Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 506.
virtual-secrets: Week 506
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 601 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Ok you all can calm down. I removed the RL bewbs from the comments. That of course doesn’t mean that they aren’t still up on google. No way we can control that.
As usual, if you don’t want pics of your bewbs on the interwebz don’t send them to people.
Dammit I missed the “Boobies” my life is forever empty >.>
@coffee…I’m disappointed I missed them lol but if they were deflated as me had mentioned then I guess my eyes were saved.
@coffee u really didnt if the rl body was a sl body it would be v-tech
and this children… is why they teach you not to send nudes..especially if you’re not going to bank off it like a KarTrashian. and If you just MUST send them.. make sure you don’t have your head in it… lmao stupid asses.
thank you and I am sorry for spazzing its just she isn’t here to defend herself and when I saw that It made me really mad thank you for taking them down
Why would it make you mad at the poster when it is obvious your anger should be directed at your sister since she is the one that started all this by taking a pic of herself. If anyone should be accused of distributing porn its is actually your sister that you be charged with the crime since she is the originator of the image. So basically she is the one you should be angry at and tell her that one act of stupidity of sending it to whoever or letting whoever take the pic might just haunt her for the rest of her life. People never think about that but a lot of employers of bigger companies have people researching their employees on their social media accounts, etc. What they find at times might even be a cause for dismissal depending on the companies values and moral code. Look at Disney, look at a lot of the big teams’ cheerleaders they have strict values in which employees have been fired for less than just one innocent image of a person’s boobs.
Ms. FunnyFace, Do you realise what a fool you make of yourself here every week? Any credibility to comments you ever contribute are purely lost in the entitled know-it-all and have-an-answer-for-everything preaching you espouse.
Sadly amidst all of this you are not even funny. Well, funny is relative. You sound more like an Oestrogen bloated old gossipy crow that everyone endures on Saturday morning at the local wig shop.
Your comments pepper the core of SL Secrets each and every week with your perceived proper knowledge of so many facets of RL and SL. From blogging to legal to photography to relationships. Even boob pictures. You are a virtual wrecking ball spewing forth like Moby Dick. On every subject possible ~here comes Funny Face! THAR SHE BLOWS!
I can almost picture you at home in your 70’s style night gown and curlers drinking Tesco boxed wine and surrounded by your 30 cats. Relishing the last pleasure you have in life in your perceived role as Mother Hen to a world that is mostly rolling their eyes at you.
Sorry to say but as much as you perhaps view yourself as a modem internet version of Jane Eyre you are in fact nothing more than a perfectly cast Sl version of Mayella Ewell.
gossipy crows make the world go round @Slimey .. enjoy your stay .. believe it or not… u ARE one of us. lol
Am so laughing that you spent so much time on your comment that thinking you actually know who I am in RL, except you are so far from the truth it is actually funny. Curlers, boxed wine, and cats are so not me yet my RL/SL friends get a hoot from reading SL Secrets and provide a lot of the comments. Yes, a couple of RL friends are in SL and we come each week to read, skype with each other to come up with comments. Like anyone else no one cares – for us, this is pure entertainment nothing more with exceptions of the personal fundraisers that are criminal.
I’m new to this site and I happy to enjoy FunnyFace and her comments. It’s people like her that keeps a forum like this alive and people coming back. I also have to say I think the moderators are very fair and treat the site as it was meant to be treated. People who get butthurt over sites like this are those who live pathetic real lives and feel their virtual popularity status might be compromised. Keep up the good work I’ll be back every Sunday to see what’s going or who’s doing who. Thank you all for your time and efforts for our entertainment
^ Agrees
Wow…harsh! We should at least give her some credit for finally using punctuation in her comments lol
Seeing all the posts Defending people trying to close this down Complaining Speaking whinese here is something for yuh. Have a problem with what is posted here it is as simple as changing a lightbulb Don’t Come here and read then if you don’t like it. The Truth Hurts
#5-It’s amuzing to sit back and watch all the “family and friends” clicking the thumbs up and thumbs down, coming in here pretending to defend Katy while attempting to cover your own arses. One thing we’ve all noticed is the fact that not one of you, NOT 1 has denied her being a skank and using her virtual pussy to gain “popularity” in a virtual game. What’s the saying? Being popular in a virtual world is like sitting at the special table in the mental hospital. Bottom line is she is and does what she has been accused of in the original secret. You all know it. Stop trying to distract from the original secret to save your own arses. Btw Magnus, that’s cute. lmao
This site should really end. If these anonymous people and owners who run this site were doing this anywhere else, they’d be labelled haters and this would be shut down immediately. It’s really said the people who run this site profit off of hate. It’s ignorant like trump-era debauchery . I get it was fun years ago but it should end. Who push a hateful agenda? if people are scammers in SL or something terrible is happening obviously posting about it here does nothing but generate hate. Be mature and take it to another platform.
What other platform besides a blog literally made for it, retard? And so you can go to that platform and whine as well? You do realize you have the choice not to read it, right?
Just for historical shits and giggles, virtual-secrets was started under the transition of the Bush/Obama administration. We became our own domain under the 2nd Obama administration term. So exactly what does the President (past or present) have to do with this site?
hateful??? Its meant for shits and giggles… the problem is some of you insane freaks think you are your avatar. Stop acting like SL is RL.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if you have seen pics or skyped you are still representing yourself as a false object. and not to mention the ones with boo hoo real emotions with their pics they stole from some hot chicks FB. Catfishing is far more hateful than someone talking shit about an avatar . just saying. Someone being mean to an avatar is about as equal as me saying your shoes are ugly. If that hurt your feelings i feel bad when you step out into real life.. Its a motherfucker out there.
Calling people out for being a cheater or conning people out of money is considered being hateful? Same things as the gossip mags like the National Inquirer or TMZ and this is SL Secrets a place that both owners have been managing this site for years and people like you will come and go ~ Don’t see TMZ, National Inquire being shut down for calling out the stars and their insane actions or calling them hateful. Thing is don’t like it then don’t read it
We’ve been here before Trump we’ll be here after Trump. When people want us gone we’ll go.
Thanks for visiting today and contributing to the hate.
ok this has gone too far this thread has gotten way too out of hand and I wasn’t going to comment but a real life photo of my sisters boobs has been posted in the form of a print screen link by someone named “yeah buddy” this is not ok I understand this site is for blasting people and I will admit ive used this site for that purpose as well but bringing someone’s real life naked photos into this is not ok and if the comment does not get taken down my sister will have legal action against whoever posted it… it is distributing porn and it is not ok in any shape or form…blast a person on SL all you want but the minute you cross over into someones real life person info it is too far so please I am asking the moderator to remove that comment by “Yeah buddy” posting a print screen link.
Ok I’m not commenting anymore so please stop asking me questions I only commented in the first place in an attempt to get the photo link taken down and since that has been done there is no more need for me in this feed thank you all for your helpful remarks this is honestly between Linc and Lilith and it’s been going on for years and nothing any of us say will change that they both have their own reasons for doing and saying what they do and honestly it’s between them and they both will take whatever actions that they feel needed. I am clearly aware that when you post nude photos anywhere in the internet they will get out and theres nothing you can do about it and again that is Liliths business not mine and she will deal with it her own way because my only reason for commenting was to get the link taken down as far as anything else that is in their hands. I’m done with the back and forth between everyone and I’m done getting involved because I’m just too much of a caring person and I don’t always think before jumping into situations when I think I’m being helpful but sometimes I just make shit worse but that’s on me and being autistic I’m use too fucking shit up. So I’m sorry for my impulsive comments and again I am thankful the link has been taken down as for the issues between Linc and lilith that is there shit to deal with. And asking me how I knew it was lilith boobs like really her face was in the photo lol or at least half of her face so I was able to clearly tell it was her because I have seen… Read more »
To be perfectly fair; She does have her bits and pieces advertised and many different camera based websites where you pay a small monetary fee to see her diddle them. Just use google and google your pixel sisters name. Did you not know that?
lmaoooo this is what its all about!!!! @OneName you just took the fucking crown of awesomeness this week.. lol
wonder if the Sl sister is messaging all of them now too lol
I’d google but i saw enough on that 1 pic.. id rather just look down and check out my own.
Omg here we go another one!!! She is Not a sister!!! She is a grown adult woman role playing a sister on a computer game. You people must Live on the game 24/7. You have no productive real lives. And sorry but if one chooses to put out a body “part” not only does it mean they are hiding an ugly face, but brains as well.
Its only her “SL Sister”, so she don’t know shit.
I thought we were talking about actual RL siblings.
Like I said in a previous comment, these “SL families” have seriously lost their sense of reality and need some professional help. I commend you guys for removing a picture that apparently caused someone such emotional pain, but had you not removed it, that would have been just as ok too. I did happen to see it and 1) it only had the lower part of the persons face as well as the boobs that had Lincoln’s name written on them, and 2) there was no RL name attached to it, it only showed her SL name as having uploaded the picture so…again with the “reality” check. There was no RL connection to the picture, other than it was her boobies.
I have to say, she’s dumb for sending a picture like that over the internet and expecting it to ONLY be seen by the intended person but, she was smart at least in not including her entire face! lol
@Roxy-although I’m sure you won’t see this because you’re never coming back to this site ever again (sarcasm)…using the “I’m autistic” card and the “I’m used to fucking shit up” pity me ploy as an excuse for flying off the handle and threatening the creators of this site is pretty pathetic. Just stop…
They’re just people no one liked in high school, desperately trying to recreate the cliques they envied and grab onto that feeling of excluding others; on the upside, the dynamics are fascinating and hilarious to watch from outside.
too funny
geeeeeeeeez I thought that as well ~ another crock of shit
@Roxy so let me be clear on this that your sister precious her took an RL pic of her boobs and golly someone got a pic of it and posted it up on here is that your issue, not the fact that your sister took a RL pic of her boobs and either sent it to someone isn’t that called “sexting”? That fact seems okay with you yet you are all up in panty twisty that someone took that said pic and posted it on here. Legal action you will take really well please be advised that sending out pics unless the person or persons are under the age of 18 there is no crime being committed just stupidity on either party. Once it goes out over the internet via cell, or email it is out there. Actually, it is not distributing porn and if anyone is guilty it is the one that took and sent out the image again state by state may have different age statues on what can be considered child porn but actually if I were you maybe you should be looking at your sister and her actions that were taken and not the receiver as actually once you send out that image unless it is specifically stated for your eyes only good luck with getting a judge to even hear this case let alone prosecute someone for it. Hard lesson learned but look at Craigslist on whatever day it is they females show off their boobs for the whole world to see once it is out there you can’t just unsee it. Again threatening someone with lawsuits or whatever is actually laughable as the Judge in your sister’s complaint would ask then why did you take the pic in the first place and give her… Read more »
i understand thank you
The Law works both ways as well. What your whore sister has been doing to Lincoln is actually internet bullying. So tell her to have at it. She can once again make a drive back to Kentucky by herself and fight in the court system there if she chooses. So maybe you guys should drop it and leave him be? I know you don’t wish to see it go any further then it already has. He himself has been begging for reprieve for over a year from her drama cause she can’t seem to let him go.
Does Lincoln or the sister live in Kentucky?
Lincoln lives in the Kentucky. I’m guessing the sister lives not far and has visited previously.
by the looks of it they may even sleep in the same bed
Next time having 3 different people email Lourdes and I is not the way to go. One person is fine enough. As long as it’s during the time frame that is listed on the contact form you are okay. You’re welcome.
I emailed twice because i forgot to include the link my apologies honestly I saw it and freaked out cause I never thought someone would do something like that and I am sorry. Again thank you for removing it.
Also if your sister is over the age of 18 there’s no ‘distribution of porn’charge. Some states have revenge porn charges but I’m not sure if that would apply here. If you want to go that route, your local law enforcement agency can contact me and I will happily provide information they need.
I’d tell your sister not to do things like that on the internet if she doesn’t want to risk it getting around. Lawyers won’t do anything since she did it to herself, basically. It’s the risk you take if you want to get frisky over video or sent pictures.
I understand its on her for putting it out there cause once you put naked photos until the internet you can never get them back I just think it was very low and disgusting of a person to share such a link on a public website like this when this is a second life website and those were real life photos like there is no need to take it to such a personal level. Again thank you so much for removing the post i truly appreciate it.
Did you want me to put it back so people can see the exact comment you are bringing so much attention to? Its just once click away, not much work on my part.
thank you
@Roxy Curious how you identified your sisters breasts if it was just a photo of nothing but her chest. Did she send you this photo before?
Is #32 Lance of FMD? That must have been at the Cinco de Mayo event – even for a silly event that florescent green thong sling is gross along with the over-tatted ink poisoned skin – LOL But what is meant by him being Trinkets bitch?
Yes Spaghettibagel (Danno Spiegelblatt). That is Lance of FMD. Are you also one of those who brown nosed him in private only to bash him on SL Secrets too?
No this is not Spieglebagel- this is Bon Qui Qui – suhkurity! So anyway I was just confused about the Trinket’s bitch reference.
Awww. Then please accept my apology Bon Qui Qui. But do watch this space. Because next on the outing list is that little piece of shit Danno the pedophile. :>
KATEYMARIEJONES, or should that be what would you do TO a Charbar? You hurt people with no remorse. smdh
What is a charbar?
Just another backstabber
#5 – Amazed she lasted as long as she did with her last guy, considering how many Big Daddys regulars she was fucking behind his back. Rumor now has it that she is spreading her pixel legs for Addicuss Monroe.
technically you could fuck all of second life.. and still not be a whore because your vagina should be as tight as it was on the 1st avi. just stating the obvious lol
… if you think real life vaginas get less tight from fucking, the obvious you stated here is not at all what you think it was… and I feel so very sorry for you, male or female.
@beless .. stay ignorant…. but over there ———————> it was a joke..like how second life fucking is not real… you could fuck up a wet dream.. u suck.
@me….I wouldn’t bother with beless…they take everything they read literally lol Zero sense of humor.
Magz really you know what they say about rumors and I hear there are plenty of rumors and stated facts about you as well
Im upset that innocent people get named here without being confirm its the real person behind.. Thanks God Katy knows me that I wouldnt say things like this its only sick person who would do it
Magnus – I have no clue who you are, but if I was trying to impersonate you I would have used your name instead of the one that I have been known by since I was 12 years old.
Im shocked and hurt…. Katy just inform me about this.. Thanxs Katy thato inform me….. I would never say things like this to noone… People who knows me knows this.. this is only to hurt me in some way.. its just a coward way to hide behind another persons nick and tell false insane things….
#26 – Karma at its FINEST! You all can sit here and THINK you know him. I don’t care if you have been friends with him for 4+ years.. TRY 10+ years.. Heis the biggest PRICK on SL. I’m just glad I finally got to see karma bite someone who truly deserves it. I do not give a flying fudge how many people can sit here and TRY to justify his actions but at the end of the day, you are all just bitching because he finally got caught. Thank you JESUS! Forever will you be labeled a pervert. You want to act entitled Cory? Well there you go.. #PERVERT.
Think you meant this as a reply to the other girl who’s known whoever for 4+ years.. then again, 10 years is a helluva long time to hold on to something so who knows. (◔_◔)
#5What is funny Is that you are ALL talking behind her back . And finding it all funny and so easy to do, but if you can do it to her then you can do it to each other ….so you better all stay friends because one day you will be doing it to each other and you will be on here soon
I want to know which of you called CPS on Vanity.
You have to know a decent amount of RL info to hotline someone, so my guess is someone she knows. Honestly, it sounds like CPS should get involved. Maybe they’ll get her better help. Event organizers in SL for these sob story fundraisers have to learn to stop. Raising virtual currency that takes forever to cash out and has fees taken out, etc. is a horrible way to raise money. But I guess it’s the only way they can circle jerk while doing it. If they donated through GoFundMe, they wouldn’t get nearly as much praise. No DJing “high profile events” or plastering their names and pictures all over. Let’s be real. It’s all a big pat on the back circle jerking festival.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ why oh why would anyone do that to such a great mom? I guess she’ll think twice about sob stories with REAL LIFE pics attached. wasn’t me but hi5 to saving babies from cold floors with bronchitis.
Sooo she can’t withdraw money from the bank account and now shes under CPS radar! Awesome news! Karma found her sooner than we all thought it would.
Maybe if she didn’t post shes living on the street with an underage kid the CPS wouldn’t have been called. The kid must be suffering.
how do you know CPS was called on her?
What is CPS ?
CPS is Child Protection Services and @Rebel I like those that have been watching this drama play out are not in the know of whatever information is being passed along. Sometimes Karma creeps up on people funny she stated on Plurk “I did of course, reach out to local organizations for assistance but being that we were not literally on the street with no shelter, there’s far worse off and I realize that. I do work, ” Just that statement makes me want to smack her for coming off with that ten-minute crap, sleeping on a bare floor and all the other bullshit she whined to get the ball rolling for that fundraiser. That she couldn’t accept because of Pride it was probably they were telling her their hands were tied because she was not destitute or living on the streets. The whole drama mamma story stunk from the moment I read that crap yet her Plurk friends are still kissing her ass as some in here believe she is entitled to get that money and applauding her for getting an attorney. Its total fraud and whoever thinks she is entitled is just as bad as she is conning people that thought they were helping someone with a child that was living on the streets. Makes me vomit knowing if they cannot manage their finances they can scam people in SL. Am not in SL to finance those type of people and I truly wish that everyone would feel the same way.
As far as her “not being on the streets” and whatever bullshit she passed off to the idiots that are believing her: Regardless she is still considered homeless when it comes to that situation. Sleeping on the floor of your job and having in fact having a job does not disqualify her from assistance. Having a job gives them more options to help her. Being homeless with a special needs child and caring for her mother (if that is the case regarding her mother) would have put her pretty damn far up on the list for public housing. There are other things that happened behind the scenes that you aren’t hearing about. But suffice it to say, other people tried to help give her shelter and she turned them down. This leads me to believe this is about the cash grab. She doesn’t want shelter, she wants to stay sleeping on the floor at her job (if that is the truth) she wants cash for some reason. The whole getting tossed out with five minutes notice was bullshit from the start. Pennsylvania is a squatter friendly state a landlord has to still go through some shit to toss you out regardless of if you have a valid lease or not. But that doesn’t matter now the money was raised and now she can’t cash out as fast as she wants. It amuses me that none of the people who were so willing to help are helping her now to get the money cashed out. I get it, you are willing to help someone perpetrate a fraud (knowingly or not) but when it comes to the IRS and paying taxes on it, they don’t want to get involved. Now they are trying to get Ebbe Linden involved. They might as well… Read more »
Can you confirm the cps stuff? Do you know if that is really happening?
I’m confused. Homeless shelters and assistance programs believe that sleeping on the floor of your workplace with your autistic child and mother is considered “having shelter”? Yeah, that’s a hard no. This doesn’t add up. LIES.
uh child protective services…
Lots of info doesn’t make it into her “updates”.
probably no one here because whoever called would need to know her current address and real name along with having an accusation that took place in rl as well
@coffee i agree.. we may bicker here a lot.. but thats the work of a bestie
Her RL info is easily accessible.
A RL accusation of being homeless and refusing help to change her situation?
Funny fact everyone seems to have forgotten. Rose would have actually gotten away with this if she had just stfu for a couple of months and didn’t talk about her life publicly. Everyone would have assumed she was mourning her mother’s loss. She is just so fucking dense that she was out there talking about her shopping sprees 2 days later.
Best part of my day is, when I see Rose constantly giving life advice of all sorts to everyone on Plurk. Like for real, stfu you are the LAST person who should be giving life advice to anyone on any topic. In fact if you were the last person left to ask for advice, people would be better off taking their issues to a chimp. Just stop fucking talking.
This cracks me up as well that fat ass slob giving life advice to anyone. All she does is order fast food take out, think she’s hot and banging in second life. She has not only conned SL citizens once, but twice, she will try a third time as well with another sob story.
– Went to disney world after she had her last CON fundraiser cause boo fucking hoo they were going to lose there house.
– Now she has fucked over everyone again by saying boohoo we can’t bury my mother but yet somehow she now needs driving lessons and a drivers license. But wait you have no fucking money to even drive a car, let alone get off your fat ass and get a job Rose. Your a parasite and a piece of fucking trash you lazy slob.
Whats this fat bitch going to do if something happens to her father, her fat ass is going to be homeless. Her designer handbags, makeup kits, art bullshit, and her fucking computer will be the least of her possessions she will lose cause she will be sleeping in a card board box on the fucking street.
so true@boo hoo.. not for nothing but who the fuck goes to disney over the age of 10? and if she lived in florida already why was that so exciting?!?! lol She has like some kind of Toys R Us kid ailment .. the don’t wanna grow up thing i suppose. Im sure her next idea is already in blueprint stage with hurricane season around the corner.
As an aside, a lot of people go to Disney World that are older; it’s still an amusement park despite being Disney branded. Rose is totally an adult child, though.
well parents i totally understand but idk maybe its just me walking around waving at disney princesses with my besties isn’t my idea of a good time….. possibly universal studios… but disney is almost as bad as the 21+ crew still wearing winnie the pooh shirts out in public…. some things i guess i’ll never understand.
my downvotes are the Sl’ers that end up on peopleofwalmart.com
@me Parents who have to suffer through it all to put a smile on their kid’s face as they hope the day ends asap so that they can fall face 1st into the hotel bed…. otherwise no Idea why someone would want to deal with that place.
Sooo true. Crystalin Clayton also lost her mother and got a fundraiser yet you dont see her talk about designer bags and fancy pencils. Rose’s case is hurting all the genuine people out there. Its hard to trust anyone .
That cracks me up to see her giving people advice on Plurk. Yes you definitely want to take advice from someone who failed out of high school because they couldn’t?/didn’t want to? leave the house daily. She just barely got her GED a couple of years ago and she’s pushing 30. Perfect for giving life advice.
shes 26 not sure if that is “pushing 30” but she is old enough to know her life is a mess. It cracks me up that she keeps saying she wants to go to art school
i think in this cash pushing 30 is accurate… followed by lives at home and colored pencils. lol
Week after week after week we see the same “families” posting shit about each other. “This person is a pedophile!” “He’s a perverted age player!” “He slept with his daughter/sister/mother!!!” I think all of you people in these “families” are some sick mofo’s, and it’s not because of the accusations of pedophilia, incest or age playing. It’s because you have all seriously lost touch with reality man. I think you all need to just step away from the computers, maybe seek some counseling (if you’re not already) and just fucking stop with the accusations and the non-stop drama. If you’re RL is so bad that you’re escaping it by coming onto SL, and THIS is what you spend your time doing while you’re here…then you’re doing it wrong!! I’m so tired of people throwing the words “pedophile” and “incest” around. Since you’re all apparently dumb as bricks, let me help you out: Definition of pedophile: An adult who is sexually attracted to or engages in sexual acts with a child. By definition, unless that person playing the supposed child avatar is under the age of 18 (in the US at least), it is NOT pedophilia! I don’t care if the person in the child avatar role plays a kid and they fuck someone playing an adult. It is still NOT pedophilia people! Why? Because they are still BOTH adults. It’s black & white! There is no grey area here! It might be “disgusting/perverted age play”, yes. But that’s all it is. And if you say “Well anyone that does that kind of disgusting RP HAS to be into children RL, so therefore, is without a doubt a pedophile!” then you really are an ignorant, prejudiced fuck who shouldn’t be allowed out to play with the rest of the cool kids.… Read more »
That there is why I never will do the family thing in SL… I’m content with what I have in RL and don’t need to make a “supplementary” one.
Spoken like a true closet pedo who’s all triggered over getting called out on his sick and twisted shit.
@WTFEver.. you must be such a dead lay
… because someone finds it equally disturbing to PRETEND to fuck a child or an animal- those who cannot give consent- as to really do it, they must be bad in bed? That’s a leap. Most decent people are disgusted by those ideas in any context, even theoretical. Sounds like people really are desperate to defend their most base urges.
@beless.. yeah it kinda does mean your bad in bed because there is nothing wrong with sexual exploration with your mate. Ageplay is still ageplay if you rp little kids or you rp’ing a teacher student fantasy. For myself little kids don’t turn me on but i’m very down to bang my teacher every once in a while… and possibly a pervy stepdad or 2. lol xD
I take GREAT offense to your comeback WTFEver!!
I am a she…not a he. It’s “HER sick and twisted shit”. Thank you 🙂
Hi Colby
Yeeeees this ^^^
a m e n
I agree 100 percent with you Devils. The constant bickering on here by “familes” on a computer game is insane. You people are not family!! You all need help. You are not even existing in real life at this point as this game has melted your brains. Get off the computer and spend time with your own family or real world friends. All these families and fundraising scammers have one thing in common…they live life on the fucking computer. One day SL will close, what will you all do then????
Exactly what I said a few secrets ago, but everyone jumped all over me.
#25 You let your delusions of Sl and formality get the best of you. You are literally blasphemising two people that have done no harm to you and why? Your own humor or you have nothing better to do? It’s really sad to see someone go as far as to blast someone with the name of pedophile when number 1: there are real ppl out there that really do that shit to children and its a disturbing compromise to our world today and devastating to children around the world, and 2: these people of who you are giving shit to are not naturally related, making your point null and void. You need to get a grip on reality, you knu, RL and stop condemning people for your own idealistic views. You are hurting people over this nonsense on Sl secrets.. my daughter, Ɲασмι WαяCяis Sнαυgнηєѕѕу (naomisterling), and its becoming more of a burden to put up with your garbage than the garbage you are trying to sell. Maybe next time take a look in the mirror and try not to judge yourself so much? Just a thought…
re # 5 …….Katymariejones …..you will never meet a better person ever …..none of you SAD ARSE BITCHES…have nothing better to do then slag ppl off in here …try looking in the mirror……. you sad ppl sit there and think threw who you have been with in SL and you will all see that you have all slept with each others CAST OFFS …..enough said …..sad, sad lives you all live…… if all you can do is try and shame others…..concentrate on your own SL/RL ….and leave others alone DRAMA imbedded on your foreheads …..sad ugly ppl …..you all are
What is funny Is that you are ALL talking behind her back . And finding it all funny and so easy to do, but if you can do it to her then you can do it to each other ….so you better all stay friends because one day you will be doing it to each other and you will be on here soon
Katy is nothing but a golden gem in second life,but what is sad are PATHETIC people that live day in and day out on a game, and don’t take care of their own selves or their own children. I know shocking right? Some people do have lives out of sl!!! I’m telling you some of you really need to look in the mirror before you start casting stones. Just because a girl stays in a club doesn’t mean she is even remotely looking for anyone, maybe it’s because she has friends in there. Katy knows her friends are not the ones talking shit about her, maybe it’s your friends that are scared little bitches ….what you aren’t so little are you? Just your minds.
The people that post on this site about someone else are nothing but cyber bullies looking for another outlet because they don’t have enough drama to fill their sad little SL lives and I am sure they have a sad real life as well. It’s been proven that people that do this are unstable themselves and in order to make themselves feel good they have the need to take someone else down. So because Katy is looking for something in SL that 90% of the people are she gets trashed for it? SL is no different than RL you meet someone that doesn’t mean you are gonna hit it off with them. Is there some written law that says then you shouldn’t see anyone else just because one relationship doesn’t work out? There are people on SL that change partners like they change their underwear. This site is a classless piece of trash and anyone that posts on here for the sole purpose of taking down another person is classless trash too. You can all do ahead and trash my comments now but you know I am right so maybe find something better to do? Oh and in case anyone says why am I here then? It’s because I know Katy and was told about it. I have seen things posted here before as well when brought to my attention and my reaction will always be the same….nothing but sad cyberbullies!
You are literally retarded if you can’t tell the difference between bullying someone and posting on a site that no one has to even visit. Hint: one is direct, and the other is not.
u mean avatar bullies.. im mean to animated characters . get it right
@cyber…. blah. blah. blah.
So you posted here with the sole purpose of trying to take us down, that would make you classless trash also.
Welcome, we’re glad to have you.
golden gem lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! backstabbiing BIARCH is beta………..LIAR……..2FACED……….n u wonder y ur so called friends wood rite this about u………..BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
o.0@ wood rite
@me….. shhhhh…just ignore it and it might go away.
@blunt.. my typing is awful .. i never got to point 1 out before. lmao xD
LOL Everybody lines up and dances on the same chim like we are all besties. You all talk about her, you talk about me and everyone else. If Katy doesn’t see this then she needs needs to open her eyes wide and realize the truth. There are no friendships there and if you would be honest you ALL know the truth. The original secret was not about friendship it was about her skank status. Defend all you want but you all know the truth. SL is such a facade and you are the ones who play it so well. Now time to get back to the original secret. Needy much?
I don’t think anybody questions Katy being a good person. The issue at hand is based on facts. She’s very needy and needs a virtual cock and a name in her partner box at all times. Maybe she thinks it’s a status? LMAO . All you so called friends of hers are the ones who needs to look in the mirror. Don’t come here and act all high and mighty when you know damn well it’s you discussing her and her “ways.” Sad and ugly people? You bet you are.
lmao yeah yeah if she only wanted a name in her box don’t ya think the last 1 would still be there ? as I said you are all sad ugly ppl
Is “ugly” the best insult you have? Is that because you’re not literate enough to come up with other words, or because you only value the superficial? I have no idea who you or any of these other people being discussed actually are, but your comments are embarrassingly dim witted. You might want to concentrate on something besides “ugly”.
You guys need to give it up. Katy’s track record speaks for itself. Bottom line if he’s walked in Big Daddy’s and he owns a virtual cock she’s been with him. We all know this. Now run along and try to defend someone who’s facts aren’t so obvious. You’re fighting a losing battle. Hahahaaaaha
Funny how yas are all mouthy ….but don’t say who yas all are nasty ugly bitches
@Jayne “who yas all are”. is like trailer park talk.. so i guarantee we are KILLIN IT Flickr-Foxtrot Style compared to you my friend.
@lame Jayne…… why should we? This is called sl secrets so everything is supposed to be anon. And please be more creative with your insults….you’ve been repeating the same ones over and over… *yawn*
Her fake friends are the ones talking about her behind her back. Friends don’t air other friends laundry and discuss it with each other. That’s what SAD. Own up to it. I’m sure Katy would be shocked
lmaoooo look in the bloody mirror …like I said sad ugly NASTY ppl you all are
@Jayne…. as I said last week….sticks and stones bitch. Honestly, why do you people think that by coming in here and telling us how nasty we are that we will feel bad or suddenly decide that..omg…this person must be right!
Do you all huddle together and compare notes? Are you a cult? Is it a secret society?
If you’re going to come in here with your own insults…because calling us names is so much better than what we are doing….at least be creative? Make the insults entertaining…come oooon….you people are just a boring broken record. I don’t even bother to finish reading them anymore because all I see is blah blah blah.
5- her fake friends need to quit talking shit about her. It’s sad how they pretend to care all the while they’re the ones sharing all of her dirty laundry. That’s what’s sad
Since when does a spreadsheet = receipts?
so vanity posted another “update” which was really just a “ohh poor me, i cant get my money out.” “stop saying bad things about my friends, say bad things to me!” “i would refund the money but they wont take it!” “booo hooo feel sorry for meeeeeee”
nowhere in this update did she say what she used the money she already got out for. she said nothing about what is going on with the landlord. she said nothing about whether she and her kid are still sleeping on someone’s floor. how is that even an update?
i seriously hope linden lab does the right thing for once and holds her to the same standards as anyone else. i hope she has to work her ass off to get that money, and has to wait it out for the whole 3? 4? months it takes to get it out at the rate she can withdraw. fuck her and her scamming lazy ass.
she can’t refund the money?? it was a 1 day event.. take a day out and write im sorry im trash letters and refund every one who most likely didnt know she was a full of shit scamming cry for help she wouldnt ask for in rl.
Really ? she can’t get her money from sl ? ahahahahah karma started ?? i hope linden lab really put an eye on it (let’s start a fund raising called hopeforlindenlab ?) because it’s a FRAUD and i do not understand Lindens agrees with a FRAUD. Ok, people gives money with all their heart it is their choice to give, but some unashamed people are using SL to get free cash and play people emotions. It ‘s simply not fair. LINDEN LAB PLEASE CHECK HER STORY ! DON’T GIVE HER THE MONEY she got from a fraud !
lol did you hear the sound clip she posted on plurk? she actually recorded her convo with a linden lab CS rep… what an idiot
There are a lot of whiny bitches in the comments this week *yawn*
Rose is probalby sitting behind her computer thinking oh fuck this funeral thing really backfired on me, now my business is failing, now I’m on sl secrets every week. Guess what I will fuck them over again to say I have a sick animal for ANOTHER 5 grand, I really need that LV or Chanel bag now!
i so agree.. either that or shes slowly poisoning 1 of the other lazies in her house so she can have another fiesta i mean funeral.
for sure the “team” is already thinking to the next fund raising. they spent too much and fast ?
for sure there she needs that 3000 dollar handbag even though her fat ass never leaves her room
Haha, this made me laugh a little to damn loud. You need it for when the “whats in your purse” memes come around.
Breaking news! Leaked audio from a Skype call between Rose and her cronies.
“Rose, how attached are you to that big toe on your left foot? Yes, that one. Yes, I know you like it. I am aware. But let’s be honest, diabetes will claim it soon enough anyway. No, I think it’s – no, dammit – Rose, hear me out. You know how we’ve hoodwinked these dummies in Second Life the past 2 times? Yes. Those exact idiots who thought you were legitimate. Yes. Okay, so, Rose – let me talk – let’s say that we have an event… Yes! ‘For Toes’! Hot damn, Rose, you’re a marketing genius. Let me get the bolt cutters, you get your new phone. We’ll make it an event for the ages. Yes, these idiots will part with their money again, of course! I mean, they did it last time – didn’t they?”
Coming soon: The “For Toes” Event.
I did a fart that had more honesty then rose lol ?
LOL, lemme guess #18 is about Cerberusxing right? I mean who else essentially has a harem of bloggers who all look the same too, like sickly children (paper white skin, eyelashes and hair). I don’t feel bad for anyone involved in that mess, I’m sure most of them are cheating are their RL partners or internet loves with Cerberus anyway. As I’m sure he is with them. I mean what does loyalty mean when you have like 10 “slaves”? I knew a chick who was in his harem before and she 100% was cheating on her RL husband in SL, her husband was the jealous type too according to her so he was obviously not ok with her pixel bumping dudes on SL. She was also attention seeking just to get free stuff on SL and views on flickr, it’s super sad as she still is hustling people on SL to climb the “social ladder”. Last time I seen she was besties with the owner of a kawaii store and had a giant picture of herself in this girl’s store.
I am curious, does he pay these SL THOTs that run his store or is the virtual d payment enough? If he doesn’t that’s real “slave” labor. LOL
The fact that I have to be shown again this website really appals me and even more that I have to choose get involved in stuff like this. I already left plurk, I’m not active in any social media and I mind my own business on my platform and I still end up here and all because I choose to be openly polyamorous and practice d/s on the sideline of my business? Let me just get this straight? If Verinne has a boyfriend in RL then so what? She is someone that I care for and if she found someone in her RL then that is good for her and I am happy for her. To set the record straight this entire secret, isn’t a secret and does not come as a surprise to me. If anything surprises me is that this person claims to be close to me and if you are then have the decency to come speak to me head on instead of posting here using the anonymity of the website to stir up shit. And then all the trash talking about what I do in the comments? I’m just silently trying to live my life here, running my business in SL and enjoying the company of the people that choose to be with me or be my friend. Why make such a big controversy over what my relationships are like just because I choose to be sincere and honest about it instead of pretending I am monogamous just to live up to society’s ideal? I don’t even understand how any of you have time to speculate like this over someone you supposedly don’t even know well or care for. I don’t claim perfection in my relationships, being in such is alot of responsibility and in many… Read more »
Is that why you force your subs to remove people that you don’t like and let someone like Verinne tear down your business by being abusive, a liar and a racist? She’s been proven to be a liar multiple times, a racist by various people and she goes like a dog to a bone everytime someone mentions Skye in a bad way or if it’s someone she doesn’t like.
People here were even defending that it wasn’t you until they heard Verinne’s name and went changed tunes immediately.
The issue also entails with her hiding you from said person. If you know then great! What about him? Does he not deserve that respect? You might be poly but what if he’s not? That’s where the line should be drawn.
It’s good you have that sort of relationship, it’s good that you’re comfortable with it. But what about the boyfriend that doesn’t know about you?
He deserves some respect.
I’m sorry but umm who are you to decide how their relationship dynamic should go? I understand that according to your rules that what they are doing might be objectionable. However you aren’t in the relationship with them, so what you think doesn’t matter.
No I’m not standing up for Verinne or Cerebus. I’m just tired of people trying to impose their moral compass on other people’s lives.
You’re correct.
I guess I’d just assumed since a D/S relationship is built on trust, that it would exist beyond that.
It isn’t my place to say anything in regards to it for that reason. I’d just hoped the trust worked both ways.
To each our own.
Yes you assumed…
D/s relationships aren’t the only one that are ideally built on trust. The dynamics of their relationship are their business. Unless you are in the relationship with them you don’t really know shit. You’re just assuming.
agrees.. its all fun and games until someone gets mad and posts someones deflated boobs
@Cerberus *passes an Irish coffee*… I know it sucks that people have this internal need to pry into your personal life but that’s just the price of fame. You could be a celibate hermit monk and people would still find something to gossip about you.
Count your blessings that your “sex life” is the only thing that is even remotely interesting for them to write about on this tabliod of sorts because if they didn’t have that they would probably be clinging to a blatant lie from some left field. There will always be somebody out there that is jealous and green with envy enough to “talk shit” about you no matter what you do.
As you can see with my previous comments on this thread I do hear about you and it’s been nothing but good so have faith that a good chunk of what actually goes around about you isn’t about your relationships but rather that you are a really nice person; great creator and/or boss. I may not understand your polyamorous lifestyle but, you’re right it doesn’t effect me one bit beyond not being my “cup of tea” so I pretty much let that be a whatever floats your boat. I can confidently say that the majority are with me on this mindset so don’t let a few people who have let their imaginations run wild discourage you.
~Keep on truckin’
@Jade That made me LOL so hard… but #18 actually could be quite a few stores and I hate to break it to you but, from what I’ve heard… the Cerberusxing “Harem” rumors are actually way overrated.
The bloggers aren’t all girls nor do they all look the same. And, to help with your curiosity I’ve also heard the Cerberusxing employees do in fact get payed well and not all of those on his payroll are bumping pixels with Cerberus. In fact quite a few are actually guys and last I checked Cerberus doesn’t swing that way. Sadly the Cerberusxing “drama” is actually quite boring because nothing really happens in that group besides working. The loyalty he gets wasn’t earned with his pixel dick but rather by the means of treating his inner circle, employees, & bloggers really well.
And, I have run across stores who actually do have the type of “harem” that you speak of and their turnover rate is phenomenal because “the girls” kept getting fired for not wanting to fuck (I don’t remember any of the store names or owners because they all were random never heard of before schmucks with inflated egos) So, I’m willing to bet that the secret is more likely to be about one of those vs Cerberusxing.
I could be wrong though because I don’t make a point to keep track of this kind of stuff.
This one is actually about Cerberusxing and his collection of girls. Mostly because people already know about Verinne and the constant lies she tends to get away with because of her blogger status.
From what people know, she got her new place after she was kicked out via said Canadian boyfriend and them brags about doing it all herself. Whether it’s facts or not is something entirely else. I only believe it to be true because she has an awful reputation for lying.
I also know from an outsider aspect that not all his girls like each other. They speak more shit behind each others backs and act like they’re best friends. As someone who has spoken to a few of them before, the only two that don’t seem to shit talk the others are Catty and Creme (?).
The fact Verinne is even a CSR at times turns me off going to the store. If Cerberus can support someone who is known for racism, lying and a large amount other things, then it really shows how little respect he has for his store because all he does is let her tear it down with her behaviour.
I’d love for everyone who doesn’t know me, to keep telling me more about me.
I love reading these fictional biographies that show up here every few months.
I think you all have way too much time on your hands to come gossip and shit talking about ppl… i am a creator and the few times i talked with Verinne she was nothing but kind and friendly! Do you all speak for experience or just want to sit and trow popcorn about stuff you dont really know?!!!?
@Verinne….You’re not relevant enough for me to actually give a shit and tell stories. Js
@Bluntasf LOL yeah so irrelevant I actually forgot she existed till it was brought up >.>
@Unfortunately, it is. … Oh yes Verinne! I don’t really know her but from what I’ve seen I’m quite happy keeping it that way. I knew it was a possibility I was wrong and thank you for the clear up there… it makes more sense with Verinne involved sadly. I’m not in the know of all that goes on there nor all the shit talk… but I do know that not everyone who blogs/works for Cerberusxing has anything to do the pixel banging and drama that comes with it.
So my comment to Jade was more along the lines that just because someone works at Cerberusxing doesn’t mean that they are part of the “Harem”; and that there are several creators who make the mistake of mixing pleasure with business.
What is it with people in sl acting like they know everything about other people’s lives and relationships?
Both you and the secret maker sound like jealous hags fishing for drama. If you say you’re friends with people then anonymously talk down about them, that says a lot about you.
No one who says they care or are close to someone would post it to virtual-secrets unless they are trying to benefit themselves in some way.
No one is jealous of being part of a harem of clones… but go ahead and keep telling yourself that if it’s what you need to be OK with it.
Just found this website and thankyou, sim secret is dead and I need more drama I know nothing about.
STFU about theses stupid fundraisers no one cares don’t spend your fucking money at them when you know they’re all a fraud anyway.
Where the hell is the good content on SL secrets????
@shutup ! come on shut up we want to know your secrets
under ur lame comments lmao
THIS is why it’s so easy to run a con with personal fundraisers.
80% of what I read on this website is utter trash… get over yourselves. It’s the internet, there’s ALWAYS going to be fake BS going on. People are ALWAYS going to be lying, cheating, being shady in general. Maybe the person calling out other people for it should be calling THEMSELVES out for being so trusting and gullible that they fell for it. There will always be scammers and frauds so long as there are gullible people who will just go with it without question. Calling them out on this site will never change that. “Original content creators”…. art imitates life. Of course creators are going to use RL imagery, products, looks, etc as their inspiration. They might even outright make the identical thing… because why not? If your avatar is an extension or imitation of your RL self, then wouldn’t you want those same things that you use to identify your RL self in SL too? If you’re known that collection of Yeezy’s on your RL feet, won’t you want them on your SL feet too? It’s nearly impossible to have a truly original item, inside or out of SL, that doesn’t show a speck of inspiration from something else. Unless we’re looking at something truly abstract. Stfu about content creators because I’d be willing to bet you wouldn’t be able to do ANY better than most of the popular designers on the grid. And you damn sure wouldn’t be 100% “original”. SL Secrets should be a place where you can come anonymously confess something…not hide behind your computer screen and tear others down for being who they are, loving who they love, being too gullible, or doing their best creatively. Pedo’s are bad, yea we know… how about you let LL know and they can deal with it.… Read more »
“Calling them out on this site will never change that. “Original content creators”…. art imitates life. Of course creators are going to use RL imagery, products, looks, etc as their inspiration.” you are so walmart… follower… not a leader my dear.
I’m just gonna reiterate what Lourdes said… virtual-secrets is what our audience makes it.
There’s squarespace and wix and wordpress.com go build yourself an uplifting confession forward website. I’ll see you back here in 6 weeks when it turns dead.
I’m not on SL any longer, but do read virtual-secrets because it’s just that good. Keep doing what you’re doing Kes and Lourdes!
You have the right to your opinion as those that will either downvote or give you their opinion to what you wrote. Its SL Secrets what did you expect when you started coming here. It’s gossip at its finest mixed in with yes people committing RL fraud against people that are naturally good-hearted and trying to do the right thing. Some are just learning after getting scammed out of their Lindens and they have a right to express their anger and make others aware. Same with calling out the cheaters it’s being able to express their rage without repercussions. SL Secrets has been here for years, which I think that shows its a place to rant, rage and show disgust anonymously as well as at times it is pure entertainment for those that read this each Sunday and get to make snide snarky comments. Its also a place that at times informs others and possibly warning them of the assholes, morons, and total disgusting beings. As like you I could go on and on but will leave it like this just like any TV station you have the choice to change the channel or just don’t bother to come and read if it bothers you that much.
another attention whore who comes on the site to complain about it…too bad they cant force ur ass to tip
How I know you are mentally ill girl, this says it all…..
If your avatar is an extension or imitation of your RL self,
You obviously are another fool who lives on second life and think you are your avatar. Go seek help lol
@OneName I kind of disagree with you as there are many individuals on SL that do base their SL self on what they look like in RL and for me, I do not see anything wrong with that especially compared to some that I look at and go OMG I truly hope that having boobs that are so huge and an ass so big is not how they look in RL. Am blonde in RL and my Avi at most times is blonde so does that mean am mentally ill? I just like blonde hair that is what am comfortable with. Same with someone being short in RL that they are not comfortable being tall in SL doesn’t mean they have some type of mental illness.
Just to correct you on one thing:
SL Secrets should be what our audience makes it.
If you have a different vision, it’s easy to build your own website to see it through.
Relationships bullshit this week again. Fuck that! It is time for secrets about “original creators” being caught in their miserable ripping others’ content.
5# – Katymarie Jones is the subject – do I need to go neuter this chick or what?
@sl vet…..spay sweetie….you spay female dogs..
Doesn’t Neuter and Spay mean the same thing? – Correct me if I’m wrong.
@huh… where I live it is referred to as spay and neuter. But yes, I see neuter is used for both and not just Male. Learn something new every day. *shrug*
@Huh … no you Neuter a MALE dog…and spay a Female dog!! LMAO! Even my 6 year old knows the difference
I’m from a country where neutering is the commonly used term, as you can see.
It’s a gender-less procedure.
Also if you want to be that pedantic I guess you can say ‘Animals’ not ‘Dogs’.
Not every country uses the exact terms of things. So excuse me for your resident country’s way of English.
So in the end the comment of which you responded to, was actually right. You can ‘neuter’ a female animal 😀
lmao @blunt thank god she only has a SL vet license xD
Speaking of gofundme pages I found this on my FB page ~ this man is someone who did turn his life around all from the kindness of others not scum like Vanity or Rose ~ least gives me hope that this individual was able to turn his life around and do something with it again not like those pair of losers who I truly hope their businesses go belly up . https://youtu.be/JCguq3hTC2M ~ makes me sick to think those 2 took something that is used for example this man to fraud people out of their money.
5- you profess your love for so many male avatars just so you can have a name in your partner box. why don’t you create an alt and partner it so your “so called” friends with stop talking behind your back about how pathetic you are. Wasn’t that what was said Charbar? Hmmmm??
#26 he let his sons have sex with each other so incest definitely runs in the family.
Who are his sons??
Elian ‘Hope’ Constantine and Solar Lyric
They’re both behind the pedo secrets and have tried to target themselves to cover their tracks as soon as people started figuring it out.
And you can prove this how? Or are you just slandering their names too?
Slander is spoken. The word you want is “libel”.
you guys have to stop slandering cartoon names.. lmao that sounds sooooooooooooooooooooo dumb.. silly childfuckers
I swear to god, if any of you cunts slander my videogame name I’m going to complain so loudly online you’ll never hear the end of it.
Complain, send threatening emails, hire an e-lawyer, etc…
none of your business
Being accused of bending over little children wow, this what you and your troubled and confused child get for messing in peoples relationships, i also love how the moment this came out every single one of you ran off which makes it look even more shady. Why not continue living your lives if it’s not true? Why do you need to run away?
– C.
That is true they did leave all of a sudden.
They do say guilty people be the ones that run, hun.
Just to be clear the Ced who wrote this is not me Cedric Ferrington.
No one gives a fuck which Cedric it is
@The real Cedric Ferrington
Your comment made my day.
Jesus Christ. Now we’re stealing identities? Give me a break.
29 the known pedophile mckenziee numbers who calls everyone an alt mentally deranged pedophile. lol
Drake McCullen we’re all tired of you, pls do everyone a favor and go lay in a ditch.
Going to need proof on this one. I’ve know Kenzie for YEARS and that’s something he would never do. He’s constantly shooting for self-improvement for himself and for his store.
Kenzie is a faker anyway, he buys his mesh from a lady in China.
No she steals his mesh from other creators.
@Noctis Let’s give credit where credit is due. Very few people in SL work as hard at what they do than Kenzie, and most of us have benefited and continue to benefit from what he’s been able to accomplish and make possible.
Hi Colby!
Everyone who disagrees or calls mckenzie a pedo is automatically colby.. Thanks for proving my point mckenzie.
You have all the tells, ColbyDark. Give it up. You’ve been mad at Kenzie ever since he said no to running off naked with you in the Forest.
Do you have any proof of this individual doing this or are you making up stories still mckenzie? You still stealing mesh btw?
#5. She nasty
#25 Aww poor baby.. Your he/she husband ran off with her daughter go cry us a river why don’t you. You got the karma you deserved calling others incest. So you can keep making these secrets just keeps proving how petty you really are hunny.
Think whatever you all want to I know the truth and as you guys say such hateful comments, just know we are laughing our asses off because we don’t fucking care. And yes I was talking shit because you all put lies in my head as did jay so fuck off. I’m not as stupid as you think and to see you say those things about Fran,fuck you all and go the fuck on somewhere. you think you know Fran, you’re fucking wrong. Keep his name out of your mouth if you have a problem take it up with me if I don’t already have you blocked. As for being there for me, playing both fields of the game isn’t being there for me. I’m fucking done with childish people like you and don’t worry karma is bitch. ~kisses
Have fun with Kat’s and my sloppy seconds. How’s our pussies taste btw Quinn? Enjoy your dollar menu man boo.
@Bri…..”how’s our pussies taste….” ಠ_ಠ….. you realize that you’re talking about pixel sex right? Is she licking her monitor as a way to licking dick? Even then…still not possible to taste your pussy. Do you stick your snatch on the screen during this pixel sex? No really, this fascinates me on how she can taste your pussy. Do tell how one gets to this level of insanity.
I wonder if you’re the same person I have to keep pitying for their lack of imagination and suspension of disbelief? I mean why bother with gaming or metaverses at all if you’re so incredibly concrete, so lacking in abstract thought process, that you cannot imagine such things and they seem insane to you? Is reading also a chore of constant “THAT’S NOT REAL” for you, or do you stick to non-fiction?
@beless…. reading your comments is a boring chore…. are you that ignorant that you can’t tell the difference between rping and literally acting like second life is the real deal?
Also….You lack a lot of humor in your life don’t you? Because you missed the point of my comment altogether.
@beless .. take ur own advice with RP
“Do you stick your snatch on the screen during this pixel sex? ‘
You owe me laundry 😀
tfw you think you know someone after dating them for like a fucking week. you’ll find out soon enough quinn, im sorry you’re gonna have to go through the shit he puts people through.
Okay guys go home, the toddleedoo says she is done and putting her crayons away. CARRY ON!!!
so from the perspective of this thread, it seem as if you are a home wrecker and does that mean that karma will get you too? because that sound pretty legit for something that will bring karma to you. if he was your dad, how can you make this about the person who suppose to be hurting from a break up. doesn’t matter who cause the break up, it’s still a break up and you just swoop in and snatch your dad from the hurting person. that’s great , shows how much of a rebound you are btw. you should play basketball more, you will get defensive player of the year for all those rebounds.
Atleast somebody gets it lolol. ????
You guys are still on this? For fuck sake get over it. This is why I won’t get involved with either family and to be honest I’m loving it.
We got in your head…. really now. Keep telling yourself whatever will make you sleep at night. We all know that everything that comes out of your mouth is pure lies. It is honestly funny that Linc calls Kat a sheep because honestly Quinn you are the biggest sheep of all, you say anything to please the people around you when in reality you are playing all the sides and talking the most shit on the people closest to you. Be honest with yourself, your opinions and views on the Gabriel’s were all your own and you tried your hardest to put the blame on everyone around you. Like you really need to grow the fuck up and take ownership for your own damn actions and stop putting shit on Kat or anybody else. Reality check Fran broke up with Kat because you got into his head and twisted everything in your favor but as you said karma is a bitch and we all know you will get yours, because everyone knows the kind of person you truly are. Let me repeat Fran does not love you….you are literally the last choice he has because he knows you will put up with his shit when nobody else will. So go be happy with your new Gabriel family cause we all know in a week or two you will be bashing them as well and moving on to your next victim. None of us put words into your mouth or made you act like the little child you are…that was all on you. So own your own shit. Kat cared for you and did so much for you but the first chance you got you throw her kindness under the bus and not only steal her man aka your father, but… Read more »
/me plays a sad song for the fuck bois on my banjo
You can all go home!! Titties just won this fight!! I love you Titties!! ?
Honestly katana if your stupid ass family was done with this bullshit you wouldn’t have bothered Lincoln or stopped down to that low of a level. You guys are pittiful and need to grow up and get a life. Lewen you are no saint so don’t even act like one. I won’t hide this time because I’m done with you all putting Dan out to be a horrible person and like he did you wrong. Because reality check here, you were the reason why he broke up with you. You didn’t see what you were doing yo him and I did through the whole time I knew him. so move on with your boy that you have now and leave my family as well as Dan alone
I think you need to learn to spell, stooped not stopped.
i didnt see the stopped sttooped bit O_O i think my browser is being a fuck boi
Maybe I wasn’t saying stopped idiot
so you wasn’t trying to say “stooped down to that low of a level” and “stopped down to that low of a level” is what you meant in the previous reply, my bad fam. i was mistaken…am an idiot and you not…
You forgot the period, you hormonal bitch 😀 X”D
Quinn…you uptight little girl….you must have some serious daddy issues. Clearly you are blinded if you cannot see that you have just become yet another pawn in both Linc and Fran’s twisted fuck of a game. Fran will do you dirty if not dirtier than he did Kat and the handful of other exes he fucked over the same exact way. Like clearly you are so obsessed with saving Fran, its just too funny. And when the time comes when he kicks you to the curb which he will, you will try to come crawling back to all of us. I find it fucking pathetic that you sat there and talked so much shit on the Gabriel family, but yet now you weaseled your way back into that incest pool, but hey kudos to you cause that isn’t hard to do…cause the Gabriel’s will take any twisted wack job off the street. So before you sit here and talk shit on Kat, the one person who was there for you when all else failed, take a big fucking long look in the mirror and start to realize that you are the issue here. It’s no surprise why Jay left your psycho ass, and honey we all know you and Fran were fucking around long before either of you had the balls to come forward. So enjoy Fran and all his fucked up baggage that he brings to the table. I promise you crash and burn ain’t nobody gonna be there to hold your hand. FYI Fran don’t even like you he is just using you because you are legit the only one who is there.
i think SL is more twisted than you think @DoesItReallyMatter you guys maybe right here, but are you that innocent. I think you guys should just block this linc person as he seem like he is just trying to feel relevant, important and part of something…don’t make him feel like that…i think that’s what he lives off of as i am following this thread…@katana you seem hurt and that is understandable so cuss the shit out of him and put this fran guy on blast for what he is…if he is a pedo he a pedo…story done. if you were RPing as a child avi why would u go and be with your RP dad…but this quinn person seem dumb AF tho. Have she never heard of being a rebound? maybe she just want that dickkkk? oh well…to each their own…@Titties hmmm, that banjo comment…that made my night at least it wasn’t always sad shit…that was dope
omg I don’t know who you are but you just made my night I love you ahahah
oh? you love me and you don’t know who i am? that is interesting, can we fuck sometimes then? we can just call it casual sex….
Hmmm—were you trolling?
Okie Darling, Please elaborate and say what she did, pray tell? OR are you too chicken shit? Also Linc do you have room to talk on a post about pedos/incest, not really, imma just leave this here
No, I ain’t a saint. But I sure as shit ain’t a pedophile.
Have a good one ya sick fuck. 😀
Honestly Halsteads…..you guys should really focus on getting a real life and stop worrying so much about second life. Your fetish with me Lewen and the thought that I even think about your peanut is amusing. I have way better things to do with my life then to argue with you guys. Your sad and I pitty you from the bottom of my heart. I pray for the day that you all grow the fuck up and begin acting like adults. This posting lies and bullshit to SL Secrets speaks volumes to your character as a person. Its so funny though how we are all in a system that would literally allow you to slap one another; but nobody ever comes to my face with an issue. Every single one of you are nothing more then a keyboard warrior with abandonment issues. I’m not saying any of this to cause drama or to stir up a fight; but rather in hopes that each of you take a step back and begin to evaluate your life choices…..cause as of now they are pretty shitty choices. The logs you have are fake as your male appearance. That was already proven. Its also being brought into the light by someone else that I NEVER SAID ANYTHING homophobic or transphobic towards you. It is really sad though that you as a family are at it once more here on SL Secrets. Do you honestly believe that for even just a moment i bought the whole it was my ex Lil? Nah, I knew who it was. And now YOUR FAMILY is letting your secret out. So how about we just put an end to this bullshit before the favor is returned and your families dirty laundry is aired out for the mass here to… Read more »
I agree Linc but they will never let anything go.
The inbreeding is strong with this one. Do you have a vestigial twin growing up in that skull that is impeding your thought process, or what?
Ya JUST made a comment there that was transphobic. You can’t help yourself. Well done, ya painted your true colours all that one. You my dear are the one who needs to go figure yourself out, since you started this bullshit a year ago.
No one is buying your lies, except those just as inbred as you. Congrats, you found your people, Peach.
PS, we didn’t write the secret about you, but it’s adorable you still think we did. You’ve pissed off more than just the Halsteads.
Get a clue. No one likes you except the collared dogs you call family.
your truly an imbecile. i never made a single transphobic comment no matter what you wish for. but i assure you of this lewen….you and your family keep painting me to be a monster….ill give you a fucking monster. im sick of this bullshit. and lets no go on about inbreeding ok….your a fucking homewrecking whore. and i didnt start a motherfucking thing a year ago…it was your petty asses involving yourselves into a relationship that had absolutely zero fucks to do with you. and to this day….you slander me and make shit up out of your fucking minds to try to merit your actions of a fucking child. i dont give two fucks who i piss off….thats less i have to deal with to be honest. im sorry your pitiful little click doesnt like me….forgive me for not doing gray areas to suit your life…..fuck outta here. step to me in ec if you have that big of an issue you fucking trolls. and once again….take a look into your own family tree before even casting a single stone about incest ok….your branches split more then hair with dead ends. its a shame really…..because my family actually has loyalty and leadership rather then a fucked up dictatorship this is the reaction you jealous fucks bring to the table….you know….fran and quin were both your family last week….loved and cherished….this week you are blasting them for being together on sl secrets…..seriously….grow up. this is and i swear the last comment your pathetic ass will ever get from me….and kat…..should really change your name to sheep….seeing how you follow so blindly like a little lamb. you yourself need to take a step back….evaluate your surroundings and at least make a full hearted attempt to think for yourself rather then being led… Read more »
is english your 1st language? you’re not your…and your come back game is weak linc whoever you are.
His first language is Kentuckian
Yeah I couldn’t get through that wall of text.
Paragraphs are your friend, Peach.
Laters Salty boy. 😀
And believe me you cannot hide what you are behind that computer screen your actions speak even louder on all your social medias including your dating site profiles. Need I say more sir?
and another keyboard hero making idle threats 🙂 i know you guys been looking me up on fb and searching for my rl info. hell….im even hearing you guys claimed i was a murderer in rl lmfao!!!! feel free to bring it forward. cause in the end….ill destroy you 🙂 i know all too much about your rl circumstances and the ABUSE caused in it 🙂 test me….you will not like the outcome.
No dude you put your info all over your sl profile its pretty obvious were you are. Don’t give away your info on your bio it just makes it easier, plus I didn’t threaten your clown-ass did you see me say that i’m gunna do something? because it sounds like you’re the one saying that. Plus no one ever said that so it really sounds like you’re confessing, also know I can call your work. Do not threaten katana because I Jane am the one doing it all. I have nothing to loose so threaten me all you want you know about me and you know what can happen if anything is done to me I have friends in high places and my family doesn’t take kindly to people who try and mess with me. Also this isn’t the emoji movie, calm your tits with all those fake ass smiles! You’re only showing people what kind of monster you are this is proof!
Sooo you’re a walking hypocrite, you say you’ve never made homophobic remarks or transphobic remarks but you did. You preach about people growing the fuck up, take your own advice because you’ve done nothing but flap your gums on this thread making personal attacks. Have you ever considered the possibility that were tired of it too? Probably not because you believe that our entire lives revolve around you. They don’t I promise you that. I’m so sick of you and your bullshit threats, if youre that sick and that low that you would honestly reveal pain and trauma from peoples actual lives then I guess we were right about you. Grow the hell up Lincoln, honestly take your own advice. I know youre gonna reply because you can’t help yourself but this is me saying, I’m done with your bullshit. I’m over it. My family is over it. Whatever the fuck you chose to do next is your doing not ours.
Honestly how much more of a pathetic human can you be? LOOK AT THE SHIT YOU ARE SAYING AND THEN LOOK AT YOUR ACTIONS. Seems you’re actually talking about yourself and not others. Keep running people’s names in the mud you grapevine lane mofo
Little do you all know what you guys are saying honestly has no effect on them so you’re honestly wasting your breath. You can keep up the great work you think you’re spreading to tell other people,but at the end of the day the truth is known by other people. Seems alot of y’all have trust issues and take this whole sl family thing as serious as if it was your true family. This is seriously just a freaking game people come to so they can escape drama,not so they can deal with petty ass people like yall. So have fun with your family and leave them alone for Christ sake. This has gone on long enough and the petty childish bullcrap is done, so just move on if you’re so happy and stop letting these Halsteads take over your thoughts and running your life for you! Have a good day tootles <3
The Halsteads only come out in force when someones been proven a fucking grade A moron/creep/cheat/etc.
You, Quin, admitted to having a crush on your daddy well before you two got together. As a child avatar. It’s disgusting.
And yeah, guess what, we do treat each other like REAL family. Because the people who stick with us are amazing people who we grow to love and care for. You, Fran and the rest of the Gabriels have not a caring bone in your body.
So yeah, you wouldn’t get that. It’s not JUST a game, there are people behind the avatars.
For instance behind yours is a disgusting pedo lover.
Hi Quinn how’s it going 😀
Okay okay, So first off….. You decide to leave the gabriels….. then you fucking become one KUDOS!!!! ~slowly claps hands~ So you use depression as an excuse…. which frankly is an insult to those who VALIDLY suffer from depression… Like You wanna throw shade at lincoln like all the rest but, you become him……. Hypocritical much sweets??? In addition if you wanna fuck your daugther just come out and say don’t be a pussy bitch, like honey, I ain’t transphobic. I love alot of trans people as dear friends, But the more you act like a little pussy bitch the more people are not gonna take your “manness’ seriously. So step the fuck up. Also Kat is a fucking survivor. She is a fucking sassy bitch with a mouth yes, but that’s why we love her. If people can move past the petty bullshit and the coniving little twats who try to break best friends up, You can grow some balls (no offense) and step up to the plate, maybe then people will show you a little respect, But don’t be surprised when people treat you like a little bitch when you act like one Mr.Martin. Also Quinn dear, You are disgusting, to betray her like that… I would write more but i’d be here til the fucking rapture sugar tits. So <3 Just know this will come back to bite you and you lost the best mother you ever had/will have. Have a nice day, Window lickers.
so ok to put in my 2 pennies worth, Firstly they was not carrying around behind anyone’s back, Secondly this is SL get a fkn grip the whole point of having a secondlife is to get away from the drama’s of your first yet you got so much time on your hands you gotta fkn troll maybe you need a 3rd life? thirdly they are not even brother and sister they are husband and wife, there is such a thing as an extended family duhhh.. there’s a whole lot of you that have child avi’s.. and ALT accounts that are adult that can ROLEPLAY whatever tickles their pickle. When people find themselves in a closed circle of friends/acquaintances people get to know one another with time.. and maybe even some feelings develop and maybe you may call it scandalous whatever but you without sin may cast the first stone! Katana cmon girl i know you have more class than this don’t prove me wrong i get you are hurting but you are a nice girl you can and will move on from this.be the bigger person… and all those that started this did you ever think about how this might even be upsetting her how about you all get the FUCK out of their business and let them get on with whatever lives they have chosen.. none of you have the right to judge anyone and the fact you had to start this in the first place? i pity you!
Appropriate that your name is nunya, cause it’s nunya daamn business *swoos away* Bye snowflake.
Ok first off this post had nothing to do with his gender, so the fact that your narrow minded head went straight to his gender is beyond funny and just proves that your trans phobic ass has nothing better to do that to pick on something that is really none of your damn business. Like really this post is purely stating that the two of them went from having a father daughter relationship to a flat out relationship and how even if you turn your toddler AVI into an adult AVI it doesn’t change the fact that you were his daughter first and its just plain disgusting that this person has the mindset to go from being a father to a fuck partner. Like come on now I know this is second life and anything is possible and some people don’t really take “family” seriously, but if you agreed to be someones father figure and then decide that you have romantic feelings for them at least have the balls to speak up and say so and not make up some damn excuse using your “depression” as a cause for why you needed to break up with someone who has been nothing but there for your sorry ass. Like it was damn obvious for the longest time that there was something going on between you and Quinn and the fact that you tried to use mental illness as a cover for what was really going on disgusts me. Kat was nothing but good to you, she was there for you through so much, and how do you repay her…breaking up with her on one of the hardest days she had to deal with in RL…like how pathetic are you, not only do you kick her to the curb to satisfy your… Read more »
Haha! Wow. Kids pretending their adults now. You guys still on this drop it. Jesus fuck get a hobby or something.
Oh your pettiness and bullshit two face colors are showing dude if you had any actual decency as a human being the truth would have been told instead of leading a person on while doing god knows what behind her back plus there is logs little girl shared, there is logs everywhere including screenshots and trust me I would know if they where photo shopped plus I have programs to prove if they were or not and I’ve ran them through all the programs I have and just terrible how this person actually is. I’m pretty much disgusted she did not deserve this from anyone because I know her hurt and believe me I know her so well and this isn’t something done out of pettiness unlike yourself sir/ma’am
Did you even look into this before commenting? Apparently not, since you write like an ignorant fuck. You love the pettiness, be honest with yourself. Why else would you be here? Their relationship, is in fact, pedophilia and incest. She may not be his daughter anymore but now she’s his sister, so it’s not any better lmfao. It’s still incest. If you can’t keep your dick out of your family members, maybe you shouldn’t be in a family? Smfh.
Jeeze Linc, you really do have a preoccupation with peoples genitals. That is irrelevant to this particular secret, yet there you are, bringing it up yet again.
Showing some mad insecurity there bud.
Everyone, This has nothing to do with Gabriel’s. So why even mention them? And we all know that people have used fake names too hide when they made the post about Lincolngabriel so don’t play innocent. You only come forward when we all know who paid to get that to get that secret shown. The whole idea is to be anonymous. Isn’t that why it’s called SL Secrets?
Uh… you still think you have to PAY to get secrets up here? You must be a Gabriel. XD
Thats so sweet of you. Crying a river? No sugar, I’m doin just fine actually the best I’ve ever been and if you wanna hang onto petty bullshit go for it because heres the thing, I dont need to hide behind SL secrets if I have something to say I say it and you know it. As for your transphobic remarks, keep them out of your mouth and out of your comments, they aren’t needed and it makes anything you have to say irrelevent .So if you wanna continue this petty drama feel free to message me or drop me a note card since I more than likely have you blocked because of shit like this Have a lovely day
if ur blocked i dont think notecards go through.. just saying.. bows out =)
@me….nothing goes through when you are blocked.
woot! it wasnt me blasted this time!!!!! yall need to grow up already. slandering people with lies on sl secrets is getting kinda old. but to each their own. i guess some people have such a sad pathetic rl that they must continue to act like children here in sl. smh….ill pray for you all. but katana (xodarkcecilexo) i applaud you for using ya name and not hiding. at least it shows your brave.
Braver than you because I’m not the one hiding behind a fake name. Not that its any of your business but my real life is fantastic. Your life is obviously lacking because here you are being a keyboard warrior, hiding behind a fake name because you’re a coward. The fact is a grown ass man shouldnt be involved with a child avatar. She can make an adult avi all she wants, it doesnt change the fact that they starting dating when she was in a toddleedoo. Have a super sparkly day.
Ya’ll some sad ass people. like for real. I never said anything about anyone or their genitals lmfao. But you guys really should roll over outta bed one morning and truly decide to take on the day as an adult. Stuff like this has to stop. You guys are some of the biggest babies and drama seekers I personally have ever seen in my entire life. and Lew….check ya facts…..I never said anything about anyone. You are obviously the one obsessed with them….or lack there of. Have a great day guys. I really hope you all find some solace and move past this pettiness.
I have logs that beg to differ, peach. And you know it. None of those fake logs you and your family cook up neither.
Just own what you are. A ‘Manly man’ obsessed with cock and incest. And capslock.
Good luck Mr. Sociopath. Keep on apologizing to all the family and friends you’ve run off. They don’t want you either, ya insincere fuck. 😀
Apologies to the trans-phobic poster above, I was probably incorrect. Whilst you’re certainly a Gabriel or associated with, you more than likely aren’t Lincoln Gabriel (lincolngabriel) . To insinuate it is offensive. You’ve at least heard of grammar and punctuation.
Still a p.o.s. though.
ok hes fucked up and gross but no need to call him a he/she or a her? uncalled for lmao
33 – Funny seeing she finally made it in here, she’s always been a cock hungry bitch pretending to be everyone’s friend.
You are sad cause you didnt had attention from her?… Let me remind you, it takes 2 to Tango you know! 😛
Laughed hard when I saw Eostri finally made it on here. She’s nothing but a vapid, attention seeking whore and most people I know laugh at her cock thirsty ways. Cringe profile too, listing herself as a ‘model’ and ‘muse’ in SL when she’s some old woman sat at home.
I was wondering how long it would take for her to get on here I have seen her for years get away with the shady things she pulls, thinking being a SL model and Muse means anything! well to her it does she has no life at all a fat old woman sitting behind a screen trying to talk sexy on voice to get her cob webbed vagina filled, and still up Lances ass, this girl is so fame hungry it is actually scary she needs to see a doctor to sort out her issues, thinking she is better then everyone when all she does is fuck everyone’s man and treat people like shit, get over yourself Eos and get a man that is not taken for ONCE stop sucking dick for Linden you have been doing this years and running around playing the victim one of your own gf’s made that post about you I know this for a fact cause I am also on your list and you are so unaware of who is doing this, I am shocked you have not hit on my man yet I am sure you will when you are done trying to hop on Lances dick, she is thirsty for anyone at FMD she couldn’t stay away from that place to save her own life FMD and Fucking taken men is her SL job not being a model and muse lol have you seen her shows? LOOOOOL what a waste of space she is, Eos you should have been swallowed honestly, years I have watched you get away with your shit I am so grateful to see you finally being outed and I am sure you will be on this weekly, a few of your ” friends have posts ready to go… Read more »
Wow… her shows are not worse than the others in there in first place.. she is friendly, it takes 2 to screw right? i known her for years now, she likes to flirt and rp, she has a life outside SL and a man, can all of you say the same or just have your “sl man” , get a grip! Eos is a nice person, body shaming will get you nowhere, she is curvy, or fat, so what, are you a model? If so why spending time on sl right? Let me tell you, reading YOUR comment is a waste of my time!
Alexia, At least you can put your name out there (If that is you.) First of all, Oh no, she’s friendly? How SHITTY of her, At least she isn’t prowling some idiotic gossip site commenting garbage about other players. OH NO, She likes to flirt and have ERP.. Gosh.. how fucking awful of her! Its not like you’re also a cock hungry bitch considering you’re in Gorean RP? Which is.. Entirely cock hungry bitches? Lmao.
Laughing – At least Alexia had the courage to actually put her IGN on her comment. So not only are you too scared to actually state who you are, but you’re out here talking shit about people behind their backs? Hope you aren’t out here calling people fake because.. lmao. That’s some hypocritical shit there. Again, Oh no, She likes to flirt and be sexual? Like.. Who cares? Isn’t that why we’re all on this game, is to have fun? Another note, She does model in SL and does GREAT fucking burlesque shows, At least she clearly has a set of skills that surpasses talking shit on the internet?
How about people get off the Rose thing already. That idiotic “drama” that you guys created is way beyond old and played out. How about you stop wasting your lives shit talking on a drama forum like little pussies and actually get a job.
Funny how so many people are triggered from simple comments. If you had a job, you would not spend your life on the net, trolling people. Also, I never called anyone’s pussy little, I think some of you need to go back to school and learn to read properly. ?? But your lives are not my concern, so oh well.
At what point does calling out bullshit come under the umbrella of “trolling people”? Which one is it, Vika – should I go back to school or should I get a job? You seem quick to dish out life advice to all those except the ones in your social circle who so desperately need it. I’m not sure why you cling so tightly to Rose’s ample breast and feel the need to defend her honor to us shitposters, but I imagine you truly can’t believe half of what you respond with? Surely? I notice that you don’t respond to the actual reactions to your post, and instead focus on the fact that you are “triggering” people. Let’s go out on a limb here and assume that there’s a few people who feel legitimately outraged at the fact that they may have donated to what has since been outed as an unworthy cause. Is that triggering? Or is that simply feeling like they’ve been misled by someone who has taken the good nature of Second Life’s inhabitants for a ride? Make no mistake, Vika. I didn’t donate to this cause, because I smelt a rat from the moment it was brought up. We’ve seen this nonsense from Rose before, and I daresay we’ll see it again in the future. Death, taxes, and fake Second Life sob stories – three things that are guaranteed in life. But for you to trivalize the fact that people spent their Lindens on your “friend” who has done nothing from that point but spend it on frivolous purchases shows the kind of person that you are. Instead of you recognizing that “Shit, maybe people are really put out by new things that have come to light” you consider it people being triggered? You are a fucking… Read more »
hoodwinked by this cunt. ….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i heard angels sing lmao
I would be more inclined to listen to the advice in these rants, if it didn’t include body shaming. What does anyone’s RL size have to do with their integrity? Are you including that just for ‘Mean Girl’ flavor or what?
I would answer this, but the others have done it better than I could have. @Anko, @ImWithYa, @Bluntasf and @Me, y’all are the realest real. ?
blah blah blah body shaming.. avi shaming.. slut shaming.. are all figments of someones crazy imagination.. if someone is fat or skinny… how are you shaming them by truth speaking? Its called honesty…something so many people can’t handle.. the truth. Dont get mad at truth speakers get mad at society that makes you think its not ok to be you. grow a backbone and love yourself and stop caring what strangers think. duh
Oh shut up with that body shaming BS. Its ok to be fat and play SL, that’s what SL is for – maybe you don’t look great in real for whatever reason so you come on SL, make a nice avi and just have fun being summin diff for an hour or so but I think what people don’t like is these women coming in SL and being all bitchy and shit acting like they ARE what their avatar is just throwing that WEIGHT around. I mean come on SL and have fun but be a fucking decent human being; don’t be a cunt or people WILL delight in mocking things like body weight and looks.
@Imwithya….now I can agree with this.
I think the intent is that it speaks to the idea that she’s lazy and sits around all day at a computer instead of being productive, so therefore she’s overweight. Simple logic really.
Oh shit virtual-secrets ruined their next fund raising !! ?
tell us what to do after you take ur own advice.. because in order for me to comment u had to have been here 1st.
Vika, deary… I’m sure you are quite comfy up on that high horse of yours feeling rather smug about how you are better than the rest of us. But, you might want to gracefully come down before you fall off and find yourself face first in the horse shit that has accumulated beneath you.
You have failed to understand that this “drama” wasn’t created out of thin air… Rose did that to herself by scamming people and she will have to atone for it one way or another because we will neither forget nor forgive.
Oh and FYI we all know you didn’t call “anyone’s pussy little”…. you were being made fun of but, you would have known that if you had learned to read properly yourself.
Take your advice. Get a job and stop trolling.
none of us are asking for handouts so what we do in our spare time shouldn’t be in your stretch marked mouth. thanks 😉
Actually I am at work right now.Next.
“Actually get a job”?
While we’re slinging shit at each other begging people to get jobs, how about you target that soft little dookie of yours at your friend Rose? As your friend I would imagine you would want nothing but the best for her, and for her to be safe and secure financially? Well goddamn, Vika – I just had the darndest thought. How about – stay with me, this might get a little complicated – how about you tell your friend to get off her high-fructose-corn-syrup-powered ass and get a job?
It seems that she still hasn’t grasped the idea of making it in the real world, and would rather live in the dirty cesspit of Second Life scraping together as many Lindens as she can from both her out-of-style store and off the goodness of others. I’m not on Plurk, but from what others are reporting it seems she’s back at it again with the frivolous purchases, once again slapping anyone who donated to her cause in the face with her chunky little hand. The same hand that will, no doubt, be outstretched looking for hand-outs again in the near future as it’s up to The Fucking Internet Community to fund her stupidity.
I can see why yourself and Rose are friends – clearly you are both graduates of Zero Fucking Logic University.
I missed you.
My e-lawyers will be in touch.
This has to be satire, right???
There’s no way a friend of Rose can be jumping online to tell anyone to get a job
@Vika….So your logic is….anyone who comments on this site must be some wellfare bum…what would that make you then since you also just commented in here with insults? lol Clearly you’re someone who’s been talked about or you know someone who is. We get it…you’re mad….but get this….we don’t give a fuck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Maybe you should go back to your friend and tell her to get a job and why are you here then but thank you for the compliment about my pussy being little will pass that along to someone who cares. Am sure most of us do have jobs, which it is obvious Rose doesn’t unless you call being a criminal and defrauding good-hearted people.
That response about tiny pussies made my day lol
I second that Shaco.
Both of the losers are struggling to keep their business going and I hope like most of us here wish them immediate failures. Someone made the comment that it is taking a risk when you donate money to fundraisers, which is becoming apparent in SL 99% of personal fundraisers are nothing but scams. I have personally sent each of them notecards expressing my disgust for their behavior and did not think I would get any response because I just said what others should be telling them. #10 about BDSM is comical and so true. As far as the ones that are whining about cheaters, liars and etc am glad that my SL world is fairly small that is my choice and all those morons I am clueless who they are or care about. I am happily surprised that I am not the only one that is curious about all those statements made that is #8 on this weeks SL Secrets. Shocked that those horrible tummy talkers are still around as most clubs had banned them for being irritating and gross. Have to laugh and agree with Blunt about body shaming since it comes with when you put your RL pic up on a testimonial and btw is she a resident of SL I would love to send her a notecard and ask her what she thinks now. Yes, inquiring minds would like to know where Bobby Trivia has disappeared to.
@FunnyFace….Bobby is still around. He did leave a very late comment in last weeks secrets. But it’s kinda funny because I was also wondering where he was as well.
thanks, Blunt and I do see he resurfaced to leave comments ~ am not on Plurk either, which is probably a good thing as I might have to call her out like I did in SL
Bless you, and all of you other troublemakers yelling my name from the rooftops!
Alas, I had a fake GoFundMe that wasn’t able to raise sufficient money for my living expenses. Threatened with the potential of having to *gasp* get a job in order to support myself, I instead turn to you – my good friends at SL Secrets… For only the cost of a cup of coffee a day, you can ensure that Bobby Trivia has not only clean drinking water, but also the latest in technical gadgetry to show off to all my virtual friends on Plurk! There’s also a sick cat in the picture, so if you could drop some extra Linderoos on me that would be brilliant too.
Just kidding. I’ve just been busy with work (“What’s work?” I hear Rose mutter from the burning remains of her failing store) – but I’m back now, it’s time to rain some fire down upon these silly bitches.
I’ve missed my guilty pleasure!
good to see you again and laughing at the fake gofundme comment.
would love to send her a notecard and ask her what she thinks now = perfection
#20. This makes me laugh. They both pretend to be such educated people and they act like pure trash. Guess it sucks to have a weak and lonely real life even if you have a RL wife and RL son. Good parenting there Sofia
Sofia stated this in her blog “If he didn’t get exactly what he wanted, I was insulted, belittled, and my kids attacked also.” She needs to just stop the stupidity right now. He is married in RL, and she is happy being his RL Mistress, and allowing him to attack her kids! I mean come on now ffs! He’s a vile piece of shit, and needs to be flushed down the toilet.
I wish she would realize that she deserves so much better.
#20- I wish Sofia Diage would realize that Jeff Goodnight only went back to her to stop her from publicly exposing all of his dark secrets. Now he is able to keep her from posting on her blog and telling everyone what a nasty, mean, selfish, abusive, manipulative, controlling, and spiteful prick he is. After seeing her blog, it is clear that she is hurting over his mistreatment – now if she only had the courage to leave him.
I’m confused. She doesn’t sound like the Mistress in the relationship. But maybe I’m doing this whole D/s thing wrong… should we go back to the thread above and ask Cerberus?
Jeff cucky Goodnight is the biggest loser in SL. He hides under the guise of being a creative type; with his cheap clone-clothing store, his pictures and his silly blog. Some people are naive enough to fall for his ruse. The reality is, he’s uses women to get off on, nothing more. How many wives, mistresses and dominatrixes has this old fellow had in both worlds? Too many is the number. Look the gig is up with this old wannabee player cuckold. If anyone STILL wants to be associated with him, well they have neither sense nor self worth … period.
Are you serious? Courage? Courage to leave him? First, he has a RL wife. She doesn’t have him. She has the time with him where he chooses to meet her RL or play with her in SL, but he isn’t hers. So the “girl code” she likes to throw around in her profile, that’s BS right there. Period. After seeing her blog, all I saw was a woman that was pissed off that her “SL man” stepped out of line and she was trying to make sure he came back. They are BOTH manipulative, dear. Not one or the other. Both. That’s why they deserve each other and this secret was made, because the preaching about morals that she seems to love to do…telling women not to be “thirsty”… lol.. apparently the main thing she needs to worry about is looking in a mirror.
How exactly is he able to keep her from posting on her blog? She’s already posted and told everyone what a nasty, mean, selfish, abusive, manipulative, controlling and spiteful prick he is. See this for what it truly is. See those two for who they truly are.
I don’t even know where to start with this. She’s hurting… yet.. she’s back with him. He’s mistreated her.. yet.. she’s back with him. Yeah.. makes sense LOL
Sofia needs to take some responsibility here. She is an adult, and if she lowers herself to being a RL mistress to a 3 time married man, how does she expect that to end well? Girl code? That’s a joke. I doubt the RL wife thinks Sofia is adhering to this imaginary code she spouts about.
#26 I will be the first to admit that I don’t care for Cory. I have known him for years and I have never had any reason to believe that he would do anything like that. It’s completely appalling that you would accuse someone of something so vile without anything to back it up.
When Hope for V started I was sitting here thinking here we go again. All those big names fall right for it. When it came out that her landlord was suing the actual tenant but wanted her to pay the $7500 that should of told people how much of a scam it was. Then that handwritten note was an even bigger clue.
Found some stuff …
https://www.hopeforv.com/ … https://gyazo.com/5656a984ddac7b00868549f1251113bd
I think what we want to see is actual receipts not a spreadsheet. Also, apparently she does have a job and was not actually homeless.
Reading that plurk gave me cancer.
On that note I’m setting up a Gofundme. You guys can all donate and I swear I’ll get you some pictures of at least one child, one animal, one dead parent (the urn , not a photo of them alive), and a hand written note (I’ll decorate it with Copic markers then re-draw it with the tablet I’ll get later when we’re done). It’s going to be amazing.
throw in some art supplies and ill donate double
Do you accept Crayola Model Magic?
#12 LMAO Jacky dishes that advice out to everybody who will listen, question is, can she take it herself? Apparently Rai was at Back Milk on Saturday … or was it Jacky trying hard to make it seem like he came back to her … spooky!
#1 i don’t know her but a quick life lesson for you (no thank you needed) * 1 or 2 people saying something about a guy is usually just haters. But if its a lot of people all the time.. Girl Open Your Eyes – protect your own sanity #2 bitches with animal ears grow up that goes for #3 AARP foxtrot too #3 her avi isn’t even as cute as i guess she thinks and her name is screaming golden girls – foxtrot .. no thanks – unless you have an old lady fetish #8 We need a scam version of something between Max & Neve for Catfish and Chris Hanson for To Catch A Predator for these frauds. #9 Becareful on that pole you’re not holding on to. #16 Put that lame shit on silent. Why annoy the rest of SL with your defective spawn. Attention seekers.. ok someone knocked you up.. great.. grand.. wonderful. #18 googles overwatch #19 I’m surprised i haven’t seen more secrets on the gen lab stuff going on.. shoulda went catwa, told you so. GenLab people look insane now on the Flickr page of the GenLab break up.. GenLab group people will call catwa users Cuntwa users.. but are losing their bento heads over omg genlab.. no support.. no updates? lol i love the last laugh. #20 submissive men gross me out.. Next #21 would have been far more interesting had we seen the 10 alt names.. Next.. #22 i don’t know him nor anyone who regulars a club everyone claims to hate. To me its like spending your Ls @ a sl fundraiser. #23 looks as though hes found the fancy section of the lumberjack store. #24 again secrets like that blow unless we can see all the other names maybe we… Read more »
First of all, I have been In Cory’s life for almost 4 years and have never seen him to anything remotely worth being on SL secrets. He is kind and generous and whomever is starting this shit is obviously just jealous. I don’t know what kind of beef everyone has with Solar or Cory, but the slander needs to stop. To add insult to your injury… try looking at a group prior to underlining it and calling someone a pervert. “jinglers” is a land group made by his sister who’s last name is “jingle.” Do your research next time you drama cows
Has nothing to do with Jigglers. The red line is ftfy the group “cute not cringy” the words “cute” and “not” crossed out in red, and a line drawn from cringy to the photo.
No, I didn’t make the secret, but you’d have to be 10 kinds of stupid not to see that.
oh. guess this kinda explains it. people, if you’re using red text on black for your secrets, you probably aren’t going for readability.
If I had a nickle for every mother or father who said that their kid was a saint , I would be rich.
no to mention when they arent even blood related lmao
Cory is a heel. I was once an acquaintance, and in that time I saw him instigate and attack others with needless aggression. Not sure about his pedo status, would like to be informed of that situation. I will say his personality and sense of entitlement left a lot to be desired.
heel? Stilettos or wedge? but is your life so boring you wanna keep tabs on someone else’s?
I don’t believe that secret is saying anything about his groups, other than perhaps why he is an arcade moderator after being a known pedophile.
Don’t you think if there is some variety of “beef” with them from everyone that you may be the one who didn’t do their research?
Dude you love you some Cory, Josh ❤️’s Cory. Its ok a lot of other people love him too, get in line!
Iffy soulstar used go be a huge furry so back I the day and they were really weird then. This does not surprise me I the least.
Seem like this iffy soulstar is a popular guy, is he bad news or something?
you mean other than lying about people hes dated being abusive, smearing peoples reputations because he regrets fucking them, dating someone who was previously his kid or the fact he’ll use anyone as long as they listen to him bitch about how depressed he is and give him all the attention without him having to worry about giving any back?
i’m sure there is more but i don’t feel like digging into it with the current owners of just poseballs
Secret #8 had a lot of time, tea and receipts put into it and I thank who ever made it cause it really helps put this whole Fundraiser BS into view.
Also since the new layout of SL Secrets I find I miss being able to Thumbs up or Down an entire week, also What happened to Bobby Trivia?! BOBBY where have you gone?! Are you under a new name now??? Please, I loved reading your comments. That is all. 😀
I disabled the thumbs up or down (love it hate it ) because literally everyone “hated it” except me. Who loved it every week. It wasn’t utilized much. I might can bring it back. I think people prefer the comments thumbs up and down. I am.planning a redo of the theme in a little while I might bring it back. You can always use the contact us form for suggestions or comments on the site. Spoiler alert to those reading : Lourdes and I don’t care if you say our site sucks. Lol
Your site sucks
lmao- which one of the fmd butthurts or suckups and cheerleaders are you or w/e fundraiser/ageplaying/retarded family shit you engage in? Thats right, just give a heavy sigh and say “ugh this site sucks”
Six people that thumbed up, and yourself included for commenting, still came here and gave this site an impression to say this.
@kesseret….. You said you don’t care if someone says your site sucks…that’s why Pleasestop said it lol
Oh really? I had no idea. I was being sarcastic back at them. I figured from their comment history they’d appreciate it.
#25 im fucking in tears, how does it feel to fall into the ranks of people you used to criticize and roast constantly? have fun fucking a child avatar you creep, gg. also whoever submitted i love how salty you are, and your the best.
#27 Back in the day was accused of copybot. Once a cheater always a cheater, once a stealer, always a stealer, nothing surprising here.
#26 …………… Whoever made this up, should go rot in hell. Cory’s literally the best person I’ve ever met in SL, and I know for a fact this is bullshit. You wanna come at me, Bro? Whoever made this? Jayda Gervasi in SL, but I know you’re too pussy to use that…well except maybe on an alt.
You know that for a fact but you claim to only have been ‘sober’ for 2 months! You sure about that Bro? Clear your eyes honey, you haven’t been able to see straight for quite some time.
Dear Witherspoons, I hope you remember how much shit I know about your RL, before you continue to bring mine into it.
It’s funny that you think it was one of us, but sure, go ahead and continue to make vague threats on the internet and chase the wrong enemy. Who by the way, have tried to reach out to you after your complete and utter drunken mental breakdown. Have fun with your drama circle. “Ohhh I almost caught my tail that time! I’m gonna getcha!” continue chasing your tail weirdo. We’re not gonna fight some imaginary war.
“It’s funny that you think it was one of us” … not one of them, you’re so smart *slow claps* Way to go Pokie.
Dear Ms. Potato Head, Can you even breathe out of that nose?
Cora are you FTM or a bbg? Hows Walmart these days? I hear the benefit package is great.
lmao@wanna come at me bro… you are soo fucking daring…log in and fight.. lmao.. retarded as fuck go seek help.
@me…..lmao! The knight in shining keyboard armor…..another keyboard warrior at its finest
@blunt i guess Valarie has 28-30 friends lmao because that was some funny shit
@blunt & @me – Ms. potato head does not have that many friends! LOL! She is using a VPN to switch and like all of her comments.
If you knew Val, you’d know she’s not smart enough to do that. Though it seems you know a lot about VPN’s there Josh.
Hi pokie witherspoon, you realize all the shit you put Tyler through? It’s a shame he’s been collateral damage these past weeks 🙁
@me….you noticed that too eh? Lol
#26 This is slanderous bullshit! I hope people use common sense and not just believe everything they read. There needs to be actual “proof” with an accusation like this if he were “caught” other than a snip it of his profile. Anyone who actually KNOWS Cory knows this is bullshit. Get a life… nobody has time for your fake news. If you have a problem with Cory, with Solar, or the Arcade (for whatever reason you felt the need to underline that group in his profile) Take it up with them and stop being backstabbing drama queens….
Someone is butt hurt! Does most of the post on sl secrets come with proof? Nope.. but is the majority of them true? Yep! It’s okay, the truth always comes out. Let’s not forget Cory Figaro dating Tyler Witherspoon and WE ALL know about that age play situation.
Even “that age play situation” came with what proof? Accusation of some other avatar playing his boyfriend as well? Didn’t someone post about how his boyfriend has been a popular store owner in sl for years now…? I mean if we have proof by all means I welcome the proof but my point is without it one accusation is as good as the next.
Tyler is dating Alexx Jacob now who is a renound ageplayer. I believe this.
I’m pretty sure Cory only dated Tyler, because he felt bad for him. I mean, you can only turn down someone so many times before you take pity on them. It wasn’t an actual relationship… Well, on Cory’s end.
@15 why cant you leave them alone? just looks like you are jealous
Oakley Foxtrot = Old lady glasses dancing? even if she had a hot avatar thats all i would be thinking
18) I thought that ugly cunt called Verinne is no longer part of his “slave girl club”. She’s the most toxic, retarded, ugly piece of shit I’ve ever met. Same goes for her friend skye, you two are the most hated people in SL, followed by Rose and Oakley. But without you idiots virtual-secrets wouldn’t be fun 🙂
I’m not sure who is worse, Skye or Verinne. Skye pretends to be this kind person who is fair and just, letting Verinne go after anyone Skye disagrees with so she can keep this image in return. You’re transparent, we see through you. What I don’t understand is why Verinne lets herself be thrown under the bus and continues doing it. Must pay off to be friends with the likes of Skye. These two dumb bitches deserve each other.
Actually there all boring and get off on the attention probably. There lives are boring and reading about them is not even entertaining anymore. If u really hate them, make them irrelevant
Who are you to say that I don’t go to people I got an issue with? I do for a fact go to people I got an issue with and I myself deem if they are a hazard to myself or my girls by my own observations and not by what people tell me. If you don’t know my side of the story then dont come at me like you are now. So yes I follow my own advise as I in many times have offered the benefit of a doubt to people that have been marked as liars and hazards.
Who are you anyway? You are going to talk big about what I actually do like this then at least make it clear on who you are. Do you honestly think your argument is going to be valid if you can’t even say who you are? Have you heard my side of the story in whatever case you claim I did not choose to tell people I got an issue with? Let’s see who you are and how close you actually are to me to go around claiming such things as factual.
And who ever said Verinne was poly? Verinne was with Trevor they were in the an agreed monogamous relationship because it extended into RL. That does not mean she doesnt respect my relationship standard and for starters do you even know the extend of our relationship? No.
“I do for a fact go to people I got an issue with and I myself deem if they are a hazard to myself or my girls by my own observations and not by what people tell me.”
uh… you do know who verinne is right? both her and skye are considered some of the most toxic, manipulative and abusive people in sl. if skye didn’t have her events, she’d go back to being a nobody. if verinne wasn’t her partner and known as one of cerbs subs, she’d go back to being a nobody. if either of these chicks didn’t have people to kiss their ass so they could get things, they’d be hated as much as the people they specifically target.
if you’re going to pull that line and control who your subs are friends with because you deem a person hazardous, why the fuck would have you verinne in the allowed section? that’s like being a hypocrite and a half just because you want to bang the generic japanese wannabe.
what’s even funnier is that she got away with blaming avery for something mr e did. like dude, come on. are you really that clueless on the shit your “non-hazardous” girl pulls, cerb?
I’m not 100% sure on this since you basically treated one like shit because of her issues with Verinne, region banned her from all the places and went to the extent of forcing one of your subs to remove her because you didn’t like her. You never brought your issues to her, and you used one of your subs, her friend, to hurt her when they appeared to get along fine. Even after things on Verinne’s blog had proven to be lies, but she won’t change them because it would make her look bad. If you’re going to go on about talking to people and deeming them basically hazardous… You really screwed up by letting your sub get away with the way she treated that person, and the mutual friends who were given shit for talking to her, the fact Verinne is still going around warning people to avoid her two years later, even when she made a plurk Verinne continued her warnings and obsession. Do you just kind of sit back and enjoy watching her stalk, abusive and mistreat someone for stealing a shape two years ago and lying about it? Like… I see more people liking that person over Verinne, and even some of your subs aren’t a huge fan of Verinne. It’s kind of hypocritical to deem particular people hazardous when you have someone like that in your circle. I’m not trying to start that whole drama again either, it’s just kind of screwed up you’d basically do that to someone, when you already have someone awful as a sub. If you’re going to do the whole “I bring issues I have with people to them” maybe you should have with her instead of basing it all off the things your sub said. Otherwise, you’d see for… Read more »
What do you guys mean by subs? Do you mean the typical fat woman with no job responsibilities trying to follow a mamma boy pixel dick on a computer game? Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Usually men with tiny cocks need to come on a computer game to feel the more online women they have, the more they have in their shortcomings in reals 😉 On blogging, nothing wrong with doing that, but to worship a blogger? Lol NO, I mean thanks for the shopping finds but anyone can blog on virtual clothing if they want and no one is higher then another. Lastly, on that Verianne chic, if she is the one I am thinking, some albino fox- it was pretty nasty at the last event I was at humping the ground while she was afk. Big L right there for Loser. Virtual fame is non existent people. Real life fame is where its at.
Exactly as I said. No one asked me what my side of the story was. All you are doing is basing it on what you heard and what has been told to you. Did anyone actually ask what my side of the story was? No, you all already are convinced that my decisions are due to Verinne and that I did not have my experience in the matter.
If you sincerely care for your friend and are so convinced that whatever decision I had made for her is wrong then instead of spending your time on this site bashing on my personal conclusion why not approach me about it and clarify what exactly happened as to why I decided this? Have you ever tried that? No.
My IM box stands open to this. I’m not going to continue arguing about one particular incident on a site that promotes no transparent communication. I’m done here and whatever idea you may have of me, just because I gave the benefit of a doubt to someone not of your liking is your choice.
Hahaha at least she’s making a few dollars and not doing fraudulent fundraisers.
It’s unfortunate your name was brought up in the comments when it comes to the petty Verinne/Avery. It’s distasteful but it was your submissive that dragged you into this long before it was mentioned on here. You do understand the reason why people claim that she was banned from your regions comes from the fact it’s one of the ways Verinne attempted to get Avery banned from RP sims that Verinne wasn’t even apart of? As a moderator at one of them, when this news was found it added leverage to her case to have a creator such as you backing her. “Cerberus banned her from his regions because she is a copybotter.” If this isn’t true then you might want to inform Verinne that. We banned her from ours because that added more truth to the case. If what you’re saying is true and Verinne wasn’t involved, that means a variety of sims banned Avery based on something that your submissive involved you in. If this is the case, you might want to have a talk to her about her behaviour and telling the truth in regards to these matters, otherwise treatment Avery was given was done by false means. To put it straight before anyone comes to complain that I’m just trying to defend Avery. I don’t like either of these women. I’m not friends with either of them and I don’t plan on ever being friends with them. I’d say this if it was anyone else that it happened to. I just won’t tolerate having someone come to a sim that I previously modded at, say these things to have someone removed from the sim, only to find out it may not have been truthful to begin with. I may have felt some pity for Verinne for… Read more »
If you and Verinne are in an honest, mutual relationship then power to you dude. Don’t let people on here disrupt your happiness if you have found something fulfilling that works for you. If a person was honestly concerned about your wellbeing, her wellbeing or the wellbeing of the relationship, they would have spoken honestly to you or her. This sounds to me like someone got spurned and is now trying to make drama for people. Keep your head up, man, and ignore the pettiness. Hope things chill out for you both.
Averylust/Abril Fride is a crazy, nasty, psychotic bitch. I’d ban her from places too same as many others and I don’t need to know Verinne or be influenced by her at all to make that decision, same way Cerberus doesn’t. The way Averylust treats people gets around on its own regardless.