Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 495.
A couple of things before the secrets this week.
- If you use the contact form and want a reply, please use a valid email address so we can contact you.
- If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement. We always cooperate with law enforcement when it comes to RL issues.
- Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them. The only way to possibly found out, see above.
- Make your secrets legible.
- Learn how to apply drop shadows to text so it can be read.
- Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We know your legal rights and we also know our legal rights. We’ve been doing this for 9 years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
- Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Can we drop the avatar strip club drama already? I will never understand who will pass up actual physical RL sex to go on a computer game to wank off. Lastly, the word salty is so yesterday. Think up a new one.
If that’s the case, why play a second life, when you have a first one?
I will never understand why someone would watch porn instead of going out and having sex for real. Must be why the porn industry makes no money. Oh. Wait.
Sometimes people don’t want to go out and deal with dating/relationships and aren’t good at picking up one night stands. But they still want to get off. And instead of watching two (or more) strangers get it on, they’d rather have a girl say dirty things to them.
Using that logic:
I will never understand who will pass up an actual physical pair of shoes to go on a computer game and buy them.
I will never understand who will pass up on taking an actual photo in real life to go on a computer game to take one.
Think about it. Is the strip club stuff any less enthralling than any of the other nonsense in Second Life? I’d argue no. It’s no less or more silly than doing anything else on Second Life.
Say what you will, but I find the “avatar strip club drama” far more entertaining than the blogger drama featuring a whole bunch of people too high on themselves who I’ve never heard of. But to each their own!
Well yeh all that is true Bobby, but come on dude on the sex, only a looser would get it online. Lol
#17 Kyle even used to say he was a DJ in rl. Pretender is very much a fake. I was an ex of his on here.
#5 I have a rate card that was given to me about a month ago Peaches, No where in this card that you handed to me while at a club does it say TG,
Phe is this a new way of advertising indulge?!
That or some people are still dwelling. WHO DID YOU FIRE BOSS?! I saw that more people have been showing up since these people have been trashing you. Guess more people are adults and like to see for themselves.
indulge you are pathetic worms who lie about having dicks. Close your shitty club and go suck your own cocks for cash in the street. #indulge is dead
#23 – this message is to the artist of the picture. Do not pay any mind to people with the above opinion. Sammy is CLEARLY jealous of your raw talent, the way you express emotions through your imagery, and the way you can move people by simply one edit is a gift. This image is gorgeous. I believe I follow you on facebook (it could be flickr where I saw your image) but I remember running across this image, and I have to admit, like most posts, I quickly scrolled but then realized what I had quickly scrolled past, came back to your image, and found myself becoming teary eyed. My best childhood friend is dealing with breast cancer. Soon she will have surgery and MONTHS of radiation. This image spoke to me. I instantly saved the image (book marked) and showed my friend. The image compelled her to write a blog post about her initial journey with Neulasta & chemo (she has recently finished all of her chemo sessions). You are a real artist, and with any amazingly talented person, people will try to shut you down, pull the brush away from your canvas. Always have a back up brush because your vision, your emotion, your gift SHOULD never be stolen from you by jealousy. I will always remain a HUGE fan! Please do NOT let this wretched person’s opinion slow your pace for creativity and passion!
She will be reported just for making a public spectacle with spouting that the funds were not being used for funeral expenses but to put in her savings account for driving lessons ~ seriously
Before you take that step, ask yourself if the suspected fraud falls under GoFundMe guidelines for possible fraud:
1. They are intentionally including factually incorrect information on their campaign.
2. They have not used the funds that were raised for the stated purpose within a reasonable amount of time.
3. They are impersonating someone else or have copied a campaign that already exists on GoFundMe.
Think Rose did not commit fraud with her “gofundme” do not care what anyone else says 2nd line clearly states they did not use funds raised for what was stated “not driving lessons, not buying handbags and you think all you supporters of this skank won’t be reported think again ~ people worked hard for this dirtbag they raised a lot of money along with not 1 but 2 gofund me sites so whatcha all gotta say now and yes am angry because this is not just mere pennies this was RL money to fund this skank and sadly this is how she repays everyone kindness?
I must say something, Verinne and her cunt friends hate brazilians and I have been treated like that by her too, whomever did this secret I know its 100% TRUTH. She is racist and xenophobic. That ugly sad pathetic whore.
Hi Snowchocobo.Resident and/or your friend Purin (what ever account she uses now). You two are my only guess on who you’d be.
Snow, you tried to sell your SL account for hundreds of dollars bragging it was a blogger account and you’re mad I posted about it. That doesn’t make me racist, it just means you’re holding a grudge.
Purin, or what ever account you use now, you were ripping/botting VCO skins and selling “blenders” for the mouths as well as making them in to mesh head appliers and again, you’re also mad I posted about it.
Snow, this was like 6 months ago. Purin, this was like two+ years ago.
I’m gonna guess it’s Snow.
Only reason I know for certain Snow is Brazilian is because someone apologized for her behavior, claiming it makes her ashamed and it gives Brazilians a bad reputation.
I guess when I told the girl not to apologize, there are bad apples everywhere and to think it reflects on her as a culture is unfair to think, I was being racist.
Calling people racist, bigoted, xenophobic and Nazi’s is trendy right now though. Guess you guys are hip.
Whoever made that screenshot of Peaches profile must be really fucking jealous of her. For the record, shes is a trans I have my self skyped her and seen multiple pictures of this beautiful now woman. You make it seem like people put “Transexual” on there profile to get attention. Last time I checked most guys dont even approve of transexuals so the fact that Peaches gets more dick than most of these thirsty ass bitches in the stripping/escorting industry expresses a lot about the people who talk shit. LOL. But yea go ahead keep talking your shit about Indulge and the ladies that work there you are just wasting your time. One more thing . . .shut the fuck up about Manhattan already that shit closed down for a reason yall just mad that Indulge is still around.
*For those who haven’t even entered the club, Try to actually sit down and spend a good 15 mins inside don’t be believing half the shit people run there mouth about Indulge. Just come on inside and see for yourself if these petty ass screenshots are true.
*For All the ladies that work at Indulge, DONT let these stupid fucking cunts get to you because at the end of the day people will always hate and make stupid websites like this one just to say shit they wish they could say in person.
*For ALL THE HATERS: if your going to talk shit at least know what the fuck you are talking about before you press that send button, you just making yourself look dumb asf.
P.S. Love you Peaches and all the ladies from Indulge keep up the great work!
Who cares about peaches – gimme better hooker drama cause this twat is LAME!
lmao did you compare dick sizes on skype??
who owns the biggest dick lmao
Yes I lack so much you caught me. My days are filled with loneliness and tears. What’s your excuse?! Lol
lmaooooooooooooo a guy in a sl family talkin down to someone stop im crying lolllllll any man in a sl family is obv lacking in friends or family in rl lmaooo im dead
judging by the guy’s comment bunnie I have to agree. Any man who hides behind the name toolbox while trying to run his mouth to a mature post is probably lacking in length.
It clearly must not be you toolbox
#15 – She thought she was the only one? *nods head and laughs* Keep thinking that cupcake 🙂
For Skye and All of her friends, We want you to know that we are on your plurks, facebooks, and even friendslists on Second Life. We are all watching you and we will continue to share everything you say. You and your friends keep trying to make yourselves seem as if you’re innocent through all of this but you are so caught up in your own ego that you don’t realize how many people you have hurt. Do you not realize that you have made people want to kill themselves because your bullying is so bad? Reading you trash talk and gang up and belittle on innocent people has brought me to tears, if I was them..I would question suicide too. You have to learn to forgive people and be kind to others instead of hiding behind your friends and people with large reputations to protect you. It’s about time someone called you out and expose you and you will continue to be exposed from this point on. Stop going after people who don’t deserve it, stop humilating people on your plurk EVEN if it is private. Many eyes are watching and we have all talked about it but we’re all too scared to even reveal our names because you and your friends are so vicious and disgusting that none of us want to be put through that hell anymore. It’s really sad that we have to be anonymous like this. Your pride and your friends are going to be your biggest downfall and you don’t even see it. You have to accept the fact that not everyone is going to like you, you always state that you’re professional but rarely ever do I see you act professional with your events, your social media, and in public. You make thousands… Read more »
Am never afraid to speak up or take action when it is needed as reporting Rose to the appropriate parties of “gofundme” and another site because am so tired of people taking advantage of SL Residents that went and bought items BECAUSE this was to be doing a good deed helping a fellow resident lay her Mother to rest ~ same with bullies like I give 2 cents about retribution or revenge if I call them out – if more people stood up and spoke out this gives bullies less power instead of hiding as they think no one will speak out as for the other skank there was a fb post asking about exactly where the money went kind of disappeared once her friends ran and told her about it but the word got out and why not boycott this store as that also speaks a message – seriously is everyone so scared to speak up for what is right anymore and let the bullies win ?
so basically you are admitting to being a psycho obsessed stalker, lying about people being bashed and threatening to spend your time trying to ruin some one’s reputation for nothing yet claim to be a designer. Don’t you have any thing better to do in your life like oh I dunno work? You are trying to paint Skye as a vicious bully when in fact she’s quite the opposite. And the last time I checked, she isnt the one taking 5% fees off the top from creators. Theres a whole plethora of 30-40 creators who have spoken up against the abuse so while you all have been trying soooo desperately to hurt her and damage her reputation, all you have done is made people see how disgusting you are and reach other to her to make sure shes ok as well as post plurks and facebook posts of their own to support her. Keep going, the 1-2 people who keep posting under different names, your just helping her and making yourselves look even more insane
There are a ZILLION other events that make money. GO DO THOSE if you dont like Skye. She’s already deleted her Facebook and her Plurk so congratulations you guys have won because your continued cyberbullying isnt stopping. Im just glad that all the actual creators who are seeing this can see the truth that you guys are stalking her and trying to do anything you can to ruin her reputation when shes one of the most hard working people in the game and will do anythign to help another person. Also its no secret that you can change your name in the fields below and post comments as a hundred different people. I hope she does contact the authorities over this because it would be great to see if a subpoena would be issued to reveal all of you cowards identity
Oh Please you guys this has gone way too far on both sides… step back and chill out all this talk about contacting the Authorities & the FBI is gonna do nothing but have said Authorities & FBI laugh in your faces and tell you to not waste their time. Your RL selves are in no danger & well they can’t “reveal” anyone’s identity to us all because it would compromise everyone’s safety and it’s actually against the law and it’s not even in their jurisdiction if they got past the laughing since this is “international” due to people being from different countries. Some of you are crying about how this is “Stalking”! Have any of you been truly stalked where you had to actually change your phone number; delete every last internet account/e-mail you have; move to a new address; and while doing this praying that the said stalker doesn’t find you again because the “Authorities” can’t hardly do anything unless you are physically assaulted or said stalker breaks a law that will get them more than a slap on the wrist? I don’t think a single one of you have ever felt that kind of fear or violation! Now with that said, if you feel your well being & safety is compromised because of a possible stalking case in SL I do have some good news… since a stalker I’ve had to deal with started in SL I do know a thing or 2 on how to possibly protect yourselves so you don’t have to go through what I did… go and read the TOS because after my case Linden Labs actually updated some of their rules to help prevent stalking and harmful harassment. If, the person is breaking the TOS under one of these rules get on… Read more »
You know you are the cyberbullies right? This has been screenshotted and reported to authorities for stalking and actual cyberbullying. We know who you are. You have all been reported. We are keeping you on our friendlists, our fb, our plurk. You use Skye as a money train because the events are actually making you money and feeding you, but you won’t reveal your names… makes you the bigger better people right? You hide behind your cutsey avatars but we know. 🙂
I can’t help but think this is you after reading that…

Actually I didn’t, but fantasize about it as much as you would like. Now, I have things to attend to, if you will excuse me from the general bullshit, I am going now, babye!
you literally just admitted to cyberbullying, and you really should be talking to your little girl friends about who was submitting your name on SKYE’s application….
Well, maybe I should report you to your authorities as well for impersonating me and submitting several applications to events cussing the event owners with my name signed on it.
You thought I didn’t see that?
Stop being so hypocritical, you and your circle of friends are so self destructive you’re drowning in your own pool of mess. Get the authorities involved, get the pope involved if you want to, but do realize that it’s not just one side that’s gonna get burnt, because your hands aren’t clean at all.
Also, unfortunately to you I live in Brazil where your authorities have no jurisdiction, so report me as much as you want, because on top of being correct, I’m out of your hands 🙂
XOXO to you :*
Not sure who everyone is but this one really is crazy. Stalking people and threatening. I hope who ever posted this gets help. And who ever this is about should forward it to Thier local Fbi office. It falls under the Stalking and harassment area for investigation and prosecution. They made it really easy by admitting it all. So creepy the kind of stuff you see on dateline or creepy movies where people get stalked and hurt.
Oh and one last thing Skye, we all know that zzzzzzzzzzzzz is you. Stop hiding and own up to your mess.
Not Skye but good try!
Lmfao @5 Well I knew this was going to happen. Listen I saw your little post attacking my Phedre’s rl kids I think anything you say about indulge and the girls who work there has become invalid. I get it yummy you are mad your drama slapped you in the face and got you fired. You gotta look at you boo boo, Phedre is the most kind hearted, apologetic person. She puts up with a lot I know this first fucking hand. You caused yourself to get fired not bunnie, not peaches, not Phe, not pandora, you. So stop this petty bullshit because you’re mad that your actions had consequences. What’s with these transgender attacks?! What do you get out of it?! The gyazo lol IT SAYS SHE IS TRANS YOU FAILED!!! Come on now. Karra sweetheart please don’t involve yourself in this shit. If you have never worked at indulge and hung out with us then you don’t know anything. The shit being fed to you is a load of bullshit each siren I friend and talk to when they are at the club and I’m there. They are the funniest women, none under aged, none are men. I think you should come by and hang with us a bit before you start judging and you will see that the shit being whispered in your ear is lies. In the end it is you who has to grow the fuck up. The ladies at indulge did nothing wrong to you nor did Phe. Look at yourself in the mirror and Look from the inside out. This negativity and hate you are spreading is doing you no good. It’s just sad that adults like yourself lower yourselves with the high school drama mentality. In the end people will only come… Read more »
Question. How can you fire someone who quit? o.o
Also, I happen to know that peaches, bunnie, pandora and phe weren’t the reason but another “lead” so you’re blaming someone who moved on from the bullshit, for this dumbass bullshit. ?
Honestly I love how you all say indulge hires fake trans and shit when I can verify that completely with my clients, and this all started over a girl getting fired that tells nothing but bullshit excuses and you wanna come after a woman”s kids and call them failures who’s the real pathetic failures here, your post about me just made me 100% better in SL escorting then anytime so thank you for that. And honestly how are you any better then spreading lies and actually having any proof or maybe if you side with her, come ask me and I will verify myself I will get on cam and drop my panties anytime! Just all you gotta do is ask….
And wow, thank you for giving us the name of all the out transgirls. That’s quite a lot of dudes on stage 🙂
Okay please tell my you aren’t that foolish. Leading the way to trans women doesn’t mean the club is full of trans women you ignormus. It means that she is accepting trans women and they are welcome to apply at her club. Dude seriously stop making yourself sound like a damn idiot. There are 3 trans working at the club now I will give you the names jaz, peaches and piper. The info is in their profile and rate card go check again.
… what… can you turn back on autocorrect or something because I don’t understand that paragraph lol
And why are you coming after in Dodge, and also why are you coming after me because it’s hard for a girl to get a job in the sex industry and SL whenever your trans because the club band me and then I worked at another place and it was in my profile and rate card thank you very much, and my clients can verify.
Also, in previous comments on this website by members of Indulge, it was stated that Indulge is “leading the way” by hiring these transgirls…which is cool and all.. but that also means, there are more than one of you.
Where are those girls labeled? Because I don’t see it labeled in their profile or ratecards.. hmm… I guess those ladies haven’t been called out yet so need to make them throw it in their profile.
Nobody says that you’re a fake trans.
You definitely have a dick, you just recently decided to disclose this information with clients. The proof is that this information wasn’t disclosed at any of your previous clubs until you were called out for this so don’t act like you weren’t deceiving clients. There’s room for transgirls in the sex industry and they are definitely welcome but when you’re selling something with a false label, thats when its shitty of you and the clubs that are knowingly profiting from this. The sex industry isn’t a pretty business but it is a business and consumers have rights just as much as any other.
What we are laughing about is how many other “girls” have dicks on stage over at Indulge? Its safer to go to Escort Oasis or Tramps, judging by the responses from management and how they fail to take any responsibility at their inability to verify or that they are proudly admitting that they do not care enough to verify because they will accept anyone into their staff.
Thanks for checking for me bobby greatly appreciate it.
I got some time to spare.
The level of maturity y’all have in your little sl secret rampage shows enough that if anyone is underaged it’s yall rofl. I mean You even went to the depth of degrading Phe’s autistic kids. Now you are going after a transgender woman…… lmfao damn. This legit became so hilarious I couldn’t even resist on commenting.
Go ahead please do continue to speak it will only Continue to make you look bad. *sits back and sips tea* I wanna see what y’all gonna say next.
let the ignorance begin.
for someone who hates the retarded kids being mentioned you sure love to bring them up lmao didnt even kno she had kids but you keep saying there autisticos lol are you srs if you dont want somethin talked about dont keep talking about it maybe idk???
*eats popcorn and watches this shithole fall apart*
But, at least you have your Second Life family. There’s a reason why no one respects this club, views it as competition, or any of the girls that are about money go there. Because of your inability to run this dump properly, how many girls have left for other clubs or are attempting to start their own or just ask clients to meet them elsewhere outside of the club because the actual club is just filled with assholes hogging the mic & not tipping?
The momentum they built up hiring Manhattan’s old girls is no longer there because those girls abandoned that sinking turd and the clients they gained from these girls have long gone…chased away by the loud trash on mic. But as I said, atleast you have a Second Life family… nothing to cash out, but a warm fuzzy feeling in your tummies about each other lol.
Btw, if you’re a dude and looking to make some money; just claim to be transexual.. Indulge is so desperate for staff, they’ll give you a staff tag lol.
I don’t care about your club drama. Who got fired, that big red uses her children’s disability money to fund her club, blah blah blah its funny but boring.
I stated what I’m pointing out – that Peachy was fraudulently presenting her services at other clubs until she was called out and is now caught in several lies because well.. I know the sex industry.
You lot are digging your own grave by arguing with me about the exact number of dicks there are currently on stage and its fun to read. I have several hours until I have to go do anything so please tell me more 🙂
Her children are very much not neglected lmfao they are very well taken care of. Again you are making comments when you don’t know shit. Seriously lol like the only reason your commenting is because Yummy got fired. Lol
@BunnyF They have to go through you?
How do you verify that someone is transexual? Do you tell them to get on a cam and drop their panties? Hmm.. The girls I know that work there definitely don’t mention that happening in that “hour long conversation”.
Face it, your staff contains dudes because you and the rest of your management are shit at verification or just don’t care who gets on stage out of desperation. That’s cool, but don’t be try to jazz it up to any further than what it is.
But you should list the girls you’ve rejected, somehow I don’t believe that list is very long.. seeing the quality that’s put out and carrying your logo.
@Danny of course you have time for SL Secrets, you’re in a strip club family. The head of your family runs a failing escort club in attempts to support her neglected children. Try spending money there and help out your “family” more. More tipping, less commenting. 🙂
Lol bunnief how do you prove that someone is trans? Do you verify? Lol
Also your only in management because all the decent escorts left let’s be real lol
Doubtful because they have to get through me personally.
So lets be very clear anyone claiming to be trans and is not will not get past me booboo bear.
Should I list the girls I’ve turned away from becoming staff for you… better yet get your v-dick on and try to get past me.
The staff I hire have to have an hour long conversation if not more with me before I invite them to join our team.
Soooooo your point my dear is falling upon ears who don’t care.
xoxo try harder
I thought last week you announced you were above it all and that the best thing you can do is ignore those who have nothing better to do than comment on SL Secrets?
Welcome back!
I know of this Skye girl, and i’m not sure if she still does it but if she argues with someone in a convo in SL, or if things don’t go her way then like a child she will post logs to her pirvate plurk (wasn’t always private) then be-rate / bash while her and her friends gang up on random people she doesn’t even know. Pretty childish if you ask me. I don’t know her, but from my brief experience with her, it hasn’t be a pleasant one.
I’m a racist now, that’s news to me. The whole conversation is still up on my plurk, but my plurk is friends only.
Your post spent a good portion of it talking about how you are successful and live on your own, all the while berating Rose and pulling Skye in to it.
I brought up the conversions to try to remind you that while your SL business is a great job for you, it is not as lucrative for someone, like Rose, in the US/CAN/EU. I’m unsure how that’s racist other than you wanting to make it go with your fake narrative.
Skye doesn’t send me out to say things to people, I do it on my own, and she was even annoyed I engaged you.
If you want to be upset at Rose, by all means, if you feel your goodwill was taken advantage of, or if you don’t agree, that’s everyone’s choice. Remember that if you donate to charities, you will never know where that money is going so at least she was honest, even if you don’t agree.
The point is, Skye only managed end event. She didn’t make a dime and she didn’t do it to scam people in some planned scam event. People wanted to have a way to support Rose, all Skye did was put it in motion.
You can hate Skye for what ever petty nonsense you want, and you can hate me for what ever petty nonsense you want, but perpetuating false narratives and slander is just childish.
I don’t think your head can go much further up Skye’s ass than it already is. Your on a great path through Rose’s too. I had to admit I was wrong about the situation. I was wrong to have faith in Rose. She will pretend to be nice to you until she has no use for you or you end up out of her clique. I mean. Family. That’s all the entire group is. A clique who treat others like shit unless they have a purpose for you. Right now your purpose is defense. Trust me though. You aren’t in the inner circle, and they’ll toss you aside just like they did me.
I mean, you couldn’t even read my name was Rox and not Roz. LOL
Bravo forgottenname and Roz thanks for the grammar lesson if that is all you have to say please move on and why not start policing everyone’s grammar ~ I find that your comeback has to be you are one of either Rose’s or Skye’s friend that again has no basis except to find fault with my sentence structure whooopee gawd that truly hurts …. NOT ~ ROZ you seriously think that bothers me comparing me to your niece and nice to bring her into this conversation when actually YOU must be another asskisser of the Rose clique that still cannot admit what a skank your friend truly is for scamming not once but TWICE to a good hearted community that might finally learn to stop doing fundraisers for idiots as far as Skye might teach her a lesson to do a little research instead of jumping in when someone whines and whines about expenses that ADULTS take care of themselves without being a crybaby in SL ~ btw ROZ go police someone else’s grammar in another words Fuck off
Seriously Verinne you are going there with that “at least she is honest” that is so rich and so far from the truth but again you believe what you want I will stand by my position that first off people should do research on someone who they are doing a fundraiser for since this was not her first time scamming people and yes for legit charities you can find out exactly where the money goes, which is why there are only so many that I will donate to as I have been burned once by Rose learned that lesson quickly that I will never donate, participate, buy at any fundraisers in here especially things like driving lessons, funeral expenses that an adult should be more responsible instead of running into SL to ask strangers for help. But for you to even tell any of us here that Rose *conartist* is honest you must believe in tooth fairies and that just proves my point about her friends trying to defend someone like her guess that says a lot about you and your moral attitude doesnt it
Hey funny face, “should of” is something my 8 yr old niece says… Because she doesn’t know better. Please learn how to write. It’s “Should HAVE” or “SHOULD’VE”. You prob also don’t know you’re or your, there their they’re. Sending you a grammar book so you stop sounding uneducated.
pulllease someone whining over and over about how much this is gonna cost in regards to her Mother is so over the top makes me wanna puke and you do not think that was intentional telling whoever will listen “woah is me my Mother died but I have no clue what am gonna do about the bills, etc…seriously Skye should of made some suggestions instead oh lets throw this fundraiser when anyone could of said ummm NO do not throw one because she has conned too many people before and this will come back to bite you HARD ~ cripes you think she was telling the truth WTF have you been paying attention she was FUCKING whining about the FUNERAL expenses on and on that was WHY the fundraiser was put on nothing more NOT fucking driving lessons or whatever she is spending people’s hard earned money on SHE LIED and an honest ANSWER please pay attention would be oh funeral has already been paid for but I could use extra money to spend on stuff that will help me get over my grief THATS an honest answer ~ so BULLSHIT on you again for backpedaling your garbage ~ get the FUCK over Rose EVER EVER being honest and admit to all this shit and move the fuck on
I 2nd what FunnyFace just said (minus all the “strong language”) it’s no secret that Rose doesn’t spend money wisely…. you all could have asked around and many would have given you the red alert. The moment I saw what the event was for I stayed far from it knowing full well the money wouldn’t go to funeral expenses and even if they did it actually isn’t very classy to “spange”.
Why not take your own advice and admit you were wrong? You can’t enable some one without any knowledge of what they did in the past. Oh thats right, because you don’t care about the facts. You just want to drag people like you do every single week.
I’m not backpedaling. I get that you and many other people are angry.
Rose has been nothing but nice to me, and I have no knowledge about this past fundraiser everyone is bringing up so I apologize for my ignorance to everyone’s frustration. Skye too, had no knowledge of it.
This idea she was enabling her is faulty. People had asked Skye to do it, not Rose. Rose had no idea it was happening until it was already ready to happen.
I’m not trying to tell anyone to not be angry.
My comments in regards to her being honest is still a valid one. She told everyone what she was doing. I’m not saying you need to agree with it.
My only position that I’m fervently disagreeing with is how much people are placing the blame on Skye. She may have a lot of people who hate her, but she did the event because there was a large desire for one to happen.
Skye simply worked with a few other people to try to help someone in their time of need, unaware of any of this past drama or even the foresight all this would happen.
Sincerely, if it would help, all of you can think I’m a miserable human being if you’ll stop dragging Skye in to it.
nothing like backpedaling about the comment “at least she is honest” and again will stand by my comment that Skye was enabling her not helping a poor destitute person but someone that already had scammed the SL community 3 years ago this was unacceptable why not just admit that you are wrong instead of twisting your words that you are not trying to defend ROSE because that was exactly what you were doing with that comment “at least she was honest” and yeah am like a dog with a bone on this since am tired of her supporters now backpedaling and facing the REAL issues makes me annoyed
I legit just said, if you want to be upset over Rose, everyone is entitled to be. I’m not here about Rose.
Still, you’re right, only a handful of charities are worth donating to, which was my point.
I’m not trying to invalidate anyone’s feelings or past issues, and I’m not trying to defend anything Rose has done in the past or even now.
My issue is that, regardless of how much people hate Skye, in regards to the most recent Rose event, she is only guilty of trying to help.
Yo you people who “know skye” so well never seem to bring up the fact that she’s a 30+ yr old dating a 19 yr old in sl, one she’s constantly freaking out on and crying about. Talk about borderline pedophile eh?
The only 2 people I see defending skye here are xoxo and zzzzz. Originality never seems to amaze me. Lemme take a leaf from your books ladies.
Pfft! Who the heck cares who she’s dating or how old she is? The comments about the recent drama over the fundraiser thing may be legitimate, but who someone is dating in SL and how old they are is completely irrelevant.
I started dating a 20-year-old in SL when I was 50. We were together for 3 years, had a great time roleplaying and exploring SL together. I had told him at the beginning that if he found someone closer to his own age, I’d support it, and when we split, it was on good terms and we’re still friends. So what?
Why is it disgusting its SL and who makes you God to judge anyone in SL as SL is whatever YOU want it to be not what you deem acceptable whoever this person is they are not disturbing your time in SL so get over your judgmental self and FYI maybe he pursued her because maybe all those his age act like tittering females that are clueless and maybe she has qualities that he liked or was attracted to her personality but whatever the case was SO WHAT it is not RL and again who should judge anyone in SL not you or not anyone if they are doing no harm like that skank Rose you truly should be judged for all the crap she did stealing, scamming to good hearted people why not think on that instead of telling someone they are disgusting when you have no clue what you are talking about
Yeah that’s fucking disgusting. What is wrong with you. You’re beyond cougar statuses.
oooh lets not forget the “grammar nazi ROZ that is standing beside Skye & Rose ~ but she rather sit here looking for all those grammatical errors than discuss Rose *cough cough* being so honest in telling everyone where all that money was going since ooops it sure was not going to funeral expenses was it…yes lets hold a parade for those duo on their honesty YEEEEHAAAAAA
And when I am wrong at least I will admit that I made a mistake with YOUR name does that make you feel so much superior again Mz Grammar Nazi anything to take away from the issues at hand instead of my misspelling your name sure got your attention didn’t it MZ Back-peddler – see that is the limit of your intelligence you feel the NEED to belittle someone to make yourself feel superior go right ahead and go for it R O Z ~ wooo hoooo R O Z did I spell YOUR name right NOW at least I can say that YES forbid anyone makes a typo or a grammatical error without someone jumping up and down like a KINDERGARTNER or like YOUR NIECE that you wanna throw into this mix ~ holy shit would hate to discuss anything with you since you are on the lookout for grammar mistakes, spelling errors and OMG yes punctuation marks WOW that is so rich instead of paying attention to the gist of the subject at hand you rather nitpick a misspelled word just so you can point that out Make your day did it WOW she spelled my name wrong la la la la I got her ha ha ha ~ get over yourself already
It’s Rox? You can’t tell a Z from a X???
How is a 30 year old dating a 19 year old? What kind of trailer park chronicles is this?
You must not be able to read, there are more than just two people. Scroll down, idiot…
Ceases* haha yooo autocorrect. Jk I just fucked up the saying.
#5. Nothing wrong about the girl.
I don’t think it is a pedo club either.
However I do think that Indulge was created with poaching staff and clients from other clubs.
Soon it will be joining Manhattan in the bin.
Enjoy the time you have left, we all know it’s not much. Lol
There’s been a couple of alts that go to clubs and talk to clients or trash talk staff. Not sure if they are from Indulge but from the hate they get I wouldn’t doubt it now.
LMAO I highly doubt that anyone would go to a smaller, dank club to get girls they come to us.
So your so called alt that messaged you is a flat out lie.
Enjoy your cake cause you are gonna choke on it.
once when i was at eo i got a pm from indulgerecruit or somethin that wanted me to apply but im a dude lmao look like a copy n paste the girl i was chatting to got it to
It’s not poaching if they come to club and apply might wanna look up the definition of poaching.
How is it poaching if the girls come to us and apply?
#6 I’m yet to come across a designer that doesn’t sell the product featured in events in their main store after the event finishes. What world are you living in? Get a fucking grip on your second life and get over it.
#11 Learn how to use font decently my eyes are now bleeding.
#15 That bitch needs to leave his arse if she has a fucking issue with her husband being a whore instead of whinging about it. Why put up with something when you can boot it’s arse out the door and live a happier life.. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life you idiot.
#18 Who gives a flying fuck about backdrop city.. how fucking long is this tune going to play for.. get the fuck over it cunt.
#21 Aren’t you fully jaded?
#23 Sammy still being a cunt I see, don’t think you’ll ever change especially if people don’t agree with you, STFU!!
Why change when this is so much fun, I rather enjoy this. You all have given me some good jokes and good laughs, but that is practically it. Also Aussie wielding a brolly, make me. What are you gonna do about it, you act all big and tough behind that keyboard. However, you are just a joke. Lol
To the person who posted, this supposed roast. You have turned this into the funniest day of my life, you are totally missing all the jokes and shit, we are having. Hell I even got a taxidermied dick, on plaque, for this momentous occasion. That’s fucking right, I am the biggest douche, and I am gonna wear it proud. If you would like to see it, I will leave a link below. Anyways guys, its been a slice, I really do hope you get the help you need, and at least get a life. Tata
Sammy Morelli
PS: I totally won this one, I hope you can take that big L well. Lol
You type like actual shit. How can any person think so highly of themselves, while being incapable of basic sentence structure?
Sammy. Ego is the anesthesia that numbs the pain of stupidity. Just remember. …in the real world….someone like you would never win an award. Your only friends are the ones in sl…and sadly I think you know that. The link you posted to show your “trophy” reeks of your desperation. Just remember there are more people who see you for who you are……than the number of “Alts/aka friends” you say you have. And that is the number that counts.
Hate trans people? Try again with that one….and provide proof next time. I have never hated trans people and there is nothing that has come out of my mouth saying that….ever. Also…read the comments prior. I did not summit this secret and even Sammy himself stated he did not think it was me. So the whole “Roast” thing…..take that to someone else or fully read all the comments. As for my failing…..why anyone wants think that someone comes out on top is ridiculous. Sammy and I talked today…..on voice. You were not part of the conversation so don’t assume you know anything about it.
Are.. are either of these people real?
TBH, when I see people using “triggered” and “snowflake” unironically, I imagine young boys who just got off 4Chan and think they’re tough internet trolls telling people “how it is” while they wait for mom to bring din din to the basement for them.
Seriously, you both sound like 12 year olds. Great roleplay.
I don’t think you have a clear understanding when you try to roast someone. You fail.
I’ve seen you call this person out constantly on posts that she didn’t even say shit to you. Making fun of her for being Trans.
You are really sad and your not smart or funny.
You are just a dumb person who hates trans people.
You can’t stand her because you can’t stand up against her. You fail every time. Go take your ass whopping like the little girl you are and try to remember, lose gracefully.
Can I just say that Sammy seems pretty fucking cool. I mean at least if you are going to be savage abfab try uuuuummmmm not doing the high school low blows. The girl has strong legs just shut up and move on.
You can be the winner if you want. It’s like getting a trophy for just participating isn’t it. No actual skill on your part. Adults don’t care about being winners…..but children do. You know what Sammy….hit me up in world. I am on voice. Would love to discuss this with you….face to face right? I am online right now.
But it doesn’t bore you does it? Anyone can read my profile. 45, lives by Detroit…..born in the 313. Been there for years. And yes..I am better than some people. You. Also you are an adult….use adult words. Fee-fee is not one of them.
It really kinda does, cause I am clearly the winner here, however you keep on going all Mike Tyson on my ass. Lol, you are triggered how I used a word? Oh my god, get over yourself, Lol. I could give two shits, where you are from, it means fuck all to me, and I don’t really care. What did you expect me to be scared, and run off? Lol, far from it. I also already read it in your profile, was not that hard to find. I just wonder, with a face like that, in both SL and RL. Who would love you, or even be your friend.
No…this cunt (I’m not insulting people) did not make a mommy joke. This cunt said that in the natural world your mother would have eaten you at birth. No joke….she would have. Also this is an example of a “your momma” joke. Sammy’s mother is so stupid when she gave birth, she shit down the bed wrapped a turd in a blanket took it home and named it Sammy. Or…..Sammy’s mother is so stupid someone said it was chilly outside and so she ran out with a bowl and spoon. Those are your momma jokes also known as Snaps. Also every adult man who lives with his mother is having a good life. Someone is cooking for you, cleaning for you….buying your underwear. Your life is a cake walk cause you have no adult responsibilities. Let me guess….you have posters of video game characters on your walls don’t you?
You are too funny, and now are really reaching. See the funny thing is, contrary to popular belief, and just wait. I know you are gonna be shocked, I don’t live with my mom, nor do I have video game posters. I cook myself, I clean myself, and hey I have fun doing it. Kinda breaks your whole dis out of the water there, see what is truly funny, and I hope you can laugh at your stupidity. Is you think that these mom insults are getting to me, but you are giving me fuel to use, and I thank you for that. Anywho, but why are you so concerned about my life, unless you are jealous of me. Yeah that must be it, also you seem to not get off this topic on blocking. I read your profile, and what did me blocking you, hurt your fee fees? Somehow losing someone else to pay attention to you, and someone else to insult really triggered you. I block for one reason, and one reason only, well two reasons actually. You are annoying, and the drivel that comes from your mind, just truly bores me. See reading your profile, has given me a lot of info about you. You clearly think that you are so much better then anyone, you seem to think that your shit don’t stink, but I have an idea why. You probably have had your head shoved so far up your ass, that you don’t even know if your shit don’t stink or not. But it’s okay, you can keep your people, I have my people, and I didn’t need to be the alpha bitch to win them over. Lol
You know you can’t come up against me. I’m smarter….more quick witted….and gosh darnit people like me. You ‘could” have a good life….but you don’t do you? Again….if anyone wants to see “Sammy” in action….join the FB second life friends and search the name. See the thing is this……my comments are breaking you down. That is why your responses are just not original. You regurgitate the same shit….over and over. It’s like your life script. Talking about scripts….are you sure you are taking yours??
You keep telling yourself that, its funny the ones that say shit like that, are usually the ones who are stark dumb and slow as shit. Haha, you think you are breaking me down, you think you are winning, that is far from the truth . Your responses are poorly put together, and not even well thought out. I have a rather good life, I am not the one insulting a persons character, and making your momma jokes. Lol, yeah you are just original aren’t you.
Huge Ego…..massive stupidity problem. Thanks for admitting that. Funny on FB I never said that shit to you? Ok here is when the stupidity comes in…….YOU BLOCKED ME. Are you the only person not getting that? Is your brain that low functioning that you don’t remember that? I was saying the same things….but you tucked tail and did a block. Who’s triggered now little boy? My answer are spot on and the one thing you cannot do here is block me. Poor millennial….living with mommy playing video games. No job, no life…..no friends. Yeah….what you write gives up a lot about you personally and you don’t even realize it.
You call me triggered, yet you are the one making very heinous assumptions about me. Which is funny, quit trying to reach for shit, it just makes you look stupid. It does not give up anything about myself, at all, see I have been giving you quite calm responses. While, you are going in for the attack, but keep them coming, I am enjoying this. Lol, See I would have to see you are triggered, as I am not hitting below the belt and making assumptions like that that. I really don’t care who the fuck you are, or what you do in life, it doesn’t make you any more important. As for employment, you don’t know if I work or not. For all you know, I could have a really good life, yet again you go for the below the belt bullshit. Which I gotta admit, is rather funny. See I can call you a cunt, since you are one, I can call you a snowflake, as you are one. All your responses, have spoken very loudly to me, and they show a female who is clearly triggered at what I say. Like jeez get over yourself, you are clearly just going for broke, as you know you are losing this. Take that L, and walk out, before you get trampled on. Lol
I think and actually remember, distinctly posting that I have a huge ego, and was a narcissist, actually I do remember that. I love how you seem to think you know me, and that you seem so confident, you think your answers are spot on. Clearly, you have only seen one side of me, and this is the only side you will see of me. It’s also rather funny, how on Facebook you never said shit like this to me.
You’ve been crying in these comments time after time. Admit it, the post clearly hurt your feelings. If you didn’t care and this did nothing to you, your insistent bitching would have never started. I don’t even know you and I can honestly say you’ve won nothing. Whoever made that post is patting themselves on the back right now because you did exactly what they wanted you to do lmao. Congrats.
Some of these comments are so long you could submit a college essay about the who what where why of virtual worlds and thievery and exploitation. Who are you guys writing this for? Half of this is not going to matter in 5 years.
Olive exploited something that has gone on SL more times than I could count. No one ever seems to learn. In a few years another well known character on the grid is gonna come up to say their “such and such died”, we were are all gonna rally around and raise enough money for them to buy expensive purses and possibly get cosmetic surgery too. Why are you guys so mad? You do it to yourselves.
The Skye minions are indeed quite strong tonight in Secrets. One would assume Skye is presently online purse shopping with Rose as her friends and family whore themselves in her defence for the booty she provides in free swag and extra special attention.
That’s exactly what I am saying. How can anyone be so blind enough to support rose/ Olive. She was blatantly PURSE SHOPPING immediately after getting those funds. WTF. IRL this would be described as SCAMMER behavior.
Why are you guys trying to down play this? You were scammed!
Its evident that you are so salty over rose, you want to be noticed so hard you go at someone else to try and get that attention as well. I am starting to wonder if you too are locked in your mums basement and need attention. She will let you hold the remote one day…i promise.
Do you want some water with your salt
Since when does pointing out exchanges rates in different countries make someone a racist? I think it is just a puppy pad of desperation for herpes to jump on to try and stay relevant. Despite the numerous times he has belittled and made derogatory comments about his own customer base. It is pretty sad to grab hearsay then jump in with antics and crap to try and make people see you are still around. I feel sorry for the people who patted this little boy on the back as they are just as clueless as he is, Even bragging about someone showed him this or that, What is so great about it? The reaction to the false crap you began after hiding and harassing then coming up like you are trying to unmask something? Honey…really? Are you trying to create your own Telenovela to make yourself feel complete? Herpes needs help, its just the bottom line of it all. People love to go at verinne, Here is a secret….she is a good friend to anyone and everyone she is a friend to. Its called having someones back. How many of you get upset when you see false things put out there about a friend of a family member for no real reason? 99% of the time the reaction is to go “wtf” and try to clear things up. When people push to much people lose their filter and stop being polite. Anyone bother to check how much herpes harassed before that straight to the point post came up? Nothing wrong with pointing out exchange rates, news flash people…its not racist. Its a fact of the world we live in, its why some are able to live better then others. It has nothing to with race, religion or any other bandwagon… Read more »
A better human being would have never exhibited that kind of behavior. Doing research, its the best thing people can do before commenting. Had you taken that own sense of advice before posting what you did, this entire conversation would not be happening. I hope that simple fact in itself sinks in. It is not hard to be an adult. Take this all as a lesson on how not to behave. You want to be better, kudos to you, then prove it. You want to hop back on that puppy pad and say “oh call me the bad guy, blah blah blah” that is a cop out. It is what people commonly do when they are called out on their behavior. When it is at the point you can’t really anything else and when there is not enough maturity to apologize. There would be respect there if you did that. It take a genuinely grown and woke person to apologize even when things snowball. Being a better person means having to take the lumps you create for yourself. It is why i even questioned if that is how you were raised? were those the values that would make your parents, and grandparents proud? Are you the person they raised in the behavior you exhibit? Your latest statement shows more assumptions. And I won’t fault you for them, you are likely getting them from another spiteful shady human being so you are just running with them, like many are doing do here as well. Bottom line, you took the chance to attack someone you dislike because they were caught in the crossfire unknowingly trying to do something nice. Lets just call a spade a spade there. I am not here trashing you, just calling you out on the behavior. You want… Read more »
I do not know Herve personally but saw a screenshot of his posts and I must personally commend the lad. I take my opinion from people on Plurk and know 100% how she manipulates her little minded minions to go out and do her dirty work and affect opinion. People are completely scared of her for this reason. Her fibre is evil and I am happy to see that someone in SL finally has the gumption to at last show her for what she really is. Good for you, Mr. Herve, for outing her bully ways and narcissist attitude to anyone who might not bow down and kiss her hand.
Damn Skye is a wizard and manipulates thought by using Plurk. It all makes sense now. HARRY UR A WIZARD
Ah yes, love. The same way she has used Plurk for years to manipulate thought. Karma is lovely, wouldn’t you say? The Plurk gods are calling your dear passive aggressive Skye home at last and like Rose you all deserve this fate.
Oh yeah she manipulates people by asking them NOT to message him or go at him. If you take your opinion from plurk, then you would see people defending her and saying how crazy Herve is.
accidentally submitted my comment without finishing it, continuing it: I admire you backing up your friends, I truly do, I think that’s important but I also think that for you to have commented in the way you did, you must be unaware of who that person truly is. Also, I’m not trying to feel important, not at all, I was simply posting on my own timeline my opinion about the fundraiser and the organizer behind it which I’m very entitled to. If it got under your skin and generated that much discussion, you can actually thank yourselves for that, because you were the only reason that escalated so quickly and proved my point about skye getting her friends to come after anyone who speaks up about her with knives and forks. I strive to be a better human being everyday, and if you go do some research with people who have had experiences with me, they will most likely tell you so. Thing is, whether you acknowledge it or not, Skye has been an obstacle in a lot of people’s shoes who haven’t done anything but their work, and it all revolves around her circle of friends, it’s always because of her friends. Whether her friends haven’t been invited to events to get free review copies, or whatever, it’s always something. She feels entitled to do as she please and it bothered me to hear so many people calling out on it and scared to speak up and be roasted by her friends. So I spoke up, but I won’t expose any of them unless they want to come clean, that’s on them. But people know I’m consistent and when I talk about something it’s because there is something there. You can go around and around and find whatever reasons… Read more »
I applaud you speaking out and not worrying about retaliation from other creators as someone needs to speak out again all this without fear and Sky and her posse can say whatever but truth has a way of sneaking in and bravo to you
“I’m just trying to help the community that’s all” This mofo is so delusional that he thinks he’s the Dalai Lama
You strive to be a better person by calling people desperate housewives, posting slander and commenting in SL secrets about them. You sound like an obsessed stalker right now grasping at anything to try to look less crazy because you are starting to realize how insane you sound. The fact is 30 or more people spoke up on various platforms to debunk you and all you can say is OH BUT NO BECAUSE SOME ONE ELSE SAID SHE WAS A BULLY IT MUST BE TRUE. I havent seen Skye bash you once, call you a name or ask ANYONE to go at you and infact I have seen the opposite. SHE ASKED PEOPLE TO LEAVE YOU ALONE. Didnt she even message you and tell you that if anyoen else bothered you to let her know and she would ask them not to oh wait you dont want that to come out because it just proves how much more of a psycho you are
I wasn’t the one who said it was racist, when I posted the screenshots of the conversation on facebook, many people commented saying it was racist and xenophobic, so lol
Isnt it hilarious that if anyone posts about Herve its because they are Skyes pitbull and she’s manipulating them but if anyone posts about Skye its because its the truth and she is a MEAN THOUGHT BENDING BULLY
Why are you even here Herve, none of this has anything to do with your store, or YOU. You are just so self important that you want to come in here to brag again about your great virtues. People with REAL virtues and heart don’t talk about how great they are. They just are. But you have to make sure you go down a list of the great things you think about yourself…. LOL
So its okay to let people run with that kind of bullshit? If that us your opinion you might of well have just said it. It just weeds out more people with appalling behavior like what was displayed by you recently. An adult would apologize when they fuck up. But i guess its easier for you to pass the buck like you just did now. You start the false fire, then claim to not have anything to do with the logs used to build it. I really feel sorry for you, I wonder whats happened in your life that has made it so bad that you have to sit at home and stir falsities to hurt others. I wonder if those are the kind of values your family instilled in you. Think of what you could be doing with your time instead? you make a living on sl great, it free’s your time up. Why not get up and go outside? Go do something and give back to your community? So something that is positive and makes the world a better place. Go better yourself and help others. Its alot more constructive then being a spiteful horrible human being on the internet.
Oh but you WERE the one ridiculing her and calling her names and a desperate housewife. But that’s okay right
Thank god someone said it. All i see is people bitching on her (i mean its sl secrets what more am i asking for here?) and people don’t honesty have their mind open to see it from all angles. They like to point blame. This here is real shit this ‘secret’ . Designers do make the event. But I also like seeing these designers in events as a whole because I may not have come across them before its how I find new shopping binges of stores. I stopped buying Luxe Box at one point because the stuff that was coming out was crap and i literally only started wanting to get it just for scarlet creative just because I love their designs. I follow designers who have a sense of style that I as a person personally like. Hair stores like Stealthic, clothing stores like blueberry, zenith. Yea I know a few of my fave stores take off pinterest too but texturing style says something as well. People need to give more credit to designers. If they are shitty at designing themselves i wouldn’t talk about designers who do well.
#3 Is a blatant lie….period!!
im confused, is it because of their clothes? are they in someone elses house? so far i see people upset over their names…
Negro is Spanish for black. Negro is Portuguese for black.
now if people were using the other N word, then yeah, make a big deal of it. But negro is another language for the color black. ever hold a pencil crayon that said Black/Noir/Negro? probably not, but i sure have. Is the pencil racist? no. the company? no. i have even met real white people with Negro as their last name.
Why you gotta get so offended over another language? Live in peace people.
and before anyone asks why im not saying the other N word, i hate the word. period.
#12.) Someone seriously needs to tip off Nintendo. They are VICIOUS when it comes to protecting their brand. Like, you can’t even review one of their games, or play it on YouTube they will copyright strike you to oblivious. Safe to say they’d likely go after this hack too.
Y’all complain to much they didn’t steal the names they just acoppied the attire. Some people like myself enjoy stuff like that being brought in sl it’s cool. Jesus I bet y’all are the same people thinking gun regulation and gun ban are he same. Lol stupid people gotta love em.
I have been saying the same thing. Their entire store is a rip off of Nintendo, Marvel and Disney. SL won’t let you report it if it isn’t your content being stolen. If any of these companies ripped through SL at least 30% of the marketplace would be removed leaving room for original designers
My brother actually works at Nintendo and has a SL account. I’ll give him a call. Maybe he’ll know how to go about reporting it.
All you have to do is bring it to their attention someone is copy their brand just like Disney they will send a cease & desist letter/order and if it is not pulled in so many days the next chain of events will be serious consequences where a team of lawyers will be taking whoever to court to face huge fines and be made an example you don’t wanna mess with RL Brands who have teams of lawyers just waiting to do battle and financially strip you of whatever monies you do have it is not pretty sight as a friend of a friend that accidentally used a Disney mold for soap and got reported all it takes is one email with pics to show and voila the fight begins
On the Jayce/Aurora thing – we know the cunt that posted this too, js. Get over it, she’s happy now, go fuck off.
Too bad Aurora/Jayce/Julse etc etc etc etc RL husband and kids left her over her SL addiction funnier that shes in her 40s was dating a teenager from Australia, while cheating on her with a girl in cali while cheating on her…. get the picture? trying to fly her over to meet the RL fam… sleeping all day while her hubby worked and took care of the kids so she could plsy SL on Aussie time with her teen GF. she has to find a new circle of SL pals to lie to once a year. nothing but a serial dater, chronic liar, cheating CUNT who’s family left her. sad life. MOTHER OF THE YEAR THERE LOSER!
Lol Wel ALLLL know it’s CK. I’m surprised you haven’t made sl secrets. Passing around pictures of your rl daughter and making suggestive comments about her.
Oh not to mention that shit drama that you caused wirh Jazzie. When you two slept together. Then you caused more drama with Estelle lmfao don’t worry though. Everyone knew because she so gratuitously shared info to everyone. Some convo that you had with your gf at the time about Estelle during skippo…
Then there’s the time your beloved Foxx family realized you aren’t worth shit but drama and a waste of energy.
So thanks.
For being a black hole CK.
Laughing: Yo, SheBitch! You’re a fine one to talk about people playing avatars of the opposite sex. All you dyke fucking lesbo cunts playing those male avies.
(tHeNAPster;) says ) – I know exactly who you are CK aka AIMEE. An ex Foxx family member who likes to play a female avatar. . A male in his 40’s from Calgary who definitely has a thing for his daughter and everyone in the Foxx family knew it. You speak about a girl Jayce dated as if she was a teenager but let’s be honest she was in her 20’s and you fucked her twice behind Jayce’s back and tried to lie about it. You were found out and later kicked from the family, if i recall. Jayce told us when she kicked your nasty ass. Just to catch you up also because her and i are still close, her husband didn’t leave her, she left him and that was well over a year ago now. They are on good terms and he has happily moved on with a new woman. I guess you don’t catch up much. Jayce is a Lesbian and came out of the closet. That’s okay, I understand she probably wouldn’t want anything to do with you. She also told me you tried to make amends with her recently. I guess this is your way of saying fuck you with the original post to sl secrets after she gave you radio silence. Shame on you. You also know she doesn’t tolerate bullies. You keep stirring the pot but know, your running in place pops.
She leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Sad thing is the person who used to be close to her, she lied about her and then picked sides with her ex. Talked shit about this person behind her back.
Then had the audacity to pretend to be friends with her. Till she saw all these chat logs… yeah
Whoever posted #26 couldn’t be more spot on.
I wouldn’t go as far to call her a cunt tho. That’s a bit much but she’s not a good person.
She pretends to be a good person. Then picks sides whenever the situation works in her favor.
Truth be Known – You clearly are not that close to the situation to have the facts. I did not cheat on Mandi with Via. It was in fact several months after that I did in fact date her. I also didn’t touch Sapphire when Ryder was remotely with her, so again that’s not correct. We are close and I definitely have used her for pictures which may be misconstrued. Maybe get the truth from the horses mouth? I’m sure she would be happy to answer them for you. Lastly you clearly do not know what fully transpired back then or you wouldn’t be calling me selfish for leaving a family who were bullying another person. I have happily moved on, but clearly given the posts above, others have not and while i still have love for several of those members, I also cross the street to avoid them as well. Actions do speak far louder than words don’t they and you posting on sl secrets to slam me, says all I need to know about your maturity level. It’s a sad day when i have to come here to defend myself. You posting on here puts you at par with CK’s bullying ways. Remember that.
You never cheated on anyone? You cheated on Mandi, whith her sister or auntie or what ever family position Via was to Mandi. You went behind Ryder’s (your own brother) back and was getting with his then girlfriend Sapph. That is just to name a few. As far as old friends or family members being selfish in there love, and how you would never do that to them, take a good long look in the mirror. That was you being selfish and you did do that to most if them. The entitlement and lack of selfawareness in your perception is dangerous to say the least, and further validates the reason people think you are not to be trusted. I do commend you though, for posting here under a name that shows your true mind set. Foxx it all. I would be surprised if any of the Foxxes care enough about your endless drama to come here to post anything in your defense or to your detriment. Please move on, everyone else has. As far as Ck is concerned, come on man, let her go. She has been reaping what she’s sewn, and that is on her. She is a big girl, making her own big girl decisions. Her actions have spoken so much louder than her words.
Well. I appreciate the fact that you do think i was a kind and thoughtful person at one point in time. I will say however, I didn’t lose one sincere friend during or after my relationship with Via and have zero regrets in my choices. I think it’s incredibly childish of you to be on here casting stones after 2 years time. I’m sorry that your precious Jayce was taken from you and you felt that someone had to be at fault other than her. I didn’t leave the Foxx’s because of her, I left because of the bully mentality and refusal to take ownership of ones behavior from some of you. I have ZERO regrets in doing that. If you truly had my back and loved me like some of you said, you wouldn’t have been so selfish in your love. The sad truth is, I never in a million years would have done that to any of you. I guess you learn some things in life, the hard way. To the person adamantly defending me, don’t. This is not the place. Ck, wow dude. You really are disgruntled and i feel very sorry for you that you need to bring your bullying ways this low. Not overly shocking but disappointing never the less. I never cheated on anyone but i can definitely see from your vomit below that your raging and everything is embellished to the extreme. I’m not going to be posting here or looking at any further comments. If you feel the need to discuss your hurt with me, you clearly know how to find me in world. I will warn you however if you do come and feel the need to slam Via more, you will be served with a very sharp tongue.
Oh, this is humouring and rich. Iknowwhatyoudidlastsummer brings in to play something that [1] happened 2+ years ago, [2] has absolutely nothing to do with Aurora/Jayce in the least bit, to chuck in a deflection from what ever the original poster’s tiff was about, and [3] thinks they have known her long enough to comment on her true integrity. brilliant!
Aurora/Jayce lost many good friends that sincerely cared about her because of the devotion she had for the surreptitious fanny stain she called a girlfriend. She shat the bed on that bit trying to spit shine Via’s halo while her head was up her bum.
The unfortunate, yet honest truth is Aurora/Jayce was a generous, kind and thoughtful person which, over the last 2 years, has become the product of her own adult choices. Her lack of empathy and remorse towards the people that truly loved her for who she was at one time is dreadful.
I’d say the person who created this secret is actually male, late 40’s and has thing for his daughter in real life. Didn’t you date someone around your daughters age that looked a lot like her also? Aurora/Jayce isn’t the type of person to get into verbal debates with others unless you have done something pretty serious. If she did you most likely deserved it. I’ve known her for years.
Skye is very good to her friends and doesn’t owe anyone anything. For Rose event was actually closed early because of all y’all bored ass lives. You guy watch virtual-secrets weekly like it’s your favorite HBO show, other people have lives just like you, but instead of loving your kids, your family on a Sunday , y’all are here shittalking on some pixel digital shit. Love that Herv left out how he made fun of housewives and it’s those housewives that support his shit brand. He also started shit posting during David Cooper stuff too, just likes to brag about himself, as he is in these comments, such a standup guy that brags about making mysogynist comments when like 100% of his customers are female. Idiot with a dick. Also I’ve seen bitches on sl say they will take down Skye for all it’s worth just for vengeance, LOOKING AT YOU, “JENNI”LOVESPUN RESIDENT, just because she thought she can? Stop being sheep you guys. Read the real issues. FAKE NEWS!!!!
I was referencing an iconic character from one of my favorite TV shows “Bree Van de Kamp” when I replied to Verinne’s racist and xenophobic message calling her a ‘desperate housewife’ roleplayer. Was I calling her iconic? Quite the contrary, I was merely pointing out her failure at attempting to be manipulative and scheming which are traits of that character. Also, about David Cooper, yeah I started it and if you want to know why, the post is still up in my facebook feed, just scroll down to find it. I’m a pretty straightforward person, I help anyone who comes to me with issues, I have several people to speak on my behalf about that and most importantly, I never lick anyone’s asses. That may be what pisses off so many out there, I don’t owe anything to anyone nor am I trying to play pretend, I’m transparent and sincere, and I don’t like seeing people acting like bullies towards anyone, or using their position of power and influence to damage or manipulate brands and events reputations. Many designers doesn’t speak out because they’re scared about losing sales and customers, anything they say can be used against them and end their income revenues. But for some reason, I don’t fear anything, because when I create, I give my very best, and the quality of my products will speak for itself, if people want to purchase it, I am thankful for that, but if they don’t, it’s within their right. Now, I won’t be the type of designer that likes everyone’s post without even looking at them, or commenting random default things on it to give a false sensation of proximity and get more likes. I am real, what comes from me is real and I want to earn my customer’s… Read more »
Don’t change subjects because your attempt of dragging me down failed, we were discussing something completely different above, so stop with the sudden nonsense.
If I’m that irrelevant, how come you’re right here arguing nonsense with me? trying so hard to make a point out of thin air to defend someone whose hands are clearly dirty? Well, I think you’re absolutely dellusional, which isn’t surprising since almost everyone in that circle is as well.
What I wantED, I have accomplished which was expressing my opinion and standing up for those who were scared to speak up, so that’s all. All of the rest you can credit to yourselves since you’re the ones arguing nonsense to protect yourselves and trying to burn me along the way, I’m simply defending myself.
And to the person who spoke in a comment somewhere that I have to defend myself because there’s no one that will defend me. Well, that’s the thing, I don’t like to depend on anyone to prove who I am nor will I ever ask anyone to get involved in things like this for me, I like to do it on my own, maybe you should try it too instead of having those multiple connections of yours come my way trying to prove you’re a good person. Your attitude should prove you’re a good person, not people that have nothing to do with it 🙂
That’s all now, I’m out. Good luck swallowing all of the shit you chewed.
Not sure why you’re here Herve, you have all these little scared designer girls hiding behind you that won’t show who they are but are talking allllllll the shit. Maybe let them fight their own fight, you’re irrelevant. Let them be adults and own themselves. More idiotic stalker shit does not a resolve it anymore. You want Skye to “own up?” Maybe your coward friends should too.
If it doesn’t make sense to you, that’s completely fine, maybe you haven’t watched the show and doesn’t get the reference, or maybe you’re just plain ignorant. I honestly don’t care, take care!
“I called her a desperate housewife role player” okay nice dumb excuse, that doesn’t even make sense. I guess you’re an asshole role player LOL
Many. The last time I checked, people were speaking out against Herve using their own SL names. The only person who is bashing and slandering Skye is Herve with his ominous minions who can’t be named like they’re VOLDEMORT or something LOL
Rubbish dear. Many have another name we are calling Herve, A Hero. But don’t worry and fret. Your precious Skye will most likely continue on without harm. Perhaps she will learn from this and offer less static to her Plurk minions and proceed to conduct herself with dignity in the future and not enable thieves who steal from content creators under false pretenses.
It’s sad that you have to defend yourself because no one else is. lol In your own facebook post, people called you out for being a bully because that’s what you are. You aren’t STANDING UP TO A BULLY. You are trying to inflict pain and drama on to some one who hasnt done anything to you and the fact that you feel completely justified in doing so is astounding. There’s a name for people like you SOCIOPATH
HAHA this is such gold.
speaking of fake news and the REAL reason it was not shut down just was closed because facts were coming out about her past and she even said she MADE enough $$ so she can get her fake driving lessons and what other lies she tells ~ get over defending that bitch and those associated with her but am guessing you are one of those supporters that are kissing her ass too
This is exactly what one of her followers talk like. Do you guys not realize that MANY of us dislike Skye and the people like you that randomly accuse people? Who the fuck is lovespun?? It seems as if Herve’s comments were right, you guys really do go after random people. And about David Cooper, many creators spoke out against him WITH PROOF. Are you that delusional?
#19 – I know them from Elysion and I don’t think they are the same person. I’ve been “intimate” with her more than a few times and have listened to her talk badly about how abusive he is on more than one occasion. With the lengths she’s gone to in trash talking him, I can’t imagine she’d waste that time trashing herself, but it is SL rofl
What is truly laughable, is thinking you are anonymous. I know who this is, given what you are trying to focus on in your shade throwing. So if you wish to ‘out’ our elicit intimate affair, please share your SL name with me and the rest of the community instead of hiding like a salty coward.
lmao then you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn you had a 3 some
rofl I guess so if there is any truth to this. At least it was good. I don’t think I’ll stop any time soon.
#2 & #21, I keep hearing over and over and over again that this Skye girl and her friends really are bullies. Like I saw the post on FB that the Herve guy posted and I was really appalled by it all. That Verinne girl really did seem racist and condescending in the chat. I don’t know (nor desire to at this point) know any of them but I have several friends in their events and they always tell me that Skye and her friends like to go after other event owners and designers that go against them. Especially on plurk they like to expose and target smaller event owners to get rid of competiton. It’s really scary and I feel so bad for all of the people that had to deal with them, I didn’t think any of it was true until people kept talking about it and even that chatlog on FB of that Verine/Purinne attacking that guy for calling them out on their behavior. I wish SL would do more about people like them because it really makes SL an uncomfortable place knowing that theres people that will attack you in groups like that for disagreeing with them. I hope everyone who has ever dealt with them. I’m so glad I’m not an event owner/designer on SL because then I would even be at risk of being attacked by people like them. I hope more designers speak up against people like them and learn that they don’t need their events to survive. I also hope that this Skye girl learns to own up to her wrong doings and quit trying to play victim and realize that everyone is human just like she is.
It’s really sad, I don’t think any of you guys really know Skye. Do any of you? Or are you just hearing stuff from your sl mom’s friend’s stripper friend’s femdom client twice removed. You guys keep referring to her as “This Skye girl”. This shows that all of you are just acting on hearsay. Skye doesn’t bully, except having to defend herself against others bullying. I know for sure there are a group of 5 of you bitter bitches that have made it your mission to bring Skye down by sharing screenshots, plurks, and anything you can to be misconstrued and make people think badly of Skye. And you even pretend to be friends with people on plurk to do so. Screenshots made from PRIVATE PLURK TIMELINES. So pretending to be someone’s friend while stabbing them in the back, okay, that’s not bullying and it won’t land you in proverbial hell, right? So sneaky, so great, you guys, gold star, high 5, go get a cookie.
Yes Herve the HERO inspiring anonymous slander and lies but im glad you just admitted that you are stalking these peoples facebooks and plurks to make up more lies and bully them ???????? lol
Yes, we are doing exactly as Skye has done for years. Herve was the first to have the bravery to allow us to come out and prepare a most lovely taste of her own proverbial medicine.
The fact you keep referring to her as “this Skye girl” shows that you do not know Skye at all. Everything you write about her is based on hearsay, which you pretty much admit. Your use of inflammatory language like ‘scary’, ‘attack’ and ‘bullies’ only serves to escalate this already intense situation.
I have always found Skye to be genuine, compassionate and professional. Whatever you think about the fundraiser, Skye organised it as an act of kindness, to help someone who was going through an incredibly traumatic experience.
I hope you feel good about yourself after posting this diatribe, which is tantamount to defamation of character.
So you base your opinions on some one from what’s posted about them on an anonymous website lol
so you are making an opinion because you only saw one side of something. Is that how you judge people? People share only whats convenient to them. and they form their platforms around it. You are the type of person who are part of Trumps dream team. Lets ignore what i did to get that…but man look at this. Running around with only part of a story as your pitchfork, well do i really have to point out that it makes you an idiot or is some semblance of hope you have figured that out now. People do shitty things to others to get reactions then run around and get minions to follow. Go sit and chew on that.
Maybe you don’t know her as well as you think you do ~ just like people defended Rose till the truth came out then umm what happened to all those supporters they ran like the energizer bunny as truth wins out in the long run about scams and bad people Karma does strike when needed and I am sure Skye will be struck down soon enough anyone that is a bully needs to be knocked down a peg by standing UP to them and stop all this crap too many events that she has no control of ~ too many SL residents that will not stand for this bullying but gotta speak out and gotta speak up
Honey, if this sky girl was as genuine and compassionate as you say she is, her malicious acts would not keep popping up on this drama site. Clearly the trail of evidence, which goes back for years with multiple posts, shows a history of drama constantly occurring around her. If she is as truly benevolent as you claim her to be, she would not have the track history she does on this site. You refer to the times you have met this girl and claim she has been genuine to her, but have you been on her shit list? Have you had your posts reported by multiple people for harassment and been messaged by her goons? If she is as professional as you say, why does she associate with and employ people who message people first off saying “hey fuck face”. That is not professional. The truth is you do not know her because you don’t know both sides of this clearly two faced individual. Also before you open your thesaurus to reply to me with your strong vocabulary, I suggest you take a look at the history of this chick and who she associates with before you make a comment saying the opinion of someone else is character defamation when they have years worth of posts on this website to form said opinion.
I’ve seen chatlogs, plurk screenshots..all of her acting absolutely nasty. And you think her not going after innocent people and attacking them isn’t defamation of character? Please take several seats and get real.
So, you think Skye attacking people and spreading rumors/false information with her toxic friends isn’t defamation of character?
Yuck, Phedora. This isn’t the first time they were last to show up at the party. Shit quality shit people. just shit. I wouldn’t waste my linden on that junk anyway.
if you got poor crappy taste that’s on you. i for one love phedora and cant wait for them to release 🙂
lol #7…the racist thing never entered my mind either…. i sat and looked at the pic like i was watching a movie and all i came up with was.. are they standing in someone else’s house? some people need to relax a little.. not all things you see out of your tainted eyes are how things really are.
Be Less Ignorant, Please. Negro is a word in the Spanish language. It means black. If I talk about a black cat, I would say, un negro gato. Please use google to find out these things. It is a legitimate surname. Just because of the horrible racist history of the Americas doesn’t mean the word itself is a bad word or is being used as a slur in this context. According to your logic then “Cracker Barrel” is a restaurant named after a racial slur.
“Black cat” would be “gato negro” but the rest of your point is correct. Negro just means black and does not have the same negative connotation that it does in English. Negro is also an actual surname in Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. @Be Less Ignorant, Please and whoever wrote #7, please take a look at this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negro_(surname)
oh that’s what it was about? I thought the same thing you did I couldn’t figure out what the big deal was
@Be Less Ignorant, Please .. well not negro no.. but spic yes…and still unbothered…there comes a time in your life when the whole sticks an stones thing has to start to come into play. Its the internet .. its worse than real life because all the pussys are able to speak freely.. just because someone doesnt get mad doesnt mean it hasnt happened to them. some of us are just grown enough to not give a fuck.
I would lay odds neither of you have ever been slurred with that word.
So uhm…. could we possibly move on from this whole Rose Event thing it’s long over and the money made from it probably long spent! Attacking anybody who had anything to do with it won’t help the matter. I understand the whole plight of it all; I didn’t agree with the ambiguity of where the money was to go & to be honest I didn’t give a fuck that somebody’s grandmother died. People die, it’s just the way of life. If you don’t agree with a fundraiser event then simply just don’t shop at it. I personally don’t mind buying Olive hair because Rose put the time and energy into doing that herself and she can spend the money earned however she damn wants; a fundraiser on the other hand I stayed far from it and nobody was gonna get a single linden from me over it. Now as far as Skye and her friends who have stepped up to the plate to defend her. You all are pointing fingers and feigning “Ass Kissing”… maybe it is, maybe it’s networking, and maybe it’s them just trying to be good people and do what they think is right? Whatever it is, Who Cares… it’s just how things are and those who have such social skills usually get farther than those who don’t . But, at the end of the day, quite frankly it’s not anyone’s business to take up the mantel of being some sort of social ethics police they can “Ass Kiss” all they damn want and it doesn’t affect you unless you want to get your panties all in a bunch instead of minding your own shit. But then again…do continue, I so do love a good “Eye Roll” every Sunday as I read up on stuff that effects… Read more »
for someone moving on from rose that was quite the essay lol
@ >.>
congrats to you dear..must not have taken you very far as u are here just like me. =)
Why Thank you; probably when you were learning how to write basic papers and short answer paragraphs I was being taught how to write college style essays & theses so it might have stuck with me throughout the years >.>
#17 why do bitches get all bent out of shape if they get bullshitted by a guy named PRETENDER anything? I’ve met him before he talks a lot of shit.. i smile and nod.. eye rolls.. mhm.. ohh really? cool..and go about my day. Lesson is if you are in second life… stop thinking ur automatically invited to peoples first lives… get a real life
I’m not in a position to talk about wether they are a cunt or not, but re: #26, she/he never was secretive about those two accounts being played by the same person. At least not when we used to hang.
#26, she/he never kept their accounts a secret. she/he is not that kind of a person. she/he used to be a fun, delightful person until she/he had their head up Via Cinquetti/Fett’s manipulative, victimhood-drenched balloon knot 7/24. After that hot mess got her claws in her/him, she/he was not the same person I knew when we used to hang out.
Yeah she used to be kind until Via and Thorn/Frost entered her life.
Unless they brought out the “best in her”
Nevertheless she’s still not who she once was. She’s turned into someone who wouldn’t hesitate to throw someone under the bus, pick sides and tear someone down.
Not even know the whole story about why. Yet side with the person she’s with even if what they did or are doing is wrong.
IMHO she’s an adult just like all of us and can do whatever she wants.
One day though she will look back. Realize how badly she’s fucked up and the friendships she’s lost.
Just because she choose to be crude.
#2 Personally Skye and whoever should of pulled this event and did whatever to shut it down after hearing the warnings it is nothing but a scam instead they continued to defend her and her actions saying grief makes people do different things hmmm really so taking people’s hard earned $$ and pissing it away and TELLING everyone as she slaps everyone in the face that was grief talking whatever ~ #6 Agree 100% who goes to stores anymore because most of what you want are at events ~ events are not anything special just another “thang” to go shop at so why spend money on a inworld store you go and gee the item you want is at an event ~ very few events do I even go to because where is the creativity or variety same ole crap just different designer has its name on it #7 no clue wtf this means please explain someone #8 YES YES YES use SL models instead of this #9 God do ppl not ever learn once they cheat on you and you say hey its ok they will keep doing same thing over and over like that bunny ~ give it a rest and stop making us vomit over your comments to each other #11 Cripes gonna spout shit make it so we can read your comments are you too dumb to know how to do that #12 someone must be buying it ~ like someone said don’t like it dont buy boycott them who cares #13 same thing who cares Events are like a dime a dozen anymore #15 OMG listen darlin he is nothing but a player and has been for years you are not special only you wanna believe he is a saint go ahead but he lies,… Read more »
RE: #12 – Because shite like that can get SL shut down. They’re infringing on two very large company’s copyrights, which means BOTH companies can come after that creator AND Linden Labs. So anyone who gives a shit about SL shouldn’t be just saying ‘don’t buy it who cares’ because it affects everything.
oh am sure someone has already contacted Nintendo and voiced a complaint as trying to remember the RL companies do watch for this stuff at events and it just to be put into the designer/creator agreement that they MUST not enter anything that can be construed as infringement on RL brands like Nintendo or Disney as it can come back on not only the creator of this but the event owner as well that should be more watchful and mindful what type of items are coming into the event and maybe FYI the event person should be pull this asap unless they also want to face charges as well……js
#11 -whoever made the secret should be forced to stare at that green font until they die.
The only thing that could possibly make it “better” would be Papyrus.
#21 Ok you can think or say whatever you want about verinne and you sure as hell, don’t have to like her, but she is never boring.
Much like Trump! Never boring but a narcissist and racist just like Verinne. Oh and doesn’t Skye make the perfect Putin?
Thank you for the laugh, I really needed that. Now that we got that shit out of the way, you guys are sad, really sad. If you need to hide behind anonymity, the least you could do is say it to my face. But the funniest thing, that this is all over a god damn picture, of a bunch of pixels. Like for fuck sakes, grow the fuck up, and put on your adult pants. I love how each week, you find the person who has clearly triggered you the most, and essentially roast them. Since you are too fucking scared to say it to their face, you guys are just a bunch of snowflakes. Have some more courage to actually stand up, instead of coming here day to day, to post silly little bullshit. Who gives a flying fuck, about that whore who cheated on you. There are plenty of fish in the sea, who gives a fuck about these content creators, who screwed you over, there thousands of others out there. Like all you guys do, is sit on this site, and fucking whine bitch moan and complain. At least, I have the balls enough to say it to your fucking face.
You are eating it up, LIVING for it! This is literally the best day of this person’s little SLife, with this tiny bit of attention. Can’t get enough. Running back for more. Using far, far too many commas.
“Say it to my face, pussy” is straight up fifth-grade logic, with a short bus twist because this is Second Life. This is where you see the clear difference between people having fun, and people who absolutely live in this game. Here’s what’s real: No one can say anything to your face, and whether they will or won’t stand in front of your virtual avatar or not while they type out their thoughts, what in the world could you do about it? Write books of badly broken up thoughts with strange punctuation at them in text online? Oh god, anything but that. Voice argue with them? The horror! Like what is there to fear from someone who is clearly delusional about what kind of power they hold over people in a virtual world that rarely sees more than 35,000 from the entire planet on it at one time, who are shopping, and masturbating, and outside of a single instance of shade thrown at you on virtual-secrets one Sunday, couldn’t give a shit less about anything going on with you.
I don’t know you at all, but I can smell how fragile you are from across the internets. Maybe you want to read sassy/sexy/cute/tough or something, but you’re serving us “barely hanging in there/will snap anytime/seriously uneducated” realness.
@Sammy “this is my government name” Morelli i dont think your a douchebag that term should be saved for people with at least a 1K following.. and someone with more than 20 likes a pic. You are what we call a hater or attention whore. These are things douchebags in training do to get noticed when they obviously don’t get enough attention otherwise.
p.s. an avi name is hiding behind anonymity dickhead because its not real.
@Morelli no its not about kissing ass..but if you go out of your way to be a dickhead to others.. dont whine like a bitch when people come for you. grow up..we all have opinions but having one just so its on secrets shows you need attention..go talk to ur parents about that. its NOT our jobs
It really is about kissing ass here, if it wasn’t, people wouldn’t have gotten triggered over a bit of criticism.
That is cute, you are trying to hurt me. It isn’t working though, I am sorry but I don’t think views and likes, count for a title. Lol, Hater me, no, I don’t have any hate in my bones. Last time I checked, I like you, am entitled to my opinion. However, it seems like nowadays, that is not the case. Nowadays, I must kiss ass, and bow down to these people, who make art, or even items. Attention whore, now I like that name, why do you think I post photos and shit, on Flickr, you moron? Clearly not for my own health, but clearly you never got my point. At least in SL, you have a name, that I can put to a face. With this site, you are hiding, behind one more layer of anonymity. Which I think, is the pussy thing to do.
Is this really him or someone playing him because they hit all the buzzwords and behavior mentioned 100% in the comments.
The “reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee face meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” is really cringeworthy. Is this all some roleplay? It seriously seems way too over the top to be real.
Anyone need popcorn?
But Sammy, how can we face you, when you block anyone who calls you out on your bullshit?
Yeah….that’s it, everyone is just not getting the point. It’s called the common denominator…..and it’s you.
I just block, when I get sick and tired of your drivel. I think after repeating myself, a million times, you clearly don’t get the point, why waste my time.
Having the balls to saying something to someone’s face doesn’t make you any less of an ass.
Your huge reaction to someone calling you out for being a douchebag demonstrates pretty clearly that this got under your skin big time.
Nah It didn’t, just really retarded that you have to hid behind a pseudonym, just to say something. You can’t even say it direct on Facebook, at least I had the guts to put down my actual name, and actually take the time to call this bull shit out. Lol
*say something.
Not siding, but you can’t tell people to adult when the whole comment here wasn’t any better than the other side
then why are YOU here whining and crying the blues ~ I seriously doubt you have those kind of balls little man from what I heard yours barely pass 3rd grade and so there I said it many don’t and pffft you scare me you little man yes little teenie weenie man
He is not crying the blue. So there ! I think I stopped reading after that because I was laughing so damn hard.
Whining and crying, that is far from what I am doing. Nor am I crying the blue, you seem to think you are so damn tough eh? But seriously grow the fuck up, and actually face me. Stop being a little pussy, and hiding behind anonymity. You are the one who is scared, I actually put my name down, you are hiding under a pseudonym. Says a lot about you, tells me, you are too scared to face someone, and that you are just a keyboard warrior. Who is teenie weenie one now?
#6 – why is going to one event instead of a couple dozen stores such a nightmare? i understand that TP’ing in to a popular event can be a lengthy process for those without premium memberships. but even before LL gave premium members priority access i always preferred events. it’s not really a nightmare: just get there, stand there, and cam shop. even i do that. if you don’t move, stuff will rez a lot faster.
then why should anyone pay for stores as the events are so many it is nothing special from the content to originality everyone copies off of everyone as I have scrolled on seraphim and the amount of events per month double each month just different event names, same old designers nothing is new or exciting it gets old, boring and am not spending $$$ on something that another designer has for $$ why?
@Saffron: Flickr is really not helpful for shopping unless you know the store feeds/groups with the stuff you want. Otherwise you get to sit there and browse blogger pics for a long time until you see an item that looks kinda good…then click on the post and hope they credit it. Sure it’s okay if you’re not really looking for anything in particular and are just bored and browsing…but beyond that it’s a bit more work. Marketplace searches are crippled by the fact that you’re going through an outside market with its own limitations to get your items. There’s also a lot of bloat there since there are items from literally anyone and everyone. Like you could be searching rainboots and now you have to sift through very, very novice made or low quality items (or even outdated ones) to find the better stores. On top of that a fair number of shop owners don’t even use Marketplace because of fees, becuase it creates more CSR work, and beause it goes around inworld vendor and redelivery systems (again creating more work). Do people still go to malls in SL? Not trying to be catty, I’m actually curious. @FunnyFace: It’s very possible there will be stores at events that create items that are similar because of theme, you’re absolutely right. But another way to look at it (using your example) would be: “Oh, sure you know what, I could use a nice lei/hula skirt…and these are plain but maybe this store over here has a HUD and features. Now I can compare them directly in one space with demos and everything.” No one -needs- a lot of a single item (unless you really like whatever it is). But there’s always other things at a good themed event if you ignore what… Read more »
Anko the reason I did bring up MMM was IT is still unique and yes you best believe that you better get up, make yourself invisible and go hit those boards ~ yes I have been doing that event since its conception and absolutely love it oh there are times that I missed getting the freebie but on Sunday they put out “last chance” and the cost is minimal as well Feb had almost all of the past years item in case you missed it AS well as the items are exclusive you won’t find them in the store after the event at ALL ~ this is truly a great event and you are introduced to new creators from time to time ~ I get your point just little too much Mary Poppins for me as most are trying to compete for your $$$ and will put huds out so I rather not go to theme events where you see 20 of the same items with a little variation my money is spent being picky and not necessary at all big named stores since a lot of them hike up their prices on their name alone ~ good try with your reply
Am agreeing with a couple points that people have made like Saffron said how many of one items do you actually need case in point things that are now out of season like those winter hats yes maybe it is a different color, texture but its the same ole thing ~ events used to be special that now every day a new event pops up with the same designers touting the same items just different textures or colors Yes I do love Fifty Linden Friday and Collab88 they still rank top and though the Arcade is drawing negative comments at least there is such a variety and demand to get inside just like Collab88 still does – when some coordinator thinks lets have an Hawaiian event we have 20 hulu skirts or lei’s like we need all that and for me events barely bring in new designers not like Collab88 will give new designers a chance or even Fifty Linden or Midnight Monthly Madness one that truly keeps peoples interest and yes I do scroll through Seraphim not to search for clothing as I have my faves that their quality is high, customer service is excellent and prices that are not outrageous like if I mentioned this store that now demands 250 for a pair of jeans when the exact pair of jeans is being sold for less same quality same detail and this store now does not get my business for jacking up their cost because some have not realized just because it is a name well known they can demand it ~ anyway events are becoming so over run not one is special
Events have become a necessarily evil in SL. When a few years ago, we didn’t even need these. There is Flickr if you wanna browse through various creators at once. There are malls. There is marketplace.
Theme monthly events just mean same type of things all in one place at once, how many umbrellas and rain boots do we need? It’s not like shopping at some events offer a discount like collab88. I think every event that came after collab is a waste of time. Collab88 is and will always be the best on the grid.
The rest are just imitations. Why should we be all forced to TP to one location anyway? That ONLY 40 or 60 avatars can get into at a time? Lol! I think fifty linden Friday’s is a good example of a classic event that brings traffic to creators, and lets you discover new creators too. And we CAN ALL GET A CHANCE to get the item instead of TP spamming, wading through lag/ copybotters and shape snatchers ( oh trust me… these are places that attractive them)
It’s over done and used up.
There’s the benefit of themed events as well. Themed events mean (ideally) people will create to a specific genre or theme that you are potentially interested in. It can also sometimes draw creators who don’t usually create for that genre to have a ‘reason’ to do an item for it; the results are sometimes really great!
@FunnyFace: If your concerns are that creators are copying one another or getting too “samey”, then events actually work in your favor. Scrolling through Seraphim will give you a much easier, faster way to pick out creators that are being habitually unoriginal vs having to go to individual stores and find this out on your own (especially if it’s a themed event).
@Robeal: Don’t forget drama. There are some creators that will drop out of events or quietly stop associating with the owners when drama starts happening or is directly attached to said event.
I like events, you find new creators. It’s a good way to see other creators without having to search all over. Some events have exclusive items FOR that particular event. It depends on how you see it. I prefer events because I can see a lot from others at the same time. If people don’t like them, they don’t have to go. But the rest of us enjoy them.
Creators have backed off some events, a lot of it has to do with who is running it, the rules and restrictions they beef up and some is the cost of joining them have raised, that’s just some of the reasons. Some just get into so many events plus store releases that it gets overwhelming and have backed off the ones that don’t do as well.
It’s up to the creator to decide if they want to do events or not, everyone else who doesn’t like it can wait till it’s placed in the store.. that’s IF it’s not an exclusive item.
I just enjoy seeing multiple creators in one location
I have noticed a lot of the big brands have stepped back from events over the last few months and are doing mainstore. I find this more fun as I can see what else the creator has. It is far more fun to grid hop I hope events continue to showcase new creators but it’s nice for the established creators to shop directly at their store.
About the person who made the secret nr 20:
See? No one care, about your opinion!
Go back under the rock from where you crawled out.!
Well no one commented because everyone already knows Moda sucks.
Saw their latest event item.
Thought it was 2012 again when mesh was new and materials and detailed texturing weren’t a “thing” yet.
Same old high heel hooker shoes, same old platforms, same old ‘texture-less’ hud. Over-posting on Facebook shoe groups. I don’t even look at the Facebook shoe groups anymore. So this is a comment … and I agree Moda sucks. Moda is not event worthy ….
#23 Sammy just wanted to make her feel bad, just pushed her into the stomach. I bet irl she don’t even got any cancer victim. Such assholes should right away being ignored and muted.
Another shit head trying to capitalize on human’s misery.
Seems like #5 did post that she is a Trans Woman.
Maybe its because you enjoyed what she did with you a little too much and now you’re ashamed that you loved it so much.
Maybe its because you’re salty and jaded that the crappy club you left for isn’t going as well for you as you hoped…
Just saying poking fun at a Trans Woman and creating lies is pure stupidity.
Go be a mother for your kids and get off your fat ass.
Look a jaded pos! First not fat! Second I (unlike you ) have a rl partner ^^
So lets talk about how much you loved getting off to jellybean!!
I bet you still come in dont you!
You loooooveee the fact that you are so naughty with someone being open about who they are.
Just because you’re fat doesn’t mean everyone else is darling… But we are here to talk about you and your homophobic/transphobic ways by trying to call the club a pedo club.
Maybe its because you love age play so much that you begged for it?!
Maybe its because you are salty af
Maybe its because you can’t stand to see people happy?
Hmmm all good valid points.
Hmmm maybe #5 is clear not only on their rate card but in their profile as well….
Seeing that Indulge is paving the way for Trans Women to be open about who they are got your boxers in a bunch! Maybe you aren’t too keen that you enjoyed Jellybeanofsin and all the naughty things she did with you!
Take your self another place and stop with your lies about the girls at the club. Attacking someone because you’re jaded or salty because your club isn’t up to par with the standards Indulge has isn’t anyone’s fault but your own.
That was recently added, the days before she was hired at Indulge she had neither in her profile. So is it possible that Phe made her put it in there to save her own ass?
Hmm.. you’re on Scores top tipped board. I haven’t been there in about a few weeks but if you cam the backroom, you should be able to still see you on there for the year. Maybe you didn’t realize that you worked there, but you definitely sat on stage almost every morning for a good couple of weeks. 🙂
And you had at it Teasers, eh? Need a screenshot?
Don’t lie about things that are easily proven. 🙂
Oh wow didn’t realize i worked at scores before huh funny, and teasers I had it in my ratecard,
Everyone at Indulge laughs at your crooked mesh eyes Blaise. I would worry a little less about being politically correct and worry more about lining those up.
Please don’t be a trashbag. Trans women are women, not “dudes.”
I have resisted replying anything on here as I think it just feeds into the negativity and makes it worse. We are on here because a girl I fired and the club owner of the new club she is working for have decided they need to drag us through the mud to make themselves look better. Jelly is now on here this week because she went to bat hard for me last week when they went after my autistic children in one of their comments. I will make one thing clear though. As a Policy at Indulge I hire women .. transgender or otherwise… Since we do sell sexual services I feel it’s only ethical that it’s listed on both their profile and ratecard to work for me… So yes when she went through her interview process and revealed she was trans I asked her to please do just that and she had zero issues with it… It’s my policy and I stick to it .. those that aren’t comfortable with it simply dont get hired. If you ever have any questions about how I run things I am always open to discuss it with you … You know where to find me.
Lol that definitely was not in her profile or ratecard when she was at Scores, Teasers, Angels, etc. I wonder how many other “girls” that work at Indulge are actually dudes?
I do not recall that being in her profile when she applied at Indulge, TSK TSK, She added it after she was rehired. Just saying.
Maybe re read what i said. ( That was recently added, the days before she was hired at Indulge she had neither in her profile. ) The days BEFORE…. I never mentioned your rate card Love. You admit you added it when hired. Point Prooven….. Was not there before, ı read profiles well love. I read yours days before you were hired at the club.
Also gotta love Peaches daddy, you don’t know shit dude but you all will soon enough.
Don’t you all just find it amazing that everywhere Peaches jellybean, whatever, that every club she goes to one week in her drama starts. Got fired from Candied, BGS,
I wonder how much longer she will stay at Indulge before getting fired. Cause ı mean what few weeks ın and already someone got fıred because of her, Indulge ıs ın ıts second week here. But hey ı guess will keep her on till it quietens down right. Wink wink.
does it really matter if shes trans or not?? why do people in SL act like they are more real than the next? These clubs.. let me reword that.. these fake ass SL clubs…are not real.. nor are the avis swinging on the poles..99% of people in there are living their ‘i wish i was hot’ fantasy and not a 60 y/o grandma. So please live and let live..profile stalkers are bad but people who actually remember shit from them after closing them are worse. lol
She doesn’t know her shit that’s why she comes to sl secrets heeelllooooo.
i actually added it when i was hired, and it was in my ratecard before so please, know your shit before you come after me with your pathetic lies,,,,
Indulge is a pedo club.lol
Not to knock you off your cereal box but how can indulge be a pedo club when all the girls are grown women. I believe the youngest is 19 or 20. I think this looks more bad on you then them considering how I saw you last week speaking about Phedre and bringing her kids into it. (Thank you sl secrets for removing it)
Karra if you don’t and never worked there then you are obviously hearing one sided information. You don’t know nothing about these people other than what you were told by some ex siren whom I know for a fact was causing drama. I think it would be in your best interest to talk to the people you are slandering and I bet you’ll get a different story than whatever you are getting fed.
After last weeks shirade and calling the woman’s kids failures because of their autism you might wanna sit this next week out and learn how to be a better human being. You are just showing for another week that you are a low life person who needs mental help.
move on, your posts are becoming pathetic and insane.
Bunnies we are cracking up at these clowns lol. They mad she cute n shit. Thanks for showing peaches’ face and letting people know you are spreading false info as if that’s gonna stop business. Lol might wanna tell your friend yummy to share the full truth or come to indulge directly. We at indulge got nothing to hide boo boo.
It just makes me so happy to know you take time out of your pathetic life to write lies about me and slander my name when none of this is true..I just feel so honored ?
@peaches You deserve better and shouldn’t have to deal with the petty bs on this site.
Just because salty attention whores like to cause drama doesn’t mean you have to have your name in mud.
*hoses you off with glitter and holy water*
LMAO sure thing sweetheart! Call me when you realize what scum you had around you but moved on from. May take some time but watch out for her trying to take over the club, changing things her way, oh and my personal favorite acting like a thirst attention whore on stage.
I love seeing all this drama made about me it makes me so warm that you take time out of your day to think about me awe so sweet ^^ ?
You make no sense whatever so ever,but good luck to “that” club you work at.Phe’s dirty past is coming out.Birds of a feather flock together right?
Yup that’s me
I hired jellybean and in damn proud of it.
We are opening doors for a new day where trans women don’t have to hide who they are.
Chances are you have one working for you right now that’s not coming out.
I’m proud as hell to hired these women!
Phe is an amazing women opening up her club to these girls.
And while we are on the topic in sure you’re gonna say something about hiring underage girls…
Can’t yummy steal her mommas credit card to verify payment info?
Just saying… That screams little kid.
I never worked at indulge LOL
And @karra your the skank lowlife bitch who steals clients and got salty that you got caught and fired? Wow. Bravo. Sit down and drink your apple juice little kid ❤️
So you’re the bitch who hired that fake trans?
LMAO oh yummy how funny you are!
#7: I must be really blind, I don’t know what the poster is talking about. Is it his outfit?
#23: YES. This Sammy Morelli guy is a fucking nutcase.
I too must be blind. I don’t see an issue with the names. I thought, they posted it cause these tiny handed people walked into their house and they don’t know them. Why is it that everyone turns to make uncertainties today a race thing?
Never mind. Just noticed the names.
Okay, I admit, I would have done a double take at the names. There are so many tryhard edgelords in Second Life desperate to be offensive who give themselves stupid names that my first thought might have been “Oh gross” but after reading the comments here, I realize that’s probably the wrong assumption.
It looks like a bunch of surnames put together. I seen this done in many Second Life families. IDK honestly if I seen them I wouldn’t really have looked at their names and thought. “OMG SO RACIST!!” I would have thought, “Oh stupid use of surnames”.
@Wah Wah You have a point. The “Eternal” before it makes it look really weird though. Esp. since the avis look white.
I don’t know if the poster realized that in Spanish the word “Negro” means black. So like Jack Black the actor his last name would be Negro in Spanish. Don’t think their names have anything to do with “Nergo” in the sense of meaning anyone of African descent. And yes this is a legitimate surname. Google is your friend people!! Use it!
#5 ????
I know I was laughing too. Me and jellybean laughed so hard we grabbed sundaes and fucked til dawn. This site stays making me crack up.
#27 no let’s not pay 20k lindies to someone who’s successfully running an event with 3 sims, helpful staff and a widespread marketing reach to cash out 500k from just that event at the end. Most people who still bitch about that same old pizza shit either are bad at common sense or just clueless like the person who submitted #22 and has no clue that that’s the most basic resident restriction and that the limit can be raised with a simple ticket if need be. Bloggers and random residents playing and acting like they got any clue how a business is run without having any clue of the amount that actually goes trough events and stores that put even a little effort in.
#23 Finally!!! Yes!! Glad I am not the only one who thinks he is a douche bag. His posts in the FB group Second Life Friends make him look insane as all fuck. (No offense to people with actual mental illness) But Sammy, babe, get some god damn help with your bitterness! Kudos to the photographer answering him back with calmness and class.
I assumed male because of the “triggered” and “snowflake” crap. Usually, it’s dudes who cry how “anti-SJW” they are and who think they’re badass who whip out those terms constantly.
haha. He did say he wanted to be in SL secrets this week. We all see how this person bullies people or at least attempts to. To him people are cunt, bitches….needs the stick out of our asses…..snowflakes, liberals….and also he throws out the word triggered too many times. It’s also really weird that he is transitioning….but is disgusted by people who are trans/play trans people in SL and bullies them for it. I often think that in the natural world….Sammy’s mother would have recognized the defect with Sammy immediately after birth….and would have eaten him.
Sammy’s mother still buys underwear for him.
Oh weird, he’s a guy. Personality reads needy drama queen, I assumed female. My bad.
The funny thing about Sammy’s responses are this: He’s not being as vile as he usually is….cause that would show people exactly who he is. Simple as that. Also he cannot block people here, so he would see their comments and he does not want that. If anyone wants to “see” this person in action. Just join the FB Second Life Friends group. You will immediately see this person for the scum they are. You will see the repetitive words he uses and you will get an actual # on how many people this person offense. Just join and do a search for Sammy morelli. Little man behind a keyboard….that’s all.
This seems too over the top to be real. Like.. Sammy seems to be the absolute stereotypical Tea Party Trump Loving insult flinging internet tough guy.
Kudos if this is a roleplay, you nailed every last over-exaggerated extremest personality trait.
If it’s not a roleplay.. uh.. wow. That’s.. something.
Again…I did not post up that secret. If I did….I would have put “My name is Abfab Hax and this person Sammy is……etc”. More than likely….you posted it up yourself.
Why would I post something about myself, on a site that I rarely even look at, let alone interact with. That makes no sense, not to mention, I actually have a life. I don’t need to be posting, and backstabbing, and lying about people, just to cause drama. Not my kinda thing, I also kinda figured you didn’t post it. I however found this funny, and adorable, that someone got this triggered. That they would do this.
Facing you? I am in Detroit…..20 minutes from the bridge….and I have a passport. Tell me where to go. I know Ontario like the back of my hand. lol
Yeah facing me, like you are all talk. Yet you use a medium, such as this, not knowing I would see this. Like do you have anything better to do, then this? But I think I answered my own question, when I read your dumb ass posts. Lol
Just a FYI too….I did not submit that secret. Someone else did cause you piss off everyone. But let me guess…..it’s everyone else’s issue? Right??
It is everyone else’s issue, I did not force them to get pissed off. I was not standing there, holding a gun to their head, they chose to get triggered, over a bit of criticism, and then some bitch decided that it triggered her so much, that she needed to do this. Although, I love the award, thank you, I know I am a Douchebag, and I am proud of it.
My name is on the post ya dork. The same name on FB…actually the same name I have been using on games for the past 13 years.
This might help you……It’s called a “Definition”
the condition of being anonymous:
“most people who agreed to talk requested anonymity”
lack of outstanding, individual, or unusual features; impersonality:
“the anonymity of big city life definitely has its advantages”
I know this boggles your mind…..but it’s ok. Sorry that my strong nature makes your dick turtle back in.
Clearly you think you are way better then me, I know what it means. I just don’t see you coming to me, and facing me, I see that none of you, who wasted their life on a stupid woman’s post can. Its funny, how you talk down to me, and even made a comment about my mother. Such a low blow, but I am not surprised, coming from a cunt like you.
I love how you clearly have no life, and love to hide behind anonymity. This one definitely gave me a laugh, oh boy did these all give me quite a laugh. One thing though, you are still a cunt Abfab Hax.
#1 Rood Adamczyk (and Keely Mistwood, see below lol) are 2 of the most hard-working sluts on the gird. What is it about these pneumatic Dutch housewives? She jumps into bed with anybody, her profile screams how in love she is, then next week, it’s back to whoring again, profile wiped and ready for the next ‘injection’. They both need to learn the virtue of waiting, I recommend 5 minutes between partners as a start! #6 SO friggin true, and add to that the amount of time you need to even enter the region – TL spamming HUD, anyone?? Spread the items around the creators mainstores, and you solved the TP problem, the rezzing problem and make everybody happy with shopping again! #8 Keep your distance, so right. It’s dishonest advertising, but thankfully it is relatively easy to spot, the skin, hair and poses are THAT good, that there must be some trap lol #9 Yes it’s her again … First, Stromfield caught her on the rebound, which shows what pathetic level he stoops to, basically. Comfort her, yes, but don’t fucking jump into bed with her! Wool pulled well and truly over her eyes. Rumours already have it that he tapped 2 well-known designers while she was sleeping, and he regularly frequents free sex groups for his kicks. Who’s judging? Maybe she knows and encourages him? I just want to shout WAKE THE FUCK UP, BITCH at this stage. #11 Thank fuck! There has deffo been less pelvis-gap dog-faced avs blogging. Not quite realistic proportions yet, but we’re going in the right direction. #13 Time taken to make doesn’t have much to do with quality, but ass-kissing to get in, yup, happens, and it fucking needs to stop. #19 ha ha ha busted. Seen the sad fucks there myself.… Read more »
lol Stromfield and his ‘Your ass is a thing of beauty’ line, cracks up the group chat when he logs off
Lol at number 5 seems your just trying to get her down,guess bitches will throw bitches under the bus just for some lindens ?
That’s what happens when an angry ex siren gets salty and feeds her lil homies one sided bias info. If it’s you yummy spreading the lies lol slow claps to you, if it’s your friends and they ain’t telling you that you fucked up then they aren’t your friends. You are making yourself look bad and I am sure your current employer wouldn’t appreciate you making a bad name for the club with your childish behavior. Time to grow up sweet pea.
She failed at stealing everyone’s clients and driving ppl out of the club so her lies are all she has left!
Anouk A. x Grigorovich M.???
While Grigorovich M. does copy her and in a very creepy way, people should know that Anouk isn’t that far off from being a nutcase herself. She is obsessed with Flickr and her life on it. If a picture of hers doesn’t get over 400 or 500 favorites she will delete and pretend it wasn’t there. The woman has numerous alts she uses to fav and comment on her pics (Hamelin Writer & Cmd Ctrl are just two of 10 or so); she even uses her male avatar to fav and comment (Joseph Merisi). That Yun Tserof guy is her RL agent (??) that likes to harass anyone that Anouk thinks is copying her. Anouk stated in the comment section of her “Stalker” portrait that Grigorovich M. would delete comments of people saying she looked like Anouk and then would block them. Anouk is a liar. Anouk is the one doing that to another popular blogger / photographer (I know because I have seen the comments and then the next minute they are gone). Grigonovich for sure copies her, but there are a lot of things no one knows because Anouk is very quiet and very sneaky. The lady is very talented though, that is for sure. I just wish she wasn’t so conniving and crazy.
Roflmao @ #5
AAHHHHH PEACHES YOU FAMOUS BRUH. Lmfao the thirst for attention is real