Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 488.
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- Make your secrets legible.
- Learn how to apply drop shadows to text so it can be read.
- Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We know your legal rights and we also know our legal rights. We’ve been doing this for 9 years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
- Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
To be honest, after reading all of the drama in regards to Backdrop City and everything like that, I’m kind of disappointed how creators are handling it. I don’t actually mind BDC because I went there and saw backdrops I hadn’t seen before, which tempted me to go and buy them outright. I like using backdrops in my home builds because some are editable and you can do super cool stuff with them! But if people are going to put derezzer scripts in them in an attempt to prevent their customers from using them, it’s really showing how childish you are especially when creators in your groups don’t even have original work.
Should I ban my friends from my parcel if they decide to pop over and take pictures with what I’ve done with the backdrops I bought? I mean. They’re bloggers, so should I get into crap for it too? What about roleplay sims? I support the person who made BDC, only because she purchased everything, and it tempted me to actually go out and buy backdrops from the original creators. All of you are behaving in horrendous manner over this.
Just don’t make furniture or items at this rate.
I’m really disappointed.
Isn’t PocketGacha a new event? Why would you ruin your brand by doing shit like that..idiots rofl
seriously…. right.
Pocket Gacha says “I appreciate both sides of the argument and respect people with differing opinions. With this in mind, I’m boycotting their sim, sacking all of my bloggers, closing our group and adding scripts to all our items to make them not work properly I hope this politely presents to you all what a MASSIVE turd I am. Happy New Year”
Any content creator who thinks they have the authority to tell me how to use their items when I have legally purchased them has some serious balls. I run two public sims and use a variety of items to decorate them and encourage people to come and take pictures – so are you trying to tell me that the precious backdrops are more important content than the shops, homes, plants and decor that I use throughout these sims? I was considering making a platform where I would have some backdrops and photo props rezzed for anyone to use,k and have collected a number of backdrops for this purpose. Now I will think twice, not because I agree with the creators who say no, but because I don’t want to be harassed for doing something nice for the community.
Also: There are MANY fashion bloggers that DO NOT credit the items in the background of their pictures or give a location if they use a public sim for their photos. If using a particular backdrop is an issue, perhaps getting the bloggers to credit everything in the picture should be addressed by those “hiring” bloggers before targeting one sim owner who rezzed some legally purchased backdrops.
I do pay attention to how creators treat their customers and plan how to spend my Lindens accordingly. I encourage others to do the same. I also encourage creators that are upset about this issue to think about why you make the specific items you make. If you are not comfortable with letting people use them AS THEY SEE FIT, then I would encourage you to reconsider making the items at all.
Well, this just doesn’t make sense at all. You’ve taken a stand about what you think is right, but in another breath you won’t put out any backdrops you’ve purchased because you don’t want to be harassed. I was admiring your written word up until that point. If you don’t put them out for others to use, like you want to do, then you’re basically sending a message to Astralia that she’s been right all along and that you’re complying with her perceived view of things. Tsk tsk tsk You bought them and you should do what you want with them as long as you’re not gaining any profit off of the public for using them. Don’t let Astralia bully you – or anyone in SL for that matter!
It’s not about any one content creator bullying me, even though when I re-read what I wrote, it does come across that way. What I meant is that I don’t want people who have a negative opinion of Backdrop City or similar places coming to my sim and being bitchy in local chat like they did at BC while I was there.
As far as the rest of your comment, Lurker, I don’t agree. I don’t give a damn about what Astralia or KraftWork think of me . Why would I support bossy or rude content creators by using their products in the public places on my sim where it would seem to others who take the time to visit the sim like I support people who dictate to others how to use their items?? Or where people who don’t know about this drama might see one of their items and decide to go buy it, thereby supporting creators who have shit attitudes? I would much rather promote the work of those who are decent people.
Are these creators kidding me with this ” WE DON’T CONDONE” the use of back drop city bullshit?
Wtf do you think hundreds of bloggers do each time they go to a sim someone has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to build, maintain and pay rent on? they use the back drop FREE for a photo.
Get the fuck out here with this self righteous crap!
And #5
You will
let anyone make you feel unworthy of being a queen?
At least check your bitch woe is me fest, you made NO sense.
SO if i understand all of this backdrop shit correctly and follow Astralia, Krafwork, PocketGacha’s “logic” :
In SL : If i open, let’s say, a bar to the public with a bought and rezzed building, bought and rezzed tables and chairs, etc. i’d have to make ppl pay for use of the chairs and a fee to enter the building, every fucking time.
In RL : If i open, let’s say, a bar to the public with a bought building, bought tables and chairs, etc. i’d have to make ppl pay for use of the chairs and a fee to enter the building, every fucking time.
*Sarcastically Applauds*
What they are saying especially Ms Whiney is she is losing sales and thinks possibly she needs more & more monies to compensate her as for PocketGacha they are friends of hers and has the same mind set as being greed mongers and nothing more telling their bloggers when they made that statement either you follow their set rules now are you will be banished and looks like a lot of their bloggers were kicked off making them no longer use bloggers to advertise their products
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Can people stop doing these shitty call out posts of literal who’s already, they’re boring and vapid. Bring me shop drama BRING ME SHOP DRAMA
I don’t personally know the owner of the backdrop place, but to everyone that has a problem with a place that does not GET ANY PROFIT FOR SHARING THINGS, get the fuck over yourself. creators,bloggers, and customers. it’s not that serious. people fail to realize that ‘backdrop sharing’ isn’t a new thing. plenty of people have been doing and still do. even myself. ya’ll seriously just want something to whine and complain about. and to event owners who ‘don’t want any part of it’, they’re helping you out, and giving credit where it’s due, but y’all got ya heads so far up your own asses that you think someone is trying to steal from you? how, sway. If i buy a fucking backdrop, and i accept it into my inventory, it’s mine now. if I want to share it with my friends and family, i can do that,i paid for it. as long as i’m not claiming that it’s my own thing and i created it,knowing damn well i didn’t then who the fuck cares what happens to it. I think this is a great idea, because there’s so many backdrops I haven’t seen or don’t wanna buy second-hand because people are greedy and wanna charge you 500L for a common. AND DID I MENTION THAT THEY’RE ORGANIZED FOR YOU? like….c’mon. stop the childishness and let Backdrop City be great. ♥
Over the weekend I saw some Astraila items that I want to purchase on my next pay day. I favorited many items and all who know me know that if I like a designer I will purchase just about everything they create. You Alice would have made a lot of money from me, but after reading your nastiness here I will not be purchasing anything from you now or ever. You need the consumers…the consumers do not need you…ESPECIALLY with so many other talented designers. As far as Backdrop City is concerned I think it is an awesome concept. I actually make my own backdrops, but I think I will check out BC and perhaps donate the L that I would have otherwise spent on your items to help support the costs to maintain their sim.
I so agree that power to the consumer is mighty and those like Astraila have bitten themselves with their greed monger attitudes as I will now as you stop any purchases from Astralia or Kraftwerk and will stop using Pocket Gacha ~ wonder if they know how when consumers stop buying their items what will happen and like RL if some remember how the downfall of major companies were due to the public’s voice as it does happen like Sea World or Nike ~ each of them suffered losses due to attitudes and practices the public was fed up ~ think it cannot happen in SL ?
So I decided to check out this Backdrop City place last night. Entering the lobby area were a few immature women, one going by Eva and an Avery who were bullying people for going there and claiming the place sucks. Then they went about with the childish avatar pushing. I was able to look around at the different backdrops which were super but did not enjoy being harassed for going there.
It’s the tactics of adults with the mindset of elementary school bullies. Don’t like a place? Troll the innocents going there, that’ll sure teach that evil Backdrop City for daring to exist!
If you’re using firestorm there is a function under the avatar tab called move lock. Turn that on and then black list those jank ass hoes. They can’t push you and you won’t see/hear or be affected by their twatness.
Continued from below, more times our shitty designer friend Astralia has shamelessly stolen designs and is now crying victim when her backdrops are used in a non-for-profit environment. Normally I wouldn’t even bother with this, but I’m hell-bent on boycotting her after her little tantrum shit-show. To get so worked up about people sharing something you’ve created when you are LITERALLY COPYING CONTENT FROM A TELEVISION SHOW TO SELL FOR PROFIT is the height of hypocrisy. Shall we continue? Note one of her Christmas releases: https://www.flickr.com/photos/astraliaresident/38074556655/ You’ll notice one of the cards is a humorous little idea – a mess of Christmas lights with the title “Aint nobody got time for that.” Hilarious idea, Astralia! Except… It isn’t yours. That exact same design is found on Pinterest (and let’s be honest, this probably isn’t the original creator either). Similarly, see that cute little doggy card that says “Daschund Through The Snow”? What a shock, also not original content: https://www.choosey.com/us/dachshund-through-the-snow.html?___store=us_en But surely she wouldn’t do this for more than one Christmas in a row, right? WRONG! Last Christmas, for Kustom9: https://www.flickr.com/photos/astraliaresident/30961094776/ The designs on her mugs are readily found via Google, attributed to other creators. She’s literally grabbed them, slapped them on a 3D model and sold them for profit. “Bitch please” – “Is it Friday yet” – “Happy Girls are the Prettiest” – “All I want for Christmas Is You” – Don’t even get me started on the Lollipop Chainsaw rip-offs, the Harry Potter Deathly Hallows symbol, unicorn hoodies, Starbucks logo parody – the list goes on. All original ideas from others. All used for profit by this creator. Astralia, it’s incredibly hypocritical for you to jump up and down and get all mad when someone is (as you perceive it) making a “profit” from your work (they’re not, by… Read more »
Great job on the research and BRAVO for again sticking it to Ms Whiney
I just came to say Bobby you’ve knocked it out of the park again!
Fantastic site sourcing, and this actually shows me just how much certain creators take from the real world to profit from in this world.
I will be joining the Boycott. Wonderful that shes super expressive in her feelings, a shame that she can’t and refuses to see the other side. BDC, which I just discovered thanks to all these hot convos about it. Is actually an awesome place for bloggers. Being a blogger myself , I am thankful for a place like this. It’s a shame to think that folks like Astrailia just up and forgot that back in the days in SL there were legit sims in place with pose booths for folks to take photos with… LMAO!
Exactly let the BOYCOTT begin
nice research!!!!! I will not be buying from her. I only associate with NICE people.
More people should stop buying from her and Kraftwork as we can prove a point that bullying and greed is not acceptable – change your attitudes towards sharing and being compassionate
OMG! I applaud you for your dedication and Google Skills!
#3, #6, #8 & PocketGacha/Kraftwerk: Who knew any of this was something that would get all of your panties in a bunch. Back in the day people had “free to use” studios so that users could take their profile photos. It had backdrops and a hand full of poses. Did the creators of those take up a torch to shut stores and sims that had it down? No. It was the expected use. Are you paying botanical, skye, LL, for the use of their trees? When you rent a fully furnished apartment, are you paying usage fees to the creators of those items in either SL OR RL? If someone rents out stores w/ a kraftwork build, are you getting a kickback? Now you want to police others activities of something you aren’t a part of? Get back to work and get designers for your HUD, cause seriously.. men’s shirts (Chuck’s Tee Shirts? Who did he grease up to get in?) that have the name of the store on them are giveaways, not gachas – 32 lipsticks… – try protecting your brand and it’s image before slapping scripts in items for sale cause you want to play cop. And Fameshed… you are no better, you took a stand by mentioning it at all. You are all just as bad as DRD was last week – I don’t know how you think bashing people on this is helping your brand – I’m shocked the owners of DRD spoke like they did.. “butt hurt” “fuck arcade”, etc. “DRD was known before they were invited to Arcade, they were in TAG” Well, it only takes one look at the DRD Resident account to see “Gachatopia” as a pick.. and who ran that? Morbid. Who’s part of DRD now and most likely the voice… Read more »
I’m curious who #1 and #5 are lol.
The backdrop drama (BDD) has got to be the dumbest shit I’ve ever come across on second life. Lets put this neatly into perspective : One trend on second life is to have photography sims, to apply the same butt hurt to this scenario would sound completely preposterous. “PHOTOGRAPHY SIMS ARE EVIL, THEY ARE HURTING DESIGNERS”
I’m sure we all know the Astralia posting on sl secrets isn’t the real one, but her defending herself on facebook is pointless. She’s already ruined her brand. I’m sure she has a few ass kissers that want to stay on her good side and support her tantrum, but really, the person posting as her on here isn’t doing much more damage than what the real Astralia already did lmao
Fake or no fake, you fucked yourself pretty well. Idiot.
The comment Astralia is definitely a troll as they have different writing styles. But. There is two Astralia shops in SL and they seem different to me – the outfit one (mainly underwear) might be associated with events but I doubt they would act like a brat plus they never done anything bar avatar related stuff (someone mentioned those nails she done below). Other one is not SL shop but 3D model one; does sell their stuff in SL as well and they are in events way more so …
So… no idea. Both could be same and I do not use facebook. Never seen a backdrop by either in SL event updates which sounds like false drama besides the long arse rant by PocketGacha brand who presumably is a reseller.
I find it hilarious these creators are shooting themselves in the foot like they’re that important or can’t be replaced with another creator that doesn’t have their head up their asses. I’ll happily never support PocketGacha or Astralia or anyone else who feels the need to bitch about how people use items they’ve bought. These people are so happy to hop up on their high horses and look down on Background City and think they deserve to feel some type of way. Yet, it’s okay for Astralia to make American Horror Story nails at the last round of N21, but God FORBID someone has a sim full of her backdrops and are willing to let other people use them. This is petty and childish as shit. But because of all of this idiotic whining, I know I never have to waste Ls on a background again and will just go to Backdrop City next time. So thanks for acting like a bunch of petulant children.
To be fair that font they used is available for others to do same and the only thing they copied was the wide mouth thing so not that bad (mouth was either redrawn or edited a lot so no idea on law on this).
Also. Backdrops are fairly easy to do in Blender. Just use a RL photo you shot as a picture surface and reference. Then fiddle with depth of elements and add some more ending with vertice fiddling. Not that I know much in this area but could not find a tutorial …. . In 100 years will write mine.
This backdrop drama is getting to be ridiculous.
I see it from both sides, but from what I can tell there is nothing legally wrong with what MiaJolina is doing by rezzing them out for public use. Perhaps I’m wrong (I’m not an expert in legal stuff so if I am wrong I’m more than open to hearing your argument) but assuming she isn’t guilty of anything legally then there is nothing that the designers can do. Being butthurt and bitchy or suspending 39 bloggers because they use the service, is only making you look bad, not shining a light that “backdrop city is bad”.
All it does it make your brand and your brand managers/blogger managers look like massive cunts.
There is nothing wrong with rezzing stuff on parcels you own and making them public. It is same as chairs or buildings.
The wrong bit would be if owner credited all work to themselves and profited from that. All shops still have to work under LL ToS so … have no say on how private users play with them. IP rights are also under LL so if no one is reselling them under their own brand or creating identical scenes in order to hoard money or under any other similar scenario … then it is fine.
Then again, shops really should consider dropping that gacha thing.
Someones is showing peeps that Alice Australia is saying in facebook that this person is not her posting here. Kinda gross and creepy if someone can impersonate here.
…SLSCECRETS can see our IPs, right?
Kinda gross and creepy that it’s called allowing non registered comments on WordPress. It’s a “feature” across the whole platform. Not just here. The only creepy part is maybe the person making the wacked in the head. But Astralia needs to realize that anything made in SL can be rezzed and shared by the public.
I will no longer support Astraila as shes a dumbass who actually caused backdrop city to get traffic. Astraila doesnt care about her customers only cares for herself and the owners of events she sells her garbage at. You shot yourself in the foot bitch good job now you should think of getting a RL job because your gonna go out of business
I am the real Astralia, the other person commenting is a fake.
I also wrote a post on my profile, to clarify that.
I take the distance from all the things that have been said with my name in this page.
I can be blamed to what I said in my profile but I would never be so rude and offensive to people.
The post: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=835611613288409&set=a.104313776418200.5786.100005187334920&type=3&theater¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic¬if_id=1514810183445540
Whether it was you or not, the point remains about everything that has been said. Maybe your PR skills are a little stronger than the person who was “pretending” to be you, but the fact that you’re up in arms about all of this hasn’t changed. See below for all the stolen content you used for your N21 nail set, and please – continue to bitch about a parcel where your work is available to the masses.
You are a joke.
you think we believe you NOW when all you are doing is backpedaling because you angered bloggers RIGHT
I am the real Astralia, the other person commenting is a fake.
I also wrote a post on my profile, to clarify that.
I take the distance from all the things that have been said with my name in this page.
I can be blamed to what I said in my profile but I would never be so rude and offensive to people.
The post: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=835611613288409&set=a.104313776418200.5786.100005187334920&type=3&theater¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic¬if_id=1514810183445540
How many more times can PocketGacha say PocketGacha in their posts? Taking bets. Winner gets a pack of backdrop gachas.
For someone concerned about stealing of (what she considers) Intellectual Property, Astralia sure has stolen a ton of “inspiration”. Looking at her most recent outing at N21: https://www.flickr.com/photos/astraliaresident/38622185884/
“Inspiration” locations as below:
“Normal people scare me”:
“Open mouth AHS logo” (Note: poorly recreated by Astralia as a vector):
“Black bleeding eyes” (Note: poorly recreated by Astralia as a vector)
“American Horror Story Freak Show Dress” (Note: poorly recreated by Astralia as a vector)
It astounds me that someone who is up in arms about their IP and their creations are so quick to do so when their last release is so heavily (let’s face it) stolen from those that came before her.
Get off your fucking high horse you ignorant cunt. You rip ideas and concepts just as much as the next designer, and yet now you want to cry that people are using your “oh so original” ideas without paying you for them? Question: did you pay for all these designs that you completely ripped off? Did you pay for the typeface that you used in your advertising and/or designs?
You’ve killed your brand in a few reactive posts on here, but by all means let’s keep adding fuel to the fire. Keep going!
Lol RIP Astralia ???.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This passive aggressive “guess who” shit is the dumbest thing ever.
If you want to call someone out, fucking do it. Don’t be a crybaby loser behind some vague secret. If you’re that concerned about what this person is doing, why not name them? We’re not here to guess the name of somebody who is (like everyone else) a nobody in Second Life.
Completely fucking retarded. Get that shit out of here.
This is fucking ridiculous. Fameshed and these other folks all upset about backdrop city but you’re totally okay with these decorators rezzing your shit out for folks for a fee. You making a big deal is what put that place and others like it on the radar. You have only yourselves to blame.
WOW I really didn’t realize backdrops were soooooo lucrative. This shit has been around since the SL dawn of time. It wasn’t an issue then and it still isn’t an issue now. If someone buys back drops they are then THEIRS to use as they see fit right? Its not stealing to take pictures with backdrops especially if credit is being given. Thats FREE ADVERTISING!!!! WTF is all this drama? it’s PETTY! Besides the plain fact that I have NEVER seen back drops that I like well enough to buy they are mostly just shitty pictures people take and say … hey a back drop texture… F that! And if you are using stolen images from TV to use on your products YOU are in fact stealing or breaking some rule in the real world that will get you in trouble with DCMA you then should not be dictating what other people do in SL. The nerve I tell you. If you are not creative enough to make your own shit get the F out…. This is all petty and a distraction from real issues. Now there will be MORE picture taking sims going up …. you wait and see LOLOLOL…..
Because of these secrets, I went to Backdrop City.
I retook several of my profile picks using backdrops I never knew existed. It was amazing to get the opportunity to “borrow” a scene for a single picture.
If not for all the whining, I’d have never known that place existed so thanks, butthurt designers, you actually got the place more traffic.
I also learned of this place through the drama surrounding it. I’m recommending it to everyone for their profile pics. 😀
I’m going to do the same thing and for all my alts too!
I gotta say the word Cunt is the most over-used and overkill word of SL secrets 2017. Passing out all the ladies who keep up with this boring word a big ol basket of Vagisil and Monostat for I am sure the cuntfest of 2018 #stopwiththecuntshit
Cunt is a good word. It’s visceral and guttural.
So is cocksucker- which you are Bobby lulz
I find it hilarious that Astralia feels that Backdrop City is some kind of theft against her, and yet…her newest release at N-21 is theft of American Horror Story: Coven imagery. That’s all. ☺️
Backdrops…. if I buy one or two or more, I’ll use them however I want. Who cares?! It’s nothing different than having furniture that other people use.
All this fighting over lame backdrops just tells me a lot of people here spend way too much time and money on a computer game! Lol peace out!
Photo studios are as old as the hills in SL. They were one of the first places I hit, and I’m sure so many others can say the same. You can’t unring this bell, guys. I’m sorry that you feel cheated or slighted, but when you exchange money for goods — they’re not yours anymore.
All, We respect that people may have differing opinions regarding the Backdrop controversy. We respect that some will not understand and see brand perspectives despite the fact that many have been very sympathetic to some of the reasons you present as a counter thought. Our goal has always been to work towards a fair solution that addresses our concerns as a brand and the opinions of some customers. We have always felt that the answer is in the middle. However, our stance was somewhat sharpened after having a polite discussion with the owner of one of the large sharing sites. We suggested to her that a way to find common ground is to have an application process to assure actual use by vetted bloggers who do credit creators – and that not everyone on the grid be granted open access for free use. This was not acceptable to the owner who cited that “they did not have time.” We respected her decision and thus decided on a new course towards a solution. This is why we took the steps to assure that our bloggers in both KraftWork and PocketGacha were notified that blanket sharing sties for backdrops are not supported by or condoned for use by our bloggers given that they are open to anyone. What one of our bloggers failed to show in posting this internal blogotex notice seen here is that at no time did they reach out to discuss this with us (as others did) or, if truly horrified by principle, suggest that they should leave as a blogger. In either case we would have been happy to talk openly and explain our position, listen respectfully to theirs, and fully understand if they felt unable to work with us after. Further, what this blogger who posted here… Read more »
So.. don’t buy your products as you will really violate the customers that paid you for products. Backdrop sharing is not a new concept, it’s been out for years. I think the way you treat and talk to your customers is wrong, in so many ways. I’ve been in customer service for over 25 years and no where, would any of this be acceptable at any company I have worked for nor I have been a manager in.. ever. This basically tells everyone, don’t use your items, don’t buy them, dont blog them, don’t photograph them. It’s like buying a table at a real life store and being told that when people come over… you should take the table out of the room and keep it in the shed until those people have left. It truly, makes no sense and really slaps your customers in general as well as anyone else starting on SL and helps in the decline of users we are having. You make things more difficult and more aggravating for anyone to come be a part of here, the only thing you want is money. You care little about your customers, as long as they pay you. That is no way to run a business anywhere. I know I won’t and I buy from Kraftworks and Astralia often, but this will no longer be anything I do. I have creators that respect their customers that are more deserving of it. It’s sad how you have spoken to people and the behaviors that have gone on regarding this. You don’t deserve business if you are going to do this. You don’t deserve mine that’s for sure. I’ll buy backdrops from others as there really are some great ones out there or make my own. When I make my… Read more »
You cripple products like that good luck staying in business and your stance on this whole situation is only shooting yourself in the foot. No one will want to blog for you. People do not take kindly to being dictated to. Nice… real nice…
so basically set scripts to not running then? lol
Wow, just wow.. You blow up the whole blogger group because of an individual shedding light on your poor decision, and then you are going to put a script to de-render props? Then you contact the owner of the sim, and suggesting they put a vetting process in place is even more insane. I am sorry but I feel this is bad PR for you and yours, and I hope you understand that this is going to have a major impact. I will no longer purchase my backdrops or anything from any of your companies., and you will be damn sure I will be talking about this with my fellow bloggers.
Wow, thanks for showing us who you really care about which is the designers who I’m sure you overcharge for your yet another trying to milk the ever dying trend of gachas. The way you word things reeks of corporate greed but ironically had a minuscule size because this is second life and your company isn’t Disney. My heart goes out to all these elitist designers who RIP real life designs/patterns/concepts from other digital and real life brand creators, who also buy full perm mesh off squid turbo and resell it in SL and claim it’s original even if that’s against the TOS of that squid turbo 3d model designer. Not even your precious Astralia is innocent of doing the exact same stuff. Did she give credit to the designers who created the art work she made vectors of because I didn’t see it on her flickr? So I cracked up laughing at her concerns over her IP being in a way she doesn’t like. I wonder how Fx feels about you creating those American Horror Story nails? Or How funko pop felt about you replicating their dolls and even logos in sl? Hmmm? Oh but it’s only stealing when it’s a big company against a small creator but a small creator can steal from big companies? Big companies need to take reports of their IP being used seriously, they don’t realize these ppl in sl are still making 2-3k a month off replicating their RL designs. Also the fact you took that sarcastic script idea seriously shows how money hungry your company is! Here’s a couple free ideas for you to create scripts for to give you your creators: Clothes you can only wear 3 times then they delete themselves to combat the whole SL issue of clothes never… Read more »
Kraftwork thank you for ensuring I will no longer pay for your items or play PocketGacha. Nor will I ever buy something with a script like that.
You’re setting yourselves up. Consider this graphic:

There’s a HUGE difference between copybotting (which is more like Napster) and someone buying items and then rezzing them for public use. What is happening here is far more like coffee shops or stores playing music over their PA systems. No one gets their panties in a bunch about that.
As someone else said, are you going to start attacking photography sims, too? Anywhere your items are rezzed for the public? Where do you draw the line in the sand?
It’s just silliness, and all you and Astralia have done is succeed in bringing far more attention to something plenty hadn’t heard of and to make yourselves look ridiculous and greedy. This is part of selling something. If you don’t like it, get out of the industry entirely.
Also, I’d completely missed that Astralia felt it was a-okay to use images that are clearly IP infringement (if not outright theft). So now I’ll be deleting all of that store’s items from my inventory and no longer shopping there, too. Thanks! If you guys hadn’t had these hissy fits, I’d have no idea what I was dealing with as a consumer. Now I do, and I can spend my hard earned money elsewhere!
I buy a lot of backdrops and enjoy playing backdrop gachas. I’d rather take photos on my own land than at places like Backdrop City. Like many people, I had never even heard of the place until this controversy.
I don’t appreciate being treated like a criminal by the creators I am supporting. I will no longer buy from you or any other creator who uses your script, just as I don’t buy from creators who use delete on rez scripts. Treat your customers with some respect.
Mind blown. This whole “issue” brought to light by Astralia and now being supported by KraftWork and PocketGacha is not only unprofessional and unreasonable, it totally lacks the understanding of BASIC marketing practices. If someone uses a backdrop that was purchased from a gacha or marketplace, or even received as a gift, no one has the authority to tell that individual what they can, or cannot do with it. The audacity to think otherwise reflects a small mind akin to an authoritarian temper tantrum. If you want to sell an item and then place restrictions on its use once it has been purchased, then you don’t sell items to the general public. Full Stop. Pro Tip: The amount of advertising you receive from anyone using an item they purchased or borrowed, and shared with their contacts and followers will always benefit any profit you think you lost. You couldn’t even begin to come up with an advertising campaign as far reaching. For examples you can look to every single major corporation that produces marketable goods… on a global scale! The proof of this working is in the very mess these designers/events created – the sheer volume of individuals that now know of this sim and their set up! Oh, the irony. This designer should be thanking individuals for picking their item to use and market. If their item was not there, the artist/blogger would have just promoted a different company. The automatic derendering of the item is a simple way to stop bloggers and photographers from marketing your items. Designers have every right to choose this route and perhaps this solution should have just been applied instead of the drama brought to social media and the grid…. that has damaged the brands of all those involved. (I’m very disappointed that… Read more »
That’s all great, but you don’t include most brands in “Pocketgacha” even if they are original. So the only people being helped by your little script will be those who you deem worthy. You aren’t a saint, please stop acting like you have the design community in mind when in reality, you snub your nose at TONS of legitimate businesses. I already thought this when you started advertising the pocketshop thing, yet you still are ignoring tons of businesses in your plans. We see straight through you.
Not to mention, if you put those scripts in your shit and exclude most of the original design community, all you’re doing is cutting both your and your “worthy” brand’s business. Since most original designers aren’t included in your scheme, consumers will simply go buy from the people who don’t have the scripts.
They need to get a clue. If someone buys something of mine, use it how you want so long as you aren’t making illegal copies and distributing. Beyond that, it’s their business how they want to use the items. Pocket Gacha should have stayed far away from this issue, but instead are trying to bring even more notice to their brand by pretending to help creators.
Yes, we’ve all been seeing straight through to the ulterior motives, and now they have absolutely solidified it.
I’m boycotting both Astralia and Pocket Gacha. Whiny bitches and assholes trying to make a buck off whiny bitches don’t deserve a dime of my money. I’d rather go donate the money to the SL strippers who are at least half ass decent people.
Next up, we need a scripter to recreate the idea of pocket gacha/shop who actually has integrity and understanding for both creators AND consumers. THAT is what SL needs. Not this fake ass shit we’re being fed right here.
It’s poorly thought out and an ill-fated PR stunt. Who would have thought that pseudo-“event” planners are such cunts? Oh, that’s right. Everbody.
While you work on this derender script, continue to be so reactive, hostile to the customers that actually spend money on your items, and continue to ass kiss to appease these few crybaby creators that even give a shit about this, I’ll be buying any gachas that I actually do want from the Pocketgacha hud (which is rarely any) from marketplace.
See how that works? You act shitty towards the people who spend money and support you – they stop supporting you. These creators and bloggers aren’t spending money on your hud, if they want to stop producing content then there are ten more lined up waiting to take their opportunity. It wouldn’t be difficult to make another Pocketgacha hud that doesn’t treat it’s customers like shit.. everyone is replaceable in SL, don’t forget that.
Well, one more gacha event I’ll be avoiding. #BringBackInStoreReleases
Since a backdrop has to be mod to be worth buying, those scripts will be removed, or the dumb fucks who try to make their backdrops no mod will lose their businesses. Genius, really.
So, in your opinion, using a backdrop you didn’t buy is wrong? A backdrop is just a piece of furniture. If you have any logic, then that would mean using any furniture or items you don’t own is wrong as well. Are you going to force your bloggers (when you have them again) to verify that they purchased or legitimately acquired all items used in their posts from here out? How do you plan to do that? Do you understand how burdensome that kind of rule would be on bloggers?
Once you purchase an item, that item is yours. You’re free to do what you want with it. Rez it in your house, put it in a public space, put it on your friend’s sim, whatever. A creator can’t barge into your sim and say “No, you’re not allowed to put that lamp in a public area”. The same is true for backgrounds. If you want to limit what people can do with your items, you should get out of the content creation business, because you’re gonna have a bad time.
How DARE!!! anyone share a rezzable furniture like object with others. The NERVE of those people. You’d think they almost paid their own money for the right to do that…
I am in SL only when doing graphic work recently so my main grid parcels are for that. One I intended to use as public set dump with limited rezzing and editing abilities for group. I do not use backdrops much but sometimes they are part of a set. Guess what I will do tomorrow? Rezz them all. Post slurl. Not credit. Why? SL is about freedom and of course it is about showcasing your work and being proud of it. Gacha is a silly system where you cannot even buy proper items from a designer plus … well … as someone above had written – photo studios exist. Sims for pictures exist. Shops with furniture sets where people pose. If you wish not to share your work then do not and use it on your own sim. If you sell it in a world where anyone can make it into anything – cherish it and be proud someone liked it and paid you money for a thing you worked on.
I think its a wonderful idea a de-rez script. I have a great idea too, if its something I really want i’ll buy it off MP instead. No Lines, No waiting, No cry babies.
A derezzing script can be turned off so easily regardless of permissions. This is nothing like Napster. Napster was a file sharing program, that was taking copies of existing works and distributing them without authorization and a license. Backdrop city isn’t copying existing work and distributing any sort of files for free.
Derender script? That’s a good way to not get my business ever again. I am sure I’m not the only one.
You can bet they just shot themselves in the foot by making that statement that their backdrops will be a one time use due to their actions and who are you PocketGacha to control anyone on what they do with an item that has been bought and paid for? Your comments are only cementing that bloggers will spread the word not to buy from you and lets see how far that takes you as you think bloggers do not have the power try us as you want to play God will see how that goes for you do not think you can tell anyone especially bloggers how they should blog an item as that is controlling so have fun doing your own advertisement way too many bloggers and not just the ones that you let go have heard this and they are speaking out in groups, among themselves. ENjoy while it lasts
Funny you mention Napster.
The reason Napster is irrelevant now is because everyone shares music digitally, downloads it off Youtube, and the recording industry gave up on their awful copyright protection (which drove away customers) and offered MP3s DRM protection free. Trying to copyright protect MP3s and CDs did a hell of a lot of harm because people who bought actual legit copies couldn’t do what they wanted with the music they paid for while music pirates could copy, convert, and burn their MP3s/CDs all they wanted. It drove people who would have bought the CD/MP3 to download it elsewhere just to be without the awful DRM protection not letting them enjoy their purchase.
Punishing the actual customers never, ever works in your favor. Ask EA. When they put SecuROM in the Sims 2, hundreds of simmers turned to pirating the games because the DRM software actually damaged computers and made the game harder to play. Pirates? No computer issues, no spyware, plus no restrictions.
Really, if you want to drive people to Backdrop City or into sharing backdrops, congrats, this is how to do it.
De-rez scripts on gatcha are totally BS. If I pay for something I should not run the risk of permanently losing it because I accidentally rezzed it in world. They tried this years ago with hair that would scream at you that it was “adding you to a database to be banned” then deleted itself. The only thing that did was piss off consumers of the hair and scare new players (like me at the time). Are we really bringing back such an outdated tacky practice? I mean come on…really?
No one would. SL Universe has a thread on shops who do that (as well as offer no-mod content) and people loathe it. Just like gacha is idiotic for none props or accessories due to SL buggering. De-rez scripts are absolutely the same and they have a valid use for demos, packaged boxes or similar things (I would not use them in demos though unless with something else as not secure on their own).
If this particular backdrop is gacha and from the name, I assume it would be – the derez script would most likely vanish it forever instead of being restored by owner as same thread in question has mention of that happening.
Then again. I do not think most of SL is their target and it is just bloggers so if your only clients are that – they will sing their tune. Other merchants will shrug and carry on and people will just know what not to buy (bad reputation does not always sell).
I agree that the derezzer is a logical middle ground and support the right of content creators to add it, even if I don’t agree with the selfish reasoning they use to justify it. I also totally support the people who stop buying from brands because of it. We’ll see in time if it’s the right move. I’ll definitely be interested in seeing how well backgrounds with auto-derezzers sell compared to traditional ones.
We did not expect you to like it, Blaise. People did not like it as well when advances in content protection made Napster irrelevant. In time we hope you will get used to it and be open to a middle ground that offers solutions for all. As well to enjoy your content that costs the equivalent of about a dollar – if not less. Content that you are welcome to share with your friends, just not the entire grid in a commercial venture. And, let us say, many thanks to the user here “Former Soviet Republic” for presenting this wonderful idea last week for the script concept that truly does bring compromise and fair distribution to the equation. Finally, if anyone wishes to be a tester for this new system to assure that it meets the needs of photographers, general users and bloggers in how the script is developed, please feel free to reach out to us by messenger at the PocketGacha Facebook page,
Dear PocketGacha and Alice,
You are both dumb as fuck. Pocket, so basically you don’t want your bloggers using backdrops. You want lame shit. Alice, stop whining. You are seriously making yourself look bad. Both of you just need to stop. You are hurting your brands. You are on the wrong side of this battle you are losing. Go back to your holes. Also, there is another sim doing this and it looks like they have been around for awhile… how come you two are not bitching about them?
Adding a script to your backdrops to do this makes your product far less desirable. Any loss of sales from a public space like backdrop city will be dwarfed by crippling your own product out of spite. You really should reconsider.
Its pocket gacha you are not linden labs. No one cares they can use it without your permission or Astralia’s or not.
Easy solution : Stop making/selling no copy items that SL eats anyway, and then this “exploitation” won’t happen anymore? I think it’s fair to say that we all get screwed over, too, with the amount of items that SL eats throughout the years.
Hi Lairry. We are aware that no one cares. That in itself is the issue being addressed. We respect so much how you feel and your idea of ownership. And well you should. But Linden Lab is not at all involved in proper content protection as seen with the duping exploit of transfer items that has cost hundreds of thousands of real life dollars to many creators over the past few years. Now decor creators, who fight an uphill battle because of the duping exploit, and most recently the wide spread commercial content sharing sites, are with their backs against the wall. I think most creators are empathetic to what people are saying here. It’s time though that we all respect a good and equitable system that respects both sides and finds happy solutions for everyone.
I don’t get what the issue is with people sharing stuff? I hate to tell you, everyone I know shares furniture/houses and whatever we have that we can rezz for one another. What about sims that rezz a bunch of well known houses that people can rent? Are you going to bitch that they are getting money off of renting out houses you made instead of them buying the house themselves? If I buy something and decide to rezz it on my own land that -I- pay for, and decide to let people use and enjoy it…tough titties! This is SL, it used to be all about sharing, know how many free photo sims have been up for people to use? Sorry but this is the risk you run as a creator by making and selling these kinds of items. Sharing is caring yo…Happy New Year everyone!
I´m sorry how did i stole anyones idea? rama got inspired by someone else so did i and many other creators!
And who said rama was first creating backdrops, there have been a lot in photography and pose stores before.
I am done with this topic.
How is this now about me? i did not even send out the blogger message that was shown on virtual-secrets.
stop making fake accusations and open your eyes widen when reading… thanks!
I am the real Astralia, the other person commenting is a fake.
I also wrote a post on my profile, to clarify that.
I take the distance from all the things that have been said with my name in this page.
I can be blamed to what I said in my profile but I would never be so rude and offensive to people.
The post: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=835611613288409&set=a.104313776418200.5786.100005187334920&type=3&theater¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic¬if_id=1514810183445540
You’re certainly doing a great job damaging your brand by commenting here. Instead of imploding and ruining your future, do something productive. You can:
A: Stop creating backdrops. People will have nothing to ‘steal’ if you put nothing out.
B: Add an auto-derezzer to your backdrops that can only be activated by the owner.
C: Realize that bloggers will share shit and stop caring about it.
E: Get over yourself.
Pick one, pick multiple, just pick something that doesn’t involve posting here and hurting yourself further.
You’re right, I don’t make shit. I’m just some nobody posting snarky comments on a topic that’ll be forgotten about within a month. I also don’t buy backgrounds, so the idea that I’m damaging someone’s business or rezzing out shit for public use is mildly ridiculous. I’ve been around SL a while and have seen this whole cycle before, played out in other product categories. Restricting the freedom of consumers never goes well for creators. Whatever PocketGatcha and Astralia do, that’s on them. I wish them the best and hope their decisions ultimately make business sense.
I am the real Astralia, the other person commenting is a fake.
I also wrote a post on my profile, to clarify that.
I take the distance from all the things that have been said with my name in this page.
I can be blamed to what I said in my profile but I would never be so rude and offensive to people.
The post: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=835611613288409&set=a.104313776418200.5786.100005187334920&type=3&theater¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic¬if_id=1514810183445540
You’re an asshole. Instead of producing wannabe content like photos like those losers of bloggers, try learning how to MAKE something to sell in SL, then let’s see who starts crying when people gives no fuck at all about your work after paying pennies for it and claiming it overpriced also. Hours spent making real content to make a living off it, and the underaverage, underdeveloped assholes, that you wholly represent, comes by and claims they want to do what they want with our work: you want/want to mod our stuff but you don’t realize you’re capable of doing/making nothing more than shit. Yet, you feel entitled to have the right of damaging someone’s business because you bought a COPY of something you want to share with everyone else, driving sales down for the original creator. Double asshole, full of shit-self.
Soviet and Bobby
These are great thoughts and one that we would love to invite you to be in a testing group in world to try and comment on – and give feedback as to the function. And yes, of course we would fully disclose before purchase that this script is in place. Again, it would not derez but just derender, The owner would simply need to touch to bring back.
Just be wary of the fire that you’re playing with here. I, for one, will not be purchasing any backdrop with this functionality – and I imagine others will be in the same boat. In doing so this will directly impact the creator’s profits.
While I don’t subscribe to the notion that consumers should be able to get away with anything, this heavy-handed approach as a “solution” will turn away paying customers. Let’s remember who pays the creators. To fuck legitimate consumers so hard based upon the actions of a few is a stupidly reactive approach.
That’s cool, I’m glad to see someone listening. If creators want their items to automatically derez after a set period of time because they dislike public rezzing, that’s their prerogative and they’re free to include those scripts. I just hope they say up front that the item has an auto-derez and state the time limit so people can choose to buy or not buy it based on that fact.
In fact, Mr. Soviet, we have already given you credit for an idea you posted last week. An excellent idea, indeed! And as such you inspired the development of a script being worked on now that will be offered free to creators for their backdrop releases. You are exactly right in many ways. Reasoning and compromise is fruitless. Technology and action to make it fair for everyone is. We loved your suggestion and it is being implemented and refined as we speak. As well we look forward to building a testing group and feedback from photographers and bloggers that makes the new system fair to all. Anyone is welcome to contact us to be a part at of this by messaging us at the PocketGacha Facebook page.
lmao@ just pick something. i love your posts sweet but still to the point.
because you sent out the cry for help on fb old emotional one.
Press F for the funeral of Astralia:
How many times have we heard sim owners kicking out people because they took a photo of their sim for fear someone “copies” their style? Astralia is the dumbest player inside this game right now and I hope many eyes reading these comments from her commits to never buying from the brand again.
Bloggers >LOL at her as she kicks you out and delete anything you previously blogged from the brand. Hit this brand where it hurts. Delete and never go back. You see this shit brand at crappy events snub it and move on. ALL bloggers go to Backdrop City! It’s free and the owner is just as sweet as she can be and not even looking for handouts! Go and promote this place!! These greedy “Designers”NEED to learn that free use is LEGAL and the way of life. Do not accept these shit terms of service from a brand that knows nothing about IP law. She has the right to kick you from her crap blogotec but you have the right to snub her. Let her burn. Also Astralia we know your alts. Lets snub those too!!
You have no understanding of IP law either clearly, and frankly I don’t even know what a backdrop is or care who makes them or uses them, but I do have to point out when somebody is typing a load of old nonsense like this.
Also this blubber you type about greedy designers, honestly without designers there is no SL. With no SL you would have to get off your sofa and do something else. Perhaps that is not a bad thing (for you), but stop stereotyping and branding a group of people. Some are shit, some are amazing, and some fall in the middle.
Btw what do these backdrops have on them, are they original works?
I think you mean without consumers there is no designers, quite frankly without people buying there creations their brand would cease to exist they need us and our cash to prosper and continue, without people spending money, they’d be funding themselves with the land rent, cost of uploads with no income to offset their expenses they’d stop.
adorable how you keep trying to play socialwarrior for someone that did nothing before for the community anyone can rezz out some backdrops… i have a lot of group gifts that i also give out for free to the community so why are you arguing with me and telling me that?
just saying ..
@ Alice (Astralia)
“Let that be up to me when to stop!”
Your whining, self-indulgent, ridiculous Facebook post already indicated (and I quote) “I will do the only thing it’s in my power to do right now: I will no longer produce backdrops.”
Good! Fuck outta here. As I said last week, nothing of value will be lost in this “lucrative” backdrop landscape.
You know whats a little funny in a messed up way the few stores in MP that were copybotting your full sets for like pennies were treated better than how you’re acting towards backdrop city. You should be glad that people spend their hard earned RL money to support you and your business to wear or stand in front of something you made because without them you’ll be standing in front of your own backdrop broke and with the rising numbers of mesh creators and people learning if i were you I’d be sending out apology letters for being an ungrateful cunt with a powdery ass. Stop acting like what you have can’t be taken away from someone more skilled with a better attitude.
You already said you were going to stop creating them so who cares amirite?
How can you talk about someone using your backdrop when you stole the idea from #rama…i’ll wait on this answer. Since you’re full of answers.
Idea is as old as photography. The name was always ‘backdrop’ so not really idea of anyone in SL. It is a general term and photo studios came along with SL. Old SL Exchange had loads of those.
These complaints aren’t people “playing socialwarrior” – if you release public statements as a business (especially childish reactive ones) don’t be surprised when people have opinions.
This is why most companies don’t state their opinions until they understand all the effects it will have on their brand. Try thinking things through before hitting “send” under your business account or as your business name on a gossip website lol.
Creating a physical sim for people to go to is great for the community. Isn’t the shrink of SL an issue?
stop making backdrops and create yourself some class.
let that be up to me when to stop!
Regarding posts #6 and #11 All, We respect that people may have differing opinions regarding the Backdrop controversy. We respect that some will not understand and see brand perspectives despite the fact that many have been very sympathetic to some of the reasons you present as a counter thought. Our goal has always been to work towards a fair solution that addresses our concerns as a brand and the opinions of some customers. We have always felt that the answer is in the middle. However, our stance was somewhat sharpened after having a polite discussion with the owner of one of the large sharing sites. We suggested to her that a way to find common ground is to have an application process to assure actual use by vetted bloggers who do credit creators – and that not everyone on the grid be granted open access for free use. This was not acceptable to the owner who cited that “they did not have time.” We respected her decision and thus decided on a new course towards a solution. This is why we took the steps to assure that our bloggers in both KraftWork and PocketGacha were notified that blanket sharing sties for backdrops are not supported by or condoned for use by our bloggers given that they are open to anyone. What one of our bloggers failed to show in posting this internal blogotex notice seen here is that at no time did they reach out to discuss this with us (as others did) or, if truly horrified by principle, suggest that they should leave as a blogger. In either case we would have been happy to talk openly and explain our position, listen respectfully to theirs, and fully understand if they felt unable to work with us after. Further, what… Read more »
backdrop sims, for people to take pics at for free, have literally been in SL since 2007, where were the tears then? It’s the same shit before as it was now, not everyone can afford your luxuries, why shouldn’t SL be just as enjoyable for them if they have to go to another sim that belongs to someone that CAN afford them? How are they hurting you or any other business? This sounds like special snowflake syndrome 2017 edition where…. it doesn’t REALLY impact you, but you think it does, so you get offended over it and cry on the internet. It becomes obvious to me that the only business ethics you people know of exist primarily in how much of a cut marketplace will take from your purchase. You have absolutely 0 marketing strategy. And in fact, your current stance and spraying your opinion like a douche zeppelin all over SL Secrets is actually tainting how the public market looks at you and your company that you rely on for income. Here are the straight up facts; Anyone that visits backdrop city, does so because they a) love photography and b) Don’t have the linden resources to be able to purchase those beautiful backgrounds you designed outright. What this means (i’ll break it down for you, less work and all) Is that person that is using those freely provided backdrops that SOMEONE ELSE Paid for, was never going to buy your background to begin with because you charge to much and they can’t afford it. What are you really losing in that sense? I’ll answer that for you; nothing Instead what you gain is That photographer using that background, that someone else provided for free, taking a picture to showcase and credit your work DESPITE not purchasing it, can… Read more »
hi5 and for backdrop city to do it not for profit shows it was out of having a good heart not being a douche.
Thank you sl secrets, for telling me of backdrop city’s existence. It’s going to be useful!
and #8 couldn’t be more true..If people are going to sell pre-made textures for mass produced mesh.. at least make only a few copies.. So not all of the crazy HUD makers rush to flood marketplace with the same exact shit for the next few days. If you don’t make the mesh…. or the textures….how tf are you a creator? What did you make??? I mean you should do one or the other.. if not both…make it your own…Leave HUDS for buttons and bows.. What’s more tacky then going somewhere and 6 other ‘fashion faux pas’ wearing the same cheap outfit? um maybe all of that with excessive script lag from it. 😉
All i have to say about this whole situation is that you can lick my powdery ass.
i will keep ejecting bloggers from my blogotex if they decide to visit backdrop city behind my back.
If i create something i expect people to pay for the work that i have put into each of my items.
if you can´t afford it then don´t make a picture with it easy, there are a lot of beautiful sims on second life to do that!
This isn’t even really astralia. This is a troll stirring up drama and pretending.
Wanna know how I can tell you don’t run a business in the real world (nor would be capable of doing so)?
This response. That’s how.
Your tantrum is embarrassing and you’ve done far more damage to your brand than this Backdrop City ever could.
It’s better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. For someone oh so concerned about the wellbeing of your brand you seem awfully comfortable committing brand suicide in a very public way.
Don’t work yourself into a shoot, brother.
I wonder how many loyal customers you’ve lost over your shitty attitude. I’ve spent thousands upon thousands on your gachas, backdrops, the huge boat, nails, throne, etc…I dare to think how much RL money I’ve padded your greedy pockets with. I will not be doing it anymore. I just wonder how many more are following suit. I am sure it’s more than you think.
You seem to be overlooking one huge aspect here Alice (Astralia) regarding your bloggers, most bloggers. Most start this journey as they cannot financially fund the shopping lifestyle that is now available in world and a huge commodity. They started SL initially as a ‘game’ but then become invested in the avatar, like so many of us have and the addiction starts…. They start taking photos, work hard editing them and fight to be noticed in one of the most cut throat jobs going on SL to fund that addiction and lifestyle. Not all can throw down L$2,500 on a fatpack, more on a mesh head, body then everything else, so blogging becomes a source of not only benefit but acceptance, belonging and achievement. For many it is as much pride and passion as a creator places into their creation. This whole saga started with your epic post of emotions on FB over your backdrop being available at Backdrop City, before the event was over. Before you had released the item in world. So? If you look on the Market Place, you shall see thousands of gatcha items for sale there. If you seek items from a certain shopping event, you shall find them the first day of that event, for sale on the Market Place. The person who purchased it, selling it to someone else. Do any of those creators see an L$ from that private sale? Do you see any of those creators posting statuses to inform others that they are now suffering financially? Do you see any of those creators banning bloggers who purchase these items and photo them? Use them when they have not originally bought from source? No you fucking bint, you don’t. So , a region purchased your backdrop and used it to help… Read more »
I’ll admit. There were a few backdrops I considered buying because I really liked them and could use them in a build and I would have never seen them otherwise…
But now I’m going to make sure they were not made by the salty people here because they don’t need my money. A derezzer would ruin any build they were part of as well.
Gatcha creators probably make more money because of the resellers, not in spite of them. People are more willing to drop obscene amounts of money on a gatcha when they know they can recoup some of their losses by selling unwanted extras. It makes me wonder how many people see backdrops at this place, really like them, and then go buy them because they want their own copy? There have to be a few. Being able to use a public version can assure you of the item’s quality and make you want your own even more, so you don’t have to wait in line or worry about someone walking into your area.
You know I don’t really ever post on here and I was a person that purchased from you Astralia I love love your nails and your rings are stunning but quite frankly from your quite disgusting comments on here I will be deleting all your items when I get online tomorrow and spreading the word about how much of a childish lady you are over the whole backdrop city.
You should be taking it as a compliment and looking at it as free advertising for perhaps the people who maybe don’t blog or don’t regularly shop, it’s perhaps getting out to another audience but no you see it as stealing sales, news flash sweetie not everyone can afford or wants to fork out 5000L plus on a gacha but with this that same person could tell there friends about the awesome backdrop who could tell there friends and so on and so forth.
But no you are to small minded to see this.
I have an idea … why don’t you offer Backdrop City’s owner some affiliate vendors so she can place them around her sim for people to buy your backdrops? They can ‘test drive’ your backdrops before committing to purchase.
eject away I cant stand blogotex anyway. Also, anyone taking pictures with anything in them at all is considered stealing too right? Go somewhere take a pic… stealing…. wth. These back drop sims have been around since the dawn of time in SL it wasnt a problem then and its not now either… people just want to bitch.
Astralia all your doing is destroying your reputation as a creator and looking like a greedy designer who cares nothing for the community that has supported you. Maybe you need to go to marketing 101 and learn how to run a business because any form of free advertising is always a good thing. For example look what you have done for Backdrop City just because of the drama that has been created. You have tons of people unaware of the place now going to check it out and use it. Backdrop City should thanking you for the free advertising.
I have read your argument and seen several discussions about this but there has been “photo places” in SL for many, many years that purchased studios and poses to use, they had multiple booths set up but did anyone go on a witch hunt over them? NO! It was looked at as a gift to the community and the creators of those items realized it was good and positive promotion. You, Fameshed and others could learn a thing or 2 from those creators.
Its a shame that events and other creators are forbidding bloggers from using a sim but that will come back to bite you so good luck with that. Personally I have a ton of backdrops of yours I was using in my blog posts and even when I go to Backdrop City I would have still continued to buy your products but not anymore. You have shown exactly what kind of person you are and I will not support you in any way. I know I am just a drop in the bucket but your actions will be talked about and others will feel the same way.
Lol @ Astralia. Your responses are so reactive, thank jeeeesus you don’t own a business in RL. You haven’t even had time to collect enough data to see if Backdrop City has had any negative effects on your sales or if this public sim has promoted and created a boost in sales. Think like a business would, not a sad desperate person in a videogame before shouting off on social media statements that tarnish your reputation.
Do you hear creators who make decor cry when public sims use their content? I guess the people who take photos at scenery sims should instead build their own on their personal property so the creators of the items displayed on these public sims don’t lose a penny.. if we are going to apply your logic.
Most bloggers/customers don’t want to use a public sim to work on their photography. Stop flying off the rails and embarrassing your company that you work hard for.
Also @ powdery ass Astralia.. You said it not me. Did you ever think that just because backdrop city exists that not everyone will run there for pics? I, myself, don’t like crowds, I don’t like to feel rushed, I don’t like to be watched if i’m taking my time to get my look right, I afk regularly so although i’d visit to see backdrops to look for TO BUY…. i wouldn’t stay because me and many other people in SL are a little awkward in that way. After seeing how disgracefully you’ve handled the situation and treated people ON THE HOLIDAYS to make matters worse… I wouldn’t spend a single L on your brand even from a MP gacha seller. Someone who takes someone else’s idea to profit off of shouldn’t throw stones.
Happy New Year
-former customer
“if you can´t afford it then don´t make a picture with it easy, there are a lot of beautiful sims on second life to do that!”
And steal from the creators of the items on those sims? If your backgrounds are so special, so sacred, that to put them out for others to use is theft, every other item is the same. Putting out a background for public use is no different than putting out a couch or building and taking a picture with it. Don’t be a hypocrite. If people using Backdrop City are stealing from you because they’re not buying your shitty boxes, anyone who takes a picture with something they don’t own is stealing too. Stop encouraging content theft.
she needs to take the afternoon off and go to a sex sim and get fucked or something, change of attitude. lmao
hope you sent rama at least a christmas card
Alright, so you don’t want bloggers going to Backdrop City because having backdrops which someone bought available for public use is stealing. In that case, it’s fair to say that using any items you don’t own is stealing.
Go to a sim to take pictures in front of their forest? You’re stealing from the people who made those trees. Take them in a public sim’s cafe setup? You’re a dirty thief, stealing from those furniture makers.
Don’t you know that all things in SL are controlled by the creators and sharing is wrong? How dare you use the creativity of someone without purchasing every item. How dare you promote their work without giving them money. All property is private and sharing backdrops is supporting communism! Die, you communist scum!
Your sarcasm amuses me.
Love it xD
i said the same last week, we’re all fucked when we have to credit everything grass, flowers, who made the wallpaper.. what rl store they stole the swatch from.. not to mention sending over cuts of the profit. I hope #RAMA was given credit for everyone who stole that idea and ran with it.
One person makes a backdrop…. all the followers copy her idea… and then cry when people share?
claps.. karma at its finest
Dragging people through the mud. Classy.. real classy… too bad you didn’t give yourself away too.
2bad you didn’t put the # for the secret you’re talking about. Maybe you just type out of your ass.
Who is dragging who
good question. Who is dragging…. #4 and #14. Its obvious who is being dragged through the mud. Its funny when someone posts shit here and it all gets into one post LOL. Sounds like someone is on a revenge vendetta.
I wouldn’t have heard about backdropcity if it wasn’t for all of this drama :’)
Thanks, SL Secrets and creators for making this such a big deal.
me either. LOL
YOOOOO the backdrop drama is real
Indeed. Time to break out the popcorn for the backdrama!
# 3, # 6 , & # 11
And the free advertisement continues.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year ya filthy animals.
Especially toThalia Heckroth who made a brand new Flickr a couple of weeks ago then added thousands of people.
As they followed her she dumped them so lets give her the same courtesy back please.
I’d have made a secret but I was away enjoying the holibobs. Soz. xoxo
That’s a store owner I won’t be buying from then. Looks like she has no qualms about doing scummy things, so how could I trust her customer service?
lol . i can’t stand when people do that.. i often follow back to be courteous .. but i so could live without her rl pics… ooh thats her dog.. well.. whatever…. i suppose that’s what she needed to feel relevant.
thanks for the heads up, unfollowed her back now. ugh.