Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 509.
virtual-secrets: Week 509
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 672 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
I’d like to address some of the shit that Bridget is stirring up around here. Lourdes removed her comments this morning because in one of those comments she posted a link which displayed the user’s IP address. The comment was (the gist) “Your[SIC] a monkey, your IP address is being sent to the person who sent this link”. I will not tolerate that. That behavior is on par with malware/spyware authors. She also deliberately waited until it was sleep time for Lourdes and I to post them. Let’s be realistic – if Bridget really did have the IP address of the commenters she would have had mine. I do not use a VPN because I don’t use a computer at home. I mostly browse on my phone. She could have outed my IP address geolocation (as she claims she had) at any time. Do I care? No. If you are friends with me on Plurk you pretty much know where to find me. Half of those folks have my address because we’ve exchanged cards or gifts. Let’s address now the new Euro rules regarding IP address info. WordPress has modified their core to comply and also the privacy policy was updated using the information that WordPress helped provide for the site specific stuff. That’s the best I can do to comply with another continent’s regulation. Lastly, I have absolutely no idea what she is saying about partial IP addresses. She has provided no proof to me. She could have posted my own information here in comments. But she did not. All she did was spread FUD. Which is FEAR, UNCERTAINTY, and DOUBT. I cannot find in any email or any source code a partial of any IP address (particularly I searched for mine and Lourdes). You are always welcome to… Read more »
I really don’t get why the chick was so obsessed with them to begin with. Most of us have dynamic IPs- not static ones. Dynamic ones change over time, mostly all they identify is your provider and a generalized location. Not a latitude and longitude… sheesh. Like does she think she’s gonna show up on someone’s doorstep? If you had a static IP you’d know, cause you’d likely be paying more, more like business rates (at least when I worked for a net/tv provider that was the way it worked)…
I think her hope is to find out who is calling her a whore and talking about her on this forum, she probably feels like if she knows your location she can identify from people she knows in the game who it might be. Like if she knows someone is from California in the game she will assume it’s that person talking about her, haha. This is when you know someone is obsessed with sl. Also when she’s not at work she’s online constantly… I know cause she was on my list …. beware people who spend all their time in a virtual space. They then do crazy things like this.
Well she knows who has called her a whore. I did. A dumb whore. She can come at me, bro.
She cries on Facebook now.
So talk to me like I’m 5 cause I’m tech dumb on the back end. Can people figure out our IP addresses from commenting here, and if so what is the worst they can do with that? Doesn’t that just give them a basic city or area?
If I have your IP address I can get my small, well-trained Indian (he insisted I specified he was Indian. I don’t know why…) associate to climb out of your computer and punch you in the genitals.
On the real, at best an IP address provides generalized location based upon the type of network you’re connecting with. Connected via cellular data? The public IP may not even be in your state. With a local DSL/fiber/whatever connection it may be closer, but it’s not like it pinpoints your house.
In theory, if they had the ability to gather IP addresses from something like SL Secrets (hint: they don’t), someone could potentially draw lines between which users are posting under two names, unless any other variable is hit. Maybe someone comments on their phone via cellular data with one account, their ISP-connected PC on another. Maybe someone uses a VPN. Maybe someone shuts their router off and back on – which in a lot of cases will give a new dynamic IP. All of these make someone knowing your IP address pretty useless to 99.999999999999% of the internet-connected population.
If you’re curious what your browser says about you when you hit a website, Google “”what does my browser know about me?” and follow the first link – I won’t post as I don’t want to stir things up further, but it can be eye-opening. Even with that in mind, though – some stubby-fingered, furious gelatinous blob in the SL Secrets comments can’t get this information about you.
I do, however, second Kesseret’s suggestion: use a VPN. It’s a jungle out there.
@When you know – Jokes on those two. Lourdes is banned and I’ve not logged into SL for longer than 15 minutes since 2011. Congrats to those two.
@Bobby – My home ISP shows the central office location for the ISP, which was bought out 2 times in the last 10 years. So at best you will be about 100 miles from my house. It really depends on so much. People need to employ the CTFD method in their life.
No one can see your IP from comments. I haven’t seen a way.
If they got your ip from sl , they can know your avatar name …
I don’t know what you are talking about. When a client connects to an IP address I don’t think it gives what user is logged into the client. A client connection and commenting on this website are 2 different animals.
Can you elaborate to help me understand what the fuck you are talking about @SuchAShame
@ kesseret I heard some people in sl have ips from some people, with avatar names, to detect alts, if some “tech god” can get ips from people comenting on sl secretse, they can find who comented (avatar name). i think is what bridget tried to do.
I know what they are talking about now. This person (SuchAShame) is talking about that Sofia Janic girl that supposedly has a program called Voodoo that can get IPs from people in second life to detect alts. They are saying that Bridget put that link out there so people would click it, and they would get your IP and see if it matches up with anyone from Sofia’s database so they can find out who you are. Lol.
Bridget and Sofia are mates so this doesn’t surprise me. I don’t get the point of their obsession with trying to find out who is talking on this site. If you find out …. what then? Who cares. This is sl, go seek some help girls.
Um no. The only people who can get IPs from comments are Lourdes and I.
Also, Hi Bridget.
You know they were wrong, you aren’t a whore.
You are a dumb whore.
Just stop, you aren’t making sense anymore.
Lol I told you… that bitch can not keep her mouth shut and hates admitting she’s wrong
Also since she freely gave all her rl info in her comments, couldn’t you report her for posting a link like that here? She made that easy. I didn’t see the link so not sure what it was, but if it’s something to steal people’s info well… she can get in huge trouble for that.
I’d also like to add this is possible: Someone runs a music streaming service for their parcel on Second Life. They invite you over or somehow get you to TP to that parcel.
Guess what? They now have your IP address because your client connected, automatically, to their streaming service.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’d report her if there was something to report, but there’s not. She’s just acting like a little bitch because someone called her a whore on a website.
Who would I report it to?
The thing is, where she is correct is that everywhere you click your IP address is left. Every image you view. Browser information is very telling as well. If you catch me on a not busy day I can post a small (with IP info redacted) sample of what server logs collect. It’s not just this site, it’s every site. It’s the way the Internet works. If I contacted some authority and said “Someone made me click on a link and now they have my IP information” you’d be laughed at.
That’s pretty common knowledge.
Alternatives? Use Tor or a VPN. Actually don’t use Tor – pretty sure the NSA runs some relay nodes for Tor.
She’s just trying to play like she knows shit and scare the people talking about her worthless, obsessed with sl ass. She does this in world too. … tries to act like she’s a know all and then when people call her out she keeps running her dumb ass mouth looking more stupid to the people who actually know what they are talking about. It is a common occurance for this one sadly.
If she actually didn’t care…. as she wrote so many times in her comments… she wouldn’t be spending her precious time writing bullshit on a page she doesn’t care about and trying so hard to find something that she can’t find. Even if she had merely the country (which she doesn’t) that tells you nothing at all.
Bridget you would have been better off just staying silent. …. but go figure you open you dumb ass mouth yet again making now a public fool of yourself. Go smoke on that and get back to us with more of your “I don’t care, you don’t touch me” whining. You are proving nothing here except that you have a strong obsession with your avie and what people say about it.
Thank you for clearing all that up I was kind of lost because most of that tech stuff is deer in headlights for me. Most of what she said was confusing and I wanted to know what was up said in a way I could understand.
She was basically trying to stir up shit because she was salty about being on the website. So now she is trying other malicious shit. We may have to go on lockdown and moderate all comments. If that happens don’t be alarmed its not personal.
Yeah… and dammit I really like the whole sticking to coffee break and being able to have my comments skip moderation for the most part. I won’t be upset though it’s just another case of 1 salty bad apple ruining things for the rest.
I hear that Lance took the same Uber back to the airport. It had not even left yet.
Noticed the comments stopped coming to my email a few days ago, so I am wondering what happened – I see a LOT of new comments and I won’t go through them all to attempt to find a reason, just posting a comment to check if it’s the website or my email that needs looking at 🙂
Yous hid sere an steffs messages you can dish it but not take it. Utter wankers
Nope we basically shadow banned you. Because if I did a poll right now, with the exception of you and your friend, everyone would say you both are off the chain.
In case you accuse of us turning off comments. They turn off this evening or tomorrow. It’s automatic. It is not to “silence the great oppressed”. Sunday there will be a new post for you guys to get rabid on.
Carry on.
YAY thank you for stepping in and doing that thing you did.
Ah so that’s why. So is it permanent for them or just this week (since you said they can get rabid next week, didn’t know if you meant on here or just amongst themselves)?
At least for the future, we know what it looks like when someone is banished to the shadow realm.
I’ll take it off tonight so they can start fresh next Sunday.
I’m sure people think it’s because we couldn’t handle it but honestly as Bobby did the math…22 percent of this week’s comments. Read her comments about her mental health issues. She needed to step back.
Does this mean we can’t be the same people anymore after today? 🙁
I’mma be so lonely 🙁
Is that why we see all her blank comments? No fun 🙁 Why ruin our adventures and amusement 🙁 JK
I thought she was just maybe, posting images or something that just wasn’t showing up
Steffani Sugabum (Black): 101 comments
Sere: 41 comments
Kesserecterected: 4 comments
644 comments in total at the time that I worked this out on a dirty napkin. Over a fifth of the comments made this week (22.3% for those of you playing at home) were from these people.
That is fucking insane.
I agree that’s pretty insane, but they allow a lot of that other nonsense. I thought that is the point of this website, so if they piss a few off ~ oops, but why delete it unless they broke an obvious rule?
The rule not to annoy us isn’t obvious? As you say, we allow lots of other nonsense. Obviously, or perhaps not so obviously, it takes going to an extreme to be an annoyance.
I think most of those too were only in last couple days and not the whole week. When you go through and looked at the amount of hours each was posted, its like they almost never slept
I agree!
Lourdes and I were talking today and got sick of their shit. Just saying if Steffs medication needs to be checked every two weeks it’s serious. At some point we are just getting amusement from someone who is mentally ill. And that’s not cool.
Yeah, I guess
Awe no approve
Awe poor babies hid comments from Sere and Steffi. Booooo did you not like seeing people treat you exactly like you treat them. You complete and utter Wankers
Lol the girls killed us all, what’s left is just a tragic battlefield
@22 true af
@15 I used to be her brother, and I can vouch that she is a mega backstabber especially to those that thought of her as a close friend. She claims she gets dissed for being trans and all the bullying but yet she a fucking asshole and backstabs people. At least if you are going to complain about people being rude and shit, be humble your-damn-self instead of back dooring even the nicest of people. Truly is a shame and honestly my life has been happier without her, I would just suggest watching your back with her. The minute she knows shit she will use it to benefit herself and will slander your ass in a heart beat if it makes her look cooler.
To you Frankie directly, you were a cool bitch when we first started chillin at Hope Valley. Honest to pete I valued you as a good friend but you crossed everybody in my family hell even Bri. With all the shit you face day to day you still manage to be a shitty person to others. I hope Karma truly takes a hold of you honestly. The more you act the way you do, backstabbing, to be cool the more people you will lose and you will be by yourself. Fix your shit or the only people you will have in your life, will be the demons who fucked up every friendship you could have kept.
I know this all too well. I stood by defending her tooth and nail, even when I knew she was wrong. She ripped my heart out, not once, but twice. Never again, never again. Frankie, I hope you do read this and I know you know who is writing this. I love you with every beat of my heart and it pains me to let you go, yet again. I see no other way. You have done too much damage along the way that just can’t be undone. So, I’ll just love you from afar and hope for the best for you, as mothers do. I truly hope you are happy, I really do. I hope you find all life has for you good and true. I hope you change your ways before you burn so many bridges that you are left alone on a deserted island with no way out.
The size of the responses on comments are corrected, but now they are no longer a different color (at least for me UNREAD ones- new ones since I last refreshed/visited the page) and so it’s difficult for me to find them… I know, bellyaching-first world problems of someone with too much time on their hands, but I just thought I’d throw that out there…
Cookie count is back to a year, and I can get the yellow highlighted new comments.
@stormy: I’ll check into it. I might not get to it before next Sunday though. I lowered the cookie count which might be the issue. I’ll raise that back up and see.
awww Steffii Sugar please please explain this comment to Morgana’s 14.53 minutes of whiny “Lets clear up a few…” rambling crap that again shes gotta play the victim but oooops your comment was not that endearing to her was it “To be fair hun, stating you asked for it is as bad really…” am surprised that she let that stay since she will not let anyone downvote ~ Morgana should follow her own advice and just let it goooooo. Explain the rant she went on and on because someone did not like her review of the Black Dragon she had to do a total youtube on the backlash she got instead of “letting it gooooooo….and she is tired of taking it and taking it like yeah that gets old boo hooo again to play the victim. As far as her youtube video views most are probably due to here yet I would be surprised if anyone could stand to watch any of them until the very end. For having all those subscribers she barely is getting views so why not draw drama to herself.
Lol really, she should let it go? That was from days ago and you’ve posted about it on here. You should let it go.
nothing to say back about that so positive comment you made on her youtube hmmm? giggling since you are probably sputtering trying to come up with something intelligent. btw why would I even want to voice with you that is something I reserve for my close friends that you are not in that circle. if you are in the UK you must never sleep since it is 4am your time. anyway, am done. you and your twat bud can sputter along.
No I haven’t actually lol, what was you expecting? I asked to prove I’m not Morgana keep up lol. Whys it your concern my sleeping pattern?
didn’t think you would as it just proves a lot. firstly you cannot respond intelligently, and God forbid have Morgana go back and look at your snarky comment since that is how it came across. tsk tsk tsk on you not defending her 100%. oh well
It would make sense if you watched fully. Whats it prove? Lol
You don’t even make sense anymore. Your a pathilogical lier. Me and Steff are Both BRITISH and live opposite ends of ENGLAND. OUR SLEEPING PATTERNS ARE NONE OF YOUR CONCERN SO RUN ALONG CRANKY FANNY AND GOO WASH THAT MUFF CAUSE I BET IT’S REALLY STINKY RIGHT! btw if you wanna point something out point out you an kess both posy right after each other.. fun for you running multiple aye!
I know right shes just arguing over thin air at this point lol
Though, saying that lol she’ll probably rage about the air and ask why I’m defending it next lol.
I love Skippy’s art, call him fake, but you can’t deny he is creative…
Yeah, of course that can be denied…
It is all cliche compositions mostly based in vintage drawings.
Granted, he expend a lot of time and effort on making each composition virtually perfect… but still, no original.
I’m going to stop explaining the Internet to people. I’m gonna let the posts of the crazy french bitch and her friends through. I’m tired of it.
Either you continue to come here or not. I don’t care.
People act like this is my only game in town. It’s not. If someone bought us off for our price we’d sell it. If no on submitted secrets anymore I wouldn’t keep it up. If you are interested in making that GoFundMe the price is 25k USD. (If you want a sob story you won’t get one. We plan to go to Greece and Egypt with the money)
We have a solid group of regulars who come here and know the truth about how Lourdes and I manage this site.
Do You really think someone will pay you 25k for this website???
Of course not, it’s a joke to us. If we are so terrible, there is a way to make us go away. If money can be raised for fraud it can be raised to make a terrible site go away.
We’ll be around until whenever.
Pretty much what Lourdes said. People have raised thousands of dollars multiple times to finance others fiscal irresponsibility. Why not finance something you want and also our fiscal responsibility. At least we’ll be honest about what we do.
I commend both of you for the great job you and Lourdes do plus having to be accused of being someone else so I say thank you
No no, we’re all the same person. All of us are multiple accounts of the same person…
…and that person is Lourdes.
Yes, even Kess is Lourdes! It’s one mass conspiracy!
Though kessert have made some really good explanations about IPs… I notice some people have very basic or not information about the topic, so this is for those people: Your IP is your address for the internet, websites are broken on packages of information and they need your IP in order to send you websites. Imagine a VPN as a redelivery address, all your packages will be send to there, and they will send them back to you. This will make your browsing a bit slower, but potentially more secure… depending if you trust the guy running the VPN more than the guy building the website. Also, it is possible to follow the packages to you after the VPN, it just add a layer of difficulty. People that run a website have indeed access to a lot of information, including your Browser brand and version, your Operative System, an idea of your location, and some other demographics, like gender, age group, and the so. All of this just by installing the google Analytics script. There is another line of PHP that will also tell you, from what page they coming from. People have purchase advertising space in SL Secrets, they too have access to all this information. If you was expose to any advertisement in SL Secretes, the person that placed that Add gattered your info. Also true, Using external media, like music, voice, videos, images… open the possibility to expose your IP to the person hosting those files. If you follow a link you see in SL Secrets, you are navigating out of SL Secrets right into a different website. And no much related to what is goign here, but some people forget this detail… if you take a photo with your phone, your phone will include the GPS… Read more »
Facebook and twitter and many social media companies actually strip EXIF data (the GPS information you speak of) from the images. I haven’t seen EXIF data on a facebook image in probably 5-6 years.
Not everyone uses Google Analytics. I do not. I don’t need to know demographics of my visitors. I know enough: they are the same demographic of people that use Second Life. Demographic collection for me would be re-inventing the wheel.
A note to everyone: In the US Equifax leaked all your personal financial information. Basically anything that gets you credit. The reason Trump won is because people focus on the bullshit like Facebook had a data leak. Instead of focusing on what is important – places like Equifax and businesses storing your credit card information in plain text.
#30: Hi Howard, you sure seem salty. Have a seat over there
#25: lol @ how they didn’t event rent it, we just gave them the booth. So desperate to sip that haterade you’ve gotta lie to yourself. In the words of Supreme Chancellor Trump: “sad”
The thing with the whole HopeforV mess, nobody is likely to get answers. There were glaring holes in her story from the onset. Even if one doesn’t have intimate knowledge of tenant laws in PA, shit just didn’t line up in her story. Now it’s even more convoluted with trying to arm wrestle with Linden Lab. When some of us first heard the story of a mother, thrown out of her home with a child, that triggers an emotional response. But if you put yourself in that situation…you’re left homeless with a young child, but hey your friends raised thousands of USD for you, but you only have access to part of it. BUT that little bit is enough to pay for some shelter, maybe moving and storage to at least try to work out with the landlord to get your shit out of there. But no, all of that money has gone to a lawyer in an effort to get Linden Lab to make an exception to their very well established, very legal rules for cashing out money. Linden Lab has better lawyers than you or I. The people who bought stuff at the event, well at least they received goods and services in exchange for their money. The ones who really got screwed were her friends who set up the event, and tried to help her. They thought they were helping a friend, and the whole thing is probably a harsh, embarrassing lesson for them. It begs the question, do individual charity events even belong in SL? I think in a virtual world, where privacy is inherently protected and expected, the answer is no. We want privacy and a level of anonymity, yet in cases like this we’re expecting people to take someone at their word sight unseen.… Read more »
Setting the record straight regarding ims to Morgana Hilra. I have not been in SL for approximately 2 years as RL is far too busy. A friend of mine who reads this site told me the ongoing drama of Morgana who her and I had a following out as well. Yes, this was total payback to a bitch who thinks she can intimidate, bully and harass and not have anything come back on her. Guess what I took the initiative to send her emails not ims telling her what a piece of crap she is and to shut the fuck up. Whoever the moron is that said they read my IM is so wrong as I will post exactly what I wrote her just to be fair and lay it all out. “Tigrezz Shamrock 4:57 PM (16 hours ago) to Morgana SL Secrets has shared that you couldn’t even take care of your own children that CPS took them away ~ how pathetic a Mother you are, which in this case you will never win the Mommy of the year award. Why not spend more time nurturing and caring for them that spouting gibberish on that pathetic blog. just love Karma don’t you so please get off that high horse now go have another meltdown on plurk or do a huge blog on how much you are such a loser. BTW your friends are doing more harm than good by feeding the hunger mongrels better call them off. You are so laughable and as other have now labeled you a total trainwreck. We cannot wait to see the next episode of Life with Morgana. Now I hope that settles the record straight I wrote it and I own every word I said to her. Again you can check whatever this… Read more »
Lol liar it shows the date and time in email. It also shows the SL name aswell, it was not an email it was an offline IM to her she received via email. Also can you not see how petty that message was in the first place?
you are such a twat you know that. what the fuck you want a screenshot of the email just to make you look even stupider. It was not an offline message as I sent it and what the hell is wrong with me having a discussion with you when I could give 2 fucks if you believe me or not. petty- whatever bitch as she is petty that cannot take any constructive comments without having a meltdown so go lick her ass am so done with you
LOL what has been constructive about anything you’ve said? You’ve been a petty lil bitch take a look in the mirror.
do not think Tigrezz was speaking of herself if you notice or pay attention, which seems sketchy that you do all the drama is what someone has said to her, made some type of comment that she goes full-on examples a creator and her had a difference of opinion and Morgana has to whine about it makes us believe the creator whoever was picking on poor Morgana. Go back and she had a difference of opinion about the Black Dragon viewer that she had to rant about. never seen by any other bloggers take a difference of opinions to the level she does and instead of being mature/adult by conversing through im’s Morgana would rather spout her garbage on “her” blog. Sere & Steffani you want comparisons class to trailer park trash as Strawberry will only say when she unboxes or does like something she has enough class to just say it is basically not her style and still will give the creator a lot of nice compliments, trailer park trash Morgana could take lessons from Strawberry on how to conduct herself yet sadly it’s her blog and she thinks she is the be all and no one can suggest or give her constructive remarks that she won’t plurk, vlog or blog about the nameless person, or store. Morgana will never change if only get worse because she has that factor of not being able to stfu.
“that factor of not being able to stfu”, was you talking about yourself there?
So you are basing your knowledge on who you think is replying to you based on their country? Are you fucking nuts? Sounds like it. Lol. You know how many people play sl from those 2 countries alone? Man you got em!
My 2 cents, not that anyone cares, and that’s fine. #1-8, #17, & #24: Who fucking cares? #9:If they are happy, good for them. Both are great people, but everyone has haters. It’s not stopping Kim & Kanye, why should it stop anyone else? #10 & #41: ROFLMAO #11:, #21, #22: More stupid shit about people nobody knows *yawns* #12: TMP is tired, moronic, & pathetic #13: I’ve known Nikole for years. She really is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She’s genuine, caring, and generous. How miserable do you have to be to hold on to some crap like that for over 5yrs? You’re hurting yourself more than anyone else. That kind of resentment is toxic as fuck, but only to you. Let it go and live your life. Are you that threatened by her happiness? *smdh* #14: never even heard of this club until now #15: someone sounds salty & that font gave me a headache #16: Yes, please give this attention whore more attention. *smdh* #18: AMEN! #19 & #26: TLDR #20, #35, & #40: Wow! Such original insults. *smdh* #23: Look closer, they’re not the same. They’re not templates. This happens all the time. A few months ago, Rebel Hope, Vinyl, and Addams all released plaid button down shirt dresses the same month. Designers get their ideas from RL, it’s bound to happen. #25: I think its adorable when people make assumptions about shit they know nothing about. *smdh* #27: FALSE! Complete lie! TeamNiki making up more lies. Obsess much? #28: No on is making you buy it. Sounds like you’re just mad you can’t afford it. #29 & #42: Yep, its bullshit. Vanity played everyone. However, if they had paid attention to her story, they would have seen how stupid it was.… Read more »
Pictures amazing I have to disagree, he is by far technical in his work. A lot of it is lazy placements to fit in with whatever freebie he got that day. I see people on Flickr a lot of the time, creating great pictures out of next to nothing . Now I can hack his laziness but I cannot hack spoiled individuals who deliberately sabotage and / or slander people in secret. In order to make himself look good and push & create bad names to other people. If he was an adult , he would be hung, drawn and quartered here without a hint of mercy. There is no need for it and as much as I said ignorance is what people should do, I think if people expect the same respect upon themselves; they would take Skippy and push him out of every photo group and blogging group going. Because that behaviour is totally disgusting for any human to display. I agree no-one is a saint but he is the literal devil, his actions are pre-meditative, cruel and dishonest. There is no need and no place for that if you call yourself a decent human being. I await the prince himself to answer directly and I will certainly be the first to pull him over and show him up for what he is.
Have you ever asked yourself why you care so much? You should.
Have you ever asked yourself why you come on SL Secrets and comment on things you find bug you? If you do, you get the same answer 🙂
Why are you the Beresford Police against free speech?
I care because I don’t like shitty people doing shitty things to decent people. Or is that a bad thing?
I just as well ask you the same question and ask by knowing that why would you NOT care?
Cause by your other post retorts, you care enough to retort back at other things.
So why is it suddenly one persons gripe on another is suddenly a question for validation. Really? ?
Hey, whoa, calm down, My god, who did this to you? Don’t read so heavily into things, I’m just bored and procrastinating. None of us like shitty people doing shitty things, but sometimes the best thing to do is be like that Elsa bitch and let that shit go. C’mon…say it with me…Let it go….let it goooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Hahaha… nah its cool. I just say because, you know he has so many idiots working for him , I guess its good karma for there to be the anti. Besides, it pisses him off lol, it’s good for shits and giggles but you know… there is truth as well as fun 🙂
Shut up jordy
@YY I think its hilarious that people come on here and automatically think Jordy is behind the Skippy hate. Skippy has people that don’t like him all over. It’s just that Jordy was the one that was openly clean about the fight they have.
@ Guest. Whoever you are Guest, you come across as a spoiled and ignorant fuckwit.
Who the fuck are you to tell someone to shut up? Jordy has possibly done more in SL than you ever have. He is not just photos, he does a lot of stuff not just photos and he does it through his own hard work. Not kissing asses to whoever like some I could mention, he does it off his own steam. I have known Jordy now for 5 years and I have to say you won’t meet another who is as honest and open as he is. If you are telling people to shut up and accusing them of being others, then you have lost the fucking plot. Go outside, enjoy the air and get yourself a reality check. If you don’t like him, that’s your right but YY and everyone else here, has the same right to talk here as you do.
And if it helps, yes I think Skippy and Jordy need to get a room and sort out the problems. But one is headstrong he wants an apology and one is a big fucking liar who can’t be honest. But I suggest you shut your mouth and have some respect for people. Because I am sure if the problems were on your shoes, you be on here gassing us all. If you want to come on here to have some positive comments, do so. We don’t need your vague claptrap here.
LOL, I am certainly not Jordy. I know Jordy but I am not him. Try again ?
#17 Unfollowed EVERYONE but one person. Now he just looks like a total douche. Nice remedy.
No Big deal. His pictures pretty much fucking suck anyway.
#23. NOT the same Narcisse’s is BETTER anyway…. SMH
Ok this shit is just unreal, me and lance use to be buddies not so much not but I can tell you this shit is a bunch of lies Lance NEVER met Niki in real so no way he left her at some restaurant also he does not pay people to be his friend half the time he is afk and people CHOOSE to join FMD and I have seen myself everything he makes goes back into the club and he dishes out shit from his own pocket, do I agree with how he handles certain situations fuck nah as I said we were buddies then cus of some butthurt girl who did not like the fact I had dirt on her she did not want certain people finding out, decided to tell Lance a bunch of bullshit and he chose to believe it, no sweat off my back. Not saying the guy is perfect but the shit being posted is lies, going to post shit at least make it true, seems people are just looking for someone to burn at the stake, Not saying the guy is a saint, wtf none of us are but its so easy to pass judgment, people in glass houses should not throw stones, Lance does not force these chicks to do anything all he is guilty of with these girls is being social and they get all “Puppy Love” that is not on him, he cant be blamed if some broad crushes on him, I may not be his friend anymore but I had to at least say something, yeah yeah yeah most will come back at this and say I am kissing ass or whatever you have too, to make yourself feel better but end of the day this shit being said… Read more »
Why did you and Lance stop being friends?
Can you not read? He already explained more or less why.
What does that have to do with shit? point is, people are just spouting shit but yeah I am not gonna bother replying to you after this, must be someone banned, or rejected, hate on the guy cus he does something with his life and does not spend it on net being a keyboard warrior, yanno? cause talking shit in person would get you slapped.
I have never been to FMD, you brought up that you and him used to be friends but are not anymore. I’m curious as to why not. Why so defensive and stuff, you brought it up.
What I’m getting at is if you put your life out there like a telenovela people will watch. Like I said, trainwreck. If what she posts means she has a life then I am very glad not to have one.
Whether or not shes posted about that info, if she wants not to talk about it, surely, we should just accept that? Being that it’s her life and all? Fair defend yourself that’s your choice, but if you really haven’t done what shes stated… surely, you shouldn’t now do it to prove a point? It’s quite a contradiction to state you’ve not done something, and then go do it..
Since you’ve moderated replies to your comment and probably wont accept mine… @Lourdes Denimore Denimore
End of the day, you can go around throwing all the attempted insults at me. It’s only proving you are toxic-ally (not really a word originally I know, but you get my point lol) argumentative towards strangers lol. On a website you are paying for, on the internet. It’s no wonder you are so insecure about yourself. The bullying you give Morgana, the nick picking you have at people commenting. Is only a reflection of your own insecure self. So, you can waffle on for the rest of the week, month, year.. for all I care. Rage, try to me me look bad on some wordpress website, to which you’ve even gone as far as wasting your own money to buy your own domain, for 9 + years… about Second Life… Guess what, I don’t care lol. Neither should Morgana, but like I said everyone is effected by things differently. You’re not stopping her, shes still going, shes still having a success getting blogging opportunities and still has a chance to enjoy her SL, which is what its really about, not trying to gain an ego boost/have the last word. My advice to Morgana herself, is shes said her piece, leave her to go on and on, its only one person raging amongst themselves. You could say you’re donating the homeless and she would try use it against you. It’s pure jealously when it comes down to it. They find you a threat. Just block her via SL, any Media you have which shes stalking you on. I dunno how to use this plurk thing lol, but maybe you can set it to private and just accept people you know you can trust? Have two maybe even, one for your subs from youtube, one for yourself. This will be my… Read more »
The comments were moderated because you changed your name. You left off “Black”. All first comments are moderated it checks name and email. If you change your name again it will be moderated.
Don’t try and act like we are censoring you. As long as you stick to the rules you can comment freely.
Looooool wow Lourdes I’m so sorry for not realising that. I’ll go cry in a corner now.
at least Lourdes doesn’t go and delete any negative comments like that skank does and oh gee whiz I forgot it is her blog so she can do what she wants, talk about whoever anyone because again it is her blog. why doesn’t she spend time on improving her voice quality, and blogging fashions or is that not what her vlog is all about rather it is used as intimidation when spoiled brat doesn’t get her way. very odd that out of all these so-called friends only both of you come to defend her
We will always defend her, how about you fuckwit improve your own morals, values and social skills. Btw seen the vile shit cunts were messaging morgana on sl with. All you can do is lie. Grow the fuck up. And fyi i have issues with my own voice too and i still talk regardless of what any arsehole says its my choice just like it is morgana’s and no i am not her. But i have health issues that effect me similar way to her. Yeah take the piss all you want heard it all before but when you live with genetic form of copd and a lisp its nothing new when people try pull you down. Just makes yous cunts for still doing it to her and narcissitis. You are infatuated with her your whole life revolves around morgana and making up about her. I pity you. Your life must suck to have a non constructive reality perception and leech on to good of others.
there it goes.. bringing up health issues for sympathy.. No wonder you and morgana are friends, you’re the same.
LOL you’re the one who brought it up in the first place!
Nope but when you have had minor strokes because of genetic copd come back to me when you have been on life support maybe you will see life better then. I dont smoke and i look after me. So keep bullshitting
By the way Sere, ignore lol cause Bruh, Funnyface etc are all the same person.. commented on wrong accounts a few times in other comments so given themselves away.
lol you’re crazy.. maybe you comment on multiple accounts and think others are as pathetic as you are. Maybe you really are Morgana after all 🙂
Not on multiple unlike you. Nor am i Morgana. Unlike you piece of shit bottom feeder
you are so stupid that your replies are not even related to the topic.
Bleh boobookittyshittey
I keep offering to voice you, you don’t answer lol. Lol no one finds me apparently pathetic as you, though given that you’ve told me to stop bragging about my grades lol… you are a little backwards.
wtf? when did I told you that? you’re freaking delusional. Please treat your brain.
Yeah i figured. Another skitzo
ofcouse she has issues with her voice its hard to talk trough all that fat and smoke … hahaha basement ass bitch. And yeah lets blame it on the health issues again as numerous times. Poor you and Morgana. Maybe dont spend your whole day behind the computer and actually do something about your health … but probably for you two old hags its already too late.
Keep talking about your own lard arse smoker shithead. Only bitch here is you. I dont spend my whole day behind a computer i own my own buisness shit head i have a busy rl unlike you. I do to point but as i was born with my genetics this way its called managing rather then having a minor stroke again because of genetic copd. Not a smoker either fyi. Not old either in my 30s no were near 40s
Lol how old are you seriously? Neither of them smoke so again, stop jumping to conclusions… I know Sere personally in RL aswell trust me she does a lot for her own health and is strong, way stronger then you. You can gob off behind the screen all you want, but in reality you’re probably shaking in terror and would not dare speak to her, Morgana or me in the same way face to face.
I really don’t care what you want to nick pick at you sad bitch lol, Keep up and you’ll gather that.
She changed her name due to a preference of name. Lucky that shes not just trolling under fake af names like others
Wooooow. So let’s unpack a few things, shall we?
NONE of my stockings are over 199L. If your’re that much of a cheapskate that 75 cents us simply TOO much for your precious bank account then maybe SL isn’t the place for you. There are plenty of stores that charge DOUBLE what I do. And lets not forget that these *particular* socks are original mesh and are rigged for *four*sizes, not just a maitreya-only.
Everything in my store is affordable and pride myself in that.
So, little secret maker. Feel free to inbox me your concerns but let’s get facts straight first, mkay?
You all are hilarious.
You all contribute to (by visiting/reading/commenting) a site whose main currency is bashing, talking shit, and snarky responses. Yet you all get snow-flaky and offended when a designer talks back and does the very thing you all come here to see? You all are putting these designers on pedestals that they by no means deserve to be on.
Designers on SL are NO better than the customers. This is not a real life job that designers have to apply and get hired for or even have credentials for. They’re no different than the rest of us, so why are they being held to a higher standard? Just because they can sling pixels for cash doesn’t mean they have to act like they’re better than us. They are nooooot. Soooo…
Sup with the righteous indignation?
“Snowflaky”, sounds like you aren’t any better than the people you are talking about
Sure, ignore the actual point of the post. Let’s just get triggered by a random adjective and use it as a excuse to dismiss all logic. That seems to be the running theme. 🙂
“Higher standard”? See here’s the thing, like Coffee said, there are lots of other places to shop. You don’t make your store stand out by being abrasive on a gossip site. Ever wonder why some of the other stores that get dragged up don’t have to deal with “talking shit” beyond the bare minimum if the secret isn’t about something like theft or some scandal? It’s because they conduct themselves like a professional. Also you can’t use the “this isn’t a real job” argument with one hand and then have creators crusading to be taken seriously like a real business. That’s not how it works.
Tl;dr: unless whatever you’re selling is so unique no one else is doing it, you better bet your ass that customers expect you to act as good as or better than your competition. No one is going to pay to deal with someone who is unpleasant.
Except THEY AREN’T professionals. They’re amateurs. Skilled amateurs, but amateurs all the same. If they were professionals they’d be working at normal jobs at brick & mortar business offices, not out of their homes, which the majority of SL designers do. Hell, from what I’ve heard, LL doesn’t even report their income to the IRS unless it exceeds a certain amount so even to LL the majority of them aren’t considered “professionals”.
You all constantly talk about how SL is “just a game” but when it comes to designers oh no they have to act differently. LOLWHAT? Wow what a lovely double-standard . Why are they expected to act “professional” and above us when they are literally NO different?
Unless you actually work at linden labs, SL is literally an even playing field when it comes to status, and thinking otherwise is just ridiculous.
I would agree although I would like to touch upon something I think Kesseret or Lourdes said (I forget whom) , that these creators have to be competitive with prices that it almost becomes a sweat shop mentality to even sell items. Because there is so many people at creating now, its over-saturated. And a lot of it is a load of old tot, where the really nice things that creative people are undersold to simply make a dent. I would not tell the IRS either, the amount made to most would be small fry unless you are Gabriel, David Heather etc.
Anyone dumb enough to take this advice and not report income earned from this game that comes with in accordance to the IRS is deserving for an audit/penalties.
You know what. Creators and sick and tired of being abused by said “customers”. We are damn well sick and tired of having to “sit and take shit”. In all aspects of life RESPECT is a two-way street. Each side needs to do their part in order to maintain. Creators are FAR TOO censored to respect the feelings of the “little people”. Wouldn’t be an issue if the “little people” would stop attack creators for sneezing… It’s completely unfair that creators can not “clap back” because it may hurt feelings. Do we not have feelings? Are we not also people? Get a damn life. If you don’t like our thoughts and opinions there are plenty of other places to take your money without feeling like it’s okay to drag a creator just because they happen to own their own business and do well for themselves doesn’t mean we have to continue to sit and take the ABUSE. The attitude and the “clap back” you all are seeing from creators at this point is due to the treatment we receive.
It’s been coming for a long time. Check yourselves before you try to check us! @Elle We have your back babe and feel the same even if we “aren’t allowed” to say it xx
Those little people, who you so disrespectfully talk about, are customers who give you money. Just like the Real World, you treat your customers like crap.. then don’t whine about not making more money. Yes, customers can be assholes, it’s how you handle it that matters. In my real life work I go from angry cursing at me to literally death threats, do I flip out over it? no, I tend to be quite level headed and put myself above the situation. Every company, has abusive customers, SL and RL. You decide if you take it and handle it correctly, or trash your store by trashing on others. It’s your money, we don’t have to give it to you.
The truth of the matter is, you all just want to shade people without rebuttal and that’s just unrealistic especially on SL.
I’m not sure if you’re deliberately avoiding the entire concept of how a market economy works even on a model like SL’s just to make your point, or if you’re not grasping it. It has nothing to do with us or you on this site. It has everything to do with exactly how things work in SL itself. I’m going to hazard a guess here that you don’t own or work for/with a store and have never had to deal with other users as customers. If you upset your customer base, they won’t deal with you. They gave you money, they invested in your work (even if the investment is small monitarily). In return if they have dealings with you, they don’t want to willingly deal with someone who is unpleasant. It’s an expectation across the board. You can be proffesional without working out of an office that isn’t your home. By your example, someone could have a degree in Graphic Design and get work from clients on a regular, earn a distinguishable income, and be referenced and have a portfolio and everything…but it doesn’t count if they don’t have an office and choose to do their work in their home? That’s a very narrow view of the working world. And the funny thing is, as I said before it isn’t just “us” asking for designers to be viewed as actual business people, the designers themselves often refer to themselves this way or WANT to be viewed that way. Which is actually okay. If they’re doing the job and conducting themselves like actual business owners, then they have every right to expect that. But you can’t ask for that treatment then expect to not be held to standards that come with it. But I digress, the short version of this… Read more »
Wow the assuming and condescension is strong with this one. It seems that you all are willing to support copybotters and racists, as long as they don’t talk back, right? Anyway, I get your point, however it largely doesn’t apply if SL is just a game, no? Is it a game or not, because you can’t have it both ways.
And to reiterate my previous point, it’s ridiculous to participate in a site like this while expecting a certain demographic to be on their best behavior in the event that they too, choose to participate.
And with that, I’ve said all I wish to on the matter and won’t be responding anymore. So feel free to get your last word in so you can feel better about yourself. 😉
Oh my god you are too sensitive starting this debate on her comment lol. You’re like a bunch of grumpy old women complaining about everything you see nick picking. It might hurt your eyes but, go out your front door for a change lol.
You tell people to go out the front door and not be sensitive and yet you’re one of the biggest comment writers this week (just under 100 comment entries, actually) who have given out literally the most personal information of anyone here.
Maybe time to dial the pharmacy for a pill refill?
No, I was only confirming how much I do know about Mental Health as it was stated I knew nothing about it. At first you’re telling me to stop feeling sorry for myself, now I need to stop bragging that I’m qualified to help people with Mental Health. Which is it going to be? Lol.
Also I am not talking about the amount of comments you’ve commented on through your multiple accounts am I? I’m just loling that you are being so nick picky over a designer standing up for herself.
Holy Toledo! You are claiming- whoopsie “bragging” that you are “qualified to help people with mental health” issues????
Sister, if you are dolling out advice in earnest to ANYONE I sure as shit hope they can sniff your crazy out and RUN as fast as possible in the opposite direction. Cause for someone who claims to be concerned with the welfare of others, you are a nasty little toadie with some sort of fixation on this situation. I am aware of the “attacking” nature of addressing you and explaining your faux pas (plural), but you really do appear confused about what is happening on this site and no one is taking you seriously. Your understanding of what you perceive to be the same poster on multiple names is glaring to anyone who has followed virtual-secrets for any length of time, as the owners will admonish in the comments those who do just that…..
I can’t say anything kind without appearing to be condescending, but you do appear to be in need of some sort of consultation with a professional.
Lol you already given yourself away as being on multi accounts by answering to me on the wrong accounts. It’s not my fault you gave that away.
@steffani People also ask
What is paranoid delusional thinking?
A paranoid delusion is the fixed, false belief that one is being harmed or persecuted by a particular person or group of people. Paranoid delusions are known technically as a “persecutory delusion.”
It’s not paranoid thinking, its just obvious lol for one, two quite a few times you have commented replying to something I’ve said on the wrong account.
Normally, if you wanted to sell them that way. It’s no big deal, its your store.
To crap on people about having money or not and that you shouldn’t be on SL if you can’t afford it, really makes you look bad as a creator. You should have better respect than that of your customers.
I can afford it, but it also means I’ll shop elsewhere since you don’t respect your customers or potential customers in general
I adore and have UTMOST respect for my customers! They are everything to me. I know this. However this person is clearly not a customer if they feel im “scamming” people. I appreciate everyone who shops from me but no one has the right to be disrespectful simply because they disagree with my prices.
@Elle I understand why you are upset and lashed out even though they are just socks. As an artist, it’s your work and an extension of yourself. Also, you have every right to price your creations as you see fit; I’m all for that and quite frankly I believe artists are underpaid no matter their medium and deserve to be paid more fairly for their work.
But!… From a buyers perspective those socks are a dime a dozen and if one can find a pair for cheaper and with more options why buy them?… They have just as much right to express how they feel about the price with their fellow shoppers. virtual-secrets may not be the best place for that; but it also isn’t the best place for you to express in such a public manner that thrifty shoppers must be broke ass bitches.
(FYI the rich are actually the shrewdest shoppers out there; they didn’t get rich by throwing their money around.)
At first I was on the fence of sorts where yeah those socks are a little pricey compared to what I can get for my lindens at other stores but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to buy your other products that I may feel were worth my lindens. Now that you have left a sour taste in my mouth with your comments acting as though you are the Gucci, Armani, or some other brand name of SL I don’t think I will bother shopping at your store in general. This, of course will have no effect on your profits but like it was your choice to make rather distasteful comments it’s my choice to not buy from you at all based on your attitude towards shoppers.
And you shouldn’t state “If you can’t afford 30 cents out of your bank, get off SL” as if anyone who doesn’t have money shouldn’t be allowed on.
Did you hurt yourself with that reach? It looks like it hurt. Be careful! <3
I was going to point out for Elle’s benefit that 199L isn’t out of the ordinary- as I shop at ; pay more than that for leg warmers that I wear almost daily (but then I’m paying for quality & haven’t looked at this person’s shop ever so I can’t compare). But after that shit-headed comment about peoples finances, I won’t be looking.
If you’re talking about the Tinker set, each color came with sneakers, long and short warmers, and pointed/flat feet options. It more than justifies the price (If you’re not talking about the Tinker set then nevermind, lol. It was the only warmer set I could remember). They almost always makes even “simple” clothing items worth the cost with things you can change.
Plus the plain colors in the picture look like they were made by popping one color texture through photoshop and sliding the color bar from left to right vs being rendered individually. Being rigged for 4 mesh bodies at this point seems like the only thing going for them.
Bless! ???
Love your stuff
Morgana!! I hear you’re over there having a melt down over “rumors” I’ve started. I haven’t started any rumors. I’ve just stated what you posted on your plurk timeline. If they are untrue then that makes you a liar.
I do understand how you don’t want people to remember that you are so unhinged IRL that your children were taken away. But then according to you, you didn’t get custody of them. The family that has custody allowed you to move in with them. Now they take care of their poor bedridden mother who has some vague debilitating illness.
Anyone on your plurk timeline can do a search and find this information. They aren’t rumors they are your life story that you shared on plurk.
Also while you are frantically searching your timeline and deleting all the plurks, catch the plurk with your RL information. That is how we were able to verify, back then, that it was true you didn’t have custody of your kids and were fighting for custody. That is all public record.
Seriously I have learned more about these folks than I want to.
I’m just glad I don’t know at least 2 of them on here, way too cheesy and immature. That’s why I like this site, it shows me who to avoid :p
Only cheesey here is you an your bellend love. Dont talk shit or do it if you cannot take it back.
“don’t talk shit”… seriously, have you and your other non-adult buddy here even read anything you’ve said yourselves? Who cares if someone can or cannot take it back? What are you going to do, beat people up like an after school fight? It’s pretty much how you speak every time one of you two comment. Keep waiting to see an adult moment, have yet to see it since you speak like you are under age.
Not underage. In my 30’s as i said before british no nonsense taking trash talker. If you can’t handle the heat doll take yourself out the game.
laughing way too hard with that “if you can’t handle….” you are so pathetic and like some british cunt that thinks to be a trash talker impresses anyone..think again and please join the ranks of your other skanks as most of us are done with your pathetic attempts
LOOOOL the fucking irony funnyface to be fair you got one thing right about that name.. you are funny.
Ok I’m getting back to stuff that actually matters, you all rage away. Let it out your system.
Lol this girls really had a productive day ^
I was actually thanks! My meeting went great, best business deal ever. I’m stoked. Rough week, hard work, was worth it
Thanks! 🙂
Was that with the job seekers? Loooool
P.s anybody on job seekers apart from this girl I’m not knocking you lol! I just know shes full of shit lol.
Yup, nearly exactly what I have been saying, move on with your own lifes and stop focusing on someones that you apparently don’t like, common sense, its really not that hard.
This is Lourdes and my site, we don’t leave. But you can.
Lol I already know you are Lourdes its not particularly hard to tell. Yeah I know you don’t leave lol you continue to waste your money on this website.
Woo, you know you can get a domain with hosting for 3 measly dollars right?
https://wordpress.com/pricing/ <- the way this site is set up shes not using the $3s a month. Even still, its a waste of money…
Did you ever think I have a real job that kinda pays enough for me to do things? What a surprise, since I know folks in your circle all can’t work because of “anxiety” or whatever.
Also, I don’t use wordpress.com. While I use the wordpress platform you can’t get the customizations I do on that platform. You’d be surprised I actually pay less than what people think.
What customizations. It is a bog standard template design thats been used over an over again on a lot of sites.. dont try come across stating you know shit about websites or designs of them lol. Go back an earn your trade like the rest of us have ? btw shit template you used. Could have done better.
She says its not wordpress, but it is lol.. she still be logging in wordpress to make any edits to this website. I don’t even get the point in defending it its still really a crap site to create and be paying for to keep going regardless of the platform lol.
Lol you are crazy. You obviously have no idea anything about me.
I doubt you work to make your community safer and save lives. That’s what I do.
Also if you were smart you’d recognize the template.
Ironically, I need to stop “bragging” lol… I think you need to save your own life lol.
Yep i do you are full of shite you need some ex lax. I actually do but you know shit all about me. Recognized the template and design since i do multiple websites daily as part of my job.
Lol yes it is wordpress lol… The comments are in exactly the same format as theirs, they aren’t using another’s commenting design etc, they’ve got their own.
You are still incredibly sad considering any of those factors anyway, to be paying for this site for this purpose. That’s my view, if you don’t like it that’s not my problem really, is it? Lol. It’s quite funny you can dish out all your shit talk about others, but the moment anyone questions you you don’t like it.
My wordpress site is hosted on my own system, not on wordpress.com, same with this site I assume. Only costs 3 bucks to host a site/domain and then install wordpress application. Majority of wordpress sites I work with, own or work for host their own.
It is powered by the WordPress application, yes. It is NOT wordpress.com. Two different things. How’s those 2 degrees helping your reading comprehension and understanding?
They’re… two different people. That’s not Lourdes. Holy hell you’re a mess, lady.
Morgana will become the next Paradox Messmer if this keeps up. He was proof that if you allow criticism to get to you at this degree, you will lose support and eventually sponsors. Same story. Instead of moving on she continues to feed into the trolling by posting videos and status claiming she is being harassed and internet bullied. She even said she will report all this online harassment to the internet police. Instead of letting it die, her white knights continue to feed the hate and bring more and more negative attention towards her. Eventually even her supporters will give up in defending her and patting her ass because she continues to ignore the key advice they all give: stop talking about it, stop addressing it, stop showing how much of a target you can be. Playing the victim and screaming that the internet is mean and not taking any responsibility for yourself while hiding behind your mental disorders does you no favors. All this free publicity is not helping her, but showing people who are not even involved in this that she willingly and continuously perpetuates her own drama.
Only people who are responsible, are the people bullying in the first place. Oh sorry, *is the person lol… not people.
You calling yourself reasonable…. while sounding like to junior high students who believe they are in the popular crowd, upset because the better people have more attention. You two react like kids, and you make your friend Morgana, whoever she is honestly, look even worse. You aren’t helping her.
Hey @RespectYourCustomers now we are the same person. Hidey ho!
Wait, Kesseret, does that mean we have split personalities? Am I the main one or you?
@RespectYourCustomers: you can be the main one. Especially since I’m about to go into work and do monthly reports. 🙂
Hidey ho you are
Awe you switch accounts now kess. Keep chatting shite
and that would be such a bad thing? seems she is the one online spouting all this, putting her RL stuff out there if she wants to play the victim then she needs to shut up then it will die down but every day she has something new to whine about. just because she has that many subscribers doesn’t mean 90% probably stopped taking the time to even listen because all they hear is whine.
Trainwrecks are always the victim … LOL…. If people don’t want stuff out there for people to see then DON’T PUT IT OUT THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
ღτïģʐ™ (tigrezz.shamrock) aka Lourdes! Stop sending IMs in-world you sad bitch lol….
how is someone banned from SL can they send IM’s in world unless they are inworld wow I think Steffani you are a little off your rocker and maybe you are really Morgana in her true colors. that is what I think
Would you like to voice in-world funnyface and see how British my accent is? Lol. It was you so you can lie all you want Lourdes. Also, you know whats actually funny….
The fact, this lame arse thinks shes the shit bitching about someone on wordpress… about someone elses life.. Oh yeah? What kinda amazing life you got then, paying for your own domain to keep a shit website like this going for SL gossip?
You go ahead and bitch, bitch, and bitch some more here… Continue wasting your money, and ironically judging other peoples lifes. You sad bitch lol.
Steffani, are you in junior high? You sound like the least adult person here.
Keep talking about yourself bint
Lol I’m in “jonior” high am I? Ok first of all, it’s Junior High you know, that’s why you’re getting that little red line underneath… I’m dyslexic myself, but yeah I’m not so in a rush to reply to a comment that I’m too lazy to right click and get it corrected lol… Second of all, please feel free to define that? Not that I actually care, cause you are just copying what I’ve been saying about you all being compared to a group of 12 year old girls in a playground. Lol.
Also, your the one whose been paying for this domain, for 9+ years as you proudly state lol… have a mirror you can look in about?
Fyi, I have a degree, I went to college and all that after school. I am also about to start some more courses and get myself ready, to attend university again, and I’m 26. Is that ok by you? Since you think you’re the be end be all of this conversation?
Who spelled it jonior? Sounds like you can’t read what was typed and want to assume it was spelled differently. “define that and “I don’t care” means, “Im going to play hard but really am going to remain childish and speak like one because I thin its cool”. Secondly or.. is that thirdly, who cares, I’ve yet to see you say it so, good try I guess at trying to deflect it.
I’ve not paid for this website, I don’t own this website, I don’t own the domain. I have 8 others I run for outside SL and one FOR SL. You might mean Lourdes and Kesseret (sorry for name misspelling lol)
When you have to brag some story of “Im in Uni, I go to college, I am this age, I am getting a degree, I am doing it again, yadda yadda” usually means half of that’s likely made up. When you look at behavior like yours throughout this site as if you have no other life than to sit here on the computer for HOURS at a time, I don’t buy anything you say you are doing.
Is it ok with me? I could care less. I’d rather waste money on people who are adult, you certainly are not one of those. You assume I think I am anything, because you are trying to again deflect to try to get a head in the conversation yourself.
I just come here in between work clients, to get amusement of how bad you represent current society. Have fun with that
No define that means, do you even know what you are talking about yourself… or that’s the way I was asking lol. I genuinely, do not care what you think/assume. I think you’re really petty and laughable.
It was spelt that way I copy and pasted it lol, I aren’t searching for that comment cause I can’t be arsed but you know, you can edit your comments? Who, what, woooah, could it be corrected?! No way… lol
Lol if you wanna state its bragging, (by the way well done on making the choice of if you where going to use “stop feeling sorry for yourself” or “stop bragging” when I asked which is it going to be lol). I’m not in uni for 1, I am making plans to possibly go back though yes. I went to college when I left school ~ that has to come before Uni, you know? Lol. Also, hows stating my age bragging whats so ever loool? Lol omg, that is so rich coming from you it takes me ages to reply compared to you (11 hours and 42 minutes later I’m replying lol) so I suggest you take a better look at yourself lol cause this isn’t your first comment either…
but you Steffani cannot recognize mental illness or someone that has frequent meltdowns there is some issue going on? people that do not have degrees notice there is something so wrong with her with her frequent meltdowns on public forums, using her blog/vlog as an intimidating weapon when her brattiness doesn’t get her way. or the fact that has come into focus regarding her children. having children taken away is not done lightly that is a very sad event to happen to anyone yet there had to be a reason behind that. Has that even sunk into your brain and maybe not since you are still not mature to know that RL should always come first and that means family especially children. as a so-called friend why not talk with her about keeping her temper in check, possibly get some therapy and see what you can do to help her instead of being here trying to defend someone that appears to think she is the be all.
Omg lol I do recognise mental illness lol, where the fuck did you get that idea from? I have Depression, C-PTSD, Agoraphobia and Generalised Anxiety Disorder. Plus I am trained in Mental Health First aid, and Therapy, CBT and Counselling work. So you wanna get your facts before you judge? Then you might understand us both a little more you close minded turd lol.
Yes it is done very easy trust me I know. I don’t have kids before you assume but I know how easy someone can set someone up for that purpose.
How about you fuck off and stop being so obsessed with what shes doing and focus on your own life? You are nothing but a petty bully.
I can verify this as i know her in both worlds.
Lol I said I was ignoring them/her – its the same person throughout all these accounts lol, and how jealous they are of Morganas success, I don’t think shes taken it too well.
omg she said Morganas success … hahaha. this was the best joke I heard in a while.
Im done with this stupid conversation cause you can’t talk with crazy – when someone says : “My meds are working fine, thanks lol, my doctor can tell me that not you. ” you know there is no point in talking.
And yeah girls Morgana, Sere and Steffani you all desereve eachother. Just stay happy and dozed you bunch of nut jobs. Godspeed you fucking cunts!
Go enjoy some pee lol.
Also, all these “individual accounts not being used by the same person” comment all together on the count of 5.. oh wait, you can’t lol.
Keep living in your fake arse fuck knob jockey world.
oh, gee Steffani am so not obsessed with what she is doing it is her that has to take her blog, vlog, Plurk to rant over every little drama that comes into her laugh and go on and on and on and on while those that are still her kiss ass followers have to suffer through it. Wanna talk bullies all you have to do is look at Morgana she is the epitome of being a bully and uses her blog/vlog platform to instill fear and ask for sympathy because she is never the one in the wrong. Yes, I used the word fear because if you do not agree with her 100% and cannot have a conversation without being told to drop dead, you are crazy you dare not speak up. Am ecstatic someone has called her out and spoke up as this was not the first time and knowing her frequent meltdowns it surely won’t be the last.
^ Lol again, commenting on the wrong account which I wasn’t even replying too. Keep exposing your alts. 🙂
wow you really are a stupid bitch arent you? just because the comment is directly nested underneath yours doesn’t mean that it’s all the same people replying on different names. in all the shit you posted about how crazy you are (which we had already deduced btw so clearly your meds are not quite doing as they should) you neglected to mention paranoid schizophrenia. do you hear voices in your head too?
fuckin’ nutjob (literally)
Must agree here. after a full on 24 hours of {thank you timestamps}An admission to being loosely screwed in the head & abusing the word “lol”dozens of times,It’s time for Nutballz Lolzabub to put her huggy jacket on & go to her pillow room for time out.If crazytrain has a problem with the adults having “meanie” opinions, stay out of the lounge… “lol” ffs.
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lollol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol… Read more »
Lol Schizophrenia? Really, you was accusing me and Sere of being Morgana… Schizophrenia, would mean I see and hear things that aren’t real, which I don’t. In any case, even if I did have that, whys it being used an as insult? Being that you’re so for mental health and all… Least you’ve remembered to spell check this time well done. 🙂
For the record though, no, I do not have a diagnosis of Schizophrenia. That alright for you now? Gonna move on from that? Lol.
My meds are working fine, thanks lol, my doctor can tell me that not you.
I never even said it was because the comment was right under mine, it was the context of the comment – being that you keep answering to me about topics which where asked to a different account.
omfg.. you are literally the dumbest bitch i have ever seen on sl secrets, so congrats for that.
i didn’t accuse you of being anything other than batshit crazy and clearly undermedicated.
do you think that we are incapable of seeing other comments posted to you?? stupid cunt, we can all read and answer on the same damn topic. since you and this sere chick are on the same side, does that mean you are the same person? do you think that only the person you directed your comment to is allowed to give an opinion on the topic? do you even know how this shit works? i don’t think so.
please, make an appointment today to see your doctor about your meds as it is obvious to everyone here that you are not right.
also, no one wants to voice with you-we do not give a shit where you are from. like literally no one fucking cares even if you ARE the same person.
god you are dumber than a bag of hair. you have to be trolling, because no one can be this stupid.
Right so you just decide to answer to questions I ask directly to “someone else”? Yeah ok.. Try again lol.
Keep talking about yourself you pathetic sad and utter twat faced cunt
@Steffani if you are speaking to me Tigz then say so bitch because first I will again say am not the owner of this site nor am I in SL and am not going to come in there just to prove that I can. Btw you and your little tiny brain need to work on your skills as I even put out my email address for anyone to see as I have no concerns answering anyone back. Get off the whine train with your fellow skank I see she doesn’t have the fucking balls to reply back or address any concerns that I put in that email. Know why? She is nothing more than a bully except when someone has the balls to stand up to her, then she turns herself into a whiny pussy and a coward. Yes Morgana use your blog to hide behind if you have guts email me and I will tell you my exact name so you can take it to the internet police to say I have been harassing you but just remember this it works both ways bitch. Bring it on.
Lol I already did say I was speaking to you? Lol, you’re giving yourself away being the same person using the same lines over and over, Hm, so if I join a group from your profile, on that note lol. It’s going to say you’ve not logged into SL for 2 years? Hmm ok lets see about that shall we?
No you have nothing of those your just a whiny bitch. FFS is this whole world turning into bunch of sick stupid ass cunts. Omg I have this I have this I have that … shut the fuck up and make your life better bitch please agoraphobia – avoiding situations that might couse you to panic make you feel traped and shit … I see your doing great here loud as a motherfucker. Depression maybe get your life together don’t argue with people on the internet and stop being a cunt. See some joy in living. Deppresed at 26 for what? hahah. C-PTSD bitch just dont … were you in a war? have you seen people killed around you? Were you molested? If people can get out of harder situations then you sure can get out of it too … whiny ass cunt … grow some “balls” ffs. Not everything is a disorder your just a whiny little bitch. If your 26 you can still turn your life around and stop feeling sorry for yourself. My god everything is a disorder nowdays … I would all send you to 1941 into the war zone and left you there … bunch of whiny cunts thats what you are. Is there no strenght in humans anymore I guess not your just all some sick wierdos ruining this earth with this and that anxiety. There I said it! Stop complaining how much mental ilnesses you have like your compeating if you can have more then Morgana. You two are perfect for each other – just go and marry her or something at least she wont complain about guys anymore. All bunch of whiny ass cunts if you ask me! So sorry for for your lives girls
@smartpee…you dont need to be part of war for ptsd. It is just very common in that area.
Pissy peee peee peee peee head whiener wiener weeeener.
Mhm yeah I’m on 150mg Setraline and other medication having mental health reviews with my doctor every 2 weeks (hence why I am late replying now actually lol) for no reason at all ok… lol.
I think its so funny how ignorant you are though, saying I don’t understand mental health with the lovely essay you just commented lol, you clearly do not have a clue your self. I have for your information been through a lot of abuse ~ which I’m not going into details here. That’s my choice, is that alright by you?
My Agoraphobia does not effect me typing on a website lol, it effects my ability to go out. Depression is a chemical imbalance – my brain isn’t producing enough serotonin, which makes you feel happiness, so I have to have medication to raise it right up, it doesn’t get rid of my symptoms, but it stops me feeling like I’d be better off dead literally lol.
C-PTSD is due to undergoing long term, repeated abuse – by three different abusers.
I don’t feel sorry for myself, if you knew anything in the slightest about depression, you’d realise we don’t tend too, and if we do our minds will actually beat us up about that anyway.
I’m not complaining lol I’m just proving that I do know about mental health because you said I didn’t. Anything I say you’re just gonna use against me though, right?
@steffani….no one needs to know or does anyone even care wtf is wrong with you or what meds you take and how many times you visit your doc. I work in mental health and you’re really making me raise an eyebrow. If you do work in the same type of field then i pity those you “help” because you are clearly unhinged and should not be helping anyone but yourself. Smh
Don’t state I know nothing about mental health then when I have a lot more then you lol.
Mhm very rich coming from you lol. How many different accounts you using here?
p.s I don’t care, if you care, if you hadn’t noticed.
Lol your make believe job lets see your credentials aye before you go judging hers. I really feel sorry for anyone under your care.. no wonder suicide rates go up over there.
Not complaining I think how many times have you brought your own mental illness into your replies now. As someone asked are you as pathetic as Morgana now that we should boo hooo you so you can play the victim. Get over yourself as you have no idea what the fucking hell most of us have been through in their lives and I will not put mine out there because one it is something I am proud to be a survivor than a fuckin whiner like you. Secondly, it’s my personal life, its help me become who I am today and was not because of one incident but that’s not the issue. In all the years when I was in SL and gallantly listened in Im’s to all her crap about how pathetic her life is and on and on trying to boost her up yet took one moment just one speaking up to her that she turned into this vicious monster with words spouting that knocked me for a loop all because I had the balls to finally stand up to her. So you and she can go fuck yourselves and yes I have absolutely no compassion, no empathy for either of you.
Neither of us are morgana. But you cunt can fuck yourself you are just a deluded keyboard warrior. All mouth. This is how you spend your sad excuse of a pathetic life reallly good for you sweatie bitch.
@Sere & the other twat at first I came only to clear up of who I was, nothing more – yet what Morgana gets away with until finally someone steps up and calls her out. Bravo! As I have repeated myself over and over am one person on here no one else that you keep accusing me of using alts. Not that I owe you or anyone else to prove that it was an email but I will because I rather prove how fucking stupid all 3 of you are http://grabilla.com/0851e-f1d9999a-4f01-4643-93da-359088a382d4.html# ~ that shows my name, my email address and since I do have consideration to others I did not open to expose that skanks email addy, which I could of. By the way you fucktard I have sent that one email to her and under online harassment, it states that whoever receives unwanted emails have to contact that person telling them to never contact them again if they do then it is considered harassment and not till. So go back and tell that cunt either she contact me directly and not send her twat minions to do her work. Morgana brought this on herself throughout the years with her vicious manipulative ways and again I so applaud someone else standing up to that cunt. Am taking the high road and cutting myself done with this. Have said what I needed to say to point out how someone who thinks she is untouchable yet remember that saying people in glass houses should not throw stones as Morgana is learning she should have kept her private life out of any type of public forums, since it makes it all fair game and my friend Karma has come to bite her skanky ass. Oh, and to you specifically Sere please recheck your… Read more »
Sweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee SweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee SweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee SweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee SweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee SweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeSweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Sweatttttieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
^ lol
Also, she is calling you sweatie instead of sweetie, its done on purpose.. considering you had a fanny fit about your other name you go by on smartpee, and me not being psychic to know you “apparently” didn’t just didn’t ironically misspell SmartPea as it’s normally known as, you’d think you’d not be so nick picky about that. Going off how many times you say the word skank, stanky and cunt I don’t think you’re in any place to tell someone about their grammar because you can barely think of many words to use yourself lol.
Also, ironically, quit being so paranoid because we have not been sent here by her, we’ve just made that choice ourselves.
“I’m taking the high road” lol wow well, that’s nice and dramatic lol.
Well, lovely essay. That screen shot proves nothing actually considering you’ve cut most of it off. Try again haha.
I don’t care if you have no compassion or empathy lol. I’m not asking for it, I’m just suggesting when it comes to mental health generally… maybe you should have some. Like I already said, I am not the only one. What you’ve been saying is extremely ignorant.
What exactly am I playing victim against? Lol.
I’m not whining lol, if I was whining I wouldn’t be pointing out the positive of me helping myself and others.
It’s your wishful thinking that I’m whining and bothered by you lol.
Also, on that note. What about Robin Williams? Did you have no empathy for him either, diagnosed with CPTSD and Depression from bullying. Many other celebrities who have had depression, ptsd, still have infact. Some of them sadly are not here now. No compassion for them? Yeah. Have a think before you continue to try attack me because I am not the only person to have mental health conditions you know. Your not only slagging off me, you’re slagging off a lot of people. Good job your anonymous on some shit website though right? Cause I bet you wouldn’t dare to speak to anyone like that face to face. Lol, so you go ahead miss intimidating lol.
Robing Williams at least didnt sound or act like a child in junior high still. You certainly didn’t see him bragging about having all this training, degrees, then go on about his medication and mental illness. The way you behave in all this is ridiculous and not very adult
Lool that’s only the way you have perceived it. Lol you’re so funny literally, first I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, now I need to stop being proud of myself, um which is it going to be?
Such big words if you truly know what that even means and did you know that actually, Robin Williams was suffering from Dementia and Parkinsons that finally drove him to suicide so please get YOUR facts straight. He was losing his mind slowly, which has to be so traumatic and cruel.
It was an example of someone having PTSD and Depression, which he also had.
Steffani thanks for proving me right … just a whiny cunt. That’s what you fucking are. Take your life back and stop being a victim . Cause that’s exactly what you are doing. Bitch what you doing on the internet if you have so many other problems ffs. Go take care about yourself and I will never ever feel sorry for your sorry ass cause I was abused and beaten too but I’m not bringing it up every possible time. I dont need people to feel sorry for me and I’m sure not bothered by it today . I just live my life with no pills no doctors no PTSD and no FUCKING anxiety. You whiny ass cunt that’s all you are – there are people who had much more cruel stuff happen to them and they live a normal life. Sorry but you just sound like a whiny cunt playing a victim. Now go off internet and go eat some more pills. What is this world coming to really. AGAIN WHINY LITTLE CUNT just like MORGANA! Your not getting no sympathy from me
Lol I only brought it up because you stated I have no clue about mental health. I do from my own experience, and my training to support people with mental health is my point.
I’m so sorry that you are hurt that someone else can have problems and not just you. Maybe though, if you helped yourself you could accept that instead of begging for the focus and sympathy right here yourself.
I don’t want you to feel sorry for me. I couldn’t care a less. If I wanted that I’d of asked for it lol. No where have I implied you need to feel sorry for me.
Also good for you, though you’re showing clear signs of anxiety the way you are typing to me actually, denial aswell. I am well aware people have had it worse then me, where did I state I’m worse off then everyone else? Lol no where. I’m just stating things as they really are for me. I’m sorry to get your hopes up but you’re not in control of me, or my past lol.
Go eat some more pills? Wow, so you want me to overdose and you’re preaching about how bad people are wishing death on others? Ok, great logic there.
Just remember this, everyone is effected by things differently. You think what you wanna think about me, I really do not care. Lol you’re telling someone whose trained to help people, and herself with mental health and on anti-depressants, all that shit above. You’re not getting very far with that, because all I see is that you are just going against me, using what ever I say against me, as a distraction from your own pain you are not facing, taking all that rage out on me.
Steffani with two degrees has no sense of humor. SamrtPee was on purpose but yeah if you have nothing smart to say change the topic to my name why not. You are as stupid as they come.
So, I’m stupid for not being psychic to conveniently know that you put SmartPee, instead of whats commonly known as SmartPea on purpose? Alright lol.
Ok I SEE OYU NEED TO BE QUOTED: “For the record though, you know Pee… that’s the word for piss, urine? Hm are you into the watersport/scat play girl? Cause you seem to be very interested in how Morganas arse smells?
Maybe you should of realised how ironic you are, before misspelling “Smart Pea”. Lol. Do carry on though.
I never wanted to write SmartPea so go suck a dick or something. Anyway Steffani thats totally out of topic and If you have nothing better to say just move the fuck on. Your just as stupid as Morgana. She should really call you and make you her friend you two are the same pathetic cunts.
It was on topic because you asked me how her arse smelt lol, so I was asking (or I’ll be honest taking the piss lol) if you’re into some kinda fetish with your name.
I still see you in Morganas ass Steffani … is it smelly in there our you just can’t claw you way back out? Again asking for research reasons.
Lol I didn’t even notice you asked that. Really, I’m being asked about my maturity with that? Ok lol. Maybe be a little less desperate for attention “smart”pee.
For the record though, you know Pee… that’s the word for piss, urine? Hm are you into the watersport/scat play girl? Cause you seem to be very interested in how Morganas arse smells?
Maybe you should of realised how ironic you are, before misspelling Smart Pea. Lol. Do carry on though.
Steffani and Sere, celebrating someone’s death is fucking evil. She shot herself in the leg with this new video, she proves everyone again and again what kind of low life person she is.
Celebrating an abusers death is delightful!
You taken it way too literal. She was relieved that an abuser was gone. Get out a little more seriously.
LOL keep deflecting. She was relieved that an abuser was gone knowing he died. She knew he died and she was happy that he was gone. What am I taking too literal??
You know, it’s not your fault you’ve clearly lead a very sheltered life. If you have no experience with an abuser. Don’t judge cause you haven’t got a clue how much of a relief it is when they are gone. Yet it still comes back to haunt you. She did have every right to feel glad that she could be safe, yes.
I haven’t had that sheltered life sadly. Yes, I have had to deal with an abuser and so has another family member of mine. I can assure you with complete certainty, anyone normal does feel relief but to actually go out, get drunk and celebrate the death of someone; that was a new one. Then, within in approx. a minute later, she claims she has NEVER wanted or wished for anyone dead. Wow, she sure could not keep that story straight for long, could she?
Someone please correct me if I’m mistaken about this, but was this not originally about her getting into a fight with a designer, said designer booted her to the curb and called her out about her behavior? Unless I missed a secret in there, basically from my understanding this was started, this time, regarding that occurrence.
Looking back, I do note that there was mention of her talking a lot regarding her personal life in a couple of secrets, but those individuals did not give details on that either. The details all seem to have come from one person here, Morgana herself, on her vlog. Now, that is her choice but I also noted the level of her voice, the little nuances in how it has changed during this. She really does love the attention, the drama and her stories keep getting more and more elaborate to elicit more dramatic reactions from people. Do I suspect some lies in there? Oh yeah, because I have known her since 2009 and have seen her stir up trouble a number of times.
By the way, I was talking to Bruh, which you also replied on. That’s twice now you’ve replied on an alt account here. I’m not even mocking you at this point that’s serious that you haven’t even noticed. That’s usually a sign you need an assessment for something.
Listen whoever the fuck you are am talking to you Steffani why not just shut the fuck up and go away. I am not Lourdes Denimore ~ my SL name is and always has been Tigrezz Shamrock. Got a problem with that deal with it since you have now peaked my interest in the interesting site and looks like I am not going away any time soon.
WOAH BAD ARSE ALERT LOL really do you think your intimidating? Lol. I do not have a problem with your name where have I stated that? I’m just confirming that you are on multiple accounts lol.
Ohhh more shit keyboard turd warrior we are sooo scared
Lol oh I know literally spell checking every word cause I’m shaking that hard lol
Actually they aren’t replying on an alt account. Stick with what you know best, which appears to be making yourself look foolish by defending a person you don’t know.
Geeze between you and the french bitch, trying to conjure up fake drama, we have our hands full.
Yes they are lol, should I say, YOU are. It’s pretty obvious.
She never even said that she went out and got drunk, that’s your assumption/exaggeration of what she said. Fyi, if you didn’t click on, I have had an ex abuser pass away myself. I was in part relieved because me and others could be safe now.
You come across like you’ve had a sheltered life because of your lack of compassion nor understanding for her. Maybe, sort your own issues out first before going after her because are you being constructive, or helping yourself or her? No. You’re just being spiteful. That’s not going to help you move forwards with your life.
Actually, I stand corrected. She admitted instead to being ecstatic, while laughing her ass off about it, regarding him going out, getting hit by a car. Due to the fact that she is so full of herself right now though, she is not talking very clearly and it literally sounds like she is saying she got drunk. Right now, she is drunk with the attention and drama surrounding her but yeah, there you go.
As for compassion, I don’t really have much for people like Morgana, who creates her own issues and drags people with her. If you have not figured it out, I have seen the very ugly, manipulative, petty, lying side of her and have found that she is not someone to trust. As long as you have a purpose, can be used to benefit her in some manner, or you kiss her arse constantly, she has a use for you. The moment you stop being useful though, she starts her shit. The fact that she is now claiming to be harassed and bullied is laughable. Morgana is basically reaping now, what she sowed. She is guilty of all those things and much more.
As for you, I personally am wondering if you are Morgana, hiding behind a name, still stirring up the pot to see how much more trouble you can cause. You want to claim there are alts here, fine, but I don’t think I am alone in thinking you are Morgana.
Would you like to voice in-world and see? I’m British lol. End of the day, right you’ve got your thoughts, why do you have to keep projecting them? You’re the one not letting this go, not Morgana.
What does it matter she brings it on herself
Welll no. Shes not forcing you to make an opinion of it, thats your choice
Steffani if this person had abused her why not let the police be made aware and let it be handled that way as I among others know survivors of abuse and they do not celebrate the untimely death of their abuser they want their day in court to face whoever it is and let them know they have no power over them.
Firstly, how do you know she didn’t have the police involved? Even I don’t know that information lol. You do know, abusers can get out of jail? A lot of the time abusers get stupidly short times like 3 years…
Well that’s their choice, everyone is effected by things differently. Let me ask you this. If someone told you they where not bothered about Hilter dying, would you be saying the same thing now? I doubt it. So don’t have double standards.
seriously, you are comparing anyone to Hitler who tried and succeeded in killing thousands and thousands of Jews to try and make a pure race surely you must be joking as what Hitler did cannot compare to any type of rapist and I am glad Hitler is dead and anyone else who had that mentality of trying to destroy. torture, and annihilate people the way he did. what double standard is that to compare Hitler. Steffani I will only agree with the statement that yes people handle things differently some cave in and let whatever happen to them be an obstacle they never recover from, and then there are strong people that take those events to make themselves stronger and not become a victim but a survivor. Guess we know what Morgana classifies herself and that fact is sad and pathetic.
A rapist isn’t any better. Most the time its not just one person, and sometimes they do kill people aswell. I’m just saying maybe you could be less judgemental. You don’t know exactly what she was put through by that person only minimal, just the same as me I wasn’t there to see what happened to her.
For someone who proclaims to be so smart Steffani, you cannot recognize someone being sarcastic and you carry on with all your crap as well
Lol where did I proclaim that? You said that not me, so you think I’m so smart. Aw thank you. 🙂
Yes I can recognise (not recognize… again watch the little red line) sarcasm, I speak sarcasm 98% of the time lol!
Well, I have more then one degree but not really the point lol.
Does that mean yes to my question?
LoL sorry to hurt your feelings but that’s not me. You just painted a target on some innocent person’s back.
You lyiiiing cow lol I’ve seen the IM talking about exactly the same shit you’ve been putting here!
You do understand that this is a PUBLIC website, right? virtual-secrets get a solid traffic, which means anyone can read this. Sorry for your butthurt there and what appears you getting triggered but, Lourdes is one of those people that says it how she sees it and you at least will know where you stand with her, with no doubts. Oh, and since you love to ask for proof, I do have to wonder if you asked good ol’ Morgana for solid proof of this, and I am not talking about copy and paste but actually screen grabs of the actual convos. Must have proper proof after all, right Stefani?
Proper proof of what Tigz? I did yes but its on my phone lol. Again, WRONG ACCOUNT…. Lol You should be commenting on FunnyFace to be asking me that cause that’s the account you was asked for proof on. Lol oh my god, you’re one of those that quotes everything you see but have no idea what it actually means.. Triggered, refers to a flash back from the past from particular things like places, yeah could be text, music, smells, objects basically anything that has traumatised you. Do you really think I am traumatised by this, having a symptom of PTSD from this? Lol no… So do stop using that out of context its not making you look very smart, at all, think for yourself and come up with something a little more original.
Also, LOL I’m not butt hurt over this site… That’s exactly why I am mocking you for paying for this website 9+ years.. Your PAYING for this site wasting your money…
You really are a twit, aren’t you? Yeah, you are triggered and no, you don’t have to be exclusively suffering from PTSD to be triggered. If you were as educated in the health field, as you claim to be, you would know that.
As for my account, this is the one and only account on here that I have. Reading your response though, it sounds more and more like you have no idea who you are talking to. You sound delusional, paranoid and possibly schizophrenic. Translation: It is sounding more and more like I’m really talking to Morgana, because you sound like a complete nutter too.
oh Morgana you need to take your meds, step away from the computer lot of people have read the comments that Lourdes made on here
Shh!! Let’s just watch the crazy unfold.

Lourdes is banned completely from SL. You are the idiot.
Nope she is using an avatar to harass morgana multiple reports have gone in against her. The sad cunt needs to move on
One thing that people know about me is that I don’t hide who I am or talk shit on alts. What I have to say I say as myself. I want you to know it was me who said it. What’s the point if no one knows I said it.
So who ever is allegedly harassing Morgana, it’s not me. So report all you want. Doesn’t change a damn thing here. Just another chapter of fabricated drama in the Morgana trainwreck.
Keep lieing ho bag we know you did it. Vile vindictive twat
Shes obviously not lol
Least Morgana has a life to talk about AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
Bluntasf. I mean you seem more triggered just from my point of view with your cheap insults. That’s just me I mean seems like now days we gotta put signs on everything because people can’t think for themselves. Steffani I think we need to just put up a sign that says, “DON’T CONTINUE TO FOLLOW OR LOOK AT IT IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE TRIGGERED ABOUT THE SHIT ON THERE” some people just play sl too much they have lost true common sense and have to be shown direction in big bold letters.
Wasn’t it the other two who were trigged anyway? with about 150 comments between them…
@Danny….you have no clue what triggered even means do you? Because if you really think I sound triggered in any of my comments then you really need glasses sweetie….and maybe a dictionary. Js
So, you and steffani are on SL too much?
@Steffani & Sere- both of you sound about as bat shit crazy as your friend The Trainwreck Morgana. Holy hell! Someone put a muzzle and leash on these bitches.
Keep talking about your own mouth ho bag not all of us like all our holes plugged of little weiners like you dear dont put off your shit to us.
And there is that junior high talk again
Lol says you talking to yourself, liking your own comments on multiple accounts? Alright.
is her blog her life? that is truly pathetic then.
Well no, what you did is took that out of context, intentionally.
Steffani is it fun to be so deep in Morganas ass? Just asking for research reasons
If you wanna find out so much why don’t you for yourself? You really are fond of her arse Pee.
Nobody understood “their” goals ? more views on youtube and flick—> free promo !
Not all the promotion is a good promotion …sorry if you can hardy get 100 views together on 1.6k subs then there is something wrong … but ok. There are less and less designers who want to work with her so you let them promote her all they want there is nothing good coming out of this. What do the views on Flickr and Youtube get you? There are no designers to work with u and there are no people who will watch your videos in the future unless you have another meltdown … but that too will get old.
If that is considered having a life, then let us all be greatful for not have a life to talk about.
In her new video, the “professional victim” Morgana is clearly admitting that she celebrated someone’s death (7:50) . It is clear that she is a psychopath. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6XIC6NEeiU&t=314s
She celebrated someones death that imposed a lot of upset on people. I did same thing when i found out my bio dad died. He was a rapest nothing like the stepdad that raised me. ALSO i have been through abuse from an ex an raped. So yep say what you want but day he goes i will dance on his grave tok.
Btw i am over that shit so be stupid an try use it as a weakness. Won’t work
@BruhI did hear the comment where she is giggling about some dude got hit by a car and died and it seems from the comment she was speaking of a child molester. she had to explain the definition of a parent, which truly surprised me since the known fact that I would not wish on anyone is having her children taken. again she had made the comment she would not be bothered by this site that she will not name LOL because she does not want to advertise. she states the time was at 4 am that she again had to do another rant to explain and clarify statements yet she loves to whitewash the truth so much these days it’s pathetic and as much as I detest her am actually feeling nothing but pity and sorrow for someone who truly has some mental issues that should be addressed. CPS doesn’t take children away for no reason and the reasons are major citing severe drug use, mental incapacity, just to name a few. her latest rant just proves the point there are mental issues involved. sad and pathetic
@FunnyFace I listened it again and she says she was ecstatic about it and that at the time she was celebrating. I don’t hear anywhere her saying celebrating them as a person and her delivery was quite joyful too. You may know more then I do, maybe I missed something.
Celebrate your abusers do you? I don’t
at the beginning, she was talking about the deaths of her father in law and father and celebrating them as people then went on to ramble about she never wished anyone to die yet that is when you heard her say about celebrating this person dying with the explanation that he molested young girls and get what he deserved.
No she never celebrated death of either farther. But another bastard that hurt people
What I was getting at, if you want me to spell it out for you… is, maybe, if you had a life of your own, you could focus on your life and not someone elses! 😀
Laughing at your comment and let me spell it out for you tell Morgana then to keep her life’s drama off her blog, and Plurk where her meltdowns, comments and her long whining vlogs make it into here.
No ones in control of Morgana herself, she can do what she wants its her blog, plurk etc. It’s pretty easy don’t look at what shes doing if it bothers you.
Then keep your hate to yourself dictator. Her blog her choice
Oh wow, are you like god or something? No… you can’t control what she wants to do on her own accounts. It’s real easy. If it actually gets to you that bad, stop looking at them.
@steffani… aaand you can’t control what people say in here….but keep on trying though because it’s really just more amusing for me to read.
Did I say I could control anyone? No, I’ve not told you what to do, I’ve made a suggestion. There’s a difference. I’m just stating also my view of how incredible sad you are lol.
@steffani….the only sad bitches here are 2….because i am laughing and so is everyone else here…at you 2. You have done nothing but just show how batshit crazy you both are…..which i will say…please continue! I really do enjoy the screeching from triggered twats lol
Nope your trying to do it about morgana dont play victim
Talking to these folks is like talking to a stick
Lol wow what a come back shiiit I’m really blown out by that daaaaaaaaaamn you bad arse lol.
Completely agree with you Steffi.
Lol I think she rage quit. Lol.
@steffi lol rage quit? Now isn’t that some wishful thinking. You 2 can go ahead and continue to defend that whining waste of a lot space until you’re blue in the face. It really wont change anyone’s opinions. Js
I said think for a reason, I don’t care if she does or not lol. I don’t care if we change opinions either, it works both ways you wont force change either. Lol do think before you stamp your fingers on your keyboard.
It’s her life you’re so bothered about though! Looooool shooting yourself in the foot a bit aren’t you!
Keep lieing about her and making fake shit up. We all know the shit your coming up with is probably your actual real life not hers. If she chooses to vlog or blog or share her own stuff thats her choice dont twist it because you don’t like her. You should be ashamed of yourself making these lies up.
of all the people on here, Lourdes is the least to make shit up just a very good researching and wow she got her children taken away huh? Makes her Mommy of the year doesn’t it. CPS doesn’t do that hastily either my my my what a tasty tidbit for the stuck-up mighty Morgana. Lourdes might not dislike Morgana has she has no past history with her but I will admit it from the rooftops that I detest a person like Morgana who puts on that sugary sweet exterior but on the inside she is pure evil. Guess Karma is coming to visit you Morgana to give you your due and it’s about time. No one has the balls to say it in person or face to face but I sent you an email telling you just what I truly think of you. I might have been a noob asking for blog advice and was a friend till you sliced me up only because am not afraid of you and spoke my mind.
I don’t dislike Morgana I find her amusing. She’s a trainwreck and a good source of occasional entertainment. Every few months she goes off the deep end and ends up on secrets. Then we get the usual about how she is the victim and everyone is lying about her.
As far as her blogging I a!ways thought her avatar was cute and that she was a good photographer.
So nope don’t dislike her and nope don’t need to make up shit about her. She provides enough of a soap opera on her own.
#42 Translated:
Look, I rescued a dying dog and I got pregnant and gave birth so you all shouldn’t be fact-checking, you should be telling me what a saint I am. Others created this charity event without being prompted because I’m so great and deserving. I’m also humble. I’m just a victim who has tried everything humanly possible to fix my life and it’s everyone else’s fault that I can’t afford to support myself and my child.
I’m too busy being a hard-working single mother who rescued a dying dog and worked for a big SL brand to have been madly refreshing SL Secrets every few minutes for the last couple weeks and it’s not getting to me at all. I totally don’t care that this thing blew up in my face and now everyone knows what a deadbeat I am.
You forgot the part about throwing away piles of ill-gotten money being gullible enough to think a lawyer can strong-arm LL into bending the rules.
#38 The combined weight of those people in RL would make any bus touch the ground.
You ain’t wrong. Middle-aged, unhappily-married, yell-at-your-kids-on-mic lonely and depressed housewives struggling to breathe and using their pudgy, stubby little fingers to dress themselves up as sexy “little girl” characters. The smell of childhood trauma wafts pungently from that place.
And let’s not forget the useless, dead-end middle-aged men who have worked themselves into believing that because they’ve tricked the odd mentally broken woman online into having voice sex with them they’re “players” and “dominant daddies.”
As far as this secret goes, I’m not sure which is worse: being a “Ladies Man” on a videogame or taking staged photos of you being a “Ladies Man” on a videogame. Both mean people laugh at you, I guess.
bitch, don’t lie and pretend you ain’t fat too
Sweetheart, I’ll post my RL pictures, if you will. 🙂
Very adult of you (not)
It’s also very true :^) Don’t get butthurt because you’re huge in RL and have a Barbie avatar in SL.
I’ve never been “butthurt” before, but hey, whatever helps you sleep at night
For the love of God why do you fucking cunts give a fuck about who’s fucking pussy that Lance cunt is shoving his dick in… Honestly you all look like wanna be fucking cunt hoes.
well cuz they jealous it ain’t their pussy
i call them Jelly Honuts
#28 Don’t and won’t shop at Kaithleens anymore. 3000 for a shape? Her shape ?!?!!? Lmao. Greedy bitch. Anybody can play with sliders : )
She’s got a nice shop, makes nice things. If people are dumb enough to pay 3K for a shape, they deserve to lose 3K on something you can make from SL sliders. Why is charging so much for that? The fuck knows. A few hundred linden is a reasonable amount to charge for saving time and doing a decent job.
I could sell my custom shape…. maybe I will…. but not for 3k.
fuck you…. must not been around when shapes were 5k and skins were 10k …it takes a long time to get a shape looking original…seriously go fuck yourself…. if someone likes it they will pay it…you DO not have to buy it …its that simple
You were clearly shopping at the wrong places back then.
I don’t remember shapes being 5k and skins being 10k. I made a whole beautiful avatar for less than a grand
A long time ago, before the business in a box drama, there was something called premium pricing. People believed the more expensive an item was the better. Not everyone subscribed to that rule but it was common to see expensive items. I once paid 100 dollars for a poker table. Why? Beautiful textures, great gameplay, and admirable scripting. Now everything is Walmart/sweatshop pricing and I feel bad for single creators having to support a bunch of bodies and whatnot.
I remember a fatpack of skins being 10k. Back before tattoo layers, one skin release could be 10-15 skins with different makeup and brow colors at 1.5k each or so. So the fatpack would be 10k easy.
I don’t remember 5k shapes but I know some were around 1k.
What does that have to do with what the prices are now? In theory, a skin should cost more than a shape, and there’s a lot of skins for around 1.5 to 2.5k nowadays. This is why her pricing seems inflated to some people.
OK my 2 cents (5 Lindens) on the matter I somehow had a note announcing this shape was on sale quite a number of weeks ago, must be at least 3 months, maybe more. Well I’m in Kaithleen’s group anyway. Why this sudden outrage about it just now, this is really really hard to guess… By stating my things here I take for granted that the sold product includes a detailed style card, since a shape without it is just of no use. Honestly I’ve been at the shop and couldn’t find any mention of it anywhere. For sure, if I was ready to buy the shape I’d make sure that the card is actually included, or I would give up. Well when I received the note I actually thought the shape was cheap. There are lots of overpriced things in SL and this one’s supposed to be unique, thus priced accordingly. I’m sure that Kaithleen feels like she’s very beautiful and unique, selling her shape gives away part of this uniqueness, so I would have thought it to have a much higher value. Anybody’s speculations about her to really be beautiful or unique is totally meaningless on the matter of price. If you don’t like the shape, of course you won’t buy it. I do feel beautiful and very unique too, and sometimes I was even asked if I’d sell my appearance in any way. I sure wouldn’t, but in case I’d change my mind it wouldn’t be for anything near such price. Something on the order of 5 times the price would be my feeling, maybe more. You take it or lose it, it’s the market’s law. This is why I thought that Kaithleen’s shape was cheap. There’s another law on the market, which is just as true.… Read more »
Question: If I purchased this shape, would I be able to see the values of the sliders, type ’em out and give them away for free on the marketplace?
@Bobby only if the shape was modifiable you could and if you look on Marketplace there is a range of prices. for me, 3k is on the tad expensive side for a shape, especially when a lot of skin stores sell the shape as well and all are under 1K. not saying shapes are cheap but I and am sure many others started with a shape that might have been in the range of 600-800 and now mine is tweaked so much it probably doesn’t come close to the original. if people pay that amount more power to the seller then it is all a matter of taste and what they think by getting such an expensive shape it is the best.
If a shape is mod, you can see all the values. When it comes to shapes.. even if you offed them by one number… or dont. Who is going to know? Not saying its right, but it’s not as tricky as clothing items, decor, etc
Even if a shape is non-modifiable, surely you can see what slider settings it has applied to your own avatar?
I wouldn’t even bother changing numbers, just think it’s outrageous that someone thinks they can change 3K for shape.
No, if it is no mod, you can’t see the sliders- think of trying a demo shape. You can’t see the sliders on it. Much like a no mod anything else, if say the textures are no mod, you can’t access them in edit.
Ah, noted. As you can tell, I don’t Second Life very well. I’m still new at this nonsense!
Even though I think 3k is just omg ridiculous! Even if I paid for shapes I would laugh at that price and keep moving! Its more than the mesh bodies cost LOL! BUT if you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Nuff said!
I meant to begin with I agree with you btw…
#6 David just told me in IMs that He did not created the post 6.
I don’t know what is going on.
I guess anyone can use a name and post stuff, but why piking on he?
He also told me that he indeed have a diagnosed mental condition call Aspergers, but he does not think it is a disability… and he says he hate diapers and never wear them.
So I guess we need to take with a grain of salt everything posted in SL Secrets.
well that or you know he is lying >.> people do that too ya know. js idek what we are talking about
I wonder if he changes his voice in his head when he is typing this stuff under different names.
on 31. 32. 33. I am going to say only that this person is often mentioned on SL Secrets for the same accusations time and time again. I don’t think that the poster revealing themselves is the answer. It would be a better motion to be open about Skippy and share it with everyone in your photo circle. I say this because I am sure like most, you were one of his many adult followers, hooked into his charm to later find out he was Aleister Crowley in a Peter Pan outfit. The same people who were in all accounts, being brutally vindictive to other people that Skippy had lied that they were bad people and out to get him. The Boy who cried Wolf is a fitting tag to put on him. So now you have seen “the light” as it truly is. This is not breaking expose as was said before in SL Secrets, people have known this for a long time. It is only the blissfully ignorant followers he has who have not been set alight yet who are supporting his bullshit. If it was not for them, he would not be here. He would be the non-entity he his and nobody would give a rats arse. Over time Skippy has been burning people, being two-faced, manipulative and vengeful , devious and getting other people to do his bidding, which later (when he eventually burns them) will later look bad themselves for taking part in his manipulations. I think coming on here and saying things about Skippy is justified and he is not a sweet little boy. However, you would be better to join up and talk about it with his 1000 followers who seem to be sucked into his crap every-time he sticks a picture up.… Read more »
Can someone explain how is he awful? I’m not here to defend him I don’t even like child avis, just want to know what your conclusion was based on. Share the chat logs and gossips. I wanna know! we all do
@ Curious. There are many, some going back on SL Secrets for months. If you read up on them and the explanations given, I am sure there will be enough to start some research on. There are many names that have cropped up that he has been vindictive to, simply because his own disgruntlement they do not like him, like his pictures etc because they challenged his behaviour and saw through him. This includes on the growing lists of people including his ex family and friends, who he had little regard to and often abused the rights given to him to ban people (again a recurring theme) from events, magazines, land and even groups both inworld and Flickr where he is given rights to and abuses for his own drama and anything he has the effect of an ear to listen to. It is well known if he does not like you, will do as much to discredit you, push you out from opportunities etc. As for the people he has burned, I know a few and they all tell the same story. Some even came in Sl Secrets and told the forum on the experiences they had with him. Of course he stays silent, saying everyone is lying of course. He has not been here yet to state his case and he won’t. He knows the barrage he will get with examples he will have to answer and he has no answers to give. Because they are right and because he uses his friends to fight for him while he causes very big problems with people. As one person put it, he is a sociopath and I totally believe them. Nobody will share chatlogs, he would use that to get back at people. He is very devious, have to… Read more »
#9…. Why does he have a tattoo on his hair? For someone who clearly gets way too much attention, surely someone could have given him a heads up on how to apply layers… Dude looks like he’s been to the state fair & paid $20.00 for a spray on tattoo but thought putting it on his head would be wicked cool….
#23 To all the defenders of Narcisse, perhaps the point is that whatever the fuck that outfit is (cos it’s butt-ugly), it’s not 100% original because the template version is nearly identical. Sure, the mesh is slightly different but the concept is the same. If that was the point, then it can hardly be called original. But, wtf is original anyway…esp in SL so don’t go hating on me.
I’ll tell you what *is* 100% original though, stupid Narcisse’s fucked-up spelling of the word ‘textures’ in her vendor poster hahaha.
it is not even close to being the same…and creatives is ALSO taken from a REAL life design as MOST designers in SL do …get over yourself
Nunchuck, you dipstick, you also missed the point. Try reading the words R E A L L Y S L O W L Y next time. It might help with comprehension.
Calm down lady! Sounds like you have a personal issue with a designer. I could go to about 15 different top designer clothing stores and find torn jeans that look pretty close to each other. Its fashion honey. Get a grip!
Hey ‘Observer’…get a new name… you missed my point completely.
#2 and 16. I have to admit, it is about time that Morgana gets exposed for the drama creator that she is. As for #2 and that tiny text..NO! I just about killed my eyes just trying to read the first sentence there. I did locate the original posting for that, by that creator and for anyone interested in what it says, here it is in clear text: Mariah Kenny: “This is my reply to Morgana Hilra’s youtube video about me. I do not apologize for anything, I don’t believe one bit her fake video, she did this to play the victim as she did so many times already when she had feuds with other people. Yes, I believe she is a cunt and a pathological liar and there will be no apologies for that because it is the truth. This is my comment on her video that will probably get deleted: Wow, just wow. Turning any situations into a way to get a bit more sympathy. Of course, you didn’t miss the opportunity to play the victim again. You made this video as soon as you got rejected from my blogger list and act like you are the bigger person now. You made this video because you wanted a reaction from me, you craved for the drama. Well, I am a human being with a lot of flaws, one of them being that I can’t stand fake people. It was clear as daylight who you were talking about when you said: “designers whom I blog for and doesn’t like what I have to say”. You were the one being offended after I wrote a very respectful comment presenting an opinion based on my own experience. Do not act like it was me having a problem with your opinion when… Read more »
Nice essay. If you suffer with insomnia, ^ there you go.
I didn’t read it hence why I didn’t say anything in reply lol.
Well, you obviously read something because I see a few posts that are larger than this one but because it’s about Morgana, you are hitting on this. Funny how that works, hmm? From what I have seen from several of your other posts in here, you seem to have a rabid defense mechanism regarding Morgana. Don’t want to hear the truth on how your “friend” screwed people over? Then you had better get some earplugs and stop reading since Mariah is not the only person who has had a massive run in with Morgana. Morgana uses her blog/vlog as a weapon. If you disagree with her or if she perceives some type of slight, she attacks you on one of them. Her posts are filled with statements to elicit sympathy and put herself in the role of victim, casting you in the darkest light as some horrible individual who accosted her in the most heinous of ways. Here is the issue with that: She has gone after people who did NOTHING to her, other than not agree with her opinion regarding something, that was in reality, trivial. She figures there is a major insult to her, even if there isn’t, and she runs to her blog/vlog and claims things that did not even happen.
Lol no comments, I’ve commented on are nearly as big as yours. Shes not my friend. So stop assuming things/wishful thinking that you have an excuse to justify yourself.
if she’s not your friend, why have you spent the last few days commenting over and over to defend her? why is this so important to you?
Because I’m nice to people who don’t deserve bullshit? Lol why do you care?
So let me get this right; you are not a friend of Morgana’s, she’s a friend of your SL auntie but you felt the need to come up here, defend her in an almost rabid fashion to the point of looking like an idiot quite a number of times, and in defending her, claiming you don’t know her, you have called a number of people basically liars when they told you something about her. Then you claim that Lourdes is spreading rumors, which at that point, Lourdes explained, quite well, how she knew what she knew, and you still got on her case, claiming she is spreading things that Morgana HERSELF, put out in the public on Plurk AND her Blog/Vlog. Riiiiight. Based on your comments, reactions, and some of your statements, I’m calling BS on you.
You want proof? Go look through her blogs, her vlogs, her plurks and all the other social media platforms she uses, where she has not quite yet deleted her rants. (Oh, I do know that Morgana is watching this like a hawk right now, and probably hitting refresh every few minutes, between cleaning up her platforms of all the nasty things she has said in the past).
Lourdes called it right, Morgana is a trainwreck and her train frequently goes off the rails, at which point, she VERY PUBLICLY melts down for all to see. Generally, when that happens, she’s usually trying to take someone down or spread bs about someone, hence why so many tend to notice that as well.
A piece of advice Stefani: BEFORE you try to defend someone to this level, find out WHO you are really defending.
I obviously know her some, just not as well as Sere or other friends of Morgana’s you didn’t ask the level though since you’re being nick picky lol, you just assumed I was up her arse which is impossible with me not knowing her as well as others. The fact I don’t should speak volumes on what an arse hole you are being actually… Oh so you’re Funnyface then lol, on the wrong account to be asking me to be searching for proof which I asked for on a different comment reply/to funnyface. Thank you for confirming you are the same sad bitch commenting all along like I suspected. You carry on raging honey. It’s alright. Morgana’s doing amazingly, despite all of this and is still carrying on with her blog, ignoring you after making her final point. Your the one raging her on this site you are paying for… so you can talk all the shit you want about her, it doesn’t make you any less bitter and jealous then you are right now. 🙂
You do know that reading comprehension is your friend, right? I would suggest you learn to use it a little better and wiser. As for assuming, I never did. I just looked at what you wrote, how you wrote it and the familiarity you are using towards references of Morgana. I am also noting how you are fairly triggered regarding this whole issue. On the norm, most “friends” who come here, speak their minds, give us a talking over and flounce not long after that. You appear to be taking this on a very very personal level, with responses that I would fully expect from Morgana.
As for me being FunnyFace, why don’t you go look at a couple of her posts and then mine and tell me if there is a similarity in the speech pattern. I’m going to bet, if you are as smart as you have tried claiming you are, you will notice some difference.
LOL you’re so delusional
I think I will leave the delusions totally up to you. For example, you thinking that Morgana is this nice, sweet person, worthy of being defended at a rabid level and making a total git of yourself in the process, or that she somehow truly appreciates all your devoted effort in defending her “honor”; btw she doesn’t really have any, because everyone knows she is the basest of slags you can find. I have a better one; the fact that I quoted another person here and to your thinking, just based off of that, that I am said individual, proving you are totally barmy. That was delusional with a little twist of paranoia in the mix, btw.
How can she be a slag when shes married? Lol. Do think before you type.
Slag – a. a worthless, contemptible person, b. a sexually promiscuous woman. You may want to pick a dictionary up one day instead of blowing off your mouth. Oh, for the record, I agree with Bree. You can be married and a slag. Why do you think divorce courts exist?
Omg you just don’t care about anything you actually say do you, you just want to argue with someone lol.
Yeah cause married people can’t be slags. Great we obviously live in a perfect world where no one is cheating on anybody. Right right!
Well is there any evidence of her cheating? Lol no.
I like how Lourdes has described her as a “total trainwreck”, which truly defines just who she is ~ and you are so right that she uses her blog as a weapon its been proven over and over then if too many people get wind of it she will delete the post saying was all an innocent mistake. I went back through her blog to find the one where she has so many nasty things to say about me but again was deleted. talk about owning up to her mistakes that is as far from the truth leaning towards fantasyland. She is spiteful, hateful and she is the one that wishes death on those that cross her path. she is her own soap opera with all the drama.
Please do provide some proof, or you too scared to show who you really are commenting?
awww hard to hear the truth Steffani Sugabum Black as the essay speaks the truth more than I can say about Morgana
Just putting in what that post was about in that overly tiny, eye-destroying font. Mariah does have a right to voice her opinion and her reply to the bs video Morgana posted up after all. If you don’t like it, don’t read it.
With the people who can’t get their money traded into cash, why can’t they just send the lindens to multiple people then have them trade to cash out? Then paypal, cash app, or western union it. Just asking cause I thought this maybe an option, if not my bad.
That is totally a doable thing, and I’m sure her legion of helpers offered before washing their hands of her. V probably didn’t want to give her RL details or paypal to anyone else so they could send it to her. Next will be the fund raiser to cover the legal costs she had to deal with to get the money out of SL.
Who the fuck is Lance? Why are you so hell bent on making him famous?
Quit making secrets about fundraisors. You donated to a scammer? Your own damn fault for being so naive.
You have dirt on Lourdes? Don’t threat. Just SHARE.
Peace out.
First thing putting up naked pictures of yourself on facebook is against the TOS, so why bother doing that in the first place? You just going to get banned.
Second thing… Anyone still goes to ROIAF? No one is ever on the streets or in the public buildings, everyone is in private houses having sex, and new players are not very welcome. Oh and everyone wants to a Lannister or some other main house.
first.. ive never even heard of this club havoc place, and im guessing no one else has either – which is i guess why they are posting secrets and commenting about it lol. then again, i guess it worked for fmd to get them traffic, so who am i to judge?
second, this vanity shit just keeps getting better and better. her “lawyers” are still apparently attempting (unsuccessfully) to get her money cashed out of sl. i guess she’d prefer to spend money going that route than i dunno.. giving her kid a home? seems like a great idea! she “only” needed $3k to get back in the house, and has already cashed out more than that but apparently decided that her priority was in getting more money out faster instead of getting back in her home or putting it towards a different home. i wonder how the people who put on the fundraiser for her and stuck their necks out feel about her spending half of the money she got out on “lawyers” instead of the stated goal? you’d think these dumbfucks would have learned from the last three fundraisers they’ve done but nope!
jenni has been a leech forever-for the last 8 years on vanity, and for 2 years that i know of on her previous av. too funny that these people are just now figuring that out.
Curious who her old avatar was. You can send it in the contact form if you wish.
her old avatar was anjelyc morales – she might even still use it who knows? had to search through old calling cards to remember the name cause i haven’t been friends with her for a long time. she’s been a leech for as long as ive known her for sure. always trying to get people to give her something for nothing, and constantly has some kind of pity me bullshit going on.
and does anyone else remember when she was constantly trying to get on bouncer’s dick and he wanted no part of that? cause i do haha. she did manage to get him to let her leech onto his pose store though so i guess there’s that.
I don’t know man. like FMD ALWAYS had high traffic. been there for YEARS and the traffic was always over 30 k or even more ….
@26. I’ve always been impressed with his work. But with his horrible time management and greed to take on more clients than he could handle? What a fucking disappointment — especially when I’ve been looking up to him as an artist myself. FFS. What an embarrassment to the rest of artists on SL especially those who take on commissions as well.
#13 I know that whore, I have worked with her @Demonic few years ago. She’s just a ugly, jealous, cheap cunt.
So let me get this straight – This girl worked as a dancer, is fat, has a nasty Vag and has bad taste in friends. She had the attention of a taken man in RL, sent him pictures and worked in SL as a dancer/slut. Is anyone surprised at this? Sounds like many nasty whores in SL.
Nicole – keep fooling your current friends and boyfriend because by their comments they sound precious and highly intelligent and FFS save all of our eyes and stop posting nudes; does that ever end well?
She knows who posted this because she knows who she was in an open relationship with, nobody is hiding here.
This one was easy – NEXT!
I never worked with Nikole, nor have I ever spoken to her to say she is a cunt or a sweet person. I will however say that I remember the pictures on facebook, they were not on her facebook. Someone made an account and put her naked pictures on the facebook page. I believe that account was terminated by facebook. It did also have a link to her personal page on another website, where the picture were uploaded by herself as well. Now cunt or sweet, which ever it may be, I have to call her ballsy. If I looked that way, there is no way I would post any pictures of myself on any webpage, where people could see my entire naked body. Yes, I looked, as I’m sure lots of others did, why after all these years it’s being brought to SL secrets is beyond me, she’s a nobody and nobody really cares if she was exposed on facebook or not. That’s just my two cents thought, what do I really know. ☺
Ballsy or just plain stupid? I never saw the pictures or Facebook page but I’d be willing to bet her nasty ass wishes she never trusted anyone with those pictures.
You’re lying through your teeth. Are you mad because Nikole is a lovable person while you’re a pathetic, neglected, cunt? Any one who has ever met Nikole has nothing but great things to say about her. So get back into your little smelly cocoon where no one knows you or likes you or pays attention to you and your venomous thoughts, and just leave the happy people alone. 🙂
Maybe try going out more often?
I have met her and thinks she is a cunt….
I’ve met her too. She is up that Skitzobass creeps ass constantly. Which only makes me think less of her. He is probably the one that posted about her. Cunts unite.
*Yawns* How long did it take you to think of that one saggy? Assuming much? See the thing is i don’t hide behind anon names like yourself..i say it how it is..So i’m sorry to disappoint you but it wasn’t me. Anyway do enjoy this awesome day i know i will. See ya.
Thank you so much Skitzo. I will enjoy my day.
wonder if this could be her “boyfriend” defending her? Hey BF, have you seen her naked? hahahaha
How pathetic are you to go after someone sweet like Nikole after all those fucking years? A cunt? That she is not. But you? You are the worst kind of cunts my sweetheart to hold something for that long. Good job for being the douche of the year.
#27 Talk about Pathetic.. ok Niki, so you meet up in RL with this Lance at a restaurant and he does not like the looks of you and leaves. Let it go. Second, there is no such thing as a Celebrity on a computer game. And last of all, no we do not ALL feel sorry for. You made the bad choice of meeting up with him esp with all these sleazy stories about him, and you want people to feel sorry for you? Learn from mistakes and move on. Stop posting the pathetic desperate ” I can’t go on without a man” line!!
There are celebrities on video games. Just look at professional/well-known League of Legends players, Fortnite players, or any other well-known video games that have an active fanbase. I do agree that there are no celebrities on Second Life, but you know.
What bout brittbong he’s a famous second life
He’s a griefer who makes videos (or used to) showcasing his talent at being an asshat.
Brittbong is an arse, if he was not so pedocentric I would give him some credibility. He is what he is, he comes on SL to get a rise, puts no investigations into his comings and goings in SL and does it for kicks and attention. If it was not SL, it would be any other game he would sit and troll on.
@OneNameOnly, Talking about Pathetic., talking about yourself i guess….Point one apparently you just assume that it was Niki who posted it. Point two, they both knew how each other looked in RL and that even though they never actually met in RL and even if they did its none of your Business to judge about it. So before you or anyone else blames her, try to get the Facts straights first, even though by now its very much clear that you have something against Niki, or else you wouldnt jump in on every single Post about her.
Use a single name when commenting and I’ll approve them.
Ok Niki, cheers! Lol
Me Niki…….uhm, sorry i know thats gonna suck right here infront of everyone when i say this, but its really not your week. You are wrong again. Kinda sad, because that again shows your clear obsession with her. I mean i must admit i was wrong, you are not only after Niki, its still an obsession but after i scrolled down a little it seems like that, while you put people down for making money in sl, for there RL families and that they dont want them to be attacked on an site like this and so on, one thing that is clear to see is that you are way over your head, you think you are so important that you have to put your comment under almost everything. Yes before you ask, most of your comments are incredible stupid, lets be honest, nothing else was expected there, but its still funny …and i Quote ” I would start a gym for these ladies with free membership to just work on their weight, their game addiction and most of all their self worth “….lets recap that for a second. I mean you would need to start it, so that you finally get a way to make money too, just btw yes Niki is alot in SL, because she makes a living out of it, sorry that you are not able to do that, oh oh wait i know your next answer ” Uhm yea sorry i have a real job that i go to every day. Tell me what is a real job. A real job gives you a task that you do every day, that you get payed for every month and that fills your fridge and pays your Bills….which is exactly the same what Niki does on SL.… Read more »
Last comment I will give to your pathetic ass Niki is that you are a LIAR. You can deny all you want that you did not post that secret about you for pity. You can make up as many names here as you like to support your comments, it IS you. What woman would talk that way about a friend esp that last comment on looks not being everything? That is from a true woman scorned, that is you. You contradict yourself so many times as well with what you wrote on secrets then saying SHE did not.. but even if she did, it is none of your business. I have ZERO obsession with your avatar. I never heard of you in SL. I just get sick when a woman is screaming for such pitty that she has to write a secret to bring attention to herself and makes herself look desperate. Maybe it is time to seek professional help, or adjust your meds. Farewell Niki
Ohh stupid people are so funny to fight with. Its ok we can go back and forth with this ” I am not Niki ” …, ” Buhuhuhu but you are “. I know you dont understand the concept of Friendship and jumping in when some stupid Bitch attacks a friend, or are you a guy….who knows, who cares, so its no use in trying to make you understand. And no obsession….excuse me. Lets see, last week, someone tryed to talk BS about Niki….who jumped in….you guessed it you did. 2 weeks ago, someone tryed to talk BS about Niki….who jumped in….thats gonna be hard to figured out for you so let me help you, yuuup you did. I know you cant remember that because you failed like so damn hard to do shit against her that everyone who seen it was laughing there ass off, but i do remember. Its funny, i think its like an common thing on here, just spilling out shit like Liar and such withouth any proof behind it. I will tell you that again, i am not Niki, i know her yes of course, i call her a friend ( thats people you like and spent time with, you wouldnt know so i am explaining it to you ^^ ). Of course i tell you that its none of your business what she does with who and when and where, because its just fucking isnt. Even more when you ” dont know her ” wink wink, of course. I know that you have no obsession with her Avi, you are not trying to harm her avi you are trying to harm the Person behind the screen thats what you have an Obsession with. But its good to know that you know about things like… Read more »
are you an idiot? you read it on sl secrets so it must be real? im asking and i need an answer. are you a fucking idiot? you don’t need to answer i’ll tell you. yes you are. you are a whole level of stupidity. ooooh yeah they said it on sl secrets for suuuure it’s true. lol. no moron, they never met so you just spent a few minutes of life commenting on something that never happened. i hope you feel like the idiot that you obviously are.
about 36, the higher price is fine. When I start selling stuff like that I’m going to go 450 or 500. Lots of other places do. I wouldn’t take knit junk though for free but that’s personal preference.
If you’re thinking of charging that much for one colour of an item as simple as those socks, there better be features to them, or some REALLY creative or unique mesh design and textures. Otherwise I’d go to another store for a similar product priced much more conservatively.
I mean come on, it’s socks. And the ones in the secret don’t look any different than a lot of socks already for sale from other stores.
Charging a generous amount isn’t unheard of, but whatever you’re offering better be worth the cost either in overall quality or uniqueness of what you’re offering.
I actually only have ONE stocking that costs more than 199L. All of my other stockings range between 159L and 199L. Do ppl expect everything to be cheap or free? do we designers not deserve to be paid for our time and work? I don’t understand this mentality that we should give away our work. If 30 cents (75L) or even 75 cents (199L) causes you so much discontent then maybe SL isnt the place for you?
Wow, let’s walk back that outburst. I was replying to fu saying they were going to charge 450 to 500L when they “start selling stuff like that” in reference to your pictured socks. I used them as a point of reference for how that much money would be inflated for a product without features or something making them worth that price in comparison to all the other very similar products on the market.
I’m well aware you don’t charge that much and while it’s a little more than I would pay for something like that, I wasn’t commenting on your prices directly.
That being said, on the bit about expectations of what people should pay in reference to RL cost: SL is a luxury “game” for most where you don’t have to pay capital for your products themselves to keep existing. You’re absolutely right that creators should reap benefits of their work, but when their competition is making similar products that do the same thing or even more at a cheaper price, then consumer expectations will shift. It’s totally your choice to charge what you feel the product is worth but I’m just putting out there why the mentality you questioned keeps coming up.
Outburst? Not in the least.
I do understand what youre saying, and i know you were referring to fu.
My contention is with the notion that I shouldn’t expect much for something i made and rigged from scratch. Its not always about the uniqueness, because time went into it nonetheless. This was actually the very 1st original mesh clothing i made almost a year ago so my skill level wasn’t very high at that point.
And no i dont have to pay “capital” but i do pay to keep my store in-world so its not as if designers don’t have costs.
Having said that, I won’t lower my prices *especially* on my original mesh because it results in my work being devalued. As much as i love a good ‘deal’, im not prepared to devalue my work.
If you understood that none of the original comment was about you specifically then why were you defending your product to me? Just seems a little defensive and odd, but ok. I’m going to preface this by saying I’m part of a SL brand that sells products in color packs or with feature huds with original mesh and textures. It’s always about uniqueness and quality vs cost. The harsh reality is the average consumer doesn’t care about your (or really any of our) time, only what they’re getting for their money. For example, if you and five other stores are selling socks like those, and everyone’s rigged for at least the most popular bodies, if customers are aware of the stores, they will always buy the ones that have either more features or more desirable textures. This is especially true if the other stores’ prices are similar or less than yours. Worse in this scenario are stores who offer multiple colours in packs. Now, does that suck being told that your time isn’t a factor in that equation? Absolutely. But that’s how it is when it comes to consumers. Unless they’re fans of you or your store they don’t care about it. Of course there are other costs to being a store owner but you have to realize that most other stores pay that too and if they’re still undercutting you then there is a problem. Or at least it will hurt your business model. As a business, compared to real life, your costs to operate are much less in comparison considering it costs nothing to keep having more of a certain product for people to buy. That is why people aren’t batting an eye at paying so little in RL money per purchase. Additionally all these goods are virtual… Read more »
I’m not defending anything to anyone. I don’t see the need to. I merely stated facts about the product for the sake of clarity. But take that how you choose to.
Im not part of a team. I do everything on my own and offer rigs in several sizes. I understand how customers think. If someone feels that my work isnt to their standards, thats fine. By all means, shop elsewhere. I dont expect everyone to like everything i do. But i will always factor my time into my pricing. I DO price my work competitively and don’t consider my store anywhere near the higher end of the price spectrum. If anything im closer to the opposite. However, you can still be ‘competitive’ without pricing your work to the point that its value suffers. And these socks were released almost a year ago. Since then i *have* released color packs and heavily discounted fatpacks since then. So i understand all that youre saying and don’t need that explained to me, I was simply curious as to how someone sees original mesh for 75 lindens and still feels thats asking for too much. That is all.
500L for ONE colour of the socks? No, not a lot of places do that.
Lol this doesn’t even offer a flat or mid feet option. Talk about versatility…
#41 couldn’t agree more
I think all three of those faces are addddooooorrrrable!!!
I see so many avatars I think are ugly in SL but am I coming on here posting it? No, it’s just jealousy. Maybe you aren’t jealous of her face but it’s something. You people are stupid. Leave her alone. She likes to be unique and I don’t blame her. I for one think she’s cute AF! Just fucking stop with the hating. Damn!
I think that this girls face is adorable, I just want to pinch those cheeks.
#6 – I want to know how absorbent the diaper is cause David is THIRRRRRSTY!!
Please. Make all the secrets you want about me. But leave my rl mom out of them. Don’t bring my dead mother into your pathetic little games. I don’t give a fuck about being on here. I honestly don’t. Just don’t ever mention my mom. That shit will piss me off
First off…Everything said in the “secret” couldn’t be further from the truth. Jayde has been in my life for several years as my grandaughter first and now as my daughter for over a year. Spatting lies about her on here just to gain a hopeful reaction is a clear definition of your maturity level. Bringing her deceased rl mom into the equation is an indication of your maturity level, your intelligence, your morals, your lack of compassion, among many other things. I posted under my SL name, so you can find me if you so desire. If you have anything else to speak on about my daughter, yes I say daughter, as that’s how my heart sees her, you can come to me and we’ll sit down over some coffee and have a mature discussion and perhaps I can help you with your issues I listed above. Have a lovely day.
Jenny just ignore her, anything you say is gonna get used against you. She doesn’t care if she is right or wrong, she just wants the last word. The jokes really on her spending money on this website for 9+ years as she proudly states lol.
So calm.
Second mistake. Saying anything at all hope you didn’t check the bell… Incoming e-mails with dead mother jokes
I didn’t notice this comment until Shannon’s comment. This is totally disrespectful and goes beyond the distastefulness of anything, even to be seen on this website. I am just mortified at the idea that you would suggest or even conjure up the thought of ‘dead mother jokes’. Shame on you.
Not my fault you put it out there that it upsets you … and mind you joking about such matters isn’t something I do personally… but the moment you put that out there it became fair game for Trolls.
You all act like coffee is the first person to think of horrible shit. Calm down. She is not the enemy.
I really didn’t get why the secret poster even brought up her mom at first… now I’m beginning to see that it was to make this lovely “Peach” foam at the mouth. Hope it will dawn on her at some point that she gave the poster the reaction they were looking for.
I know coffee isn’t the first person to think of horrible shit. If they were, there would be no need for this website, hmm? I am perfectly calm, just sitting here calling it as I see it. Be well 😉
@coffee break …why the fuck would you even put that out there??
First mistake, letting them know they have a way to get to you.
39: First of all Every Club on Second Life Has Rules …Aww did someone get their feelings hurt and they had to stoop to the level of posting BULLSHIT on SL Secrets cuz u cant face the fact you are the one who is Fucked up? Well your a coward and I hope u get a good slap in ya face for how childish this made you look Club Havoc is an Amazing Club you dont like it go try and be on the level Club Havoc is and if you cant then maybe look in the Mirror before you judge this Club kthx
Or maybe that club just sucks and is full of obnoxious whiners. Club Havoc has been on the level of shit for years. An EDM club that stopped playing EDM. DJs who are more like jukeboxes. Someone should slap you instead for saying such silly things about a club that can’t get their head on straight. Also, didn’t you people (am assuming you’re a staff member there if not owner) at one point tell your DJs to strip even though anyone showing just a hint of nipple was being asked to cover up? You should look in your own damn mirror.
Punctuation makes things easier to read. I can lend you a few periods and commas.
yawn. Nobody knows who these people are.
If you donate to anything or anybody thru SL, YOU’RE A FUCKING IDIOT THAT DESERVES TO BE SCAMMED.
Elisa has a cute, unique avi, get over it, you’re pathetic.
Unique? I suppose you could claim that since there aren’t any pig faced ogres in real life but it sure as hell ain’t unique in sl. Tons of ugly ass avis running around with that pig face look now and they all look stupid as fuck. If someone is that desperate for attention that they need to make themselves look that ugly just so someone will notice them then maybe they need to try therapy or something cause that’s pretty messed up.
Beauty, especially in Second Life, is all relative. The “pig nose” look may be ugly to you but it can be beautiful to someone else. I have seen so many beautiful “pig nose” looks RL have plastic surgery and replaced with unnatural looking sharp noses. Beauty is perceived differently by everyone. Saying someone is looking for attention with a button nose is not okay but cleavage avatars with short shorts, or furries, or men with Flickr dick pics looking for attention is okay. Attention is OKAY. We all want attention whether we admit it or not. You don’t have to like the way someone looks or chooses to look but it says a lot more about your character than theirs.
Lol all the people that downvoted you are the ones involved in those secrets. I couldnt agree more with all your statements.
LOL aww… I wish I cared enough to take pictures of all the people I have seen *just today* with that “unique” ogre face. I could find a half dozen on Flickr in minutes.
Re: 39, well aren’t you a cowardly little cunt! Too scared to say it to their faces? COWARD.. that is all you are and all anyone is that posts here. COWARDS!
Why do you care, though? That club is dying, and with all the constant drama the owners/management cause, as well as the better DJs it has chased away, it’s frankly shocking that anyone still goes there at all. The only way that place is keeping any traffic is by acting exactly the way that secret specifies- clinging more desperately to a smug sense of superiority to cover up how hard it is to watch the place die.
how the hell do you know any of this unless your jealous of Club Havoc I think your the one who is ignorant …
Are you retarded? How on earth would a person be “jealous” of a club they could go to any time if they didn’t have better things to do? Don’t you think the DJs you’ve run off have friends? Ignorance can’t even begin to explain how utterly asinine this comment is.
Lieing lieing lieing lieing lieing.. hitler dictator
LOOL Hitler Dictator I just saw this