Welcome to SLsecret, week 373.

· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 58 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Dear #2,
If you were as devoted to truly being the unique, authentic, original as you are to making shitty, snarky memes, you could have learned to make your own faces?
What I find very interesting about secrets like number 12 is that the creator of these continuous secrets goes after the events where the items appear in a very personal way. Apparently event owners are to search the net for every item designers create or should have vast knowledge of every trinket and item in the world?! From what I have seen most events remove the items in question after it is brought to their attention. Instead of taking the time to create a secret and waiting until Sunday for it to be published, wouldn’t their time be better spent contacting the event and sharing their incredible internet sleuthing skills so that the item/s can be removed promptly? One has to wonder if this IP/event sleuth has an ulterior agenda since it is not dealt with in a mature and professional manner. It appears to me that we have an event owner that really enjoys making secrets….. and THAT would be a great secret to divulge. Perhaps I should warm up my graphics program….
Zenith makes amazing products. So they made something they saw in real life. Boo the fuck who. You do realize half these events provide designers with a pinterest board of “inspiration” which in turns becomes the products we all buy? There are even forums and flickrs dedicated to “make this in SL”. There was no copyright infringement. Most people in SL wouldn’t know what copyright infringement was if it slapped them full in the face.
You clearly don’t have a clue about copyright either! So thanks for playing anon person on the internet.
Go do more research of derivative works of a piece of art (e.g. you copy an artist’s drawing and make a 3d Model of it) versus derivative works of non-standing (e.g. you see a really nice skirt in a shop window, take a picture yourself and make it).
The formal is copyright infringement, the later is not.
The pictures above with the minions (we are 3d animated models for a movie studio used in a film) fall firmly into the first category.
actually, you should do YOUR homework when it comes to copyright infringement on art. here’s just a tiny piece for your to take with you so that you don’t sound like a complete moron next time:
you can read that blurry image on #12 that clearly shows that the artist did not agree to zenith re-creating their artwork. so you’re ok with that, but the actual artist zenith stole from isn’t??? Also, if zenith is completely protected under you made up infringement law, why did they remove their epiphany ad from flickr, and why did they remove the item from the epiphany? How can you even being to protect someone, who themselves agreed that the stolen art should be removed once contacted by the original creator?
AGAIN, you can’t register “style” itself, but you can register any number of works of art that are done in your own unique style, which this art HAS, uniqueness, which zenith completely lacks.
You didn’t understand what I typed my English is bad.
The first case is copyright infringement.
I stated Zenith’s case is copyright infringement based on the first case which is non approved derivative works.
Inspiration is one thing plain copying of copyrighted items is another.
So now you tell me that using Hello Kitty or Minions in SL is ok? It’s copyrighted material and it can’t be uploaded in SL, free or not. End of story.
Also, if you try to tell them about it on their flickr, she removes the comments, she doesn’t even say she’s sorry, she just removes the comments.
As a shopper and a blogger I avoid this brand.
i’m sad about how zenith is handling this as well
#12 Ignoring all the copyright things you have to wonder about someone that sits at home on pintrest searching for hours to find similar products of those a store is selling. Then to continue to their website and contact them. You crazy cat ladies need to get off plurk, second life, and pintrest to enjoy life. These glass houses you all live in is very sad.
well said, exactly who has time to make all these comparisons, how do they even spot them.
Get over already, wow
That’s her, just ignore her she isn’t worth writing back to and everybody knows who she is and that the crazy is high in that one.
Her behavior just gets more weird if you acknowledge her.
Be kind to others, and give hugs to those who have not yet learnt what kindness means
That’s useful advice.
Let’s hug a crazy person. What could possibly go wrong?
Prove it you’re a liar. Put up pictures and links and show me what I have stolen and show everyone else what I have stolen you are a liar, come on where is the proof. You say this week after week and you think that you know who I am prove it.
Hey weirdo.
That was done weeks ago. You know it as do we all know it.
But nice try aftet you publically burnt your not bothered user name last week. Amateur hour or what.
No sweetcheeks notbothered isn’t me sorry to disappoint but I’ve been on holiday for the past 5days something you may consider trying you seem frazzled and in need of one.
And just as I knew you’ve got nothing because you’re a lair.
Hysterical, um Whatevers sweety, you are doing that thing again
You know the one where you keep trying to lie you way out of your mental behavior where you have stalked, stolen, and tried to harm events and creators.
I’ll wait for the alt down votes, you bringing out your “other personalities”.
Man, I can’t imagine how miserable your personality is. Pretend all you like, you are rotten in the core.
Liar yore the one with alts stop projecting and lieing
Liar yore the one with alts stop projecting and lieing
I am glad copying exact items is being called out. So far thats been
Cory edo
Apple fall
None of which i will ever shop from because lazy behavior.
It is fine to be inspired by but outright copies is just skeezy.
why dont you name the stores you shop at so we can point out their references from RL? Because although his may shock you 99.9 percent of meshers use references. Examples Horenbeek from TMD, muschi’s iphones, alchemy’s battlecats, its your glass house. I guarantee you we could point out an item for every designer that has a RL counter part.
It’s only a glass house, if you have glass to break too.
I don’t create so don’t
I don’t buy from any of the brands you listed, shrugs.
It’s also been stated before here.
Using references to create a new unique piece is fine.
Creating EXACT copies of an item is the mark of a lazy ass designer.
Zenith created a non approved 3d model of an artist’s work for profit. So she gets two badges, lazy ass and copyright infringer.
I doubt people take much time, it’s more likely that artists recognize another common works.
Wait are you that idiot Not bothered from last week by the way, if so you got caught stealing copyright stuff so pretty funny you post about copyright.
Don’t be pathetic , I haven’t stolen anything
popcorn eater, you sure have a lot to say and a big opinion, which leads me to ask… are you scourned? the things you respond here make it seem/sound like maybe you’ve got a problem with the Doe family… so why not woman up and go discuss your issues with them directly instead of showing your cowardice backbone on this sleazy ass site. you’re not even amusing anymore, nor do i look at you and go “oh pathetic”, and i can’t even feel sorry for you because you clearly make the filthy ass bed you sleep in yourself.
how they spend their “entire lives in secondlife” is laughable… these are young adults studying in school to better themselves as people and to add to society. which your two bit comments on virtual-secrets do not do. nor did your original post. (i’m assuming here)… so while you hold your grudge, and shy behind the anonymity of a virtual gossip site (and a poor one at that) how’s about you learn a thing or two yourself about the people you want to belittle… and try and bring down, before you start insulting people you clearly don’t know. will never know. and were most likely rejected to know. salty bitch.
If I would’ve made that secret it wouldn’t be that badly cut out! Oh and yes…I love adding my two cents aka SALT! And you go and have some more crackers.
@the makers of 9 & 10
those people are teens in RL, how do you expect them to be good SL parents?
I can not BELIEVE people are actually posting and making comments whether or not people are good fake pretend parents to adults who pretend to be fake children.
Is this seriously happening right now?
none of them are actually teens though? Even though they’re young they’re better and more responsible than some of the older people ive met on sl
One is 24 and the other is like 20
That’s what their IDs say…but their brains are 10…at max! That’s what happens when you spent your whole youth inside in front of the PC living a second life that sadly has become your first life!
To the one person who made both secrets #9 and #10. I’m sorry that your hate for olive has made you so obsessed that you have to involve her entire sl family. We know this is the same person who’s been writing the same kind of not-so-subtle secrets for months and months. It’s kind of obvious that these secrets honestly do nothing except make me feel sorry for you. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to be so upset at someone online that its literally all you think about. Try and get some help if you can and I hope you get over your obsession one day.
That would be Zenith.
Thanks, another shop to boycott.
Awww “boycott”, the bored SLers favourite word!
Not really, it’s more if I know a store is lazy and yanking stuff from games I prefer to spend my limited budget in stores that don’t do that.
Is that so wrong?
Oh yeah I would buy if just a copy, I thought it was taken from a game reading the secret as I dont know much about art.
I buy Cory Edo’s stuff and even after the secrets here showing direct copies I have no issue with that as I know it takes time to mesh them.
anyone who says they are ok with someone jacking art and pulling it into sl just because it took meshing time is a terrible idiot. you can read that blurry image on #12 that clearly shows that the artist did not agree to zenith re-creating their artwork. so you’re ok with that, but the actual artist zenith stole from isn’t?
zenith removed the stolen item from their flickr and gacha at the epiphany, and re-referencing “shopper”, they’ve done this once before and had to remove another item because of the same reason, except this time, it seems the artist contacted them directly. they know it’s not morally right, let alone legal. you can’t register “style” itself, but you can register any number of works of art that are done in your own unique style, which this artist seems to have, uniqueness. you may want to re think your logic pertaining to stolen art in second life. it’s a problem.
it still took mesh time, texturing etc.
she didnt yank it from a game, she found a crafter online and just made in sl what the crafter made in rl. happens daily, dont be a crazy boycotter lol
Who was the designer who did the pumpkin thing, so I can not ever shop there again?
This isn’t the first time they’ve done that. The bags they had at Uber a few rounds back were pulled because they looked exactly like bags from Victoria’s Secret.
#5 Jesus christ you must be dumb as a fucking rock. Did you even stop to think for 5 seconds before you made that secret? obviously not, did you even did 30 seconds of research before decided to type that dumb completely STUPID sentence? Do you realize how stupid you actually look when you make comments like that on topics you don’t have a clue about? Do you know how I know you are a clueless moron? Because anyone who cashes out regularly on SL has had to send rl info and ID no linden labs.
No one has complained about that, no one has an issue with giving out their information to a registered company who is operating under a jurisdiction and is held accountable by law and has fulfilled legal requirement to collect and store personal information. We have a problem with giving out our rl info to some random person living in the netherlands and storing the information in her basement without any legal rights or proper security in place to hold sensitive information. Just because she somehow has gotten the idea that her retarded looking blob of a body she has made for sl that is not even remotely good enough in 3d art standards is god’s gift to second life.
So keep being stupid, at least you are providing us with Sunday morning entertainment.
A NOTE TO MESH BODY CREATORS (I was shocked that there wasn’t a secret directly about this– maybe we all were expecting other people to do it. Whatever the case, here are my thoughts.) The beauty of Second Life is its thriving, exciting, user-created world. To me, that’s why Second Life is such a magical place. Anyone can create, and the barrier to entry makes it a wonderfully open and fair playing field for creative people and business owners. Work hard, improve your craft, and you will get noticed.. But these dev kit barriers really threaten that. About inaccessible dev kits.. Tons of very high quality designers are being left out, not just shitty ones. High quality designers that make their living (or could, if they chose to) through Second Life; designers in the Arcade and all of the top events, designers that consumers would LOVE to purchase Maitreya (non-experimental) sizes from. Professional, high quality designers; some of which have worked in the game industry, and others who could if they wanted to. Onyx IS hurting our income; but more than anything, she’s hurting her own product, because the designer community will NOT blindly support her body forever. I’ve already heard whisperings of STRIKES against bodies that don’t offer dev kits, and new bodies in development, SPECIFICALLY to even out the dev kit playing field. When a (competitive quality) body is released WITH A COMPLETE, HIGHLY ACCESSIBLE dev kit, Maitreya will QUICKLY become old news.. Unless she stops her current business practice, gives out her FULL dev kits, and gives them out to the MASSES. Not just her favorite 12 designers. It’s not too late, Onyx! We want to love you. Just hand out your (full) kits. Belleza is no better (except for the RL information part, for those concerned),… Read more »
Siddhean is the one with the crap body, that lold us for over a year it was our inefficiency to work the sliders, that prevented us from from making her body have nice curves, right? But now she releases a second, curvy body? It stinks
Her body has its own shape and its own style, all of the bodies on the market are different and catered to different markets, just because it isn’t a phat azz style booty doesn’t make it crap, just different.
Please Siddean I also want nothing more than to see your new body succeed. I would love to be able to beta test your new body, as im sure few others would be willing to as well. We all want to make sure your new product is a success and put an end to this maitreya BS.
Yes folks the ONLY reason you even have a half fitted maitreya experimental item out there is because of Siddean’s kindness and support. I personally want to see brands who want to work with the community succeed instead of those trying to monopolize it.
Onyx is laughing at us as we spend hours getting a half fit item for her body then advertise her brand and product. She uses us to further advertise her body then spits in our face in return. It’s time to stop and do the same back to her, don’t give her the satisfaction of losing sale by not supporting her body. Keep making maitreya fits to the best of your ability, but remove her logo from your ads, just write maitreya in a different font, give more ad real estate to belleza/slink brand put their logos on. Include a notecard in all of your packaging with a short and but brief explanation of the situation and maitreya’s attempt to monopolize the market. Your customers DO care they just aren’t aware. Create that awareness.
You can’t keep on being silent out of fear, ignore Maitreya’s blackmailing, your silence is the ONLY reason Maitreya has gotten away with this for nearly 2 years. You want to keep your rights as a designer on sl and protect your income? stop being such a fucking cowards and fight for it. Did “Sands” had to come out and do this for you?
Aw someone isn’t getting a kit here?
Maybe you should work on better products first..
So what you’re all saying is I just have to make a better body and people will just willingly give me their SS# just as long as I ask for it? This is amazing.
Hi Sands. On you personal cruisade again? A plurk with 800 responses is nothing, when 700 of them where made by you yourself and most of the others by always ready to trow mud Tyr Rozenblum. Both of you never amounted to anything in Second Life. But that person with the basement in the Netherlands did. And does. Her body is not a blob, but by far the best in SL. And we will continue to love her and her work. Your jalousy is sad. Get a life.
I have zero interest in defending Sands or his behavior. He’s a drama king. But attacking Tyr and saying she’s a nothing is incredibly rude, and probably comes from a place of jealousy. She’s been in SL, creating successfully, for years. She’s supporting herself, doing something she loves and is damn good at, and she’s constantly improving and learning. I don’t know what planet you live on where you think she’s amounted to nothing in Second Life, but that’s about a million light years from the truth.
Not only has Tyr absolutely “amounted” to something in SL, she’s using her SL to supporting herself in RL, which is no small accomplishment. And she never said an ugly word about the body or Onyx, just the situation. Which DOES suck, and which I hope does change.
If you’re going to bash someone, at least get your facts straight.
That would have been a valid point if Tyr didn’t go around calling the people who buy her things ‘nobodies’ and ‘NPCs’.
She used to be a nice-ish person years ago but it quickly changed to things being about who she could use to get noticed and get her store bigger. Granted, everyone does it to an extent but others are at least nicely mannered about it.
Before that the ‘nobodies’ were anyone she deemed as having an ugly avatar and dropped a folder on them full of botted skins.
You’re normally a voice a reason, but to defend Tyr like she’s some kind of saint is so far off the mark. I’m not saying she’s not successful, but I am saying she’s a disgusting human being, and treats everyone that can’t do something for her like garbage.
Indeed! Last week on Plurk I could witness what kind of private plurks she sent her “friend”, I was sorry for the girl that thought Tyr would’ve been her friend! Tyr cares for no one but herself, that’s sad but fact.
We? Us? The only one that tried to bully Maitreya is one sad little creator?
And the reason that this creator won’t get a kit, is because the products are so bad.