Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 511.
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 351 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 511.
cracks me up how petty this site is. I laugh my butt off every time.
That’s like calling a piece of paper petty for having a message scrawled on it.
The site isn’t petty, it’s merely the messenger. The submitters on the other hand, more salt than the ocean.
half of this wasnt second life but another social format
Is it Sunday yet? I’m bored
If you talk about domestic violence at free wifi, they will ban you.
Anyone who uses the words “beta” and “cuck” gets an instant eyeroll from me, just saying. I can’t take that seriously.
Geez all this relationship and stripper club drama. Next time you all ask why I have a kid avatar, I’m going to point to this week as stuff I get to avoid.
#28 – tired of this. See this all the time – “my work isn’t appreciated/you don’t kiss my feet – I’m not making more now/I’m leaving Second Life”. There are a few furry designers who go through this weekly until their butts are properly patted. It’s annoying, either create stuff or don’t.
This whole backdrop thing is just an extra layer of childish attitude. “I’m mad because you guys aren’t using the thing you paid for only how I want you to. Now I’m going to make a scene and not make stuff like that anymore. ”
Good. Don’t make backdrops anymore. All the designers who have been complaining about this have been insisting that it hurts them so much because their customer base is “disposable” by insinuating backdrops are one-time-use items. If that’s the case, and it’s in the very nature of the items, then being upset that it could impact creators so negatively means they weren’t really prepared to deal with that aspect of these products. Either suck it up and keep going, or quietly stop and make other things; because consumers haven’t been reacting too well to the other stores getting their underwear in a knot over this.
The Astaria creator as well. She thinks that backdrops are bought and just used one time for a photo and disposable. As if customers should delete them after a one time use. Sometimes they are used as scenery, they didn’t like that either. It’s like buying a car and told you can drive it but you aren’t allowed to let anyone else drive it or sit in the passenger seat unless they bought one too…
Astaria was the first one to start this whole mess w/BDC and that started Kraftwork stating they would not support BDC nor should any of their bloggers, then they, in turn, let go all of their bloggers ~ along with her partner who is the owner of Pocket Gacha decided to try and intimidate bloggers to find out who put out the SLSecret about Kraftwork without success. He is a nasty piece of work ~ bottom line a lot of people have stopped shopping at Astralia, Pocket Gacha am not sure about Kraftwork and do not care as I will never give them my business.
powdery ass (she named herself that btw.. astralia) saved me lots of Ls because i still wont buy from her or even bother getting another pocket gacha hud. as for anxiety i think thats all talk… for attention maybe who knows. I don’t see anyone just starting to get in the arcade just leaving so i call bs. but even if they do leave or stop creating will the world stop turning?!?! lol no ……thankfully Rama opened up the idea and everyone else ran with it so there will be no shortage of backdrops. c’est la vie anxiety
I evilly thought about making my own backdrops and tons of them, and giving them away. :p just because of this whole situation
Well actually it’s “you guys aren’t using my stuff the way I want you to. I’m not giving you any more of my toys now so there!”
Sliiiightly different, but still really childish. If a store honestly felt like they can’t handle how “disposable” backdrop markets are, then they should either not have done them at all or just quietly stop and move on to other projects. Calling negative attention to yourself seems stupid.
Please talk more about #23.
It is inspired by the infamous blue screen of dead.
Hey I know number 1, and He definitely ain’t a stalker, if he dumped your arse just move on with grace and you know you just mad he found an afk root more enjoyable then the potato sack root you gave.
I do not know number one, but you have to be DESPERATE if you need to come on a computer game and jack off to an afk avatar. Talk about disturbing as fuck!!!
Wouldn’t that be the same for people who jack off to porn? Everyone has their kinks
Was about to say it is creepy as someone is behind that avatar but then realised I seen that phrase in listings (‘afk dolls’) so presumably it is just porn.
#12 I follow this dude on Flickr even though he’s talentless just to see how each post deteriorates from the last I blog & it’s going around how talentless he is so whoever posted the secret it’s old news we been saying it for a long time he’s lazy
Could you be any more obvious, Lesa? Multiple names to post with here, too? Time to get over it; ya crazy, and everyone knows now.
Why are you bullying her? Leave her alone go ahead and lead on the next girl until the next one willing to boost your ego comes along what are you lacking from your real life you need this much attention from women? Lesa is a friend of mine and does not need you dragging her name through the mud
Girl, the hell is wrong with you? You’re friends with the bitch bullying him! You think she gets to post his ass up here and not have people who know him and the situation defend him? Okay let me break this shit down real clear for all ya’ll. Lesa posted him on virtual-secrets because the desperate bitch is throwing a fit that her attempts to stalk and harass him ain’t worked out. Then when he still don’t give a single fuck or have a word to say to her, she starts using multiple names to post her shit and lies on virtual-secrets by way of comments about him. Trouble is Lesa is not only desperate, shes dumb, because the moderator sees her damn IP address and trashed her fake ass comments calling her out on it in THAT COMMENT above YOURS. Sure Kane flirts on his feeds, but am I the ONLY bitch in the room who has bothered to look properly at the mans comments? I don’t see numerous women in his photographs, I don’t see him posed fucking a million hoes. What I see is some seriously flirtatious bitches hitting him up publicly and the man responding in kind, not privately hiding his shit away, not hooking up in world but simply giving as good as he gets. Where in the rules of being a male fucking blogger does it say “thou shalt not flirt back?” Y’all just mad. Mad and bitter cause you never got the damn hook up inworld you were hoping for. As for the bullshit secret Lesa posted about him in the first place, “Kane Broady fakes stalkers to get attention on his flickr” LOL seriously? The guy has a million views and some serious activity on his feed. you REALLY think the fifty… Read more »
Slow claps you another of his hoes after his pixel dick you be on here next week after he dumps yo ugly fat ass
Cute that you think that, but not every chick in SL is there for pixel dick when she can get it in RL. You know, this may come as shock to you, but did you know that people can be friends? I appreciate it might go right over your own head that, considering Lesa and her little clan were clearly thirsty for his dick and never got it. Slow claps you back. hang in there sweetheart, you’ll meet someone as ‘special’ as you one day. Hopefully even RL 🙂
How you know she did not get it were you there? Think your so called friend Kane ain’t been truthful with you either
And how do you know he was? Were you there watching it? She’s butthurt. It’s pathetic, all over a pixel cock. Girl needs to log off and get some perspective as Lesa is also married and yet stalking men in a virtual world? It’s laughable. And you are either her or so caught up in her web of lies that you can’t tell the difference anymore.
I know the truth I seen chat logs so stop with the bs he’s a hoe one that got caught so now denys it so the rest of his crew still believe the bs he feeds them truth will prevail
So just to be clear…
The stalkers friend just admitted publicly that Lesa has shared chat logs.
You really aren’t too bright are you Estelle?
Because by stating what you did, you just publicly declared that Lesa, who is already on a warning from LL for stalking this guy, also breached ToS by sharing and distributing chat logs.
(Even though I’m pretty sure anybody with half a brain cell knows what you said is either a lie or what you saw are fake logs)
Are you actually supposed to be helping your friend here or condemning her? If its the latter congratulations, you just did a stellar job! We’ll be sure to let LL know about that as well.
What world are you living in she has never had any warnings from LL so who’s full of BS now? just like kane shared chat logs on his Flickr PLEASE double standards so you are not really too bright either are you it’s cute you are in his corner even though you are a hypocrite about the chat logs bless you darlin’ for trying
Will you please Stfu already?! Nobody fucking cares.
Pretty clear YOU are either believing every word Lesa says OR you are Lesa, Talking about what she’s has or hasn’t got from LL.
Put your shit into perspective. You are fighting on the Internet, with strangers over another stranger who apparently don’t give a fuck if you are alive or dead.
Nobody cares if this dude fucked Lesa or didn’t, nobody but you cares about this whole ridiculous shit.
Everyone who saw his ass posted up here who knows him, instantly knew Lesa was the one who put him here. She’s common knowledge in SL we all fucking know she’s obsessed we just don’t fucking care.
I think it’s obvious as fuck that the one person whose attention you/Lesa are trying to get don’t give shit. If he did he’ d be here saying something . Instead all you got from Kane, was the same shit that made you bitter in the first place: Nothing.
Grow up. Get some pride. Or don’t. Nobody gives a fuck about that either.
Nothing? Just heard Kane tried talking to her on FB so get your facts correct before posting BS
Lmao, now let’s be precise in what happened there LESA, yes we all know it’s you.
Kane had yet another fake profile on FB, this one imaginatively named “Mrs K Broady”.
Usually, he blocks and reports as fake profiles to FB, we all know this because soon as he does the profiles vanish.
Anyway, a few of us told him to see what you have to say, hoping that maybe now you had your kicks here and must surely be bored of making so many email addresses etc that you might just say something that makes sense or actually explains what exactly the aim or end game is.
I just asked him, oh yes that’s right he actually talks to me (ouch huh? ) to relink me the screenshot of the chat he showed us when he did it.
So really don’t take my sound of mind word for it people, here it is for you all to see.
https://gyazo.com/1a02af9fc0aa902836fc392797546ccc and there’s the actual profile. Which Estelle herself just confirmed IS LESA by stating “he tried to talk to her on FB” So now we are all crystal clear that yep, it is Lesa behind the fake profiles too. Awesome.
I’d hardly call it a conversation, but hey when you’re Lesa anything is worth latching onto.
Honestly and I say this with good will: Estelle/Lesa, I think you need help.
Sincerely I mean that. I genuinely think you need to seek some form of therapy, or you should consider logging off a while… You seem to have no grasp on what is real and what is not. Go speak to your doctor, because they have medicine that can help.
To be honest, I really this one is beyond all medicinal help….
So lady like using language like that your parents will be proud God bless you
lol please don’t with the holy roller shit.. i cant .
Swearing is awesome. The context isn’t but swearing is. Swearing has been around for centuries. it’s how you use it that counts
Pick one name and email to post with. Your other comments are in the trash.
#24 theres only one flaw in your plan kink……. babygirls dont make any money lol
The small amount that is made at Babygirls would be big money for them. Not sure who this secret is supposed to insult worse.
one of the highest tipped girls (sorry I mean boys) at bbgs today made 200l that is big money for kink lmao they are all looking to split it among them
thats kinda a lot of Ls for toon p*ssy lmao
Most “toon pussy” is at least 2,000 per 15 mins. If you add voice or cam these rates get much higher
only a complete tard would pay to see a mesh snatch… so its no wonder ya’ll are always on here crying about who fake tips and which club is going under lol you guys are the true 55+ ho-ho eaters.. now i know where the chics who get rejected from rl stripclubs end up lmao
In my experience the majority aren’t paying to see naked pixels when they hire an escort. Some are but most want the sexual interaction with another person, whether it’s text roleplay, dirty talking or cam shows. They want to jerk it with another person that will do/say what turns them on. Sure, you can find free sex anywhere on SL but a lot don’t want to look for someone that’s into the same things they are, especially if they have some specific fetish. So they pay someone who is or pretends to be.
@ the ho-ho
escort where exactly, moron?? Are u Uber?? No…just real life strip club rejects. Hiring an escort in SL is again why week after week we see all the fake tip specs. You people can’t even climb stairs never mind a pole. Go outside.
Lol best line of the week Me !!! “You people can’t even climb stairs never mind a pole” I am still lmao over that, and the sad thing is, it is Very true. Granny stripclubs indeed.
seriously though.. lol.. sl prostitues (because thats what they really are aspiring to be.. lmao) love making 101 excuses in the money they make in SL.. but if they had any respect for their own pussy they’d be charging at least dollars not lindens . lol and none of them will ever be able to tell me any different. you sell your rl pussy for lindens.. pitiful lmao. why not a real site? because the real ones don’t hide behind an avatars and they can’t get anyone to pay them cash money for something they have to roll in flour to find the wet spot.
LOL – I doubt very much they would be that clever but thanks toolbox, can’t wait for the can of whores to open and the backlash to follow.
I see a hoe still salty as we get week two of the Roman & the roast beef romance. I hope you all don’t think they care you posting them up on here. Caitis family and friends roast her daily. Stay mad tho.
Right? Thanks for the publicity tho guys <3
#28. Okay this one puzzles me as similar sentiment was posted before but does not sound like anxiety at all. Do they have a PR person who’s on facebook? One that can ban people from buying stuff as they apparently did? It could be something the designers were never aware of. The security comment is especially weird since they have demos around their shop thus if anyone was really arsey and pressed – they could copy with few clicks. Otherwise both actually hold opposite beliefs hence why I find it awfully strange (I only like their work, never spoke to them so definitely could be wrong).
#36. Can see creases are the same but do we know the original is not a template? I know someone mentioned it is a shop who does original stuff but most folks would not really release precisely same mesh under their own name with all scandals going around.
#22. Could be same model. But Scandalise is a branch of someone who has few and does not seem to be a secret at all. No idea if Noir is as never seen them.
#30 … Mystery could mean … its up in the air whatever the designer wants to make, ever think of that? As the other half of this team, I am Allie’s business partner in SL. I do know she thinks of easy, non conforming or hard lined event ideas. Now , for you to know what is going into 12 in 2 days, you must be one of our bloggers. Which means, I am your boss, which means if you do not like what the designers in the round have this time, don’t post. I will happily remove you, if you do not feel you are up to doing posts of the items which you get for free, every event we do. Also remember, we don’t just do 12, we do no less than 4 events a month, ,which include a store hunt, grid wide hunt, large event and 12. That does not include the hunts that we put our stores Grumble & Drama in. So let me know what you decision is about continuing to blog. Waiting to hear from you 😀 – SQ
My friends and I avoid their events since most of their designers use templates or have high inventory but of low quality
Erm.. I am not a blogger. It states on the floor of the event which you can cam in to that the theme is mystery lol. But sure go ahead and fire the event bloggers, makes no difference to me. If the theme Mystery means they can sell what they want then surely it should just be an unthemed round this round? Messaging Allie direct a few months ago had no affect, this got the event staff’s attention so hopefully the event will follow theme this month. Didn’t mean no harm, heck it may even bring extra custom to the event on the 12th.
OP, look at your competition – none events are strict to themes so I assume you are equally lax. Bloggers are bloggers and not a marketing team – I’d expect them not to clap at everything someone does. If you do not want that, fire them all and concentrate on adverts.
told you.. every event. lol
You didn’t tell me shit, I haven’t had one complaint from anyone about our designers, and have you ever thought of going to the person personally and saying something instead of posting it here. By the way there is no “me” in our blogger group, don’t have the tits or dick to say who yo u are?
@SQ: So I just looked at the Seraphim listing for your event and it’s… Well other than a few stores, I wouldn’t have been able to tell what your event theme is. Most of these stores are also kinda “basic” in terms of product creativity level though, so maybe the inability to run with a more abstract event theme like “mystery” is their failing here. Maybe stick to more concrete themes in the future? They would probably work better with them.
Also none of that was meant as a dig at you or them, just an observation.
Could be magic if they weren’t allowed to use BOTH template mesh ALONG with templated textures. Why go to an event if the exact same item can be purchased (and i mean down to texture) in MP or other peoples stores? Totally ruins the reason for an event imo.
Better thing is to be the bigger person. Not sure what the situation is honestly, but coming and talking shitty at someone, especially if they may be a blogger and talking like you are ottally makes your brand look disrespectful. If you are “the boss”, then be one, don’t be the boss that ruins your brand on your own. You didn’t make it look like a respectable company
bah, how do you edit crappy text typing typos grrs ;p
Relax old lady don’t go throwing your back out..this is SL secrets NOT EBP. You don’t run shit here. When I wrote ‘told you’ it was to my post ↓↓↓ down there somewhere. .. which referred to designers sending out blog packs for 1 event they are in.. which go to 500 people in that group from events and hunts all year round. I wrote “every event” because what you wrote confirmed what i said in my comment below . Thanks you have a wonderful night.
FYI! There is no SL Secrets Grand Prize for illegibility. SL Secrets has it’s own TI:DR (Too illegible:Didn’t Read)
Just laughs at #9. He is a total man whore. Can’t keep his dick in his pants to save him. Then he gets put on here, and comes running at other people, assuming they put him here, attacking people’s gender and shit. Get a real life, dick wad. No one cares about you.
This shit is hilarious to me because now he trying to play victim. He probably posted that himself or he got someone else to post it. Sat there cry and whine because hes getting called on his pathetic life. I do pray he learns from his past and become a man and stop acting like a fuck boi. You know someone has a ton of drama when their block list is maxed out.
It’s funny when The people on this thread (Ann and G) are the only ones who are on everyone’s block list that have ever met them.
Salty? Nah.
Amused? Yes.
♥ You probably haven’t talked to me in months because you’ve been on my block list for so long you salty, pathetic bitch, move on with your life, and stop hating yourself, maybe it’ll stop that toxic shit from coming outta your keyboard.
You really should look into a mirror, a mirror at a gym, a mirror at a gym on a treadmill and become better a person with in yourself. You sure do need it!
It sure sounds like someone is very salty and pretty toxic. You might want to take your own advice.
#2 Well known player and ass-lover, just join a free sex group and you will see him asking around for any big-assed cunt to fuck.
#10 That pair are toxic as hell, anybody who speaks to them sees it instantly.
#12 Asshole, attention-grabber and untalented.
#12 hehehehe
#9 Wow. I wonder how much he paid for this post. I know he likes hot dick to the throat, but damn bruh, you’re giving it away at this point. As I stated last week, this guy is one of the premier pieces of shit in SL. The entire grid would be better off, if he was to just…disappear. But, don’t take my word for it, take the next chick he dates for three months and dumps for someone else’s word. It’ll happen. Like clockwork. Patterns, my friends, and this cocksucker follows a distinct one. Toodles!
Ann, or Lexi, I can’t tell you both apart anymore because you’re such toxic bitches. Suck it up, buttercup, is this the highlight of your week?
#12 Kane leads women on who are all over his Flickr then drops them soon as the next one catches his attention he dropped me so fast He is obsessed with female attention even though he is married in real but he does not see this as disrespectful to her he still wants the thirsties building up his ego to make him feel like he’s somebody when really he’s a low end out of date blogger who is beige
Sad that he picks someone, trashes their reputation in the hopes of making himself feel more important. What’s even more sad is the people that fed into it.
I know of at least 4 he has lead on then fucks them off when it suits him and a new face hits his flickr likes he is all over them it’s pathetic seeing someone this needy for female attention he has even resorted to gay attention he’s getting so desperate for it now. YOU ARE NOT EVEN HOT YOU’RE DATED MOVE ALONG SPARE US
#38 Ada is so needy because she is so ugly she surrounds herself with ugly people too so she fits in its really entertaining to watch keep it up Ada
Ada cares only for herself. She’s a hot mess, always showing her “friends” off but she’s a master at gossiping about them. Two faced twat. No wonder everyone she is close to ends on SL secrets.
#12 I checked out his Flickr it is so dull and boring the WLs are dark and repetitive same dark backgrounds there are so many talented bloggers out there with hot avis so take note and learn from them stop posting your shit when you have no imagination
i wish more of these secrets were about people/stores/things ive actually heard of. not going to stop reading or anything but i mean come on guys, try harder than calling your ex a whore/cheater/pedophile/deceptive gender/sister fucker etc. when only a small group of friends even know who they are.
It’s how teenagers work issues these days
eff that. i want to know which big name darlings are really horrible she-bitches behind the scenes
Someone take down #15 that’s her real life page and in violation of the rules!
Jill’s page IS real life info….please take #15 down!
Funny thing is i don’t think anyone even realized there was a Jill even in the pic until someone wanted to get all bent out of shape ‘famous’ crying about it. lol You guys should realize virtual-secrets is like porn…can’t look away when we’re on the site but 20 seconds after leaving i couldn’t tell you what i just saw (unless you make mountains out of molehills). Ms Series of Unfortunate Events Hilra and her glob squad need to stop acting like any of us really care that much sl or rl … don’t blame us for not being able to look away from the train wreck.
I have to admit, I scrolled up and looked, since I had totally forgotten and really had not paid attention to the other individual in that secret. It actually took me several moments to figure out where this Jill had posted, that is how much attention I paid to her in the secret. In regards to Hilra claiming that her FB is her RL, as I said previously, I call BS on that. That account contains so much SL material on it, there is no way you can honestly say that it’s an RL one. The only thing RL on it is the one name, and chances are, she added that in there later, due to FB being douches around the FB accounts having to contain RL names. She has changed the account to contain her RL name now but, she didn’t originally have that, and despite her claim to be cleaning her list, it has, in fact, gone up with more people from SL.
Don’t friend SL avatars with your RL page. *shrug*
1) Angel’s page, like Jill’s are their real life pages which whoever posted that picture broke the rules posting REAL LIFE info.
2) There’s nothing saying people can’t friend SL names on Facebook.
Several people that I know of, including Jill and Angel, have messaged this site asking for the removal of the picture. Its one thing to play around with juicy secrets, its another thing entirely to post real life info and leave people open to being messaged and nasty things being said.
I offered advice after I blurred her name from the secret. Check things before you run your mouth. Funny, today Lourdes is the nice one.
You all act like this is Morgana’s first rodeo on the drama train. *eyeroll* please.
First wrong step: Angel aka Morgie’s page was a SL page. No matter how many times you tell that blatant lie doesn’t make it true. In contrast Jill’s page is her RL page. Her name will be blurred out of the secret in the next few hours.
Second wrong step: Arguing with us on our site with the rules we established. You have no power here. You can request, beg do whatever. However we decide to interpret our rules is what we decide, if you don’t like it tough shit. This is not a democracy, it is a dictatorship.
This is our final say on this matter. Any other comments that come with the blatant lies about how its Morgie’s RL FB, will be trashed immediately.
We are not removing the secrets with Morgie’s FB page info. Why? Because at the time it was her SL FB page. She has decided to change that for the moment to outward appearances. Doesn’t change the fact that at the time the secret was posted it was a SL FB page. Proof has been provided in the comments below.
Jill’s name will be blurred.
it’s not her rl page lol
Again, the delusional who live life thinking they are their computer game avatar lol
I see she also changed her intro after it was mentioned here last week, that she puts her Asperger’s out there as an explanation for her rotten behavior. The thing is, she’s trying to make it look like an RL FB now but she epically fails even on that, because of all the lame blog posts that she is advertising regarding SL. You can always count on Morgana to be dumb.
@Just saying ~ In a way that is such a slap in the face of people that truly do have Asperger’s, which it is so clearly Morgana has no clue about that condition. really makes me angry that she is supposed to be an adult with who knows how many children that she claims truly is pathetic ~ its always something with her either some health issue or mental disability when it’s clear she is just a cunt nothing more.
@FunnyFace: I agree, it is a slap in the face to those who suffer from it. She claims to have it but, I have heard her talking, seen how she acts with others, her different interactions and then the temper tantrums. There is different levels on the spectrum and each person reacts to it differently, but every time there is some drama, issue, shit hitting the fan or overall asshattery, she runs to that excuse to explain everything or another illness/disability.
Here is the thing, there are tons of people on SL, who go about their days, good and bad days, without using an illness/disability to explain something away. They have it, it’s there but they would rather not have you pay attention to it. It is the one place that they can escape from an illness or disability. Morgana and anyone like her, is literally disrespecting all those amazing individuals when she claims that a disability or illness causes her to act like a total bitch. She’s helping give that condition a bad name because she is too weak of a person to own up to her own rotten actions.
@just saying I do not think it is giving that condition a bad name quite the opposite what it is doing is making her look even more pathetic and disgusting ~ there is a lot of people that read this that draw their own conclusions that think there is no way she has Aspergers ~, not from her actions, her speech patterns ~ no am not a Dr but I would bet a months pay on the fact that she always has to have something to use in her defense like the last time she made a comment on why she sounded so breathy and breathing hard was due to her heart ailment am like seriously now she has a bad heart. what I stated I stand by that with all her lies over the years she is “the boy that cried wolf” nothing is wrong with her besides again being an attention whore and a cunt and again the fact that she has to rationalize or be that desperate to blame her cuntness on a disease makes me truly angry.
*eye roll* I have diastolic heart failure and while I get winded easily when walking around- I can at least sit upright and converse without coming off as if I”m going to pass out.
my friends son has it and hes in junior high school and even on his worst days in school never once has he blamed the disorder. Only fakes use disorders as excuses to get away with being a shitty person. people that do that deserve the finest karma
exactly right me she is the worst and ranks over top of Vanity & the other skank
I just want everyone to know. I don’t have asperger’s and I’m not on the spectrum. I’m a cunt because I want to be one.
That is all:

It is though. She adds people to it from sl sometimes but it actually is her real life. No one can tell her what she can and cannot do on her own facebook. It violates the rules the people that made this website put in place. Take it down.
I’m not sure what the problem is with you folks. You all are dumb and because of that you think everyone else is dumb. The FB that is posted on the secret is a SL FB. She stated herself she slapped her RL name on her SL facebook so that it wouldn’t get deleted by FB. It is not her RL FB. As of yesterday this was the front page of that account http://i.grab.la/0860a-41b4fb29-c2a4-465c-818d-41f8cdd4cb96.png
Looks like a SL FB to me.
Edit: Adding that she has changed her FB since I replied to her email and told her that her RL FB was a SL FB.
I have known her for 25 years. We were there when she created the facebook account. It’s her real life and she added people from sl a couple years ago. And you also have another persons real life information on there. You’ve broke your own rules and on top of that your on her friend list and pretending to be a good person. Shame on you.
but the page is public information.. meaning if you google her SL name it comes up.. its not like someone dug out personal info..its her stupidity for using it
@me because she still puts all her SL stuff on that account ~ I have 2 FB accounts one for my RL using my RL name and nothing about SL is on it as most people do not understand SL ~ I do have RL friends that are in SL but again they also have 2 different FB’s accounts to keep RL/SL separate. She is just trying to backpedal and rationalize ~ now she has this huge notice on her FB account stating “From now on, if you would like to stay updated on my blog, or youtube please subscribe to my page. I am removing almost all SL people. I had added ppl to keep up on things like stores, and blog updates. Not to be bullied and stalked by some stupid website. (the people from the website.)
Despite what people are saying, this has always been my real facebook. With my real family, friends, and contacts. Please unfriend me if you are not either one of those, or unless you are a close SL family member or friend.
I have made this post public so that anyone that comes to my FB can follow my page but, I will no longer be adding people from SL unless we are close friends, and even then, it will be by trial and error.” what a bunch of BS
And yet, if you look through her SL FB, (yeah, I know she claims it’s her RL one but I call BS on that), it STILL looks like an SL FB. Cat memes: Check, Tons of SL posts: Check, Friends with a bunch of other SL avs: Check. Stupid SL-type name: Check
https://gyazo.com/be30caf4142aeb9d8f21686ca0f547d1. Yup, it’s an SL FB still.
all i know is her rl friends must thinks shes a lunatic..if you try to explain SL to a NORMAL person…loll… they look at you like ur slow. xD
People should be more careful having an SL Facebook, because Anyone can find out the email and find the real you. Also look what happened in Texas, a science teacher left her job as her students saw her SL avatar life including nude avvie pictures on her own personal facebook, and turned out the parents of these kids pushed for a schoolboard meeting on her being a bad influence to children, but she left her position before the meeting.
i didnt hear about that but thats interesting news.. lately ive been watching web of lies waiting on a SL episode .. and ur 100% right in my eyes… same as the about tab on flickr.. what a lot of people dont realize is SL wasnt made for ur 1st life… ur supposed to have that 1 established already.. lol
I may have been born on a Sunday but it wasn’t yesterday. Morgana said in the email to me that she created the account for SL so that FB would not delete it, she added her RL name. So it is a SL facebook account which is clear from the screenshot I posted. She associated her RL name with her SL name publicly on FB. See here:
Therefore no RL information was outed; her RL name is associated with her SL name by her own doing on Facebook.
The secret stays. You can’t cry foul after you put your RL name on your SL Facebook account.
You hoes are dumb and you think Kess and I are just as stupid as you all are. We are not. Also I’m not on her TL. Take some time and learn how to hide yourself on FB rather than beating this dead horse.
FB does contact people about their names if they think it is a fake name as this was brought up years ago ~ was also debated on FB that a lot of people changed their SL FB to reflect their real names but still kept it an SL FB account, which most people knew when this started taking place. I used my first SL name combined with my real last name when FB sent me a warning. Just shows the mentality of Morgana’s so-called friends
Oh yeah I remember FB doing that though both my RL & SL fb don’t have my real name and I have only been bothered by FB once over it threatening to take my account away forever and such… I might have pointed out that what they were doing was illegal and by law they can’t require I give that information to them and then demanded that they give my account back and that I was gonna report them for their illegal deeds. They gave my account back and made apologies so quick it was funny and have yet to ever bother me again since then. All FB is doing is taking advantage of people who don’t know their rights and think “the powers that be” can walk all over them.
Actually, they can and will disable your account if you cannot or will not verify it with an ID. It’s a private company that has a right to verify legal information. They forced me to change MY “every day life” name, to my legal name after I verified it. It is perfectly legal to do. If you decide not to follow the policy you agreed to up on signing up for an account, you then lose the account. The one that doesn’t know their rights, are the ones that didn’t read the contract you agreed to.
Yazz Lourdes XD Morgana’s friends are dumb as fuck tbh so you can show them any proof and they still won’t accept they are wrong.
Mornings All… This week is making me feel a little unsatisfied where is that nice Juicy salted pork! Either way I did lol a little but I just don’t have much to say so this week I’m feeling the vibe of the Gif to show my thoughts and feels for secrets this week yes!
and of course there is always the unreadable ones
There also seems to be some creator drama that I just don’t get.
So yiss this
Anything using Firefly is totally epic in my opinion! Love the posting Coffee!
Yawns who is making coffee? I need more….
#36. I think its called buying full perm… you can’t call it original mesh if it’s full perm unless you are indeed the one who created the original mesh and sold it full perm.
okay so if you know these items are being sold full perm and somehow seem have proof i do hope its exactly identical copybot -which btw would have be re-rigged since botting wont copy rigging- why .. attack the stores using something they legit bought. and did NOT copybot why not go after the store selling the full perms? That’ seems a bit lame to me and not really doing anything to protect or help Teef*y
the original mesh on the left is from tee*fy. they just released those shorts in c88 last round or the round before. the mesh on the left was bought from giusy Odriscoll, who owns a shop on marketplace that sells other copybotted things as well. there are stockings from reign and some other tee*fy items as well going for “full perm” on his page. maybe the people buying the templates didnt know they were copies, but either way they were in fact stolen
Ahh, thank you smh for clearing that up. As I said in my post earlier, I wasn’t sure. I do know that ByCrash did make something similar but, without going to her store and looking, I was not 100% sure.
I actually own all 3 of those. The two on right are identical. So Id assume templates. However they are NOT exact identical to Teef*y in all aspects. Remake look alikes yeah Id say probably so. Identical side by side mesh. nope. and there is alot “remake” similiars around lately .. even in so called original mesh creators in events.
I could be wrong in this but, it almost looks like a full perm set created by ByCrash. She does some wonderful work on her items but yeah, only she could claim the original status on that, since she is the original creator of it. Don’t get me wrong, I have seen some fabulous work by individuals who use full perm templates and mesh.
Everyone wears the same watered down items from events now the full perm template meshes are starting to look original lol.
if #36 is template can someone tell me where to get the others at? bc i love the teefy shorts.
I’ve never understood why people are so butthurt by what Lance does. Okay yes he owns FMD. You know the place that’s nothing but a played out build where people stand around and not say a damn word to each other but are super prentenious and condescending towards people that aren’t on their “level” and where bottom feeders look for quick fucks and relationships that are just as unstable as they are, yeah that place. But back to Lance, the guy spends 24/7 365 online. He womanizes girls in SL because let’s be honest, he has nothing else. He has his tired ass club full of the fakest people around, and whatever crusty skank that’ll open her legs to cheat on her man with this Hugh Hefner wannabe. Let’s not be jealous or even hate him but let’s just stand back and look in awe of how fucking pathetic his life must be where he has absolutely nothing but Second Life and the fake ass wannabe socialite people he surrounds himself with. You would think that since it’s apparent that one has nothing but Second Life, he would be more humble but NOPE, this douchebag has a painfully huge ego and really thinks he’s the best thing around. You should really be more humble Lance, after all you own a club in SL, not an actual club in the real world, you know that place where your status actually matters and you can use it to impact people for better or worse. You own FMD, not the world, get over yourself.
**keeping my old name so lourdes doesn’t have to re-approve, I realize it is no longer contextual**
#17 – She’s gorgeous, I’d love to take her pic
#36 – Where is the original from?
also, how do I have 3 down votes on this? LOL
the original mesh on the left is from tee*fy. they just released those shorts in c88 last round or the round before. the mesh on the left was bought from giusy Odriscoll, who owns a shop on marketplace that sells other copybotted things as well. there are stockings from reign and some other tee*fy items as well going for “full perm” on his page. maybe the people buying the templates didnt know they were copies, but either way they were in fact stolen
I was legit about to ask the same question about 36
Nothing against the remake, but the original is super cute
I keep checking back to see if someone answered this lol
#36 original is Tee*fy Mia Shorts that was at C88 in April she’s been in SL a long time and makes her own stuff, seems like Epoch is either a botter or bought some botted templates, either way Epoch should do the decent thing and remove them.
Epoch’s store looks like it has a lot of templates in it, so it could very well be a bad kit she bought. Interesting thing to note though, Epoch is in The Secret Affair with some textured hanging tapestries with stolen art on them. I’m not sure if she’s an active thief otherwise or just really dim about making sure her products are legit.
Thanks! I wanted to get the original!
#22… err what am i not seeing here??
same model I think
#28… haw what is it? you no like when ppl use your items they bought? #backdropcitysaga
The weird thing is – I do not think the posts are by anxiety at all as neither of them has same writing style or ever talked about that. As others in comments said – they apparently did ban someone from buying their stuff which even back then sounded strange. I can be very wrong as not on facebook so it can just appear weird to me.
I was in the group chat the day they did that and she confirmed that she was banned from purchasing any of Anxiety’s creations. Quite a few people were outraged on her behalf but she seemed really calm about it and didn’t put them down in any way. She handled it in a very nice and composed manner. I give her full respect for it.
Yeah, Mia has been pretty awesome about it. She’s not attacked any of the backdrop makers, she doesn’t seem to understand why it’s an issue because it really shouldn’t be. Some background creators are backing BDC so that’s good. Mia has always been with a great attitude, she isn’t going to be like a lot of creators that shoot themselves in the foot lol
Aside from supporting someone who sounds like a nice lady with her head on right, it’s a really smart business move to support her too. Like JS said, some people go shopping at your store after gong there, and it puts you in the consumers’ good graces. I wonder if backdrop creators that are supporting her love this sort of public scene; because it’s only going to push people into using BDC more, and make them and Mia more sympathetic/likeable.
They banned Mia the owner of BDC from being able to buy from their vendors
apparently the BDC girl, Mia got banned from ever buying from anxiety, so that goes to say…
I remember hearing that about a few months ago. I recall people talking in group chat that they would be willing to go over to Anxiety and buy the backdrops on their alts for her, but the owner of BDC politely declined those offers. It is Anxiety’s choice but, I do have to wonder if they really thought this through, since I have heard from others who have said that they found things at BDC and turned around and bought the item because they loved it so much. From the impression I am getting, it seems to me, that BDC brought more attention to backdrop creations.
I love backdrops, I loved anxiety’s work but if it’s over the BDC stuff, maybe no one should buy it anymore. The one that isn’t doing any respecting, are the creators that behave like they are over BDC. They don’t respect the customers who buy their items
Are they still having issues about Backdrop City using their backdrops? That is free promotion for them! Thanks to Backdrop City, I now have one heck of a collection of really sweet backdrops for my home. Honestly, I was missing out on some really nice creations, till I found them. I would go over there, take some photos, fall in love with a backdrop and decide I wanted one of my own. It was like I was given a chance to test drive them, totally loved how easy they made taking photos and voila, I now have a folder full of some wonderful goodies and several creators made some sales, all thanks to Backdrop City. Those sales though would never have occurred if I had not seen the backdrops first, over at BDC. Another point, none of those creators had to set up or use up valuable prims setting their work up.
I would personally love to see BDC do a little poll with their members, asking how many have turned around and bought backdrops for themselves, after using the sim. It would be interesting to see the results of that.
If Anxiety though is really that short-sighted, then I will make sure I do not spend any lindens at their store, it’s that simple really.
Last I heard, Melia (or whoever the owner of BDC is), has been banned from several backdrop creator vendors… Anxiety being one of them. It’s ridiculous, next it will be “You have a house but you aren’t allowed to put it on other land not your own or use it for photo” or some other item. Whole thing is ridiculous.
Most of my backdrops I’ve bought, used a few times too and took photos of others with it on my parcel… I’ve found at BDC and bought them for home use. I’ve gotten down to not buying from some who have just disrespected everyone in this with the BDC issue and created my own. Which i can totally do pretty easily these days.
definitely a petty dick move by anxiety.
word … lol
Number 2: I thought that was a big ass bunion on his foot before my gaze focused Number 10: HA! I’ve ran across some avis in SL that would be kept in one of those secret gov labs to study to figure out how they’re still alive with so many STDs. Number 11: Why the antena like eye protrusins? The tiny moustache? OH & your text is difficult to read. Number 14: Classy guys. With all of the things that could be done to represent yourself in SL- The best you have is flippin the bird & those t-shirts? Number 22: I’m not sure I see what the post wants us to see? The clothes don’t look alike? Number 23: I don’t know how, but I’ll just have to soldier thru the week *sobs*. Number 24: The Llama is supa coot! Number 25: No clue what brand this is- but “work is *not* being properly protected or respected” Um, well, respect I assume means bought? Which must mean your builds either suck, or are overpriced. And protected? From copybotters or copycats? From the boogeyman? Those door-to-door giant check people? Number 30: Maybe mystery means it’s a mystery what they’ll make with no theme? Number 32: Hurts my eyes, you’re not Andy Warhol. Number 33: That last one, “whipping their dick around like a helicopter” Alrightie. Dexter Saint Jock. Number 34: Okay, clearly the same one submitting a batch, but this one is really bad, I can’t read any of it and ain’t gonna click to try. I know it looks visually pretty in Technicolor but we gotta be able to read it. Number 36: Or template? Overall, I get siggles & ghits from looking up the profiles in SL that get secreted here. I can’t do that if you don’t… Read more »
#25 is in regards to Anxiety backdrops and their issue with Backdrop city using their work on the sim.
oh i see, you got the wrong number. 28 is about anxiety. 25 is more vague relationship drama.
Oops, typo on my part. Sorry about that.
im confused. i thought the creator of anxiety was a guy
Way too much fossilbook this week. Did someone let the Boomers out of the old folk’s home or something?
26. Lets prtend we dont know Iki the Pedophile from Violent Seduction sent that secret. ????
If that were my secret it would be much more professional looking, trust me
#17 Totally true.
31 makes me laugh, the typical shamer, but yet herself hides behind an AVATAR picture on Facebook lmao. Facebook is for real people dudes, not dolls!!
Morganna hilra just needs to shut the fuck up . I don’t understand why people care defending her? She’s a drama starter and a waste of SL space. Shitty ass blogger with no life. Her blog photos suck, her YouTube is Her screaming , and her minions are her pussy lickers. She needs to just get off SL and seriously get a grip on reality. No one is fooled and never was. I just want to kick her in the face and get it over with.
Wow. You’re sitting here complaining about something she felt like doing and your talking about actually wanting to do something more violent but you think she’s the bad guy? Pot vs Kettle?
@oneofthegirls her voice does want to make you want to stick a box of q-tips through your eardrums. lets be honest
Morgana is probably never going to leave, to be blunt. She has been here since 2006 and loves the attention her antics create. For some, negative attention is just as good as positive attention and she is one of those types. Why do you think she got into blogging/vlogging like she did? In the early to mid-2000’s, there were not that many bloggers for Second Life. Those who did blog back then, since it was slim pickings, built up a solid following. She got addicted to the attention she found through the blogging world. She has also realized the more outrageous she gets, the attention even increases more, based on people’s love to watch train wrecks, like her. Morgana was basically loving every moment of the attention she got a couple of weeks ago and even laughed about how her vlog numbers went nuts. Normally, she doesn’t come close to what she got on the week Steff and Sere were in here trolling the site. I’m still wondering about which one of them was really Morgana, since it seemed all they really wanted to do was egg everyone on and the level of stupidity they reached to do it.
Just a hint, if you don’t give her the attention. She will die off and find the platform boring. So constantly creating a secret on her, this is what she wants. Just saying, if you stop this. She and her popularity will die out, and she will be a nobody. That is all I have to say to this.
“If you don’t give her the attention, she will die off and find the platform boring.”
This just in, Sammy Morelli is the sweetest little hypocrite ever. How long ago did you find SL Secrets boring, mate? Everyone is trying their best.
No, she will find SL boring. I think we can use a Gremlins analogy here. What are the rules of a Moguai? 1 Don’t feed the thing after Midnight, and don’t give it water after midnight. These secrets about her, is what she wants. So if you keep this up, she will just keep being the attention whore she is. Well if they were trying, than people who were screwed over by her, would have reported her. And than moved on with their life, like this is what I mean. Just get people to stop creating secrets on her, and she will die off. And for you asking me, when did I find this boring? I never did, I was referring to people constantly posting about this Morgana chick.
She was “laughing” instead of getting upset. We told her to act that way. Stop obsessing over the girl already. She is a great friend. Sure, she is a bit on the nutty side but that girl would help her worse enemy out of a jam if she thought they needed help. Not the worse person out there. Also, just because her blogging style is different, doesn’t mean it sucks. It’s just different.
Why don’t you ask her about all the shit she’s done to others.. or read her blog she doesn’t help no one but her self you gotta be that retarded if you think she’s your friend… like come on . The world is full of shady ass people ..
wow what drugs are you taking One of the girls as that statement she would help out her worst enemy is so far from the truth its pathetic. rolling my eyes on that comment “we told her to act that way” woah and since you are telling her what to do tell her to keep her pathetic drama off her blog and blog all those sponsors she claims to have as that should keep her busy for months. go back under the rock since it is clear you cannot tell laughing from her hysterics and getting pissed off at some designer who decided to stand up to her theatrics. ask her Mommy how many times she has told her to walk away and calm down. if that is telling her how to act you are ruining whatever reputation she did have.
I”m going to bet that you have not known that crackpot for that long. I’ve seen her cause drama, pull some really rotten shit, lie her ass off to get out of it, and then turn around and claim she was the victim, despite tons of proof that she was the original instigator. The entire time she’s stirring the pot, trying to build the drama up more, she’s laughing her ass off. A narcissistic sociopath is a term that tends to fit Morgana very well.
I have also seen that nutjob go after totally innocent people, telling them things like she hopes they drop dead or to go kill themselves, and then turn around, claim she never said such a thing, despite the fact that people had the entire conversation as proof, of her saying these things. She is usually laughing, up until she realizes that no one is believing her shit, which is when she goes off the rails and freaks out.
I’m not the only one who has sadly known this side of Morgana. There are many others who know exactly how twisted and how rotten she truly is. There are bloggers who refuse to go near her toxic personality and designers who want nothing to do with her, because of all the drama she loves to cause. They have a really good reason for being that way.
Best we can do is to ignore her, but it is hard not to call her bullshit out.
Yeah but most designers are not going to work with her based on her actions at all. I’m a designer and no fuckin way at all. I wouldn’t bother with her if she’s causing this much drama. No matter how many follower support she has. It’s just bad business. Plain and simple.
Pretty much this. I mean, I had no idea who she was and was prepared to scroll past the comments about her the first week, but then the tweedle dumbasses that got banned started drawing ALL the attention to her. I wouldn’t want my brand attached to her at all if this is the way she and her friends act.
You are the only one causing drama. You’re rude and obnoxious. Get over yourself. If you have to come to a website to bully a girl you probably don’t even know, in secret anon, then you are likely some nobody designer that no one cares about.
@One of the retard girls – People will treat you the same way you treat them. You don’t get to be a cunt and then cry about being bullied. She is not being bullied, she is being called out for being a garbage human being and for her psychopathic behavior.
If you treat people poorly, you lie and you are a fake ass bitch, don’t cry because everyone despises you.
If you choose to share rl informations on your sl fb (because that was a sl fb, bitch cut the bullshit) don’t complain about people talking about your rl. Don’t want people to know something? DON’T SHARE IT!
And lastly, she looks like a potato. (yeah I am mean, go cry about it)
lmao@potato . .. going to have that girl making a “someone called me a veggie” vlog now.. 1,001 reasons being a potato aint good. . lmao
“some nobody designre tha tno one cares about”, isn’t that the same kind of bullying? Logic….
@One of the girls ~ And who the fuck are you one of her kiss-ass defenders that have never seen the rage or humilation she has caused others? Talk about not knowing her where have you been when several have spoke up about what she has said or done to them myself included. maybe it is you that has no clue what a nutjob she truly is and truly there are more somebody designers that have no wish to associate with her since her reputation is proceeding
Can you fuck off about her already? Obsessed much?
Can you shut up much already ? I didn’t post the secret stupid pathetic person
Okay, I had to comment quickly- I wanted to this week do a little rundown of all of the ones that caught my eye- but come ON! Number 31!
What is up with the flawed thinking on this one? “Didn’t need to post his RL picture?” Um hello you dingbat- all you did was go and blow up his picture that was already there in the thread from his comment???? AND you posted his RL Name to virtual-secrets- no clue who he is in SL but still? Yeup, I’ve already been over to FB & looked the guy up to peek. And I know I won’t be the only one who will.
You’re so concerned about his RL picture being out there, and yet, you did the same thing, in a roundabout way, to a bigger audience (virtual-secrets) Think before you submit nitwit!
32-35 the secret maker must have had a very very fulfilled weekend busting out the old lady diy scrapbooking kit to make secrets art.
#11 – lol that unreadable black on black font
26. I agreed with Alice, the lack of variety for bodies other than maitreya at the arcade was frustrating. The way that iki from violent seduction conducted herself was embarrassing for her brand. Her and her little clique of mean girls felt quite comfortable in their bullying of alice by spamming lusts vendor images with petty comments and trying to dictate what alice and others can and can’t say on her own Facebook. It’s about time someone stuck up to these creators who have got way to comfortable on their pedestal. #TeamAlice
Thank you so much for the @teamalice!♥ In fact I already knew they were going to make a secret about me, and it’s funny because they are so predictable. It’s not the first time a “designer” tries to stop me. Well, at least it worked because they are so mad at me right now! x) I really think Iki and all the other child-looking avis of her friends should take all this time and enffort they are putting to bully me/making secrets etc to start learning how to rig for other bodies. Just saying you know.
Oh hey Alice. Do You think only the designer and her friends would get upset by seeing your outrageous comments directed at Iki who was nothing but calm and collected towards you?? Any reasonable thinking person would see through your cattiness. Your comments weren’t event constructive. Whos the one feeling triggered , huh?
Alice, i noticed you started making cosmetic appliers for mesh heads? DO YOU PROVIDE THEM FOR ALL HEADS INCLUDING LAQ AND LOGO? ofcourse NOT. STOP being a hypocrite!
At one time i wanted to become a designer but would i break my leg or back trying to provide rigs for all body types to satisfy these ungrateful salty bitches? NOPE. This kind of attitude keeps me at bay!
You do create for salty bitches though and it’s maitreya exclusives aimed at age play so that all the pedos in sl are satisfied. I don’t expect anything different from someone who has a sexualized child avatar themselves though. As long as it pays your bills!
Sadly I think with all this “pedo” talk/accusations it’s really damaging the truth behind pedophilia. I mean use it when it actually applies to it. Just my opinion on that part.
but thats kinda exactly what lolita wear is. …lol
Educate yourself, please http://www.vam.ac.uk/content/articles/j/japanese-street-style/
whatever you say lol looks pretty similar to me https://gyazo.com/5460a758685cdc38f23a4155a9eb45b6 i bet you call it original mesh too lmaoo thief
“Similar” being the keyword. It’s not a 1:1 recreation. I deliberately did not replicate the brooch and there’s a second tier to the skirt. Not my best version – it was the first one, 4 years ago.
But good job you for digging that far!
i know there are quite a few that you make profit off of.. you know whats ironic about SL .. i used to think things like this were bad for people to do
but now i fully understand it.
you people get all technical when its your things though im sure…. a thief is a thief
making money using their creation is stealing .. loser
more homage https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Violent-Seduction-Lilith-Complete-Set-All-Colors/14327409
Yeah, because wearing your child faced av with sexy clothes (such as bdsm, harnes, lingerie) should be considered ok.
The original post wasn’t even negative, till Iki felt entitled and butthurt because some said weren’t going to buy Maitreya Exclusives anymore. Iki did WRONG all the way up. She basically said “fuck you customers, shut the hell up and get a Maitreya, so I can keep paying my bills” but yeah, she was all polite and courteous.
What are you even on about? Maitreya aimed at age play? Sexualized child avatar? It’s a stylized but clearly adult avatar with adult height and proportions. How would you even use the Lara body for age play, the breasts literally implode under size 20 or so.
That was my exact point in the first place. It’s very difficult to put out something you’re proud of and worked weeks on only to be put down by people screaming and being so rude towards you for not providing for one specific body.
You wouldn’t go into a boutique and start screaming and raving directly at the designer for not having the color/shape/size you wanted would you?
So why is it appropriate to do it here? We’re people.
No one ever asked you any shit or any other designer, the post was pretty chill till you got butt hurt and made your point about “Maitreya pays my bills” stop victimizing yourself, cuz all you did, was driving yourself in a chaos you create in that post.
Iki, my arcade post wasnt even about your store, you felt entitled to say what I should or not say on my FB to begin with. I don’t know wtf is your problem I’m not keeping the discussion here i dont know why you need my attetion so much. It’s pretty clear who have done this secret and why are you and your followers here despereta trying to attack me *again. Must be a sad life. I have never screamed at you, I just gave your attitude back at you, and it was not only me who think you are rude. I have never requested anything from yourb store or attacked your store in my entire life like you did to me. I don’t care if it bothers you you are not going to stop me.
Girl, is it really hard to believe that you are actually extremely unlikeable? You have many friends on your SL FB and it was a PUBLIC post, not to mention the really awful friends-only posts you made (bet you thought we wouldn’t see those). Hundreds of people watched you embarrass yourself there just like people are watching you and your goons embarrass yourselves here. Notice how the only people agreeing with you are in your OWN posse.
Neither of us made that secret about you because we are all way too busy working on things that actually matter, but now that you see you really aren’t Second Life’s Sweetheart, you decide to play the victim because you know you fucked up. Not to mention you have a reputation for being NOTORIOUSLY toxic as hell. So stop it. It isn’t cute. You were wrong, end of the story and I’m not going to waste my time with you nor your bull-headed friends any longer.
Typical narcissist who is trying to gaslight her victim into thinking it was the victims fault. Your trick ain’t working , dear Alice.
Just ignore the conscending bitch. She jumped in on a post when no one asked her fucking opinion and now all the sudden she is somehow victimized when you didn’t back down. Designers think they’re somehow superior. This no name bitch needs to get off her high horse and come back down to earth. She said people are screaming at her about her Lara shit. No one was screaming, bitch, until you opened your stupid ass mouth. If you come up on someone else’s post with bullshit, expect to get knocked down a few pegs. I could see if you went to her page and started commenting on her exclusive bullshit that no one wants to wear. But then she gets ass hurt and trolls you and your vendors. She’s low grade, trashy and extremely unprofessional. These hoes backing her are DELUSIONAL. They don’t seem to understand what ICKY started the shit. Dick riding, that’s what they’re doing. Y’all still aren’t going to get free shit from VS so have a seat and dig your noses from between her child-like asshole, you brown nosing bitches.
there’s a piece of shit dangling from your nose, right there.
much better 🙂
Wow this makes me not want to shop at any of your stores. Very professional. You guys are fighting over crayons. Go sit in timeout.
I for once don’t need any handouts unlike bitch Alice who posts shes so broke every often, hoping someone would give her more free shit. Why did she become a blogger in the first place? Free shit, yes you heard me right! Her broke brazilian ass can’t afford 90% of the things she got handed out by designers.
Isn’t parfait always looking for bloggers? Your items are such trash people don’t even want them for free. Maybe you’re this upset with Alice because she never wanted to blog for you.
Parfait. is not always looking for bloggers. I hold a blogger search usually every year and quite a lot of people apply! You can call my brand trash all you like, but here are some hard to swallow pills for you: Even if I had no bloggers and found myself DESPERATE to give out free items, I wouldn’t even PAY Alice to wear my products.
She makes vendors you nitwit. That’s how she makes money. And I’m pretty sure people come to HER to blog their shit, not the other way around.
@not a fan, exactly, now she is acting like she is a victim but my post is there to prove different.
If it’s any consolation, my “Attitude” in that thread was exactly as it is in here. Take that how you like guys; I don’t believe I am being rude.
I do not wish to have your attention; I do not know who you are, I don’t even think I’ve spoken to you in my life; I saw your sarcastic, rude post and decided to let you guys know that maybe there’s a reason for designers not catering to your needs. Maybe there are several reasons. Maybe you should ask them nicely instead of posting hate to your hundreds of followers including all the designers that can see that; including me.
Am I attacking you? No. Did I attack you? No. I tried to educate you; I tried to open your eyes to why this might be happening and….. Surprise; I was called a Pedo Slut.
Keep it classy Alice. I’m off to go rig for 20 bodies now.
Isn’t it interesting how everyone bitches about designers, yet, they for the most part probably haven’t the slightest clue as to the work involved, whether it be rigging, baking, texturing, mapping, HUD creation..I mean really, if your going to bitch about designers/creators…have a knowledge base about the processes involved…Violent Seduction makes some truly beautiful items, do they always fit, no, do you have to tweak your shape to fit the items, yes, is this not more or less standard SL practice, yes…
Excuse me but her skills rigging aren’t that great. I have bought stuff from her store and she might do good in Maitreya, but in other bodies it’s mediocre. Maybe that’s the reason why she doesn’t have sales with the other bodies.
And only to make clear, my post was sarcastic? hell yes, im like that it was even aa funny post that you turned out to a huge drama. i didnt even ask any designers to do nothing, I just said that was sad because I only see like 3 stores at the arcade with other body options, and really, if someone likes your work enought that they want to see in other bodies, Id take its a compliment and not go on full hate like you did. Not even that but you basicly said that you didnt give a damn because Maitreya is paying your bills and that was very unecessary. Anyways take care, im done with this bullshit.
Good. Maybe you’ll make more $ and someone else will know of your brand ???
Its not about MY NEEDS girl, its about every other person in SL that do not want to wear maitreya and i do believe Im not the only person in SL wearing slink and belleza, am I? Go on, have fun do your work and stop this obsession with me.
If these creators don’t have what you want don’t buy it, walk away. It’s simple and you can save your linden for other things that fit you. How is it that bad to not have everything everyone is wearing?? I wear for belleza Isis even though I own other major bodies… I know Isis body isnt supported as much but so what??? Just. Move. On. Money talks.
That was the main point about the post that Alice made! And Iki felt the need to basically say we aren’t allowed to have opinions and we should stick what the market point: use Maitreya cuz designers will eventually drop all others bodies cuz Maitreya pays bills and the other bodies make them lose money and we are so inconsiderate cuz we don’t use Maitreya and we want variety.
Slink and Belezza, LOL. Not even the guys are desperate enough to wear those. How do you even find clothes to fit? Time to get out of 2012, girl.
Yeah, because shit maitreya looking like system body is sooo modern! – only because you have zero personality
^victim much… lawd
Then do us a favor and collectively quit SL. But ofcourse you won’t. You thrive on the drama you create by yourself.
Listen up, no amount of screaming or foot kicking in the air is gonna get you rigs for your body unless the creator decides so. So childish it hurts!
We do rig for other bodies, we were just standing up for the people who have made the decision to not do so. Again; with the insults. Alice you need to learn to be polite.
Also; I have no idea who made this secret. We’ve all but forgotten about that petty conversation and are working. You might need to spread your feelers out a little bit further but it was not one of my “Clique” so to say.
Iki, you need to grow up and stop being a bully, you were never polite, you were a bitch with a shitty attitude as many people could see. You think making secrets and trying to attack me is going to show your point? It’s getting worse.
^as she summons her minions to attack. showing her colors. I hope everyone wises up to your shit Alice.
I”m disappointed generally about 3/4 of the time when I head to an event after window shopping at Seraphim. I love the curves my Slink HG gives me, I’ve demo’d others and they’re not anywhere close other than the Freya (and I love the pushup bewbie option but there’s few clothes for it, either). So I will just continue to be disappointed to arrive at a booth display and see it’s for Lara only & pout a little before wandering on. Makes my lindens go further I suppose….
Yes, if a creator doesn’t want my money, they are free to reject it by failing to rig for anything but Lara’s boring, featureless shape.
I rather like how popular that shite body is though; really makes those of us with taste stand out.
This name is extremely ironic right now.
….really makes those of us with a firm grasp on slider abuse stand out.
fixed that for ya. and your misshapen ‘curves’ stand out on their own
Aww, it’s OK; someone likes your pointy Lara ass. You’ll be alright.
Thats funny cause although i dont wear the lara body i still think its more realistic and have never noticed the ass being pointy. but then i have some common sense and grasp on reality.
I’ve seen some odd things done with mesh bodies, the ass being pointy would be because people have odd body shapes to start with. Some of those shapes on SL are creepy
Just because you like something else, doesn’t mean others don’t have taste. At least, others have more class than you are right now.
Eats popcorn
To be honest i am disappointed in Alice. I always thought that girl is down to earth and i liked her posts untill she got into personalities with Iki. It was uncalled for. Shes free to express her opinion on mesh bodies but when you start calling a designer out on having a childish avatar it is where the line is being crossed. I don’t recall anyone making fun of Alices avatar prior the nasty drama. Girl got what she called for . Guess shes so high up her arse thinking shes the most famous blogger and what not. Show some respect girl.
Obviously, you are not up on the news. Alice quit blogging on May 17th. Personally, I don’t care either way which designer gets into it with which other designers, but please let’s be more accurate when you are trying to talk down to someone. FYI, a number of the bloggers out there now, think they are the “most famous blogger/vlogger”, so the statement is sort of redundant I think. Another example of that is the other blogger in the line-up of secrets, good ol Morgana Hilra.
Between Alice and Seduction, they both cater to the harness wearing crowd, since that seems to be the demographic group they aim at. Nothing wrong with it, they make money which is the basis of having a business, isn’t it?
Morgana doesn’t think like that. If anything she lacks the confidence to excell in her blogging. To learn more and improve. I wonder what could possibly be hindering her confidence. Could it be… you?
pssssst @One of the girls why not tell her to look in the mirror as she is the one hindering her ownself
FYI.. 99.9% of people who lack confidence in SL (and let you know it..regularly) .. are drama queens just fishing for compliments . just saying… throw them in the same boat as the ones that are always sick or dying of some dramatic cause.. oooh wait she does that too lol
Show me where she left those groups. She didn’t quit blogging. That’s her typical post she’s done many times. Before she disappears from fb for a month or so. I mentioned it because it’s tiring seeing her repetitive bullshit. Still stick to what I said. 🙂
You can look at my profile, I have never hide any groups in there. I have also contacted each designer I have blogged for and left blgotex, just so you know. I you may not like my blog or me but you don’t know me so stop talking about things you don’t know. Must be sad to hate someone you dont even know
I’ll just take you word for it.. hahahahahahahaahahaha
Hates to strong and time consuming. I make open opinions on what I see constantly by you and others. Don’t be upset if someone(s) aren’t going for your “act”. See through the bullshit. The only sad thing here is you Alice. Go post now on fb… so people can feed your ego some more… already did that huh… now what?
Just, I bet you are even in my FB waiting to be noticed by me. 😉 Show me where Im asking for gifts or money, cause i think you are creating some stuff in your head. Maybe, since you are so interested you should ask all the designer and events that have invited me during all my 8 years of blogging why they did, go ahead. I would even consider listening to your bullshit if you weren’t hidding under an fake name. Here’s your cookie.
I’m good on the cookie, maybe you should slow down on them also.. wink wink… I’m not the only one whose seen those post. So while you run back to hid and erase know it’s more than me who noticed them. As for the whining on not being accepted into blogger groups. You wait for everyone to say “oh how could they not, you’re so amazing”, ” they are so stupid for not accepting you” and so on… as you say stop it girl… cause you looking like a whole damn fool along with your minion up there. You’re nothing to me. But entertainment who got upset I don’t fall into your shit trap.
Have a seat. Tomorrow I’m sure you’ll complain about someone else.
You can look at my profile, I have never hide any of my groups, and i have also contacted each designer and left blogotex too. I have never taken any advantage of anyone in all my years of blogging, I wouldn’t start now. You may not like my blog or me, but you have no clue about who I am so quit the bullshit. Must be sad to hate on someone you don’t even know.
I do make harnesses from time to time, but Gothic Lolita and elegant/vintage lingerie is my usual style. Just clarifying.
and knock off sailor moon too
Find me one exact replica of a Sailor Moon outfit I’ve made. I put my own spin on them always.
Go ahead, I’ll wait.
Oh no, you don’t. I have seen those photos and there is a replica of the one outfit that you made, minus the front panel and the sleeves. Season 1, last episode, (thank my kids for torturing me with so much of Sailor Moon I now have the darn thing memorized.) You actually took the gown she wore at the end of that season, copied it, took the very front panel and sleeves out but the rest is totally that same outfit. FYI, they trademarked the hell out of the program, since it was such a big hit over in North America, as well as in the original country, and a big money maker for them. That is NOT a spin, that is just taking two things out of an outfit and trying to claim that it’s YOUR version when everything else on it is EXACTLY the same. The only reason you did that was so you could turn it into a sexier version, so it would sell better in SL. It is an outfit that you created for the Crystal Heart Festival.
Let me shut you down right there with a little education on Sailor Moon that you are an “Expert” at.

I’ve drawn you a little diagram!
First of all, does Sailor Moon’s dress have Gems? Ruffles? A bow? A heart pendant? Chest wings? An overskirt? a gold embellished front panel? A bra even in that shape? White Pearls? I can continue..
But just to clear up any other doubts you may have, I’ve also included a picture of the dress Naoko herself ripped Serenity’s dress off in the first place. It’s from the Christian Dior Haute Couture collection, Palladium dress, Spring/Summer 1992.
Brush up on your copyright law. This is NOT the same dress. It is however, inspired; but entirely different, which; in fact, makes it my version of the dress.
inspired.. SL code for stolen. anyways viz media has your links.. cant any of you people create from talent.. not looking at something else and changing a color or strap? lol real designers dont need other peoples creations to ‘create’ tacky ass harness wearers lol and dont school me on cartoon apparel im an adult not running around in sluttified costumes
i sent over the marketplace links & the crystal heart fair site . Its so annoying to hear about the hard work they do.. stealing other people stuff. lol
I mean since the whole SL community goes ape shit over copybotting and dmcas … you should practice what you preach. and while you’re at it find the receipt for photoshop too.. ILL WAIT 😉
The whole SL community doesn’t know what copybotting or DMCA actually is. They’ll literally yell “copybot” when someone either uses the same full perm kit as someone else, and even when it’s so obviously a different mesh.
Paying homage to something you love is something that many creators and fans will do. Perhaps you should stop hating and start loving to know what it’s like.
I’m dying; I literally told you who holds the rights to Sailor Moon and you’re still going to Viz Media.
I’m sorry but I just can’t take you seriously anymore. If you want to go for someone; go for the people who actually make 1:1 replicas of real life products; don’t come for me because I like paying homage to a series.
like i said let the owners judge ur homage.. homage for profit. lol
let me check with viz media they most likely would know better
Toei owns the rights, trust me, I made sure to look up all copyright laws required before I even produced one outfit. I like to do things by the book.
But, I’m still waiting for your “Replica” picture, found one yet?
and im not searching anything as i said let them judge whats theirs
lol if you say so. we shall see
NO you’re spot on but that girl is a hot mess. The moment she doesn’t get enough attention she makes those post “It’s sad to say but I have to quit blogging” knowing good and well she’s not leaving no blogging groups because every other month she complains about how her money doesn’t convert to sl money good enough (whining she broke) or makes a post in hopes someone will buy her something. How pathetic is that. She should be grateful she doesn’t love the maitreya body, with all the exclusive releases should keep her in a budget friendly bracket.
As for her avatar, not a fan… that shelf ass is not remotely cute. Ever demo’d her shapes. just eww She feels entitled to always express her opinions on others but god forbid you express yours. Then ass kissing Alice appears. She should just go away. But I’m sure soon enough she won’t have the funds to continue and some folks will stop “gifting” her. She called them breaks.. lol
Hey Alice , thanks for downvoting my posts. Truth hurts 😀
Iki should take the time she spent bulying and making this secret to learn how to rig for other bodies. Violent Seduction sucks anyways.
Truthfully I read what she wrote. And until everyone started coming at her sideways she was quite calm. But that’s what happens in a clique mentality. She held her ground solo. as Alice needed the help of others in order to feel justified. I personally am happy that a brand stood up to her. As many should to bloggers who feel so entitled. More should actually.
So kudos to you Iki, for standing your ground when her sheep came at you in such a manner. You don’t know me. But I can respect someone who can stand on their own for what they believe.
I do rig for the other bodies FYI, come try a demo!
It’s not okay to expect others people to only use observable reality when saying things. It’s true in their heads!
You can’t expect people to verify things before posting nonsense!
You suck at rigging other bodies.
No idea what the fuck a Violent Seduction is but maybe that’s why that brand never took off. The creator is a horse’s ass.
The brand is doing great. And they don’t cater to ho’s such as Alice thats why she so mad! Girls bum size is bigger than her chicken head.
55 year old women eating ho-hos listening to avril lavigne trying to re-live their teens as a thin pale slut sums it up. lol im not slut shaming if it werent for virtual sex they’d still be virgins.
see i kept it neutral put the slut jokes and fat jokes all in 1. xD
Hi charisse, owner of parfait. 1990 called and wants it’s chicken head insult back. You can fat shame but she can’t slut shame? Will the rest of your clique be arriving soon?
I am not MewMew. Chickenhead is actually a pretty common insult, but if I were coming for your wig then I wouldn’t stop at just chickenhead.
You were extremely rude in that facebook post and now you are coming here and making it seem like Iki started dragging your ratty weave straight off the bat. no, honey, we have the screenshots of you being extremely passive aggressive, belittling the work of designers – not just Iki, and your own clique of mean girls went as far to insult Iki’s blogger manager for no reason at all.
Iki has been nothing if not professional in all of her responses to you and your friends, and you all got in a line to shit on her just because you THOUGHT she doesn’t cater to your bodies.
Do we REALLY need to show the logs, sis?? Because if it’ll put an end to this petty high school drama then please let me know.
Is that dribble you trying to intimidate me? Laughing so hard. Either way, go for it, Show everyone what trash you and iki are because I’m sure even more people will side with Alice after reading it and you will further damage violent seductions already tarnished reputation. Don’t forget to post the lust vendor images that you and your little mean girl clique spammed shit under.
Please do. I think they need a recap…
I am not in their clique but good try ho ho. I am just another loyal customer. Get down your high horse bitch.
You used the same shit chicken head insult. Unoriginal just like your brand.
typical harness thot wear. when you’ve seen one outfit .. you’ve seen them all.
I was nothing but courteous with you all, the original post was petty, sarcastic and rude. Throughout the whole thread I was trying to explain to you why hating on designers is NOT the right way to go about this and I was calm the whole time. Sometimes the designers aren’t to blame, sometimes they don’t have the kit; sometimes the kit doesn’t work in their program.
There are a million different reasons for this; and all I asked for was for you to consider being nicer and maybe look at a different perspective in this situation. Sometimes designers literally CANNOT provide for your body.
Meanwhile; my friends were called clones and I was called a slut, greedy, toxic etc. Not once did I call you names, not once did I abuse or berate you.
Anyone want receipts? I got them. I was entirely professional; but I did lose it at the end when I told her that if I wanted to be rude I most certainly could be 😉
This is why we can’t have nice things. If you want designers to go the extra mile for you, ask them nicely, ask them politely – like you would any other human being and they will respond to you as to why in their specific situation they don’t or can’t provide for your body.
Don’t just go around throwing shade and a tantrum on SL for all to see, it’s embarrassing to say the least.
No you weren’t all that courteous. You’re condescending as FUCK. Just because you’re not calling everyone who disagrees with you bitches and hoes doesn’t mean the way you were speaking wasn’t coming off as fucked up.
MewMew, chicken heads aren’t all that large. So how are you comparing Alice’s ass to a chicken head?
You sound extra stupid.
If you didn’t like her avatar, why are you demoing her shape? I liked her avi so I demo’d. So you’re full of shit and probably just really jealous about her success.
She can leave blogging and come back and still knock 90% of these other bloggers out of the park. I would hate her, too if I were all of you.
Sit back down Icky, no one needs you to stand up for anything. Go back to rigging for Lara only.
Or learn Blender so you can quit bitching about Siddean’s dev kit.
Use your time more wisely.
Take a moment to think. Prior to judging her shapes,I demo’d a couple I believe for the face and even there I was left disappointed, really disappointed. Garbage really. But then you throw on the body and it’s like damn… I can’t help but laugh as to how anyone finds it remotely attractive. Just no… so I stand by my comment after giving it a better look, I can give my own opinion (as Alice does) and say her content is shit. Her photos are typically the same repeat (which many bloggers do-so those are shit also) . As for the jealously part, please I’d be sad to constantly play out how broke I am. Get offline and pull your shit together. If you gotta ask to be gifted shit, it’s time to turn off your computer and prioritize. Jealous of being broke.. oh please… lol
See that’s the problem. Get angry when someone gives honest opinion. If she’s allowed to feel so entitled why cant anyone else. Have a seat, I’m sure you can run to her and say what a good deed you did defending her. And she’ll still look down on you. lol idiots
Actually no. She publicly thanked me. ? because I’m not brown nosing creators or super jealous of her notoriety here in SL. And I haven’t demo’d a shape I liked period so picking hers out of the bunch really doesn’t prove any points. Let’s pick out West End (those were atrocious), let’s point the finger at Stacy Kreme. Basically, I haven’t found a shape I liked on MP. It’s not just Alice’s that weren’t good, at least be honest about that. And that’s why it’s modify, you mod the body. If you’re a dumb ass and need someone to shape a body for you, then just stop right now because you’re obviously mental.
Also, if people are dumb enough to sit there and gift her shit, again, you just sound jealous. No one is gifting you shit. You gotta bust your ass for what you have and she just stretches her hands and gets it. You can take the narrow and jagged road if you’d like but most others will take Easy street.
Go ahead and message her and ask her how she gets her pics to look so nice. Go ask the creators who are hiring her why they keep doing business with her. Obviously someone likes her shit or half of these brain dead bloggers wouldn’t be mimicking her style all day, everyday. Sorry, you just sound like a sore loser.
Could you shove your head a little further up her ass. lol… You continue on this campaign of her body when I clearly stated I was checking out her heads (it was all in the demo head and shape) so for fun I put it on and laughed my ass off basically. That’s the honest truth, no matter how many times you try to twist it to your liking. As for the Stace, I always thought of her shapes (head/body) as a pedophiles dream. I find them to not even be unique, all look the same. West End I don’t know of so I couldn’t really judge. I only judge those I’ve tried. As for “needing” someone to create my shape no. But Sometimes I like a certain face feature, most the times the eyes positioning. As for picking her out the crowd I was referring to the topic at hand. Her. What makes me mental? Cause I spoke clearly on the garbage ass creator and person she is? How she’s a hypocrite in every sense of the word? Jealous of hand me outs, are you shitting me. I’m proud to buy my own. There where never be a day you catch me whining I didn’t get picked to be in a blogger group/or being broke. lol Bust my ass? Yes I’m a hard worker, nothing to be ashamed for there. I make my own way. Easy way is for the weak. Her photos are not that amazing. Stop blowing up her ego. They basic with a good graphics card. hooray!!! I’m the sore loser. Has your status in sl just improved from all the digging you did today. Has she added you on sl as one of her minions. You are the only one that sounds like a fool.… Read more »
She doesn’t even know who I am, you retard. Anyone who speaks out against lazy bullshit creators is immediately an ally of mine. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and any creator who is a lazy fuck wit and caters to only one portion of the grid, regardless of it being a majority or not is automatically a piece of shit in my book. Anyone who speaks out against lazy bullshit creators is immediately an ally of mine. That’s literally all it took for me to defend her. Plus the shit show Icky put on for all of us on FB. And, all you sound like is a sore ass jealous person because you’re sitting here talking shit about her images but people are paying her to do their vendors and designers are knocking down her door to the blog for them. But her images suck right? Get your head out of your ass. I don’t care how much you dislike a person, give them props where props are due. You and everyone is a witness to how the majority of blogging images have shifted towards her style. Oh, but she sucks right? You say the easy way is for the weak? No, it’s for the smarter. If you want to sit there and bust your ass for the rest of your life, have fun with that shit. When you’re all tired and broke down while the smarter people took an easier route, try not to be more bitter than you already sound. Again, the first person you need to stop lying to is yourself.
Easy come easy go. You sound foolish saying working hard is “retarded”. Again jealous of what being broke, needing someone(s) to blow my ego up. I’m sure she doesn’t bank much off these vendor picks I’ve ever seen a handful. And me, I don’t need to jump on the bandwagon. I think for myself, speak for myself, form my own opinions. Stand by those opinions. Like stating her photos and creations are garbage and generic. Yes I still say it. I don’t have to do shit but what I want to do.
Keep climbing deeper in there. I’m sure eventually your learn.
lmao- tired and broke down. anything worth having is worth working hard for. ask anyone.. you need to learn some things then come back on this topic.
If I used my time more wisely I wouldn’t be upgrading the Slink kit for Siddean in my own time. Nor would I be rigging for bodies that don’t sell; but I do it anyway; because it makes people happy and that’s important to me.
If you put all the bodies in one box, how the fuck would you know what someone is wearing? Unless you’re one of those greedy fucks who sells Lara, Belleza and SLink all separately. Otherwise, how do you actually KNOW out of a box of different sizes, what a patron is going to be attaching? Yippie do-dah, Mishi did a poll. Yes, most of these clone looking bitches wear Lara but how do you specifically KNOW which size a patron is wearing after they purchase your shit … if that even happens? I never heard of VS until you opened your mouth where you weren’t wanted on alice’s page. Do you Inspect bitches at your store and see which one they’ve attached? Seriously, since you like to educate and shit, do some more and answer that question, Ms. Victim.
I sell the bodies separately, and I don’t believe it’s greedy; most people have one body they prefer and it gives me business insight into what is worth the effort/time vs profit if I ever decided to stop doing those bodies.
My sales match up with every poll I’ve ever seen on those bodies; so I believe it’s safe to say that it’s accurate that Maitreya has a clear lead. Every 1000 Maitreya sale I get is around 70-80 sales of the other bodies. That’s a very clear margin and if I was a smart business woman I would have stopped providing for them long ago.
I was recently at an event and there was a local shouting match on why some creators only make for the Lara body. Instead of shouting, do the better thing and just not give them your business!
Instead of shouting become a designer yourself. and lets see what you say then!
I do. We sell goods for cash. Don’t act like victim because it’s hard work because all jobs are. Maybe go get a job irl to remind yourself of that rather than being sat online on a slutty child avatar all day and moaning about how hard creating is.
Hi Alice , aren’t you done yet? inbf you ruin whats left of your reputation.
I’m digging the white boxes people are typing in .. instead of the fuckery going on in the first few secrets.. gray & red is a bad combo dumb asses.
and #30 I was waiting on this to come up one day. Designers not on theme .. ok. More importantly though do the designers realize they send out blog packs to over 400 (close to 500) people in the group?? Every event and hunt all year round receive your goods. That’s hundreds of potential sales passed out. Out of the 500 how many blog you? 2? Food for thought.
#10 good job. whoever posted that got my back lol they are both nasty as shit and he is a manipulative fuck!
I made the mistake of getting together with him cause I thought he was interested awhile back. Wrong. And her? Lol. As long as they are having fun and not manlipulating anyone, to each their own but her avi can’t even compare to his.
#3 actually made me laugh out loud, kudos! lol
Lol at these weeks. Nice and at 3 lol
stfu Scandalize is also Noir, KC, Seniha originals, who remembers blanco originals, lmfao this bitch is everywhere!
I want to know how scandalize can afford to hire the same team that works on all blueberry stuff. Bitches be releasing a dozen new outfits every month. i should know – my wife has to have fatpacks of all the stuff from both stores
You’re conpletely delusional.
Elegance has a horrible, mean scowling looking avatar but it’s not the same as Asteria or Noir. I don’t know why mean faced, miserable looking avatars are all the rage right now but I hope it passes. The models look miserable lol
#37 I guess Roman (she/he) didn’t like knowing she was getting spitroasted regularly in her poly relationship by two men she “loved” and tried to visit but couldn’t LOL. She’s a total twat. ?
Considering Romina was screwing around behind Belle’s back, then screwed around with Sami behind the chick he hooked up with after Belle’s back, and then obviously behind Sami’s back with this Caiti chick….what makes you think she (Roman) isn’t getting spit-roasted herself???
LOL they are still together and never broke up And you say spit roasted like it’s a bad thing. Maybe if you got some dick you’d be a little less bitter.
LOL I have real sex with the love of my life’s perfect penis. Not mesh sex like you pathetic pieces of shit. Thanks for trying, though ??
We’re all gay, just leave us alone. ps we like incest too.
#3 gave me a good laugh this morning.
#38 – Loved watching Denny and Ada’s volatile relationship. Now Denny upgraded and so Ada has to move on, too. Even though she did say “no matter what my relationship status is, it’s always Denny.”
Lie detector determined that that was a lie.
She must have a heart of gold because she might be one of the most unattractive avatars I’ve ever seen.
Sorry to sound like a bitch. ??♀️
I gag at the whole “baby” non-stop… wash, rinse, repeat… and the using of the same washed out quotes you used on your ex with the new one. If i was his girl I’d be like stop, you already did that now try to be a bit more creative and genuine for a change.
As for looks wise. Something about Ada’s face throws me off. I do not know if it’s the eyes shape or whatnot. Upgrade of the new girl. haaa that face something is off also. Maybe it’s true. Maybe they are both.
Other relationships I laugh at. Still Cuna ( you can tell when she’s having relationship issues she goes emo level 10 and post quotes about it) Diego, run man… run now while she’s in an episode and stay clear.
Anna Fox is still a hot mess. Now that she’s his unofficial again (cause she settles for whatever he makes her) she’s on cloud nine. I’d personally be disappointed if my only happiness and reasoning is because of some other who obviously doesn’t hold me at the same level as I hold them. Next month she’ll be leaving her store, leaving sl, leaving it all until daddy says so. truly pathetic.
as for the roman thing. everything’s temp with him. his “popularity” is a joke. I don’t see the greatness everyone sees.
eats my popcorn.. cause the end of the day a lot of these people entertain me. why many choose to worship I’ll never understand.
lol i’m glad you guys are entertained you can have a invite to the wedding on the 23rd we had issues that we had a hard time with but they are far behind us we’re deeper in love more now than ever thanks for the support <3 you guys rock
That’s not love.. let’s be honest. Stop playing with that girls head..
Finally, someone else admits it. Ada’s face is seriously jacked. It may be the cat like eyes. But I say it’s the drooping mouth. Like, raise that shit up some. Throw the whole shape away and start over. Plenty shapes on MP, give these lazy ass shape creators some Lindens for their talentless work, Ada.
I don’t know Anna Fox and Franky’s story but I enjoy watching them break up every month. She leaves SL for a few days and then posts a pick of her ass and “soul mates” and all is well again. Hope y’all stay together this time (6/23).
If Roman is popular, I didn’t hear his name until he got with Jezebel … isn’t that the name of someone who is cruel and malicious? I literally looked it up. It suits her, she’s a fucking bitch. “stay mad” no one is mad, we are just going to enjoy watching this relationship crash and burn like your previous ones. She lives a very miserable life, based on what she posts. Stop being so transparent girl. It’s just ammo.
God, this week’s SL Secrets is on point!
Thanks Lourdes, for keeping the site alive!
not as miserable as youuuuuuuuuuuuurrrsssss
I’m so touched you would make your screen name about me ♥️♥️♥️
lol@recycled quotes ^5
I’m just a passerby but I’ve seen the pics of the ‘so called’ upgrade and you may have to have your vision checked. The new chic has come a long way since flickr page 2 and 3 though. lol If we are going on avi looks Ada is killing her. I also can’t help but think the new 1 is an alt of another.. same head…almost same name…and always ready to jump in the male part of a couples dms. sips tea.
To be honest, the new one, Dessi or whatever her dingbat name is is trash too. Denny is the one who needs his eyes checked.
well why not take that up with Denny instead of talking shit to Ada. Perhaps you just need a new hobby, or a mate of your own so you don’t have to windowshop on others shit. 😉
You ever think that maybe Denny is the problem? Why is everyone talking about the women he dates and never him? Just a thought
im sure he is the problem…we always forget these ‘amazing men’ in SL are actually the same assholes we avoid rl everyday. but i was commenting on the upgrade comment.
“Not a Fan” you are apparently a fan cause every time I’m on here which I have to admit was amusing at first and now grows tired, you are always commenting on my business. There is a reason I post public cause I can care less what you or the other small few think…Yes I moved on and if you like to know why please feel free to message me anytime and I’ll show you exactly why. Upgraded? Ok. I said next time I was on here cause this shit takes a toll on you I was gonna release everything so please stay tuned if you love watching my shit so much…..last I speak on this cause I know the comments are coming
Love, unattractive Ada
You ugly Ada you take 1st prize for dat
Why are you surprised you’re here doll, Im becoming much interested in you acting as though you belong on a high horse somewhere. All I see is screenies of you’re stupid azz and people laughing at it. You made these decisions, leave SL if its so heavy doll, we queers love a good laugh here dawrling
You do have the ugliest avi I have seen but act like your attractive which makes it so funny. What’s with your eyes and lips Come on its 2018 not 2009 you gross bitch
Hey, you keep feeding us the drama, we are going to keep eating that shit up. I’m sitting, waiting for whatever you release with my popcorn!
If anyone wants to look like Ada in world, just wear a Catwa shape with a Lelutka head, BOOM, Ada Web-oops, not Webber anymore. Boom, Ada Harris Doulton ???
Whoever wrote #22 is a FUCKING IDIOT. They paid Magissa Denver to MAKE THEIR VENDOR you stupid ass. It’s not the same company. Go to any event, 1/4th of the vendors are by Denver.
Noir and Scandalize are completely different!!
Here my explanation….
In fact, all the stores which Magissa Denver takes pictures are ours! Did not you realize that? hahahahahaha
Of course we know it! You are the busiest person in sl! These people just don’t understand!
lol ass kissing must be your forte
WOW triggered.
um sometimes caps are a must when getting the obviousness across to morons.
i was going to say the same .. most people have ad makers. the secret maker must have had a little free time this weekend.
Take his dick out of your mouth and then try to talk. Pointing out why bitches like you lick his ass like it’s ice cream isn’t being butthurt, but nice try.
It’s not hatred, I don’t hate the guy but I do think for him to own a club in a video game he thinks he’s God’s gift to eartn and women. Just because you can get some slutty ass girl in second life to voice fuck you while her husband is sleeping in the next room doesn’t make you a player and thinking because you’ve done it to multiple women for God knows how long makes you fucking pathetic. I just think it’s really sad that one man is so wrapped up in himself over a GAME and cock riders like yourself keep enabling his bullshit.
Yeah Dandy same here. I’ve never understood why people are so butthurt by what Lance does. I also never understand his huge ego but hey if people can’t stop thinking of me and obssess over me and think of my pussy as the greatest thing since sliced bread I too would have a huge ego.
When people can’t stop talking about someone whether good or bad you know they’re obsessed. He’s deep in your mind, he’s in your soul. He’s anally fucking with your empty head. But he doesn’t give a fuck about you, what you say or how salty you are.
The way I see it, if you’re so butthurt you had to take a break from Second life and sit your fat ass down to write an essay about how much you hate someone; honey you’re not a hater, you’re a fan. My advice is: ask Lance to give you his dick. Do it nicely and he might not bitchslap you too hard while denying you his dick.
It’s SL, no one is fucking anyone. Just avatars in posing animations playing house.
Awww that’s cute that you cunts can’t take someone criticizing your king ???. In essence all I said was that he acts like he’s the greatest thing because he fucks some girls in second life, and he owns some club, and that if he’s putting be that much weight into SL he probably has nothing outside of it, but you ass lickers are the ones proving my point, so thank you.
D, its probably because he’s not fucking her ass that she’s this bitter. Lol.
You really think that man can solve every problem with his pixel cock. Look just because he fucked you two into submission doesn’t mean he can do that to everyone. All I’m saying is that for him to run a club in SL and for him to bang desperate bitches like you two, he thinks he runs the world and that’s pretty fucking sad considering SL is a damn game, but keep trying to justify his shitty behavior by saying that I need to get fucked by that loser. Funny thing is, if he could solve every problem with that sad cock of his, he wouldn’t be jumping to a new relationship and fucking some new “I have daddy issue” cunt like yourselves every week. I’m guessing you two idiots are banging him and you both don’t realize he fucks one of you and then calls up the other right after. ? I also think it’s funny how when someone talks about him, dumbasses like you run to his defense when he doesn’t give two shits about you or hell even what I say. He’s too busy sucking his own dick to care. But this also proves my point that people treat his ass like he’s on some type of pedestal because he owns a club and has a rep as a man whore. And what’s even more sad is that the people that would consider him their friend, he wouldn’t spend a fraction of the time you just spent to defend him. Keep drinking the Kool Aid that comes out of his dick, if you suck hard enough maybe just maybe he’ll give you the time of day but let’s face it, he won’t.
YOU CAN’T FUCK ON A COMPUTER GAME!!! What is wrong with you people? You need to get outside more!
Alright Trinket yes show your true face but do take a deep breath babe, you’ll get a heart attack if you keep this up. No need to get your huge panties in a bunch because he stopped fucking your stinking pussy. I can’t speak for D but no he’s not fucking me not now not before. What your sad fat doesn’t realize is that there are people who are capable of being friends without necessarily fucking. That’s the kinda person you are? Good for you babe. Get as much as dick as you possibly can tho I doubt anyone wants to stick their dick in your crazy ass. His huge ego? First, I don’t think he has one. But if he does have one it’s because of sad pathetic losers like you who can’t stop obsessing over him. Sad and Pathetic really. Try going out?