Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 399.
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 157 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 399.
So she’s getting away with botting a skin and assembling copyrighted parts togther?
People seriously believe the proof she provided on facebook is legit?
If she were to prove that she made that skin, she needs to provide watermarked pictures of her photoshop file including the layer parts, in a way that it is clear and obvious to see that she drew things from scratch. Any designer would do that to defend their work!
For now, until she has proven a 100% that she made that skin, she shouldn’t be allowed anywhere with or near other designers creations. She might end up botting other than just a skin and possibly get away with it!
The post that she made on her facebook is hilarious. These aren’t even the same lips or “base skin” as shown in the post here. People who can’t see these things must really be blind. She isn’t even showing the brows off on that photo and you know why? Because its so obvious that it has the exact same shape and that the brow has just been blurred out.
I hope you all realize that you are supporting a botted skin, that creators have spent hours, days, months on creating..
Anyone who has a little bit of experience with photoshop, please think of the smudge tool and liquify tool, easiest ways to move things around and to make a botted skin look like your “own” creation.
Pay attention to the overall shape, shading, highlights, creases and lines, that is all the warning signs of botted puzzle skin.
THANK YOU! this was exactly what was going through my head. The people defending her have no idea how hard it is to make skin. As someone who has worked with the SL body UVs I can tell you that it is near impossible to duplicate the exact lines and shading. The only way you can do it is by tracing over a copybotted template – something that Grace has clearly done here.
What I learned from reading the comments today: NEVER develop any products for child/toddler avatars. Their fanbase is motherfucking crazy, and a bit evil.
Just the TDs. Those of us who use “big kid” (SMB) or system avatars are grateful to anyone who remembers we exist.
Pretty much! Tiny bodies can be full of big drama.
10/10 Would like this comment again!
oh wait! Yes I have something to add XD
Is funny how to english mother language people complain for mistakes made by supposed non english people, but so many people feel free to use italian word in a so uncorrect way!
Google is your friend, Translator is too….
not mine. -.-
NO OFFENCE, just fun 😛
I’m very very offended by most what have been written.
First of all is about the drama itself: I was very proud of ToddleeDoo when it went out because it wiped out most of the drama in the kid word. This revival is a real slap in the face. Shame on you.
I do not understand why recall the facebook story here, i think it was solved and there is no need to repeat it.
The fact I’m being called (one more time!) by my – already difficoult – RL to reply to bullshit is RIDICULOUS!!!
If you want updates and better products just give me the time to do it as I can and not make me waste my precious time in this drama stuff!!
…and of course be sure I’m aware of any issue!
Said this…
I love my EeileeBoo and SHE CAN DO WHETEVER SHE WANT – as everyone else – even body parts if she would like to! There is not any Backstabbing in this!
Almira was and is very very precious, if it was not for her there would not be any Cute Bytes or ToddleeDoo today. SO please respect her and her position.
Any SL creator CAN DO WHETEVER THEY WANT! without being called lazy or worse just because they decided to do only baby.
Now, there would be much more to say, oh yeah if there would be…, but I’m not going feed this drama game any further: too many words have been already spent and honestly I think they are already really too many.
Il mondo è bello perchè è vario
So, cookies.
I invite everyone here to go through my posts, and quote me or ANY of the other creators, where we bashed, boycotted or spread lies about the kid body or Bit. Alls we ever said in our posts or comments, was that there was an issue with rigging and fitting mesh to the kid body because the blender file is the body that was updated two years ago, and the inworld body is the body BEFORE that update. They were two different bodies, making it a lot of guess work to make clothing. On top of that, the demand for kid clothes was so low that it didn’t exactly persuade us to partake in this guess work to create clothing for people that would probably not sell and be a waste of time. That was a decision on our part. If we choose not to make kid sizes, it doesn’t make us lazy. There are plenty of big creators who no longer make standard size clothing because the demand for them is not there. But you don’t see their customers bitching and moaning about it. Because their customers don’t think their entitled to their stress and tears and frustration like a lot of the TD world does. Just because you’re a child avatar does not mean you must act like one. We (I am including Bit in ‘we’) are not at your beck and call. We have RL’s that come first. So if I only have time to make one size of clothing for an outfit… I will only make one size. If that tickles you the wrong way and you don’t like it than so be it. Why can stores like Tetra and DeadDollz EXCLUSIVELY make clothes for the Maitreya body and not get called names and lazy? Doesn’t… Read more »
It is nice from you to admitt the two size of the body are just different and not broken as you and the other whined on FB. I can not agree with the part where you say “probably Bit already know” because i know for sure she doesn’t read minds, but at least you admit this too.
Other creators, some even in this post, stated that the rigging for the two sizes are not so different and easy to work on, but i do understand you don’t want to work on a product that grants you a low profit.
I know no one forced you to do so, only the demanding clients to whom you should had say “sorry guys i want to work only on the baby size but i’ll see what can i do in the future” and move on.
Spreading rumors, whining on FB and discrediting another creator and her products was your and your friends idea, no one forced you do to this. But, as you can see, you are not so important and untouchable like you belived at the start of this story, and people will remember.
Apologizing is a good start but… stop defending yourself so hard, stop blaming others, be humble and try again.
This time you didn’t sound sincere so well :\
We did not discredit or spread any rumors. Where did that happen? I would absolutely love to see these posts… By all means… prove me wrong. And why can’t I defend myself? Why can’t anyone defend themselves? I should just take abuse because people who were not involved came on and FORCED us to defend ourselves? We admitted where we were wrong. We took that blame, but there is plenty that was done and said to us that has yet to be apologized for. Unless you are a mesher, you don’t know what we’re talking about when we have issues. We’re not banding together to try and discredit or ruin Bit’s name. We love Bit. She’s like the mother hen of the TD world and we know this… We are beyond thankful for everything she has done for the kid community and would NEVER set out to do or say anything bad about her… but people are claiming we did when we did not. So like I said… if you have any sort of proof that we did that, please… bring it to light so that we can own it and apologize for it. Because we want this to end just as much as Bit does. The important parties on the two sides of this have made peace and worked everything out… it’s the pawns that no one invited that continue to throw stones and claim to be fighting on our behalf when we have already put down our arms.
So do you claim to be a mesh creator? You actually don’t know the difference between a mesh and a rigging…
I quote the Zoobatos’s owner and creator, watch her video, maybe you will learn how to do it
Never had a single issue with the Toddleedoo body, two sizes, really easy.
You don’t want to do the Kid size, cause more user bought and use the Baby size.
This is the reality, please deal with it.
And I found really unfair act like the divas you aren’t. You are noone to tell people “if you are not a mesh creator you can’t speak about it”. If you are a professional creator as you claim, you will avoid to complain around instead of ask support. If you talk about something on a social media, EVERYONE can join the conversation and give opinions about that.
And also… the word ‘broken’ never happened. We never said anything except that the files didn’t match… which they didn’t.
Which I clearly stated in my post here:
But again… please twist my words. Even further down in the post… I said the file didn’t work… because it did. not. match. the. in. world. body. I admitted to being upset that I paid for a half usable kit… because making clothes for the kid body is hard, especially when you have to remake AO maps and re-rig and model the same outfit. I was admittedly upset and bothered that I had this old file. I felt abandoned by Bit because I didn’t know of her issues and said I felt that she should have handed the business over to someone to take care of… which she did… but I had NO idea she had… I didn’t know who Almira even was when that post was made. None. So that is the honest explanation for my words. If you want anything else clarified, go a head and ask because I’m tired of having to defend myself from people saying what I did and did not say.
I won’t be replying to any more comments made here. I have said my peace and if you choose to not accept it… that’s your problem not mine. Everything is settled between Bit and the creators in question… so if you wish to keep adding fuel to an extinguished fire, by all means… be my guest.
You ask for proof but then say you wont replay anymore, good!
The proof are on this same site, there are screenshots you can read. Other people already did.
No one is trying to twist your words here, you claim you never said “broken” but you keep saying “not working”… are you stupid or do you think other people are?
But the funniest part is: Omg, i didn’t know Bit had RL problem, i didn’t knew who Almira was… seriously? You work for a product and you know nothing about it? How professional we are, aren’t we?
Please, do what you said and don’t replay anymore, you fail youself everytime you add something that doesn’t match what you stated before.
I tell you again, pay a PR because your image and reputation are going to be ruined for good if you keep this attitude!
Also, this is my first time commenting on this post. I am only doing so because my name was mentioned and my words taken out of context.
Adelyne Kaitlyn Lawley says
April 19, 2016 at 9:28 am
Also, this is my first time commenting on this post. [Sure we belive you ;D]
I am only doing so because my name was mentioned and my words taken out of context. [You only do this because others tried to but didn’t end well. You words were taken WITH the context as you can see from the screenshots]
Seriously girls, pay a PR for this stuff, you really sucks in this!
The maturity level is honestly outstanding. Truly and honestly. I haven’t commented on this post prior. I simply didn’t have the energy because in my mind, the drama was over… but when my name was mentioned, I felt it was necessary to come out and explain my side.
Your name was mentioned since the start and, honestly, the drama wasn’t over for you. yeah, people talk.
you all keep complaining about two STANDARD size rigs meanwhile we have to work on fitmesh belleza, maitreya, slink physique & hourglass. and most of us only have a kit for slink …
(yes i’d love to skip maitreya and belleza but then i’d make no money)
Yes… There’s only two… But those bodies, Maitreya, Beleza, etc. have a HUGE demand. Like I can understand the work put into that because you make money off it. There is almost no demand for the Kid size. Almost none at all. So putting the same effort into something that has no demand as something that does is silly. You have to agree to that.
11. Left one looks a lot better than the right so hardly a fail, I got the one on the right it looks like plastic.
So you prefer shitty hair with worse textures and a broken rig? Just remove materials from the right one if you think it looks like “plastic”. This is something you can change, a bad quality hair like the left one is and will still bad.
I tried to stay out of the drama, I tried to avoid the rumors, but my name came out so many times and too much was said for me to stay silent. You all think I have nothing to do all day and my job is something simple to handle, but any given day I answer to many costumers who can give you proof of what I do for them. My job doesn’t only consist of redelivering products, I have to think about refunds, file requests of new creators, renting the shops, check and contact who is on due with the payments, explaining to new customers how the body and HUD works, what kind of hairs they can use, I show them how to get dressed and how to edit their avatar, often suggesting the stores of the same people involved in this discussion who pointed their fingers toward me. I literally put aside everything to give full assistance to the ToddleeDoo world and to help my friend Bit. I will not longer repeat myself, nor will I dedicate my time to answer to those who don’t even know what they are talking about while spreading false statements, made strong by the anonymity. On the, now famous, post on Facebook, I said many times I was available to explain inworld. But I was just ignored. I also had to face many angry people because you all stated that the new update was bugged, the file was bugged, the rigging was not working, and this is not really the truth. As I explained before, I said lazy because you had a problem but didn’t want or even try to solve it in the proper way. No one contacted me, the CSR and only person was able to give you help while… Read more »
How about people who have nothing to do with the actual meshing, rigging of the toddleedoo product, or in fact is not a CSR, Not a friend to Bit, or the fact have anything to do with the situation at all and just feel like putting their two cents in take a step back and let the adults handle the problem of a simple miscommunication and fabrication of :
1.) The troublesome rigging of the avastar (Should only have to deal with bit directly on this in her bug reports) NO ONE ELSE not even FB, not your little friends.
2. Eeilee’s mesh body, Sorry but I dont see you in the conversation along with me and Eeilee, or Eeilee and Bit. That concerns them. So go back to roleplaying being a child you are damn well good at it. (Should only be handled by EEILEE AND BIT)
Thank you and have a nice day, any questions or concerns please forward them to your trash bin of said above. 🙂
Also, please show me where I advertised my product? Really – please show me.
There is no product to advertise.
There is no product to advertise…
But she will continue support her own shop… sorry… i mean the TD, so it’s ok!
Dude! Stop playing dumb, talking about something and let others speak about it to stay clean it IS advertising! Now i’m advertising your body too, you really should pay me!
Yes, thank you, here is the whole thing https://gyazo.com/bd1902420bb6fb976f001c405c4422da
The advertising wasn’t enough? Please, post a link for your marketplace too!
This is how you play dumb! Kudos!!!
If you carefully read back to yourself what you just wrote, even you are admitting that I did nothing wrong and never stated that the TD was broken, not once. Am I guilty of whining a bit about it being a pain to mesh 2 sizes when not too many people buy the 2nd size? Sure. So, that makes me guilty of being a little selfish about my time and choosing to spend that time meshing for events instead. Who cares. Stop taking it so personally, Bit doesn’t and she saw the thread and we have discussed it and she understands what I was saying. Clearly, you do not understand the difference in my statement about “not wanting” to mesh a size for personal reasons and someone saying the thing was broken. I challenge you to find a single statement, coming from me, making anything even close to a negative remark against Bit or her products. In no way is it my fault that someone posted the “cough cough” remark. My attempts, back in January, to use the Bento Project to experiment with new bodies has not went anywhere lately. I haven’t had time to work on it and it’s not even a thing. It doesn’t exist. It’s a lump with a tailbone. If someone said I made a body and intended to use this recent drama to sell it, they are flat out lying. THERE IS NO BODY TO SELL. And as I stated above, it isn’t likely that I will be the one to make one due to lack of time. Whenever anyone asked me in private messages how I do the kid body mesh, I happily explained and provided them the information on Avastar and Blender versions that I use to rig. I use 2.75 Blender and… Read more »
@5 There is nothing wrong with being inspired by RL photography. I used to recreate outfits from The Satorialist that I found could be easily recreated in SL. BUT IF YOU’RE GONNA DO THAT…credit the ORIGINAL source please. K Thnx Bai.
I admit I haven’t read this entire explosion of crap here but I was pointed to this forum and see that my name is being slung about as being a boycotter for making my own mesh body. I want to clear a few things up for anyone confused about this. 1. I have been playing around with the new Bento Project on the test server to see what I can accomplish (and it’s not much more than a blobby ball on sticks thus far lol) 2. I have no intention of “boycotting” Toddleedoo. This would not just screw over a dear friend of mine (Bit) but destroy my own store, as 90% of my products created over the last 2 years are for Toddleedoo. 3. The only “secret” regarding my making a body is that I did not want too many people to know about my effort to do so because I am most likely going to fail and I didn’t want to look like an asshole promising a new product and not delivering. 4. Bit is a good friend of mine. She had a baby several months ago and although I am extremely busy both in SL and RL, I have done my best to help out and will continue to do so. 5. I spend more time these days meshing for events and making mesh heads (for Toddleedoo) and there’s no guarantee I will even have time to make a quality avatar body, but it’s fun to try and if it works out, it’s not going to be a competition. In fact, with Bit being back more, I have been playing around with the idea (if she has time, still need to talk to her about it) of collaborating with her on some fresh new ideas for Bento.… Read more »
I’m sure she will be really happy to share her work and time with you again! <3
Yeah, this is sarcasm.
Why not give me your real name so you and I, and Bit, can discuss? Instead of sarcasm, open up and explain why you are worried about whether or not I succeed at making a body? While it’s likely I will not succeed, if I were to do so, why do you have a problem with this?
Let’s adult.
It’s Eeilee your RL name? No. Be adult. Don’t care about the body i just expressed my opinion, time will tell.
No my RL name is certainly not Eeilee. Eeilee is my SL name and my name on FB. Why?
I don’t need your RL name. But you are welcome to join in a conversation with Bit and I on Facebook or inworld (with your SL account )and explain why and how you are involved and what your concerns are. It was important enough for you to post here and express your opinion, why not discuss your genuine concerns with us in a way that might resolve some issues here?
You don’t see the point, i don’t have to justify with no one. Changing subject, putting in discussion the identity of someone who told the truth, is not a way to hide all the lies.
People have already spoken:
The body was broken? LIES
This bunch of angry bitches talked badly about Bit and her product over Facebook? TRUTH
You started to talk about your new and “better” body (yeah right) just after them? TRUTH
I don’t care about your real name. I want to see, with everybody here now, your fucking true face!
Can you show us these threads? Show us where I said the body was broken and then proceeded to discuss my new body. If you’re going to make such claims, it’s important to back it up with truth, not opinions.
Can you explain what you mean by wanting to see my true face? I suspect a language barrier here as I can’t imagine that you mean you want to see a picture of my face?
If what you are saying is that you want facts, you are welcome to join in a conversation with us and discuss it without cursing and getting upset.
Yeah, let’s have some fun with this two pictures! I’m sure we got quite an audience right now. Probably laughing at you of course.
Ladies and gentlemen…picture numer one! Please read carefully and don’t miss any juicy detail!!!
What do you say? Eeilee is just mentioned? Every good story got a prelude, and now…
Poor girl, it’s a huge pain right? People send you nasty notecards, that’s why you are going to make your own toddler body, one size for every little backstabber like you? No, sorry, just for all… how generous <3
Why should i spend time talking with you inworld? Let me think… Oooh yes, so your shit doesn't become public! 😀
Thank you, you actually just proved yourself entirely wrong.
The first thread was made by someone I don’t even know, did not see and did not participate in.
The second thread was EXACTLY what I explained on Facebook as being “the thread” I posted on about not wanting to make kid sizes due to lack of sales and time. Yes, people get nasty when you don’t include the kid size and it’s a pain, but MOST of the time, I include kid size, just not always.
Explain to me, here in public if you prefer, how this in ANY WAY is me boycotting the TD product itself? I am obviously supporting the TD product. Every single store on my sim, including mine, is Toddleedoo.
If I choose to make a body or not, is none of your concern at all.
3 things have given your identity away over the course of this conversation.
1. Your very familiar typos and language differences.
2. Your passion and willingness to believe this was an attempt to boycot the TD products.
3. Your refusal to discuss it with me in private.
I won’t call you out, but if you would like, I will give you the names of some mutual friends that know I have been talking about trying out the Bento Project well before any of this silly drama even started.
This is exactly the point! Do you support the TD? How? As we can see, you didn’t talk with Bit or her CSR about this, someone else did. You just advertised your product, complained about Bit’s work, and ganged with people who talked shit about it. In the first picture Deliah Nicole say (Quote: I’d willing to pay for a better body if available… … I am sure there Body Creators wouldn’t hesitate to make it for us) Someone else already know the answer! Adelyner Lane say (Quote: Cough Eeilee Zentz Cough) tagging you. The next day someone else have to tag Bit to show what people is saying (garbage) on Bit! How supportive you were <3 About the second picture i have spoken before but lets point another fact: In the last post made by Adelyner Lane, she suggest to DON'T buy the Kid size but only the Baby… A strange move from someone who make money thanks to Bit! Even worst toward the creators who do clothes for the Kid size (there are many out there). Where was your support back then? Nowhere to be found… You said nothing to Adelyner, nothing to Adelyne Kaitlyn Lawley who say she paid so many money for a body that doesn't work (we now know for sure this was a HUGE liar). And again, Poppy Mae, Cary Forsythe… What about Presley Snow Do-Dappa with her (Quote: I'm sharing this so maybe more people see, I agree 100%) Yes, let's spread some shit around and call this "being supportive" no one tried to talk with Bit's CSR (since you well knew Bit wasn't there) to adress this issues… you know why? Sure you know! Because it was a lie you sustained to sell your shitty body you are failing to make! 😀… Read more »
Juicy fucking week this week! I don’t check this thing very often but my gosh, i swear i need to sometimes. I really only care to comment on the kid avi stuff cause… that’s my area of expertise! Now to start regarding #10… not making something for one, but making it for the other is NOT lazy. So many people do that… there’s reasons why things can’t be completed. Be it RL, or meshing issues, blender problems and so forth. Sure laziness could factor into it, or the fact that the sales for that particular one isn’t really all that high so “what’s the point” it’s all about priorities. And there’s more TD babies than there is TD kids from what I’ve seen (and there ARE reasons for that which also vary.) I make clothing too, some items I sell only for TD baby and not TD Kid. I get asked from time to time for the item to be in TD Kid form but I say it’s not available at this time. Does this make me lazy? No… I have my reasons. Bottom line, people need to get their heads out of their asses. If people are saying the files work, then they must work and people just need to update their bodies, cause there IS an issue where the rigged mesh won’t work for the body if it’s not been updated, it makes clothing look like it doesn’t fit and so forth. Now! (This is where it gets super juicy) Onto #13. I have to say, I am very very sad I missed out on this Secret. But I’m glad someone posted the grabzilla of the RP First I will say… Wow! That RP was very… entertaining? Let’s say 😛 I had to read it over and over… Read more »
I love how you think you’re cute in that post. *giggles*
You’re not. To me, you are one of the reasons people look at the kid community as a bunch of age playing freaks. Brava.
I didn’t read half of that, the fact you felt you had to defend her not being a pedo … where there’s smoke there’s fire.
The problem with people who play both child and adult avatars on one avatar is this, who’s to say you aren’t in child form when you’re doing the deed?That’s why it becomes believable not all this daddy/sub/babygirl apologist appeal you spewed out trying to explain her roleplay away.
I don’t know if she was a child during that roleplay or an adult, but when you play a child avatar and then ‘switch or say you switch’ to an adult avatar to do things like this, you stand the chance of being called out just like she was this week. Also loved how you focused on just the pedophile standpoint and didn’t really touch base much with the copybotting. Methinks you may also have something to hide.
So many people, including me, already stated the body had no issues. Not working on it for whatever reason is ok, spreading the rumors it’s broken, it’s wrong. Please, stick your head back in your ass if you cant speak the truth and smell your own bullshits.
# 10 You all make me a laugh a bit here. Please I do not know how to recommend this any further to only listen what comes straight from the mouths of the people involved instead of posting opinions and outside telephone game thoughts. I am not really one to to post on this site, nor straight out saying who I am but as a creator, a CSR of Toddleedoo, a dear friend to those involved I have heard and seen much. One thing I was not aware was all the facebook drama all of a sudden surrounding the issues of Toddleedoo became emerged. I do not know the tid bits and pieces that came to be but let me name a few things. This “brown noser” manager of hers. Almira as no one will say the name but I will, she handled the redelivery and customer issues some of us could not. That was her main ordeal as I knew it when she was on. Every one of us played our parts in toddleedoo chat or would simple glance and see a very helpful toddleedoo advocate help others in the chat when needed and as soon as we could. If a problem came arise and was generally BROUGHT TO OUR ATTENTIONS, or even BUG SUPPORT that Bit so kindly pushes for everyone to use as it will go directly to her, we were on it as fast as we possibly could. Oh? we have spammers in group? took a bit to get Bit through Via facebook, or even Almira who personally contacted Bit for us as I spoke with Almira myself to get Bit online to get us Ban rights. Thank you Almira. Bit sat and talked with us for a while as true friends we were more or… Read more »
Atleast some one is saying the truth here, it’s gone on too long and the post this pic is poking at is the one where Almira said ‘lazy’ as a joke. People forget English isn’t her first language, sometimes things come out wrong and I’m sure she wasn’t saying lazy to be mean to people when she’s dropped her life to work and help Bit manage Toddleedoo and as you said if there’s an issue *all of the sudden* then use your brain and contact Bit’s CSR who has ways such as a RL telephone to talk to Bit about issues. I’ve said my peace here and just hope the Drama Queens at work here can find their way back to the ground & Thank you Aryiana Novelli for the work you do in Toddleedoo, it may not look like it but some of us appreciate it.
Ty well said
It’s funny that you want to viciously call someone out who has only been trying to help the Toddleedoo world ever since Bit took a leave of absence due to a much more important reason such as giving life. And instead of waiting or being courteous to her and giving her some time to get back on her feet you start running around with your band of Divas whining about the Kid mesh being flawed when for some reason its worked perfectly for every other creator. Without toddleedoo you would have nothing so take a moment gather yourself and realize that without Bit and her CSR and Toddleedoo you wouldn’t have shit. So what you make full perm mesh here have a cookie but that doesn’t make you higher up or better than anybody else. And btw stop whining every other day about a person copying you. LOL original? Google got your patterns girl.
They think they can conditionate the whole world with their lies…But everyone got eyes and a not-shared brain and so everyone can easly understand their dirty games. The Zoobato’s creators already slapped hard them. Shame on you “original creators”. Your meshes are crap, you can’t rig and your textures are from google. Good job!
zoobatos meshes are just MD outcome and badly rigged
13) i hope she deletes her skin lol
i would like to see the proof she’s talking about
for me its very similar lol.. most of it is just resized/tinted and painted over it
if anyone still has doubts: try drawing on a sl uv 🙂 its a pain in the ass and the okkbye nose lines up perfectly
grace im sure customer will lick your ass but you cant fool other designer
We get it. You’re a hater.
I prefer to think of it being a realist. After seeing the post here on secrets, then seeing her ‘defense’ post on FB (which makes it even more obvious she botted). This isn’t her first round of botting, and I sincerely doubt it’ll be her last.
It is funny how all comments in Grace’s defense here are clearly posted by her (and if you stretch it a bit, maybe by her friends) She goes on and on about how original she is. I can not even read those with a straight face when she looks exactly like Okkbye and has probably copybotted her shape too. There is not a single original bone in Grace’s body. If she was so interested in albino culture she would know that no albino in this world has ash white hair. She looks rediculous. Fantasy lolita kawaii piece of **** thinks she’s the mother of toddleedoo’s and in the meantime looks nothing like a child. As someone whos been a td for years I can say we actually want to look like children, Grace
lmao, perfect. The post on fb makes her look way worse than this one did.
@#12 If you post the credits to the scene with the pic on flickr and not redirect to your blog then people do see and buy from flickr. AND its does count!
Yume shes in art school and is an amazing artist and can draw her ass off have you not seen her edits either? Maybe she used some things as inspiration like most creators do, but she has NEVER copy botted. And she steals ideas from other kids? She literally single handely created the look most kids use now, not to mention half of you are running around with her shapes she makes.
You can not look at that image and say “Maybe she used some things as inspiration like most creators do” That is not inspiration. That is straight up COPYING other creators work. If you can’t see that you are either blind or ignorant. Not to mention, one of the people she has copied was her ex family member(Okkbye owner) who agrees that she has copy botted her nose.
Also, she did not “single handedly created the look most kids use now”. She is not the only blogger who gives inspiration to kid looks, and she is certainly not the only one kids are buying and wearing shapes from.
You need to get your facts straight. I’ve known Yume for several years and she has always had the dominant features of having a wide button nose, chubby cheeks, big eyes and albino-like features. She has always admired the culture since the day I met her. For those whose opinion has changed of Grace because of they are sheep, look closely at the so called amitomo copybotted eyes and the eye bags that Yume created. The bags are different, a lot different. Yes, the nose looks very similar. Look at the nostrils, again, the shading between the two nostrils is different. There is only so much you can do to make a skin look different before people start screaming and crying saying it’s a copybotted skin. There’s two sides to every single story, remember that before you start bullying an innocent person.
Grace is 100 percent the inspiration behind most of these kids, and maybe your hate for her is blinding you from seeing that but its obvious people copy her. so call her a thief for her skin or whatever you want to. but your stretching so far to say she copies anyones fashion, lets keep on topic and not bash an entire persons being. shes just like you probably upset about this secret herself, so stop bullying. if you want to pick on someone publicly then stay on topic and stop bashing everything about her. because its not true.
I’ve been a kid AV since 2006 – I still have no idea who Grace is. Maybe I need to get out more. On second thoughts … I’ll stick with my current group of friends. Venturing out of my bubble seems like it would lead to more catfighting than my spare time allows.
She copybotted everything they said she did, this isn’t her first run in with being a blatant copybotter, won’t be the last. Everything she has done, or does is someone else’s style and ideas. From shapes, to skins, she has and continues to be the flagrant little botter that was shown in that post above.
Even after being shown a ‘defense post’ on Fb, it’s obvious she copybotted those elements. Trying to defend herself.. she looks even more guilty than this original post. She took the orignal textures blurred a bit and claimed they are all her. What a load of crock. It’s amazing that you can’t see what she is behind that tired albino skin of hers.
LOL I’ve been a kid in SL for 9 years. Grace isn’t the ‘inspiration’ behind SL kids fashion. I’ve been creating my entire SL and I don’t even know who the hell she is…
I have to disagree with you there. I see tons of kids on SL with there own style that is nothing like hers.
I do not hate her, not once did I say that. I also did not say she was copying anyone’s style. I said she was copying creators work. Which from the pictures above anyone can see is true.
“I dont hate her, just bla bla bla” yeah okay lady. You might aswell hate her because you’re draggin her name.
you obviously haven’t known her as long as some of us have… yume doesn’t have a single original idea of her own. but I don’t need to be the one to tell you that *sips tea*
actually… *smacks your tea down* ive known yume for 6 years when she wasnt a kid, just go on her flickr and look at her oldest photos shes ALWAYS been original. she was the one that started the white hair and big glasses, shes ALWAYS SINCE SHE STARTED SL and even in real life she mimicks her secondlife taste. its just who she is like thats grace shes always been like that
To be honest, I think this post is made by the same incriminated “creators”. Just to try to show to the others how much they are poor victims in this situation. But they are not the victims, they are the evil minds who are trying to defame Bit and her CSR.
Open your eyes people.
Y’all are bitching about TD sizes and I’m sitting here wearing a Tweeneedoo because updates? Clothing? What are those?
Personally that’s just more proof of the kind of creator Bit is. Why sell a product that people can’t even create for.
She is actually a very talented and dedicated creator that took time to take care of herself and her newborn baby.
She created the Tweeneedoo avatar shortly before becoming pregnant and began experiencing complications.
She took the time, regardless of her health problems, to ask some people to help customer service for her products and also logged on many times herself to address issues.
Having a young baby, it might take some time for her to update all of her products but I am sure she will also get to the Tweeneedoo. 🙂
I actually wasn’t aware that she got sick/had her baby after releasing the Tweeneedoo, and I really do hope that she and the kid are well enough that she can get back to creating more intensely soon. My hope is that she’ll add more alphas to the Tween body so it can be worn with more clothing. Most big kid clothes don’t work with her alpha cuts and it becomes impossible to wear with a lot of outfits.
Honestly, as a bigger kid, I’ve given up bitching about not having anything made for my size. Not worth complaining over because it’s just not going to happen. The market has spoken, and for the time being, the market wants to be tiny.
Because. She wound up sick and on bed rest not long after releasing the body. She had a very complicated pregnancy. I guess she should have put her life and the life of her unborn child at risk just to provide you with updates right?
Ahahah seriously? She HAVE to made avatars to feed you liches? OMG so hilarious. There are creators who do clothes on SL, so she is already feeding someone pockets.
Just go beg for money somewhere else.
This is just proof of your stupidity!
Actually number 3 there is a more calculatiing bitch in Second Life she who shall not be named but builds houses and has the initials of a radio biggest lying cunt manipulator on the planet. Liar bully actress
I’m a Mesh Designer myself and I never had any problem with the ToddleeDoo file, and like me, many others I know.
The fact you don’t know either a difference between a rigging and a mesh makes me think you are not that “mesh designer” you claim to be.
The fact in your timeline everyone can see that you tried to avoid Kid size because “is a waste of time because 10% of customers wear it” and only when called lazy you issued Bit, show me you are actually lazy and don’t want to face your customers – point someone that is not there is easier yes – or that you have other goals.
The fact Bit fixed the issue in less than a week shows that she indeed is not lazy at all and more than kind.
The fact you say “people weren’t mad at Bit” when you actually called the boycott and worse show me you are liars.
The fact that “Wallow in your soon to be out of date body and enjoy it while it lasts. We’ll be on to bigger and better things soon any way” explain me you clearly have other plans so this sound to me a very commercial move. On the other hand, is not a secret that Eeilee is making “her own only baby body” so there is no reason to play this hide and seek game…
The fact you are a supporting this backstab makes me think you are very very mean and I think Bit should revoke you the rights to work with ToddleeDoo AND to use “ToddleeDoo” to mark your products because you should not have defamed what gives you work.
At last, I don’t think Bit owe anyone to know what is happening in her RL…
So people are spreading “lies” because Eeilee is making a mesh body to compete with ToddleeDoo (???)
But Eeilee and Bit were BFFs not very long ago… Eeilee was a toddleedoo event manager at cute bytes. I think she still holds it on her land
You know nothing Jon Phone…
Eeilee making her own baby body is not backstabbing. AT ALL. Bit has no right to have a monopoly on the kid mesh body world. If Eeilee wants to make her own body, she is welcome to it. If Slink, Maitreya, Beleza, whoever the fuck, wants to make a new mesh body for kids, they can. Bottom line, Bit’s body has been an ‘okay’ mesh body for kids. It doesn’t have enough alphas, it’s not very well scuplted, it’s difficult to work with sometimes, and that’s okay. Not everyone is on the level of other mesh body makers. But Secondlife and it’s players have evolved, and it’s time the kid community evolved too. We need new things too. We should be allowed to expect a better body. We’re just as important as anyone else in SL.
That’s interesting how you think backstabbing is Eeilee making a new mesh body…
I’d mean backstabbing is talking behind ToddleeDoo just to advertise an incoming similar product.
All while still working for ToddleeDoo itself!
It’s an ingenious plan!
All I have to do is spend 8 hours of my day, most days, meshing Toddleedoo heads and clothes for events, buy a few websites that support my Toddleedoo products and Toddleedoo events, customer service the TD chat channels, create groups and events that support Toddleedoo products and buy a sim that has ALL Toddleedoo stores on it.
/cackles evilly at my ingenious plan to boycot Toddleedoo
Oh, it may be not your own plan but it’s the plan of someone that is trying to get any advantage by your success in this!
Yeah, your name have been associated to this shit several times and you haven’t taken any distance!
Perhaps they thought you could not compete and that you need help? LOL
No offence uh? this is just what I see within the lines but if it’s not like this please show us the truth!
Who is “they”? Please clarify.
Noone is going to benefit from taking advantage of my success in anything because THERE IS NO BODY. I don’t know how many times I have explain this. There is NO BODY. There is a lump that’s been sitting in Blender since January 2016 that I haven’t had time to do anything with other than read about the Bento Project and figure out how to upload the things made using it to the test server. How is anyone even thinking they are going to benefit from this at all?
Once again, there IS NO NEW BODY available now and probably won’t be in the future, at least not made by me. I have no experience in making bodies and will probably fail horribly at doing so.
But if I feel like messing with the Bento Project and making a body or body parts, that’s none of your, or anyone else’s business.
What truth am I supposed to be showing? I can provide with a screenshot of the lumpy, shapeless thing I created using the Bento Bones a few months ago? LOL
It is obviuos you don’t know shit and your rant is pointless. Everybody knows where Eeilee started and to who she played a double face. You say Bit mesh body is an “ok” body… seriously? Can you or someone else do better? Is it not the best baby/kid avatar on SL? Yes it is, everybody knows. Don’t talk about creators and importance of the SL kid community, no one is talking about that and no one really cares. Stick to the topic, diffamation is wrong, insulting customers is wrong, fouling them is even worst. You are not important and i think too, next time, Bit will consider twice who to give her rights to use her product.
Again, please back up your comments with proof. Show us all where I am “playing a double face”
In fact, please prove to us all what a clever villain I am. I’ll be waiting all agog while meshing a new head for Toddleedoo.
the backstep is not about the new body I guess, cause everyone have the right to create what they want. The backstab is attack the toddleedoo and find fake bugs to advertise a new body
Please, show me where I posted anything, ever, anywhere, about a bug.
There is no bug. There was a thread, containing people talking about their reasons for not making the kid size body – A thread I shared and commented on, stating that I usually make the kid size body, but only if I have time (99% of my clothes and shoe meshes contain kid sizes) due to the fact that the kid size doesn’t seem to sell as well, so sometimes I choose not to mesh it.
I believe the reason people took this out of context is because at the same time that this thread was floating around (people talking about whether or not the customer base contained enough kid size avatars to bother meshing the size) there were multiple other threads, made by various different people, that were talking about things possibly being wrong with the avastar/blender/kid size files.
If I planned to boycot the Toddleedoo product, I would essentially be destroying my own store.
Stop jumping on the hysterical bandwagon because you want to get embroiled in drama and “have something to say”
There is no conspiracy, there is no boycot. Bit and I are friends and she knows I support her products and will continue to do so.
Its a no win. If she’s nice and doesn’t put down a fellow creator she’s fake. If she says “no you aren’t in my league”, she’s an arrogant bitch. I see that she gracefully accepted the kudos. Nothing fake about that.
Blueberry is one of the genuinely sweetest people that I’ve met in Second Life. I have seen her do things for other people that she doesn’t have to do that are amazing. She’s a very kind and giving person with enough grace and sensibility to be gracious, always working hard and generous. There is nothing fake about that.
Also, that secret up there… there are so many flavors in the universe so why did you pick salty?
Funny to see the Maphia behind the toddlers world rofl I used to think it’s a kind world of colors and sparkles, but these creators apparently are just money drainers and judas…What about to talk to each others? Do you think try to kick out someone from your miserable hole of glory will work? Cause the big events and stores are not the ones for kids, but the ones for adults lmao you can’t cut out anyone, cause you are noone
Actually I have to disagree. Some designers in the Kid world are all over the adult work as well. Dust Bunny started out as a kid store. Bad Seed is in Shiny Shabby. Razzberry is in the Arcade. So we’re not irrelevant. Don’t count us out.
Dust bunny has a history though with using ripped 3D models so I wouldn’t use her as an example for your argument!
As someone who’s watched her while she’s modeling in Blender I can say with 100% certainty and not just rumor, second-hand hearsay or speculation, that she models her work. You see the store and her products the way they are now and not the hard work and growth it took to get there.
Why did this become so speechless? Are you running out of arguments ?
I can truly relate to what has been mentioned from ” not spending rumors”
I know Dust bunny creator personally and she is very hard working person and what you say is nonsense. If you are so very sure she’s ripping models then I would recommend first you to check the wireframe of her meshes and her textures and to compare. She is doing precious handmade texturing while ripped game content has different look and topology.
Please think before you will say something, it only hurts original creators and you have NO idea how long time they have to spend to bring so well made content.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
Her roof tiles she used in the Arcade, if you compare the wireframe you will see all she did was retopo in z brush. It’s a really obvious way to cover up the models being the same. But you fangurls try to hide behind “OH BUT IT’S DIFFERENT”. I am not saying she can’t use blender, she obviously can. But you can SEE the specific items that were ripped so it’s not point trying to pretend otherwise. A trained eye can see it.
It is the exact same as Apple Fall who rips off IP too. He has made a SL career out of taking models from CGTrader and similar, doing the retopo and then ta da “new content” and it’s proof because the uvs are different that he is “original”. Ask Sal Strange about his history, her blog has a great piece exposing his infringement.
These are just creators who are better at hiding their sources.
Don’t be a idiot and defend these lazy ass creators .
do you have any proof that dust bunny ripped 3d models?
Dear whoever made numero 5,
Emma doesn’t hide where she gets the ideas for her images. If you had asked her, she wouldn’t say “oh this idea was all mine,” when it’s not. She has even posted the RL images on her Facebook a few times to show everyone the comparison. Guess what? No one got mad (gasp). People were supportive (gasp). Hallelujah. Amazing.
Anyway… <.< (yah I'm lookin at you, girl)
So…yeah. I mean, helloooo? Sooooooo many people re-create RL photographs in SL. Have you been under a rock or something? New or something? Hit your head or something? It's ok…we still love you :*
Just try not to hate so much next time xox you look silly, booboo <3
Have a blessed day.
Well … not even I am fan of her… and I knew this was not only one ” inspired” picture.
I do completely understand every artist has to get inspiration somewhere, it’s normal process.
There is a difference between inspiration and copy though
What I do not agree with is with reasoning ” .. So everyone does it so what” If you agree then I’d say you are a sheep . To me real artists are people who follow their heart, feelings not crowd.
lol wait – does she even consider herself a “real artist”? For real, I doubt it. Is she walkin around tellin everyone she was classically trained by Dali himself? Nah. She’s just doin what she likes – taking photos. And if she likes re-creating photos in SL, so what? No really…so…what? She’s not selling that photo she was just proud of it. It’s a pretty beautiful photo whether the idea was originally hers or not. And most of her pics are right out of her mind and they’re just as good. She’s got skills. I couldn’t do lighting like that on my best day. But, she recreates a few cool ideas in SL and ppl jump on her like “nah she sucks she ain’t any good! that copying bish! lets shame her on some anonymous website.” …why? lol
Y’all need better things to do. To me, #5 says a bunch more about the author than some girl taking photos in SL for fun. Relax <3 You're doin too much. Still love you though.
:* come over and let's watch chick flicks. I got Cheetos and wine. I'll even teach you how to Dougie.
Hi, it me, the real Emma G here lol Ok…so I didn’t know whether to even bother responding but I’ll just say a wee bit. First of all not all of my pics are ‘copied’, I have actually counted and 5 of my pics have been ‘copied’ from real life pictures. Second of all, I don’t see it as copying, I recreate pictures that I love and I don’t hide the fact that I am recreating them or even when I use pictures as inspiration. I share a lot of the originals on my facebook, ask for advice from people etc… Third of all, if you came to me with this bullshit, I would not have denied it lmao, I’ve even spoken about it with people on other pictures (even with the oc linked in the description). Numero quatro, no I am not an artist, I am a university student, this is one of my many hobbies, it is nothing serious to me, to be honest I’m actually laughing a bit right now at how ridiculous this is. Five….to whoever wrote the smashing secret and whoever ‘sorry not sorry’ is, honestly I’m not trying to be typical here, but get a life lmao. I mean come on….this is second life, and digital pictures we’re discussing right now, I’m a young girl and I know a lot of the women here will probably be twice my age, picking and bullying me for something that isn’t entirely true. It’s a re-creation. Last but not least, quite frankly, I couldn’t give two shits about your opinion or your emotions, if you’re not my ‘fan’, then don’t look at my shit…simple as. Hating people online will do you no good, honestly lol, it won’t, take your mind off of others on second life and… Read more »
Emma, I don’t think my comment was offensive. I’m not hating, bitching or spreading shit here… ( just fyi, I’m rarely ever commenting)
I’m just honestly sharing my opinion about what I have seen on flickr earlier.
I do not force anyone to agree with me.
So please stop spitting fire on me, just for my honesty, deal with it.
p.s. Thanks a bunch for your advices! I have a life and I love it!
… but I’m really not following you
Ok, awesome sauce 🙂 and who are you? otherwise…thanks for your irrelevant opinion and your need to comment on the fact that you have a life lol, happy for you <3
Again, if you're not following me…what brought you to view my picture?
I agree completely. While I am NOT the biggest fan of her personally, this pic is truly one of her best. I have most definitely taken ideas from RL art, everyone does it lol. The person who wrote this secret is just a big ol hater and it’s sad tbh.
Ok this just me right off @ nr 3 ….
Let me tell you i know Cynthia personaly for 8 years now. You can say whatever you want but she is not a what this post state she is. She started Cynful 7 years ago and she is a well known creator. She works her ass off on creating stuff. Is het freaking wrong of a desinger liking another’s designers work and share it with her followers? Its not freaking brown nosing its freaking showing support on other designers. I share Blueberry’s stuff too and from other designers too big deal. Cynthia is one of the most heartfelt persons i know. Ofcourse she has her negative sides but so do i thats makes us freaking human. So who ever posted this thing. Get your facts straight before you bash on someone. If you wanna lash at someone why dont you swing at me for a bit …. Cause i dont give a damn.. i think creators are allowed to suport another desginer without ending up in sl secrets and being acused for being a brown nose. Owww and if you find any typos in this comment ….. i do not care
1: Wait, who has that many customer service issues – as a customer? Also I’m a dumb American so I couldn’t get past weave.
2: Are lots of colors a bad thing?
3: Everything about this image is like FACEBOOK
4: So how many magazines are there? I can’t follow
5: Nothing wrong with a re-creationist. Personally, I don’t understand creating art that way, but eh…
6: I don’t get who the victim is in this.
7: We all see things in rl we want on our avatar – and if it’s well done, then those who want it can enjoy it.
8: No no no, I’ve seen Bigfoot, ya moose.
9: So don’t make your neck that long.
10: Bit, Ya blew it! (no idea what this is about)
11: I like the one on the left – isn’t this all subjective?
12: I will never understand the blogger/designer ‘requirements’ and ‘applications’. It goes against everything I am as an artist.
13: This is SL. So no. No, I don’t remember the pedo.
um number 7 is pure out right copying and thats ok? i remember alot of troubles get in trouble and they copied shit from alexander wang. that bitch that makes that shit has zero talent
I just KNEW that skin was copy-botted as soon as a saw it!! Is she absolutely stupid? No one is going to fall for that.
She will probably try to make excuses for herself but it’s obvious to anyone what pieces those skins come from, and considering she has worn most of them herself she definitely would have known, if she ends up using the excuse of a bought template from marketplace.
Allow me to comment on number 10.
As a mesh creator, with friends who are extremely well know mesh creators, I have to say… It WAS Bit’s fault…
If you create a product, you should know it back and forth and back again. If you are aware that the file you sell is not the same as the body you sell, you should know that there will be issues with it. You can sell someone an orange and tell them to make apple juice. That is not how it works.
If you have such a big issue with people not making Kid sized clothing, don’t buy it. We’re making plenty of money without you anyhow. Lots of money actually… because while you’re spending your energy calling us lazy and defending someone who dropped the ball, we’re making items to sell and we’re selling them a lot. But it’s okay… Wallow in your soon to be out of date body and enjoy it while it lasts. We’ll be on to bigger and better things soon any way 🙂
But ultimately, I’ll stay out of this drama, because I know half the people calling us all lazy are still buying our items and loving them. So kindly, fuck off, until you open up Blender and try and make a clothing item.
averiderci felicia
You admit to be one of those TD creators that is actually offending their own customers, bragging to make lots of money on the shoulder of the customers you said should fuck off and the creator who made the body you use to sell your clothes (who actually you buy from someone else…) saying it is her fault…
Please have a look at this link, it’s a nice picture that shows the truth, while you cry your false accusation over facebook. I guess Bit doesn’t care what the hell you do with your time, what do you sell or whatever. She is a well know creator, her avatar is and will be for a long time the best one on SL. The quality of her product is out of debate, the quality of creators like you is zero.
Oh, and i really wanna see this new avatar you are talking about, if it is any good, will you kindly tell me who you paid to make it for you?
Actually, none of the people in the picture you posted are me… but excellent… People complained about a faulty product and told their clients that it was not usable.
Bit updated the body so now we can properly make clothes for it… and we will if it actually works. We waited MONTHS for correct files, but didn’t get them… and instead waited patiently for an update.
This is a hobby. We make money for the game off this hobby. We are not raking in the dough like Bit, of course, but at the same time… we’re not ignoring issues and pretending they’re not there and giving out a bad product.
But, like I said, do you even mesh? Or are you blindly following the pleas that are more than likely lost in translation?
People lied about an unfaulty product you mean. As you can read in the picture the body worked all the time. Here more proofs:
The update you are talking about doesn’t change the body AT ALL it just give a new HUD… so you waited months to work on the exact same body… so you told to your customers to wait for something you wasn’t able or didn’t want to do… and then told them to fuck off… So nice.
Now the question is… do YOU mesh?
What are you going on about? You need a better English translator. Are you accusing this creator of not actually making their own mesh? You have proof of that? And yes, I’m sure his or her sales are not hurting because the majority of TD’s are baby size. As far as a new body is concerned, no where in the statement above does it say this creator was making the body. I hear there is one creator coming out with a new body. I for one look forward to seeing it and trying it. So you are rambling. Sit down and be quiet. You are in time out.
I am a friend of Grace who is no. 13, and even I am extremely disappointed in her for this. She is talanted so she does not need to do this, but I am very sad and mad that she would try to take work like this and say it is her own. So wrong.
Other designer’s had also said it was a nightmare to rig too, but they spent the time and effort to cater for the kid community, with your mouth all you are doing is alienating people and in the end bit will be the one to suffer because with out her lazy creators there would be no variety of outfits for her body and the other way around with out bit there would be no body for them to create with, comments are just that comments there is no truth in what you typed,only showing what a vile and nasty person you really are, just as your comments on the FB post was, we are not stupid we know who you are and your views are invalid and abusive. No one made any comments about bits rl situation someone just said they found it hard and was stopping, they can if they want and did. then bit came out flying at people accusing them of posting fake information and saying no one had contacting her, i for one have a email sat in my sent box to bit explaining my and a few peoples issue and i attached pictures,i received no response as i would expect from someone dealing with a serious situation, but to come back arms failing that no one contacted anyone is a lie. BTW the comment was made 2 weeks ago and last weekend her csr showed up and cause a whole lot of drama, i mean she opened a can of drama for breakfast and she ate that stuff all day, was a pleasure to watch. had her self removed from blog teams and friend lists, this said person had nothing to say about the comment made the week before, but Bit came back from her… Read more »
Ok, just to clarify here, Creators who don’t make Kid size are NOT lazy. At the time most decided not to make kid size was BEFORE Bit returned to SL. We understand she has had a baby and are very pleased for her, and wish to support her however we can as she apparently has RL issues also.
The reason we did not want to create Kid size for a time was because, as Bit has openly admitted, the Blender files we all had, did not match the current Body Inworld. Also, we asked for the rig to be updated to the latest avastar. I pointed this out to Bit, she fixed it and everyone was happy and most creators said they would make Kid size again as soon as Update 3.0 was released.
If you ACTUALLY read the thread you would see people weren’t mad at Bit and no one was having a go at her, people were mad at Bits “Manager” who called us lazy, and her little friends jumping in and attack us. This so called Manager who hasn’t been vocal for months yet as soon as Bit returns you’re suddenly the best “Manager” in the world? You saw the FB statuses long before Bit returned and yet never said a word, most didn’t even know you were running things, because you didn’t say or do anything until you know Bit was coming back.
The laughable thing is these people who call us lazy and say we are incompetent haven’t ACTUALLY used the files, and don’t know shit about mesh. Who’s incompetent now?
Maybe if people kept their mouths shut about things they know nothing about it wouldn’t have got to this point.
Still better of her friends who complain on facebook and create confusion in costumers without let Bit know…Why don’t use the bug report? Why don’t contact support? Aren’t you creators and do you know “how to do everything we don’t”? So give us the right example how a professional person act.
But you know, I really don’t make kid sizes because I am lazy.
The TD baby to kid mesh transition was poorly planned imo. It’s lazy too.
Having to make 2 different sizes and match them, when the bodies are like two different meshes instead of properly resized. You have to re-do the whole rigging.
I don’t bother, not going to rig twice.
It’s worse than making the “5 different standard sizes”
You guys fail, where’s the FB conversation, fill people in…
I posted the convo, scroll down
the convo you referred to isnt the one i was referring too
Wrong account dude!
@ 10
I heard they were doing another mesh body for kids and tried to ruin Bit lotsa times with fake accusations so to sell the new body easy. I dont see how they can do since they buy the meshes for clothes and dont do them by themself. Probably they will buy a mesh body from someone else and wont be able to offer support, bug fixes, decent alpha layers or even a single update.
I read the whole conversation on fb, designers who don’t make kid size are just lazy! Bit typed on her official page a post and explained the file works fine and this is why there are a lot of not lazy creators who made and still make the kid size. Lazy people blamed Bit cause she was out of SL and they thought she can’t defend herself and they have not to tell them costumers “I don’t make the kid size cause I don’t want do it”. Take your responsabilities and tell the truth to costumers. If the file really need a fix, other designers won’t be able to do the kid size! So the truth is THEY ARE LAZY BITCHES!
Those creators are not “lazy bitches” as you so eloquently put it. You sound like a friend of Bit’s trying to defend her but in a very demeaning way that shines a negative light on her and her product. She was fully aware according to her own admission that there was a “slight” difference in her kid size body and the file given to creators. Stop being ignorant and find something more productive to do with your life.
Slight difference. So slight it takes 2 seconds to FIX your mesh. You know where the bits that need to be tugged in are. Edit, grab the access, adjust using page up or page down, pull in. Fin.
Go Ginger!! Show them how to be a real creator. They are not able to do anything and blame others for them incompetence! SMH
Slight difference means you could read her fucking profile and know it was there ages before to whine on fb. So yeah, i think lazy bitches sound appropriate, but i’ll add traitors and cunts too!
You’re both assuming I’m a creator. Your first mistake. But I don’t really give a fuck what you think or your name calling. You are both low. Have a good day!
If you are “not lazy” creator, why u don’t share with us who u r?!
Each creator is lazy if he/she spread the issue on Facebook and expect that SOMEONE *read BIT* comes to their FB and ask what’s the problem?! if u want to solve the issue and if u r not lazy, then u gonna ask for the RIGHT person how to fix it or what is the problem, not gonna go direct to Facebook and make a status! What do u think, Mark Zuckerberg gonna come to solve it!? The world is not spinning around u or any creator that think like that! Act like a bi*ch and soon none gonna buy your staff! Don’t forget customers are worse then creators and they are more united.
Actually i don’t care who you are, i’m talking about what a normal person would have done instead of whining. To read a simple profile with infos!
But thos lazy asses already admitted they never wanted to make the kid size too but the customers were pushy about it so blamed Bit. So… what the hell are we talking about? Just boicot those bitches, many already do it for other reasons…
I am just an “ordinary ToddleeDoo” costumer who red all the shits you typed. Yes maybe I’m more supportive with Bit than all of you, but I’m not alone, I’m sorry for you. The only thing you can do is blame someone else if you fail? You can just wait someone is out and have RL issues to type shits around? What about talk with Bit or with her costumer service about the issue to let her know? Don’t try to act like angels, you are devils and it’s not just me, but a lot of people red the truth and a lot of people never had issues with the file. It’s just an excuse. A lot of people call you lazy. Deal with the truth.
You’re ignorant as fuck and I’m done with you. Crawl back under your rock.
I’m ignorant cause I tell the truth? Proud to be ignorant!
What’s going on with Bit? I know she had a baby, did she quit SL?
And who is #13?
#13 is about the owner of Clair de Lune
the owner of clair de lune is yume carami also know as grace
Bit is still on SL she was busy in RL for important/personal reasons. Of course some bitches tried to act at her back and stole to her the business while she wasn’t much on!
they are saying Cynful is the brown noser
I suspected the Clair de Lune skin had to be copybotted… o_O all the features looked way too familiar. I mean.. it looks exactly like the skin Grace used to wear before she started “creating.” I don’t know she thought she could get away with it.
I am really disappointed. I was so excited to see Grace creating in SL, because I have always loved her style. This is like a slap in the face.
This girl stole her ideas and styles from so many people ! I expected something like this to happen eventually. Karma is a bitch
Really? I felt of her as a style icon for SL kids (even though they all kind of look the same now) so that is extra sad for me to know this.
in case anyone was confused about the pedo thing: screenshot from week 324 😉 http://grabilla.com/04b09-725358de-edc7-42fc-8689-4a6b703c4bd6.html#
Am I the only one that noticed “customer”?
Is she an escort? Lolol
that comment and grabilla is not relevant to this secret. it’s already been confirmed that she was in adult form whilst that roleplay took place despite yume carami being a known kid avatar. ultimately, she did nothing wrong in that roleplay.
Lots of juicy posts this week.
Munches popcorn and waits for a shitstorm.
@ #10
I do understand that Bit has her RL and RL come first. I am sure most of people know that. But you will not know what was going on with her life unless she announces it. She has friends like you, who she could ask for sending out notice about her situation and let designers know. It did’t have to be detailed. It would have been just fine if they were asked to wait.
You should not call designers lazy when they have been dealing with the wrong mesh kit for so long, still supporting ToddleeDoo mesh body by making baby size items. If every creator who kept making baby size would stop creating, TD body wouldn’t have been going on this far, especially when there was barely any feedback from Bit. Your behavior like this wouldn’t be any help for your friend, Bit. This may cause bad reputation on her.
You are cunts, grown up bitches who act like kids. Take your responsabilities and tell everyone the truth. Tell people you don’t want do the kid size cause your ass too fat and yo can,’t stay on blender more than 10 minutes. Yo gave fault to someone who works hards years and years for the SL kids community and when she had some shits and her RL and had to stay out for a while, bitches backstabbed her cause LAZY in do the kid size. Don’t do the bloody kid size if don’t want do it, it’s your right, but don’t try to blame someone else bc of your lazyness.
People who have an issue with the kid size. It’s not hard. create your original mesh for the kid body. Then edit it to fit the baby body. DO NOT APPLY YOUR THICK applier until you resize and rig the mesh. It will save you a world of trouble. It takes about 10 minutes to rig mesh clothing for the Toddleedoo. Find my videos on youtube, you’ll see.
Bit just had a baby. Reality comes first, even as a Toddleedoo designer, I made my start with Toddleedoo, I understand, real life comes first. A baby, a real baby, needs it’s mother, so lets try to be understanding.
“Takes 10 min to rig”
But your rigging video is almost 1 hour long
Well played, sir
Maybe cause she need time to explain step by step to people not able to do it…
Nice fail sir
Weight painting really is a long process. At least GOOD weight painting.
Her meshes maybe take 10 min, considering she only blurs the weights and barely tests the outcome.
But try to go dancing or simply sit down wearing her meshes.
They crash, break, poke inside the body. Even on her “tutorial” it does break when she chooses a different pose. It is a half assed weight paint job
(Even if it took her 1 hour to explain how to open avastar, and dab the blur tool around)
Her friends were busy on facebook spreading fake news about the toddleedoo, cause her friends knew her situation 😀