Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 460.
virtual-secrets: Week 460
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 69 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
As I have a child Avi to make kids clothing, (none with the Vajayjay hanging out, for God’s sake just fricking alpha you dork!), The pedo’s will find a away no matter what. I have been propositioned, while I was just out getting supplies twice. Since then I shop on the MP just to keep away from them.
SL is big on the freak factor, always has been and always will be. EVERY GAME on the internet has a freak factor, even if it is just in chat. My lord I have seen Baby Girl/Daddy chat in WoW. If you are offended, report it. If it is illegal, report it. Blowing up SL Secrets isn’t going to stop it. The Freak in #8, Report her, but chances are as bad as that Avi looks she/or he will just make another alt.
Point is, if you don’t like the freakiness, TP away from it. Or log off!
SL is what SL is. Be the change, do something to fix it. I am sure the good folks at SL Secrets are not the freak police.
There is nothing pedophillic about DD/bbg chat inherently.
Lol the people that play the babygirl are usually old fat housewives!! Babyhuffalump is more like it !
Ok anonymous. Not all that are into Dd/bg are pedo’s. I’ve not seen one in that community so far that even remotely gives off that vibe. Just because you seen something that is so far out there and into effed up land doesn’t mean everyone is. If you see stuff that is illegal then feel free to report it, but randomly tossing everyone into the same barrel just because you’ve seen some seriously effed up shit doesn’t help.
How can you say there is not? Why are daddys-aka mommas basement dwellers with small dicks- calling the bbg LITTLE girl now? Go look up Lillyanna Resident and her “daddy” she is open crotch naked with her daddy examining her little girls baby cunt. If that is not some sick pedo fucked up shit then I don’t know what is. And yea, I leave when the demented fucks are around, but not without copying and reporting first.
Ah, #2 <3 it feels so good to have karma finally catch up with you for stealing boyfriends and fucking their friends and leaving them for other people's boyfriends. We were once besties, but I didn't have who I was dating in my profile in sl. Had a different name on fb and she bashed me to my face, saying she'd steal "that bitch's boyfriend" and all that. God, I'm so glad she's caught. It feels really good. I hope her and her Alts never find peace. She even tried coming back for the guy I have now. Too sad, sweetie. I'll always catch you 🙂
Who is that on #7?
#8 it is a shame people like her make kid avis look bad…
#11 If you weren’t camming for vagina you wouldn’t even notice this. Don’t cam you won’t even know this Perv!
It’s my vagina you idiot haha why else would I be camming on a crotch.. get your facts straight before shooting of your mouth minda.
Noooo, it’s your Avatars vagina 😉
3) It is useless sharing copybotters as no one who purchases botted items will admit or even consider the creator in question who they buy from could ever be capable of such thing and continue to do so, while other smaller creators just starting out get accused and are condemned by the majority, it’s laughable. One rule for one and another for another. I was never interested in any of lee’s things as they’re not my usual style however I know fact from personal experience of being an old customer of hers that she would not skins that I had purchased in order to customise them how I would like in exchange for lindens, so the fact she is being accused of hitting modern day is unsurprising.
Excuse the typo (Bot and Botting)
#6 I love it when people show the names instead of a long ass passive-aggressive rant.
I know the “wife”. Nice girl. Definitely doesn’t deserve the betrayal.
I hope she reads this.
ikr? what’s the point of posting if not say who you talking about?
cheating got so common place it ain’t even a secret anymore. kind of blah to me
The post about LV Designs (Lee Quirina) is fake af. A mesh head , when rezzed, has way more land impact than the ONLY 1 showing in that eddit window. So anyone who is out to harm Lee’s reputation or busines…you’re going to have to try a lot harder. Lee is an awesome and dead honnest designer.
Dude it’s clear to see. Lee has stolen a bodyco template and people are telling you she used to steal shit for them. Let it go man. Not everyone can be lyin
check that damn stupid screenshot…IF that pic WOULD be hers, and IF that head would also be hers for real……wouldn’t all the options in the edit window as…change price, set for sale, change permissions…be highlighted????? The FACT that they are NOT, only leaves me with one answer….that pic is shopped, or FAKE. One more thing…i know for a FACT that Lee does NOT use that Firestorm skin. More…if you look closely on the pic in that edit window….it doesn’t even give the option to change the group under which the head has been rezzed. Now IF, as said befor, Lee WOULD be the owner of that head, she WOULD also have that option to do so.
Catwa has seen the previous gifs and still refuses to comdemn Lee. We simply will never have justice for original content creators as long as we have copybot enabling influences like catwa and consumers that continue purchasing with their eyes shut.
That is exactly the problem pinky people like you who don’t respect original material being stolen and would rather support glorified socially accepted thieves. It is one thing to deny or be unaware that someone you pay for items is a content thief but to know they are and still support them with your money is an outrage. I feel for the genuine creators who make SL a better, more diverse place, losing profit to cunts like Lee and David Cooper who have been caught out copybotting other people’s hard work to merge with their own for improvement on numerous occasions but still have a following of thirsty ignorant deniable fools who refuse to acknowledge it feeding their greed. Disgusting and shameful.
I buy from Lee and wanted a custom of hers too and will keep on buying from her in my mind she has botted I saw too much proof that it is obvious but idgaf so many designers botting nowadays lol
I don’t know what other evidence is needed quite frankly. It is beyond me how anyone could still say she doesn’t bot lol……
oh and just in case that one was not clear enough

The silly girl should have edited the watermarks out. What will be your next excuse?
Last time I checked Lee never owned the body co, but the template that clearly has “the body co 2011” watermarks included in her angie mesh head would suggest otherwise. As shown in this unphotosoppable animated gif:

Sorry but it’s over for you, move along.
No you have not. I’ve seen plenty of evidence that Lee bots aside from when I used to buy “custom skins” from her myself. I get that you are an ass licker of hers but the truth hurts.
I also KNOW for a FACT Lee used to SELL COPYBOTTED skins to me and OTHERS so regardless if this screenshot is FAKE or NOT doesn’t change the fact that lee IS a COPYBOTTER so how about you consider that what I am telling YOU is as VALID as what you are telling ME. I am no liar.
Now i proved the pic or post is fake and pointed out what’s not right about it. Come on…it’s up to you now to come up with proof to back up your allegations…but you can’t can you 🙂
I am just wondering what evidence it is that you have that Lee hasn’t botted, baring in mind I’m an old customer of hers who used to pay for skins she botted for me, right in front of me in fact. She would teleport me to her place, tell me to ‘get naked’ I’m assuming to rip the texture without layered clothing on and continue to edit the template in order to then sell it back to me as a customised version and this was all back in 2009 or so, So I am afraid to say you are defending a botter whether you like it or not.
okay since your so convinced still I’ll make a video displaying my purchases on marketplace, the date I bought it, the properties of the head displaying the date I acquired it and proceed to showing the textures inside it and I suppose you will still come up with an excuse yes?
Btw Wendale…those gyazo links you posted earlier this week….faked. The head shown isn’t even SL UV compatible ..AT ALL
You keep trying to bullshit your way out of this. The whole point is that you’re not one of the most credible persons yourself using a coppybot viewer yourself to grab screenshots in an attempt to harm someone’s business. Who’s the real coppybotter here then? If you are sooo legit as you try to appear to be,….WHY THE HELL do you use a coppybot viewer yourself?????
You are.
The point is copybotting will never be stamped out as long as there are people like you who go into complete denial in the face of valid evidence because they have their tongues tied right up thieving creators assholes.
as i said …BEFOR you acuse anyone AND befor you call me a morron you might want to explain to people how easy it is to forge creator on a copy bot viewer. Screenshots and gifs do not prove ANYTHING. YOU using a coppybot viewer yourself exludes you from the right to even name and shame an aledged coppyboter since you are clearly one yourself. Now WHO is the morron here???????
And STILL you are using words like ‘alleged’ when the proof is smacking you in the face, and trying to turn the table onto me when I am not the one selling stolen content! you really are an ignorant vapid fool who clearly supports theft.
No need to keep ‘trying’ the damage is done. Regardless of how anyone obtains proof of a copybotter, the fact is that it’s proof she copybots, idiot. How would me using a copybot viewer excuse lee from also using one? Lol moron
Naming and shaming an aledged coppybotter using gyazo screenshots taken while using a known coppybot viewer yourself…..aiaiaiai Wendale…..keep trying……..
You will also find that Lee has since updated the angie head to remove the body co template. What is she trying to hide? I’m waiting for the next excuse, I’ll be ready to make a YouTube video displaying every ounce of proof to call these thieves out.
And no, it doesn’t remotely make me as bad. For one I’m not a creator, meaning I don’t sell anything, much less anything stolen from other creators and have the sheer audacity to point blank lie to consumers acting so against copybotting and calling out others for copybotting my products, sheer hypocrisy. Also just because I provided links doesn’t mean I own them. Either way it turns out that the best way to catch copybotters is to use a copybotting viewer to inspect their products it seems!
How can you still say ‘IF that were all to be true’ when it’s crystal clear, black and white, in your face proof? Lol. what else do you need?
I thought that may be the comeback now that you’ve clearly been owned. Even If those links were mine, I’m not a creator, I don’t own a sore and I’m not using it to steal profit from original creators using their stolen content that I claim to be 100% my own (as I am not Lee) so it’s irrelevant and doesn’t change the fact I gave you 200% proof that your still going to deny.
btw Wendale……you have posted a few links there……i must say…….befor you acuse someone of coppybotting if i were you i’d take my gyazo screenshots on a legitimate viewer instead of the Darkstorm coppybot viewer you used 🙂
btw if all of that WOULD be true…..wouldn’t that make you just as bad? 🙂
Catwa has seen the previous gifs and still refuses to comdemn Lee. We simply will never have justice for original content creators as long as we have copybot enabling influences like catwa and consumers that continue purchasing with their eyes shut.
Unfortunately it is no secret lee has a copybotting past, she used to bot skins before mesh and customise them, for herself and others for money.
Bitch be rude and racist too I aint about to be given my money
I unno bout if she do now but this is true
Lee is the one posting this shit about herself. She is just trying to get attention.
Is #10 in reference to Kustom9 or something else? If it’s the Kustom9 artwork, I don’t really think it’s THAT similar: http://i.imgur.com/3XJjq2o.jpg
It’s about the store Moon.
My bad! Thank you for clarifying.
#11 – SO let me understand this, You bought a Garter belt, and you’re mad that the vagina is visible? And you’re upset that underwear aren’t included with said garter belt? If you don’t want your cookie to be showing, put on some actual pants. Or like so many here have said put on some layer panties. I suggest doing some google searching as to what a garter belt is, it’s intended purpose in style was never to conceal the vaginal areas.
Out of all the un-readable, confusing as @#!$ secrets, this one was the silliest because it’s the easiest to resolve. I can’t understand how people get mad at what people design, wear it, and then get mad while they’re wearing it because it’s not what they want, in a metaphorical sea of limitless options of clothing.
#8 – You are a stain on humanity, anyone who thinks this is a cute fetish and it’s acceptable because it’s in second life is @#$!ed in the head in both worlds. I’m not here to judge you, (no i lied, i sit in the shadows on here specifically to judge) Karma is going to come and plant it’s world sized foot straight up your weird little poop chute. I’d say you should go outside and experience life, but maybe it’s best if you stay inside, potentially locked up and away from children…
@Peanut Gallery It’s the shorts that is the issue not the belt going over them.. We shouldn’t have to put the panties on that’s the point haha
Demos are a thing, you could vote with your dollars and not buy shorts that leave your vulva out.
Btw the vagina is the hole, people. If it’s “hanging out” of anything, you have a problem way more serious than ill-fitting shorts.
#11 makes me laugh because even in the days of system clothes, you needed to upskirt yourself to make sure nothing was hanging out. Omega panties are a dime a dozen and so are system ones – why don’t you have them #11?
#11 — If you don’t want your pixel vagina to show then put on some applier panties.
Perhaps ‘vagina showcasing’ is all part of the designer’s grand plan!
#5 – I know this person and yea, the group she created on Facebook; SL Mesh Head lovers – posts mesh head related products. A friend of mine used to be an admin for that group until she left because there was this person who posted a picture of another avatar without their consent that asking people on the group where the skin, head and shape is from. She annoys me with her fake congrats but really just want to know where to get your stuff from so she can post it on her facebook group page. She will literally get offended when you tell her that the shape is not for sale or if it’s a personal shape you use. She expects you to sell the shape. Another annoying person on that group is Maria Hart. Posting a snap shot of her trying on different skins when no one asked her to. No one fucking cares.
In response to number 11. I think most genital attachments have a hide/invisible feature. At least the two I’ve used do. Please don’t take this wrong. I’m not being sarcastic but helpful in case you didn’t know 🙂
Happy Father’s Day!
Yes, this. Knickers are YOUR responsibility, #11. It is hardly the designer’s fault if you are too skanky to wear them.
(Personally I just alpha out everything, because cammers and derendering exist, but since you are cool with posting your virtual foof on the internet that would probably be overkill for you.)
Calling out designers because of this is such a tenuous argument. Wear your own damn panties, LOL.
Ugh #8 next time make the text more readable. I had to zoom in on that and I regret it so much. Seriously wtf is wrong with people to think that stuff is ok.
8# You’re disgusting and need reporting, also most of these are unreadable.
She has been reported. She has so many child alts and usually plays a 9 year old. Nothing but a pedo
I would be very surprised if the person behind that av was actually female, tbh.
8 – WTF !!??
SL just needs to do away with child avatars period. If you don’t want to play an adult then be a pet, unicorn, or elf. There is already so much pedo activity on the game involving kids, and its only a matter of time before it gets Sl shut down.
Don’t get me started on the baby talk… real kids mess up words and can have funny ways of talking but if you’re a child avi older than 2, yew shuldn’t tawk wike dis, eben Ewmo habs betta tawkings dan dat.
SL has already been exposed for the pedo shit that goes on. They tried to take care of it as best they could. They can’t be watching everyone to make sure we’re behaving. Most of us here are adults and know right from wrong. If I see that shit I report them. I personally don’t care for child avi’s, but that’s just the baby talk mostly. Not all are doing that thankfully!
That’s like saying “We need to ban all male avatars because of Daddy Doms. IF you don’t want to be a female, be a pet, unicorn, or elf. There’s just too much rape and babygirl ageplay activity in the game involving men and it’s only a matter of time before SL gets shut down”.
Or how about we ban all animal avatars because some sick fucks play animals to fuck them and bestiality is pretty illegal in most states in the US. Or maybe we should ban all female avatars and stop all the sexual perversion in SL completely – no more size JJJ boobs, slavery, rape sims, cannibal sims, animal fucking sims, etc etc. We’ll all be clouds. No more anything illegal or evil anything. Happy little clouds.
Look, Anon, the kid community thinks #8 is sick too. We report people like her all the time because all we want to do is enjoy roleplaying a child with zero sexuality involved. That’s the majority – people who want to be a child either full time or on an alt to relive their childhoods, be in a family, work through issues like child abuse, get away from sex, have the childhood that was taken from us, or all the above. We don’t protect people like her. We want them gone from SL as bad as you do. LL is lax in taking care of that because LL has stopped caring about SL like it used to. It takes forever to get these people banned. SL isn’t going to get “shut down” for that unless it goes big time unchecked. I’d be more worried about SL getting shut down for no longer being a cash cow for LL.
There’s no mincing words on intentions of that person. Fucking hell. Disgusting.