Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 418.
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 89 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 418.
#16 – Your reasoning is horrible. Could it POSSIBLY be that both these items were inspired from sources that MANY designers refer to, such as Etsy? Google? Pinterest?
Here you go: http://www.zionism-israel.com/Fallacies/ignoring-a-common-cause.html
SL has gone the way of capitalism, good points, because all of the merchants care about is making money and as much money as possible. This is why they do over 10 events a month, are hardly in world, and could care less about the type of bloggers they have. The quality of items have gone down hill since events have become the way designers make their money, yet they do not realize the time it takes to make one item or a few items for events, all so they can sell it for 200 lindens which is not even 60 cents usd. Its slavery at its worse and they would be better off working at McDonalds.
LOL @ slavery. Designers make stuff ideally because they LOVE to do it. Many have real life jobs and creating in virtual worlds is their HOBBY. And for those that do it full time, well.. it shows; Truth Hawks and Cheeky Pea are examples.
Check out DRAX Files on YouTube for insight on just some of the many content creators doing work they love.
And again, people want shit but they don’t want to pay for it. Never change, SL. . .
I really don’t think you know how this works. If you purchase something, you should be able to do whatever you want with it, while keeping it all for yourself. It’s your money.
I purchased your art now let me burn it with a lighter in your face. No, wait, while you’re not looking I’m going to deface it, use it in my own work and call it in my own…thanks for the hard work.
I have no idea what you’re talking about. How is that even pertinent to the conversation we’re having?
All of the merchants? How would you know that ALL of the merchants only care about making money?
That’s a sweepingly stupid statement to make and pretty offensive too.
Nearly every designer I know makes shit money off their items, no matter HOW they sell them, be it gatcha or otherwise.
Nearly every designer I know is inworld way too much, half the time dealing with fucking assholes whining about something they want…and they want it right now and for pennies on the dollar.
It’s unbelievable how entitled and shitty the vast majority of customers are. Yes, there are shitty, entitled, lazy and money mongering designers too. But stfu with your “all of the merchants” bullshit. Many of them work their asses off, trying to make beautiful things so assholes like yourself can come here and tell everyone how sandy their fucking vagina is.
Also, it’s extremely hard to find dedicated bloggers who aren’t lazy and who actually have dynamic and reliable blogs.
Shut up and stay on the back of the bus where you belong.
@ the desperation
“Also, it’s extremely hard to find dedicated bloggers who aren’t lazy and who actually have dynamic and reliable blogs.”
Bloggers are actually doing designers a great service. They are blogging for the love of it. And no 299L item is equivalent to the time and effort they make to form a great post.
A great blog with thousands of followers draw in countless amounts of sales. And that’s recorded advertisement. Forever. Or until they take the blog down or the internet explodes.
Again, get off your high horse and learn some humility.
Nothing you just said has anything to do with what I said.
I said it’s hard to find good reliable bloggers. My statement still stands.
I don’t need a lesson in humility or instruction on how a good blogger works and what they are worth.
A good one is hard to find. Accusing designers of having “shitty bloggers” is what I was defending.
My defense is for designers. Learn to read.
I agree with Blaise. Customers are not always right but they’re the ones buying your stuff. Get off your high horse, learn some humility and thank them for their purchase.
Most designers would not be in-world for they would be in 3D programs and Photoshop. If customers are hounding you like that… guess what, your product is defective.
If the designers you know are making peanuts and their sales reports are low. Guess what, they’re not appealing to the masses and their content sucks.
I’m not a designer/creator.
That being said, designers in SL aren’t making enough money to be treated like shit.
Now, if people started getting paid by the hour for their work like in the real world, then we can talk about how much they should put up from “the customer”
“If the designers you know are making peanuts and their sales reports are low. Guess what, they’re not appealing to the masses and their content sucks.”
Some content is extremely niche, though. There are fetish items or items targeted to a certain fandom or aesthetic that are just not going to sell in the numbers a Tres Blah gatcha gets. A designer who works in that kind of market has to be aware of that. Maybe the creators are making good product, but just haven’t managed their expectations.
By “good” I also should add… it’s not just quality. It’s the business ethics that’s part of the art. You can be the greatest artist and content creator but sell for 100L per pop and make no profit. I have a friend who makes amazing content selling at the LOWEST imaginable prices. Her reasoning is “I think things in SL should be cheap because everyone should be able to enjoy nice things.”
A very VERY noble sentiment but guess what… it’s bad for business.
30-40% of the work is marketing and concept. Kind of how Apple sells iPhones. It’s nothing special but they sure did a good job brainwashing people to think it is.
Like you said, the designers going in to a niche market should expect niche sales and hopefully they’re not the ones complaining their sales are peanuts.
“Shut up and stay on the back of the bus where you belong.”
You can disagree with a person without being wretchedly fucking inappropriate. Go get somewhere and be quiet.
I’m only appropriate with people who are appropriate themselves.
Being appropriate with some asshole like that is like having a heart to heart with your dog.
Frankly, I’m sick of the entitled masses and tired of treating them with good gloves because they are “the customer” I don’t care if you are “the customer” or not, if you’re an asshole, you’re going to get treated like an asshole.
*kid gloves
#15 How is that even a thing? Content theft is content theft regardless of how you intend to use it and I will sure as hell demonize you for that
“Content theft” of something you already bought with your money is really scary, yeah.
6- sorry you got a product you weren’t happy with but did you send the designer a friendly notecard about it/tried a demo?
Event co-ordinators can’t test everything people put out.
Usually designers are more than happy to help fix a product/ provide a refund if you ask nicely and not bitch about them on virtual-secrets.
You must be the creator of that crap or you would of mention #3 and 17
By that logic then it must mean you created the secret right?
Try again.
Not logic to see the obvious…….
I’m sick of seeing these ugly TLC toddlers covered in make-up and over the top dresses. Wonder why people call SL kids creepy? Those “Toddlers and Tiaras” kids, that you aim to look like, are creepy. Stop complaining about irrelevant creators, nobody knows who these people are and nobody cares. Ultimately, if you didn’t buy the clip art, don’t use the clip art. “Everyone has done it” is an excuse for mediocrity.
#5, They stated that the laptop isn’t suitable to run SL and that she can’t log in to send these creators personal notecards. I wouldn’t either. I can’t be on SL for more than three seconds with low FPS rates, like on my business laptop. Most blogging groups will kick her out within the month anyway, let’s be honest. From what I’ve heard blogging groups are very strict.
#11, There are enough females out there willing to date a male avatar, even when you are a female in real life. I call them SLesbians. Straight, but will date exclusively male avatars who are female in real life. Conveniently lesbian. I see it happen all too often. Not claiming that is the case for every SL couple with a similar dynamic, but the ones I know personally had never mentioned they were gay (or even bi) before getting into said relationships. You should be glad you didn’t run into one of those, that is, if you were looking for something that could potentially develop into a real life relationship.
11) You are what you want to be in this virtual representation but you have to understand that the other person will have their own thoughts and preferences about it. If they are not comfortable then you can not force the issue.
I was in another game in a similar situation but in the reverse, my romantic (in RP only) partner was very vague about much out of character details, which was ok with me because some people are not comfortable sharing, eventually we did exchange numbers and texted a whole lot… some 5 months into the ooc friendship I finally asked for a name. They were hesitant at first but unbeknownst to them I was for a while thinking that they are likely female IRL and it bothered me none since there were no out of character amorous feelings attached to our interactions. Sure enough turned out they were a female indeed, and they had been afraid my perceptions for our IC interactions would be ruined. Well now a good while later our characters are still together and out of character we have grown into very good friends we see each others a few times a year and hang out.
However if the other person is uncomfortable with the situation why force the issue? It would be best to let that aspect go and just be friends after all each one of you should be able to be in SL as they feel the most comfortable, for you that comfortable may need to be with a different person. I wish you the best of luck!
LOL @ 3. I pulled for that gacha 3 times and thought EXACTLY the same thing when I opened the boxes. I messaged the creator and they just told me to modify it. I get that, but it doesn’t even come with a fucking stylecard. I tried my best editing it but it just kept looking more like shit.
11) Be reasonable. I don’t know the situation or story, but I do know that I had a similar situation awhile ago with a man I was close to in SL. We met when he was on a male avatar, he didn’t mention he had a female alt for months. Then when he finally did, he expected me to feel the same about the alt and wanted to be on it all the time. Everyone has a preference. I personally am not into women and therefor could not find any desire to spend time romantically with him while on the female alt. SL is a very visual world and we dress our avatars up and make them look what we feel is pretty. There is a reason for that. Chances are you two don’t live near each other and the visual aspect is a huge part of the contact you are able to have. It’s not fair of you to be upset that they simply aren’t attracted to what you find comfortable for you visually in this virtual world. Can’t this be completely flipped and they write a secret about how you find them perfect in every way but you won’t change your avatar for them?
17) I’m not sure what Genesis Lab head that is, but I have almost every head they have made and haven’t had that issue. Maybe there is a head that was recently released with this problem? I guess I just want to defend the brand a bit, because I find their mesh heads to be my favorite out of any other mesh head creator right now. I do wish they would add animations to all the heads, but that’s not stopping me from buying them.
#16, they are not the same mesh. In fact they aren’t even very similar in world, except for the placement of the lines. Kalopsia’s is a thinner wire that wraps around a push pin while Tres blah flattened sticks. The clips holding the photos are modeled completely differently too. It’s not even necessary to line them up once you can see both of them up close. it’s clear they are not the same model/mesh and that they mostly likely just both traced over the same inspiration piece (causing the overall shape to be very similar).
Why is the author of #5 so pressed about what other people are getting? Tend to your own knitting, sis. Maybe if you got your blog game together, you could get some review copies of your own.
I don’t know what #9 did, but that secret is stupid and petty. You didn’t even tell us why this person deserves our scorn. Lazy.
Also, I am over all these Toodledoo secrets. Where was my sexy dumb Gor drama? I was so hopeful. Maybe I’ll go undercover as a luscious slave girl or something. . .
9 is probs eloiseblake/Elo Gracemount. Mum to her many boys and a stripper daughter who is a pathetic 40 year old woman and should know better. Theirs is a family life- like Charles Manson – swapping sperm babies . Funny that she always boasts her avatar is always hit on by many men and claims to be so innocent. She hates couples with babies as that has been spewed out of her mouth along with meaty people . She calls herself a c… Proudly what all she is – a woman with no class and a piece of trash
#9 – Someone has it out for Kyla Quinn-Something or another.
–Not entirely surprised.
#2 – I know like three people this could be about…
#11 – meet some people who roleplay/have roleplayed, they tend to be a bit more open minded about avatar gender because they’ve likely played a gender that they aren’t. Most SL users seem to have the mind set of dudes have dude avatars and women have women avatars and dudes play women avatars to get sex.
#20 – Calm. Some of us report stolen content where ever we find it and refuse to buy it, stereotyping all Americans won’t help and insisting the metaverse only belongs to queer disabled PoCs won’t either.
The thing is, you misunderstood – I support ‘stolen content’ as am a capitalist anarchist and not saying all metaverse is minorities but it has been initially made for this reason. I do love everything others rock like Pirate Bay, EZTV and such and I help and admire contributors. In case of gaming – I do support and submit at Nexus Mods, cannot find any SL-like idea in gaming besides The Sims Resource Community which has been long pirated and shunned by others that … people reformed and am not kidding – people actually dropped it. Some moved to Ad.Fly which is horrid for reasons other than click revenue and famous for infecting computers.
And I am not going to report the shop who essentially taken my textures without permission because they can need money and it is against what I stand for, hell I actually bought their stuff because they use textures of other friends and just charge for uploading price. Dunno, how other authors of eye textures go about it (in my case, I painted over and edited photos of shots I made, eyes are no biggie and I really do not mind, wishing they asked).
#3 and #6 lol. Too funny.
#11 That’s silly. You’re hanging around with the wrong people. If they care what your gender is RL compared to your avatar, you need new friends.
#13 That dress is cute though. Same concept as a designer going to the fabric store. They don’t need to design and create the fabric from scratch too.
#15 Agreed. Though with that kind of power they end up copybotting more than their fair share. Even re-selling re-textured gacha rares. Some copybotters just want personal mod items and need high resolution textures to work with. And yes, they just want to enjoy the game. Though, the vast majority of copybotters are NOT angels and that’s why it’s a problem that needs to be shut down.
#16 Do you really think everything on that gacha ad to the right is ALL AUTHENTIC? Hell fucking no. It was pulled apart from magazines, google searches, “inspiration” boards etc. etc. Basically, the point is… everything “inspired” i not original. Everything “original” is NOT original.
“What is originality? Undetected plagiarism.” ~William Ralph Inge
“Good artists copy; great artists steal.” ~Pablo Picasso
Speaking of Kalopsia, If you pay attention her greek statues are mesh that’s all over the grid. She has a female bust that’s sold by Abiss Interiors and… some others I forget. They are downloaded mesh files from the internet. Also, if you inspect some of Kalopsia’s plants… they are from a full perm creator. Her aesthetics are on point though and her content offering is commendable.
If you REALLY want ORIGINAL designs in SECOND LIFE then be prepared to shell out HEFTY amounts of dollars. Most “Designers” in Second Life are no designers. They are CONTENT CREATORS.
Enjoy your content.
On 16 the argument is not about whether they used the same idea, the same source, or even whether Kalopsia was “inspired” by seeing the Tres blah item. The concern is that the Kalopsia base mesh appears to be an exact copy of the Tres Blah base mesh, which can only happen if the mesh was ripped. The differences you can see between the two are in objects that were added to the base (background) mesh. If the background mesh is identical, the item is ripped and Kalopsia needs to explain how that happened.
The number of people trying to confuse the argument by suggesting this is something else is very suspicious as well. Do you not understand what is being pointed out, or are you actively working to confuse the issue to protect a thief?
I do understand ESPECIALLY as a mesh artist how EASY it is to extrude these VERY SIMPLE shapes from an image. It is NOT the same base mesh because it is easy EASY AF to make. if you’re going steal a mesh go for Remarkable Oblivion or Apple Fall NOT ethe easiest geometric excrusions and flat cubes textured as polaroids.
Well actually, were I going to steal a mesh, I’d probably steal something that simplistic just because it would be harder to prove theft, than with a very complex object. It’s not hard to do, but it takes time, as does unwrapping it and creating the UVs.
Yeah, you are not the only mesh creator who reads secrets.
But it turns out the two models are really nothing alike, outside of overall shape. I mean, nothing. Nothing about them was constructed similarly, except that they both have a shadow plane and have the same shape.
It’s a lesson for me in not jumping to conclusions based on shitty small copies of vendor pictures.
Also, to add… if you’re going to lynch furniture creators. Why not lynch JIAN’s new Labrador Dog Arcade gacha? After all… she totally copied that shit from RL. Here’s proof:
#16 when you accuse one designer of ripping of another designer but they both just ripped off the same pininterrst board lol
I’ve been rolling my eyes at how similar all the little toddleedoos look for years, how there’s no originality and they all seem to be pale-skinned, blonde-haired ugly clones. Feels good to see people finally catching on.
Try getting out more. There’s tons of avatar kids with brown/black hair. Quit a few with dark skin.
Looks like you are honing in on one group. Obsessed much? Who gives a shit if one group of kids are blonde. I see groups at Heritage that are ALL dark skinned. Let’s piss our panties over that too then?
This site is getting so stupid that this is the best people can come up with?
ZOMG there are groups of blonde kids. I has to tell everyone how I roll my eyes over this cuz people will care.
Talk about eyerolling. /rolls eyes
Well to be honest, most kids and TDs I know are brunette or redhead or they’re a PoC. I was the only blonde in the group at one time and my kid avatar is pale and blonde because I am pale and blonde in RL. When I originally made my avatar, everyone was tan and had oodles of dark flexi hair and I felt really weird being blonde and fair skinned back then.
Is there some TD blonde clique I don’t know about? All I see is lots of diversity.
There are clique’s of all sorts running about. Not sure why it’s news that people who think alike and like the same things tend to congregate.
I’m 99% sure that this weeks secrets were made by the butthurt masses (or one butthurt individual) that had nothing to do with the original pastel bullshit. They just had an ax to grind and saw an opportunity.
In last weeks secrets, a few people took advantage of the pastel drama to release their butthurtedness about Ivy being rude and judgemental etc etc.
Whether she is or not, I have no idea, but the butthurt is real, and deep. lol
Yeah, you have a point. Never thought pale and blonde would be “in style” and “unoriginal” though. I did consider going more “Punky Brewster” with my child avatar but everyone else was already doing that.
And the issue with Ivy at this point is just a bunch of people claiming poor behavior without proof. They had every chance to showcase it in screencaps but chose not to and instead we had a royal shitshow and a bunch of texture drama that will blow over within the next week or so.
Furthermore, if this is all we get for secrets this week, I want proof that Ivy steals textures.
The above photos don’t prove shit, except that the poster is too stupid to realize that Etsy, Deviant Art and other sources actually sell their artwork and textures with a commercial license. Showing photos of a few out of thousands of outfits this designer makes wearing Deviant Art unicorns and cupcakes isn’t good enough, sorry.
More info please. Does she claim that ALL of her textures are handmade? Or does she only put “original textures” on SOME of her ads? Because NO designer can claim that ALL of their texture and artwork is original or handmade. Some, sure. But no way all.
Sometimes designers don’t have time to make everything by hand. It’s like going to buy a bakery cake when you didn’t have the time to bake. Maybe you bake your own goods most of the time, but occasionally you purchase them from someone else. That doesn’t discredit you for all the homemade baked goods you HAVE made.
The party isn’t going to accuse you of stealing the cake, but if you claim you baked it and someone proves you did not, yea, you’re going to look like a fucking asshole.
None of the above secrets gives us enough information to judge this designer. Show us proof where she claimed the Deviant Art is original textures and you might have something. Boring it will be, but at least you can justify your butthurt, if not to us, then to yourself.
All I see is her claiming original textures on SOME of her work, not on all of it.
Also, I just realized that Ivy and those types are perpetually cross-eyed in their pictures. Maybe that’s why they can’t make their own textures, can’t even see straight.
#16 is being unreasonable. Almost every creator in SL uses source photos for their creations. I see copies of items all the time from etsy, pinterest, tumblr, of real life items recreated in SL. From clothing, accessories, shoes, jewelry, decor and home items….this case is exactly the same. All I had to do was google search “geometric wall frame” to find this image
which BOTH creators used. Just because Tres Blah did it first, did not give her or anyone for that matter, the right to claim someone else’s real life design as their own original second life content. Most creators understand this and it is why you don’t see THEM screaming about content/idea theft. You can’t possibly expect anyone to be aware or mentally catalog every single item that is uploaded in SL so that there are no duplicate items created that were not original designs to begin with.
That would be true if the item wasn’t an exact duplicate (apparently, from the photos, I’d like to see them superimposed inworld to be sure. )
When you use a real world inspiration photo there are always places where your model will differ because of choices you need to make to translate a 2 dimensional photo into a 3 dimensional object. There do not appear to be any differences between these two items from the photos (except for the photo surfaces added on top, which would be very easy to add to a ripped mesh).
The only way to be sure it’s ripped is to the see the actual mesh inworld though, and see the two objects superimposed to see if the vertices line up. I guarantee you no two items that are not copies of each other would line up perfectly just due to using the same source/inspirational item. I hope someone checks.
I agree though that plenty of people scream “rip” when that’s not appropriate. It’s unreasonable to expect that any creator in SL can constantly churn out completely original and unique products.
You can’t tell from the photo (though it looks suspicious). You need the actual item, one on top of the other, viewed in wire frame to see where the vertices are.
I’m sorry but I can’t support a witch hunt until I see that absolute proof.
Meanwhile however, someone mentioned that Kalopsia uses meshes that are available for download on the internet. This is exactly why creators should never do that. Maybe someone ripped the Tres Blah mesh and then posted it for download. Maybe both Kalopsia and Tres Blah took downloaded a mesh and built their creations on it (I find that less likely though).
If you didn’t create it, from scratch, don’t sell it. This is the complaint legit creators have about template usage too. As a buyer of a template you can never be 100% sure that template was created by the seller and not ripped. I know that realistically there are high quality mesh template creators who can be trusted, but in point of fact if you never have to trust that someone else actually did create the mesh, you don’t have to worry about being accused of theft.
I am so over seeing all this TD bullshit drama. I really had hopped this would be over by now.. 3 weeks though.. really? This Izabella girl really had no life at all to sit there and search out all of these girls dress textures just to what? Look like the bigger person and say ah-hah! LET IT GO ALREADY! My goodness! Have you any idea how bad you are making not only yourself look, but the entire TD community as a whole?
Lmdao why is everyone assuming I did this? And why am I pathedic if I were to do it but they weren’t pathedic to search up 2 pages now about me? Do you even think before you speak or what? Your being a complete hypocrite. Everyone on here is. Is it just me who sees this? This “Izabella girl” ME was a fucking victim in all of this. They did 11 secrets on me then commented for 3 weeks now and continued shit on and now someone who doesn’t like them posted shit about them because they were maybe sick of seeing them be hypocritical bitches? You all have a lot to say on little ol me who NONE of you know. All of you commenting like cowardly ass bitches on here bitching about being over it are the really gross pathedic ones. ???? #ILoveWhoeverDidDoThisTho big thanks and big props. Hit me up inworld lets have a beer! Cheers! ✌?️
Please… for the love of god.. learn how to spell. It is pathetic – NOT pathedic. That is all.
They make it up as it suits them. Whatever is the popular opinion, witch hunt or cause, they’re followers. Fangirlz, they lie, bully and bullshit. Call them out, stand up to them, they’ll say you’re crazy but they’re sooooo easy to stir up, they bite everyrime and you get the last laugh.
I actually don’t think it’s the same girl, unless she took her meds when she wrote the above secrets.
Although only marginally so, the spelling and grammar is slightly less trailer park. The style isn’t quit the same – it’s lacking the all over the place caps-locking and hash – tagging and obvious rage.
But who knows, she could have been stoned or made an extra effort (lol) to write like an educated human.
Don’t give her attention. She will keep this up for as long as she gets said attention. She’s made herself known and her intentions clear. Let’s all move along now. Shitshow is over.
Also, she’s about to come saying it wasn’t her. Why keep this up when we know her game already. Just don’t reply, let it die.
wow exactly the same model. some ppl have no shame
Update: It’s not the same model. I found examples in world and compared them. Most likely they were made following the same inspiration piece and both creators just very faithfully copied the original. There are substantial differences in the mesh that are apparent once you can view them each up close.
#16 I want to see them both inworld and inspect them to be sure, but I agree, it does look like a rip. There are normally enough differences when someone claims that their content was ripped to at least suggest the possibility that it was a coincidence, but this looks to be identical (except for the added on extra photos, which would take only a moment to select, copy and duplicate).
I own things from both stores, but not that item. I really want to know because that is too large and popular a creator to dismiss. They need to be removed from all events if a real world examination shows it is ripped, and there’s no plausible explanation forthcoming.
Not to mention that every single photo shown is super old and most, if not all of it, isn’t even for sale anymore. Could be the designer used purchased art in the past (or googled for art) but learned to texture and no longer uses other sources.
This isn’t uncommon or even a big deal.
Get over it and make some new, more interesting secrets. Nobody cares about this crap. It’s not even interesting.
I normally dont type but #8 is so stupid. Blog Managers are a paid job. WTF. Of course they accept cash. If you dont sit down somewhere. You think its not time consuming chasing down bloggers, figuring out what they did reporting that to the creators. It can take hours of a time. And saying someones blog sucks wow. Maybe its just not for you. No one is forcing you to view anything.
This is honestly just getting to be annoying to see here. If I wanted to watch toddlers fighting I’d switch in TLC and watch Toddlers in Tiaras! Now I see this ‘star’ girl is attacking other random people. I was neutral about this all before, but not I’m thinking the Maple owner is actually a psychopath who needs to be put away. Grown ass woman coming to this site after being ‘so over it’ to keep up with the drama. It’s a joke. As for the whole texturing thing. Who really fucking cares? Don’t wear it. She’s clearly photo sourcing as do 85% of SL designers in all groups. Do you idiots really think Blueberry is hand panting a denim texture? Or sitting and meticulously creating fabric patterns by hand? No! So stop shitting on photo sourcing. People pay for the use of textures all the time. Not everyone is Picasso. And when people do paint by hand they get called shitty texturers. Honestly people can fucking win.
And this random ass person made all these secrets and it’s actually so funny. Someone is bitter… Gross. This is over. No one even fucking cares anymore. Grow up and move on and bring me secrets that are fucking juicy. Not ragging on an infant because she used a fucking picture of a unicorn and claimed she didn’t. Y’all are boring.
How am I a physo? Lol. You think it’s me commenting on here? If it was me I would just say it was me. As for me being here. Why are you? Lmdao. You can come on here to see what people are chatting about but I’m physo for doing it? I’m pretty sure I didn’t put myself on SL secrets Hun. If you think I am on here “still checking to keep up drama even though I’m so over it” meanwhile… This has been my first comment since my last one on the OTHER page I got posted about on and I haven’t seen me on here saying anything rude so clearly I am not the one with the issue?? Or does it take someone more mature and stable minded to see that? I have done nothing but laugh at all of you on here bashing me because it clearly has not been the other way around. It’s funny how everyone on here has such an emotional opinion. You must be one of the sad little girls who got their karama served. I’ve seen you on here commenting more than most people. That’s really sad that you have nothing better to do here then express your unimportant and completely irrelevant opinion. #stillunbothered P.s. Another investigation fail on the part of SL Secrets or whoever they are allowing to supply their “information” if you’d like I’ll post the real inspiration picture I used before I painted the cute WIP y’all posted. Thanks for the advertising!! Y’all are awesome!! ^.^ I’m not worried, I’m still having a blast on SL. Hehe. Had a great dance rehearsal tonight, finished setting up my real cute mainstore. Hopefully you guys will post pics of that too so I can reach more people. Can you… Read more »
You should really have someone spell check your posts before you make them. I’m pretty sure my 6 year old daughter has more gramatical finesse than you do… Everyone knows you made the ‘blogging manager’ and ‘skanky’ post. You love attention and you’re just so incredibably tragic to watch. It’s like watching a car accident. You feel so bad for what’s happening but you just want look away. Please continue to rant and rave and advertise for your shitty store. That WIP up there looks like it’s for prepubescent ompaaloopas. This is so over. We’re tired of it. Everyone on this site who has even a drop of intelligence knows that you’re an idiot. xoxo
Hey sad how do you spell grammatical and incredibly you dumb fuck. You REALLY make a twat of youself when you’re calling out others and you can’t spell for shit lol. Shame on you
this isn’t spelling or english class…this is virtual-secrets.com so fuck you all, you bunch of damn idiots!
Ooc sorry made a TYPO. I didn’t spell the word pathetic as pathedic and the word psycho as pysco. For such an intelligent, pampered woman, she certainly has a whole lot to learn about elementary level English…
Lol err you’re the one claiming to be the spelling genius, calling out others when you yourself make spelling and grammatical errors in evey post. Ya fucken nutjob
Oh hang on just for “gramatical” lol
There’s nothing that screams cunt quite as loud as a grammar spelling nazi. I understood every word Ms Izabella wrote, who gives a fuck. Do you somehow think you’re better than everyone else because you obsessively pick out errors? Loser
She didn’t have to pick out errors. The whole clusterfuck was one big fucking error.
I get drunk texts more legible than that.
You could probably use some help as well… They sell. Lovely program called ‘Hooked on Phonics’. Check it out!
A lovely*
Lmao you can’t even get your own grammar right before posting so best you shut up now
Why do you keep using the word cunt.
Do you hate women?
It’s just a word, give it a rest, mate.
Well you just us9it?why can’t I too?
Tis worth noting “sad” is gender neutral so when I adressed her or him as a cunt I wasn’t addressing any particular gender. Simply a person behaving as a cunt, ok!
Nope just the ones who are cunts. Why the fuck do you care
Nice try.
However, you didn’t answer the question “Do you hate women?”
Keep going there at least 8 corrections needed to this post….. panting lol um painting perhaps
Don’t give her attention. She will keep this up for as long as she gets said attention. She’s made herself known and her intentions clear. Let’s all move along now. Shitshow is over.
@ no 20. Stereotyping all North Americas won’t win you points and it makes the few other good points you make hard to follow. But saying to flood the market, is an asshole comment.
Don’t let your jaded view lead your experience.
I am also disabled and have found SL to be an outlet where I can fly, talk, dance. I can’t create due to my limited movement in my arms and have to use a specially adapted keyboard (mostly voice translation) and mouse but it is still a magical place when you find people who care, and those who treat you with respect, as do I them.
Those who steal content are idiots, but don’t let them be part of your experience. I don’t buy from them and support the few decent creators out there.
It was a vent and sorry for horrid wording and edit. Essentially, there has been quite a few unsaid things there that might not be obvious to someone who did not grow up in a western world (and I moved to UK, hence I see the contrast). For all of us that were in central and eastern Europe (assuming other none-rich countries as well) – spending money in SL is a failure, spending money for films, games, music is a failure. They used (and still do in some of those countries – in my home country nothing changed since I left) to cost and arm and a leg, hell even music tapes did. People learnt to survive without those – recording telly shows from TV, recording music from radio, paying neighbours to rip PC games and so on. Afraid I do support this as well – simply because in case of those countries, artists could not make money because all shoddy copyright agencies and publishing houses charging them stood in the way. Public could not afford inflated prices and they found other ways around those. In SL’s case, there has been no economical poles in between but the odd domination of gachas and events that made some odd dictature and no idea why prices increased in general. Albeit, prices for living costs did, the thing that annoys me is indeed the North American, rich, blogger, priviledged attitude. And I will support people who sell supposed stolen digital stuff because usually they are people who understand others, not that people are in need of those. Not at all. It is just a case of fellow gamers who do not care of vocal rich people to taint things. I do not mind paying shops that do their own stuff, some do odd… Read more »
why are most of the secrets on this site surrounding toddler avatars lmfao….
Its a phase, it will soon pass.