Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 495.
A couple of things before the secrets this week.
- If you use the contact form and want a reply, please use a valid email address so we can contact you.
- If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement. We always cooperate with law enforcement when it comes to RL issues.
- Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them. The only way to possibly found out, see above.
- Make your secrets legible.
- Learn how to apply drop shadows to text so it can be read.
- Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We know your legal rights and we also know our legal rights. We’ve been doing this for 9 years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
- Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
#14 same guy who sells tiny string bikinis for girls and boys, aswell as latex suits for girls.
Skippy Beresford dupes designers every day for piss poor shots , causing drama wherever when he don’t get his own way like the spoiled child he is (old man sorry) How the hell is one duping better than another?
#7 – there are so many SL photographers. Some of them do it as a hobby, some of them do it as part of their real life income. Like anything creative you do in any world, as an artist you have every right to not only charge for your time in creating something for someone, but you have every right to choose a price based on the time and effort spent, and the value of what you’ve created. Custom items are especially valuable, as you won’t be able to sell the creation to anyone else.
The people that I go to to take my pictures might take a day, might take a week, depending on how in demand they are at any given time, but they don’t offer me a lower price for a smaller turn around time. Rates are rates. You can’t go to a restaurant and negotiate your check because the service was swift. You can’t go in for surgery and tell them that because it took less time than expected, you should pay less. If you purchase a fifteen minute block of time for a session with an escort, you don’t get a refund because you orgasmed in three minutes. You don’t get to make up other people’s prices for their services and goods. Buy it or don’t buy it. Spending time and energy complaining about it is taking away time that you have to find a compatible photographer.
It goes without saying that it’s a very small amount of effort to browse photographer’s profiles and rates to find one you find reasonable. If money is an issue, YouTube offers free tutorials on just about everything you can imagine – get to editing your own snaps. Maybe you’ll get yourself a new hobby.
If I am paying $$$ for a pic I EXPECT to have a nice image ~ one that is edited and looks professional as anyone can take a cough cough RAW image whoopee doo and at those rates sheesh seriously and your right I wouldn’t waste my time with that type of photographer as you said there are TONS of SL photographers some that have huge waiting lists and charge lot of $$$ and they are worth every penny as these are works of art ~ there are others like myself that wish we had that skill and talent but truly would be embarrassed to give someone a completely unedited raw shot and accept monies for it ~ but like this person once said there is a sucker around every corner
I love hooker drama. The main reason is because there is always the obligatory tranny hooker that swears she is sexier and looks more womanly than any natural born woman. Always good for a laugh.
You sound bothered lol just an observation.
#’s 23 & 31 – that woman has been going on and on and on for days now, filling her fb timeline with messages to and about her “haters”, dragging on the drama and I just want to say to her:
HOLY SHIT, woman LET IT GO. You’ve already gotten yourself on sl secrets TWICE in one week and made so many people not want to have anything to do with you. Stop beating a dead horse and start being a professional. Maybe then your products will move toward resembling something the respectable consumers would want to buy. Could have just apologized and dropped the subject and most people might have forgotten about it by now.
You do not like her but you watched her page two days straight?
Checked out her shop inworld. Those shoes all belong in the people of Walmart videos, they are so damn cheap looking!!
So the lesson should be learned by now that fundraiser and sl does not go together. I need event owners who’s been doing these to take responsibility for not doing background & fact check and there by being irresponsible with creators time .And making a mockery out of everyone. I saw that Skye got her defense team rolled out on Facebook this week , very nice. But no stop covering for stupid. Putting your name behind an event reflects on you and your brand name. Time to wise up.
All’s Well That Ends Well. Rose has deleted her Plurk for a 2nd time and her SL Facebook account. Looks like she was run out of town. Is she smart enough to re-brand and stay in SL? We know she isn’t going to give up that money she gets from her “job” so be on the lookout for her new store and DON’T BUY.
Actually her second plurk is still there. It sounds like she figured out possibly who was enlightening people and removed them.
Guess she had a moment of common sense. Gotta protect that money making scheme.
As a former employee of indulge I quit because the vibe there was off. It was very cliquey and laggy. Just seemed like a recycled Manhattan tbh. People on voice vying for attention, some guest come in and talk the whole time without even tipping. Seemed more like a social club rather than a strip club. And the whole family thing is ridiculous and an excuse for favoritism. Last point, the sheer thought that they would hire someone who willingly left to form a club that lasted 2 hours and failed so they came crawling back to Indulge and got re hired says a lot about the management. It won’t last, the whole ask strip club / escort scene is dying out tbh, as it should.
To compare it to Manhattan is a joke. Sia and AJ (RIP) were about money. You know what they would do if a girl was suspected to be underage? Fire and banned immediately. They took no shit and thats why they lasted so long in the top. Your reputation isn’t worth one person especially someone that shows no loyalty.
The sex club industry isn’t dying its just becoming an oligarchy. The main clubs dominate and these little clubs fight over scraps and destroy themselves in a few months over drama and other bullshit.
I would love to support a new fresh club but the minute you enjoy a place it starts to fall apart, becomes a drama scene and you have two or three of those girls in your box sharing their secret plans of starting their new club in hopes you’ll come spend money when it opens. Its so cyclic but entertaining.
Para ser la pareja más ridicula que el/la que publica en este pseudo “blog” ha visto , considerando que parece vivir 24/7 en SL, han durado muchisimo tiempo juntos y son más autenticos que esos romances que se juran amor eterno y son de media semana.
De igual manera es entendible, si no postea cosas sobre personas importantes, medio celebridades, con un contenido amarillista y fake no tendria lectores.
Existen muchas paginas porno! no te mastubes con fotos de Difi y Zarek.
Please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
#20 I honestly have no idea why I read this site. No where on Isis’ ad says “self harm”. You fuck twit.
Um…a cutter is the universal word for people who self harm. Self harm is just the official term. Many of the wounds on the appliers are identical to cutters wounds. Please do your homework before jumping to angry conclusions and wasting your time writing these comments and the time of people who read them.
The appliers were ill conceived and offensive to many – and not just overly sensitive people. I’m guessing by your language, you’re a 15 year old boy so I’ll end with this; please spend more time focusing on your schoolwork and cleaning your room.
I was pretty sure of that too. I’m neutral on the item but every time I hear “cutter” and wounds are involved, it 100% refers to people who self harm.
To the people who has something to say on every single secret: you most likely has not washed your ass for weeks, has stuff growing out of your refrigerator and is on SL 24/7 . You are in everyones business to know what and who every single secret is about. Just stop.
1 stop
2 stfu
3 go feed your kids
4 your mamas a ho
5 you have a min of 5 alts that no one knows about
6 you are partnered on every alt
7 you do not have a job or an edcuation
8 go wash your ass
If you have no interest in reading drama….why do you come to a site that publishes only drama?
i just have an opinion about everything dumb ass.. i find it amusing after a long week of work.. that i come on secrets to see 50 yr old girl scouts..makes me giggle. lame’o
Well at least you admit that your life is miserable and your whole life is wrapped up in SL fackshit. That’s the saddest thing , having an opinion on every one of these trifling secrets. No way you’ve a real life job as being this clued up on everyone’s business is a full time job in itself. I feel bad for you , really.
thats what the sites for retard
is it ? having shit to say on every single secret? you might be doing that. But that makes you the retard. How are you in everyones business to be able to comment on Everything ?
1. Ex shaming is not something to be proud of… 2. Scouting is more than just doing badges and adult women playing at being kids. Most of us who are in the Scouts are in it because we didn’t experience it in the RL when we were kids. Just like an adult roleplaying a kid in SL or someone roleplaying a fantasy character on a sci fi sim, it is how they wish to live their SL and no one should try to make them feel ashamed for it. It’s what you choose to do, not what is dictated to you. As for April and Tizzy, they work hard to try to make the scouts fun and interactive. The badges are steered towards creating a bond with others and getting out there to explore rather than sitting on your ass all day. April works hard. She may be behind on stuff but she still works hard and she cares about the others. Whoever submitted this one, needs to get a life and grow up. 3. Who cares? Just don’t buy those eyebrows. There might be people who like it more than you do. Shaming people for it, makes you a high school junky. 4. Powder Pack has switched from two packs a month to one and alternating between Catwa and Lelutka…so really, this complaint is just bitchy and stupid. 5. Jealousy gets you nowhere when you are blogging and being lazy about it. If you can’t blog properly, then that’s on you, not them. Get a life. 6. Don’t care….just go to a different photographer or learn how to take your own photos….problem solved. 7. $30 is a bit steep, nothing to bitch about here tho…just move along, Joe Soe. 8. Not sure what this complaint is about…lol 9. Or… Read more »
You just posted a reaction to all 31 images and you say “You need to get a life” You are a fucking autistic retard.
Computer illiterate aka Ball breath . I have not read and therefore not reacted any of the secrets so close your mouth child. But I know you have and i know that’s why you’re raging LOL. Facts always get people mad .
You got all the secrets on lock huh. So you’re clued up on everyone’s business to be able to say something on all of them. Guess when you grow up you’ll figure out that your priorities change and so who does what in SL doesn’t matter to you. You’re clearly not at that point yet. Smh.
You love Scouts? You sound like a pedo. Oh WAIT, you support Rose/Olive, well corection, you are a Fucked Up Pedo!!!!
Assumptions make an ass out of you…case in point…
i bet you the real girl scouts that are like 8 years old have less fucking drama than these old bags
adult scouts lmao i cant
@ #2 – Scouting is bigger than April and Tizzy. The whole point is to forge stronger bonds with other women (or men) and do something fun, collectively. Nothing worth doing is easy. Tizzy is not ruining scouts. Badges have gotten harder. Instead of being a giant cunt and hiding on sl secrets, make strides to be a part of your troop. Go to badge surgeries and speak up. Try to get involved in a leadership role or work with your own scout leader to find a solution to making badge work enjoyable. BE THE SOLUTION. April isn’t hitler, she listens. She may have a smart mouth but she does care if scouts are not happy. If you are not having fun you are not doing it right.
second life cults lol
Second Life wanna be tough guy who can’t do anything but hide behind the computer screen and pretend to be all tough… something tells me you have a little problem in your basement, jerkface.
@#2- The person who posted this is a coward. If you have a problem with Tizzy then say it to her face. Don’t hide behind some photo on virtual-secrets. Better yet, say it to my face. I’d love to talk about it. If you don’t like how April and Tizzy are running things then get the fuck out of scouts. Oh and look below, I’m signing my name. I’m not going to fucking hide.
To A-Kid says, why would I sign both if no one in SL knows me by RL name?
So sign both then.
To OneNameOnly it’s how people know me in SL dumb ass. They don’t know me by real life name. If they did I would sign it.
So your AVATAR name is a Real name? Lol
#16 Valekoer 100% copy nike,adidas,supreme real life products and cover his stuff with the “valekoer” logo,he isn’t the designer and every person in second life can make something similar or fully copy his products(without bot the model) without be accused of copy.Addams ,Stockholm & lima,Deadwool,Dirty Princess,Legal Insanity,Represent,Ascend,Versov,Reign and all other big clothes and shoes and furniture store COPY real life products .The cat swimsuit is popular in 10 years sl i bought 3 or 4 different version ,hentai event one is best one as quality so i bought it.
I lost my RL mom a few years ago, it was unexpected, heartbreaking and shocking. It pisses me off to no end that someone has the gall to do something like this. I know for a fact that cremation doesn’t cost as much as getting a casket. That said, this girl needs to be reported for fraud. She is disgusting for using her own mothers death to fill her pockets. I doubt she ever stopped to think if her mother would approve of her doing this. Olive I hope that you at some point in your life realize what you have done here is wrong on so many levels. I hope when you realize this you do the right thing and get what ever money you spent on yourself for crap that was NOT needed and donate it to a proper fundraiser.
….says a lot of people in SL have lost a parent or parents maybe not as sudden but on average am sure no one is expecting it when you lose a parent especially your Mom yet honestly I have never seen a fundraiser for funeral expenses for a parent or even a child ~ needless to say this is a first and if I had not been here when she pulled this scam 3 years ago I just might of gone to the event ~ good thing I didn’t because I would of been major pissed off to hear this person pulled at the heartstrings of so many good people then turn around and slap each of them in the face with telling everyone oh gee its not going to be used for funeral costs but I will probably need now to get driving lessons *bullshit* and whatever I can think of that I need and then I just might give my Dad so of it just not sure yet…this type of person is the worst kind of heartless to pull this shit not once but twice ~ and people should BOYCOTT her store and any GACHA items she is selling ~ maybe then she might get the point that she cannot take advantage of good hearted people and get away with it ~ maybe this will be a wake up call to her friends and whoever else thinks what she did is okay because it’s not no matter how you sugar coat it that it is FRAUD nothing else pure and simple FRAUD ~ Event owners should get their head out of their asses and ban her from EVENTs….SERIOUSLY as why should she get away with this for the 2nd time …….
im 1 year from not harming myself and i bought it.
we all arnt sensitive bitches over the topic like this person. it can be used for more than self harm.
I think these things can be done tactfully, and I think they can be done poorly. I think naming it “cutter’s dream” was more tactless than creating it, to be honest. It’s not about sensitivity, I think it’s more about glorifying the act. Look at Izzie’s for example. They have scars, and burn marks and stuff like that, but it’s more about the strength of the survivor than it is about the joy of the damage being inflicted. I didn’t really like this applier because of that. I won’t buy it. I also won’t buy that rape tattoo with the bloody vag that was floating around in another event. It just seems tasteless to me.
If the creator had named it something else, I don’t think it would be an issue. But, well, here we are. Everyone has the right to their own opinion. Some people just feel more strongly about it than others, I guess.
#4 I so agree with the Powder Pack issue ~ when it first started was created SOLELY for Catwa users then it was this aha moment that hey lets get even greedier and do it for Lelutika users now the creators have to scramble throw things for both and some might miss the deadlines over and over so to appease that issue it was decided every other month beginning with Lelutika, which seems wrong but I won’t discuss that issue now creators are having more time to create fabulous products without stressed for time hmmm think again because there still having issues on this and used to be a huge fan of Luxe box, PowderPack but see what went with Luxe and now PP is so so
so everything should be catwa exclusive then? am i hearing that right. You use Catwa so you want everything just for it. I disagree as a owner of Catwa and Lelutka Heads i for one am glad that someone is making boxes that aren’t pure exclusive , rotating every other month is perfectly fine for me , that gives the designers a full month between to make items for it . It has nothing to do with Greed and more to do with supplying to multiple Bento heads so that more users are appreciated and more of the market is covered …greed is Catwa users thinking it should only be for catwa. If designers cant design something the month before maybe they should only design every other month and let other stores participate on their off months. As far as swapping between Catwa and Lelutka every other month seeming wrong how ? because they are reaching out to a larger base? or is it wrong because you only want Catwa to be provided for?
because the owners decided they didn’t want it exclusive to catwa and wanted to include lelutka if you don’t like they included more of the community then maybe Catwa should go make their own subscription box to suit you. last i checked PP wasnt owned By Catwa could be wrong but i dont think it is. They have been including Lelutka for a long time its not a recent change. If you don’t like that they included more buyers by adding Lelutka to the line up your more than welcome to talk with your money by walking away. I for one adore they added Lelutka and enjoy buying the packs for it. PP is one of the few boxes i actually buy because it provides for the two biggest mesh head markets. The fact they added Lelutka isnt why creators are late or slow , even if it was still just catwa they would still be designing a product every month for PP , the only difference is using a different map to design for which is provided by the head markers as part of their devkits.
Actually Powder Pack was specifically for Catwa users and what is wrong with having something exclusive for Catwa? If whoever wanted something specific for Lelultka why not instead of piggybacking create their own subscription box? js ~ not sure when they got involved with PP but have noticed some of well known designers are starting to drop out just like the Midnight Monthly Madness is going and yes maybe I am biased about Catwa again so your point is what that PP was started ONLY for Catwa ~ when they decided to rotate was so creators would have more time for each Catwa or Lelutka but last couple of times we still had issues of designers making ppl wait ~ quality designers sadly are not there and makes me wonder how long this will last before it goes the way of Luxe box as I am considering to drop this subscription box
I think that a lot of people are forgetting that we all signed up to do this together. I don’t blame anyone for my choice in joining. People are forgetting Max and I think Skye too both had a booth and donated several items at 100%. They donated their money and their time.
This is why I do not support individual fundraisers in SL…
1. The whole Gala Skin defense fund thing – she kissed and made up with the other party and skipped merrily off with the funds raised for her.
2. Ruby’s sick cat – a week later she’s posting about how she just paid off her European holiday! Coincidence?
3. Book of Daniel – He’s the creative side of Zerkalo, he passes away, Zerkalo is still going stronger than ever and no-one has ever fronted up where the money went.
4. Max – Has any follow up to this fundraiser ever been posted anywhere? And seriously, losing your RL home but refusing to give up your SL sims – why should we pay for your fucked up priorities?
And now we have Rose….someone blatantly bragging about shopping sprees in public, not keeping her story straight, giving multiple answers as to where the money raised is going and is still participating in three events this month alone.
As someone else pointed out, EVERYONE has struggles and problems and yet we all find ways to dig ourselves out of them. So for someone who has ways to raise her own money in this virtual world, yet expects everyone else to fork over our hard earned money to fund her lifestyle – it’s appalling!
No-one would give a flying fuck if my life went to hell or hold a fundraiser to help me out, so why are we expected to care and pay for helping out people who do have ways to make money in here just because they are a creator or a “someone”???
And I’ve fucked Sands too and he was a bit better than “Meh!” Maybe you are the “meh” one hunny!
Who is Sands and how does everyone know him lmfao!
TY for the head’s up…you should host a blog about sl fundraisers and call them out!
There is also this https://www.gofundme.com/save-ann
Seriously am going to report her ~ as she is completing misrepresenting herself with these gofundme sites ~ will anyone else post the first one she put up ~ am tired of her getting away with this crap ~ funny she does not say one word about her Father
The GoFundMe Team wants to know about any campaign organizer that is misrepresenting themselves or the stated purpose of their campaign. For more information, please visit: http://www.gofundme.com/safety
If you are a donor or a campaign beneficiary who is concerned you were a victim of fraud on GoFundMe, please visit http://www.gofundme.com/guarantee for more information on how we can help you.
stop this isn’t her fundraiser
ooh not her fundraiser hmmm same area ~ same shit ~ all about the Mom ~ even around the same time that her Mother did pass on ~
If you’d look, that fundraiser was shut down the first few days, why? because I got off my behind and got multiple jobs. Congrats on saving an old link though. Just makes you look crazy
The person she is outing responded to the Rose stuff, and claimed she hadn’t begged for money.
Elena, do you want to rethink your response yet?
About the last “secret” …
Honey, fuck off.
You are a fucking drama queen that when a person give their opinion about something you dont agree on is enough reason for you to want to mess with the person? With Kim?
Is that and your stupid and childish attempt to boycott the “MODA” page just because you didnt like her opinion?
Did not you like it? Your problem! Dont drag people into your madness.
Your action to do this “secret” is ridiculous as much as you are!
#25, the lie is right there. Her mother did not pass away on January 16th, but on November 16th 2017. Even though her links to the obituary and her RL name were deleted from virtual-secrets, some of us remember and can easily look up the real obituary.
This, if anyone wants to pursue it, is pretty much proof of fraud from the get go. Her mother had already been cremated and a ceremony was held on November 29th.
I. am. Not. Rose. Now do the world a favor and stop getting us mixed up? It’s only making you look utterly fucking insane.
I don’t think THIS IS ROSE!
This is the OTHER GIRL … they are talking about OLIVE
This is about Elena aka “Elena not rose” who has been posting responses about Rose – as if she has any room to talk.
Bunch of frauds living there in Florida. Elena even said Rose lives near her. Sorry to all you non-frauds living there.
this is not her mom/family
That is not the one she linked to you are confused, she has done plenty else to be upset about but that info is not correct
That is the obituary she linked to the week before last. It was deleted. But it does not change that it is the one she linked to and then claimed she did not care if her RL info was out there.
It was deleted by me and will continue to be deleted by me. Stop posting that shit on here, save it for plurk or a plurk anon if you want. Not.here.
this is fake news
what the hell
i’m a self harm “survivor” (what the fuck kind of lame term is that) bottom line i used to self harm
i am not in the least offended by zombie suicide’s choice to release that, in fact i’m glad they did they work very well for photos that aren’t even aimed at self harm
stop being so easily fucking triggered over nothing
Eats some more popcorn. Man even though I don’t play much of sl. Lots of shit still going on. Nice one this week 🙂
where oh where to begin.. the people who post some of these ‘secrets’ should begin by finding their own second life for real..lol.. some of you really need to get bent over and banged like a screen door in a hurricane. dives in… #1- refer to above. its SL as long as the rl vagina remains tight.. fuck away inworld. #2- the secret is so much more interesting after i read somewhere that the average player age for an SL resident is 32. 32 year old girl scout? O.O #3- those brows would sell well in a 90’s event. seriously… google it. #4- if its happened before.. fool me once should come into play. just saying. #5- its nice to see the stick from last week trying to be fashion forward. #6- proves people will buy any and everything. lol #7- i seriously doubt that 99.9% of people with any of these programs photoshop, maya, zbrush etc… paid for them. thank god for torrents! Those tend to be the same people who cry over copybotting. lol but as for the paying $30 for a pic.. people charge it because others will in fact pay it. Personally i dont understand the point unless its for ads but thats just me .. so to each his own. #8- see #9 dumb ass. #10- ew@homophobes. If you’re a woman and don’t have a gay man entourage you are NOT living. To be honest we don’t really like to get our shoes dirty anyways so no thanks @ bayou’s. #11- ummmm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #12- i agree that douche nozzle is prob still having a bad day over that restart. #13- i mean if you meet them whole they are working and don’t realize you got worked.. you’re dumb #14- stop hanging out at ped spots,… Read more »
Aw well done you got through all of the secrets. You Better go lie down as all that knowledge you’ve been speaking on all of this weeks SL secrets must have worn you out.
my 9 thumbs down either shop at Moda or are 50 year old girl scouts..lmao sick
It’s more like because your breakdown is super mega cringey
Like damn
23 and 31….. Get over it! She can have whatever opinion she wants. She did not say anyone’s name. How about you grow up and get a thick skin. People are going to be a lot more harsh then that.
24…. I don’t know who the actual fuck you are but do not come for Kermie. Everything you said was a flat out lie. Move along whore!
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo looks like the OP hit a nerve!!!!
Julia Pariz Is such a dumb cunt I CANT
Rofl @ 26
Looks like you mad bruh. I understand you can’t get to her level I mean you resorted to sl secrets to do your cheap shots. You obviously don’t know a jack squat about her or the ladies that work for her. Those that become a luckless are not forced, those that become a luckless feel unity and love obviously something you don’t get, those that become a luckless laugh at people like you trying to throw your negativity out there anonymously. Listen how about you go ride a dick, get a hobby, move on, You are just making yourself look bad here. At least next time when you wanna run ya mouth put your name in there and stop hiding.
I cant take anyone who is in a sl family seriously lol
“SL Family” is so cringey, so transparently a desperate overcompensation for people who didn’t have any friends in high school. The melodramatic names and fonts LOL
@ haha
just stating facts you must be not to far from a mess yourself if you aren’t one already. You play sl yourself for whatever chaotic reason the rl world throws at you. Lol grow up
Indulge is clearly a MESS only the cast offs from good clubs go to work there. SL family is like so cringe. ew. if all you can get is old ladies with lung problems stupid dumb young bitches with no experience or girls with big old swinging dicks, you know its time to give up
Indulge is not even a real escort club.She hires Underage girls, her “girls” or should I say trans-genders IMs Guests first, She keeps this Dre4m guy around because he tips some girls (preferably whites)80k while also insulting her staff.She’s a fat money hungry cunt and I know what she looks like in real life.She’s known for POACHING from other clubs and her FAILED CLUBS.Anyone who is in her “sl family” is a prime example of that failure called Phedre.luckless. Luckless= cursed,failures,bad luck.Not to mention, stealing money from clients then banning without letting her staff provide their “services”. That club will be joining the ben with Manhattan, bishes and the rest of the failed clubs in second life.Don’t try to defend that EVIL FAT BITCH.
I mean either way he is still being more of an adult than you. Like just reading the comments alone from you and your posse y’all seem like you need to grow up some more. Try solving your problems in a more adult way instead of acting like a petty 14 year old with the high school drama routine. I’ve been to indulge and the women are amazing and funny and make your visit a joy even without the ass in your lap. Pretty pathetic on your part to act this way and claim you are a grown woman or an adult for that matter.
Just to be clear. I do not work at Indulge never have done and never would want to. 1) Everyone complains about ladies being this and that at Indulge or other clubs and yet you still go there. Don’t go at all maybe? Girls iming clients, girls with smokey old voices. Being people hate it so much again don’t go. Theres many clubs out there many fun and nice real ladies. 2) What on earth happened to her She/he Dj. that they could not get enough of. Oy Yes Sam 3) Many clubs in Sl hire TGs or TGS in transition and say 100% female. BGS hires both genders and whatever applys. Male / female / TG / yet no one seems to care that they roleplay with a dude on stage. Clubs like BGS / Indulge and a few other hire quantity, sadly they do not look for quality. Anyone that walks through the door they hire. 4) @ Peaches, Just to be clear, you never IMD clients or tried to poach right? BUT.. There are many ways that one can get clients from another club. Hang out long enough and some random dude is bound to IM you. 5) You have said a real woman for yourself over and over again. Maybe try and act like a real woman and speak more polite instead of using your mouth like a TG would. It so does not make you seem like a real woman. 6) From what i recall, you worked at many clubs Candied was one of them. When you were fired from there you had not gone through your transtion so when exactly did you? Also and ı may be wrong (but usually ı am always rıght) but were you not fired fromBGS because you were stalking… Read more »
@Peaches I don’t know shit about you. I don’t care if you do/don’t have a dick/6 dicks/a vagina that can sing Mambo Number 5. But truth be told you’re coming across as a bit of a cunt. To claim that you weren’t trying to fuck Indulge over when it appears you, y’know, created (and failed at!) a club that’s in a competitive industry? That’s a flat-out lie. You may not have “poached” or “stolen clients,” but you don’t see Burger King employees walking into McDonalds to steal customers either and yet they’re still in direct competition. No matter which way you try to slice it, it’s shady as fuck that A) You unsuccessfully tried to create your own club and B) They were desperate enough to take you back. Hard times at Indulge, I guess. And whoever mentioned Bishes – say what you will, but Juicy wouldn’t be caught dead handling her business like these trashcans. Indulge isn’t even in the same stratosphere, so it’s a very poor comparison. All Indulge is, is “Big Red” (she calls herself that, by the way – and hot damn, the name fits) trying to desperately create a family atmosphere that she clearly didn’t have when she was younger. Old busted Big Red sounds like a fart over a walkie-talkie when she’s on voice. Get that shit out of my ears, there’s a reason I end up turning my voice off when I’m there – the old lady voices. Oh, and all the off-duty girls that hang out because they’ve got nothing better to do. Oh, and the lame, sad ol’ Luckless clan. And yet no paying customers! Shock. It’s news to me that Indulge puts dudes (or whatever the politically correct term is these days, I lose track) on-stage, and good luck to… Read more »
@Danny Luckless
Did… Did you just make a comment about how those making comments have nothing better to do, and “we are better just by ignoring them”?
You… Realize you said that in a comment, right? If you were so above it all why would you comment to tell us you’re ignoring?
You seem pretty dumb bro
IndulgeNeedsToBeClosed says
February 18, 2018 at 7:12 pm
Indulge is not even a real escort club.
lmfao DUHHHHH its sl .. nor are you a stripper or escort
Peaches don’t even worry about these people. They have nothing better to do but run their mouth on sl secrets. Let’s just let them entertain themselves we are better than them just by ignoring them.
I’m just stating the facts that you begged multiple clubs to take you back after that ship sank – Indulge was the only one who would (which speaks to their current state). You can’t claim loyalty and love after you were so quick to try and fuck them over then now they’re all you have.
I’m not talking shit about Indulge, I have enjoyed it there in the past.. hence the past. It’s gone downhill and I hope it’ll improve. Just pointing out your inconsistencies 🙂
I went to 2 clubs, indulge was my first choice then bodyheat, me and the owners know eachother I didn’t fuck them over, no poaching no stealing clients, hell I gave free advocates away! The club was just for fun, I didn’t give a fuck about the money. Just stating the facts! ❤️?
@ilovehooker: yes proper princess was a fail, but I worked there before proper princess came around so please check yourself or actually come confront me in world instead of talking shit? Theres a brilliant idea ?
I don’t know you but if im gettin it on and pay $ to end up with a chick with a dick I am gonna be mad i hope you tell people?
It’s in my profile, and ratecqrd you legit can’t miss it, but trans women well I am fully trans I have a vagina and tits so no women with a cock here ??
Come on bro, you love indulge? You’re there because your attempt at a club failed. RIP Proper Princess.
@me the wording was fine and honestly I’m sorry I’m hotter then you, sexier, voice is more fresh, I’m sorry you can’t keep a man and so you assume I’m underage when I have ID To prove it. Come on bitch what’s up? Now your hiding because your a pathetic twat that’s pissed because you got fired ?
Why would anyone pay for box-shaped hookers who sound like smokers? COUGHS! All of the dancers there look like muppets. I cringed the first time I walked into the club just to hear old smokie, the fat wheezing baby girl and Phedre square pants on mic. I understand not everyone is SL is young but nothing killed my mesh boner quite like stepping into this club. ” With skin like leather, you will wish you never met her. ” Should be called animal house for all the swine that works there. Not to mention your unruly customers/friends killing the ” strip club ” vibe.
Soooo you sound a bit upset. I think you need some Jesus and maybe a dulcolax so you can flush all that anal behavior out.
Club might be trash but you’re more trash for implying transwomen aren’t women.
Someone must have been fired and is all pissed now so they are going to try to bash the club. Grow Up and move on
Oh they were caught aiming guests, cheating, and stealing girls clients. Poison. Had to go. Pathetic cunts are acting like it’s not their fault, like bitches sit down with your old ass and btw I don’t sound like a smoker thank you darling ???❤️?
#1 who cares if someone is trans? live and let live..a lot of trans girls can put some ‘born'(sorry if its wrong term) girls to shame. #2 who in the fuck gets upset over a ******virtual*******strip/escort club? Were you too unattractive or fat when you were younger and now want to live your dream through an avi?? All jealous people always play the kids card i notice in SL too.. Raggedy old ladies jealous of hot young chics so they automatically have to say underaged. Why You Mad?! lol go knit something
Wow your really gonna stoop to the level that trans gender girls are working at a female club? Yes I’m trans, I’m proud of it. I’m fully transitioned and if you wanna say something about trans girls working here say it on voice to my face, you pathetic low life piece of trash….
uhg that twat Dream is still around?!
He’s rude and disgusting. I guess bitches will stoop down to his level because he tosses the lindens around LOL!
Self respect, ladies!
It’s a beautiful thing.
Sweet, everybody knows about you.The so-called caucasian who claims to be black in second but in reality is a Causican with a husband who doesn’t even appreciates you, with one kid by that same man.How about you get off your fat ass and get a real job.Also, fix that gap will ya,lol
that was so douchey
Real nice talking about someone’s looks like your the one who failed at life bc you have nothing better to do but talk shit about someone and their kids fucking pathetic
honestly why do you resort for going after her kid’s, that is just self lowlife and pathetic, I work for Phedre and I love working here, we are a family and we draw out any poison we have at the club, and obviously you were poison for us. so your just upset that you are no longer a siren, so you resort to stupid idiotic comments, sit the fuck down and drink your apple juice
The fact you went after her kids makes your point invalid. You can insult someone without involving their kids. Looks like whoever posted this has got some serious issues. Whoever you are Phedre keep up the good work looks like Satan is trying to send his demons to attack you. I’ll be praying for you so demons like the one above have no affect on you.
The best thing you got is taking shots at someone’s kids? Such at pathetic soul you are, I’m sorry your life sucks so bad that you have to resort to bullying kids in elementary school 🙁
so exactly why are you bashing the when you used to be here? your the one who was an issue, not phedre, your just mad because we all saw through your bullshit and caught you, as far as I’m concerned your a pathetic little bitch who’s a pussy and won’t step up and say it’s you.
Okay so why don’t you Karra say it to my Voice and actually talk to me, like a grown woman instead of talking shit just because you don’t work here anymore..is it because your a pathetic lonely bitch who thinks she’s the shit when she’s not? And I’m fully trans hun if you want my pictures I will gladly share them, I sell rl pics try me Bitch let’s see the real women come out, the trans one? Or the cis one who’s acting more like a. Pussy and won’t say shit to my face jellybeanofsin come at me. I’m ready but are you? ?
I made #26 so what?Its the truth, aren’t you a trans-gender working for phedre..wait fake trans-gender.
#23 & 31 : It is about time somebody call that Kimberley’s nasty @ss out. She and that Mental friend of hers need some RL therapy urgently. Never before seen such narcissism in all my life. They both think they are untouchable, they are very opinionated and actually lacks self esteem. Kimberley cannot even get into any of the good events because she cannot create anything herself. PFFT to you and yours!
ban me its ok.. have your creator friends ban me 🙂 im ok with that have them fire me from their blog rolls. I actually am ok with this. I really feel like its ok to not like me. My blog sucks i had 5k post that told me it sucks.. so show that to them and have them delete me.. Im okay with this 🙂
bingo… i knew you were a creator. LOL only yall mad at me. Because I called alot of you on your products. Or I made a point to show quality still wins in sl. Funny part is most my interactions are with creators. I had a whole sister on sl go to different creators to try to tear me down. You think i care. I was shopping before I was a blogger and will continue to shop without being a blogger. I came from a time when you needed money to shop. Your anonymous because your a coward. I threw that creator ban line out as a bait. It was to prove the only people mad at me, are creators who for lack of a better word had an issue with me. So ban me… its cool we good someone else will make your product and probably better :). Your entitled to saying how you feel and any creator who fires me is welcomed to. I dont get upset over stuff like that. Its sl… I move forward. I dont stalk peoples pages… I dont stalk their lives.. im not stalking their followers. Because I dont care. LOL @ high “black” horse. How telling 🙂 … Bye racists!
Bye Felicia :)~~
If you notice she Slims all her RL pictures and has various snapchat filters on them as well. She needs to cut her Barbie doll SL life some and spend time with her kids.
That is the beauty of SL Sectrets we don’t have to give our SL names, the reason is so none of you can make our lives hell, the the way you do others. Most of your followers are losers like yourself and hoping you would give them some attention. You don’t need to know who we are because we already know what you are. Who said anything about you supporting the black community? You the only one that ever brought that up. Clearly you have a bee up your @ss about race. Nobody is checking on you. YOU the attention seeker making sure everybody notice you. YOU should be ashamed of yourself as you are the one shading others. The rest of us just sit back and watch you crawl out of the woodwork, pretending you something worth mentioning. I never seen you mentioned as a good blogger or person. I might be a faceless nobody on virtual-secrets but on SL .. me and my shop is doing excellent without you. I can actually create and rig. Which cannot be said about you and most of your friends and their ‘dead’ creations. Any creator reading your mad ravings will think twice from now on to let you blog for them, I think your freebie leeching will be over soon. Hopefully your shady @ss friends will learn to rig and create their own chit from now on as you will go down with them. YOU are not as popular as you think. Maybe you should stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop playing the race card as nobody else buy it anymore and you are overplaying that. We don’t care care what color you are, just the nasty colors coming from your mouth and being. Get of the high black horse… Read more »
Actually I dont care to fight ghosts. Since your anonymous and clearly scared to say who you are. Then why do I care about how you feel? Your on my life on sl watching everything I do. If you did all I been posting is black empowerment stuff. You mad or racists? Im narcissistic for support the black community? You clearly are watching for me if you know all about my narcissistic posts or sl life. Clearly your checking for me. You think im untouchable. Those are YOUR words not mines. YOU clearly think I am important. Meanwhile Im just living my slife wandering how Iacquire haters by not giving a shit! You really want me to be ashamed of what? Your a faceless NOBODY. So clearly I am not worried about you but if you can ban me from whatever store you own so you dont get any of my low self esteem lindens.
See the mental one is showing her true colors … or sex … Nobody needs to watch you, you throw yourselves out there without shame.
aye to whoever said i was Narcissistic you are correct. Obviously you spend alot of time watching my fb page or my sl life. So I mean cool have an opinion. Here’s mine.. Suck my dick!
Lost my mom to cancer a lil over a year ago now. It all was so fast….but did I run to SL for some fast cash? Did I ask sl fam, friends to pay me anything to ease suffering? NO! Did i even go on SL during that difficult time? NO!
All of us in SL have our own less then perfect Rls, else SL wouldnt exist….How dare you prey on others who are going thru the same thing, or worse for money?
What, honestly…made you so fucking special to have the gall to do it?
It only happen cause she’s a creator with big shot creator friends.
If any of the little people tried (with actual intent to use the money for purposes said) no-one would give a shit.
It’s sad. Cause although people are defending her. Noone’s “really” defended her enough to a point where we could possibly understand. And she just keeps fueling the fire by basically admitting to the shit she done by posting all over plurk.
She’s even gone and made a new plurk.
Guilty much?
She didn’t ask for shit, you twat. They made the event for her. She didn’t even know about it. Now shit down and shut the fuck up:
Yes, she did, both in her own gofundme and the one her “aunt” created.
If you really think she didn’t ask for this event, and doesn’t cry poverty constantly to get money out of people (yet spends like she’s a millionaire), you’re a few fries short of a happy meal too. Calling people a twat just because they saw through her bullshit years ago, and still do, doesn’t make your case any better.
oh pullease Nah her crying and whining over crap and GET A FUCKING CLUE this is NOT her first rodeo begging or crying the pity party ~ so WTF most of us have lost a parent and do we come into crying ooh pity pity me what am I gonna do am so so broke and keep hinting AND as someone pointed out HER MOTHER passed away in November way before all these fundraisers even started ~ YOU are the most pathetic ass kisser I have seen yet ~ like others before me and probably after me SIT THE FUCK down you need to get over it ~ SHE conned everyone probably even YOU ~ and taking money under false pretenses and TELLING whoever will listen that hey its not going for funeral its going in my pocket to spend on whatever hmm ok maybe driving lessons but I doubt that even cuz why should I go out and get a job let SL take care of me ….what a crock
You legit need to calm your tits.
Clearly you’re upset over all of this due to lack of support for rose as she keeps proving what she’s doing is wrong.
She did ask. In her own gofundme and sure her friends made the fundraiser for her.
But now (although are very generous for doing what they did) look silly.
So maybe YOU should sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up..
Don’t have an aneurysm defending someone who clearly don’t give a shit about anyone but herself.
Who is Olive????
#14 Holy lord! What a shit is that?! What’s the name of that “shop”?
I am guessing it’s LIVA PININFARINA IN GOOD COMPANY which the kid community has been reporting forever for really dodgy, sexualized outfits for kids and AVI(L) which is a “tween” mesh body but looks more like some sexualized garbage in all its ads.
Shame because they have some non-sexy stuff that’s nice but I suppose catering to “sexy tween girls” is more important.
#14 i have seen this body first hand, and it is disgusting…….it HAS to be geared twards pedophiles, there is no other explaination.
Avi(L) does not appeal to pedophiles. There is a free mesh body called SMB that does. Pedophiles get banned. AviL appeals to people who like high quality avatars, and generally due to the fact they can range in ages from 5 to 25, are G rated people who simple attend events. Claiming Avi(L) appeals to pedophiles because you take a photo of a bikini, which you know, people do wear, and find it so heavily, only showcases how YOUR mind works, not the mind of the average (non-pedo) consumer. The average person does not see a kid in a bikini in SL or RL and immediately find it sexual, that is deviant and honestly pretty gross.
Perhaps you should do some self examination before determining that a high def avi of any form is pushing out a sexual motive.
The only reason SMB is free now is because it’s severely outdated and you can tell that just from looking at it. I wouldn’t say it appeals to pedos while Avi(L) doesn’t. Pretty sure all child bodies appeal to pedos and pretty sure some pedos don’t care how much something costs.
All the kids I know switched to tweenster which – before anyone tries to say otherwise – has no genitalia.
G rated people don’t need a vagina and a clit on their mesh body and no child body should have genitals built in. Ever.
You can say Avi(L) is used by adults (5-25) but it honestly shouldn’t be. There’s a real good reason why people try to keep a divide between child avatar stuff and things for adult avatars.
No adult body should be made to fit children’s clothes or based on a child’s mesh body.
Liva has had some really disgusting outfits over the years – ones with holes so nipples could poke out and the “Julia first date with daddy” one come to mind. Real kids don’t dress like that, I don’t understand why those were even made or how they can be justified.
No clothes that are made for a child body should be adult oriented in any way.
No kid body should have jiggle add ons.
The reason people look at this and cringe is because it’s dodgy and uncomfortable. I as a kid avatar would not feel comfortable in those outfits and I wouldn’t feel comfortable with a detailed body with jiggle or genitalia.
Alright, I want you to explain one thing. Just one.
If Liva is not a pedo, why do so many of the swimsuits she currently sells have overly detailed camel toes on them? Before you say “that just happens to RL children sometimes, is that sexual too?” that is a false equivalency. Yes, it does happen to RL children without it being sexual, because it is an accident that it happens, no little girl is deciding “I’m going to push my swimsuit into my genitals and leave it there”, but these are not real children. Every single part of anything available on SL is specifically crafted for a purpose. What is the purpose of being able to see a clearly defined vagina on a child avatar that does not otherwise have one?
Here is one of her MP pictures straight from MP, showing the hanging panties on a kid avi:

She just says on her listings, things like “includes a little surprise”
the surprise is always some shit like this
“She made these for SMB, nor AviL”
That doesn’t make it any less pedo, my friend…
SMB is a kids body.
Plus, her body is modeled AFTER the SMB body, one of her friends outted her on the SMB group even before she released it. She made it after SMB, so SMB clothes would fit.
Yes, there are hanging panties on the thighs and ankles she made for SMB (kids)
Yes, there is a pulled up bra exposing the breasts for SMB (kids)
Yes, her “dirty laundry” is yellowed with pee.
She made all of these for a kid avatar, and who knows what else.
Korra was banned, she was Liva’s copycat.
Keep defending the pedo, you have to be “XX Limonaxit” herself or one of her pedo friends.
It sounds like you came here only to defend yourself and advertise. Just like your store, doing shit under the covers.
The jiggle physics are only available for breast size MORE++ (C cup) or higher – pedophiles like kids who are undeveloped and pre-puberty. There are no physics available for “child sized” chests or butt. The feet? Those are my rl feet, I am not underage. There is no panties falling down to legs available for Avi(L). There is no HUD to allow bikinis to fall off. This is Korra’s stuff, Level 12. Liva is not Korra. Korra was banned from SL. There was no pillow for sale, this again, is Korra. Liva is not Korra. There is no yellow piss stain for panties, there is a dirt layer that goes with the dirt hud, allowing you to be dirty like playing in sand, as kids get dirty. The kids vagina, called PG vagina, in the kids add on pack for child avis is not only undetailed, it is blank. So to summerize, the feet are mine, it’s kind of weird to see my feet on so many avis but I deal. Korra is not Liva, they are not similar people, it is lazy to try to make Liva look like a pedo when she’s G rated just because you confuse her for Korra. It is also incredibly lazy to make assumptions. For instance, claiming there’s physics for little/none chest, there is not, there’s actually a lot being done to AVOID avi(L) being used a sex avatar. The price alone, pedos would not pay due to the fact they get banned from SL so such activities, so why they would spend 15k on an avi to be banned when there is free option. As per “copied SMB”, not even close. SMB clothes fit, but are incredibly loose and require alphaing, they also fit tweenster, orange nova, and several other avis which… Read more »
Forgot to add, she used to sell a pillow on her kids shop, it had nothing weird on the listing. But when you bought, it had a humping masturbating animation, very subtle and awkward as if the person who used the pillow was just learning how to masturbate with it.
Come on, now…
Well, just so you know she was a SMB shop, then she copied SMB (the kids mesh body) entirely, to make SMB clothes fit her “new” mesh body, and also included more tits sizes (like the torpedo ones). Her mesh feet, she thanked one of her friends that sent her real kid pics so she could use to make her feet realistic. Now, with her “realistic” kid mesh body, it makes me feel really disturbed. She and her friends hang around pedo spots (if you search for things like playground, adoption… the pedo spots are gonna be one of the very first results, you WILL know as soon as you see the kind of people hanging around, their profiles and groups). It’s not only one ”bikini ad”. Her stuff really is for pedos: some of her bikini also have a hud so you can wear the bra pulled over exposing the tits. Her mesh body, worn by kids, has a detailed vagina, with lips and clit. I think its even more detailed than Maitreya down there. She makes things like transparent ting for kids (its a V strap suspender bikini) , and adds extras like dirty unwashed panties with piss. You can use a HUD to decide the level of dirt on the panties by how many days it’s been worn. the more days, the more yellow the piss on the panties will be. want more? the panties can be worn normally, but she also adds extra panties falling down between the legs, or dropping around the feet. That, she doesnt include on the DESCRIPTION of her products, but after you buy something, there might be something really disturbing in the package. these people buying her things JUST KNOW it. She used to have outfits called ”my first date with… Read more »
No, wait, lemme add onto that thought. You’re tellin me that a store that has an ad image ON THE FEM KID & TEEN ADD ON FOR THE BODY of a barely clothed girl (not in a bikini, before you say that) in a back-breaking pose, that would otherwise be classified as a pinup pose, in front of a bull, ain’t appealin to pedos.
You’re really out here tellin me that a store that sells tit n ass jiggle physics for a child avatar ain’t appealin to pedos?
I’ve been lucky to never see it, is it really that bad? It looks like some sickos fantasy in all the ads.
I know, right? WTF was that even? That was Dollar Store Chinese knock off brand troll.
You are one crap ass troll xD
0 out of 10, learn to troll better.
Wait a minute. You say ur a kid in SL and ur judging how other kids and kid avatar makers do whatever perv shit they do but somehow you’re above it all cause ur pure as white snow in your kiddy kid shit? That’s funny af. ALL kids in SL are fuckin pervs and if it were me, I’d ban that shit straight up. The fuck you wanna be a kid for? Ur a fuckin adult! SL is for being a better or different self – not being some loser kid who pretends they don’t do the same shit everyone is doing. I’m in SL to make friends and build and stretch my skills not to crybaby and have some SL mommy change my diapers. That’s sick! And this goes for you dog furry whatever the hell beastiality freaks. I dunno what this all is with bikinis and genitals and shit that you got such a boner for. God gave kids genitals. They don’t magically appear when they come of age dude – but maybe you don’t know that. So having junk there makes as much sense as having five fingers and two eyes. But maybe u is Taliban and thinking of twats make you cry for allah’s cock in your ass. But just you know, you being a kid puts u in the same boat. So all u doin with all this finger pointing is highlighting your own dumb ass. I’d ban every last one of u and make it impossible to have avatars under a set height or whatever else it took to keep this sick shit out of SL. Giving the kid community a bad name – I swear. It’s already a bad thing to even have a kid community at all in an adult world. Holy… Read more »
#26 Damn nice to see Phedre getting what she really deserves, stop hiring underage girls.Please close your pedo club.
This place is such a fucking shitshow lol. This reads like drama that happens at roleplay sims, not anywhere that actually makes money… but I guess that’s why any of the girls that are about money have jumped shipped and are out job hunting. Numbers talk – not voice verifying (aka any dude can work there and claim to be trans), focusing on SL family instead of business, and being a hangout will be the death of Indulge. It had a good 2nd run, but its usually not the business’s fault – just that its the exact same owner and managers that fucked it up the first go around lol.
Thanks for the entertainment while I take my morning dump.
Sorry you feel that way. Did the girls reject you or something is that way you think your 2 cents matter. Here have some water to settle that salty attitude lol. Man y’all diss on anything that doesn’t go your way and y’all claim to be adults I know 10 year olds who act better.
It is true,Peaches is one of the underage girls there.
Okay looking at the Gyazo it is just speculation it isn’t solid proof lol. Like you sound a bit mad like did you get fired or something. I think with the attitude you are showing is your prob and why I’m glad this Phe person has washed her hands of a person like you. You got a lot of growing up to do obviously.
Not to choose sides here but umm even if you think she is underaged she seems to be acting more grown that you are I mean js. So I think you need to look in the mirror and check your own maturity before you try to claim someone isn’t of age. Just a thought.
I am 100% 20years old try again sweetheart,
These pedo scum need to be run off the internet. STOP HIRING KIDS AND MEN TO WORK IN YOUR BUSTED CLUB YOU FUCKING CUNT.
Try to keep a conversation going with Irene then.
I’ll give you some tea about your co-workers but you won’t believe me. Now, who should you really be mad at now, sweetie? All in local when nobody was around.Just me and her.
I trust my sirens, that’s all lies. You could have edited that. I don’t believe a word you’d ay and hunny I’m full trans. If you want pics I can assure you. So please stop trying so hard to shut us down
I can’t wait til IndulgePedoClub closes along with Bishes, Fewer square asses to deal with. Woohoo!
You’re not really that important to me, so go back to kissing phedre’s square ass be grateful you didn’t get fired for that stunt you pulled.
I’m sorry what stunt last time I checked I would actually deal with issues while you were afk..so…?
Agreed #PhedrePedoLove #FatCunt
Say it to my face karra, in world unless your a pathetic whiny little cocksucker ?
Lmfao you sound triggered.
Peaches is underage.
How can someone be triggered if a club is hiring girls underage??? I know I won’t be going there if that is true.
It’s not true. She’s just a salty bitch that is pissy we fired her ?
6. Pftt, anyone willing to pay for a raw snap shot over a 1000L is an idiot.
Who does he think he is?
I charge upload fees and if someone tips more it’s like cool…but no editing really isn’t worth calling yourself an SL Photographer. Makes me sad that this person will jip so many who are honestly naive to the whole photography thing.
#16 there’s a really easy solution to this issue that you seem fit to bitch about. Now pay attention because this may go over your head and I feel like it might be a bit hard for you to follow: If you don’t like it, don’t fucking buy it. I for one, was more than happy to buy the fatpack even though I own one very much like it in plain old blue. Someone may look at it and hate it, others may look at it and love it. If you don’t love it, don’t buy it. Why is that such a hard concept for some people? You want something more creative? Great. Awesome. Make it.
As for all the things about Rose, lol. Bless whoever thought they where legit helping her out. Does she not have any real friends? Because someone SERIOUSLY needs to sit her down and tell her just how twisted and disgusting this whole situation is. Then again, I doubt she’d care. She has a brand new bag and tablet to go fawn over and a driving test to go practice for, so lol
Obviously, she has her “friends” brainwashed. Like her friends and a bunch of other creators gave 100% of their profits to HER. What kills me is her stupid ass had the nerve to admit she’s using it for her personal benefit and the fact that NO ONE out of all these people she knows said anything about it they just feel bad for her and probably told her to use it however she feels she needed it.
I remember when I first heard about that little fundraiser, I wondered what made her so special for someone to do that? If she was an honest GOOD person, she would have told them “thank you. I appreciate it but no I have to earn it my own way” but her STUPID inconsiderate ass DID NOT do it. Hell, she joined it, had the nerve for her booth to cost 2500L$ for a shitty drawing. Half of the money is going to hospital bills and things like that, the other half to her savings account. Should we really go into the cost of hospital bills for certain things? I mean plus burial and casket cost as well as flowers and etc. Girl, boo.
I don’t want to hear any bullshit excuse for defending her either because she can’t be. No matter how anyone tries to make it look this girl is WRONG.
opps some reason it posted in the wrong spot
i know Djs that do this ..but being a DJ myself i don’t send friends requests out to people , i have a DJ group people can join if they wish to have information.
That being said i do get people that send me friends requests that i don’t know i ask them why they are sending a friend request and they say so they can stay informed. I tell them i have a group and give them the link to join , some join some say their limited group space is already full and ask me to accept their friends request …at this point i have no responsibility’s to be there friend because they are literally asking me to accept their friend request so they can stay informed of my set times, so i agree and i use the handy list feature in FS to make a list of people that friended me just to stay informed.
Again i have no responsibility to be a actual friends with these people cause thats not what they asked for..over time i become friends with a lot of them and i talk to them….but its not my place or responsibly or requirement to do so. If they want to be real friends they can get to know me and not just throw out a blind friend request and expect me to talk to them on a regular bases.
Until people start reporting her to the police and IRS.
She won’t be laughing when she tries another event to pay her legal fees on a fraud case.
now shes on plurk all woe is me my mom died be sad for me “that’s the real issue” UM NO IT IS NOT. LOL
we all said we’re sorry your mom died.
but it doesn’t mean you’re allowed to LITERALLY STEAL MONEY FROM OTHER PEOPLE.
I didn’t purchase the one from the event, because I already have V-tech version, but I did buy the one with the heart in that’s just come out.. Difference is good.. (Y)
Also the post kind of has a point, like everything is the same but yet its really hard to find originality because most stuff is made now.. I can’t make clothing, but I have been giving recommendations to creators for something different!
I feel like recommending is several steps up above bitching about an outfit. What they said applies to about 99% of sl at this point. My thing is, either step up and make some suggestions yourself or find someone else to shop…or again, try a hand at it themselves. Whinning about it on virtual-secrets changes nothing. Besides adding to the pool of bothered people bothered over an outfit they don’t have to buy
#13 Not all SL DJs are like this, in fact I don’t know one (including myself) who is.
I do know some. They exactly do that. DJs don’t even say hello to you in public, if your not a woman.
Yeah, this wasn’t a biased response at all LOL
Every single DJ I’ve ever added has been a pest. If it doesn’t apply to you, great. Good for you. Give yourself a pat on the back for not being an annoying twat.
That last one with “Birdie” calling out Kimberly, just to make herself look good.
She’s a horrible fucking person as well.
I hate how sad little people all in their feelings always jump right to attacking people’s RL. If this person even knew Kimberly they’d know she has ONE kid. A really good and sweet kid that she takes REALLY good care of. The simple fact that he’s a good kid is a credit to her parenting skills. It’s disgusting that we now live in a society where everyone is “triggered” and gets hurt feeling over everything. People need to pull up their pampers and get some thicker skin. It’s ok for that Birdie chick to call Kimberly names and for the person that posted this secret to call her a cunt but god forbid she say anything about facial hair on women? Get your shit together. You aren’t on the moral high ground. Sure its sometimes caused by medical issues but I promise you that anyone suffering for said medical issues either gets that hair waxed or shaves it, or uses dipilitory creams. Whatever they need to get rid of it cause at the end of the day….no woman that takes pride in her appearance is going to walk around with a mustache.
BuildYourVocabularyPast4LetterWords awesome name and speaking the truth
You are incorrect. There are many women who are tired of being forced into what society deems appropriate, and make the decision to leave their facial hair alone. There are several conditions that can cause a woman to grow hair like a man…meaning full on 5 o’clock shadow every day. Look it up, and you’ll find pictures of women with full beards that have decided to embrace their beauty in spite of having PCOS or any other number of illnesses that cause women to grow hair where it shouldn’t. Kimberly was wrong for making fun of someone. The secret poster was wrong for getting in the dirt and calling Kimberly all kinds of disgusting names, and you don’t do a whole lot better at educating yourself.
23 & 31, Finally glad that people are speaking out about Eonla the owner of MODA. I always disliked her catty & bitchy ways and it sickened me to watch people on Facebook kiss her ass. Laughing along at the mean things she says. Stop being sycophants already and kissing bullies asses just so you wont be the next victim of her “opinion”.
Yeah, stop being sycophants y’all.
I think it’s great that the SL community comes together and wants to help people out, but I’ll never support an event because it’s SO easy to commit fraud. At least if it’s a GoFundMe, there are direct ways to report it. An in-world event is just not a good way to donate to an unvetted cause. Fraud has happened more times than I can count. And no, window shopping is no big deal. But actually coming out and saying that you’re putting the money in savings and paying for driving lessons??? And we find out the funeral was paid for, when we were told that’s what she needed money for? At this point, she has a more padded savings than probably most of the people who donated to help her!
This shit pisses me off.
I’m severely disgusted and disturbed at this Olive person and THE PEOPLE that enabled this aka Skye Everfridge
Which makes sense, since Skye is another con artist herself, ripping several designers for a high monthly designer fee to participate in an event that wasn’t even hers to begin with. Not to mention the other gazillion events she creates in order to milk more money out of designers.
It only takes you one visit to The Epiphany to see how much “care” she has for the event. COUNTLESS designers lined up next to each other like a clogged artery in tiny spaces. It’s evident that it’s only about money for her and that’s why The Epiphany is already in ruins falling apart every round, empty on the very first week after the release date.
I really wish the images on this blog were clickable to see larger. Also, a bit tired of the same old, same old topics.
#2. I have no idea what this is never heard of it…
# 13. a meme from “SL Memes” on FB
# 22. can’t read too small.
#31. can’t read too small.
time for some new stuff LOL.
Secrets submitted are supposed to be 400×600. That’s not a hard and fast rule but it exists because server storage and post loading speed. Why people post a novel on 400×600 is beyond me. But it’s a square on virtual-secrets bingo.
You can always zoom the images to read them. Just click on the image and open it in a new window and zoom from there.
Twice I have gratefully received help from my SL family for my daughter. The first time was for help getting her to and from her chemo, which was several hour round trip. All of that money went for gas and tolls, and child care for her 3 children.
When she passed, my SL family helped me again with cremation expenses and buying me a beautiful urn for her ashes. (Yes there are expenses with cremation, and they aren’t small).
I will never forget the love of my SL family in my daughters and my time of need. It made me cry many many times over.
ALL of the money, 100% of it, went to help her cope with the travel and to pay for bills. There weren’t frivolous things bought nor did I get myself lessons, or did I even shop. Wait, wait! My son and I purchased a tiara from Walmart, to put on her urn. She was our “Principessa,” and it seemed fitting.
I am ashamed that such trickery and greed will make the kind hearts that I have generally found in SL harden and become empty of empathy towards others.
I feel for Rose as I know the pain she is feeling. My heart grieves for her loss.
But someone, at least a good friend needs to step up and show her that the choices she is making for the funds she received are not the best, and not what those funds were meant for.
Unless you’ve been through it, you probably can’t fully appreciate how grieving the loss of a close family member can mess up your thinking and priorities. I know more than one person who has taken insurance money received upon a spouse’s death and spent it on weird, frivolous things, in real life. And the way she was forthcoming about how she intended to spend the money, supports, to me, the idea that she’s not really in a place to make good decisions right now. But to advertise that you need the money for a funeral, and then spend it on goodies for yourself, is pretty impossible to defend.
I’m glad you commented about your situation, because that’s exactly what bothers me the most. Yes it sucks for everyone who contributed to that fundraiser, but much, much worse is the help she took from people who in the future really won’t have a way to pay for a loved one’s funeral. Or whatever genuine, desperate need they have, that will be met with skepticism and reluctance to help, instead of the generosity of spirit she enjoyed.
She always said that she was her mothers “caretaker”. I do not think the mother was helping her with transport.
My take on this is maybe the lessons are to get an RL job to help support her father in this difficult time. If she was always dependant on her mother to get her from point A to point B, then I can understand her needing the help to get her license and start being self sufficient. Maybe she did go about it wrong, and maybe when she posted originally, she truly believed it would be used for funeral cost. Perhaps mom had a secret life insurance policy. I’ve seen that happen. My point being, no one is in her RL, no one sees her day to day and no one truly has the right to judge anyone on anything. Shouldn’t cause those true empaths of the world to change their way of thinking. Someone has to keep caring about this beautiful world and those in it.
That doesn’t explain why she did this for her “save her house!” foreclosure fundraiser three years ago, though does it?
funerals are not THAT expensive so the amount she wanted to reach to start with is a piss take , but now shes not using any of the money for that
so i guess the funeral is paid for ? did you get state help with that for being on a low income? why not hold an olive sale ?
is the money buying you the car as well as the driving lessons ? or will you hold another event to pay for your car?
you really are a cum stain on the sheet of life
My Da is in a private hospice suffering from dementia, two strokes and cancer. Myself and my siblings cover all the cost for this, which is monthly thousands.
Due to this happening in our lives I had to change dramatically money coming into my bank account and where I would spend it. The main reason I sold two regions in SL, was to free up more money. The reason I am on less in the game is to spend as much time as I can with a man who is my world before he passes.
Never, ever would I, have I ever considered starting a ‘funding’ page/event to help with his care or the financial burden on us his kids.
There is not one person I have met on SL who hasn’t a sad tale, who hasn’t faced hardship or who isn’t struggling to carry on in their life while juggling finances and other issues. None of whom have made funding pages..
It makes me feel sick to know that someone who uses the same game I do, can con so many people into believing that an event held to help her pay ‘funeral costs’ is now to financially aid her driving lessons and ‘bills’.
I have one of your hairs in my Inventory Olive. Cute wee shortcut that I adore. Soon as I next log in its being trashed and my Ls shall never buy anything from you again. You being a creator in SL means fuck all to me, I’ve never been starry eyed over a game and its players but you being a moral’less human does.
I am sorry your Ma passed. I am not sorry for the now shitstorm you face as the creation of it was all your own work, congratulations 🙂
#20..the place is called zombie suicide..da fuck you want? rainbows and butterflies? you bloody moron
Report her to LL and the IRS for fraud. Wonder what her father would make of all this.
We can’t report her! Cause we agreed to participate in the event, we fell into her fucking trap.
Organizing any event in real life or second life involving money and a number of people agreeing to the terms of such event in which they would sell merchandise of their own making, you’re entering a social contract. There was an agreement and she went against that agreement. People have been sued for much less.
You can because everyone has proof of what they said the money was going to be used for and then even more proof of her going against that first statement in her own writing. It’s enough grounds to report them, I’ve heard of the IRS take down fundraisers for reasons less severe than this. She’s dug herself a grave and LL doesn’t like have anything to do with messes like this so they would definitely look into it if the IRS could get involved and LL is the one exchanging those lindens for cash. Not looking pretty for Rose if you ask me. This could get really ugly. She should return the funds she took from people.
Gofundme has a page on how to report fraudulent fundraisers.
Report her to the IRS for fraud.
• I’d love to see what the people defending Rose have to say now.
• 23 & 31 – LMAOOOOOO She has NO idea how to be “real”/honest/blunt without being a complete cunt in the process. It’s completely possible, but she’s just too stupid and self absorbed to try to figure it out. Every time she says something out of pocket she hides behind “it’s my opinion/yall are too sensitive/triggered” blahblahblah.
No, sweetie. You’re just a cunt and we’re just “being real” in telling you so. YOU’RE the one being sensitive and “triggered” about it.
If you’re bold enough to “be real” on the internet, then you better be prepared for others to “be real” in response.
Honestly, I’m sick of Rose & I’m afraid to speak up on social media because her friends would chase me with pitch forks. I’ll never help her out or sign up for another fundraiser, thanks for destroying my trust.
I. hate. you.
Lol speak up about it. read the amount of people upset about it and reap the benefits of being the only designer with a fucking backbone. I would rather support artists with a fucking spine than pathetic cowards. If you’re kicked from an event for this – raise hell on social media and let everyone know.
Also, if you’re removed from a few events… who cares? Do you know how many creators aren’t even in events but make money solely by marketplace and their in-world stores? Constant content is what drives sales if you release relevant items frequently then you don’t need the promotion of one event. If youre determined to stay in events; new events are starting all the time – join those and help bring up new blood.
Doesn’t quite work like that, but it would be nice if it did.
Being a designer means you have to kiss ass to event owners so that you can make enough to cover your bills until you are famous enough for them to kiss your ass. This is honestly one of the reasons that I stopped being a designer. The stress and having to kiss ass to people that are just looking for to being the Regina George since their high school life clearly sucked is way too much. I’m also glad that I wasn’t around for this. I used to think very highly of rose, I even defended her in her first fundraiser, but two like this? It saddens me to think that rose is not the person I thought.
You clearly have no idea how designer income works in SL. This person is quite correct to be worried about getting blacklisted from large events.
Unless you are a huge designer like Truth, Trompe etc, you make 95% of your income from events. A designer works for years to get invited to the big events so that they can release there, that is where the income comes from for small/medium designers. That is where the highest traffic is and where they can start building a reputation that will allow them to do fewer events in future and more store releases with their own following.
People make a living from Second Life, it isn’t stand up and get some balls when your livelihood depends on this. Before you start the bullshit about getting a real job, it IS a real job, a lot of designers work more hours than someone in a traditional job but they can also earn a lot more too. They enjoy designing, enjoy creating and love what they do. But they have to understand how SL works and how to make the most from their store and alas, that is events and having to keep your opinions to yourself and put your business first. I doubt if your boss was favouring someone who you knew was a scumbag you’d speak up and tell your boss how you felt either if it meant you’d get demoted.
The way to protest against Olive is to stop purchasing her items and, as a consumer, make it clear to any event with her in that you won’t be spending your lindens there.
Why not speak up where is your integrity as it takes one person and truly you speak out against her YOU will have a fantastic fan base that should speak for itself instead everyone of YOU creators cower behind this fucking bitch SHAME ON YOU ~ you are just as bad or worse enabling her ~ SHAME grow some balls
You know why? Because my darn income depends on the whim of event owners! My store isn’t THAT popular that i can solely depend on mainstore sales. Why don’t you send notecards to event owners and ask them why they keep inviting olive, even though she scammed us all? In a few weeks we’ll be back at square 0 while she’s still making hella cash at events.
If I speak up I’m the one that gets fucked, not her. I won’t get invited again, Rose will.
I can understand how you feel. The fact that shes friends with big event owners makes you scared to lose event space and potential income. Shes holding you and other fellow designers hostage.
What total bullshit about being scared to fucking have balls and speak up ~ wanna know what power is just like someone said if you feel you are being BULLIED speak on social medial, raise a ruckus on here STOP fucking whining oh pity me Rose will have all the events and boo hoo I won’t OMG I wanna vomit ~ grow the fuck up and stand up for what you believe in sheesh ~ ever heard of self marketing or is your stuff that pathetic you need to place it in events for the masses ~ Flickr, Facebook show off your stuff put some work into whatever and stop letting this pathetic bitch or whoever hold people hostages what a crock ~ seriously get bloggers to get the word out WORK at it instead of just tossing out $$ to an event and crossing your fingers that people will buy your stuff OMG honestly first off I think Rose’s hair SUX and whats with those lower lashes YUCK never will never did buy any of her crap and look at Truth he does ONE event, look at 7 Deadly you think Rose is on some kind of pedestal ~ if she is THEN the creators like YOU are whining when you could be making noise about her scams and cons but then again shrugs why cuz you are scared little pussies ~ go kiss and lick her ass then if you are so so scared and STFU ~ whoever you are I have no respect for cowards
No one is holding anyone hostage by choice. SL income generates from the actual work not whose famous designers booth you’re next to.
Those creators that are her friends most likely feel the same way this community does after learning the facts. They are just discreet.
Little bitch Olive, you fooled us all, we tried to help you! Money for a driver’s license? When the fuck did we agree on that????? You make a shitload of money from your brand but NOOOO you had to lie to get money from other people! I’m ashamed for participating in this event! I’m ashamed me and other fellow designers wasted time and effort to help your pathetic lying ass! Give back the money you pathetic twat!
The best way to get her back is hit her in the pocket. Stop buying her hairs. Stop going to events that allow a con artist to sell her hair there.
If she gave the money back, I would retain some shred of respect for her. As it is now, lost all respect.
Honestly, at the end of the day, she should have given it ALL to her dad for bills, rent/mortgage, leftover hospital or funeral expenses they missed, etc. Hell, the man deserves it MORE than Rose does because while, yes they both lost someone they loved, the father is the one working trying to support their household by himself now (if I’m understanding the situation correctly). That full 6k would probably have been incredibly helpful during a time period where working and being a breadwinner during a grieving process can oftentimes be hard.
In no way shape or form should Rose have kept any of that money. If her friends wanted to directly buy her something (or even a few somethings) nice as a gift, that would have been fine since that’s on them and no one else is footing the bill unknowingly. She is completely in the wrong to keep or choose how to spend any of it after what she claimed it was for originally.
if she gave ANY money to a RL charity for whatever her mother was sick from in memory of her mom i would have respected her 100%, instead it goes into her pocket…