Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 466.
**NSFW – Grotesque Pixel Boobs**
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· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 140 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 466.
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Hypocritical comment alert – generally speaking, I don’t judge people’s aesthetic choices. But #13 made me LOL IRL.
9) ok just because i like to have sex? realy? after i had sex with my family i move on to the next whats wrong with that? i play a teenager to get more sex cause if i would play as a guy in my rl age nobody would have sex with me cause i`m over 40 and it`s very hard to get accept in the gay world. please understand that.
All this coments you are doing sound like my lil pussy husband known as requiem.miami, hes a rude husband comes into sl and leaves me alone rl he takes care more of his own dog than me, but the sad thing is he pretending to be a badass but behind the screen you are a total pussy, why do you only search Owners of something in this game babe? don’t you have enough in rl with me? dont you love me no more? pls daddy requiem, fuckboy slayer, wait…. now it make sense, youre a fuckboy too!
-Your rl wife
#9 is a lier and a manipulator only joins family and then tries to sleep with the dads . You had this coming. Maybe this way all those parents that think in adopting you will think twice before bringing you in we made that mistake a long time ago with your ass kicked your ass out.
you’re a sick sick person happy to see you got what you deserved karma a bitch right ry ?
So.. the ppl on this website are so lame that you made a graphic to say so in the comments (that you’ve obviously read)?
You should’ve just made it 600×450 and posted it for next week.. more people would’ve paid attention to your artwork.
HAHAHAHAHAAHA – YOU DARN KIDS BETTER STOP IT WITH YOUR JOKES. I guess it does get tiring being put in your place and told how fucking stupid you sound every time you attempt to respond.
I’m glad you’re bored of embarrassing yourself, maybe you’ll step away from the computer and actually spend some time with your actual children…. JUST KIDDING, I’m sure your feral trailer-park Mowgli children have learned to adapt to you neglecting them for Second Life and are probably being raised by a herd alley cats by now 🙂
You kids really need to find something better to do with your time. Your comebacks are lame and I have already dropped my IQ just by visiting this website. Considering you targeted the ages of 30+ females and 50 yr old men I am guessing you are a bunch of teens or in your early 20s and I am just bored with it now.
When everyone is laughing at you, pretend that you are in on the joke. Is that the tactic you used in middle school when all the kids would laugh at you too?
But, idk if this is breaking news – everyone has been laughing at that place for years… I’m sorry if this is your first time hearing about it. FMD = Fat Mama Dungeon.
FMD is probably lit af right now. Wake up, Wake up FMD – its the first of the monthhhh.
Are we making a trip to McDonalds? I can’t wait, I have been waiting all month for my food stamps to come in just for this moment! I’m sure my trailer trash friends will join me and hold the big mac and feed me the french fries whilst I type away here on this glorious blog.
Because they can’t properly write or spell and they do not want their Big Macs and fries to slip through their obese fingers!
Damn, you roasted us. Someone call the fire department
What can I say? I like to be different? Obviously you were paying attention 😉
So I’ll go out on a limb here and assume that “sucksdickforcoke” is not an alias?
Well that isn’t rocket science now is it? I just wanted be like the cool kids on this lame website.
How gay
Sure, your comment was lame please try again. I encourage you to be a bit more creative at least give me something to work with 🙂 It is nice to see that you know how to emote emphasis, good job.
Saaaaid the SO cool cool cool coooooool and popular SL girl
hahahahahahaha you’re a breathing joke
It’s ok, considering your feedback it just shows how limited your vocabulary is. I understand that sometimes the truth hurts and please let me be the first to pass you a tissue for your issues. I promise tomorrow is another day and this too shall pass.
Guys look im sorry yes im a narcissist yes i get photographers to take my pictures and i pretend i do them 🙁 i dont around FMD with the same clothes cause i have no life and cant afford lindens unless lance pays me to entertain fmd im sorry if your all mad at me im just really jealous of people who have happy lifes i dont even put my real life put up cause im ugly as fuck so can you all leave me alone please thank you
Katos you are a skronny little Spaniard who is nothing to look at big ears black hair and UGLY AS FUCK you should never give out your Real life Photos i would be ashamed and cover my face with a paper bag if i looked like you. you think you are better then everyone to thats the funny part posting pictures on your flickr big woooptee doo Why dont you post real Life pics so everyone can laugh at how fucking ugly you are in real life ofc you have to make your avi look good to make up for your Looks you lack in rl Virgin boy. only place you can get pussy is Secondlife Of course your going to take advantage of that. Bitches be thirsty and desperate. and well you are just as desperate if not more!
really should try and lose that v card But katos be ready you give Money cause noone is going to fuck you for free !
I know ur suck a jerk pls go in the cones and jack ur sad life away man fake katos . But at least we see the jealousy and the envy in this . Man fans these days ?
too bad people knows him knows he wont EVER say sorry to some bullshit like that keep trying bruh xD
lolololol is this post where the fmd haters hang out now? you bashing girls at fmd yet you write posts about them on sl secrets? really?
I bet they consider Child Protective Services and the doctors who diagnosed them with diabetes as “bashing” them too. Observing something and saying it aloud isn’t bashing, it’s being observant of a common characteristic.
FMD is accepting of fat girls that neglect their children ie. if you can hear beyond the cigarette smoking and chewing, you can hear their children screaming in the background or begging for their mommy’s attention.
FMD flaunts designers that don’t make it into any real events just trash pre-made mesh & applier events.
FMD is a safe haven for guys to pick up girls that find it acceptable to “spoil” them for fat sweaty cam shows with like 5k (that’s 20 USD ladies… that’s why they fuck you, because you’re cheaper than a hooker at an actual escort club lol).
FMD’s owner calls his obese (again, not bashing, just observing) girlfriends his “little girls” – that’s what pedos call their victims.
But I’m just stating what is easily observed, not “bashing”. If this makes you happy – do you FMD, do you. <3
To Karma, hey dumbass, SL or avatar names are NOT real names!!! Live in reality fucktard
@Karma Is Coming Soon (which in itself is a pretty cringeworthy name) –
If they ban “obnoxious, pathetic losers” at FMD they’d have no visitors.
As someone who’s never set foot in the place before, but have seen it hanging around in peoples’ groups and picks like some sort of weird masturbatory cult – there are a few things that most of the people seem to have in common:
1. They believe in their own hype, and feed into the fact that they ARE their avatar – they think they’re cool as shit (they’re not) and that it’s some sort of elite place (it’s not).
2. Generally they’re indulging in something that takes it back to the roots of its original name “Fuck Me Daddy” – “daddy” and “little girl” shit. Anyone that has engaged in this is fucked up and completely broken disgusting trash.
3. They are, by and large, fat old and unattractive. Both men and women alike.
The fact that if someone doesn’t fawn over the place they’re a “loser” to you speaks volumes. Go fuck yourself, enjoy your circle jerk.
@Blaise because how else can they study each and every move of every one there and then come bitch about it on SL Secrets? You can tell they’ve hung out there forever ’till they get banned because they got called our for being the obnoxious, pathetic losers that they are, and when they got butt hurt they resorted to posting lies here, anonymously of course – because they don’t have the balls to do it with their names 🙂
Then why go to places where you find the company so distasteful?
tsk tsk very sad. you hung out at fmd for the lonest time before you made those “observations”. how do you even know they are obese in rl? did they send u their rl obese pics? you sound like a woman but you hung out at fmd. does that mean ur a morbidly obese cunt who neglects her children? you see how retarded you sound now? ur the hottest girl or guy yet you generalize by saying fmd is haven to the obese men and women. seriously you lot need professional help <3
Well said! It makes me sick to hear the children in the background crying while obese mommy is lifting her crotch fat folds getting off for men. These lazy obese pigs should be reported to Child Services!!
Those “girls” Sir are more like Heffers. Go look at some rl profile pictures of those pork chopped leg babygirls. Pork chop indeed
You know its ok if they be porky and want to come on SL and be something different – it is called SECOND life. I mean who knows maybe it will give them the motivation to eat right and exercise and not look so sloppy and disgusting. But to spend the $ and transform yourself so you can finally be gawjus but to then also think its ok to be conceited over your pixels and act the bitch they complain the real life hotties are is where many push away from the pork chops.
Now then now then!!!
20) I think if your going to post something about an owner of a place in SL you really should try and come up with something more Original. The owner of FMD is not a pedophile he dates girls who are of age. his RL relationship does not concern you or anyone else Half the people in sl have a fucked up relationship in RL “thats why they play SL… they are not getting what they need in thier RL. 800 for a group I know places that charge more the owner of fmd pays a hefty tier for ignorant unappreciated fucks who obv do not appreciate him giving you a place to get your cocks or pussys wet. So instead of complaining be thankful.
Sorry dude but anyone that has to masturbate while on a game is a fucking pathetic loser. And hell yeh he’s a pedo. When talk of incest and little girls is thrown around you know he’s some trailer trash dumbfuck into family sex!!!
When talk of incest is thrown around as you say, by who? Who are you people? How can it be taken seriously unless you give your names and your proof? Anyone can make up shit. Give me your names and I can type a book about you and post it here.
Anonymous says has sexual intercourse with chickens as we can hear his granny screaming for him to get out the basement for 5 minutes and pleasure her with wild incest sex.
Good morning spends his days on the net observing fat women and (no connection at all, she just likes observing these types of people) Paedophiles…don’t really need to add much more to that one.
Katos says is so obsessed that in the mornings (a bit like a cross dresser except they are have a legit fetish, this dude is just a crazy) likes to come online and pretend to be Katos, it is the only way he feels closer to the real Katos.
Just realised that you can make multiple comments and change your name as often as you like…..so much makes sense now. You sad sad, miserable, angry people….or person lol
I guess you Must be a pathetic Loser then Because I am 100 percent sure you have jerked your meat at some Point or another in SL. way to go to make yourself Look like a loser too. What are you coming on Secondlife for? Going patty cake or some shit Dude Please shut that shit Up and don’t make laugh !
Second life is full of ALL kinda of people you are just a nut to the Pile !
Fmd haters.
Lets see shall we?
Belle used to own the club and boot everyone out that she didn’t like the look of, she also used to crash and bomb her own club with various graphics crashers and here you all are, mocking it now? – Look back to when it was absolutely shit-ridden DEAD.
Don’t like the place? Simply don’t go, I’m sure there are worthy club owners… LIKE TEQI for instance that will love you to go there. Height restrictions anyone?
As for Katos, I don’t know about you or me but this seems like a piss-poor discussion on a website to hide on and to make fun of a man that simply stands in FMD and does nothing but laugh with his friends and play games with them. Some serious amount of butthurt, BUT THAT’S JUST ME, right? Only my opinion.. seeing as I know the guy and most of you don’t.
Regarding Lance and the Pyra’s – Actually, I was in his family. There was no talk of ‘fucking each other’ so you can take that little, ignorant statement of him being a pedo too and shove that straight up your piss-pipe. Oh and er, they don’t have trailers in dubai. You are wrong on all counts. Again with the assuming.
That’s all this really, assuming.
#5 James and Echo
LOL this is oh so true ! the ims that fly around muddys about these two is unreal. Will they be partnered this hour or the next ? the comments in local chat from echo are an eye roll at best .She is nothing but an attention whore ! has been for years ! Wondering if she is still married in RL as she is in SL EVERY night with James . People laugh at them in local but I think its out of not knowing what to say or cant say cause after all Muddys is a PG club ! get over yourself you two, completely pathetic SHOW.
You can stop trying to pretend to being a bunch of different posters, as we all know it’s all coming from the same person, and yes we all know who that person is.
Considering you’re also in SL, that’s rich.
James you Do realize that Second Life is only a game right? There is no such thing as a Dom or Babygirl or even that you are Really with your partner. Does she go to bed with you at night physically? I thought. People like you that Live on a game need to know that yes, one day Second Life Will Close- and then you will realize what a fool you have been all along. Live in reality dude, not through pixels.
The more you talk, the more you reveal who you are. There is only one spiteful babygirl we know, and she was a meddlesome jealous friend. Just stick to being a Top to your bottom cuck dom, who pursued echo, and when she rejected the Disney looking wannebbe dom, he settled on Plan B … you.
Now while you hug a scorpion, I’m going to go and buy myself a new suit as a reward for you outing yourself to everyone. Smiles.
I know which post was mine. Sadly there appear to be a couple of people minimum that dislike you two. It is good to hear that this has made your relationship stronger but I will still be buying my dates in the break-up and re-partner pools as Babygirl needs some new shoes. Hugs you daddy.
wondering who the hell is giving this a thumbs down, never heard a positive about these 2
If Karma is a bitch, you have a big bill overdue.
It’s pretty clear that you’re the same person that uploaded our picture here. We seem to take up a lot of your thoughts and time, and the only one I see spineless is you. At least have the courage to contact me directly on your real account in SL, and not that alt account you cower behind while sending what you think are bothersome IMs … Sheila1983. If anyone knows whom the account Sheila1983 belongs to, please don’t hesitate in letting me know, although all indications point to one person in particular.
While many others treat SL like speed dating, echo and I have been together going on 15 months, and it has been one of the most meaningful relationships I’ve had in my life, even with the odd bump in the road, we always manage to work things out … now that takes courage.
One last note, if you think your anonymous, and cowardly griefing attempts will have an adverse impact on our relationship, well you’re mistaken, as they only make our relationship stronger.
I don’t usually know the people talked about here, but I do know James & echo from Muddy’s, and they are one of the best things about going to Muddy’s. Everyone I know enjoys their humor, and fun banter. I think most regulars at Muddy’s have a good idea who you are, as your animosity towards them is obnoxious and obvious, and you seem rather obsessed with them. Did they unfriend you or something? Just stick with spamming local chat with your gestures whenever they’re talking to try and drown them out. Pitiful.
Sorry TheRealMuddysFan, that last post was meant for the original poster MuddysFan.
By the way, thanks for the support!
The more you talk, the more you reveal who you are. There is only one spiteful babygirl we know, and she was a meddlesome jealous friend. Just stick to being a Top to your bottom cuck dom, who pursued echo, and when she rejected the Disney looking wannebbe dom, he settled on Plan B … you.
Now while you hug a scorpion, I’m going to go and buy myself a new suit as a reward for you outing yourself to everyone. Smiles.
Glad to know that I am not the only one who laughs at these two and their behavior. Echo Neiro is a disgusting human being who is full of hatred and jealousy. I honestly do not know what JamesIceleaf sees in her. He may not be able to do any better. I hope they stay together forever to keep them from spreading their diseases to anyone else. They deserve each other.
Thank you for putting this vile woman where she deserves to be. Karma .
#9 About time thank you for doing this this guy is sick always tries to sleep with someone in the family
haters making me famous #yolo
keep em coming 🙂
Thats fine with me sweetcheeks 🙂
you`re right you are famous and popular but in a bad way. your friends are not your friends cause this postings comming from them.
i`m friend with you too inworld but i never liked you, just smiled into your bitch face like most of your “friends” do.
#9) You do sleep with every guy there is that will allow your nasty ass to touch them. You have a sick fantasy of incest and enjoy the thrill of sleeping with your dads, uncles, and brothers. How many families have had to KICK YOU out because YOU wanted to be sexual. Might of not happen with the new family you have yet.. but its coming! You will never change..
Seems like a family *cough, the Torettos* are butt hurt that Ryder has actually found a decent, loving, genuine family, Ive known Ryder 3 years ive even met him in RL and plan on doing so again so he DOES have loyal friends unlike you, you little scared fake ass bitch 🙂 And all use stupid motherfuckers we actually LAUGH about use and your stupid pathetic comments because unlike use we actually do have a RL, We have RL friends and RL family *SHOCK* and you really think your stupid SL secrets are going to affect us in RL or are SL ”reputation” LMAO #justkeepslaying #suckmeh
Haha oh babes there called mendez now, shall we talk about how incest is rife in there family and thats why i left? or the fact we caught my old dad niko in bed with his kid daughter and how he was in a relationship with his brother and tried to groom me?? LOL #suckmehmendez/torettos
Ok this is just a question. I agree the acts of secret 9 are disgusting but SECOND LIFE IS A GAME AND THEREFORE NO ONE CAN ACTUALLY HAVE SEX!! If anything the people are chronic masturbators. If he is okder and messing around with someone under 18 I would report him.
Hahahahaha keep it coming 🙂
#9 – I know him and don’t think that pic is true. As far as I know he’s not had sex with any current or former family members and has actually left families when they got weird and/or when the other members wanted to get sexual. Seems like sour grapes to me.
Also #13 just seems pathetic. Some blogger’s ego is clearly very, very fragile.
is number 9 still a prostitute in the red light district?
Sadly not, credit crunch hit hard 🙂
haha glad #9 got out there, noticed him posting that he was looking to be adopted on facebook, i guess he gets around one family to the next as this is not the first time i am hearing this about him.
Hiding behind a computer screen is very brave of you..pussy
While you hide behind a computer screen using sexist slurs LOL
About Astralia…hmm…Is not that what people most HUGE designers do in sl??
Well, lets see…
Balloon Bridge By We’re CLOSED (Second Life):
Pont de Single Bridge By Olivier Grossetête (Real Life) :
Empire Camellias (Second Life):
Ralph and Russo Fan Pumps (Real Life) :
Fetish Ballet @ TRÉS CHIC (Second Life):
Christian Louboutin Ballet Heel (Real Life):
And more: https://thewhisperer.wordpress.com/?s=what+I+found
As you can see, that is a personal attack against Astralia,because in case you wanna acuse somebody randomly, you have a lot of them, but so, you choosed Astralia! Shame on you!
Get a life or try to learn how to do “Mesh” and then you can come to point your finger against people!
Even if huge designers are doing it, it doesn’t make it right.
But yeah, the line between IP infringement and “inspiration” is very thin, customers will continue supporting ripoffs with the excuse “I get them in SL cause I can’t afford them in RL”., and event owners will let them participate in their events just to fill up the space.
I miss the days were SL was a creativity lounge and creators would come up with original content – before pinterest, tumblr, etc. existed.
It feels like originality is inversely proportional to SL improvement – the more new tools designers have to create amazing stuff such as mesh, fitted and now bento, the less they are willing to “design” something.
To be honest, being a 3D builder doesn’t make you a “3D artist”, so I’m positive that this behaviour will continue in the future, if not worse. In the end it’s up to the customer what kind of creators they want to support, but personally I think it’s good to know where they are “dragging” inspiration from.
either you butt hurt too much you smoking crack. fmd is one of my favorite hanging spots on sl. ppl are cool and look good and i dont get harassed lulz
FMD is the most boring sex hang out ever! Really isn’t worth the 800L to listen/read to boring chat & watch generic avatars stand around and do nothing. At least pixel”fuck” or voice bone each other in public.
I’d like to see you pixel fuck in FMD.
Don’t complain about something you never do… DO IT.
I’m not satisfied.
I want my 10 seconds back from reading your bullshittery.
“Look good” meaning generic fuckboy attire and cookie cutter whore gear?
FMD is a circlejerk of people who weren’t cool in school that have deluded themselves into believing that they’re hot shit in a videogame.
I saw a picture on facebook of one of the FMD “babygirls” Extremely overweight and in a housedress with a loaded ashtray and a big bag from taco bell. Had to be pushing 40. Luxory fatties at their finest.
They don’t think it be like it is, but it do.
FMD is pathetic middle school revenge. Much of what you have there is wide ass white trailer trash women of around 34-35 + who have enough $ to do an avi and then believe they are their avatars. Its a true bitchfest. To be one of the cool kids you have to hardy har at people like Doodles fart gesturing their ass off.
One day I am in there and some fat ass is chortling how its her birthday and she is spoiling her fat ass eating in bed whilst hanging in FMD on her laptop and getting crumbs all over. Here and there you could hear her teen daughter ‘bother’ her mom for shit lol
Hilarious and true.
People look good? Your AVATAR you mean lool
PPL at FMD really think they are their avatar!! lolz
#4 Where are you going to draw the line though? It’s named something else, and some of the details of the doll are different (dress shape, for example). You can’t say just any doll is an ip infringement. You can’t say just any doll with a big head is an ip infringement, you can’t say any doll with a big squarish head and a name that evokes an actual existing doll is. How similar must an item be before it infringes? How different must it be before it doesn’t? A lot of money has been spent in real world courts trying to draw lines around that. Stick to theft accusations where the copy is exact, because it’s a losing battle to define when “inspired by” is over the line.
I understand that someone wants the pop dolls in SL if they have them in real life though. I think that’s what it’s mainly about, and it’s been changed so much as well, I think it’s okay. Designers copy RL fashion all the time, so why not dolls and accessories? It’s all about bringing things you find cute from RL into SL!
Agree, but sometimes for this same kind of stuff people get mad , just because they “hate” the brand/owner/etc.
What is the deal with #13? Is it “lets compare and bash blogger day”?
Hey Elle check this on new world notes it is pretty interesting: http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2017/07/mesh-avatars-second-life-modeling-industry.html
SL “models” are the biggest jokes on the grid, period, especially the ones with profiles full of inane things they’ve “won” that mean nothing to anyone else and most of the grid has never heard of.
Err it’s Supermodel (sl) against Blogger. They were not bashing the bloggers (some can be bitchy and well that’s not a blogger thing only). They weren’t doing it to bash bloggers at least from what I could tell.
@Elle They are not, actually both bloggers. The person pictures on the left is not a blogger, and seems to be upset (understatement) that more Designers are turning to bloggers than are turning to models and agencies for Fashion shows.
Which was the whole point of the post/drama. If you scroll up, #13 is related to the Facebook rant in #12. The person who is shown in #12, is the person in the left of #13.
There’s been this whole debate lately on whether or not the fashion world (or the modeling world) in SL is dead/dying. #12 seemed to be this person’s response to that… and it caught her a lottttt of shit in the comments.
Well they are both bloggers if you really think about it. There is no such thing as a Supermodel in Virtual Reality. Now if the “Supermodel” blog includes a storyline about being a “supermodel” it might be a form of Role Play or Sarcasm. My first blog was about a “fallen fashionista” and some people actually thought I was serious about my desire for fame haha – It was just a story-line. In world I could have cared less!
#6 – man, yall are really reaching this week…
Illuminati confirmed!
(And for those lurkers who can’t tell… that was sarcasm.)
My question is why is fat cow Caiti Mirabella still showing her disgusting fat ass real life picture on her SL account? Put it away girl and cut down on the creme cakes!
My real question is…how does the poster know about the symbols for pedophelia? ?
Very far reaching. I don’t care for the owner, but even I don’t believe that secret at all.
#9 Whoever did this.. really??
Thats a pretty harsh and untrue statement to make!
Do you not realise how hurtful this is to me? I am not a nasty person to anybody and i dont know why i am being attacked because i have done nothing wrong!
I have had families for over 3yrs in SL and i would not do that.
Really think about words you write before making statements like this.
I’m sure they do realize its hurtful to you and they did think about it before they wrote. It’s obviously someone who doesn’t like you and the whole reason for doing it was to upset you.
Your right, but my real friends know the truth 🙂
Im over it now ^^
Bravo!! I am enjoying all the bitchiness. Great week!
inb4 trashbags come to the aid of FMD claiming “It’s not called Fuck Me Daddy anymore!”
Once trash.
Still trash.
Always trash.
Fuck me Daddy was a misleading name.. no one “fucked”there. All they did/do is stand around, half naked babygirls with cat ears collared to fuckboy “daddies” wearing that one hair from Drot.
One of the “daddies” there has a “little girl”?
Color me shocked. Trash is as trash always will be.
The disgusting jacktheboss , aka Chaos and his fat babygirl Leigh are regulars there and into incest. Him and his “little girl” They are both ugly fat asses in reals
Ok this is just a question. I agree the acts of secret 9 are disgusting but SECOND LIFE IS A GAME AND THEREFORE NO ONE CAN ACTUALLY HAVE SEX!! If anything the people are chronic masturbators. If he is okder and messing around with someone under 18 I would report him.
#16 and #20: I don’t say it is not true, I just say it is not new. FMD is going down since belle or bella, the first owner, sold it.
Furthermore, it’s a fact that two posters bashing FMD this week used to be regulars that worshipped the place but somewhere along the way they got sour.
Another fun fact is that someone’s trying real hard with VPN to downvote my comment. Get a life.
Great advertisement though.
lmao- you’re a dumbass sumrandom….truth hurt a little too much I guess
To be fair, I also downvoted you. And I’m not on a VPN.
If you want great advertisement – just post a “Free McDonald’s” sign with the FMD logo
More fatties than usual will come stampeding in.
Well it’s been going down for 5+ years then. So how come it’s doing better than ever?
Just like any other popular place, it’s bound to be filled with shitty people, and then there’s good people too.
Sounds like the posters were very bitter.
FMD has been around for a few years, when belle owned it.
You probably weren’t around then.
If you’re 21 and under and writing these things anyways, why are you even on SL? I wasn’t, I was going out and enjoying my life with real friends and people.
I guess that’s foreign now.
Oh well, misery breeds misery.
Oh and I was a mod, I’m not a ‘cool kid’ nor a fuckboy. Nor am I an attention whore. Look at the group and there’s like 7-8 mods, how is this half the club?
I don’t understand these facts to be honest, most of them are pure dribbled-unimaginative SHITE.
Then again, I know nothing… right? Y’know, been popping in and out of the place since 2013 or so… WHAT DO I KNOW?
@good morning.. of course they arent cool kids, half of the club are mods… or fuckboys and attention whores..
@KnowsNothing – there are no “cool kids” there lol. Just broke guys, 30+ women acting like children, and the occasional wanna-be designer who doesn’t make it into any real events.
Better then ever? Lagfest and pure boredom.. and if you aint one of the cool kids you wont enjoy this place.
Its not 5 years. Not even 2.
Lol FMD is filled with all the guys who have been kicked from SL escort clubs for not paying. And these are the ones that are even dudes at all.
The girls there are just “BBW” cows having a mid-life crisis and looking for somewhere to socialize because they can’t go out anywhere in RL until the 1st of the month when disability pays them enough to afford a babysitter.
I mean, if you’re fat and poor – then I’m glad you’ve found your mecca. 🙂
I forgot, next time put me 1st, should be the header of this crappy website ♥
I’d like to know who you are cause your av looks damn good lmfao
Calm your thirst, thot.
It is better to remain silent and be thought a narcissistic fuckboy fool, than to open your mouth (or in this case comment) and remove all doubt.
its better to hide behind some stupid names like ya’ll doing than show your face cause ya’ll are a bunch of cowards on this website lolz
Who are you.. lol
As if a SL Name is a real name. Lool
Someone that has the balls to use his sl name, not like others huh
Yes, we praise the virtual-secrets Gods for delivering onto us a bountiful crop of drama and nonsense. We shall feast upon your providence and fling our resulting shit around, splattering one another with accusations and pain.
But seriously, IP issues, ugly mesh boobs, Aphrodite Shop, blogger/model drama, photo whores, disability drama, and gaybashing all in one week? Color me impressed. virtual-secrets delivers!
Thanks for putting me here, my dream came true, i did cum all over my 2 screen setup pc, also thanks for promoting me, now i will get all the depresive cunt without life geting into my flickr and shit
btw theres a pic for ya > http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/ftpuploads/bloguploads/meme-tears-ecard.png
Katos – STFU dickweed lol- everything they have said about you is true. You should have just kept your mouth shut and preserved some dignity. I’ll tell you one thing, you must have a strong lower back with all that wide ass doing those retard jumps on you and wrapping their fat thighs around you. And yeah you sure can rock some Gabriel for weeks at a time. You are so aweeeesummmmm…
love to see people trying to take him down but you still paying atention on what he wears or do on fmd and also any of you know him to say its true? LOL i dont know him but its funny to see you all retards trying to make someone you dont know look bad, i see also you look into his profile non-stop to see whats hes changed and paid enough atention to look to the fmd group chat that was hilarious how a lot of people are making fun of the post you all made of him, go out try to get some fat in your bed and try to be happy you all unhappy folks
Whoever did the narcissist meme (#3) on this dude was spot on. They musta seen him preening at https://www.flickr.com/photos/katosnorn/35575580822/in/dateposted/
A Flickr referring to himself in third person – titled “The Evolution of Katos” – dun dun dunnnnnn. I mean its ok for women to preen and maybe femboys. Vanity is quite naturally the domain of the femme. I mean I THINK Katos is a guy?
But was thoughtful of him to produce a preamble of the VH1 special coming up “Awesome Virtual Reality – Katosnorn, then and now- Ladies Squeeze Your Thighs!”
“Depressive cunts without lives”? Sounds like that pretty well sums up the FMD faithful – of which you are a part if this secret is anything to go by.
The irony.
If he didn’t give a fuck he wouldn’t have came to the site, and posted how nonplussed he ‘seems’ to be about the situation. The drivel he posted proves to me he’s the gigantic twat described above.
I would expect nothing less – he seems to revel in attention, and sure – this is another way for him to get it.
But make no mistake, far more people are laughing at him. Or “him” being you. Whatever the case may be.
You also called people out for “hiding behind anonymity” and yet you’re doing the same. That’s what always makes me laughs about these Secret commenters – “you are such cowards, posting under aliases” – and yet they post this under an alias as well.
I’ve posted under my Second Life username before, and am not concerned with doing so again if there’s a cause that I truly rally behind. This is just nonsense drama that I find amusing. Also, I have not been called out directly via secret; that’s when you know ya dun goof’d, like this trashbag bottom-feeder.
For someone ‘not giving a fuck’ he sure is making a big deal out of it. Moaning in the FMD group about it and plastering it over your sl profile.
All you have done is proved the posters point.
do you think he gives any fuck? hes probably laughing at ya’ll for giving him a spot here
No, it doesn’t need to be shut down, you need to stop visiting it!
It is pretty pathetic how you believe that a site should be shut down just because you don’t like it. It is very simple, you don’t like something, stay out of it.
I am not a fan.. i believe most of the posts are shit and I don’t know 90% of the people they are referring too, but it is like a small guilty pleasure to check it every week. I am sure you do the same.. but you have to call it to shut down to make yourself feel like a better person.
You are the one that must have a pathetic and miserable life if you are so bothered about a sl gossip site lol.
I’m sincerely unsure what you’re referring to.
What is this bullying of which you speak? Good lord, surely wouldn’t want to hurt the “ego and reputation” of people!
You realize if these people weren’t absolute cunts in Second Life that they wouldn’t be called out here? I’m yet to see my name on a secret – maybe that’s saying something…
I believe furry pansexual snowflake Blaise has come off the buffet line at her local Golden Coral and is here to discipline people again with her holier then thou attitude. What an Obese Prude
Anonymous, you seem to have a lot of contempt for people’s virtual hobbies from someone who obsessively refreshes a site devoted to a virtual world. If you think people who create or consume Second Life fashion are so beneath you, why don’t YOU get a new hobby? Go view some material more to your liking, or make something that you enjoy?
Blogger schmogger, who the hell cares to real about VIRTUAL clothing? Don’t you have better things to do in reals then blogging on a video game? Lool