Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 451.
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 153 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 451.
I love you and your nose and you don’t even know me. Your bleeding heart is a bonus. Don’t listen to those cows.
I’m surprised Corina of Cosmpolitan isn’t on here more often. Until recently, she didn’t even ever open rent. She used to IM friends and tp them to pay for their booths and never opened up to the rest of her designers, but she still booted for lack of participation. Other designers could tp to the booth rental skybox to see the dwindling number of booths and the ones she locked and reserved for friends, unable to participate without begging for a spot in an event they’d already been accepted to. After calling bloggers worthless and wanting to fire them all on a whim, she lost some support and has slowly had to start changing.
To whomever wrote that secret about living me please come out and just admit who you are because I would definitely like to have a serious talk with you
Love fml autocorrect
Doesn’t tell the arcade charge like 50k to the designers who are sponsoring the event for that round?
I agree with 25, Those hands are annoying !
The problem to me is once you don’t have positive opinion about new Arcade concept you are not even able to share it here. It gets automatically censored.
Very sad that you allow that Lourdes and Kesseret.
You are subjected to censorship here no matter what your opinion about anything is.
Same for any privately owned site.
The comments on here are more entertaining then the secrets themselves.
I kind of wish we had more of this concern about fair pricing in our first lives. After all, an EpiPen two-pack costs $8 to make and sells for over $700. However, people who would never challenge the price of the things they buy in their first lives seem to have these wonderfully socialist values in Second Life. Personally, I would rather pay less for an EpiPen than worry about the cost of an event.
Of course, the answer to whether the 5% fee is too much or not will be evident in two months when the next Arcade opens. Will they have a full round of creators ready to sell their sets of items or will creators decide they would rather sell at some other event? My guess is the former, that there will be little difficulty in finding over 100 creators eager to sell at one of the more effectively promoted and successful events in SL.
I am sad to see the conflict between MadPea and The Arcade, both are organizations that bring creativity and fun to our world. Both are real assets to our community. I hope that the excellent contributions of both are not lost in this needless rancor.
I do wish, though, that all of us would respect that when people earn their living through Second Life, they deserve to make a decent living. That when people prosper, that means they will continue to contribute to the community. I want our designers to make lots of money. I want our events to make lots of money. I want Linden Lab to make lots of money. I want the stores I like, the events I enjoy, and this wonderful world I love to be around for a long time.
@Arcade: I was convinced most events take off some earnings? I absolutely do not know what is the work division in Arcade but most of recent events depend on Flickr, Plurk, Event Update Blogs and possibly FB (yeah, not on it), Twitter and Tumblr. Add sim fees (depending on what sort of a server it is but I assume it would take about 200 pounds per month from one owner). Then … add adverts, making press releases, live support, artist and managment liasons and just about anything that would be akin to running a graphics portal which responds to major brands. Yes, was an event manager and done fashion shows from 2006 to 2009 – nope, not in such area any longer but done most of above as it was what I fancied and it applied to my RL portfolio (yep, it did the job). I know the market has changed massively but one thing bugs me: It is a gacha event – fail both customers and designers and sure I get few events in this area whilst major ones would not accept such submissions nor shops would concentrate on those but yeah … it is a scam. Some people like those and each to their own but it is individuals selling stuff which is useless with higher prices (no-copy is a killer to me as objects tend to vanish often). I do not blame people needing money as hell, we all done stupid things and if there is a crowd to buy into such delusion – whelp, sellers win. However, point is that most events charge to cover costs – could be group subscription and space rental or fees. Imagine a virtually unknown niche shop at an event – they still get collective promotion and people wandering about and… Read more »
#10 How is this a secret…? You just screenshotted something she said and called her a bunch of names.
I used to work for Arcade until I left after all the drama that was happening within the team. While you may think they act all professional, it’s just a facade. I don’t know Kiana, but I know for a fact she’s on their blacklist, together with brands like Apple Fall and a few others. If anyone upsets Pizza for any reason, they’re gone from all her and Emery’s events. At the same time they have different rules for others that kiss their asses like Bueno, who got away with a stolen hamster. What happened with Kiana is that she started a deco subscription box before Pizza did and she got pissed. They tried to bully her to stop it and I guess that didn’t work. Katharine I feel sorry for, she doesn’t have much say on this, she’s just being used for her partnership with a former Linden to get their islands for free. Emery is Pizza’s bitch and the meanest of them all. He laughs at his customers who buy his “half assed crap” he makes for Arcade. Now, about the money. They have a deal with Linden Labs and their islands are free for them for providing a “quality event” for Second Lifers. All the money they earn goes directly to their pockets, mainly Pizzas. I guess she got way greedy to make this stupid rule. Most of the current staff don’t agree with it, but they’re too intimidated to say anything. There are 102 machines at the Arcade. It’s safe to say there are over 30 brands making over one million per round. So let’s say another 30 make over 500k and 20 300k and 20 100k. I’m sure the numbers are higher but that’s already with their 5% policy 30 x 50 000L = 1,5… Read more »
Guys, do not forget that Arcade is dependent on designers. No good conditions = no content. As simple as it sounds.
Can you imagine what Arcade would be without good designers? especially without designers who put really long time into their work and bring always something mindblowing? I can’t .
Events do well without good designers. Look at Cosmopolitan Salesroom.
To the owner of that event: Don’t bother to send me another note card ranting like a mad woman, I blocked you in world :p
Let’s not forget the early event passes they sell for people to get in a day early and Virtual shop.
If people are willing to pay it, how’s that a problem?
Nobody is getting an island for free.
Pull the other one, sis. It’s got bells on.
True story bro!! I know for sure not even having intimate knowledge of the people running the arcade that at least 3 statements you made are untrue.
Need to work on that pot stirring FU
Who do I talk to about a problem.
#26 HOW DARE YOU! The arcade people are very hardworking DECENT people. THIS makes me so mad! They are not just lazy, fat, greedy losers, hiding behind a screen. I know them they always treat everybody fairly and kind. THIS is too LOW!
Nice try… your past comments as “a designer” show a different side of you. Did the SL jungle drums (wtf does that mean, who doesn’t use the term ‘grapevine’) tell you to switch gears and pretend to be a different commenter?
17 – excuse me, you are comparing incomparable
these websites / companies and take % because they offer a service.. like printing of merchandise, or they offer a platform and support where are apps sold ( I do not know where else you like to sell apps than Google play or appstore)
comparing this with sl events is such bullshit m8
#24 Was my comment not published cause I used the N word? I’m sorry.. Whoever keeps on doing the Toxx secrets.. I love you.. she’s a liar, a thief, a bully and deserves everything that comes at her.
Hmm I don’t know why or I don’t remember. The other comment you made isn’t getting approved until you resolve your identity crisis. Pick one name and one email.
yep! yew a smart lil cookie!
Toxxic your sim seems to be closed still. Trying to hide the copybotted Lisp stuff?
as in Jaysee Neitzen?
I deleted the C by accident and didn’t notice it right away.. I apologize. All further messages will be J.C.
how can you not love arcade??
it is the best event in sl ever!!! , they do deserve to get paid! :C
clap your hands if you feel irony
I’ll give arcade the 5% (3.75 Linden’s on a 75L per play. 100 plays = 7,500 Linden’s -375 5% fee = 7,125 Linden’s earned) just to be in that event. I think it’s more then fair. Obviously people can’t do math these days.
#10 – y’all are just jealous. You nit pick over her making a comment over a giraffe? You obviously have nothing else better to do then just look pretty with your choices.in what to pick at her for by now. Lol
i’d like to say thank you for the publicity you gave me.. and i’d like to thank you for being my fan and following me lol. yes i am an former porn star.. you mad ? yes each of my pics get over 200 faves.. you mad ? Yes i have one at almost 600 and 2 at 500 and several at over 400.. you mad ? By you doing this you got me more followers so thank you so much! i loved it!!
btw… envy doesn’t look good on you.
still laughing …
Who thinks this Envy needs to get a life and stop living her fat ass on SL 24/7!!
being a porn star on second life is hahaha nothing but old ass people trying to look cool no one cares hahaha don’t croak as your laughing old ass
I, for the record, don’t understand why people think being a ‘porn star’ is a bad thing. It’s a job. And it’s hard work. Keep on keeping on.
In real life, the people who coordinate events are paid to do so. There are college majors for event planning, it’s a massive industry. If you’ve had a wedding, you might have hired one yourself. In real life, no one tells an event planner putting together an expo that people are selling stuff at that they’re profiting off the work of others, because those people wouldn’t have the opportunity they do if it weren’t for the planners. In SL, planners don’t get paid for most things. They spend hours of their time setting it up, coordinating, dealing with divas and flakes, taking the heat from both creators and consumers if something goes wrong, and they’re lucky if they’re compensated beyond being able to pay tier. They spend massive amounts of time and effort to create something beautiful for you to enjoy, something other people get to profit off of, and they get zilch in return. No one gets rich off of event planning in SL. You think they’re just setting up a sim and telling people where to drop their shit? You’re blind. These people do so much to make events go off without a hitch. This is why I fully support Arcade’s decision to take 5% of what creators make at their event. These wonderful people who do so much deserve to be compensated for their work, just like event planners IRL. You say they’re profiting off the work of others? Those creators wouldn’t get a chance to make a fraction of that money if it weren’t for the work of the people behind the scenes. They need to pay their dues to the forces which enable them to make a million L. 5% is barely anything. Would you think a store giving you 5% off a purchase was… Read more »
Event planning happens on a set fee, or percent of registrations, not of the sales that happen at the event. And I’ve never seen anyone say that event planners shouldn’t get paid. Quite the contrary. They absolutely should. I feel as though the amount they make should be based on set entry fees (even if they’re higher) rather than as a percentage of sales, because changing the paradigm now seems like a cash grab. I suspect that if even the smallest sales estimates are correct, event creators could make as much or more than a single creator selling on the high end. They aren’t getting profits off of only one machine, but many. And that many adds up to a lot. I imagine as a consumer we’re going to see that passed to us because creators have an idea of the amount it takes to make the event successful for them, and they’ll need to cover the loss.
The sky isn’t falling, and event planning doesn’t only happen on a set fee. There are even events in reality that charge a participation fee as well as take a 15% or other cut of total sales made. Gasp. This is normal. It’s okay to disagree with the business model but it doesn’t mean what they’re doing is wrong or uncommon. Thankfully it has nothing to do with you, so you can enjoy the rest of your week.
Really is that it? That’s something lie 80-90% of people on SL do and you make a dumb secret about it
@ #20
You’ve got something on your face there..don’t worry, jealousy wipes right off. Funny how you talk about people following her for no good reason..but your dumb ass didn’t bother to clip off the part that shows that YOU are one of her followers. Get a clue..and some meds.
Does your RL wife know you follow your partner Curtis? Hmmmm lol
Yep, never in the entirety of recorded history have 3 adults lived in the same home without being ‘Hillbillies’. Maybe if your IQ was bigger than your shoe size you might have a clue..but I doubt even that would help you.
Please, keep failing at being a troll. It seems to be the only thing you’re good at…that and being a coward. IM me in world..you’ve got my name..but are too much of a pussy to admit who you are. So easy to be a raging douchebag when you’re too scared to admit who you are..right?
They all live together? Sound like a bunch of Hillbillies to me. Do you happen to live in Kentucky? Maybe we can all set up a gofundme for the 3 of you senior citizens for some new dentures
lol my RL wife and Envy are friends..and she is fully aware of everything to do with Envy and I. You act like I’m the only person with an RL relationship and a SL partner. Read my profile..you all are morons. Keep up the bad work.
I don’t hide, I don’t lie and you all really need better hobbies.
My RL wife and I *live* with Envy iRL..that’s right.. I have the best of both worlds..and it would be rather hard to keep anything hidden at that point, wouldn’t it?
Why don’t you go pay attention to your RL wife Curtis not your SL whore?
#20 looks like a 2010 avatar lol
Hey Jackass, as if Envy Watts is your Real name ?!! another delusional woman living life as her avatar lol
LOL you can’t post it with your name ? why do you hide ? feel big and bad saying it behind an anonymous name ?
The Bitches are FANS!!! hahahahahaha!
I’m just going to throw this out there – I trust large animal veterinarians and keepers trained specifically to deal with pregnant zoo animals more than some rando on FB. Zoos are crucial to conservation, and it’s in the best interests of the humans around April to keep her (and her little one) healthy.
I’m sure there will be spring sunshine and tree leaves for them both soon.
I don’t give a shit about the sex secrets, and don’t know any of the shops in the shops secrets this week. So. . .
Had to downvote for the usual statistics of ‘not all zoos’!
Yep, zoos in some areas are indeed a reservoir that is preserving species and their habitats. There is also no way to fix the dent zoos made in environment and it would be harmful. Buuuuut your sarcasm fails on another level: zoos used to be an employer for visibly disabled people same as circuses.
Also the benefitial zoos are … very few. Germany, some USA parts, New Zealand, Australia and maybe southern African countries have such? Most of central Europe had horrid conditions and my hometown was the landing zone for both zoos and circuses in Eastern Poland. Along with old school asylum which still exists and treats gay people and addicts (nope – not best addiction teraphy).
I know, it is a picky and stupidly anal comment on a sarcastic joke but it does not work everywhere.
@ #22
fkin get it girl. Mind your own business you slut shaming pos. If people want to ho let them ho, its none of your fucking concern. Its amazing how fucking prudish people on SL are. Its not hurting you.
Shut up heffer
you misunderstand, that secret is about ME
you’re right, I apologize. Either way, hey, good on you. Its important to fulfill desires 😉
#09 – Report that person to Skype and Lindens. Unless this person is black and meant it in a context of ‘I hate fellow black people who do not send logos’. If not – it moves to slander area and breach of both company’s ToS. Not that their temper tantrum is not wtf just if it is hate speech – it is not material meant only for secrets.
(Same as L’Etre case so technically good if it went to court but it depends if the accusing side is going to base it on bullying or proving he done his own things. If the bullying is one of him and not based on him taking others’ work then it might be in his favour but I did not see people being vile just for the sake of it so hopefully it will he on copyrights)
Not certain if 09 is not an edit as an event owner would probably know better.
Just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a Happy Easter.. or Holiday.
I know there is a lot of stress on this site.. so I think it is important for everyone to take a moment, and remember, we are all just humans on the other side of a monitor and keyboard.
Try to be thankful your alive, and maybe take a break once in a while.
Hugs to Lourdes & Kesseret .. No matter what people say, I have known both to be both kind, and cruel depending on the situation, just like anyone in life… they are humans too..
And sending out warm feelings to everyone else.
Whoever made #4
You don’t know what you are talking about.You are missinformed and lied to and I’m sorry,truly for you.
But if it comforts you,you can have Bob,I choose my real kids.
Shame on you Bob that this has happened. It’s saying a lot about you.
Happy Easter everyone.
> you don’t see the owners of the Arcade taking it to social media
Nope. They unleash their army of sock puppets and sycophants on SL Secrets, where they can post anonymously.
If the organizers of the Arcade can get their 5%, or whatever, good for them. I hope they prosper. Events like the Arcade make SL a better place. If they put as much energy into running their event as they do into flipping their shit over a mildly shady comment on Facebook that didn’t even name them or their event, they deserve it.
(Full disclosure: I work for MadPea. Fuller disclosure: I think the people on SL Secrets are the worst people in SL.)
Gaius Tripsa, you’re just as much a bad seed as the person you follow 🙁 Sad.
It really is no wonder Madpea didn’t get an invite and even more that they will never see an invite to some of the highest profiting events in SL. You are down right delusional if you can justify how vile Kiana is.
Attack* for clarification
You were triggered because I was open about working for MadPea, and you lunged for the Reply button.
I see. Your concern for the people who work at MadPea—you called it “slavery” in another comment—ends when you actually meet one.
You came here as a full disclosure you work for MadPea and took the opportunity to attempt an attach on the owners of Arcade.
It was implied, but possibly the little girl in pig tails just led me to that conclusion. If your intention wasn’t to stand up for Kiana then my bad. I wouldn’t want to say I was either.
I don’t think anyone is actually surprised that you’re baffled by the term bad seed.
Considering you’re here to defend Kiana, I’m surprised you had two brain cells to rub together to write a coherent thought. Congrats on that at least. 🙂
I haven’t mentioned Kiana. You seem to be having an imaginary conversation with somebody else. Possibly a little blonde girl with pigtails.
Thank you, anonymous troll. I am moved by your sadness on my behalf, although slightly baffled by your term “bad seed”.
Why would they bother taking it to Facebook anyway, they don’t care, they’ll be getting all their money regardless.
But fuck them all anyway.
Oh reminder!! All comments from Tor servers and proxys get trashed. Why? We had a crazy that was doxing because she found out she was a side piece.
So if you got around the filter and your comment got deleted or you don’t see your comment, that is probably why. Easy enough to fix.
#24 ^ as you can see poster, I really am not as important as YOU think I am. I’m sorry that your meme didn’t catch fire like you had probably hoped for. While yes, I see what you are attempting to do, only problem is … no one cares about me, as much as YOU do. So Happy Easter and don’t forget to take your meds ♥
Kinda curious how you ended up with Lisp’s stuff full perm and with you as a creator. Care to share on that?
She’s to busy trying to promote her new subscription box of templates she’s using. Ugh seriously lame!
She’s not going to respond to that because she knows WHY the mesh had her as the creator of Lisp’s item. Oddly enough, you can no longer teleport to her sim either to check the mesh in question. Apparently the secret got to her badly enough. Even David Cooper responds when he’s called out for being a thief. I don’t know what this girl is thinkin.
Because showing empathy towards a living creature is bad? Empathy – studies have shown – is a key factor that differentiates more intelligent animals from less intelligent ones.
You seem to lack empathy. So, although saying that you have a brain is correct, implying that you are intelligent… isn’t.
Designers have focused on the 5% cut and ignored the 95% retained. I’d happily pay L$100,000 if I were earning L$2M in an event. That equals out to a fee of $395 for a profit of over 7 grand.
But Arcade’s greedy? ‘kay.
What justifies them getting that money? Alls they’re doing is paying for the sim and the advertising. What special advertisement are they doing? Seraphim is free unless you pay for extra stuff which is 10-20k for the entire time it’s run. The scrips are made and need no specific work done to them every round. Th y have been using thbroken same machines for a year. The venue is the same. I’m trying to figure out how they deserve that much money for that? Multiply that 400$ by the 20-30 designers who are making that kind of money… that’s $12,000. They have two sims and a homestead. Rent for those would MAX cost. The sims cost about $720 a month. Arcade is every three months. That’s around $2200. Why do they need an extra $10,000? They are in no way shape or form doing anything above and beyond as an event to warrant that kind of income. If you’re paying for a name, that’s a steep price to pay. The designers making $7,000 deserve to keep their money. They’re making the meshes, rigging, texturing, scripting, etc. That’s hours and hours, days even weeks of work put in. Being in the arcade doesn’t mean you’re going to make great money. Stores making that kind of money are NOT making it because of the arcade, they are making it because of the hard work they put into not only their individual gacha, but the hard work, time and energy spent building their brands to become popular. That same gacha being sold by a new brand would NOT profit that kind of income even at the arcade. The arcade moderators do not deserve a cut of anyone’s profits. They didn’t build their brands, they didn’t make their items, and they’re not doing anything… Read more »
For the record -“The arcade moderators do not deserve a cut of anyone’s profits.”
I have been a moderator for The Arcade Event now for a few years and I can say for a fact we do not get paid a single linden and I never have. I think you meant the ‘owners’ not moderators? I just wanted to clarify that part of your rant. Also, just to be clear the vast majority of designers in The Arcade do not make thousands of dollars either. Maybe you meant lindens.
@For the record: If you can do it better, for less, then quit being such a whiny bitch and just make your own amazing event that kicks the shit out of Arcade.
What they’re bringing to the table… The biggest event in SL. Period. The Arcade is a brand no different than those who participate in the event. They have a right to profit off what they’ve created and what they’ve proposed this round is a standard business model. No different than what’s seen in real life. People on SL seem to think event organizers shoudldn’t make money off the service they provide and that is backwards thinking. No one thinks this way irl. I hope Arcade sets a standard with this change and other events see, they don’t have to apologize for making money off their time, energy and vision.
Still delusional and wrong even when you cut your theory in half, babe.
Let’s say even half that. That’s still THOSANDS of dollars that are profited for minimal work.
In layman’s terms I’m trying to say the #26 secret is about you.
If you think 20-40 designers come close to making 2 million you’re out of your mind. Which you are, because most of what you said was incorrect.
The malls in America have rental fees for spaces. They aren’t asking for a cut of whatever the stores make in sales while renting space. Arcade, like all other events, is a mall. They offer space so that creators can sell things.
Yes, this turned out to be a great event that makes creators a good chunk of money that they don’t get in other events. The organizers deserve to be paid for their efforts. They don’t deserve to take as much as this 5% that sounds so small, but is a lot more than creators have paid in the past (even small creators). Raising the flat participation fee wouldn’t have bothered anyone. Taking a cut means creators take a hit to their income, and some folks rely on this one event to live on for the months in between.
For all the folks like, “I’d gladly take their place!” Here’s a cluepon: you either know someone, kiss someone’s ass, or both to get in. The lineup doesn’t change readily, and the organizers have favorites. So really, your chances of getting all this glorious money you would happily lose 5% of is low anyway.
I want to buy from the creators who spent their time perfecting quality product, and I’m happy to pay them for their efforts (happier when they exchange for copy versions, but that’s another post).
It’s not greedy to want to be paid to create product people want. It’s greedy to take money from the content creators that actually are the reason people visit, just because your event has become wildly popular. I’d guess the Mall of America didn’t up their rent when customers did what customers do: shop.
Yes, they provide the venue and scripts in the machines. Their process was truly the most streamlined I’d seen at an event. (Yes, I was in Arcade, and I understand both sides of the coin. I also know that my own items didn’t make the cut after the second round, which I completely understand. I’ve no bone whatsoever to pick with Arcade. Inb4) Their staff checks every machine’s content and designers can’t set up unless their sets are complete. They answer questions for those new to the event, add they make sure that names are on all the machine platforms. They maintain the web site with all the images and details that creators provide about what they’ve made for the round. They coordinate coverage by advertising sites. They curate the collection of vendors who will participate.
And so does any other good event coordinator. So if they want to be paid, I haven’t seen a single person say they aren’t entitled to payment. HOW and what they get paid is up for debate. And every creator invited to participate will get the chance to decide what they are willing to pay to (be) played.
As a consumer and creator (in that order for this topic), I’m watching and talking because it’s interesting to me. It’s a big deal and I’m interested to see what happens. I’m a little surprised that creators aren’t pushing back anonymously, but that might mean they’re okay with the change, or don’t want to lose their place speaking out, or aren’t doing their talking outside of their own circles. Regardless, it’s interesting. I haven’t seen creators who are in the event saying they support the change, either.
But the Arcade is not a mall. Malls exist in SL and work exactly as you said. The Arcade is an event. Someone is providing space, scripts, marketing and promotion so that you all can make more money then just your items sitting in a mall.
It’s really sad the way you all marginalize the work that goes into a successful event that makes you all money. The more successful the event the more money you make. Someone else worked to make sure your store and products got increased exposure benefiting you. But you deserve to make all the money and just want to pay the event organizers a rental fee? Like all they did was mark off a plot for you.
For what i know, the Arcade is one of the easiest events to setup for, the staff is always there to help with any issue you might have, they also provide their; yes, carefully selected, creators with a vendor system created and maintained by them during the event, preventing store owners to use their different selling scripts to assure that neither the costumer will miss their item or the creator will miss on a sale because the vendor system couldn’t handle the demand, as we see happening in most SL big events who don’t. So yes, the Arcade does provide way more than most events do. Helping setup and maintaining a vendor system alone, taking that off the hands of the creators is by itself almost a brand manager work for that event, hell i don’t even know brand managers who do that much. So can we just end this discussion with the fact that NO CREATIONS WILL BE THERE BY FORCE, all designers are there because they want to, and because they earned the right to be there. And for the ones saying that only people who kiss ass or are friends with the owners get in. Please. First of, if YOU had a successful event and dear friends who had good brands, wouldn’t you have included them when you started your event? Everyone is biased and like to help people who are dear to them, again, BAM, how dare them put who they want in their events, but you really think that this is more than, what? 5….10% of the lineup? No darling, 90% of the brands there are there because the event owners believe they make the event interesting, and make the event look good, are they super picky when it comes to non-friends? Yes. But then… Read more »
Initially, yes, there’s work involved. There still is work involved in setting up and running the Arcade. And they should be able to get paid for that. My point is that they DO get paid for that. And if they aren’t making enough, then raise the buy-in rate.
Nothing that Arcade does incrementally increases sales profits, and what gets done by their staff is less than at the beginning because it’s already a thing. Do they deserve THAT MUCH for what every other grid event does?
Yeah i do not think the issue is rather the Arcade asks for 5% of the profit now or not. Although I agree wth Lourdes, that you always have the option to just NOT JOIN IT if you have a problem with it, and that if the designers sales are so much better at certain event, why think that the people who made that brand and system and collected all that following so the event was as successful and known as it is have a piece of the pie, I dont see anyone complaining about people who work with sales in the real world making most of their money depending on how much they sell, or how attractive they can make a product? But again, the entitlement in Second Life… Is all me me me me me. The Arcade is the kind of event that will make a brand known throughout ALL SL after being there once, if up to your brand to leave a lasting and good impression to keep the money flowing, even if you have to sit out one or 2 rounds of it. The thing here is THIS person complaining, first of, she has been kicked out of the event before this, so this shouldnt affect her at all, but instead of focusing on making her lame events (that she became addicted to after having a taste of being in a event like the Arcade feels like) a bit better she is unable to help herself and resorts to this kind of behaviour. I will never forget the first things the Arcade allowed that brand to put in there, stupid tiny trees, where the rare had NOTHING special about it. Overall BAD MESH on and on, every single round…and that event MADE MadPea a selling store,… Read more »
Why all the bashing of madpea? You guys bash success like you are all jealous and the meme images have terrible grammar and spelling.
Here’s the thing about Kiana Writer/Mari Mitchell/whatever she wants to call herself. She thinks she is important when in fact she is nothing without the people who work for Mad Pea. What she doesn’t realize is what she says not only can impact her bottom line, but those who work for Mad Pea as well. She’s immature, short-sighted, and frankly self righteous and selfish. What she can’t seem to grasp is the concept that her posting on facebook makes HER and Mad Pea look bad, bitter, and petty. Sure, being kicked out without so much as a reason beyond hearsay and a legal letter must suck, but you don’t see the owners of the Arcade taking it to social media. They play smart and behind the scenes. Call them “catty girls” all you like, at least they know how to conduct business without looking like butt hurt children. Kiana cries about no longer being in Arcade but in reality, it hurts Arcade’s pockets far less than they do Mad Pea’s. Claiming that “so many people” no longer go to Arcade because Mad Pea isn’t a part of it anymore is most likely an attempt to blow smoke up the asses of Arcade who honestly seem to not give a fuck about Mad Pea in the least. Can we really blame them? Kiana managed to piss off the largest event owners in SL. Pretty sure we all know who’s actually hurt over the removal of Mad Pea from Arcade. Sometimes it pays to play nice Kiana, both in RL and SL. Maybe some day you’ll learn this fact once you’re done acting like a 20 year old with no business sense. All of this information comes from one status all because Kiana can not keep her mouth shut long enough to… Read more »
Amen. Haha is like i cold have written this, but I was writing my comment at the same time. And this makes me remember that when she said, ‘she’, but lets talk properly here, MADPEA (as she hardly does anything for the selling part of it) has always been the top 10 arcade sets. Lmfao Kiana. First all, we all have seen the sets you have out out, and your competition, so i could already rest my case here, but…. Have this been the case, wouldn’t the Arcade be dying to have you back now, that they work with %? Still you haven’t gotten an invite, and only the properly good and profitable brands did.
Is business, get over it. God real life must be tough on you.
Knowingly – Thank you for finally showing a little insight in to what Kiana runs.
Mad Pea is slavery half the time and everyone above the glitter unicorn mods in fantasy land are too scared to say anything about it. All of their creators and their greatest minds would do far better pursuing their own ventures, whether it be a store or freelance work for other creators, instead of working for a tyrant who keeps a cut of their well earned income.
Mad Pea itself produces amazing games thanks to the people within Mad Pea. I don’t think anyone should try to take away from that. The problem is Kiana on her incredibly high horse who would be nothing without the people mentioned above. But sadly, if the Captain sucks, either throw them over board or watch the ship sink.
1. Past creators; easy enough to check. Go to the Mad Pea sim and check creator names, contact them. Find out if they were paid properly for their content. Many of them are too scared to comment because of the lies and rumors spread about them after they were ‘Sadly let go’. But I think you will find that with past content, more creators are no longer affiliated with Mad Pea than are. Even people who voluntarily quit, Kiana claims she had to ‘sadly let them go’.
2. Weekly report; It is stipulated in the ‘Contract of Employment’ see
So sorry your lies don’t work. My facts are dead on and you know it.
Website won’t let me reply to the correct comment, but this is for Knowingly who seems to know nothing. There is no tattle tale weekly report, we have meetings several times a week where we discuss projects and collaborate with one and other as a team. We are all compensated in different ways depending on what our position and responsibilities are and I have never once felt shorted or used. If you had been paying attention the last two games featured prizes made by MadPea and no other designer, they also had zero sim hopping to anyone’s land outside of the land MadPea owns. When they do have games that require outside vendors, the list of applicants is usually very long (I’m talking 100+). The Easter Hunt has been an enormous success and has allowed sim owners to get traffic and boost sales. The food fair numbers were posted on a board in live time and if you aren’t sure if the charity got all the money you can contact Feed a Smile themselves. Regardless of what you may think, Kiana has offered many people the opportunity to create and grow as artists, writers, scripters and event coordinators. All it takes is an hour in group chat to see the kind of friendship, respect and love the staff have for their members and one and other. I’m sorry you were unhappy with your employment but your facts are way off. As for everyone else piling on the “MadPea sucks” train, I invite you to try one of our games, join our group, spend some time on our sims. We have a lot to offer. If you are unhappy with Kiana’s opinions that is your right, but I’d hate to see you miss out on all the great things we do… Read more »
Kianna/Mari is the biggest thief in SL. She hires creators on a one month trail for 5000L a week, promising them an equal percent of the net income once the trial is over. Of course the creators want to prove their worth and fall over themselves to comply with her requests (demands) for multiple complex items. Then she often sadly has to ‘let the creator go’ before the event starts and keeps the items to sell without having to split a percent with them during and after the event. As for the percent of the net. Nobody ever is told what the net profits are. People are paid in secret and told not to tell the other Peas how much (or little) they are making. For games, she cleverly gets creators to make items (prizes) for free, as well as donate their land for game participation. (I must say, her games are fun, and participating in this way is the creators’ prerogative. It is also good for publicity for the creators) She then charges steadily increasing participation fees for people to play the game. None of the proceeds go to the creators. As for any people she has to ‘sadly let go’ she will badmouth them and tell lies about them in order to discredit them if they ever break her NDA and let people know how they were ripped off. There is always MUCH DRAMA surrounding ‘letting someone go’. She keeps her ‘Peas’ isolated from each other as much as possible, there is even a section in the ‘Weekly Report’ where they can tell on people and if they are ‘having issues with someone’ She is the queen of malicious drama. Filling that in, results in a shitstorm. I shouldn’t even mention the fundraisers she does and never shows… Read more »
Is number 4 about Mya and Bob? Because if so, Bob looks like an idiot every time he takes this crazy bitch back, he needs to move on already and realise she doesn’t care about him, it’s embarrassing at this point.
Quit it Bob.I know its you…
A relationship on a GAME? Bahahaha!! Do their RL spouses know? LMAO!
End of the day, not a single person knows whats truly going on except Mya and Bob. And for this secret to be made, not only shows the low integrity of a person, but also displays how little goes on in their lives that they feel the need to talk shit about someone elses.
Not a single person has a right to comment on someone’s relationship aside from the people involved.
I was framed to look like the person who made this post and to that I can only say wow..
To whomever ACTUALLY made this… I’m sorry that you feel so insecure that you need to try to ruin someones friendship.
Bob and I have only ever just been friends and I’m sad to see that someone doesn’t agree with that and did such a malicious thing.
I’ve never used this site and I think the entire concept of this website just to stir up drama is disgusting.. but I’m commenting just to say this. To the creator, feel free to message me in world since you clearly know who I am.
Who Bob is with is none of my business, nor anyone elses. If he decides to get back together with Mya because he truly loves her, who is anyone else to say different? I don’t know Mya nor do I know details I only know that someone is clearly incredibly jealous.
I wish Bob and Mya both happiness.
P.S. Original OP: You spelled dropped wrong.
^ Case and point – c r a z y.
The people I see complaining about the 5% profit thing with arcade are clearly not designers. Let me break this down for you. Arcade used to have a set event fee that would be paid before the event. Regular stores paid one fee and sponsors paid a higher fee. Now, they take a percentage of what you make. This is good and bad. It’s good for the designers who aren’t making the same kind of money at arcade anymore, but it’s bad for designers who ARE making a lot of money at the arcade now. Think about that. If a designer makes 100k, then they are paying the regular 5k… but designers who are making 500k are now paying 25k. This is more common than not. There are more designers making anywhere from 500k-2million lindens off arcade, than the ones making less. That means majority of the designers are paying upwards of 100$ to be in this event. That’s 100$ taken out of their profits. More than that most of the time. This is why designers are mad. This is why they’re pissed. Stop trying to make them the bad guys for being upset about this because it is something to be upset about for a lot of them.
Actually I’m a designer who is part of these “big” events and I still think Kiana/Mari is out of line. She’s mad because she was kicked out of the Arcade literally months ago and complained not once but twice, only this time it’s over something that doesn’t even concern her since she was kicked out what back in like November.
That being said, I also have no issue with the 5%. The people complaining are probably not even in the arcade and just need to feel relevant in some way by bitching. If it doesn’t affect you, move along, people. This is why everyone is laughing at Mari right now. Don’t stoop to her level.
@for the record, God, you make SL creators look bad and greedy… I really hope i have never spent a cent in whatever store it is you own, although I am pretty sure I know which is, based by the only store owner agreeing with Kiana on her post and showing to be just as petty as she… And in that case, yup, im safe.
It’s undeniable that The Arcade staff has been trying to find a way to exploit the event for more profits (for themselves). Selling VIP passes, or selling name spots on a wall in the venue, they have been doing things like this for awhile and this is their next step. Designers hadn’t complained before because it didn’t concern them and they might be holding their tongues now because they are skeptic about losing Arcade’s income, but after the next round with the new measures when they see the amount of money that has been taken from them, it will surely weight heavily on their thinking of this whole situation. I have great admiration for the staff of that event as they have managed to maintain successful events throughout the years but this new measure is simply and plain greed. At the end of the round, they will probably be making more money than the most selling designer at the event. Some might defend that it is well deserved and some will believe that this is absurd, I think it is absurd.
I don’t know who Kiana is, nor am I a designer. I am a consumer who can use a calculator and realize that paying upwards of 400$ for what you get from Arcade (I have designer friends) is not worth it. Epiphany is a much more highly successful event and they are not asking for a percentage of profits. Gacha events in general are not as popular as they used to be. Consumers are more willing to go to a dozen yard sales and find what they need than actually play a machine. Good for them, bad for designers. Of course Arcade is popular, no moron who of deny that. But the popularity of the event simply does not justify the moderators to take a profit from the designers. Raising the fee would have been perfectly fine. Taking profit is an entirely different thing. My apology with an employee does make sense. Your work place contributes to you making money. If the owner of your job does nothing to grow the business and starts saying ‘hey we’re going to cut your hard earned wages because we want to expand but can’t afford it because we are not doing anything’, then you have a right to be upset. The designers have a right to be upset.
They could always just.. not be in the event if it bothers them so much.. if they’re making 500 to 2 million lindens they’re still making a killing paying 5%.
I think the main reason gacha sales are going down is that people are tired of no copy objects disappearing.
And ofc the annoyance of not knowing how many times you have to play a machine for a dacha that you can’t hunt down anywhere. So much more convenient to buy things the old way, copy, mod and all with proper customer service. No lag at mainstores either : )
Also, so many other than creators made their money from gacha, with again made the profits go down for the designers. Plus so many copybotters had/have a ball with gachas.
I’m sure we won’t wait long to see creator-run events that will be much more benefitting for designers and customers.
Maybe I am not that old, I only remember a few things like the first grid wide hunt, when hair fair and shoe fair were the only events and they were annual. There was no annual event for deco. When FLF first started and they were so elitist people got pissed and started their own events. The reason why we have so many events now.
There was no Lelutka back in the day, it was MMS. Also no copy furniture was a thing it was just cheaper than buying copy furniture/deco. You had 2 buy options. Now its just pretty much switched to copy except for the old ones who refuse to switch.
I’m not that old but I wish Lelutka still made skins and Maitreya would make more hair. Also the name Dutch makes me think of Dutch Touch more that Dutchie. I’ve never like decorating in SL it was always so time consuming and tedious
All that walking down memory lane, you can hope all you want it will go back to main store releases but it won’t. The big big names don’t do gacha events that much and some are well enough off they don’t do events at all. But the big big names are the 1% the other 99% are trying to make a living and have to do events if they want to make a decent living.
Oh. my. So good creators are only known because of The Arcade?
Maybe you’re not that old, SL wise. But back in the days, there were no events and big bands like Lelutka, Maitreya, Ducthie, Skye, Botanical, Heart, HPMD, Apple and so many more was thriving, and still are.
Should all events die down, designers would be amazed of the sales. Talent and skill will always carry a brand far. There are several other ways to get known, let me not spill the secrets to that here.
Actually @Lourdes Denimore.
Most of those really popular designers would still make that much if they put the set in their mainstores LOL you seem to think people are just dropping down at the arcade because it’s the “arcade” you are wrong. 90% of the people dropping down in the event are dropping down to get a certain set made by a certain deigner. Example Boogers. People love those bears. If boogers put his bears in his mainstore with all the rest of his gacha machines people would go there to get that set. The arcade would be nothing if they didn’t have the best of the best. So, that being said the arcade depends on the fame and names of the brands in the event to bring traffic to the rest. If they lost even 10 of the top designers/creators in their event. The traffic would instantly be affected. There for your theory is incorrect. The designers/creators make the arcade what it is. Not the event planners LOL
I totally agree that the really popular stores could release at their main stores and get traffic. But when you talk about really popular stores overall, I hate to break it to you but Boogers, is not one of them. Yes Boogers is really popular at The Arcade. However you fail to realize that most people did not know about Boogers until The Arcade made them popular. There are several brands that were relatively small or niche until they became popular at The Arcade. A few examples are Commoner, 8F8, etc If your biggest claim to fame is one event then that could be a problem. How many bears can one produce before you become a one trick poney. The truly popular stores in SL can exist without one event and only one product.
You also forget that in SL just because one “popular” store disappears there are other popular stores that will instantly take their place. Its not like there is a shortage of stores in SL.
So in summary some of the “popular” at the arcade are got “popular” because of the arcade. Other small or niche stores are always waiting in the wings to support them, that are not one trick ponies.
And side comment. Part of the reason that gacha sales are going down all around is 1) Over saturation and 2) lack of innovation or creativity. The customers are have seen it all done 10 times over. How many bears can Boogers make? How many horns and other head ornaments can Half-Deer makes?
Even if they are making a killing, how does that give the Arcade moderators the right to profit off their hard work? I have to agree with the comment below, the arcade isn’t worth that kind of money being taken. That’s $400 taken from big designers. That’s a LOT of money. Reguardless of how much money they are making, it is THEIR money. How would you like your boss started taking money out of your paycheck just because they wanted fancy shit and they weren’t doing anything to help you make that money? You would be pissed.
Your analogy would make sense if you were an employee but you are not. You are a business owner. The event is contributing to the success of your business. If you released your gacha items in your store would they sell as much? No
Add on the marketing and exposure that participating in events gives you. 5% is very small considering the benefits you receive.
#10 I agree with Elisa Blue Does, zoos are jails for animals, they only want your damn money, they don’t care about the poor animal locked up there for all its life, only because some want a pic of them 🙂
And now tell me what you told Elisa, i couldn’t care less.
You’re the one who sounds like an ignorant in that post*winks
She did have a few walks outside when the weather got better. The zoo at one point or another did explain why they were doing what they were doing, I am all for animals being treated well but this giraffe was treated as well as they could.
The main reason April wasn’t going outside is because of the weather. They didn’t wanna risk the health of her or the unborn (now born giraffe). When the weather was nice and safe she was allowed outside and chose not to. That was HER choice. If she felt safer in her stall then so be it.
A well-run zoo is an educational institution that also works with other zoos to protect and preserve animals. I think of them as insurance policies against various species’ extinction. (On the whole, giraffes are classified as vulnerable. They’re surprisingly delicate animals, and their numbers in the wild *are* declining.) And you know, I’m okay with that. Again, as long as the zoo is well-run.
As for April and her baby, the world is watching. They are quite possibly the safest giraffes in existence right now, and I’m sure they’ll get to go outside once the little one’s health is affirmed. And they are already ambassadors for their species. I think they’re going to be just fine.
Breeding animals into captivity does not help repopulate the species in the wild. Zoo’s have not helped with exinction, this is just an excuse to keep making millions of dollars anually. Zoo’s, under the law, need to provide education and are ONLY allowed to have animals like giraffe’s if they are “helping preserve the species”. This does not mean repopulate the species. They are preserving them like pickles instead of putting their money into habitat conservation projects in Africa.
Donate to habitat conservation or sanctuaries. Buying a ticket for a zoo is NOT helping animals and you are fooling yourself if you think it is. Habitat conservation is the one and ONLY way to prevent species extinction.
Not to mention, most animals in zoo’s are NOT endangered species. Your average zoo keeps a lot of non endangered species including many primates, marine mammals like hippo’s, birds like penguins, reptiles and felines. These animals are not even endangered in the wild and are simply there for the zoo to sell tickets.
BABIES SELL TICKETS. Look at Seaworld. “Come see our baby shamu!” We all know, now, that Seaworld is a glorified circus and that it’s cruel. Zoo’s are barbaric and do not belong in a modern society. We can not evolve as humans while continuing to delude ourselves with the false notion that we are helping the animals by keeping them in sad, depression inducing cages.
Zoos have saved a lot of animals from becoming extinct. Pandas, Cheetahs and even Iguanas have been saved with the efforts and money made by zoos. It doesn’t stop at a “cage”. The San Diego zoo has a conservation center where they research and help endangered animals. They study animals in their natural habitats and help people in those regions preserve the animals. For example, Cheetahs were becoming endangered because farmers thought of them like pest. Cheetahs were ruining their crops and killing livestock. Their solution, trap and kill it. They were taught how they actually helped the ecosystem they live in and how to stop them without killing them. The Bronx zoo in New York is working with the people of Malaysia to stop the killing of extinct birds for their feathers. You have to teach people why these majestic animals are so vitally important to us. One of the best way we have found to educate people is through zoos. Conservation and preservation takes money. That’s what these zoos offer. I know we take our preschoolers to the zoo to see the animals up close. They learn about so many different species of animals. Some of them even make the choice then to work with animals. They learn to make better choices so that they can do their part to protect the animals. I believe a live, up close encounter is better then anything they can see or do in a book or internet. It leaves a lasting impact. Im a donor to our zoo. They send out newsletters regularly and show us what our money and our efforts are being put towards. You’d be surprised how they can make so little stretch and do so much good behind the scenes. You know how many people now know… Read more »
To people that want to donate to real animal conservation that doesn’t include holding animals in captivity so pre schoolers can see the giraffe in a cage. Contact me. I donate to several that are reputable.
Thank you, Cicadetta. Giraffes are becoming critically endangered, and the world has sat by and done nothing to stop it. In fact, most people didn’t even know this until the giraffe cam started in February.
There are more elephants left in the world than giraffes. That’s how serious it is.
I am appalled by the ignorance some people display. April’s door to her yard was frequently open, and she was just outside maybe a week ago, running around. In the winter they don’t let them out if the yard is icy or snowy as it’s potentially dangerous for them.
Oliver is a young bull. Yes, he’s antsy. He would be anywhere because, oh yeah, young bull. That’s just the nature of a young, male giraffe.
April is clearly very happy and healthy, she enjoys the time she spends with her primary caregiver and she’s loved by those caring for her, and by millions. Her cam has helped raise awareness AND money for giraffe conservation efforts in the wild.
There are zoos that are abhorrent. But there are also zoos that do a lot to help preserve species and raise awareness, and this is one of those zoos. They also take in abandoned pet tortoises and give them homes and care. Would you prefer those be euthanized, even though they’ll likely outlive you if given good care?
Things are rarely as black and white as they seem. I suggest educating yourself before making judgements on something you have clearly not spent any time researching.
I guess someone forgot about wildlife sanctuaries where they do the same thing. Except the animals aren’t in captivity and put on display for human pleasure. Animals kept in captivity are not increasing the numbers. Unless something is done to increase the numbers in the wild they are not helping.
So yay for April who will never be free and neither will her offspring. But hey we’re “saving” giraffe.
Well, paying 5 % of all sales isn’t that bad if you feel you get proper value for your money. But frankly, I dont feel that with Arcade at all. Arcade feels like entering high-school again. A lot of other events have been better for me. I dont mind paying twice that if it benefits me, and I feel well-treated, promoted and cared for.
Now that said, leeching of others creativity isn’t a good thing in itself. Monopolies isn’t either, app store etc, are really that. So just because you can find a lot of greed around, doesn’t make it ok.
No creators equals no SL really. Content is EVERYTHING. SL can survive without Events, but not without content. If enough creators leaves because they have to take other jobs, SL will die…
I’ve been reading all the complaining from store owners about the 5%. I totally get wanting to protect your money. However I’ve also seen the complaining about how store releases make no money and how participating in events are necessary to make money. So which is it? You need the events as long as they don’t profit from their efforts?
You make more money from events. You need them and they need you. They should be able to profit from it.
I hope more events get smart and do the same. Store owners should not hold a monopoly on profiting in SL. Besides you will just raise your prices anyway to offset the decrease in profits.
I’d like to start by saying that I’ve participated in The Arcade on numerous occasions previously. Not through knowing anyone or ‘kissing ass’, but through hard work and striving to provide quality, creative products. I agree, in part, with everyone who has jumped on this 5% bandwagon, but the arguing points are of absolutely no importance at all. Sure, The Arcade is an event which has been popular for a long time. It has an established brand, a strong and nostalgic location, and is organised well, with support being provided through setup and beyond. The staff are friendly, and always helpful. Given all of this, The Arcade absolutely does deserve to profit from the ‘name’ it has steadily grown over the years. Although it is in decline now compared to other Gacha events, it is still one of, if not the, premier Gacha event in Second Life. The two key points I struggle with here are the scale of the fee, and the apportioning of their revenue amongst their staff; The fee of 5% of earnings, regardless of how alike it might be to real-life business cashflow models, is more than the event is worth. Their decline has come about through severing of ties, bad business decisions, showing favouritism to designers who are friends, and generally prioritising external parties and the weight of their pockets over those who really matter – the creator and the end-user. They absolutely do not deserve to earn 5x what the average of the 102 designers makes per round. I would say, and this is a really rough estimate, that the average designer makes around L$500k from the event. That’s L$2.55m per round the Arcade takes right out of the designers pockets (if you disregard the L$2m cap for the 5%, which really will only… Read more »
I think more events should do the same thing as well Lourdes, perhaps this is the necessary measure creators have been waiting for to stop joining events once and for all and start making store releases bringing back traffic to the good old mainstores.
A designer: that’s a flat out lie. We accept bribes but have yet to see any.
So all secrets are a go
and you really should educate yourself about monopolies : )
Oh, and I just heard via the SL jungle drums, that you were instructed not to let any anti arcade secrets on this time? I hope that is a flat out lie…
Lmao. Not sure who told you that lie.
It is good to see the support for their choices. It’s also good to see how entitled some store owners are. Notice I say “store owners”. A good chunk of you don’t design shit. You just convert the original concepts of RL designers to SL and make money off of someone else’s orginality and hard work.
down = don’t, damn spelling control 😀
In my experience you down need events to thrive at all.
Okay so I tried to fixed the problem I caused by emailing virtual-secrets before the two crappy secrets I wrote was published. I explained and ask that they not be published but like I said in the email I know they don’t have to because I sent it in so that cool. No matter cause now I will just apologize publicly for the petty shit I did. Now before anyone calls me crazy and shit or no life or act high and mighty just stfu. Know body can never say they have not over reacted or did dumb petty low down shit to someone else. That said I am sorry for sending secrets 15 and 16. I was wrong for making it look like he did and for all the messages I sent to people on Facebook Friday. I have no intentions of keeping up shit after this. I am sorry. I was just angry and no it is not excuse but at least I can admit it. I have apologized to him and he might not care for my sorry but I really am.
Just for the record, I’ve sent secrets in, then had a change of heart, contacted them and ask to please not post it, and they graciously obliged by not posting it. They don’t ignore these requests, they simply have to be made in a timely manner because lets face it, we can’t expect them to work day and night and weekends just in case one of us has a change of heart. Just know that as unfortunate as it was your message wasn’t seen in time that had it been sent in sooner in the week, they would have seen the request and not released the images.
Thank you!
Next time try not sending your request at 1am Sunday morning. You had plenty of time to reconsider but waited until a time when it was obviously not going to get taken care of. Sounds like insincerity to me
I already banned you for a couple of hours because you are annoying. My boat and my rules. This is week 450 something. That’s years. If you are new to here that’s not my problem. Besides. In the world of this website it lives on MY time. So I don’t give a shit if you live anywhere else. You had plenty of time to not submit the secret. When in doubt, just don’t. Anyone who has emailed me appropriately has gotten their wish.
Okay Lourdes you are doing the most and assuming. Come on now boo. How is apologizing for being petty as hell the same as whimping out? Really though? I know you want to show a solidarity front for your girl but that clapback is weak as hell. Whimping out is showing fear which is not the case here. I simply apologized because I was wrong and can admit my shit. Which I did. So for you to clapback and tell me to get over Kess being mean to me? Come on now Felicia that is not accurate now is it? To pop off at someone for no reason and not be big enough to admit maybe that shit was foul is not cool. I pop off all the time and at least I own my shit. Your girl came for me like I was attacking her and her site. So calm the tits boo. Never knew owning your mistake means you are whimp. Mmm and as far as my sincerity, why you reaching though? Like you both trying to charge for a fight. But to set you straight and since I have no problem owning my shit, I apologized on Friday and Saturday. Just because your email say Sunday, it was still my Saturday when I sent it. So another assumption on your part. Also I would have sent it in sooner but damn there is that place call RL I was held up in but as soon as I was able I did. Don’t try to judge me boo come on now. Nobody on this damn site is high and mighty when we shady as fuck sending shit in and you all Queens of shade for having this page. But am I point the finger at you? Ummm nope.… Read more »
What fight? You think it’s possible to fight with us on our own site?
It just takes a few clicks to make you disappear. So no we have no interest in fighting you.
And yes Kess and I show solidarity. But I can see how that would be a foreign concept to you.
So in conclusion I will take the time to apologize that it was not clearly stated your request would not have been read until after Secrets were published. I also regret to inform you that they would not have been deleted.
Have a Happy Easter.
Hold up a moment. How you calling me insincere? Boasting that I don’t pay attention. You came at me first Kess. Now since I stand corrected that you are the owner, okay I give you that. My bad
But in my message I NEVER faulted your page for not answering my email in a timely matter. In fact I said its on me. So the fact you came at me half cocked is messed up. Now about your comment saying I should know you are off weekends and don’t reply to emails. Did you stop and think that maybe I didn’t know. Come on now. I know I can go off and be all rawr but you came at me this morning.
I sent the email and if on the contact page it stated that emails sent on the weekend won’t be replied to till Monday then I can see your point. But as it stands I did not know about all your comments about not answering emails on the weekend. I think you went off for no reason here Kess. Never blamed this site for not answering my email in time or said anything bad about you. So to say in the email you not putting up with my shit? Ummm where did I go off on you though?
I think your sincerity is questionable since you waited until the wee hours of Sunday morning to feel bad about it.
So what Kess was mean to you. Get over it.
Lesson learned, don’t submit a secret if you are going to whimp out at the last moment.
Well you obviously weren’t paying attention and didn’t send emails because the server was down Tues and wed due to server changes. So there was no contact form available. I also did not have any plurks asking the same thing. Sooo did you REALLY?
Yes I fucking own this site and I have made it clear in comments past that I dont bother dealing with emails sent on sat or Sunday. Do you even know what you are talking about.
Lourdes like I said, I have no problem that it was still posted though. Not on this site to remove it cause I made it. So all good there. Just didn’t know what the dipper kesseret was referring too.
First of all what the hell you talking about? The hell Plurk? Do you even know what you are talking about? Do you own this site because I sent THIS site an email. Make sure you are replying knowing what the hell you talking about. Dipping and dapping don’t know whats happenin. I sent the email last night so wtf again about Tuesday and Wednesday??????
Well the fact that you sent it last night, the results would have been the same. Kess is off on the weekends.
Just a reminder one name and email combo per week for comments. Why because I don’t have time to approve the same people out of moderation who want to use 50 different names to appear to be different. You know who you are.
Oh and tanks for borrowing my name and profile pic to do a secret about me. <3
Gotta admire the effort, I guess? LOL.