know u cant do anything back to them… thats why i say.. never date a guy that his car windows arent a rocks throw away from me. lol fuck that
It’s a gorgeous avatar, funny thing is I have seen 4 rl pictures of Lance. He is hotter than his avatar.
Roman avi isn’t really good or hot…same stray dog stuff you see on other guys …and same shape to (botted from someone)…she has money for buy some clothes and is ok matching em and she is an ok photographer(not a top photographer as my italian friend badwolf)…Lance doesn’t own a store or a business in sl he can do everything he want and i can’t judge him (i think he is a nice guy)…creators or event bloggers or fair owners(Roman) would have to use alts for do them wannabe dom shit ,she ruined her reputation, everyone think she is a 45 years old woman(not obese but …overweight?) now and someone is leaking and sharing her photos ……
I’ve seen Lance too and can attest that he is gorgeous ❤︎ *sigh*
lmao see.. they fall in love n then blame the avi that they turned insane n shit
Behind the wannabe dom with perma leash holder Lance is a nice guy.Lance has a real life job and he has money in Dubai……he has a RL family and kids ….he spend time in sl because it is his hobby..some people like to smoke…other like to use cocaine…lance hobby is second life..i see nothing of negative and i bet he is 90’% time afk in his club.I’m not asslicking lance i don’t care about him and i think there are to many post on sl secret about him(i bet he write least 50% his post ).Women around Lance ‘s ass are not there for his avatar look but mainly for his money…he has power and money irl and women like this sorta of shit,he is generous and gift stuff so almost all his “friends” want only use him(yes 80 90’ % people in fmd are POOR irl and sl and live in this virtual world begging for money to make the avi a little better) and i think he is enought intelligent for understand the reason.
Hobby? He is married and meets women from SL and has affairs. He spends 24×7 in SL, while his WIFE and children are doing god knows what. NICE guy who cheats on his wife, betrays his marriage vows (his children will be so happy to know this when they get older) Just ask Trink. He traveled her hideous ass all over the country and back. He even spent time at her house with her and her children. ACK! Ohhhhh the thirsty ones who defend him LOL!
Your nickname is so silly. So childish hahaha holy!
Those comments about Lance make me laugh.
You know he’s online 24/7 because you’re on his friends list? which is sad because you’re another fake ass friend. Or you hang out at his club? which is sadder because here you are attacking him. How do you know his wife doesn’t know? But how do you even know all this info about him and that he’s met girls in rl from SL? for any one to claim to know this much info about someone you sure do sound obsessed with his dick. Maybe you should think about writing a book about Lance since you seem so preoccupied by him.
Here’s a couple of suggestions for the title of your book: Lance: The Man I Love To Hate But Still Want His Dick Up My Stinking Ass. Or: The Man Whose Cock I So Secretly Crave But Still Come to SL Secrets On a Pseudonym and Pretend I Hate Him Like the Rest of The Other Salty Ass Bitches Who Didn’t Get to Guzzle On His Jizz. Good luck with the book, if you need some pointers hit me up.
Omg this is nuts!! how about “Mental Ilness in thinking virtual Dick is Real Dick”. Period
his wife may know hes in SL.. but i doubt she knows he travels for pussy.. lol..now i know how diseases travel from country to country.. people defending a guy they dont actually know are a little insane.. and whoever said hes ‘powerful’ is a tard.. i can understand why he deals with u guys though… because u stay jerking off his ego lol
knowing Lance I can safely say his ego gets jerked off more by people who bash him ~ similar to what you’re doing ~ more so than the people who actually praise him. He thinks of you as loyal fans, minions he sends out to make him famous and can’t stop thinking about him or his cock for a second. And people defending him without knowing him is a little insane, you say? But people attacking someone they don’t know is sensible? Your logic is flawed.
im not the fan sweetheart.. this post wasnt even about him to begin with ….the other cheerleader Caity brought him in it… but u said –> more so than the people who actually praise him … that doesnt sound insane to you?? ur the type of people that made Warren Jeffs so popular.. go bow to ur leader weirdo.. because he buys u virtual clothes.. lol
you’re not a fan but know every single little detail about his life? You really need to get started on that book about how much you love Lance’s cock. lol
Why do you women act like this is Real Cock!!! Get offline and go have sex already. Jesus Christ
seriously@Ro-dent.. they are living the ‘slut’ fantasy but in reality they only have seen dick in SL… i never met anyone who actually aspired to be a hoe.. but i guess 1st time for everything
learn how to read slow child…my comments were in response to Caity.. shes the girl with the inside scoop… im just here to tell you how pitiful you are if you bring a guy home from the internet and you have kids… or how lame you are praising him but in the same sentence using him to buy you virtual clothes.. and 1 more thing a virtual cock does nothing for me.. i understand you can’t get a REAL MAN.. like one you can actually ride… (if ur able to do that without help from some sort of lift) i don’t use people for 3-d clothing…or sweat a cartoon character…you must be soo jealous of his new girl though huh? lmao.. wishing it was you..
Me wins again for best comeback line….i understand you can’t get a REAL MAN.. like one you can actually ride… (if ur able to do that without help from some sort of lift). lool
whoa whoa waittt…… someone invited him to their house n they have kids??????????????? some disgusting scum of the earth invited a net guy to their house n they have kids?????????????? smh when net dick outweighs mommy responsibility.. what fucking scumbags… u can say what you want about my comments or whatever but whoever would invite some SL guy to their house when they have children dont deserve kids. SO So dumb…that makes me so mad that someone would be so selfish for some net dick that theyd put their kids in danger.. no normal guy travels countries for pussy..
@FMD blehhhhhhhhhh (puke) – wow i agree.. lol what a fucking catch… what some disgusting SL thots will do for a fucking fatpack.. lmao.. what an embarrassment
How do you know that maybe his RL wife knows about it and doesn’t care? I know people with RL relationships that have SL separate relationships and are fine with it. It’s their business. If you don’t want someone doing that to you in SL, have some respect for yourself and don’t let it happen
@respectyourcustomers.. those are the types of girls that will bang her besties man when she logs.. n they all wonder why they have so much drama over there.. just a room of low class broke asses trying to get a new outfit because sl doesnt take foodstamps
i know about Trink and her travel with him in europe… he used her but in the end ….he picked his own family and kids over her so yea he is a REAL MAN….she was his lover not his wife…every man can have a weakness moment and Trink is a beutiful woman.I can’t know what he promised her but usually men(all) lie for get everything they want…maybe she mean something to him if he met her IRL and it was not only for fuck her…Fmd has a bad reputation not for lance but for the wannabe dom (often rl loser) and wannabe babygirls (often only very old housewifes looking for some fun AKA Roman Godde ).
@catie ur trash.. a real man?? u deserve all the scum that comes ur way lol u must be trying to score brownie points because he hasnt givin u the time of day.. wipe the side of ur mouth u got a little white stuff dripping
lol i rest my case.. u hear about a guy from his word n ya’ll believe anything.. kinda deserve what u get.. be well ♥
@CatieJ —-> now and someone is leaking and sharing her photos ……
↑↑↑ thats why people don’t send pics.. exactly why.. and exactly why people send fake ones lol
all it takes is a bitter break up for someone u thought u knew to bring all of ur confided rl into sl..
i say and will forever say…
leave ur rl stuff out.. its for ur own protection..
if u need love.. find a love you can hold when you want to.. in person..
the 1 nice thing about people is we all have different taste in likes….
never think you’re not good enough to find REAL LOVE…
what i think is super hot.. my real life best friend thinks is ugly.. and thats okay
if ur settling on a game you have to roll with the punches that comes with it and have to only blame urself.
its not the point dear… the point is there are some shallow bitches that won’t even know him if he’s not looking decent to them.. so whats the difference
She play the asshole role and the manly man Dom role…girls like bad guys…of course the person behind Roman is only rping and she only play her type of ideal man….it isn’t only her avi…i’m sure Roman has some roleplay skills or no girl would fall in love for someone as her….Roman is only a character used by a bored housewife but some girls were hurt emotionally ….you can dump a girl sure …but Roman used to play mental games ,blackmails and psychological torture…..So again ‘me’..it’s not only the avi….
ps: Lance and roman can be “friends” now but lance is a REAL MAN and he treated well and spoiled all women he dated ,Roman is only a bored housewife looking for virtual success with a kink for hurting emotionally women..
@CatieJ —-Lance is a ‘real man’ lol a real man has a real job and not just a sl sex club as his claim to fame..virtual fame that is…theres a reason he only deals with virtual girls too…everyone has their skeletons
except the ones he meets and fucks in RL..
“except the ones he meets and fucks in RL”? really? I still don’t understand why it’s your or any one’s business who someone on sl fucks or dumps unless you too hung up on someone it shouldnt matter but then you call others thirsty? look who the real thirsty hos are. they the ones like you who keep track of every lil move someone on SL takes then come here bitchin and yelling “its just sl stop idolizing someone” lol calling the kettle black much?
and he/shes been on this site numerous times and outted previously.. .when is it okay to stop enabling these girls who can’t handle rp.. it wouldnt make her a bad person but she has to know herself well enough to not get into said relationships … people in SL rp relationships all the time for whatever reasons they have…you cant keep blaming someone who rps on a rp client..had roman been on match.com lying its completely different and then id have to agree …but in all fairness its not.. i know ppl have feelings i get all that..but if ur not emotionally stable enough to be in a rp relationship then decline the invite…Im aware its easy to get swept away when someone is saying all the things you wanna hear…but if that girl was ur own child..i bet you’d tell her trust no one on a game. im saying it because im being brutally honest. I prob care more about people feelings than most of SL but i just can’t sugar coat everything.. im not that kind of person
Well no need to worry now, Roman has hooked up with the Boystown resident Sag Hag Caitlin Mirabella. That social outcast is thirsty enough to take on Roman and keep pretending his has a cock. Maybe now the two of them with fuck off and we won’t have to hear from them again.
#5… I didn’t see anyone else point this out, but you’re so proud to “out him” did you actually read what you wrote? He fucked around on his fiancee with you.. how does that make you any better than him?? You just seem like a mad thot now.. pathetic
#24… Is Lance Pyara cheating breaking news? He cheats on ALL of them. This is common knowledge. He will keep ladder climbing with creators and keep using fuck toys on the side, SNOOOOOOOOOZE. It is quite obvious who he is or isn’t fucking. Just look for all the thirsty bitches crowding around him facing him.
Roman has a big clit guess it count almost as a dick!!!!
Dear Roman.
It doesn’t take balls to admit you have been lying to everyone who cared about you.
Having balls would be going to them all one by one and apologising for lying, using, deceiving, manipulating, hurting, abusing them all. But I’m not holding my breath!
Sincerely, ‘
Someone who didn’t care you were a chick and loved you anyway,
About the whole “Roman” issue… if Roman was just honest then this drama wouldn’t take place. For instance if you tell me you’re a girl in real life but you play as a dude, I’ll treat you like a dude because I respect honesty. Lesson: a bit of honesty goes a long way and no one likes dishonest people in SL or RL
I kinda have to agree with me here on some level… People are not required to tell anything about themselves that they don’t want to. What makes you so worthy of that Trust in them telling you something personal and yes things like gender is a private matter that not everyone online has to know about… Are you some special person to them that needs to know every little thing about them? Probably not because we all have RL family & friends or whoever close to you that doesn’t know everything about you and that there are things that are just left private unless you choose to say something because you want to not because you were forced to.
If you don’t want to divulge your gender then it is best to notify people ahead of time. Don’t lead people on into thinking you are really a guy when you are a girl and vice versa as that is dishonest too. If you are honest you have a defense.
Oh so you expect Honesty… Here let me help you with that! The Honest to God #1 truth for SL is that everyone is “Lying” specially when it comes to their Avi.
~No one uses their RL name for it (and if they do they are stupid)
~No one looks like their Avi (Some may try to get it close but it’s human nature to hide flaws & such so an Avi is just an internal representation of one’s self)
~No one will tell you every last detail about themselves (there will always be something private and that is for the best really, because quite frankly who wants to know everything… creepy stalkers that’s who)
It isn’t anyone’s Responsibility to tell anyone anything! In Fact, you have no right to demand such information that is for them to decide whether or not they want tell you. And, if they don’t it’s not that they are “Lying” they are just not telling you something private.
To be “Honest” here the only time someone is hung up on someone else’s RL gender it’s usually the close minded straight folk who are often confused about their own gender and sexual orientation.
Oh and FYI these days in the real world it’s no longer just Male or Female there are many, myself included, who are Non-Binary aka Genderqueer that houses a bunch of different 3rd gender types (this is real you can Google it).
I don’t think you read it correctly. If you don’t want to answer someone then simply say you don’t want to tell them. You can be honest without giving up information.
amen luv.,..,amen!
actually why would it be our responsibility on a game to let YOU know??? why don’t the weirdos looking for love and too afraid to upload a rl pic to profile in match.com let it be known they expect the world…and that Sl is infact RL to them.. because you do infact LOG IN to something called SECOND LIFE…..not REAL LIFE/FIRST LIFE lol smh.. so many people need an accountability coach.. stop blaming people in a game for your issues
i think ur wrong there.. why should anyone have to state what they are.. i blame ppl for falling in luv with anyone who says more than hi … like gimme a break….i bet you all the people who are crying about this situation started to like him/her because he/she has a hot avi.. lol…which again is not them…none of them are crying over the person who wont update and still are a system avi tho.. think about it. they didnt fall for the face of a real person they fall for a toon.. ppl need help
14 🙂 yes, I’m fucking everything that’s alive
Fist bumps!
This Roman guy, so he’s a girl.. I don’t get the problem with people being the opposite sex of their avatar. SL is majority roleplaying and many males are females, many of the females are actually male. Everyone is on SL to do different things. If you really expect to be like Tinder or what’s that one, match.com? Then you are the disillusion one and set yourself up for disaster. I’ve been on SL 10 years, I know and have always known that the avatar doesn’t represent the RL person… they could be any gender. However, I don’t care what gender they are. A lot of us don’t come on SL and treat it as if it was RL, becuase it’s not.
The relationship drama that gets posted is just ridiculous at how much you let yourself get manipulated by another person, I know how that happens as I have in the past let it happen before. SL is not a dating service, you don’t know the person from squat. Just as you wouldn’t know them if you met them in a grocery store in RL either. Learn, move on, be the adult about it. I stopped being involved that way with anyone on SL 5 years ago, because I learned.
I dont care what gender you are, I don’t date anyone on SL, I have more respect for myself. Have some respect for yourself, some self esteem, do better.
The problem with the Roman thing isn’t just that it’s a chick behind a male avi. That’s fine. The problem people are having is that he lied about it. Down to using male pictures of the person he was claiming to be. THAT is what’s wrong with it. If it were simply a case of female behind male avi, then it wouldn’t be that big of a deal. But when you’re not only not up front and honest about it, but downright lie about it is where people seem to draw the line.
Going into a relationship on SL is a risk, it’s just as much the fault of the person trying to be involved with Roman. When you don’t have enough respect for yourself, you’ll fall into that. SL is a roleplay virtual world basically, RL isn’t important unless you are going ointo dating and dating over a game or a virtual world is a risk big time. You don’t know a person online any different than someone you meet in public. You don’t know what life they have outside your view. A person who is male or female, playing an avatar of the opposite sex is totally up to them and they don’t have to tell you who they really are, it’s none of your business. If you get yourself involved online, that’s your own fault too. If I wanted to play a male avatar and say I’m male, that would be my business. I wouldn’t drag someone into an OFFLINE relationship, but SL relationships are SL and mostly based on that avatar.
so very true.
if it were match.com i would agree.. but its SL… i bet the 1st 100 times Roman prob said no about a pic but people are quite persistent when they want something bad enough
Most likely they wouldn’t leave Roman alone about it
So then Roman catfished people by sending them real life pictures of other guys saying, “Here this is me, I am a guy” and this was right? Those people wanted to know and it is very understandable why they may have wanted to know this person’s gender. Your defense of her/him is they didn’t have any right to know and they had the nerve to try to verify it and were asking for a picyure? (@me and @RespectYourCustomers)
@mrRogersHood people do what they do for their own reasons… i think people looking for RL love are invading a RP land..Roman was most likely haunted by the plzz send me a pic bullshit.. what she/he should have said is bitch send me a birthday present..a real one since you wanna be all real life..lol these are people that go shopping with you and really believe you just left the mall together for real.. smh… and exactly why i log in high as fuck and be all happy in my own lil zone… If you dont plan on really meeting you shouldbnt have to tell anything about urself… there is a SLTAB & real life TAB for a reason.. because sl is NOT rl
you know who i feel bad for.. is the people who come to SL to chill and have fun in whatever skin they feel comfy in…. maybe in a skin they arent in in rl..people should be able to use SL as intended without the desperate asses that will die if they have to stand alone..if some of these chicks worried as much about their RL and a job maybe they wouldnt care so much who catfished em.. for all i know roman sent a fake pic because maybe the chicks pics she/he saw.. were ugly to him/her.. lol.. or maybe because she has a male avi (which ur allowed to do) maybe the chick was assuming.oh male avi=automatically a guy. maybe in convo the chick made a rude comment about lesbians..and roman decided to keep it on the hush..there are a million what ifs… but if you wanna play and date on the internet..thats ur problem lol i dont feel even a little bit bad
#7 I clicked the “More Information” link and it did not work, please fix your website.
Jimmy, its seems you are the less idiot in this site.
Are you sure you are not lost ?
Jimmy for president !
I love your comments, thanks for make this site less ridiculous.
Borring af … please get me somoe more juicy gossip not a flood about some dude/chick named Roman lollolol
Roman is one annoying cunt, not sure how many asses she been licking to get where she is tho. Probably one desperate ugly lady with no RL whatsoever and maybe a potencial serial killer. ??????
Caitie is no prize either. She puts a rl picture in her profile with her chubby face and headed down south saggy boobies. Not a catch in any way, plus she is friends with that old battle ax , Belladonna. Someone shared her Facebook link a couple months back and the woman is prime for adult diapers and geritol. Both losers virtually banging men online. whoop!!!! Bang on saggy and baggy!!!
Did Roman ignored your flirt that you are so angry ?
that pic of me and some lady its all good me and susan have an open relationship 🙂 so you all can bite me 🙂
#3. Can we move on and drop it now. Don’t like the fact that they have men as escorts then don’t go. Ofc thier rates are going to be cheap how else can they sell their fake ass….
#24. Sick and tired of seeing Lance on here too. Can’t even read what it says. But seriously getting sick and tired of same old posts. Give us some reall juicy gossip. Something new and exciting.
We all know that Indulge has TGS on staff and do you really think that CAM VERIFICATION means ı made her / hım pull their pants down during the verifıcation. ERMMM nope. I know for a fact that a few on their staff have not even transitioned yet. So yes they have men on staff.
And lance, it is obvious he has nothing better to do in life if kaithleen wants to be his bitch then let her be. I loved her shop and constantly bought her items till i heard she was in bed with Lance. Lost all respect for her. Like are you all seriously in need of a man that you want a person like lance. STOP MAKING HIM FAMOUS.
heard that Ines and this Diego (alt) still at it low-key. Flickr is full of scandals and desperate individuals.
This Diego spending all his time with his gf, so why you want try to make gossip on someone who live his SL in peace ? For the fun ? Or maybe you will be ignored by this guy ?
I call it as I see it. “all his time”, not what I seen while sim hopping. But hey he could be in an open relationship. Who knows. Ines & Cuna are the same to me. Open welcome mats to anyone who gives them attention. Is sisterwives a thing in sl yet?
Looks like you do not get it, you are stupid or what?! The accent is on that slut Ines that fucks around and even Toxx and Diego dumbed her! If you are that Diego you shouldn’t be offended at all, because it is written that you kick her, you dumbass!
I wrote “she is so pathetic” and I have no clue why you get offended mate? I didn’t post this shit, I just know how pathetic Ines is, because I fucked her whenever I want and someone post that shit about her! Keep rehab number for yourself, it looks like you need it!
You mean that taking pict with male alt is same as fucking with ? And it’s not because my username, here, have “Diego” that i’m Diego. Are you so stupid, or I must explain better ? I’m not get offended because you said she is pathetic, i just want you proove your words. Saying “I fucked whenever I want” its not enough, dear little girl. You spend time in some sims so you didnt’ notice sometimes she took pict with her male alt ? Or maybe you was staying focus about who fuck who ? Its’ a SL sport, this kind of way. But if you was not so stupid, you would notice that gossip start since this Toxx relationship, little girl. But you know that. Because you relay the same low gossips that everybody told around. Even if this Diego didn’t have a relationship with this Ines. Just go spend time with some Toxx close friends and you will hear this same things. Always the same since month and month. The whore is not always people we treat as whore. Sometime can be someone “nice”. It’s why the pathetic are people who jump on this kind of stories. Go on flickr and you will see lot of bitches, taking pictures with guy each week. Lona, Aimee, Naiike and so so more. Are they bitches because they took picts with a lot of differents guys ? So, you are like some others, pathetics who jump on the first gossip for add your jealousy. Did Toxx forget to fuck you ? Did Diego forget to fuck you ? Did Ines forget to fuck you ? Tell us, go laying on your sofa and talk to us. You need to eject something who keep hate inside you. For rehab, google it, you… Read more »
blah blah blah, you should talk about how Ines was begging Toxx to stay with her.
You should not forget to say how Diego fucked her while she was begging Toxx to stay with her.
Also, you should not forget about the fact that she fucked each guy she made a picture with on her ex Flickr account, just to make Toxx jealous.
I mean she is older, she has a family, she should learn so far what standards are and how she should act, but I guess that’s not for her case. She is stupid and she is a whore, can she go lower?
Oh and looks like Rehab is her favorite place, is that why she is using it so much?
You and the Smelly Rat knows nothing. You fake knows a lot with adding new shit each comment you did.
Saying that Toxx is a girl, is just looooooooooool. It’s show how much you are ignorant about people you want gossip.
You both (and some others) didn’t notice how you seem stupid. In other comments you cry beacause some are hidding behind the screen, that some are not the gender they show in SL…. and you acted exactly in the same way.
Everybody can write what you write. Adding words, and words, and words. And if the post start to be boring, you try to add something that you think will make the gossip more crusty.
I’m sure you don’t know Toxx, you don’t know Ines, you don’t know Diego, you don’t know Cuna, you don’t know Aimee, you don’t know Lona.
You just try to calm your nerves full of hate and jealousy, while typping and typping and typping. I know how the feeling you have behind your screen. Totally hysteric with red face so you are angry.
But please, let still show the rage you have against people you even not know (or people you envy, or people that didn’t want fuck with you, click on the world you choose).
Oh, I so imagine you with you angry full of hate red face. Doctor said its’ not good for your heart. It’s dangerous because you will have too much pressure in brain (oh lol, I wrote “brain”). Be careful, darling, and take your pills please.
Your psychiatrist.
Tox is hacked and he is a girl hehehehe that is how much you dont know or you are just to ashamed to admit hehehehehehe poor ppl of sl so funny
You have no clue how much I know! 🙂 You just make blah blah blah ♥ your little brain must be burning, right?
Do not forget that people that talk about some other people behind their back, DO THE SAME FOR YOU! NOW GO DARLING AND STICK YOUR NOSE IN SMELLY INES ASS … YOU MIGHT GET SOMETHING THERE ♥
and thank you for describing to us how you feel reading all these things about your slutty friend Ines ♥ this was really funny to imagine your face and Ines face like this:
“You just try to calm your nerves full of hate and jealousy, while typping and typping and typping. I know how the feeling you have behind your screen. Totally hysteric with red face so you are angry.
But please, let still show the rage you have against people you even not know (or people you envy, or people that didn’t want fuck with you, click on the world you choose).”
hahahaahaha so pathetic ♥
Good morning my favorite Puppet !
Did the night was good ? I hope. Because I notice that you start writting with CAPS. Please, try to keep control, It’s not so good to be so emotional about people you even don’t know.
It’s Second Life, puppet. It’s mean that nobody in SL can change the way of your life. Don’t let your anger and your stupidity take the control of your body.
It’s summer. Not a good period for collapsing.
(It’s 3 pills. I saw you miss 1)
Hello Ines’s monkey on a string, you think I forgot to answer? – No!
It’s funny how passionate you are about wasting your time being her puppet in SL. You should be a SL lawyer.
I am sorry I neglected you but RL is busy for me (doubt you know what that is).
And to tell you truth I got bored of you and your health advices and it looks like you have a lot of experience with blue and red pills.
And also I think you should calm because I am sure your Master (Ines the slut) don’t want me to publish those chat logs that I’ve recently promised! Tell her that and we’ll see what will happened next.
Aimee, & Naiike desperate. It all starts with “a photo” for these heifers.
Naiike at the moment locked down that Chris guy, he’ll wise up eventually.
Aimee on the other hand got dumped by Alex. So her hands are reaching out.
Wouldn’t trust either of them. lowkey/hoekey
At least they are not fucking around for years back. I mean even Lona can’t compete with Ines anymore since Ines is really out of any competition. Alex dumbed Ines first and start dating her “friends” so he can get rid of psycho Ines. She was texting every girl that made a nice comment on his Flickr account, that’s so siiick!
Aimee and Alex were together and yes he dumbed her as well. He recognizes that Aimee start to act like Ines and he dumped her immediately. He does not need another sick person like Ines in his life!
Also, I do agree none of them do not deserve trust.
Some hurt bitch here for sure.
Naiike hasn’t locked me down (I usually lock her down in our play room), it all started with a simple chat at Elysion and since then we mind our own business and do our sl without bothering anyone (apart our friends lmao!).
You know, if you want some entertainment i can pass you some Netflix titles worth to watch and that don’t require your creativity to make up fantasy plots about avi you dont know 🙂
lol, she and that sofie female were one in the same also. Desperate photos hoes. Hell I think they even had a falling out over some other pixel flickr cock. But cheers, we all go through the “save a hoe” phrase. Nobody mad about it. 🙂
No offense, but trying to insult someone in a language that isn’t your native tongue, just really doesn’t have the cutting & pithy pizzazz you were going for… it’s kinda funny.
Ines, since you are hiding behind the Diego name, did you mean “REHAB THAT YOU USE WITH JOST?” 🙂
You are so stupid!
Seems like you are using google translator @stormy knyght (whatever knyght means)
and it looks like you wanted to say “first language” or “native language” or maybe even “mother tongue” but for sure not “native tongue”
Nope, Collins dictionary does cite “native tongue
the native language of someone; the language of the country that someone is born in or native to
ie. She spoke only her native tongue.”
Before trying to correct someone, try to ensure YOU are correct.
@just saying calm down, Ines will give you her pussy too! ♥ Do not worry, she doesn’t care if you are a man or a woman! 😉
Who cares about the languages after all, this post is about this Ines the Slut and she is pretty satisfied with the dirty, naughty words that she perfectly understands, right! She knows only those bad words in few different languages because she needs them fucking – her stupid brain can’t get anything else!
and about the Rehab Ines, she is taking her fuckers there for fuck sessions!
Poor Toxx she/he had no clue with how many guys you’ve been cheating her/him!
Orea figured they would correct someone, but it was Orea who was in error. Simple. As for the rest of your statement, you give off the impression you have some serious Ines envy going on there (whoever Ines is..). What happened; you tried and were turned down? No one wants to touch your bits for you? You know, there are things out there like dolls and toys to help you deal with that? Just saying…lol
“Poor Toxx”, you mean the guy who treated his ex Jessika as a dog ? And who cried and supplied for she came back to him ? The guy always under drugs who is nice with all friends and the the worst bastard with his girlfriends. Everyone knows how he works with his girlfriends. He is so addicted to alcohol and drugs that he is completely paranoid and obsessive. And to keep his popularity, he is an angel with his friends pretending not to know how he works. Ask Jessika what she suffered and the gossip he spread by calling her a stalker. He said that at the same time that he was writing to her so that she could come back. Eveybody around him are drama makers. Nobody wonder why. The moron is not always the one we believe.
im loving this lmao—–> For rehab, google it, you will find out some. Good luck and kiss your doctor, little girl.
Kisses. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Everybody knows that Ines is a slut ,without any question!
She is so pathetic!
Who ? Ines Lauria ?
Yes for sure it’s pathetic to take pict with male alt and let people gossip about a “new bf”.
With that you can see who is pathetifc. People who took pict with friend or alt male or people who see a new bf.
(Want Rehab phone number ?)
There is no secrets here. It’s just fake gossips from :
– ex bf
-ex gf
– desperate rl housewives
-hating bloggers
– ignored meneater women
– stupid mind
Without psychotics people, this site would never exist.
Ines why do you think that being fucked by a lot of guys means being popular in SL?
Why you think its Ines who write ?
Or Diego ?
Maybe it’s just Bridget.
You undertand now, how it’s easy to take fun about idiots ? 🙂
Where your stupid mind read that?
Oh and who cares who is writing , that won’t change the FACT THAT INES IS A SLUT!
Luckily you saved your ass from that bitch!
Do you really read what they submit ?
They spend time to check flickr. Do a pict with your own female or male alt and they tag you in relationship. They start fantasm about a story that don’t exist.
Take a picture with a cactus as decor and they wrote story about how you use dildo in picts…..
It’s true I look at the site for see how people have a great insane imagination.
I don’t know if we must be scaring or taking fun about the submitters.
Sadly, there is not secret in the site. Even not gossips. Just sick brain that need to create their own stories. Brain full of obsessions about people. Rehab can help, maybe.
Yeah, I read it – they submit that Ines is a slut. You think she is not?
I just think that all what is submitted is submited by poor mind people.
If I submit a picture of you and tell “slut”, mean it’s the truth ?
For some its seems yes.
Nobody learnt you to not trust in all what you read ?
If not, Im’ so sorry for your unknowledge.
#21 Hi SL Secrets! This is the soon-to-be-deceased(?) Deriand. I just wanted to take a moment to address the coward who posted this pick. While I have my suspicions, I can’t say that I know who you are…but the fact that you now want to drag me into your pitiable crusade against someone who has nothing to do with you tells me everything I need to know. You are a dumpster fire of a human being…an empty, broken, scared, inadequate, pitiful, little person. You post this kind of stuff like you think it makes you edgy or cool or strong…patting yourself on the back saying “Oooh…sick burn!” when it makes you none of those things. You hide behind anonymity and take your shots like a coward. If any of your alleged friends know you did it, you hide behind them as well. I say alleged because I doubt you tell anyone because you have crafted this persona that is nothing like the pathetic person you really are…and if they were to see this side of you, you’d be as devoid of genuine friends as you are any redeeming qualities as a person. You are beneath me, and you are beneath the other person in this pic…and I pity you because you’re a lost, little soul who is too much of a coward to work on your own happiness…choosing, instead, to try to belittle others to feel better about yourself. So, congratulations, you managed to get my attention…for the last time. I have neither the time, nor the crayons, to explain to you how insignificant you are to me and anyone around me. Enjoy your pats on the back. Love, Deriand P.S. Thank you for using that particular pic…I’m kind of proud of that one. Please check out my Flickr page…just… Read more »
la la la la.. must be a little significant if you took the time to write out a whole fucking wiki page on it … 😉
We all appreciate a virtual-secrets on a Sunday for a bit of a laugh.
But come on moderators. Secret or not. Allowing this one to be published, really?
what in honkeysname is going on here?
Read up on the top of the comments, it was removed and it’s explained
Number 13 needs to go!
And I’ll post it again since the moderator feels it’s A FUCKING OKAY to post a meme with the word NIG*ER on it but I can’t follow up using the same goddamn word!!! How the fuck does that make sense?
Whatever pathetic, asshurt, lame fuck who made that post is just mad cause a NIG*ER stole their man!
“Once you go black, you’re gonna need a wheelchair. “
Read the top of the comments where it’s explained an why it’s been removed.
No shit it’s been deleted. I was one of the first to comment but the moderator felt like me using the same word she “didn’t see” was too bad for my comment to be approved. Regardless, you can compare the hours ago feature to my post versus where she said she removed it and see my comment was placed when the stupid fucking meme was still posted. So you’re the one who is late to the party. NEXT!
@not a fan
Do you need a snickers bar? or are you always juvenile
It’s angry!!
I’m gonna poke it with a stick
The post was removed.
Lame week ~ who cares who likes their bumhole licked or fingered. You had no issue, till you got butthurt over whatever drama you and he created. #nastybitches
#13 Soooo we are just going to ignore the blatant fucking racism with that post. Calling someone the N word totally destroys your credibility. Moving on….. leave Swain the fuck alone. He is excited about his wedding, just like everyone else on sl and rl. Every week it’s something about him or Anna. My God ppl forever have petty ass axes to grind. Shut the fuck up already.
How long the swain marriage gonna last he dumps her (fat) ass every other week she’s taking it so serious too rofl you look ridiculous honey
Solid entertainment these two. In the end of the day it’s her that looks a mess and is over the top, end all of sl, dramatic mess. Frank I’m sure just silently hops into anothers DM, while Anna grabs throws a pity party. But hey it’s no one business even though it is put out there for all to see.
No what is ridiculous is you knowing how many damn times someone breaks up instead of concentrating on your damn self. Her being fat has nothing to do with my comment at all so why is that even a factor. However long their relationship last is their business not ours to judge. What’s in your damn wallet? Concentrate on that
who doesn’t know. How many times a shop closing, or taking a break, post been put out there all related of being dropped on her ass (fat or not). No ones actually counting. But it is noticeable once it’s a repetitive enough. Now you go have a seat somewhere and enjoy that wreck of a public relationship. lol
We had credibility? Thats amusing.
Not you but the person who submitted the post
#15 Kudos on a readable secret
I agree it’s clean, easy to read and gets to the point. #24 on the other hand, is another story. I took a glance at it, noted Lance’s name and the way the words were too dark to read on the dark background and went nope, not going blind to that stupid shit.
Guess who’s back? tell a friend…
ok, so first off who is this Roman? and literally who gives a flying fuck about him/her? like this entire week is about them, and I couldn’t give a rat’s ass!…Playing the opposite gender on SL is old news…in case you all didn’t know, who gives a shit? Also, Who gives a fuck about Lance? can we get over him too already? I mean, he owns a club…whoop dee doo…..
Why you care so much about who is Roman ?
Lance and Roman live for the Drama. They brag about who is on here most. It doesn’t make them famous like they think, after all it is SL. Lance I can see why it doesn’t matter if he acts a fool. Roman on the other hand owns an event where creators pay to put their products. If I were a designer in ULTRA it’s safe to say that Roman doesn’t care about his reputation nor his event, which is basically like saying fuck you to all the creators who pay for him to represent them.
Frankly, the fact that there are 6 secrets for Roman alone, says that someone either has way too much time on their hands or they are seriously obsessed with Roman. Roman was outed a while ago on here, being a woman, so why keep going on and on and on about the same thing?
Starting to think since these two R&L keep having all these secrets but at the same time are ^5ing each other. wouldn’t surprise me if it’s them or their lil clique throwing them out there. That is the vibe I’m sensing now. The lengths some go to in order to be relevant.
amen.. best way to know what ur getting into is to do it face to face or shut the fuck up
Now, I will agree with that. But, it will never be okay what she’s done. Period.
Roman is here this week for being a little bitch all week about someone who catfished her. In fact, it gave her the opportunity to “come clean” about being female after about 9 years of lying to straight women. Using a story of a catfish who catfished her, allowed her to be FREE finally of what she’s done to women in SL. I don’t give a fuck what people say about SL being SL and RL being RL. Blah Blah Blah. Roman cannot just one day decide to pull down one catfish publically and not expect the women she catfished over many years to sit back and not say anything. That is why she’s here so many times this week.
I do understand and sympathize with anyone who is catfished, it’s rotten but, I cannot help but wonder, with your reaction is if you are talking about personal experience with this and you’re the secret creator of all those lovely secrets regarding Roman. Sure, post it 1 up, but doing 6 in one week does smack of obsession regarding this. I don’t know if this is all one person but if it is, a restraining order and therapy is in order for that individual.
@just saying.. ^5
Or could it just be that she’s fucked over so many people? It’s not a secret that Roman is a piece of shit. Wait for more people to wake up and read, you’ll see there are plenty of people who hate her.
Roman is definitely a piece of shit. Something happened between said person and me several years ago that had me scratching my head and now its all come in focus. What a fuckwad and now it makes sense to see this fuckwad associated with Lance Pyara over at FMD. Ole Lance of AMBLA fame (Arabic Man Boy Love Association – he is a card carrying member)
Truth be told . Not one of these were posted by me. I just sat back and watched the asshole do it to herself.
all ya’llk need to go outside and meet people with an actual heartbeat and not a wifi connection
Are you really so stupid you think the people who are in SL don’t have a pulse, or are you just shit at insults? I have to ask, because you’re on here every week demonstrating mental deficiency.
I do agree, this ‘me’ character is about a dumbass always playing devil’s advocate like they are far superior to everyone. Constantly saying\stupid shit like “get out once in a while, connect with life not with wifi! its only pixels ffs” i mean its like a retard who captured the fact that it is basically all done through the net with avatars and REAL people aren”t actually meeting up and shit and they ride that shit like “voila! am i the only one who understand this?” You can almost hear him/her speaking through his/her nasal passages like a tard….@beless def shit at insults lol
ok @BeLes so do the people who play xbox…another GAME
whether roman is a girl or guy should have nothing to do with his/her business reputation.. who he or she is fucking will never have a thing to do with the next pair of shoes i want.. and whoever has to be that far up his/her ass…deserve to smell the shit.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i agree with the devil lol felt weird to say that
Why do you think this is about Gender? This has nothing to do with whether Roman is male or female you ignorant fuck. This is about a person (a) Male or (b) Female, not giving a fuck about how they present themselves whether they have just a pixel dick or a vagina. From the sounds of it, you are probably riding that pixel dick hard. ITS NOT ABOUT GENDER!
people can represent themselves however the fuck they want to…not for nothing dickhead…we ALL rep ourselves as an avatar….your the one sounding stupid on a game crying over who got their fucking feelings hurt….. sounds like roman is the only 1 actually playing the game…dont be mad u got played
Just haters posting this week.
was it any different in other weeks?
Same old story@Ultravox
It is always like that
and you know what you are talking about !
25 – do you not realize how often people message creators to show them something that they like in RL and would like to have it in SL? Regardless as to if they saw it on a 3D site or not, people do this ALL THE TIME. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Are you creating original items that you’ve never seen ANYWHERE else?
Free advertisement for Mudhoneys cute hanging swing
Go Mudhoney!
Mudhoney still made it better lol
So I guess you just pick and choose which week you’ll enforce the no racist slurs? You actually allowed the N word to be posted here, that’s not a “secret” that’s just hate
Well obviously a racist exists in that circle so find out who it is and out them hard. Lourdes had her reasons. She knows how shitty that word is more than I do and if she posted it she has her reasons.
There is no excuse for this and no justified reason. You shouldn’t have let it go through point blank. Just admit you don’t care and let any shit go through
Calm the fuck down, bro, she removed it. I back up Lourdes and her decisions. That’s how it goes here. She does the same to me. She removed it so your argument is moot now.
Sounds like a bunch of fucking bullshit to me. No one has fucking reasons for posting a word so filled with hate and oppression. I used to be all for this site but fuck you guys.
I find it funny that Roman Godde tried to call out “catfish” all week on his page, when he is the biggest catfish of all. So much to be said about this piece of shit. No one likes you Roman. You lie, manipulate and use people, business and personal. Designers steer clear of you for a reason. You are toxic and you are a terrible person. Designers BEWARE!!! Playing victim to a Catfish on your page all week for your little whore squad to comfort you was pathetic. You think you are someone in SL but you aren’t. how old was it? 49 year old lady ? If someone catfished you, you got what has been coming to you for years. I have even seen photos of the “man” you told me you were. You are disgusting. You sank your own ship buddy, or should I call you Bitch?
#’s 6, 8, 14, 19, 20, 26: Roman (Wow, really?!) #24: Lance. We get it about Roman already, he is a she and whatever else you are trying to impart here and have been doing so for the last few weeks. Can we move on from him and also from Lance already? (I do suspect that Lance himself is putting these secrets in, since the attention it garners, feeds into his egotistical nature.)
looks like a bunch of old hags that have been bitterly scorned and have nothing better to do then poke into other peoples lives………well save for the caught cheater. i hope his wife dumps him like a sack of bricks.
Almost as tragic as people thinking they have sex lives in a video game.Or husbands.Or children/families.All who have the “i’m psycho” Litany in their profiles.”Mess with my family” yadda yadda.Or what? your going to type bitchy words at me?
Yeah yeah, do SL your way,but when you play at Ludicrous speed don’t get upset when people stare & giggle.
lmao yessssssssssss@ the mess with my family ones.. loll theres a special place on the short bus for them..
I’m so way past over the pink velvet bullshit… all the workers there and all the secret makers for it all need a diet of benzo’s and bleach… you hoes are lame and please spare us next week.. no one really gives even a 1/2 a fuck about the club or your secrets art.. you suck.. go blow a goat.
Also i don’t understand the big deal of a girl having a male avi… maybe because i like my relationships and sex in person..¯\_(ツ)_/¯ just a hunch… whoever is mad at that kind of stuff should probably attempt to stand up and go outside and find a lover you can see with your eyes..otherwise you get what you get and you don’t get upset… learned that shit in kindergarten.
Other than the N word it was a sleepy week.
Me is kiti whose being wrote about by way lol. She tried to pin blame on me and my friend wasn’t us lol.
It’s a big deal when the female playing the male is a lesbian who fucks with the minds of straight women. Gender isn’t an issue if you are honest about it. But when you try to have relationships with people of the same sex and you don’t tell them that’s fucked up.
Okay so.
Being manipulative isn’t cool by any means no matter what gender. Buuuuuuuuuuut… if a relationship is SL only, it’s roleplay and in roleplay it really doesn’t matter what gender someone is behind the keys. I hear the objections now but honestly? If it’s SL only, then you’re having a relationship with the avatar and the way the person at the keys plays them. Once it goes real life and people are exchanging real life photos and catching real life feelings.. that’s 100% different. If you’re doing the RL thing, then it’s time to be honest.
So which is it here? Is Roman having SL relationships or RL ones in SL? Why do people in SL have this weird misunderstanding of the fact there is a line between SL and RL and not everyone mixes the two?
Okay so Roman was crossing that RL line. That’s not cool at all. Either keep it SL only or be honest when it goes RL.
@me – I’ve been harassed for RL pics. I tell those people they aren’t getting one and if that makes them throw a fit and leave, that’s on them. I’ve had men who just wanted to “be my friend” on my adult avatar say that unless they got a RL pic, they’d call me a man and we couldn’t be friends. Oh well. Too bad for them. I’m right up front that you are not seeing my RL self because I’m very not comfy just handing out my picture to strangers.
so true@A-Kid… people should be a lot more careful with their pics anyways after learning from the show catfish and seeing how easy it is to find out where they upload the pic from location wise in some cases down to an address thats enough for me to let em think im a man or whatever else makes them happy.. as for the roman thing im sticking to sl was meant for sl…. people need to stop invading a game falling in love with every toon that gives them the SL time of day..theres a reason why LL has a clause about chat logs… its meant to be fantasy/roleplay.. ..you don’t see us on match.com with a avi profile pic… people in sl shouldn’t have to explain what sl is sl means especially if its said from jump. We don’t use cash we use L’s its no different than buying a xbox game pass
@ A-Kid you know what happens with the picture thing.. .. a lot of people start off with SL is SL and then 1 of em fall and haunt the other person for more…sooooo to shut them the hell up they get a fake pic.. lol the people in SL who are able to maintain it as a game.. even if you find someone really cool still get haunted and hounded if they want to keep it SL for whatever reason they may have… The problem isn’t with the SL is SL people… its the crazies that are in SL for more but start off with SL is SL until they fall.. i know this from experience and other peoples war stories
Roman was sending “RL” photos. So yeah, there’s that.
to be completely honest i dont even understand why it would matter if the avi is a guy or a girl in real life.. even if it was a man its not like ur gunna feel the dick.. lmao.. like i mean c’mon now lets be serious here… and if you were any kind of woman to begin with you would be able to tell the difference in how a man talks to you and how a woman would.. if he would be a douche for a week every month its a tell tale sign
Because it’s lying, shit for brains.
its 2nd life.. no one really owes you a fucking answers though….had it been match.com i would say your right but im sorry.. ur not .. not in my eyes when it comes to sl
go outside and find a man then…sl aint tinder dumb fuck.. not everything that allows chat is for the thirsty to try to find a man.. god people are so lame.. why cant u go outside to find a man???? lmaoo dont answer that.. im sure i know why
lol what a dumbass, there you go with your tard “go outside” revelation shit again. Say it slowly through your nasals say “guuuuuuuuuuuuuuu oushiiiide”
Are you really so retarded that you think lying is OK?
I agree with the avatar part. Shouldn’t matter if a girl in rl that plays both sexes in sl
^5 if SL was intended to be used for real life..you wouldn’t have a user name you’d have your real name.. There are millions of dating sites/apps all over the net for every race..sexual preference..religion..disability..for richer for poorer.. sugar daddy.. old ass ladies..blahzay blah.. its annoying as hell hearing all the hurt feelings all the time… when you log in we all are represented by something other than ourselves… that should be their 1st clue.
kind of ironic huh ~
I have not read all the comments but correct me if I am wrong. Was Lance and Kaithleen not partnered. Did I miss the break up or something.
SL is roleplay, that doesn’t always represent real life. It’s all in fun and that’s that. May not be your thing, doesn’t mean someone has daddy issues or have been abused. You don’t even have to be involved.
Aww, are you sad that no one wants to drag you around by the neck? Maybe if you had better taste, someone would.
^5 @ the collar thing… nothing says trailer park trash more than letting some loser disrespect you in public.. yes yes i know its SUPPOSED to be like a respect thing or an honor.. but ill say it like it is..dont be mad if he calls u a bitch if u let him treat you like a dog. 😉 there is NO MAN on the internet never mind a game that you should ‘trust’ so much.. n u hoes wonder why ur always on secrets crying lmao
Nikidemonix stop being a jealous cunt because Lance dumped your fat ugly ass.
I don’t like Lance, but you obviously have no idea what a collar represents. So please, do yourself a favor and stfu about shit you know nothing about. As for Kaithleens clothes, stop being jealous as fuck.
Yes me too, it does appear there is no Kaith in Lance’s partner box anymore. I am sure you are gonna get much more in the way of suckups coming in here now extolling this guys virtues in SLS tryna be the next Pyara girl.
Who knows, maybe his wife in real busted him or was about to bust him. Lance married into money there in Saudi or wherever he is from. He has used that money to ‘play’ in SL (be MrBadAss club owner, etc) and wife probably didn’t care if it was as an avatar n a ‘game’ but Lance definitely did not want her or her family to find out about the extra stuff, doesn’t want to get cut off y’know.
@MrRogersHood I imagine so too …. all those of girls flocking around Lance wanting to be the next Pyara girl. But not because of his money (which he didn’t earn by marrying into money you are just talking right out of your ass right now) but because he’s the man you you will never be (and if you’re a girl he’s the man you’ll never get).
no wonder the thot patrol is going extra hard trying to score brownie points all on secrets using their SL screen names so he notices lmao
about wifey busting him though…if she has dubai money she could make him disappear with no problem. lol
lmao @juice lee… i give it to Lance… he has has a whole lot of retarded gullible rats trying to slob the knob..you people really fucking believe everything you hear.. lol for all you know his pics could be fake and hes really martha stewart.. second life has some of the most pathetic chubettes that believe any and everything.. after all you’re the ones not even knowing if the male avi ur talking to is a girl.. like none of the extra emotion was a clue lol.. smh the thirst is oh so real
to @me i’m sorry you’re an ugly fat fuck with no life but that which fills you with bitterness and jealousy towards successful and good looking people. I’m sorry you are a victim of circumstances that leads you to rage hating on people you don’t know. Take your pills on time is my advice.
What grade are in? That was the most junior high, non adult response (no matter the case).
You cant talk to people like you just did, when you are talking the same way you are fighting against :p
lol i could never be jealous of a fucking avatar..so you can go back to flicking the bean to Lance’s avi my dear.. i think its crazy and it blows my mind.. do you people fall for Nigerian scams too??? whatever crosses your screen is bond? lol so stupid.. its not and will never be jealousy.. you people make secret after secret about getting scammed in SL and still ride or die for a stranger lmao pathetic.. but i do thank you for giving me something to read while slacking with work. 😉
^5@respect …. on the bright side tomorrows Sunday.. thank god for small favors lol
im lances friend but im not here to score points i did downvote your stupid comments because its hilarious how his haters find out about his personal business like breaking up with kaith before his friends in this case me lol y’all need to mind ur own business and stop stalking lances profile for ur own sanity
“about wifey busting him though…if she has dubai money she could make him disappear with no problem….” exactly 🙂 which is why I mentioned he wants to be careful.
i may have the mouth of a sailor honey.. but i have way too much class to let some guy i don’t even know drag me around a game.. i dont fiend for attention that bad.. or need to be loved by a stranger and then in a few weeks cry because they have screen shots of me on SL secrets saying how dumb i am that he fucks 10 other girls when i log.. i let all you inbred lunatics do that.. and i come on sundays to read all about it.
And usually the men that drag these women around have Very tiny dicks. They can’t please a woman in reals so they need to come on SL and play big dicked daddy
It may not be your thing or my thing but shaming others kink play when there is two consenting adults involved is really low class. You may want want to pay for more lessons. Maybe there is a rp place for you to send 500 lindens to to take those classes.
@ickster 2 consenting adults until they break up and you hear about it here.. lol
There is a reason for shaming.It’s to point out when one is making an ass of themselves,kink or not.Used properly shame can show (smart) people the err of their ways. Most who have a hatred towards shaming are the likeliest to have obsessive compulsive addictions they don’t want to feel guilty about.
I think leashing your tits out “pet” at a moderate shopping event is inappropriate.Keep your kinks off public property, please.
I repeat:If you play at Ludicrous speed don’t be surprised when people stare ,giggle & even roll their eyes a bit.
It is more low class that these men and women are cheating on their wives and husbands online with a virtual sex partner. Try to deny but a known daddy dom was having voice sex at his club and you can clearly hear his children in the background.
i agree@4y? do whatever sinks your ship behind closed doors but once ur in public making a fool of urself….especially with someone surrounded by so much drama.. be happy someone has enough sense to tell you the truth… all the things i say on here i would say to my best friend had it been her doing something so dumb.. sl people want everything always sugar coated.. and if u say something ‘mean’ ur bullying them.. lets keep in mind these people are usually 40… 50.. ive even read about someone 72 years old.. like when will some of you grow up??!?!?! stop acting like some of you are a 8 year old child people are picking on because its not like that.. grown ass adults …. i bet some of the things i say you’d say to your own child if they are talking to someone on the net..but you wont take your own advice.
whoever posted the secret was obviously in the room with them…stop thinking everyone is your friend..some people deserve to get hurt so they learn.. and find some real friends who will tell you the TRUTH.. not what u wanna hear..
Honestly you should take every secret here with a grain of salt. I have no idea who is married or not nor, do I actually care if they are.
As for children in a background of someone having internet sex: If you or anyone feels like there is any sort of child endangerment you should try to get a hold of authorities so they can get that sorted out. You standing by in such a idle way listening and pearl clutching to someone’s sexual deviance and you felt there was enough cause to raise concern just makes you as negligent as that parent who doesn’t watch their kids.
LIke they even know their real life to report them? And even if they did they should call 911 and be like “operator i am hearing these people voice sex each other and I hear chillens in the background!”
Don’t be stupid.
And standing there listening to the offense just as filthy. Pull your pants up and hit the mute button. Derender, Teleport out. Do something if you are that offended. How about you don’t be stupid and stop being negligent if that is what happened. I wouldn’t know if it happened. It’s hearsay after all. But like I said: Do something if you find yourself offended.
Kaithleen is this you!? Haha
im with Ellie.. thank you!!! someone gets it.. its one thing if you know someone.. but lets be honest secrets is famous because people trust any and everything that gives them attention. lol