Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 503.
virtual-secrets: Week 503
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 235 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
So an update on something we touched on last week. We are making an update in our policy on the use of certain extreme offensive terms being used in secrets. What terms classify as “extremely offensive” will be determined by Kess and I. We are open to suggestions. We had a discussion on plurk to see what types of terms people find EXTREME, to give us an idea. I think it is possible to throw shade in an entertaining way without using some of those terms.
Also before the tears start ,”pedo” is not considered extreme.
So guys, please give us feedback if you see a secret today, or any time in the future that you think uses an offensive term and we’ll look into. Between Kess being Italian American and me being Afro-Latino we know quite a few regarding race. However, we aren’t versed on all offensive terms when it comes to different lifestyles and gender identities.
Thanks for your help and understanding.
#25. Just pushing himself closer towards “Chapter Four” Bankruptcy lol. Gets mad at one shape creator, bans them all from his event. Such an equitable way to run a business.
#15 ALL SO SO TRUE AND MORE simple try hard loser wannabe
#16. Infamous, melodramatic, drama starter, bubbles/rosa posted this one. Can’t handle any sort of competition. She’s saltier than a sardine and looks like one too.
#16, thank you for that! i ended up buying it myself a week ago. but thanks anyway. the picture must be out dated or something also you have no right to talk about my real life job!
#26 – So basically this pervert posted up his own secret to show everyone who he is exactly. That is a whole new level of sick.
#26 isn’t he family with an autistic pedo that plays a kid, I guess they like to flock together.
#23 ROFLMAO!! Made my day. 😉
Thomas j hunter the pedophile?
Wow someone really went through great lengths to try and smear Tommy’s name.
That picture of the anime character isn’t even from Facebook. It’s from the very inactive “Onlinker” website.
Quite frankly, probably one of Colby’s alternative looks.
Someone is really mad at colby.. Im sure boyds gonna infatuate over young women in his clown house tonight lmao btw not alex.
Mckenzie numbers aka thomas hunter was a child avi who changed her last name to hunter because the numbers call everyone a pedo yet, a few of them go around boning kid avatars.. Mck enzie has had a history with things that aren’t allowed like copybotting ageplay, ect.
Quit listening to rumors and get your facts straight. Kenzie and Tommy are two very different people. One male, the other female. One older, the other younger. One American, the other British. They’re not hiding under name changes. The whole family uses Numbers as a last name in SL which is the last name of their family matriarch, Cloudy Numbers. Hunter is a RL last name a few of them have been using for years on social media. And no, the Numbers don’t go around calling everyone a pedo and “boning” child avatars. That’s someone else you know. In fact, the so-called “elitist” Numbers family “empire” don’t do anything but work hard every day on a PUBLIC sim (Youth Quake) to help make SL and the family-friendly community of SL a better and more enjoyable place. How have you missed that? Pay attention, lover of trolls.
One thing you did get right is that Kenzie does have a history with things like copybotting and ageplay… but only because Kenzie has had to deal with many of your friends who do both with his mesh. I think you may have confused him with Andrew/Chris/Shrike. Go see what you can get on people like him instead, and leave the good people of SL alone.
You couldn’t be further from the truth and your words are mere fictional ploys belonging to salty little boys (or girls.).
But let me clear some things up since I have a few minutes to do so while I take my morning shit.
First – Mckenzie “Kenzie” Numbers is yes a female behind the avatar, Tommy “Thomas” Numbers is not and close members to the family have proof of this.
Second – Kenzie has only changed from Mckenzie to Kenzie due to it being a short form and he changed his middle and last name years ago when he left his previous family. It didn’t have anything to do with being called a pedo, and everything to do with the old family not being a good fit for him.
Third – Kenzie has “Thomas” as a middle name as a token of respect and pride for being his Tommy’s son. Just as some of the other kids have had previous dad’s names or the grandmother’s name.
Fourth – What history are you talking about with regards to the copybotting? Are you referring to the mesh he’s used in the past that he has shrunk down to fit kids sizes? Yeah those aren’t copybotted you idiot. He’s purchased those meshes at a higher price so he could have the DAE files to size them down. Nice try though.
Fifth – Seriously, not a month goes by where Kenzie isn’t accused of being an age player by some salty bitches who are mad at how successful he is. Just like previous people targeted recently: he’s gay, has a boyfriend, possesses both kid and adult avatars and is well known.
Ah there it is.
I honestly didn’t bother digging around too much on Onlinker to check too far into things, but I as-well 2 months ago got a friend request from Katiee Dagger.
The accusations against Tommy are clearly made by one Salty Bitch named Colby/Schillar/ Skylar.
Moving along.
True. No one uses Onlinker anymore and yet he somehow knew those pictures existed on it; plus, it is a style of avatar he uses frequently himself, both as male & female (or “hermaphrodite” as his troll-defending bf chad refers to himself as).
I didn’t even know this “Onlinker” existed lol
Uhm? hold up here…. 1st off Thomas has had the same name forever and he never posts anything that isn’t family friendly. I don’t know him well but that much I can say for sure.
Now as far as the “Anime child pic” I wouldn’t be surprise in the least if your black box edit covered up some daisy dukes or panties or whatever. Nudity isn’t allowed on FB so it would have been taken down rather quickly if the guy was naked as you claim.
And really, does Thomas have the time to see & police every last pic of his 4900+ friends? Also FYI just because you are “friends” on FB doesn’t mean you even know the person that well or pay attention to their posts.
How long did that take you to find one friend out of Thomas’ 4900+ friends to suggest once again that the Numbers family are all pedos, Colby (Chris Chan) [previously known as Alexander Chan (per your facebook history)]. That’s the best you can do to prove someone’s a pedo… showing evidence of them clicking a random SL “friends” request on facebook with someone who later posts pictures of themselves as a naked Anime “child looking” avatar? Pretty obvious where that facebook friends list of supposed “pedos” came from now, isn’t it? And what does name-changing have to do with being a pedophile, you of many alts? Thomas Hunter has been Thomas Hunter for YEARS. Give it up, troll. Go away before someone shares more stuff about you.
Hi boyd. Still jerking off to women on mic in your clown house? Im sure these people know alot about you. Also, proof im “colby”o r is everyone who you dont like britbong or colby/alexander?
I’m not here to play games, troll. It’s very clear who you are and what you’re about.
Who is this individual Sherlock Holmes?
Someone mysterious.
KG: https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Boyd_Doghouse
Colby’s modus operandi: 1) Call everything a pedo, 2) Try to smear anyone’s name who points out the hypocrisy of that, and 3) Bring up people like Boyd. Maybe it’s just another twisted way for you to talk about yourself…
https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=katiee%20dagger Oops! No results on fb for Katiee Dagger, thus proving KG’s point and yes Chris, we know you’re Colby so sit your ass down already.
You defriended Tommy just before taking that picture. He was in your friends list just yesterday, yet you’ve been calling him a pedo for years. So by using your own logic of “anyone who is facebook friends with a ‘pedo’ must also be a pedo” that makes you a… what?
#8 yet another corrupt dj mafia family. aint none of em got any morals. rl cheaters. daddy doms that dont know shit from their elbow. mafia tactics and try to get people to think they all that. throwing their weight around like they matter. halo trisk coldfire who cares. none of yas run sl. they screw over people for linden or popularity.
For #5; proof that catty hoes will go to any length to show how petty they are once you take that dick away. Better luck next time little girls….this hasn’t fazed me.
It hasn’t fazed you but yet here you sit trying to defend yourself when you know you are prob one of the most hated people on SL, you date people that you once called your children or your sisters, and your family is prob the number one incest family on SL, you loose family members quicker than you gain them because you feed people lies to manipulate them into joining your wack job family, and when they wise up and leave you because we know they all do you try and drag their name’s through the dirt when in reality it’s you that is the problem. You act all big and tough behind your computer screen when in reality you can’t even keep your own damn RL wife happy. Stop acting like your shit don’t stink…we all know that no demon wants to associate with you and every angel wants your horns on their walls. You will get your karma and when you do it’ll be oh so sweet. People are watching everywhere and we see you for the lying fool that you are. You can try and sweet talk your way outta this but the truth is your time is up and everyone knows what a pathetic person you really are. So keep doing you cause God knows it’s working so well for you smh… We all know it’s only a matter of time before Karrie smartens up and leaves your disgusting ass as well. We’ve all heard of keeping it in the family but damn you take that expression to a whole other level. Good for you keeping that ass hole bloodline of yours mighty strong by fucking all your family members.
funny…im not the one hiding my name 🙂 and i wasnt talking shit lourdes…just pointing out the simple fact that your entire system here is essentially the same as “FAKE NEWS” and to karma….i dont even deal with bloodlines…so stop trying to lead astray with your bogus BL statement when you are mentioning names for another system. should be smarter then that. but kudos to you guys…regurgitating false statements…i love it 🙂 i been with my wife for 16 years and she seems mighty happy…no complaints there….but i encourage you…you are willing to test me in rl…all you have to do is ask ill give you directions right to me…hell ill even give you a map lol. and to rebuke pathetic….pathetic is taking propagated lies and bs to a forum website only to turn and hide your name….thats kinda pathetic….but to each their own. keep doing you….cause pettiness looks fucking amazing on you 🙂
You new here? Welcome!
I have to say, based on your behavior on this thread and in your picks, that you really are everything that this secret says. You sit back and play the victim when it was your actions that landed you here. Why play the victim when you know fair well that its true. Take a look at yourself, you bully and belittle for laughs. I think its disgusting, that you say and do the things you do then double back and play victim. You are homophobic, transphobic, a bully and a manipulator. Its what you’re good at I just want to know why? What do you have to gain from behaving this way? How bad do you feel about yourself to do this? How sad is your life? In the end you’ll end up with nobody. Its your way or its no way, you throw family away like its nothing and then when you have nobody you try to kiss their asses. You’re a proffesional gas lighter and you know it. I guess what I’m trying to say is that you really arent that great of a person because if you were, you wouldn’t respond this way to the comments. I hope you figure your shit out, seriously you need to.
Why be so hooked on a person then? You say you are a witness to his crimes and yet you take no responsibility for your own. You are not blameless, You are not innocent and you are not as good as YOU think you are. It is as if you think you above it all. Which I can assure you, You are the gasoline feeding the fire. So before you can point fingers for others downfall look at your own. Only a bully can call others the same. I laugh knowing I have nothing to do with this. But to continue and read your little comments is amusing. To think you and who ever you have helping you write this can’t let go of this spite and hate you have for one man. You might wanna ask yourself. What have I done? Am I to blame for these hateful events. Fucking take responsibility. Stop acting like you and your family and friends are innocent because I can tell you this right now. You’re just as toxic and evil as you claim he is.
Wow you really are an idiot when I said bloodlines I was talking about your family like your line of blood being pure and strong because you only fuck family members smh…. I could care less about whether or not you still play bloodlines cause we all know you ain’t nothing special, and this shit isn’t false news when I know countless people that back up the shit I’m saying…and sorry you think your real life relationship is all good…like come on now we all know your woman’s psycho and you deal with it by downing her psyc medication and hiding away in your tiny office acting like SL is your real life. You too funny and no thanks I’d rather die before seeing you in real life cause that would just show me even more how pathetic you are like I’m good… go crawl back into your tiny hole and curl up with your daughter Haylee cause we all know you banging her behind closed doors. You disgust me and many others and there will be a day when your stupid little lies all turn around and bite you in the ass… so keep acting all tough. It’s all good we all see the real you and we all laughing at your fake ness.
And one other thing that people should be well aware of, you are a homophobic asshat that gets pleasure making fun of people that are transgender or gender fluid. As far as I am concerned when did you earn the right to call yourself a man let alone dictate whether or not another person is a man or a woman… like really is your ego that big, or is your dick so tiny that you continuously need reasurance of your own manly hood and put down anyone else that threatens it… smh I’m not you so I’m not gonna sit hear and say you ain’t a man but honestly you definitly put that into question. Oh and one last thing, quit trying to be this badass dominate when we know the only girls that let you on their collars are your own daughters like wow can’t have nobody else fucking your girls cause sorry daddy’s dick is all they get. You are so disgusting like I wanna vomit when I hear mention of you and your so called family, you’ve made so many enemies throughout the years that all your lies are coming to the surface… so go ahead and sit there and tell everyone what I’m saying is bullshit ha I bet you if this shit got posted on Facebook countless people would be commenting agreeing with me. So go back to gettting off on other people’s pain, go back to your fabulous life with your wife that is two steps away from going off the deep end… honestly I don’t know whose crazier you or her but then again crazy attracts crazy…
Really roxy? You are really sad. My previous statement stands….someone mad I took the dick away. And bitch I’m far from homophobic or transphobic if you bothered to ever pay attention they were people (trans and bi) that came to my defense of the matter. But you and Fel keep doing your sad little thing, I’m out cause your stupid is really showing through. One of you have no common sense and the other is just pissed I ain’t her daddy anymore. Your people were collared by me once upon a time so keep talking. That’s all you good for is talking. Still not showing your name and stepping forward. As it stands you are the very thing you are accusing me of which is being a keyboard tough guy. But I have amused this thread long enough as you continue to fabricate reality in hopes of striking a nerve in me. Enjoy your family where your women are playing as men in Alts fucking the other women knocking them up. Hell hatred right now AKA TAWN is taking a break from her main to play as a boy and suffice a relationship with quin. The only reason why your pathetic ass family is playing male Avis is due to the fact that not a single one of them have a dick rl. Toddles bitch!
Are you that ignorant both karma comments are from me I’m just using different devices to comment from my phone and my computer so therefore I can make two different names… And first off this isn’t Roxy or tawny or felicity or anyone of your exes or ex family members I am just a bystander that has sat back and watched their friends and multiple other people go through your stupid shit and am tired of seeing you try and tear everybody else down when in reality your the ass hole in this situation… So don’t get all butt hurt at me for speaking the truth that you’re too pussy to own up to. You are not worth anymore of my time and I could care less if you comment back to get the last word in go for it idgaf just know your secrets are out there and every day more and more people know the truth about you. Have a fabulous night 😉
Sounds to me like this was just jealousy and spite. You guys have nothing better to do then sit at your computer or phone pushing the refresh button waiting for a reply? Come on children it’s time let it go. When are you gonna act like adults and move on with your lives. Second Life isn’t everyday life ever heard of Real life? Outside? Get the fuck outta your own asses and grow up.
i had to come read just to see for myself….funny…you claim your not any of them…yet you call them out by their full name! god damn ya’ll some stupid motherfuckers. peace out petty bitch. and i got nothing to hide from anyone. just find it funny you continue to spread false statements and continue to carry on after a year and a half of this nonesense. grow the fuck up…be an adult….stop worrying so much about sl and the people in it….block blacklist derender and move on with your sad pathetic life cause at the end of the day…..every single time you or your fucked up family make a stupid post about me….comment…or say my name….I WIN….cause after a year and a half…your nothing more then a foot note in a jaded past that i buried long ago hoe…..but you cant seem to get my name out your mouth. but continue to hide behind a name….you say im a coward….bitch my name is here and posted by me myself…..so place fresh batteries into your massive dildo (cause you must have a giant cunt to be this unhappy)….take 2 steps back….and fuck yourself! im out…step to me in sl if you feel the need….where your bs and lies have already been proven false to damn near everyone 🙂
damn…didnt even see melania there….ahhhh…its cause she is irrelevant as she is in rl 😛
lol you mean your pixel dick! this is hilarious reading this.
It doesn’t fazed him but yet he’s in my IMs talking shit. Seems pretty fazed to me.
Shapes- While i dont consider making and selling shapes to really be in the category of “designer”, i do no dis shape creators for making them. Not everyone has a good eye ( you should be able to tell that by all of the jacked up avs that are walking around SL with grand canyon width hips and fish faces. Sometimes people just need a little help. With the introduction of mesh bodies shape sellings became more popular and the demand from customers grew. Now with bento mesh heads even more so. People still enjoy buying reasonably priced shapes made for bento heads instead of trying to make it themselves because it saves them a lot of time and frustration with getting something cute.
Avatar Height-Why are people still judging people for their height in SL? This has been an ongoing thing for years. Its quite likely that womans height is of equal RL height of around 5’5 ish and the guy avatar is likely to be over an overly unrealistic 7+ feet tall like many guy avatars tend to be. You wouldn’t look at a real life couple of very different heights and judge them and say they are disgusting just because the woman is short.My own RL mother is 5’2 and dad is 6’4. They always looked awkward together. So even in SL to make assumptions and judgement just because of the height slider is totally unfair.
Child Avatars-I have been in SL for many years so im familiar enough with the controversy thats been around for a long time. Its sad that a few bad apples ruin it for other people that just want to enjoy SL and have families. These age players perverting the child avatar community need to be perma banned from SL.
1. Accurate in some cases. But where is the secret here? Like, what you say is either blatantly full of shit, or not only true but obvious. No secret here. 2. I might have to steal this. I don’t know who or what it’s directed at, but it accurately represents how I feel towards a handful of people in SL, and I got a good laugh out of it. 4. This disturbs me on a fundamental level. That’s pretty fucked up. 5. Don’t know him, don’t care (can that become a new space on SL Secret Bingo?) 7 & 11. I don’t know Colby, nor am I close to the pedo epidemic in SL, but there has to be some way to start to crack down on this shit. 8. My only issue here would be if they weren’t honest about their gender with people they’re playing with on whatever avi. Alt if you want, be a Switch if you want, fuck whoever you want, but honesty is huge for me. The non-existent 9 and 10 tells me someone, or someones, got butthurt. 12 & 13. Aren’t these two parts of the same secret? Either way, don’t care. 15. Trying to read it is giving me a headache, skip… 16. I do see the irony in “I want to start this business, but I can’t afford the building, will someone rez it for me?” How are you going to afford the tier of the parcel the building is on, which is a recurring payment, if you can’t afford the one-time cost of whatever the build is? 17. I’m confused. Do you (the secret maker) think that the top and skirt outfit is made from the two MI templates you linked? Cause they are entirely different meshes. Not that I like… Read more »
Liam has openly admitted he has sexual thought against rl children if he were to ever have any (which he would have to get off his fat, lazy, unemployed ass to even meet someone who would be willing to) And multiple people have the chat logs to prove it. As for “babygirl”, she looks stupid as fuck for defending someone who has cheated on her… how many times now? and how many alts has he had banned for age play? Not to mention the ones he has that he is STILL continuing to cheat on her with. But, ya know. Gotta stick by ya mans!
How stupid can you fucking be? she is a mother. Yet is with someone who has these thoughts about fucking children…Does she not care about the safety of her own children? is the dick that important? (all what, maybe 3 inches?)
The whole situation is disturbing. She looks stupid as fuck, and one day when shes alone, and has nobody (because he has her so isolated from everyone that she cant leave without shit happening) she will realize that everyone was right. She fucked up, and she looks stupid and pathetic. But nobody will be around to listen, nor give a fuck.
Number 19… yea XxRRxX Resident. He is a hot-headed little prick. Blames everyone else for his own issues. Cheated a few people out of money for half assed jobs he should have done and cancelled them paid, when he was not delivering them on time.
As soon as he was chased, he gets angry and does not deliver… claiming they are stalkers . Nasty bit of work .
Nice to see his issues are still following him with other people. Hopefully people will ban him from events, his work is total shit too. Has a Portuguese SL wife that’s like Yoko Ono cross breed with a Pitbull, that’s smacked continually with a 12 inch rubber Dildo. As soon as there is trouble, he unleashes that POS as covering fire when he is exposed for his issues. Lovely People
For the record: he also likes to masturbate during Skype business calls and then talk mad shit when he gets called out for it.
Yes. I heard about that. He borrowed money here and there. Playing alts to fuck around and use those girls for his own advantage. He used these girls to manage his brand or buying his creation. He lured those girls with his alt selling them idea to create their own brand and buy the mesh from him through all his alts. A very mean and manipulative person. Beware!
On #7 This was an interesting item, wondered when this guy would turn up on SL Secrets. Known to be linked with numerous “pedo hunters” such as Andrew Umega, Schiliar and a few other alts. Colby had been dipping a toe in two camps, with one he had been reported trapping boys on several alts, leading them up in IM messages to trap them for sexually misleading conversations. On the other he had been known on both his main and alts, to make friendships and conversations with intent to engage in sexually motivated relationships with several sl kids. Only to later troll them and blackmail them when things did not go his way. Colby is well known to be an ageplayer but has a thing for naming and shaming other kids as “pedos”, as well as naming sims as “pro ageplay” openly on throwaway alts. So the two people were hand in hand in several bannings and shitty antics against kids for a few years. Colby was well known to be against the Numbers and associated people for a long time, leading on to complaining about prices of clothing in kid stores to later using alts to report kid created content he found disgusting and sexual. In a story twist, Colby did go back to wearing the clothing brands of the stores he “hated” , so no idea why he causes issues in the first place. He did however show open support for the work of Shrike Criss aka Andrew Ɲιgнтωιѕн (who was also the little kid troll at Little London), who was well known as a copybotter of kid clothing stores (as well as other stores such as Apple Fall etc) and taking them into the grid Dreamnation. Shrike was also well known in the furry world for appearing… Read more »
“Its amazing to think that the people who claim they are SL kids harbor with most weird people who are actually dangerous to other kids.”
Colby / schillar or what else you want to call him is a professional troll who admitted that he doesn’t care if people in SL are pedo’s because he only uses it as an excuse to hurt people, That is his Fetish he admitted he just enjoys seeing people getting hurt and gets off on that. Calling kids in SL Pedo’s is simply the easiest wayfor him to hurt people and he successfully got over 150 kid Avatars banned with fake AR’s in the past by faking chatlogs and screenshots. He is a hardcore pedophile him self and many assumed that he hurts kids cuz he hates his own pedo desires but in fact he doesn’t care he just gets off on hurting people. He is trolling SL for over 10 years and since his attempt to hurt people using virtual-secrets as a platform backfired and exploded right in his face im sure he will go on a fake AR spree in SL again soon so be prepared to see some kids vanish from your friendslist soon.
Does Colby have any compassion, any caring bone in his body? I’m pretty sure at this stage we can say he is a psychopath who only cares about himself. Everyone else is simply collateral.
Yeah I think this was the most sensible post made. What was said was true, many do.
Nice attempt at putting me, Russy and Sebi in the ageplaying basket without any evidence Sora. I know it is you, everyone knows it is you, so who are you trying to fool? We all know you have it in for the Numbers.
To bad that’s not me.. You’re throwing some random child avi under the bus lol.
Well shouldn’t be a big deal to you fake Yorksire Yeti, since you’re in on the witch hunt against pedophiles on SL and that individual there is clearly a questionable person. He also is friends with people who have been accused of being ageplayers.
Or do you not agree with that because a full body bathing suits for children is more pedophilic than a functional cock and slutty clothing on a child avatar who is your friend?
Yes cause i must use SL lol. Degenerate retard go feed your kids and stop spending your welfare on a video game
My children are well fed but thank you for your concern.
And for someone who doesn’t use SL, you sure do have alot of information.
I guess you only log into SL to troll people and the rest of the time you’re on the other grids.
It’s Zuckerberg, learn to spell correctly fake Yorkshire.
And yes there’s so much pedo about a 3D image of a brother and sister portrait.
I feel so bad for you in the real world. You must have not been hugged as a child growing up and had no siblings. That’s the only logical explanation for why you think siblings taking pictures is pedo and why bathing suits on children is pedo.
Keep showing me how angry you are little boy. I still have breakfast to cook for the children, laundry to do and tea to drink.
Little known fact: People on your friends list show up before those who aren’t on your friends list. Guess who happens to be friends with all 9 of those names? ColbyDark. That picture proves he is behind the lists and that picture.
little known fact you don’t have to be logged in to see peoples friends on FB you retard lol. Feed your kids
@Yorkshire Yeti about your little known fact, unread posts by other people don’t show up if you aren’t logged in. In order for them to show up you actually have to be logged in to an account. Try again.
You ready for a really mind blowing fact?
It’s really going to blow your mind.
Kenzie has his friends list set to private unless you have mutual friends. So you have to share the same friends with him to be able to see a fraction of who is on his list.
So guess what that means?
You have them on your list too.
Please… buff up on your trolling skills you angry little boy.
Did you know nothing is private on FB no matter if you’re logged in or not?
You’ve never been out in the real world obviously. LOL sad little stalker sperg never know what its like to actually have a proper functional life without being a keyboard sperg.
I think it’s funny how upset you’re getting. I was planning on reading the Sunday funnies, but you’ll do just fine.
I agree with most of what you’re saying Theodoric, however if Colby had did the original list, then he would have targeted Kenzie and the Numbers family first as he has always done because he’s infatuated and infuriated with them.
So I don’t think it was Colby. Funny enough, he didn’t seem to know that this website had existed or I’m sure we would have had more “Pedo” call outs on various other gay boys in the kid community.
I’m sure we will now though!
You’re really hung up on yourself and whether people can identify you or not, aren’t you? It don’t really matter. The topic this week is ColbyDark and how toxic he is to the kids community. You either have something to add or you don’t. I’ve given plenty of proof and yet you keep trying to shift the focus onto other people with little to no evidence at all. And no, I didn’t just throw some “random child avi under the bus,” you who ends every snarky statement with an “lol” just like someone else we know. His name and partner’s name are clearly visible: ColbyDark, the self-admitted cancer of SL…
This is what SL turns you into.. A unsociable sociopath with lack of common sense or thinking.. You become so autistic and obsessed to the point where you stalk other people… This guy your stalking you seem really “hung up” on him.
Seems like you’re the shifty one.
You mean just as you’re really hung up on Kenzie and the Numbers?
Pot calling the kettle black much?
I feel really concerned at your identity crisis and talking about yourself as if you’re a different person. Have you sought treatment for this? Mental health is a very real thing and it’s okay to get help. Don’t be afraid to and if you need, I’m sure google can help you find the nearest help center.
And if you’re actually NOT Colby, then I feel extremely concerned about the company you keep. If you think that a person who has sex with other child avatars and blackmails them when things don’t go his way is a suitable person for a friendship, then you are just as bad as him.
2 peas in a pod.
Defending a pedophile = Usually implies you’re a pedo
Snorlax a pedo when?
I guess I became a pedo around the time that you became one.
Under your previous posting name (one of a few), you said that stalking a pedo makes you a pedo. You’re claiming Kenzie is a pedo and are stalking him and his family, so that makes you a pedo.
You also are defending Colby and his disgusting boyfriend, and defending a pedo makes you a pedo you said?
Well I suppose it takes a one to know one. Nice to meet you.
See you at the next meeting.
If you’re going to pretend to to be one of the regular talkers on the site turned against the Numbers or other kids, you might want to spell as Yorkshire does and I don’t know… maybe spell the name correctly.
Nice try though.
Not even going to bother commenting more on that image and I don’t believe anyone else should either.
Denying your pedophilia and backing down already?
Proof pedo?
Yes Colby, there’s proof of your bullshit.
Proof I’m Colby lol
It’s “prove” by the way, the word you’re looking for.
By the way… What ever happened to “Bob”?
@ “Bob” Who else would be making a fuss about another avatar ? SL is as it is, most people are out for themselves which means most would not fight for another persons honor. What would be in it for them? So of course its you. What I find really amazing is you openly branded someone a pedo without even knowing them. Where was your proof? And yet you are asking for proof on someones legible posts. Are you simple? To which point branding someone a “pedo” is rich coming from the likes of you, be it you are Colby (which would be hypocrisy) or if you are defending him which would be defending a “pedo”. So no matter which way you go, you not doing too good here. As I said before, ask the right people and you will find your answer. Its like all things on SL Secrets, it is the nature of shitty people on SL to leave traces. Those traces are often a legacy left to other people they have treated badly or caused issues with over time. In all accounts, SL secrets is merely a place to air the issues on the person, personalities and stories behind crazy batshit people. The proof you will get elsewhere by asking for it. It is an open place for those accused to be open about themselves and if they feel wrongly accused, to come on here and state why something is not true. Its been done by others before, sure to goodness the same opportunities are given to you . But don’t ask for proof without giving yourself or your”friend” the opportunity to say why you disagree with something. I can say though that many posts here have been correct , proof withstanding. Then you have some that… Read more »
KG, Yorkshire, noctis are all mckenzie, This only further proves that mckenzie posted all this sad baseless stuff with no solid evidence.. Mckenzie also changed her last name to “hunter”
i wonder why she would do this? Maybe to switch away you can tell by the basis of their spelling and punctuation. Also, KG stands for “Kids Grid” which is also represented as the hunters/numbers. The numbers have been under investigation for a while for their “deviant” and explicit activities which is why mckenzie changed her name so she doesn’t have to come under the magnifying glass. Mckenzie has had a troubled past with customers especially this colby fellow which is why she did this. She is known to hold a grudge and will post uner different pseudonyms to avoid putting her family’s name in any more thin ice then they already are.
LOL defuq , I was shown this and really? colby still upset that i posted lots of memes on your fb wall many years ago.. FYI i dont hide. nor come to this page, but just like to say , its common knowledge I am female , i have never hid that.. lol.. ppl are sick of hearing it tbh. also i am not my father…. tho in your mind you want me to be? weird af. Annnnd i changed my fb name because fb took down my account with the name numbers as its not seen as a legit name, ya dumbass lol so i changed it. you have been outed out for what YOU are, and you cant deal with yourself. Im flattered you still think of me though. but really move on kid. no one listens and no one cares. btw … https://gyazo.com/1e2a40c8e2b1042c39624b5f7a646b7a 😉
@Mckenzie It’s probably the first PG items Colby has bought for a long time. I’m surprised he even knew how to put them on.
Wow great work there Sherlock.
Good job at pointing out that Kenzie shares the same last name on facebook as his dad! Like holy fuck.
The revealing his alternative name which is the same as his inworld name is mindbowing information.
I never would have figured this new juicy discovery out since he totally unchecked the “show your nickname” option on his profile and didn’t type in “Kenzie Thomas Hunter” himself because he was trying to hide himself.
P.S… Sarcasm.
Everyone who is calling you out for what you are is Kenzie? Me, Yorkshire, Noctis, Snorlax, Theodoric, Tommy, Kids Grid, and others? Interesting. And we’re all changing our spelling and punctuation to merely make it appear that we’re each someone different? Very interesting… You who criticize others for hiding under name changes and yet you’ve used at least 5 different names in this single forum in just the last few days. Kenzie publicly posts both of his names side by side (as your “revealing” detective work shows) and yet you say he’s hiding under name changes? You’re brilliant. And this coming from someone who uses his alts to talk to each other in group chat and has been trolling more families than anyone else in the history of child avatars. “Hey Rusty Pippen, how are you?” “Oh, I’m fine. Thanks for asking, ColbyDark Alexander Chan Jonathan Origen Ascenscion Bonez Spiritwolf Riversong Sora McCullen Talon Takeshi Kusumi Hiroshi etc etc etc.”
Kenzie and the rest of the Numbers have no need to hide. I’m not sure what “explicit activities” they can do when they all work together on a very public sim just about every moment they’re online. No security orb, no ban lines, no privacy settings. They have nothing to hide from you either. They confronted you many times publicly for all to see. But you’re a troll. They’re bored of you now and your tired stories of how LL is constantly investigating them thanks to your never-ending trumped-up abuse reports that are more than likely filled with the same kind of stupidity you’ve shared here on SL Secrets.
Stalking pedophiles makes you a pedophile lol. Just sayin, you’re the pot calling the kettle black
I agree with you here Prof Yeti. SL secrets helped opened up our mind and eyes and gave us many hints of those “dangerous” behaviour in SL. If we read those accusatioons from time to time there is so many lessons we can take and use it as our safety belt inside the game. However sometimes the accusation can be just pure jealousy and very damaging to someone feeling in RL. Just like a cyberbullying, at times it could be too hard to handle in RL. Those who have been here again and again and still stay strong in SL … I have to salut them! They are strong as rock from inside and able to manage their feeling in RL. This is just my opinion, I know few teens in real life took cyberbullying too hard that they prefer to end their life. I hope we don’t go to that extend. Remember behind every avatar there is a person with feeling.
I feel a little sorry for Sora/Schilar/Skyler, I don’t think he realizes most people see through his “I only bone other kids so I can AR them” line, and that includes his God.
I expect he will do a big (mostly incorrect) list of all the pedo sims he knows about in the next SL Secret round, which of course will do nothing more than confirm 100% it’s him.
There is lots of proof if you ask the right people. Go out and ask and educate yourself
Where? Lmao
I love #2 .
It’s how I feel when reading most of these complaints about irrelevant shit. You know the shit that you think…. “move the fuck on then”.. He/she doesn’t want you, he/she cheated “Move the fuck on” The store owner listened to your suggestions but still went against your interest and focused on theirs? “Move the fuck on” You don’t like someone’s shape “move the fuck on” . Rather wait all week with your panties in a bunch, spazzing out until you can post some over exaggerated shit here and pray for people you can tap into your fights via replies. Let’s say it together everyone… Move.. the.. fuck.. on.
(yes I could be anywhere right now, but I chose to be here. I am bored, I like the site the complaints lately have just been stupid as fuck)
Shapes : I guarentee that most of yall having such strong opinions on pricing of shapes and why shape makers should not be making them or selling them. is very much in need of one. Including Poopitos. How about not buying them if it hurts your soul? i see a lot of strange things pop on on the market place like milking cows with your assholes and so on and so forth , yall in contact with those sellers to protest their prices too ?
i spy a shape maker. xD but forreal take a fucking valium im sure its harder to milk your asshole than to move sliders for arms.
I’m gonna take up making shapes today for y’all ugly bored asses , you can bet your Valium addiction on that!
There is no doubt in my mind that you already do. lol good luck in your mini bus business venture though
You’re right. I’m the number one shape seller to the stars. It’s not that I’m capable of having an opinion on anything unless I’m somewhat involved. By your argument this would mean you’re the one who posted the shape secret and your alt in world is Popito aka psychotic event owner. So there we go. Truth is out. Now back to the topic at hand , why are you butt so hurt by pretty looking avatars ? Who hurt you boo ?
As a member of the kid community, I am really over people trying to say that we’re a bunch of pedos. Do they exist within the kid community? SURE. #11 is a highly questionable and not okay photo that I would classify as child pornography. But that’s my personal opinion. When dealing with child avatars I require them to be clothed at all times. I don’t want to see their parts. And I find it disturbing as hell when some boys actually go through the trouble of being anatomically correct when there is no real need ideally…they shouldn’t be naked anyway. But to call us pedos…that is not the whole of the SL kid community. Most of us keep everything kosher and not pornographic. Do some kids have potty mouths? Yup, sure do! Do they repeat things we say? Yes they do. Why? Because they’re rping children who do the same damn thing in real life. But here’s a newsflash: they [pedos] exist throughout SL, not just in the kid community of Second Life. Age play is something that is not supposed to be taken literally; though I can understand with the depiction of children it is common to do so. Now the dude w/ the pint-sized GF that was in one of the secrets here today…if she wants to be short that’s her business; we don’t have to approve. But to pigeon whole an entire community based on the actions of few is fucking ridiculous and needs to stop. That’s as bad as saying all black people are thugs, all white people are redneck inbred racists who can’t dance and have no rhythm or that all asians are good at math. It is so easy to label people without knowing them. So yourselves and the rest of the world… Read more »
Damn…this week is boring…
#4 – It’s inappropriate but I wouldn’t say it’s the most shameful thing in SL…there are things in there that are a million times worse tbh…
#6 – Sounds like someone is overly jealous?
#7 – Shotacon is also a “secret” society of pedos on the net… Instead of whining about it..do something about it like say…reporting them to LL and to outside authorities? Js
#23 – Are they being tossed into a fireplace? Besides that…the facial expressions made me laugh.
#25 – Some people just shouldn’t speak…ever… He is one of those people.
You can’t report people to the rl authorities for liking shota/lolicon art.
It must contain real life children for something to be done.
I definitely agree with reporting the group though. The creator of the group was banned a long time ago.
@snorlax snoozer…. actually where I come from it is illegal to even create a drawing of children in sexual scenarios.
Don’t mind mckenzie she’s sperging out
In America it’s not. That doesn’t make it any weirder, though. There has to be an actual victim. (see my other comment on another post for details, this is the highlights reel)
Amazing that even though you find the secrets boring you still take the time to comment L O L Are you aware of reading something without commenting on it ? Especially if it’s no interest to you ???
@houseplant….You are easily amazed aren’t you? Have you never taken part in a boring conversation before? Don’t even try to say no because then you would be full of shit.
Just because I say something is boring doesn’t mean I can’t comment.
#26. You would think that after years of sitting on your ass in front of your PC doing nothing and claiming to be a “second life photographer” amid other things you would have learnt how to crop a photo.What a drama filled Queen you are turning out to be.
Seriously,what would drive you to create your own secret? I would really love to know what is in your head to do that.
Its time for you to man up little boy,get off your ass,stop creating drama for yourself to get attention and go get a life.
#7 Hi uncle Boyd. Still jerking off to young females in voice like you did with your clown house?
Wow. This is…something…I guess being publicly outed as a pussy isn’t too bad. ?
lol…seriously, you are blind. The mesh from those Hucci items have nothing to do with Meli Imako full perm stuff, just a similar style, btw these are very common dresses in RL. There’s nothing to bitch about…
there are at least 3 versions of the same exact obvious template dress in that style at this months uber. It’s getting a bit tedious, but like an adult, I just didn’t buy any of them.
i think the post is saying equally cheesy
Then I would love to see the wonderful creations from the author of that post…ops wait, probably he/she doesn’t even know how to edit a prim. Sorry I just can’t understand why some people need to trash content creators in that way and I’m talking from a customer side. Don’t like it? don’t buy it! or just learn to make your own stuff (and then enjoy yourself when you find people mocking about your creations)
You seem extra butthurt. Cut it out. Only in SL someone will wear ‘HOOCHIE’ and be so emotional.
I see your Valium hasn’t kicked in Poopito. You really bothered not just by shapes xD
Aww that’s a pretty childish answer. I’m a regular customer in SL but also a content creator who knows the time, effort and hope that most content creators put into their work…it is really that hard to be respectful with that? I guess you have no clue what I’m talking about :-s. Well…time for me to leave and go back to work. Best wishes 😉
wah wah wah..
@me. ..are you fucking 12? Because you speak like one.
no just smoked a big fat joint though and getting my laugh on. and stop trying to age play with me @bluntandlame i don’t do those things. tisk tisk
@Me aka Popito chapter 4 :following your trail of pubescent comments here makes me worried for your state of mind . I don’t even read these secrets i just go straight to your illogical comments on how deeply you hate everything and everyone
nice …my tactics are working then dummy =P
#24 Why is this an issue? If it’s owned by BDC’s owner, then good on her. It just means she can put together an event that looks as nice as the backdrops she allows people to use, and it wasn’t a half-assed attempt to just ‘have an event’ like some people do. Also hadn’t she’d been advertising that an event was coming (I seem to remember we had secrets mentioning that a while back)? Equal10 is advertised on the BDC Flickr as well, so I’m not really sure why you’re upset #24. Am I missing something?
I’d actually sent pictures of this event’s decor to a few friends because I thought it looked really nice. There’s even small but interesting details that commit to the aesthetic really well (like the moving car under the floor). I had no idea at the time this was BDC’s event, it makes me happy knowing that now, though.
Sidenote: To whomever was making the Olive/Joanne the Scammer secrets every week, I miss you (even if I know all good things must come to an end). You made me laugh every Sunday, so thank you. 🙂
Yeah I didn’t understand the issue with it either, so she had an event and it was different named. I have a feeling it’s complained about by one of the creators that were not happy with BDC existing.
Did Liam himself screenshot and turn in his own secret on #26?
I’m confused.
It definitely appears so. I mean, as much of a drama queen and attention whore he is, it makes sense. He likes to play the victim and get pity from people, so putting himself on there would let him whine to everyone about how people are putting him on sl secrets again. And its not like he said anything new, its all the same shit as last week. So its not like he posted anything new and incriminating other than the new picture. Total piece of shit he is.
I’m not Liam but I’m the one who posted up on him and his nasty antics last week
So he’s just trying to stay relevant. Sad that he’s bringing Chibi into it.
Chibi is equally as guilty. She is the enabler and goes along being the … daddy so bigggg little girl. Gag. Another thing, she was telling all her friends she is gonna put her reals pic on sl but she is afraid she will get hit on….. honey child, did you ever look in the mirror? I highly doubt you have all the men iming you?
and the lie detector determined THAT was a lie
Appears so.
Half the time people here are shitting on other people’s terrible shapes, then you shit on shape creators this week who might possibly be making less terrible shapes?
My dudes, you gotta pick one.
#23 is just the most hilarious thing ever
#25 – I agree and disagree about shapes. Some events control the amount of pose, shape and dance makers and some it’s a free for all like Men Only Monthly lately. I’ve bought a shape once before not for the actual shape but for the styling notecard credits. Some are talented stylists. One thing is for sure, Pupito is digging his grave deeper again with this attitude. It may be “his event” but it’s going to be empty af. Too bad because his girlfriend of Ionic is a really talented creator.
It takes one quick cruise around any crowded place in SL to know that no, we do not in fact ALL have a good eye. There are many, MANY bad eyes. I myself haven’t bought a shape since my first month in SL over a decade ago, but I see people literally every time I log in that could desperately use the help of someone who understands proportion. They shouldn’t be expensive unless they are custom, and selling no mod shapes is totally asinine, but selling shapes in general is definitely legit and many people need it.
#25 – 1st time i agree with pupito . doesn’t take a rocket scientist to make a shape.
@ Me aka Popito. See here you’re agreeing with Popito when in actual fact you are him ( remember we established that on another comment )so that you’re agreeing with yourself isn’t that much of a surprise
i have a vagina actually.. idiot. so no, im not he but on this topic i do indeed agree. Maybe someone saved you from your dino days hitting you off with some change to purchase a shape and now you’re a cheerleader.. gooo you! xD but it really only takes patience and a little time act like pressing a button on second life is like rl blending of makeup .. unless you have no hands there is no excuse
Then why is at least 80% of SL running around with T-rex arms? Apparently it takes a rocket scientist to figure out you should be able to reach your own crotch.
maybe it just takes standing your fat ass up for a minute and putting your arms to the side to see where the fuck they end?!?!?! ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE….SL is just full of tards for real p.s. im not calling you that im just expressing to all the ppl who have t-rex arms
Which is why they need people to create good shapes for them? It may not be rocket science but that doesn’t mean everyone will be good at it. I’d love to see what kind of shape you apparently have that was YOUR OWN creation and not just a mod of someone elses.
You can be good at anything you set your mind to .. problem is most people can’t keep their RL T-Rex hands off their sex parts long enough to learn. lol Its like Tits & Ass … DONE!
Why you so mad at people who tries to make sl a better looking place ? Who hurt you ? There’s tons of items in SL you can be mad at . If shape makers didn’t make money from shapes why tf would they keep making them LOL seriously just admit a shape seller hurt you and seek therapy. You’ll be better soon. On that note I’m off to set up a shape store , it’s very much needed. You’ve confirmed that.
i swear you could fuck up cheech and chongs high. @houseplant go set up your store make it big and detailed so it takes long
Popcorn anyone? Though I don’t know if I can even manage to eat any of it because this convo is making me laugh way to hard.
xD it was interesting agreeing with BeLess for once… but for now im going to kick back and imagine all the secrets for next week now that Gen Lab has disbanded . Go Catwa
The number of pony riding t-Rex armed powder puff girls running around out there beg to differ.
i can agree its a shame though most of the thots are worried about whos tits are bigger or who has the bigger ass so arms get looked over lol
Shoulders too! Omg, so many females having huge tits, thighs and ass…but no shoulders!?!?! Some people do need some serious help in the shape department with proportions, but to each their own. If they wanna look ridiculous, so be it!
the giant thighs. ugh, ugh, ugh.
The thighs from the maitreya body pony rider shapers really ruined the body in general. It’s why I moved on belleza for a different look. At least bento belleza is out now.
#26 Disgusting, he is a total player. He will be with someone and be talking to other women telling them he has feelings for them behind his partners back. He says how he would love to snuggle them. He prob talks to so many women at one time. He seriously needs to get a life and look up what a Daddy Dom/BBG relationship truly is. She looks like a damn child its nasty asf!
Every time I see his nasty ass start blabbering in Sync’d chat I just want to post “ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew” spam over and over until he shuts up.
OMG he posted the secret himself; look at the profile image next to the comment box. Not only is he disgusting, he’s so desperate for attention he’ll post secrets about HIMSELF. Can you even imagine how pathetic a person would have to be, and how utterly retarded to boot to miss that detail?!?
If you look at Chibi’s Facebook page, scroll down and watch her pathetically defend him and slam SL secrets. The most disturbing part is her saying she is a mom with young kids at home. Really you pedo bitch? Expose young kids yet to your sick ways?!!!!
This week made me giggle and snicker quite a bit with my morning coffee…
1 & 2 ~ ROFL “Golden!” enough said!
4 ~ Do I really need to revisit my whole conversation about people’s fascination with death and how profiting off of such things is nothing new…blah blah blah! I hope not because I’m to lazy to repeat something that was talked to “Death” about just a couple of weeks ago >.>.
7 & 11 ~ Uhm… glad I have never known this particular “Peach” ever existed. So going to back away slowly if I ever cross his path.
24 ~ And….. why should we care?
25 ~ Well damn, for once on some levels I agree with Pupito or more like Rogue Darcy. Shape sellers are good for those who have no talent in that area but some are so over priced it’s like WTF! And, those who make them No copy/mod should be shot on the spot for greedy stupidity. Other than that meh whatever.
27 ~ I learned something new today! Somewhere in this pile of comments it’s discussed how that is the Imperial Japanese Flag which has quite a “sorted” past with Korea & China. But, why single out that store? I’ve seen this in several stores over the years so why is it that you are picking on Konpeitou? I understand the flags and the eye patch… but, why are you upset about the Kimonos & those knee things? I just don’t see it for those.
Oh coffee break how dull that your only entertainment is putting your opinion out there on every single topic on sl secrets. The rest of the week you must be in every ones business crawling all over SL to know what people get up to . Your pubescent reply to everything must make you feel somewhat important. I mean you even reply to subjects you freely admit to not want to reply to:”4 ~ Do I really need to revisit my whole conversation about people’s fascination with death and how profiting off of such things is nothing new…blah blah blah! I hope not because I’m to lazy to repeat something that was talked to “Death” about just a couple of weeks ago >.>.” LMAOOO
@houseplant *looks at the seat that you occupy next to me and all the others here at the “Dull” table while I sip on my coffee*… Why Hello, did I hit a nerve with one of my musings upon topics at hand this week? Hope you feel better now that you got that off your chest.
@me Yes you got me there; I wasn’t too lazy to take a min to write a sentence on it lol.
Haaa you wish I was here as much as you. I’m not . I don’t have the time to run around commenting on everything. But I got time to comment on your blow by blow of everything that goes on in SL today , so feel special.Go feeed your kids or something.
Oh the Irony when Houseplant makes a complete tit of themselves for our enjoyment. @Coffee Break. You’ve hit a nerve, Houseplant’s butt hurt feelings are spilling out into SL Secrets this week!
Houseplant- Fuck this, fuck that! ——–‘I don’t have the time to run around commenting on everything.—— Go feed** your kids or something’.
Now THIS one.. is where he/she/it really fucks up on the whole ‘I’m too busy!” bullshit response. Telling someone else to sit down and shut it – take your own advice.
We have a saying here in the UK, goes with the whole ‘Pot calling the kettle black’ AKA – Stop contradicting yourself and sit the fuck down. You’ve lost this round you halfwit, though I do look forward to your —‘I’m too busy to respond! But I’m going to respond to everyone anyway and completely shoot myself in the foot with my analogy as to why I’m even commenting!’.
Why thank you Derp for that compilation of “houseplant moments”. Though I think poor houseplant here is much to busy being a bored housewife that takes her SL & shapes store way too seriously to listen to the likes of us. But, that is fine by me, it’s entertaining to watch much foot be shoved deep into one’s mouth.
Most welcome! I have to agree, by this point ‘Houseplant’ is deep-throating that foot.
not too lazy to comment on it tho ijs
L O L popito aka Me. See I knew you would be on this post too. You just have nothing to do in your life but piss and moan as that’s all you do. Nothing constructive comes from you. You’re passive Aggressive towards people who mind their business and who’s successful , I shall ask again why the hate ? Who hurt you ? Maybe it’s time you make an appointment with your therapist.
read the secrets and stop trying to get me to fall for you 😉 its not going to happen @houseplant unless you’re the 420 brand
@Coffee… I can agree on the pricing for shapes….it honestly shouldn’t be more than 100L$ at most….not to mention without a styling card you aren’t going to have the same results as the photo anyway.
i thought people was free to price their items how they wish. I guarentee you that most of yall having such strong opinion on pricing of shapes is very much in need of one. Including Poopitoe.
It’s sordid past. But you are right, it really isn’t well known.
oh yes sordid past.. sorry unchecked typo of sorts
I feel ya!
# 23 : I laughed WAY too much at that one LMAO, sorry
# 24 : Yah, AND?
Another good week of secrets. .. thanks to whoever
call my clit a micro penis, ha ha
I win a bet!
I had a feeling you were a female because of the way that you speak.
I’m also gonna guess that you’re also not american. *winks* (Do let me know so I can make some extra Lindens. Thanks!)
me? oh yes I am an american!
1. So true, always has been, but it seems to have gotten a little worse…
2. this made me lol……hard…..
4. whatever…learn to take a joke.
5. he isn’t relevant enough for me to know
6. looks like a bunch of typical weeaboos…..whats the deal?
7 and 11. disgusting, gross, and i hope he gets his ass kicked and goes to jail, seriously gross
8. whatever…sooooo many people do this, its really not news.
9 and 10….where did you go?
12. what a rip off..
14. i have a micropenis too….its called a clitoris….who cares?
15. see number 5
17. her items don’t look at all like the meli imako ones pictured, so..I’m really not understanding what you’re trying to get at here…maybe go to the eye doctor, get those eyes examined.
21. unfriend, mute and block then and move on? geesh
23. lmao! this was a good giggler this morning
24. I personally thought equal10 was a gorgeous layout, and decorated amazingly…I loved the creativity and all the thought put into it. really well done!
25. he is a complete ass…no surprise, though I sort of agree that events and marketplace are being overrun by shape “creators” and its really annoying. people please, just stop.
26. what a pathetic piece of shit you have to be to write a secret about yourself just so you can pretend to be the victim, what a loser..also, his facial expression made me lol….you have a mesh head, learn to use the animations and at least look like you are enjoying yourself…. disgusting piece of waste, both of them.
27. I honestly do not understand the meaning here, someone shed some light? thanks.
I never understood shape stores. A retarded monkey humping a mouse could make a decent shape. It’s forgivable if they’re charging like a hundred, two hundred linden to save someone the headache, but more than that and it’s fucking highway robbery.
Protip: Get the demo shape, export it with Developer -> Avatar -> Character tests -> Appearance to XML. Make a new shape and import the values from that XML file, tweak as desired. There, you just saved like $500L some dipshit is trying to charge you for ten minutes worth of work.
I buy shapes sometimes for styling or as a base shape telling people how to steal others work is a disgrace
The people paying others to make shapes for them aren’t able to follow your instructions. They don’t understand SL well enough, or care to learn. The cash they spend on looking good in SL is worth it to them to not having to learn. And there’s always plenty of noobs and casuals who can’t manage a decent shape. Let shape makers help them out, and get a few cents in return. I don’t see why people are angry about it.
If Pepito doesn’t think that’s a skill worthy of their events, whatever.
I am a happy supporter of a particular shape creator I won’t name here. She works magic with bento heads. I have no intention of following your instructions to rip her off.
Forgive my ignorance, but could someone tell me what the symbol for 27 means?
Everyone saying it’s the Imperial Japanese Flag and that it pisses off victims of Japanese aggression in WWII is correct. But it would not surprise me at all if a Japanese person just didn’t know. Or you know, actually was a nationalist—right-wing nationalism is on the rise in Japan just like in Europe, North America… And it’s not like SL is free of upsetting nationalists of all stripes or people who just thinking fascism looks cool. (I mean look at all the Nazi paraphernalia.)
Exactly. I mean I’m certainly not an expert but I do watch Japanese TV sometimes and I’ve gotten that feeling, myself.
It’s maybe the rising sun flag of Japan? Primarily a military use flag… Seen as a symbol of japanese imperialism by South Korea, China, and US… I read a wikipedia article, so not an expert. Just tossing out a guess.
Yes, you are right.
I never realized it’s significance. Probably because I wasn’t aware this flag was their battle flag (though am fully aware of Japan’s history with both of those nations). It is possible the creator didn’t know either.
Although I am certainly not down playing the past between Koreans and Chinese and japanese…. People were basically slaughtered and you can still see the prejudice today in dealings between people of these nationalities with Japan. It was pretty obvious when I was watching the NHK a few years ago.
Imperial Japanese Flag . Very offensive for korean and chinese people, because its a reminder of a painful past.
I was confused also so thank you for explaining. I’ve seen that design used by several stores on quite a few things and even though I find the design pretty it’s good to know this so I don’t mistakenly offend someone due to my ignorance.
This dude is total drama and loves to guilt trip people. Look at the screenshot closely. His comment then the picture next to leave a comment. It’s him. Liam submitted his own sl secret about himself. He must love playing the victim card so much, saying he’s getting bullied and getting people to feel sorry for him, that he’ll post shit bashing himself and his babygirl just to get more sympathy. What a sick fuck.
@Anon…..LOL I didn’t even see that! What a fucking moron! I’m laughing so hard I have tears….
Good eye! To be honest I believe most secrets are submitted by the secret subject. It’s a special kind of attention whoring.
Oops?? BUSTED!!! lmfaoooo
omg good eye, what a pathetic loser……hahahha!! wow, it takes all kinds!
#25 – we all know that Pupito is an ignorant ass, so this is not really a big surprise he would have this attitude. The surprise is why would anyone want to actually be in his broke ass events any longer?
21.)I could say so much tbh. She plays you for a fool, even uses Christ as a crutch to save her own ass. There are some thats out to do good and there are some thats in this life for themselves, she is definitely in this for herself. She doesn’t give a damn about anybody but herself. She’s selfish.
Who are you talking about?
Lolz her name is ashleegrey resident
The picture on number 11 made me almost vomit and Who is this number 18, I would love to give her a piece of my mind. Losing family and friends to cancer is devastating. Her faking it is the lowest of the low!!
You know what’s the lowest of the low?
SkylerGrey Resident.
There is no faking, she does have cancer. Learn to use critical thinking.
Before just taking some horrible anonymous person word for fact, maybe you should… I don’t know, get your facts straight. She is not lying about having cancer, I understand some people have lied about having horrible things happen but just because others have doesn’t mean EVERYONE has… jeez.
She’s not faking cancer, the person who posted that pic is a shit stain who’s out for revenge because he got booted from his family after approaching her sexually
I’m not fucking faking having cancer, I have Leukemia…whoever posted that POST is the lowest of the low. Facts.
She’s not faking cancer. This was an attack by a pedo douche bag who tried to get her to do inappropriate things then lied about it and started attacking her after he got kicked out of his family for what he did.
She isn’t pretending or faking. She really does have it, and she doesn’t pull out the cancer card either. Someone did this to make her look like shes bad when really she’s one of the sweetest girls I know.
events, ageplay, alts… and number4. I think number 4 is a dark themed decor object but to say someone can not make that or sell it is a bit fragile of you. If you don’t like that sort of thing then don’t buy it.
Well if they’re going to make something for people to buy, can we at least demand that they spell things on it correctly?! Can’t even spell “pills” right ffs! I agree with you though…don’t like it? Find it offensive? Don’t buy it.
Yea, might as well get offended by the gore and horror props on MP, Halloween and Zombie sims.
I had to laugh when I saw her back so soon after the dramatic exit.
Not sure if it’s Brandong he seems to be back on with Thalia and posting pics of them together.
Won’t be long until their relationship ends again and the pics are removed.
To me Diego = Toxx
Same avatar, same pictures.
I think too!
I don’t think it to be Toxx.. he’s to consumed in himself. After the one female and Ines I don’t blame him. He all about his pose store now.. and also idk if he is lowkey talking to Ines. Unless her posing his poses is her desperate attempt to get his attention. That wouldn’t surprise me. haha Ines & Cuna have more in common then I thought. Both desperately seeking to have a “lover (partner, show for all)”. Make alts ladies like the rest of the women. You get noticed more when you don’t appear so HUNGRY. More attractive also. Either way, at least they make nice photos during the aftermaths of a dumping.
Ines photos are not nice at all. I do not understand why anyone would think so and dont get the appeal. That girl is a whiney, try hard waste of space. Also Toxx and Ines do still talk, sickest relationship those two have. Ines even hooked up with Diego…. Toxx’s alt? These people need to get a life
Yeah I heard the same that Ines and Diego were on the hush. Sadly Cuna wouldn’t care as long as she’s the one listed as his “gf”.. smh
Hm… there are many people at the bloggers/photographers scene that makes similar photos, almost exact! We can assume that one person is behind Tox and Diego avatars which can be the truth! Also, it won’t be surprised information if behind these male avatars is a woman, especially behind Toxx avatar! Personally, that Toxx is involved in a lot of drama in the last couple of years and he/she continue to make it! Looks like he/she would never learn from the same mistake! That person is saying some movie stories just to make sure that he looks sooooo cool in “in the eyes of the listener-reader” of his stupid stories! He is so sick, going around SL, living on other people, never ever paid his rent and begging most of the designers and event owners for becoming a blogger! Too much drama, because of shit person that does not deserve to be mentioned in one simple sentence! Like, he thinks he is famous, seriously?! rofl Honestly, he is just a walking trash!
That is funny. so… Ines kept chasing Toxx around and making desperate attempts on her Flickr and in world for a person full of drama that could possibly be a female? And also hooked up with diego who could be a female as well? LMAO!This story keeps getting better and better. She sounds like a bigger idiot than I thought. Sounds like you all are a bunch of trash.
I agree showing too much public display of affection is a stupid move in SL for couple especially on flickr. you will end up looking stupid or cheap when the relationship is over. too easy to get and too easy to loose. anyway it is just a game maybe some don’t mind to be seen stupid lol
If it’s new and not full of substance. Then yes I agree fully. Like 2 weeks in madly in love, you already know how that will end up. Well we just saw that with Cuna… depression and self-loathing. But all is well in the world of sl… once your pixels reunite and love is still there. hahaha. but then if they stopped I wouldnt be entertained.
All women don’t do that.
Diego and Toxx do exactly same pictures and got the same appearance. Diego seems to work more on photoshop and Toxx more on poses. Maybe just a trick to pretend they are two different persons.
Yes! This is just the same person doing different FLICKR account. One account for raw shot, another account for edited version, square frame cut, monochrome, neon light etc etc. It is amazing that we have alts on FLICKR too. Times must be plenty this person is < — said Yoda.
Well of course not all. But those with a bit of self-pride to it. lol If we going on similar. Then drop in Jost , Freakshow, and the rest of the gang.
So many of them looks the same., their photography style and editing are the same too. I am totally lost and confused which one is which LOL. I hope all these chicks who are figting over this man notice the different LOL.
Let’s just say what it was… she never left… that guy should be afraid. If her reaction is that dramatic after what a couple weeks together.. what does he imagine will happen later on. Get out while you still can. Plus, she’s not going no where. Unless he’s into that on/off again like Brandon/Thalia.. hmm
Double ignorant or doesnt care???
Well from what I understand, Japan is trying to forget its invasion of Korea and China so I wouldn’t be too surprised if it’s actually plain ignorance. They might not be teaching that in their history classes. Ignorance doesn’t make it right though.
And for those wondering why the kimonos were highlighted too, you can see the same starburst striped pattern in their base pattern. It’s all connected in theme.
They don’t learn about it. Japan is as big on revisionist history as just about any other country, really. I’ve met Japanese people who didn’t know or understand what Pearl Harbor was. They have a pretty far right government which has been working hard to make sure no one can take them out of power, so don’t expect it to change any time soon.