Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 442.
virtual-secrets: Week 442
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 89 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
I think the saddest thing is when did we become a society that can’t be friend with someone who voted for someone different . I can still be friends with people who voted for the other side. Why is it others can’t? Is it immaturity? I think it is just sad to hear they unfriend or stop reading blogs etc because they disagree with someone’s political opinions. It’s great to disagree and debate but be mature and civil.
You can’t claim to not be a bigot when you vote to put a pair of bigots in charge of the country.
Trump supporters can all fuck off.
Why would I want to be friends with someone who voted for a candidate with the morals of our current president? Even if they, themselves, are not racist, ‘phobic, sexist, anti-immigrant, pro-Christofacist theocracy, pro-white supremacy, they condone it. It’s not immature to not want to be friends with someone who doesn’t see you, and people like you, as equals.
I’m not required to tolerate bigotry. I’m not required to tolerate violations of civil rights. I’m not required to tolerate ignorance being paraded around as being equal to education. Sorry, not sorry.
Wow how judgemental of you. I didn’t like either candidate but I voted for the one I thought would hurt our country the least. I think both candidates have horrible morals. This was a difficult election. And while I won’t stoop to your level and judge people because of a crappy choice they had to make, it embarrasses me for liberals that as the party of tolerance its not being very tolerant.
# 14 It isn’t the Bento head creators job to make you look good, it is yours. Get over it, you just don’t know how to edit a shape or pic a flattering applier. By all means keep wearing a system head it fits you!
To all the strawberry posts
Keep politics out of secondlife…and she is over rated as a blogger/photographer anyways…so who cares !
I cant lie, laughed at all the Strawberry ones.. She deserves it.
In a world where you can “be” anything, why wouldn’t you want to “be” a representation of your real world values sometimes?
@Anti-Berry: Nope you cannot. No one will stop you from saying so or believing so and no one should but there is a limit and this limit is not to overstep boundaries and step on someone’s rights. Example would be abortion or gay marriage – it is grand for you to have personal views and beliefs and voice them, same as anyone else when it relates to themselves. You can not approve of abortion as a choice for yourself or might not wish to marry someone of same gender but someone else might. Essentially, society should allow us to have this choice – I can marry a bloke while you can also marry whomever you wish. The key is to say ‘I do not like drag queens myself nor would I be one or date one but I get others might’ and you can elaborate why so without bringing others down. The way you exist in SL is not the way others do and saying to cut off politics should mean you wish to cut this out for yourself and your social circle, it should not mean ‘cut out speaking about things I do not agree with’. It is not the case of ‘okay, but then there will be folks fancying murder!’ and surely they will but that is precisely infringing on one’s rights (as in right to live). Some things are not debatable such as ‘all humans are equal but we need to account our collective history and where we come from’, ‘education, shelter, food, health care, freedom of movement and settlement , health care and safety are universal human rights’. If someone likes private health companies – sure, go for it, but other people might prefer those paid with taxes and again, go for it – as long… Read more »
“why wouldn’t you want to “be” a representation of your real world values sometimes?”
Sure … so it is okay then for us to start a movement, complain or post all over that we don’t think gays, lesbians, transgenders, etc are okay. If we all start being ‘honest’ and say how we really feel about men wearing women clothes … etc, etc.
That is why I think Strawberry should then keep her political views to herself.
Stop pretending to be this great ‘fighter’ and then post how you hate others … and the language!! Is that even a woman? No wait I don’t want to know …
… Sometimes … ?
Lol Secondlife users have embrassed the new level of stupidity with all these political discussion.
RE “Lol Secondlife users have embrassed the new level of stupidity with all these political discussion.”
1) Do you mean Secondlife users have embrassed ****(embarrassed themselves with)****the new level of stupidity with all these political discussion.” Maybe?
2) If so, you’re talking as if you’re an SL outsider, and if that were the case (which I highly doubt) then surely …A) Because we play Second Life we aren’t capable of intelligent thoughts/conversation? B) What would you know?. .C) Why would you be bothered?… D) If Second Life is so far below your intellectual stratosphere why comment on a Second Life gossip site?
I think the troll might have meant that Second Life users have “embraced” a new level of stupidity.
I want to know why all the Trump backers are so sensitive to legitimate criticism, though.
#2 … No no no for that kind of language. I am totally disappointed in how you curse and hate others.
Totally disappointed in you Strawberry and think you are the bigger racist! Hope muslims are proud of you and your knowledge of ‘small dicks’.
CatWa owner is a muslim, and I will not be supporting her! She is also the owner of those shitty WoW skins too, I bet you didn’t know that did you?
Good, you’ll look like shit so all the rest of us can avoid you because you’re a worthless, racist cunt.
So, you won’t be supporting a creator because of her religious beliefs? On what grounds?
#12 No.Match has male and female versions of longer hair. Plus guys who wear Tableu or Catwa”s long straight hair in that style, it really makes you loon outdated.
#14 has no idea what they are talking about. It is the meah, the appliers and the eyes that makea mesh look good. If you wear a low end skin designer like Wow then it will look like crap. The head is a base, its up to the user to find a skin that fits their head, with appliers that make it look good. Also Catwa’s website also teaches you how to use her heads.
Again….I thought Strawberry was a wannabe Indian from England.
For whoever made the Strawberry secrets…
You undermine your criticism of her, and your own intelligence, when you resort to calling her a cunt and a slut.
But that’s what I’d expect from someone who supports a man who brags about sexual assault.
#5 Why you stalking my facebook though?
That post was for friends only. So they aren’t really stalking your Facebook if they are already added…
They’re still taking the time to open the profile you genius.
14 – People look bad on their mesh heads as on their regular mesh heads not because of mesh heads or system heads but because of lack of good taste, Don’t blame the head usually it’s the buyer’s fault.
I get huge compliments on my bento head…cause i actually spent the time to mod it so it doesn’t look like everyone else. Most people want it for the god awful facial animations. I wanted it cause I wanted to look like ME but smoother..and i did it. It just took a lot of time but well worth it.
Oh, look. Smug, most assuredly white, Second Life Trump supporters bandwagon on to hate a vocal advocate of social justice.
KKKlassy. Y’all are so obvious.
Racist much? Nothing wrong with being white. I’m white and damn proud of it.
Take ten minutes to read this and possibly educate yourself:
I’m sorry I don’t believe in generalizations. I leave that to the uneducated. I’m not fragile just proud of who I am. 🙂 And frankly I’ve decided you aren’t rational enough to even try to have a conversation with. Have a great night and enjoy your Second Life as much as I’m sure you do your first. 🙂
Why don’t you sit your ass down and be grateful your people don’t need a pride movement or a liberation movement or a rights movement? Can’t you get real honest with yourself and come to grips with the fact that white people benefit from institutional and systemic privilege and not be so goddamn fragile any time anyone talks about it?
I hate to be the one to share this, but this is SECOND LIFE.
There is no president (all hail the cod piece).
So touting your political views is a waste of your energy. Do under your RL identify and keep it out of the game.
The rest of the world is kind of sick and tired of Americans and their whining, so at least keep it to RL venues where the rest of the world can avoid you.
Thank you.
You are using SL avatars to rant about RL politics on SL focused websites. What a ridiculous waste of energy. Are you looking for acceptance, agreement, a safe space?
You had your free election, who didn’t get the result you wanted so now the rest of the world gets to hear the whining.
If you were real about it you would be organizing and supporting your local politician to get the DEMs back in power instead of devoting effort to moaning about it on an SL avatar on a SL focused website.
It’s like a bunch of children who can’t get a new toy on demand – tantrums abound. Instead of the child developing enough to figure if they clean their room and put effort in weekly to get pocket money they can save up and get their toy and achieve something.
SL avatars… or should we say a bunch of safe space millennial who probably need another day off from education to cope with the real world.
I am born American I voted (Clinton) and as I didn’t get my result, I am now volunteering and helping so next election I know I did my part.
@Poor Girls: I dislike rich people as much as you do but please enlighten me what are disabled people supposed to do? Prevent being disabled in wombs? Somehow end up with rich families / partners / friends? Die while working? Enlighten me so I can act accordingly and apologise to all those unfortunate people that should have thrown me on the streets 🙁 .
It is amusing that poster above you said things about not experiencing misfortune, oh well … I do hope you realise we pay taxes for people to have a safety net, right? We do not really want to kill others … okay, I do sometimes and David Cameron is still alive which makes me sad every day.
@Poor Girls:
Listen, use a single name, please.
I don’t think she is rich. If she is, she would be spending more time off sl. Someone stuck in sl because it is very cheap to begin with to have a good feeling of oneself. Real life shopping is not cheap at all.
The bitch is looking for people to agree with her Muslim ban whining. She herself is a ”rich girl” living on mommy an daddys cash so she has no idea what a real life struggle some actual REAL MUSLIM people face. She needs to STFU or get a get job an start struggling like most people do.
Her and Cajsa Lilliehook both need to SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY. You stupid bitches need to get on with your boring fucking lives already. WE ARE TIRED OF YOU AND YOUR CONSTANT FUCKING WHINING.
Cajsa lives on disablity so has no life either and can sit on plurk hours a fucking day spewing her nonsense on politics as well.
These two are examples of DUMB LAZY americans who think there ideas are the only ideas in life. We have a bored little ”rich girl” and a ”disabled sponge” living off goverment money and the other living off her parents money. BASICALLY you two have no real idea what it means to struggle with a 9 to 5 job and not being able to help those effected by any of this mess or nonsense. GET A CLUE alot of people HATE BOTH OF YOU.
They are just bunch of wanabe trying to look cool on their cartoon character. Like I said a new level of stupidity and it is always the same person again and again who carve for attention and think they are smarter than the rest of us. I really pitty them, their real life must be pretty desperate to go down this low for public attention. And the most ironic is they are all under their cartoon character. Really sad!
I still have no idea how people divide politics from all contexts. Simple partnering people in SL is political as various countries have diffeeent laws and cultures so me listing rl partner is different than person from country where they go to prison for that irl. Same as any gay clubs and groups or straight bdsm ones or how we all dress (fashion tastes or anti tastes can be political if you are Quiverfull or a nudist [yeah, regulations exist – most in Germany]. How is anyone apolitical? That is also a stance rooted in politics.
It is totally a stance soaked in privilege to be non-political. To be so comfortable, because the dominant culture was shaped by people like you to benefit people like you, and you don’t even notice that other people don’t feel that way or benefit like you do? The basic ignorance?
Flames on the side of my face. . .
Second Life is a place for expression. Some of that will be political expression. Just like anything else, if it’s not pertinent to your experience, there are hundreds of other alternatives.
The one that made #1.
Hey Dumbass, if you gonna make an SLSecret about someone, make sure that everyone understands what it is, otherwise it’s a good waste of space of an SL Secret.
Someone has a tormanted stalker secret admirer who wants some loving.
And its more clarifying than #3.
#14 Meshheads COULD BE a great improvement if people would actually manage to adjust their fucking eyes. Also this little trollfacegirls that look like the owner of Blues hair can be cute sometimes. Those lindenheads with purely-shaped alphaprims or meshmouths that are not adjusted properly, however, look way worse. I mean no need to argue there ARE also lindenheads with welladjusted meshlips that can look good, but there are more that look really awful.
Well, the eyes are rigged on the Bento heads now so… I mean unless you’re going bargain basement and getting a brand that is behind the times.
And yes, mesh lip attachments were always stupid, just like attachment tits; never bothered with either, they’re the first thing people would see about you if you had them and then the texture misalignments and mismatches would be glaringly obvious.
Actually my mesh head is fucking adorable. It’s the imbeciles who don’t know how to make the proportions correct. I rock the “shrek” nose,and still look cute.
love the name! And you are true! Not every mesh head looks the same. You just gotta know how to edit it!
Lol at the comments today but a few of them are so cruel. Anyway who else is laughing with me
Lol I’m laughing at the pics but not the comments in them the only comment I liked is #4
#12 No. Just… no. #14 YES
Did No Match fix their scalps? I am curious as their hair were ridiculously huge (meaning rigged ones) but theirs do not really fit my style anyway. Exile’s, Elua’s, Monso’s, Tableau Vivant, Truth’s, Magika’s and Damselfy’s tend to have unisex hair and their women ones often also fit. Otherwise – depends and most updos, tied, swept forward hair will in any shop if it does not demand huge boobage.
I’m a guy and I wear long hair. I just wish that some had a no boob option. Why is that so wrong?
Try Exxess and Wasabi Pills; both have long hair options for guys. Hope that helps!
whats your problem with an option so men can wer them? It doesn’t say only without but a fucking option.
Too many guys have been trying to wear girl hair for too many years. It just looks stupid.
#12 no.match is the real MVP, make make and female versions of most of their hair.
Strawberry is a Nasty Woman, not a cunt…. and I love that about her!
She sounds like a 300 pound mouth breather in her videos.
I wouldn’t yell too loud about ‘Triggered,’ considering how absolutely, fundamentally butthurt you and yours are over dissenting political discussion.
#2, 6 &10 … I think you are very brave. Cannot remember when last I have laughed this much!
I don’t like Strawberry and the fact that she goes overboard with her ‘campaigning’ against Trump. You should be a patriot. He was chosen by the MAJORITY and nothing you can do about that. Calm down, get off you’re high horse (you are not miss Second Life) & keep to blogging or whatever floats your boat.
Donald Trump is going nowhere so accept it!
Wish you were going away though …
I love how your illiterate, dumb fuck comment perfectly illustrates the idiocy of Trump supporters, as they always do. One thing I can say for you mouth-breathing, inbred wastes of life- you’re consistently moronic.
Your math skills are as suspect as your choice in candidate. When the other candidate receives over 3 million more votes, it is not a majority. 25.5% voted for donald and 25.6% voted for Hillary Clinton. Alternative facts may sound good in your head, but when you make them public, you look as uneducated and unequipped as donald. You were bamboozled into voting for him. He is a snake oil salesman and you fell for it hook line and sinker. We have a mediocre business man, a pathological liar, a misogynist, gaudy elitist, and a freaking reality tv star in the White House who is so far out of his league it is detrimental to our country as a whole. Embracing that is not patriotism, it is partisan nonsense. Turn the channel.
@AndressaOliviera: Some of us are not in USA and our presidents are chosen with ordinary voice counting. We do not have influence over who is party’s candidate nor how independent ones lack support but yeah … My uni had a whole segment on Fox News, which I assume you follow but ordinary folks are horrified by that and it got worse since then as it was just a decade ago.
yet you ALL knew the rules of the election before it went ahead. As you did 4 years ago, and 4 years before that and so on.
Yet none of you when your “guy” was in power campaigned to change the election rules.
Now you talk majorities and suddenly IT IS ALL WRONG.
Lol at SL people and politics keep reading those big media corporation news outlets. Like taking candy from a baby.
Same as others above, not American so did not fully realise how crap voting is till now – cannot imagine how it feels with your vote not mattering unless you live in correct place. Yes, there is no direct democracy anywhere and of course there is corruption everywhere and in this case, I do not think there was any falsification – it was purely due to bad law. In 19th century the discrepancies were worse but currently, they were not this huge. Bush won in same way, with 500k less votes just you would expect legal changes since then… On the other hand, surely everyone remembers how Tories got into parliament in a dreadful coalition. Amusingly enough, was flat hunting on the day and one couple had telly on and we just sat down and stared. For half an hour. I also hate opening the news everyday and having bullshite thrown in my face, so I do avoid it but one cannot separate life from politics, SL is a product of USA economy so it is absolutely impossible not to connect. No one should give anyone respect without them earning it (besides a respect for fellow human being) – does not matter if it is a president or a cleaner (to be fair, I do fancy cleaners more than politicians). Donald Trump does not deserve mine, nor Nigel Farage does, nor Ian Duncan Smith (who probably should be charged one day for carelessly leading legislations that killed people and endorsing an external, out of country agency employed to do just that – yeah, bitter, they almost had me as well and I do know how lucky I am as others just died). Sorry for rants but it is … weird that SL became something that went in a very different… Read more »
I don’t know if you were high during high school civics, or if you were taught history by a coach or something. Dissent is the foundational American value. If it weren’t for citizens questioning and asserting their rights, none of the major advances in American freedom would have taken place.
A patriot isn’t someone who supports whoever’s butt warms the seat. A patriot holds that person accountable when they fall short of the ideals.
What about those three million more popular votes that HRC got legally during the election?
Trump won due to the archaic system of representational voting. He most assuredly lost the popular vote.
Stop those “alternative facts,” you twat. You’re just showing how ignorant you are. Bet you shed tears over the victims of the “Bowling Green Massacre” too, huh? Bet you think people were bussed into NH by the thousands to vote for the Dems illegally, huh?
Sad. Pathetic. Ignorant.
“The hypocrisy is real” – alternative math just isn’t cool. He lost the popular vote by 3 million people. The electoral system is outdated and it is most certainly not set up to represent all of the people. One of the main reasons the founders created the EC was slavery, so that black men could be counted as three-fifths of a white person. The founders also were concerned, in the day of the wooden printing press, that voters would not have enough information to choose candidates. Those reasons are archaic and leaves us with a system that does not reflect our diverse nation. And, while these reasons for the Electoral College have lost all relevance, its disadvantages loom ever larger. To start, the system excludes many voters from a meaningful role in presidential elections. For example, Wyoming has three electoral votes and 532,668 citizens . As a result each of Wyoming’s three electoral votes corresponds to 177,556 people. Those people have 3.18 times as much clout in the Electoral College as an average American, or 318%! There is nothing fair about that, and Wyoming is not the only state. The EC is the main reason why so many Americans do not even bother to vote and feel disenfranchised. If you live in New York or Texas, for example, it is generally a foregone conclusion which party will win your state’s electoral votes, so your vote has less meaning. The Electoral College also makes America seem more divided along blue-red lines than it actually is. If you look at an Electoral College map, California appears solidly blue and Alabama solidly red. But if you look at a map of the popular votes, you see a more nuanced picture. Three times in recent history, the looser lost. The president should be the… Read more »
Just an FYI Pennsylvania was also a far gone conclusion of going blue. We all see how that turned out.
If the EC is the main reason some chose not to vote than it is for the best that they don’t vote. It’s why it was created, to spare us from idiots influencing the vote.
No system is perfect. At most the EC needs an adjustment for modern times but it should not be eliminated entirely.
What is doing far more damage is being locked in a 2 party system. The reason why most people who usually vote didn’t this time is becasue we had 2 shit candidates. Not becasue of the EC. That is what needs fixing.
Actually.. he won by the majority of votes in the majority of states (38 out of 50 I think?). He only lost the majority of votes in a few states, and his margin of victory in just TWO states was enough to give him the popular vote.
People act like the electoral system is just some kind of crazy thing, but when that much of the country votes for someone else it wouldn’t be fair for a few states to determine who the president is for the majority of the rest of the country.
@Pshaw – amen!!
What’s your definition of majority? Is it an “alternative fact”? Betsy DeVos, is that you? Good lord, you know how to log into the internet?
As for going nowhere, you are more correct than you realize. He is going nowhere fast, unless he has a ticket to Whineyville, Pouty Town, and Toddler Tantrum Station.
Trumpanzees are always good for some laughs.
Let’s just be clear about one thing, Donnie boy did not win the “majority.” That’s why the protesters and naysayers aren’t going anywhere. Being a patriot does not mean blind allegiance. If you don’t like Strawberry’s political views don’t follow her.
NOT a majority. Not even close.
I understand berry is human, but that’s unacceptable to talk like that . It’s heartbreaking. Also I would think that maybe people who voted for trump are not all they say. They have marks and other things they believe in and want to uphold just like deocrats do. I used to think all republicans were racists etc etc but I look at a different way. I would challenge berry this week to maybe think about who she’s talking about . Imagine if Isis came to her home and burned it down and raped her. I don’t understand why people need to use social media platforms for hate , and political hate talk , I know that’s sunshine and lollipops but that makes me not ever want to come to SL again.
Is this English? Is this real life?
I’m sorry you feel this way but does come to you in SL and preach her politics to you? No, she voices her opinion on her blog,on her YouTube and in social media outlets like a of other trump detractors. If you don’t like it unfollow her like I have done with many pro trump friends and sites. I think it’s fantastic that she has taken a stand both in SL and real life to voice her displeasure with trump and his policies. It’s too bad you find it necessary to attack her anonymously here in SLSecerts and in these comments.
I was away from SL and was excited to try the bento heads on my return but I have to admit I don’t like them at all.
I’ve tried the Catwa and the Lelutka and numerous shapes and appliers and still I cannot find a look I like.
I drool at Aida Ewings Flickr pics and then spend large amounts of money trying to look like the vendor pic but never do.
I wish she would sell shapes to go with her appliers as that might help.
I’ve gone back to wearing my Stella mesh head pre bento as that feels me.
Good luck ever looking like her vendor pics, she postworks too much. Even on the non-bento heads. Literally, there is a skin for one of the static heads and if you put that together and compare to her promo, you can see where she thinned the jaw area and moved the chin, etc. Its ridiculous since you can’t do that yourself and she is selling the skin displayed like that. On bento, I get it. It can look different if she doesn’t sell the shape and you can try to make it look like what she represented but may not. But the non-bento? Thats just false advertising. If its a skin for that head in particular, it should look like it. But it rarely does.
@12: Boobs are not that bad with some meshes but the back eating hair never stops making me slap screens. I do prefer mesh hair and it would look worse not rigged but sculpties could have been moded eh. I do wonder why do designers realease only specific gender hair when they rig it to different heads. It is just few clicks – I get that no one will make all items for all bodies but hair does not need retextures or physics changes (unless you want to). The only shop that has almost all hair unisex is Tableau Vivant.
@Strawberrysingh: Someone add context as this puzzles me. I seen someone arguing with her (horribly though and in Trump lovers way) but it would be strangely out of character unless something else happened. Looks like account hack. I do not like thia blogger due to it being an advert one but eh.
*making excuses – because god forbid someone make a grammar mistake which apparently completely invalidates the whole post here
Thanks for links, that had answers. Yeah, wrong to lump people together especially since it is the goal of extermists – make people feel alienated so they know they get no help when you rule their country – they all would stop trusting each other and know they are busted internationally with no official help.
While what she said was not okay, it has other context – people complained that the ban list did not include countries where USA has best business hence why but if she meant that … could have written it this way and not diss others later on. Anyway, cheers for links.
Re: Strawberry, I think the given explanation a week or two ago was she was trashing Saudis bc of their involvement in 9/11 & is vocally antiTrump, but ppl think she’s a racist herself LIKE Trump bc of saying ‘fuck Saudis.’
Ahhh trolls.
she is far from classy, she is a piece of TRASHY TRASH.
Does context really matter when in her own words she said “I hate Saudis” and then LITERALLY lumped them all together and said that they were ISIS? Who cares how/why she said it, the fact is that she DID say it. She didn’t say “I hate the Saudis that were part of the attacks in 9/11” and in her plurks she several times talked about how disgusting Saudis were. If you want context, here is her plurk where she tried to justify it and people fell all over themselves to try to explain how her lumping people together was ok – https://www.plurk.com/p/m2cb0c and here is the original plurk where she said it, including that she wanted Saudis to be on the ban list because they are “parasites” – https://www.plurk.com/p/m23m5e
But you guys just go right ahead excuses for her because you like her, and saying that she shouldn’t even need to explain herself.
Context is critical. A person who picks out single quotes from a thread is not a legitimate source. Post the whole conversation or sit down, Secret Maker.
People think she’s a racist herself because she IS a racist. What she said was exactly the same as what Trump did. She lumped all Saudis into one group because a few extremists were involved in 9/11. How is that different from people grouping all Muslims together? She made several racist comments along those lines, and then was completely unapologetic about it and people fell all over themselves trying to justify her words and even called her “classy”. Yeah OK.
yaaaaaaas @ #15 lol